Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
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The Capacity to Care for the Other in Helping Professionals’ TrainingMadrudin Shamsudinovich Magomed-Eminov, Olga Grigoryevna Kvasova, Olga Olegovna Savina
pp. 10701-10712 | Article Number: ijese.2016.833
Abstract The article is devoted to the research of the phenomenon of care in connection with the search for the ecological validity of methods of training and professional selection of specialists in the area of psychological help aimed at creating a safe, healthy, positive (developing) environment. The projective technique created on the basis of the achievement motivation test by H. Heckhausen, as modified by M.Sh. Magomed-Eminov and TAT to identify the characteristics of the ability to care for the Other and its change in the course of students’ professional development, was approbated on university students. Trial subjects were 80 persons (31 men and 49 women). There were four comparison groups. The trials showed significant difference in manifestation of aspects of care between psychology students and students of other specialties. Differences in the instrumental activity, imagination, involvement in the situation have been identified between the first-year and graduate psychologists (d<0.01). Based on professional training as a result of cultural-activity work of personality on mastering experience of psychological science and practice the care-giving capacity is transformed from the status of emotional distress into actionable, active forms of professional help and personal professional competence. Keywords: cultural and activity-oriented work of personality, psychological counseling, care of the Self and the Other References American Psychological Association. (2008b). Report of the task force on the implementation of the multicultural guidelines. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from http://www.apa.org/pi/ American Psychological Association. (2012). Education and training guidelines: A Taxonomy for education and training in professional psychology health service specialties. 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Kvasova, O.G. (2007). Didactic analysis of the professionals providing psychological help “Psychology of Communication: Humanity Training." Abstracts of the International Conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of L.A. Petrovskaya, 15-17 November, 2007, Moscow. Moscow: Smysl. pp.178-180 Lear, J. (2014). Integrating the non-rational soul. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 114, 75–101. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9264.2014.00365.x. Leontiev, A.N. (2005). Activities, Consciousness, and Personality. / Alexei Nikolaevich Leontiev. 2nd Ed., Moscow: Smysl. 352 p. Magomed-Eminov, M. (1987). Psychodiagnosis of motivation. General psychodiagnosis. Moscow, pp. 155-179. Magomed-Eminov, M. (2007). Positive human psychology. From psychology of individual to psychology of existence. In 2 v. Moscow: PARF. 559 p. Magomed-Eminov, M. (2009). Meaning-activity-approach to the psychological transformation of the individual. Thesis Abstract for the degree of Doctor of Psychological Sciences. Moscow. 53 p. Magomed-Eminov, M. (2011). The psyche as work. Vestnik MGU. Ser. 14. Psychology. No.4, pp. 92-108. Magomed-Eminov, M. (2013). The concept of psychological help. Rossiysky nauchny jurnal, No.7, pp. 122-128. Magomed-Eminov, M., Kvasova, O., and Savina, O. (2013). Work with personality competence in professional study of helping psychology Materials of the 3-d International research and practice conference, Vol. I, Westwood, October 16th, 2013 / publishing office Accent Graphics communications – Westwood – Canada. P.438- 443 http://sciencecanada.com/ru/archive.php Neimeyer, G. J., Taylor, J. M., and Rozensky, R. H. (2012). The diminishing durability of knowledge in professional psychology: A Delphi poll of specialties and proficiencies. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 43, 364–371. doi:10.1037/a0028698 Noddings N. (1984). Caring: A Feminist Approach to Ethics and Moral Education. Berkeley: London: University of California Press. 465 p. Rogov, E. I. (2003). The choice of profession: Professional development. Moscow: Vlados - press. 336 p. Rozensky, R. H. (2011). The institution of the institutional practice of psychology: Health care reform and psychology’s future workforce. American Psychologist, 66, 797–808. doi:10.1037/a0025074 Ruddick S. (1989). Maternal Thinking. Boston: Beacon Press. 398 p. Savina, O.O. (2011). Psychological analysis of the personal identity transformation in adolescence and early adulthood. Bulletin of Moscow University. Ser. 14. Psychology. No. 4, pp.118-128. Schopenhauer, A. 1992 The Freedom of the Will and Morality. Moscow: Respublika. 734 p. Smirnova, E. E. (2003). On the way to the choice of profession. St. Petersburg: KARO. 176 p. SPSS (Statistical Package for social Sciences). (2009). SPSS Missig Values 17.0, Chicago, IL:SPSS Inc. Vygotsky, L.S. (1982). The Historical Meaning of the Crisis in Psychology. Collected works in 6 v. V. 1. Moscow.436 p. |
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The current state of the system of mechanisms of realisation and protection of the rights of the child: conceptual and legal aspectsAlexandra Michailowna Drozdova, Violetta Yurevna Gulakova, Elena Anatolevna Ivanchenko, Inna Pavlovna Lesnichenko, & Elena Anatolevna Tereshchenko
pp. 10713-10728 | Article Number: ijese.2016.776
Abstract The article is devoted to the analytical understanding of the problems in the field of realisation and protection of the rights of children in Russia to identify and highlight existing problems in order to try to remove shortcomings and embark on further development and improvement of the legal and social mechanisms for the protection of children's rights. It analyses the modern legal and conceptual aspects of the current system of implementation mechanisms for the protection of human rights, during which a number of shortcomings and gaps in family laws and the system of legal protection of minors are found. It identifies certain shortcomings and contradictions in the development of modern Russian legal theory and doctrine in the field of realisation and protection of the rights of the child, protection of motherhood and childhood in general. It explores specific aspects of relationships of family, school, society, human rights frameworks practical protection of the rights of the child and his or her right to live in a family. Scientific novelty and originality consists in identifying the main challenges and the importance of the family and family environment for socialization and upbringing of the child, for his or her moral and legal level of development, to create guarantees and protection of the rights of the child at home, at school, in the community as part of the mechanism of realisation and protection of the rights of the child. The proposal is made for the establishment of a protection of the rights of the child by bringing together all stakeholders on the direction and control of the Commissioner for children's rights in the territory of each constituent entity of the Russian Federation with a view to improving efficiency in the interaction of state and non-state structures of society in the protection of children's rights. Keywords: Children's rights, family and family environment, human interaction, children's rights protection mechanism, Commissioner for children's rights institution, human rights regulation method, priority of the protection of children's rights and int References Anisimova L.V. (n.d.). Osobennosti statusa i perspektivy razvitiya instituta upolnomochennykh po pravam cheloveka v subyektakh Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Specific features of the status and development prospects for the institution of commissioners for human rights in constituent units of the Russian Federation]. Ombudsman, 2: 18-24. Antonov A.I. (2007). Krizis semji i reproduktivnogo povedeniya v Rossii kak proyavleniye mirovoy tendentsii [The crisis of family and reproductive behaviour in Russia as the exhibition of world trend]. Globalizatsiya i sotsializatsiya izmeneniya v sovremennoy Rossii: Reports of All-Russian sociology congress [Globalisation and social changes in contemporary Russia: Reports of All-Russian sociology congress] (Moscow, 3-5 October, 2006). Moscow, Russia. Antoine de Saint-Exupery. (1997). Planeta lyudei [People’s planet]. Collected works: in 3 vol. Riga: Polyaris, 1: 179-308. Batyugina S.V. (2013). Reglament mezhvedomstvennogo vzaimodeystaviya kak effektivny instrument zaschity prav detey [Regulations of inter-branch cooperation as effective tool of children’s rights protection]. Inspektor po delam nesovershennoletnikh [Children' officer], 4 (75): 4-8. Bukshina S.V. (2014). 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Sobraniye zakonodatelstva RF [Collection of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation], 01.09.2014, No. 35, article 4811 Likhter P.L. (2015). Problemy sovershenstvovaniya zakonodatelstva o kompetentsii upolnomochennogo po pravam rebenka v Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Problems of improvement of the legislation on the competence of the commissioner for the rights of a child in the Russian Federation]. Leningradsky yuridichesky zhurnal [Leningrad law journal]. #2. P.59-70. Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Nguyen L. T. P., 2013. Child-responsive Accountability: Lessons from social accountability, Working Paper 2013-04. UNICEF Office of Research, Florence Nechaeva A.M. (2004). Zaschita rebenka v ramkakh semeynogo zakonodatelstva Rossii [Protection of children’s rights within family legislation of Russia]. Pravo i politika [Law and politics], 4: 52-59. Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, May 2000. 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Studying the Expansion of Violence in Educational InstitutionsLunika Nikolaevna Korchagina, Galina Alekseevna Sugrobova,Galina Olegovna Galich, Svetlana Maximovna Gapeenkova & Irkyam Adgamovna Bareeva
pp. 10729-10749 | Article Number: ijese.2016.776
Abstract During a prolonged period of time, the problem of violence among the minors in Russia did not receive enough attention, because the proportions of this phenomenon had not been very significant. Present work addresses students’ representations of violence. Evaluating violence manifestations as a normative action or an action deviating from the accepted norm defines the reaction to it both in the direct participants and in the surrounding people. For a long time, this aspect has not been studied, which defines its novelty. Systemic approach is the methodic foundation of present study. We used survey as the main research method. The results are differentiated by students’ age, gender and place of residence. The obtained data show that adolescents mainly see violence as openly aggressive behavior. The adequacy of violent actions is higher if the actions come from the peers, and lower if they come from adults. There are no significant differences between boys and girls in understanding violence, but the differences are significant between younger and older adolescents and between city and country residents. The results of the study would allow minimizing the risk related to violence. Keywords: violent forms of behavior, violent treatment, students’ representations of violence. References Arora, T. (1994). Measuring Bullying with the “Life in School” Checklist. Pastoral Care in Education, 12(3), 11-15. DOI: 10.1080/02643949409470880. Ayers, W. (2009). City kids, city schools: More reports from the front row. New York: The New Press. Barter, C., & Berridge, D. (2011). Children behaving badly? Peer violence between children and young people. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/9780470976586 Bell, C. C. (2011). Beyond Suppression: Global Perspectives on Youth Violence. JAMA, 306 (10), 1147. DOI:10.1001/jama.2011.1304 Benbenishty, R. (2011). 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[Psychology and psychotherapy of violence: A child in a crisis situation]. St. Petersburg: Speech, 248 p. |
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The influence of modern adolescents’ vision of life on their perception of artElena M. Torshilova & Irina A. Polosukhina
pp. 10751-10759 | Article Number: ijese.2016.777
Abstract During The aim of the multi-year study, conducted by the authors of present article, is to reveal the characteristics of social-cultural portrait of 9-16-year-old children, who grow up in the XXI century, along with the influence of modern children’s vision of life on their perception of art. In order to solve the problem, the authors used the results of the survey and testing of two types: questionnaire survey and test tasks in the conditions of an in-depth interview. As a result of the study, the authors revealed three types of mutual influence of axiological orientations of the modern social-cultural environment and aesthetical advantages of art perception. The first stage of child’s art perception actualizes a relative harmony between author’s solution to the work of art and its perception by a recipient. A child perceives an integral content of work and does not contradict its aesthetic essences. In the second type of perception, a child assigns the axiological pathos, therefore narrowing the aesthetic essences of the work but accepting it emotionally. The third type implies the choice of other life values (wealth, career, external beauty), which replace aesthetic essences of the classical art by the mass culture’s criteria. The types of social-cultural environment influence on the art perception of children, who grow up in the XXI century, have been revealed for the first time. Keywords: aesthetic development, social-cultural environment, perception of art, life values, pedagogics of art References Alekseeva, L.L. (2009). Evolutsiya khudozhestvenno-esteticheskogo obrazovaniya na starshey stupeni shkoly. [Evolution of artistic-aesthetic education in high school]. Moskva: Sputnik+. Bakushinsky, A.B. (2009). Artwork and Upbringing. Moscow: Tot. Burt, C. (1933). The Psychology of Art. How the mind works. London. Bychkov, V.V. (2004). Estetika. [Aesthetics]. Moskva: Gardariki. Child, I.L., and Iwao S. (1977). Young children’s preferential responses to visual art. Scientific Aesthetics1(4), pp. 291–304. Esteticheskoe mirovospriyatie detey raznykh vozrastnykh grupp: Sbornik statey. [Aesthetic perception of the world by children of different age groups: Collection of articles]. (2007). Moskva: IKHO RAO. Eysenk, H.J. (1940). The general factor in aesthetic judgments. British Journal of Psychology, 31, pp. 94–102. Favorskiy, V.A. (1965). Soderzhanie formy. [Content of shape]. Dekorativnoe iskusstvo, 1, p. 3. Fomina, N. (2015). Odarennyy rebenok: Problemy khudozhestvenno-tvorcheskogo razvitie. Nauchno-metodicheskoe posobie. [Gifted child: Problems of artistic-creative development. Scientific-methodic handbook]. Moskva: VTSKHT. Polosukhina, I.A. (2012). Predstavleniya sovremennykh podrostkov o tsennosti khudozhestvennogo tvorchestva (testirovanie 2011 g.). [Modern adolescents’ ideas about the value of artistic creative work (testing of 2011)]. Pedagogika iskusstva, 1. Retrieved from: URL: http://www.art-education.ru/AE-magazine/archive/nomer-1-2012. Savenkova, L.G. (2011). Didaktika khudozhestvennogo obrazovaniya kak sostavlyayuschaya chast pedagogiki iskusstva: novoe znanie. [Didactics of artistic education as a part of pedagogics of art: new knowledge]. M. IKHO RAO. Semiotika i iskusstvometriya. Sbornik perevodov. [Semiotics and measuring art. A collection of translations]. (1972). (Combined and edited by Yu.M. Lotman, V.M. Petrov). Moskva: Mir. Torshilova, E.M. (1988). Mozhno li proverit algebroy garmoniyu (Kriticheskiy ocherk eksperimentalnoy estetiki)? [Is it possible to evaluayte harmony with algebra (Critical essay of experimental aesthetics)? Moskva: Iskusstvo. Torshilova, E.M. (1993). Kak vosprinimayut esteticheskuyu garmoniyu russkie, amerikanskie i yaposnkie deti. [How aesthetical harmony is perceived by Russian, American and Japanese children]. Psikhologicheskiy zhurnal, 14(2). Torshilova, E.M. (2012). Tendentsii i urovni razvitiya khudozhestvennogo vkusa detey i podrostkov v epokhu sotsiokulturnogo krizisa. [Tendencies and levels of artistic sense of style development in children and adolescents in the period of social-cultural crisis]. M.: IKHO RAO. Torshilova, E.M. (2014). Monitoring dinamiki tsennostnykh orientatsiy sovremennykh detey i podrostkov. [Monitoring the dynamics of axiological orientations in modern children and adolescents]. Materiály X mezinárodní vědecko-praktická conference «Moderní vymoženosti vědy - 2014». Díl 22. Psychologie a sociologie. Praha: Edukation and Science, 2014. Torshilova, E.M., Zhbankova (Polosukhina), I.A., Puchkova, N.D. (2011). Ya i Pushkin. Razvitie literaturnogo vkusa sovremennykh detey i podrostkov. [Pushkin and I. Developing literature sense of style in modern children and adolescents]. M.: IKHO RAO. Vygotsky, L.S. (1986). Psikhologiya iskusstva. [Psychology of art]. Moskva: Iskusstvo. |
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Homogeneity Assessment of the Leasing Portfolio and Segmentation of Leaseholders for Identifying Risk ConcentrationsIrina I. Glotova, Elena P. Tomilina, Olga N. Uglitskikh, Yuliya E. Klishina & Tat’yana V. Kosova
pp. 10761-10775 | Article Number: ijese.2016.778
Abstract This paper presents the assessment of homogeneity of the lease portfolio. Based on mathematical transformations, the risk management model of the lease portfolio was developed in accordance with the covariance of default probabilities. A distinctive feature of this model is its practical orientation. Due to the crisis in the global economy, the problem of determining the homogeneity of portfolios and the segmentation of leaseholders has become very relevant. When forming their lease portfolio, leasing companies should take into account the correlation between credit and market risks against the background of the compounding effect. The authors examine the model of the optimum lease portfolio, with a view to creating homogeneous sub-portfolios and taking into account the index of concentration and the correlation of defaults and loans in other segments. It is concluded that in the context of macroeconomic instability, the assessment of portfolio homogeneity and the segmentation of leaseholders helps to establish the most risky sub-portfolio. It will have the highest correlation value, risk concentrations and the average default probability, which, in turn, leads to the greatest standard deviation, and indicates a high level of unexpected losses. Keywords: Portfolio, leasing, financial risks, default probability, concentration References Adelman, M.A. (1996). Comment on the H concentration measure as a numbers-equivalent. Review of Economics and Statistics, 2, 99–101. Ajupov, A.A., Mishina, M.S. & Ivanov, M.E. (2014). Method of valuation of financial factors influencing the implementation of liquidity risk for leasing companies. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(24), 154-159. Aleksandrova, O.B. (2014). Risk assessment method in the leasing system. Economy and Entrepreneurship, 10(51), 903-906. Asyaeva, E.A., Chizhankova, I.V., Bondaletova, N.F. & Makushkin, S.A. (2016). Methods for assessing the credit risk of leasing assets. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(1), 96-100. BCBS (2004). International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards. A Revised Framework, BIS. Direc access: http://www.bis.org/publ/bcbs128.pdf BCBS (2009). Findings on the interaction of market and credit risk. Working Paper No. 16, BIS. David, X.L. (2000). On Default Correlation: A Copula Function Approach The Risk Metrics Group. Working Paper Number 07, 99-109. Davos World Economic Forum (2013). The Scenarios for the Russian Federation. Direct access: https://www.weforum.org/reports/scenarios-russian-federation/ Demchenko, M.O. (2009). Management of portfolio leasing risks. Finance and Risk Management in the Leasing Company, 2, 54 - 62. Diez-Canedo, J.M. (2002). A simplified credit risk model for supervisory purposes in emerging markets. BIS Papers, 22, 328–360. Egloff, D., Leippold, M. & Vanini, M. (2006). A simple model of credit contagion. European Central Bank (2007). The use of portfolio credit risk models in central banks. Occasional Paper Series, 64, 25-68. International Association of Credit Portfolio Managers (2005). Sound Practices in Credit Portfolio Management. Direct access: http://www.iacpm.org/about-us/IACPM_Sound_Practices.pdf Kadnikov, A. (2012). Dependence of the loan VaR portfolio on the level of concentration. Risk Management in Credit Institutions, 1, 56-65. Kealhofer S. & Bohn J.R. (2001). Portfolio Management of Default Risk. Moody’s KMV. Kolyasnikova, E.R. (2013). Portfolio formation with regard to various risk measures. Financial Risk Management, 3, 204-220. Kovalev, P.P. (2006). Credit portfolio risk management in the delineation of credit powers and the establishment of concentration limits. Financial Risk Management, 2(6), 50-60. Pomazanov, M.V. (2012). Calibrating of the rating model for sectors with a low number of defaults. Financial Risk Management, 2(30), 82-84. Razumovskiy, P.A. (2010). Penalty on capital for credit risk concentration. Banking Industry, 2, 110-117. Shapovalov, V. (2003). How to manage risk. Chief Financial Officer, 9, 15-21. Sokolov, Y. (2009). Interaction between market and credit risk: Focus on the endogeneity of aggregate risk. MPRA. Sokolov, Yu.I. & Morya, O.A. (2012). Risk concentration management of the loan portfolio. Risk Management in Credit Institutions, 2, 80-91. Sokolov, Yu.I. (2012). Risk modeling: from correlation to causation. Risk Management in Credit Institutions, 4, 55–67. Sokolov, Yu.I. (2014a). The compounding effect in the loan portfolio as a challenge for the Russian banking system. Risk Management in Credit Institutions, 3, 82-88. Sokolov, Yu.I. (2014b). The correlation in credit risk: from the concept to the solution. Risk Management in Credit Institutions, 4, 78-84. Suprunovich, E. (2002). Basics of risk management. Risk practical course. Banking Industry, 2, 13-16. |
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Multiculturalism in the Modern WorldVladimir Fokin, Vladimir Baryshnikov, Natalia Bogoliubova, Julia Nikolaeva, Igor Ivannikov, Mariya Portnyagina, Natalia Ryazantseva, Elena Eltc & Igor Chernov
pp. 10777-10787 | Article Number: ijese.2016.779
Abstract This paper presents the analysis of the concept of ‘multiculturalism’, highlighting its complex structure, which consists of the real phenomenon of contemporary life, scientific theory, ideology and policy. It reveals the discrepancy in the content of these components and discloses manifold reasons for the failure of the policy of multiculturalism, based on the inconsistency of the neoliberal ideology, its one-sidedness. This research also shows the interrelation and contradiction between various elements of culture of the epistemic, social and cultural nature. The authors believe that the abandonment of the policy of multiculturalism does not mean the elimination of the cultural diversity of the surrounding world, which is objectively the basis for the human progress. Keywords: Multiculturalism, neoliberalism, cultural and national autonomy, theory of civilization, civilization of the East and the West References Barack Obama's speech at the UN General Assembly session. (2015). Published on 28/09/2015 on Radio Liberty website. Direct access: http://www.svoboda.org/media/video/27275558.html Bauer, O. (1924). Die Nationalitätenfrage und die Sozialdemokratie. Wien: Eles, 352 p. Bergson, H. (2010). The two sources of morality and religion. Moscow: KDU, 252 p. Berson, A.B. (2011). European metropolis and multiculturalism: Degree of compatibility. Contemporary Europe, 1, 57-70. Danilevsky, N.Ya. (1991). Russia and Europe. Moscow: Kniga, 544 p. Fedoseev, A. (2015). The Crash of Multiculturalism in Europe. Sozidatel’: Informational and analytical portal. Direct access: http://sozidatel.org/articles/analitika/3811-krah-multikulturalizma-v-evrope.html Fisk, M. (2005). Multiculturalism and Neoliberalism. Praxis Filosofica, 21, 21-28. Huntington, S. (1993). The clash of civilizations? Foreign Affairs, 72(3), 22-49. Jaspers, K. (1991). The origin and goal of history. Moscow: Politizdat, 311 p. Kanarsh, G.Yu. (2011). Multiculturalism: social concept and social practices. Knowledge, understanding and skill, 1, 87-94. Merkel, A. (2010). Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have ‘utterly failed’. Direct access: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/20101017070445.shtml Multiculturalism vs nationalism. (2015). Dialog.UA: Independent information and analytical resource focused on the public dialogue on the development strategy of Ukraine. Direct access: http://dialogs.org.ua/ru/dialog/page142.html Nye, J.S. (2005). Soft power: The means to success in world politics. New York: Public Affairs, 245 p. Popper, K. (2011). The open society and its enemies. Abingdon: Routledge Classics, 174 p. Spengler, O. (1993). The decline of the West. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 463 p. The Declaration of Principles of International Cultural Cooperation of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. (1966). The XIV session of the General Conference of the United Nations. Direct access: http://www.un.org/ru/documents/decl_conv/declarations/culture.shtml The UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity. (2001). Adopted on 2 November 2001 by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Direct access: http://www.un.org/ru/documents/decl_conv/declarations/cultu-ral_diversity.shtml Toynbee, A.J. (2001). A study of history: Collection. Moscow: Rolf, 335 p. Zorkin, V. (2011). Modern state in the age of ethno-social diversity. Speech of the President of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation V. Zorkin at the Global Policy Forum in Yaroslavl on September 7, 2011. Russian newspaper site. Direct access: https://rg.ru/2011/09/07/zorkin-site.html |
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Optimization Problems of Current Calendar PlanningLyudmila N. Rodionova, Olga G. Kantor & Amir A. Khakimov
pp. 10789-10799 | Article Number: ijese.2016.780
Abstract The paper deals with the statement, formalization and implementation of the problem of choice and grounding of the technological equipment stock with account of organizational conditions of functioning. A criterion of optimal capacity load is chosen as one of the parameters. It is demonstrated how via transition from the problem of integer programming to the problem of linear programming, in which a feasible solution set is built in accordance with the described procedure, one can determine objectively determined valuations according to the results of application of the duality theory provisions and implement qualitative analysis of the produced solution. Keywords: Technological equipment, linear programming, calendar planning References Berry, P.M., Gervasio, M., Peintner, B. (2011). PTIME: Personalized Assistance for Calendaring. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 2(4). Evgrafov, A. (2015). Advances in Mechanical Engineering: Selected Contributions from the Conference “Modern Engineering: Science and Education”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 20-21, 2013. Springer. «Calculating OEE» Vorne Industries. (2002). Direct access: http://www.oee.com/. Ghallab, M., Nau, D.S., Traverso, P. (2004). Automated Planning: Theory and Practice, Morgan Kaufmann. Kallrath, J., Maindl, T.I. (2006). Real Optimization with SAP® APO. Springer. Kantorovich, L.V. (1960). Economic design of the best resources utilization. Moscow: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of USSR, 347 p. Kozlovskiy, V.A. (1998). Organization of production: development stage. St.Petersburg: Polytekhnika, 109 p. Kremer, N.Sh., Putko, B.A., Trishin, I.M. & Fridman M.N. (2002). Study of operations in economics: Manual for students. In N.Sh. Kremer (Eds.). Moscow: UNITI, 407 p. Latenko, V.A. & Turovets, O.G. (1982). Organization of machinery production: Theory and practice. Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 208 p. Libman, G.I. & Filatov, O.K. (1987). Bref economical dictionary. Moscow: Politizdat, 399 p. Lvov, Y.A. & Satanovskiy R.L. (1984). Intensification of machinery production: organization and planning. Leningrad: mashinostroenie, 182 p. Makeeva, F.S. (2003). Comprehensive analysis of economical activities of an enterprise. Direct access: http://www.ulsu.ru/departments/sections/eed/folio/KAZ/4-1.htm. Methodology instructions. (1980). Single Production Planning System. Choice of the optimal coefficient of operations for enterprises (shopa and areas) of machinebuilding and instrument making. RD 50-174 – 80. Moscow: Standards, 23 p. Petukhov, R.M. & Lazutkin, E.S. (1972). economic efficiency and production organization. Moscow: Ekonokima, 212 p. Rodionova, L.N. (1998). Organizational-economic maintenance of reliable functioning of financial and industrial systems (Doctoral dissertation). St.Petersburg, 337 p. Satanovskiy, R.L. (1981). Adaptation of production and products in machine building. Leningrad: Mashinostroenie, 167 p. Sergeev, I.V. & Veretennikova, I.I. (2006). Economics of organizations. Moscow: Prospect, 560 p. Shkurba, V.V. (2010). Calendar planning. Constructive optimization. The praxeotechnics industry. Automation and Remote Control, 71(10), 2122–2131. Smith, S.F. (2004). Is Schedulıng a Solved Problem? Carnegie Mellon University. Direct access: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/user/sfs/www/mista03/sfs-mista-book.pdf Stepanov, I.G. (2003). Production organization. Novokuznetsk: NFI KemSU, 93 p. The Five Levels of Software Process Maturity as classified by the Capability Maturity Model. (1987). Software Engineering Institute, SEI. Direct access: http://www.microsoft.com/Rus/Business/Vision/Strategy/Levels.mspx. Tolpegina, O.A. (2006). Economical analysis (teaching materials). Center for distance learning at Moscow Witte University. Direct access: http://www.e-college.ru/xbooks/xbook137/book/index/index.html. Turovets, O.G., Popov, V.I. & Rodionov, V.B. (2000). Production organization. Moscow: Ekonomika I finansy, 452 p. Ulitskaya, N.M. (2000). Published summary of the thesis. Local level of production development: management, transformation of workplaces, monitoring. Volgograd: VSU, 255 p. Zhuravlev, V.V. (2004). Analysis of financial and economical activities of an enteprise: teaching aid for higher education institutes (in Russian). Moscow: Novoe znanie, 590 p. |
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Perspective Tools of the Strategic Management of VFR Tourism Development at the Regional LevelAleksandr P. Gorbunov, Ekaterina V. Efimova, Margarita V. Kobets & Sofiya G. Kilinkarova
pp. 10801-10815 | Article Number: ijese.2016.781
Abstract This study is aimed at identifying the perspective tools of strategic management in general and strategic planning of VFR tourism (for the purpose of visiting friends and relatives) at the regional level in particular. It is based on dialectical and logical methods, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, the concrete historical and systemic approaches, which in their totality helped to reveal the key characteristics of VFR tourists arriving in the Stavropol region as well as to offer the author’s model of the VFR tourism development strategy at the regional level. This paper substantiates the idea that VFR tourism is a very attractive and promising segment of the tourism market of Russia, despite the fact that the public authorities currently undertake no measures for its targeted development. 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Multicultural Education of Multi-Ethnic Students at the Foreign Language ClassAnna V. Zorina, Natalya N. Vygodchikova, Rinat G. Gatin, Munira A. Nazmutdinova & Olga Y. Gerasimova
pp. 10817-10827 | Article Number: ijese.2016.782
Abstract The relevance of the problems stated in the article is determined by the fact that with the expansion of relations between the nations all over the world, the problems caused by misunderstanding, religion differences, and lack of cultural tolerance, have become more vital than ever. In this regard, this article is aimed at studying the conditions of teaching university students to live and communicate successfully in the multicultural world. The authors of the article consider an elective course ‘A Multicultural Planet’, aimed at teaching students to be tolerant towards people belonging to different cultural and religious groups, is an important part of the process of foreign language learning. The article presents theoretical ideas of multicultural education; aims and tasks of the elective course, approaches and principles it is based on; the results of the study conducted among the university students. The materials of the article are intended for university foreign language teachers. Keywords: Multicultural education, dialogue of cultures, cross-cultural communication, tolerance, foreign language References Al-Kahtani, S.A.W. (2005). Refusal realizations in three different cultures: a speech act theoretically-based cross-cultural study. Journal of King Saud University, 18, 35-57. Alotaibi, N.A. (2015). Teaching English as a Foreign Language: A Multicultural Perspective. Direct access: http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1697&context=gradreports Anyon, J. (2005). A political economy of race, urban education, and educational policy. New York London: Routledge, 378 p. Banks, J.A. (1979). Shaping the future of multicultural education. The Journal of Negro Education, 48, 237-252. Banks, J.A. (1991). Multicultural education: Its effects on students’ racial and gender role attitudes. In: J.P. Shaver, (Eds.). Handbook on research on social studies teaching and learning. New York: Macmillian, 469 p. Bogdanova, A.A. (2009). Multicultural education issue in Russian and foreign pedagogy. Education and culture, 1, 71-76. Bondarevskaya, E.V. (2000). Theory nd practice of person-oriented education. Rostov-on-Don: Rostov Pedagogical University Press, 352 p. Boos-Nünning, U. (1983). Aufnahmeunterricht, Muttersprachlicher Unterricht, Interkultureller Unterricht. Ergebnisse einer Vergleichenden Untersuchung zum Unterricht for Ausllndische Kinder in Belgien, England, Frankreich und den Niederlanden. München: Oldenbourg, 24-33. Dzhurinskiy, A.N. (2016). Multicultural education in the cross-cultural society. Textbook and practice. Moscow: Urait, 258 p. Labaree, D.F. (1997). Public Goods, Private Goods: The American Struggle Over Educational Goals. American Educational Research Journal, 34, 39-81. Lee, K.S. (2006). Understanding multicultural perspectives in foreign language education: A curricular and preservice teacher point of view. Texas Foreign Language Association Journal, 53(3), 44-51. Levinson, M. (1999). The demands of liberal education. New York: Oxford University Press Inc., 237 p. Miller, L.S. (2008). Development of students’ humanist life stance in the process of multicultural education: PhD Thesis. Vladikavkaz, 167p. Norton, B. & Toohey, K., (2011). Identity, language learning, and social change. Language Teaching, 44, 412-446. Phillips, J. & Draper, J. (1999). The Five C’s: Standards for Foreign Language Learning. New York: Heinle, 45-53. Pligin, A.A. (2003). Person-oriented education: history and practice. Moscow: KSP+, 432p. Pomerin, G. (1984). Migrantenliteratur und ihre. Bedeutung für die Intrekulturelle Erziehung. Zielsprache Deutsch, 3, 41-49. Sandfuchs, U. (1981). Lehren und Lernen mit Ausländerkindern. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt, 237 p. Sternin, I.A. (2005). Tolerance and communication. In: N.A. Kupin, (Eds.). Philosophical and linguocultural problems of tolerance: collective monograph. Moscow: Olma Press, 324-335. Tarasov, E.F. & Sorokin, Y.A. (1977). Ethnic and cultural specificity of verbal and nonverbal behavior. In: National and cultural specifics of speech behaviour. Moscow: Science, 14-38. Thomas, A. (1987). Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Ausländerstudium aus der Sicht der Austauschforschung. In H.F. Illy & W. Schmidt-Streckenbach, (Hrsg.). Studenten aus der Dritten Welt in beiden deutschen Staaten. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 15-25. Thomas, J. (1983). Cross-cultural pragmatic failure. Applied Linguistics, 4(2), 91-112. |
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Hostility as a Psychological Phenomenon and Object of Scientific ResearchPavel N. Ermakov, Irina V. Abakumova, Olga Fedotova & Daria P. Shchetinina
pp. 10829-10837 | Article Number: ijese.2016.783
Abstract he article is devoted to the problem of carrying out distinctions between hostility, dislike and aggression which have a considerable variety of forms of behavior among the population of various typological groups in the conditions of geopolitical changes. Special attention is paid to the questions connected with the peculiarity of approaches and the degree of readiness of this perspective within various scientific traditions. Particulars of representation of concepts are analyzed in the historical and chronological, scientometric and conceptual plan.The qualitative originality of the interpretation of concepts in the approaches of the representatives of the leading scientific schools exerting the impact on modern research of this phenomenon taking into account the changing geopolitical conditions is shown. Keywords: Geopolitics, psychology, category, aggression, hostility, scientific research, methodological approach References Abakumova, I.V., Boguslavskaya, V.F. & Grishina, A.V. (2016a). Ethnoreligious attitudes of contemporary Russian students toward labor migrants as a social group. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 9(1), 112-120. Abakumova, I.V., Ermakov, P.N. & Kolesina, K.Y. (2016b). On analyzing the results of empirical research into the life-purpose orientations of adults of various ethnic identities and religious affiliati. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 9(1), 155-163. Barefoot, J.C., Beckham, J.C., Haney, T.L., Siegler, I.C. & Lipkus, I.M. (1993). Age differences in hostility among middle-aged and older adults. Psychology and Aging, 8(1), 3-9. Barefoot, J.C., Patterson, J.C., Haney, T.L., Cayton, T.G., Hickman, J.R., Williams, R.B. (1994). Hostility in asymptomatic men with angiogaphically confirmed coronary artery disease. 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Social and Economic Indices of Forming the Quality of LifeValentina A. Sushko, Gennadi B. Pronchev, Ekaterina V. Shisharina & Olga N. Zenkina
pp. 10839-10849 | Article Number: ijese.2016.784
Abstract The objective of the paper is to analyze the urgent questions of improving the quality of the population's life and essential decisions on which the vector and rates of further development, political and economic stability depend to a large extent. The character and specific nature of the influence of social and economic indices that form the quality of life for various urban settlements are discussed from the standpoint of the extent of satisfying the people's material and spiritual needs and welfare sensed by them. The paper analyzes the main components of quality of life used in various international and national assessments of the developed countries. As the research method, the data of sociological survey conducted by the authors in 2015 as a case study of Moscow region (Russia) are cited; here an important part is played by such components of quality of life as financial situation, satisfaction with one's job, satisfaction with one's leisure, satisfaction with one's life influencing the level of life on balance. Among the crucial social problems, those of low pay, alcohol abuse, health issues, poor medical service, and a high unemployment level were stressed. The results obtained showed the particularities of various social groups perceiving the quality of life as well as revealed a high level of personal responsibility and willingness in citizens to solve the existing problems. Keywords: Social and economic indices, sustainable development, quality of life, national assessment, international assessment References Davis, K. (1973). The case for and against business assumption of social responsibilities. Academy of Management Journal, 16, 312-322. Doktorovich, A.B. (2015). Paradigm of social and innovative development: human potential and intellectual equity of social and economic changes. Space and Time, 1, 84-90. Evans, G.W. (2003) The built environment and mental health. Journal of Urban Health, 4, 536–555. Goncharova, I.V. & Pronchev, G.B. (2015). Virtual social environment for people with visual impairments. Politics and Society, 5, 586-590. Greenwood, D.T. & Holt, R.P. (2010). Local Economic Development in the 21st Century. Quality of Life and Sustainability. New York: M.E. Sharpe, 215 p. Jager, J. (2008). Our planet. How much more can Earth take? London: Haus Publishing, 190 p. Janov, V.V. (2015). Development of a Local Regional Service Market in the Context of Transformational Economics. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 3(2), 629 – 624. Kovalchuk, V.K. (2016). Theoretical and methodological approaches to the sociological study of contemporary Russian village. Representative power - 21 st century: legislation, commentary, problems, 3(146), 33-36. Malikov, N. (2002). To the question about the content of the concept of "quality of life" and its dimension. The standard of living of the population of Russia, 2, 17-23. Mamedov, A.K. & Kovalchuk, V.K. (2014). Social inequality: options of formation. Representative power - 21 st century: legislation, commentary, problems, 5, 55-61. Monakhov, D.N. & Pronchev, G.B. (2014). E-government as a factor of innovative development of Russia. Representative power - 21 st century: legislation, commentary, problems, 1(128), 4- 7. Moser, G. & Robin, M. (2006). Environmental annoyances: an urban-specific threat to quality of life? Revue Europenne de Psychologie Appliqu European Review of Applied Psychology, 56(1), 35-41 Muravjov, V.I., Pronchev, G.B. & Proncheva, N.G. (2013). Modern Internet technologies as an instrument of smoothing the social inequalities in the context of relationship between civil society and government. Education and the Law, 12(52), 77-85. Osipova, N.G., Elishev, S.O., Pronchev, G.B. & Monakhov, D.N. (2015). Perception by student's youth of socio-political processes, institutes of socialization and subjects of youth policy in modern Russia (results of sociological monitoring). Ethnosociety and international culture, 8(86), 50-62. Pronchev, G.B. & Goncharova, I.V. (2016). The technology of EU Internet resources for people with visual impairments. Bulletin of scientific conferences, 3(6), 88-89. Pronchev, G.B. & Muravjov, V.I. (2013). About peculiarities of internet technologies` use for the civil society development in modern Russia. Representative power - 21 st century: legislation, commentary, problems, 8, 59-63. Ryazantsev, I.P. & Halikov, M.S. (2003). Economic sociology (regional aspect): study guide. Moscow: MAKS Press, 396 p. Ryden, L., Migula, P. & Andersson, M. (2003). Environmental Science. Understanding, protecting and managing the environment in the Baltic Sea region. Uppsala: The Baltic University Press, 824 p. Sushko, V.A. (2015a). Approcci metodologici per la popolazione studio identity nella società moderna. Italian science review, 5(26), 128-132. Sushko, V.A. (2015b). Social and territorial peculiarities of the quality of life in Russia. Scientific perspective, 9, 54-56. Sushko, V.A. (2016). Migratory processes and social well-being of Russians, Sociology, 2, 182-188. Sushko, V.A. & Pronchev, G.B. (2014). Local perception of regional sustainability issues – the Volgograd case. Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(2), 37-41. Tarzia, V. (2003). Towards a local sustainable profile. European common indicators. Final evaluation. Milano: Ambiente Italia Research Institute, 212 p. UN Human Development Report (2007). Direct access: http://www.un.org/russian/esa/hdr/2007/hdr_20072008_complete.pdf Zaslavsky, T.N. (2005) Human potential in modern transformational process. Social sciences and present, 3, 5-16. |
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The Representation of Women in English and Russian Paroemiological Pictures of the WorldMilyausha R. Shaimardanova, Leysan A. Akhmetova, Aygul A. Garipova, Svetlana R. Nikishina, Galina I. Atamanova & Rinat G. Gatin
pp. 10851-10861 | Article Number: ijese.2016.785
Abstract The article touches upon culturological study of concepts which is connected with the analysis of texts (proverbs) where these concepts are fixed and verbalized as a reflection of national culture and consciousness. The objects of the research are English and Russian proverbs and sayings which reflect the gender stereotypes of the compared ethnic groups. During the analysis of the factual material the authors try to identify the model of the female image represented in English and Russian gender-marked proverbs. The article reveals the semantic groups characterizing the portrait of a woman/wife: inner world, behavior, husband (man) - wife (woman) relationships, appearance, age, well-being, generally accepted rules; it turns out that in the both paroemiological pictures of the world a woman / wife has a lower social status than a man. The article proves the existence of an explicit andocentric phenomenon (the reflection of male perspective) that causes negative perception of the female image in English and Russian gender-marked paroemiological units. Keywords: Cultural linguistics approach, paroemiological picture of the world, cultural stereotypes, concept References Anikin, V.P. (1988). Russian proverbs and sayings. Moscow: Fiction, 431 р. Bertram, A. (1993). NTC’s dictionary of proverbs and cliches. Lincolnwood, Illinois: NTC Publishing Group, 333 p. Bryan, G.B. & Mieder, W. (2005). Anglo-american proverbs and proverbial phrases found in literary sources of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 870 р. Dal’, V.I. (1955). Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Moscow: Progress, 2716 p. Dal’, V.I. (1984). Proverbs of the Russian people. Moscow: Russian book, 704 р. Dubrovskaya, O.G. (2000). Linguoculturological aspect of a comparative research of the Russian and English proverbs about mind and stupidity: PhD dissertation. Ekaterinburg: ESU, 259 р. Fergusson, R. (1995). The Penguin dictionary of proverbs. Middlesex, England: Penguin B.S., 352 р. Hakimova, G.Sh. (2003). Gender factor in the English paroemias in comparison with the Russian: PhD dissertation. Ufa: USU, 248 р. Jackendoff, R.S. (1992). What is concept? Frames, fields and contrasts. New essays in semantics and lexical organization. Hillsdale, NJ: Laurence Erlbaum Associates, 191-209. Kirilina, A.V. (1999). Gender: linguistic aspects. Moscow: Institute of sociology RAS, 189 p. Kulkova, M.A. & Shaimardanova, M.R. (2014). Evaluative conceptualization in paroemiology language (on examples of Russian and English languages). Life Science Journal, 11(7), 485-487. Langacker, R. (1991). Concept, image and symbol: The cognitive basis of grammar. Berlin – New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 395 p. Mieder, W. (1993). Proverbs are never out of fashion. Popular wisdom of the modern age. New York: Oxford University Press, 152 p. Mieder, W. (2008). English Proverbs. Stuttgart: Philipp Reclam, 152 p. Murray, Yu.V. (2008). Russian proverbs, sayings and phraseological units and their English analogues. Moscow: AST, 384 p. Nikishina, S.R. (2002). The problem of female emancipation in Tatar literature of the early XX century: PhD Thesis. Kazan: KFU, 171 p. Palmer, G. (1996). Toward a Theory of Cultural Linguistics. Texas: University of Texas Press, 360 p. Savenkova, L.B. (2002). Russian paremiology: semantic and linguoculturological aspects. Rostov-on-Don: Rostov University Press, 240 p. Shaimardanova, M.R. & Akhmetova, L.A. (2015). Language means of expression of communicative-pragmatic frame “advice” in the proverbs with gender component (on the material of the English and Russian languages). Journal of Language and Literature, 6(3), 101-104. Shucard, D.W. (1987). Sex differences in the patterns of scalprecorded electrophysiological activity in infancy: possible implications for language development. Language, gender and sex in comparative perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 278-296. Snegirev, I.М. (2010). Russian popular proverbs and parables. Moscow: Eksmo, 576 p. Speake, J. (2008). Oxford dictionary of proverbs. New York: Oxford University Press, 388 p. Stevenson, B. (1948). The home book of proverbs, maxims and familiar phrases. New York: The MacMillan Company, 2750 p. Telia, V.N. (1996). Russian phraseology. Semantic, pragmatical and linguoculturological aspects. Moscow: Languages of Russian Culture, 312 p. Zhukov, V.P. (1991). Dictionary of Russian proverbs and sayings. Moscow: Russian Language, 534 p. |
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Psychological Predictors of Managerial Performance in the Conditions of Instability of the Russian EconomyIrina A. Novikova, Alexey L. Novikov, Nataliya V. Obidina & Dmitriy A. Shlyakhta
pp. 10863-10874 | Article Number: ijese.2016.786
Abstract The objective of the research was to discuss the psychological predictors of managers' economic efficiency under 2014-2015 instability of the Russian economy (a case study of the Big Five personality traits, organization and communicative skills). The research engaged 310 managers (directors of clothing and accessories shops) working at the companies for a year or more. For diagnosing the personality factors, NEO FFI Five-factor questionnaire was used as adapted by M.V. Bodunov and S.D. Biryukov while COS questionnaire of V.V. Sinyavsky and B.A. Fedorishin was applied for revealing the communicative and organizational inclinations. In order to determine the managers' professional efficiency, the performances against sales plans of shops led by them in 2014-2015 were used. Regression analysis results confirm the most important predictor of the managers' economic efficiency under study is the extent of organizational skills, and this predictor retains its significance both in a relatively calm and in a more unstable economic situation. As for the Big Five factors, the most important one is conscientiousness in a relatively calm time span and openness – in the unstable economic conditions. Keywords: Managerial performance, economic efficiency of managers, communicative and organizational skills, Big Five Factors, Russian economy References Barrick, M.R., Stewart, G.L. & Piotrowski, M. (2002). Personality and job performance: Test of the mediating effects of motivation among sales representatives. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, 43-51. Biryukov, S.D. & Vasil'ev, O.P. (1997). Psychogenetically study of the properties of temperament and personality characteristics: analysis of the studied variables structure. In: Brushlinskiy, A.V., Bodrov, V.A. (Eds.). Works of the Institute of Psychology of the RAS. Moscow: IP RAS, 23-51. Bodrov, V.A. (2001). Psychology of professional aptitude. Moscow: PER SE, 511 p. Derkach, A.A. (2004). Acmeological foundations of professional development. Moscow: MPSU Press, 752 p. Furnham, A., Heaven, P. (1999). Personality and social behaviour. London: Arnold, 336 p. Hochwater, W.A., Witt, L.A. & Kacmar, K.M. (2000). Perceptions of organizational politics as a moderator of the relationship between conscientiousness and job performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 85, 472-478. Hurtz, G.M. & Donovan, J.J. (2000). Personality and job performance: The Big Five revisited. Journal of Applied Psychology, 85(6), 869-879. Istratova, O.N. & Eksakusto, T.V. (2006). COS technique by V.V. Sinyavskiy & B.A. Fedorishin. In: Psychodiognostics: collection of best tests. Rostov-na-Donu: Feniks Press, 339-344. Judge, T.A., Martocchio, J.J. & Thoresen, C.J. (1997). Five-Factor model of personality and employee absence. Journal of Applied Psychology, 82, 745-755. Judge, T.A., Rodell, J.B., Klinger, R.L., Simon, L.S., Crawford, E.R. (2013). Hierarchical representations of the five-factor model of personality in predicting job performance: integrating three organizing frameworks with two theoretical perspectives. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98 (6), 875-925. Kalakov, N.I. & Safukova, N.N. (2011). Structural analysis of personal-professional Self-concept among students of state and private universities. Scientific Notes of the Russian State Social University, 3, 170-176. Maksimenko, Zh.A. (2008). Some aspects of diagnostic of person communicative abilities using the questionnaire "COS 2". Modern psychodiagnostics in a changing Russia: conference proceedings. Chelyabinsk: SUSU Press, 69-71. Markova, A.K. (1996). Psychology of professionalism. Moscow: International Humanitarian Fund “Knowledge”, 312 p. McCrae, R.R. & John, O.P. (1992). An introduction to the five-factor model and its applications. Journal of Personality, 60(2), 175–215. Mount, M. & Barrick, M. (1995). The Big Five personality dimensions: implications for research and practice in human resources management. Research in Personnel and Human resources management, 13, 153-200. Munsterberg, H. (1913). Psychology and industrial efficiency. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 321 p. Novikova, I.A. (2013). Big Five (The Five-Factor Model and The Five-Factor Theory). In: Keith, K.D. (Ed.). The Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell, 136-138. Novikova, I.A. & Obidina, N.V. (2016). Personality factors and professional effectiveness among managers in a commercial organization. News of Saratov University. New series. Series: Akmeology of education. Developmental Psychology, 3(19), 236-241. Novikova, I.A., Shlyahta, I.A. & Obidina, N.V. (2016). Gender-specific correlation of individual and personal factors with the professional efficiency of managers. V International Scientific Conference "Psychology of personality": proceedings. Moscow: Literary Agency "University Book", 261-262. Oh, I.S. & Berry, C.M. (2009). The Five-Factor Model of personality and managerial performance: validity gains through the use of 360 degree performance ratings. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94(6), 1498–1513. Personality of professional in the modern world (2013). Moscow: IP RAS Press, 944 p. Rothmann, S. & Coetzer, E.P. (2003). The Big Five personality dimensions and job performance. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 29(1), 68-74. The first rating of the leaders of Russian business from RBC. Brand Report (2016). Direct access: http://www.brandreport.ru/ratings/?rtid=55 The Five-Factor Model of personality across cultures (2002). New York: Kluwer Academic Publisher, 60-75. Vinokurov, M.A. (2015). The economic crisis in Russia in 2014 and possible ways to overcome it. News of the Irkutsk State Economic Academy, 25(2), 261 -267. Vorobyeva, A.A. (2011). The Five-Factor Model: General Overview. Bulletin of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. Series: Psychology and Pedagogics, 4, 80-86. |
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Age Discrimination in the US Higher Education and EmploymentBoris Nikolaev & Nataliia Pavlova
pp. 10875-10883 | Article Number: ijese.2016.787
Abstract The need to ensure equal rights to different age groups without discrimination in our country necessitates the study of international experience. One of the traditional and at the same time, urgent problems in the USA is the problem of age equality and the overcoming of discriminatory theory and practice. The goal of the study is to analyze the genesis of the system of legal safeguards against age discrimination in the U.S. legislation and the practice of the United States Supreme Court. Methodological potential includes methods of comparative historical and legal analysis. The development of the United States Supreme Court and other federal courts on age discrimination was investigated, the grounds for the institute emergence were analyzed, and its discriminatory nature, causes and conditions of its assessment in the decisions of the US Supreme Court were revealed. Keywords: Constitutional principle of equality, US Supreme Court, age discrimination, employment, US higher education References Age Discrimination (1967). US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Direct access: https://www.eeoc.gov/eeoc/publications/age.cfm Ageism in America (2006). In: The Anti-Ageism. Taskforce at The International Longevity Center. New York: The International Longevity Center-USA, 113 p. Almanac. Facts about Higher Education in the United States. Each of 50 States and D.C. (2006).The Chronicle of Higher Education, 1, 3-91. Barnes, P.G. (2016). Overcoming Age Discrimination in Employment: An Essential Guide for Workers, Advocates and Employers. Milton Keynes: Lightning source inc., 249 p. Faust, R.M. (2003). Discrimination because of age – are professors different? Direct access: https://www.midwestacademyorg/Proceedings/2003/papers/faust.doc Feder, J. (2010). The Age Discrimination in Employment Act. A Legal Overview Congressional Research Service Report for Congress, 16 p. Friedman, L.M. (2005). A History of American law. New York: A Touchstone book, 620 p. Gover, J. & McClure, G. (2004). The realities of Age discrimination. Direct access: http:// www.todaysengineer.org/2004/Feb?age.discrimination.asp Helping to Ensure Equal Access to Education. Report to the President and Secretary of Education. FY 2009-2012. (2012). U.S. Department of Education. Office for Civil Rights. Washington: GPO, 65 p. Kaplin, W.A. & Lee, B.A. (2007). The Law of Higher Education. San Francisco: John Wiley and Sons Inc, 713 p. Kena, G., Musu-Gillette, L., Robinson, J., Wang X., Rathbun, A., Zhang, J., Wilkinson-Flicker, S., Barmer, A. & Dunlop, V.E. (2015). The Condition of Education 2015. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics, 305 p. Kolpina, L.V. (2015). Gerontological ageism in healthcare institutions and social protection and its overcoming directions. Scientific bulletin. Series Medicine. Pharmacy, 10(207), 144-151. Lahey, J. (2008). State Age Protection Laws and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. The Journal of Law & Economics, 3, 433-460. Landsberg, B.K. (2004). Major Acts of Congress. New York: MacMillan Reference, 375 p. Miklyaeva, A.V. (2009). Research methods of ageism: the foreign experience. Herald of Herzen SPU, 100, 148-155. Modernizing the Older Americans Act. Recommendations for the 112th Congress (2011). Washington: Age Action, 36 p. Neumark, D. & Song, J. (2013). Do stronger age discrimination laws make social security reforms more effective? Journal of Public Economics, 108, 1-16. Nikolaev, B.V. (2012). Constitutional and legal principle of equality in the US higher education system. Legislation and law enforcement practice. Moscow: Unity-dana, 175 p. Okulich, A.I. (2015). Theoretical and legal analysis of the problem of protecting the individual against age discrimination in the implementation of the right to work. Law Issues, 5(53), 165-169. Raymond, F.G. (2001). Age Discrimination in the American Workplace: Old at a Young Age. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 267 p. Sargeant, M. (2006). Age discrimination in employment. Aldershot: Gower; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, viii, 233 p. Shrestha, L.B. & Heisler, E.J. (2011). The Changing Demographic Profile of the United States. CRS Report for Congress. Washington: Congressional Research Service, 36 p. Taormina-Weiss, W. (2012). The Issue of Ageism in America Today. Disabled World. Direct access: http://www.disabled-world.com/editorials/ageism.php Vasilieva, Yakupov, N.M. (2012). Ageism in Russia. Law and Regulations, 2, 33-35. |
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Relationship of Non-Structural Forms of Social Interaction with Problems of Social and Psychological Adaptation of Students Prone to Chemical AddictionsElvira N. Gilemkhanova
pp. 10885-10894 | Article Number: ijese.2016.788
Abstract The changes in contemporary social and cultural environment determine the necessity to increase the efficiency of adaptive mechanisms, especially for those categories of people who are subject to social risks. One of those categories is students prone to chemical addictions. To study the relationship of forms of social interaction with problems of social and psychological adaptation of students prone to chemical addictions, whereas the readers are offered to consider the author's point of view on the analysis of the phenomenon of social and psychological adaptation. The leading method to the study of the problem is the method of cross-sectional and comparative analysis. The article presents the results of an empirical survey of 300 students (17% of them are prone to chemical addictions), reveals the key features of their social and psychological adaptation and coping strategies as well as establishes and analyzes the relationship of non-structural forms of social interaction and the problems of social and psychological adaptation of students prone to chemical addictions. The article is of practical value to teachers and psychologists at the stage of development of preventive programs for the educational cycle in higher education institutions. The article also helps to improve efficiency of social and psychological adaptation of students in the period of their study at university. The article may also be useful for the development of additional professional training programs for those employed in the university’s psychological aid services, and for experts on educational work. Keywords: Social and psychological adaptation, area of social and psychological adaptation, behavioral strategy, addiction References Andreeva, G.M. (2002). Social Psychology. Moscow: Aspekt Press, 376 p. Artamonov, J.S. (2016).Telecommunications and information as a global pattern of modern society. Information Society Technologies. X International Industrial Scientific Conference: Proceedings, 295 p. Bandura, A. (2000). Social learning theory. St.Petersburg: Eurasia, 320 p. Bayanova, L.F. & Mustafin, T.R. (2016). Factors of compliance of a child with rules in a Russian cultural context. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 3(2), 355-368. Berebin, M.A. & Tishevskoy, I.A. (2013). The functional and system organization of the phenomenon of human adaptation. Direct access: http://www.auditorium.ru/ index.php newsid = 869 Berezin, F.B. (1988). The psychic and psychophysiological human adaptation. Leninngrad: Publishing house "Nauka", 270 p. Boldachev, A.V. (2005). 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Evaluation of Features of Development of Sports Way of Swimming of Students of Various Sports SpecializationAmina Yermahanova, Dinara Nurmakhambetova, Zhanbolat Bozhig & Amanbek Imanbetov
pp. 10895-10904 | Article Number: ijese.2016.789
Abstract Bachelor educational program "Physical culture and sport" must master special, substantive and core competencies, not only in the chosen specialization, but also in the basic sports, including "Swimming." It is a necessity due to the fact that the graduate program in order to protect their health and life should own at least one method of navigation. The object of study - the educational process of preparation of bachelors of physical culture and sports in the discipline "Swimming with the methodology of teaching". Subject of research - optimization of swimming training students of different sporting specializations in credit conditions in B-tem training. The aim of this series of studies - to improve efficiency and the training methods of diving students of different sporting specializations in conditions of credit system of training by developing a set of exercises. The task: to develop sets of exercises that improve training effectiveness, taking into account levels of physical fitness and swimming sports specialization students. Research methods. To achieve this goal, and to test the hypothesis in the set of methods was used, consisting of a theoretical analysis of the pedagogical literature, formulation of pedagogical experiment on using the developed sets of exercises and an electronic textbook for teaching, statistical data processing. Results and discussion. Studying diving course students of all specializations of sports on a specialty "Physical culture and sport" involves teaching methods bachelor sport diving. As our teacher observations, the initial level of the swimming training of students is different, which causes considerable difficulties in mastering swimming techniques and extend the learning process. Given that student training is limited to the number of allocated hours for swimming training, it requires the teacher to develop new technologies to speed up the learning process different methods of navigation. Keywords: Swimming, sport education, sport development, sport specialization References Berthelot, G., Hellard, P., Len, S., Tafflet, M. & Toussaint, J.F. (2010). Technology and swimming: Three steps beyond physiology. A paper presented at the XIth International Symposium for Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming. Oslo, 16–19. Brooks, R.W., Lance, C.C. & Sawhill, J.A. (2000). The biomechanical interaction of lift and propulsion forces during swimming. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 32(5), 910-923. Cappaert, J.M. & Rushall, B.S. (1994). Biomechanical analyses of champion swimmers. Spring Valley: Sports Science Associates, 352 p. Counsilman, J.E. (1968). The science of Swimming. Englewood Cliffs, New York: Prentice-Hall 352 p. Counsilman, J.E. (1970). 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Management International Competition Held in the Republic of KazakhstanErmek Nasiyev, Tairzhan Iskakov, Nurzhan Zharkimbekov & Aibol Kulbayev
pp. 10905-10910 | Article Number: ijese.2016.790
Abstract The rich in content elements of modern management of the international sport competitions conducted on territory of Republic of Kazakhstan open up in the article. Methodology of estimation of management of the conducted competitions is out and quantitative norms are certain. In addition, the role of items is educed related to organization and management by a competition process and their features in the different groups of types of sport. The purpose and objectives of the study. Analysis of the functions and effectiveness of the system of international competitions, official (Training) held in the territory of our republic. The organization and foresight studies. To achieve special questionnaire consisting of three parts of the goal has been developed. The first part is aimed at assessing the quality of the organization and management of international competitions (MS), taking place on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Results of the study. On the basis of mathematical data processing is developed three-dimensional scale of assessment of the quality of the competition. Keywords: International competition, sport education, sport management References Aitchison, C. (2001). Gender and Leisure Research: The" Codification of Knowledge". Leisure Sciences, 23(1), 1-19. Andrew, D.P., Pederson, P.M. & McEvoy, C.D. (2011). Research Methods and Design in Sport. Management: Human Kinetics Publishers, 364 p. Choi, J. & Park, S. (2007). "The comparison of research trends between Journal of Sport Management and Korean Journal of Sport Management." International Journal of Asian Society for Physical Education, Sport and Dance, 5(2), 10-15. Fielding, L.W., Pitts, B.G. & Miller, L.K. (1991). Defining quality: should educators in sport management programs be concerned about accreditation? Journal of Sport Management, 5(1), 1-17. Ghahnaviyeh, H., Movahedi, F., Yarmohamadian, M.H. & Ajami, S. (2011). "Content And Citation Analysis Of Articles Published In The Journal Of" Health Information Management. Direct access: him.mui.ac.ir/index.php/him/article/viewFile/380/417 Krippendorff, K. (2004). Content analysis: An introduction to its methodology. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications Inc, 352 p. Mahony, D. & Pitts, B. (1998). Research outlets in sport marketing: the need for increased specialization. Journal of Sport Management, 12(4), 259-272. Mahram, B. & Shahroudi, E.T. (2009). Content Analysis of Iranian. Psychological Journals, 6, 109-118. Mondello, M.J. & Pedersen, P.M. (2003). "A content analysis of the journal of sports economics." Journal of Sports Economics, 4(1), 64-73. Parks, J. Quarterman, J. & Thibault, L. (2003). Contemporary sport management. Direct access: http://www.humankinetics.com/products/all-products/contemporary-sport-management-5th-edition-with-web-study-guide Pedersen, P. & Pitts, B. (2001). "Investigating the body of knowledge in sport management: A content analysis of the." Sport Marketing Quarterly. The Chronicle of Physical Education in Higher Education, 12(3), 8-9. Pitts, B.G. & Pedersen, P.M. (2005). Examining the body of scholarship in sport Management: A content analysis. Sport Management and Other Related Topics Journal, 2(1), 33-52. Potter, W.J. & Levine-Donnerstein, D. (1999). Rethinking validity and reliability in content Analysis. Direct access: https://www.researchgate.net/file.PostFileLoader.html?id=54a2f5bbd3df-3efd068b45d3&assetKey=AS%3A273662152773640%401442257549913. Riffe, D., Lacy, S. & Fico, F. (2005). Analyzing media messages: Using quantitative content analysis in research. Direct access: http://samples.sainsburysebooks.co.uk/9781135605100_sample-_579338.pdf Sajjadi, N., Eidi, H., Mehrabani, J. & Abbadi, H. (2010). A Descriptive Analysis Of Harakat Science Research Journal. Journal Of Sport Management (Harakat), 2(5), 141-153. Sharifi, V. (2003). Science of assessment and cognitive science. Advances in Cognitive Science, 5(2), 89-92. Zaki, M.A. (2006). Content analysis of research trends in the management of professional scientific journals. Management Knowledge, 19(1), 43-74. |
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Descriptive geometry in educational process of Technical University in Russia todayMarianna V. Voronina, Zlata O. Tretyakova, Olga N. Moroz & Andrey I. Folomkin
pp. 10911-10922 | Article Number: ijese.2016.791
Abstract The relevance of the investigated problem is caused by the need for monitoring the impact of the Unified State Examination (USE) on the level of mathematical culture and the level of geometric literacy of applicants and students of modern engineering universities of Russia. The need to determine the position of Descriptive Geometry in the structure of modern higher engineering education. The aim of the article is to study the USE impact on the overall level of training, including the level of geometric literacy of applicants and students of technical universities in Russia. The identification of the specific features of the modern structure of higher engineering education in Russia. The determination of the position of Descriptive Geometry in this structure. The leading approach to the study, which is in the solution of this problem, is to monitor the current USE system, and to monitor the structure of modern higher engineering education in Russia. This is an integrated approach, which allows to address this issue as a process of purposeful national formation of the best overall level of mathematical culture to students of technical universities in Russia. The article presents the results of monitoring of the USE impact on the overall level of training, including the level of geometric literacy of applicants of technical universities in Russia. The results of monitoring of the specifics of the existing structure of modern higher engineering education in Russia. The place of Descriptive Geometry in it. The structure of training of students of Descriptive Geometry at the St. Petersburg Mining University. Article Submissions are of practical value to teachers of technical universities, their adaptation to modern conditions of professional work in higher engineering education. Keywords: Unified State Examination (USE), the structure of higher engineering education, teaching and methodical complex (TMC), descriptive geometry (DG), the state-funded places, the applicants, the level of geometric literacy References Berzin, B.Y., Berzin, A.B. & Maltsev, А.V. (2016). Uniform State Exam: management novella or a vital necessity? Teacher education in Russia, 6, 160-165. Dale, R. (2005). Globalization, knowledge economy and comparative education. Comparative Education Review, Chicago, 2, 117-149. Dale, R. (2009). Different Roles, Purposes and Outcomes of National and Regional Models of Education. Educ. Soc., 30, 108-119. Heifetz, A.L. (2016). Descriptive geometry as "Running in the bags." Quality problems of graphic preparation of students in a technical college: tradition and innovation, 1, 298-325. Khairullina, E.R., Pochinova, T.V., Khisamiyeva, L.G., Sakhipova, Z. M., Fedorova, L.V., Ablyasova, A.G., Aksenova, & N.N. (2015). 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Straintronic Elements of the Basis of MagnetostrictionVladimir Amelichev, Petr Belyakov, Dmitry Vasilyev, Dmitry Zhukov, Yury Kazakov, Sergey Kasatkin, Dmitry Kostyuk, Alexey Krikunov, Mariya Kupriyanova & Evgeniy Orlov
pp. 10923-10940 | Article Number: ijese.2016.792
Abstract Background/Objectives: The subject of the submitted article lies within the scope of the heightened interest for magnetostriction. This interest demonstrates itself through the idea of combining opposite effects in one device, whereas straintronics is on the forefront. Methods/Statistical analysis: An extended report is made on resonant-type and non-resonant magnetoelastic transducers, and within the first group actuators employing the effect of magnetic tunnel junction, cantilevers, sensors of mechanical quantities, and high-frequency sensors are dwelt upon. Findings: The paper offers a review of principal results of use of direct and reverse magnetoelastic effects in the development of straintronic devices. The author undertakes a detailed investigation into the structure and principles of functioning of different types of strainmeters. Actual and possible instances of their practical application are outlined, where biomedical use as most promising is paid particular attention. Keywords: Magnetoelastic films, tensile and compression strain, anisotropic magnetoscription, ferromagnetic layer, magnetization, mechanical deformation, strain gauge, hybridization, magnetoimpedance effect References Basantkumar, R., Stadler B.H., Robbins, W. & Summers, E. (2006). Integration of Thin-Film Galfenol With MEMS Cantilevers for Magnetic Actuation. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 42(10), 3102-3104. Belov, K.P. (1987). Magnetostriction effects and their technical application. Moscow: Nauka, 266 p. Belov, K.P., Levitin, R.Z. & Nikitin, S.A. (1961). Physics of metals and metal studies, Moscow: Nauka, 348 p. Biswas, A., Atulasimha, J. & Bandyopadhyay, S. (2014). An errow-resilient non-volatilemagnetoelastic universal logic gate with ultralow energy-delay product. Scientific Reports, 3, 1-7. 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Evaluation of soil Force of Resistance to Penetration with the Use of New Design of Penetrometer’s Probe TipImad R. Antypas & Alekcey G. Dychenko
pp. 10941-10950 | Article Number: ijese.2016.793
Abstract Background/Objectives: This paper considers design of penetrometer’s conical tip that works on the principle of compressed air release for the purpose of evaluation of soil porosity. This provides determination of soil state upon influence of all types of agricultural equipment. Methods/Statistical analysis: Four variants of design with different geometric parameters of radiuses of their beddings and cone angles were used. Findings: The conducted analysis revealed the optimal variant for working measurements is the cone tip with 300 cone angles and bedding radius equal to 7 mm. The tip includes four venting orifices, which under pressure of 6 bar provides better penetration to soil of various depth without causing damage to its structure Keywords: Penetrometer, soil consolidation, resistance force, compressed air release time References Adams, P.W. & Froehlich, H.A. (1981). Compaction of forest soils. Oregon: Washington and Idaho Extension Service, 13 p. Antibas, I.R. & Dyachenko, A.G. (2014). Grounding of method of measurement of soil force of resistance to penetration. Digest: State and prospects of development of agricultural machinery. Proceedings of 7th International research and practice conference, in the framework of 17th International agro-industrial exhibition “Interagromash-2014”, 67-70. Baver, L.D., Gardner, W.H. & Gardner, W.R. (1972). Soil Physics. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 44 p. Busscher, W.J., Bauer, P.J., Camp, C.R. & Sojka, R.E. (1997). Correction of cone index for soil water content differences in a coastal plain soil. Soil Tillage Res, 43, 205–217. Dickerson, B.P. (1976). Soil compaction after tree length skidding in northern Mississippi. Journal of American Society of Soil Science, 40, 965-966. Foster, W.A., Johnson, C.E., Chiroux, R.C., Way, T.R. (2005). Finite element simulation of cone penetration. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 162, 735–749. Froehlich, H.A. (1980). Predicting soil compaction on forested land. Vancouver: USDA Forest Service, 120 p. Geist, J.M. & Hazard, J. (1989). Assessing the physical conditions of some Pacific northwest volcanic ash soils after forest harvest. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 53(3), 946-950. Gomez, A. & Powers, R.F. (2002). Soil compaction effects on growth of young ponderosa pine following litter removal in California's Sierra Nevada. Soil Science Society of American Journal, 66, 1334-1343. Hatchell, G.E. & Ralston, C.W. (1970). Soil disturbance in logging. Journal of Forestry, 68, 772-775. Hesse, P.R. (1971). A text book of soil chemical analysis. New York: Chemical publishing Co. Inc., 332 p. Howard, R.F. & Singer, M.J. (1981). Effects of soil properties, water content, and compactive effort on the compaction of selected California forest and range soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 45(2), 231-236. Huang, W., Sheng, D., Sloan, S.W. & Yu, H.S. (2004). Finite element analysis of cone penetration in cohesionless soil. Computers and Geotechnics, 31, 517–528. Jackson, M.L. (1969). Soil Chemical analysis. An advanced Course. 2nd Ed. University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, 895p. Johnson, M.G. & Beschta, R.L. (1980). Logging, infiltration capacity, and surface erodibility in western Oregon. Journal of Forestry, 78, 334-337. Kaurichev, I.S., Panov, N.P. & Rozov, N.N. (1989). Soil Sciences. Moscow: Logos, 719p. Mcnabb, D.H. & Froehlich, H.A. (1984). Conceptual model for predicting forest productivity losses from soil compaction. Proceedings of the Society of American Foresters National Convention. Portland. Oregon, 261-265. Meek, P. (1996). Effects of skidder traffic on two types of forest soils. Vancouver: Forest Engineering Institute of Canada, 353 p. Page-Dumbroese, D.S. & Harvey, A.E. (1997). Impacts of soil compaction and tree stump removal on soil properties and outplanted seedlings in northern Idaho, USA. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 78, 29-34. Perumpral, J.V. (1987). Cone penetrometer applications. A review. Trans. ASAE, 30, 939–944. Romig, D.E., Garlynd, M.J., Harris, R.F. & Mcsweeney, K.J. (1995). How farmers assess soil health and quality. Soil Water Conserv, 50, 229-236. Shein, I.V. (2005). Soil physics. Moscow: Moscow university edition, 432 p. Smith, K.A. & Mullins, C.E. (2001). Soil and environmental analysis: physical methods. Second edition. New York, Marcel Dekker, 375 p. Swanson, C.L. (1950). A portable soil core sampler and penetrometer. Agron, 42, 447–451. Williamson, J.R. & Neilsen, W.A. (2000). The influence of forest site on rate and extent of soil compaction and profile disturbance of skid trails during ground-based harvesting. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 30, 1196-1205. |
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Correlation of Translation and Other Language ActivitiesNataliya Belenkova & Victoria Davtyan
pp. 10951-10959 | Article Number: ijese.2016.794
