Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
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Assessment of Consumers’ Satisfaction with the Automotive Product QualityHadi Amineh & Nataliya Kosach
pp. 8726-8739 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract Relevance of article is caused by the fact that customers satisfaction currently serves as the mechanism allowing the carmakers to be competitive in the market. The paper describes issues of assessment of the quality of products manufactured by automobile companies. The assessment is based on widely applicable complex characteristics of the quality. The obtained values of the quality index with the price criterion can be used at all stages of the automotive manufacture as well as of the price-quality ratio which completes the process of decision-making on car purchase. Materials of article represent the practical importance, results of a research can be used by automobile companies in development of strategy of product quality improvement. Keywords: Product quality, quality levels, automotive industry, consumer satisfaction, satisfaction score References Aaker, D.A., & Shanby, G. (2007) Positioning your product. Business Horizons, 22(5), 54-66. Asghar, A. (2011). Study the Effects of Customer Service and Product Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 7, 24-32. Babenkova, A. V. (2010). Evaluation of customers’ satisfaction as an indicator of the industrial enterprise efficiency. Direct access: http://vestnik.uapa.ru/ru/issue/2010/03/09 David, F.R. (2009) Strategic Management. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 183 р. Dean, A. M. (2007). The impact of the customer orientation of call center employees on customers’ affective commitment and loyalty. Journal of Service Research, 2, 161-73. Dixon, S., Hopkins, M., Mador, M. and Matthews, R. (2011) Strategic Management I, 4th edition, Kingston upon Thames: Kingston Business School, 86 р. Durczak, K. (2011). System oceny jakości maszynrolniczych. Rozprawy naukowe 418, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu, 12-18. Hadi, A. (2016). The product quality: characteristics, essence, evolution of approaches. Economy. Management. Modern problems and prospects of development, Kraków, 4, 64-72. Independent automobile dealer satisfaction survey (2008). Direct access: http://webapp01.ey.com.pl/EYP/WEB/eycom_download.nsf/resources/Dealer_Satisfaction_eng/$FILE/Dealer_Satisfaction_eng.pdf Jahanshahi, N. & Afshar, A. (2010). Study of the relation of Customer Service and Entrepreneurial Opportunities. Asian Journal of Management Research, 1, 48-57. Juan, E. (2010). Indicators of the product quality and methods of their assessment at an industrial enterprise Problems of modern science and practice, 31, 246-254. Kolman, R. (2009). Kwalitologia. Wiedza o różnychdziedzinachjakości. Warszawa. Wydawnictwo Placet. Direct access: http://nootron.net.ua/Help.htm?p=chapter3.9.html Kosach, N. I., Siroklyn, V. P. & Hadi, A. (2016). The quality of the system engineering company iran khodro management. All-Ukraine Scientific and Technіc Conferense of Young Scientists in Metrology, 5, 82-96. Lambin, J.J. (2008). Strategic marketing. European Perspective. St.Petersburg: Science, 589 p. Levitt, T. (1981) Marketing Intangible Products and Product Intangibles. Harvard Business Review, 3, 37- 44. Liu-Thompkins. Y. (2010). Not all repeat purchases are the same: attitudinal loyalty and habit. College of Business and Public Administration. 21-26. Louw, L. and Venter, P. (2006). Strategic Management: Winning in the Southern African workplace. Cape Town: Oxford University Press, 92 р. Parasuraman, A., Berry, L. L. & Zeitaml, V. A. (1985). Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implication for Future Research. Journal of Marketing, 49, 36-48. Peng-Chan, Ch., Chun-Ling, Ch., Wang-Ching, Ch. & Wei-Ching, L (2015) An examination of the effects of quality on customer loyalty: the automobile industry in Taiwan. Total Quality Management taylor and francis, 2, 203–217. Pitts, R. and Lei, D. (2003). Strategic Management: Building and Sustaining Competitive Advantage. Thomson South-Western, 142 р. Sadovnikova, G.V. (2016). Distinctive Cognitive Features of Automotive Terminology Structure in American English and German Language. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(5), 1281-1296. Schneider, W. (2014). Strategie. Messung, Management VerlagModereIndustrie, Landsberg, 7, 11-24. Springdal, K. (2012) Strategic management, 2nd edition, Kingston upon Thames: Kingston Business School, 164 р. Steinbrecher, M. & Moewes, C. (2010). Data Mining Applications in the Automotive Industry. International Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing, 4, 35-41. Steiner G.A. (2001) Strategic Planning. What every Manager Mast Know. N.Y., Free Press, 158 p. Vinodini, K. J. & Umarani, Dr. P. (2014). Analysing Customer Satisfaction towards Quality of Service and Sales at Lanson Toyota. IJAMBU, 2, 16-23. |
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Public-Private Partnership in the Countries of the Eurasian Economic UnionTalgat Matayev
pp. 8740-8755 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine a concept and content of a public-private partnership as a perspective tool for development of cooperation among the EEU countries. The standard and legal base and institutes of PPP development in the EEU countries are studied herein. Main problems of PPP development are determined on the basis of the analysis of PPP practice in the EEU countries. Recommendations regarding the PPP mechanism development in the EEU countries are given to develop international cooperation in PPPs and coordination among the EEU countries at the interstate level. Keywords: Public-private partnership, project, mechanism, infrastructure, cooperation References Akintoye, A. (2003) Public-Private Partnerships: Managing Risks and Opportunities. UK; Malden, MA: Blackwell Science, 448 р. Bult-Spiering, M. (2006) Strategic issues in public-private partnerships. An international perspective. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 72 р. Burger, Ph., Hawkesworth, I. (2011) How To Attain Value for Money: Comparing PPP and Traditional Infrastructure Public Procurement. OECD Journal on Budgeting, 1, 91–146. Delmon, J. (2010). Public-private partnership in infrastructure: practical guidance for public authorities. Direct access: https://ppp.worldbank.org/public-private-partnership/agreements Fischer, K. (2009) Incentive and payment mechanisms as part of risk management in PPP contracts. Journal of Interdisciplinary Property Research, 1, 5-25. Green Paper on PPPs. (2004). Commission of the European Communities. Direct access: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/site/en/com/2004/com2004_0327en01.pdf Grimsey, D. (2007) Public Private Partnerships: The Worldwide Revolution in Infrastructure Provision and Project Finance. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 288 p. Guidelines for Successful Public – Private Partnership (2003). Direct access: http://ec.europa.eu/-regional_policy/sources/docgener/guides/ppp_en.pdf Ham, H. van, Koppenjan, J. (2001) Building Public-Private Partnerships: Assesing and Managing Risks in Port Development. Public Management Review, 4, 593–616. Hammami, M., Ruhashyankiko, J.-F., Yehoue, E.B. (2006) Determinants of Public-Private Partnerships in Infrastructure. IMF Working Paper, 72 р. Harvard Law Review notes, PPP and current insurance regulation (2003). Direct access: http://cdn.harvardlawreview.org/wp-content/uploads/pdfs/public_private_partnerships.pdf Helping to eliminate poverty and achieve sustainable development through public-рrivate partnerships in infrastructure (2013). PPIAF. The World Bank, 57 р. International program of support of public-private partnership. (2013). UN Economic Commission for Europe. Direct access: http://www.unece.org/index.php?id=32395 Likhachev, V. (2009). The practical analysis of modern mechanisms of public-private partnership in foreign countries or how to realize PPP in Russia. Moscow: the Federation Council of Federal Assembly of Russia, 124 p. Matveev, Y.V., Valieva, E.N., Trubetskaya, O.V. & Kislov, A.G. (2016). Globalization and Regionalization: Institution Aspect. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 3114-3126. Savas, E. (2000) Privatization and Public Private Partnerships. New York: Chatham Publishers, Seven Bridges Press, 127 р. Scharinger, L. (2004). The new model of the investment partnership. Mir peremen, 2, 14-19. Spackman, M. (2008) Public-private partnerships: lessons from the British approach. Economic Systems, 26, 287-294. Strategy of partnership with the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2012-2017. (2012). Document of the World bank. Direct access: http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2012/05/01/kazakhstan-country-partnership-strategy-2012-2017 The decision of the Supreme Euroasian economic commission of July 20, 2012, 63. (2012). “About a transport corridor “Western the Europe-western China” and development of transport and logistic potential of the Common economic space”. 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(2003). Public-private partnership in the innovation sphere. Moscow: AST, 147 p. |
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Organizational Problems of Nutrition in the Context of Modernization of EducationRaisa I. Platonova, Uljana M. Lebedeva, Anna G. Cherkashina, Liliya I. Ammosova & Alyona V. Dokhunaeva
pp. 8756-8763 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The realization of the project of regional educational systems’ modernization was started in 2011. The main goal of the project is to achieve systemic positive changes in the school education, improving of learning conditions, increasing of openness, availability, efficiency of General education, introduction of modern educational technologies. In this regard, the study of organizational problems of school nutrition as an important condition to improve the quality of educational services in the schools is particularly important. The purpose of the study: the study and analysis of scientific and theoretical literature on the problem of the quality of school meals’ organization in the system of General education. Methods of the study: analysis and interpretation of scientists’ studies - researchers in different fields of science on the basis of theoretical methods. The study results: the social importance of school meals in the modern system of General education is revealed, the basic problems of organization of school nutrition and the conditions that influence the improvement of its quality, availability and security are defined. Practical significance: the results of the study will be useful for specialists interested in the issues of modernization of General education in Russia, organization of school meals, leaders of educational organizations. Keywords: School nutrition, quality of education, healthy food, the efficiency of the educational activities, the formation of food culture References Ahmadullina, H.M., Akhmadullin, U.Z., Zulkarnaeva, A.T. (2014). On the question of satisfaction with the quality of school meals: through the eyes of the students' parents. Modern problems of science and education, 6, 12-19. Artemyevа, N.K., Lavrichenko, S.P. (2014). Influence of dietary intake on the health of children of primary school age. Pedagogical-psychological and medical - biological problems of physical training and sports, 4 (33), 23-28. Badertdinov, R. R. (2014). Neurophysiological and evolutionary bases of the regulation of nutrition behavior. A young scientist, 3, 767-772. Degteva, G. N. & Zubov, L. A. (2003). Healthy educational environment, healthy child. Human ecology, 6, 52-55. Dolgopolovа, S.V. (2015). Actual problems of school meals and ways of their solution. Azimuth research: Economics and Management, 1 (10), 41-43. Dolmatova, I. A., Zaitseva, T. N. & Ryabova, V. F. (2015). Managing of quality in the organization of school nutrition. Actual problems of modern science, technology and education, 1, 212-216. Kadnevsky, V. M. & Dolgusheva, A. N. (2012). School nutrition maintains the health of our children. Public Education, 7, 125-130. Karginа, T.F. (2009). Modern school food system as one of the areas of health protection and promotion. Public health and environment, 9, 32-34. Khrebtova, A.Y., Gorevа, E.A. Petrenko, A.V. (2015). Stereotypes nutritional status of children in the school community. Scientific notes University. PF Lesgafta, 4 (1220), 190-196. Krutovа, L.N., Markovskaya, N.V., Nekroenko, R.P. (2016). Rationalisation of nutrition of school-age children. Journal of scientific conferences, 2-5 (6), 64-66. Kuchma, V. R., Rapoport, I. K. & Gorelova, J. Y. (2008). The concept of monitoring of the state of students’ health during the implementation of pilot projects on perfection of catering services in schools. The health of the population and environment, 7, 5-10. Ladodo, K. S., Borovik, T. E., Semenova, N. N. & Surzhik, A.V. (2009). The formation of proper nutrition behavior. Attending physician, 1, 105-112. Magomedov, G.O., Zatsepilina, N.P., Lygin, V.V. (2014). Topical issues of school food according to age physiological needs. Bulletin of Voronezh State University of Engineering Technology, 3 (61), 93-98. Mennella, J. A. & Bobwoski, N. L. (2015) The sweetness and bitterness of childhood: Insights from basic research on taste preferences. Physiology and Behavior, 1, 99-112. Muskhanova, I. V. (2011). Theoretical-methodological bases of ethno-pedagogical research. Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic, 2, 224-229 Nagaeva, I.A. (2014). Competence approach to school feeding. Informatics and Health, 10 (259), 63-65. Petrova, T. N. & Kuznetsova, L. V. (2014). On the foundations of cultural-historical and spiritual-moral upbringing. Education and self-development, 4, 211-215. Platonova, R.I., Levchenkova, T.V., Shkurko, N.S., Cherkashina, A.G., Kolodeznikova, S.I. & Lukina, T.N. (2016). Regional Educational Institutions With in Modern System of Education. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 2937-2948. Rozhdestvenskaya, L. N. (2013). Catering services in educational institutions: problems and solutions. The world of Economics and management, 2, 84-94. Shamaeva, A. M. (2010). School nutrition – a serious management challenge. Public education, 10 146-152. Sharipov, M. M. (2010). Socio-economic efficiency of state policy in the field of school nutrition. Humanization of education, 2, 105-112. Sharipov, M.M. (2010). Experimental system "lunch box" school feeding: problems, successes Bulletin Vyatka State Humanitarian University, 4, 86-90. Solovyovа, V.K. Kuznetsov, S.A. (2008). Improvement of school meals system. The first step School Technology, 1, 123-127. Tapeshkina, N. V. & Klishina, M. N. (2013). Organization of school nutrition in modern conditions: problems and solutions. Siberian medical journal, 7, 113-117. Zakirova, D. R. & Baryshnikova N. I. (2014). School nutrition: challenges and solutions. The generation of the future: a View of young scientists: proceedings of the 3rd International youth scientific conference. Moscow, 100-103. Zhidkov, V. E., Chimonina, I. V. & Katunina, I. V. (2016). A comparative analysis of school nutrition in USSR and modern Russia. Journal of science and art, 1, 38-43. |
