Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 12067-12083 | Article Number: ijese.2016.880
Published Online: December 06, 2016
The article deals with an actual theoretical and methodological question of defining the approaches to professional foreign language training. The analysis of modern educational approaches variety is conducted in the article. The main idea of this investigation is in the statement that the modern stage of professional foreign language trainingmethods should consist of the mixture of traditional educational approaches, methods, means and computer orientated ones. It is said that prospective economists professional foreign language training should be based on the combination of competence-based, environmental, vitagenetic, communicative approaches, and also on the ideas of connectivism and constructivism. The original idea of organizing professional foreign language training in Computer Orientated Language Learning Environment (COLLE) is presented in the paper. Historical development, contemporary characteristics and some peculiarities while realization in Computer Orientated Language Learning Environment of each approach are described as well.
Keywords: Prospective economists professional foreign language training, educational approaches, competence-based, environmental, vitagenetic, communicative approaches, connectivism and constructivism
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