Abstract International cooperation in all professional settings makes translation a very important tool of interpersonal and professional relations of specialists in different domains. Training of undergraduates and graduates’ translation skills in a special setting is included in the curriculum of non-linguistic higher education institutions and studied from various aspects. The objective of the paper is to consider some psychological and teaching issues related to translation as a language activity. Russian and foreign researchers’ works and the findings of the practical experience of Foreign Languages Department of Law Institute, Peoples` Friendship University of Russia are presented. The survey of the specialists with different practical experience of translation in the law setting is analyzed. The examination of training translation in the law setting at non linguistic higher education institution is provided. The data of the current research can be used in teaching practice to develop the translation skills of the undergraduates, graduates and postgraduates. Keywords: Mediation, language activity, teaching translation, psychological aspects of training translation skills References Arnold, J. (2011). Attention to Affect in Language Learning. Anglistik. International Journal of English Studies, 22(1), 11-22. Artemov, V.A. (1958). Course of Lectures in Psychology. Kharkov: A.M. Gor’kiy University, 420 p. Belenkova, N.M. (2015). Psychology of Mediation. Proceedings of INTED 2015 Conference, 2nd-4th March 2015. Madrid, Spain, 3784-3788. Brinton, L.J. & Brinton, D.M. (2010). The Linguistic Structure of Modern English. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 446 p. Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. (2004). Learning, Teaching, Assessment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 261 p. Cook, V. (2001). Second language learning and second language teaching. London: Edward Arnold, 262 p. Diploma in Translation. (2014). IoL Educational Trust. Direct access: http://www.ciol.org.uk/sites/default/files/DipTransHandbook.pdf Encoding and Decoding (2008). Direct access: http://finances.social/sotsiologiya_719/kodirovanie-dekodirovanie-38721.html González, D.M. (2004). Multiple voices in the translation classroom: activities, tasks and projects. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 259 p. Gower, R., Phillips, D. & Walters, S. (2006). Teaching practice. Oxford: Macmillan Education, 224 p. Hall, S. (2011). Encoding, decoding. In: The Cultural Studies Reader. Edited by During S. Abingdon. London: Taylor & Francis e-Library, 507-517. Harmer, J. (2001). The Practice of English Language. London: Longman-Pearson, 384 p. Hedge, T. (2000). Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 343 p. Kihlstrom, J.F. (2011). How Students Learn and How We Can Help Them. Department of Psychology. University of California, Berkeley. Direct access: http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~kihl-strm/GSI_2011.htm Learning English and Psychology (1997-2014). Direct access: http://www.isabelperez.com/psico.htm Leont'yev, A.I. (1959). Problems of the Psyche Development. Moscow: APS RSFSR Press, 584 p. Mackey, A. (2014). What happens in the brain when you learn a language? The Guardian. Direct access: https://www.theguardian.com/education/2014/sep/04/what-happens-to-the-brain-language-learning Richards, J.C. & Renandya, W.A. (2005). Methodology in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 422 p. Rivers, W. (1981). Teaching Foreign Language Skills. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 562 p. Rothbart, M.K. & Bates, J.E. (2006). Temperament. In W. Damon, L. Lerner (Eds.). Social, emotional, and personality development. New York: Wiley, 99-166. Scrivener, J. (2005). Learning Teaching: A Guidebook for English Language Teachers. Oxford: Macmillan Heinemann, 416 p. Shiner, R.L. & Masten, A.S. (2008). Personality in childhood: A bridge from early temperament to adult outcomes. European Journal for Developmental Science, 2, 158-175. The 9 qualities of a great translator (2016). Direct access: http://www.thelanguagefactory.co.uk/9-qualities-great-translator/ Wiki How to do anything (2016). Direct access: http://www.wikihow.com/Become-a-Translator Zhinkin N.I. (1998). Language, Speech, Creation. Moscow: Labyrinth, 368 p. |
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Changing Tendencies in the UK: Teaching Dialects in Schools and StandardizationArmenui Minasyan-Bareid
pp. 10961-10970 | Article Number: ijese.2016.795
Abstract This paper investigates the case of diglossia in Shetland, northern Scotland: the use of dialect and its implementation in pre-school and school educational curriculum. In particular, this article is aimed at revealing methodology and educational programs used in teaching the dialect in order to protect the local language traditions. The article examines teaching materials used in pre-school and school curricula in Shetland to establish in what ways teaching dialect is carried out and what methods are used to involve children most effectively in the dialect learning process. The current article is based on the research project carried out on the territory of the Shetland Islands, therefore, all the data and materials used are authentic and up-to-date. The results of the research presented in the article argue that while in some areas of the British Isles dialects are dying out, the local citizens of the Shetland Islands have found a way to protect and spread their local language variety. Moreover, the Shetland language case study demonstrates that the Shetland dialect implementation in pre-school and school curricula has, first of all, proved the bottom-up management effective and, secondly, revival and standardization of a local variety possible. Keywords: Standardization, dialects, norms, diglossia, teaching dialects, Shetland References |
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Framework for Assessing the ICT Competency in Teachers up to the Requirements of "Teacher" Occupational StandardSvetlana Avdeeva, Olga Zaichkina, Nataliya Nikulicheva & Svetlana Khapaeva
pp. 10971-10985 | Article Number: ijese.2016.796
Abstract The paper deals with problems of working out a test framework for the assessment of teachers' ICT competency in line with the requirements of "Teacher" occupational standard. The authors have analyzed the known approaches to assessing teachers' ICT competency – ISTE Standards and UNESCO ICT CFT and have suggested their own approach to analyzing the pedagogical activity based on the requirements of "Teacher" occupational standard for assessing the ICT competency in teachers. The crosscutting principles of using the ICT are determined and observance of them underlies the assessment of teachers' ICT competency, in particular: the priority of health and safety of educational process participants; observance of ethic and moral interaction standards, including the IEE; cooperation and constructive interaction of all educational process participants, among them teachers, learners, parents, representatives of the administration. The authors have attempted to single out three qualification categories according to the requirements reflected in "Teacher" standard: teacher, senior teacher, and leading teacher, and to describe the complication of teachers' professional tasks using the ICT. The constituents of teachers' ICT competence have been identified and described: selection, processing, creation, placement of information and organization of communication in the information educational environment. Keywords: Teachers' ICT competency, "Teacher" occupational standard, assessment, test framework References |
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Socio – pedagogical Priorities of the Educational Process at the University: the Didactic Aspect of Information TechnologyIlya M. Rassolov, Natalya V. Sidyacheva, Larisa E. Zotova, Feride Sch. Salitova, Svetlana M. Konyushenko & Nuriya Kh. Gzhemskaya
pp. 10987-10997 | Article Number: ijese.2016.797
Abstract The relevance of the study is conditioned by intensive introduction of information technologies in the educational process of the University. Analysis of practical activities of University groups shows that in the absence of science–based approaches to the implementation of information technologies in the educational process, there are increasing numbers of side effects among the students and graduates: moral and ethical indifference, a decrease in the level of personal communication, interpersonal communication, motivation to learn, and strengthening of computer and network addiction, the substitution of virtual reality, alienation from professional activities and other real-world problems, "escape" into virtual reality. In this regard, priority attention in the paper is devoted to establishing the theoretical and methodological approaches to realization of social–pedagogical priorities of the educational process at the University, which are presented as didactic components (target, content, procedural and technological, resource) of information technology. The paper presents the discourse of the concept "social–pedagogical priorities of the educational process at the University"; on the basis of the results of the study the complex of social and pedagogical priorities of the educational process is revealed, which are presented as the target, content, procedural and technological, resource components of information technology; pedagogical approaches to the design of new, hybrid types of information technologies are justified; the efficacy of the established set of priorities with the help of motivational, cognitive, axiological and activity-related criteria is proven. Keywords: Socio–pedagogical priorities, educational process of modern University, teaching tools, information technology, network technology, hybrid technology References Berger, P. & Luckmann, T. (1995). The social construction of reality: a Treatise on the sociology of knowledge. Moscow: A Medium. Bono, E. (1998). Lateral thinking. St.Petersburg: Peter. Bourdieu, P. (2001). Structure. Habitus. Practices. Modern social theory. St. Petersburg: Aletheia. Choshanov, M.A. (2013). Evolution of views on didactics: is it time for a new didactics? Didactics of vocational schools. Kazan: Publishing House "Danis". D`Angelo, G. (2007). From Didactics to e – Didactics: e – learning Paradigms Models and Techniques. Napoli: Liguori. Delors, J. (1996). Education: a hidden treasure. Paris: UNESCO. Erdniev, P.M. (1992). Integration of didactic units as technology training. Moscow: Education. Isaev, I.F. (2001). High school teacher in U.S. Professional teacher training. Belgorod: Publishing House in BSU. Khutorskoy, A.V. (2001). Modern didactics. St.Petersburg: Peter. Klarin, M.V. (2002). Learning technology: the ideal and the reality. Moscow: Nauka. Marchenkova, N.G. (2009). Socio-pedagogical aspects of prevention of computer dependency of students. Orenburg: Print – service. Mitra, S. (2005). Self organizing systems for mass computer literacy: Findings from the «hole in the vall» experiments. International Journal for Development Issues, 4(1), 71 – 81. Nordkvelle Y.T. (2003). Didactics: From classical rhetoric to kithen – Latin. Pedagogy. Coulture & Society, 11(3), 315 – 330. Novikov, A.M. (2006). Methodology of education. Moscow: Agues. Ostrovsky, A.M. (2003). The optimization of social management by human – computer systems in technical University. Belgorod: Belaudit. Ruthven, K. (2012). The didactical tetrahedron as a heuristic for analyzing the incorporation of digital technologies into classroom practice in support of investigative approaches to teaching mathematics. ZDM, 44(5), 627 – 640. Schoenfeld, A. (2012). Problematizing the didactical triangle. ZDM, 44(5), 587 – 599. Selevko, G.K. (2006). Encyclopedia of educational technology. Moscow: Publishing house Research Institute of school technologies. Stromfeldt, М. (1996). Window dressing. Clicking in: hot links to a digital culture. In L.H Leeson (Eds.). Seattle: Bay Press, 140-147. Polat, E.S. (2000). The Internet in Humanities education. Moscow: Vlados. Turkle, S. (1995). Life on the screen: identity in the age of the Internet. New York: Simon & Schuster. Vjugina, S.V. (2010). Methodological basis of development of intellectual potential of students in technological University. Kazan: Publishing house: KSTU. Yakimanskaya, I.S. (2000). Technology of personality – oriented education. Moscow: September. Young, K.S. (1997). What makes the Internet Addictive: potential explanations for pathological Internet use. Paper presented at the 105th annual conference of the American Psychological Association. Chicago. IL. Zizek, S. (1996). From virtual reality to the virtualization of reality. Electronic culture: technology and visual representation. In T.Druckrey (Eds.). New York: Aperture, 290-296. |
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On the Question about the Jurisdiction of the Courts in Cases of Crimes against the International Environmental SafetyValery V. Grebennikov, Badma V. Sangadzhiev, Elena V. Vinogradova & Stanislava A. Vinogradova
pp. 10999-11006 | Article Number: ijese.2016.798
Abstract The relevance of the research problem is conditioned by the fact that with the increasing number of crimes against the international ecological safety the unresolved issues of jurisdiction of courts on Affairs about crimes of this type give rise to the problem of determining of the proper court, which in accordance with the regulatory order may consider and render decisions on cases of crimes of this type. The purpose of this paper is to determine the mechanisms influencing the decision of the jurisdictional questions. As a leading approach to the study of the problem a comparison of the studied materials on international treaties, conferences and meetings are selected focused on efforts aimed at institutionalization of the ability to attract individuals to international criminal responsibility who are accused of encroachment on the natural environment. The study of the legal nature of liability for acts that infringe on international environmental security, the necessity of creating mechanisms of these decisions is justified, the conclusion about the necessity of a decision’s making or the establishment of an international specialized court or the jurisdiction’s spreading of the international criminal court on the above-mentioned acts is formulated. The paper may be useful for the validation and regulatory consolidation of the concepts and characteristics of these offences, as well as to address enforcement issues to determine the proper court. Keywords: International environmental security, environmental crime, international jurisdiction, hearing of criminal cases in the courts References Bechor, G. (2007). The Sanhuri Code and the Emergence of Modern Arab Civil Lav (1932 to 1949). London: BRILL, 344 p. Brinchuk, M.M. (2008). Environmental security as a legal category. The state and law, 9, 30-42. Ecological Bulletin. (1977). 98 p. 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Secondary School Students’ Environmental Concerns and Attitudes toward Forest Ecosystem Services: Implications for Biodiversity EducationGregor Torkar
pp. 11019-11031 | Article Number: ijese.2016.800
Abstract Alarming declines in biodiversity have encouraged scientists to begin promoting the idea of the services ecosystems offer to humans in order to gain support for conservation. The concept of ecosystem services is designed to communicate societal dependence on various natural ecosystems. Schools play an important role in educating students to be active and responsible towards the environment. A questionnaire testing for the influence of different types of environmental concern on attitudes to forest ecosystem services was completed by 410 Slovenian secondary school students in north-western Slovenia. The students' attitudes to forest ecosystem services were investigated via 15 statements about provisioning, regulating, supporting and cultural services. The student's environmental concern was investigated using a questionnaire of 12 items. Results from the survey provide evidence that students’ concerns for the consequences of environmental damage formed three correlated factors centred around the self and family, all people and the biosphere. Students' most highly valued environmental concern was for the biosphere, followed by concern for self and family, and concern for all the people. Female students were notably more concerned for all people and for the biosphere. However, all students, regardless of the type of environmental concern, prioritise the different benefits obtained from regulating and supporting ecosystem services. The importance placed on different provisioning and cultural services varies among students with different types of environmental concerns. The students' frequency of direct experiences being in the forest has a significant positive impact on the values they assigned to cultural services in particular. Education about ecosystem services could be an effective means of communicating the significance of various ecosystems and our dependence on ecological life support systems. By using ecosystem services frameworks students can learn about and value ecosystem structure and functions, as well as better evaluate human activities that are associated with them. Using ecosystem services frameworks and elaborated types of environmental concerns can help educators emphasize the attitudes/needs/rights of an individual and of a society to discuss these socio-scientific issues in a cooperative learning environment. Biodiversity education should not overlook cultural ecosystem services and address them in terms of changing human values and sustainability. Keywords: ecosystem services, environmental concern, secondary school students, forest, biodiversity References Arcury, T.A. (1990). Environmental Attitudes and Environmental Knowledge. Human Organization, 49(4), 300–304. 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"A place where nobody makes fun of me because I love science" – an in-school Mini Science Museum as a meaningful learning environment to its student trusteesOrnit Spektor-Levy, Oshra Aloni & Michal Zion
pp. 11033-11059 | Article Number: ijese.2016.801
Abstract The novelty of this study is rooted in the uniqueness of its setting: Informal, in school, Mini Science Museum that is managed by high school students who also develop teaching materials and guide the visitors. The phenomenological study presented here followed, over a period of 9 months, a group of 11 students that served as the museum’s trustees. It explored their perceptions of their own development, emotions and attitudes and the characteristics that turn the museum into a meaningful learning environment for its trustees. Data was gathered primarily by means of in-depth interviews and notes taken during museum staff meetings. Inductive analysis revealed three main themes: collaborative learning and guidance; interest and pleasure; self-efficacy and empowerment. In each theme, three aspects repeated with a high level of consistency: Cognitive; Emotive; and Practical. The students expressed feelings of empowerment and self-efficacy, described the museum as a learning environment that supports knowledge development in "a fun way", environment that enhances collaborative learning, sense of belonging to a supportive community. Our study demonstrates that such learning environments are feasible in schools. Even though such framework may not answer the needs of all students, it may answer the needs of students who want to study more science and who are motivated to teach others. Keywords: Informal learning, science museum, collaboration, self-efficacy, community of practice References Anderman, L. H., & Freeman, T. (2004). Students’ sense of belonging in school. In P. R. Pintrich & M. L. Maehr (Eds.), Motivating students, improving schools, vol. 13: The legacy of Carol Midgley (advances in motivation and achievement) (pp. 27–63). Oxford, England: Elsevier Bamberger, Y., & Tal, T. (2007). 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Signs and Scope of Precarization of Labor Relations in Modern RussiaLudmila Vladislavovna Klimenko & Oxana Yuryevna Posukhova
pp. 11061-11072 | Article Number: ijese.2016.802
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The role of public diplomacy in the strategy of development between Kazakhstan and TurkeyLaura Abzhaparova, Aliya Kaliyeva &Akbota Tokmurzayeva
pp. 11073-11080 | Article Number: ijese.2016.803
Abstract The relevance of the problem under investigation is caused by the fact that the Turkish-Kazakhstan relations, finally, have reached the level of strategic partnership due to the cooperation at various levels as a result of the 20-years-long term of diplomatic relations between Turkey and the Republic of Kazakhstan. The same idea was voiced in the joint statement on the bilateral friendship, partnership and cooperation during the third official visit of the president of Kazakhstan, N. Nazarbayev, to Turkey. The diplomacy of the Turkish President, T. Ozal, has positively influenced the development of bilateral relations between the two countries. This political course was outlined in the foreign policy of Turkey in the region of Central Asia. Keywords: Republic of Kazakhstan, Turkey, public diplomacy, political negotiations References “Kazakhstan-Turkish Relations” meeting in Ankara www.trtkazakh.com/kz/ Cull, Nicholas J. (2009). Public Diplomacy: Lessons from the Past, Figueroa Press, Los Angeles. Daniyalov, G.M. (2002). Turkish model of democracy: Ideological and political aspects. Abstract of a political science candidate’s thesis. Moscow. Kazakhstan in figures. Alma-Ata, 1997, p. 45. Panarin, A. (2000). Global political forecasting. Moscow, 32. Turkey Donates Military Equipment to Kazakhstan. British Broadcasting Corporation, June 10, 2005, http://web.lexis-nexis.com (accessed July 21, 2006). Turkey, Kazakhstan Planning Organization to Strengthen Cooperation. British Broadcasting Corporation, May 9, 2002, http://web.lexis-nexis.com (accessed July 21, 2006). Turkish-Kazakh Military Relations on Track: Turkey to Donate Coast Guard Boat to Kazakhstan. Financial Times, June 22, 2001, http://web.lexis-nexis.com (accessed July 21, 2006). World countries. Reference book, 1996. www.fpc.org.uk Yembekova, M.O. The process of cooperation between Kazakhstan and Turkey. Bilim – Obrazovanie. 4, 27-30. |
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Perspectives on the Present State and Future of Higher Education Faculty Development in Kazakhstan: Implications for National Human Resource DevelopmentDinara Seitova
pp. 11081-11096 | Article Number: ijese.2016.804
Abstract The article aims at examining the present state of higher education faculty development in Kazakhstan in the context of multidimensional nationwide development reforms and exploring implications for the National Human Resource Development of the country. For the purpose of this research, theoretical human resource development (HRD) and perspectives of the National Human Resource Development (NHRD) were identified and a qualitative research methodology and the case study method were used, which included interviewing of 20 faculty members from two large universities of national status in Kazakhstan. The research findings indicate that: (1) there is a need to update professional expertise of higher education faculty members; (2) there is a lack of systematic and consistent approach to faculty development in higher education and (3) there is a link between implementation of higher education reforms and higher education faculty development, whereas the latter shapes implications for NHRD in Kazakhstan. In addition, the absence of faculty development model in higher education negatively affects implementation of HE reforming, whereas compliance with the international standards of higher education implied by the Bologna process is required. Adopting Western model of HE does not imply ‘blind’ copying. The new HE system has to be tailored to Kazakhstan’s context, which will open a constructive dialogue between academia and the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) as well as reduce resistance to change. 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Non-formal Education as a Factor in Civilizational Development of Educational Space Subject in the Cross-Border RegionDulma T. Dugarova, Svetlana E. Starostina, Sergey D. Namsarayev, Nina Zh. Dagbaeva & Innokentiy A. Malanov
pp. 11097-11117 | Article Number: ijese.2016.805
Abstract The research is aimed at determining the organizational and pedagogical conditions of non-formal education implementation as a factor in civilizational development of subjects, joint international projects performers, in the educational space of the cross-border region. New integration projects forming the need for effective models implementation of advanced and interdisciplinary training of highly qualified personnel determine the civilizational development areas of the education sector and the labor market subjects the non-formal education will constitute the basis for. Non-formal education provides a wide range of cooperation for various social partners, both educational institutions and public, commercial, industrial organizations. For the development of this cooperation teachers have a wide array of educational technologies: specialized competence centers, multifunctional applied competence centers, expert and methodological qualification certification assessment centers, year-round training range, training platforms, summer specialized schools which are widely used in current practice. Keywords: civilizational approach, the cross-border area, educational space, non-formal education, the labor market, non-formal education process organization technology. References Altbach, P., Resiberg, L., Rumbley, L. (2009). Trends in Global Higher Education: Tracking an Academic Revolution. Executive Summary. Paris: UNESCO. http://www.unesco.org/fileadmin/MULTIMEDIA/HQ/ED/ED/pdf/WCHE_2009/1745_trend_final-rep_ES_FP_090617a.pdf Analytics. (2015). China paves iron ‘Silk Road’ to the leadership. http://www.nakanune.ru/articles/110851#sthash.vCvCuIql.dpuf [in Russian]. Begaliev, I.S. (2013). 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Questions of Tax Harmonization in EAEC countriesAmir Kateyevich Sembekov, Gulzira Salmaganbetovna Serikova, Zhanar Oralkhanovna Lukpanova, Nazar Sayranovich Ulakov, Erbol Amirovich Sembekov & Ainura Toyakovna Omarova
pp. 11119-11125 | Article Number: ijese.2016.806
Abstract In this article we reviewed the Eurasian Economic Union functions; a common tax market is being formed. One of the priorities established the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEC) is to carry out coordinated fiscal policies of member countries, suggesting the creation of a single market for goods, services, capital and labor. The scientific approach to solving this problem involves the development directions of adjustment and streamlining of normative legal acts in the area of tax legislation, unification of methods and forms of tax planning and forecasting. First of all, within the framework of the formation of the Eurasian Economic Union is supposed to unify approaches to the taxation of profits and income tax residents of the Member States EAEC. Keywords: Customs Union, Eurasian Economic Union, Tax, Harmonization of Legislation References Jveranceva MS, Karimova ER. (2014). To the need for and the harmonization of the taxation of profits and income in the Eurasian Economic Union. News of Saratov University. New episode. Economy Series, 2(3), 28 p. Medvedev AS. (2000). Methods of social and economic forecasting. Moscow: TOO NPTs “Krylya”, p. 112-115 Tax Code of the Russian Federation in 2015. http://www.zakonrf.info/nk/ Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus in 2015. http://kodeksy.by/nalogovyy-kodeks Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2015. http://kodeks.kz/ Statistical Yearbook of the Eurasian Economic Commission (2015). Moscow, p.122 Tax burden on the economy of the Republic of Belarus in 2014. http://www.nalog.gov.by Official statistics of the Eurasian Economic Union. http://www.eaeunion.org Kenzheguzin MB et al. (2007). Large economic structures under Kazakhstan transition towards market economy (organization and management). Almaty: Gylym, p.52 Morozova TG, Pikulkina VV. (2000). Forecasting and planning under market conditions. Moscow: INITI-DANA, p.163-171 Steinbruner, R. (2006). Forecasting: Judgment under Uncertainty. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2006, p.79-82. |
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Promoting Transfer of Ecosystems ConceptsYawen Yu, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Rebecca Jordan, Catherine Eberbach & Suparna Sinha
pp. 11127-11048 | Article Number: ijese.2016.807
Abstract This study examines to what extent students transferred their knowledge from a familiar aquatic ecosystem to an unfamiliar rainforest ecosystem after participating in a technology-rich inquiry curriculum. We coded students’ drawings for components of important ecosystems concepts at pre and post test. Our analysis examined the extent to which each of the drawings showed evidence of understanding of photosynthesis, cellular respiration and decomposition. The results demonstrate that students experienced greater learning gains in aquatic systems (the learning measure) than in the rainforest (the transfer measure). However, they also made significant learning gains on the rainforest task from pre- to posttest, suggesting that students transferred some knowledge from one system to another. Further research is needed to examine a wider range of relevant concepts and more distant contexts. 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ON SYSTEMS THINKING and WAYS of BUILDING it in LEARNINGAitzhan Abdyrova, Temir Galiyev, Maral Yessekeshova, Saule Aldabergenova & Zhuldyz Alshynbayeva
pp. 11149-11161 | Article Number: ijese.2016.808
Abstract The article focuses on the issue of shaping learners’ systems thinking skills in the context of traditional education using specially elaborated system methods that are implemented based on the standard textbook. Applying these methods naturally complements the existing learning process and contributes to an efficient development of learners’ intellectual capabilities and the necessary skills for a holistic discovery of the world. The learning process provides training in a number of specific skills for having a comprehensive approach to organizing and implementing cognitive, theoretical and practical activity, while providing opportunities for learners to acquire and apply various forms of activity and actions which contribute to improve the efficiency and quality of learning, the learner’s competitive ability as well as to intensify the learning process. Along with achieving the main learning goal and providing learners with new knowledge, skills and practices, the proposed techniques and methods include the implementation of the acquired knowledge in research and art. Keywords: learning process; comprehensive approach; systems as a means of achieving a goal. References A Systems Approach to Structuring the Educational Content for Government Officials. 2008. # state registration 0108РК00063. Almaty: Publishing house of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Building Systems Thinkingin Education: A Study Guidefor Higher Education Institutions. 2002. Moscow: YUNITI-DANA, pp. 344. Burakanova, G. M., Urkumbayev, B. F., and Iskakova, G. A. 2008. Structuring the Educational Content for Government Officials: A Methodology. Astana: Publishing house of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, pp. 77. 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Formation of professional competence of legal specialty students in the elective courses studyingGulnara Akhmejanova, Bulat Olzhabayev, Roza Grigoryeva, Zhanara Karibaeva, Akmamyk Avilkhan & Janat Sakenov
pp. 11163-11173 | Article Number: ijese.2016.809
Abstract This article examines the scientific problem of the formation of professional competence of legal specialty students in the elective courses studying. The analysis has been conducted and the content of professional competence of legal specialty students has been substantiated. This work substantiates the role of elective courses in the formation of professional competence of legal specialty students. The process of the formation of professional competence of legal specialty students in the elective courses studying has been examined and justified. The model of the formation of professional competence of legal specialty in the elective courses studying has been methodologically proved and developed at the university conditions. The model of the formation of professional competence of legal specialty students contains in its structure the main components: criteria, indicators, levels, which ensure the efficiency of the process of the formation of professional competence of legal specialty students. During the study, the efficacy of the developed model of the formation of professional competence of legal specialty students in the elective courses studying has been proved. The model of the formation of professional competence of legal specialty students in the elective courses studying is recommended for use when developing educational programs. Keywords: student, legal specialty, formation, professional competence, elective courses References Asadullin, R.M., & Ivanov, V.G. (2004). Sistemnyy podkhod v professional'noy podgotovke studentov [System Approach in Training of Students]. Srednee professional'noe obrazovanie, 4, 40-42. 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Forming Master's Degree Students’ ICT Competencies as Future Researchers and Educators: a Kazakhstan Case StudyDariya Bolatovna Abykenova, Almagul Zhayakovna Assainova, Elena Ivanovna Burdina, Anne Murphy & Aizhan Budanovna Abibulayeva
pp. 11175-11193 | Article Number: ijese.2016.810
Abstract This article analyses the information and communications technology competencies (ICTC) of Master’s degree students in Kazakhstan. It defines the ICTC. Research results suggest that the majority of Master’s degree students have a low level of ICTC. Of prime importance is the fact that the level of research and educational aspects of the ICTC of Master’s degree students in the study is lower than the subject matter aspect. The research shows that teachers and advisers are faced with certain difficulties in organising Master’s students’ scientific research and educational internship. This leads to the need to create additional tools to provide a means of controlling the ICTC-shaping process of Master’s students. The research found that one the most effective tools promoting optimization while working with Master’s students in scientific research, educational and research internship is blended learning technology integrated into the university’s virtual and educational environment. Keywords: Master’s Degree Student’s ICT competency, internship, virtual and educational environment, research activity, educational activity References Alonso, F., López, G., Manrique, D., and Viñes, J. M. (2005). An instructional model for web-based e-learning education with a blended learning process approach. British Journal of educational technology, 36(2), 217-235. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8535.2005.00454.x. Bailey, M., and Sorensen, P. (2013). Reclaiming the ground of master’s education for teachers: lessons to be learned from a case study of the East Midlands Masters in Teaching and Learning. Journal of Education for Teaching, 39(1), 39-59. DOI: 10.1080/02607476.2012.733190. Bianchi, M., Hernández-Lara, A. 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Social Mechanisms in Elaborating Russian Educational Policy: Legal MonitoringAleksandr N. Gostev, Tamara I. Turko & Sergey B. Shchepanskiy
pp. 11195-11218 | Article Number: ijese.2016.811
Abstract The article presents the results of legal monitoring and those of a sociological research on the efficiency of social mechanisms in Russian Federation education policy. The data obtained substantiates: the need for systematic improvement of Russian legislation in the education sector; revised notions and content of social mechanisms in Russian education policy; the significance of social activity ensuring educational security in Russia; education policy implementation issues. The research also focuses on the content and state of control, awareness raising, transparency, traditions and other mechanisms in the areas of law, economy, social responsibility, politics and society. Keywords: Legal monitoring, education, authorities, corruption, charity, social movements References All-Russian Society of the Disabled. Access mode: http://www.voi.ru/. Anisimov P. F. et. al. 2000. 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Мoscow: MGU, pp. 341. Sablukov, A. V. 2014. Obshchestvennaya otsenka khoda realizatsii obrazovatelnykh program: metodika otsenki i rezultaty [Public Assessment of Educational Programs Implementation: Assessment Methods and Results]. Law and Education, 12: 46-64. Serikova, V. P. 2015. Vozrozhdeniye i vnedreniye rossiyskiykh traditsiy v vyssheye obrazovaniye [Revival and Implementation of Russian Traditions into Higher Education]. Monitoring of public opinion: economic and social changes, 1 (125): 143-149. Serikova, V. P. 2015.Otechestvennye traditsii v sisteme podgotovki upravlencheskikh kadrov instituta obrazovaniya [Russian National Traditions in Education Executives Training]. The humanitarian, socio-economic sciences and obschetsvennye, 1: 204-207. Shcheglova, L. V. 2000. Sudby rossiyskogo samopoznaniya, P. Y. Chaadayev i N. V. Gogol: monografiya [Destinies and Russian Self-Knowledge: P. Y. Chaadayev and N. V. Gogol: a Monograhy]. Volgograd: Peremena, pp. 342. 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Integration of Humanitarian Knowledge in Art and Design ActivityNadezhda Enovna Kamzina, Julia Ilyinichna Mazina & Shakhizada Sainbekovna Turganbayeva
pp. 11219-11225 | Article Number: ijese.2016.812
Abstract The process of integration of humanitarian knowledge is being examined in the article and the development of the project activities and a special outlook on the examples of famous artists, designers and architects are investigated. The forms of creative thinking are systematized and the factors modifying the borders of design knowledge are formed on the basis of which the new creative principles and new design solutions are made up. The design phenomenon is revealed in connection with many components of the spiritual sphere of society, such as the system of social relations, features of national character, the values of society and an individual. The authors are studying the components of spiritual sphere of society as elements forming the feature of the activities and thinking of a designer, and they highlight contradiction associated with the environment, technological processes and computer technology impoverishing the spiritual essence of a man. In this regard, the importance of interaction between cultures is determined and the principles of art and design activity are defined. They are based on the integration of humanitarian knowledge, their importance in the educational field where the highest level of knowledge is unthinkable without preliminary accumulation and development of the most comprehensive information. Keywords: artistic creativity, art and culture, design activity, individuality, art References Freeman, M. and M. R. Nose, 2000. Japan Modern. New Ideas For Contemporary Living. Hong Kong. Gamarnik, G.N., S.B. Abdygapparova and G.K. Akhmetov, 2004. The basics of credited educational system in Kazakhstan. Almaty: Kazak University, pp. 198. Genisaretski, O.I., 1992. Creative work as design problem. Questions Methodology, 2: 3-4. Glasychev, V.L., 1973. Language and method of artistic design. Dekorativnoye iskusstvo SSSR, 11. Kahn, L., 1969. Space and inspiration. Sovremannaya Architecture, 2: 13-32. Krasner J. 2008. Motion Graphic Design: Applied History and Aesthetics. Elsevier. pp. 432. Nekhvyadovich, L. I. and Chernyaeva, I. V. 2016. Experience and Perspectives of Art History Development in Educational Space of Siberia at the Turn of XX – XXI centuries. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 11 (7): 1501-1507. Papanek, V., 2004. Design for real world. Moscow: D. Aronov, pp. 416. Rubalcaba J. and I.M. Pei. 2012. Architect Of Time, Place And Purpose, Marshall Cavendish, pp. 128. Reskin, D., 2006. Art lections. Moscow: BST-PRESS, pp. 319. |
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Methodological Features of Educational System Modernization in the context of the “Economy of Knowledge”Natalia Konstantinovna Karpova, Alexander Pavlovich Uvarovsky, Vladimir Ivanovich Mareev, Nina Petrovna Petrova & Yuri Petrovich Borzilov
pp. 11227-11237 | Article Number: ijese.2016.813
Abstract The article is devoted to some methodological features of modernization in modern education in the context of “the knowledge economy” development which is aimed at shaping new mental potential of the modern state. Features and prerequisites for the emergence of the knowledge economy, the priorities of which include the development and spread of information technologies, development and introduction of innovations, investment in human capital formation, have been clarified. It has been shown that in the socio-economic development system of the country, the knowledge economy as a social labor resource is one of the most important criteria of efficiency of organization of the socio-economic system of the country. Preconditions for organization of innovative-educational sector of economy of the Russian Federation are stated. The article focuses on the strategic landmarks of the formation and development of the innovative-educational sector of economy in the Southern Federal District. Network integration is considered to be the factor which enables to treat education as a separate, innovational sector. As for the preferable form of its organization, the authors mention private-public partnership with attraction of businesses. The paper also covers technical characteristics of implementing the model in the innovative-educational sector of economy of the Southern Federal District. The article presents promising areas of the study of this problem, which involves further development of the theory of intellectual capital development in education, subject-oriented methodology of educational system modernization in the applied aspect, as well as technologies of management of the national innovation-oriented educational system of the Russian Federation. Keywords: knowledge economy, educational system modernization, innovations, human capital, human capital investment, public-private partnership, innovation-driven economy, the process of development forecasting, management of modernization processes, innovation- educati References Gaponyuk, P.N., Karpova, N.K., & Mareev, V.I. (2013). Metodologicheskie kharakteristiki modernizatsii obrazovaniya [Methodological Features of Educational System Modernization]. In Materiały IX Międzynarodowej naukowi-praktycznej konferencji “Naukowa przestrzeń Europy – 2013”. Vol. 20: Pedagogiczne nauki (pp. 3-17). Przemyśl: Nauka i studia. Tatarkin, A.I. (Ed.). (2011). Innovatsionnoe razvitie ekonomiki znaniy [Innovative Development of the Knowledge Economy]. Yekaterinburg: Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. Klimov, S.M. (2002). Intellektual'nye resursy obshchestva [Intellectual Resources of Society]. Saint Petersburg: Piter. Kovalev, M.M., & Wang Xing. (2015). 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Psychological and Pedagogical Conditions for Effective Application of Dialogic Communication among TeenagersGulmira Niyetbaeva, Laura Shalabayeva, Bakyt Zhigitbekova, Gulzira Abdullayeva & Gulzhanar Bekmuratova
pp. 11239-11247 | Article Number: ijese.2016.814
Abstract Our personality develops gradually, and this process is influenced by various factors, with language being one of the most important. We need to communicate with other people, to speak as much, as we need occupation, and this need determines the development of our personalities. Language is deeply embedded in our conscious and subconscious. Through language we perceive most of the information about the world and the way it is organised. It helps children identify themselves. By learning language, we acquire cognitive frames and schemes of possible actions, as well as behaviour models and patterns we can employ in various situations. The article presents the analysis of the other works on the problem, performed in order to define dialogic communication, its characteristics, functions, and the role it plays in the development of personality. It also demonstrates why dialogic communication should be used more widely in schools. The experiments conducted allowed us to determine the psychological and pedagogical conditions required for effective development of dialogic communication between teenagers. We also came to a conclusion that the effectiveness of dialogic communication in schools depends on the combination of various pedagogical conditions, including the teacher’s determination and motivation, the use of didactic literature, education methods, link between education and real life, speech norms, and communication standards. Keywords: dialogue, dialogic communication, dialogic communication functions, communicant, dialogic speech References Agapova, S.A. (2004) Osnovy mezhlichnostnoj i mezhkul'turnoj kommunikacii [Foundations of interpersonal and intercultural communication]. Rostov-on-Don: Feniks, pp. 288. Bastrikova, E. M. (2004) Kommunikativnaja kompetencija kak lingvodidakticheskij fenomen [Communicative competence as a linguo-didactic issue]. Russian and contrastive linguistics: linguistic and cultural aspects. Kazan Federal University, Faculty of Philology, pp. 43-48. Bloh, M.Ja. (2007) Dialog, monolog i faktor slushajushhego [Dialogue, monologue, and the factor of addressee]. Nauchn. tr. Moskovskogo pedagogicheskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filologicheskie nauki: sb. Statej [Proceedings of Moscow State Pedagogical University. Philology]. Moscow, Prometej: MSPU Publishing House, pp. 159-168. Bohm, D. (1996) On Dialogue. Edited by Lee Nichol. London, New York: Routledge. Crossley, M. L. (2013) Narrativnaja psihologija. Samost', psihologicheskaja travma i konstruirovanie smyslov [Introducing narrative psychology: self, trauma and the construction of meaning] (O.V.Gritchina, Trans.), pp. 284. Cypik, N. S. (2005) Pedagogicheskie osnovanija razvitija psihicheskoj motivacii shkol'nikov v processe obuchenija obshheniju [Pedagogical basis for psychological motivation for communication in schools]. Communication problems arising in school education process. Proceedings of scientific conference. Bashkortostan State Pedagogical University. Ufa, pp. 139-145.
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Theoretical model of development of information competence among students enrolled in elective coursesAnara Zhumasheva, Zaida Zhumabaeva, Janat Sakenov, Yelena Vedilina, Nuriya Zhaxylykova & Balkumis Sekenova
pp. 11249-11259 | Article Number: ijese.2016.815
Abstract The current study focuses on the research topic of creating a theoretical model of development of information competence among students enrolled in elective courses. In order to examine specific features of the theoretical model of development of information competence among students enrolled in elective courses, we performed an analysis of formation of the concept “information competence of students”. We investigated and provided theoretical substantiation for meaningful characteristics of information competence of students. We developed and validated the theoretical model of development of information competence among students enrolled in elective courses, including criteria, parameters and efficiency levels of this process. We recommend to implement the theoretical model of development of information competence among students enrolled in elective courses for development of higher educational programs. 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Experimental study of psychological and pedagogical readiness of the future teachers for moral and spiritual development of senior school studentsAigul Igenovna Akhmetova, Gulbakhira Koybagarovna Shirinbaeva, Zhanna Kenzhebekovna Axakalova, Naziya AitbaevnaTasilova & Ainur Ornalievna Zhubaniyazova
pp. 11261-11282 | Article Number: ijese.2016.816
Abstract The problem of psychological and pedagogical readiness of the future teachers for moral and spiritual development of high-school students should be considered in the context of holistic manifestation of all aspects of personality. In this regard, one of the most urgent tasks is to identify the professional and personal characteristics that influence the readiness of the future teacher already at the stage of training at the Institution of Higher Education to teach "Self-cognition" discipline. At the same time, the basis of psychological and pedagogical training of the future teachers should be capability for conscious spiritual and professional growth, responsibility for activities in the formation of students' worldview and behavioral guidance through the prism of universal human values, development of their need for self-cognition and creative self-realization. Keywords: Psychological and pedagogical readiness, structural components, levels and indicators, criteria, research methods, motivational and valuable component, cognitive component, professional and personal component, reflexive and active component References Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, K.A., (1999). Psychology and consciousness of personality: (the Problems of methodology, theory and research a real person): Selected psychological works. Moscow: Psychological and social inst., Voronezh: Publishing house NPO "Modek". Asmolov, A.G., (1984). Identity as an object of psychological research. In A. G. Asmolov (Eds.). Moscow: Znanie. Boyko V.V., (2001). Diagnosis of the level of empathic abilities. Practical psycho-diagnostics. Samara: Shine. Dyachenko, M. I., (1976). Psychological problems of readiness for activity. In M. I. Dyachenko, & L. A. Kandybovich (Eds.). Minsk: BSU pub. h-se. Kandybovich, L.A., (1996). Brief psychological dictionary: personality, education, self-education, profession. In L. A. Kandybovich, & M. I. Dyachenko (Eds.). Minsk: Higher School. Karpov, A.V., (2003). Reflexivity of mental property and methods of its diagnostics, Psychological journal, 5: 45-57. Leontiev, A.N., (2005). Activity. Consciousness. Personality. Moscow: Smysl Levitov, N.D., (1969). Psychology of character. In N. D. Levitov (Eds.). Moscow: UMK Publ. Mukazhanova, R., Akhmetova, A., Karabutova, A. and Oralbekova, A., (2016). Studying of educational model of school under the conditions of implementation of "Self knowledge" moral and spiritual educational program. Program 31, International Congress of Psychology (Vol.51, Issue S1, pages 965-974). Special Issue: 31st International Congress of Psychology, 24–29 July 2016, Yokohama, Japan. Mukazhanova, R. and Omarova, G. (2013). Teaching methods of discipline "Self-cognition" in school. Educational-methodical manual for teachers. Almaty: "Bobek". Nasedkina, G.A., (2007). Socio-cultural activities of institutions of additional education as a factor of socialization of adolescents (Abstract, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences). Ural State University, Ekaterinburg. Ponukalin, A. A., (1994). Social philosophy and psychology: Monograph. In A. A. Ponukalin (Ed.). Saratov: SGU. Rubinstein, S.L., (2003). Fundamentals of General Psychology. St. Petersburg: Peter Rubinstein, S.L., (2012). Man and world. St. Petersburg: Peter Sanzhaeva, R.D., (1997). Psychological mechanisms of formation of readiness of people to work (author, Doctor of Psychological Sciences). Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University. Serikov, G.N., (1998). Managing education: the System interpretation: Monograph. Chelyabinsk: Publishing House "Fakel". Slastenin, V.A., (1997). Formation of socially active person: the General concept of the study. Moscow: Education. Soldatova, I.N., (2013). Application of the technique of "Reflective essays" as a means of formation of aesthetic culture of the future specialist in Humanities. Scientific dialogue, 2(14): 98-108. Uznadze, D.N., (1991). Theory of setting: Select psychological labours in seventy volumes. In V. A. Slastenin, E.N. Shiyanov (Eds.). Modern high school, 4: 83-96. Yermentayeva, A.R., (2012). Improvement of psychological readiness: Monograph. Ust-Kamenogorsk: Publishing house of State University of East Kazakhstan named after S. Amanzholov. |
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Anthropoflows and inter-ethnic cooperation at the area of the South-Russian regionAnatoly Vladimirovich Lubsky, Andrew Vladimirovich Bedrik & Anton Vladimirovich Serikov
pp. 11283-11296 | Article Number: ijese.2016.817
Abstract The urgency stems from the fact that in the post-Soviet period as a result of intense migratory flows on the background of natural depopulation, deformation of traditional ethnodemographical structure of society took place, which led to the occurrence of migrantophobia and distribution of local inter-ethnic clashes. The aim of the article is to study the influence of intensity and anthropoflows structure on the character of interethnic relations in regional society. The study is based on the use of the following methods: - analysis and interpretation of secondary statistical data and legal acts; - the authors’ study, in which 851 people were interviewed. Representativeness of the conducted research procedures is ensured through the development and implementation of a multi-stage stratified sampling (type of settlement, the settlement area, respondent’s gender, age subgroup, level of education, socio-professional and socio-economic status). The object of the study was population aged 18 years that are residents in the territory of the Rostov region. Territorial sample included the city of Rostov-on-Don, 9 cities and 8 districts of the Rostov region. Key trends of anthropoflows are to reduce the number of Russian-speaking population of the region against the background of growth of the North Caucasus, South Caucasus and Central Asian diasporas. Factors that determine the state of relations between old residents, diasporas and migrants include: localization of migrants, history of diaspora presence, sub-ethnic and confessional structure of migrant communities, level of socio-economic development of recipient-territory of migration, niche of employment activity of migrants, character of motives have caused migration flow. Comprehensive analysis allows forecasting the development of inter-ethnic relations in the next 10-15 years. 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Classifying The Standards Via Revised Bloom's Taxonomy: A Comparison of Pre-Service and In- Service TeachersSerhat Kocakaya & Nihat Kotluk
pp. 11297-11318 | Article Number: ijese.2016.818
Abstract The aim of this study is (a) to investigate the usefulness of Bloom's revised taxonomy (RBT) for classification of standards, (b) to examine the differences and similarities between pre-service teachers' and in-service teachers' classification of the same standards and (c) to determine which standards are vague and broad. The 45 standards, in the Turkish 10th Grade Physics Syllabus, were categorized by the 16 participants, who were divided into two groups. The first group included eight pre-service physics and the second group included eight in-service physics teachers, in Turkey. Firstly, each participant classified the standards using RBT individually, then, they classified the standards with their group. We compared their all classification of standards. The usefulness of Revised Bloom Taxonomy for classification of standards, the differences between individually classification and the groups' and, differences between the pre-service and in- service teachers groups' classifications, (c) the standards which are broad and vague were discussed. Keywords: Revised Bloom's Taxonomy; classifying standards; pre-service teachers; in-service teachers; physics syllabus References Amer, A. (2006). Reflections on Bloom’s revised taxonomy. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 4/8, 213-230 Anderson, L. W., Krathwohl, D. R., & Bloom, B. S. (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing: A revision of Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives. Allyn & Bacon. Arı, A. (2008). Finding Acceptance of Bloom’s Revised Cognitive Taxonomy on the International Stage and in Turkey. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice - 11(2), Spring, 767-772 Athanassiou, N., McNett, J., & Harvey, C. (2003). 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Abbreviation as a Reflection of Terms Variability in Language for Specific Purposes: Translational Features (Terminology Case Study in German, English, Kazakh, and Russia)Gulshat Z. Beisembayeva, Manshuk Z. Yeskindirova, and Samal A. Tulebayeva
pp. 11319-11330 | Article Number: ijese.2016.819
Abstract The range of modern dynamic social changes, globalization of world powers’ economic cooperation, acceleration of technocratic processes have widespread impact on term systems’ variability in language, in particular, on terminological variability for specific purposes. This globalized extra-linguistic factor provokes avalanche growth of terminology, acronyms and abbreviations. This became a natural condition of verbal communication not only in certain language space, but also in everyday speech. The lexiphanic technical and specific terms leading to maximizing abbreviations can be explained primarily by the "principle of least effort" or so-called "the law for speech savings". Nearly each industry terminology is under a particular variation in a state of constant quantitative and qualitative changes. Variability, consequently, provokes corruptions in communication of the meaning of terms, namely, in their translation. The correct interpretation of terms, finding the only correct translation equivalents of a term in language for special purposes(LSP) are one of the central problems of modern terminology. The misinterpreted by a translator preformative factor. The article shows the main forms of abbreviations. The article can be a theoretical source for researches in the field of linguistics. Keywords: abbreviation; term system; clipping; text translation; scientific-technical text; multi-terminological unit. References Bergman, Å. et al. (2012). A novel abbreviation standard for organobromine, organochlorine and organophosphorus flame retardants and some characteristics of the chemicals. Environment international. 49, 57-82. Borisov, V.V. (1969). Structural-semantic features of acronyms in modern English language: Dissertation of PhD in Philology, 24. Espersen, O. (1946). A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles. Part VI. Morphology. London, 550-551. Fabijanić, I. A. (2014). Dictionary of Abbreviations in Linguistics: Towards a Bilingual, Specialized, Single-field, Explanatory Dictionary. Planning nonexistent dictionaries. 4, 113. Henriksson, A. et al. (2014). Synonym extraction and abbreviation expansion with ensembles of semantic spaces. Journal of biomedical semantics. 5(1), 1. Kondratyukova L.K. (1980). Computer technologies’ formation and development: Dissertation of PhD in Philology, 17. Lehmann, W. P. (2013). Historical linguistics: an introduction. Routledge. Li, C., Ji, L., Yan, J. (2015). Acronym Disambiguation Using Word Embedding. AAAI, 4178-4179. Lipka, L. (2013). Observational linguistics, neologisms, entrenchment, and the Tea Party Movement. Brno studies in English. 36, 1. Lotte, D.S. (1971). Abbreviations of scientific-technical terms. Journal of Science, 82. Marchuk, Y.N. (1992). Fundamentals of computer-based translation, 75. Martine, A. (1963). Fundamentals of general linguistics. Journal of New in linguistics, 3, 532-533. Polivanov,E.N. (1968). Articles on general linguistics. Journal of Science, Moscow, 376. Sadovnikova, G.V. (2016). Distinctive Cognitive Features of Automotive Terminology Structure in American English and German Language. IEJME-Mathematics Education. 11(5), 1281-1296 Serebrennikov, B.A. (1983). On materialistic approach to phenomena in language. Journal of Science, Moscow, 319. Tatarinov, V.A. (1998). Terminology: List of papers published by Russian terminologists in the XX century. M.: Moscow Lyceum; Russian Philology Reporter, 175. Trask, L. (2014). A student's dictionary of language and linguistics. Routledge. |
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A Method for Functional Diagnosis of Hydraulic Drives of Forest MachineryAlexandr I. Pavlov, Aleksey V. Egorov, Igor A. Polyanin, and Konstantin E. Kozlov
pp. 11331-11340 | Article Number: ijese.2016.820
Abstract The reliability of forestry machinery is closely related to the labor intensity of its maintenance and repairs. Untimely diagnostics of failures entail additional financial losses due to machinery repairs and reduce the effectiveness of production. This paper describes a method for diagnosis of hydraulic drives of forest machinery in the process of their operation. A set of complementary methods relevant to the problem at hand was used to achieve the set goal, including analysis, abstract-logical, and analytical methods. The research generalizes the experience of Russian and foreign experts in the studied subject. In the course of experiments a lopping machine was tested. The developed technique is based on characteristics of the random process produced in the interaction of machine working parts with a tree. We obtained the normalized spectral density of loading the hydraulic drives of the tested lopping machine when processing trees under different operating time. By the rate of displacement of density peaks one can estimate the technical state of hydraulic drives. Thus, the use of the offered technique can increase the lifetime of machinery and reduce its wear. Keywords: forestry machinery; wear; failure diagnostics; machine operation; hydraulic drives. References Drozdovsky, G.P, Pavlov, A.I. (1982) A technique for diagnosing elastic pipelines and a device for its implementation. A.S. No. 901676, B.I. 4. Dudley, N., Jeanrenaud, J. P., Sullivan, F. (2014). Bad harvest: The timber trade and the degradation of global forests. Routledge. Edlund, J., Keramati, E., Servin, M. (2013). A long-tracked bogie design for forestry machines on soft and rough terrain. Journal of terramechanics. 50(2), 73-83. Fodor, S., Freidovich, L., Vazquez, C. (2016). Practical trajectory designs for semi-automation of forestry cranes. ISR 2016: 47st International Symposium on Robotics; Proceedings of VDE VERLAG GmbH, 1-8. Ismoilov, A. et al. (2015). A comparison of novel chassis suspended machines for sustainable forestry. Journal of Terramechanics. 58, 59-68. Leon, B.H., Benjamin, J.G. (2013). A survey of business attributes, harvest capacity and equipment infrastructure of logging businesses in the northern forest. The Northern Forest Logging Industry Assessment. University of Maine, Orono. Lurie, A.B. (1970). The statistical dynamics of agricultural machines. L., Kolos, 371. Pirnazarov, A. et al. (2012). Predicting the mobility of tracked forestry machines operating on Nordic forest soil. 7th Americas Regional Conference of the ISTVS. Pirnazarov, A., Sellgren, U. (2015). Reduced testing and modelling of the bearing capacity of rooted soil for wheeled forestry machines. Journal of Terramechanics. 60, 23-31. Robillard, J.M., Jorgensen, C.K. (2013). Forestry machines with transverse engine and hydraulic system installation : USA patent 8579069. Sellgren, U. et al. (2012). Model-based development of machines for sustainable forestry. 12th European Conference of the ISTVS. Silaev, A.A. (1972). The spectral theory of vehicle cushioning. M., Mechanical Engineering, 192. Westerberg, S. (2014). Semi-automating forestry machines: motion planning, system integration, and human-machine interaction, Robotics and control lab, 56. Westerberg, S., Shiriaev, A. (2013). Virtual environment-based teleoperation of forestry machines: Designing future interaction methods. Journal of Human-Robot Interaction. 2(3), 84-110. Matveev, Y.V., Valieva, E.N., Trubetskaya O.V., Kislov, A.G. (2016). Globalization and Regionalization: Institution Aspect. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 3114-3126. Zukov, A.V., Kadolko, L.I. (1978). Basic design of special forestry machines with regard to fluctuations. Minsk, Science and Technology, 264. |
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Making Art Pedagogy in the System of Education in the Republic of KazakhstanBerikzhan A. Almukhambetov, Zhanar O. Nebessayeva, Akmaral S. Smanova, Laura S. Kakimova, Kusan T. Musakulov, and Roza S. Sydykova
pp. 11341-11350 | Article Number: ijese.2016.821
Abstract The article reveals the importance of art pedagogy, art pedagogy through understanding the history of Kazakh art. The paper provides definitions of potential art of Kazakhstan and its role in the educational system of the university. It describes the main purpose of art teaching through the formation of ethnic and cultural identity of the student focused on the artistic culture of Kazakhstan in relation to other cultures. The influence of the subject field of art pedagogy personality. We generalize the theory of reflection and domestic authors. Comparing the use of art pedagogy in practice in the modern educational system. The article presents the etymological analysis of the term "art pedagogy", highlights the key approaches to the interpretation of this concept in the modern domestic pedagogy and provides a comparative analysis of its teaching with related terms (art therapy, art education, etc.). Scroll that these ideas in training and education, the principle of continuity of generations and traditions, including art, should play a key and fundamental role. To write this article was the disclosure of the understanding of art pedagogy in Kazakhstan. There exists studies of art pedagogy and scientific-methodical publications is extremely small, which creates the urgent need for meaningful disclosure of the term "art pedagogy". Keywords: Art pedagogy; pedagogy; Kazakhstan art; art education; pedagogical potential of art References Art and children(1969): Esthetic education abroad. Under the editorship of, M: Art.121. Bakushinski А.(2008).Hudozhestvennoe tvorchestvo I vospitanie. 49. Filosofskii enciklopedicheskii slovar.(1983). Baltabaev M.H. Educational Cultural Studies: Textbook. Almaty, RISC KAO name Altynsarin. 2000, 268 p. - P.122. Добавить надо Baltabayev M. H. Modern art culture of Kazakhstan: gnoseology, mentality, continuity, prospects. – Almaty, 1997. – 156c. Добавить надо Маdаnоv G., Barmankulova B., Оrdabaev А.(1998). Каtalog hudozhestvennogo proecta «Vavilonskayia bashniya» Аvt. Proekta ; avt. st.; per. na kaz.yaz. D.Bazarbaeva; per na аngl.yaz. L.Vlasenko. Аlmaty: fond Sоros-Каzаkhstаn. 58. Мedvedeva Е.А.(2007). Sociokulturnoe stanovlenie lichnosti rebenka s problemami psihicheskogo razvitiya sredstvami iskusstva v obrazovatelnom prostranstve: dis.d-ra psih. nauk.Nizhnii Novgorod. Medvedeva E.A., Levchenko I.Yu., Komissarova L.N., Dobrovolsky T.A. (2001). Art pedagogics and art therapy in vocational education/ M: Prod. Akademiya center. 24. Medvedeva E.A., Levchenko I.Yu., Komissarova L.N., Dobrovolsky T.A.(2001). Artpedagogika I artterapia v specialnom obrazovanii : Izd.Centr «Аkademiya». 25. Plan nacii (2015). 100 konkretnih shagov po realizacii piati institutecionalnih reform Glavi gosudarstva Nyrsultana Nazarbaeva. http://www.inform.kz/rus/article/2777943 Praliev S.ZH., Kenzhebaev G.K., Ospanov B.E., Aitbaeva A.B.,Muzafarov R.R.,Sultanova M.E.,Shaigozova Zh.N.(2014).Artobrazovanie: Uchebnic dla vuzov Almaty:KazNPU im. Abaia. 12. Praliev S.ZH., Kenzhebaev G.K., Ospanov B.E., Aitbaeva A.B.,Muzafarov R.R.,Sultanova M.E.,Shaigozova Zh.N.(2014).Artobrazovanie: Uchebnic dla vuzov Almaty:KazNPU im. Abaia.12, 314. Убрать надо так- как одна и та же литература не пишется 2 раза Shestakov V.(1979). Essays on the history of aesthetics. From Socrates to Hegel. 372. Shevchenko Yu.S.,(1998). Principle of art therapy and art pedagogics in work with children and teenagers fastens: method. grant. Balashov, 56. Starikova S.V.(2008). Razvitie professionalnoi kompetentnosti budushego socialnogo pedagoga sredstvami art-tehnologiy: dis. kand. ped. nauk М. Taranova E.V.(2012). Analiz termina «artpedagogika» v poniytinom pole pedagogicheskih I art-terapevticheskikh kategorii.Electronii nauchnii zhurnal «Pedagogy andPsychology» ISSN 2304-3288 Taranova E.V.(2012).The term "art pedagogics" analysis in a conceptual field of pedagogical and art therapeutic categories, Electronic scientific journal «Pedagogy and psychology» ISSN 2304-3288. Release 1. 2,8-12. Valeeva Zh.S. (2007). Socializaciya lichnosti podrostka sredstvami artpedagogiki v usloviah kulturno-dosugovoi deytelnosti obsheobrazavatelnogo uchrezhdeniya :dis. kand.ped.nauk. Barnaul. Zhelezovskaya G.I., Eremina S.V. (1999). Principi formirovania didakticheskih terminov. Pedagogika. 5, 18-22. |
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Application Features of Language Acquisition Assessment System in Kazakhstan: KAZTESTBekzat B. Dinayeva, Sabira M. Sapina, Aizada K. Utanova, and Nurlykhan N. Aitova
pp. 11351-11360 | Article Number: ijese.2016.822
Abstract The article deals with the analysis of peculiarities of language acquisition assessment system in Kazakhstan – KAZTEST. The author pays attention to the role of control as a way of assessment students’ skills, habits and knowledge. In addition, author determined the place and functions of tests as a form of control. The author explores the specificity of testing in the educational system of Kazakhstan. KAZTEST system is the Kazakhstani system based on international standards. The KAZTEST system plays an important role in social and political life of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Its national peculiarities, advantages and disadvantages are determined in the present research. The background of KAZTEST formation and its role in society are under discussion in the framework of official language policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. However, besides Kazakhstan, the language policy problems are the inherent part of national policy in many multinational and multilingual countries. Keywords: Testing, language acquisition, KAZTEST, multilinguism, multinational society References Abdyhalikov, A. T. & Sadvakasova, M. G. (2012). Assessment of the level of state language proficiency in the Republic of Kazakhstan nationals by means of testing. Direct access: http://m.kazakhtest.kz/ru/science/publications/index.php?ELEMENT_ID=693 Alderson, J. C., & Banerjee, J. (2002). Language testing and assessment (Part 2). Language Teaching, 35(2), 79-113. doi: 10.1017/S0261444802001751. Alptekin, C. (2002). Towards intercultural communicative competence in ELT. ELT Journal 56(1), 57-64. Assyltayeva, E., Aldubasheva, Z., Tolen, Z., Assyltayeva, Z., & Alimzhanova, A. (2012). Central Asia and Kazakhstan: In Search of Civic Identity. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, 6(8), 2103-2106. Avanesov, V. V. (2007). Test as a pedagogical system. Journal of Education Measurement, 1, 33-55. Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (2009). 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Passive Solar Heating: How to Control the Heating RegimeTatiana V. Shchukina, Roman A. Sheps, and Nadezda V. Kuznetsova
pp. 11361-11373 | Article Number: ijese.2016.823
Abstract This paper discusses different schemes of performance of passive solar heating of buildings. Based on the solution for heat conduction equation for active building constructions taking into account the influence of convective heat transfer and heat flux, incoming solar radiation, the ways of energy-saving facilities’ operation is analyzed. It is shown that to increase the efficiency of such systems, an individual design should be performed taking into account the climatic features of the construction area, and the choice of rational combinatorics for outer shell, such as movable shielding heat-protective device, and creating an air gap between the accumulating and heat-insulating layers. Based on the calculations, the energy-active area of the bearing course of buildings, protected from the outer side with the translucent barrier is revealed. The suitable thickness of the accumulation layer for recycling process of solar radiation is determined. The presented innovative technical solutions could help to enhance the efficiency of solar energy utilization and contribute to a more active implementation of passive solar heating, expanding the scope of their territorial application. Keywords: energy saving, solar radiation, thermal energy, passive solar heating, thermal regime of outer shells References A positive decision on the application for a discovery № 2015106253 of 24.02.2015. Solar Thermal Collector. (n.d.). Abhat, A. (1983). Low temperature latent heat thermal energy storage: Heat storage materials. Solar Energy, 30(4), 313–332. http://doi.org/10.1016/0038-092X(83)90186-X Crabtree, G., Dresselhaus, M., & Buchanan, M. (2004). The hydrogen economy. Physics Today, 12, 39–44. Retrieved from’s CD/digit/DigitJun2010mw (F)/Documents/Technologies/Hydrogen_Economy/38648-hydrogen_economy.pdf Department of the Environment, Water, H. and the A. (DEWHA). (2008). Energy use in the Australian residential sector 1986–2020. Canberra. 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Formation Conditions and Metal Content of the Late Triassic Deposits in the Kular-Nera Slate Belt (Northeastern Russia)Lena I. Polufuntikova and Valery Y. Fridovsky
pp. 11375-11383 | Article Number: ijese.2016.824
Abstract This research investigated the prevailing conditions in the bottom water of the sedimentation basin and the degree of their effect on the authigenic mineralization of the Upper Triassic terrigenous deposits in the Kular-Nera slate belt (Northeastern Russia). The analysis of the distribution of rare and trace chemical elements in the studied sample showed significant variations of their composition and the presence of a number of elements in amounts that are higher than the bulk Earth values. Increased, in respect to sandstone, concentration of Li, B, Sc, V, Ni, Zr, Nb, and Mo was discovered in siltstone. A small deficit of Be, Nb, and Mo was discovered in the Late Triassic deposits on average; the concentration of these elements in individual samples exceeded the bulk Earth values by 1.5-2 times at that. Variations of the SCe/SY index (from 2.4 to 6.2) are indicative of either changes in the facies environment (coastal-marine to deep-water) or changes in the composition of the source area. The Sr/Ba0.5 ratio and the increased content of boron are typical for lagoon and highly desalted deltaic deposits. In most cases, the Mo/Mn values do not exceed 0.01; V/Crmean = 1.09, Ni/Co –7.0, while V/(V+Ni) – from 0.23 to 0.85, which is indicative of a prevailing oxygen environment with short-term decreases of the oxygen content and an increasing role of reduction processes. Due to changes in the sea level during the formation of the Late Triassic deposits, the anoxic environment changed to a moderately anoxic one. Keywords: Northeastern Russia, Upper Triassic, gold fields, metal content, redox environment References Aquarelle Inc. (2010). Gold ore deposits in Russia. Edited by M.M. Konstantinov, 349. Astakhov, A.S., Goryachev, N.A. & Mikhalitsyna, T.I. (2010). 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Geochemical relationships of Late Paleozoic carbon-rich shales of the Midcontinent, USA: a. compendium of results advocating changeable geochemical conditions. Chemical Geology, 206:347–372. Voroshin, S.V., Tyukova, E.E., Newberry, R.J. & Layer P.W. (2014). Orogenic gold and rare metal deposits of the Upper Kolyma District, Northeastern Russia: Relation to igneous rocks, timing, and metal assemblages. Ore Geol,62:1-24. |
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A Theoretical Substantiation of a Grain Cleaner with a Compound Motion of the Operating DeviceDzhadyger Z. Eskhozhin, Sayakhat O. Nukeshev, Sultan N. Capov, Shyryn K. Baishugulova, Мeruyert B. Dikhanova
pp. 11385-11392 | Article Number: ijese.2016.825
Abstract The agrarian complex is an important part of the economy of a state that provides food to the population. Grain cleaners are an important part of this complex; however, most of them have already exceeded their working life. Necessary quality in grain processing is achieved via multiple passes through the processing line. This situation increases grain loss, causes grain damage, and increases the cost of postharvest handling. The drawback of these machines is that they use a sieve with a crank gear, which reduces the quality of grain cleaning. It is possible to improve the effectiveness of sieves by using a sun and planet gear. The research investigates the characteristics of a grain cleaner with a sun and planet gear, which was designed at the S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University Mechanical Engineering Department. A set of complementary methods (including analysis, design, and mathematical modeling) was used to achieve the set goal. A system of first order differential equations and their transformation into logarithmic spiral equations was investigated. The mechanism under consideration significantly increases effectiveness due to the lack of alternating stress, which enables increasing the angular velocity. Keywords: grain cleaner, alternating motion of sieves, sieve with sun and planet motion, logarithmic spiral equation, seed processing References Bayhugulova, Sh.K. Eskhozhin, D. Z., & Capov, S. N. (2015). Improving the quality of the grain cleaning machine by posts working body complex motion. In The Seventh international Conference on Eurasian scientific development. Austria, Vienna. Bayshugulova, Sh.K. Eskozhin, D. Z. (2015). Substantiation of a new grain cleaner model. Collection of Papers, Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical Conference. H 34 Scientific Discussion: Engineering Science Issues, 30(12), 182. Bayshugulova, S. K., Eskozhin, D. Z., & Carov, S. N. (2015). To improve the quality of grain cleaners cleaning machines. S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University Journal, 87(4), 74–82. Bilde, M. L. (2015). Combine harvester grain cleaning apparatus : USA patent 8968065 B2. Bischoff, L. (2015). Sieve for a combine harvester cleaning device : USA patent 9149002. Capov, S. N., & Shepelev, S. D. (2010a). Improving the effectiveness of grain harvesting and grain cleaning through coordination. Achievements of Science and Technology in the Agro-Industrial Complex, (12), 76–78. Capov, S. N., & Shepelev, S. D. (2010b). Structural analysis of the grain harvesting technology. Chelyabinsk State Agroengineering Academy Journal, 56, 98–102. Claerhout, B. S. (2015). Debris screen for combine harvester grain cleaning fan : USA patent application 14/870,983. Eskhozhin, D. Z., & Bayshugulova, S. K. (2015). A grain cleaner with a compound motion of the operating device. In Collection of Research Papers, Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of the Agriculture Mechanization Faculty “Relevant Problems of the Scientific and Technological Progress in the Agro (pp. 14–18). Jing, Z. (2013). Design of New Grain Threshing Cleaning Device. Journal of London University, 1, 17. Johnson, D. L., Rizzo, M. J., Schmidt, J. R., Stott, B., & Unrau, Z. W. (2015). Combine harvester and associated method for gathering grain : USA patent application 14/656,140. Liang, Z., Li, Y., Xu, L., & Zhao, Z. (2016). Sensor for monitoring rice grain sieve losses in combine harvesters. Biosystems Engineering, 147, 51–66. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2016.03.008 Linenk, A. V., Tuktarov, M. F., & Akruchin, S. V. (2012). Analyzing the performance of the sieve boot driving gear in an experimental grain-cleaning rig with a linear motor. Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy Journal, (2), 18. Matveev, Y. V., Valieva, E. N., Kislov, O. V., & Trubetskaya, A. G. (2016). Globalization and Regionalization: Institution Aspect. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 3. Mingjie, L., Wei, S., & Jianguo, C. (2012). Design of grain combine harvester cleaning overflow fan. Journal of Agricultural Mechanization Research., 8, 90–92. Sheidler, A. D., Musser, J. W., Finamore, P., & Teijido, J. A. (2014). Grain cleaning system : USA patent 8626400. Shipachev, V. S. (1990). Higher mathematics. Second Edition. Stahl, M. S. (2015). Debris screen for combine harvester grain cleaning fan : USA patent application 14/871,308. Stan, O., & Linde, K. R. (2014). Grain cleaning system for an agricultural combine : USA patent 8821229. |
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The Role of the Batyrs in the Organization of the Kazakh Militia Against the Dzungar AggressionSamal K. Kabyltaeva