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Legal Nature and Functions of Referendum in Constitutional Law TheoryPetr A. Kucherenko, Badma.V. Sangadzhiev & Murad C. Velibekov
pp. 8764-8770 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The relevance of the study of the legal nature and functions of the referendum is conditioned by the increasing dynamics of development of direct democracy in the developed countries and the needs to legalize it in constitutional and legal norms to ensure stability in society. The purpose of this paper is to define the legal nature of the referendum in the context of the theory of constitutional law. The research methodology is built on the comparison of institutional and instrumental features of the referendum. The materials of the legal practice of the Federal countries of Western Europe are investigated, having a tradition of direct democracy and the practice of its legislative regulation. The basis of the study is constitutional norms about the referendum of the Constitution of Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Belgium, as well as quantitative data on referenda in those countries. In the result of the study of the legal nature of the referendum the evident instrumental purposes of direct democracy are justified: legitimation, restraint, institution, self-government and political arbitration. Also a conclusion is made about the instrumental function of the referendum in modern Federal countries of Western Europe. The obtained results of the study are important in theoretical terms – for the development of the definition of a referendum, understanding of its legal nature and functions, and in practical terms - for legislative activities and public discussions about ways of development of democracy in certain public conditions. Keywords: European Federations, constitutional law, institutions of democracy, instruments of democracy, referendum References Artamonova, G.K., Gorbashev, V.V. & Klishas А.А. (2012). Human rights, political stability and constitutional control: some issues of interdependence. Legal science: history and modernity, 8, 27-30. Buchakova M. 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Garlicki, L. & Garlicka, Z.A. (2012). Review of Constitutionality of Unconstitutional Amendments (An Imperfect Response to Imperfection?). Journal of Constitutional Law, 1, 145-224. Gökhan, I.S. (2015). Sovereignty Referendums in International and Constitutional Law. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 298 p. Gyatov, R.R. (2007). The institution of referendum in the Russian Federation and foreign countries: constitutional and comparative study: PhD Thesis. Мoscow, Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, 204 p. Iljinskyi, I. (1985). In: The Republic Of Austria. The Constitution and legislative acts. Мoscow: "Progress", 429 p. Hoxhaj, E. & Bjanku, F. (2013). The Basic Principles as Limits of Constitutional Revision in the Constitutional Jurisprudence and Doctrine in Europe. Global Journal of Arts humanities and Social Sciences, 3, 47-57. Komarova, V.V. (2006). The mechanism of direct democracy in modern Russia (system and procedures). Moscow: "Formula Prava", 560 p. Kovachev, D.A. (2005). Constitutional law of European States. Мoscow: “Wolters Clouver“, 112-136. Krylov, B.S. (2009). The institution of referendum in Russia and abroad. The Russian legal magazine, 4, 95-101. Loughlin, M. (2003) The Idea of Public Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 95. Maltsev, A.E. (2009). The foundations of the constitutional legal Institute of "referendum". "Black holes" in Russian legislation, 4, 21-24. Mamichev, V.N. (2000). The referendum in legislation of foreign countries and Russia: historic-legal research. Stavropol, Stavropol State University, 185 p. Matveyev, T.D. (1995). A referendum is a way of life Swiss. International life, 9, 86-91. Momirov, A. & Fourie, A. (2009). Vertical comparative law methods: tools for conceptualising the international rule of law. Erasmus Law Review, 2, 58-69. Rudenko, V.N. (2001). Institute of national legislative initiatives: international experience and its significance for the Russian Federation and its regions. Scientific Yearbook of the Institute of philosophy and law, Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2, 303-343. Sintsov, G. (2008). Modern constitutional-legal model of the institution of the referendum in foreign countries: PhD Thesis. Мoscow: Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, 383 p. Shmelev, A. V. (2005) The Concept of the referendum as a legal institution. Protection of subjective rights. Volgograd: Publishing house VolSU, pp. 267-274. Tierney, S. (2009) Constitutional Referendums: A Theoretical Enquiry. Modern Law Review, Vol. 72, 3, pp. 360-383. Trykhanova, S. A. (2011) Organizational and legal basis of local referendum as an institution of direct democracy: theory and practice. The State power and local government, 7, pp. 23-26; The referendum as an institution of direct democracy: an Analytical Management of Council of Federation (2007). State power and local self-government, 6, 11-23. |
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Role of Design in the Consumer Culture Development: Ecological ContextMarina V. Pankina, Christina М. Khrustalyova, Anton А. Egarmin & Natalia V.Shekhova
pp. 8771-8780 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The relevance of the researched problem stems from ecological issues that are a reflection of the contemporary culture crisis covering the whole range of people’s interactions with each other, with society and with nature. In many respects, an ecological crisis is an ideological crisis and global environmental problems are impossible to solve without development of ecological culture, without the joint efforts of experts in various fields of science, industry, art and education. This article aims to substantiate the special role of design in solving the challenges of sustainable development, in particular, in the development of consumer culture, as it is an integrated and interdisciplinary activity involved in the social, political, economic and technical processes. The leading methods of investigating this problem are the ones of cultural and historical analysis that allow to comprehensively trace trends in design taking into account adequate cultural context, ideology and system of social values. The article deals with the socio-cultural role and involvement of design in the process of consumption and control of consumers’ minds in the context of environmental issues; substantiates the necessity to change the design determinants, values and worldview orientation of design that will affect the consumer culture in accordance with the objectives of sustainable development and will promote the development of society’s ecological culture. Keywords: Consumer culture, design, ecological design, ecological culture, ethics of design References Baudrillard, J. (1998). The Consumer Society: Myths and Structures. London: Sage, 208 p. Commoner, B. (1971). The Closing Circle: Nature, Man, and Technology. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 326 p. Fromm, E. (1976). 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Nesgovorova, N.P., Savelyev, V.G., Bogdanova, E.P. & Ivantsova, a.G.V. (2016). Integrated Ecological and Educational Activities: One of the Ways to Improve the Regions' Environmental Security. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(5), 1419-1432. Norman, D. A. (1988) Design of Everyday Things. New York: Doubleday, 247 p. Ovrutsky, A. V. (2010). Social philosophy of consumption: methodological and theoretical aspects. Rostov-on-Don: Pedagogical Institute of Southern Federal University, 216 p. Pankina, M. V. & Zakharova, S. V. (2014) The principles of ecological design. Modern problems of science and education. Direct access: http://www.science-education.ru/115-12128 Pankina, M. V. (2014) The phenomenon of ecological design: the ontological analysis. Moscow: Science: Inform Publ, 156 p. Pigulevskiy, V .O. (2014) Design and Culture. Kharkov: Humanitarian Center Publ, 316 p. Press, M. & Cooper, R. (2008). Design Power. The key to the heart of the consumer. Minsk: Grevtsov Publisher Publ, 352 p. 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Direct access: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/833 Verbitskaya, G. Y. & Semenov, S. N. (2016). Тhe resolution of the irresolvable: the art and philosophy of the “eternal” contradictions. The Education and science journal, 2, 94-110. DOI:10.17853/1994-5639-2016-2-94-110 Vinokurova, N. F., Nikolina, V. V. & Efimova, O. E. (2016). Мethodological bases of ecological culture formation of pupils on the basis of eco-development ideas. The Education and science journal, 5, 25-40. DOI:10.17853/1994-5639-2016-5-25-40 Zeleeva, V.P. & Asafova, E.V. (2016). Transcommunicative Model of Development of Ecological Culture of the Participants of the Educational Process. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(4), 549-558. Zherdev, E. V. (2010). Metaphor in the design. Moscow: Arkhitektura-S Publ, 462 p. |
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Experience of Organization of the System of Psychological and Pedagogical Professional Development of Teachers of Higher Educational InstitutionsOlga B. Akimova, Evgenij M. Dorozhkin, Galina P. Sikorskaya & Ekaterina E. Kireeva
pp. 8781-8791 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The relevance of the researched problem is caused by the changed social and economic conditions in Russia that led to search of the paradigms of education adequate to new social and economic development of the country. The presented article is directed to drawing attention of the pedagogical public to modern forms of organization of the system of advanced training of employees of higher education. The leading approach to the research of this problem is the analysis of experience of practical activities of Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University; this approach enables to fill educational practice with new constructs and meanings. As a result of the research, the model of implementation of the system of advanced training of employees of higher education is proposed. The material of the publication can be useful while developing and projecting of programs for professional psychological and pedagogical qualification development of teachers in the system of higher education, including its network use in the space of vocational pedagogical education. Keywords: Advanced training, network interaction of educational organizations, professionalism, psychological and pedagogical qualification of employees of higher education, vocational pedagogical education References Akimova, O. B. &Dorozhkin, E. M. (2015).Network Interaction in Systems of Professional Development of Educators.Acmeology of Professional Education: Materials of the 12th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. Ekaterinburg: RussianStateVocationalPedagogicalUniversity, 15-19. Akimova, O. B. &Sikorskaya, G. P. (2016). The Role of Scientific and Practical Conferences in Becoming of Teachers-Researchers. Municipal Education: Innovation and Experiment, 3, 15-19 Akimova, O. B., Dorozhkin, E. M. &Sikorskaya, G. P. (2014).The Concept of Networking of Institutions of Vocational and Pedagogical Education. The Pedagogical Journal of Bashkortostan,6(55), 24-34. Akimova, O. B., Kolegova, E. D., &Sikorskaya, G. P. (2015). Academic Mobility: Problems and Prospects of Development. Social and Professional Mobility in 21st Century: Collection of Materials of the 2nd All-Russian Conference. Ekaterinburg: RussianStateVocationalPedagogicalUniversity, 10-17. Batrakova, I. S. &Bordovsky, V. A. (2009).Development of Professional Competence of Higher-Education Teaching Personnel in the Conditions of Reforming of Higher Education.Person and Education, 3, 44-49. Belov, V. G., Parfyonov, Yu.A., Kosinova, E. P. &Gibov, I. M. (2014).Motivational Characteristics of Higher-Education Teaching Personnel of Higher Educational Institution.Scientific Notes of University of P. F. Lesgaft, 6(112), 24-28. Biktagirova, G.F. (2016). Basic Principles and Conditions of Training Reflective Teachers at University.IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(6), 1927-1933. Davydova, N. N. &Dorozhkin, E. M. (2016). Management of a Network Interaction of Educational Organisations Oriented to Innovation Development. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9(29).DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i29/88729 Davydova, N. N. (2013). Implementing the Systematic Synergetic Approach in Management Practices Related to the Research and Education Network Development. The Education and science journal, 7, 67-85. Davydova, N.N., Dorozhkin, E.M., Fedorov, V.A. &Konovalova, M.E. (2016). Research and Educational Network: Development Management. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2651-2665. Dorozhkin, E. M. &Davydova N. N. (2013).The Development of Educational Institutions in the Course of Networking.Higher Education in Russia, 11, 11-17. Dorozhkin, E. M., Leontyeva, T. V., Scherbina, Y. Y., Shchetynina, A. V. &Pecherskaya, E. P. (2016). Teacher’s Labour as a Tool of Forming Human Capital of Higher School Graduates. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2773-2787. Dorozhkin, E. M., Zaitseva, E. V. &Tatarskikh, B.Y. (2016).Impact of Student Government Bodies on Students' Professional Development.IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2666-2677. Fedorov, V. A. &Davydova, N. N. (2014).Control of the Research and Education Network Development in Modern Socio Pedagogical Conditions.Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University, 2, 126-133. Ignatov, V. G. (2006).Management theory. Moscow: "MarT", 463p. Khuziakhmetov, A.N. &Gabdrakhmanova, R.G. (2016a).Creativity in Joint Activity of Teacher and Student in the Learning Process.IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(4), 735-745. Khuziakhmetov, A.N. &Gabdrakhmanova, R.G. (2016b).Creativity in Joint Activity of Teacher and Student in the Learning Process.IEJME-MathematicsEducation, 11(4), 735-745. Kopytova, N. E. &Makarova, L. 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(2006).Bases of organizational behavior. Moscow: Williams, 443p. Sidenko, E. A. (2016).Professional Teachers’ Development of Educational Complexes in the Conditions of Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.The Education and science journal, 2, 34-54. DOI: 10.17853/1994-5639-2016-2-34-54 The Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” as amended in 2014. (2014). Chapter 9, articles 73-74. Direct access: http://ipipip.ru/zakon-ob-obrazovanii-2/15/ Tkacheva, O. N., Simonova,M. V. &Matveev, Y. V. (2016).The Model of Quality Assessment of a Scientific andEducational Network Performance.IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 2871 -2883. Weber, M. (1980).Researches on science methodology. Moscow: Academy of Sciences of the USSR Institute of Information on Social Sciences, 688p. |