pp. 11393-11404 | Article Number: ijese.2016.826
Abstract This article attempted to analyze the role of Batyrs in the organization of the Kazakh militia against Dzungar aggression. The author substantiated the relevance of the subject by claiming that the significant role of Batyrs in the Kazakh society was dictated by both external and internal factors: the complexity of foreign policy situation in the Kazakh Khanate and the weakness of the Khan’s power. The necessity to overcome the external threat of the Dzungar in the first half of the eighteenth century contributed to the rise of the authority of Batyrs. The author also pointed out that the role of Batyrs increased in the late eighteenth – mid-nineteenth centuries, which was caused by the national liberation fight of the Kazakh people against the colonial policy of tsarism. The study illustrated examples of several prominent Batyrs’, who were favorite heroes of the Kazakh people, their life and work. Thus, Batyrs were the military core of the Kazakh militia. However, each Batyr could have his own army and a code of laws that was passed on in oral form. This had a significant effect on the disunity of the army and the inability to exploit military successes. Nevertheless, Batyrs remain national heroes of Kazakhstan who managed to protect the independence of the country. Keywords: Batyr, Kazakh militia, the Kazakh Khanate, political history, steppe aristocracy References Apollova, N. G. (1948). The annexation of Kazakhstan by Russia in the 1730s. Alma-Ata: Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. Bobrov, L. (2010). Main directions in the evolution of the military organization of Kazakhs in the eighteenth – early nineteenth centuries. In The Role of Eurasian Steppe Nomads in the Development of the World Art of War. Scientific Readings in Memory of N.E. Masanov: Collection of Materials of an International Scientific Conference (pp. 187–202). Almaty: LEM Publishing House. Chan, Y. (2016). The Greater Game: Qing China in Central Eurasia. 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The World of Fantasy and the Trends in Modern Kazakh Fantastic Literature. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(6), 1591–1605. Tynyshpayev, M. (1993). History of the Kazakh people. Almaty: Kazakh University. Vol. 3. (2000). History of Kazakhstan through the ages. In five volumes. Almaty: Atamura. Vyatkin, M. P. (Ed.). (1948). Archeolographic introduction “On the history of the dissolution of the Kazakh Union.” In Materials on the History of the Kazakh SSR. – Part 2: (1741 - 1751) (pp. 3–22). Alma-Ata: Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR Publishing House. Walikhanov, S. A. (1961). Vol. 4. In Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (Ed.), Collection of Works in Five Volumes (p. 482). Alma-Ata: Chief Editorial Board of the Kazakh Soviet Encyclopedia. Walikhanov, S. A. (1984). Vol. 1. In Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (Ed.), Historical legends about batyrs, eighteenth century: In Five Volumes (p. 482). Alma-Ata: Chief Editorial Board of the Kazakh Soviet Encyclopedia. Yerofeeva, I. V. (2010). The batyr institution in the military organization structure of Kazakh nomads. In The Role of Eurasian Steppe Nomads in the Development of the World Art of War. Scientific Readings in Memory of N.E. Masanov: Collection of Materials of an International Scientific Conference (pp. 322–353). Almaty: LEM Publishing House. Zhusupov, N. K., Baratova, M. N., Zhusupova, L. K., Zhusupov, E. K., & Shapauov, A. K. (2013). The Kazakh Khanate of the 15-18 Centuries in the Kazakh the Oral Historical Tradition. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 18(2), 201–205. |
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The Content of Heavy Metals in the Soil in Aktobe CityKozy M. Kibatayev, Marat K. Iztleuov, Batima M. Tazhigulova, Valentina M. Sabyrakhmetova, Gulnur M. Urgushbayeva, Aiman T. Kaldybayeva, Aigul U. Turganbayeva, Akyn K. Zhakan, Zhanibek Sh. Madikhan, Vyacheslav G. Manukov, Fariza A. Rabayeva, and Gulnur K. Alpysbayeva
pp. 11405-11414 | Article Number: ijese.2016.827
Abstract For hygienic assessment of anthropogenic pollution of the environment, the state of depositing environments is important, including soil. A particularly strong problem of soil pollution includes industrial cities, such as Aktobe. Soil pollution not only affects the environment but is also having a negative impact on human health. The article presents the results of a study of contaminants in the soil of different districts of Aktobe. Soil samples were taken in five different locations around the city, at different remoteness from Aktjubinsk ferro-alloy plant. Plant is specialized in the production of low-carbon and high-carbon ferrochromium, ferrovanadium, ferrosilicochromium, ferrotitanium, commercial lime. The experiment was conducted in accordance with Methodological recommendations "Organization and procedures for analytical control of soil pollution".The obtained data indicate a high content of heavy metals in adjacent to Aktobe Ferroalloy plant site. High concentrations of zinc, copper, cobalt, nickel, vanadium and lead were identified. The obtained results can serve as a theoretical source for future research in the field of negative influence reduction of industrial enterprises on the environment. Keywords: Heavy metals; contamination; environment; clark; maximum permissible concentration References Alekseenko, V. A. & Lavrov, N. P. (2012). Clarks of chemical elements of soils in residential landscapes. The methodology of research. Problems of biogeochemisty and geochemical ecology. 3, 120-125. Alekseenko, V. A. (2014). Chemical elements in urban soils. Moscow: Logos. 312 p. Alekseenko, V. A., Lavrov, N. P. & Alekseenko A. V. (2013). Chemical elements in geochemical systems. Clark soil residential landscapes. Rostov-on-Don: Southern Federal University press. 388 p. All Union State Standard «Protection of nature Soil Classification of chemicals for pollution control». All Union State Standard «Protection of nature. 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Analysis of Experimentation Results on University Graduates’ Readiness Formation to Act in Extraordinary SituationsVera L. Moloshavenko, Galina V. Prozorova, and Lyudmila B. Sienkiewicz
pp. 11415-11426 | Article Number: ijese.2016.828
Abstract The article presents the experimentation on graduates’ readiness formation to act in extraordinary situations conducted in the Tyumen Industrial University in training bachelors in "Oil and Gas Business". The criteria of graduates’ readiness formation to act in extraordinary situations are the following: practicability, validity, timeliness, feasibility, specificity. There are three levels of readiness to act in extraordinary situations: low, average, high. There were used method «The level of subjective control» by J. Rotter, method for determining neuro-psychological stability and the risk of maladjustment in stress – "Forecast”, method of constriction measurement, method of identification and analysis of professionally important traits of a specialist in "man-technique" system as diagnostic instruments. In the experiment, there is developed a program of "Preparing for action in extraordinary situations of technogenic nature" focused on data of the region that includes the use of professional simulation in the learning process. There is a statistical analysis of experimentation results. The experimentation results demonstrate the effectiveness of developed program in university graduates’ readiness formation to act in extraordinary situations. Keywords: Extraordinary situations (ES); readiness to act in extraordinary situations; engineer specialization; bachelor training; academic model References Biodiversity and ecosystem services fundamentals. Guidance document for the oil and gas industry, IPIECA (2016). Available from: http://www.ipieca.org/publication- April 2016. Bondarev, O.M. (2009). Future engineers’ preparation to special and extreme conditions in their career: Protection in emergency situations case study. Abstract of the dissertation of PhD in Pedagogy. Stavropol. Brody, C. (1994). Ethical and Social issues in professional Education. New York, Yale UP. Charlesworth, W.R. (1976). Human intelligence as adaptation: An ethological approach. The nature of intelligence. New York, Erlbaum. Chausi, M.S. (1996). Cooperative Training and Educational Between University, Government Laboratory and Industry. In Proceedings of World Congress of Engineering Educators and Industry Leaders. Paris, UNESCO, 1, 401-405. Krikunov, K.N. (2007). Students’ readiness formation in engineering to act in extraordinary situations. Abstract of the dissertation of PhD in Pedagogy. Orenburg. Makhutov, N.A. (2014). Substantiation of industrial facilities safety case in terms of risk criteria and early diagnosis. Journal of Safety in Technosphere, 4, 8-16. Meili, R. (1981). Structur der Intelligent. Bern, Huber. Molozhavenko, V.L. (2014). Psycho-pedagogical bases of human behavior regulation in extreme situations. Journal of Fundamental Studies, 3 (2), 397-401. Moussaïd, M., Helbing, D., Garnier, S., Johansson, A., Combe, M. et al. (2009). Experimental study of the behavioural mechanisms underlying self-organization in human crowds. Proceedings of the Royal Society, 276, 2755–2762. Nekrasov, S.D. (2014). Mathematical Methods in Psychology. Krasnodar, Kuban State University. Pleskac, T. J. & Hertwig, R. (2014). Ecologically rational choice and the structure of the environment. J. Exp. Psychol. Gen., 143, 2000–2019. Raigorodskii, D.Y. (2015). Practical Psychognosis. Methodology and tests. Samara, Publishing House. Sageman, M. (2016). Misunderstanding Terrorism. Pennsylvania, University of Pennsylvania Press. Sternberg, R.J. (1988). The triarhic mind: A new theory of human intelligence. New York, Viking Penguin Inc. Sukharev, A.V. (2009). Students’ readiness formation to act in extraordinary situations of terrorist nature. Abstract of the dissertation of PhD in Pedagogy. Suleymanov, A.M. (2014). Pedagogical conditions for major emergency containment experience in MES of Russia preparation. The dissertation of PhD in Pedagogy. St. Petersburg. Syzdykov, A., Sarsenova, S., Babajanyan, Ye., Voznyak, O., Bexultanova, R., Kudiyarova, U. & Dautbaeva-Mukhtarova, A. (2016). Towards the Concept of the Political System. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11 (7), 2187-2193 Thurstone, L.L. (1938). Primary mental abilities. Chicago, The Univ. of Chicago Press. Tokareva, A.V. (2014). Personal traits required for university graduates in effective protection actions in emergency. In Proceedings of scientifically practical conference with international participation "Students’ physical culture, sports and health". St. Petersburg. |
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Jocose Kuis of Kazakh Dombra TraditionYerzhan Y. Zhamenkeyev, Sagatbek M. Medeubek, Gulnaz S. Sengirbay, and Moldir Y. Yerbol
pp. 11427-11448 | Article Number: ijese.2016.829
Abstract The history of Kazakh nation goes back to ancient times. The culture and tradition of our ancestors entrusted to us have been passed down through the ages. Developing our culture, passing it to the next generation is our duty. The peculiarity of jocose kuis of dombra tradition, the mastery of performance, represent a national value. So the study of artistic peculiarities of different directions of kui art makes it possible to restore the entire process of formation and development of Kazakh music history. Our national culture encourages the advocacy and promotion of aitys, national values and tradition. There were used complementary methods to achieve this goal, among which methods of musicology and cultural studies. There is also a generalization of experience of domestic and foreign researchers. Kui it is intricate form of art, that doesn’t give way to everyone eager to master it, requires strong power of observation and quick wittedness. To cherish the flame of this tradition is the main objective of this modern art. Jokes and relevant jests are always encouraged, therefore this style in kui contests will not stop amusing and surprising the listener. Keywords: kui art, folklore, jocose music, national traditions, music competitions References Abugazy, М. (2009). Meaningful kuis of the east. Oskemen. Abugazyuly, М., & Mauletuly, А. (2008). Ashim and kuis of Ili region. Almaty. Asemkulov, T. (1989). Dombyraga til bitse. «Zhuldyz» Journal, (5). Bahtin, М. (1986). The Work of François Rabelais and Popular Culture of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. In Literature and critical essays (p. 229). Moscow. Cinar, K. (2013). Turkey and Turkic Nations: A Post-Cold War Analysis of Relations. Turkish Studies, 14(2), 256–271. http://doi.org/10.1080/14683849.2013.802925 Edelbay, S. (2012). Traditional Kazakh Culture and Islam. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(11). Johanson, L. (2015). 5 The History of Turkic. In The Turkic Languages (p. 81). Keikin, Z. (n.d.). Golden book of Kazakh proverbs. Almaty: Aruna publishing house. Kozhekeyev, Т. (1984). Satyr is an educational tool (textbook for the students of philology and journalism). Almaty: KazSU publishing house. Levent, S. (2016). Common Asianist intellectual history in Turkey and Japan: Turanism. Central Asian Survey, 35(1), 121–135. http://doi.org/10.1080/02634937.2015.1062601 Lihachev, D. S., & Panchenko, А. М. (1976). The laughter culture of ancient Rus. Moscow. Mayor, A. (2016). The Eagle Huntress Ancient Traditions and New Generations. Mukhambetova, А., & Amanov, B. (1986). A contest as a specific form of creating music in Kazakh musical culture. In Instrumental music of Kazakh nation (p. 27). Almaty: Oner. Muptekeyev, B. (2008). Kui performance tradition on south-eastern Kazakhstan. Thesis work. Omarbekov, T., Khabizhanova, G., & Nogaibayeva, M. (2013). Central Asian Turkic Tribes: Karakitay Periodin Their Cultural and Ethnic History. World Applied Sciences Journal, 25(11), 1589–1594. Rassadin, V. I. (2014). The Ethnic Composition of Tofalar. World Applied Sciences Journal, 30(11), 1547–1551. Seidimbek, А. (2002). Kazakh kui tradition. Astana: «Kultegin». Shegebaev, P. (1986). Genre peculiarities of the kui «Nauysky» (Comic elements in dombra music). In А. Mukhambetova (Ed.), Instrumental music of Kazakh nation (p. 107). Almaty: Oner. Toropova, A. V., Gadzhieva, Z. S., & Malukhova, F. V. (2016). Musicality: A Phenomenon of Nature, Culture, and Identity. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(5), 1373–1382. Zhaiymov, А. (1997). Shattanamyn. Almaty: Dyke press. Zhangbyrshy, А. (2005). A collection of Mangystau kuis «Naratu». Almaty. Zhixiang, J., Benson, L., Benson, L., Svanberg, I., Benson, L., Dajun, Z., … Rong, M. (n.d.). Social Structure, Practical Needs and Cultural Inheritance: The Case of Osman Batur, His Behaviourial Logic and Social Interactions. China: An International Journal, 13(3), 25–46. Zhusipov, B. (2000). Zhideli Baisin’s kuis. Almaty: Qylym. Zhuzbai, Z. (2009). Four schools of shertpe kuis. Astana: Saryarka. |
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The Art of Kui Performance of Kazakh Ethnic Group in ChinaArdabi Maulet, Zaure N. Smakova, Balzhan B. Junussova, Aigerim A. Karsakbayeva, and Assel Rakymzhan
pp. 11449-11465 | Article Number: ijese.2016.830
Abstract The art of kui performance on the Kazakh steppe, its regional and executive peculiarities fall into different performance schools. Compared to the art of kui performance in Western Kazakhstan (tokpe style) that was thoroughly investigated in many scientific works, shertpe kui tradition has recently gained the attention of scientists and started being investigated. However, the performance features of shertpe kui schools, especially the kui heritages preserved by Kazakhs in China aren’t fully investigated so far. In light of this, the purpose of this article is to determine the nature of the art of kui performance of the Kazakhs in China, their specific artistic peculiarities as an integral artistic phenomenon. The articles uses historical, comparative and theoretical method of investigation. Therefore, for the first time the article: Views three regions of the art of kui performance of the Kazakhs in China separately; Gives general scientific description of the style of performance peculiar to each region for the Kazakhs in China; Scientifically describes the ways of installing the frets to the types of traditional ancient dombra in these three regions. Keywords: The art of kui; dombra; Chinese region; nomadic culture; folklore music References Abdollauly, K. (2006). Beisenbi’s kuis. Xinjian national publishing house. Abugazy, М., Mauletuly, А. (2008). Ashim and kuis of Ili region. Almaty lem publishing house. Alimbekuly, B. & Khalykuly, D. (1985). Ki kainary. Kuitun publishing house. Asemkulov, T. (1989). Dombyraga til bitse. “Zhuldyz” journal. 5. Cinar, K. (2013). Turkey and Turkic Nations: A Post-Cold War Analysis of Relations. Turkish Studies. 14(2): 256-271. Edelbay, S. (2012). Traditional Kazakh Culture and Islam. International Journal of Business and Social Science. 3(11). Johanson, L. (2015). 5 The History of Turkic. The Turkic Languages. 81. Kamzaiuly, N. (2008). Saz sardary. Xinjian zhaster-orender publishing house. Keikin, Zh. «Golden book of Kazakh proverbs». Almaty: Aruna publishing house. 224. Levent, S. (2016). Common Asianist intellectual history in Turkey and Japan: Turanism. Central Asian Survey. 35(1): 121-135. Magauin, M. (1976). Kui performer Baizhigit. “Zhuldyz” journal. 9. Makaiuly, K. (2008). Kui piri. Xinjian national publishing house. Masimkhanuly, D. (2012). Eurasian civilization – the spiritual relationship of ancient Turks and China. Astana.: Foliant publishing house. 265-296. Mayor, A. (2016). The Eagle Huntress Ancient Traditions and New Generations. Omarbekov, T., Khabizhanova, G., Nogaibayeva, M. (2013). Central Asian Turkic Tribes: Karakitay Periodin Their Cultural and Ethnic History. World Applied Sciences Journal. 25(11): 1589-1594. Rassadin V. I. (2014). The Ethnic Composition of Tofalar. World Applied Sciences Journal. 30 (11): 1547-1551. The anthology of 1000 Kazakh traditional kuis. (2009). EL production company, Ltd. 62-99. The institute of literature and art after М.О.Auezov. (2014). The art of Kazakhs in foreign countries, collective monograph. Kurisv LTD publishing house. 267-272. Toropova, A.V., Gadzhieva, Z.Sh. & Malukhova, F.V. (2016). Musicality: A Phenomenon of Nature, Culture, and Identity. IEJME-Mathematics Education. 11(5): 1373-1382 Turlykozhauly, D., Mazauly, D., Dosmyrzauly, A., Dauletuly, Е., Sharipuly, A. (1984). Kozheke Nazaruly Kui tolkyny. Xinjian jastar publishing house. Zhixiang J. (2015). Social Structure, Practical Needs and Cultural Inheritance: The Case of Osman Batur, His Behaviourial Logic and Social Interactions. China: An International Journal. 13(3): 25-46. |
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The Scientific Enlightenment System in Russia in the Early Twentieth Century as a Model for Popularizing ScienceYuliya B. Balashova
pp. 11467-11476 | Article Number: ijese.2016.831
Abstract This research reconstructs the traditions of scientific enlightenment in Russia. The turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries was chosen as the most representative period. The modern age saw the establishment of the optimal model for advancing science in the global context and its crucial segment – Russian science. This period was characterized by significant scientific and sociopolitical changes. The level of education in Russia was extremely low; good education was accessible only to the upper class. Therefore, a program for popularizing science was launched. This research investigates the means and methods that were used to popularize science in Russia. In order to achieve the set goal, a set of complementary methods was used, including analysis, didactic method, and structural-functional analysis. The research also generalizes the experience of Russian and foreign experts in the subject at hand and applies the principles of historicism, systematicity, and dialectic unity of the historical and the logical. The main means of popularization of science were as follows: publication of popular-science periodicals, granting of considerable autonomy to higher educational institutions, and establishment of out-of-school institutions. During the soviet period, the popularization of science continued, but in the light of Marxism-Leninism, which included the launch of a state program for eliminating illiteracy. Keywords: Traditions of science popularization; scientific enlightenment; popular-science press; modern culture; development of science References Apokov, A.I. (2012). Popularization of science as a crucial link in the propaganda and advancement of research. Akopov A.I. Journalism: Research Papers, Articles, Notes, and Essays: Collection of Papers. Rostov-on-Don: North Caucasus Higher Education Research Center of the South Federal University Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences. 116-117. Bailes, K.E. (2015). Technology and society under Lenin and Stalin: origins of the Soviet technical intelligentsia, 1917-1941. Princeton University Press. Balashova, Yu.B. (2007). School journalism during the Silver Age. SPb.: Saint Petersburg University Publishing House, 114. Chamberlin, W. H. (2014). The Russian Revolution, Volume I: 1917-1918: From the Overthrow of the Tsar to the Assumption of Power by the Bolsheviks. Princeton University Press. Dagnino, R., Lima, M. T. & das Neves, E. F. (2016). Popularization of Science in Brazil: getting onto the public agenda, but how? Democracy.28: 07. Daly, J. (2014). Russian Citizenship: From Empire to Soviet Union. By Eric Lohr. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 278. Elementary and secondary education in Saint Petersburg. (2000). Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries: Collection of Documents. SPb.: Liki Rossii, 172. Ewing, E. (2014). History of 20th century fashion. Pavilion Books. Ivanov, A.Ye. (1999). Russian students in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries: social and historical fate. M.: Russian Political Encyclopedia, 250, 251. Kappeler, A. (2014). The Russian empire: A multi-ethnic history. Routledge. Kusber, J. (2014). Cultural transfer as a field for the observation of historical cultural studies. The example of the Russian empire. Quaestio Rossica. 2: 233-251. Landy, M. (2016). British Genres. Princeton University Pres. Muravyeva, I.A. (2004). The modern age: panorama of life in the capital city. SPb.: Pushkin Foundation Publishing House, 2: 86. Platonova, R.I., Shkurko, N.S., Lukina, T.N., Sentizova, M.I. & L.P. Bugaeva. (2016). Historical and Organizational Aspects of Pedagogical Practice Development within the System of Higher Education. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7): 2515-2526. Rindisbacher, H.J. (2014). Writing and Power: Soviet Literature of the 1920s and 1930s. Rogaeva, I.E. (2015). Study of the History the Russian Empire in Contemporary American Historiography: New Trends. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 166: 647-650. Von Haxthausen, B. (2013). The Russian Empire: Its People, Institutions and Resources (2 Vols). Routledge. Wirtschafter, E.K. (2015). Social Identity in Imperial Russia. Northern Illinois University Press. |
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Internet Access and Youth of Yakutia Awareness on the Health-Promotion FactorElizabeth Afanasyevna Barakhsanova, Vladimir Petrovich Ignatyev, Vasily Mikhaylovich Savvinov,Sargulana Gavrilievna Olesova
pp. 11477-11484 | Article Number: ijese.2016.832
Abstract Thematic justification is determined by the fact that in the conditions of the steady growth of mobile technology the youth accurately doesnot represent health promotion value when using the Internet at home, at school and other entertainment leisure recreation. With respect thereto this paper is aimed at monitoring general awareness of seniors and students on the importance of the health-promotion factor when they use the Internet in everyday life. The sample interview conducted for the period from 2010 to 2015 is provided in this paper. Schools beyond the river area and of Yakutsk, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), were included in the quota sampling. The main focus of study is aimed to clear a true picture of the awareness of Yakutian youth aged from 16 to 20 about the global Internet and its availability level. The second part of the study captures value judgments of seniors and their leading attitudes with respect to the computer and the Internet impact on health. "Strong", "average" and "weak" schools as for provision with the computer technology and the Internet were selected. All problems that were designated above are directed to implement preventive activities in educational institutions when using modern educational technology with connection to the Internet network. The paper data have practical value in analyzing modern technologies impact on personal formation of youth in the conditions of information society. Keywords: The Internet, awareness, health promotion, safety, comparative analysis, youth References |
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The Food Code in the Yakut Culture: Semantics and FunctionsLuiza Lvovna Gabysheva
pp. 11485-11493 | Article Number: ijese.2016.834
Abstract The relevance of researching the issue of a specific cultural meaning for a word in a folklore text is based on its being insufficiently studied and due to the importance for solving the problem of the folklore language semantic features. Yakut nominations for dairy products, which are the key words in the language of the Sakha people’s folklore, have not been an object of a special study yet. In this regard, this study aims to analyze the symbolic meanings and the semiotic functions of the Yakut food nominations and motivation for their metaphorization in the context of the mythopoetic worldview. The lexical analysis of a word is accompanied in this work with cultural and semiotic excursions into the field of material culture, ritual practices, customs, and so on; in other words, a linguistic sign is regarded in the context of other, non-linguistic, signs. The language semantics, in turn, allows interpreting and presenting seemingly disparate information and bizarre culture components in a single dynamic system. The advantage of the suggested approach is that the analysis of the vocabulary in the background of all the native speakers’ cultural presupposition actualizes the cultural meaning of a word and its referent, potential semes and various connotations, providing a more accurate interpretation of both the word and the text as a whole. Keywords: vocabulary, semantics, connotations, color symbolism, folklore, the Turko-Mongolian languages References Aalto, P. (1966). Le “lait noir” chez Pline l'Ancienne”, Reşid Rahmeti Arat için, Ankara. Pp. 99-102. http://ojs.tsv.fi/index.php/StOrE/article/viewFile/52525/16326 Afanasiev, A.A. (1983). The Tree of Life. Moscow: Sovremennik, 464 p. Alekseyev, N.A., Yefremov, P.E., Illarionov, V.V. (2003). Ritual poetry of the Sakha (Yakuts). Novosibirsk: Nauka. 512 p. Anokhin, A.V. (1994). 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(1955). History of the Yakut ASSR. Vol.1. Moscow-Leningrad: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 432 p. Pekarsky, E.K. (Ed.) (1907-1918). Examples of folk literature of the Yakuts in 3 parts. St. Petersbburg. Issue 1. (1907), 80 p.; Issue 2. (1908),pp. 81–194; Issue 3. (1909), pp. 195–280; Issue 4. (1910), pp. 281–400; Issue 5. (1911), pp. 401–476. Pekarsky, E.K. Dictionary of the Yakut language: in 3 vols. Yakutsk, 1958-1959. 3858 p. Popov, A.A. (1936). Yakut folklore. Leningrad: Sovietskiy Pisaqtel, 320 p. Popov, A.A. (2006). Shamanizing of Former Vilyui Region. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 464 p. Potebnya, A.A. (2000). On Some Symbols in the Slavic Folk Poetry. In: Symbol and Myth in the Folk Culture. Moscow: Labyrinth, pp.5-91. Sagalaev, A.M., Oktyabrskaya, I.V. (1990). The traditional worldview of the Turks of Southern Siberia. The sign and ritual. Novosibirsk, 209 p. Stachowski, M. 2010. Is the Yakut fox green?, or remarks on some colour names in Turkic, Uralic, and Yeniseic. Kraków, Wyd. UJ. – P.537-558. Telia, V.N. (1996). Russian phraseology. Semantic, pragmatic and linguo-cultural aspects. Moscow: Yazyki Russkoy Kultury, 288 p. Tenishev, E.R., Blagova, G.F., Dobrodomov, I.G. et al. (2001). Comparative and Historical Grammar of the Turkic languages. 2nd ed. Moscow: Nauka. 822 p. Toporov, V.N. (1995). Myth. Ritual. Symbol. Image: Research in the mythopoetic sphere: Selected works. Moscow: Progress-Culture. 624 p. Troschansky, V.F. (2012). Evolution of the Black Faith (shamanism) in the Yakuts. Moscow: URSS, 210 p. Tushemilov, P.M. (1995). Shamanic Materials (1948). Ulan-Ude: Naran, 42 p. Viktorova, L.L. (1980). The Mongols. The origin of the people and sources of culture. Moscow: Nauka. 224p. |
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Letter “To the Yakut Intelligentsia” by A. E. Kulakovsky: setting and features of the problem of survival of indigenous peoples of the North in the early 20th centuryPraskovia Vasilevna Sivtseva-Maksimova
pp. 11495-11503 | Article Number: ijese.2016.835
Abstract The relevance of the study is determined by the increasing interest in the new interpretations of social issues of living in the early 20th century, and from this perspective, in the scientific heritage of A. E. Kulakovsky (1877-1926) as an original thinker, who worried about the fate of the indigenous people inhabiting a large territory of the North-Eastern part of Russia. In this regard, the present work has a special significance, having three handwritten versions, but being banned in the Soviet era as a product of the bourgeois-nationalist idea. It was first published in the early 1990s. In this regard, the purposes of this study are to show the author’s firm rejection of the revolutionary path in the plight of the Yakut people; to give logical conclusions about the role of intellectuals and well-off section of the society in the improvement of the level of cultural and economic life. The research was done within the framework of the methodology of textual analysis of the letter to the author’s contemporaries. The article reveals new aspects in the study of the letter “To the Yakut Intelligentsia” in the context of the ideas presented in the major publications of declarations of Russian intelligentsia. Keywords: indigenous peoples, problems of survival, social functions of intelligentsia References Burtsev, A.A. (2002). The Influence of Church Translation on Subsequent Sakha (Yakut) literature. The Greek Orthodox Theological Review. Vol. 44. Oxford. Pp. 617-622. Burtsev, A.A. (2013). Yakut Olonkho in the Context of Epic Monuments of the World. IDIL, 2(8), 201-216. DOI: 10.7816/idil-02-08-14 Burtsev, A.A., Burtseva, M.A. (2004). Yakut Literature in Portraits and Persons. Yakutsk: Sakhapoligrafizdat, 92 p. Chagin, A.I. (2013). Aleksei Kulakovsky and Ivan Ilyin: the path of national identity. Creative personality in the historical and cultural space. Proceedings of the International Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Letter of A. E. Kulakovsky “To the Yakut intelligentsia” (Moscow, November 21-22, 2012). Nauka, Novosibirsk, pp. 31-39. Ivanov, V.N. (2002). Letter “To the Yakut intelligentsia” of A. E. Kulakovsky. Yakutsk: Institute of Humanitarian Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), 32 p. Ivanov, V.N. (Ed.) (2003). Kulakovsky and the Time. Selected scientific works. Moscow: Institute of Humanitarian Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) Ivanov, V.N. (Ed.) (2005). Literature of Yakutia of the 20th century. Historical and literary essays. Yakutsk: Institute of Humanitarian Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), 726 p. Kalashnikov, A. A. (Ed.). (2011). Ivan Kraft, Reformer of the Yakut Land. Photos. Documents. Yakutsk: “Yakutia” Media Holding, 376 p. Kulakovskaya, L.R. (2008). Scientific biography of A. E. Kulakovsky. The personality of the poet and his time. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 296 p. Kulakovsky, A.E. (1912). To the Yakut intelligentsia. Manuscript. Central State Archive of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). Fund 3, Inventory 20, Case no. 130, pp. 1-21. Kulakovsky, A.E. (2012). To the Yakut intelligentsia. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 189 p. Kulakovsky, A.E. (2012). To the Yakut intelligentsia. Yakutsk: Bichik Publishing House, pp. 163-212. Mousalimas, S.A. (2004). From Mask to Icon: Transformation in the Arctic. Brookline, MA, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Press. 288 p. Rufova, E. (2014). “Civil motifs in the lyrics of Yakutia at the beginning of the 20th century (in a case of P. Chernykh-Yakutskys' works)”. Journal of Language and Literature, 5(4), 114-118. DOI: 10.7813 / jll.2014 / 5-4 / 26. Rufova, E. (2015). Folklore Motifs in Russian-Writing Yakut Literature (The Case of P. Chernykh-Yakutsky Works). Asian Social Science, 11(22), 203-207. Sivtseva-Maksimova, P.V. (2013). Mythopoeic Images as the Realities of Time in the Literary Works of Sakha Classics. Karadeniz 21(6), 24-34. http://www.dergikaradeniz.com/web/upload/icerik/21/2.pdf Suzuki Dzjuniti. (2015). Experience in translating the poem by A. E. Kulakovsky “Shaman's Dream” (1910) into Japanese. Culture and Language. The Faculty of Foreign Languages, Sapporo University, pp. 53-110. Tevs, A.P. (2013). The Contemporaries of A. E. Kulakovsky and Their Thoughts and Ideas Compared with the Great Ideologist of the Sakha Nation. Creative personality in the historical and cultural space. Proceedings of the International Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Letter of A. E. Kulakovsky “To the Yakut intelligentsia” (Moscow, November 21-22, 2012). Nauka, Novosibirsk, pp. 200-204. The Alaskan Orthodox literary resurrection. (2009). http://www.pravoslavie.ru/29721.html Zenkovsky, V.V. (1991). The history of Russian philosophy. Vol. 2, Part 2, Leningrad: “Ego”. 270 p. |
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Tanatophobia: systemic analysisYulia Victorovna Gavrilova, Maria Vladimirovna Privalova
pp. 11505-11514 | Article Number: ijese.2016.836
Abstract At the same time, tanatophobia represents the fundamental power element of behavior that predetermines the contents of the personality and its destiny. Tanatophobia is perceived as the “key problem” not only in the context of investigating and curing emotional and behavioral disturbances, but also as a “leverage” to exert pressure on the society. It is the fear of death that makes the basis for the information clips posted on the Internet by the representatives of terrorist organizations. Therefore, it is very important that tanatophobia should be studied from the perspectives of different sciences; its prerequisites and the opportunities to prevent this phenomenon should be analyzed. Method: The principal method of the investigation of tanatophobia is represented by systemic approach that makes it possible, first, to consider the fear of death from the perspectives of the junction of several branches of science, such as, in the first place, psychology, philosophy, medicine; and, second, to reveal the specifics of tanatophobia through the prism of different aspects: ontological, epistemological, axiological, praxeological and anthropological. While analyzing tanatophobia, special attention is paid to the methodological principle of the correlation that exists between the natural and the social. The application of this methodological principle makes it possible to prove that tanatophobia can represent a biosocial mechanism of the formation of social events and phenomena; i.e. it simultaneously possesses both biological and social nature which explains the power of its effects on the processes of human and social life. Findings: The study reveals the specifics of tanatophobia from different perspectives of its perception and shows the role of tanatophobia in life of man and society in general. The emphasis is laid on the fact that the fear of death is not just a destructive factor that destabilizes the normal functions of consciousness and body of man and that generates the destructive processes in social groups, but also that it is the mechanism that facilitates the development of the community. Keywords: Tanatophobia, Man, Society, Death, Religion, Biosocial Mechanisms References Bakanova, A.A. (2013). Strategy of coping tanatophobia. Materials of the 3rd international scientific and practical conference “Psychology of stress and coping behavior” (Kostroma, September, 26-28, 2013). Kostroma: KGU n.a. N.A. Nekrasov, 1, 165-167. Bakshutov, V.K. (1996). Philosophy of feelings: information concept. Yekaterinburg: Uro RAS. Barinov, D.N. (2011). Social anxiety as phenomenon of social life: social and philosophical analysis: Ph.D. author’s abstract. Moscow. Becker, E. (1997). The Denial of Death. Simon & Schuster UK. Berdyaev, N.A. (1995). The Realm of Spirit and the Realm of Caesar. Moscow: Respublika. Cassirer, E. (2011). An Essay on Man. Mystics. Religion. Science. Moscow: Kanon plus. ROOI Reabilitatsiya. de Botton, A. (2012). Religion for Atheists: A Non-believer's Guide to the Uses of Religion. Hamish Hamilton Ltd, 320.
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A Study of the Organizational Culture at a Higher Education Institution (Case Study: Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE))Bogdan S. Vasyakin, Marina I. Ivleva, Yelena L. Pozharskaya & Olga I. Shcherbakova
pp. 11515-11528 | Article Number: ijese.2016.837
Abstract The article offers an analysis of the organizational culture at a higher education institution as in the case of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, conducted in order to study the students’ involvement in this culture and to draw conclusions as to what organizational culture principles are internalized by the students. The study used survey methodology and the OCAI (Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument) tool. The article’s content is based on the methods of analyzing, synthesizing and aggregating the data acquired during the empirical study. The article concludes that, in the students’ opinion, a hierarchy culture prevails at the university and that the students potentially expect some changes in the style of that organizational culture; it should be pointed out that this piece of diagnostics sets the direction for further development in terms of which the progress of the university’s organizational culture will have to be consistently adjusted and stimulated. Keywords: organizational culture, higher education institution, model, OCAI tool References Boykova, O.I. (2011). Organizational culture in a higher education institution as a strategic resource for innovation growth. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, 4, 109-111. Cameron, K. S., Freeman, S. J. (1991). Cultural Congruence, Strength and Type: Relationships to Effectiveness. In: Research in Organizational Change and Development, JAI Press Inc., Greenwich, 23-58. 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Classical Concepts of Social Solidarity As The Basis of Theoretical Studies on The Institutions of Modern Civil SocietyIrina Vladimirovna Naletova, Alexander Vladimirovich Okatov &Olga Valentinovna Zhulikova
pp. 11529-11540 | Article Number: ijese.2016.838
Abstract Current importance of this investigation has been stipulated by the modern trends in the development of civil society. Differentiated processes of its development, increased significance of certain institutions of the civil society often require not just empirical description of the principal trends of the functions of civil society, but also need theoretical justifications for the methodology of its investigation. With this regard the given article is focused on identifying the position and role of social solidarity within classical sociology that would make it possible to use this heuristic potential in modern practices as well. The principal method of the study is represented by the analysis of classical sociological theories. In the course of the investigation the authors were guided by such methodological landmarks as the general principles of socio-cultural, activity-based, socio-structural and systemic approaches, by the principle of the unity of theoretical constructions and by real social practice. The study considers the concepts of social solidarity developed by the representatives of classical sociology. The suggested approach makes it possible to obtain more comprehensive and profound understanding of the structure and essence of modern civil society. The result of the investigation is represented by the justification of the thesis that modern civil society encompasses social solidarity as an inseparable component which cannot be investigated otherwise than being duly supported by classical sociological theories. Keywords: Civil Society, Social Solidarity, Classical Sociology, Non-Governmental Social Organizations References Aron, R. (1992). Stages of development of sociological thought. Moscow: Publishing group “Progress” – “Politika”. Cohen, J.L., Arato, A. (1994). Civil Society and Political Theory. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachussets, and London, England. Comte, A. (1996). System of Positive Polity. Davydov, Yu.N. (Ed.). (1997). History of theoretical sociology. In 4 volumes. 1. Moscow: Kanon. Dobrenkov, V.I., Kravchenko, A.I. (2000). Social structure and stratification. Sociology: in 3 volumes. Moscow. 2. Durkheim, E. (1991). The Division of Labour in Society. Method of sociology. Moscow: Nauka. Giddings, F.G. (2012). Foundations of sociology: analysis of the phenomena of associations and social organizations. Moscow: Krasand. Gofman, A.B. (2003). Seven lectures on the history of sociology. The classical and the modern: sketches on the history and theory of sociology. Moscow: Nauka. Khvostov, V.M. (2011). Sociology: historical sketch about the teachings on society. Moscow: Publishing house “Librokom”. Kultygin, V.P. (2000). Classical sociology. Moscow: Nauka. Marx, K. (2003). Kapital und Politik. Frankfurt am Main. Naletova, I.V., Okatov, A.V. (2012). Civil society and culture: specifics of interaction. Tambov: Publishing house TROO “Biznes-Nauka-Obshchestvo”. Pickering, W.S.F., Rosati M. (Eds.). (2008). Suffering and evil. The durkheimian legacy. Essays in commemoration of the 90th anniversary of Durkheim’s death. New York, Oxford: Durkheim Press, Berghahn Books. Smith, A. (1997). The Theory of Moral Sentiments. Moscow: Respublika. Sorokin, P.A. (1947). Society, culture, and personality: Their structure and dynamics: A system of general sociology. N.Y.: Harper & bros. Spencer, H. (1994). Principles of Sociology. Texts on the history of sociology in 19th-20th centuries. Anthology. Moscow: Nauka. Szacki, J. (1981). Historia mysli socjologiczney. Warszawa. Tesch-Römer, K. (2000). Sicherung der Solidarität der Generationen. Berlin. Tönnies, F. (2002). Community and Society. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal. Ursulenko, K. (2009). Social solidarity: development of the idea in the history of sociology and modern interpretations. Sociology: theories, methods, marketing, 1, 126-157. |
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Measuring E-Learning Effectiveness at Indonesian Private UniversityMahir Pradana, Naris Wari Amir
pp. 11541-11556 | Article Number: ijese.2016.839
Abstract Telkom University was founded in 2013, as a result of merging four existing higher education institutions in Indonesia. One of their study programs is Master of Management (MM) program, which also facilitates full-time workers to participate in the program. Since their physical presences are sometimes unfulfilled, an e-learning program was implemented for the first time in 2014. This research was conducted to acknowledge the phenomena that Master of Management is the most favorite study program at Telkom University. The census data collection was conducted to each participant of Master of Management (MM) program, afterwards the problem-solving method used multiple linear regression. The independent variables are application-specific computer self-efficacy, Perceived usefulness, Interaction, and Social presence, while the dependent variable is e-learning effectiveness. The result showed that each independent variable effects on the dependent variable significantly. Independent variables simultaneously have significant influence on the dependent variable. Using percentage analysis technique, participants in distance learning programs at Telkom University argued that the l of implementation of the elements of distance learning 76%-88% are in the good-very good category. The elements of distance learning effect significantly influence the e-learning effectiveness at Telkom University. Keywords: e-learning, information technology, education, higher education management References Allen, E., & Seaman, J. (2008). Online nation: Five years of growth in online learning. The Sloan Consortium. Retrieved October 19, 2008 from http://sloan-c.org/publications/survey/online_nation Bandura, A. (2006). Guide for constructing self-efficacy scales (Vol. 5). Greenwich: Information Age Publishing. Daryanto. (2013). Inovasi Pembelajaran Efektif. Bandung: Yrama Widya. Davis, F. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly. Goodyear, P. (2002), Psychological Foundations for Networked Learning, In C. Steeples & C. Jones (Eds), Networked Learning: Perspectives and Issues. London: Springer-Verlag. Hiltz, Starr Roxanne. (1994). Collaborative Learning in Asynchronous Learning Networks: Building Learning Communities. New Jersey: New Jersey Institute of Technology. Johnson, Richard D. (2008). An empirical examination of factors contributing to the creation of successful e-learning environments. International Journal of Human Computer Studies. Kadir, Abdul & Triwahyuni, Terra. (2003). Pengenalan Teknologi Informasi. Yogyakarta: Andi. Kaplan-Leiserson. (2000). E-learning glossary. [online]. http://www.learningcircuits.org [20 September 2015] Means, Barbara, et al. "The effectiveness of online and blended learning: A meta-analysis of the empirical literature." Teachers College Record 115.3 (2013): 1-47. Nazir, Moh. (2009). Metode Penelitian. Bogor: Ghalia Indonesia Ningrum, Ika Kurnia Retno. (2011). Analisis Implementasi E-Learning Dengan Menggunakan Assessment Model, Studi Eksplanatif E-learning Jurusan Sistem Informasi (JSI) ITS Surabaya. Skripsi Sarjana Fakultas sosial politik UNAIR: Tidak Diterbitkan. Selim, H. M. (2007). Critical success factors for e-learning acceptance: Confirmatory factor models. Computers & Education. Sekaran , U., and Bougie , R. (2003). Research Methods for Business. 5th edition. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, United Kingdom. Short, J., Williams, E., & Christie, B. (1976). The Social Psycology of Telecommunication. NY: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Telkom University. (2015). Sosialisasi IDEA, Aplikasi Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh di Telkom University. [online]. http://students.telkomuniversity.ac.id [accessed 23rd of September 2015]. Warsita, Bambang. (2011). Pendidikan Jarak Jauh. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya |
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The Study of Antivital Activity of YouthGulmira Kassen, Aigerim Mynbayeva & Aliya Kudaibergenova
pp. 11557-11567 | Article Number: ijese.2011.666
Abstract In order to diagnose anti vital activity of young people (mental and behavioral activity, aimed at the reduction and/or termination of their own social and biological functioning) an association test to study the reaction time of young people to the words-stimuli relevant to the theme of death was used. 90 persons aged 16 to 19 years were examined according to the standard technique. The results of the study show that the median time of reaction to the word-stimuli relevant to the theme of death is more (p < 0.01) than the median time of reaction to the neutral words-stimuli, which proves that there are unnatural trends against life inside the individual (that start to actively function under certain conditions). As an auxiliary method the closest prototype of the association test - the Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation - was used. It allowed detecting that all the suicidal risk factors (isolation, expected fatality, final actions) were present in all age groups that took part in the mini-research. The scores on this scale show high intensity of suicidal intentions in young people. Based on indirect evaluation of the reliability of the two above methods by the Rorschach Comprehensive System the following peculiarities, which can be appraised as indicators of antivital activity were detected: expressed pessimism in thinking, emotional distress caused by excessive overload with negative emotions, inefficient style of problem solving, excessive level of reflection. In general, the obtained results allow making conclusion that mentally healthy young people (learning at schools and tertiary institutions) have a complex of death - affect-charged group of ideas relevant to the theme of death. The assumption that the complex of death is related to further suicidal behavior, i.e. violence of the individual against himself proves that early prophylaxis of this syndrome is required. In future it is planned to work out a complex strategy of prophylaxis of suicidal behavior based on the development of positive thinking and vital activity of young students in accordance with the results of the conducted study. Keywords: Self-destructive behavior, suicidal behavior, vital activity, anti vital activity, associative thinking, association test, a complex of death References Aitbayeva, A. & Kasen, G. (2013). Investigation of the influence of youth subcultures on suicide behavior of students.World Applied Sciences Journal, 25(11), 1630-1634. Beck, A.T. & Emery, G. (1985). Anxiety disorders and phobias. New York: Routledge. Dubichka, B. & Goodyor, J. (2005) Should we prescribe antidepressants to children? Psychiatric Bulletin, 29, 164-167. Esquirol, É. (1838). 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Energy Measurement of the Safety as a Factor of Sustainable Development in the Republic of KazakhstanKuralai Baizakova, Mukhtar Bolatkhan & Gulnara Baikushikova
pp. 11569-11583 | Article Number: ijese.2016.840
Abstract Sustainable development is a mechanism that opens to Kazakhstan prospect of successful participation in the competition for the right to enter into the group of leader countries of world. In the 21st century, the energy complex of Kazakhstan may become a factor of economic, social, political stability and security in the region. This article discusses the geopolitical dimension of energy security of Kazakhstan. In the interests of its multi-vector energy policy Kazakhstan develops cooperation with Russia, China, the US, the EU and its neighbors in Central Asia. The geopolitical balance conservation with these players also impacts on future direction of development of the country's energy security policy. Keywords: Sustainable development, energy measurement, geopolicy, Central Asian relations References Agreement on exploitation of Caspian oil and gas fields, including offshore. (1997). Washington. 18 November, 1997. DC, Washington: University of Washington Press. Baizakova, K. & Sulejmen, U. (2013). Geopoliticheskie posledstviya energeticheskogo sotrudnichestva Kazakhstana i kitaya dlya Centralnoj Azii i Rossii. Vodno-energeticheskie problemy Centralnoj Azii i perspektivy ih resheniya. Almaty: LEM. Baizakova, K. (2010). Energy security issues in foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. American Foreign Policy Interests, 32, 108-119. Baranov, N.A. (2015). Problemy nacionalnoj bezopasnosti i puti ix razresheniya. Direct access: http://nicbar.ru/nazbez_lekzia2.htm Blake, R. (2011). Testifies In Congress On Central Asia. Foreign Policy Blogs. Direct access: http://foreignpolicyblogs.com/2011/03/12/robert-blake-testifies-in-congress-on-central-asia/ Blank, S. (2011). Dragon Rising: Chinese Policy in Central Asia. American Foreign Policy Interests, 33(6), 261-272. Conception of Kazakhstan on transition to green economy (2013). Astana. Direct access: https://strategy2050.kz/en/news/1211/ Ekologicheskaya situaciya Kazakhstana. (2016). Direct access: http://www.kazportal.kz/ekologichesk-aya-situatsiya-kazahstana/ Filipchenko, A.M. (2005). K voprosu o sushhnosti, soderzhanii i mexanizme obespecheniya energeticheskoj bezopasnosti gosudarstva. Almaty: LEM. Hay, А. (2015). U.S. adds Russian oil field to sanctions list. Direct access: http://www.reuters.com/article/usa-russia-sanctions-idUSL1N10I1H 120150807 Kaspijskaya geografiya i geopolitika. (2014). Evrazijskij kommunikacionnyj centr. 25 april, 2014. Direct access: http://eurasiancenter.ru/expert /20140425/1003389933.html Klare, M.T. (2004). Bush-Cheney Energy Strategy: Procuring the Rest of the World’s Oil. Direct access: http://www.resilience.org/stories/2004-01-18/bush-cheney-energy-strategy-procuring-rest-world%e2%80%99s-oil Litovka, O.L. & Mezhevich, N.M. (2002). Globalizm i regionalizm - tendencii mirovogo razvitiya i faktor socialno-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya Rossii. St. Petersburg: Peter. Lyashok, Ya., Lyashok, N. & Voznesenskij, V. (2002). Realizaciya koncepcii energeticheskoj i ekologicheskoj bezopasnosti. Doneck: Negotsiant Publisher. Mankoff, J. (2014). The United States and Central Asia after 2014. Direct access: https://www.csis.org/analysis/united-states-and-central-asia-after-2014 Nacionalnyj doklad o kadastre antropogennyx vybrosov iz istochnikov i absorbcii poglotitelyami parnikovyx gazov, ne reguliruemyx Monrealskim protokolom za 1990-2009 gg. (2011). Almaty: LEM. Namazbekov, M. (2015). Gazovyj proryv v Kitaj. Direct access: http://www.kazenergy.com/kz/6-16-2008/984-china.html. Peyrouse. S. (2009). Central Asia’s growing Partnership with China, (4), 34 – 37. Poslanie Prezidenta Respubliki Kazakhstan - Lidera nacii Nursultana Nazarbaeva narodu Kazakhstana (2015). «Strategiya «Kazakhstan-2050»: novyj politicheskij kurs sostoyavshegosya gosudarstva». Direct access: http://zerenda.gov.kz/a/45/on/read/4257/index.html Putin, V. (2006). ‘Sovmestnaja press-konferencija s Nazarbaevym’. Sochi. Shabanova, L. (2016). Programma partnerstva «Zelenyj most» kak instrument perexoda k «zelenoj» ekonomike. Direct access: www.strategy2050.kz Shejkin, D.A. (2015). Obzor neftedobyvayushhej otrasli Respubliki Kazakhstan. Almaty: Analiticheskaya sluzhba Rejtingovogo Agentstva RFCA. Sotrudnichestvo Kazaxstana s ES ugrozhaet interesam Rossii (2016). Direct access: http://www.ca-portal.ru/article:26487 Suleimenov, U. (2013). Rationale for Kazakhstan’s growing energy cooperation. Direct access: www. сhinadaily.com.cn Syrlybaeva, B.R. (2016). Glavnoe napravlenie. Kazaxstan neset ogromnye poteri iz-za izbytochnogo energopotrebleniya. Direct access: http://www.kisi.kz/ru/categories/ekonomika-i-energetika/post1s/ Ullman, R. (1983). Redefining security. International security, (8), 129 - 153.. |
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Enhancement of Students’ Independent Learning Through Their Critical Thinking Skills DevelopmentUmit Kopzhassarova, Gulden Akbayeva, Zhanar Eskazinova, Gulbarshyn Belgibayeva & Akerke Tazhikeyeva
pp. 11585-11592 | Article Number: ijese.2016.841
Abstract The article focuses on the problem of developing students’ critical thinking skills, which help them become independent learners. Analysis of research works of educators and scholars enable the authors to reveal qualities, necessary for students to enhance their critical thinking skills and become independent learners. Different points of view on the problem are given. The authors pay attention to the big role of command, team work. They consider project technology as one of its varieties, directed to improvement of learners creative and cognitive potential. The authors conclude that proper organization of independent work contributes much to development of students’ critical thinking, reflective skills. Keywords: Independent learning, critical thinking, skills, university graduates, encouragement, primary conditions, convincing argument, efficiency, independence, effective thinking, substantiated conclusions References Braus, J.A. & Wood, D. (1993). Environmental Education in the Schools: Creating a Program that Works. Washington: Peace Corps. Direct access: http://www.peacecorps.gov/libra-ry/pdf/M0044_enveduc.pdf Cluster, D. (2001). What is the critical thinking? Change: Intercultural. Journal about thinking development through reading and the letter, 4, 36–40. Dewey, J. (1997). Psychology and pedagogy of thinking. How we think. Translation from English by N.M. Nikolskaya. Moscow: Sovershenstvo. Dewey, J. (2009). How We Think. May 20, 2009. Elder, L. & Paul, R. (2008) Defining Critical Thinking: Foundation for Critical Thinking. Direct access: http://www.criticalthinking.org/pages/defining-critical-thinking/766 Galperin, P.Y. (2012). The problem of ontogenesis of the human psyche. National Psychological Journal, 2(8), 9-13. Halpern, D. (2000). Psychology of Critical Thinking. Saint-Petersburg: Piter. Kapterev, P.F. (1877). Educational psychology for school-teachers, caregivers and educators. A. M. Kotomin Printing. Komensky, Y.A. (1875). Great Didactics. Saint-Petersburg: Peter. Leontiev, A.N. (2000). Lectures on general psychology. Moscow: Smysl. Levin, P. (2002). Teamwork tutoring: Helping students working on group projects to develop teamwork skills. Direct access: http://www.teamwork.ac.uk/ MGS_teamwork_tutoring.PDF Pidkasisty, P.I. (1972). Independent work of students: Didactic analysis of the process and structure of the play and creativity. Moscow: Pedagogy. Polat, E.S. (2002). New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: Manual for students of pedagogical universities and system of improvement of professional skill of teachers. Moscow: Akademiia, Reynolds, M. (1994). Groupwork in Education and Training. London: Kogan Page. Rubinshtein, S. (2000). Fundamentals of General Psychology. Saint-Petersburg: Piter. Schlechty, P.C. (1990). School for the XXI century. Priorities for educational reform. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Ushinsky, K.D. (1975). Selected works. Moscow: Progress. Vygotsky, L.S. & Cole, M. (1978). Mind in Society. Harvard: Harvard University Press. Zimnyaya, I.A. (2003). Key Competencies – a New Paradigm of Education Result. Higher education today, 5, 34-45. |
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Interference of Spherical Laser Radiation in a Crystalline Compound LensSeitbek B. Kyanishbayev, Abilhan U. Umbetov, Aisaule E. Duisebekova, Makhabbat Zh. Umbetova, Kamar S. Schongalova, Zhanar E. Akhatova, Perizat S. Azhibekova & Aigerim Sh. Sokabayeva
pp. 11593-11610 | Article Number: ijese.2016.842
Abstract The operation of a crystalline lens is based on the phenomenon of birefringence in crystals belonging to such compound lenses in various combinations. Crystalline systems are typically used in the form of two types of prisms: prisms giving one linearly polarized beam at the output (polarizing prisms), and prisms giving two beams that are polarized in two mutually perpendicular planes (birefringent prisms). This article discusses the types and properties of polarized waves (laser radiation) arising from the propagation of convergent laser radiation through a crystalline compound lens (CCL). The CCL is formed by a variety of birefringent prisms (prisms of Wollaston, Rochon, Sénarmont etc.), consisting of two wedges of uniaxial crystals. At normal incidence of laser radiation on the input face of the CCL there is a shift between the wavefronts of ordinary (o) and extraordinary (e) beams at the output of the CCL. The superposition of these waves at the output of the CCL results in the emergence of an interference pattern that can be used in a variety of laser polarized interferometers. When the collimated laser beam is incident on the input face of the CCL at an arbitrary angle, four waves are formed at its output. This article discusses the condition for the emergence of these four polarized waves at the output of the CCL, presents the expressions describing each wave, studies the condition for the emergence of interference patterns, types of these interference patterns, and compares the results of theoretical calculations with the experimental data. Keywords: Crystal, lens, birefringence, polarized beam, interference, laser radiation, ordinary, extraordinary, uniaxial, path difference, analyzer, intensity vector, wave vector, collimated beam References Born, M. & Wolf, E. (1999). Principles of optics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Collier, R.J., Burkhardt, C.B. & Lin, L.H. (1971). Optical holography. New York: Academic Press. Dreytsen, G.V., Ostrovoskin, Yu.P. & Shedeva, E.P. (1972). An interference method for studying the degree of spatial coherence. Optics and Spectroscopy, 32, 367-378. Fedorov, F.I. & Filippov, V.V. (1968). Light reflection at the boundary of a uniaxial crystal with the isotropic medium. Applied Spectroscopy, 9, 1031-1045. Fedorov, F.I. & Filippov, V.V. (1971a). Amplitude ratios for light waves at the boundary of a uniaxial crystal with the isotropic medium. Optics and Spectroscopy, 30, 318-322. Fedorov, F.I. & Filippov, V.V. (1976). Light reflection and refraction by transparent crystals. Minsk: Nauka. Fedorov, F.I. & Konstantinova, A.F. (1962). The propagation of light through plates of uniaxial optical active crystals of axial classes. Optics and Spectroscopy, 12, 407-418. Fedorov, F.I. & Kotyash, T.L. (1962) The propagation of light through plates of a transparent uniaxial crystal. Optics and Spectroscopy, 12, 298-302. Fedorov, F.I., Filippov, V.V. (1971b). On the reflection and refraction of extraordinary beams in uniaxial crystals. Crystallography, 16, 36-46. Galperin, D.Yu. (1959). Research on geometrical optics (Doctoral dissertation). Leningrad: The Vavilov State Optical Institute. Javan, A., Bennett Jr. W.R. & Herriot, D.R. (1961).Population inversion and continuous optical maser oscillator in a gas discharge containing a He–Ne mixture. Physical Review Letters, 6(3), 106-110. Kulcke, W., Kosanke, K., Max, E., Fleisher, H. & Harris, T. J. (1965). Convergent beam digital light deflector. In: Tippett, J. T., Berkowitz, D. A., Clapp, L. C., Koester, C.J. & Vanderburgh, Jr. A. Optical and Electro-Optical Information Processing. MIT Press. Landsberg, F.S. (1976). Optics. Moscow: Nauka. Ostrovskiy, Yu.I. (1968). Interference resolvometer. USSR Patent No. 207018. Bulletin of Inventions, 9, 25-33. Smith, P.W. (1972). Mode selection in lasers. Proceedings of the IEEE, 60(4), 422–440. Soroko, L.M. (1971). Basics of coherent optics and holography. Moscow: Nauka. Yu, F.T. (1973). Introduction to diffraction, information processing and holography. London: The M.I.T Press. |
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Pension Reform in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Main Directions, Conditions for Implementation and Development ProspectsYermek A. Buribayev, Gulyiya Mukaldyeva, Gulmira G. Nurahmetova, Bakytnur Uteyev, Yerkin Nessipbekov & Zhanna A. Khamzina
pp. 11611-11619 | Article Number: ijese.2016.843
Abstract The background of this study lies in the fact that since 1998 Kazakhstan started the pension reform which continues at the present stage. In this connection it is important to understand the essence of institutional pension reform, to determine current principles of pension and immediate prospects for development of this institution. The authors try to identify a theory or model that most adequately assess the recent changes in the pension system and predicts future direction of evolution of the social process. The chronological scope of the study covers the period from 1998 to 2016. The paper is structured in the following areas: isolated and studied the main directions of the pension reform; defined areas for further development of the institution of pensions. Methodological framework of the study is, first of all, theoretical position of general scientific systematization of complex processes (in this case, social), as well as the idea of interconnectedness and interdependence of social, economic, legal and other factors that determine development of the pension system. General scientific principles used by the authors in this paper include such methods as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, structural, historical and logical methods. The following main results should be emphasized: the authors have developed classification of the causes and conditions of the pension reform start; defined the concept of pension system development mechanism; prospects of the pension system development. The practical significance of the study is that its findings can be used for further exploring of the social processes which take place in Kazakhstan. The materials of the study can be used in educational process (in general and special courses for lawyers, economists) and also in writing of textbooks and monographs. Keywords: Pension, pension system, the retirement age, budgetary provision, social reforms References Bonoli, G. (2000). The politics of pension reform: institutions and policy change in Western Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Bonoli, G. & Shinkawa, T. (2006). Ageing and pension reform around the world: evidence from eleven countries. Cheltenham, Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing. Buribayev, Y.A., Oryntayev, Z.K., Khamzina, Zh.A., Kussainov, S.Zh. & Yermekov, A.T. (2015). Evaluation of the Reform Efficiency in Public Social Sector Management of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(3), 191-198. Casey, B.H. (2012). The implications of the economic crisis for pensions and pension policy in Europe. Global Social Policy, 12(3), 246-265. Chlon, A., Góra, M. & Rutkowski, M. (1999). Shaping pension reform in Poland: Security through diversity (No. 20852). Washington: The World Bank. Disney, R. (2000). Declining public pensions in an era of demographic ageing: Will private provision fill the gap? European Economic Review, 44(4), 957-973. Edwards, S. (1998). The Chilean pension reform: A pioneering program. In Privatizing social security. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 33-62 Feldstein, M. & Siebert, H. (2009). Social security pension reform in Europe. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Franco, D. (2002). Italy: a never-ending pension reform. In Social security pension reform in Europe. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 211-262 Hinrichs, K. (2000). Elephants on the move. Patterns of public pension reform in OECD countries. European Review, 8(3), 353-378. Holzmann, R. (1997). Pension reform, financial market development, and economic growth: preliminary evidence from Chile. Staff Papers, 44(2), 149-178. Hughes, G. & Stewart, J. (2011). 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SME Lending in the Conditions of Economic Instability: Peculiarities and Development ProspectsOksana V. Savchina, Olga V. Savchina, Alexander L. Bobkov, Kristina U. Ezenkina & Iraida A. Kalashnikova
pp. 11621-11633 | Article Number: ijese.2016.844
Abstract Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are the key to sustainable economic development and solution to a number of social issues in many countries. This is especially evident during economic crisis with the worsening of qualitative condition of individual sectors of the economy, the reducing competitiveness. The problem of financing and development of SMEs lending market is one of the most pressing in modern conditions. Lack of interest of banks in the development of credit relations with SMEs does not contribute to optimization and reduction of the cost of lending process. Successful development of SMEs requires effective public policies and favorable credit conditions to obtain sources of financing. The study analyzes the conditions and credit status of Russian SMEs in 2009 – 2016 period, as well as gives an assessment of its future prospects. Keywords: Small and medium business, SME, partner bank credit, arrears, interest rate, economic instability References Abdulsaleh, A.M. & Worthington, A.C. (2013). Small and medium-sized enterprises financing: a review of Literature. International Journal of Business and Management, 8(14), 36-54. Agostino, M. & Trivieri, F. (2014). Does trade credit play a signaling role? Some evidence from SMEs microdata. Small Business Economics. 42(1), 131-151. Berger, A.N., Goulding, W. & Rice T. (2014). Do small businesses still prefer community banks? Journal of Banking & Finance, 44, 264-278. Bruton, G., Khavul, S., Siegel, D. & Wright, M. (2015). New financial alternatives in seeding entrepreneurship: Microfinance, crowdfunding, and peer-to-peer innovations. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 39(1), 9-26. Central Bank of the Russian Federation. (2016a). The total volume of debt on loans granted to small and medium-sized enterprises. 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The Regulation of the Indigenous Folks of the North in West Siberian Region of RussiaAnatoly I. Chistobaev, Alexander Yu. Solodovnikov & Zoya A. Semenova
pp. 11635-11644 | Article Number: ijese.2016.845
Abstract In this article the transformation of living environment of the indigenous folks of the Russian north under the process of techno genesis, determined by the oil and gas extraction, is observed. As a main experimental polygon the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra that is a subject of Russian Federation and northern Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the Tyumen Region was chosen. The oil and gas zoning from the Kara Sea on the north to the state frontiers with Kazakhstan on the south is presented. 16 oil and gas bearing zones that differ from each other by geological and geographical conditions of resource extraction are of special importance. The destructive influence of oil and gas extraction objects is observed on the territory of natural resources that is important for indigenous people in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra. The observation of different government documents accepted on local and the RF level and oriented to stabilize the land matters, are presented. The ways of compensations from the resource users to the indigenous folks are justified. Keywords: Folks of the North, West Siberia, natural resources, gas-oil extraction, tribal lands, compensation cost, state and municipal government References Chistobaev, A.I. (2002). The ethnologists racing their time (Devoted to 90th anniversary of Gumilev L.N. and to the 50th anniversary of Ivanov K.P.). St.Petersburg: SRI of chemistry SPbSU Chistobaev, A.I., Khrushev, S.A., Gromova, U.V. & Gumilev, L.N. (1994). Ethnics of Russian North. Vestnik SPbGU, 7, 40–45. Chistobaev A.I. & Solodovnikov, A. (2005). The characterization of the influence of projection objects on the environment: the development paradigm. Vestnik SPbGU, 7, 47-55. Velikopolskiy, S.D. & Perepletkin, Yu.I. (2002). The generation of Victor Muravlenko. Tyumen: Edd. Yu. Mandriki. 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The Framework of Social Security System Public Management in KazakhstanZhanna Akshataeva, Kyzgaldak Baizhanova, Saltanat Beisebaeva, Gulbanu Sherimkulova, Gulmira Nurahmetova & Zhanna Khamzina
pp. 11645-11657 | Article Number: ijese.2016.846
Abstract The relevance of the research is that scientific analysis and reasoning of proposals regarding improvement of regulation of social security system public management in Kazakhstan under conditions of progressive establishing of socially organized nationhood are being in demand. The purpose of the research is reasoning of major parameters of the national social security system development based on the modern conditions of political, economic and social development of Kazakhstan, the need for conformance to international and regional social standards, experience of making arrangements for population social support in the world. The specific nature and complicacy of the research subject are attributed to the usage of the broad range of general scientific and particular scientific methods of cognition, including analysis, synthesis, comparison, analogy, deduction, induction, abstraction, as well as comparative legal, formal legal, legal simulation method. The paper describes both political and social economic aspects of establishing and developing of the national system of social security based on the principle of complexity. Proposals on improving regulation of the procedure for implementing social measures for population support were framed following the results of the research. The areas of using results: recommendations and conclusions drawn in the paper could be used in the course of defining and implementing the further domestic policy of Kazakhstan in the area of social safety net development; in the law making process with a view to improve the quality of legal regulation of social security relations. The significance is that its findings could be used in a few aspects: law-making, scientific, educational, practical, social ones; the last-mentioned area includes such effects as reduction of social tension in the society, growth in human wellbeing Keywords: Public management, social security, social rights, social benefits References Acquisti, A. & Gross, R. (2009). Predicting Social Security numbers from public data. Proceedings of the National academy of sciences, 106(27), 10975-10980. Baytin, M.I. & Petrov, D.E. (2003). System of law: a continuation of the discussion. State and right, 1, 32-37 Boldrin, M. & Rustichini, A. (2000). Political equilibria with social security. Review of Economic Dynamics, 3(1), 41-78. Browne, E. (2014). Social protection accountability. GSDRC Helpdesk Research Report 1178. Birmingham, UK: GSDRC, University of Birmingham. Direct access: http://www. gsdrc. org/go/display&type= Helpdesk&id= 1178. 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Factors and Trends of Engineering Centers Development in the Network Structure of Innovations ReproductionVladimir Pastukhov, Nikolay Kliman & Dmitry Alekseev
pp. 11659-11674 | Article Number: ijese.2016.847
Abstract The article provides an overview of the concepts of “Engineering” and “Engineering Center” in the Russian and foreign literature; the author proposed the definition of “Industrial Engineering”. It contains the brief historical excursion into the evolution of views on the engineering centers in the context of the network structure of the innovation economy; the basic methods of control over engineering centers; reproductive approach to engineering centers as an element of the innovation chain network economy system that allows us to consider the establishment of engineering centers as a form of investment. The authors also provide the information on the special role of high value-added services in the structure of the process engineering in a global competition for high-tech exports as well as the analysis of empirical data generated during the 2014-2016 from the engineering centers at the premises of the leading Russian universities, including a forecast of future trends. Keywords: Engineering, engineering center, reproductive approach, investment, technology, evolutionary approach References Alekseev, D.S. (2016). Venture Capital: Real and Artificial. Problems of modern economy, 3, 59-63. Bljumin, A.M. (2013). Information Consulting: Theory and Practice of Consulting. Moscow: Dashkov i K. Bodrunov, S.D. (2014). Russian Economic System: the Future of High-Technological Material Production. Economic questions, 2(40), 5-16. Borovkov, A.I. (2012). Computer Engineering. St.Peterburg: Polit. Univer. Publ. Danilov-Danil'jan, A.V. (2016). The Process of Import Substitution in the Russian Economy: Peculiarities and Myths. Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 3, 21-31. Development of Engineering Centers at the Premises of Universities. (2015). Collection of Researches. Moscow: Higher School of Economics. Dolgov, S.I. (2011). Encyclopedia of Foreign Trade. Moscow: Economy. Global Innovation Index. (2015). Cornell University, INSEAD and WIPO. Direct access: http://www.wipo.int/portal/en/ Kesaev, S.A. (2014). Classification of Engineering. University Herald, 14, 147-151. Kimel'fel'd, R.V. (2015). Modern Engineering in the Sphere of Scientific-Driven Production: Grounds, Methods and Perspectives of Development. Bulletin of Moscow State Open University. Series: Economy, 4, 87-92 Klejner, G.B. (2013). System Economic as a Platform for Development of the Modern Economic Theory. Economic questions, 6, 4-28. Knyaginin, V.N. (2013). Potential of Russia on the Global Market of Engineering Services. Direct access: http://www.csr-nw.ru/files/csr/file_category_1274.pdf Lejn, D. (2010). Russian Transformation: Is It the Formation of the World Nation? World of Russia: sociology, ethnology, 4, 3-24 Lozovskij, L.Sh., Rajzberg, B.A. & Ratnovskij, A.A. (1997). Universal Business Dictionary. Moscow: Infra-M. Manturov, D., Nikitin, G. & Os'makov, V. (2016). Planning of Import Substitution in the Russian Industry: Practice of the Russian Governmental Management. Economic questions, 9, 40-49 Marx, K. (2014). Capital. And Critique of Political Economy. Moscow: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber. Methodology of Statistic Monitoring of Engineering Services and Industrial Design. (2016). Direct access: http://engpromdesign.ru/documents/23984/# Nikitin, G.S. (2016). Key Tools of the New Industrial Policy of the Russian Federation. Effective crisis management, 1, 74-79. Os'makova, V.S. & Pastuhova, V.A. (2015). Engineering and Industrial Design. Moscow: Onebook. Rybec, D.V. (2011). Engineering and Consulting Services on the International Market. Russian foreign trade bulletin, 8, 84-95. Saprykin, O.A. (2008). Engineering in Russia: New Perspective. Innovations, 3, 28-32. Schleicher, A. (2006). The Economics of Knowledge: Why Education is Key for Europe's Success. Lisbon Council Policy Brief. Direct access: http://www.oecd.org/education/skills-beyond-school/36278531.pdf. Shumpeter, J. (2007). Theory of Economic Development. Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. Moscow: Jeksmo. The 2015 Top 225 International Design Firms 1-100. (2015). Direct access: http://www.enr.com/toplists/2015_Top_225_International_Design_Firms1 United Nations (2010). Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services 2010. Direct access: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/publication/Seriesm/seriesM_86Rev1e.pdf Yew, L.K. (2016). From Third World to First. Views and Believes of Lee Kuan Yew. Moscow: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber. Zagashvili, V. (2016). Foreign Experience of Import Substitution and Possible Challenges for Russia. Issues of Economy, 8, 137-148 |
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Environmental Science and Engineering Merit Badges: An Exploratory Case Study of a Non-formal Science Education Program and the U.S. Scientific and Engineering PracticesMatthew E. Vick & Michael P. Garvey
pp. 11675-11698 | Article Number: ijese.2016.848