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Updating the Potential of Culture in the Prevention of CorruptionEvgenij M. Dorozhkin, Alexander G. Kislov, Natalya V. Syuzeva, Anna P. Ozhegova & Andrey V. Kuznetsov
pp. 8792-8799 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The urgency of the problem under investigation is due to the danger and at the same time the prevalence of corruption, so special attention is given to the need to supplement the repressive state and awareness-raising measures forming, especially in educational institutions of special subculture, raising a categorical rejection of corruption. The article is aimed at drawing attention to the consistency of the scientific-cultural formation of the anti-corruption subculture. The leading method to the study of this problem is a philosophical and cultural analysis of the origins (premises) and the grounds of corruption, which allows proving the scientific soundness of the proposed ideas. The paper presents the evaluation of existing approaches to the corruption revealed conceptual bases implemented in the practice of education pedagogical models, reveals the reason for their low efficiency and effectiveness, justifies recourse to the alternative with respect to potential corruption culture. Article Submissions may be useful for teachers and education sector leaders, analysts in the sphere of culture and mass consciousness. Keywords: Corruption, culture, intentionality, the prevention of corruption stereotypes References An anti-corruption education in school (2006). Methodical material for general and higher education schools. Vilnius: Garnyalis, 312 p. Andvig, J. (1991). The economics of corruption: A survey. Studi economici, 46, 57-94. Astanin, V. (2003). The fight against corruption in Russia the 16–20 centuries: the development of system approach. Moscow: Russian Association for Criminology, 92 p. Dneprov, S. А. & Nikoriak, V. V. (2014). Actual social experience of participation of future jurists in the corruption relations. Education and the Law, 3, 7–16. Dneprov, S. А. & Nikoriak, V. V. (2015). The relation of future jurists to corruption. Education and the Law, 2, 89–98. Eliasberg, N. I. (1998). Teaching staff of the school is the subject of the innovation system of legal education. Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University of pedagogical skills, 163 p. Enin, A. V. (2010). Harmful games: plus and minus. The psychology – to the teacher, 3(24), 119–127. Ershov, I. U. (2011). The corruption in modern Russia: reasons, forms, counteraction measures. Ekaterinburg: Ural Academy of State Service, 64 p. Farrelli, F. & Brandsma, Jh. (2012). Provocative therapy. Ekaterinburg: E-Print, 192 p. Forrester, S.V., Ustinova, G.H., Kosyakova, I.V., Ronzhina, N.V. & Suraeva, M.O. (2016). Human Capital in the Innovative Conditions. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 3048-3065. Frank, S. L. (1917). The soul of man. The experience of the introduction of philosophical psychology. Direct access: http://www.odinblago.ru/dusha_cheloveka/. Gabdullin, I. (2005). Modes of an intentionality and problem of a prejudice. Vestnik of the Orenburg State University, 7, 87–90. Gadamer, H. G. (2004). Truth and Method. London: Continuum, 601 p. Hall, E. T. (1959). The Silent Language. Doubleday. New York: Springer, 115 p. Husserl, E. (1946). Ideen zu einer reinen Phänomenologie und phänomenologischen Philosophie. Direct access: http://http://www.twirpx.com/file/596282/ Kachkina, T. B. & Kachkin, A. V. (2010). Combating corruption through education. Ulyanovsk: Printing House, 92 p. Kislov, A. G. & Syuzeva, N. V. (2016). The ambivalence of culture in the processes of reproduction and prevention Corruption. Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk state Academy of culture and arts, 1(45), 81-89. Klitgaard, R. (1991). Adjusting to reality: Beyond ‟state versus market” in economic development. San Francisco: ICS Press, 303 р. Kondrashov, P. N. (2016). Dynamıcs of vıtal values of adolescents and a problem of corruptıon ın post-sovıet russıa. The Education and science journal, 6, 22-41. DOI:10.17853/1994-5639-2016-6-22-41 Konnov, A. Yu. (2005). The corruption in public authorities: the theory, practice and mechanisms of an anti-corruption policy. PhD Thesis. Kazan: Kazan State Technological University, 227 p. Lobovikov, V. O. (2016). The Problem of Corruption of Basic Scientific Investigations in Particular: Formal-Ethic and Economic Aspects. The Education and science journal, 7, 73-87. DOI: 10.17853/1994–5639–2016–7–73–87 Luneev, V. (1999). The crime of the 20 century. Moscow: Wolters Kluwer, 912 p. Malikh, O.E., Polyanskaya, I., Konovalova, M.E., Kuzmina, O.Y., Tarasyuk, O.V. & Osipova, I.V. (2016). Implementation of the State Economic Policy in the Field of Education. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 3104-3113. Merton, R. K. (1949). Social theory and social structure. New York: Free Press, 423 p. Nomokonov, V. А. (2012). Some optimization problems anti-crime policy. Criminological Journal, 3(12), 36–42. Parsons, T. (1951). The Social System. New York: The Free Press, 575 p. |
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Modern Requirements to Preparation of Professional and Pedagogical PersonnelNatalya I. Zyryanova, Vladimir A. Fedorov, Ekaterina V. Zaitseva, Inna S. Tolkachevа & Paul S. Glushchenko
pp. 8800-8810 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The relevance of the researched problem is caused by the need of providing the educational organizations of the system of professional education with specialists in projecting and implementation of educational programs of training of workers and specialists of a middle link, and formation of a personnel resource for innovative productions. The purpose of the presented article consists in consideration of the discrepancies arising while introduction of the professional standard "Teacher of Vocational Training, Vocational Education and Further Vocational Education" and changes revelation of a pedagogical personnel which are necessary for improvement of preparation quality. The leading approach to the research of this problem is the system-based approach which allows us to reveal the discrepancies arising by the comparison of the professional standard and educational programs that are developed taking into account requirements of the educational standard for the direction of preparation Vocational Training (branch-wise). According to the analysis results, the option of adjustment of educational programs for the direction of preparation Vocational Training (branch-wise) is offered; it promotes improvement of preparation quality of pedagogical personnel for the system of professional education and further vocational education, and also the corporate educational organizations and innovative productions. The materials of the publication can be useful to heads of educational organizations while forming the personnel potential in educational institutions. Keywords: Educational standard, professional standard, professional and pedagogical employees, teacher of vocational (professional) training References Afanasiev, V. G. (1980). Systematicity and society. Moscow: Politizdat, 368 p. Bespalko, V. P. (1990). About Opportunities of the System Approach in Pedagogics. Soviet Pedagogics, 7, 59–60. Dneprov, S.A., Telepova, T.P., Naumova, O.A. & Izmaylov, A.M. (2016). Algorithmic Presentation of the Independent Work of the Students of the Vocational Pedagogical University in the Conditions of the Synchronous Pedagogical Control. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 2884-2902. Dudina, M.M., Khamatnurov, F.T. & Trubetskaya, O.V. (2016). Experience of Modeling Skill of Memorizing Short Stories as a Part of the Development of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Techniques. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 2914-2924. Erganova, N. E. (2009). Report "Theory and Practice of Training of the Teacher of Vocational Education in System of Professional Education". Scientific Research in Education, 3. Direct access: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/doklad-teoriya-i-praktika-podgotovki-pedagoga-professionalnogo-obucheniya-v-sisteme-professionalnogo-obrazovaniya Fedorov, V. A. & Vasiliev, S. V. (2014). Basic Principles of Model Building for Competitive Workforce Training at Industrial Enterprises. The Education and science journal, 6, 56-76. DOI: 10.17853/1994-5639-2014-6-56-76. Fedorov, V. A. (1999). The Quality of Vocational Education. The Education and science journal, 2(2), 189–198. Fedorov, V. A. (2001). Vocational education: Theory, empirics, practice. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, 330 p. Fedorov, V. A. (2015). Personnel Capacity of the Professional Educational Organizations: Possibilities of Development. Nizhny Novgorod Education, 4, 4–9. Fominykh, M.V., Uskova, B.A., Mantulenko, V.V., Kuzmina, O.N. & Shuravina, E.N. (2016). A Model for the Education of a Student of a Vocational Pedagogical Educational Institution Through the Gaming Simulation. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 2814-2840. Ivanov, V.G., Shaidullina, A.R., Drovnikov, A.S., Yakovlev, S.A., Masalimova, A.R. (2015). Regional Experience of Students’ Innovative and Entrepreneurial Competence Forming. Review of European Studies, 7, 35-40. Khamatnurov, F.T., Dudina, M.M. & Chistik, O.F. (2016). Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Development of Talent Among Schoolchildren. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 2903-2913. Kopnov, V. A., Vershinin, S. E., Kislov, A. G., Permyakova, T. V., Vlasova, O. I., Kuimov, V. S. & Pankratova, D. A. (2014). 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Shortcomings of the System of Advanced Training of Heads and Teachers of Educational Organizations of Secondary Vocational Education. Management of Education: Theory and Practice, 2 (18), 84–91. Romantsev, G. M., Fedorov, V. A., Osipova, I. V. & Tarasyuk, O. V. (2011). Level-Based vocational and pedagogical education: Theoretical and methodological standardization fundamentals. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, 544 p. Romatsnev, G. M., Fedorov, V. A., Zhuchenko A. А., Osipova, I. V. & Tarasyuk, O. V. (2003). A professionally-pedagogical education in modern conditions: the results of research. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, 67 p. Sakhieva, R.G., Majkova, L.V., Emelyanova, M.V., Gavrilova, N.G., Sharonova, E.G., Gatina, A.R., Pavlova, N.A. & Baklashova, T.A. (2015). The Supplementary Education Teacher’s Portfolio: Essence, Functions, Structure and Design Principles. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6 (2 S3), 84-89. Shaidullina, A.R., Merzon, E.E., Zakirova, V.G., Mokeyeva, E.V., Karev, B.A., Burdukovskaya, E. A., Polevaya, N.M. (2015). The Peculiarities of Perspective Students Selection Mechanism by the Future Employers-Enterprise. Review of European Studies, 7(1), 68-73. Tenchurina, L. Z. (1998). History of vocational education. Moscow: Pedagogika-Press, 304 p. Tkachenko, E. V. (2014). Professional Education in Russia: Development Problems. Values and Meanings, 2(30), 7–13. Tkacheva, O.N., Simonova, M.V. & Matveev, Y.V. (2016). The Model of Quality Assessment of a Scientific and Educational Network Performance. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 2871-2883. Verbitskaya, N. O., Romantsev, G. M. & Fedorov, V. A. (2008). Hidden Personnel Problem of the Russian Innovative Economy: Capacity of System of Professional Pedagogical Education. The Education and science journal, 5(53), 84–90. Zhuchenko, A. А., Romantsev, G. M. & Tkachenko, E. V. 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Peculiarities of Students of Pedagogical Specialties Training in Preventive Work with Juveniles DelinquentsMaxim R. Moskalenko, Evgenij M. Dorozhkin, Maria V. Ozhiganova, Yana А. Murzinova & Daria О. Syssa
pp. 8810-8820 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The relevance of the problem under investigation is due to the high significance of preventive work with juvenile delinquents to society. The article aims to study the problems arising while developing students' competencies in professional activities for the prevention of the infringing behavior of juvenile delinquents, as well as the identification of specific historical and socio-cultural conditioning of the criminalization of youth environment. The leading method to the study of this problem is the analysis and synthesis of experience in teaching students of pedagogical specialties skills for crime prevention and the illegal behavior of juveniles; this method allows us to identify ways to enhance students' learning qualities for this kind of activity. Research results: the methodological approaches for teaching students the skills of preventive work with juveniles delinquencies were developed; the analysis of socio-cultural causes of juvenile delinquency and their effect on the prevention work was carried out; recommendations to improve the effectiveness of pedagogical preventive work with juvenile offenders and specification of features and methods of teaching this kind of activity were formulated. The article can be useful for the practical work of teachers, social workers, law enforcement officers and all those who, one way or another connected with the work on the prevention of crime and the illegal behavior of underage. Keywords: Juvenile delinquency prevention, prevention of juvenile crime, social pedagogy References Andreev, S. I. (1997). Theory and practice of teachers training to educational work with moral-abnormal teenagers (Doctoral dissertation). Ekaterinburg: Ural State Academy of Physical Culture, 342 p. Baskakov, A. V. & Danilov, M.V. (2014). Characteristics of the main reasons to commit delinquency by underage children. Young Scientist, 20, 551-554. Dorozhkin, E. M., Zaitseva, E.V. & Tatarskikh, B.Y. (2016). Impact of Student Government Bodies on Students' Professional Development. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2666-2677. Ivanova, L. V. (2013). Victimological prevention in crime prevention system, committed against juveniles. Russian investigator, 22, 26-29. Kamalova, L.A., Zakirova, V.G. (2015) The formation of the pedagogical values of future primary school teachers at the University. Review of European Studies, 7 (5), 1-9. Khairutdinova, R.R. (2015) Features of the elementary school teacher training in the system of higher education in Russia at the present stage, Review of European Studies, 7(4), 77-82. Kokoeva, N. V. (2003). Theory and practice of training future teachers to work with difficult teenagers: PhD Thesis. Vladikavkaz: North Ossetian State University. Named after K.L. 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Review of European Studies, 7(4), 216-220. Ozhiganova, M.V., Moskalenko, M.R. & Bolgova , V.V. (2016). A Restorative Approach in Pedagogical and Preventive Work with Juvenile Offenders. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 2800-2813. Parfilova, G.G., Karimova, L.S. & Kasimova, R.S. (2015) The development of children with disabilities by means of folk plays. Review of European Studies, 7 (4), 186-191. Pyatunin, V. A. (2015). Psycho-pedagogical bases of training of pedagogical university students to work with adolescents with deviant behavior. Theoretical and applied aspects of psychology and pedagogy. III International Scientific and Practical Conference. Ufa, 158-175. Sabelnikova, Y. V. & Khmeleva, N. L. (2016). Infantilism: theoretical construct and operationalization. The Education and science journal, 3, 89-105. DOI:10.17853/1994-5639-2016-3-89-105. Tanaeva, Z. R. (2010). Educational concept of training future lawyers to work with juvenile offenders: PhD Abstract. Chelyabinsk: Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, 40 p. Varigin, A. N. & Grigoryan, Z. M. (2011). Criminological analysis of murders committed by juveniles. Legal science, 3, 46-53. Vetoshkin, S. A. (2010). Prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency: a work-book. Ekaterinburg: Publishing house of Russian State Professional Pedagogical University, 308 p. Vorobyeva, I. V. & Kruzhkova, O. V. (2015). Тhe model of prevention of vandal behavior provided by the deformations and destructions of valuable sphere of youth. The Education and science journal, 3, 71-86. DOI:10.17853/1994-5639-2015-3-71-86 Zakirova, V.G., Masalimova, A.R. & Nikoghosyan, M.A. (2016), The Contents, Forms and Methods of Family Upbringing Studying Based on the Differentiated Approach. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(1), 181-190. |
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The Activity-Based Approach to Achieving Theoretical and Practical Consensus in Pedagogy of N. F. TalyzinaNikolay K. Chapaev, Olga B. Akimova, Andrey V. Selivanov & Tatiana V. Shaforostova
pp. 8821-8833 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The relevance of the problem under study is based on the necessity to solve the permanent problem of the unity of theory and practice in the content of students’ cognitive activity in the modern conditions. The purpose of the article is to analyze and to generalize the main concepts of pedagogy by N.F. Talyzina for implementation of the activity-based approach as a productive means of achieving theoretical and practical consensus in the process of forming students’ cognitive activity. The lead approach to studying this problem is the activity-based approach which adequately expresses the objective and the essence of our research. The article is based on the concepts of pedagogy by N.F. Talyzina and reveals the conceptual and instrumental components of implementing the activity-based approach as a productive means of achieving theoretical and practical consensus in the process of forming students’ cognitive activity. The materials of the article can be useful in modeling, designing and constructing a pedagogical concept aimed at achieving the balance between theoretical and practical components within the process of carrying out educational activity. Keywords: Activity-based approach, general types of cognitive activity, specific types of cognitive activity, stages of the acquisition process, theoretical and practical consensus References Akulinin, V. N. (1990). Philosophy of unitotality: from V.S. Soloviev to P.A. Florensky. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 158 p. Bezrukova, V. S. (1982). Conceptual-terminological support of the problem of interconnection of general and vocational education. The issues of the interconnection of the general education and professional-technical training of young workers: collection of scientific works. Edited by M.I. Makhmutov. Moscow: APN USSR, 144 p. Bueva, L. P. (1968). Social environment and conscience of a person. 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Management of Teacher Scientific-Methodical Work in Vocational Educational Institutions on the Basis of Project -Target ApproachElena A. Shakuto, Evgenij M. Dorozhkin & Anastasia A. Kozlova
pp. 8834-8845 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The relevance of the subject under analysis is determined by the lack of theoretical development of the problem of management of teacher scientific-methodical work in vocational educational institutions based upon innovative approaches in the framework of project paradigm. The purpose of the article is to develop and test a science-based structural-functional model of management of teacher scientific-methodical work on the basis of project-target approach. The primary method of study is modeling, which allows to consider the problem as a process of purposeful obtaining skills by teachers of secondary vocational educational institutions to conduct scientific-methodical work on the basis of project-target approach. The article presents a structural-functional model of management of teacher scientific-methodical work. The model comprises a series of components: target, methodological, content, organizational and procedural, evaluation-resultative. The article also suggests a complex of organizational-pedagogical conditions for management of teacher scientific-methodical work on the basis of project-target approach: developing and organizing a management system of teacher scientific-methodical work; building a purposeful teachers’ motivation for scientific-methodical work in the context of changing socio-economic conditions; organizing a system of teachers’ professional development in the field of scientific-methodical work on the basis of project-target approach. The content of the article can be used by Heads of vocational educational organizations, Deputy heads who control methodical work in educational organizations, heads of teacher training programs, as well as college and university teachers in their training students of higher and secondary vocational education. Keywords: Methodical work, project-target approach, scientific-methodical competence of a teacher, scientific-methodical work References Biryukova, N. A. (2016). Assessment of the adult’s personal development as an indicator of the quality of further education. The Education and science journal, 6, 141-151. DOI:10.17853/1994-5639-2016-6-141-151 Chapaev, N. K. (2016). Activity-based principle implementation in the methodological concept of N. E. Jerganova. The Education and science journal, 7, 26-39. DOI:10.17853/1994-5639-2016-7-26-39 Davydova, N.N., Dorozhkin, E.M., Fedorov, V.A. & Konovalova, M.E. (2016). Research and Educational Network: Development Management. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2651-2665. Dorozhkin, E. M. & Zeer, E. F. (2014). Methodology of professional pedagogical education: theory and practice (theoretical and methodological foundations of vocational teacher education). The Education and science journal, 9, 4-20. DOI:10.17853/1994-5639-2014-9-4-20 Dorozhkin, E. M., Leontyeva, T. V., Scherbina, Е. Y., Shchetynina, A. V. & Pecherskaya, E. P. (2016). Teacher’s Labour as a Tool of Forming Human Capital of Higher School Graduates. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2773-2787. Druzhinin, V. I. (2011). Methodical work in an educational institution. Kurgan: IROST, 138 p. Fedorov, V. A., Stepanov, A. V. & Stepanova, T. M. (2015). Composite pedagogical staff-clusters as a condition of department educational and methodical work development. The Education and science journal, 9, 36-50. DOI:10.17853/1994-5639-2015-9-36-50. Fetiskin, N. P., Kozlov, V. V. & Manuilov, G. M. (2002). Socio-psychological diagnostics of personality development in small groups. Moscow: Publishing house of Psychiatry institute, 490 p. Gladik, N. V. (2008). Internal school management of scientific-methodical work. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo 5-go znaniya, 445 p. Ibragimov, G. I. (2012). The conception of didactic teacher training. Kazan: Publishing house “Danis”, IPPO RAO, 36 p. Ibragimov, G. I. (2014). Methodological problems of higher school didactics. The Education and science journal, 6, 3-19. DOI:10.17853/1994-5639-2014-6-3-19 Il'yenko, L. P. (2003). Theory and practice of methodical work management in educational institutions. Moscow: ARKTI, 168 p. Karpov, A. V. (2003). Reflexion as a psychic attribute and methods of its diagnostics. Psychological Journal, 24(5), 45–57. Khuziakhmetov, A.N. & Gabdrakhmanova, R.G. (2016a). Creativity in Joint Activity of Teacher and Student in the Learning Process. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(4), 735-745. Khuziakhmetov, A.N. & Gabdrakhmanova, R.G. (2016b). Creativity in Joint Activity of Teacher and Student in the Learning Process. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(4), 735-745. Lebedeva, I. A. & Kolbas, B. S. (1992). The Administration activity aimed at developing creative personality of a teacher (from experience). Perm: Orion, 15 p. Litkens, K. Ya. (2006). Organization of teacher scientific-methodical work in Gymnasium № 1541 of the western district of the city of Moscow. Direct access: http://pages.marsu.ru/iac/educat/nauka /_private/metod2.html. Lizinskiy, V. M. (2005). About methodical work at school. Moscow: Publishing house “Kryl'ya”, 160 p. Makarova, T. N. (2003). Planning and organization of methodical work at school. Moscow: Centre “Pedagogicheskii poisk”, 160 p. Maslennikova, V. Sh., Ugarova, N. M., Shamsutdinova, V. R. & Fisina, T. A. (2012). The strategy of innovative development in vocational education and upbringing. Kazan Pedagogical Journal, 4(94), 91-101. Mukhamedzyanova, F. Sh. & Shaichutdinova, G. A. (2012). Innovative principles of teacher training in vocational education. Kazan Pedagogical Journal, 1, 25-35. Rean, A. A. (2006). Psychology and psychodiagnostics of personality: theory, research methods, practicum. Saint-Petersburg: Praim-EVROZNAK, 265 p. Saenko, O. E (2007). Organization and content of methodical work in a secondary educational institution. Moscow: Izdatelstvo “Dashkov i Co”, 384 p. Simonova, M.V., Ilyukhina, L.A., Romantsev, G.M., Zeer, E.F. & Khamatnurov, F.T. (2016). Approaches to Monitoring of Competences and Qualifications. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2745-2760. Zagvyazinsky, V. I., Plotnikov, L. D. & Volosnikova, L. M. (2013). Pedagogic Education in Russia and Its Potential Development Strategy. The Education and science journal, 4, 3-18. DOI:10.17853/1994-5639-2013-4-3-18 Zamfir, C. (1983). Un sociolog despre: munca si satisfactie. Moscow: Politizdat, 140 p. Zeer, E. F. (2003). Profession psychology. Ekaterinburg: Delovaya kniga, 336 p. |
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Psychological Aspects of Internet Addiction of TeenagersNataliya G. Tserkovnikova, Dina Ye. Shchipanova, Bella A. Uskova, Viktor V. Puzyrev & Olga А. Fedotovskih