Abstract The Boy Scouts of America’s Environmental Science and Engineering merit badges are two of their over 120 merit badges offered as a part of a non-formal educational program to U.S. boys. The Scientific and Engineering Practices of the U.S. Next Generation Science Standards provide a vision of science education that includes integrating eight practices that engage youth in inquiry-based learning and investigative design and interpretation. This exploratory study uses document analysis triangulated with a questionnaire under the general principles of program evaluation as a case study to examine the potential alignment of the Boy Scouts of America’s Environmental Science and Engineering merit badges and the Scientific and Engineering Practices of the NGSS. Merit badge requirements were matched with specific elements of the S&EP as described by the NGSS Appendix F progressions for middle school aged youth. The cognitive demand of the requirements was also analyzed using Webb’s Depth of Knowledge. Questionnaires were sent to volunteer merit badge counselors for one Midwestern U.S. Boy Scout council. Their responses were used to inform the analysis of the merit badge requirements. The requirements for both of these badges show connections to several of the S&EP, especially S&EP 3: conducting investigation and S&EP 6: constructing explanations and designing solutions. Triangulating data from merit badge counselors show that Scouts in Engineering merit badge do engage in the engineering design process very much and potentially engage them in investigations and construction of explanations with Environmental Science. Several of the merit badge counselors were highly educated scientists and engineers. Often, these counselors reported engaging Scouts in a manner closest to the vision of the NGSS S&EP. One of the limitations of the Environmental Science merit badge is that investigations are mostly elective options. This exploratory study concludes that the requirements for Boy Scout merit badges are designed in manners that can engage youth in the S&EP. Counselors do affect the extent to which these practices are incorporated. Future studies should examine the learning by youth from merit badges as related to S&EP and general science and engineering content knowledge. Keywords: Engineering education, informal education, Environmental education (EE) References Allen, S., Gutwill, J., Perry, D. L., Garibay, C., Ellenbogen, K. M., Heimlich, J. E., Reich, C.A., & Klein, C. (2007). Research in Museums: Coping with complexity. In J. H. Falk, L. D. Dierking, & S. Foutz (Eds.) In principle, in practice: Museums as learning institutions (pp. 229–245), Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press. Bang, M., & Medin, D. (2010). 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Committee on a Conceptual Framework for New K-12 Science Education Standards. Board on Science Education, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. (2012). A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. NGSS Lead States. (2013). Next Generation Science Standards: For States, By States. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Patton, M.Q. (2002). Qualitative research & evaluation methods (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Polson, E. C., Kim, Y., Jang, S. J., Johnson, B. R., & Smith, B. (2013). Being prepared and staying connected: Scouting's influence on social capital and community involvement. Social Science Quarterly, 94(3), 758-776. Rahm, J., & Ash, D. (2008). Learning environments at the margin: Case studies of disenfranchised youth doing science in an aquarium and an after-school program. Learning Environments Research, 11, 49-62. Ramey-Gassert, L., Walberg, H., & Walberg, H. (1994). Reexamining connections: Museums as science learning environments. Science Education, 78(4), 345–363. Renninger, A., Hidi, S., & Krapp, A. (2014). The role of interest in learning and development. New York: Psychology Press. Rennie, L. J., & McClafferty, T. P. (2002). Objects and learning: Understanding young children’s interaction with science exhibits. In S. G. Paris (Ed.), Perspectives on object-centered learning in museums (pp.191–213). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Riedinger, K. (2015). Identity development of youth during participation at an informal science education camp. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10(3), 453-475. Sample McMeeking, L. B., Weinberg, A. E., Boyd, K. J. and Balgopal, M. M. (2016), Student Perceptions of interest, learning, and engagement from an informal traveling science museum. School Science and Mathematics, 116: 253–264. doi:10.1111/ssm.12176 Scriven, M. (2007). Key evaluation checklist. Retrieved from www.wmich.edu/evalctr/archive_checklists/kec_feb07.pdf Singh, K., Granville, M., & Dika, S. (2002). Mathematics and science achievement: Effects of motivation, interest, and academic engagement. The Journal of Educational Research, 95(6), 323–332. Stake, R. E. (2010). Qualitative research: Studying how things work. New York, NY: The Guilford Press Tai, R.H., Liu, C.Q., Maltese, A.V., & Fan, X. (2006). Planning early for careers in science. Science, 312(5777), 1143-1144. Tran, N. A. (2011). The relationship between students’ connections to out-of-school experiences and factors associated with science learning. International Journal of Science Education, 33(12), 1625–1651. Webb, N. (1997). Research Monograph Number 6: Criteria for alignment of expectations and assessments on mathematics and science education. Washington, D.C.: CCSSO. Webb, N. (August 1999). 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Result-Oriented Management: the Experience of Kazakhstani UniversitiesSamal Askarkyzy, Adlet Toibayev, Nursulu Algozhaeva, Zelvys Rimantas, Guldariya Iskakovad & Aigul Arynova
pp. 11699-11708 | Article Number: ijese.2016.849
Abstract The present article outlines the main principles and peculiarities of the result-oriented university management on the basis of the Development strategy of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University for 2013-2020. The relevance of the investigated issue is conditioned by the fact that in the context of a highly competitive market of research and educational services, universities search for new management instruments that help to achieve a competitive strategic management of the modern university. The research is carried out on the basis of records of the structural departments of the university in the relevant areas and objectives set out in the strategy. The main method of the study is the method of a comparative analysis and synthesis. Drawing upon the results received, a SWOT analysis of the financial and economic sustainability of the university is presented. It is proved that the realization of the task to improve the quality level of educational services will increase the competitiveness of the university in the domestic and international markets of research and educational services. This requires the implementation of result-oriented education – the development of a system of professional competence with regard to the labor market requirements, views of students, graduates, teachers and researchers. For this, it is assumed that there will be a full transition to a modular principle of constructing the structure of educational programs, which will enhance the mobility and variability of educational programs. The results and recommendations can be applied in the educational, scientific and economic system development strategies of Kazakhstan and are of significant interest to Kazakh scientific and educational thought. Keywords: Educational management, development strategy, human resources, strategic planning References Development Strategy (2013). Development Strategy of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University for 2013-2020. Almaty: Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. Higgins, J.M. (1983). Organizational policy and strategic management: text and cases. 2nd ed. Chicago: The Dryden Press. Ilyina, O.G. (1997). Methodology of the statistical research of university management. PhD thesis. Moscow: Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics, and Informatics. Kramar, R. (2014). Beyond strategic human resource management: Is sustainable human resource management the next approach? International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(8), 1069-1089. Lukyanova, N., Daneykin, Y. & Daneikina, N. (2015). Communicative competence management approaches in higher education. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 214, 5 December, 565-570. Moje, E. B. (2002). Re‐framing adolescent literacy research for new times: Studying youth as a resource. Reading Research and Instruction, 41(3), 211-228. Online media “Zakon.kz” (2016). Retrieved from: http://www.zakon.kz/ Reznik, S.D. & Filippov, V.M. (2010). University management [Textbook]. 2nd ed. Moscow: INFRA-M. Sadykova, M.K. (2012). Employment issues: plans and expectations of pedagogical university students (based on materials of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University). Paper presented at the International Scientific Conference on Teaching Skills (pp. 294-297). Moscow: Buki-Vedi. Shumakova, N.V. (2013). Innovative technologies in the system of vocational training of students. Young Scientist, 5, 787-789. Vasiliev, Y.S., Glukhov, V.V. & Fedorov, M.P. (2001). Economy and organization of university management [Textbook]. 2nd ed. St. Petersburg: Lan’. |
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Characteristics of the Creative Development Technologies Applying During the Work With StudentsAnastasiya Vyacheslavovna Krinitsyna, Oleg Denisovich Nikitin & Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna Boyakov
pp. 11709-11720 | Article Number: ijese.2016.850
Abstract Present article explores the characteristics of the influence of creative influence technologies for school and college students on their professional and personal self-identification. The aim of the study is students’ creative development, which represents the process of integration of mental, emotional and physical personality components, which is corrected by the psychological technologies. Methodological bases of the study are the ideas about an integrative nature of development within the inseparable emotional, intellectual and personality domains; about creative work as a cultural-historic and social-cultural phenomenon; about aesthetic and creative cultures; and about creativity. The result of the study consists of revealing the following directions of creative development as self-identification factors: students’ professional orientation, development of communicative skills and overcoming the difficulties in communication, exploring oneself and the world, adaptation to the educational environment and motivation towards creative activity. The novelty of the study consists of developing a model and technologies that facilitate students’ creative resources actualization, which helps their creative development. Using the technologies of creative self-expression in the process of working with school and university students allows improving the level of students’ acquisition of the new knowledge and expands the field of application of this knowledge in further professional activity. Keywords: creativity, students, school students, self-identification, creative technologies References Andreeva, G.M. (1980). Sotsialnaya psikhologiya. [Social psychology]. Moscow: Publisher Moscow University. Bakushinskiy, A.V. (1981). Issledovaniya i statii. [Studies and articles]. Moscow: Sov. Khudozhnik. Bogoyavlenskaya, D.B. (2002). Psikhologiya tvorcheskikh sposobnostey: Ucheb. posobie dlya stud. vyssh. ucheb. zavedeniy. [Psychology of creative skills: Textbook for students of higher educational institutions]. Moscow: “Akademiya”. Druzhinin, V.N. (1996). Psikhodiagnostika obschikh sposobnostey. [Psychological diagnostics of general skills]. M: “Akademiya”. Goldstein, D. and Kreger, O. (2014). Tvorcheskaya lichnost: Kak ispolzovat silnye storony svoego kharaktera dlya razvitiya kreativnosti. [Creative person: How to use strong sides of your personality for creativity development]. M: "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber". Golubeva, E.A. (1993). Sposobnosti i individualnost. [Skills and individuality]. M: Prometheus. Guilford, J. (1969). Tri storony intellekta. [Three sides of intelligence]. In: Psikhologiya myshleniya. Moscow: Progress, pp. 434-437. Ilyin, E.P. (2012). Psikhologiya tvorchestva, kreativnosti, odarennosti. [Psichology of creating, creativity and giftedness]. St. Petersburg: Peter. Jung, C. (1991). Arkhetip i simvol. [Archetype and symbol]. Moscow: Renaissance. Kiseleva, M.V. (2006). Art-terapiya v rabote s detmi. [Art-therapy in working with children]. St. Petersburg: Speech. Lebedeva, L.D. (2005). Praktika art-terapii: podkhody, diagnostika, sistema zanyatiy. [Art-therapy practice: approaches, diagnostics and system of lessons]. St. Petersburg: Speech. Maslow, A. (1999). Motivatsiya i lichnost. [Motivation and personality]. St. Petersburg: Eurasia. Melik-Pashaev, A.A. (2000). Mir khudozhnika. [The world of an artist]. Mjscow: Progress-Traditsiya. Ponomarev, Ya.A. (1994). Psikhologiya tvorchestva: perspektivy razvitiya. [Psikhology of creating: perspectives of development]. Psychological journal, 6: 38-50. Mironova E. E. (2006). Sbornik psikhologicheskikh testov. Chast II: Posobie. [Collection of psychological tests. Part II: Handbook]. Minsk: Female Institute ENVILA. Tunik, E.E. (2002). Psikhodiagnostika tvorcheskogo myshleniya. Kreativnye testy. [Psychological diagnostics of creative thinking. Creative tests]. St. Petersburg: Publishing house “Didaktika Plyus”. Vagin, Yu. (2002). Kreativnye i primitivnye. Osnovy ontogenetecheskoy personologii I psikhopatologii. [Creative and primitive. Fundamentals of ontogenetic personality studies and psychopathology]. Perm: PONICAA. Vygotskiy, L.S. (1987). Psikhologiya iskusstva. [Psychology of art]. In M.G. Yaroshevskiy (Ed.). Moscow: Pedagogika. Vygotskiy, L.S. (1991). Voobrazhenie i tvorchestvo v detskom vozraste. [Imagination and creativity in the childhood]. Moscow: Prosveschenie. Yusov, B.P. (2004). Vzaimosvyaz kulturogennykh faktorov v formirovanii sovremennogo khudozhestvennogo myshleniya uchitelya obrazovatelnoy oblasti “Iskusstvo”. Izbrannye trudy po istorii, teorii i psikhologii khudozhestvennogo obrazovaniya i polikhudozhestvennogo vospitaniya detey. [Relation between culture-genetic factors in the development of a modern artistic thinking of a teacher in the educational area of Art. Selected works on history, theory and psychology of artistic education and multi-artistic mentoring of children]. Moscow: The company Sputnik +, pp. 76-84. |
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A Low Emission Axial-Flow Turbine for the Utilization of Compressible Natural Gas Energy in the Gas Transport System of RussiaGennadiy Rakov, Viktor Rassokhin, Nikolay Zabelin, Sergey Olennikov, Aleksandr Sebelev, Aleksandr Sukhanov, and Sergey Schislyaev
pp. 11721-11733 | Article Number: ijese.2016.851
Abstract Natural gas deposits and a developed gas transport system (GTS) infrastructure of Russia are a national treasure that makes the country a leader in extraction and supply of natural gas – the cleanest type of fossil fuel. The operation of the GTS has a direct effect on energy, social, and economic security; in addition, Russia is the main supplier of gas to European countries. Therefore, the modernization of the GTS is one of the main directions of governmental work. This research investigates an expansion turbine for the trigger of a significant pressure drop at a low volume flow of natural gas with an electrical power of 1 kW, which is manufactured by 3D printing the plastic parts of the turbine. The study was conducted under a federal program titled “Research and Development in Priority Directions for the Development of the Scientific and Technological Complex of Russia in 2014-2020”. The research used the analytical method and mathematical calculation method. The validity of obtained results was achieved by using the ANSYS WB software. The results showed that using abutting contact shoulders in a plastic disc enables reducing the maximum stress in this disc by more than 25%. Keywords: Gas transport system of Russia; expansion turbine; one-sheet hyperboloid of revolution; plastic disc; gas transport system modernization References Arzamasov, B.N. & Makarova V.I. et al. (2005). Materials science. M.: Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Publishing house, 648. Bruyaka, V.A. et al. (2013). Engineering analysis in ansys workbench. Part 2. Study Guide. Samara. Samara State Technical University, 149. Hagan, B. F. (2015). Fluid transport system having divided transport tube: USA patent 20150192072. Hill, J. D. & Hill, S. J. (2016). Apparatus and method for recovering off-gases from natural gas dehydrator: USA patent 20160109121. Imboccioli, C. & Bernardi, M. (2016). 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Students’ Environmental Competence Formation as a Pedagogical ProblemYelena V. Ponomarenko, Aidarbek A. Yessaliev, Rabiga I. Kenzhebekova, Kulahmet Moldabek, Liudmila A. Larchekova, Serik S. Dairbekov, and Lazzat Asambaeva
pp. 11735-11750 | Article Number: ijese.2016.852
Abstract Environmentally conscious and preparation of competent professionals’ in higher education system in Kazakhstan is a priority. The need for more effective environmental competence formation for students actualizes the problem of development and scientific substantiation of the theoretical model of students’ environmental competence, methods of their formation, and diagnostics. To achieve this goal, we used a range of methods that are relevant to the problem – analysis, modeling, experiment and synthesis. The developed model of environmental competence is the main competence of future specialists of any profile and reflects the dialectical relationship of the characteristics and functions of environmental competence. It is shown that an environmentally competent individual is willing and able to act competently in situations that threaten life, safety or nature. Structural analysis of environmental competence model revealed the peculiarities of its formation, as well as to develop knowledge about it. The results allowed developing assessment and diagnosis system of students’ environmental competence formation. System’s application in the course of the experiment showed that 77% of the participants have the environmental competence formed at a low level, which confirmed the need in the author's methodology implementation. This article describes the stages of the author's methodology and provides methodological recommendations for students’ environmental competence formation. It is concluded that students’ environmental competence formation must direct the pedagogical efforts not so much on the individual components formation of environmental competence as on functional and structural relationships’ formation and development between them. Keywords: Competency; environmental competence; university; environmental education; teaching methods. 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Using the Methods of Molecular Optical Spectral Analysis of Modified Plant Polymer StructureNadejda I. Romanchuk and Anna M. Popova
pp. 11751-11756 | Article Number: ijese.2016.853
Abstract Using computer-based monitoring systems that rely on tests could be the most effective way of knowledge evaluation. The problem of objective knowledge assessment by means of testing takes on a new dimension in the context of new paradigms in education. The analysis of the existing test methods enabled us to conclude that tests with selected response and expandable selected response do not always allow for evaluating students’ knowledge objectively and this undercuts the effect of pedagogical evaluation of their cognitive activity as well as the teaching and learning processes generally. Authors propose an expert knowledge monitoring and evaluation system based on an integral method of knowledge evaluation. This method is built on a new approach to constructing test items and responses to them, which give students an opportunity to freely construct their responses, and presupposes a set of criteria for their assessment. Proposed method makes it possible to expand the functions of tests and in this way approximate the test grade to the real level of students’ knowledge. Theoretical and empirical data presented in the paper can be used for improving the monitoring and evaluation of knowledge in social sciences and the humanities and thus raising the quality of education. Keywords: infrared spectroscopy; molecular optical spectroscopy; structural and functional changes; natural polymer; bark waste. References Deka, B.K. (2013). Wood polymer nanocomposite based on non-conventional plant material and nano fillers. Gong, D. W. et al. (2012). Durability of Wood-Polymer Composite Prepared by In Situ Polymerization of Functional Monomers. Advanced Materials Research. Trans Tech Publications, 571, 69-72. Grehova, I.V., Romanchuk, N.I. (2008). Using infrared spectroscopy to study the structure of modified lignin. Agrarnyj vestnik Urala, 6, 40-42 Haider, A. et al. (2014). Wood polymer composites versus thermally treated wood versus wood: cyclic testing. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 72(6), 815-823. Hmelinin, I.N., Mokiev, V.V., SHvecova, V.M. (1993). Inclusion of wood conversion waste into the soil-formation process.: tr. Komi NC UrO RAN (№ 132). Syktyvkar, 86-94. Islam, M. S. et al. (2014). The chemical modification of tropical wood polymer composites. Journal of Composite Materials. 48(7), 783-789. Kononova, M.M. (1963). Soil Organic Substance, 330. Matveev, Y.V., Valieva, E.N., Trubetskaya, O.V., Kislov, A.G. (2016). Globalization and Regionalization: Institution Aspect. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 3114-3126 Mogoşanu, G. D., Grumezescu, A. M. (2014). Natural and synthetic polymers for wounds and burns dressing. International journal of pharmaceutics, 463(2): 127-136. Orlov, D.S. (1974). Soil Humic Acids, 332. Rodriguez, F. et al. (2014). Principles of polymer systems. CRC Press. Shvecova, V.M., Hmelinin, I.N., Beznosikov, V.A., Konkin, P.I. (1989). Changes in the properties of the soil and the quality of vegetation under the effect of a complex organic-mineral fertilizer. Problems of including hydrolysis waste into the biological cycle of matter: Tr. Komi NC UrO AN SSSR, (№ 106). Syktyvkar, 17-29. Sjutkin, V.N., Popov, V.M., Lodygin, V.A., Romanchuk, N.I., Yerin, N.Y., Danilova, L.I. (1996). Receipt of polyfunctional combinations of the basis of cellulose. International ecological congress. Proceedings and abstracts Section: Technology and Environment. Voronezh Russia-Kansas (USA), 35-36 Srubar, W.V. et al. (2014). Incorporating spatiotemporal effects and moisture diffusivity into a multi-criteria materials selection methodology for wood–polymer composites. Construction and Building Materials. 71, 589-601. Teuber, L. et al. (2016). Wood polymer composites and their contribution to cascading utilization. Journal of Cleaner Production. 110, 9-15. Wegst, U. G. K. et al. (2015). Bioinspired structural materials. Nature materials. 14(1), 23-36. Yanna, C., Shengling, X., Chen, L. (2014). Review on Biodegradable Foamed Wood Polymer Composite Buffering Cushion Packaging Materials. Forest Engineering. 2, 23. Zakis, G.F, Mozheiko, L.I., Telysheva, G.N. (1975). Methods for Lignin Functional Groups Defining. Riga, 175. |
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About the Poetic Text and a Concept as Ways of Representation of Author's Subjectivity and ModalityAyman B. Nurgazina, Kanat H. Rakhimzhanov, Marzhan K. Akosheva, Zhanarka B. Ibraeva, Gulvira K. Shaikova, Nartay K. Zhussupov, Muhabbat N. Baratova, and Janat Zh. Sakenov
pp. 11757-11770 | Article Number: ijese.2016.854
Abstract The content of the poetic text concept and concept as ways of author's subjectivity representation and a modality as generation of discursive practice of the poet is opened. Features of development poetic the text and a concept as ways of author's subjectivity representation and a modality where the mentality and culture are reflected are revealed. In the course of study, the authors summarize the notion of modality. For the purposes of practical analysis, the works of English poetry were selected and studied. Taking into account the interrelation of author’s subjectivity and modality with the expression of attitude to the reality, the authors have analyzed them in the context of effect they make in the text. The research required analysis of the basic publications and studies that allowed the authors to found out main features, types and characteristics of modality in the text. The modality is researched on the different levels of its realization, such as lexical, phonetic and stylistic ones, in order to show its unique nature in each sentence. The author’s subjectivity was studied as the way of effecting on the reader’s mind. The Model of the poetic text formation and concept as ways of author's subjectivity representation and a modality is developed. Keywords: author’s intentions; lexical units; stylistic device; semantic meaning; language category References American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. (2003). Retrieved from http://www.thefreedictionary.com/ Boyd, J., & Thorne, J. P. (1969). The semantics of modal verbs. Journal of Linguistics, 5(1), 57. http://doi.org/10.1017/S002222670000205X Britsyn, V. M. (2006). Modal grammar of discourse as one of the directions of the semantic-syntactic researches. Linguistics2, (2–3), 101–110. Butler, C. S. (1988). Politeness and the semantics of modalised derectives in English. In Linguistic in a systemic perspective (pp. 119–153). Amsterdam, Philadelphia. Bybee, J., & Fleischman, S. (1995). Modality in grammar and discourse. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: Benjamins publ. со. Coates, J. (1995). The expression of root and epistemic possibility in English. In The verb in contemporary English: Theory and description (pp. 145–156). Cambridge. Collins English Dictionary. (2012). Retrieved from http://www.thefreedictionary.com/ Conradie, C. J. (1995). On subjectification in modal adverbs. In Historical linguistics (pp. 93–103). Amsterdam, Philadelphia. Dickenson, E. (1862). The Poems. Retrieved from http://www.poemhunter.com/emily-dickinson/ Edgar, A.P. (2011). Complete Tales and Poems. Retrieved from http://www.web-books.com/ Hashemi, M. R., & Babaii, E. (2013). Mixed methods research: Toward new research designs in applied linguistics. The Modern Language Journal, 97(4), 828–852. http://doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-4781.2013.12049.x Hult, F. M. (2008). The History and Development of Educational Linguistics. In The Handbook of Educational Linguistics (pp. 10–24). Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. http://doi.org/10.1002/9780470694138.ch2 Islamova, I. F. (2011). Theoretical issues of the modality category. Philology. Scientific Tatarstan, (4), 195–198. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.ldoceonline.com/ Macdonald, C. (1987). Modality in language and thinking: Some developmental psycholinguistic considerations. African Studies, 46(2), 211–227. http://doi.org/10.1080/00020188708707675 Mikhailenko, V. V. (2009). Modus marker in the structure of discourse. The Digest of Zhytomir State University, (45. Philological sciences), 30–33. Momma, H. (1997). The composition of Old English poetry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Muldoon, P. (2003). Charles Baudelaire: “The Albatross.” Retrieved from http://www.everseradio.com/charles-baudelaire-the-albatross-by-paul-muldoon/ Natsuko, T. (2008). Linguistic Research and Language Teaching. Language and Linguistics Compass, 2(2), 251–263. Pennycook, A. (2008). Critical Applied Linguistics. In The Handbook of Applied Linguistics (pp. 784–807). Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. http://doi.org/10.1002/9780470757000.ch32 Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.ldoceonline.com/ Sadovnikova, G. V. (2016). Distinctive Cognitive Features of Automotive Terminology Structure in American English and German Language. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(5), 1281–1296. Shelley, P. B. (2003). The complete poetical works. Retrieved from http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/4800 Vintoniv, M. (2009). Sentences and expression in the modern linguistics: basic approaches to the analysis. Retrieved from http://archive.nbuv.gov.ua/portal/soc_gum/MV/2009_8/27.pdf Vus, N. J. (2006). Modality and its interpretation in the works of scientists. Retrieved from http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/portal/Soc_Gum/Slzb/2006_12/13_SlZb12_Vus.pdf |
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Development Principles of the Pedagogical System Aimed at Bachelor Training Based on Modern Information TechnologySayat G. Kurymbayev, Gulfarida E. Samashova, Zhuldyz E. Alshynbayeva, Aigul O. Mukhametzhanova, Adilzada M. Sharazdin, Kalamkas S. Kalybekova, and Umitzhan A. Kosybaeva
pp. 11771-11790 | Article Number: ijese.2016.855
Abstract Modern education is aimed at training competent specialists, which requires modernizing the training process by implementing innovative technologies, especially information technologies. Information technologies allow quickly accessing necessary data, which speeds up the training process. This paper deals with issues related to training bachelors of transport for using information technology. The study offers the system of bachelor training for using information technology. The authors analyzed and substantiated the information-related disciplines, identified their setbacks and the necessity of using IT tools in the academic process of the university. The results show that using information technologies improves the level of education significantly. Students were found to be more interested in learning. Information technologies allow holding online conferences, which gives students the opportunity to share experience, discuss relevant issues, and seek ways to solve them. 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Corruption – as an Institutional and Structural Element of StatehoodYury A. Svirin, Alexander A. Petrov, Olga N. Volkova, Irina V. Matveeva, Nikolay G. Gladkov & Mikhail E. Ignatyev
pp. 11791-11806 | Article Number: ijese.2016.856
Abstract The relevance of the investigated problem is caused by the need to develop new and improve the effectiveness of the existing tools for reduction and mitigation of adverse effects of corruption events (transactions) for the economy and society as a whole. In a globalizing world corruption acquired transnational dimensions, affecting the entire international community, the world economy and international relations; therefore it has to be studied at the international level. Transnational nature of corruption dictates the need for international cooperation in the field of corruption prevention and combating. Globalization, giving corruption planetary international character, requires the combined efforts of all the nations (states) in order to restrict this eternal ineradicable evil, and to develop new areas of resistance. To analyze and show the damage caused by corruption, to the society, public administration system, relations between the society and the state, to form basic principles and proposals for consolidation of civil society legal and social instruments in order to combat corruption and limit the phenomena. The article’s leading approach to the analysis of the corruption phenomena is a historical and dialectical method of scientific investigation of corruption as an institutional and structural element of the state. Apart from the historical and dialectical method, methods of structural and functional, statistical and system analysis are used, as well as scientific methods of cognition. This paper shows socio-economic and moral damage caused by corruption to the society, public administration, same as main directions of the fight against corruption phenomena and consolidation of the existing directions’ effectiveness. 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Anthropological Methods of Formation of University Students’ Spiritual and Moral CultureRashad A. Kurbanov, Elina I. Nikonova, Ramin A. Gurbanov, Natalia V. Svechnikova, Konstantin B. Tumarov & Evgeniy M. Marin
pp. 11807-11817 | Article Number: ijese.2016.857
Abstract The relevance of the study is reasoned by the increasing complexity of life activity in modern society, which results in distortion of the moral and value criteria and norms. The purpose of the article is to reveal anthropological methods of formation of university students’ spiritual and moral culture. The leading approach to the study is the anthropological approach allowing us to consider the spiritual and moral culture as an evolving set of moral and valuable position and special knowledge. The study involves 300 teachers, 500 students who have identified performance criteria of methods of formation of spiritual and moral culture. The main results of the study are to identify knowledge, motivation, activity-related methods of formation of spiritual and moral culture to ensure the inclusion in the content of education of teaching material about value relations, mandatory forms of culture; conjugation of ethical and professional standards of behavior on the basis of a single criterion of "ethical - unethical"; development of students' capacity for moral target setting. The significance of these results is that the identified methods involve the willingness of teachers to dialogue, respect and understanding of students, building a living knowledge in the course of joint creative activities directed to sense and life creation; determine the development of civil harmony on the spiritual and moral values. 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Mapping of Losses within Organization of Service Activity for Effective Use of EquipmentAnastasiya Egorova, Elena Yaschkova, Nadezhda Sineva, Anzhelika Schkunova, Sergey Semenov & Yuliya Klyueva
pp. 11819-11830 | Article Number: ijese.2016.858
Abstract The main objective of the present research is the revealing of "theoretical bottlenecks" (TBN) at enterprises – the stage of production process, within which there is loss of time necessary for providing of product or service. The methodological basis of the research is represented with: - theoretical and methodological analysis and synthesis of available special national and foreign scientific and methodological literature, conceptual analysis of scientific articles and thematic publications; - research and generalization of both - national and foreign developments and implementation of projects on mapping of losses within organization of service activity at enterprise; - applying of generalization, comparison, forecasting methods. Mapping at enterprises should be performed for as long as a plant unit remains theoretical bottleneck, losses of production are not described to the full, products are not received or taken out, or while the reason for such losses is the absence of raw material necessary for starting of production process or impossibility of end product's shipment. Keywords: Mapping, products, equipment, enterprise, service activity References Bratuhin, A.G. & Kalachanov, V.D. (1993). Knowledge-based aviation products: organizational and economic problems of development. Moscow: Mechanical engineering. Dubrovin, I.A. (2016). Economy and production organization. Moscow: Dashkov and Co'. Dubrovin, I.A. (2008). Organization and planning of production in enterprises. Moscow: Colossus. Egorova, A.O. (2014). Competitive advantages of enterprise as the basis for formation of competitive strategy. In digest: Industrial; development of Russia: problems, prospects. 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Catalytical Photocyclization of Arylamines with α-olefins in the Synthesis of 2-AlkylquinolineAynur Makhmutov, Salavat Usmanov & Ahat Mustafin
pp. 11831-11838 | Article Number: ijese.2016.859
Abstract The article deals with the results of investigation of the process of catalytical photocyclization of aniline and aniline hydrochloride with α-olefins (hexene-1, heptene-1 and octene-1). The following compounds of d- and f-metals are tested as probable catalysts: CuSO4•5H2O, EuCl3•6H2O, PrCl3•6H2O, TbCl3•6H2O, La2O3, MnO2, NiSO4•6H2O, NiCl2•6H2O, Ni(NO3)2•6H2O, [Ni(NH3)4]Cl2 and [(C6H5)3P]2NiCl2. Catalytic effect in the reaction of photocyclization is only detected for nickel compounds. The products of catalytical photocyclization are 2-alkylquinolines. Maximum output is observed for 2-propylquinoline and is equal to 45 % at conversion of aniline of 57 %. Photosynthesis of quinolinic bases proceeds under the influence of UV-radiation at room temperature. Catalytical activity of nickel ions in a series of investigated compounds marginally depends on ligand environment. The influence of solvents’ nature on the efficiency of catalytical photocyclization is detected. The output of the target product decreased in the following series: EtOH ˃ DMSO ˃ DMFA ˃ Toluol ˃ Hexane ˃ solventless system. Catalytical photocyclization of hydrochloride aniline with α-olefine in water environment relates to ecologically friendly way of 2-alkylquinolines synthesis. Keywords: Photocyclization, catalysis, aniline, aniline hydrochloride, alkene, 2-alkylquinoline References Agranomov, A.E. (1974). Laboratory researches in organic practicum. Moscow: Himija. Biswas, K. & Greaney M.F. (2011). Insertion of arynes into thioureas: a new amidine synthesis. Org. Lett., 13(18), 4946-4949. Bulgakov, R.G., Kuleshov, S.P., Mahmutov, A.R. & Dzhemilev, U.M. (2006). Crystal hydrates LnCl3•6H2O as highly effective catalysis in the synthesis of alkyl-substituted quinolines and phenanthrolines. Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 42(10), 1573-1575. Corrigan, N., Shanmugam, S., Xu, J. & Boyer, C. (2016). Photocatalysis in organic and polymer synthesis. Chem. Soc. 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Media Environment as a Zone of Personal and Social RiskTatyana Medvedeva, Galina Kazantseva, Albina Karpukova, Olga Serova, Olga Sizova & Lolita Bikteeva
pp. 11839-11843 | Article Number: ijese.2016.860
Abstract The paper considers elements of modern media environment taking more and more space in day-to-day life of people. The modern media environment enriched with various informational and technological resources, information transfer speed and availability of all kinds of content in unlimited quantities, requires careful examination - first of all, revealing dangerous and harmful effects of human interaction with media environment. There is a necessity of development of media hygiene from early childhood for the purpose of safe use of media content. The safety of media space is in general the task of state as the institution of society organization. Keywords: Media environment, communicative space, informational technologies, media ecology, media hygiene References Boler, M. (2008). Digital media and democracy: tactics in hard times. Cambridge: MIT Press. Castells, M. (1996). The information age: economy, society and culture. Oxford: WileyBlackwell. Demidov, A.D. (2006). In the Service of the Fatherland. Kaluga: Poligraf-inform. Gerbner, G. & Byrne, R.B. (1981). Communications in the 21-st Centary. New York: Wiley. Kirillov, N.B. (2003). Media Culture as an integrator of social modernization of the environment: PhD Thesis. Moscow, Kirillova, N. (2005). Media culture: from modern to postmodern. Moscow: Academic project. Law: Advertising Act. (2006). Direct access: https://rg.ru/2006/03/15/reklama-dok.html. Law: Information, Information Technology and Information Protection Act. (2006). Direct access: https://rg.ru/2006/07/29/informacia-dok.html. Law: Mass Media Act. (1991). Direct access: https://rg.ru/1991/12/27/smi-zakon.html. Levinson, P. (1999). Digital McLuhan: A Guide to the Information Millennium. New York: Routledge. Marchand, P. (1998). Marshall McLuhan: The Medium and the Messenger. Rev Sub edition. Cambridge: MIT Press. Matveyeva, L.V., Anikeyeva, T.Y. & Mochalova, Y.V. (2000). Psychology of television communication. Moscow: RIP Holding Publ. McLuhan, M. (1964). Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. New York: McGraw Hill. McLuhan, M. (1970). Culture is Our Business. New York: McGraw Hill. McLuhan, M., Hutchon, K., McLuhan, E. (1977). City as Classroom: Understanding Language and Media. Agincourt, Ont: Book Society of Canada. Medvedeva, T.Y. & Marik, V.B. (2015). Opportunities of information technology application in the process of professional self-determination of future expert in the sphere of art and culture. Herald of Minin university, 1, 1-9. Medvedeva, T.Y. & Merenkoc, D.I. (2015). Psychological features of perception of advertising image by students. Fundamental and applied scientific researches. Collection of articles of International scientific and practical conference. Ufa: Aeterna, 303-306. Meyrowitz, J. (1994). Medium Theory. Communication Theory Today. Ed. by David Crowley and David Mitchell. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Pocheptsov, G.G. (2001). Information and misinformation. Kiev: Elga: Nika-Centr Pramod, N.K. (2010). An Introduction to New Media and Cybercultures. Oxford: WileyBlackwell. Sapunov, B.M. (2006). Introduction to culturology. Basics of media culture. Moscow: Academy of media industry. Shesterina, A.M. (2013). Media. Voronezh pulse. Cultural environment and cultural policy. Voronezh: VGU. Smirnov, I.P. (2009). Video sequence. Historical semantics of cinema. St. Peterburg: Publishing house "Petropolis". Social networks for the media: as a working team SMM. RIA News. (2015). Direct access: http://oblako-media.ru/novosti/sotsseti-dlya-media-kak-rabotala-komandasmm-ria-novosti/ Urazova, S.L. (2014). Mass media in the multimedia environment. The main problems and risk areas. Moscow: Academy of Media Industry. |
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Instruments of International Scientific Cooperation in the Field of Bioeconomy as Driver of Emerging Economies. The Experience of the EU-Russia CooperationIrina Sharova, Ekaterina Dzedzyulya, Irina Abramycheva & Alena Lavrova
pp. 11845-11853 | Article Number: ijese.2016.861
Abstract The article reflects undertaken worldwide steps to build the bioeconomy. Bioeconomy is a set of industries, from the point of view of economy, and a plurality of cross-industry research, in terms of global science. All this leads to difficulty in understanding the boundaries of bioeconomy, developing within the traditional economies. The article also presents the main instruments of support and development of biotechnology and bioeconomy in Russia, such as the National Technology Initiative (NTI), the Federal Targeted Programme for Research and Development in Priority Areas of Advancement of the Russian Scientific and Technological Complex for 2014-2020 (action 2.2). The influence of the international scientific and technological programs (Horizon 2020, ERA-NET) on the regional economy was also estimated. Keywords: Bioeconomy, grants, foundations, international scientific cooperation, research and development, coordinated calls, emerging economies, the EU, US, BRICS, Russia, biotechnology References Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems Towards 2020. (2014). An orientation paper on linking innovation and research. European Commission.Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Direct access: http://ec.europa.eu/research/bioeconomy/pdf/agricultural-knowledge-innovation-systems-towards-2020_en.pdf Amsden, A. (2001). The Rise of ‘the Rest’: Challenge t the West from Late-Industrializing Economies. New York: Oxford University Press. Balashova, M.V., Bukhaeva, E.E., Kuklina, E.R., Luksha, O.P. & Yanovsky, A.E. (2016). Mechanisms for Supporting Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the BRICS States: Multilateral Calls and Networking Platform for Knowledge and Technology Transfer. 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Modern Youth Market of Labour: Problems and Ways of SolutionAnna Pukhova, Tatiana Belyaeva, Bella Nochvina, Olga Nemova, Olga Shimanskaya & Svetlana Tolkunova
pp. 11855-11862 | Article Number: ijese.2016.862
Abstract More than ever, in the current economic crisis, becomes relevant the question of the extent assessing and the monitoring of the young people behavior at the labor market. In youth research an important issue is the problem of their employment in today's labor market. Youth plays an important role in the economic, social and political life of society. In modern conditions this segment of the labor market is estimated as the most socially and economically vulnerable. During the research were carried out recommendations for possible improvements of the youth employment situation, among them are: providing legal and economic protection at the legislative level; orientation of the education system to the practical needs of the market; modernization of vocational guidance of pupils et al. Keywords: Labour youth market, population employment, unemployment, labour power, professional orientation of pupils References Clark, J.B. (1934). The distribution of wealth. Moscow: Sotsekgiz. Essen Universita et Informations system Studien wahlund Arbeits markt. Direct access: http://www.studis-online.de/Karriere/art-1584-studienwahl-und-arbeitsmarkt.php. Folloni, G. & Vittadini, G. (2010). Human Capital Measurement: A Survey. Journal of Economic Surveys, 24(2), 248-279. Germany – unemployment level. Direct access: http://ru.tradingeconomics.com/germany/une-mployment-rate. Government program: Promotion of employment of population in the Nizhny Novgorod region for 2014-2016. (2013). Direct access: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/465505397. Granberg, A., Suslov, V. & Kolomak, E. (1997). Large regions of Russia: Economic integration and interaction with the world economy. Moscow: EERS Russia. Gu, W. & Wong, A. (2010). Estimates of Human Capital: The Lifetime Income Approach. Economic Analysis Research Paper. Series No. 062. Statistics Canada. Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft: Soziale Umverteilung von obennachunten? (2009). Direct access: http://www.nachdenkseiten.de/?p=3985. Kapelyushnikov, R.I. (2012). How much is Russian human capital? Moscow: Higher School of Economics. Keynes, J.M. (2002). The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. Moscow: Helios ART. Marshall, A. (1981). Principles of economics. 3 ed. Moscow: Progress. Mazin, A.L. & Shernova, N.P. (2009). State regulation of the economy: the manual. Nizhni Novgorod: NIMB. Orlov, A.V. (2004). Essays on general economic theory. The rationalistic approach. St. Peterburg: Publishing House of STU. Petty, W. (1753). A Miscellaneous Catalogue of Mean, Vulgar, Cheap and Simple Experiments. London: Royal Society of London. Phelps, E.S. (1966). Golden Rules of Economic Growth. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. Pukhova, A.G. (2014). Background and factors having impact on formation and functioning of regional labor market. Herald of Minin university, 2. Direct access: http:// http://www.mininuniver.ru/scientific/scientific_activities/vestnik/archive/no6. Ricardo, D. (1952). The Works and Correspondence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Rimashevskaya, N.M. (2001). Strategy of social protection of the population. Russian Population, 1, 6-28. Say, J.B. (1834). A Treatise on Political Economy. Philadelphia: Grigg & Elliott. Sizova, I.L. (2015). Academic culture of modern Russian University. PEM: Psychology. Educology. Medicine, 2, 9-25 Smith, A., Strahan, W. & Cadell, T. (1776). An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. London: Methuen & Co. State agency of population employment in the Nizhny Novgorod region. (2015). Direct access: //http://czn.nnov. Svadbina, T.V., Nemova, O.A., Pakina, T.A. (2014). Modern traffic of slave trade: causes, forms, consequences, prophylaxis. Sociological researches, 2, 43-48. Toschenko, Z.T. (2011). Sociology of Management. Moscow: Social Forecasting and Marketing Center. Yadov, V.A. (1995). Social and socio-psychological mechanisms of formation of the social identity of the person. World of Russia, 4, 3-4. Zubarevich, N.V. (2010). Regions of Russia: the inequality crisis, modernization. Moscow: Independent Institute of Social Policy. |
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Crop Insurance as a Means of Increasing Efficiency of Agricultural Production in RussiaAleksandr Pavlov, Aleksandr Kindaev, Irina Vinnikova & Ekaterina Kuznetsova
pp. 11863-11868 | Article Number: ijese.2016.863
Abstract The authors tackle the question of the urgent need for changing the approach to agricultural insurance, with regard to cultivation of grain crops in particular. Having studied the changes in the structure of sown areas of Penza region (located in the central part of Russia) in the period from 1980 to 2013 with the aid of cluster analysis, the researcher found out that in rural areas one cannot diversify crop failure risks by planting several grain crops, by reason of the results for one culture being identical to the results for the other. Therefore, agricultural cereal growers should consider crop insurance, because their activities are exposed to agro-climatic factors. As a part of the investigation, a simulation modelling of performance of agricultural producers was carried out, which proves the effectiveness of insurance at low interest rates achieved through allotment of reserve funds by insurance companies.The analytical findings of the study help to provide additional possibilities for increasing the efficiency of agricultural producers of Russian regions. Keywords: Grain crop raising, crop insurance, performance modeling, insurance rate, a reserve fund of an insurance company, risk management References Anderson, J.R. & Hazell, P.B. (1997). Risk Considerations in Agricultural Policy Making. Risk Management Strategies in Agriculture. Mansholt studies, 7, 273-284. Barnett, B.J., Barrett, C.B. & Skees, J.R.. (2008). Poverty Traps and Index-based Risk Transfer Products. World Development, 36, 1766-1785. Batova, V.N. & Rassadin, V.V. (2014). Strategic management of enterprise labour potential as a tool for economic security. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 21(2), 401-405. Dandekar, V.M. (1976). Crop Insurance in India. Economic and Political Weekly, 11(26), 61-80. Duncan, J. & Myers, R.J. (2000). Crop Insurance under Catastrophic Risk. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 82(4), 842-855. Goodwin, B.K. (2001). Problems with Market Insurance in Agriculture. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 83(3), 643-649. Gujarati, D. (1992). Essentials of econometrics. New York: McGraw-Hill International Editions. Gurenko, E. & Mahul, O. (2004). Enabling Productive but Asset-Poor Farmers to Succeed: A Risk Financing Framework. Washington: World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3211. Hardaker, J.B., Hurine, R.B. & Anderson, J.R. (1997). Coping with Risk in Agriculture. Wallingford: CAB International. Holzmann, R. & Jorgensen, S. (2000). Social Risk Management: A New Conceptual Framework for Social Protection and Beyond. Social Protection Discussion Paper 6. Washington: World Bank. Khalafyan, A.A. (2007). Statistica 6. Statistical Analysis. Moscow: Bean Press. Mahul, O. & Stutley, C.J. (2010). Government Support to Agricultural Insurance. Washington: The World Bank Mario, M. & Vedenov, D.V. (2001). Innovations in Agricultural and Natural Disaster Insurance. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 83(3), 650-655. Mills, E. (2007). Synergisms between climate change mitigation and adaptation: an insurance perspective. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategy for Gloal Change, 12, 809–842. Mills, E. (2012). The Greening if Insurance. Science: Policy Forum, 338, 1424-25. Morgan, S.L., Marsden, T. & Morley, A. (2010). Agricultural miltifunctionality and farmers entrepreneurial skills: A study of Tuscan and Welsh farmers. Journal of Rural Studies, 26(2), 116-129. Paris, R. (2008). Agricultural Insurance Market. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Task Force. Brusssels, 245-253. Rassadin, V.V., Pavlov, A.J., Batova,V.N. & Kolesnikov. A.V. (2014). Evolutional-genetic approach to formation of sustainable development indicators of the agricultural territories. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2(10), 230-236. Sherrick, B.J., Peter J.G., Schnitkey, D., Ellinger, P.N. & Wansink, B. (2003). Farmers Preferences for Crop Insurance Attributes. Review of Agricultural Economics, 25, 415-429. Townsend, R.M. (1994). Risk and Insurance in Village India. Econom, 62, 539-591. Tucker, M. (1997). Climate change and the insurance industry: the cost of increased risk and the impetus for action. Ecological Economics, 22, 85–96. Varangis, P., Larson, D.J. & Anderson J. (2002). Agricultural Markets and Risks: Management of the Latter, Not the Former. Washington: World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2793. Vavrova, E. (2005). The Czech Agricultural Insurance Market and a Prediction of its Development in the Context of the European Union.Agric. Econ.-Czech., 51, 531-538. Wenner, M. (2005). Agricultural Insurance Revisited: New Development and Perspective in Latin America and the Caribbean. Washington: World Bank, 1-77. Xavier, G., Townsend, R.W. & Vickery, J. (2008). Patterns of Rainfall Insurance Participation in Rural India. The World Bank Economic Review, 1, 18-28. |
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Linguoculturological Analysis of Woman’s Image in the Proverbs and Sayings of the Dagestan LanguagesMarina Gasanova, Patimat Magomedova & Salminat Gasanova
pp. 11869-11887 | Article Number: ijese.2016.864
Abstract The article is devoted to linguoculturological description of woman’s image in the proverbial worldview of the Dagestan languages. The analysis of proverbial expressions revealed androcentric bias of the Dagestan paroemiological worldview where woman, as a rule, appears for an object: mainly for mother, daughter, bride, and wife/mistress. The proverbs representing the image of mother have uniquely positive connotation, while the image of stepmother is traditionally laden with negative context. One of the most important components of the gender worldview is marriage. The role and position of woman in family is represented especially eloquently. Image of wife is one of the most frequent female proverbial images. In the proverbs and sayings a series of warnings and recommendations regarding marriage are represented, addressed mostly to man, which shows the androgenic character of the Dagestan language worldview. Zoomorphic images in the Dagestan culture may have gender compound. The concept of woman, actualized by the Dagestan proverbial units is of a contradictory and inhomogeneous nature. Some attributes represent the moral system and social grounds of patriarchal society, while the other are connected with the fair side of the female origin as a source of life. The woman’s image is multifaceted and expresses opposite connotations which may be explained by the enigma of womanhood and its ambiguous interpretation in the national linguistic views of the world. Keywords: Dagestan languages, proverbs and sayings, proverbial worldview, concept, woman, linguoculturology References Adoneva, S.B. (2004). Folklore pragmatic. St.Peterburg: Publishing House St. Petersburg University. Avar proverbs. (2012). Recorded by Alikhanov Zayirbeg and Alikhanov Said. Makhachkala: Publishing house "Epoch". Balkansky T. (1984). Questions of general phraseology and Dagestan. Interuniversity scientific-themed collection. Makhachkala: Publishing house "Epoch". Gasanova, M.A. (2012). Place gender in Tabasaranskiy paremiological worldview. Language. Literature. Culture, 3, 17-26. Gasanova, M.A. (2014a). History paremiological research Dagestan languages. Direct acces: www.science-education.ru/120-16949 Gasanova, M.A. (2014b). Tabasaranskiy proverbs, sayings, riddles. Makhachkala: CPI DGU. Gasanova, M.A. & Mazanaev, Sh. (2014). Religious and magical codes culture Tabasaranskiy paremiological worldview. Herald of Adygeya State University. Philology and art history, 3(145), 46-53. Gyulmagomedov, A.G. (1972) Review of the literature on phraseology Dagestan languages. Bulletin phraseology, 1, 81-88. Gyulmagomedov, A.G. (1989). Bibliography of literature on comparative phraseology. Research on general and Dagestan phraseology. Makhachkala: DSU. Gyulmagomedov, A.G. (2002). Linguistics in Dagestan on the turn of the century. Linguistics in Dagestan. Linguistic yearbook. Makhachkala: CPI DGU. Hasanova, U.U. (2014). Dargin Dictionary of proverbs and sayings. Makhachkala: CPI DGU. Isayev, M.Sh. (2006). Idiom Dargin language and dialect Khaidak indicating the course of action. Problems of general linguistics and Dagestan. Scientific publication issue 4. Makhachkala. Korolenko, R. (2005). Women concept in contemporary Anglo-American culture. Actual problems of linguistics and linguistics: article collection. Irkutsk: IVVAIU, 103-111. Magomedov, P.A. & Isaeva, E.M. (2015). The phenomenon of synesthesia in the metaphors of the component "love". Fundamental Research, 2(23), 5284-5289; Mahmudova, S. (2014). Pearls Rutul thoughts. Makhachkala: Publishing house "Epoch". Maslova, V.A. (2004). Cultural linguistics. Moscow: AST –Press book. Mazanaev, Sh. (1990). Agulla. Makhachkala: Soviet Dagestan. Mazanaev, Sh. & Baziev, Z.M. (2014). Agul folklore. Makhachkala: IYALI DSC RAS. Nasrulaev, A.R. (2009). Agulla - Alpha and Omega. Makhachkala: ID "Epoch" Nazarevich, A.F. (1997). Proverbs peoples of Dagestan. Makhachkala: ID "Epoch" Permyakov, G.L. (1970). From fairy tales to proverbs. Moscow: Nauka. Permyakov, G.L. (1988). Fundamentals of structural paremiology. Moscow: Nauka. Telia, V.N. (1996). Russian phraseology. Semantic, pragmatic and lingvo-culturological aspects. Moscow: School "Russian Culture Languages". Zakharenko, I. (2006). Dairy rivers milk and honey. Large phrasebook Russian language. Value. Use. Culturological comment. Moscow: "AST-Press book". |
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Specific Features of Life Situations in Teenagers and Young People, Predisposed to Deviant BehaviorLarisa Ed. Zotova, Nikolaj S. Prjazhnikov, Marija S. Berezhnaja, Vjacheslav A. Ermakov & Marina R. Melamud
pp. 11889-11897 | Article Number: ijese.2016.865
Abstract The importance of the studied problem is determined by the fact that the influence of the deviant environment on society, the spread of its morality, a psychological «exposure» of a less stable part of the population, that is teenagers and young adults, all this is – a reality of the contemporary social situation. The study of problems connected with the personality formation in teenage years and adolescence, the effect of social relations on the deviance manifestation acquires a great significance. Due to it, this article is directed towards the study of life situations in teenagers and young adults who are predisposed to deviant behavior for the purpose of verifying the hypothesis about the presence of specific features in a person who is predisposed to deviant behavior which was linked to life situations which the person’s life goes through. In the framework of completing the goals set before the study the comparison of types and categories of life situations was conducted as well as the average time of retrospection and anticipation in young people who are predisposed or not to deviant behavior. The results of the comparative analysis of various sample groups of teenagers and young people are given in the conclusions among which the most significant item is the lesser time of anticipating events in young people who are susceptible to deviant behavior which is explained by a less clear life prospect and as a sequence by a lesser level of purposefulness of their own life activity. The leading approach to the study of this problem is holistic, systemic and dialectic approaches which provide integrity and comprehensiveness of the study based on a holistic personal development that takes into account the history of a personality. The materials of the article are of practical importance for psychologists, social workers and staff members of educational institutions that carry out work with teenagers and young adults who are prone to deviant behavior. Keywords: Deviant behavior, life situations, personality dispositions. References Ageyeva, L.G. (2005). The socializing defect of the school students personality of a secondary school. Bulletin of Social work, 6, 113–119. Bandura, А. (2000). Teenage agression: the study of influence of upbringing and family relations. Moscow: EKSMO-Press. Baron, P. (2000). Aggression. St. Petersburg: Pieter. Bityutskaya, Е.V. (2011). Contemporary approaches to the study of coping with difficult life situations. Bulletin of Moscow University, 14(1), 100 - 111. Bratus, B.S. (1988). Personality abnormalities. Moscow: Mysl, 304 p. Burlachuk, L.F. & Korzhova, Е.Yu. (1998). Psychology of life situations. Moscow: Russian Pedagogical Agency. Efimova, О.I., Oschepkov, А.А. & Salakhova, V.B. (2015). Personality and deviations: values and meanings. Ulyanovsk: USU. Efimova, О.I., Salakhova V.B., Mikhaylova I.V., Gnedova S.B., Chertushkina T.A. & Agadzhanova E.R. (2015). Theoretical review of scientific approaches to understanding crisis psychology. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2, 3-11. Kalinina, N.V., Kalinin, I.V., Oschepkov, A.A., Salahova, V.B. & Sima, M.A. (2016) The Use of Social Resources of Inclusive Educational Environment to Cope Difficult Situations by Adolescents. Mathematics education, 11(7), 2527-2536. Kislitsina, V.А. & Tsaryova, А.А. (2014). The problem of forming the students’ readiness for difficult life situations. Contemporary approaches to the education quality increase: A collection of methodological articles. Ishim, 55 - 60. Kleiberg, Yu.А. (2004). Social psychology of deviant behavior. Moscow: Sfera. Kochkaryova, I.V. (2012). Resolution of intrapersonal conflict in the process of coping with difficult life situations. 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Structure of the Complexity Parameter of the Test Physic Problem in Rasch ModelVyacheslav T. Volov & Alexander A. Gilev
pp. 11899-11905 | Article Number: ijese.2016.866
Abstract In today’s item response theory (IRT) the response to the test item is considered as a probability event depending on the student’s ability and difficulty of items. It is noted that in the scientific literature there is very little agreement about how to determine factors affecting the item difficulty. It is suggested that the difficulty of the item increases with the number of key elements, which are the data elements used in solving the item. Based on the statistical analysis of solutions of specially designed test items it has been concluded that there is a linear dependence of the item difficulty in the Rasch model on the number of key elements of the solution. The result allows taking an unbiased look at the difficulty of test items at the stage of their development, as well as predicts the outcome of testing. Keywords: Rasch model, the item difficulty parameter, cognitive operations References Andreev, V.I. (2000). Education: Training for creative self-development. Kazan: Center for Innovative Technologies. Ball, G.A. (1990). The theory of academic pursuits: Psychology and education aspect. Moscow: Pedagogic. Chelyshkova, M.B. (2002). Theory and practice of designing educational tests. Moscow: Logos. Crocker, L. & Algina, J. (2010). Introduction to classical and modern test theory. Moscow: Logos. Dzhalmuhambetov, A.U. & Stefanova, G.P. (2009). Tasks - problems, tasks assessment on physics, methods of their solution: the manual. Astrakhan: Izd Gos.ped.un. Gilev, A.A. (2007). Cognitive analysis of the process of training solutions of physical problems. Physics in Higher Education, 2, 26-37. Gilev, A.A. (2008). Workshop on the decision of physical problems in a technical college: the manual. St. Petersburg: Lan 'Publisher. Gilev, A.A. (2011c). Cognitive competences: development and diagnostics in the physics course of the higher technical school. Samara: SGASU. Gilev, A.A. (2011b). Level measurement logical inference. Proceedings of the SFU. Jurisprudence, 8, 175-180. Gilev, A.A. (2011a). Quality diagnosis of cognitive processing verbal information in solving physical problems. Physics in Higher Education, 17, 16-27. Gilev, A.A. (2016). Methodical system of cognitive competence development of students in teaching physics: monograph. Samara: SGASU. Kim, V.S. (2007). Testing of educational achievements. Ussuriisk: University press UGPI. Lerner, I.Ya. (2000). Problem-based learning, The theory and methods of learning physics in school: General quesrions. In S.E. Kamenetski, N.S. Purysheva (Eds.). Moscow: Publishing center “Academy”. Neiman, Yu.M. & Khlebnikov, V.A. (2000). Introduction to the theory of modeling and parameterization of education tests. Moscow: Nauka. Osipov, P.N. & Marshalova, I.N. (2013). Formation of research competence of the future engineers in design activity. Herald of Kazan Technological University, 16, 194-197. Popov, L.M. & Ibragimov, E.N. (2007). Psychology intellectual development of the student-activity. Scientific notes of the Kazan State University, 149, 5-19. Popov, L.M., Ustin, P.N. & Molchanov, E.I. (2009). Orientation of students on the intellectual and ethical self-development and self-development. Education, 6(16), 3-8. Stenner, A.J., Wright, B.D. & Linacre, J.M. (1994). From P-values and raw score statistics to logits. Direct access: http://www.rasch.org/rmt/rmt81.htm. Volov, V.T. & Kaptsov, A.V. (2009). Methods of diagnosis and management of the dynamics of socio-psychological characteristics of the person based on the information and thermodynamic approach. Bulletin of the University of RAO, 9, 60-64. Volov, V.T. (2007). On the principles of the system of education. Philosophy of Education, 4(21), 4-11. |
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Legal Regulation of Employment in KazakhstanAmangeldy Sh. Khamzin, Sarsengali Aldashev, Yerazak M. Tileubergenov, Ainur K. Kussainova, Zhanna A. Khamzina, Yermek A. Buribayev
pp. 11907-11916 | Article Number: ijese.2016.867
Abstract In the context of the ongoing financial and economic crisis which had begun in 2014 the main prerequisite for employment in Kazakhstan acts unemployment which is accompanied by various social, economic and psychological problems. Analysis of the current state of labor market in Kazakhstan needs urgent actions in prevention and reducing unemployment, including creation and consolidation of the relevant legal provisions specific employment system which guarantees realization of citizens' rights in the field of labor and employment and meets modern economic realities. The main purpose of the work is a comprehensive study of theoretical and practical issues of employment, as well as formation of a science-based concepts of its legal regulation that can help in creation of the most effective and appropriate for the current situation in the employment system of Kazakhstan. The main conclusions and practical suggestions: the mechanism of legal regulation of employment is revealed; the features of this mechanism are highlighted; the content of state guarantees in this area and measures for their implementation is analyzed; the proposals in improving of legislation on employment are formulated; some options for improving the treatment of the self-employed citizens are offered. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that it was proposed to solve the matter of division of powers of central government authorities and local authorities in order to develop and implement the measures ensuring employment of the population, including measures ensuring employment of citizens at risk of dismissal, as well as the citizens who are in need for social protection; different classifications of legal forms in employment security are investigated. The main theoretical and practical conclusions and recommendations can be used in a rule-making process and enforcement. The materials can be used in further research in this area, in teaching of labor law. Keywords: Employment, labor market, public administration, socio-economic categories, self-employment References Aleksandrov, N.G. (2008). Labor relations. Moscow: Prospect, 344 p. Babcock, B.A. (1975). Sex discrimination and the law: Causes and remedies. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 480 p. Bagenstos, S.R. (2013). Employment Law and Social Equality. Michigan Law Review, 112(2), 225-274. Barnard, C. (2012). EU Employment Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 800 p. Befort, S.F. (2001). Labor and Employment Law at the Millennium: A Historical Review and Critical Assessment. Boston College Law Review, 43, 351–462. Belton, R. (2004). Employment Discrimination Law: Cases and Materials on Equality in the Workplace. USA: West Academic, 1008 p. Bonete, A.D. (2015). Marked by invalidations. The consultation period in collective redundancies. Spanish Labour Law and Employment Relations Journal, 4(1-2), 4-25. Buribayev, Y. (2016). The problems of coordination of the international duties of the Kazakhstan Republic in the social-labour sphere and national law. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(15), 8436-8446. Buribayev, Y.A. (2016). Legal Regulation of Labor Migration in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9(16), 1-6. DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i16/89898. Deakin, S.F., Morris, G.S. (2012). Labour Law. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 1360 p. Ellis, E. (1998). EC sex equality law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 392 p. Freedland, M.R. (2003). The Personal Employment Contract. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 560 p. Harel, A., Procaccia, Y., Ritov, I. (2015). On the Economic Effects of Unenforced Regulation in Employment Law. Retrieved September 30, 2016, from https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2542058 Janssen, J. (2016). Wage-Worker, a Universal Civil Status, not Employment Dependency. E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies, 5(3), 1-7. Kahn-Freund, O. (1979). The study of labour law – some recollections. Industrial Law Journal, 8(1), 197-201. Khamzin, A.Sh., Khamzina, Zh.A., Buribayev, Y.A. (2015). Decent Work Programme of Kazakhstan: Social and Labor Rights Protection from an Institutional Aspect of International Law. Journal of East Asia and International Law, 8(2), 539-548. Khamzina, Z.A. (2016). Constitutional Law Fundamentals of the State Administration of the Social Sphere in the Republic of Kazakhstan. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(12), 5237-5249. Lindemann, B., Kadue, D.D. (2003). Age discrimination in employment law. Portland: BNA Books, 1578 p. Pashkov, A.S. (1994). Employment, unemployment, employment: Review of the legislation. St. Petersburg: Neva, 56 p. Pizzoferrato, A. (2015). The Economic Crisis and Labour Law Reform in Italy. International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 31(2), 187–205. Semet, A. (2016). Political Decision-Making at the National Labor Relations Board: An Empirical Examination of the Board’s Unfair Labor Practice Decisions through the Clinton and Bush II Years. Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law, 37(2), 223-292. Stone, K.V. (2006). Legal protections for atypical employees: employment law for workers without workplaces and employees without employers. Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law, 27(2), 251-286. Supiot, A. (2000). The dogmatic foundations of the market. Industrial Law Journal, 29(4), 321-346. Vries, S.A. (2016). Protecting Fundamental (Social) Rights through the Lens of the EU Single Market: The Quest for a More ‘Holistic Approach. International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 32(2), 203–229. Weiler, P.C. (1990). Governing the workplace: The future of labor and employment law. 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Learning Outcomes in Vocational Education: a Business Plan Development by Production-Based Learning Model ApproachIndrati Kusumaningrum, Hendra Hidayat, Ganefri, Sartika Anori, Mega Silfia Dewy
pp. 11917-11930 | Article Number: ijese.2016.868
Abstract This article describes the development of a business plan by using production-based learning approach. In addition, this development also aims to maximize learning outcomes in vocational education. Preliminary analysis of curriculum and learning and the needs of the market and society become the basic for business plan development. To produce a business plan by production-based learning approach, valid trials were conducted by experts, to evaluate the business plan design in stages. Validation process was done by three experts on the business plan content, content quality, and suitability to the material. The results of the draft business plan has been said to be valid for use on learning in vocational education after it is being revised and improved in accordance with experts’ advice. Through the business plan by using production-based learning approach, it becomes one of the bridges that can help students to learn entrepreneurship and growing interest in it. In addition, the learning outcomes in vocational education is not merely capable of producing the products but could think of innovation products. The resulting product is analyzed and clearly described in the business plan. Thus, by the end of the business plan produced by students can be more serious in learning, because students know the resulting product must be qualified and able to compete in the marketplace. Business plan of production-based learning approach has the power to encourage students to become more serious in the classroom. Keywords: Learning Outcomes, Business Plan, Production-Based Learning References Ahmad Fauzi., Patta Bundu & Suradi Tahmir. (2016). The Development of Maritime English Learning Model Using Authentic Assessment Based Bridge Simulator in Merchant Marine Polytechnic, Makassar. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(10), 3231-3240. Ames, C. B. (1989). How to devise a winning business plan. 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Coordinating Activity of the Prosecutor’s Office in the Sphere of Criminality Prevention of UkraineMihail M. Burbyka, Alyona N. Klochko, Oleg N. Reznik
pp. 11931-11941 | Article Number: ijese.2016.869
Abstract The article deals with the actual problems of the coordination activity of Ukrainian prosecution agencies in the fight against crime, which require urgent solution. They include insufficient legal support of the coordination activity of prosecution agencies; inadequate level of methodological developments regarding these issues; implementation by prosecutors of only a few directions and forms of the coordination activity; inadequate organization of the coordination activity; absence of effective criteria to assess its effectiveness. At the same time, the coordination activity of prosecution agencies is regarded as a component of criminological function of prosecution agencies. Keywords: Criminological function, crime, coordination activity References Alyona N. Klochko, Nikolay I. Logvinenko, Tatyana А. Kobzeva, Elena I. Kiselyova (2016). Legalizing proceeds from crime through the banking system. . Criminology Journal of Baikal National University of Economics and Law. 2016. vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 195 p Conway G. (2013). Holding to Account a Possible European Public Prosecutor Supranational Governance and Accountability across Diverse Legal Traditions. Criminal Law Forum, 3(24): 371-401. Golina V.V. (1981). The work of the bodies of internal affairs, court and prosecutor’s office on crime prevention. V.V. Golina. Jurid. in-t, p. 77. Gudkov, L. (2013). Fatal continuities: From soviet totalitarianism to Putin’s authoritarianism. Osteuropa, 5 1 -6(63): 283-295. Ivanov A.V. (2013). Century Criminological function of the bodies of the Prosecutor's office for the prevention of tax crimes. The fight against crime: Collection of research materials: V.I. Borisov et al. Pravo, Issue 25, 304 p. Kononov A.L. (1993). History of supervision over observance of rights and legimate interests of citizens. A.L. Kononov. M.: NII problem ukrepleniya zakonnosti i pravoporyadka, pp. 42-52. (Sovetskaya prokuratura. Ocherki istorii). Kozachuk O. (2014). The content and organization coordinating the activities of the bodies of the Prosecutor’s office for supervision over observance of law in the military sphere. O. Kozachuk. Vestnik prokuratury. No. 3, pp. 84-89. Kornjakova T.V. (2004). The prosecutor’s office and agencies nondepartmental control: Dis. thesis for the degree of the Candidate of Juridical Sciences: 12.00.10, Odessa, 216 p. Kosyuta M.V. (2002). Problems and ways of the development of the Prosecutor’s office of Ukraine in the conditions of building a democratic state: Thesis for the degree of the Doctor of Juridical Sciences: 12.00.10, Odesa, 467 p. Kulish A.N., Klochko A.N. (2013). Some aspects of criminological security of financial institutions. Criminology Journal of Baikal National University of Economics and Law. 2013. № 4, 129 p. Lagovier N. (1929) Task and role of the Prosecutor as the organizer of the crime. N. Lagovier. Ezhenedelnik sovetskoy yustitsii. No.47. pp. 112-115. Manuel K.M., Garvey T. (2013). Prosecutorial discretion in immigration enforcement: Legal issues. Immigration Enforcement: Elements and Legal Issues. CRS, United States. 28р. Miroshnichenko S.S. (2008). The activities of the Prosecutor's office on the prevention of organized crime. K. 212 p. Modern problems and strategy of the fight against crime. Ed. By V.N. Burlakov, B. V. Volzhenkin. St. Petersburg, 2005, 592 p. Monar J. (2013). Eurojust and the European Public Prosecutor Perspective: From Cooperation to Integration in EU Criminal Justice? Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 3(14): 339-356. On measures for further improvement of activity of bodies of Prosecutor’s office for combating crime and violations of the law. Sbornik deystvuyushchikh prikazov i instruktsiy Generalnogo prokurora SSSR. M., 1966. Ch.1. Rott V. A. (1924). The interaction of the worker-peasant inspection and judicial bodies. Vestnik sovetskoj justicii (Ukraina). No.12. pp. 339-340. Temporary regulation of the people’s Commissariat of justice of the RSFSR. Ezhenedelnik sovetskoy yustitsii. 1922. No. 28. Vervaele J.A.E. (2014). The material scope of competence of the European Public Prosecutor's Office: Lex uncerta and unpraevia? ERA Forum, 1: 85-99. Yakimchuk M.K. (2002). Legal framework of the management of the public Prosecutor’s office of Ukraine: Thesis for the degree of the Doctor of Juridical Sciences. Chernovcy, 396 p. |
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A Structural and Functional Model for Forming Management Skills in Junior SchoolchildrenMalika M. Knissarina, Sharidyar A.Valikhanov, Kenzhekhan T. Medeubayeva, Makpal K. Zhazykova, Bazar A. Rakhmetova, Salima S. Seytenova, Akmaral S. Abil, and Shnargul Ai. Mukhangaliyeva
pp. 11943-11955 | Article Number: ijese.2016.871
Abstract The purpose of the study is to analyze theoretically and simulate the formation of management skills in junior schoolchildren. The authors classified junior schoolchildren’s management skills, defined psychological and pedagogical principles of their formation. Empirically obtained results of questionnaires for teachers and parents (n=550) determined how well they understood the importance and relevance of forming management skills at primary school. In order to examine the organization of the pedagogical process at schools the pedagogical documents were analyzed. Obtained data were used to develop indices and criteria of formed management skills, as well as a structural and functional scheme of forming management skills in junior schoolchildren. The suggested model of the content of learning-activity management preserves the substantial distinctness of management actions and operations and creates possibilities for comprehending the structure of learning-activity management to apply knowledge thereof consciously when organizing the educational process in elementary schools. Keywords: learning skills; management skills; personality-oriented education; cognitive competence; self-regulated learning; personality-oriented education; model of forming junior schoolchildren’s management skills References Alexander, R. (2004). Still no pedagogy? Principle, pragmatism and compliance in primary education. Cambridge Journal of Education, 34(1), 7-33. Bennis, W. G. & O’Toole, J. (2005). How business schools lost their way. Harvard business review, 83(5), 96-104. Estes, C. A. (2004). Promoting student-centered learning in experiential education. Journal of Experiential Education, 27(2), 141-160. Flanders, N. A. (1960). 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Synergetic Paradigm of Geographical ScienceVladimir A. Gorbanyov
pp. 11957-11967 | Article Number: ijese.2016.870
Abstract It is shown that in the last decades, geography has expanded so much, that it has lost its object of study. It was not clear, what the geographical science does, and, as a consequence, households have an extremely low level of geographical cultures and geographical education. Each geography is extremely isolated, has its own object of study. Especially the big gap still lies between the physical and socio-economic geography. As a result, each geographical science was so moving away from geography that actually merges with the adjacent sciences – physics, geology, economics, sociology, biology, political science etc. To solve this problem proposed to define the human environment as the object of geography study. The environment was defined as an area where natural sphere (geographical envelope), anthropogenic (man-made) sphere and the social sphere interact with each other. At the same time narrow scientific branches, not in charge of environment, should move to the appropriate related sciences, is now actually happening. Thus, we propose a new geographical paradigm, where the geography will become less scattered, and will take single or synergistic nature.