pp. 8846-8857 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The relevance of the problem under study is due to the lack of elaborated theoretical approaches to addiction and addictive behavior factors among children and adolescents, as well as due to the need and demand for psychological and pedagogical work with Internet addicted children and young people or with those who are potentially prone to Internet addiction, as well as with their parents. The purpose of the article is to study empirically the inclination to Internet addiction in the context of violated child-parent relationships (attitude of teenagers to their parents). The leading method of study is the psychodiagnostic method used to identify the specificities of the attitude of adolescents to their parents in the light of the inclination of adolescents to Internet addiction, the peculiarities of their motivation to use the Internet. The work presents the results of the research of the inclination to Internet addiction among teenagers, as well as the analysis of the factors leading to it. Special attention is paid to violations of child-parent relationships, acting as one of the factors determining Internet addiction in adolescence. The material of the article can be useful for psychologists and educators working in the education system, as well as for parents in the aspect of family upbringing. Keywords: Internet addiction, adolescence, child-parent relationships References Biktagirova, G. F. & Valeeva, R. A. (2016). Study of Family Values of Adolescents from Families with Many Children Formation. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(6), 1919-1926. Biktagirova, G.F. & Kasimova, R.S. (2016). Development of Emotional Sphere of Preschool Children. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(4), 799-807. Biktagirova, G.F. & Valeeva, R.A. (2014). Development of the teachers' pedagogical reflection. Life Science Journal, 11 (9 SPEC. 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IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(4), 902-910. Khamatnurov, F.T., Dudina, M.M. & Chistik, O.F. (2016). Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Development of Talent Among Schoolchildren. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 2903-2913. Khudyshkina, T.V., Evtyugina, A.A., Suraeva, M.O. & Ilyukhina, L.A. (2016). Experience of Polyart Education of Children of Different Categories. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 2858-2870. Makhovskaya O. I. & Marchenko F. O. (2016). Psychological amortization factors for media impact in development of children from different social groups. The Education and science journal, 3, 70-89. DOI:10.17853/1994-5639-2016-3-70-89 Markovskaya, I. М. (2007). The psychology of children-parents relations. Chelyabinsk: Publishing house South Ural State University, 91 p. Measure of custody: results of a survey of parents in Russia and Europe on the theme of children's safety on the Internet. (2010). Children in informational society, 3, 44-47. Narikbayeva, L.M. (2016). 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Using Educational Technology in Applications as Element of Teaching for Special DisciplinesElena E. Neupokoeva, Nikolay K. Chapaev, Olga B. Akimova, Matthew D. Shcherbin & Evgenij A. Borovikov
pp. 8858-8872 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The relevance of research problem due to high growth of information technologies roles in industrial activity and low level of teachers professionalism in topics related with information technology. Purpose of article is to show main components of a learning technology aimed at improving level teachers skills to solve didactic problems associated with computer technologies and issues in field of IT private industry. Main strategy to resolve of this problem are: system and activity approach, which allow model a structure activities of future specialist and activity model which required for learning technologies working with application programs (AP); hermeneutic approach which allows to establish a system of semantic interpretation of the conceptual apparatus of the user interface taking into account the level of users ' perception on different levels of using of applied programs; integrative approach which establish a single semantic component for group of disciplines related to information technologies, allowing to optimize learning process inside framework of application software that underlies this technology. In article presents main components of a learning technology, which works with application software: diagram of activities, which works with PC in office, methods of formation of conceptual apparatus in the field of creation of AP algorithms, minimizing of users algorithms. Article will useful for IT teachers, which implement program of preparation of bachelors of vocational training (by industry), as well as business coaches, which will be create a instructional card for user training. Keywords: Education models, instructional maps, IT in education, vocational training of bachelors References Akimova, O.B. & Dorozhkin, E.M. (2015). Network interaction in qualification of education system workers imporving. Professional education acmeology: 12th all-Russian science-practical conference materials. Ekaterinburg: Russian state vocational pedagogical university, 15-19. Akimova, O.B. (2011). Preparing professional education teachers for work, using remote technologies. Professional education acmeology: 8th all-Russian science-practical conference materials. Ekaterinburg: Russian state vocational pedagogical university, 180-182. Apps, J. (1991). Mastering the teaching of adults. Malabar: Krieger Publishing Co, 160 р. Atanov, G.A. (2001). 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The Education and science journal, 6, 46-52. Dorozhkin, E.M. (2006). Realization of social-pedagogical multidimensionality of extra professional education for adults. The Education and science journal, 2, 73-79. Dudina, M.M., Khamatnurov, F.T. & Trubetskaya, O.V. (2016). Experience of Modeling Skill of Memorizing Short Stories as a Part of the Development of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Techniques. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 2914-2924. Federal state educational standard of high education (2015). High level education: baccalaureate, direction of preparation of a teacher of professional education 44.03.04 Professional education (by sectors) Decree from 1.10.2015. Direct access: http://www.rusasstat.ru/en/news/draft-federal-state-educational-standards-of-hightion-t.html Gendina, N.I. (2015). Informational and media-literacy in Russia: results of research, performed for UNESCO. 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The Education and science journal, 3(132), 106-127. Oyarzo, F.P. (2011). Competencies for the 21st Century: Integrating ICT to Life, School and Economical Development. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 28, 54-57. Polat, E.S. & Bukharkina, M.Y. (2010). Modern pedagogical and information technologies in education system: a Textbook for university students. Moscow: Publishing center “Academia”, 386 p. Robert, I.V. (2010). Modern information technologies in education: didactical problems; the prospects of development. Moscow: IIO RAO, 140 p. Surej, P.J. (2015). The integration of information technology in higher education: A study of faculty's attitude towards IT adoption in the teaching process. Contaduría y Administración, 60(1), 230-252. Ualiyeva, N.T. & Murzalinova, A.Z. (2016). Organization of Individual Work of Students Under Competence-Oriented Approach to Education in Higher School. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(14), 6540-6556. Verbitskaya, N.O., Kotova, D.I., Romancev, G.M. & Fedorov, V.A. (2007). Regarding the structuring and standardization of professional competences. The Education and science journal, 5(47), 119-125. Zeer, E.F. & Streltsov, A.V. (2016). Technological Platform for Realization of Students’ Individual Educational Trajectories in a Vocational School. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2639-2650. |
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A Social Portrait of the Russian TrainerVitaly А. Kopnov, Тatiana V. Permyakova, Аlexander G. Kislov, Olga I. Vlasova, Vitaly S. Kuimov, Maria А. Dremina & Anastasia N. Blinova
pp. 8873-8889 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The purposes of this paper are to survey Russian trainers to create a social portrait of the professional group and to identify features, which could be arranged as a foothold for transforming this group to a new level given the demands of the modern economy. This study integrates the use of quantitative and qualitative social research strategies to obtain, aggregate, and analyze data characterizing the professional group of trainers in the Russian vocational education and training (VET) system. The basic research was provided by questionnaires in all federal districts (as recognized by international law) of the Russian Federation. The quantitative poll of trainers was conducted by representative two-level sampling. A number of tables and charts provide a social portrait of the Russian trainer. The statistical data reveal the current level of trainers’ education as well as their length of service, distribution of vocations, and other significant features. The overall conclusion from these findings indicates that a typical representative of this professional group is a woman of average or slightly advanced age with a family, who has a VET or higher education, has served as a training officer for not less than 10 years, and who has either been recruited as a highly skilled worker or as a specialist. A typical representative feels the need to change something in the life and teaching of the young people that she knows. The research into trainers as a professional group was conducted first because of their uniformity, and secondly, their typicality as a pedagogical group. In many respects, the main characteristics of the social portrait are similar to characteristics of other professional groups in the Russian education system, such as secondary and post-secondary school teachers, and VET teachers. The study is based on one country. It is the first and only survey of its type in the Russian Federation. The paper provides a unique analysis of the situation with trainers in the VET system of the Russian Federation. Keywords: Social portrait, trainers, VET system References Callan, T., Fahey, T., Coleman, K., Maitre, B., Nolan, B., Russell, H. & Whelan, C.T. (2007). A social portrait of people of working age in Ireland. Dublin: Economic and Social Research Institute, 92 p. Dorozhkin, E.M., Leontyeva, T.V., Scherbina, Y.Y., Shchetynina, A.V. & Pecherskaya, E.P. (2016). Teacher’s Labour as a Tool of Forming Human Capital of Higher School Graduates. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2773-2787. Encyclopaedic. (1995). Encyclopaedic sociological dictionary. Moscow: Russo, 151 p. European Commission. (1995). Social portrait of Europe. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 268 p. Fransson, G., Lakerveld, J. & Rohtma, V. (2009). To be a facilitator of in-service learning: Challenges, roles and professional development. In A. Swennen and M. Klink (Eds.) 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Methods of Labor Economy Increasing in Educational OrganizationEvgenij M. Dorozhkin, Yakov E. Krotov, Oksana N. Tkacheva, Konstantin V. Kruchkov & Ivan S. Korotaev
pp. 8890-8899 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The urgency of problem under investigation due to fact that increasing demand of the information technology infrastructure development in current conditions of educational institutions functioning, including formation of the information-educational environment point of view. Offered organizational and economic model of constructing processes for software development is based on agile project management, regarded as an object-oriented tool for optimizing labor economics. The purpose of article is in model for labor economy processes optimization as a part of software development based on agile project management methodology in departments associated with development of information technologies in educational organization. The leading method to the problem study is in measurement of labor economics key indicators, including specific metrics of technical expert’s human capital growth. As an experimental base of research are considered educational organizations, at different times, using classical approach for software development and agile project management. The article presents research results of educational organizations departments engaged in project activities for development of information technologies, which are in the development of software products using classical approach for software development and agile project management. Article submissions may be useful to create a culture for constructing labor economics and human capital system based on sustainable growth in departments of educational institutions working in the field of information technology. Keywords: Agile software development, human capital, informatization, labor economics, model for labor economics optimization References Anoshin, A.V. (2013.) The organization of educational process taking into account requirements of a regional labor market. Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta, 2, 1-8. 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Economic Factors of Russian InequalityVyacheslav N. Bobkov, Margarita A. Vakhtina & Marina V. Simonova