Keywords: environment; the study object of geography; scattered geography natural sphere; anthropogenic sphere; social sphere; single geography; synergetic geography References Anuchin, V. A. (1972). Theoretical foundations of geography. Moscow: Mysl, 360. Baranskiy, N. N. (1980). Selected works. Scientific principles of geography. Moscow: Mysl.239. Gerasimov, I. P. (1976). Soviet constructive geography: objectives, approaches, results. Moscow: Nauka, 208. Gladkiy, Y. N. (2016). Humanitarian geography as scientific knowledge. Moscow-Berlin. 544. Golubchik, M. M., Evdokimov, S. P., Maksimov, G. N., & Nosonov, A. M. (2005). Theory and methodology of geographical science. Moscow: Humanitarian publishing center “VLADOS”, 463. Gorbanov, V. A. (2015). New – old geography. Current issues and trends in modern science. Proceedings of II International research and practical conference. Makhachkala, 6-21. Gorbanyov, V. A. (2014) Social geography of foreign world and Russia. Moscow: Yuniti-Dana, 487. Granberg, A. G. (2009). About the program of fundamental research of spatial development in Russia. Region, Volume 2, 166-178. Gumilev, L. N. (1967). On the "single" geography: (landscape and ethnos). Leningrad University bulletin, 6(1), 120-129. Grigoriev A. A. (1937) Experience analytical characteristics of the composition and structure of physical and geographical envelope of the globe. Leningrad-Moscow. Gumilyov L. N. (1967). On the " single " geography: (landscape and ethnos). Leningrad University bulletin, Issue 6(1), 120-129. Haggett P., Chorley R.J., (2013). Models, Paradigms and the New Geography// Integrated Models in Geography, Routledge. 19-39. Haggett P. (1975) Geography: A Modern Synthesis. New-York-London: Harpen International Edition. 671-674. Harvey D. (1969) Explanation in Geography. London: Edward Arnold. 521. Hettner A. Die (1927). Geographie, Ihre Geschichte, ihr Wesen und ihre Methoden. Breslau: Hirt Isachenko, A. G. (2004). Theory and methodology of geographical science. Moscow: Akademia, 396. Kalesnik, S. V. (1970). On the significance of Lenin's ideas for Soviet geography. Leningrad: USSR geographical society, 14. Kotlyakov, V. M. (2012). Geography as a critical science of the environment. Ecology and life, 1, 36-42. Maksakovskiy, V. P. (1998). Geographical culture. Moscow: Vlados, 415. Minakir, P. A., Demianenko, A. N., & Piliasov, A. N. (2013). The conceptual framework of the spatial approach. Fundamental problems of spatial development of the Russian Federation: interdisciplinary synthesis. Moscow: Media-Press. 31-43. Mukitanov, N. K. (1985). From Strabo to the present day. Moscow: Mysl, 237. Preobrazhensky, V. S. (2001). I am a geographer. Moscow: GEOS, 291. Reymers, N. F. (1992). Hope for the mankind survival. Conceptual ecology. Moscow: Rossiya molodaya, 368. Saushkin, Y. G. (2001). Selected works. Smolensk: Universum, 416. Seliverstov, Y. P. (2000). Modern geography – environmental science. Proceedings of XI Russian Geographical society congress - Thesis. St. Petersburg State University, I, 3-24 Slater D. (1974) Contribution to a Critique of Development Geography. Canadian J. of African Studies, 8. 325-354. Trofimov, A. M., & Sharygin, M. D. (2007). General geography. Issues of theory and methodology. Perm, 494. World Development Report 2009: Reshaping Economic Geography. The World Bank, Washington. 385. |
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Didactic Content of Constructively-Projective Function of Students Learning: the Extrapolation in Information TechnologyRuslan A. Kutuev, Elvira N. Nuriyeva, Tatyana R. Safiullina, Nina I. Kryukova, Nataliya P. Tagirova & Galina V. Karpenko
pp. 11969-11977 | Article Number: ijese.2016.872
Abstract The relevance of the study is conditioned by a radical impact on the learning process of the university by information technology, which put start a new phase in its transformation. According to experts at the present time the main factor of efficiency of university’s activity becomes the expansion of students’ learning activities, realized on the basis of new technologies in educational environments which they create with the changed learning functions. In the prevailing socio - pedagogical conditions the earlier priority educational - cognitive function fades into the background, giving way to a constructively – projective one, performing the role of not only the means of instruction and formation of students' creative work competences, but also of didactic conditions for extrapolation of changed functions of training in information technology. In this regard, the focus in this article is devoted to the establishment of the theoretical - methodical approach to projecting of the structure and content of constructively- projective function of students’ learning as a didactic direction of educational process’s transformations in university, extrapolated for the implementation of information technologies. The leading method of research is the pedagogical modeling, allowing justifying of theoretical and practical effectiveness of the structure and content of constructively- projective learning function of student, extrapolated in the implementation of information technology in the educational process. The article presents the discourse of the concept “constructive - projective function of students' learning”; based on the results of the study the didactic structure and content of constructive-projective function of students’ learning is justified, which is extrapolated on the target, content, procedure and evaluation components of the modified functions of information technology; practice - oriented approaches of extrapolation of constructively - orienting function on the model of a specialist is established; the effectiveness of the identified structure and content of the functions using the quality criteria of information technologies is proved: conceptuality, integrity diagnostic ability, predictability, controllability, efficiency, reproducibility, creativity are proved. Presented in the paper results of the study can be useful for the practice of teachers, managers, trainers, facilitators of universities. Keywords: Constructive - projective function, information technology, educational process, didactic transformation, extrapolation, projecting method References Artigue, M. & Perrin-Glorian, M. (1991). Didactic engineering, research and development tool: Some theoretical problems linked to this duality. For the Learning of Mathematics, 11, 13-17. Artigue, M. (1992). Didactic engineering. Recherches en Didactique des Mathematiques. Special book ICME. V11. Bespal’ko, O.B. (1995). Education and advanced training technologies. Moscow: Pedagogy. Bloom, V. (2000). Taxonomy. St.Petersburg: Peter. Choshanov, M.A. (2013). Evolution of views on didactics: whether the time has come for a new didactics? Didactics of vocational school. Collection of scientific papers. Kazan: Publishing house "Danis". D`Angelo, G. (2007). From Didactics to e – Didactics: e – learning Paradigms Models and Techniques. Napoli: Liguori. Dewey, J. (1997). Psychology and Pedagogy of thinking. Moscow: Sovershenstvo.208. 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Analysis of Globalization, the Planet and EducationTsegay, Samson Maekele
pp. 11979-11991 | Article Number: ijese.2016.873
Abstract Thorough the framework of theories analyzing globalization and education, this paper focuses on the intersection among globalization, the environment and education. This paper critically analyzes how globalization could affect environmental devastation, and explore the role of pedagogies that could foster planetary citizenship by exposing hegemonic forces that oppress the Earth. Planetary citizenship considers the earth as part of human beings that need to be cherished. However, neoliberal economic policies are causing environmental deterioration focusing on market competition and profit making. One way to respond environmental degradation is to educate citizens in a way that could challenge such oppression and liberate the Earth. As a critical approach, ecopedagogy enables to educate people connecting environmental and social problems. The overall goal of this paper is to explore the link between globalization, the environment and education. The paper finally argues for the development of planetary citizens who treat the Earth as part and parcel of their life and live with it in harmony. Keywords: globalization; environmental degradation; education; ecopedagogy; planetary citizenship References Bell, D. R. (2004). Creating green citizens? Political liberalism and environmental education. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 38(1), 37-54. Boerma, P. (2006). Assessing forest cover change in Eritrea: A historical perspective. Mountain Research and Development, 26(1), 41-47. doi: 10.1659/0276-4741(2006)026[0041:AFCCIE]2.0.CO;2 Burbules, N. C., & Torres, C. A. (2000). Globalization and education: An introduction. In N. C. Burbules & C. A. Torres (Eds.), Globalization and education: Critical perspectives (pp. 1-26). New York: Routledge. Corsiglia, J., &Snively, G. (2000). Rejoinder: Infusing indigenous science into western modern science for a sustainable future. Science Education, 85(1), 82-86. DeGregori, T. R. (2008). 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Theoretical-methodological Bases of the "Sociocultural Transformation" Concept ExplicationAlexei N. Tarasov
pp. 11993-12003 | Article Number: ijese.2016.874
Abstract This article analyzes the theoretical and methodological foundations for the introduction to culture philosophy and cultural theory the "sociocultural transformation" concept. This concept is compared to the notion of "culture crisis", which is closer in meaning. It is shown that in contrast to the crisis of culture, sociocultural transformation is a transitional stage in the dynamics of culture, representing approval of the new dominant characteristics, which, in complex, are attributive features of the next phase in its development. The totality of these characteristics is defined as the cultural-dominant ines and allows to differentiate between macro-periods in the dynamics of culture. Such periods are defined as cultural system. This concept includes a specific period of specific characteristics that remain relevant to all its extent and therefore distinguishes one stage of cultural development from another (or one cultural system from another). Possible for further refined new theoretical and methodological approaches to the periodization of European culture are proposed. In particular, four stages of social and cultural transformations, that separate cultural systems, are suggested, as the example of European culture. They are late Hellenism as the stage of social and cultural transformation, reflecting the transition from the ancient cultures system to the medieval one, Renaissance - as a socio-cultural transformation from medieval to modern European culture system, the avant-garde - as a socio-cultural transformation of new European cultures to the modern, and postmodern system - as a socio-cultural transformation, reflecting the transition from the modern cultural system to the post-modern system. Keywords: socio-cultural transformation, the crisis of culture, cultural dynamics, cultural system, European culture References Arshinov, V.I., (1999). Sinergetika kak fenomen postneklassicheskoj nauki. Moscow: IF RAN, 203 p. Gulyga, A.V., (1975). Gerder. Moscow: Mysl', 181p. Gvishiani, D.M., (1972). Organizaciya i upravlenie. Moscow: Nauka, 536 p. Haken H., (1993). Advanced Synergetics: Instability Hierarchies of Self-Organizing Systems and Devices. New York: Springer-Verlag. Kluckhohn C., (1949). Mirror for man: the relation of anthropology to modern life. Arizona: University of Arizona Press, 313 p. Kroeber A.L., (1963). Anthropology: Culture Patterns & Processes. New York: Harcourt: Brace & World, Inc., 252 p. Malinowski B., (1990). A Scientific Theory of Culture and Other Essays. North Carolina: The University of North Carolina Press. 239 p. Romah, O.V., (2013). Mnozhestvennost' traktovanij ponyatiya kul'tura. Analitika kul'turologii, 26, 40-44. Shishova, N. V. (2009). Kul'turologiya. Slovar'-spravochnik. Rostov-on-Don: Feniks. 596 p. Sorokin, P. (1957) Social & Cultural dynamics: A Study of Change in Major Systems of Art, Truth, Ethics, law and Social Relationships. Boston: Porter Sargent Publisher, 718 p. Sorokin, P.A., (1992). Chelovek. Civilizaciya. Obshchestvo. Moscow: Politizdat, p. 434. Stepin, V. S., Guseinov, A. A., Semigin, G. IU. Ogurtcov, A. P. (2001) Novaya filosofskaya ehnciklopediya, T. III. Moscow: Sinergetika, Mysl', 546 p. Uemov, A.I, (1978). Sistemnyj podhod i obshchaya teoriya sistem. Moscow: Mysl', 272 p. Vico, G., (1982) Selected writings. Cambridge: Cambridge university press. 234 p. White L., (1975). The Concept of Cultural Systems: A Key to Understanding Tribes and Nations. New York: Columbia University Press, 192 p. |
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Political Facebook Posts Using Ideological Symbols for Media Image Designing of Russia as EnemyMarina R. Zheltukhina, Nikolay A. Krasavsky, Elena B. Ponomarenko, Irina V. Aleshchanova & Pavel V. Pavlov
pp. 12005-12013 | Article Number: ijese.2016.875
Abstract The article examines the using of ideological symbols in political Facebook posts for media image designing of Russia as enemy. The political posts with ideological symbols in the social network Facebook in Russian and English make the material of research. The complex methods of analysis of the ideological symbols for media image designing of Russia as enemy in the modern virtual society are used. The inductive, descriptive and comparative, cognitive and discursive, semantic, definitional, functional and stylistic analysis is carried out. For the complex analysis of political Facebook posts in the modern media discourse, verbal means of ideological symbols influence on the addressee in modern foreign-language and Russian mass media linguacultural, linguapragmatic, discursive approaches are applied. In the article, we realize the aim of the study. We identify the role of ideological symbols in political Facebook posts in the modern society. The ways of analysis are useful for development of communication theory, linguapragmatics, sociolinguistics, cultural linguistics, media linguistics, virtual linguistics. In the article, we establish that in the analysis process of political posts of social network Facebook the negative image of Russia forming feeling of the coming threat, the sensation of fear proceeding from Russia, and, in this regard, fears of Facebook users comes to light. Keywords: Facebook, political posts, ideological symbols, media image design, image of Russia as enemy, information, influence, communicative strategies and tactics, verbal means, media discourse, mass media, culture, society References Borodina, S.N. & Zheltukhina, M.R. (2013). Rumors and their Function in the Modern Media Discourse. Person. Language. Culture: Scientific Articles Coll. Kiev: Print. House D. Burago. Borodina, S.N. & Zheltukhina, M.R. (2015a). Grammatical Means of Rumors’ Influence in Russian and English Mass Media. 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The Role of the Pituitary-Adrenocortical Axis System in the Regulation of Secretion of Digestive Glands of Wrestlers During Sports and Postsports OntogenesisSergei F. Panov, Irina P. Panova, Elena V. Volunskaya & Andrei V. Chebotarev
pp. 12015-12029 | Article Number: ijese.2016.876
Abstract According to many researchers its necessary to research a hormonal profile in order to determine mechanisms of regulation of functions of the digestive conveyor during sports activities. In the paper the results of the carried out research on studying of a role of pituitary-adrenocortical axis system of adaptive reactions in activities of the secretory apparatus of a stomach of the athletes engaged in fight are provided. In our research the method of fractional gastric sounding was applied (as the most acceptable physiological method of a research of secretory activities of a stomach), and a method of the enzyme multiplied immunoassay by means of the industrial sets "CEA-IRE-SORIN" by means of which content of АСТН hormones, cortisol and aldosterone in blood serum was studied. Results of the carried out research complement data in the field of sports gastroenterology and sports medicine and specify the possibility of their use by trainers and athletes when planning training and competitive exercises exerciseand processes of recovery. Keywords: Athletes-wrestlers, bone-breaker, sport and post sport ontogenesis, pituitary-adrenocortical axis system, gastric secretion, cycloergometric exerciseexercise References Bykov, E.V., Kolomiets, O.I. & Stepanov, L.V. (2015). Redox processes as a criterion of adaptive resource of athletes. Scientific notes University of P.F. Lesgaft, 1, 93-97. Carlsson, F., Persson, R. & Karlson, B. (2006). Salivary cortisol and self reported stress among persons with environmental annoyance. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 32(2), 109-120. Dzgoyeva, F.H. (2013). Nutrition for sports activities . Obesity and metabolism. 2, 49-53. Ehrlich, V.V., Isaev, A.P. & Romanov, Yu.N. (2013). 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Effect of the Volume of Production of Planting Material on the Basis of Clonal Micropropagation on the Cost Price of Invitro-Rooted birch and Aspen MicroplantsIvan Pozdnyakov, Anna Azarova & Konstantin Shestibratov
pp. 12031-12048 | Article Number: ijese.2016.877
Abstract The influence of the volume of invitro-rooted microplants of the forest crops (birch and aspen) production in the range from a few hundred to a few tens of thousands on the cost and efficiency of the production has been studied. A wide range of genotypes of aspen and birch has been studied, 15 genotypes for each of the families. The influence of the volume of produced goods on the cost and efficiency of the microplants obtained during the multiplication stage has been well established. The equations, reflecting the theoretical relationship between the volume of production of the rooted microplants and their cost, have been calculated. Theoretical calculations using regression equations has allowed to establish the degree of influence of the batch volume in the range from 1 000 to 100 000 units. It turned out to be such that for a tenfold increase in the volume of production the cost of microplants of the Birch increases per 8,66 roubles and one plant of the Aspen increases per 3.14 roubles, which reflects the effect of the genotype on the level of genus of the propagated plant. It has been found that the linear dependence of the equation cannot fully describe the impact of the volume of produced microplants and the regularities observed under the regular occurence. Along with that, the graph of the power function has turned out to be closer to the objectively observable results. The degree of dependence has made it possible to predict that the cost price of the Birch under the adopted technology can overcome the level of 10.00 roubles with an increase in the production volume of more than 111 260 microplants. For the Aspen such level of cost price may be chieved at the level of production of at least 560,850 units of microplants. One of the reasons that influenced the reduction in the cost price and which has been discovered in the experiment appeared to be more effective use of plants resulting from the multiplication stage. Keywords: Micropropagation, invitro-rooted birch, aspen microplants References Azarova, A.B., Lebedev, V.G. & Shestibratov, K.A. (2016). In vitro plants adaptation terms plantations for laying forest plantations. Materials of VII International scientific-practical conference "Biotechnology as a tool for conservation of flora biodiversity". September 25 - October 1, Yalta. Ballester, A. & Vieitez, A.M. (2012). Partial rejuvenation of mature hardwood trees through somatic embryogenesis: the example of pedunculate oak. Proceedings of the IUFRO Working Party 2.09.02 conference on “Integrating vegetative propagation, biotechnologies and genetic improvement for tree production and sustainable forest management”. June 25-28, Brno Czech Republic. Bonal, D. & Monteuuis, O. (1997). 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(1980).Commercially feasible micropropagation of mountain laurel, Kalmia latifolia by use shoot tip culture. Plant Propagators Soc. Comb. Proc, 30, 421-427. Mashkina, O.S. & Isakov, N. (2002). Genetic and breeding improvement poplar. Silviculture, 3, 68-73. Mashkina, O.S., Tabatskaya, T.M., Morkovina, S.S. & Panyavina, E.A. (2016). Growing planting material of white poplar (Populus alba L.) on the basis of in vitro collections and ochenka its cost. Journal of Forestry, 1, 28-43. Park, Y.S., Bonga, J.M. & Moon, H.K. (2016). Vegetative Propagation of Forest Trees. Seoul: National Institute of Forest Science. Rout, G.R., Mohapatra, A. & Mohan S. (2006). Tissue culture of ornamental pot plant: A critical review on present scenario and future prospects. Biotechnology Advances, 24, 531-560. Saya, R.A., Mankessi, F., Toto, M., Marien, J.N. & Monteuuis, O., (2008). Advances in mass clonal propagation of Eucalyptus urophylla X E. grandis in Congo. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 297, 15-25. 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Referring to the issue of the improvement of students’ educational process efficiency on the basis of informational and projective activitySvetlana Altukhova & Inna Smirnova
pp. 12049-12057 | Article Number: ijese.2016.878
Abstract The article regards an issue of informational and projective activity appliance from the perspective of educational theory, videlicet the necessity of finding such a knowledge structure which would allow the students to master the educational material by the most rational means and would contribute to improvement of subject knowledge. Pursuit and building up the educational knowledge structure is connected with allocation of its substance and with rejection of secondary, complementary and duplicating information. The developed and tested algorithm of studying educational and scientific texts, which is considered to be the most efficient and advisable for applying in the cases requiring increasing of the volume of the information mastered per time unit, is represented as the mechanism of this issue solution. Keywords: Informational and project activity, folding and development of information, roll out-roll in of information, educational and scientific texts studying algorithm References Altukhova S.O. & Smirnova I. N. (2016). Algorithmic thinking formation at the students in the course of professional pedagogical training. Bulletin of the Orel State University. Scientific magazine, 2(71). 200-202. Altukhova S.O. (2010). Efficiency of students' training improvement on the basis of informational and projective activity: PhD Thesis. The Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia,156 p. Altukhova S.O. (2016) Informational and projecting activity as the means of efficient apprehension of the scientific and educational information. Regional education: current trends, 1(28), 126-129. Altukhova S.O. (2016). Referring to the appliance of systematical and logical approach to the obtaining of the knowledge. VGU bulletin. Series: Issues of higher education, 2, 23-26. Guzenko I. G. (2009). Pedagogics of the reflexive praexeology: monograph. Lipetsk: LGPU, 304 p. Kolesnikova I.A. & Gorchakova-Sibirskaya M.P. (2007). Pedagogical projection: edited by V.A. Slastenin, I.A. Kolesnikova. Moskow: Academy, 288 p. Kryulova E.A. (2012). The sunstance of social and pedagogical projection: personality-focused approach. Bulletin of the Volgograd Pedagogical University, 74, 21-24. Lavrentyev G.V., Lavrentyeva N.B. & Neudakhina N.A. (2004). Innovative educational technologies in the professinal training of specialists. Barnaul: The Altay University publishing house, 232p. Leontyev A.N. (2004). Activity. Consioussness. Personality. Mosсow: Smysl, 345 p. Minsky M. A (1974). A framework for representing knowledge. MA: Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 81 p. Sokhor A.M. (1974). Logical structure of the educational material. Mosсow: Pedagogika, 192 p. |
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The Legal Issues of the Economic Mechanism for Adopting and Developing Renewable Energy Sources in the Republic of KazakhstanGalym Teleuyev, Nurzat Sherimova, Aigerim Baizhumaniva, Saduakasova Laura, Aizhan Mussekenova, Bota Amirova, Alisher Ibraev & Zhanna Ergozova
pp. 12059-12066 | Article Number: ijese.2016.879
Abstract The paper covers legal features of economic mechanisms for adopting and developing renewable energy sources in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The practice of developed countries demonstrates that solution of the above-mentioned problems is impossible without government regulation and legal groundwork of the economic mechanism for supporting renewable source production and usage. In this regard studying the issues of the economic mechanism in the area of supporting the use of renewable energy resources is of theoretical and practical interest, and also makes it possible to develop renewable energy resource use in the modern context. The objective of the research is studying tendencies and problems of using the economic mechanism for deploying and developing renewable energy resources, as well as elaboration of conceptual conclusions and proposals in this regard.The role of the economic mechanism as a special tool in the use and development of renewable energy sources is identified. Keywords: Energy, energy security, renewable energy, fixed rate, green certificate, investor, entrepreneurial code References |
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Approaches to Prospective Economists Professional Foreign Language Training in Computer Orientated Language Learning EnvironmentNataliia Fominykh, Oksana Barsova, Mariya Zarudnaya & Natalya Kolomiytseva
pp. 12067-12083 | Article Number: ijese.2016.880
Abstract The article deals with an actual theoretical and methodological question of defining the approaches to professional foreign language training. The analysis of modern educational approaches variety is conducted in the article. The main idea of this investigation is in the statement that the modern stage of professional foreign language trainingmethods should consist of the mixture of traditional educational approaches, methods, means and computer orientated ones. It is said that prospective economists professional foreign language training should be based on the combination of competence-based, environmental, vitagenetic, communicative approaches, and also on the ideas of connectivism and constructivism. The original idea of organizing professional foreign language training in Computer Orientated Language Learning Environment (COLLE) is presented in the paper. Historical development, contemporary characteristics and some peculiarities while realization in Computer Orientated Language Learning Environment of each approach are described as well. Keywords: Prospective economists professional foreign language training, educational approaches, competence-based, environmental, vitagenetic, communicative approaches, connectivism and constructivism References Abowd, G.D. (1999). Classroom 200: An experiment with the instrumentation of a living educational environment. IBM Systems Journal, 38(4), 508-530. Alexandrov, V.M. (2009). Method of intensive training engineers professionally oriented English: PhD Theses. Odesa. Andrienko, A.C. (2007). Development of foreign language professional communicative competence of students of a technical college: PhD Theses. Rostov-on-Don. Belkin, A.S. & Zhukova, N.K. (2001). Vitagene education: multidimensional, holographic approach: The technology of the XXI century. Ekaterinburg: Publishing house USPU. 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Domestic Craft Activities of the Voronezh Peasants under New Economic PolicyIrina D. Petrishina
pp. 12085-12098 | Article Number: ijese.2016.881
Abstract The prospects of social and economic development of Russia are related to the studying of variety and features of its regions. The task of the regional history researcher is considering and describing his own samples of variety of the Russian regions. The NEP period is noted, on one hand, by quick recovery of domestic industries, and on the another hand, by the change of an overall picture of their development in the era of new economic policy, in the agrarian region of Russia after destructive impact of an October revolution of 1917, the Civil war and policy of "military communism". The most widespread peasant crafts of the 1920th in comparison with pre-revolutionary time, their conditions of development, special lines, development tendencies, influence of crafts on various categories of peasant farms are shown in this paper. The methodological basis of this research was constituted by historical and genetic, historical and comparative methods, the method of historical and typological analysis, as well as methods of the quantitative and correlation analysis. This article is based on the analysis both published sources and archival sources stored in the State Archive of the Russian Federation, Russia’s State Archive of the socio political history, the State Archive of Economy, the State Archive of the Voronezh region. The specific historical researches provided in the article show specialization of local economy, everyday life of peasants, their knowledge of life and creativity. Keywords: Peasant farm, domestic crafts, agrarian region, local economy, hand-made goods References All-Union population census of 1926. (1928). Moscow: Central Statistic Office of USSR. Carr, E. (1952). A History of Soviet Russia. The Bolshevik Revolution 1917 – 1923. London, Macmillan. Channon, J. (1992). 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Perceptional Peculiarities and Selective Attitude of Teenagers towards the Pieces of Traditional Applied and Decorative ArtsAbdikarim Kamak, Erzhan Auelbekov, Zhalgasbek Beisenbekov, Bibigul Zholdasova & Azhar Sadibek
pp. 12099-12108 | Article Number: ijese.2016.882
Abstract The objective of this article is to eliminate the specifics of traditional applied and decorative arts as a special kind of fine arts and the results of the authors’ experimental work on revealing of the peculiarities of children’s perception of the art pieces. Methods: for revealing the level of the school students’ knowledge of the traditional applied and decorative arts formed before the experiment, we used a series of traditional methods; we included the following adapted evaluative testing in the experimental research: selective method, valuation engagements method, free descriptions method, and instructive descriptions method. Results: development of the children’s ability to perception and formation of their conscious attitude towards the pieces of traditional applied and decorative arts, considering its specifics, such as: archaic nature, functionality, materiality, forming and significance in the spiritual and cultural life are the relevant academic and pedagogic issues in the system of the “Fine Arts” discipline. The methods of experiment provided an opportunity for the school students’ task-oriented perception, awareness of their attitude towards the pieces of art and accumulation of the analysis skills, evaluation of the pieces of traditional applied and decorative arts, as well as for defining their concept of the beauty (in forms, techniques of performance, decoration etc.). Thus, the results of pedagogic influence and statistical experimental data define the significance of the studied issue. Keywords: Perception, feeling, attitude, selectivity, traditional applied and decorative arts, functionality, school system; experiment, formation, education, spiritual and aesthetic culture References Amirgazin, K. (1995). Scientific and Theoretical Bases and Methods for the Kazakh Applied and Decorative Arts Training at School: PhD Theses. Moscow. Balkenov, Zh. (1987). Traditions of People’s Art in the System of the Junior School Students’ Skills of Visual Arts: PhD theses. Moscow. Boguslovskaya, I.Ya. (1968). Russian People’s Arts. Leningrad: Sovetskiy khudozhnik. Borev, Yu. (1988). Esthetics. Moscow: Politizdat. Chizh, N.V., Slyshkin, G.G., Zheltukhina, M.R., Privalova, I.V. & Kravchenko, O.A. (2016). Concept “Medical Museum” as a Sociocultural Phenomenon. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(17), 10529-10538. Eralin, K. (1992). Visual Arts of Kazakhstan in the System of Artistic and Professional Training of Future Teachers of Visual Arts and Craft: PhD Theses. Moscow. Glass, J. & Stenli, J. (1976). Statistical Methods in Pedagogics and Psychology. Moscow: Progress. Ignat'ev, E.I. (1971). Psychology of Children’s Pictorial Activities. Moscow: Uchpedgiz. Kagan, M.S. (1974). Human Activities. Moscow: Politizdat. Kamak, A.O. (1982). Esthetical Education of 4-6 forms School Students through People’s Applied and Decorative Arts (Based on the Materials of the Kazakh Traditional Applied and Decorative Arts: PhD Theses. Moscow. Kamak, A.O. (2014). The Methods of Teaching Visual Arts at School. Almaty: Izd. Orkhon. Kamak, A.O. (2016). Application of Traditional Applied and Decorative Arts in the System of Learning the Disciplines of Visual Arts, Labor and Technology. Materials of the International Scientific Conference “Actual problems of science and education”. Moscow. Khvorostov, A.S. (1981). People’s Decorative Arts at School. Moscow: Education. Maksimov, Yu.V. (1970). Role of People’s Applied and Decorative Arts in the Artistic Development of Children: PhD Theses. Moscow. Meylak, B.S. (1971). Artistic Perception as a Scientific Problem. Leningrad: Science. Nemenskiy, B.M. (1987). Wisdom of Beauty. On the Issues of Aesthetic Perception. Moscow: Education. Shpikalova, T.Ya. (1979). People’s Arts at the Lessons of Decorative Paintings. 2 ed. Moscow: Education. Skil'skiy, D.M. (1973). Study of People’s Applied and Decorative Arts at School as Means of Development of the School Students’ Creative Abilities: PhD Theses. Moscow. Teplov, M.B. (1987). Capacity and Talent. Moscow: Education. Volkov, N.N. (1950). Perception of an Object and a Picture. Moscow: Education. Volkov, N.N. (1969). Perception of Paintings. Moscow: Education. Vygotskiy, L.S. (1987). Psychology of Art. Moscow: Art. Yakobson, P.M. (1988). Psychology of Artistic Perception. Moscow: Art. Yusov, B.P. (1973). Perception of Art and Age Peculiarities of School Students. Moscow: ZPSH publishing house “Soviet Artist”. Yusov, B.P. & Mints, N.D. 1992). Visual Arts in Primary School. Teacher’s Guide. Minsk: Nar. Asveta. Zhumabekova, F. (1998). Formation of the Aesthetic View of the Children through the People’s Applied and Decorative Arts: PhD Theses.Almaty. |
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The Specially Protected Natural Reservation in Urban Areas: the Legal Status, Governance, Development and Use in Tourism and Recreation Activity (on the example of the SPNR System of the City of Lipetsk)Dmitry Klimov, Alexander Karandeev & Lyubov Belyaeva
pp. 12109-12120 | Article Number: ijese.2016.883
Abstract In the article the questions of the organization of the specially protected natural reservationspecially protected natural reservations in the city and suburbs are considered. Tendencies in identification and creation of city SPNR are analyzed. On the example of Lipetsk the creation problems of local SPNR, typical for Russia, are revealed. In the city governance there was no idea that the created SPNR system had to be included in common regional structure of SPNR, had to be built considering the city development and, finally, to enter in the ecological framework of the city. The significant problem of SPNR creation is an administrative accessory of the land plots within the city and in close proximity to it. The unwillingness of the city authorities to consider large territories as potential local SPNR led them to the idea of creation of chain of especially protected natural objects (separate trees). In most cases, park territories which by definition are created for the organization of population recreational activity have the SPNR status in the cities. Therefore there is a need of combination of nature protection and recreational functions in these territories. SPNR make a basis for structure of the city ecological framework which needs to be divided into internal and external elements (internal and external ecological framework). External elements should be aimed to preservation of biological and landscape diversity and to be the buffer for closely guarded territories (nature reserves). The external ecological framework of the city has to cover the territory of the city and its suburbs. Internal elements should be aimed to preservation of the quasi natural environment in the city and to be the ecological corridors, making the city landscape ecologically transparent. Keywords: SPNR, specially protected natural reservation, the city nature, the ecological framework of the city References Adams, C. E., et al. (2006). Urban wildlife management. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC. 331p. Aune, K., et al. (2011). Assessment and planning for ecological connectivity: A practical guide. Direct access: http://www.wcs-ahead.org/kaza/ecological_connectivity_07_20_11_2.pdf. Bobrov, V. V. (2014).The analysis of a representativeness chain of the projectible specially protected natural reservation of Moscow for preserving rare and endangered species of vertebrate animals (Vertebrata). Moscow State Humanitarian University Bulletin,1(2),55-69. Buzmakov, S.A. & Sannikov P. Yu. (2012). The prospects of chain creation of specially protected natural reservation of Perm city. Bulletin Udmurtskogo State University, 6 (3), 14-22. Cook, E. A. (2002). Landscape structure indices for assessing urban ecological networks. Landscape and Urban Planning, 58, 269–280 Gridnev D. Z., Volynskaya A.A. (2010). Functioning of the natural territories in the city and the modes of their use. Science and the present. 5(1), 49-53. Li, H., Chen, W. & He W. (2015). Planning of Green Space Ecological Network in Urban Areas:An Example of Nanchang, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12,12889-12904 Hess, G.R. & Fischer R. A. (2001). Communicating clearly about conservation corridors. Landscape and Urban Planning, 55,195-208 Knapp S., Kühn I., Mosbrugger V. & Klotz S. (2008). Do protected areas in urban and rural landscapes differ in species diversity? Biodiversity and Conservation, 17,1595-1612 Kochurov B. I., Gridnev D. Z. & Kurbatova A. S. (2010). The Natural and ecological framework in territorial planning of municipalities. Problems of regional ecology. 6, 186-194. Ovdiyenko N. I. (2009). Ecological framework of the Stavropol city. Modern high technologies. Direct access: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/ekologicheskiy-karkas-goroda-stavropolya Rodoman B. B. (2002). The polarized biosphere. Smolensk, 336 p. Sannikov P. Yu. (2014). Overview of evaluation methods of a representativeness of SPNR chains. Geographical messenger, 2 (29), 107-115. Trzyna T., et al. 2014. Urban Protected Areas: Profiles and best practice guidelines. Direct access: https://portals.iucn.org/library/sites/library/files/documents/PAG-022.pdf |
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Feasibility Study of Biodegradation of Polyamide-6 and Natural Rubber Composite MaterialsAlsu Dautova, Vladislav Yanov, Nail Mingaleev & Luybov Zenitova
pp. 12121-12130 | Article Number: ijese.2016.884
Abstract To obtain a biodegradable material based on fiberglass-filled (FG) polyamide-6 (PA-6) was used purified (NR-P), non-purified (NR-N), natural rubber (NR) of Vietnam and Malaysia production. When determining NR composites fungal resistance using Aspergillus niger, Penicillium expansum and Fusarium oxysporum filamentous fungi it was found out that major degradation of materials have undergone in the presence of Fusarium oxysporum fungi. For all samples were mentioned significant changes in technological and the physical and mechanical properties after accelerated environmental tests, more pronounced for samples with NR-N. It was found that the introduction NR, regardless of its purification, significantly reduces the water absorption of compositions based on fiberglass-filled PA-6. Keywords: Biodegradation, fungal resistance, natural rubber, polyamide, polymeric compositions References Berekaa, M.M. (2006). 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Microbial Degradation of Natural Rubber Latex by a Novel Species of Bacillus sp. SBS25 Isolated from Soil. International Journal of Environmental Research, 4(3), 599-604. Dautova A.N., Yanov V.V., Zenitova L.A. & Nikolaeva O.A. (2015b). Creation of high strength composite materials biodegradable in depositing conditions. Butlerov Massages magazine, 1(41), 138-141. Dautova, A.N., Yanov, V.V., Kulikov, S.N. & Zenitova, L.A. (2015a). Research of a natural rubber as а biodegradable component of compositions. International Workshop on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Opportunities for Academia & High Tech Industry Joint 4th Asia-Pacific Chemical and Biological Microfluidics Conferences. Graduate University of Science and Technology, 201-205. Esuruoso, O.F. (1970). Fungi that cause moldiness of processed sheet rubber in Western Nigeria. Mycopathologia et mycologia applicata, 1(42), 187-189. Ghosh, S.K., Pal, S. & Ray, S. (2013). 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Kozodavlev O.P. and Peasant Question in Russia under Alexander IArkadii N. Dolgikh & Leonid I. Zemtcov
pp. 12131-12143 | Article Number: ijese.2016.885
Abstract In the paper the activities of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire Osip Petrovich Kozodavlev are studied. His activities in a peasant question, to which no attention was paid, are researched. Truly said, this question was the most important direction of domestic policy of the Empire under Alexander I. Data for the research were taken from both of public administration acts, and memoirs. Among the firsts there are the documents kept in archives, allowing to specify some aspects of the minister’s activity in 1816-1819 when he had carried out the main reformer actions in implementations of some decrees, such as a decree of 1803 on free ploughmenploughmen, a decree of 1804 on permission to some merchants to own the inhabited lands in preparation the of Baltic region reforms. The provided data allow to state his important minister role in the affair to which in historical literature no attention was paid. In 1816-1819 namely in his activities the social side of the case was reflected. Based on a number of a new, for the first time mentioned sources, including archival materials, the paper authors reveal Cozodavlev’s role in a range of ways of the peasant question solution in this period – in the case (which was considered in the Senate in 1806) on so-called "pilipons", eventually left in government department without transferring into serfs; his role in the implementation of the decree of 1803 on the free ploughmenploughmen, expressing, in particular, in active participation in the activities of the Special Committee on this issue; role in the implementation of the decree of 1804 on permission to some received the 8-ranks merchants to own the inhabited lands with the peasants on terms, the provisions of which he sought to extend to other prosperous categories of not-noblemen. This given analysis helps to clarify the scope of activities of the Minister of Internal Affairs, which practically had no attention. The given conclusions shall be taken into account when analyze a research of domestic policy of the emperor Alexander I. That will allow placing accents more precisely in research literature in assessment of a role and value of politicians of the time. Keywords: Serfdom, Decree of 1803, pilipons, free ploughmen, free ploughmen, Kozodavlev O.P. References
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Distance Learning Approaches in the Mathematical Training of Pedagogical Institutes’s StudentsTatyana Fomina, Grigory Vorobjev & Vladimir Kalitvin
pp. 12145-12154 | Article Number: ijese.2016.886
Abstract Nowadays, the Information technologies are more and more widely used in the mathematical education system. The generalization of experience and its implementation by means of the open source software is of current interest. It is also important to address this problem due to the transfer to the new FSES (Federal State Education Standards) of high education. The use of open source software systems allows organizing an effective information environment to support the educational process at the lowest financial costs, including for the distance learning and training of persons with reduced mobility. Within this article we consider the results of mobile e-learning system development based on a Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle and some aspects of its application in the educational process of the Institute of Natural, Mathematical and Technical Sciences of the Lipetsk State Pedagogical University (LGPU). Based on a survey of lecturers and 50 graduates from the areas of "Teacher Education" and "Professional Education" it was found that the average value of the time that the respondents consider as appropriate to devote to the study of subjects by electronic educational resources is 37.5%. Taking into account the data obtained from the study, we substantiate the expediency of applying electronic educational resources as auxiliary tools of students training. The article focuses on the mathematical discipline due to the need to implement the Concept of mathematical education development. Keywords: Distance learning, mathematical training, e-Courses References Anderson, Т. & Elloumi, F. (2004). Theory and Practice of Online. Athabasca, Alta:: Athabasca University. Attetkov, A.V., Zarubin, V.S & Kanatnikov, А.N. (2013). Optimization Methods. Moscow: IC RIOR, SIC INFRA. Belousova, I.D. & Soldatenkova, Yu.B. (2014). Training course development based on .Modern scientific research and innovations. Direct access: http://web.snauka.ru/issues/2014/06/34744 Bhopal, К. & Danaher, P. (2013). Identity and Pedagogy in Higher Education. London: New Delhi, New York, Sidney: Bloomsbury. Bicheva. I.B. (2016). Using Moodle system as the means to improve the educational activities. Modern scientific research and innovations. Direct access: http://web.snauka.ru/issues/2015/05/46485 Bogun, V.V., Kuznetsov, А.А. & Smirnov, E.I. (2010). Issues and prospects of implementing the unified environment for the distance learning of students of the Pedagogical Universities. Computer Science and Education, 7, 74-82. Cole, J. & Foster, Н. (2008). Using Moodle. CA: O’Reilly Me-dia, Inc. Concept of the Mathematics Education Development in the Russian Federation. (2013). Direct access: http://www.garant.ru/products.ipo /prime/doc/70452506/ eLearning 101: A Practical Guide. (2016). Trivantis Corporation. Direct access: http://trivantis.com (accessed date: 17.05.2016). E-Learning Concepts and Techniques, (2006). Bloomsburg: Institute for Interactive Technologies, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania. E-learning methodologies. (2006) A guide for designing and developing e-learning courses. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) of the basic general education. (2010). Direct access: http://s14002.edu35.ru/fgos/fgos2 Jaswinder Singh. (2014), How to use Moodle. Direct access: https://moodle.org/mod/data/view.php?d=55&rid=6824 Mierin. L.A., Bykova, N.N., Zarukina, E.V. (2015). Modern educational tech-niques used in the University. St.Petersburg: SPbGEU. MOODLE. Official site. (2011). Direct access: http://moodle.org. Ozhegova, A.V. & Nasibullin, R.G. (2013). Calculus of Variations: tasks, algo-rithms, examples: Manual. Kazan: KSU. |
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Town-Planning Experience of Exploiting the North of Western SiberiaNadezhda Yu. Gavrilova, Marina L. Belonozhko, Oleg M. Barbakov, Sergey A. Shestakov & Lidia V. Rebysheva
pp. 12155-12166 | Article Number: ijese.2016.887
Abstract The urgency of the study is caused by the special conditions of North of Western Siberia zoning: the climatic conditions for the permanent residence of population are extremely uneven in their comfortability. The purpose of the article is identifying possibilities on connectivity and integrated consideration of social development programs in the study region and urban zoning usage in this process. The distinctive feature of the study is that the authors present the unique experience for urban areas development not only in industrial centres but in previously unsuitable for living areas as well. The leading approach in investigation of this matter is the spatial analysis of urban planning model of oil and gas regions in Western Siberia, definition of stages in their development, consideration of urban experience of North development. The stages of oil and gas extracting regions in Western Siberia development are defined; town-planning experience of exploiting the North is considered; basic consequences of implementing department monoresource nature of exploration processes are distinguished, the need for establishing and developing social urban management, expanding fulfilled functions which can ensure an increase in effectiveness and stability of single-industry towns under conditions of modern market relations are proved. The materials can be useful in design of the world experience of cities and towns in depressive regions, single-industry towns and areas that need a new driver of growth and development. Keywords: North of Western Siberia, regions of new commercial exploitation, town-planning concept, town planning, monoresource model, department exploration References Alekseev, P.V. & Panin, A.V. (2003). Philosophy. Moscow: TK Welby, "Prospectus" Publishing House. Alekseev, V.V. (2009). 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Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Management Development Institutions of Higher Education on the Basis of the Factor and Criterion ModelNail N. Badrtdinov & Daniil V. Gorobets
pp. 12167-12182 | Article Number: ijese.2016.888
Abstract The relevance of the investigated problem is conditioned by absence of the single approach to the common criteria and mechanisms of a pedagogical educational establishment’s assessment; the current assessment principles of planning and management are out-of-date. The aim of this article is to analyze theoretical approaches and concepts of management efficiency; to develop an assessment model to identify management efficiency of an educational establishment of pedagogical profile of higher education on the basis of the distinguished parameters, factors and criteria. This model was implemented in 6 universities of Russia and involved the participation of 212 teachers and 680 students. The main methods of our research are: theoretical analysis of scientific literature in area of philosophy, psychology, pedagogics and management to determine the concept “Management of a pedagogical institution of higher education”; designing a factor-criterion model, which would allow to consider this problem as a complex concept and assess the management efficiency of an educational establishment of pedagogical profile of higher education. The concepts (target, system, balance of interests, functional, compositional) and approaches (integral, level, time) of management efficiency assessment are analyzed in the article. Two groups of parameters of management efficiency of a higher educational establishment are distinguished. The first group includes parameters that characterize activity of an institution of higher education: economic efficiency, social efficiency, quality of education. In the second group, parameters that characterize management are included: orientation on innovations, human resources policy, and management system. These parameters embrace all aspects of an educational establishment activity and were chosen as the basis of factor-criterion model of management efficiency assessment of an educational establishment of pedagogical profile of higher education. Selected parameters in this model are specified by factors and criteria. The materials of the article present a practical value not only for educational establishments of pedagogical profile but also for the whole system of higher professional education. The presented factor-criterion model is a tool for assessing management efficiency of different educational establishments. Keywords: Management, factor-criterion model, management efficiency assessment, parameters of management efficiency of an institution of higher education References Asau, A.N. & Karupov, B.M. (2007). 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Methodological Features Physical Preparation of Students Handball PlayersDinara Zhunisbek, Ludmila Kudasheva, Nataliya Kefer & Marta Akhmetkarim
pp. 12183-12196 | Article Number: ijese.2016.889
Abstract The article explores the process of physical and technical training of students-mostly means gandbolistok mobile games. The problems of development of physical fitness handball players and the impact of mobile games on the effectiveness of physical fitness. Physical fitness is one of the most important types of training handball players. The training process must take into account the importance of the leading basic and special physical qualities. It is necessary to devote more time to the development and improvement of the most important qualities - the leading core and leading special physical qualities. This article analyzes the results of the testing of physical fitness of students - handball players, determined the effectiveness of the impact of mobile games on the physical quality of training students - handball players and shows the effectiveness of training sessions in the preparatory period. Keywords: Handball players, physical preparation, methodology of physical preparation References Alekseev, M. & Asknazin, A. (1970). Nekotrye zakonomernosti upravlenija tochnymi ciklicheskimi dvizhenijami cheloveka –v sbornike upravlenija dvizhenijami. Leningrad: Nauka. Bal'sevich, V.K. (1990). Fizicheskaja podgotovka v sisteme vospitanija kul'tury zdorovogo obraza zhizni cheloveka (metodologicheskij. jekologicheskij i organizacionnyj aspekty).Teorija i praktika fizicheskoj kul'tury, 1, 22-26. Bril, M.S. (1980). Otbor v sportivnyh igrah. Moscow: Fizkul'tura i sport. Bronskij, E.V. (2006). Povyshenie ozdorovitel'noj jeffektivnosti urokov FK shkol'nikov cherez lichnostno – orientirovannuju obrazovatel'nuju napravlennost': PhD Abstract. Almaty, 21 p. Burkashev, A., Kosymbekova, S., Orehov, L, Boztaev, Zh. (1988). Ispol'zovanie sredstv fizicheskoj kul'tury v formirovanij zdorovogo obraza zhizni shkol'nikov. Tezisy dokladov na Mezhdunarod, Nauchno-praktichneskoj konf: Problemy ozdorovlenija cheloveka i obshhestva. Almaty, 22 p. Filin, V.P. & Fomin, I.A. (1980). Osnovy junosheskogo sporta. Moscow: FiS. Fomin, E.V. (1985). Teoreticheskie osnovy silovoj podgotovki volejbolistov: Metodicheskie rekomendacii, Moscow: Academia. Holodov, Zh.K. & Kuznecov, V.S. (2000). Teorija i metodika fizicheskogo vospitanija i sporta: Uchebnoe posobie dlja studentov vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Moscow: Izdatel'skij centr «Akademija», 480 p. Ignat'eva, V.Ja. (1983). Gandbol. Uchebnoe posobie dlja institutov fizicheskoj kul'tury. Moscow: FiS, 200 p. Imangulova, T., Makogonov, A., Kulakhmetova, G., & Sardarov, O. (2016b). Characteristics of the Different Modes of Walking and Hiking Conditions to Optimize the Movement of Tourists in the Desert. The International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(15), 8360-8370 Imangulova, T., Makogonov, A., Zakiryanov, B., & Makogonova, T. (2016a). Influence Altitude and Length of Stay in the Mountains of Physical Performance Tourists. The International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(14), 7271-7277. Karpman, V.L. (1987a). Sportivnaja medicina: uchebnoe posobie dlja in-tov fizicheskoj kul'tury, Moscow: Fizicheskaja kul'tura i sport. Karpman, V.L. (1987b.) Sportivnaja medicina: Uchebnik dlja instruktorov fizkul'tury. Moscow: FiS. Kasymova, G.P. (1998). Racional'nyj dvigatel'nyj rezhim shkol'nikov – vazhnejshij aspekt zdorovogo obraza zhizni. Tezisy dokladov na Mezhdunarod. Nauchno-prakt. Conf.: Problemy ozdorovlenija cheloveka i obshhestva. Almaty, 43-44. Kefer, N.Je, Andrejushkin, I.L. & Zhunusbek, D.N. (2015). Razvitie skorostno-silovyh kachestv junyh gandbolistok. NT zhurnal Teorija i metodika fizicheskoj kul'tury, 3, 11-17. Lesbekova, R., Nassiyev, Y., Аitpanbet, A. & Nassiyeva, Y. (2016) Pedagogical Content of National Physical Behavıor of Kazakh People. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(15), 8335-8342 Ljah, V.I. (1976). Issledovanie lovkosti detej i podrostkov v podvizhnyh igrah: PhD Abstract. Moscow. Matveev, L.P. (1977). Osnovy sportivnoj trenirovki: uchebnoe posobie dlja istitutov fizicheskoj kul'tury. Moscow: Science. Nasiyev, E., Iskakov, T., Zharkimbekov, N. & Kulbayev, A. (2016). Management International Competition Held in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(18), 10905-10910 Ordabaev, K.D., Adambekov, M.I. & Tastanov, A.Zh. (1998). Sutochnaja dvigatel'naja aktivnost' uchashhihsja pri razlichnom rezhime obuchenija, Tezisy dokladov na Mezhdunarod. Nauchno-prakt. Conf. Problemy ozdorovlenija cheloveka i obshhestva. Almaty. Zheleznjak, Ju.D. (1988). Junyj volejbolist: uchebnoe posobie dlja trenerov, Moscow: Fizkul'tura i sport. |
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An Analysis of Curriculum and Undergraduate Students' Discourses about Environmental Education: A Debate Concerning Teacher TrainingElizabeth Bozoti PASIN & Reinaldo Luiz BOZELLI
pp. 12197-12234 | Article Number: ijese.2016.890
Abstract Teacher training on environmental education (EE) is a key element of promoting the restoration of ecological systems and insuring inclusive and equitable human development. Science and biology teachers play a significant role in favoring EE at Brazilian schools. This study investigates the presence of EE in the curriculum and aims to interpret the meanings of EE expressed in the discourse of students who are training to be biology teachers at a Brazilian public university, considering recent, related education legislation. The theoretical and methodological framework of French Discourse Analysis was adopted to identify social, political, and cultural influences expressed in the students’ discourse. The discourse data comprised responses from voluntary undergraduate students to a semi-structured questionnaire. Most of the study participants claimed to have had contact with EE in their tertiary education and revealed multiple perceptions regarding this theme. The majority of the discourses indicated that EE meanings are restricted to conservation or preservation, and some indicated confusion regarding the purposes of both EE and ecology disciplines. There was little data indicating an association between EE and socioeconomic issues, which would be expected in terms of the more encompassing and interdisciplinary approaches recommended by legislation. The curricular matrix of this undergraduate course showed a predominance of hours devoted to courses that discuss the environment from the biological perspective in contrast to a small number of courses that discuss and promote EE from other perspectives. In addition, undergraduate students claimed that they had little contact with recent EE legislation. This scenario, reinforced by the naturalistic foundation discourse of EE in Brazil, probably affects the constitution of the discursive memories of these students, their discourses, and their future pedagogical practice. 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The Formation and Development of Cognitive Activity of Students in the Learning ProcessZhannat Saparkyzy, Gulzhan Isatayeva, Zahida Kozhabekova, Aimzhan Zhakesheva, Gulzhamal Koptayeva, Gulzhan Agabekova & Sholpan Agabekova
pp. 12235-12244 | Article Number: ijese.2016.891
Abstract In this article we will discuss how the holding of a special and dedicated work helped to change the levels of formation of the major components of cognitive activity. Cognitive activity with the content aspect is a system of perceptual, mnemonic and intellectual activity and from the form - as an individual, joint, or pseudo-individual pseudo joint activity. We selected a set of methods and techniques of experimental research which has allowed to trace the dynamics of transformation of the "external" aspects of the learning process in the "inner" side of the learning process. Thus, the hypothesis of the necessary conditions that foster students’ cognitive activity, which are the processes of transformation of co-dialogic students’ cognitive activity in individual and dialogic students’ cognitive activity was confirmed. 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Youth Foresight: We Will All Be Media in 2035Irina Zhilavskaya, Tatiana Ivanova, Denis Dubover & Kristina Onuchina
pp. 12245-12252 | Article Number: ijese.2016.892
Abstract The purpose of this article is to describe the Media Environment in 2035 Foresight Session held on September 27, 2015 at Artek International Child Center during International Youth Media Forum. The event was attended by 158 schoolchildren – the winners of regional Youth Journalism contests. The researchers were entrusted with the task of identifying the specifics of modern teenagers` vision of the future; predicting of most promising media professions - from the point of view of young people; evaluating the possibilities of the emergence of new types of media and attitude towards the impending digital future. Session moderators used a variety of research methods, such as emotional deep problems study, survey of all participants with both open-end and close-end questions, elements of pedagogically organized team play offering different levels of generalization, joint analysis of the results, and divergent presentations of outcomes. The survey findings were confirmed in the course of the team game, where the schoolchildren acted as experts and provided the prognostic description of 2035 media reality. During visualization of the ideas at a higher abstraction level the obtained images were identical to those that occurred during the game.From the results of Media Environment in 2035 Foresight Session, the moderators concluded that modern teenagers feel neither threatened, nor scared of the impending future and that is significantly different from media behavior of adults. Keywords: Environment, generation Z, future, forecasts, foresight, media reality References Albrow, M. (1997). The Global Age: State and Society Beyond Modernity. Contemporary Sociology, 76(4), 56-71. Chernenko, E. & Ryklina, V. (2008). Generation: They are the world to their knees. Direct access: https://rugenerations.su/2009/04/30/generation-%D0%BF%D1%83/ Cole, N. 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Teen Generation Z is being called 'millennials on steroids,' and that could be terrifying for retailers. Direct access: http://www.businessinsider.com/millennials-vs-gen-z-2016-8/#teens-are-even-more-frugal-than-millennials-but-in-a-different-way-1 Shamis, E. (2006). Generation Next. Direct access: https://rugenerations.su/2009/04/30/generation-next/ Shamis, E. (2009a). Borderline generation in the «Forbes» magazine ranking. Direct access: https://rugenerations.su/2009/06/18/%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B5-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%-BE%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5-%D0%B2-%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B9-%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B3%D0%B5-%D0%B6%D1%83%D1%80/ Shamis, E. (2009b). Under what conditions is increasing generation Milenium and Z, and that will be their values. Direct access: https://rugenerations.su/2009/05/21/%D0%B2-%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B8%D1%85-%D1%83%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B-2%D0%B8%D1%8F%D1%85-%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%82-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5-%D0%BC%D0%B8%D0%BB/ Wartzman, R. (2014). Coming soon to your office: Gen Z. Time, 12, 2-4. |
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On the Solution of Problems of Transient Heat Conduction in Layered MediaSergey Vendin
pp. 12253-12258 | Article Number: ijese.2016.893
Abstract The problems of transient heat conduction in multi-layered objects are studied. A solution of a boundary uniform problem with transient boundary conditions of third type is suggested. The Fourier method of variable separation by eigen functions of the problem and Duhamel's integral are taken as a basis of the solution. The suggested solution form is of explicit form and due to recurrent format of writing basic relations can be useful for numerical calculations and analyses of kinetics of transient heating (cooling) of multi-layered objects. Keywords: Boundary problem, Fourier heat equation, multi-layered object, transient boundary conditions of third type, explicit recurrent form of solution References Basantkumar, R., Stadler B.H., Robbins, W. & Summers, E. (2006). Integration of Thin-Film Galfenol Apasheva, L.M., Lobanov, A.V., Kosimarov, G.G. (2006). The impact of the fluctuating electromagnetic field at an early stage of plant development. Dokl. Russian Academy of Sciences, 406(1), 108-110. Bateman, G. (1958). Mathematical theory of propagation of electromagnetic waves. Moscow: Nauka. Bogdanovich, N.I. (1978). The calculations in the planning of the experiment. Leningrad: LTA. Burlakov, E.B., Kondrashov, A.A. & Maltsev, E.L. (2004). Superweak exposure to chemical compounds and physical factors on biological systems. Biophysics, 49(3), 551-564. Cory, H. & Rosenhause, L. (1997). Multilayered Chiral Filters. Electromagnetics, 17(4), 317-341. Falkowski, O.N. (1978). Technical elektrodynamic. Moscow: Communications. Harmut, H.F. (1985). Radiation of Nonsinusoidal Waves by Large-Current Radiator. IEEE Trans., 27(2), 77-87. Kalashnikov, V.V., Kudinov, V.A., Laptev, N.I. & Gdenenko, V.V. (1996). Heat transfer and thermal ignition in multilayer structures. Samara: Samara gov't. tehn. Research. Kalashnikov, V.V., Kudinov, V.A., Laptev, N.I. & Gdenenko, V.V. (1995). The theory of heat transfer and thermal explosion of single-walled and multi-layer compositions of explosives. Tutorial. Samara: Samara State Technical University. Kartashov, E.M. (2001). Analytic methods in solid body thermal conductivity theory: Tutorial. - 3rd edition, revised and enlarged. Moscow: Higher school. Korn, G. & Korn, T. (1983). Mathematics hand book for researchers and engineers. Moscow: Nauka. Kudinov, V.A. (2011). Analytical methods of heat conduction. Samara: Samara State Architecture - Building University. Kudinov, V.A., Averin, B.V. & Stefanyuk, E.V. (2008). The thermal conductivity and thermal stress in multilayer structures. Tutorial. Moscow: Higher School. Kudinov, V.A. & Kartashov, E.M. (2000). Engineering Thermodynamics. Moscow: Higher School. Kudinov, V.A., Kartashov, E.M. & Kalashnikov, V.V. (2005). Analytical problem solving heat and mass transfer and thermoelasticity for multilayer designs. Textbook for high schools. Moscow: Higher School. Kudryashov, V.A., Zavizon, V.A. & Betsky, O.V. (1998). Features of interaction of EHF radiation with water and aqueous solutions. Biomedical electronics, 2, 23-29. Lekner, J. (1990). Nonreflecting Stratifications. Can. J. Phys., 68(9), 738-748. Lindell, I.V. & Sihvola, A.H. (1995). Plane-Wave Reflection from Uniaxial Chiral Interface and its Application to Polarization Transformation. IEEE Trans., 43(12), 1397-1404. Pichard, J.A. (1985). Alternative Analytical Forms of the Fuchs-Sondheimer Function. J. Mat. Sci, 20, 4185-4201. Temnikov, A.V., Igonin, V.I. & Kudinov, V.A. (1982). Approximate methods for solving problems of heat conduction. Tutorial. Kuibyshev: KPTI. Vaessen, W.T.E. (1987). Transmissiemetingen aan Bouwmaterialen, Reflectie aan Draadschermen en de Fysica van Dunne Metaallagen. Belgium: EUT internal report. Vandana, J. & Banthia, A.K. (1989). Composites Based on Waste-Ferrites as Microwave Absorbers. Indian J. Phys. A, 63(5), 514-525. Vendin, S.V. (1993). On the calculation of transient heat conduction in multi-layered objects under boundary conditions of third type. Engineering and Physics Journal, 65(1), 98-I00. Vendin, S. (2013). To solve the problem of electromagnetic wave interaction with the multi-layered dielectric spherical object. Bulletin of the Belgorod State Technological University, 5, 216-220 Vendin, S.V. & Trubaev, P.A. (2013). Calculation of electromagnetic field strengths at a microwave dielectric ploskosloistyh processing facilities. Bulletin of the Belgorod State Technological University, 6, 215-218. |
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RNA Interference-Mediated Down-Regulation of 4-Coumarate: Coenzyme A Ligase in Populus Tremula Alters Lignification and Plant GrowthYulia Kovalitskaya, Lutsia Dayanova, Anna Azarova & Konstantin Shestibratov
pp. 12259-12271 | Article Number: ijese.2016.894
Abstract The study of the lignin biosynthesis and ways of its modification by genetic engineering methods are important in both scientific and practical terms. The mechanisms of its regulation have not yet been well studied, and no efficient methods of lignification decrease have been developed, which would not cause any undesirable attributes in the phenotype. We have used the method of synthesis of small interfering RNAs to the fourth exon of the 4-Coumarate: Coenzyme A Ligase gene in transgenic aspen plants, which resulted in the decreasing expression of the 4CL1 gene in the plants of the PtXIII4CL2c, PtXIII4CL4a, and PtXVI4CL9b lines by 72%, 45%, and 75%, accordingly. The 4CL1 gene expression inhibition was accompanied by the growth (height) speed change in greenhouse conditions. The height of cloned plants PtXIII4CL2c and PtXVI4CL9b was validly lower than the control values by 20% and 12%, accordingly. At the same time, the PtXIII4CL4a clone was higher than the control plants by 23%. The total lignin content in the wood of 6-month old cloned plants PtXIII4CL2c, PtXIII4CL4a, and PtXVI4CL9b decreased by 23%, 13%, and 16%, accordingly. We detected inverse correlation between the decrease in the lignin content and the development of the red-brown color of the wood. The correlation ratio was -0.87. Thus, the growth reduction was observed when the 4CL1 gene expression was inhibited by more than 70%, while the lignin content decrease and color change took place in all lines under study. Keywords: Lignin biosynthesis, genetic engineering methods, Coenzyme A Ligase, cloned plants References Anterola, A.M. & Lewis, N.G. (2002). Trends in lignin modification: a comprehensive analysis of the effects of genetic manipulations/mutations on lignification and vascular integrity. Phytochemistry, 61(3), 221-294. 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Leple, J.C., Dauwe, R., Morreel, K., Storme, V., Lapierre, C., Pollet, B., Naumann, A., Kang, K.Y., Kim, H., Ruel, K., Lefèbvre, A., Joseleau, J.P., Grima-Pettenati, J., De Rycke, R., Andersson-Gunnerås, S., Erban, A., Fehrle, I., Petit-Conil, M., Kopka, J., Polle, A., Messens, E., Sundberg, B., Mansfield, S.D., Ralph, J., Pilate & G., Boerjan, W. (2007). Downregulation of cinnamoyl-coenzyme A reductase in poplar: multiple-level phenotyping reveals effects on cell wall polymer metabolism and structure. Plant Cell, 19(11), 3669-91. Li, L., Zhou, Y., Cheng, X., Sun, J., Marita, J.M., Ralph, J. & Chiang, V.L. (2003). Combinatorial modification of multiple lignin traits in trees through multigene cotransformation. PNAS, 100, 4939-4944. Livak, K.J. & Schmittgen, T.D. (2001). Analysis of relative gene expression data using real-time quantitative PCR and the 2(-Delta Delta C(T)). Methods, 25, 402-408. Lundquist, K. (1992). Methods in Lignin Chemistry. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 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Innovation Problems of the Fortification of Health Youth Facility of the Physical CultureValeriy Panachev, Leonid Zelenin, Anatoliy Opletin, Evgeniy Kudryshov, Aleksandr Oborin, Mihail Nohrin, Svetlana Annenkova, Roman Solonitsin, Yulia Korepanova & Marat Fazleev
pp. 12273-12279 | Article Number: ijese.2016.895
Abstract In referencing the Russia President to Federal Meeting said, that one of the main problems of the future development of the social state is an increasing life’s quality of the Russians, the improvement of health to nations and demographic situation in Russian Federation. Per annum 72-years Victories in Great Domestic war sharply cost the questions of health of the population to Russia, particularly youth. On front of the war we have lost more than twenty eight million best representatives to nations so hitherto can not solve the demographic questions and consolidate health a youth facility of the physical culture and improvement of the nation health and the demographic situation in Russian Federation. The particularity of the Russians reproduction behaviours at the last any tens of years were shown installation prevalence to the systems of the families with little children, and low need for children and life’s conditions, promoting its deformation. In total, the country has got such results of the reproduction behaviours which for long years will main narrowed type of the reproducing population. The Russia demographic program became reaction on established and, regrettably, already firm disadvantage situation in social sphere, on essences, has defined that solving role belongs to the growing of the reproduction activities. The last program is interpreted by us as type of the reproduction population behaviours, providing in prospect growing to its quantity. The life’s condition, promoting or preventing to realization children quantity need, emerging structured element of the reproduction behaviours, form one of two its types – the reproduction activity or the reproduction passivity. The solving role in change given situations belongs to increasing of the Russians motor activity, sound lifestyle, systematic occupations by physical culture and sports. Keywords: Innovation problems of the fortification of health, development of the physical culture and sports, life’s quality References |
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Color Symbolism in the Bashkir ToponymyGulnur Kh. Bukharova, Luiza Kh. Samsitova, Salima A. Tagirova, Akhmet Kh. Davletkulov, Raisa G. Davletbajeva & Minsilu G. Usmanova
pp. 12281-12288 | Article Number: ijese.2016.896
Abstract The author attempts to explain the origin of place-names with components aҡ (white) and ҡara (black) in the Bashkir toponymy based on a wide involvement of the facts of mythopoetic symbolism. The study of color symbolism in place-names helps to reveal the code of ethnocultural information embedded in place-names, as well as to identify people's worldviews and fragments of the ethnic view of the world. As the analysis shows, the colors аҡ (white) and ҡара (black) in the Bashkir folk culture, including the toponymy, create a binary opposition white - black, often correlated with the opposition good - bad. In the formation of linguocultural competence of students of philological faculties studying the language of the region, in particular the ethno-linguistic, ethno-cultural, linguocultural, and socio-cultural aspects of its studying play an important role. Keywords: Bashkir language, toponymy, ethnolinguistics, color symbolism, linguocultural competence References Ageeva, R.A. (1990). Countries and peoples: the origin of the names. Moscow: Nauka. Baskakov, N.A. (1980). Models of Turkic ethnonyms and their typology. Moscow: Nauka. Berezovich, E.L. (2009). Russian names in ethnolinguistic aspect: Space and human being. Moscow: Librokom. Bukharova, G.H. (2003). Mythopoetic worldview in the Bashkir toponymy. Ufa: Publishing house BSPU. Fakhretdinov, R.S. (1993). Bulgarian and Turks. Kazan: Tatar kit. nashr., 287 p. Hisamitdinova, F.G. (1992). Geographical names of Bashkortostan. Ufa: Bash. un-t. Kamalov, A.A. (1994). Bashkir toponymy. Ufa: Kitap. Kononov, A.N. (1954). On the semantics of the word „kara“ and „ak“ in Turkish geographical terminology. Proceedings of the Department of Social Sciences of the Tajik SSR, 5. Kormushin I.V. (1997). Color-names. Comparative and Historical Grammar of the Turkic languages. Vocabulary. Moscow: Nauka. Koychubaev, E. (1967). The main types of the names of Zhetysu: PhD Abstract. Alma-Ata. Koychubaev, E. (1974). A short glossary of names of Kazakhstan. Alma-Ata: Nauka. Manczak, W. (1975). Biala, czarna i czerwona Rus. Intern. J. Slav. Linguist, a. Poetics, 9(2), 31- 40. Superanskaya, A.V. (1990). The Name – through centuries and countries. Moscow: Nauka. Trubachov, O.N. (1992). In search of unity. Moscow: Nauka. Uraksin, Z.G. (1986). Color designations in Bashkir ethnonyms. Bashkirethnonyms: Coll. articles. Ufa: USSR BFAN. Usmanova, M.G. (1994). The name of the fatherland: Historical and linguistic study of toponymy of the Sakmar river basin. Ufa: Kitap. |
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Modern Methods in Training Professional Foreign Language for Students Majoring in AgricultureZhanar Zhyltyrova, Aizhan Makasheva, Gaukhar Yersultanova & Kymbat Kydyrbay
pp. 12289-12297 | Article Number: ijese.2016.897
Abstract The purpose of the article is to discuss how problem-based and professionally-oriented situations and the case study method have been adapted for use in the classroom to motivate students majoring in agriculture. The content pertaining the agricultural area was taken into the consideration. The study was conducted on 33 (93) students who were divided into subgroups in doing the tasks. Discussions, class activities, group and individual presentations were carried out in classrooms, using the board and computer. The results of the survey showed that these methods are significant not only for language but also relevant for specific subject learning. Keywords: Professional foreign language, problem-based situations, professionally-oriented situations and case study method References Angelo, T & Boehrer, J. (2002). Case learning: How does it work? Direct access: http://www.so-c.ucsb.edu/projects/casemethod/teaching.html Benoit, R.B. (2009). Haugh. Team Teaching Tips for Foreign Language Teachers. Direct access: http://iteslj.org/Techniques/Benoit-TeamTeaching.html Concept of development the foreign language education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. (2006). Direct access: http://world-science.ru/en/article/view?id=33292Almaty Davis, C. & Wilcock, E. (2010). Teaching materials using case studies. UK Centre for Materials. Education, Higher Education Academy. Direct access: http://www.materials.ac.uk/g-uides/casestudies.asp Deardorff, D.K. (2006). The Identification and Assessment of Intercultural Competence as a Student Outcome of Internationalization at Institutions of Higher Education in the United States. Journal of Studies in International Education, 10, 241-266 Horwich, J. (1999). Cracks widen in team teaching of English. Asahi Evening News, 24 October: Life Section, 44-45. Fischer , J., Casey, E., Margarida, A., Gigl, E., & Lešnik, M. (2008). Language Case Studies (LCaS). Developing teacher training modules for the use of case studies in language teaching at secondary and university level. Austria: Council of Europe Publishing Kulibaeva, D.N. (2002). The innovative model of international standard levels of language skills in International-type schools. Almaty: Atamura Kunanbayeva, S.S. (2016). Educational Internationalisation as a Major Strategy of the Kazakhstani System of Education. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 11, 7272-7277. Kunanbayeva, S. (2013). The Modernization of Foreign Language Education: The Linguocultural – Communicative Approach. London: Herdfordshire Press. Kunanbayeva, S.S. (2014). Competence modeling of professional foreign language education. Almaty: Atamura. Langacker, R.W. (1991). Concept, Image and Symbol: The Cognitive Basis of Grammar. Berlin: Heinle and Heinle. Ommagio, A. (1986). Teaching language in context. Boston: Heinle and Heinle. Oxford, R. (1990). Language learning strategies: what every teacher should know. New York: Newbery House Publishers Sapir, E. (1993). Communication. Selected works on linguistic and cultural studies. Moscow: AST. Skalkin, V.L. (1991). The structure of foreign language communication and training issues of speech in a foreign language. Moscow: Nauka. Widdowson, H.G. (1978). Teaching language as communication. London: Oxford University Press |
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Evaluation of the Program Effectiveness of Research Competence Development in Prospective Elementary School TeachersNatalya N. Khan, Sholpan Zh. Kolumbayeva, Raissa K. Karsybayeva, Roza A. Nabuova, Manshuk B. Kurmanbekova, and Aigul Dzh. Syzdykbayeva
pp. 12299-12316 | Article Number: ijese.2016.898
Abstract To develop research competence in prospective teachers, a system of methods for diagnostics and formation of this competence in prospective elementary school teachers in the training process is designed. To diagnose the research competence, a series of techniques were used that allow subtle evaluation of each competence research component: axiological, emotional-motivational, cognitive, behavioral, and control-evaluation. These techniques also give the opportunity to assess the level of research competence formation. The study involved 102 students from Kazakh State women's teacher training university: students of the experimental group (50 people) were trained in accordance with developed methods of forming research competence; students in the control group (52 people) were engaged in a common program. The generalization of the experiment results shows that middle and low levels of research competence formation dominated in the experimental and control groups. In this study, we developed and piloted the course "Approach to the research competence formation in prospective elementary school teachers". The course was tested at the Kazakh State women's teacher training university. The diagnostic results showed that the level of research competence formation increased in the experimental group, whereas in the control group, indicators remained unchanged. Statistical data processing confirmed the accuracy of the changes. Keywords: Research competence, elementary school teachers, professional training, components of research competence, ascertaining experiment, formative experiment, competence formation. References Alnoor M.A., Yu M.H. (2011). Elementary school teacher competency. The Social Sciences, 6 (5), 391-397. Berns R. (1986). The development of self-concept and education. – Moscow. Cator K., Schneider C., Vander Ark T. (2014) Preparing Teachers for Deeper Learning: Competency-based Teacher Preparation and Development. April - 2014, USA: Seattle. Derkach A. A.,Moscow Hendriks, M., Luyten, H., Scheerens, J., Sleegers, P., Steen, R. (2010). Teachers’ Professional Development. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Union, (10.04.2011). Kazantsev S. Y. (2000). Didactic bases and regularities of fundamentalization of education in modern higher school: thesis of Doctor of Education (p.178), Kazan. Khairullina N.G., Ustinova O.V., Antipina N.L., Zykova V.K., Romanova T.A. (2016). Reforming of the system of higher education in the state of the former Soviet Union: Characteristics and problems. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 11 (9), 2711-2726. Khutorskiy A. V. (2003). Didactic heuristics. Theory and technology of creative learning (p.416). Moscow: Moscow State University press. Leontovich A. V. (2001). On the research development in science and education. In "The development of students' research activities». Issue: «Professional library of a teacher». Moscow: «Narodnoe obrazovanie», pp. 64-68. Molokova A. V. (2006). Implementation of a competence approach in the conditions of education informatization. Philosophy of education, 1, 239-243. Morais, A. M., Neves, I. P., Afonso, M. (2005). Teacher training processes and teachers’ competence - a sociological study in the primary school. Teaching and Teacher Education, 21 (4), 415-437. Naeem, M.A., Peach, N.W. (2011). Promotion of sustainability in postgraduate education in the Asia Pacific region. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 12 (3), 280–290. Naumescu A.K. (2008). Science teacher competencies in a knowledged based society. Acta Didactica Nopocensia, 1 (1), 25-31. Niemi H., Nevgi A. (2014). Research studies and active learning promoting professional competences in Finnish teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 43, 131-142. Ozarbayeva K.O. (2016). Professional competence of teachers in the age of globalization. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 11 (9), 2659-2672.
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Future Teacher-Psychologists’ Professional Position as a Component of Professional Competence FormationAssemgul A. Moldazhanova, Aray A. Amanova, Amanjol A. Tashetov, Assem K. Bissembaeva,Gulzhanar K. Dzhumazhanova & Meruert A.Nurbekova
pp. 12317-12325 | Article Number: ijese.2016.899
Abstract The aim of the article is to define the concept professional position is pecularity fusion professional worldview and behavior strategies. Analysis of theoretical literature identifies the following requirements for a professional position of the psychologist: the psychologist as a person, confident in their professional abilities, begins with unconditional self-acceptance. Psychology student’s professional attitude acts as a stable system of the individual’s attitudes to the various aspects of the future professional activity. During the period of study at the university there is not only introduction with the specifics of their chosen profession, acquisition of basic skills and abilities, but there is also generated a valuable attitude to the profession and a motivation of their future professional activity. There is also a primary "integrated development" of the profession, there is defined a young man’s position in life and worldview, there are studied individual actions, behavior and communication. In other words, at the stage of training at the university there are formed the key components that are necessary for the formation of the person of professional activity, including professional position. Keywords: Professional position, personal attitude, teacher-psychologist, values, psycho-emotional support References Aminov, N.A. (1992). Social-psychological preconditions of special abilities of school psychologists. Questions psychologists, 1, 74-76. Bodrov, V.A. (2001). Professional availability psychology. Moscow: PERSE. Boritko, N.M. (2001). Theory and practice of formation of a professional position of the teacher - psychologists in continuing education (Doctoral Dissertation). Volgograd: Volgograd State Pedagogical Institute. Dal', V.I. (1865). Explanatory Dictionary of Russian language. Moscow: Book on demand. Davydov, B.S. (2004). The Bologna process and Russian realities. Moscow: SAG. Fonarev, A.V. (1998). Psychology of personal professional formation. Moscow: MODEC. Fromm, E. (1992). Soul of man. Moscow: Republican. Gabdrakhmanova, R.G., Kalimullina, G.I. & Ignatovich, V.G. (2016). Professional Pedagogical Education Quality Management. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(1), 103-112. Kalimullin, A.M. & Islamova, Z.I. (2016). Formation of Information-Educational Environment in the Partner Universities of University of Shanghai Cooperation Organization. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(6), 1879-1890. Klimov, E.A. (1996). Psychology of the professional self-determination. Rostov-on-Don: Remix. Krasnov, S.I. (1997). Position as the activity-expression of personality - professional self-design. Problems of professional pedagogical position, 3, 34-45. Kudryavcev, T.V. (2005). Professional and personal psychologist position. Journal of Practical Psychology. 6, 28-38. Kulyutkin, Y.N. & Suhobskaya, G.S. (2012). Methods of studying professional orientation of the teacher's personality. Psychological Science and Education, 2, 38-47. Kulyutkin, Y.N. (1985). Psychology of adult learning. Moscow: Prosveshchenie. Leontev, A.N. (1975). Activity, consciousness, personality. Moscow: Politizdat. Lukin, V.S. (2004). The study of motivation of professional development. Questions of psychology, 5, 25-32. Markin, V.N. (2005). Social and biological in acmeology development: the life of the person's position as a psycho - acmeologists category and the phenomenon of social affirmation. World of Psychology, 4, 45- 50. Markova, A.K. (1993). Psychology teacher labor. Moscow: Education. Mitin, L.M. (1999). Upravlyat' ili podavlyat': vybor strategii professional'noi zhiznedeyatel'nosti. Moscow. Algoritm. Pryazhnikov, N.S. (2011). Psychology of Labor and Human Dignity: A manual for students of higher educational institutions. Moscow: Academy. Schneider, J.B. (2001). Experimental study of professional identity. Moscow: Print. Slobodchikov, V.I. (2001). Anthropological principle in health psychology. Questions psychologists, 4, 91-105. Zeer, E.F. (2005). Vocational Education Psychology. Publishing House of the SAG, 2, 216-225. Zeer, E.F., Pavlova, A.M. & Simanyuk, E.E. (2003). Modernization of vocational education: competence approach. Moscow: MPSI. |
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Specific Features of Value Orientations and Social Mindsets of Deviant TeenagersOlga A. Ovsyanik, Darya B. Belinskaya, Igor G. Kochetkov & Nelia A. Deberdeeva
pp. 12327-12336 | Article Number: ijese.2016.900
Abstract The importance of the studied problem is determined by a continuous growth of suicidal activity in a majority of economically developed countries of the world. The statistical data on teenage suicides is especially frightening: according to the recent data (2014) among teenagers at the age of 15-19 there are 5,9 suicidal cases for 100 thousand people and Russia remains on first place in the world in the number of suicides among teenagers. In a developed conception of the RF demographic policy for a period up to 2025 (The order of The RF President of October 9 2007, № 1351) it is supposed to reduce the mortality rate from suicides at the expense of raising the effectiveness of preventive work. Thus there is a burning issue of both studying suicidal behavior factors in teenage milieu and development of the preventive measures system. In this connection the article is directed towards the study of value orientations and social mindsets of teenagers who prone to suicidal behavior. The article contains the results of empirical investigation of studying value orientations and social mindsets in teenagers who prone to suicidal behavior. Specific features of interaction of the social mindsets system and value orientations have been identified in teenagers prone to suicidal behavior as a basis of controlling their behavior having influence on the suicidal activity manifestation. The leading approaches in studying this problem are holistic, systemic and dialectic approaches that ensure holism and comprehensiveness of the study based on the holistic personal development that takes into account the history of a personality. The materials of the article are of practical value for psychologists, social workers and staff members of educational institutions which are involved in work with deviant teenagers. Keywords: Suicidal behavior, teenage years, social mindsets, value orientations References Allport, G.W. (1935). Attitudes. Handbook of Social Psychology. Worcester: Clark University Press. Asmolov, A.G. (1977). On the relation between the concept of social attitudes in general and social psychology. Theoretical and methodological problems of social psychology. Moscow: Science. Belicheva, S.A. (1994). Through preventive psychology. Moscow: RIC Consortium «Social health of Russia». Bozovic, L.I. (2008). Personality and its formation in childhood. St. Petersburg: Peter. Chizh, N.V., Slyshkin, G.G., Zheltukhina, M.R., Privalova, I.V. & Kravchenko, O.A. (2016). Concept “Medical Museum” as a Sociocultural Phenomenon. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(17), 10529-10538. Devyatkin, A.A. (2000). Phenomenon of social settings in the psychology of the XX century: monograph. Kaliningrad: Kaliningrad University. Efimova, О.I., Oschepkov, А.А. & Salakhova, V.B. 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Theoretical and Practical Issues of Systematization of Russian Energy Legislation when Bringing it into a Coherent SystemLyubov’ I. Shevchenko & Svetlana A. Ivanova
pp. 12337-12343 | Article Number: ijese.2016.901
Abstract The urgency of the problems stated in the paper is conditioned by the need to develop and adopt a new concept of legislation, which would have fixed the starting positions and the principles of legal regulation of relations in the sphere of fuel and energy complex, including the forms of Russia's participation in international projects in the conditions of civilized market relations. The aim of the paper is to develop basic methods and techniques of energy legislation’s systematization, which should be an integrated complex of the Russian Federation legislation, a set of normative legal acts regulating the relations arising in the sphere of organization and functioning of the fuel and energy complex of the Russian economy. The leading method to the study of this problem is the simulation method allowing addressing of this issue as a purposeful and organized process of systematization of energy legislation when activating it in an efficient integrated system. The authors conclude that the modernization of the regulatory framework in the energy sector should be carried out on the basis of the developed general economic and legal concept of energy development and energy legislation of modern Russia and must be based on the accumulated legislative experience of Russia and foreign countries, take into account the successful international practice in this area. The proposals made in the paper are aimed at improving the procedural forms of commercial justice in Russia, first of all - support of and use in the practice of pretrial forms of conflicts resolution, alternative forms, such as negotiations, mediation, arbitration courts, commercial arbitration, negotiations within trial to conclude settlement agreements, including with the use of experts and facilitators, as well as integration with the consent of the parties of simplified, expedited forms of proceedings in a relatively small and less complex cases. Keywords: Energy, energy legislation, economy, resources References Alekseev, S.S. (1959). Subject of Soviet socialist law. Scientific works of the Sverdlovsk Law Institute, 1, 252-330. Bradbrook, A. (1996). Energy Law as an Academic Discipline. Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law, 14, 194-214. Civil and commercial law of foreign countries (2004). Civil and commercial law of foreign countries. Moscow: International Relations. Civil Law. (2009). Actual problems of theory and practice. Under the general editorship of V.A. Belov. Moscow: Yurayt. Craig, P. (1998). Burca G. de, EC Law. Direct access: https://www.law.ox.ac.uk/people/paul-craig Spinosi, J.K. (1998). The main legal systems of modernity. Moscow: International Relations. Dozortsev, V.A. (1998). The principal features of the property rights in the Civil Code. Civil Code of Russia. Problems. Theory. Practice. Collection devoted to the memory about Khokhlov S.A. Moscow: Nauka. Ellis, E. & Tridimas, T. (1995). Public Law of the European Community. London: Routlede. Hartley, T.C. (1999). Constitutional Problems of the European Union, Oxford: Oxford University. Ilyin, Y.D. (2002). Lectures on the history of the European Union law. Moscow: AST. Ipsen, K. (1999). Völkerrecht. München: C.H. Beck Itemized scientific and practical commentary to the Federal Law "On electric power". (2003). Under the general editorship of V.Y. Sinyutin. Direct access: http://www.s-yu.ru/annotations/2015/9/ Judgment of the European Court of Justice of 13 November 1964. (1964). Commission of the European Economic Community v Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and Kingdom of Belgium. Direct access: http://curia.europa.eu/juris/liste.jsf?num=90/63&language=en Korneev, S.M. (1956). Contract for the supply of electricity between the socialist organizations. Moscow: Gosyurizdat. Lakhno, P.G. (2009). To energy business - a reliable legal basis. Energy and Law, 2, 386-392. Biryukov, M. (2006). European Union, the European Constitution and international law. Moscow: Science book. Oppermann, T. (1999). Europarecht. Muenchen: C.H. Beck Verlag. Savatier, R. (1972). The theory of obligations. Legal and economic essay. Moscow: Progress. Shemshuchenko, Y.S. & Oleshchenko, V.I. (2009). Status and Challenges of energy legislation of Ukraine, the prospects of its codification. Energy and Law, 2, 54-67. Shevchenko, L.I. (2015). Contractual relations in the energy sector. Moscow: Publishing house "MGIMO-University". Streinz, R. (1999). Europarecht. Heidelberg: Müller Verlag. Topornin, B.N. (1999). European Law. Moscow: Nauka. Yakovlev, V.F. (2000). Russia: economics, civil law. Moscow: Academia. Yakovlev, V.F. (2001). Legal regulation of the fuel and energy complex of Russia. Energy and Law. 11, 12-14. Yakovlev, V.F. & Semigin, G.Y. (2004). Economic justice: in 4 volumes. Moscow: Publishing house "Mysl". |
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Didactic Conditions of Improvement of Pedagogical Personnel Training at Higher Education Institutions to Dual Education in the System of VETSaule Zholdasbekova, Zhanat Nurzhanbayeva, Rikhsibay Mamedov, Amangeldi Saipov , Begaim Zhiyentayeva & Alja Tlemissova
pp. 12345-12359 | Article Number: ijese.2016.902
Abstract The purpose of the article consists in representation to discussion by specialists of the revealed didactic conditions of enhancement of preparation of the pedagogical personnel in higher education institution to dual training in the system of vocational and educational training. Modeling, aspect system, comparative and structural analyses allowing considering this problem in the context of improvement of pedagogical personnel training at higher education institution to dual training in the VET system became the leading methods of the research of this problem. The following didactic conditions are characterized in the article: training of the teacher of new type; modular systematization of training content; the technological organization of the public-professional relations in training process; the complex of educational-methodical ensuring continuous professionally pedagogical training of teachers and students in higher education institution. Didactic conditions are oriented on the enhancement of preparation of the pedagogical personnel in higher education institution to dual training in the system of technical and professional education and continuous personal growth of the student taking into account individual requirements and demand to professional training in the context of professional self-determination and strengthening of motivation to work on mastering future specialty. The model of preparation is directed to adaptation of pedagogical personnel to new conditions of professional activity in the system of technical and professional education in the conditions of dual training. Keywords: Didactic conditions, system of pedagogical personnel training, higher education institution, dual training, system of vocational and educational training References Arynov, K.T., Kosherov, T.S. & Laktionova, S.N. (2004). Problems of sustainable development of continuous education: finding solutions. Ісol.thesesInter.scien. conf. 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Recrystallization of Gypsum ParticlesKhans Bertram Fisher, Khans Rikhert, Alexandr Burianov & Valeria Strokova
pp. 12361-12366 | Article Number: ijese.2016.903
Abstract This article explores the possibility of use of dynamic metamorphism processes for the synthesis of products from natural gypsum. The recrystallization of gypsum is described, i.e, the process of continuous growth of large crystals due to the dissolution of fine crystals in a polydispersed suspension called the "maturation" of crystals. Keywords: Gypsum, recrystallization of gypsum particles, dynamic metamorphism, compaction, calcium sulfate dihydrate References Al-Masri, M.S. & Al-Bich, F. (2002). Polonium-210 distribution in Syrian phosphogypsum. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 25, 431-435. Altum, L.A. & Sert, Y. (2004). Utilization of weathered phosphogypsum as set retarder in Portland cement. Cement and Concrete Research, 34, 677-680. Arocena, J.M., Rutherford, P.M. & Dudas, M.J. (1995). Heterogeneous distribution of trace elements and fluorine in phosphogypsum by-product. The Science of the Total Environment, 162, 149-160. Bataiev D.K, Chernysheva, N.V. & Saidumov, M.S. (2015). Fine grainedcellular concrete creep analysis technique with consideration forcar-bonation. Modern Applied Science, 9(4), 233-245. Bazhenov, Yu.M. & Falikman, V.R. (2001). New age: new efficient concrete and technology. Materials of the 1st All-Russian conference. Moscow, 254-258. Bazhenov, Yu.M., Garkina, I.A., Danilov, A.M. & Korolev, E.V. (2012). System analysis in building materials science. Moscow: MGSU. Bazhenov, Yu.М. Demianova V.S. & Kalashnikov V.I. (2006). Modified concrete of high quality. Moscow: ASV. El-Didamony, H., El-Afi, S.A. & Elwan, M.M. (2002). Influence of substitution on natural gypsum by phosphogypsum on the properties of Portland cement. Sil. Ind., 67(1-2), 59-67. Erdogan, A., Demirbas, A. & Gene, H. (2004). Utilization of weathered phosphogypsum as set retarder in Portland cement. Cement and Concrete Research, 34, 677-680. GOST Р 56178-2014. (2014). Organic and mineral modifiers of the type MB for concrete, mortar and dry mixes. Moscow: Standartinform. Gridchin, A.M., Pogorelov, S.A. & Lesovik, R.V. (2000). Gypsum waste in road construction. Concrete and reinforced in the third millennium. Proceedings of the Intern. Scient. Conf. Rostov-on-Don. Jarosinski, A. (1994). Properties of anhydrite cement obtained from apatite phosphogypsum. Cement and Concrete Research, 24, 99-108. Kaprielov, S.S., Sheinfeld, A.V. & Kardumian, G.S. (2010). New modified concrete. Moscow: Typography" Paradise. Kaprielov, S.S., Travush, V.I., Karpenko, N.I. & Kardumian, G.S. (2006). Modified concrete of new generation in the facilities of MIBC "Moscow-City". Building Materials, 10, 8-12. Lesovik, B.C., Pogorelov, S.A. & Strokova, V.V. (1999). Way Directional changes in the properties of gypsum binders. Proceedings of the Novosibirsk State Architectural universiteta, 2(4), 134-138. Lesovik, V.S. (2015). Man-made metasomatism in building materials. International collection of scientific papers "Building materials". Novosibirsk, 54-57. Lesovik, V.S. (2014). Geonics (Geomimetics) as a transdisciplinary field of research. Higher education in Russia, 3, 77-83. Lesovik, V.S., Ginzburg, A.V. & Volodchenko, A.A. (2014). Building composites: present and future. Concrete and reinforced concrete - a look into the future: scientific works of the III All-Russian (International) Conference on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete. Moscow. Murtazaev, S.-A.Y., Lesovik, V.S., Bataiev, D.K.-S., Chernysheva, N.V., Saidumov, M.S. (2015a). Fine-grainedcellular concrete creep analysis technique with consideration forcarbonation. Modern Applied Science, 9(4), 233-245. Murtazaev, S.-A.Y., Mintsaev, M.S., Saydumov, M.S. & Aliev, S.A. (2015b). Strength and strain properties of concrete, comprising filler, produced by screening of waste crushed concrete. Modern Applied Science, 9(4), 32-44. Olmez, H. & Yilmaz, V.T. (1988). Infrared study on the refinement of phosphogypsum for cements. Cement and Concrete Research, 18, 449-454. Perianez, R. (2005). Measuring and modeling temporal trends of 226 Ra in waters of a Spanish estuary affected by the phosphate industry. Marine Environmental Research, 60, 453-456. Rzeczycka, M., Mycielski, R., Kowalski, W. & Gaiazka, M. (2001). Biotransformation of phosphogypsum in media containing different forms of nitrogen. Acta Microbiol. Polon, 50(3/4), 281-285. Singh, M. (2002). Treating waste phosphogypsum for cement and plaster manufacture. Cement and Concrete Research, 32, 1033-1038. Singh, M. (2003). Effect of Phosphates end Fluoride Impurities of Phosphogypsum on the Properties of Selenite Plaster. Cement and Concrete Research, 33, 1363-1369. |
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Fine-Grained Structure Concretes on the Basis of Composite Gypsum-Containing Binding Agents with a Man Made FillerSaid-Alvi Murtazaev, Natalia Chernysheva, Magomed Saidumov & Arbi Alaskhanov
pp. 12367-12381 | Article Number: ijese.2016.904
Abstract The article is devoted to an actual problem of increase of efficiency and cost reduction of fine-grain concrete in the production of small-piece wall products with the complex use of man-made materials in the form of bottom-ash mixtures of CHP. The article presents the results of the study of bottom-ash mixtures and based on them composite gypsum binders (CGB) for fine-grained concretes. There were studied the microstructure and morphology of the floured ground mineral supplements of the bottom slag and fly ash, the prospect of these components using as a filler in the composition of CGB. There investigated properties of the fine-grained concrete and concrete mixes based on this CGB: remoulding effort, porosity, density, strength and stress-related properties. There were experimentally proved the effectiveness of the integrated use of local raw materials, including man-made, in the production of CGB and fine-grained concrete on its basis. Keywords: Man-made raw materials, city ecology, bottom-ash mixtures, bottom-ash mixtures fillers, composite gypsum binders, fine-grained concrete, small-piece wall products, environmental and economic effects References Alaskhanov, A.Kh., Murtazaev, S-A. Yu. & Chernysheva, N.V. (2013). The use of CHP bottom-ash mixes for production of the composite gypsum binders. Ecology and industry of Russia, 7, 26-29. Alhaj, H. (2010). Corrosion behavior and durability of various cement anpozzolans. Saarbrücken: LAMBERT Academic Publishing AG and Co. Bednikov, P.P. (1951). Gypsum, its research and application. Moscow: Gosstroiizdat. Belov, V.V. & Smirnov, M.A. (2009). Formation of optimum mortar macrostructure. Building materials, 9, 88-90. Burnett, W.C. & Elzerman, A.W. (2001). Nuclide migration and the environmental radiochemistry of Florida phosphogypsum. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 54, 27-51. Dvorkin, L.I. & Dvorkin, O.L. (2007). Building materials of industrial waste. 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Murtazaev, S.-A.Y., Lesovik, V.S., Bataiev, D.K.-S., Chernysheva, N.V. & Saidumov, M.S. (2015a). Fine-grainedcellular concrete creep analysis technique with consideration forcarbonation. Modern Applied Science, 9(4), 233-245. Murtazaev, S.-A.Y., Mintsaev, M.S., Saydumov, M.S. & Aliev, S.A. (2015b). Strength and strain properties of concrete, comprising filler, produced by screening of waste crushed concrete. Modern Applied Science, 9(4), 32-44. Pereira, F. (2003). Production d’acidephosphorique par attaque de minéraux phosphates en utilisantHCl en tantqu’agentlixiviant, recuperation des terresrarescommesousproduits: PhD thesis. EcoleNationaleSupérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne. Perianez, R. (2005). Measuring and modeling temporal trends of 226 Ra in waters of a Spanish estuary affected by the phosphate industry. Marine Environmental Research, 60, 453-456. Shukla, V.K., Ramachandran, T.V., Chinnaesakki, S., Sartandel, S.J. & Shanbhag, A.A. (2005). 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High Reaction Activity of Nano-Size Phase of Silica Composite BinderEvgenii Glagolev, Liudmila Suleimanova & Valerii Lesovik
pp. 12383-12389 | Article Number: ijese.2016.905
Abstract The article covers the study of the influence of quartziferous additives on composition, structure of neo-crystallization and hydration of clinker minerals. It has been proven that adding chalk into composite binder composition creates conditions for the formation of a cement stone at the micro- and nanoscale and shows some activity (hydraulic or pozzolanic) increasing the total content of new formations in the hardening binder. Keywords: cement stone, structure crystallization, screenings of crushing, composite binder, chalk, clinker minerals References Beandvin, J.J. (1976). Special reaction of portland cement. Cem. Res. Progr., 6, 45-64. Chernyshov, E.M. & Korotkyh, D.N. (2008). Modifying the structure of cement stone of micro- and nanoscale particles of silica. Construction materials, equipment and technologies, 5, 30-32. Dagotto, E., Hotto, Т. & Moreo, A. (2001). Colossal magnetoresistant materials, the key role of phase separation. Phys. Reports., 344, 148-153. Guimond, R.J. (1989). Radioactivity released from phosphate containing fertilizers and from gypsum. Radiat. Phys. Chem., 34, 309-315. Hobbs, D.W. (1981). The alcoli-silica reaction – a model for prediction expansion in Mortar. Mag. Сoncr. Res., 33, 208-219. Kamaliev, R.T., Korneev, V.I. & Brykov, A.S. (2009). Portland cement with the addition of ultrafine silica. Cement and its Applications, 1, 86-89. Kara, K.A. (2011). Aerated concrete on composite binders for monolithic construction. Belgorod: BSTU. Klassen ,V., Shuravwlev, P. & Klassen, A. (2000). Synthese des niedrigbasischen Klinkers durch Verwendung der Schlackeabfälle und Herstellung des hochwertigen Mischzements. Inter. Baustofftagung, 1, 189-196. Lesovik, R.V. & Zhernovsky, I.V. (2008). Selecting the silica-component composite binders. Construction materials, 8, 78-79. Lesovik, V.S., Suleymanov, A.G. & Kara, K.A. (2010). Non-autoclaved aerated concrete on composite knitting for energy-efficient construction. Herald BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, 4, 47-52. Ming, T., Hengjing, V. & Ying, L. (2003). Investigation of the effect of silica fume and nano-SiOx on cement composites. J. Chin. Ceram. Soc., 31(5), 523-527. Murtazaev, S.Y., Lesovik, V.S., Bataiev, K.S., Chernysheva, N.V. & Saidumov, M.S. (2015a). Fine-grainedcellular concrete creep analysis technique with consideration forcarbonation. Modern Applied Science, 9(4), 233-245. Murtazaev, S.Y., Mintsaev, M.S., Saydumov, M.S. & Aliev, S.A. (2015b). Strength and strain properties of concrete, comprising filler, produced by screening of waste crushed concrete. Modern Applied Science, 9(4), 32-44. Paschenko, A.A. (1991). The theory of cement. Kyiv: The builder. Rietveld, H.M. (1969). A Profile Refinement Method for Nuclear and Magnetic Structures. J. Appl. Cryst., 2, 65-71. Rietveld, Н.М. (1967). Line profiles of neutron powder-diffraction peaks for structure refinement. Acta Cryst., 22, 151-152. Shmitko, E.I., Krylova, A.V. & Shatalova, V.V. (2006). Chemistry and cement binders. St.Peterburg: Science Avenue. Suleymanova, L.A. & Kara, K.A. (2012a). Energy efficient aerated concrete on composite binders for monolithic building. News of higher educational institutions. Building, 3, 10-20. Suleymanova, L.A. & Kara, K.A. (2012b). Optimization of non-autoclaved aerated concrete in the composite binder. Herald BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, 2, 28-30. Suleymanova, L.A., Lesovik, V.S. & Suleymanov, A.G. (2010). Non-autoclaved aerated concrete on composite knitting. Belgorod: BSTU. Sulimenko, L.M. & Ukhanova, L.A. (2006). Ways to reduce energy costs for the production of lime-siliceous binders. Building materials, 6, 63-64. Zhernovsky, I.V. (2010). Some features of the application of full-profile RFA in problems of building materials. Building materials. Nauka, 3, 2-5. Zhernovsky, I.V., Shamshurov, A.V. (2012). The special composite binder for non-autoclave curing concretes. Herald BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, 1, 39-45. Zhernovsky, I.V., Strokova, V.V. & Fomenko, Y. (2007). On the influence of dimensional parameters of quartz polymorphs of its activity in the composite binding. Herald BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, 4, 48-49. Zhernovsky, I.V., Strokova. V.V. & Lesovik, V.S. (2008). To the problem of phase heterogeneity of quartz of sedimentary and metamorphic genesis. Mineralogia Polonica – Special Papers, 32, 175-177. |
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Optimization of EFDB «Mikrodur» Сomposition with Complex Fillers of Natural and Technogenic OriginIgor Kharchenko, Said-Alvi Murtazaev, Abdurahman Abuhanov & Magomed Nahaev
pp. 12391-12401 | Article Number: ijese.2016.906
Abstract This paper represents the potential technological solutions to reduce the takeoff of the high-priced Mikrodur®, to reduce the production cost of especially finely-dispersed binders (EFDB) and to raise its practical effectiveness and availability while stabilizing the building and structure foundations replacing the part of binder materials by fine fillers of various origin, including of technogenic, without degradation of physical and mechanical, structural or other characteristics of soil-concrete. Keywords: Finely-dispersed binder, fine filler, subsiding soils, injection strengthening, subsidence, viscosity References Abukhanov, A.Z. (2007). Analysis of methods on soil stabilization of building and structure foundations. Reclamation of anthropogenic landscapes, Interacad. sci. col. Current issues on water consumption in hydrology and hydrotechnics, 26, 126-136. Abukhanov, A.Z. (2009). Technology of property improvement of building and structure foundations. Grozniy: GSOU. Arsan, А. (2005). Improvement in techniques of soil stabilization of foundation bases of buildings and structures: PhD Thesis. Kharkov. Astafjev, Y.V. (2006). Production technology and the basic properties of concrete self-compacting mixtures based on cement or stressing: PhD Abstract. Brest. Badeev, V.S. (2005). Interaction of foundations with bases stabilized by cement-soil elements: PhD Thesis. Postov-on-Don. Bazhenov, M.I. (2012). Compositions based on finely-dispersed binders for injection-based stabilization of soils and underground parts of buildings: PhD Thesis. Moscow. Efremov, I.F. (1971). The periodic colloidal structures. Leningrad: Chemistry. Gairabekov, I.G., Murtazaev, S.Y., Pimshin, I.Yu. & Ibragimova, E.I. (2015). Certain peculiarities of geodetic networks for observing earth surface subsidence in the area of liquid mineral extraction. Ecology, environment and conservation, 4, 67-78. GOST 310.6-85. (1986). Cements. Method of water separation determination. Moscow: Standartinform. Grigoryan, Ye.Yu. (2007). Investigation of properties of loess soils by sounding: PhD Abstract. Stavropol. Kharchenko, I.J. & Bazhenov, M.I. (2012). Injecting consolidation permeable soil, concrete and masonry structures using special fine particulate binder. Herald MSUCE, 11, 46-58. Klimenko, V.G., Pogorelov, A.S. & Hlypovka, P.P. (2005). Two-phase gypsum binders for dry mixtures based on man-made gypsum. Proceedings of the universities. Bulding, 3, 51-55. Kozlova, I.V. (2006). Increasing the efficiency of production and application of plaster materials and products. Construction materialy, 9, 64-65. Krutov, V.I. (2007). Foundation engineering on subsiding soils. Bases, foundations and mechanics of soils, 6, 9-11. Kryzhanovskaya, O.G. (2005). Fixing bases injecting. Proceedings Far Eastern State Technical University. 139, 97-106. Mori, T., Higuchi, T., Morioka, M. & Hori, A. (2003). Effects of Amorphous Calcium Aluminate. Anhydrite Addition on the Hydration Reaction of Ordinary Portland Cement. Internationale Baustofftagung Ibausil, 1(42), 7-16. Murtazaev, S.Y., Lesovik, V.S., Bataiev, D.K., Chernysheva, N.V. & Saidumov, M.S. (2015a). Fine-grainedcellular concrete creep analysis technique with consideration forcarbonation. Modern Applied Science, 9(4), 233-245. Murtazaev, S.Y., Mintsaev, M.S., Saydumov, M.S. & Aliev, S.A. (2015b). Strength and strain properties of concrete, comprising filler, produced by screening of waste crushed concrete. Modern Applied Science, 9(4), 32-44. Nesvetaev, G.V. (2008). The technology of self-compacting concrete. Construction Materials, 3, 24-28 Panchenko, A.I. & Kharchenko, I.Ya. (2005). Especially finely-dispersed mineral binder «Mikrodur», properties, technology and perspectives of use. Building materials, 10, 76 - 78. Perianez, R. (2005). Measuring and modeling temporal trends of 226 Ra in waters of a Spanish estuary affected by the phosphate industry. Marine Environmental Research, 60, 453-456. Saduakasov, M.S., Kolesnikov, I.V. & Yugay, V.A. (2006). The production and use of gypsum binders and materials in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Building materials, 1, 16-17. Sergeeva, Е.М., Larionova, А.К. & Komissarova, N.N. (1986a). Loess rocks of USSR. Engineering and geological features and problems of rational use. Moscow: Nedra Sergeeva, Е.М., Larionova, А.К. & Komissarova, N.N. (1986b). Loess rocks of USSR. Regional specific features. Moscow: Nedra. Volzhensky, A.V. (1986). Mineral binders. Moscow: Stroyizdat. Zaurbekov, Sh.Sh., Murtazaev, S.Yu. & Uspanova, А.S. (2011). Use of bottom ash wastes of HES in Grozny to obtain constructional composite materials. Ecology and production sector of Russia, 1, 26-28. |
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Geodesic Support of Subway ConstructionEvgenii Kliushin, Ibragim Gairabekov, Ivan Pimshin, Amina Gayrabekova & Bears Khasaev
pp. 12403-12410 | Article Number: ijese.2016.907
Abstract The paper proves the necessity of taking into consideration all peculiarities of unique coordinate system for the realization of potentially high accuracy of modern measuring instrument, especially when processing geodesic measurements made in Moscow, since Bessel ellipsoid is used as a reference ellipsoid instead of more precise Krasovsky ellipsoid. The specific features of geodetic works are considered during the tunnels construction. The way of ellipsoid parameters transformation while creating tunnel base using satellite measuring methods is presented. Keywords: Coordinate system, tunnel construction, ellipsoid parameters, geodesic measurements, measuring instrument References Bannister, A. & Raymond, S. (1984). Surveying. New York: Longman Scientific & Technical. Bessel, F.W. (1844). Ueber Veränderlichkeit der eigenen Bewegungen der Fixsterne. Astronomische Nachrichten, 22(514), 145-160. Chin, T.C., Klyushyn, E.B., Kravchuk, I.М. & Chan, K. (2012). The effect of Earth curvature on engineering and geodesy works. Geodesy and aerial photograph, 1, 11-15. Clark, D. (1972). Plane and Geodetic Surveying for Engineers. London: Constable. Edward, M. & Gracie, G. (1981). Analysis and Adjustment of Survey Measurements. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. Inc. Fedoseyev, Y.E. (1977). Analysis of the methods for studying stability of reference points in an altitudinal base. Research in Geodesy, Aerial Photography and Cartography. Applied Geodesy, 2(2), 39-49. Fedoseyev, Y.E. (2010). Use of digital levels for precision work: theory, practice, problems. Moscow: Moscow Institute of Engineers in Geodesy, Aerophotography and Cartography. Gairabekov, I.G., Ibragimova, E.I., Murtazaev, S-A.Y., Pimshin, I.Y. & Kagirov, S.S. (2015a). Determination of periodicity and optimal terms of geodesic observations for deformations of land surface caused by subterranean water production. Ecology, environment and conservation, 4, 14-22. Gairabekov, I.G. & Kravchuk, I.М. (2010). The evaluation of the results accuracy of the satellite leveling. Geodesy and Cartography, 1, 16-22 Gairabekov, I.G., Murtazaev, S.-A.Y., Pimshin, I.Yu. & Ibragimova, E.I. (2015b). Certain peculiarities of geodetic networks for observing earth surface subsidence in the area of liquid mineral extraction. Ecology, environment and conservation, 4, 67-78. Gairabekov, I.G., Naumenko, G.А. & Yakovlev, V.V. (2009). The location control technology of the technological equipment elements. The North Caucasus region. Engineering sciences, 5, 120-122. Gairabekov, I.G., Taymaskhanov, H.E., Zaurbekov, S.S., Saydumov, M.S., Khasaev, B.M. & Mintsaev, M.S. (2015c). Development of the mathematical model for analysis of leveling points stability of reference leveling grid. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 10, 18-25. Ganshin, V.N., Storozhenko, A.F. & Budenkov, N.A. (1991). Geodetic methods of measuring vertical displacement of structures and analysis of the stability of reference points. Moscow: Nedra. Hurst, G. (1963). Survey and Settingout. Tunnels and Tunnelling. London: Hutchinson. Iredale, J. (2010). Surveying the Land. Business Source Premier, 91(199), 129-134. Klyushyn, E.B. & Dinh, T.H. (2013). The features of calculating the horizontal distance in polygon measurements. Geodesy and aerial photograph, 2, 43-49. Klyushyn, E.B. & Mihelev, D.S. (2010). Engineering geodesy. Moscow: Academy. Krasovsky, F.N. (1928). Scheme and program of state triangulation. Moscow: Edition of the Main Committee of the Supreme Economic Council Geodesy. Levchuk, G.P., Novak, V.E. & Lebedev, P.P. (1983). Practical geodesy: Geodesic works while investigating and building engineering structures. Moscow: Nedra. Lohwaters, A.J. (1990). Russian-English Dictionary of the Mathematical Sciences. Washington: American Mathematical Society. Megaw, T.M. & Bartlett, J.V. (1983). Tunnels: Planning Design, Construction. International Editions Ellis Harwood Limited. New York: Hoisted Press. Morozov, V.P. (1979). Spheroid geodesy course. Moscow: Nedra. Runov, I.V. (1973). About selecting the most stable reference point as the initial one. Design. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, 2(6), 32-37. Ustavich, G.A. (2005). About improving the technology of leveling. Geodesy and Cartography, 3, 11-13. Ustavich, G.A., Shulsky, V.F. & Vinokurova, O.I. (2003). Development and improvement of the technology of state leveling of I, II, III and IV classes. Geodesy and Cartography, 7, 5-11. Xu, G. (2010). Sciences of geodesy. Heidelberg: Springer. Zelensky, A.M. & Dorofeeva, V.V. (1973). About analysis of initial reference points in the territory of and industrial enterprise. Geodesy and Cartography, 9, 30-32. |
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Patient Rehabilitation after Gynecological SurgeryIgor Chermak
pp. 12411-12421 | Article Number: ijese.2016.908
Abstract Reproductive impairments occurred as a result of diseases that require surgical treatment are the topical issues of the present-day medicine. The most serious threat to the health and lives of women is posed by the acute gynecological disorders requiring immediate operative therapy: diseases accompanied by intra-abdominal bleeding (tubal pregnancy, ovarian apoplexy), suppurative pelvic inflammatory diseases and diseases associated with impaired circulation in internal genital organs. The incidence rate of acute gynecological disorders varies widely and ranges from 1 to 26 % of the total number of female patients in the gynecological hospital. The structure of acute gynecological disorders, according to the authors’ data, has been presented as follows: ectopic pregnancy – 47 %, acute inflammatory disorders of uterine appendages – 24 %, ovarian apoplexy – 17 %, ovarian tumor torsion (rapture) – 7 %. The incidence of ovarian tumors tends to increase and over the last years it has increased from 6-11 % to 19-25 % in the structure of lesions of female genital organs. Moreover, the incidence of recurrent disease is also great: as to the authors’ data 11 % of patients from between 2 to 6 years had the relapse of the cyst or ovarian cystoma. The risk factors for such pathology in the eyes of many authors are also the increase in incidence of inflammatory diseases of uterine appendages, hormone imbalance, the high number of past extragenital disease and interventions causing the ovarian microcirculatory disorders. To date, more than 90 % of all gynecological operations in the world are laparoscopically performed. The advantages of laparoscopic surgery are obvious: much less trauma, absence of the post-operative abdominal scars – cosmetic effect, much less post-operative pains, the shorter hospital stay and the shorter recovery time. Most of gynecological interventions except for the extensive (hysterectomy, myomectomy) are performed by three trocar punctures. 10 mm trocar for laparoscope is inserted through the belly button and 5 mm trocars is pushed to permit other instruments (scissors, clamps, biopsy forceps, needle holder etc.) to enter the lower abdomen. The instruments help to perform the required manipulations, that are the control of bleeding, resection of the organ part, paraplasm removal and the stitching. Keywords: Laparoscopy, ovarian cyst, gynecological intervention, female patients, puncture (incision), operation, complications, in-patient hospital, instrument, rehabilitation References Akkoyun, I. & Gulen, S. (2012). Laparoscopic cystectomy for the treatment of benign ovarian cysts in children: an analysis of 21 cases. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol, 25(6), 364-366. doi:10.1016/j.jpag.2012.06.007 Blanc, B., D'Ercole, C., Nicoloso, E. & Boubli, L. (1995). 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J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol, 24(5), 300-303. doi:10.1016/j.jpag.2011.05.006 Shi, J., Leng, J., Cui, Q. & Lang, J. (2011). Follicle loss after laparoscopic treatment of ovarian endometriotic cysts. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 115(3), 277-281. doi:10.1016/j.ijgo.2011.07.026 Tsikouras, P., Liberis, V., Galazios, G., Savidis, A., Teichmann, A.T., Vogiatzaki, T. & Maroulis, G. (2008). Laparoscopic treatment of ovarian dermoid cysts. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol, 35(2), 124-129. Verspyck, E. & Sergent, F. (2006). Laparoscopic treatment of ovarian cysts during pregnancy. Gynecol Obstet Fertil, 34(6), 565-566. doi:10.1016/j.gyobfe.2006.04.004 |
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On the Use of Social Networks as a Tool for Creating Political Authority’s ImageLeonid Davydov
pp. 12423-12430 | Article Number: ijese.2016.909
Abstract A theoretical applied research of using social networks as a tool for creating political authority’s image has been carried out, existing options are consolidated into the author’s classification on different grounds: using identification opportunities of social networks, viral activity in social networks, representation of political authority, using fake accounts to fight competitors of political power. The use of social networks, medium for consolidating rebellious electorate, implementation of negative activities in a social network are demonstrated based on particular cases. The main tools and mechanisms for creating political authority’s image: botnets, friending and following, are also studied. The examples of implementing different options of the use of social networks as a tool for creating political authority’s image are given. The use of social networks for implementation of representation with the use of official accounts within the framework of ideological groups, pro-government groups and clandestine work with pro-government national groups is considered one of the most efficient means for creating political authority’s image under conditions of informatization. Social networks make it possible to promptly arrange virtual communication with community groups of political power; and attractiveness of groups and communities for creating political authority’s image is often attributed to users’ initial commitment. Keywords: Social networks, friending, following, thematic groups, communication, rebellious electorate, political authority’s image References Akopov, G.L. (2013). Political Internet communications as innovative factor of social development: PhD Thesis. St. Petersburg. Bykov, I.A. (2013). Network political communication: theory, practice and research methods. St. Petersburg: “SPGUTD”. Chizhik, A.V. 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Management Issues of Government Programs Implementation through the Example of the Russian Federation Government Program “Development of Science and Technology” for the Period of 2013-2020Elena Dmitrishina & Denis Uskov
pp. 12431-12447 | Article Number: ijese.2016.910
Abstract The article revels the management issues of the modern stage of the government programs implementation in Russia using the example of the Russian Federation Government Program “Development of Science and Technology” for the period of 2013-2020 and also suggests their solutions. Transition from the ROR method to the Results-based budgeting at the RF budgeting by accepting long-term government programs causes the necessity of improving the methods for estimating their implementation. The article also considers the methods for efficiency estimate of the government programs applied in the USA (PART system). These methods are tested at estimate of the regional target program in the Ulyanovsk Region with the purpose of comparative analysis of the obtained results. Having investigated the reasons of non-correspondence of the Russian specialists’ estimate and the results of the conducted calculation and detecting the disadvantages of the current Russian methods, the authors have developed a suggestion to integrate the main criteria of the PART system into the Russian practice. They also revealed that despite such a positive role of targeted programs in the life of a state, their implementation in the RF practice is far from ideal, because both the regulatory base and the practice of its implementation require significant corrections. Imperfection of the Russian practice of targeted program approach to the government regulation is manifested in numerous repetitions of the events and measures in terms of various programs (projects) of the executive authorities, chronic lack of financing, long-standing time lag of their implementation, inefficient system of control over the achievement of the goals and the estimate of the justification of the budget costs. It is defined that considering the issue of development, implementation and estimate of efficiency of the targeted programs through the example of our country and moreover comparing it with the other countries it is notable that Russia have been implementing state policy in the conditions of market relations for just 20 years (considering the nonmarketable practice of state programming this period is certainly longer). The ways of the situation improvement are revealed and the planning trend lines on general increase in the government control efficiency are built up. Keywords: State program of the Russian Federation, management quality, coordination, mechanism of cooperation, assignment of responsibilities, monitoring References Budget Code of the Russian Federation No. 145-FZ. (1998). Direct access: http://www1.worldbank.org/publicsector/pe/BudgetLaws/Budget_Code_Russia_Eng1998.pdf Chaffin, M., Bard, D., Bigfoot, D.S. & Maher, E.J. (2012). Is a structured, manualized, evidence-based treatment protocol culturally competent and equivalently effective among American Indian parents in child welfare? Child Maltreatment, 17, 242-252. Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy. (2009). Early childhood home visitation program models: An objective summary of the evidence about which are effective. Washington: Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy. Consultative bodies. (2007). 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Reproductive Health of Premenopausal Age WomenIgor Chermak
pp. 12449-12460 | Article Number: ijese.2016.911
Abstract Fast growth of disease rate among women of age in phase with menopause age is a compelling argument for menopause consideration as one of the main factors affecting quality of lifetime. High rate and seriousness of premenopausal complications impel native and foreign scientists to study this issue, against absence of clear views on development scheme and methods of its prevention and treatment. One of the main tasks, facing society, is perseverance of elderly people’s possibility for quality life that is only possible under conditions of mental health, self-maintenance capacity and sufficient physical activity. The term ‘menopause’, according to a range of authors, defines as permanent menstruation absence associated with ovarian dysfunction. Clinically, menopause is detected in retrospect, if menostasia period reaches 12 months after last menstruation. Term ‘surgical menopause’ is used towards women, whose menstruation function was artificially stopped because of ovariohysterectomy or hysterectomy. If two types of surgical menopause can be related to estrogenic critical types, than surgical menopause with one or two ovaries perseverance doesn’t have such clarity. References about ovarian function after hysterectomy are highly controversial, what complicates surgical interference extent choice and menopausal disturbances prevention methods. Ovarian parenchyma involution takes place at the after hysterectomy period, that leads to reproductive hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone) output decreasing and pituitary gland gonadotropic hormone output increasing. That is why we use hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) for treatment under ovarian functional activity decreasing. HRT use remarkably reduces vasculomotor symptoms and disorders frequency and course, improves carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, prevents reducing of bone mass mineral density and improves woman’s life. Keywords: Woman’s health, reproductive system, premenopause, elder age, complications, hormonal therapy, replacing substances, quality of life References Anders, C.K., Johnson, R., Litton, J., Ruddy, K.J. & Bleyer, A. (2017). Breast Cancer Before 40. In Cancer in Adolescents and Young Adults, 1012-1031. Cham: Springer International Publishing. Bartl, R. & Bartl, C. (2017). Risk Factors for Osteoporosis and Fractures Bone Disorders. Cham: Springer International Publishing. Campbell, K.L. (2017). Sex Hormones, Cancer and Exercise Training in Women. In Sex Hormones, Exercise and Women: Scientific and Clinical Aspects, 209-225. Cham: Springer International Publishing. Crowley, S.K. (2017). Exercise, Depression-Anxiety Disorders and Sex Hormones. 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Modern Approach to Treat for Long-Lasting Salpingo-OophoritisIgor Chermak
pp. 12461-12470 | Article Number: ijese.2016.912
Abstract It has been determined that among maladies of genital system of women one of the leading parts (60,0-80,0%) is given to pelvic inflammatory diseases (PID) that are marked by recurrent course.The prominent clinical evidence of PID turns out to be disorders in menstrual function as it is irregular spotting or dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB). DUB during pelvic inflammatory diseases of women are primary since they are not connected with organic pathology of female genitals (specifically, oophorons), bearing of intrauterine contraceptive or administration of hormones with a view to contraceptive reason or other intention. Aethiopathogenesis of menstrual disorders when PID today still remains unknown and the major part in it is given to primary affection upon receptor of target-organs (neck of the womb), as well as follicular ovaries apparatus. It is an important point to be made that inflammatory reaction is a stress factor, therefore according to reafference as to functioning of reproductive system, there arises hypothalamus activation, increasing its ability to produce gonadoliberin, adrenocortiocotropic hormone, releasing hormone, and other hypophysiotropic hormones. The effects of such a response of hypothalamus lie in stimuli of synthesis of cortisol, estrogen, and other steroid hormones. Together with it, secretion of endorphins and catecholamine increase. Keywords: Salpingo-oophoritis, hormonal disorders, recurrent course, treatment, approaches, medicines, women, age References Ankirskaia, A.S., Novikova, I.S., Zhuskovskaia, L.N. & Tokhiian, A.A. (1972). Detection of antibodies against Mycoplasma hominis type I in the blood serum of patients with chronic recurrent salpingoophoritis. Akush Ginekol., 48(2), 45-48. Ankirskaia, A.S., Savitskaia, L.K. & Tokhiian, A.A. (1972). The microflora of the internal sex organs in chronic salpingoophoritis. Akush Ginekol., 48(10), 42-45. Auzan, P.A., Zaitsev, V.P., Aivazian, T.A., Iarustovskaia, O.V. & Markina, L.P. (2004). Psychological characteristics and pain perception in patients with chronic salpingoophoritis. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult., 6, 43-44. Ayvazyan, T.A., Yarustovskaya, O.V., Markina, L.P., Zaitsev, V.P. & Auzan, P.A. (2004). Psychological features and perception of pain in patients with chronic salpingo. Questions balneology, physiotherapy and medical physical culture, 6, 43-44. Ayvazyan, T.A., Yarustovskaya, O.V., Zaitsev, V.P. & Auzan, P.A. (2007). Effective methods of psychological correction in medical rehabilitation of patients with chronic salpingo With chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Questions balneology, physiotherapy and medical physical culture, 5, 32-35. Ayvazyan, T.A., Zaitsev, V.P. & Yarustovskaya, O.V. (2012). 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Complex treatment of patients with chronic nonspecific salpingo low-frequency magnetic field and the iodine-bromine water. Questions balneology, physiotherapy and medical physical culture, 4, 38-40. Derevnina, N.A., Yarustovskaya, O.V., Efendiyev, M.T., Gusakova, E.V. & Ondrej, N.C. (2008). Experience in the use of low-frequency pulsed magnetic field running and Normoflorin in complex treatment of patients with chronic nonspecific salpingo and associated intestinal dysbiosis. Questions balneology, physiotherapy and medical physical culture, 1, 27-29. Efendieva, M.T., Gusakova, E.V. & Ondzhiu, N.Z. (2007). Intestinal dysbiosis and methods for its correction in patients with chronic salpingoophoritis. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult., 1, 29-31. Iarustovskaia, O.V., Efendieva, M.T., Gusakova, E.V., Derevnina, N.A. & Ondzhiu, N.Z. (2008). Use of low-frequency travelling magnetic field and normoflorins in combined therapy course for patients with chronic nonspecific salpingoophoritis and concomitant colon disbacteriosis. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult., 1, 27-29. Kutashov, V.A. & Konovalov, V.G. (2015). Nonpsychotic mental disorders in women with chronic salpingo and sexual dysfunction. Neurological herald of Bekhterev institute, 47(2), 38-42 Kuznetsov, O.F., Derevnina, N.A., Myzenskaya, M.E., Yarustovskaya, O.V., Denisov, P.I. & Styazhkina, E.M. (2000). Comparative evaluation of different methods cryotherapy patients with chronic nonspecific salpingo. Questions balneology, physiotherapy and medical physical culture, 4, 28-31. Kuznetsov, O.F., Myzenskaya, M.E., Yarustovskaya, O.V. & Esipova, T.V. (1996). Vaginal cryoprocedure in the treatment of patients with chronic salpingo. Questions balneology, physiotherapy and medical physical culture, 6, 25-26 Orehova, E.M., Yarustovskaya, O.V., Markina, L.P., Kubalova, M.N. & Rodina, E.V. (2004). Amplipulse chronic nonspecific salpingo. Physiotherapy Balneology Rehabilitation, 1, 41-43. Razumov, A.N., Iarustovskaia, O.V., Markina, L.P., Miorova, A.B., Lebedeva, E.V. & Bobkova, A.S. (2002). Interference therapy in combined treatment for patients with chronic nonspecific salpingoophoritis. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult., 6, 22-25. Rymashevskii, V.K. & Zaprudskaia, D.S. (1975). Acid mucopolysaccharides and oxyproline of the Fallopian tubes and ovary in chronic salpingoophoritis. Akush Ginekol., 3, 64-65. Sahm, D.E. (1997). The role of automation and molecular technology in antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Clin. Microb. And Inf., 3(2), 37-56. Snuth, C.B., Noble, V. & Bensch, R. (1982). Bacterial flora of the vagina during the mensternal cycle. Ann. Intern.Med., 5, 948-951. Tarnovskii, A.P., Belov, I.M., Gusev, V.I., Poshtar, A.S., Kimarskaia, S.I., Strakhov, O.I. & Gulina, O.A. (2008). Health resort treatment of patients with chronic non-specific salpingoophoritis associated with chronic non-calculous cholecystitis. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult, 5, 36-37. Tenover, F.C. (1991). Norel and emerging mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance in nosocomial pathogens. Am. J. Med., 91, 76-81. Verspyck, E. & Sergent, F. (2006). Laparoscopic treatment of ovarian cysts during pregnancy. Gynecol Obstet Fertil, 34(6), 565-566. doi:10.1016/j.gyobfe.2006.04.004. Zaitsev, V.P., Aivazian, T.A., Auzan, P.A. & Iarustovskaia, O.V. (2007). Efficacy of the psychocorrection methods in the medical rehabilitation of patients with chronic salpingoophoritis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult, 5, 32-35. |
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Legal Regulation of Subsurface Use - in Russia: Actual ProblemsLilija Mansurovna Allanina, Nursafa Gafurovna Khairullina, Natalia Vladimirovna Zyleva, Yuliya Nikolaevna Ruf, Anton Viktorovich Permyakov, Mariia Nikolaevna Mikhailova & Garabazi Viktor Aleksanrovish
pp. 12471-12485 | Article Number: ijese.2016.923
Abstract The article is devoted to analysis of actual problems of subsurface use rights in Russia with relation to doctrine and practice We can also observe an upward trend in the quantity of litigation processes in regard to the subsoil use rights. Thus, the issues of understanding this phenomenon acquire particular importance. The purpose of the work is to carry out a legal scientific comparative analysis of the subsoil use rights in Russia basing on scientific works and court practice material. Methods: empirical methods of comparison, interpretation; general methods of analysis, formal logic; specific scientific methods: legal dogmatic method, legal comparison and method of legal norm interpretation. Results: the analysis of legislation, including the Law of the Russian Federation № 2395-1 "On Subsoil" (Law on sub-soil) and practice in the application of it, its scientific interpretation shows that the subsurface use right is in the nature of a right in rem. It has its own unique characteristics and exceptional nature. Its special features are being reflected at power of sequence resembling "droit de suite", exclusivity and perpetuity. The author reveals the secondary power, which is intrinsic to the subsurface use rights, and criticizes the provisions of the Law on Subsoil to deal with subsoil block turnover. Besides, the author analyses the problem of using consumable property during mining (quasi-usufruct), the problem of specifying the bearers of public interests and also considers antitrust paradox. Additionally, the author puts forward a thesis that mining licenses are given, in terms of civil law, for the gratuitous use of property. Conclu-sions: It is necessary to suspend the mineral right from the number of subsoil use rights in order to individualize it as a distinct mineral title. It has also been concluded that the title of subsurface use is being based on special concession act. It is recommended that the appropriated provisions of the Law on subsoil need to be amended. Keywords: subsoil use right, state, secondary power, right in rem, subsurface, subsoil block, surface mining operations, mining concession, fructus, mining license References Allanina L.M., 2011 Grazhdansko-pravovoe regulirovanie otnosheniy nedropolzovanija [Civil regulation of subsoil use relationships]. Tyumen: TSOGU, p. 140 p. Allanina L.M. and Khairullina N.G.et al., 2016. Corporate Decisions: Innovations of the Russian Law and Practice. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, Volume VII, Spring, 2(16): 191–202, Baker J.H., 2002. An Introduction to English Legal History. London: Butterworths, p. 622. Bork R.H., 1993. The Antitrust paradox: a policy at war with itself. New York: Free Press, p. 479. Cherepahin B.B., 1962. Pravopreemstvo po sovetskomu grazhdanskomu pravu [Succession by Soviet Civil Law]. Moscow: Gosyuridlit, p. 162. Dernburg H., 1884. Pandekten. (Erster Band). Berlin: Verlag von H. W. Mueller, p. 376. Dobrachev D.V., 2016. Singuljarnoe pravopreemstvo v objazatelstve kak osnovanie izmenenija grazhdanskogo pra-vootnoshenija [The singular succession in the obligation as a ground for change in civil relationships]. Law and economics, 2: 50–72. Duvernois N.L., 2004. Chtenija po grazhdanskomu pravu [Readings in Civil Law]. Moscow: Mirror-M, p. 320. Dudikov M.V., 2016. Poniatie i vidy mer pravovogo obespechenija publichnyh interesov pri nedropolzovanii [The con-cept and the types of law enforcement measures of public interests in subsoil use]. Lex russica, 5: 105–116. Epstein R., 2014. Bork's bowman: "Not Gone But Forgotten". Antitrust law journal, 79(3): 903 - 916. Haymann F., 1905. Die Schenkung unter einer Auflage nach rӧmischem und deutschem bϋrgerlichen Recht. Frankfurt: F. Vahlen, p.184. Hovenkamp H., 2014. Robert Bork and Vertical Integration: Leverage, Foreclosure, and Efficiency. Antitrust law journal, 79(3): 953-982. Grimm D.D., 2003. Lektsii po dogme rimskogo prava [Lectures On Roman Civil Law]. Moscow: Mirror, p. 496. Ihering R. von., 1896. Geist des romischen Rechts. (Bd. III). Leipzig: Druck und Verlag von Breitkopf und Hartel, p. 507. Novitskiy N.B., 2004. Rimskoe chastnoe pravo [Roman private law: textbook] Moscow: Jurisprudence, p. 314. Ostanina E.A., 2016. Ischerpyvajushiy perechen veshnyh prav v rossiyskom zakonodatelstve: tsel ili sredstvo? [Nu-merus clausus of the rights in rem by the Russian legislation: goal or means?] Jurist. The lawyer, 13: 24–28. Opredelenije Vyshchego Arbitrazhnogo Suda Rossiiskoi Federatsii ot 17 fevralja 2005 N 1301/05; Postanovlenie Federalnogo Arbitrazhnogo Suda Vostochno-Sibirskogo okruga ot 28 avgusta 2002 po delu N А33-3456/02-С2-F02-2422/02-С2 [Ruling of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation N 1301/05 dated February 17, 2005; the Resolution of Federal Arbitration Court of East-Siberian District N А33-3456/02-С2-F02-2422/02-С2 dated August 28, 2002]. Pettit P.H., 2012. Equity and the Law of Trusts. London: Sweet & Maxwell, p. 840. Schoch F., 1994. Privatisierung von Verwaltungsaufgaben. DVBI 109, p. 1115. Seckel E., 1903. Die Gestaltungsrechte des duererlichen Rechts. Festgabe der Juristischen Geselschaft Berlin fuer Richard Koch. Berlin, pp. 210–240. (In Germ.). Simolin A.A., 2005. Vozmezdnost, bezvozmezdnost, smeshannye dogovory i inye teoreticheskie problemy grazh-danskogo prava [Gratuitousness, Compensatory Nature, Mixed Contracts and Other Problems Of Civil Law]. Moscow: Statut Publ, p. 638. Sklovskiy K.I., 2014. Primenenie zakonodatelstva o sobstvennosti. Trudnye voprosy: kommentariy Postanovlenija Plenuma VS RF #10, Plenuma VAS RF #22 ot 29 aprelia 2010 g., Postanovlenija Plenuma VAS RF ot 11 ijulja 2011 g. #54, informatsionnogo pisma Prezidiuma VAS RF ot 15 janvarja 2013 g. #153 [The applica-tion of the legislation on property. Difficult questions: the comment of Plenum of Supreme Court of the Russian Federation #10, Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation #22 dated April 29, 2010, Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation #54 dated July 11, 2011, Informational letter of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation #153 dated January 15, 2013]. Moscow: Statut, p. 205. Sinitsyn S.A., 2015. Iskovaja zashita veshnyh prav v rossiiskom i zarubezhnom grazhdanskom prave: aktualnye problemy [Defense of The Rights in Rem by Russian and Foreign Civil Law: Actual Problems]. Moscow: Infritropic, p. 340. Windscheid B., 1887. Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts.(Bd.1 6 Aufl.). Frankfurt a. M.: Rutten & Loening, p. 605. World Petroleum Arrangements, 1991. New York: The Barrows Company Inc., p. 240. Weilinger A., 2016. Privatrecht. Eine Einführung, (5. Auflage). Facultas, p. 507. |
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The Change of Attitude to the Profession of University Graduates and Young SpecialistsAssel Berikovna Sarsenova, Mansya Sapargalievna Sadyrova, Ardak Bazarbekovich Montayev & Bibigul Iliyasovna Imanbekov
pp. 12486-12499 | Article Number: ijese.2016.924
Abstract The article studies the problem of attitude change towards the profession of university graduates and young specialists in Kazakhstan. The attitude to profession and professional motivation of students is considered as a form of human opportunities in the field of labor relations which is shaped only as a result of study in high education institution. The comparative analysis of professional stability of graduates and young professionals is given. The study findings show that less than half of the respondents of graduates are satisfied with the level of vocational education. This article shows the effect of motivational structure of professional orientation of graduates on their effective use of professional potential and professional occupation. The attitude to the chosen profession determines future professional strategy of occupation of university graduates. The authors of the article have revealed the following trends: most of young people understand the concept of higher education as “knowledge which is necessary for overall development”, “key to career”, “document necessary for life” by analyzing the results of sociological survey conducted in 2015 on work values, the employment strategies and work style of modern young people. More than half of young people work or want to work on their specialty. “Low salary”, “it is difficult to find a job on specialty”, and “do not like the chosen profession” are the main reasons of youth unemployment on their specialty. The authors show the main factors influencing on the change of attitude to the profession as a “lack of work experience”, “functional irrelevant of vocational education to the requirements of the working place”, “there are no acquaintances”. Theoretical and methodological basis of scientific research are the studies on value orientations of young people in the sphere of labor, formation of dynamic attitude to the profession of university graduates and the effective use of their professional potential, study of motivational structure and strategy of university graduates and young specialists. Keywords: youth, university graduates, young specialists, professional potential, attitude to profession, professional motivation, higher education system References Wu, C., 2011. High graduate unemployment rate and Taiwanese undergraduate education. International Journal of Educational Development 31, 303–310. Foskett, N., Roberts, D., Maringe, F., 2006. Changing fee regimes and their impact on student attitudes to higher education. Available from: http://hca.ltsn.ac.uk/ assets/documents/research/changing_fees_regimes_full_report.pdf. O’Connell, J., 2011. Changing student expectations. Available from: http:// pearsonblueskies.com/changing-student-expectations/. Sander, P., Stevenson, K., King, M., Coates, D., 2000. University students’ expectations of teaching. Studies in Higher Education 25, 309–324. Montaev A.B. Socio - economic strategies of university graduates in the former Soviet Union: comparative analysis of Russia and Kazakhstan. Thesis for the degree of candidate of sociological sciences, Saratov, 2015. 68 p. (published in Russian) Mezherytskyi V.P., Ploskih E.V. The specifics of youth situation in labor market and employment // Socio-economic problems of transforming economy in Kyrgyz Republic. Bishkek, 2003. pp. 151-160. (published in Russian) Ilyin E.P. Motivation and motives. SPb.: Publishing house “Piter”, 2004, P. 268. 509. (published in Russian) Bannikova L.N. and others. The choice of engineering profession in the assessment of students and teachers. Bulletin of V.N. Karazіn Kharkov national university, 2014, No 1101 http://elar.urfu.ru/bitstream/10995/26156/1/Bannikova_other.pdf(published in Russian) Savinova A.N. Strategies of conduct of university graduates in labor market. Text. / A.N. Savinov // diss. cand. Sc. (Sociology): Samara, 2006. - 196 p.; [electronic resource]. - Http://www.disserr.ru/contents/162271.html (18.07.11). (published in Russian) |
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Socio-psychological factors influencing the occurrence of professional illusionsLyudmila V.Shukshina, Irina A. Koretskaya, Vyacheslav A.Ermakov & Yulia V. Bazhdanova
pp. 12500-12511 | Article Number: ijese.2016.925
Abstract The purpose of the present article is to identify main factors influencing the occurrence of professional illusions, whose evolution and formation mechanisms are still not clear and fully disclosed. Search for social regulators of human behavior in the sphere of his subjective personal relations to the world and an illusory reflection of reality is undoubtedly up-to-date sector of socio-psychological research. Therefore, consideration of the development and formation mechanisms of professional illusions we associate with philosophical and psychological categories such as attitude, social setting, needs, value orientations, social well-being, the paradoxical nature of identity, as well as individual’s gender, age peculiarities, and level of education. Keywords: professional illusions, attitude, social setting, needs, value orientations, social well-being, paradoxical nature of individual, gender and age peculiarities of individual , level of education References Abul’khanova, K.A. (2007). Psihosocial'nyj i sub"ektnyj podhody k issledovaniyu lichnosti v usloviyah social'nyh izmenenij [Psychosocial and subjective approaches to the study of personality in conditions of social changes][Text]. Psychological Journal, 28(5), 10. Allport, G. and Postman, L. (1956). Psychology of rumor. New York: Harper & Row. Allport, G.W. (1954). The historical background of modern special psychology. Handbook of Social Ssychology. V. L. Cambridge, p. 9. Aristotle. (2002). The Nicomachean Ethics. Ethics. Moscow: AST, p.213. Artem'eva, O.V. (2001). Nadezhda [Hope][Text]. New encyclopedia of philosophy, 3, 8-9. Barelds, D.P.H., Dijkstra, and Pieternel. (2011). Positive illusions about a partner's individual and relationship quality. 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Illyuzornoe soznanie i ego funkcii [Illusory consciousness and its functions] [Text]. Integration of Education, 4, 149-153. Shukshina, L.V. (2013). Osobennosti protekaniya krizisa v studencheskom vozraste [Features of the crisis in student age] [Text]. Sociosphere, 53, 22-26. Snook, B., Cullen, R. M. and Bernell, C., et al. (2008). The criminal profiling illusion - What's behind the smoke and mirrors? Criminal Justice and Behavior, 35, 1257-1276. |
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Experience in Education Environment Virtualization within the Automated Information System "Platonus" (Kazakhstan)Zhaidary Abeldina, Zhibek Moldumarova, Rauza Abeldina, Gulmira Makysh & Zhuldyz Ilibaevna Moldumarova
pp. 12512-12527 | Article Number: ijese.2016.926
Abstract This work reports on the use of virtual tools as means of learning process activation. A good result can be achieved by combining the classical learning with modern computer technology. By creating a virtual learning environment and using multimedia learning tools one can obtain a significant result while facilitating the development of students' intellectual faculties. One of the effective ways to form knowledge and skills is to carry out experimental studies. By carrying out laboratory practicals, one can set various goals facilitating the extension of frontiers of knowledge, significant enrichment, and diversification of learning. Students did some tasks in a traditional way, and the other tasks – when immersing themselves in a virtual environment. The work included monitoring the efficiency of virtual tools and degree of students' satisfaction. Keywords: virtual laboratory, information and communications technology, laboratory practical. References Abeldina, Zh., Zh. 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The Use of Interactive Learning Technology in Institutions of Higher LearningBakytgul Abykanova,Samal Nugumanova,Shynar Yelezhanova,Zhanargul Kabylkhamit & Zhanylsyn Sabirova
pp. 12528-12539 | Article Number: ijese.2016.927
Abstract This paper is linked to a study aiming to provide a theoretical rationale for the methodological foundations of the use of interactive learning technology in institutions of higher learning and undertakes to describe the process of practical implementation of this approach and analyze the outcomes. The authors examine the views expressed by various researchers on the concept, essence, and effectiveness of applying interactive technology in colleges, identify issues in its use, and take a look at some of the requirements for it. The methodology of applying interactive learning technology in colleges is predicated upon the instructor possessing the necessary skills and competencies and having the ability to employ the various techniques for interactive learning. The findings of an experimental study conducted by the authors attest to the effectiveness of using interactive learning technology in the teaching and learning environment and lead them to conclude that integrating interactive learning systems with traditional ones and harmoniously combining them may help improve the overall structure of the learning process and boost student progress. Keywords: learning technology, interactive learning technology, person-centered approach, interactive methods of learning, techniques for interactive learning References Burkhanova, F. B., & Rodionova, S. E. (2012). Vnedrenie innovatsionnykh aktivnykh i interaktivnykh metodov obucheniya i obrazovatel'nykh tekhnologii v rossiiskikh vuzakh: Sovremennoe sostoyanie i problemy [Implementing innovative active and interactive methods of learning and educational technology in Russian colleges: Current state and emerging issues]. Bulletin of the Bashkir University, 17(4), 1862-1875. Gavronskaya, Yu. (2008). Interaktivnost' i interaktivnoe obuchenie [Interactivity and interactive learning]. Higher Education in Russia, 7, 101–104. Gushchin, Yu. V. (2012). Interaktivnye metody obucheniya v vysshei shkole [The use of interactive methods of learning in college]. Dubna, 2, 1–18. Gulakova, M. V., & Kharchenko, G. I. (2013, November). Interaktivnye metody obucheniya v vuze kak pedagogicheskaya innovatsiya [Interactive methods of learning in colleges as a pedagogical innovation]. Kontsept, 11, 31-35. Kashlev, S. S. (2011). Interaktivnye metody obucheniya [Interactive methods of learning]. Minsk, Belarus: TetraSystems, p. 224. Korotkova, T. L. (2015). Praktika vnedreniya interaktivnykh form obucheniya studentov [The practice of implementing interactive forms of student learning]. SCI-ARTICLE.RU, 20, 108–113. Klarin, M. V. (2000). Interaktivnoe obuchenie - instrument osvoeniya novogo opyta [Interactive learning: A tool for gaining new experience]. Pedagogy, 7, 12–19. Nikishina, I. V. (2007). Innovatsionnye pedagogicheskie tekhnologii i organizatsiya uchebno-vospitatel'nogo i metodicheskogo protsessov v shkole: Ispol'zovanie interaktivnykh form [Innovative pedagogical technology and organizing the education/bringing-up and methodological processes in school: The use of interactive forms]. Volgograd: Uchitel'. Panina, T. S., & Vavilova, L. N. (2008). Sovremennye sposoby aktivizatsii obucheniya [Modern ways to activate learning]. Moscow: Akademiya, p. 176. Panfilova, A. P. (2009). Innovatsionnye pedagogicheskie tekhnologii: Aktivnoe obuchenie: Uchebnoe posobie [Innovative pedagogical technology: Active learning: A study guide]. Moscow: Akademiya, p. 192. Shevchenko, N. Yu, Guseva, N. V., & Lebedeva, Yu. V. (2009). Formirovanie konkurentosposobnoi lichnosti v usloviyakh rynochnoi ekonomiki [The making of an achievement-oriented person under a market economy]. Modern Problems of Science and Education, 5, 214–217. Stupina, S. B. (2009). Tekhnologii interaktivnogo obucheniya v vysshei shkole: Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie [Interactive learning technology in college: A teaching guide]. Saratov, Russia: Science, p. 52. Suvorova, N. (2001). Interaktivnoe obuchenie: Novye podkhody [Interactive learning: New approaches]. Innovations in Education, 5, 106–107. Vetrov, Yu. P. (2012). Psikhologo-pedagogicheskaya podgotovka prepodavatelei vuza k ispol'zovaniyu metodov interaktivnogo obucheniya [Psychological-pedagogical preparation of college instructors for using interactive methods of learning]. Higher Education in Russia, 5, 89–95. |
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On Anticipatory Development of Dual Education Based on the Systemic ApproachZhuldyz Alshynbayeva, Karlygash Sarbassova, Temir Galiyeva, Gulnara Kaltayeva & Aidos Bekmagambetov
pp. 12540-12550 | Article Number: ijese.2016.928
Abstract The article addresses separate theoretical and methodical aspects of the anticipatory development of dual education in the Republic of Kazakhstan based on the systemic approach. It states the need to develop orientating basis of prospective professional activities in students. We define the concepts of anticipatory cognition and anticipatory learning based on the systemic approach. The technology of anticipatory education based on the systemic approach is founded not only in the systemic organization of the educational process, but primarily, on accelerated development of students’ abilities and skills of systemic thinking, and systemic approach in cognitive, theoretical, practical and other types of activity. Keywords: anticipatory cognition, anticipatory education, systemic approach, anticipatory information, intensification of the educational process, References Aytuganov, I.M. (2009). Vzaimodeystvie uchebnykh zavedeniy i predpriyatiy kak component integratsii professionalnogo obrazovaniya i proizvodstva. [Interaction of educational institutions and industries as a component of integration of professional education and industry]. Kzansky pedagogical journal, 2, pp. 3-9. Badmaev, B.Ts. (2002). Psikhologiya i metodika uskorennogo obucheniya. [Psychology and methods of accelerated education]. Moscow:VLADOS-PRESS, 272 p. Booth Sweeney, L., Meadows, D. (2007). Sbornik igr dlya razvitiya sistemnogo myshleniya: per. s. angl. [Collection of games for the development of systemic thinking: translated from English]. Moscow: Prosveschenie, 285 p. Chernilevskiy, D.V. (2002). Didakticheskie tekhnologii v vysshey shkole: Uchebnoe posobie. [Didactic technologies in higher school: Textbook]. Moscow: YUNITI-DANA, 437 p. Dualnaya sistema obucheniya. Russko-nemetskiy slovar-spravochnik. [Dual system of education. Russian-German dictionary-handbook]. (2014). Bonn: The Federal Institute PTO, 58 p. Fedotova, G.A. (2002). Razvitie dualnoy formy professionalnogo obrazovaniya: Opyt FRG i Rossii. [Development of the dual form of professional education: Experience of FRG and Russia]. Abstract of dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Moscow. Formirovanie sistemnogo mychleniya v obuchenii: Uchebnoe posobie dlya vuzov. [Developing systemic thinking: Textbook for colleges]. (2002). (Ed. Z.A. Resehtova). Moscow: YUNITI-DANA, 344 p. Galperin, P.Ya. (1981). Formirovanie umstvennykh deystviy. [Development of mental actions]. In: Khrestomatiya po obschey psikhologii. Psikhologiya myshleniya. (Eds. Yu.B. Gippenreyter, V.V. Petukhov). Moscow: Publishing House of Moscow University, pp. 78-86. Karimova, B.S., Zhetpeisova, N.O., Galieva, A.T. (2015). Uchebnik kak osnova formirovaniya sistemnogo myshleniya obuchayuschikhsya: Uchebnoe posobie. [Textbook as a basis for development of students’ systemic thinking: Textbook]. Astana: Publishing house of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Textbook"208 p. Pedagogicheskiy entsiklopedicheskiy slovar. [Pedagogic encyclopedic dictionary]. (2002). (Ed. B.M. Bim-Bad). Moscow: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 528 p. Prikaz Ministra obrazovaniya i nauki Respubliki Kazakhstan ot 21 yanvarya 2016 goda “Ob utverzhdenii Pravil organizatsii dualnogo obucheniya”. [Decree of the Minister for education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 21st of January 2016 “On establishing the Rules of organizing dual education]. Information system PARAGRAF. Romanov, S.P. (2008). Razvitie dualnoy sistemy inzhenerno-pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya v vysshem uchebnom zavedenii. [Development of dual system of engeneering-pedagogical education in a higher educational institution]. Abstract of dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Nizhniy Novgorod. Rapatsevich, E.S. (2010). Zolotaya kniga pedagoga. [Teacher’s golden book]. (Ed. A.P. Astakhov). Minsk: Modern school, 720 p. Smirnov, S.D. (1995). Pedagogika i psikhologiya vysshego obrazovaniya: ot deyatelnosti k lichnosti: Uchebnoe posobie. [Pedagogics and psychology of higher education: from activity to personality: Textbook]. Moscow: Aspekt Press, 271 p. Syzdykbaeva, G.U., Medetbekova, G.O., Kuatbekova, L.K., et al. (2015). Formirovanie sistemnogo myshleniya obuchayuschikhsya kak usloviya ikh intellektualnogo razvitiya: Uchebnoe posobie. [Development of systemic thinking in students as a condition of their intellectual development: Textbook]. Taraz: Publishing house of the Institute of Advanced Training of teachers, 97 p. Zakon Respubliki Kazakhstan ot 27 iyulya 2007 goda “Ob obrazovanii”. [Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 27th of July 2007 “On education”]. Information system PARAGRAF. |
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Facilitation of Educational Process in a University (on the Example of Master’s Program “Innovative Bank Strategies and Technologies”)Tatiana Grigorievna Bondarenko & Ekaterina Anatolievna Isaeva
pp. 12551-12565 | Article Number: ijese.2016.929
Abstract Higher school reorganization requires significant restructuring not only of the content, but also of the technology of teaching the students, searching and using teaching tools, which are most suitable for the new educational paradigm and are aimed at interaction between research and teaching staff of a higher educational institution, students and the market, represented by potential employers. This can be actualized through facilitation of the educational process for increasing master’s students’ involvement and interest and revealing their potential. In the process of organizing the educational process in a university the necessity of additional organization of group work, or facilitation, increases each year. The aim of present work is to study the role and place of facilitation in the educational process by analyzing the applied methods, which help increasing the educational activity efficiency (on the example of a master’s program disciplines). 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Diagnostics Of Psychosomatic Risk İn Psychotherapeutic PracticeGalina I. Efremova, Galina V. Timoshenko, Elena A. Leonenko , Irina A. Bochkovskaya, Svetlana N. Sorokoumova & Elena V. Potekhina
pp. 12566-12575 | Article Number: ijese.2016.930
Abstract The article is devoted to the possibility of the fast diagnostics of the severity of psychosomatic risk of a client in the psychotherapeutic process. The results of the research, were analyzed to identify psychosomatogenic personality patterns. The research results were compared with the results of the projective technique of identifying psychosomatic risks of various nosologies (SFO). Keywords: psychosomatic risk, vertical position in social interaction, personality pattern, subjective functionalization of the body References Bakhur V.T. (1975). Emotions: the pros and cons. Moscow: Znanie, p. 42 Berezin F.B. (1998). Psychological mechanisms of psychosomatic diseases. Russian Medical Journal, 2: 43-49 Cannon B. (1927). Physiology of emotions. Bodily changes during pain, hunger, fear and rage. Moscow. Colbert D. (2009). Deadly emotions. Moscow: Triada. Efremova G.I. Timoshenko G.V., Leonenko E.A. and Bochkovskaya I.A. (2015). Emotional experiences of a person as a factor of psychosomatic risk. Asian Social Science, 11(2). Gelgorn E. and J. Lufborrou.(1966). Emotions and emotional disorders. Neurophysiological studies. Moscow: Mir, 1966 Golushko L.F. and Gilev A.P. (1969). The nature of central serotonin-reactive structures, that are causing the determining influence of the 5-OTF on the fear response in cats. Journal "Biochemistry", publishing house MITHT, 11(68). Kamenetskiy D.A. (2001). Neurosology and psychotherapy. Moscow: Helios ARV. Morenko, S.F., D.A. Potashov, M.M. Mingalimova and A.R. Mingalimova, (2004). "Test reflection of psychological factors of the development of psychosomatic diseases". Psycho-pedagogy in law enforcement, 1 (21). Novikova A.I., Sidorov P.I. and Solovyev A.G. (2006). Psychosomatic Medicine. MEDpress-inform Projective approach to studying the nosological differentiation of psychosomatic risk. (2014). International Conference "Science and Humanity", London, on 28-29 September 2014. Shcherbatykh Yu.V. (2008). Psychology of stress and the methods of correction. Peter. Sudakov K.V. (1976). Emotional stress and hypertension. New York,: Mc-Graw-Hill. The types of emotional experiences that are specific to the occurrence of psychosomatic risk. (2014). Vestnik SKFU, 6 (45): 256-260. The vertical position of a person in a social interaction as the factor of formation of psychosomatic risk. (2014). Vestnik MGOU. Psychological Science Series, 4: 39-47. Timoshenko G.V. (2013). The impact of emotional sphere of a person on his personal position in a social interaction. Scientists notes, RSSU, 2(1): 146-149. Timoshenko G.V. (n. d.). The metaphorical model of a personality as a way to study the vertical position of a person in a social interaction. Author. diss. Topolyansky V.D. and Strukovskaya M.V. (1986). Psychosomatic disorders. Moscow: Medicine Timoshenko, G.V. and Leonenko E.A. (2011). Metaphoric psychotherapy. Moscow: Psychotherapy. Tsvetkova, L.B., M.M. Mingalieva and D.A. Potashov, (1999). "Psycho-correctional work with employees from risk groups". Psycho-pedagogy in law enforcement, 1 (9). Velikanova L.P. and Yu.S. Shevchenko, (2006). Primary prevention of psychosomatic disorders. Part III. Social and clinical psychiatry, 3(16): 114-121. |