pp. 8900-8910 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The relevance of the researched problem is connected with the high level of economic inequality in Russia. The article goal is to show that the current Russian institutional system is not directed to decrease the economic inequality but on the contrary it continues to make and deepen it. The leading approach to study of this problem is the analysis of social institutes, formal and informal regulations which promote keeping on economic inequality in the country. The results of sociological surveys of the Russian research centers confirm sharpness of this problem. The economic inequality laid its foundation due to the transition to the market in the period of privatization and price liberalization in the 90-ies of XX century. Among the factors which aggravate the problem of economic inequality in contemporary Russia there is a rent-seeking behavior of major market players and regressive tax system. The materials can be used to assess the prospects and consequences of large-scale reforms in the transition economies. The experience of the Russian market transformation is useful not only for developing countries but for all the rest of the world. Keywords: Social institutes, inequality, social justice, equal opportunities, poverty, rent-seeking, regressive taxation References Abalkin, L.I. (2005). A Vision of tomorrow. Moscow: Institute of Economics Russian Academy of Sciences, 126 p. Andreff, W. (2004). Who lost Russia? Ekovest, 4, 7-33. Bobkov, V.N. & Odintsova, Ye.V. (2014). Middle classes: theoretical principles, contemporary working out, regarding the hired workers. Journal of Economics of the region, 2(38), 203-212. Bobkov, V.N. & Veredyuk, O.V. (2014). Social Vulnerabitity as a Result of Inequality of Living Standards. History The standard of living of the population of regions of Russia, 1, 17 – 26. Berdnikov, V.A. & Vakhtina, M. A. (2014). Institute of social justice in the market economy in Russia: state and trends. Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics, 11(121), 6-11. Berdyaev, N.A. (1990). Inequality Philosophy. Moscow: IMA- Press, 285 p. Bogomolov, O.T. (2007). Moral factor of social and economic development. Voprosy Ekonomiki, 11, 55-62. Bulgakov, S.N. (1990). Philosophy of Economy. Moscow: Nauka, 412 p. Habermas, J. (2000). Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action. St. Peterburg, 380 p. Economic subjects of post-soviet Russia: ten years later. (2010). In R.M. Nureev (Eds.). Part III. Moscow: Public Science Foundation, 167-168. Fukuyama, F. (2004). The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity. Moscow: AST, Ermak, 732 p. Glazyev, S.Y. (2007). I'm just doing my duty. Moscow: Algorithm, 464 p. Gorshkov, M.K. (2011). Russian Society as It Is. Moscow: Publishing house: New chronograph, 672p. Inequality and income. (2015). Levada-center. Direct access: http://www.levada.ru/14-07-2015/neravenstvo-i-dokhody. Khlebnikov, P. (2001). Godfather of the Kremlin Boris Berezovsky and the looting of Russia. Direct access: http://nationalization.ru/Library/Hlebnikov_P._Kriestniyyi_Otec_Kremlya_.a6.pdf. Kozlowski, P. (1999). Principles of Ethical Economy. Moscow: Economic School, 344p. Larsen, E. (2006). Escaping the resource curse and the Dutch disease? American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 3, 605-640. Ngo, T.W. (2008). Rent-seeking and Economic Governance in the Structural Nexus of Corruption in China. Crime, Law and Social Change, 49, 27-44. North, D. (2011). Violente and Social Orders. Moscow: Gaidar’s Institute, 480 p. North, D., Wallis, J. & Vinegast, B. (2012). In the shadow of Violence: Lessons for Companies With Limited Access to political and Economic Activities. Voprosy Ekonomiki, 3, 4-31. Rich and poor – yesterday and today. (2015). Russian Public Opinion Research Center (RPORC), 2878. Direct access: http://wciom.ru/index.php?id=236&uid=115317. Rawls, J. (2010). A Theory of Justice. Moscow: LKI, 536 p. Stiglitz, J. (2004). Russian privatization. Approaches and implications. Issues of Economics, 6, 58-75. Stiglitz, J. (2015). The price of inequality: how today’s divided society endangers our future. Moscow: Eksmo, 508p. The income distribution in society: government regulation or market mechanism? (2015). Russian Public Opinion Research Center. Direct access: http://wciom.ru/index.php?id=2-36&uid=115143. Tugan-Baranovsky, M. (1996). To the better Future distribution. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 528 p. Tullock, G. (2011). Public Goods, redistribution and rent-seeking. Moscow: Gaidar Institute, 281 p. Vaisburd, V.A., Simonova, M.V., Bogatyreva, I.V., Vanina, E.G. & Zheleznikova, E.P. (2016). Productivity of Labour and Salaries in Russia: Problems and Solutions. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(5), 157-165. |
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“Biosphere reserve” - the Actual Research Subject of the Sustainable Development Process”Gabibulla R. Khasaev, Marina Yu. Sadovenko & Roman O. Isaev
pp. 8911-8929 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The relevance of the analyzed issue is caused by the growing slippage of research funds of sustainable development in its practice. The purpose of the article is the theoretical basis of the biosphere reserve as a scientific research subject that is relevant to rules of the scientific activity. The leading approach to the study of this issue is the use of the theoretical and active approach. Tools of this methodological approach can determine the subject and content of the main “blocks” of the scientific subject – “the biosphere reserve”. Results of the research include: 1 - the analysis of the previous use of the organizational form of “the biosphere reserve”; 2 - the actual rationale for its purpose. This research justifies the function of the biosphere reserve as a scientific subject of applied research for sustainable development. The authors also justify a particular object (“activity” as opposed to “nature”) for the subject of “the biosphere reserve”. The contents of the article may be useful for specialists in the field of the scientific research methodology and regulatory support of sustainable development. Keywords: Biosphere reserve, biosphere ground, activity, subject of research, sustainable development References Biospheric wildlife reserves of Russia. – Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO. (2010), Vestnik, 12. 216 p. Carmen Martínez-Cruz, Nogueraa, J.M. & Vilab, A. (2016). Flexible queries on relational databases using fuzzy logic and ontologie. Information Sciences, 366, 150–164. Costanza, R., Fioramonti, D.L., Giovannini, E., Kubiszewski, I., Mortensene, L.F., Pickettf, K.E., Ragnarsdottirg, K.V., Voglih, R. & Wilkinsoni, R. (2016). Modelling and measuring sustainable wellbeing in connection with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Direct access: http://www.academia.edu/28222088/Modelling_and_measuring_sustainable_wellbeing_in_connection_with_the_UN_Sustainable_Development_Goals Dubrovsky, V.Ya. (2010). 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Global Design as the Integral Person Formation StrategyAlexander V. Stepanov, Vladimir A. Fedorov, Julia A. Vorobyeva, Ulyana Е. Marakulina & Vladislav I. Ovchinnikov
pp. 8930-8941 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The relevance of the problem under study is based on the society's need for educating an integral person who is able to solve ecumenical project tasks. Currently this problem (as natural order from the society) is emerging in the educational system and social practices but has yet to obtain substantial scientific and theoretical justification. The purpose of the article is to initiate the theoretical-practical aspect of the educational activity towards educating a designer who is thinking and acting integrally at the early stages of professional development. The lead method for studying this problem is historical monitoring of a person’s project practice which provides the possibility to examine project processes within the context of their holistic dimension and to configure the hypothesis on the necessity of changes in the educational system. The article presents the prognostic idea, which is supported by the historical facts, that it would be necessary and effective for the educational system to depart from the practice of niche specialization in training of designers at the early stages of their professional development; it also contains the conceptual definition of and the proposal for a model of educating an universal (integral) designer within the instrumental (tool) framework of animation, computer, object and other modeling technologies which provides a practical effect for the educational system (of general, pre-vocational and vocational education). The article can be useful for innovation-thinking sponsor of educational processes, theoreticians of design and pedagogy, practitioners of design, teachers of design at higher, secondary and general educational institutions, as well as for philosophers, cultural studies scholars, sociologists, psychologists and other researchers. 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Author as a Corporal Subject of A. Huxley’s WorksSvetlana S. Falaleeva, Diana R. Musaeva, Tatiana I. Samoylova & Anna M. Linnik
pp. 8942-8955 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The relevance of the problem studied in the article is conditioned by the fact that A. Huxley’s works are regarded in the context of the modern theory of mimesis for the first time. The aim of the article is to analyze the author’s problem as a corporal subject of Huxley’s works in the context of the modern theory of mimesis. The leading method for studying this problem is the analytical anthropology of literature which allows describing mimetic features and the author’s image as a corporal subject of Huxley’s works. The main attention in the article is paid to the artistically embodied forms of the author’s corporality. The article may be useful for philologists, philosophers, for developing courses and seminars on the history of the English literature, and also within courses on the anthropology of literature. Keywords: Aldous Huxley, anthropology of literature, author, corporality, mimesis References Aldous Huxley. (1965). Aldous Huxley: 1894 – 1963: A Memorial. New York: Chatto & Windus, 174 p. Artaud, A. (2000). The Theatre and Its Double. Saint Petersburg: Symposium, 440 p. Bakhtin, M.M. (1975). Questions of Literature and Aesthetics. Moscow: Khudozhestvennaya Literatura, 504 p. Barthes, R. (1994.) The Pleasure of the Text / Selected Works. Мoscow: Progress, Univers, 423 p. Benjamin, W. (2012). Einbahnstrasse. Мoscow: Ad Marginem Press, 128 p. Derrida, J. (2007). Writing and Diffference. Moscow: Akademichesky Proekt, 495 p. Golovacheva, I.V. (2008). Science and Literature: Aldous Huxley’s Archeology of Scientific Knowledge. Saint Petersburg, 344 p. Hull, J. (2004). Aldous Huxley. Representative Man. London: Lit Verlag Munster, 600 p. Huxley, A. (1967). After Many a Summer. London: Chatto & Windus. 314 p. Huxley, A. (1949). Antic Hay. London: Chatto & Windus, 254 p. Huxley, A. (1958). Ape and Essence. New York: Harper & Brothers, 205 p. Huxley, A. (1942). The Art of Seeing. New York: Harper, 273 p. Huxley, A. (1922). Crome Yellow. New York: George H. Doran Co, 307 p. Huxley, A. (1971). The Doors of Perception. London: Chatto & Windus, 147 p. Huxley, A. (1937). Eyeless in Gaza. New York: Harper & Brothers, 473 p. Huxley, A. (1955). The Genius and the Goddess. London: Chatto & Windus, 128 p. Huxley, A. (1986). Happily Ever After / The Gioconda Smile. London: Triad Grafton Books, 249 p. Huxley, A. (1956). Heaven and Hell. New York: Harper & Brothers, 103 p. Huxley, A. (1977). The Human Situation. Lectures at Santa Barbara. New York: Harper & Row, 261 p. Huxley, A. (1972). Island. New York: Harper & Row, 295 p. Huxley, A. (1946). Limbo. London: Chatto & Windus, 292 p. Huxley, A. (1970). The Perennial Philosophy. London: Chatto & Windus, 358 p. Huxley, A. (1971). Point Counter Point. London: Chatto & Windus, 448 p. Huxley, A. (1972). Those Barren Leaves. London: Penguin Books, 356 p. Huxley, A. (1998). Time Must Have a Stop. London: Dalkey Archive Press, 280 p. Lawrence, D.H. (2012). Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious. Fantasia of the Unconscious. Mineola, New York: Dover Publications, 240 p. Letters of Aldous Huxley (1969). Letters of Aldous Huxley. London: Chatto & Windus, 992 p. Falaleeva, S.S. (2010). Psychosomatic Aspect of Human Nature in A. Huxley’s Works. News of Ural Federal University. Humanities, 82(4), 120-126. Foucault, M. (1997). History of Madness in the Classical Age. Saint Petersburg: Universitetskaya Kniga, 576 p. Kristeva, J. (2003). Power of Horror. An Essay on Abjection. Saint Petersburg: Aletheia, 256 p. Lacan, J. (1999). Seminars. Moscow: Gnosis, 520 p. Marovitz, S. E. (1974). Aldous Huxley’s Intellectual Zoo. New York: Prentice-Hall, 345 p. Meckier, J. (1969). Aldous Huxley: Satire and Structure. London: Chatto & Windus, 224 p. Podoroga, V.A. (1999). Dictionary of Analytical Anthropology. Logos, 2, 26-88. Podoroga, V.A. (2006). Mimesis: in 2 v. Vol. 1: Gogol. Dostoevsky. Moscow: Kulturnaya Revolutsia, Logos, 688 p. Rabinovich, V.S. (2001). Evolution of Aldous Huxley’s Works. Ekaterinburg: Ural Literary Agency, 448 p. Uspensky, B.A. (2000). A Poetics of Composition. Мoscow: Azbuka, 348 p. Woodcock, G. (1972). Dawn and the darkest Hour: a Study on Aldous Huxley. London: Viking Press, 296 p. Yampolsky, М. (2004). Physiology of the Symbolic. Moscow: Logos, 800 p. |
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System of Attitudes in Parents of Young People Having Sensory DisordersSvetlana Posokhova, Natalia Konovalova, Victor Sorokin, Yuri Demyanov, Tatyana Kolosova & Elena Didenko