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Man’s Values and Ideologies as a Basis of GamificationVladimir Dmitrievich Emel'yanenko, Aleksandr Nikolaevich Vetoshko, Sergey Grigorievich Malinnikov, Irina Vladimirovna Malashenko & Lyubov Ivanovna Vetoshko
pp. 12576-12592 | Article Number: ijese.2016.931
Abstract Gamification is becoming more and more popular in education. The consequences of the use of games for learning are not sufficiently investigated yet, although it is known that using games for learning does not always have a beneficial effect on students. Besides, practical rather than theoretical problems related to use of gamification in education have been more the focus of research by now. It is therefore desirable to consider at the theoretical level the role of game technologies in education taking into account the systemic nature of man’s spiritual life and values and ideologies as its constituent parts. The research aim is to determine the degree of applicability of gamification in education determined by a specific system of values and ideologies every participant of educational process has. To achieve this goal, secondary analysis of scientific literature on this problem was applied, main approaches to gamification were singled out and evaluated. Secondly, using systematic approach it is shown that the nature of the impact of gamification depends on the level and character of the development of a person’s values and ideologies. The research employs basic scientific and special scientific methods typical of social and humanitarian studies. At the same time, the important role among them is played by the system analysis method that allows us to consider the use of games for learning in educational not in isolation but taking into account the role of basic factors of a person’s spiritual life, especially his world outlook. This allows for a many-sided analysis of causes of difficulties which appear when using games for learning. The novelty of this research lies in showing the dependence of the character and results of gamification on man’s values and ideologies. Keywords: gamification, using games for learning, ideology, values and ideologies as a basis of gamification References Alchebaev, М.А. and Gaidukov, А.А., (2014). Gamification or mystification? Mir transporta, 3: 220 – 225. Avedon, E. and Sutton, S.E. (1971). The Study of Games. New York: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 530. Borzenko, A.A., (2016). Games as a means of increasing motivation to learn. European research, 3 (14): 79-81. Bulgakov, I.V., (2000). Homo Gamer. Psychology of computer games. Moscow: Klass, pp. 164. Burke, B. (2012). Gamification 2020: What Is the Future of Gamification? Date Views 20.06.2016 https://www.gartner.com/doc/2226015/gamification--future-gamification Castells M., (2003). The Internet Galaxy. Moscow: Canon Press, pp. 328. Chorost, M., (2011). World Wide Mind. Moscow: Eksmo, pp. 285. Chetverikova, O.N. (2015). Enemy has come from the rear. Part 1. Reformation of education and upbringing in Russia through the geopolitics prism. Date Views 22.06.2016 http://www.odigitria.by/2015/02/24/vrag-zashyol-s-tyla-perestrojka-obrazovaniya-i-vospitaniya-v-rossii-skvoz-prizmu-geopolitiki-chast-i-chetverikova-olga/ Cluev, D. (n. d.). 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Modern educational technology: Pedagogy and Psychology: Monograph. Book 16. Novosibirsk: Publishing house CDSC (Center for Developing Scientific Cooperation). pp. 53 – 72. Emel’yanenko, V.D. (2016). World outlook and computer games addiction: in search for interconnection. Philosophical Problems of information technologies and cyberspace, 1 (11): 45-64. Frumkin, K.G. (2010). Global changes in thinking and the fate of text culture. Ineternum, 1: 20-26. Gabdulakhov, V.F. and Galimova, E.G. (2014). Digital pedagogics and gamification in university education. Education and self-development. 4 (42): 37 – 43. Gabitova, A.R. and Frolova, I.A., (2014). Gamification in education as an innovative aspect of developing research activities of younger scientists. Bulletin of Kazan Technological University, 17(16): 252-254. Gartner, S. B. (2015). More Than 50 Percent of Organizations That Manage Innovation Processes Will Gamifycation Those Processes. Analysts Explore the Role of Enterprise Architects in Gamification at Gartner Enterprise Architecture Summit 2011, May 9-10, London, and June 22-23 in San Diego. Gamification: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. (2015). IGI Global. pp. 2211. Grechkina, E.N. and Bogatyreva, O.V., (2016). Reformation of Russian education through the globalization prism: philosophic thoughts. Society: Philosophy, History, Culture, 5: 41 – 44. Gorshenin, V.P., Korolenko, A.N. and Stepicheva, A.B., (2015). Modern context of global education space and gamification in distance learning. Schumpeter reading, 1: 89-95. Herger, M. (2012). Enterprise Gamification. Date Views 12.06.2016 http://enterprise-gamification.com/index.php?lang=en Jackson, M., (2009). Distracted. N. Y. Prometheus Books, pp. 298. Karpenkova, N.V., (2015). Using gamification in teaching students. Book of articles of participants of the International research and practice conference. Arzamas: “Rastr-NN”, pp. 561 – 564. Kapustina, E.V., (2015). Gamification as a means of increasing motivation and activating students into learning. Materials of XXIV International research and practice conference. The center of scientific thought, pp. 47-51. Kapp, K.M., (2012). The Gamification of Learning and Instruction: Game-based Methods and Strategies for Training and Education. Implications and Importance to the Future of Learning. Pfeiffer Publ., pp. 336. Korobanova, Zh.V., Surkova, D.A., Khan, I.A. and Yarovenko, N.S. (2014). Educational technologies of gamification in higher education institutions and “clip thinking” of the modern youth . Formation Of Common Cultural And Professional Competences Of The Financier. Мoscow: OOO "Izdatelstvo" Sputnik + ", pp. 124-131. Kubekov, B.S., Krivitsky, V.A. and Naumenko, V.V., (2015). Gamification in modern education. Possible applications. Advantages and disadvantages. Theoretical and applied aspects of modern science, 7 – 9: 74 – 77. |
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In continuation of the discussion about ratio science and human knowledge in the education of modern manIrina Emilyevna Kashekova & Svetlana Nikolaevna Kolosova
pp. 12593-12603 | Article Number: ijese.2016.932
Abstract The authors point up the problem of interrelation of natural-science and humanitarian knowledge and the role it plays in the development of culture in the ХХI century. At the beginning of the ХХ century P. Florensky, a Russian philosopher, defined two types of culture – contemplative-creative and predatory-mechanic, and pointed out the menacing character of the natural-science knowledge, that was going to prevail. Later, in 1959, Charles Snow, an English writer, warned people of the danger of a future split between two traditional cultures, natural-science and humanitarian. Since that time the topic has become even more actual, that is why scholars – philosophers, physiologists, psychologists and educationalists – consider it again and again and see the way to solve the problem in a principally new approach to education. In this article definite ways of approximation of natural-science and humanitarian knowledge are suggested, that are based on project making and follow the principle of mutual complementarity. Experience shows us, that mechanic augmenting is not effective in teaching the Humanities. Solving sociocultural problems needs sufficient humanization and humanitarization of the education in general. Humanization and humanitarization of natural-science and technical knowledge on the basis of the culturological approach will give special importance to creative, spiritual and moral aspects in the development of a personality. Art can become a universal generator of methods, approaches and effective means for improving the quality of the educational process and general development of the cultural level of teachers and students. The ability of art to express the worldview and make for acquiring and transmitting knowledge and skills and forming opinions about the world and its values, for communication and optimism, for keeping memory, for esthetic transformation of the world made it universal means of self-expression, that integrates all kinds of spiritual culture at all times. Keywords: ratio science and human knowledge, culture, civilization, sinistrocerebral and dextrocerebral processes, rational-logical thinking, emotional-figurative thinking, art, education, educational process, upbringing, development References Arshinov, V.I. and Budanov V.G. (1994) Sinergetika: evolyutsionnyi aspekt [Synergetics: the evolutionary aspect]. Moscow: Self-organization and Science, pp. 229–243. Budanov, V.G. (2007). Metodologija sinergetiki v postneklassicheskoj nauke i v obrazovanii [Methodology for synergy in postnonclassical science and education]. Moscow: URSS, p. 232 Florensky, P.A. (1993). Obratnaja perspektiva [Reverse perspective (1919-1922)]. Filosofija russkogo iskusstva XVI – XX vv. Moscow: Progress. Giulio P.(1968). Retorica e logica. Torino: Einaudi, p. 242. Gurevich, P.S. (2003) Kulturologiya [Cultural Studies]. Moscow: Project, p. 336. Kashekova, I.E. (2010). Konceptual'nye podhody k postroeniju kul'turosoobraznogo i zdorov'esberegajushhego obrazovatel'nogo prostranstva shkoly sredstvami iskusstva [Conceptual approaches to building kulturosoobraznogo and health-education space through art school]. International interactive workshop "Social and cultural dominance in modern education” Retrieved 20.05.2016 from http://www.art-education.ru/project/seminar2010/seminar.htm Kriulina, A.A. (2003). Ergodizajn obrazovatel'nogo prostranstva (Razmyshlenija psihologa) [Ergo design of educational space (Reflections of a psychologist)]. Moscow: PER SE. Korzybski, A. (1933). Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 288 – 297. Lévi-Strauss, K. (1985). Strukturnaya Antropologiya [Structural Anthropology]. Moscow: Nauka, p. 536. Likhachev, D.S. (2000). Tsennosti kultury [Values of Culture]. In Russkaya kultura. Moscow: Art, p. 440. Lotman, Yu.M. (1998). Ob iskusstve. Saint-Petersburg: Iskusstvo, 704 p. (in Russian) Medushevskyi, V.V. (1980). Dvojstvennost' muzykal'noj formy i vosprijatija muzyki [Duality of musical form and perception of music]. Vosprijatie muzyki. Мoscow: Music, pp. 178 – 194. Meyder, V.A. (1987). Matematika i kul'tura (filosofsko-mirovozzrencheskie aspekty). [Mathematics and culture (philosophical and ideological aspects)]. Moscow. Nietzsche, F. (1987) Rozhdenie tragedii, ili Jellinstvo i pessimizm [Birth of Tragedy or Hellenism and pessimism], Leipzig: Verlag von E. W. Fritzsch Peruzzi, A. (2011) Ot dvuh kul'tur k odnoj. Korotkie zametki o nasledii odnoj nauchno-gumanitarnoj diskussii [From the two cultures into one. Short notes on a heritage of scientific and humanitarian discussion]. Bulletin of the Tomsk State University. Cultural and art history, 2: 26-30. Peruzzi Al. (2009). Introduzione. Proceedings of Planeta Galileo. Retrieved 20.05.2016 http://www.consiglio.regione.toscana.it/news-ed-eventi/pianeta-galileo/atti/default.asp Popper, K. (1993). Nishheta istoricizma [The Poverty of Historicism]. Moscow: Publishing group “Progress” Snow, C.P. (1963). Two cultures; and a second look: an expanded version of «The two cultures and the scientific revolution». Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Volkenshtein, M.V. (1999) Krasota nauki [Beauty of the science]. Science and Technology. Retrieved 20.05.2016 from http://scisne.net/a-1429 Zinchenko, V.P., Nazarov, A.I. (1991). Razmyshlenija ob iskusstvennom intellekte [Reflections on the artificial intelligence]. O chelovecheskom v cheloveke. Мoscow. |
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System of Industrial Waste Accounting and Recycling in Primorsky Territory, Russia in the Context of European ExperienceValeriy Ivanovich Petukhov, Olga Iokimovna Litvinets, Andrey Vasilyevich Taskin, Aleksey Sergeevich Kholodov & Sergey Igorevich Ivannikov
pp. 12604-12612 | Article Number: ijese.2016.933
Abstract The analysis of Russian federal and regional waste-tracking systems was carried out. The volumes of generation of certain types of waste are presented for Primorsky Territory, which can serve as secondary resources for waste recycling industry. It was shown that ash and slag waste is one type of waste most easily drawn into the economic activity. The mineral and chemical composition of ash and slag wastes from thermal power plants of Primorsky Territory was investigated. The possibility of production of wide list of marketable products from ash and slag wastes was shown. Increasing of the profitability of ash and slag waste recycling by recovery of precious and rare earth metals was shown. A possible multi-stage scheme of complex ash and slag waste recycling is presented. Keywords: waste management; secondary resources; ash and slag waste (ASW); recycling; waste treatment industry References Annual Report for 2014 on the implementation and evaluation of the state program "Environmental Protection of Primorsky Territory for 2013-2017. Date Views: 15.06.2016 http://primorsky.ru/authorities/executive-agencies/departments/environment/docs/%D0%93%D0%B5%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B8%D1%8F/%D0%9E%D1%82%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%82%20%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BC%D0%B0%202014.rar Brogaard, L.K.S., Damgaard, A., Jensen, M.B., Barlaz, M. and Christensen, T.H., (2014). Evaluation of life cycle inventory data for recycling systems. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 87: 30-45. Clavreul J., Baumeister, H., Christensen, T. H. and Damgaard A. (2014). An environmental assessment system for environmental technologies. Environmental Modelling & Software, 60: 18-30. Dornack, C. (2015). Residues from paper industry – unused biomass. Proc. Sc. conf. Modern technologies and the development of polytechnic education, Vladivostok, Sep. 14-18, FEFU, pp. 42. Environmental protection in Russia. 2014: statistics digest. Rosstat-0-92, pp. 78. Ivannikov, S.I., Petukhov, V.I., Taskin, A.V. and Shamrai E.I. (2015). The analysis of chemical composition of ash and slag waste of Thermal Power Plants of Russian Far East and organization of complex recycling (processing) of ash and slag waste of energy enterprises (on the example of Vladivostok TPP-2). 9th Int. Conf. on the Envir. and Tech. Impl. of Constr. with Altern. Materials, WASCOM, pp. 182-188. Jamieson, H. E., Walker, S. R. and Parsons, M. B. Mineralogical characterization of mine waste. Applied Geochemistry, 57: 85–105. Koumantakis, E., Anastasiadou, K., Kalderis, D. and Gidarakos, E. (2009). Asbestos pollution in an inactive mine: Determination of asbestos fibers in the deposit tailings and water. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 167: 1080–1088. Mymrin, V. A., Alekseev, K. 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Bulletin of Irkutsk State Technical University, 9: 201-205. Shamrai, E.I., Taskin, A.V., Ivannikov, S.I. and Yudakov A.A. (2015). Concentrating of precious metals from ash and slag waste of far eastern energy enterprises. Proc. Sc. conf. Modern technologies and the development of polytechnic education, Vladivostok, Sep. 14-18, FEFU, pp. 87. Starostina, V., Damgaard, A., Rechberger, H. and Christensen, T. H. (2014). Waste management in the Irkutsk Region, Siberia, Russia: Environmental assessment of current practice focusing on landfilling. Waste Management & Research, 32(5): 389–396. Tarasenko, I.A., Ovodova, E.V., Petukhov, V.I. and Zinkov, A.V. (2015). Geochemistry and mineralogy of old concentration tailings (Dal’negorsky ore district, Primorsky krai). Proc. Sc. conf. Modern technologies and the development of polytechnic education, Vladivostok, Sep. 14-18, FEFU, pp. 263-267. Ulanova, O.V. and Wünsch, C. (2015). Professional training of waste management experts for industrial complexes of Siberian region and Far East. Proc. Sc. conf. Modern technologies and the development of polytechnic education, Vladivostok, Sep.14-18, FEFU, pp. 115-120. Valouma, A. and Gidarakos, E. (n. d.). Management of asbestos deposits and asbestos containing material (ACM) in abandoned mining and manufacturing sites in Greece, pp. 121-122. |
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pp. 12613-12628 | Article Number: ijese.2016.934
Abstract The article contains the results of the study of the current state of multicultural education in Russia. The history of studying the problem of multicultural education has been analyzed; an overview of scientific concepts and research of Russian scientists in the sphere of international relations, including those conducted under defended theses, and the description of technologies of multicultural education in Russia (review of experience, programs, curricula and their effectiveness) have been provided. The ways of the development of multicultural education in Russia have been described. Formulation of the problem of the development of multicultural education in the Russian Federation is currently associated with a progressive trend of the inter-ethnic and social differentiation, intolerance and intransigence, which are manifested both in individual behavior (adherence to prejudices, avoiding contacts with the "others", proneness to conflict) and in group actions (interpersonal aggression, discrimination on any grounds, ethnic conflicts, etc.). A negative attitude towards people with certain diseases, disabilities, HIV-infected people, etc., is another problem at the moment. This situation also manifests in the education system and requires taking immediate measures to optimize interpersonal relationships and considering peculiarities of different people within the framework of multicultural education and the creation of the inclusive educational environment. The materials presented in the article may be useful for graduate students studying the issues of multicultural education, optimization of interethnic relations, prevention of extremism and xenophobia, formation of a positive attitude towards people (including those with developmental disabilities, health problems, the HIV-positive status, etc.), as well as professionals engaged in organizing prevention activities. Keywords: social threats, risks, international relations, HIV infection, proximity, multicultural education, inclusion References Brewer M.B. (1976). Campbell D.T. Ethnocentrism and Intergroup Attitudes: East African Evidence. New York: Halsted/Wiley. Bim-Bad B.M. (2009). Axioms of panpedia by Y.A.Komensky 2009. Bogachyova T.Y. (2014). Multicultural shock: studying and overcoming. Education of personality, 2, 23-27. Bochkovskaya I.A. (2011). Stimulating the development of intellectual needs of young people with disabilities as the direction of psychological support of the process of social adaptation in an inclusive school. Scientific notes RGSU, 7 (95), 97-106. Bochkovskaya . I.A. (2012). “Socio-psychological support of adaptation of adolescents with disabilities in conditions of integrated education”, Moscow. Bzarov R.S. (2008). The program of polycultural education. Materials of the II International Conference “Polilingual education as a basis for the preservation of linguistic heritage and cultural diversity of humanity.” Vladikavkaz. Druzhinina A.E. (2012). Social and psychological conditions of formation of tolerance in interpersonal relations of subjects of educational environment. Abstract of dissertation. Moscow: RGSU, p. 22. Huntington S. (2003). The Clash of Civilizations. Moscow: AST, p. 603. Konovalova N.A. (2012). Psychological determinants of interethnic interaction in student groups. Abstract of dissertation . Moscow.: PI RAO, p. 23 Krysko V.G. (2004). Ethnic psychology: study guide. Moscow: The Academy, p. 320. Kuyumdjian R. (2012). Psychological consequences of the denial of the Armenian Genocide. Society, family, teen: Current Issues in Armenia and in the Diaspora. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference. Yerevan, pp. 25-31 Party morale against AIDS. . Date Views: 12.05.2016 http://hbr-russia.ru/biznes-i-obshchestvo/fenomeny/a14943/# Rayfshnayder T.Y. (2015). Formation of proximal attitude towards people living with HIV in the education system of the Russian Federation. BBRA - Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia, 12(1), 965-974. Rayfshnayder T.Y. (2014). Proximity of personality in the formation of positive attitudes towards people living with HIV as a psychological phenomenon. Basic Research, 1, 160-164. See: Federal State Educational Standard of primary education. . Date Views: 14.09.2016 http://minobrnauki.rf/%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BA%D1%83%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82%D1%8B/922 Sinyagina N.Y. (2014). Polycultural interaction: the need and ability of diagnostics. Formation of personality, 2, 15-22. Sinyagina N.Y. and Bogachyova T.Y. (2014). Polycultural dialogue: from culture shock to understanding. Upbringing pupils, 8, 31-35. Solovyova N.V. and Panferova O.S. (2011). Integrative processes in an inclusive educational environment. Akmeologia, 1(37), 8-15. Stefanenko T.G. (2004). Ethnopsychology. (3rd ed.). Moscow: Aspect Press, p. 368. Training, support and protection of students and educators living with HIV or affected by HIV infection. (2011). Moscow: UNESCO, p. 56. |
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Structural Peculiarities of Social Mental Abilities of Future TeachersArdakh Rizabekovna Yermentayeva, Kundyz Serikovna Kenzhebayeva Akerke Nurlanbekovna Umirbekova, Zhanat Kanashovna Aubakirova & Akmaral Bakytbekovna Iskakova
pp. 12629-12636 | Article Number: ijese.2016.935
Abstract The problem of social intelligence of researchers has attracted attention in recent years. Social intelligence is one of the most important characteristics of teachers. The aim of this research was to study features of structure of social intelligence of future teachers. The respondents in this study were selected 360 students of pedagogical specialties from Kyzylorda State University. The following tools are used in the work: methods of investigation of social intellect by J.P. Guilford and M.O. Sullivan. Results of theoretical and experimental studies have revealed general and specific features of social intelligence of future teachers. The results of research indicated that normative-role values accepted in society are significant for respondents; the students are guided by these values in situations of interpersonal interactions. Dynamics of parameters of social intelligence of respondents was performed. Gender features of social intelligence of future teachers were established. Differences which were related with professional specialization were not found. Keywords: Teacher, social intelligence, interpersonal interaction, specialization, dynamics References Allport, G.W., 1937. Personality: A Psychological Interpretation. New York: Holt, pp: 516. Cattell, R.B., 1963. Theory of Fluid and Cristallized Intelligence: A Critical Experiment. J. Edu. Psychol., 54: 1-22. Chapin, F.S., 1942. Preliminary Standardization of a Social Impact Scale. Am. Sociol. Rev., 7: 214-225. Doll, E.A., 1935. A Generic Scale of Social Maturity. Am. J. Orthopsy, 5: 180-188. Eysenck, H.J. and P. Barrett, 1985. Psychophysiology and the Measurement of Intelligence. C.R. Reynolds and V. Willson (Eds.), Methodology and Stat. Advance in the Study of Individual Differences. New York: Plenum Press. Ford, M.E. and M.S. Tisak, 1983. A Further Search for Social Intelligence. J. Edu. Psychol., 75 (2): 196-206. Goleman, D., 2007. Social Intelligence. The New Science of Human Relationships. New York: Bantam Books., pp: 406. Guilford, J.P., 1967. The Nature of Human Intelligence. Piaget, J., 2001. Studies in Reflecting Abstraction. Hove, New York: Norton, pp: 261. Karl, A., 2005. Social Intelligence: The New Science of Success. Jossey-Bass, pp: 304. Kosmitzki, C. and O.P. John, 1993. The Implicit Use of Explicit Conceptions of Social Intelligence. Personality and Individual Differences, 15: 11-23. Mayer, J.D. and P. Salovey, 1997. What is Emotional Intelligence. In P. Salovey and D. Sluyter (Eds.): Emotional Development and Emotional Intelligence: Implications for Educators, New York: Basic Books pp: 3-31. Moss, F.A. and T. Hunt, 1927. Are you Socially Intelligent? Scientific Am., 137: 108-110. Moss, F.A., T. Hunt, K.T. Omwake and M.M. Ronning, 1927. Social intelligence test. Washington, DC: Center for Psychological science. Myers, D.G., 1995. Psychology. 6th Edn. New York: Worth Publishers, pp: 99. O’Sullivan, M. and J.P. Guilford, 1977. The tests d’intelligence social. Paris: Editions the Applied Psychology Centre. Piaget, J., 2001. Studies in Reflecting Abstraction. Hove, UK: Psychology Press. Sternberg, R.J., 1997. Successful Intelligence. New York: A Plume Book. Thorndike, E.L., 1920. Intelligence and its Uses. Harper’s Mag., 140: 227-235. Wechsler, D., 1940. Nonintellective Factors in General Intelligence. Psychological Bulletin, 37: 444-445. Wechsler, D., 1958. The Measurement and Appraisal of Adult Intelligence. (4th Edn). Baltimore, MD: The Williams and Wilkins Company. Yermentayeva, A.R., M.D. Aurenova, E. Uaidullakyzy and A. Aiapbergenova, 2014. Social intelligence as a condition for the development of communicative competence of future teachers. J. Procedia Soc. Behav. Sci., 116: 4758-4763. Zirkel, S. and N. Cantor, 1990. Personal Construal of Life Tasks: Those who Struggle for Independence. J. Person. Soc. Psychol., 58: 172-185. |
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Definition of The Peculiarities of the Agricultural Education in General Education institutionsGavriil Mikhailovich Fedorov
pp. 12637-12649 | Article Number: ijese.2016.936
Abstract The purpose of this study is to construct a model of the development of the agricultural school in accordance with modern educational requirements ensuring the improvement of conditions, processes, and the content of agricultural education. Modern approaches to constructing the model of the organization of educational activities at agricultural schools have been provided; the purpose, directions and objectives of educational activities have been substantiated. The features of the model implementation have been studied along with the development of the draft state target program of the agricultural education development in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The article summarizes the content of subprograms on the improvement of the content of agricultural education. The results of the study can be useful for agricultural schools in the development of exemplary basic educational programs forming an ethnic, regional, civic identity. 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Studying Motivational-Axiological Component of Professional Competence of a College TeacherE.G. Gutsu, N.N. Demeneva, E.V. Kochetova, T.V. Mayasova & N.V. Belinova
pp. 12650-12657 | Article Number: ijese.2016.937
Abstract Present article addresses the problem of changing requirements towards professional competencies of higher school teachers due to the introduction of new educational standards. Motivational-axiological component of college teacher’s professional competence gets a central position. The article provides the authors’ view upon the concept of axiological-motivational component and criteria of its development; it models the tentative levels of motivational-axiological component development, which can be used by the teachers as directions for self-analysis and creation of professional self-development programs. The results of a pilot study of the actual level of motivational-axiological component development in teachers of mono-subject and multi-subject college departments present a special interest. Keywords: professional competence of a higher school teacher, professional and personal development, motivational-axiological component, axiological attitude towards a profession, level of motivational-axiological component development References Abidova, A.A. (n. d.) Vliyanie motivatsii na produktivnuyu deyatelnost prepodavatelya vysshey shkoly v razvitii kommunikativnoy kompetentnosti studenta. [Influence of motivation on the productive activity of a higher school teacher in the development of student’s communicative competence]. Date Views: 14.09.2016 http://old.adygnet.ru/konfer/problem_ped/doc/abidova.doc. Bogdan, N.N. and Mogilyovkin, E.A. (n. d.). Motivatsiya i demotivatsiya professionalnoy deyatelnosti personala vuza (na primere vuzov Dalnevostochnogo Federalnogo okruga). [Motivation and demotivation of professional activity in the college staff (on the example of colleges of Far-Eastern Federal region)]. 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Formirovanie tsennostnykh orientatsiy lichnosti molodogo prepodavatelya vysshey shkoly: avtoref. dis. … kand. psikh. nauk. [Development of axiological orientations of a personality of a young higher school teacher: abstract of a doctoral thesis]. Moscow. Matyash, L.G. (2002). Tsennostno-motivatsionnye determinanty professionalnogo rosta prepodavatelya vysshey shkoly: avtoref. dis. … kand. ped. nauk. [Axiological-motivational determinants of professional growth in a higher school teacher: abstract of a doctoral thesis]. Bryansk State University named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky, Bryansk. Myalkina, E.V. and Zhitkova, V.A. (2016). Modelirovanie sistemy upravleniya individualnymi traektoriyami razvitiya nauchno-pedagogicheskikh rabotnikov v vuze. [Modelling the system of regulating the individual development trajectories of research-pedagogic employees in college]. Bulletin Mininskogo University, 1. Date Views: 14.09.2016 http://vestnik.mininuniver.ru/upload/iblock/5f4/myalkina.pdf. 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The Strategic Analysis of Industry-Specific Competition and Environmental Risks – An Integrated ApproachM. V. Karmanov, A. V. Korotkov, N. V. Gryzunova, I. A. Kiseleva & V. I. Kuznetsov
pp. 12657-12667 | Article Number: ijese.2016.938
Abstract New trends in the formation of a strategy and the analysis of industry competition are considered in this article. In classifying the concepts and insights of foreign and Russian researchers in the sphere of strategic analysis, the authors relied upon the continuity criterion assuming that new approaches to strategic management complete the known methods. The focus was made on the changes in structural groups of strategies and estimating the impact of the resource potential of a company on its competitive advantages, as well as new sources of innovation and risks. The authors highlight the most important aspects of the development of successful strategies in modern Russia. The use of internal innovative advantages, the formation and support of an actual ‘use value’ taking into account eco-factors as well as the development of competencies, innovations and partnership in the context of technological ecosystems become the key conditions for Russian companies. The main conclusions that were obtained as a result of discussion in this article can be structured as follows: 1. The world economic situation leads to a decrease in the stability of companies’ competitive advantages and reduces their life cycle. The main sources enhancing their stability and viability are the organizational and environmental innovations; 2. The process of creating strategies for oligopolists implies mandatory use of environmental components; 3. Modern environmental conditions create the prerequisites for the expansion of the scenario analysis and technology forecasting and achieving universality of the methods; 4. The combination of the known methods based on the specifics of production and the market, and the increasing spread of the concept of creating value together with customers and the DART system can be noted as the dominant trends in the formation of a strategy. 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Electronic School Atlas as an Innovative Means of Development of Geographic Education in Kazakhstan SchoolsSaule Kairollovna Damekova, Temirkhan Niyazovich Zharkinbekov, Gulnara Bayanovna Turtkarayeva, Sergey Inokenteevich Han & Oral Zhangabylovich Damekov
pp. 12668-12679 | Article Number: ijese.2016.939
Abstract Strategic role of geographic information systems (GIS) for the geographical entity is not in doubt, but there are differences in the understanding of what, when and how to teach. The article presents some aspects of the GIS integration in school education in Kazakhstan. An analysis of the scientific and technical literature, teaching practice shows that the use of electronic school atlas in geography lessons and in extracurricular activities significantly expands the scope of learning activities of students and teachers, stimulates cognitive interest, forms the GIS competence of students. The article considers the problem of formation of geo-information competence of the students on the basis of the use of the electronic geography school atlas developed by the author in the context of the requirements of the state standard of education in Kazakhstan. 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The Role of Nonprofit Organizations in Alignment of Environmental Interests of Energy Companies and National Economic SecurityB. B. Basaev, N.V. Gryzunova, I.A. Kiseleva & A. M. Tramova
pp. 12680-12689 | Article Number: ijese.2016.940
Abstract The article attempts to study the role of ecological safety from the perspective of the national security. This paper aims at finding the main patterns that stipulate and restrict the use of nonprofit organizations (NPOs) as an institutional element promoting ecological and energy security. World experience proves high potential of these organizations from both political and economic perspectives. Different forms of nonprofit organizations make it possible not only to concentrate economic power and to boost management efficiency, but to change the business ideology and the staff competence system as well. This work analyzes the possible use of the potential of these or-ganizations for enterprise management, first of all in the energy sector, and their leadership in pric-ing “in a chain” – “pollutant – natural monopolist – consumer”. The NPO can be a supervisory in-stitutional establishment based on commercial principles. The main conclusions of this article can be structured as follows: • In the process of establishing the ecologization mechanism, it is rational to use provisions of the interdisciplinary concept of social management and the system-structural approach; • The content of the national security concept and its element, ecological safety, has changed greatly. NPOs participation in ecological safety makes it possible, on the one hand, to make “vertical” power more efficient, on the other hand, to develop innovation activity of energy companies and can be a barrier for non-ecologic behavior; their functioning squares with a long-term development of the country; • NPOs can successfully keep the balance of interests of the country, energy companies and consumers due to peculiarities of their organizational structure, management system, variety of legal and economic forms of operation; • NPOs can be an instrument transforming the management model of economic agents on me-so- and macro-level. Keywords: national security, ecological safety, nonprofit organization, energy company, resource-saving, management, competence, endowment References A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide). (2010). PMI Standards Committee, Project Management Institute. Apazhev, A.K., Gvaramiya, A.A., &Marzhokhova, M.A. (2015). Fenomenustoychivostisotsio-ekologo-ekonomicheskogorazvitiyaisamorazvitiyaagrarno-rekreatsionnykhterritoriy [The Phenomenon of Stability of the Socio-Ecological and Economic Development and Self-Development of the Agro-Recreational Areas]. Siberian financial school, 5(112), 22-36. Baker, D. (2009). Multi-Company Project Management: Maximizing Business Results Through Strategic Collaboration. J. Ross Publishing. Barry, J. (2005). The State and the Global Ecological Crisis. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Ben-Ner, A., &Clotfelter, C.T. (1994). Who Benefits from the Nonprofit Sector? Reforming Law and Public Policy towards Nonprofit Organizations. 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The Impact of Finely Dispersed Micro Filling Materials of Volcanic Ash on the Concrete PropertiesSaid-Alvi Murtazaev, Sharputdi Zaurbekov, Madina Salamanova, and Vakha Khadisov
pp. 12681-12686 | Article Number: ijese.2016.941
Abstract The paper presents practice of volcanogenic mineral supplements using for obtaining composite bonding material. Volcanic rocks are formed as a result of an enormous number ejection of melted rock debris and extremely small lava flour particles. Larger particles are dropped on a slope of volcano, and the smallest ones are cooled by air and falls on earth as volcanic ash. On the phase constitution it represents the mixture of partly amorphized glass, silicate and aluminum silicate. It was demonstrated that the sizes of volcanic particles are very small and have vesicular structure so the density is lower as for rock material. This property enables arising to the atmosphere and spreading far through air. They do not dissolve in water forming suspension and mud when wet, which turn into hard concrete after drying. Elementary composition of ash is related to magma composition of which it is formed. Given the fact that the majority of elements found in magma are silicone dioxide and oxygen, generally ash consists of silicon particles. The ash of basaltic ejection contains 45-55% of silicone dioxide rich in iron and magnesium. With explosive rhyolitic ejection volcanoes eject ash with high-silica content (more than 69%). After mechanical activation the volcanic ash was used as an element of composite bonding material. The paper presents the volcanic ash research and describes the test results of composite bonding material for obtaining high-strength concrete. It was demonstrated that using of such materials will bring new class of substances named superplastic bioconcrete, which can be used not only in the construction industry but also in remastering and renovation of premises that are highly depressive nowadays. There are represented ways how to optimize situation. Keywords: Volcanic ash; mineral supplement; finely dispersed micro filling material; superplasticizer; structure formation; low water content; and mechanical activation. References Al-Zboon, K. K., Al-smadi, B. M., Al-Khawaldh, S. (2016). Natural Volcanic Tuff-Based Geopolymer for Zn Removal: Adsorption Isotherm, Kinetic, and Thermodynamic Study. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 227(7), 248. doi:10.1007/s11270-016-2937-5 Bazhenov, Ju. M., Demianova, V. S., Kalashnikov, V. I. (2006). Modified high-quality castables. Мoskow: АСВ. Bebbington, M., Zitikis, R. (2016). Dynamic Uncertainty in Cost-Benefit Analysis of Evacuation Prior to a Volcanic Eruption. Mathematical Geosciences, 48(2), 123-148. doi:10.1007/s11004-015-9615-9 Blake, D. M., Wilson, T. M., Gomez, C. (2016). Road marking coverage by volcanic ash: an experimental approach. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75(20), 1348-1360. Bonadonna, C., Cioni, R., Costa, A., Druitt, T., Phillips, J., Pioli, L., Wallenstein, N. (2016). 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Prospects for the Development of Nanostructured Polymer Composites in the Chechen RepublicYuriy Bazhenov, Dena Bataev, Hasan Mazhiev, and Petimat Bataeva
pp. 12687-12697 | Article Number: ijese.2016.941
Abstract This work presents the analytical form of determination of polymer composites market. It was noted that saturation with these materials in regional dimension (exemplified by the Chechen Republic) is large enough, and along with the growing construction market this need is institutional. It was determined that the lead issue remains to be the high percentage of borrows in the development industry and the lack of specialists on nanomaterials. The prospects of development of nanostructured building polymer composites on the base of scientific institutions in the Chechen Republic were analyzed. The status of the issue was studied and the basic directions of scientific researches in the field of nanomaterials science were identified. It was found that the solution to the problem of building nanocomposites development, including nanostructured polymer composites, would provide creation of new products, semi-finished products, designs and details of buildings and structures, efficient technologies of their erection, and conditions for comfortable and safe life. Authors encourage in the article to undertake the development of materials under the study and gradually shift to filling the composite materials from local components at the expense of attracted private investments. Such strategy should give results within 10-15 years. The possibility of using foreign experience is predicted. Not only existing technologies were analysed, but also the trend lines in the leading western systems and commercial development companies. Keywords: Nanotechnology, polymer composites, autoclave, high pressure, quasinanoparticles, nanoparticles, development, structural analysis, materials science. References Akimov, A. V., Prezhdo, O. 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Educational Paradigm: Implementation of the Competence-Based Approach to the Higher School SystemSalima S. Kunanbayeva
pp. 12699-12710 | Article Number: ijese.2016.942
Abstract The educational system of Kazakhstan is now characterized by certain gradual changes of an educational paradigm. The educational paradigm is understood as framework of key provisions and the ideas which are acknowledged by the pedagogical public during the concrete time period and are the cornerstone of scientific research. Change of an educational paradigm includes transition from the education aligned on teaching to the education aligned on training. The criterions for the change of this paradigm are: the education which is more aligned on the student; change of teacher’s role; the further definition of the main goal; transition from potential to result; change of the training process The competence-based approach in education also objectively meets both social expectations in education, and interests of participants of educational process. At the same time this approach conflicts too many stereotypes which developed in an education system, the existing criteria for evaluation of students educational activity, pedagogical activity of teachers, work of administration. Practice of teaching at the higher school showed that the existing crisis in the field of education for a long time is not only overcome, but still is not even fully realized by most of participants of educational process. Explanatory and illustrative didactic approach still remains the leading model in educational process where activity is transferred as the unique content of training. Certainly, it does not meet requirements of time, moreover, contradicts new laws of practice. Now there is an urgent need to train students in the real ways of thinking (the theoretical, dialectic, logical analysis, synthesis, system approach). Developing their creative abilities (ability to apply the acquired knowledge in any situations, including also independent problem definition, and also search of new ways of tasks solution), increasing professional skills of teachers when they can freely carry out pedagogical activity in standard and unusual situations. Keywords: Paradigm, educational paradigm, modernization of education, higher education, competence-based approach References Andreev, А. (2005). Competence paradigm in education: experience of philosophy methodological analysis. Pedagogics, 4, 19-27. Berulava, G. & Berulava, M. (2012). New methodology of development of the personality in information educational space. Pedagogics, 4, 11-20. Bezrukova, V. (1999). Dictionary of new pedagogical thinking. Ekaterinburg: Alternative pedagogics. Blaskova, M., Blasko, R. & Kucharcikova, A. (2014). Competences and Competence Model of University Teachers. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Science, 259, 457-467. 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Composite Binders with the Use of Fine Raw Materials of Volcanic OriginSaid-Alvi Murtazaev, Sharputdi Zaurbekov, Madina Salamanova, Ramazan Bisultanov and Magomed Nakhaev
pp. 12711-12716 | Article Number: ijese.2016.943
Abstract This paper presents an analysis of the mineral additives of volcanic origin usage experience for the preparation of a composite binder. In theory, it is proved that an active pozzolan, which are the chemical basis of fine raw materials of volcanic origin, allow using them as additives for cements to solve the problems of reduction in the cement stone of free calcium hydroxide content, to make full use of the potential of cement capabilities by increasing its hydration and getting stronger and stable structure of low-based calcium hydrosilicates with high sulphate. It was determined that the most important characteristics of the porous aggregates is their bulk density and compressive strength. From the porous aggregates used for the lightweight concrete the most economical are natural in case they do not need to be transported (local materials). However, artificial binders are of much more effective use in lightweight concrete aggregates. 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Murtazaev, S.-A.Y., Mintsaev, M.S., Saydumov, M.S., Aliev, S.A. (2015b). Strength and strain properties of concrete, comprising filler, produced by screening of waste crushed concrete. Modern Applied Science, 9(4), 32-44. Murtazaev, C-A. Yu., Salamanova, M.Sh., Vataev, W.V. (2014). Cement industry of the Chechen Republic. Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic, 1(22),109-114. Nikiforov, Y. (2007). The global cement industry. Mat. XXII All-Russian (VT International) meeting of heads of laboratories of cement plants. St. Petersburg: ANO Center of Informatization of Education" ECC ", 7-16. Opoczky, L. (1993). Problems relating to grinding technology and quality when grinding composite cements. Zement-Kalk-Gips. 46(3), 136-140. Salamanova, M.Sh., Tulaev, Z.A., Gabashev, A.A. (2014). High-quality concrete with filling materials from technogenic. 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Relaxation of Compression Stresses in Fine-Grained Cellular ConcreteDena Bataev, Hasan Mazhiev, Minkail Gaziev, and Kazbek Mazhiev
pp. 12717-12723 | Article Number: ijese.2016.944
Abstract Constructions and concrete are the most durable in practice of building construction. Each such facility allows you to fully determine how much durable it will be. In this article concrete is defined as invariant material for permanent structures. We investigate degree of shrinkage and reaction of concrete against various influences, and also we investigate durability in reference to building operation. It was performed a brief review of investigations of problem of relaxation of compression stresses in different types of concrete. It was established that in response to the carbonation relaxation ability of fine-grained concrete increases. The stress relaxation in the fine-grained cellular concrete of autoclave and non-autoclave curing was investigated. It was concluded that carbonation of fine-grained concrete affects speed of the process of the stress relaxation. It was analyzed various types of concrete, including certain fractions. It was investigated forms of carbonation of not only concrete, but it’s also given recommendations for investigation in other materials. There was provided a view of technological type of system of stabilization, establishment and, if it’s necessary, regeneration of concrete base. Further line of investigation is defined on the basis of investigation of process of relaxation of fine-grained concrete. Investigations of construction industry of western engineering thoughts were trended. Keywords: Relaxation; compression stress; autoclave; fine-grained concrete; cellular concrete; carbonation of concrete; durability; operation. References Aizenberg, Y.M., Mazhyev, K.N., Batdalov, М.М. (2009). Materials and constructions to improve seismic strength of buildings and structures. Мoskow: Comtech-Print. Alexandrovskiy, S.V. (1979). Application of a theory. Wroclav: Wydawnictwo. Politechniki Wroclawskiei. Awwad, T., Donia, M. (2016). 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Modern Applied Science, 9(4), 233-245. Murtazaev, S.-A.Y., Mintsaev, M.S., Saydumov, M.S., Aliev, S.A. (2015b). Strength and strain properties of concrete, comprising filler, produced by screening of waste crushed concrete. Modern Applied Science, 9(4), 32-44. Pesavento, F., Schrefler, B. A., Sciumè, G. (2016). Multiphase Flow in Deforming Porous Media: A Review. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 5, 1-26. doi:10.1007/s11831-016-9171-6 Seo, C. H., Kim, S. H. (2016). Development of a method to test the pressurized absorption characteristics of lightweight aggregate. Materials and Structures, 50(1), 24-29. Skatynskiy, V.I. (1964). Investigation of creep and relaxation of stresses in silicate concrete under compression. Creep of building materials and constructions, 3, 56-62. Skatynskiy, V.I., Zelenkov, А.А., Krumelis, Y.V. (1974). Automated installation for investigation of stress relaxation in concrete. 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Self-Consolidating Concretes with Materials of the Chechen Republic and Neighboring RegionsMadina Salamanova, Magomed Khubaev, Magomed Saidumov, and Tamara Murtazayeva
pp. 12719-12724 | Article Number: ijese.2016.945
Abstract Special aspects of formation of a structure and characteristics of self-consolidating concretes (SCC) with using finely dispersed micro-loadings and aggregates from locally available materials and materials of neighboring regions are disclosed in this article. Results of investigations of SCC for monolithic construction, including high-rise construction, are shown. It is shown that to reach of high operational characteristics of self-consolidating concretes very tough requirements to production materials are imposed. A fineness of a little aggregate is not more 0,125 mm, except that 70% of them have a size 0,063 mm. A coarse aggregate is retified on sizes 10-16 and 16-20 mm. Also, it is allowed using of nonorganic materials with a high specific surface which increase a waterholding capacity of an aggregate (white carbon, kibble spray asbestos, bentonites). It is defined that action of plasticizers of a new type is based on an aggregate of an electrostatic and space effect, which is reached with help of water-repelling polyether chains of a molecule of polycarboxylic ether. By means of that, duration of plasticization effects of polycarboxylates is 3-4 times as compared to sulfate of melanin and naphthalene sulfonate formaldehydes or lignosulfonates. Such capacity allows not just to increase the mobility of the mortar in early terms, but to keep it during of a long period of time, what influences positively on transportation terms of concretes from plants to places of construction. It was discovered, that self-consolidating concrete finds more and more extensive use. It is perspective to use it for production of a prefab reinforced concrete, placement of monolithic extra-strong jointless floorings, air placing, remodeling and enforcement of structure. On the one hand, extension of self-consolidating concretes is limited with expensive additives of polycarboxylates. However, using of this material allows declaring off a vibroflotation that in turn decreases energy consumption and saves time, improving sanitary-hygienic conditions of works labour. A vibration-free technology so much decreases a level of noise nuisance on people and environmental, so that plants of reinforced concrete products can be located in urbanized districts of a city. Keywords: Self-consolidating concretes; micro-loadings; polycarboxylates; superplasticizer; man-triggered materials; aggregates; formation. References ACI 305R-10. (2010). Guide to hot weather concreting. https://www.concrete.org/Portals/0/Files/PDF/Previews/305R-10web.pdf. Arakawa, M. (1992). Fundamentals of Powder Technology. Tokyo: Seiyuu Publ. ASTM A887-89. (2004). Standard Specification for Borated Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Nuclear Application. 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Fine-grainedcellular concrete creep analysis technique with consideration forcarbonation. Modern Applied Science, 9(4), 233-245. Murtazaev, S.-A.Y., Mintsaev, M.S., Saydumov, M.S., Aliev, S.A. (2015b). Strength and strain properties of concrete, comprising filler, produced by screening of waste crushed concrete. Modern Applied Science, 9(4), 32-44. Persson, B. (2001). A comparison between mechanical properties of self-compacting concrete and the corresponding properties of normal concrete. CCR, 31(2), 193-198. Pujar, M.G., Parvathavarthini, N. Dayal, R.K. (2010). Influence of Solution-Annealing and Stress-Relieving on the Pitting Corrosion Resistance of Modified 316 N SS Weld Metals: A Study Using EN Technique. Mater. Chem. Phys., 123, 407-416. Shah, A., Khan, S., Khan, R., Jan, U. (2013). Effect of high range water reducers on the properties and strength characteristics of fresh and hardened concrete. IJSTC, 37, 513-517. Torrenti, J.M., Dantec, P., Boulay, C., Semblat, J.F. (1999). 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Construction Mortar for Plaster Works Using Fine Sands of the Chechnya RepublicSaid-Alvi Murtazaev, Zulikhan Ismailova, Aset Uspanova, Sultan Nasukhanov, and Abukhan Abdullaev
pp. 12725-12729 | Article Number: ijese.2016.946
Abstract This work contains results of using failed local fine sands for construction plaster matrixes. Plaster mixes of improved technological, physical and mechanical properties were obtained. Using of complex mineral admixtures in construction mortar increases working life up to 5.5 hours, compression capacity – more than 30%, adhesion – up to 20%, decreases ability to delaminate, what widens its use in construction. It was defined that sands (hard and cold aggregate), slag, pumice stone, charcoal (light and warm aggregate) are used as aggregates. The best sand for making the plaster mortar is stream sand. It is the cleanest sand which does not need additional refining, and not decreasing resistibility of the mortar. Beach, ravine and rock sands are usually polluted by salts and clay; they should be washed before use. There are coarse (grain size from 2 to 5 mm), medium (grain size from 0.5 to 2 mm) and fine (grain size up to 0.5 mm) sands. Usually medium sands are used in plaster works, and fine sands in molding plaster for troweling and fine-grained fractures. It was showed that sharp sand is the best. It joins well with binders. Coarse sands are rarely used in plaster works. Usually medium sands are used. Fine sands are used for molding plaster which allows, while trowering, to get fine-grained finish without spackling it for painting. It was discovered that slag sand is obtained by crushing and screening of slag, which was kept in dump at least for 3 months, so all the sulfide impurities that destroy binders and decrease mortar resistibility could be washed out. These sands, being lighter sands, are used in mortar for building plastering and heat insulation. Herein, plaster thickness should not be less than 3 cm. Keywords: Construction mortar; fine sands; complex modifying admixture; mineral dust; insulation; increase. References Bakolas, A., Biscontin, G., Moropoulou, A., Zendri, E. (1995). Characterization of the lumps in the mortars of historic masonry. Thermochimica Acta, 269/270: 809-816. Barca, D., De Francesco, A.M., Crisci, G.M., Tozzi, C. (2008). Provenance of obsidian artifacts from site of Colle Cera, Italy, by LA-ICP-MS method. Periodico di Mineralogia, 77, 41-52. Bazhenov, Yu. M., Bataiev, D.K-C., Murtazaiev, S-A.Yu. (2011). Man-made raw materials fine grain concrete for maintenance and reconstruction of damaged buildings and structures. Grozniy: GSOU. Cruz Jiménez, L., Tenorio, D., Jiménez, R.M. (2002). Caracterización por ANN de muestras de yacimientos de obsidiana del Golfo de México. Ciencia UNANL, 5(3), 351-356. De Luca, R., Miriello, D., Pecci, A., Domínguez-Bella, S., Bernal-Casasola, D., Cottica, D., Bloise, A., Crisci, G.M. (2015). Archaeometric study of mortars from the Garum Shop at Pompeii (Campania, Italy). Geoarchaeology, 30, 330-351. Dvorkin, L.I., Dvorkin, O.L. (2007). Building materials from industrial wastes. Rostov-on-Don: Phenicks. 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Identification of lime plaster in prehistory using petrographic methods: a review and reconsideration of the data on the basis of experimental and case studies. Geoarchaeology, 22(7), 775-796. Kuladzhi, T.V., Murtazaev, S.I., Taimaskhanov, K.E.,Aliiev, S.A., Mintsaev, M.S. (2015). Professor M. D. Kargopolov's matrix formula-an effective tool to find the cost of construction products. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 8(29), 48-56. Lesovik, V.S., Murtazaiev, S.-A.Yu., Saidumov, M.S. (2012). Building composites based on crushed concrete waste screenings and rocks. Grozniy: FGUP “Publishing and polygraph complex “Grozenskiy rabochiy”. Murtazaiev, S-A.Yu. (2009). Effective concrete and mortar based on man-made raw materials for building and repair works: PhD thesis. Grozniy. Murtazaiev, S.-A.Yu., Ismailova, Z, Kh. (2008). Usage of local man-made wastes in fine concretes. Building materials, 3, 57-59. 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Social and Economic Prerequisites of Formation of Multifunctional Residential CompoundShadid Nasukhanov, Sultan Nasukhanov, Maret Gishlakaeva, Islam Kadaev, and Aslan Saydulaev
pp. 12731-12736 | Article Number: ijese.2016.947
Abstract The article describes social and economic prerequisites for the formation of multifunctional residential compound in the Chechen Republic and on a nationwide scale. Investment attractiveness of multifunctional residential compound caused primarily by the globalization of city-planning facilities. In view of to the deficiency and high prices of land in major urban cities of the world there become necessary of multiple increasing of building density, the measures are taking to increase the height of the constructed multifunctional compound up to 400-500 meters. It is shown that during designing of residential compound it is necessary to take into account its location and the following parameters: the features of construction and climatic region, the size of the city, placing of the compound in the city structure with regard to the city center, the size, configuration and topography of the construction site, the availability of support buildings, etc. One of the most important parameters is the estimated population density MFRC, which is set according to the standards of housing provision, the level of comfort of living and other parameters. It is outlined that the creation of an aesthetically city-planning ensemble of the residential compound depends primarily on urban planning ideas and the idea of subordination of all building components. The formation of the artistic image of the residential compound is influenced by the architecture of the existing building, natural and landscape features of the territory of the projected compound, composition and reception of public institutions to the living environment. The search of originality of residential development is built on such zoning, in which the organic unity of the three functionally distinct components - the yard, street, square - allows you to clearly identify the structure-foundation of architectural and spatial composition. It was determined that a differentiated approach in regards of placement of various types of residential buildings in housing development of MFRC allows to overcome the stereotype of its spatial composition and to create for different population groups favorable conditions for living. The use of noise proof residential houses is also possible, where acoustic comfort is achieved by applying of planning methods of solutions at home or apartment plan. In the initial phase of design of the residential compound the typical demographic composition of the city's families and their structure should be considered. Keywords: Residental areas; microdistrict; apartment; residential areas; public space; city-planning complex; multifunctional residential compound. References Antipov, V.V., Senatorova, O.G., Sidel’nikov, V.V. (2011). Investigation of fire resistance of hybrid aluminumglassplastic SIAL Laminates. Aviats. Mater. Tekhnol. 3, 36-41. Antipov, V.V., Senatorova, O.G., Tkachenko, E.A., Vakhromov, R.O. (2012). Aluminum wrought alloys. Aviats. Mater. Tekhnol. 5, 167-182. Beleshnikov, I.L. (1996). Medical-legal estimation of cyanide content in organs and tissues of human beings deceased during the fire. PhD thesis. St. Petersburg. Biefer, G.J. (1981). 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Calculating the Innovative Construction Products Cost by Using Professor M.D. Kargopolov's Matrix FormulaKhasan Taimaskhanov, Tamara Kuladzhi, Magomed Mintsaev, Rustam Salgiriev, and Rustam Khuriev
pp. 12737-12751 | Article Number: ijese.2016.948
Abstract The article describes the contemporary approaches to the determination of the costs of innovative products and the procedure of their write-off for research, developmental and technological works. It analyses the regulatory framework for industrial policy in Russia, including the development of the innovative territorial cluster. The possibility of applying the matrix formula of the professor M.D. Kargopolov to calculate the cost of innovative construction products, taking into account market factors, is established. The example of calculation of reinforced concrete structures production costs (with the use of various technologies, including the use of solar technology) with the use of the recommended matrix formula is provided. Keywords: Finely-dispersed binder; fine filler; subsiding soils; injection strengthening; subsidence; viscosity. References Aliev, S.A. (2011). Concrete Composites based on man-made materials for the conditions of the dry hot climate. PhD thesis. 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Peculiarities of Helio-Termal Treatment of Reinforced Concrete Structures in the Conditions of Extreme NorthSaid-Alvi Murtazaev, Tamara Kuladzhi, Magomed Mintsaev, and Salambek Aliev
pp. 12753-12762 | Article Number: ijese.2016.949
Abstract Helio-thermal treatment is based on the principle of impact of solar radiation on hardening concrete in helioforms with translucent heat-sealing coating. Helio-thermal treatment technology efficiency is provided through the use of the natural density solar radiation flows and reaches 70 ÷ 100 kg of equivalent fuel per 1 cubic meter of reinforced concrete products as compared with conventional heat treatment of precast reinforced concrete structures in the cells with the use of steam, air-steam mixture, hot air, etc. Based on the analysis of approaches to the implementation of technology on helio-thermal treatment of concrete and reinforced concrete structures was disclosed the possibility of using this method in conditions of short and hot summer in the territory of the Russian Extreme North. Keywords: Helio-thermal treatment; reinforced concrete structures; helioforms with translucent heat-sealing coating; helio-thermal treatment in conditions of the Russian Extreme North. 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Principles of Automation of Setting up Heat Carrier for Drying Installation of Concrete Mixing PlantsVadim Marsov, Magomed Mintsaev, Zaur Khakimov, Madina Isaeva and Karina Vakhidova
pp. 12763-12769 | Article Number: ijese.2017.001
Abstract The article reviews existing systems of automation for thermal processes of drying out some ingredients of road concrete mix. Automation of processes of thermal treatment comes down to multiple parameter, however one-level system, owing to which achieving of optimal result is almost impossible. Therefore, either analysis or the development of more advanced ways of automated control by thermal objects of coating plants that enable to reduce energy consumption, as well as refinement of mixture, have become very essential. It has been detected that a very important parameter of both technologies turns out keeping up permanency as to fraction composition and purity of inorganic materials at stock-piles of Coating Plants. It can be achieved by stock-pile of inorganic materials on an area covered with concrete or bitumen concrete, as well as by arranging of parting layers to bar from fraction mix between stock-piles. Dose accuracy for inorganic material, mineral fines and natural asphalt, therefore, deviations in nominal mix reflect the main causes of obtaining mix of inadequate quality; attaining of such parameters are to be achieved by batcher scale for inorganic materials, mineral fines, and natural asphalt on embedment gauge. It has been determined an accuracy of time for «dry» and «wet» admixing of bitumen concrete constituents of mixture in the blending tank; attaining of such parameter is to be achieved by inserting the admix signal generator into Automatic Process Control System. It has been discovered that cross-section dimensions of the storage bin in a plan, the extension of which leads to segregation of coarse grain gravel in mixture that bring down either soothness or quality of mixture; attaining of such parameter is to be achieved by applying of narrow storage bin or by extraction of mixture over the surface of broader storage bins excluding formation of broad cone mixture, triggering the main push to segregation. It has been evaluated the storage time for bitumen concrete mixture in the storage bins as due to long-time storage of mixture effects upon natural asphalt performance, whereas at a lowered temperature, it prevents from extraction; attaining of such parameter is to be achieved by bining only the required amount bitumen concrete mixture for the time of the work shift. Keywords: Сoncrete bitumen mixture; automation of Asphalt Concrete Mixing Plant (АCMP); thermal objects; production activity. 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Geodetic Determination Method of NPP Containment DeformationsIbragim Gairabekov, Yuriy Zabaznov, Magomed-Bashir Gayrabekov and Kheda Gagaeva
pp. 12771-12778 | Article Number: ijese.2017.002
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High-Performance SCC-Concrete at Earthquake Resistant ConstructionYuriy Bazhenov, Said-Alvi Murtazaev, Madina Salamanova and Magomed Saidumov
pp. 12779-12786 | Article Number: ijese.2016.950
Abstract The article introduces the survey on either national or international practice in obtaining and applying of self-compacting concrete (SCC). There has been analyzed either natural or anthropogenic raw material base of the Chechen Republic, along with other regions of the country. There have been obtained mixtures of SCC-grades as to compression capacity В80 and above, including integrated use of natural or anthropogenic raw material; there have been analyzed beton (concrete) recipe and its rheological and physic-mechanical properties. Keywords: High-performance concretes; selfcompacting mixtures; fillers; microfillers; rheology; polycarboxylic ether; compositional cementing. References Abel, A. (1993). Dislocation-associated elastic energy storage in mechanical deformations. Materials Science A. Engineering, 164(1-2), 220-225. Aitkin, P.C. (2000). Cements of yesterday and today. Cem. and Concr. Res., 30: 1349-1359. Batrakov, V.G. (2001). Modifiers of Concrete, Added Functionality. Proceedings of the I-st Russian Conference on Concrete and Armed Concrete. Moskow. Bazhenov, Yu.M. (2009). Concrete: Technologies of Future. Construction: Modern Technologies – Modern Components, 8, 29-32. Bazhenov, Yu.M., Alimov, L.A., Voronin, V.V. (2008). Concrete Technology, Construction Product Technology. Moskow: ASV Edition. Bazhenov, Yu.M., Bataev, D. K.-S., Murtazaev, S-A.Yu. (2011). Fine Grain Concretes made of Secondary Raw Materials intended for Reconstruction of Damaged Buildings and Constructions. Grozny: GGNI. Bazhenov, Yu.M., Demyanova, V.S., Kalashnikov, V.I. (2006). Modified High-Performance Concretes. Scientific Publication. Moskow: Publishing House of Association of Construction Institutions. Boldyrew, V.V. (1993). Mechanochemistry and mechanical activation of solids. Solid State Ionics, 63-65(1-4): 537-543. Chung, D.D.L. (2004). Cement matrix structural nanocomposites. Metals and Mater. Int., 10(1), 55-67. Fedosov, N.N., Klinchuk, E.S., Verbitskaya, T.L. (2010). Modern Construction Material. Construction Material, 3, 67-68. Fokina, E.L., Budim, N.I., Kochnev, V.G., Chernik, G.G. (2004). Planetary mills of periodic and continuous action. J. Materials Sci., 39, 5217-5221. GOST 8267-93. Rubble and gravel from dense rocks for construction works. Moskow: Standartinform. Hillemeier, B., Buchenau, G., Herr, R., Huttl, R., Klubendorf, St., Schubert, K. (2006). Spezialbetone, Betonkalender. Berlin: Ernst &Sohn. Hui, L., Huigang, X., Jie, Y., Jinping, O. (2004). Microstructure of cement mortar with nano-particles. Composites В, 35(2), 185-189. Kaprielov, S.S. (2008). Modified Extra-Strong Concrete of class grades В80 and В90 for Monolithic Construction. Part II. Constructional Material, 3, 9-13. Kaprielov, S.S., Sheinfeld, A.V., Kardumian, G.S. (2010). New modified concrete. Moscow: Typography" Paradise. Kaprielov, S.S., Travush, V.I., Karpenko, N.I., Kardumian, G.S. et al. (2006). Modified concrete of new generation in the facilities of MIBC "Moscow-City". Building Materials, 10: 8-12. Komokhov, P.G. Shangina, N.N. (2002). Modified Cement Concrete, its structure and performance. Cement, 1-2: 43-46. Kudryavtsev, A.P. (2006). Development of Modern Extra-Strong Lifetime Composite Material at RA ACS. Construction Material, Facilities and Technologies of ХХI Century, 5, 14-15. Lermit, R. (2007). Challenging Issues of Concrete Technology. Moskow: LKI Edition. Lesovik, V.S., Murtazaev, S -A.Yu., Saidumov, M.S. (2012). Composite Material based on screenings of concrete breakages and earth material. Grozny: MUP Typography. Middendorf, В. (2005). Makro-Mikro-Nano-Nanotechnologie fur die Bindemittel-und Betonentwicklung. Betonwerk-Fertigteil-Techn., 71(2), 18-19. Monolithic Construction within the Territory of Russia. (2015). Product Line Implementation and Perspectives of Development. http://antares-stroy.ru/encyclopedia/monolitnoe_stroitelstvo_na_territorii_rossii/ Murtazaev, S-A.Yu., Bataev, D.K-S., Ismailova, Z.Kh. (2009). Fine Grain Concretes on the basis of Fillers made of Recyclable Material. Moskow: “Komtekh-Print”. Murtazaev, S.-A.Y., Mintsaev, M.S., Saydumov, M.S., Aliev, S.A. (2015). Strength and strain properties of concrete, comprising filler, produced by screening of waste crushed concrete. Modern Applied Science, 9(4), 32-44. |
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Features of Economic Zones’ Regulation in terms of Economic InstabilityIrina V. Zhukovskaya, Aleksey I. Shinkevich, Ekaterina N. Yalunina, Irina V. Lushchik, Marina A. Zhukova, Galina V. Mokhova and Leonid M. Ostanin
pp. 12787-12801 | Article Number: ijese.2016.951
Abstract The relevance of the presented problems in the paper is conditioned by the fact that in conditions of instability of economy the regulation of free economic zones allows the governments of the countries in the territory of which they are created, to alleviate crisis situations in the national economy, to stimulate industrial production, export, growth of foreign currency income and thus improve the balance of payments of the State that in the result has a positive impact on economic growth and improving in the level and quality of life of the population. The purpose of this paper is to identify and substantiate form the theoretical and practical points of view the main directions of regulation of free economic zones in the Russian Federation in a challenging economic environment contributing to the stabilization of the economy as a whole. Methods to the study of this problem are: the method of comparative analysis, generalization and systematization of facts, methods of factorial, graphical, financial analysis, method of economic and mathematical modeling. The article presents the stages of development of the economic zones from their inception to the modern state, both in Russia and in Europe. The estimation of efficiency of Russian free economic zones is given; prospects are identified for the use of foreign experience of free zones in a challenging economic environment. The practical value is determined by the possibility to use the developed in the study proposals for the comprehensive improvement of the zonal policy of the Russian Federation. Keywords: Free economic zones; economic instability; regulation; efficiency. References Basile, A. (1989). Guidelines for Establishing Special Economic Zones in the Soviet Union. A Preliminary Report. UN CTC, NY, UN, 14-33. Basile, A., Germidis, D. (1984). Investing in Free Export Processing Zones. Paris: Organization for Co-operation and Economic Development, 45-49 Bezpalov, V. V., Lomakina, E. A. (2015). Problems of functioning of special economic zones in Russia // Economics and modern management: theory and practice: collection of papers on mater. Of the XLV Intern. scientific. -pract. Conf. No. 1(45),125-131.Novosibirsk: SibAC,. Bolin, R.L., ed. (1996). The Impact of 57 New Export Processing Zones in Mercosur. Flagstaff: Flagstaff Institute. Federal law of 22.07.2005 № 116-FZ (as amended on 13.07.2015) "On special economic zones in the Russian Federation". Direct access: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_54599/ Fik, T.J. (2000). The Geography of Economic Development: Regional Changes, Global Challenges, 2nd ed., 20-22. Toronto: McGraw Hill International Convention on the simplification and harmonization of customs procedures (1973). Kusago, T., Tzannatos, (1998). Z. Export Processing Zones: A Review in Need of Update. Social Protection Discussion Paper No. 9802, 90-92. Washington: Social Protection Group, Human Development Network, World Bank. Korobova, O. V., Zharikov, V. V., Bezpalov, V. V. (2014). Management of special economic zones in Russian Federation: problems and prospects. Journal of audit and financial analysis, 5, 279-284. Nizamova, D. R. (2013). The role of the industrial infrastructure in the development of special economic zone. Bulletin of economics, law and sociology, 2, 68-71. Odintsov, K. A. (2008). Special economic zones in the innovation system of the region. Journal of Creative economy, 6 (18), 52-60. Official website of the Ministry of economic development of Russian Federation (2015) .Direct access: http://economy.gov.ru/minec/main Orlova E. R. (2013). Investment attractiveness of regions of Russia: assessment and trends. Bulletin of the International institute of economics and law, 1 (10), 99-105. Rodionov, I., Grachev, I. (2005). Whether special economic zones will attract investment and be drivers of economic growth. Expert, 36, 42-47. Sukhoparova, T. A., Blinova, A. M. (2014). Comprehensive approach to assessing the impact of special economic zones on the investment attractiveness of the region. Bulletin of economics, law and sociology, 1, 40-43. The official website of the Russian direct investment Fund (2016). Direct access: https://rdif.ru/ The rating of investment attractiveness of regions in 2015. Direct access: raexpert.ru/ratings/regions/ Tazutdinov, I. R. (2013). Special economic zones in the context of risk management of innovation development of Russian economy. Management of risk, 3, 40-45. Trawiński, P. S. (2012). Development of investment attractiveness of special economic zones: PhD Thesis. M. Zhukovskaya, I.V., Shinkevich A.I., Galimulina, F.F., Komissarova, I.P., Mayorova, A.N. (2016). Technology platforms as an efficient tool to modernize Russias economy. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6 (1), 163-168. Zhukovskaya I. V. (2009). Market aspects of implementation of the investment strategy of the Corporation. Economic Bulletin of the Republic of Tatarstan, 4, 42-45. |
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Fuzzy Logic in Automatic Control of Concrete Thermal Treatment Using Shuttering with Heating ElementsVadim Marsov, Andrey Ilukhin, Magomed Mintsaev, Zaur Khakimov and Salambek Aliev
pp. 12803-12809 | Article Number: ijese.2016.952
Abstract The paper presents the issues considering fuzzy logic application in the procedure of concrete thermal treatment using shuttering with heating elements, the schemes and methods of control. The fuzzy associations matrix made up of 25 rules was developed for this controlling system on the basis of general engineering judgments. The paper demonstrates the results of testing two types of regulators - with the proportional plus integral control law and with the fuzzy logic. The shields and the panels of shuttering with heating elements were determined to be carefully torn after the thermal treatment with the help of hand screws or cranes and specialized detachable device. After removing the termo shuttering the concrete is held under the coat, tarpaulin or inventory inclosure. Herewith it is necessary to avoid severe cooling, which may cause large thermal stress within the concrete and its alligatoring. It is simplicity and technological reliability that points out the method of concrete treatment in shuttering with heating elements. The shuttering can be used almost at any frosts. Moreover, it saves the metal when producing electrodes, the modes of shuttering are easily regulated and the concrete temperature may be automatically controlled through special settings. To conclude, it is necessary to point that the fuzzy control principle ensures the management sustainability at sudden changes in the dynamic parameters of the controlled object. The concrete thermal treatment by means of heating shields does not impose any specific requirements to the concrete structure and materials during its production. The concrete electro termo shuttering shall be applied both in winter and in summer in order to accelerate its hardening and acquiring necessary strength, which is of a great importance in cast-in-place construction, when the intensification of the hardening process imposes significantly the total construction time limit. Each covering is equipped with a cable entry with plug-in connector, designed for the maximum calculation value of the electric heaters current. The specific direct-current resistance of the applied carbon electric materials determines the ways of connecting electric heaters into one- or three-phase circuit and also the coatings linear dimensions. Keywords: Fuzzy logic; concrete thermal treatment; automatic control; strategic management; formation dynamics; structure formation; enterprise informatization. References Bush, R.W. (1985). Effect of Dither on Strain-Controlled Fatigue and Tensile Results Obtained with a Closed-Loop Servo hydraulic Testing Machine. 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Modern Applied Science, 9(4), 233-245. Murtazaev, S.-A.Y., Mintsaev, M.S., Saydumov, M.S., Aliev, S.A. (2015b). Strength and strain properties of concrete, comprising filler, produced by screening of waste crushed concrete. Modern Applied Science, 9(4), 32-44. Okayasu, M., Sato, Y. (2012). New Experimental Techniques for In-Situ Measurement of the Damage Characteristics of Piezoelectric Ceramics under High Cycle Fatigue Testing. International Journal of Experimental Mechanics, 52, 1009-1020. Nonaka, I., Ito, T., Takemasa, F., Saitou, K., Miyachi, Y., Fujita, A. (2007). Full Size Internal Pressure Creep Test for Welded P91 Hot Reheat Elbow. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 84(1-2), 97-103. Pach, E., Korin, I., Ipina, J.P. (2012). Simple Fatigue Testing Machine for Fibre- Reinforced Polymer Composite. Experimental Techniques, 36, 76-82. Savas, T.P. (2000). Fatigue and Stress Analysis of a Novel Test Coupon Geometry Developed for Hydraulic Pressure Impulse Testing. 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Possibilities of Using Modified High Property Concretes in Modern ConstructionKhasan Taimaskhanov, Dena Bataev, Magomed Saidumov and Tamara Murtazayeva
pp. 12811-12818 | Article Number: ijese.2016.953