pp. 8956-8967 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The objective of the research was to identify the system of attitudes in parents of young people having sensory disorders. The survey covered parents of children aged 17 and older having hearing disorders, visual disorders, and no sensory disorders. The parents' system of attitudes united the attitude of the parents to themselves, to the child and the child's sensory disorder, to family and family values. The complex of techniques used included the multi-purpose three-factor semantic differential by C.E. Osgood (1964), parents’ attitude questionnaire by A.Ya. Varga and V.V. Stolin (1988), and E.Ya. Didenko's (2013) questionnaire form. In conditions of parents and young people living together, it is peculiar to all parents to accept their children and to be able to interact with them as well as to control the organization of their life and activity. Experiencing anxiety and dissatisfaction of life, diverse personal change, understanding the communication barriers of their children and recognizing the value of their future are characteristic for parents of young people having sensory disorders. This creates conditions for symbiotic relationships and infantilization of the young people. The structure of parents' attitudes in case of the children's sensory disorders is distinguished by a high integration of significance of one's own "I", of the value of one's own activity and openness. Keywords: Hearing disorders, visual disorders, parents, family, system of attitudes, integration References Ainsworth, M.D. (1989). Attachments beyond infancy. American Psychologist, 44(4), 709-716. Ainsworth, M.D., Blehar, M.C., Waters, E., Wall, S. (1978). Patterns of attachment: a psychological study of the strange situation. Hillsdale: Erlbaum, 12 p. Bogdanova, T.G. (2002). Surdopshychology. Moscow: Publishing center “Academy”, 221 p. Bowlby, J. (1982). Attachment and loss. New York: Basic Books, 338 p. Didenko, E.Ya. (2013). Relief of life difficulties of families of adolescents and young people with sensory impairments. Special education, 4(32), 28-33. Guslova, M.N. (2011). Organization and content of social work with the population. Moscow: Publishing Center “Academy”, 256 p. Isaev, D.N. (2004). Children's medical psychology. Psychological Pediatrics. St.Petersburg: Speech, 386 p. Izvolskaya, A.A. (2012). Self-relation students with hearing impairments in special and inclusive education: PhD Abstract. Moscow, 19 p. Kirschbaum, E.I. & Eremeeva, A.I. (2000). Psychological protection. Moscow: Sense, 181 p. Levchenko, I.Yu. & Tkacheva, V.V. (2008). Psychological support for families raising a child with developmental disabilities. Methodical manual. Moscow: Education, 239 p. Mamaychuk, I.I. & Chaves, S. (1992). Features of family education of children with cerebral paralysis. Proceedings of G. I. Turner LSRCHOI. Leningrad: G.I. Turner LSRCHOI, 68 p. Markovskaya, I.M. (2007). Psychology of parent-child relationships. Chelyabinsk: South Ural State University Press, 91 p. Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation (2016). Direct access: http://www.rosmintrud.ru Minuchin, S. & Fishman, H. C. (2004). Family Therapy Techniques. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 233 p. Osgood, C.E. (1964). Semantic Differential in the Comparative Study of cultures. American Antropology, 66, 171-200. Petrenko, V.F. (2005). Basics of psychosemantics. St.Petersburg: Peter, 480 p. Piskun, O.Yu. (2015). Psycho-pedagogical correction of emotional and strong-willed development of deaf pupils: PhD Abstract. St. Petersburg, 24 p. Plapinger, D. & Kretschmer, R. (1991). The effect of context on the interactions between a normally-hearing mother and her hearing-impaired child. The Volta Review, 93, 75-87. Semago, M.M. (1992). Socio-psychological problems of families with a disabled child from childhood. Moscow: Education, 35 p. Semago, N.Ya. & Semago, M.M. (2000). Guidelines in psychological diagnostics. Moscow: ARCPRES, 128 p. Shipitsyna, L.M. (2009). A child with hearing disorder in the family and society. St.Petersburg: Speech, 201 p. Tkacheva, V.V. (2014). Family of the child with disabilities: diagnostics and counsulting. Moscow: National Book Centre, 152 p. Turnbull, A.P., Turnbull, H.R., Erwin, E., Soodak, L. & Shogren, K. (2015). Families, professionals, and exceptionality: positive outcomes through partnerships and trust. Boston: Merrill/Prentice Hall, 558 p. Varga, A.Ja. & Stolin V.V. (1988). Test-questionnaire of parent`s relation. Practical work in psychodiagnostics. Psychodiagnostic materials. Moscow: MSU, 113 p. Vasilyuk, F.E. (1984). Psychology of experience: analysis of overcoming critical situations. Moscow: MSU Press, 200 p. Watzlawick, P., Beavin, J. & Jackson, D. (2000). Pragmatics of human communication. A study of interactional patterns, pathologies and paradoxes. Moscow: April-Press, Publishing house Eksmo-Press, 320 p. |
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Gratefulness as a Life Principle: Essence and DiagnosticsElena M. Safronova, Lyubov S. Beylinson, Natalia V. Zolotykh & Tatyana Yu. Shevchenko
pp. 8968-8980 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The objective of this paper is to present the results of the study detailing the essence of the "gratefulness" phenomenon as a quintessence of morality in the context of today's world and its values. The methods of the research were theoretical analysis of the works of philosophers, psychologists, philologists, and pedagogues on the structure and essence of the notion "gratefulness" as well as the method of diagnostic experiment. A review of various treatments of gratefulness is suggested, ranging from the "feeling", "capacity", "attitude", "concept" to "indicator", "prerequisite", "limiter", "virtue", "duty", "obligation" and so on. An attempt is made to characterize "gratefulness" through description of its components and indices of its formation and a portrait of an adolescent having a high level of its formation is given. A complex of author's diagnostic techniques (in the forms of questionnaire, ranking, essay) worked out on the basis of the theoretical analysis and the current condition of gratefulness formation in adolescents from various types of schools is described. A comparative analysis of gratefulness formation in those schoolchildren who have development disorders and in normally developing ones is given Keywords: Gratefulness, value, principle, duty, morality References Apresyan, R.G. (1995). The idea of morality and basic legal and ethical programs. Moscow: IFRAN, 353 p. Benjamin, R. (2012). The new limits of education policy. New York: Edward Elgar, 370 p. Berdnikova, A.G. (2005). Speech genre of gratefulness: cognitive and semantic and pragmatic aspect: PhD Thesis. Novosibirsk, 224 p. Cicero, M.T. (1985). Philosophical treatise. Moscow: Science, 382 p. Development strategy of upbringing in the Russian Federation until 2025 (2015). Direct access: https://rg.ru/2015/06/08/vospitanie-dok.html Dictionary in ethics (1983). Moscow: Publishing House of Political Literature, 2800 p. Douglas, B.H. (2000). Communicative competence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 10-13. Durkheim, E. (2011). Moral Education: A Study in the Theory and Application of the Sociology of Education. Whitefish: Literary Licensins, 320 p. Efremova, T.F. (2000). New Dictionary of the Russian language. Moscow: Russian language, 1209 p. Emmons, R.A. (2013). Gratitude Works: A 21-Day Program for Creating Emotional Prosperity. California: Publisher-Jossey-Bass, 196 p. Emmons, R.A. (2016). The New Science of Gratitude. Direct access: http://www.gratitudepower.net Foskett, N. & Lumby, J. (2003). Leading and Managing Education. Direct access: http://mie.sagepub.com/content/17/3/24.extract Kant, I. (1994). Collected Works in eight volumes. Moscow: CHORO, 132 p Kataeva, N.A. (2012). Figuratively-perceptive component of gratefulness in Kalmyk, Russian and English linguoculture. Proceedings of the Volgograd State Pedagogical University. Series Philological sciences, 2(66), 46-49. Kincheloe, J. (2002). Teachers as researchers. London: Rutledge Falmer, 355 p. Klein, M. (1997). Envy and gratitude. St. Petersburg: Peter, 100 p. Klyuchevsky, V.O. (1968). Letters. Diaries. Aphorisms and thoughts about history. Moscow: Science, 528 p. Kon, I.S. (1984). Finding oneself. Personality and its identity. Moscow: Politissue, 335 p. Neckerman, K.M. (2007). Schools Betrayed. Roots of Failue in Inner-City Education. London: Rutledge, 328 p. Osho, R. (2016). Proverbs from Osho Direct access: http://millionstatusov.ru/aut/osho/t/blagodar-nost.html Ozhegov, S.I. & Shvedova, N.Yu. (2015). Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian language: 80 000 words and frazeological expressions. Moscow: LLC “A Temp”, 886 p. Peterson, R.Z. (1992). The Core Curriculum in Professional Psychology. Washington: American Psychological Association, 289 p. Seneca, L.A. (1977). Moral letters to Lutsiliy. Moscow: Science, 62-65. Volodina, L.O. (2011). Spiritual and moral values of education in the Russian family. Pedagogy, 4, 41-50. Yamburg, E.A. (2007). Aristocracy as a criterion of the quality of education. Head teacher. Managing a modern school, 6, 16-40. |
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Political and Legal Consciousness of Young People in the Region (a Case Study of Jewish Autonomous Region)Ekaterina Lutsenko, Yulia Tyurina, Irina Korolyova, Stanislav Shishmakov, Vladimir Shishmakov & Natalia Nikolaeva
pp. 8981-8990 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The paper deals with particularities of political and legal consciousness of young people in view of a region against the background of the general standpoint of the Russian citizens and Russian youth in questions of the political and legal spheres. The opinion of the young people and citizens of the country as a whole is evaluated based on the results of authors' sociological questionnaire surveys conducted in Jewish autonomous region and questionnaire surveys of the population of Russia conducted by Levada-Center and the Public Opinion Foundation. The political and legal consciousness in a social relations subject is formed under the effect of the entire complex of factors and is determined by the historical, political, economical and other conditions of the subject's life activity. In it, both the emotional and the rational, experience and traditions, moods and stereotypes are interweaved. While performing a number of regulatory, communicative etc. functions, the political consciousness is a kind of indicator that allows understanding, estimating the place and role of this or that subject (population as a whole, a social group, an individual) in politics. Legal consciousness is the most closely associated with the political one. It reflects political and economical interests, knowledge and evaluations of the laws, standards, social relations regulators accepted in the society. Keywords: Political consciousness, legal consciousness, youth, social movement, rights and liberties References Baker, M. (2011). In other words: a course book on translation. Bazhenova, N.G. & Lutsenko, E.L. (2015). Systematic Monitoring of the Educational Environment Quality of the Regional University. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 214, 228-234. Bazhenova, N.G. & Lutsenko, E.L. (2016). Life Strategies of Chinese Students Studying at universities in the Border Areas of the East of Russia. Direct access: https://www.questia.com/library/journal/1P3-4099015421/life-strategies-of-chinese-students-studying-at-universities Betekhtina, A.V. & Olukhov, N.V. (2012). Electoral behavior of the youth: why don’t young people go to the polls? Direct access: http://vestnik.uapa.ru/issue/03/2/ Biguenet, J. & Schulte, R. (2010). The Craft of Translation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 170 p. Bryman, A. (2012). Social research methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 766 p. By, Z. & By, L. (2008). The impact of higher education on entrepreneurial intentions of university students in China. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 15, 752-774. Finn, J.D. & Zimmer, K.S. (2012). Student engagement: What is it? Why does it matter? In: Handbook of research on student engagement. New York: Springer, 352 p. Fuchs, C. (2006). The self-organization of social movements. Systemic practice and action research, 19(1), 101-137. Gao, Z. (2008). College students' motivation toward weight training: a combined perspective. Journal of Sport Behavior, 31(1), 22-43. Giddens, A. (1995). Politics, Sociology and Social Theory. Encounters with Classical and Contemporary Social Thought. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 304 p. Goetz, D. (2014). The Effects of an Academic Values Clarification Exercise on Academic Performance of College Students. Direct access: http://scholarworks.wmich.edu/honors_theses/2427 Levitskaya, T.R. & Fitterman, A.M. (1976). Translation features. Moscow:
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Iberian (South American) Model of Judicial Review: toward Conceptual FrameworkAndrey A. Klishas
pp. 8991-9002 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The paper explores Latin American countries legislation with the view to identify specific features of South American model of judicial review. The research methodology rests on comparative approach to analyzing national constitutions provisions and experts’ interpretations thereof. The constitutional provisions of Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Ecuador are taken as core examples to compare the relevant procedure with Anglo-Saxon and European models of judicial review. The paper underlines that within the traditional separation of powers (i.e. legislative, executive and judicial), each of the respective branches conducts supervision and review functions to a particular extent. The text covers some examples regarding the head of the state, the supreme legislative body activities in this respect and goes further to explore the nature of the phenomenon under study, taking into account that majority of Latin American countries supported the organizational structure of judiciary operating in line with the separation of powers and also grant their courts of general jurisdiction the right of review for constitutionality and legality. The comparative analysis of national constitutions provisions and scholars’ interpretations has led to a number of conclusive statements regarding distinctive features of constitutional supervision and judicial review procedure in the South American legal tradition. Keywords: Constitutional supervision, judicial review, South American model of judicial supervision, constitutional justice References Arellano G.C. (1988a). Practica Forense del Juicio de Amparo. Mexico: Ed. Porrua, 1290 p. Avtonomov, A.R. (2001). Federative republic of Brazil. Constitutional Law of foreign countries. Moscow: Jurisprudence, 896 p. Borrell Navarro, M. (1988). El Juicio de Amparo Laboral. Mexico: Ed. PAC, 7-9. Burgoa, I. (1988). El Juicio de Amparo. Mexico: Ed. Porrua, 283 p. Carillo Flores, A. (1973). La Justicia Federal y la Administracion Publica. Mexico: Ed. Porrua, 357 p. Chirkin, V.Ye. (2001). Contemporary state. Moscow: International relations, 416 p. Constitución Española (1978). Direct access: https://www.boe.es/diario_boe/txt.php?id=BOE-A-1978-31229 Hernandez, O.A. (1958). Trayectoria constitucional mexicana. Revista de la Facultad de Derecho de Mexico, 29, 87-113. La Constitución de la República Federativa del Brasil (1988). Direct access: http://www2.congreso.gob.pe/sicr/cendocbib/con4_uibd.nsf/DB0906178F38C78105257D9A006D1B77/$FILE/Constituci%C3%B3n_Brasil.pdf La Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos (2016). Direct access: http://www.ordenjuridico.gob.mx/Constitucion/cn16.pdf Law systems of world countries. (2000). Reference book. Moscow: Norma, 976 p. Ley de Amparo (1988). Reglamentaria de los artículos. Mexico: Ed. PАС, 91 p. Mirow, M.C. (2004). Latin American law: a history of private law and institutions in Spanish America. Texas: University of Texas Press, 359 p. Orlov, A.G. (2001). Suprime bodies of state power in Latin American countires. Moscow: Ankil, 201 p. Pastor Prieto, S. (2003). El coste de la justicia. Barcelona: Consejo General del Poder Judicial, 154 p. Perez Tremps, P. (2004). El recurso de amparo. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch, 317 p. Rabasa, E.O. & Caballero, G. (1982). Mexicano: esta es tu Constitucion. Mexico: Camara de Diputados, 217 p. Rodriguez-Patron, P. (2003). La autonomia procesal del Tribunal Constitucional. Madrid: Civitas, 185 p. Steinberger, H. (1994). Structural elements of western European constitutional jurisdiction. Modern German constitutionalism. Moscow: RAS, 52 p. Tena Ramirez, F. (1988). Derecho Сonstitucional mexicano. Mexico: Ed. Porrua, 683 p. Yeremyan, V. V. (1998). Amparo procedure as a tool to protect the Constitution of Mexio and to maintain political stability. RUDN Research Bulletin, Legal Studies Series, 1, 43-45. Zelentsov, A.B. (1997). Administrative justice. Moscow: RUDN, 91 p. Zelentsov, A.B. (2001). Conflicts in governance and Conflict management: experience of complex research on the subject and form of administrative justice. Мoscow: RUDN, 543 p. Zhidkov O.A. (1985). USA Supreme Court: Law and Politics. Moscow: Science, 221 p. |