Abstract This article shows high performance concretes’ role in modern construction and their effectiveness improvement processing method analysis. It was found that in present time and near future modified high performance concretes would be on high demand in construction works, which includes unique buildings and structures erection, in substitution of traditional concretes and mortars. It was defined that there are few main principles and criteria for structuring speeding and, in result, speeding of cement compositions hardening. One of which is mortar high degree supersaturation by solution products of clinker minerals in relation with crystalizing crystalline hydrates and sustaining this high supersaturation during all period of cement hydration crystallizing process until shielding is formed over cement grains. It was showed that given requirements are achieved by next methods: using extra-strong Portland cements, reducing water ratio due to water-reducing admixture, using krents admixtures. It was discovered that lately krents admixtures, functioning as the structuring center, became more widespread. This work contains complex of modifiers, based on micro silica and plasticizer admixtures on basis of carboxylate resin. Micro silica is soot, particles of which represent amorphous silica specks with average cement finesses of near 20 sq m/g as a filler. Replacing part of the cement with micro silica allows highly implement super plasticizer fluxing action, and reduce water discharge in the dispersed system under the same gravity flow in 10 times comparing to normal slurries, and partially bond hydrated lime weak coarse-crystalline phase into hydrated calcium silicate, additionally strengthening cement brick structure and concrete on its basis. Article authors states that one of the most important methods of getting super concrete is use of high alite cement with concrete mixes low water/cement ratio with complex admixtures, based on plasticizers. In this case, balancing and hard aggregate close packing in all parts allows getting concrete with optimal structure and minimum void ratio. Keywords: Modified high performance concretes; getting basis; concrete technology; possibilities of using modified concretes; information service; construction ecologization; branch (field). References ASTM C1202-05. (2005). Standard Test Method for Electrical Indication of Concrete’s Ability to Resist Chloride Ion Penetration. West Conshohocken: ASTM International. Batrakov, V.G., (2001). Concrete’s modifiers new possibilities. Maerials of the First All-Russian conference on concrete and ferro-concrete. Moskow. Bazhenov, Y.M., Alimov, L.A., Voronin, V.V. and others. (2008). Technology of concrete, construction products and structures. 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Modified cement concrete, its structure and properties. Cement, 1-2, 43-46. Kudryavtsev, A.P. (2006), Development of constructional compositional materials of high strength and long working life in RAoAaCS. Building materials, equipment, technologies of XXI century, 5, 14-15. Kuladzhi, T.V., Murtazaev, S.I., Taimaskhanov, K.E.,Aliiev, S.A., Mintsaev, M.S. (2015). Professor M. D. Kargopolov's matrix formula-an effective tool to find the cost of construction products. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 8(29), 48-56. Lesovik, V.S., Murtazaev, S-A.Y., Saidumov, M.S. (2012). Constructional composites on concrete scraps and rocks screening. Grozniy: MUE “Tipographia”. Muñoz, J.F., Tejedor, M.I., Anderson, M.A., et al. (2010). Detection of Aggregate Clay Coatings and Impacts on Concrete. ACI Mater. J., 107(4), 387-395. Murtazaev, S.-A.Y., Mintsaev, M.S., Saydumov, M.S., Aliev, S.A. (2015b). Strength and strain properties of concrete, comprising filler, produced by screening of waste crushed concrete. Modern Applied Science, 9(4), 32-44. Murtazaev, S.-A.Y., Lesovik, V.S., Bataiev, D.K.-S., Chernysheva, N.V., Saidumov, M.S. (2015a). Fine-grainedcellular concrete creep analysis technique with consideration forcarbonation. Modern Applied Science, 9(4), 233-245. Ng, S., Plank, J. (2012). Interaction Mechanisms between Na Montmorillonite Clay and MPEG-based Polycarboxylate Superplasticizers. Cem. Concr. Res., 42(6), 847-854. Ramirez, J.L., Barcena, J.M., Urreta, J.I. (1990). Proposal for Limitation and Control of Fines in Calcareous Sands Based upon Their Influence in Some Concrete Properties. Mater. Struct., 23(4), 277-288. Topcu, I.B., Ugurlu, A. (2003). Effect of the Use of Mineral Filler on the Properties of Concrete. Cem. Concr. Res., 33(7), 1071-1075. Yool, A.I.G., Lees, T.P., Fried, A. (1998). 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Development of a Mathematical Model to Assess the Accuracy of Difference between Geodetic HeightsIbragim Gairabekov, Evgenii Kliushin, Magomed-Bashir Gayrabekov, Elina Ibragimova and Amina Gayrabekova
pp. 12819-12828 | Article Number: ijese.2016.954
Abstract The article includes the results of theoretical studies of the accuracy of geodetic height survey and marks points on the Earth's surface using satellite technology. The dependence of the average square error of geodetic heights difference survey from the distance to the base point was detected. It is being proved that by using satellite technology one can define vertical displacements of the Earth's surface with accuracy sufficient for practical application. It was revealed that the use of positioning methods after the signals of global navigation satellite systems GPS and GLONASS (GNSS) for geodetic purposes has begun in Russia in the beginning of 90-s of the last century. Their essential advantages compared to traditional survey methods were revealed. These include a wide range of accuracies (from tens of meters to millimeters), independence from weather, time of day and year, absence of necessity for mutual visibility between points, high automation and, consequently, efficiency, ability to work continuously and in motion. These qualities have led to high performance and economic efficiency of GNSS, which is particularly noticeable in remote and unpopulated areas occupying a large part of our country. Currently, according to the results of the measurements by double-frequency satellite receivers the mean square error of coordinate increment calculation was reached equaling to 3 mm+1-10"bD, where D is the distance between the satellite receivers. But exceedances between the very same points can be obtained with the mean square error of 10-30 mm, which greatly increases along with the increase of the distance (D) to tens of kilometers. In traditional geodesy height and exceedances surveys are conducted relative to the surface of quasigeoid, which means that measurements are based on physical principle of measurements. As a result, geodetic networks built by traditional methods can be divided into planimetric (B and L) and vertical control H1 networks, which are almost unrelated. In this regard, for the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of geodetic application of the satellite leveling, methodology and technological support of satellite measurements require improvement. Keywords: Satellite technology; geodetic height; coordinate increment; accuracy assessment; differential; coefficient; Earth surface; deformation parameter. References Bol’shakov, D.V. (1997). Development and research of a method for determining the vertical deflection in the World ocean based on gravimetric data. PhD thesis. Moscow. Dmitriev, S.P. (1997). Inertial Methods in Engineering Geodesy. St. Petersburg: CSRI Elektropribor. Drobyshev, N.V. (2006). A recurrent algorithm for determining the vertical deflection using the gravity survey data, based on the stochastic approach. Gyroscopy and Navigation, 2, 75-84. Fagerlund, G. (1977). The Critical Degree of Saturation Method of Assessing the Freeze/Thaw Resistance of Concrete. Mater. Struct., 10(58), 379-382. Gairabekov, I.G. (2011a). Calculation of deformational surface coinciding with the basement floor line. Vestnik of North Caucasus state technical university, 1, 84-87. Gairabekov, I.G. (2011b). Geogedic survey of stress and strain state of curved objects. Materials of all-Russian research-to-practice conference "Science and education in the Chechen Republic". Groznyy. Gairabekov, I.G., Murtazaev, S.A.Yu., Pimshin, I.Yu., Ibragimova, E.I. (2015a). Certain peculiarities of geodetic networks for observing earth surface subsidence in the area of liquid mineral extraction. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 21, 29-34. Gairabekov, I.G., Pimshin, Yu.I. 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Competences Mastering Demanded by Practice as One of the Main Directions in Specialist TrainingPetr A. Korchemny
pp. 12829-12839 | Article Number: ijese.2016.955
Abstract The relevance of the presented problems in the paper is conditioned by the fact that the process of implementation of the competence approach into the educational space of Russia is in contact with a number of theoretical inconsistencies which are directly related to understanding the formation and mastering of competences. The goal of the paper lies in justification of the structure of competence and psychological (tangent- integrative) mechanism for its formation that will allow to propose a structural-functional competence model of competence’s formation in the process of learning. The leading method to study the defined problems is the method of analysis of critical incidents of professional activities of successful performers, as well as the modeling method, which allowed us to consider a scientific problem with the position of domestic systemically-active approach of individual trajectory of professional skills’ formation in the learning process. Rank places are presented of basic definitions of competence-based approach, obtained in the results of research of the concept of "competence", the comparative characteristic is given of qualities included in the concept of competency and competence, psychological tangent- integrative mechanism is justified of competence’s formation that made it possible to present the structural-functional model of competences, including the groups of professionally significant qualities that characterize the competency of a specialist. The structure of the competency and competences allows from the position of the activity approach to deepen knowledge about the nature and content of the competence approach and the structural-functional model allows us to consider the competence as psychological qualities’ system, the back-bone of which is the intention, which opens up the wide field of activity for the justification of the key professional competences of education institutions’ graduates. Keywords: Сompetency, competence, intention, tangent-integrative mechanism, psychological systems. References Bazarov, T. Yu., Yerofeev, A. K., Shmelev, A. G. (2014). Collective definition of the term "competence": an attempt to extract meaningful trends from the diffuse expert knowledge. Bulletin of Moscow University, ser. 14. Psychology, 1, 87-102. Bernstein, N.A. (1990). Physiology of movements and activity. Under the editorship of O.G.Gazenko.-Moscow: Science. Bespalov, B. I. (2014). Professionally important components of human activities and the approaches to their diagnostics. Organizational psychology, 4 (4), 12-50. Bogacheva, L. S. (2012). Competency and competence as a terminological problem. Topical issues of modern pedagogy. Materials of 2nd International scientific conference, Ufa, 123 – 125. Chitayeva, J. A. (2009). The formation of key competences of students based on national standards for vocational education (European Union and Russia): PhD thesis. Moscow, Derkach, A. 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Current Trends in the Legal Regulation of Local Self-Government: Extension of PublicityTatiana N. Mikheeva and Irina A. Boyarinceva
pp. 12841-12848 | Article Number: ijese.2016.956
Abstract Relevance of the research is caused by requirement of modern local government for creation of the stable legal base answering to the nature of the local government based on openness and publicity of local activity. The research objective consists in the analysis and assessment of the operating constitutional and legal regulation of institute of local government, identification of problems in this part and offers of their elimination. The leading approach of researching this problem is legalistic one. Its use allows to consider a research subject in a complex, to formulate determination of necessary definitions, to specify the revealed legal gaps. The results of the research are the substantiated conclusions about the current state of legal framework for local government; proposals about the perspective of its further improvement. The practical importance of conducted research is the possibility of taking into account the results obtained in the legislative process at the federal, regional and municipal levels, as well as in the enforcement of municipal formations. Keywords: Local government, legal regulation, publicity, municipal formations References Avakyan, S.А. (2012). Democracy of the protest relations: constitutional and legal measurement. Constitutional and municipal law, 1, 6-12. Gabardi Wanye (2001). Contemporary Models of Democrasy. Polity, 33, (4), 23-29. Kostukov, А. N. (2014) Reform to anywhere. Constitutional and municipal law, 4, 58-63. Constitution of the Russian Federation (2013). Russian newspaper, on the 25th of December Kutafin, O. E., Fadeyev, V. I. (2008). Municipal law of the Russian Federation. Moscow: Prospekt. Kudryavtzev, V.V., Mikheeva T.N. and Mikheev D.S. (2016). Publicity Problems in Formation of Representative Bodies of Municipalities in the Russian Federation. The Social Sciences, 11 (8). 1919-1922. Kudryavtzev, V.V., Mikheeva T.N. (2015). Publicity at the Formation of Municipal Authorities of European States. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6. DOI:10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s7p419. 419 -423. Mikheev, D.S. (2014). Responsibility of local government bodies before the population as element of the principle of publicity. Law and right, 4, 41-45. Mikheev, D.S. (2012). Interaction of citizens with municipal bodies as the mechanism of implementation of the principle of publicity of local government. Russian justice, 7, 17-19. Mikheev, D.S. (2014). Regulation of the principle of publicity of local government in the legislation of the Russian Federation. Euroasian legal magazine, 2 (69), 120-121. Mikheev, D.S., Dudko, I.G. and Mikheeva, T.N., (2015). Public Control in the Mechanism of Realization of the Principle of Local Authority Publicity. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6. DOI:10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s7, 41 - 44. Mikheev, D.S., Mikheeva, T.N. and Mokoseeva M.A., (2015). On the experience of legal regulation of the principle of local authorities in German law. Review of European Studies, 7, 8, http//dx.doi.org/: 10.5539/res.v7n8p23. 23-27. Mikheeva, T.N. (2002). About some problems of institute of municipal service. Public service, 4 (18). 102-107. Mikheeva, T.N., Kudryavtzev, V.V., (2015).Transparency in the Process of Formation of the Local Administration: A Comparative Legal Analysis. Asian Social Science, 19. 98 -105. Mikheeva, T.N., Likhoshva, A.O. (2016) Modern Approaches to Publicity and Independence of Local Government: Experience of American Municipalities: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 7, 1. Doi: 10.5901/ mjss.2016.v7n1s1p31. 31 – 35. Message of the President of the Russian Federation to Federal Assembly of Russia (2013). Russian newspaper, December 13. Pronkin, S.V., Petrunina, O.E. (2001). Public administration of foreign countries. Moscow: Aspect Press. Prudentov, R. V. (2014). The draft of the framework programme of reforms in the sphere of local government in Russia. Constitutional and municipal law, 4, 64-70. Prudnikov, А.S. (2007). Local self-government in foreign countries. Moscow: Unity Dana: Law and right. Salov, О. (2001). Local self-government today. Moscow: Economy. Timofeev, N.S. (2012). Traditions, innovations and loans in the context of modern reforms of local government. Constitutional and municipal law, 1, 18-27. Timofeev, N.S. (2014). Местное самоуправление как ожидание новогодней ночи (к 150-летию земства). Constitutional and municipal law, 5, 52-58. The federal law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ "About the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation" (2003). Russian Federation Code, 40. Velikhov, L.A. (1996). Bases of municipal economy: the general doctrine about the city, his management, finance and methods of economy. Moscow: Science. |
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Tourism and the Economic Challenges of Mahikeng: A Residents’ PerspectiveMarius Potgieter and Alpheaus Litheko
pp. 12849-12864 | Article Number: ijese.2016.957
Abstract Tourism, once it secured high-level deliberation, can be a mechanism of growth driving economic prosperity. The South African government maintains tourism’s status as key strategic area and devised the National Tourism Sector Strategy aimed at increasing domestic tourism. Mahikeng is the provincial capital city and seat of the North West government who also proclaimed tourism as a strategic area for development. However, very little is known about Mahikeng’s almost non-existing tourism industry and its developmental potential as contributor to the alleviation of the economic challenges faced by local stakeholders. A major stakeholder for generating the economic value of tourism is the active involvement of the local community, and the focus of this study is on residents. A synthesis of industry occurrences and literature led to the conceptualization of this study. A qualitative descriptive survey was undertaken and 303 residents participated in this survey to obtain an impression of residents’ perspective of tourism and its development. Residents expressed that they are not really aware of tourism facilities (43%) but conveyed that support for tourism development is vital for success (74%). An overwhelming percentage of respondents, 80%, strongly agreed that they indeed would patronage the development of tourism, and this should spur public and private stakeholders to consider tourism as a means of addressing the economic challenges of Mahikeng. Keywords: Tourism, strategic development, residents, destination marketing, marketing References Adams, L.A. & Lawrence, E.K. (2015). Research methods, statistics, and applications. Los Angeles: Sage. Andereck, K.L. & Nyaupane, G. (2010). Exploring the nature of tourism and quality of life perceptions among residents. Journal of Travel Research, 50(3): 248-260. Australia. 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Knowledge Growth: Applied Models of General and Individual Knowledge EvolutionGalina Iu.Silkina and Svetlana A. Bakanova
pp. 12865-12874 | Article Number: ijese.2017.003
Abstract The article considers the mathematical models of the growth and accumulation of scientific and applied knowledge since it is seen as the main potential and key competence of modern companies. The problem is examined on two levels - the growth and evolution of objective knowledge and knowledge evolution of a particular individual. Both processes are described mathematically by exponential and logistic laws and parameters (intensity of knowledge obsolescence and the knowledge half-life period) allowing application of the models to real practise of knowledge management. Keywords: knowledge growth; knowledge obsolescence; knowledge management References Bakanova S.A. (2015). Graph-analytical model of knowledge spreadng in organizations. St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University Journal. Economics, 1(211), 189-196. doi: 10.5862/JE.211.21. Bakanova S.A., Silkina G.Iu. (2015) Knowledge dissemination process in parametrized networks of enterprises. St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University Journal. Economics, 2(216), 133-146. doi: 10.5862/JE.216.16. De Solla Price, D. J. (1966). Networks of Scientific Papers. Science, 149 (3683), 510–515. doi:10.1126/science.149.3683.510. Dudelin Yu.A., Kazakova N.V. (2010). Innovation transfer strategy in innovation systems. Innovacionnyj vestnik region, 4, 54-59. Glkhov V.V., Korobko S.B., Marinina T.B. (2003). Knowledge economy: tutorial. Saint-Petersburg: Piter, 528. Gusakov M.A. (2012). Institutional environment of breakthrough technologies. Innovacii, 6(164), 23—29. Makarov V.L. (2009). Review of mathematical models in innovation economy. Jekonomika i matematicheskie metody, 1, 3-14. Mikhailov A.I., Chernyi A.I. and Giliarevskii R.S. (1976). Scientific Communication and Informatics. Moscow: Nauka, 671. Pipiya L.K. (2008). Measuring Knowledge Economy: Theory and Practice. Moscow: Institut problem razvitija nauki RAN, 191. Ratner S.V. (2010) Scenarios of stratification in innovation network. Setevye modeli v upravlenii, 30.1, 774-7987 Russian innovation index (2011). Moscow: Vysshaja shkola, 84. Shafranov-Kutsev G.F. (2009). Professional education in the information explosion. Vestnik Tjumenskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 9, 6-13. Silkina G.Iu., Sevchenko S.Iu (2014). Innovative processes in the knowledge economy. Analysis and Modeling. Saint-Petersburg: Izd-vo Politehn. un-ta, 167. Yablonsky A.I. (1977). Structure and dynamics of modern science (some methodological problems). Sistemnye issledovanija: ezhegodnik. Moscow: Nauka, 66-90. |
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Differences of Regional Development in Russia and Mexico: Is Cluster Policy Reducing the Gap?René F. Lara Cervantes and Julia V. Dubrovskaya
pp. 12875-12890 | Article Number: ijese.2017.004
Abstract Clusters have been of interest to researchers since the 19th century. Today clusters are viewed as an integral element in broader industrial innovation processes or systems. In this paper we focused on the current cluster policy in Russia and Mexico. The main questions concern the effects of a cluster policy and the implications they have for the differentiation of regions. Using the theory of economic growth and the models of modern economic geography, as well the methods of spatial analysis and spatial econometrics, we have constructed the regression model of resource and institutional groups of factors influence on the level of regional development. This model allows us to substantiate the dominance of different groups of factors above the level of regional development in economic systems with high differentiation of local territories. The results of econometric analysis have proved our assumption that the differences among regions in Russia and Mexico mostly arise due to geographical location and natural resources endowments. These considerations have become the starting point of the conception of territorial differentiation decrease on the base of clustered forms of interaction. However, our findings suggest that, in both cases, the current cluster policy increases the regional development gap due to a centralised economic policy that often disregards regional needs and capabilities. Keywords: Regional development, regional differentiation, innovation development, cluster policy References Aitbayeva, D.G., Zhubanova, K.M., Kulgildinova, A.T., Tusupbekova, M.G. & and Uaisova, I.G. (2016). Formation of education clusters as a way to improve education. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 11 (9), 3053- 3064 Bek, M.A., Bek, N., Sheresheva & M.Y., Johnston, W.J. (2013). 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Modern innovative entrepreneurship: Economic efficiency and organizational structure. Actual Problems of Economics, Vol. 2 Varga, S., Vujisic, D. & Zrakovic, M. (2013). State aid for innovation clusters in the Republic of Serbia. The International Journal of Public Sector Management, 26 (2), 102-110. Woodward, Douglas P. (2012). Industry location, economic development incentives, and clusters. The Review of Regional Studies, 42, 5–23. |
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Green Future of Latin America: Challenges and OpportunitiesBoris Dziura
pp. 12891-12902 | Article Number: ijese.2016.958
Abstract Current paper analyses opportunities and challenges of energy and low carbon development of Latin America. The results of the research have shown that to be competitive at the global market Latin America should find efficient solutions related to the providing equal access to energy services; achieving safety of supply of energy; achieving environmental sustainability. The analysis has been done on data of IndexMundi for the period, covering 1990-2012 (Renewable energy consumption by Latin America, the EU and the US, % of total final energy consumption) and 1960-2011 (CO2 emissions in Latin America, the EU and the US). More fresh data are unavailable. The transition to green economy in Latin America is mainly hindered by poor effectiveness of regulatory policies in the sphere of renewables and lack concrete and effective policies to deploy the wide range of investments required to implement projects related to renewables. Other barriers include the lack of economic resources; the failure of governments to prioritise development of renewable in favor of extending the penetration of fossil fuels; biased and incorrect beliefs about the economics of renewables; the lack of research and development; the low level of private sector involvement; and low effectiveness of collaboration among the public and private sectors and society. For improving energy efficiency and decreasing of CO2 emissions there have been proposed activities for expanding access to energy services in Latin America, measures of energy sector development, as well as obstacles and solutions to the development for energy policy in Latin America. Keywords: Latin America, energy development, low-carbon development References Allderdice, A., Winiecki, J., & Morris, E. (2007). Using Microfinance to Expand Access to Energy Services: A Desk Study of Experiences in Latin America and the Caribbean. Citi/USAID/The SEEP Network, Washington DC. 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Caracas, Venezuela: CAF, Corporación Andina de Fomento. Haylock, M. R., Peterson, T. C., Alves, L. M., Ambrizzi, T., Anunciação, Y. M. T., Baez, J., … Vincent, L. A. (2006). Trends in Total and Extreme South American Rainfall in 1960–2000 and Links with Sea Surface Temperature. Journal of Climate, 19(8), 1490–1512. http://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI3695.1 Herreras Martínez, S., Koberle, A., Rochedo, P., Schaeffer, R., Lucena, A., Szklo, A., … van Vuuren, D. P. (2015). Possible energy futures for Brazil and Latin America in conservative and stringent mitigation pathways up to 2050. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 98, 186–210. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2015.05.006 IFC. (2013). Access to Energy in Low-income Communities in the Latin America and Caribbean Region: Lessons Learned and Recommendations. International Finance Corporation. 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Energy Economics, 56, 526–542. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.eneco.2015.11.019 Vincent, L. A., Peterson, T. C., Barros, V. R., Marino, M. B., Rusticucci, M., Carrasco, G., … Karoly, D. (2005). Observed Trends in Indices of Daily Temperature Extremes in South America 1960–2000. Journal of Climate, 18(23), 5011–5023. http://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI3589.1 Yépez-Garcia, R. A., Johnson, T., & Andrés, L. A. (2011). Meeting the balance of electricity supply and demand in Latin America and the Caribbean. Washington, D.C: World Bank. |
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The Readiness of English Communication Skills of Tourism Employees in Bangkok for Entering the ASEAN CommunityBavornluck Kuosuwan
pp. 12903-12907 | Article Number: ijese.2016.959
Abstract The objective of this research was to study the readiness of English communication skills of tourism employees in Bangkok for entering the ASEAN community. The scope of this research included the employees from 26 tourism companies. A sample group was determined by utilizing multiple-stage sampling. At least three samples were collected from each tour company. A total of 100 samples were collected. Four skills of English communication included listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Questionnaire was designed to collect data. Statistics analysis included percentage, means, and standard deviation. The research findings revealed that the employees of the tourism industry in Bangkok seriously need to develop and improve their skills in English communication especially listening and speaking which are the skills that is required to communicate with foreigners. Keywords: ASEAN, Employees, English Skill, Tourism References Andreeva, E.V. & Ushakov, D.S. (2016). Regional and demographic tourists’ inflows distribution as a factor of the national tourism competitiveness. Actual Problems of Economics. #9 ASEAN Secretariat. (2009). ASEAN Economic Community (Online).Available at http://www.aseansec.org/18757.htm. Atipat, A. (2011). Form of self-learning to use English for communication ecotourism in Thaka, Umpawa, Samut Songkhram. Journal of Research and Development. 3 , 34. Chanroensuk, P. & Chanroensuk, A. (2010). English for Thailand's economy into the ASEAN Economic Community in 2015. Executive Journal, 38 . Croft, R. (2004). Communication theory. (E Book). Available at http://www.eoou.edu/rcroft/MM350/commucationalModels.pdf. Dowling, G.R. & Uncles, M. (1997). Do customer loyalty programs really work? Fornell, C. & Wernerfeelt, B. (1987). Defensive marketing strategy by customer complaint management: A theoretical analysis. Journal of marketing research, 24 (p.337-346). Jago, L.K. & Shaw, R.N. (1998). Special event: a conceptual and defintional framework, Journal of Festival Management and Event Tourism, Vol.5. Ministry of Tourism and Sport, (2008). Strategies to Improve Thai Tourism. Bangkok, Thailand. Phongpanith, N. (2011). The study the problem of English in the oral communication of the Faculty of Management Science. Kasetsart University Sriracha campus. Journal of Humanities, 18 (1), 86. Sangpikul, A. (2008). A Factor-cluster analysis of tourist motivation: a case of US.senior travelers. Dhurakit Pundit University, Bangkok Shoemaker, S. & Lewis, R.C. (1999). Customer loyalty: the future of hospitality marketing, Journal of Hospitality Marketing. Vol.18 No.4. Sloan management review, 38, (p.71-82). Ushakov, D. & Simasathiansophon, N. (2016). Transnationalization as a trend of the present stage of international tourism development. Actual Problems of Economics. #2. Ushakov, D. (2014). Government regulation of urban tourism system: Problems and limitations of efficiency (Case of Bangkok Metropolitan, Thailand). Actual Problems of Economics. #6. Wongleedee, K. (2012). Satisfaction, global senior tourist in Thailand. ICEMT Conference. 2012. (p.7-11). Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University. Yamane, T. (1973). Statistics: An introductory analysis, 3rd edition, New York, Harper and Row. |
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Circular Migration and its Impacts in the Current Stage of GlobalizationMagdalena Privarova and Andrej Privara
pp. 12909-12917 | Article Number: ijese.2016.960
Abstract In recent years, the concept of circular migration is increasingly getting into the center of attention among economic theorists as well as decision-makers in the field of international labor migration. In the current conditions of globalization, circular migration could solve some of the pitfalls encountered on the return migration. This paper outlines the genesis of the concept of circular migration and analyses the impacts of this phenomenon on the development of countries of origin. It also draws attention to the need of establishing mechanisms to ensure the circulating nature of migration movement. To do this, it is necessary to meet certain conditions. In this context, international cooperation on migration is a necessary condition for a “win-win-win” strategy as an important part of circular migration. The paper outlines the various forms of this cooperation. Keywords: Circular migration, development of countries of origin, international cooperation References Ammassari, S. & Black, R. (2008). Harnessing the Potential of Migration and return to promote Development in Asia and the pacific.. Bovenkerk, F. (1974). The Sociology of return Migration: a Bibliographic Essay. Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague. Cassarino, J.-P. (2004). Theorising Return Migration: a revisited conceptual approach to return migrants. EUI Working Papers No. 24. Commisssion des Communautés européennes, Communication de la Commission au Parlement européen, au Conseil économique et social européen et au Comité des régions relative aux migrations circulaires et aux partenariats pour la mobilité entre l´Union européenne et les pays tiers. COM (2007) 248, Bruxelles, 16 mai 2007. Dayton-Johnson, J. & Xenogiani, T. (2007). Immigration, développement et arbitrages entre politiques. Revue d´économie du développement, No 2. GCIM (2005). Les migrations dans un monde interconnecté: nouvelles perspectives d´action. Rapport de la Commission mondiale sur les migrations internationales. Bruxelles. GFMD: Rapport de la première réunion du Forum mondial sur la migration e tle développement. Bruylant, Bruxelles, 16 mai 2007. Ghosh, B. (2009). Return Migration: Reshaping Policy Approaches. In Ghosh, B. (ed.), Return Migration: What Works?, GMF Immigration Paper Series No. 09. Hugo, G. (1983). New Conceptual Approaches to Migration in the Context of Urbanization: A Discussion Based on Indonesian Experience. In Morrison, P.A. (ed.), Population Movements. Their Forms and Functions in Urbanization and Development, Ordina Editions, Liège. Katseli, L., Lucas & R.E.B., Xenogiani, T. (2006). Effects of migrations on sending countries: what do we know?, OECD Research programe on Economic and Social Effects of Migration on Sending Countries, Working Paper No. 250. Newland, K., Agunias, D., & Terrazas, A. (2008). Learning by Doing: Experiences of Circular Migration. Insight, Migration Policy Institute. Newland, K. (2009). Circular Migration and Human Development. UNDP, Human Development Research Paper No. 42. http://www.migrationpolicy.org/pubs/newland_2009.pdf Poutvaara, P. (2005). Public education in an integrated Europe: Studying to migrate and teaching to stay? ZEI Working Paper B 03-2005, ZEI – Center for European Integration Studies, University of Bonn. Ushakov, D. & ,Zhmykhova, N. (2015). International migrant flows and national migration policy: Quality correlation and scenarios of interdependence (the case of European Union). Actual Problems of Economics, # 8. |
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Towards Communication Theory of HomesteadingPavel Slutskiy
pp. 12919-12935 | Article Number: ijese.2016.961
Abstract This paper addresses the question of what types of acts constitute, or are sufficient for homesteading, or initial appropriation from the state of the unowned; in other words, what "counts" as "sufficient" homesteading. In the tradition of Locke, Rothbard, Hoppe and Kinsella, it has long been argued that homesteading (or original appropriation) by decree does not suffice, and an intending actor who wants to homestead a previously unowned resource needs to create “an objective link” between himself and the resource by transforming it, or by starting to control it, according to its nature. In contrast to this concept, this paper argues that since ownership and property rights are not physical, but purely social concepts, they therefore have very little to do with physical control and physical transformation. Initial appropriation represents a social act of communicating a property right claim, and should be examined as such, hence homesteading by verbal decree should suffice. Keywords: Ownership, Property Rights, Homesteading, Appropriation, Property Rights Ethics. References Hoppe, H.-H. (1989). A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism, Economics, Politics, and Ethics. Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn, US Alabama. Hoppe, H.-H. (1998). Introduction to The Ethics of Liberty by Rothbard, M. N. New York, N.Y.: University Press: xi–xliii. Hoppe, H.-H. (2006). The Economics and Ethics of Private Property: Studies in Political Economy and Philosophy. Auburn: Mises Institute. Jasay de, A. (1997). Against Politics: on Government, Anarchy and Order. London: Routledge. Kinsella, S. N. (2003). A Libertarian Theory of Contract: Title Transfer, Binding Promises, and Inalienability. Journal of Libertarian Studies, Volume 17, no. 2 (Spring): 11–37. Kinsella, S. N. (2007). Thoughts on the Latecomer and Homesteading Ideas. Mises Blog. August 15. Retrieved from http://blog.mises.org/archives/006992.asp. Kinsella, S. N. (2009). Intellectual Property and Libertarianism. Mises Blog. November 17. Retrieved from http://mises.org/library/intellectual-property-and-libertarianism. Kinsella, S. N., Tucker J. A. (2010). Goods, Scarce and Nonscarce. Mises Blog. August 25. Retrieved from https://mises.org/library/goods-scarce-and-nonscarce. Kinsella, S. N. (2013). Locke’s big mistake: How the Labor Theory of Property Ruined Political Theory: Transcript. Retrieved from http://c4sif.org/2013/04/lockes-big-mistake-how-the-labor-theory-of-property-ruined-political-theory-transcript/. Kinsella, S. N. (2014). The Limits of Libertarianism: A Dissenting View. StephanKinsella.com. Austro-Anarchist Libertarian Legal Theory. April-June 20. Retrieved from http://www.stephankinsella.com/2014/04/the-limits-of-libertarianism-a-dissenting-view/. Locke, J. [(1690) (1980)]. Second Treatise of Government. Edited, with an Introduction, By C.B. McPherson, Hackett Publishing Company, Indianapolis and Cambridge. Long, R.T. (1993) Punishment vs. Restitution: A Formulation. Free Nation Foundation. Retrieved from http://www.freenation.org/a/f12l2.html. Michel, C. (2009). Why We Have Rights. Mises Daily, November 3. Retrieved from http://mises.org/library/why-we-have-rights. Reinach, A. (1983). The Apriori Foundations of the Civil Law. Trans. J.F. Crosby. Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 3: 31–142. Rothbard, M. N. (1982). The Ethics of Liberty. New York University Press. New York, N.Y. Rothbard, M. N. (1997). Law, Property Rights, and Air Pollution. The Logic of Action Two, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar: 121-170. Searle, J. R.(1995). The Construction of Social Reality. New York: Free Press. Searle, J. R. (2001). Rationality in Action. Cambridge, MA and London: The MIT Press. Searle, J.R. (2003). Reply to Barry Smith. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 62: 299–309. Smith, B. (2003). John Searle: from speech acts to social reality. In B. Smith (ed.), John Searle. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Soto de, H. (2000). The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else. New York: Basic Books. Terrell, T. (2000). The Origin of Property Rights: A Critique of Rothbard and Hoppe on Natural Rights. Faith & Economics, Number 3 (Fall): 1–9. |
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Dynamics of International Economical Relationships in The Global Context of Innovative ModernizationDenis Ushakov
pp. 12937-12945 | Article Number: ijese.2016.962
Abstract Innovative modernization of economy provides abilities to rapidly change the internal and external economic interactions in the countries, to increase level of their own integration into global economic space; but also, generates a number of socio-economic problems associated primarily with asynchronous dynamics of innovation processes in the world. The paper based on the macroeconomic indicators analysis determines patterns of innovatization global dynamics, tests a hypothesis about countries’ positioning in the global modernization process, supposes forecasts on global high-tech and innovative products’ markets development, taking into account modern competition’s dynamics. Keywords: Innovative modernization, high-tech markets, technology, innovative industries, innovative potential. References Atkinson, R. & Leigh, A. (2003). Customer-oriented e-government: Can we ever get there? In Gurtin, G., Sommer, M., (2003). The World of E-Government (pp. 80-98). Binghampton, NY: Haworth Press. Dunleavy, P., Margetta, H., Bastow, S. & Tinkler, J. (2005). New Public Management is Dead – Long Live Governance. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 16(3). Giddens, A. (2007). The Consequences of Modernity. Cambridge: Polity. Howlett, M., Rayner, J. (2006). Globalization and Governance Capacity: Explaning Divergence in National Forest Programs as Instances of “Next-Generation” Regulation in Canada and Europe. Governance, 19(2). Hutton, W. (2007). The Writing on the Wall: China and the West in the 21st Century. London: Little, Brown. Ingraham, P. (2005). Performance: Promises to Keep and Miles to Go. Public Administration Review. 65(4). Lundvall, В. (1992). National Systems of Innovation: Towards a Theory of Innovation and Interactive Learning. London: Printer Publishers. Mann G. (2002). Global Electronic Commerce. Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics. Marchand D. (2009). How to keep up with the hyper competition. Mastering Information Management. February Montri Chulavatnatol (2006). Iminovation TM. National Innovation Agency. Bangkok. Thailand. Skufina T.P., Baranov S.V., Samarina V.P. (2016). Dependency between economic development of Russian regions and their level of informatization, 7(181). Smart, B. (2009). Postmodernity. London, New York: Routledge. The Global New E-Economy Index: A Cyber-Atlas (2012). 5th Edition. Tiihonen, S. (2004). From Governing to Governance. A process of change. Tampere: Tampere University Press. Tymoshenko O.V. (2016). Globalization impact on economic development of the state. Actual Problems of economics, 6(180). |
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Evaluating the Effectiveness of Computer Applications in Developing English LearningJames Todd Whitaker
pp. 12947-12958 | Article Number: ijese.2016.963
Abstract I examined the effectiveness of self-directed learning and English learning with computer applications on college students in Bangkok, Thailand, in a control-group experimental-group pretest-posttest design. The hypothesis was tested using a t test: two-sample assuming unequal variances to establish the significance of mean scores between the two groups for the pretest and the posttest. Both groups studied under normal classroom conditions; however, the experimental group supplemented their learning by using English language learning computer applications outside normal class hours in a self-directed manner. In addition, I reviewed usage and performance metrics with the students at the start of each class to activate and maintain momentum in the learners. At the conclusion of the experiment and after the posttest, the experimental group was surveyed using a semantic differential rating scale to better understand their computer learning experience. The findings were significant; the experimental group learning with the software outperformed the control group in terms of posttest mean scores. The students felt the software tool was “effective” and rated it highly; however, finding time to use the software was scored as “easy” but with a bias toward “hard.” Keywords: Computer language learning, self-directed learning, English software learning applications References Abdolahzadeh, E., & Nia, R. M. (2014). Language learning beliefs of Iranian learners: Examining the role of English language proficiency. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 98, 22-28. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.03.384 Al-Mansour, N. S., & Al-Shorman, R. A. (2012). The effect of computer-assisted instruction on Saudi university students' learning of English. Journal of King Saud University - Languages and Translation, 24, 51-56. doi: 10.1016/j.jksult.2009.10.001 Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. 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Investigating the ICT needs of ‘Digital Natives’ in the learning of English in a public university in East Malaysia. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 118, 242-250. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.02.033 Mahmoudi, E., Samad, A., & Razak, N. Z. (2012). Attitude and students' performance in computer assisted English language learning (CAELL) for learning vocabulary. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 66, 489-498. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.11.293 Osgood, C. E. (1952). The nature and measurement of meaning. Psychological Bulletin, 49, 197-237. Retrieved from http://www.communicationcache.com/uploads/1/0/8/8/10887248/the_nature_and_measurement_of_meaning.pdf Razak, N. Z., Ismail, F., Aziz, A., & Babikkoi, M. A. (2012). Assessing the use of English language learning strategies among secondary school students in Malaysia. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 66, 240-246. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.11.266 Sandberg, J., Maris, M., & de Geus, K. (2011). Mobile English learning: An evidence-based study with fifth graders. Computers & Education, 57, 1334-1347. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2011.01.015 Schmidt, R., & Bjork, R. A. (1992). New conceptualizations of practice: Common principles in three paradigms suggest new concepts for training. Psychological Science, 3, 207-217. Retrieved from http://bjorklab.psych.ucla.edu/pubs/Schmidt_RBjork_1992.pdf Tang, A. C., Wong, N., & Wong, T. K. (2015). Learning experience of Chinese nursing students in an online clinical English course: Qualitative study. Nurse Education Today, 35, e61-e66. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2014.11.017 Zimmerman, B. J. (2000). Self-efficacy: An essential motive to learn. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25, 82-91. doi:10.1006/ceps.1999.1016 |
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Design of the Construction and Parameters Justification of Stud-Belt Seeding Machine for Application of the Main Dose of Mineral FertilizerZiyada Zhaksylykova, Dzhadyger Eskozhin, Sayakhat Nukeshev, Yerzhan Akhmetov and Kairat Yeskhozhin
pp. 12959-12972 | Article Number: ijese.2016.971
Abstract As a result of the performed analytical and experimental work, a studded belt mineral fertilizer feeder has been developed and manufactured. It can ensure applying a greater fertilizer portion on a wide area. Due to avoidance of batch feeding, it ensures uniform fertilizer distribution in the soil. Uniform fertilizer distribution on the belt conveyor, as well as in the soil, depends on the stud arrangement pattern on the belt surface. The article provides a rationale for the optimal parameters of the stud arrangement on the running belt, its optimum angle in the longitudinal vertical plane, and the longitudinal stud arrangement parameters. We have also developed the fertilizer feeder's structural design and provided a rationale for it, theoretically determined the main functional dependencies between its parameters. We have tested the capability of the experimental fertilizer feeder of mineral fertilizer feeding at an increased rate and determined its main parameters in laboratory conditions. Laboratory experiments confirmed the development prospects and a distribution irregularity reduction to 5.7%–8.4%. Keywords: Mineral fertilizer application; studded belt conveyor; seeding machine; metering; stud line. References Adler, Yu.P., Markova, E.V., Granovskii, Yu.V. (1976). Planning an experiment in the search for optimal conditions. Moscow: Nauka.
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Mineral Resources of the Geothermal Sources of the North CaucasusMagomed Mintsaev, Fatima Machigova, Zulai Khadasheva, Sergei Cherkasov and Tatiana Churikova
pp. 12973-12984 | Article Number: ijese.2016.972
Abstract The growth in the world consumption of raw materials resources accompanied by depletion of ore deposits explains the interest of many countries in the mineral potential of thermal waters. The Russian Federation has vast stocks of geothermal resources, this said, 74.3% of reserves are located in the North Caucasus. The paper contains material indicating substantial hydromineral potential of the North Caucasus, exploitation of which will allow extending the raw material resources base of not only this region but also the country as a whole. Keywords: Mineral resources; geothermal sources; geothermal potential; thermal waters; valuable elements; raw material stocks. References Chin, T. C., Klyushyn, E.B., Kravchuk, I.М., Chan, K. (2012). The effect of Earth curvature on engineering and geodesy works. Geodesy and aerial photograph, 1, 11-15. Fedoseyev, Y.E. (2010). Use of digital levels for precision work: theory, practice, problems. 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Zaurbekov, S., Mintsaev, M.Sh., Shaipov, A.A., Machigova, F.I., Churikova, T.G., Cherkasov, S.V., Gairabekov, I.G. (2016). Prospects of the Multilevel Use of Geothermal Resources of the Khankalaa Deposit of the Chechen Republic. Information, 19(2), 437-443. |
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Antisense Expression Repertoire of the Human BrainHaiyang Hu, Xi Jiang, Ning Fu and Philip Khaytovich
pp. 12985-13000 | Article Number: ijese.2016.973
Abstract Gene expression is the most fundamental level at which the genotype gives rise to the phenotype. Therefore, when and where, why and how a gene would be expressed is of the upmost importance during biology process. One type of expression – the antisense transcription – occurs between a pair of genes that are encoded in an overlapping and opposite orientation (sense and antisense gene pair, SAS pair). Keywords: Gene; human brain; sequencing (RNA-seq) References Alfano, G., Vitiello, C., Caccioppoli, C., Caramico, T., Carola, A., Szego, M. J. (2005). Natural antisense transcripts associated with genes involved in eye development. Hum. Mol. Genet., 14, 913-923. Argaman, L., Hershberg, R., Vogel, J., Bejerano, G., Wagner, E.G., Margalit, H., Altuvia, S. (2001). Novel small RNA-encoding genes in the intergenic regions of Escherichia coli.Curr Biol., 11 (12), 941-950. Babak, T., Blencowe, B. J., Hughes, T. R. (2007). 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Possible Positive Selection on the Regulation of TMEM159-ZP2-CRYM in Human CerebellumGanjcai Xie, Xi Jiang, Ning Fu and Philip Khaytovich
pp. 13001-13022 | Article Number: ijese.2016.974
Abstract At this post-genome age, we have already known that human has quite similar genome compared to its closest extant cousin, chimpanzee. It had been proposed that the changes at the regulation level rather than at the protein coding sequence level play more important roles during human evolution. In this study, we focused on the genes that are conserved among human, chimpanzee and rhesus macaques, and examined the ones that possibly went through positive selection on gene expression regulation in human. Interestingly, our study revealed one previously un-characterized gene cluster TMEM159-ZP2-CRYM that is specifically regulated in the human genome. The genes in this cluster show dramatic age-related changes in human cerebellum, specifically, they are co-up regulated at early human cerebellum post-natal developmental stage and keep their high expression levels to the whole later life span. To carry out this inter-species gene expression comparison, we had developed a new method named BITS, which is based on high-throughput transcriptome sequencing data and can estimate the gene expression level for different species in more conserved and balanced way. Based on BITS method, we observed significant divergence to diversity ratio difference between protein-coding genes and pseudogenes as well as more species-specific up-regulated genes in human brain areas than in non-brain tissues. This study could be valuable for further functional study of human specific features as well as inter-species gene expression comparison. Finally, we show that the down-regulation of TMEM159-ZP2-CRYM is correlated with several human diseases, which might indicate their important functions in human cerebellum. Keywords: Human brain; sequencing (RNA-seq); transcriptome. References BLAST. (2016). NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information. http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi. BLAT. 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Protein kinase D mediates mitochondrion-to-nucleus signaling and detoxification from mitochondrial reactive oxygen species. Mol. Cell. Biol., 25, 8520-8530. Wang, W., Zheng, H., Yang, S., Yu, H., Li, J., Jiang, H. (2005). Origin and evolution of new exons in rodents. Genome Res., 15, 1258-1264. Yelin, R., Dahary, D., Sorek, R., Levanon, E. Y., Goldstein, O., Shoshan, A. (2003). Widespread occurrence of antisense transcription in the human genome. Nat. Biotechnol., 21, 379-386. Zhu, Z., Zhang, Y., Long, M. (2009). Extensive structural renovation of retrogenes in the evolution of the Populus genome. Plant Physiol., 151, 1943-1951. |
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A Genome-Wide Survey of MicroRNA Expression Associated with Sexual Maturation in Macaque TestisGuodong Zhao, Zheng Yan, Ning Fu, Haiyang Hu and Philip Khaytovich
pp. 13023-13032 | Article Number: ijese.2016.975
Abstract Small RNA including microRNA (miRNA) and Piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA) play important roles in germline maintenance and maturation in a wide variety of species. However, relatively little is known about the role of miRNA in male germline maturation in humans and other primates. Here, we focused on rhesus macaques, as a model primate species closely related to humans, to study small RNA expression in testis samples throughout postnatal development and maturation. During testis development, we observe a sharp transition in overall miRNA and piRNA expression levels resulting from a rise in piRNA and a corresponding decrease in miRNA abundance. Unexpectedly, this transition takes place at approximately one year of age – far earlier than rhesus macaque sexual maturation at 4-5 years of age. Although the overall trend is for declining expression, we identified a group of 29 miRNA that show a marked increase in expression in macaque testis at approximately five years of age – the time interval associated with macaque sexual maturation. These miRNA are preferentially expressed in testis and tend to target genes involved in transcriptional regulation, DNA binding, cell migration, embryonic morphogenesisand variety of other functions associated with growth and development. In addition, 14 of these 29 miRNA originate from one primate-specific miRNA cluster. Keywords: Testis; miRNA; rhesus macaque; sexual maturity; male reproduction. References Ambros, V. (2004). The functions of animal microRNAs. Nature, 431, 350-355.
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Reflexive Management of the Professional Formation of Would-Be TeachersOlga Vladimirovna Gnevek, Lyubov Ivanovna Savva, and Nikolai Yakovlevich Saigushev
pp. 13033-13041 | Article Number: ijese.2016.976
Abstract The reflexive management of the professional formation of would-be teachers means that students develop subjective and personal attitude to the created models, so that the latter acquire some personal meaning. For this purpose, we involved students in the development of the educational content and taught them the methods of creating and solving reflexive-pictographic pedagogical tasks in a simulated situation. Keywords: Reflexive Management, Model of Reflexive Management, Personal Meaning, Professional Formation, Reflexive Management Techniques References Game modeling: methodology and practice. (1987). Ed. A.A. Verbitsky. Novosibirsk: Nauka. Kayumova, L. A., Savva, L. I., Soldatchenko, A. L., Sirazetdinov, R. M. & Akhmetov, L. G. (2016). The technology of forming of innovative content for engineering education. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, June, 11(9), 3029-3039. DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.901a ISSN: 1306-3065. Leontev, D. A. (1988). Personal meaning and the transformation of a mental image. MSU Vestnik, 2, 3-12. Maslow, A. (1982). Self-actualization. In: Psychology of a Personality. Moscow. Mazhar, N.E. (1996). Theoretical foundations for development of teacher’s creative individuality. PhD Thesis in Pedagogical Sciences. Moscow. Nemensky, B.M. (1996). Didactics through the artist’s eyes. Pedagogy, 3, 19-24. Novikov, D. A. (2009). The theory structure of the socio-economic systems management. In: The management of large systems. Moscow: Institute of Control Sciences, 24, 216-257. Saigushev, N. Y. (1997). Collection of tasks on pictographic pedagogy. Magnitogorsk: Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. Saigushev, N. Y. (1997). Pedagogy in drawings. Textbook. A manual for students of pedagogical universities. Magnitogorsk: Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. Saigushev, N. Y. (2000). History of education: A case of reflective analysis. Textbook. Magnitogorsk: Magnitogorsk State University. Saigushev, N. Y. (2001). Conceptual and content model of the reflexive management of professional formation of would-be teachers. St. Petersburg: Obrazovaniye-Kultura. Saigushev, N., Savva, L., Vedeneeva, O. & Tsaran A. (2016). The development of positive mounting on efficiency increase of mastery in marketing among engineering university students. SHS Web of Conferences, 28. Savva, L. I., Akmanova, S. V. & Yakovlev, L. A. et al. (2008). Conditions of the humanization of higher education. Multi-authored monograph. Ed. L.I. Savva. Magnitogorsk: Magnitogorsk State University. Savva, L. I., Saigushev, N. Y. & Soldatchenko, A. L. (2015). Professional and personal formation of a university students. Multi-authored monograph. Ed. L. I. Savva. Ufa: Aeterna. |
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Russian National Corpus as a Tool of Linguo-Didactic Innovation in Teaching LanguagesLyubov Dmitrievna Ponomareva, Lyubov Nikolaevna Churilina, Darya Sergeyevna Buzhinskaya, Elena Nikolayevna Derevskova, Oksana Vyacheslavovna Dorfman, Elena Petrovna Sokolova
pp. 13043-13053 | Article Number: ijese.2016.977
Abstract Emphasis on universal learning activities of each student rather than acquisition of ready knowledge, as well as on how an individual masters a language necessitate the development and application of innovative technologies promoting functional-semantic and textual approaches. In the modern context, Russian language teachers, along with knowledge of the theory of language, methods of planning and conducting lessons of different types and forms, should be able to work with electronic resources. The Russian National Corpus, being a huge collection of texts, allows a teacher to draw on already existing practical teaching materials when planning his students’ route of learning Russian language. The article presents linguo-didactic examples of such work when studying vocabulary and grammar. Comprehensive analysis of the text is defined as “a complex multilevel process involving identification and methodological description of value, linguistic and language-generating levels” (Ponomareva, 2016). The analysis of the value level aims to identify cognitive, educational and aesthetic value of the text; the linguistic one – to estimate and analyze linguistic units as elements of the text. The language-generating level involves the encouragement, promotion and planning of such language-generating activities of students as interpretive (interpretation of the text), reproductive (semantic text compression), productive (creating their own texts of different styles and genres). The article presents a system of design and research tasks for university students to analyze the text “White Nights” by F.M. Dostoevsky, using the Russian National Corpus language as a linguo-didactic tool. Considering the findings of design and research activities of students, we can claim that the Russian National Corpus can be used as a universal linguo-didactic tool for the formation of a linguistic persona. Keywords: Russian National Corpus, Innovations, Information and Communication Strategy, Project and Research Work References Basharina, A. V. (2009). Social innovations in education: the nature and classification. Proceedings of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 4-5(11), 1101-1107.
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Concordance of Interests in Dynamic Models of Social Partnership in the System of Continuing Professional EducationLarissa V. Tarasenko, Guennady A. Ougolnitsky, Anatoly B. Usov, Maksim A. Vaskov, Vladimir A. Kirik, Margarita S. Astoyanz, Olga Y. Angel
pp. 13055-13068 | Article Number: ijese.2016.978
Abstract A dynamic game theoretic model of concordance of interests in the process of social partnership in the system of continuing professional education is proposed. Non-cooperative, cooperative, and hierarchical setups are examined. Analytical solution for a linear state version of the model is provided. Nash equilibrium algorithms (for non-cooperative and cooperative setups) are identified. H.Stakelberg's1t algorithms of equilibrium solution of the game in hierarchical setup are described (in the general case). A method of building the precise discrete analogue of a continuous model is used for examining the hierarchical setup. Examples of test calculations for different data sets are provided; content interpretation of the results is discussed. Keywords: Differential Games, Continuing Professional Education, Social Partnership References Tarasenko, L.V. (2009) Additional professional education: the establishment of the Institute of secondary professional socialization. - Rostov-on-Don: Southern Federal University Press, 288 p. (in Russian). Keith, N. (2011) Engaging in Social Partnerships: A Professional Guide for Successful Collaboration in Higher Education. – Routledge, 288 p. Siegel, D. (2010) Organizing for Social Partnerships: Higher Education in Cross-Sector Collaboration. – Routledge, 224 p. Fandel, G., Giese, A., Mohn, B. (2012) Measuring synergy effects of a Public Social Private Partnership (PSPP) project. Int. J. Production Economics, 140, 815-824 p. Talman, D., Yang, Z. (2011) A model of partnership formation. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 47 p., 206-212 p. Zaharatul, A.A.Z., AbdShukor, H., Ir. Ghazari, A.A. (2012) Smart tri-partite partnership: polytechnic – industry – student. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 31, 517-521 p. Dyachenko, V.K., Ougolnitsky, G.A., Tarasenko, L.V. (2014) Computer Simulation of Social Partnership in the System of Continuing Professional Education. Advances in Systems Science and Applications, 14(4), 378-387 p. Dyachenko, V.K., Ougolnitsky, G.A., Tarasenko, L.V. (2015) Computer Investigation of a Game Theoretic Model of Social Partnership in the System of Continuing Professional Education. Advances in Systems Science and Applications, 15(4), 320-328 p. Germeier, Yu.B., Vatel, I.A. (1975) Equilibrium situations in games with a hierarchical structure of the vector of criteria. Lect. Notes Comp. Sci., 27, 460-465 p. Burkov, V.N., Opoitsev, V.I. (1974) Meta-Game Approach to the Control in Hierarchical Systems. Automation and Remote Control, 35(1), 93-103 p. Gorelov, M.A., Kononenko, A.F. (2015) Dynamic Models of Conflicts. III. Hierarchical Games. Automation and Remote Control, 76(2), 264-277 p. Algorithmic Game Theory.Ed. by N. Nisan, T. Roughgarden, E. Tardos, V. Vazirani.- Cambridge University Press, 2007.754 р. Basar, T., Zhu Qu (2011) Prices of Anarchy, Information, and Cooperation in Differential Games. Dynamic Games and Applications, 1(1), 50-73 p. Long, N.V. (2010) A Survey of Dynamic Games in Economics. World Scientific. Ugol’nitskii, G.A., Usov, A.B. (2013) A study of differential models for hierarchical control systems via their discretization. Automation and Remote Control, 74:2, 252-263 p. Dockner, E., Jorgensen, S., Long, N.V., Sorger, G. (2000) Differential Games in Economics and Management Science. - Cambridge Univ. Press, 382 p. Kogai, V.V., Fadeev, S.I. (2001) An application of the continuation by a parameter based on the multiple shooting method for the numerical investigation of non-linear boundary value problems. Siberian Journal of Industrial Mathematics, v.4, 1(7), 83-101 p. (in Russian). |
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Students’ Experimental Research Competences in the Study of PhysicsBakytzhan A. Kurbanbekov, Torebai A. Turmambekov, Usen A. Baizak, Pulat A. Saidakhmetov, Rakhymzhan T. Abdraimov, Aigerim E. Bekayeva, and Kuldarkhan O. Orazbayeva
pp. 13069-13078 | Article Number: ijese.2016.979
Abstract The actuality of the investigated problem is caused by the need for students’ training at pedagogical high schools to meet the challenges of research activities and the insufficient development of the theoretical, content-technological, scientific and methodological aspects of the formation of their experimental research competencies at the undergraduate level, in particular, within the framework of laboratory course on general physics. The purpose of the article is to identify the most appropriate ways to form experimental research competencies during the laboratory course. The study revealed that the organization of mini investigations within the laboratory works on physics contributes to the formation of experimental research competencies of undergraduate students at pedagogical universities. Results of the investigation can be used in higher education establishments, Institutions of Advanced Training of Teachers of Physics and Physical experts in secondary schools and colleges. Keywords: Experimental research competence, students of physics, pedagogical university, general course of physics, mini investigations References Aloraini, S. (2012). The impact of using multimedia on students’ academic achievement in the College of Education at King Saud University. Journal of King Saud University - Languages and Translation, 24(2), 75–82. doi: 10.1016/j.jksult.2012.05.002 Berdi, D., Usembayeva, I, Ramankulov, Sh., Saparbekova, G., Berkinbaev, M. (2015). Results of the Experimental Research on the Introduction of Information and Telecommunication Technologies in Teacher’s Professional Training. Indian journal of science and technology, 8 (27). Carey, B. (2015). 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Let’s Inaugurate Great Earth Vast SteppeDanebek Poshayev, Amangeldi Saipov, Kulimkhan Arymbayeva, Ainagul Uzakhova, Balnur Kendzhaeva, Aldiar Riskulov and Marzhan Abdualiyeva
pp. 13079-13092 | Article Number: ijese.2016.980
Abstract The world integrity is characterized by an influence of living beings to each other and their places that they take among themselves. That is, it is possible to say that the fauna and flora of the earth take an important place in the life of human being. Kazakh nation pays special attention to two important issues in their decorative applied artistic things: in their handicraft creations and decorative applied things. As the future of the nation is the chief goal of our paper, we should provide national characteristics and spiritual content of education in our accomplishing activities. Research methods: studying of the mechanism in conditions all of the accruing globalization, unification of spiritual and material culture, preserving the originality, cultural values, customs, traditions, expressing the need for spiritual self-determination. Results of the research: scientific and methodical bases of cultural function of training are defined: culture bases in maintenance and processes of training; the process of training at a basis of functional model of culture are considered; didactic conditions, methods and forms of introduction substantial and procedural aspects of training in the context of culture in system of continuous education. Developed model can be used for substantial and procedural aspects of training in the context of culture. Keywords: Culture; national knowledge education; culture forming function; symbolic model; Great steppe References Baidaliev, K., Saipov, A., Kamalov, Y. (2016). Professional teaching methodology. Manual. Shymkent: Auezov South Kazakhstan State University. Joldasbekova, S., Saipov, A., Kamalov, Y. (2016a). Modern technology in professional training. Standard training program. Shymkent: Auezov South Kazakhstan State University. Joldasbekova, S., Saipov, A., Kamalov, Y. (2016b). 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Restricted With Parameters Which Are Estimated From Measurement Test TheoryAyfer SAYIN & Selahattin GELBAL
pp. 13093-13110 | Article Number: ijese.2016.981
Abstract Even though the structural equation modeling has been used often by the researchers, it is observed that the assumptions are not examined before the analysis, the appropriate parameter estimation method was not performed. In cases when the estimations are not met in structural equation modeling, estimates below or above the parameter values are conducted. In this study, it is aimed at investigating the fit indexes of the model, estimated with a different parameter estimation method and sample size, based on item subtraction and restricted parameters (1, CTT and IRT values) in the confirmatory factor analysis model with multicollinearity problem. As a result of the estimation, the model was detected to make biased estimations when multicollinearity and sample size assumptions are not met. In order to prevent item loss, item parameters are suggested to be restricted with the values estimated from the classical test theory and item response theory. Based on the results of this research, it is asserted that all assumptions, as well as sample size and multicollinearity problem, are required to be examined before the confirmatory factor analysis is estimated. Otherwise there may be biased predictions. One of the multicollinearity problem-causing items may be subtracted or the items may be integrated. In order for the item not to be lost, the item parameters may be restricted. As information is obtained before the items, the values predicted with the classical test theory may be used in parameter restriction instead of 0 or 1. Keywords: multicollinearity, confirmatory factor analysis, item response theory restricted parameter classical test theory References Andrews, D. W. K. (1999). Estimation when a parameter is on a boundary. Econometrica, 67(6), 1341-1383. Baker, F. B. (2001). The basics of item response theory. Eric Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation. Baykul, Y. (2010). 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Diversity, Uses and Economic Value of Ferns: An Instrument for Epistemological PerceptionMarife Matic Mustacisa
pp. 13111-13146 | Article Number: ijese.2016.982
Abstract This paper is an avenue to elevate awareness among people and give value to ferns which rapidly grow anywhere but being deracinated because of its low livelihood potential. It aimed to generate a theory that can shed light on how the participants develop awareness without formal education and their knowledge on ferns come into being. To properly meet the aims of the study, the researcher utilized a grounded theory combined with axiomatic approach and descriptive research design to which, the verification used was in-depth interview in semi-structured type given to the eighteen farmers. Corollary, the study revealed that research participants has no formal education but they are able to distinguish the different members of the fern family, and tend to develop indigenous knowledge from the practiced of their ancestors, these lead to Epistemological Perception theorized by the researcher that, an indigenous knowledge and informal education is not enough, it must be transformed to scientific facts. As such, the researcher recommends that the local government unit (LGU) of the research environment together with the provincial office of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) must come up with a program that will divert indigenous knowledge into scientific facts through formal education. With that collaboration, the rapid growth of ferns in the place will turn to an opportunity to form a new livelihood. This is one way to recognize the diversity, uses and economic value of ferns. Keywords: Mustacisas’ epistemological model, indigenous knowledge, informal education, ferns, and theory References Amoroso, C. B. (2003). NBRI Golden Jubilee Volume. In V. B. Amoroso (Ed.), Pteridology in the New Millennium (pp. 491-495). Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-017-2811-9_33 Amoroso, C.B. and Amoroso, V.B. (1998). SPORE CULTURE STUDIES ON SOME ECONOMIC FERNS OF MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES. Acta Hortic. 461, 231-236 Buot, I. E. (2007). Vulnerable pteridophytes in the forest landscape of Quezon Province, Southern Luzon, Philippines. Retrieved May 29, 2016, from http://agris.fao.org/agris-search/search.do?recordID=PH2009000978. Catapang, M. L., Reyes, P. D., & Medecillo, M. P. (2012). Factors Influencing Species Diversity of Ferns in Mt. Makulot, Cuenca, Southern Luzon, Philippines. 2nd International Conference on Environment and Industrial Innovation, IPCBEE 35, 98-102. Retrieved May 17, 2016, from http://www.ipcbee.com/vol35/020-ICEII2012-E30003.pdf
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Investigating Antecedents and Consequences of Job EngagementMohammad Ali Zabani shadbad, Mohammad Hassani, Mir Mohammad Seyyed Abbaszadeh and Abolfazl Ghasemzadeh
pp. 13147-13155 | Article Number: ijese.2016.983
Abstract This study aimed to examine the antecedents and consequences of job engagement among the employees of state universities in Tabriz. Statistical population included all 3168 employees of the state universities of Tabriz. Using stratified random sampling, 450 employees were selected as the sample. To gather data, seven standard questionnaires were used. To analyze data and test the relationships of the variables for a structural model, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling methods were used. Results showed that there was a positive and causal correlation between job fit, reward and recognition, and job engagement (r=0.53, r=0.48, p<0.01). Based on the results, a positive and causal correlation was found between the consequences of discretionary efforts (r =0.28), ethics (r =0.25), job performance (r =0.18), and job engagement; while, job engagement had a negative and causal correlation with intention to quit (r = -0.32). 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The Effect of Different Ages levels and explicit - implicit Knowledge on Motor Sequence LearningSayed Kavos Salehi, Mahmood Sheikh, Rasoul Hemayattala & Davod Humaneyan
pp. 13157-13165 | Article Number: ijese.2016.984
Abstract This study aimed to investigate the effect of different Ages levels or age-related changes and explicit and implicit knowledge on mixed motor sequence learning and its consolidation. In this study, 96 right-handed boys who were healthy considering nervous system with age range of 6-18 years were selected via convenience sampling method. Serial reaction time task (SRTT) was used to evaluate and compare the performance in two components of response time and accuracy. The intervention was consisted of 10 stages (8 blocks for acquisition and 2 blocks for consolidation) in which the performances of groups were compared. The data were analyzed using mixed ANOVA test in 2 (type of learning) × 4 (age groups) × 8 (blocks) and Bonferroni test was used for paired comparisons. In acquisition phase for response time, significant main effects were observed for block (P = 0.031) and age (P = 0.001), not learning conditions (P = 0.431). For response accuracy, significant main effects were observed for block (P = 0.001), age (P = 0.001) and learning conditions (P = 0.003). In addition, the performances of groups across the two first blocks of practice on the second day were better compared with the first day in response time (P = 0.001) and accuracy (P = 0.001), which represented the consolidation of motor learning. The findings showed that among different age groups, there were age-related functional changes in the acquisition and consolidation of response time and accuracy for motor sequence task. Moreover, the various components of the movement (speed and accuracy) can be performed and consolidated in different ways. This matter should be considered in educational and rehabilitation interventions related to children and adolescents. Keywords: Explicit learning, Implicit learning, Age-related changes, Learning consolidation, Performance References Alipour MA. (2009). 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Distance Education Opportunities for Students with Disabilities in Russia: Problems and SolutionsSergey Mikhailovich Vasin & Leyla Ayvarovna Gamidullaeva
pp. 13167-13181 | Article Number: ijese.2017.062
Abstract This article aims to discuss the problems and solutions in the distance education of students with disabilities in Russian Federation. As a methodological basis of research at different stages the method of systems analysis was used. The methods of mathematical and multivariate statistics, factor analysis and benchmarking, as well as the method of questionnaire survey and expert estimates were applied in the course of the study. The objects of the research were 15 higher educational institutions operating in the Penza region of the Russian Federation. Authors calculated and constructed the integral index of the organizational potential in order to reduce the number of indicators into one index, minimize informational loss, and also to reveal the structure of organizational potential, which in turn makes it possible to draw conclusions on the contribution of a specific type of potential into the overall result. The research results may be implemented into managerial practices of institutions of higher education in order to improve and enhance the education process of students with disabilities. It would improve disabled people's living standards and provide their greater contribution to the Russian economy. Keywords: e-learning, distance education, higher education, students with disabilities References Gamidullaeva, L.A. (2015). Modeling of innovative cluster management system. Creative Economy, 9(2), P. 225. doi:10.18334/ce.9.2.122 Interuniversity research "Students with disabilities in Russian universities". (2010). Russian Union of Rectors. Moscow. Retried from http://www.rsr-online.ru/doc/2010_12_03/2.pdf Kataev, M., Korikov, A., & Mkrttchian, V. (2013a). The Concept of e-education on the Basis of the Avatar Technology. Journal Lectures of TUSUR, Vol. 2, 95-100. Kataev, M., Korikov, A., & Mkrttchian, V. (2013b). 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Identification of the Deterrent Factors in the Development of Small and Medium Businesses in KermanshahB. Rezaee, N. Naderi, S.Naamon Musa
pp. 13183-13199 | Article Number: ijese.2016.985
Abstract In today's world of economy, the need for entrepreneurship is intensively felt. In fact, entrepreneurship along with small and medium-sized businesses is the engines of the economy. The aim of this descriptive-survey study was to determine the barriers to development in small and medium size businesses of Kermanshah. This nature of the study was qualitative-quantitative with inductive approach, where the qualitative section was conducted using content analysis method and quantitative section with survey method. The population consisted of the experts of small and medium-sized businesses, and sampling was purposive, where ultimately by reaching the theoretical saturation, 15 samples were examined; and in the quantitative part, questionnaires were given to 30 specialists. Deep and semi-structured interviews and questionnaires were used to collect the data needed. In the qualitative part of the study, validity and reliability were examined through proper sample selection and revision of the participants and experts. In the quantitative part, content validity and Cronbach's alpha were used for reliability and reliability, respectively, this was 0.72 for the barriers. After reviewing the interviews, they were coded, based on which 30 open and 5 axial codes were obtained. After that to prioritize the known factors, the extracted codes were given to the experts in the form of a questionnaire in Likert scale. Finally, the results of prioritization of factors based on frequency and Friedman test indicated that among the deterrent factors, organizational weakness and economic failure with 3.93 points and legal failure and functional weakness of the organizations in question with a score of 3.80 were the most important factors inhibiting the development of small and medium size businesses in Kermanshah. 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The quarrel and the adaptation of Zoroastrains of Sistan with Islam and Muslims in the first and second Hejri centuriesMalihe Abavisani, Doostali Sanchooli
pp. 13201-13215 | Article Number: ijese.2016.986
Abstract In the year of thirty Hejri, the Arab Muslims came in Sistan which was one of the important and saint centers for Zoroastrains and after different fights dominated on it. In this research, by descriptive- analytic method and based on library resources, it is tried to examine the reasons of the quarrel and the adaptation of Zoroastrains of Sistan with the religion of Islam and Muslims. They fought the invaders to protect their religious and political independence, but they adapted after resistance without any result. The lack of political unity, the reaction of Zoroaster and it’s leaders and the attraction of Islam provided the necessary background for adaptation. The result of adaptation was that most of them were attracted by Islam and the rest, by paying tax and keeping their religion, had peaceful life with Muslims. Keywords: Sistan, Zoroastrains, Muslims, quarrel and adaptation References Holy Quran Arnold, Sir Thomas, (1979), “the history of Islam’s expansion”, tr. Abolfazl Ezzati, Tehran, Tehran University publication, p.150 Assana, Jamasb (compiler), “Pahlavi Texts”, reported by Sa’eed Oriyan, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran’s National Library, p.70 Ibn Asir, Ezzuldin Ali, (2006), “Al-Kamel fi Al-Tarikh”, Beirut: Dar-e-Sader Eschpuler, Bertold, (1990), “Iran’s history in the preliminary Islamic centuries”, tr. Maryam Mirahmadi, Tehran, scientific and cultural publication Al-Belazari, Abulhassan Ahmad Ben Yahya, (1988), “Fotuh Al-Baladan”, Beirut, Dar wa Maktabat Al-Hilal Basurth, Clifford Edmund, (2009), “the history of Sistan: from the rise of Arabs to the overturn of Saffarids”, tr, Hassan Anusheh, Tehran, Amirkabir Bolt, Richard, (1985), “conversion to Islam in the middle centuries”, tr. Muhammad Hussein Vaghar, Tehran, Tarikh-e-Iran Poordavood, Ebrahim, (1927), “Sushiant (Mazdisna’s Promised savior)”, no place, anonymous Choksi, Jamshid Karshasb, (2002), “the contention and compromise of the defeated Zoroastrians and the dominated Muslims in the early Islam centuries’ Iranian community”, tr. Nader MirSa’eedi, Tehran, Ghoghnus Hassan Ebrahim Hassan, (1981), “Political history of Islam”. tr. Abulghasem Payandeh, Tehran, Javidan Khandmir, Ghiyas Al-Ddin Ben Homam Al-Ddin, (2001), “the history of Habib Al-Sseyr”, Tehran, Khayyam Doostkhah, Jalil, “Avesta (reports and researches”, (2006), Tehran, Morwarid Dannet, Danniel, (1979), “per capita tax and its effect on inclinations towards Islam”, tr. Muhammad Ali Movahhed, Tehran, Kharazmi Denial, Elton, L., (1988), “Khurasan’s political and social history in Abbasid’s Government”, tr. Mas’oud Rajabniya, Tehran, Scientific and cultural publication center Dinvari, Abu Hanifeh, (1989), “Akhbar Al-Tawal”, researcher/reviser: Abdulmon’em Amer and Jamal Al-Ddin Shial, Qom, Manshurat Al-Razi Zaydan, Jorji, (1998), “the history of Islam’s Civilization”, tr. Ali Javaher Kalam, Tehran, Amir Kabir, Zarrinkoub, Abdulhussein, (2001), "Epochs, Iran's history from the onset till the overturn of Pahlavi sultanate”, Sokhan Zomchi Esfezari, Mo’een Al-Ddin Muhammad, (1849), “Rowzat Al-Jannat fi Owsaf Al-Madineh Al-Harat”, revised by Sayyed Kazem Emam, Tehran, Tehran University Publication Sasanfar, Abtin, (2001), “Ashu Zartosht Lyrics”, translation of seventeenth along with its Avesta texts and linguistic reports, Tehran, Behjat Tabari, Abu Ja’afar Muhammad Ben Jarir, (2008), “Tabari History (Tarikh Al-Omam wa Al-Moluk”, researched by Muhammad Abulfazl Ibrahim, Beirut, Dar Al-Torath Fray R., N., (1993), “Iran’s history”, v.4, tr. Hassan Anusheh, Tehran, Amir Kabir Fray R., N., (1989), “Iran’s archeological heritage”, tr. Mas’oud Rajabniya, Tehran, Scientific and cultural publication Christianson, Arthur, (1989), “Iran in Sassanid era”, tr. Rashid Yasemi, Tehran, Donyay-e-Ketab, Gardizi, Abi Sa’eed Abdulhay Ben Zahhak, (1984), “Zayn Al-Akhbar (Gardizi History)”, Tehran, Donyay-e-Ketab Moftakhari, Hussein and Hussein Zamani, (2010), “Iran’s history from the Muslim’s entry till the end of Tahirids”, Tehran, Samt Moghaddasi, Motahhar Ben Taher, (no date), “Al-Bada’a wa Al-Tarikh”, revised by Pursa’eed, no place, Maktabt-Al-Seghafeh-Al-Diniyyeh Anonymous, (2008), “the history of Sistan”, revised by Muhammad Taghi Bahar (Malak Al-Sho’ara), Tehran, Mo’een Hertsfeld, Ernest (1975), “history on the foundation of archeology”, tr. Ali Asghar Hekmat, Tehran, Iran’s National Relics Ya’aghubi, Ahmad Ben Abi Ya’aghub Ben Ja’afar, (no date), “Tarikh Al-Ya’aghubi”, Beirut, Dar-e-Sader |
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