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The ‘American’ (North American) Model of Constitutional Review: Historical Background and Early DevelopmentAndrey A. Klishas
pp. 9003-9009 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The paper explores the impact of the continental system exerted on the constitutional and political evolution of both the United States and individual states and tries to characterize the development of constitutional review phenomenon within the framework of the continental legal system and the Anglo-Saxon legal system. The research stands on the comparative legal analysis methodology within a diachronically featured paradigm. The paper explores the ways through which the continental system could exert relevant impact on the constitutional and political evolution of both the United States and individual states. Further on the article traces the development of the concepts of constitutional review within the framework of the continental legal system and the Anglo-Saxon legal system. The above stages of the analysis allowed the author to outline the specifics, nature of the essence of judicial review in the context of axiological analysis of public activities. The study concludes that judicial review is used to elucidate to what extent a rule of conduct complies with the safeguards of human and civil rights and liberties set out in a specific country. Keywords: Constitutional review, constitutional control, constitutionality of laws, North American model of judicial review, constitutionalism References Arnold-Baker, C. (2002). Local Council Administration. In: English Parishes and Welsh Communities. London: Butterworths, Lexis Nexis, 866 p. Blackstone, W. (1978). Commentaries on the Laws of England. New York: Londres, 209 p. Boshno, R.V. (2004). The forms of Russian Law. Moscow: Right and law, 217 p. Bridwell, R. & Whitten, R. (1977).The Constitution and the Common Law. Lexington; Toronto, 206 p. Brinton, C. (1933). English Political Thought in the Nineteenth Century. London: Ernest Benn, 267 p. Burgoa, I. (1988). El Juicio de Amparo. Mexico: Ed. Porrua, 810 p. Chirkin, V.Ye. (1994). Elements of comparative studies of state. Мoscow: RAS, 152 p. Constitutions of Bourgeois States (1982). Moscow: Judicial Literature, 408 p. David, R. (1988). Major legal systems of contemporary world. Moscow: Progress, 400 p. Feinman, J.M. (2000). Law 101. Everything You Need to Know About the American Legal System. Oxford: University Press, 384 p. Ferrando Badia, J. (1995). Regimenes Politicos Actuales. Madrid: Ed. ‘Tecnos’, 487 p. Hamilton, A. (1999a). Other Defects of the Present Confederation. From the New York Packet. Direct access: http://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/fed22.asp Hamilton, A. (1999b). The Powers of the Judiciary. http://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century-/fed80.asp Law systems of world countries. (2000). Reference book. Moscow: Norma, 976 p. Makhov, V.N. & Peshkov, M.A. (1998). USA Criminal procedure. Moscow: Business-school “Intell-synthesis”, 208 p. Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee.1 Wheat (14 U.S.), 304, 335, 1816 (1816). Direct access: https://supreme.justia.com/cases/-federal/us/14/304/case.html Mishin, A.A. (1976). State Law of the USA. Moscow: Science, 382 p. Moral Soriano, L. (2002). El precedente judicial. Prologo de Zenon Bankowski y Neil MacCormick. Madrid: Marcial Pons, Ediciones Juridicas y Sociales, 205 p. Peces-Barba Martinez, G. (2001). Historia de los derechos fundamentales. Madrid: Editorial Dykinson, 875 p. Petrazhitskiy, LI. (2000). Theory of Law and State in connection with the theory of morality. St. Petersburg: Doe, 588 p. Reynolds, W. (1980). Judicial Process in a Nutshell. St. Paul: West Publishing, 292 p. The Constitution of the State of California (1879). Direct access: https://archive.org/details/constitutionofst00cal Thorpe, F.N. (1909). The Federal and State Constitutions, Colonial Charters and Other Organic Laws of the States, Territories and Colonies, Now or Heretofore Forming the United States of America. Washington: The Federal and State Constitutions, 680 p. Vasilyev, A.V. (2005) Theory of Law and State. Moscow: Flinta, 432 p. Zhidkov, O.A. (1985). Supreme Court of the USA: Law and Politics. Moscow: Science, 221 p. Zhidkov, O.A. (1971). History of the bourgeois law. Мoscow: UDN, 157 p. |
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Renewing University-Based Curriculum in Line with Societal Needs: a Case of Legal Education in RussiaOleg A.Yastrebov
pp. 9010-9016 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The paper tries to reveal how the modern university education could respond to changes that take place in contemporary society development. The research has tried to follow the task of bridging the Academy and Society needs. Special emphasis is laid to the legal education as graduates of respective institutions are supposed to contribute to the global rule of law, human rights provision, equal access to public goods. The article explores the international state of affairs with regard to administrative law status, specifies latest developments in the Russian national legislation. Due to the fact that the Code of Administrative Court Procedure came into force in Russia the paper argues for legal education curriculum renewal and some disciplines replacement, provides legal, conceptual and theoretical grounds for the above change. The methodology included literature analysis, empirical study of educational standards requirements and further went on to draft recommendations about the changes in the degree course contents and specifics with regard to the latest developments in national legislation. Keywords: Administrative law, administrative procedure, university based legal education, curriculum renewal, law and society References Barnes, J. (2016). Towards a third generation in administrative procedures. Proceedings of Conference on Comparative Administrative Law. Direct access: https://www.law.yale.edu/system-/files/area/conference/compadmin/compadmin16_barnes_towards.pdff Barr, M.S. & Miller, G.P. (2006). Global Administrative Law: The View from Basel. The European Journal of International Law, 17, 15-46. Bignami, F. (2011). From Expert Administration to Accountability Network: A New Paradigm for Comparative Administrative Law. American Journal of Comparative Law, 59(4), 859-908. 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Features of Social Attitudes and Value Orientations of Youths and Adolescents Prone to Auto-Aggressive BehaviorValentina B. Salakhova, Aleksey A. Oschepkov, Nadezda V. Lipatova, Pavel V. Popov & Irina V. Mkrtumova
pp. 9017-9025 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The relevance of the study is due to the growth of social symptoms of aggression directed forwards the Self, which is especially visible in environment of young people. The presented article is aimed at research relations between value orientations and social attitudes among youths and adolescents prone to auto-aggressive behavior. The methodological basis of the research corresponds to Jadov’s dispositional conception of personality. Considerable interrelations between value orientations and social attitudes of youths and adolescents prone to auto-aggressive behavior are discovered. The results of the study may be useful for diagnostics of auto-aggression among young people in educational organizations and for psychological consulting of the cases related to auto-aggressive behavior. Keywords: Auto-aggressive behavior, value orientations, social attitudes, youths, adolescents, personality dispositions References Allport, G.W. (1935). Attitudes. Handbook of Social Psychology. Worcester: Clark University Press, 884 p. Asmolov, A.G., & Kovalchuk, M.A. (1977). About relation of concept of attitude in base and social psychology. Theoretical and methodological problems of social psychology. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 143–163. Belicheva, S.A. (1994). The basis of preventive psychology. Moscow: Social Health of Russia Press, 221 p. Bozhovich, L.I. (1972). Personality and its forming in juvenile age. Moscow: AST, 464 p. Burns, R.B. (1982). Self-Concept Development and Education. Detroit: University of Michigan, 441 p. Devjatkin, A.A. (2000). The phenomenon of social attitude in psychology of 20th century. Kaliningrad: Kaliningrad University Press, 309 p. Efimova, O.I., Oschepkov, A.A. & Salahova, V.B. (2015). Personality and deviations: values and meanings. Technologies of correction. Ulyanovsk: Ulyanovsk State University, 372 p. Festinger, L. (1957). A theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 321 p. Gorodetskaja, I.M. & Konuhova, S.T. (2008). Deviant behavior in adolescent's age: social-psychological aspect. Kazan pedagogical journal, 7, 82 - 91. Hovland, C.I. & Sherif, M. (1952). Judgmental phenomena and scales of attitude measurement: item displacement in Thurstone scales. Journal of abnormal and social psychology, 47, 822 – 832. Jadov, V.A. (2013). Self-regulation and predicting social behavior of personality: dispositional conception. Moscow: CSPaM, 376 p. Lewin, K. (2000). Theory of field in social sciences. Saint-Petersburg: Rech, 368 p. Magnusson, D. (1983). Situational analysis: empirical studies of proportions of outputs and situations. Psychological journal, 2, 29 - 54. Maklakov, A.G. (2001). Personal adaptation potential: its mobilization and predicting in extreme conditions. Psychological Journal, 1(22), 16–24. Oschepkov, A.A. (2014). Experimental study of social-pedagogical correction of adolescents aggressive behavior in the environment of secondary education organization. Bulletin of Dimitrovgrad engineering-technological institute, 3, 132 - 141. Rokeach, M. (1968). Beliefs, attitudes, and values. San Francisco: Chronicle Books,521 p. Serkin, V.P. (2004). Semantic differentials. Methods of psycho-semantics. Moscow: Aspect Press, 305 p. Shapar, V.B. (2005). Applied psychology. Technique. Rostov-on-Don: Feniks,768 p. Shapar, V.B. (2006). Applied psychology. Psycho-diagnostics of groups and teams. Rostov-on-Don: Feniks, 448 p. Shestopalova, L.F., & Perevoznaja, T.A. (2003). Value-semantic sphere of personality with specific disorders and proneness to illegal behavior. Psychological Journal. 3, 66–71. Shihirev, P.N. (2000). Contemporary social psychology. Moscow: IP RAS, 448 p. Sushko, V.A. (2014). Theoretical approaches to researching value orientations of modern youths. Actual issues of contemporary science, 31, 128 - 137. Vrono, E.M. (2001). Preventing adolescents suicide. Moscow: Akademicheskij prospect, 40 p. Vygotskij, L.S. (1972). The problems of age periodization of juvenile development. Issues of psychology, 2, 114–123. Zakrevskaja, O.V. (2013). Features of value orientations of teenagers. System of contemporary society values. 29, 97 - 103. |
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Numerical Simulations of Shock Wave Refraction at Inclined Gas Contact DiscontinuityPavel V. Bulat & Konstantin N. Volkov
pp. 9026-9038 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract When a shock wave interacts with a contact discontinuity, there may appear a reflected rarefaction wave, a deflected contact discontinuity and a refracted supersonic shock. The numerical simulation of shock wave refraction at a plane contact discontinuity separating gases with different densities is performed. Euler equations describing inviscid compressible flow were discretized using the finite volume method on unstructured meshes and WENO schemes. Time integration was performed using a third-order Runge–Kutta method. The wave structure resulting from regular shock refraction is determined allowing its properties to be explored. In order to visualize and interpret the results of numerical calculations, a procedure for identifying and classifying gas-dynamic discontinuities was applied. The procedure employed dynamic consistency conditions and digital image processing methods to determine flow structure and its quantitative characteristics. The results of the numerical and experimental visualizations were compared (shadow patterns, schlieren images, interferograms). The results computed are in an agreement with the theoretical and experimental predictions of a regular refraction of a shock wave on an inclined contact discontinuity. Keywords: Shock wave refraction, computational dynamics, finite volume method, unstructured mesh, contact discontinuity, level-set method References Abd-El-Fattah, A.M. & Henderson, L.F. (1978). Shock waves at a fast-slow gas interface. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 86, 15–32. Banuti, D.T., Grabe, M. & Hannemann, K. (2011). Steady shock refraction in hypersonic ramp flow. AIAA Paper, 2011-2215. Brouillette, M. (2002). The Richtmyer–Meshkov instability. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanicsm 34, 445–468. Bulat, P.V. & Uskov, V.N. (2014). Shock and detonation wave in terms of view of the theory of interaction gasdynamic discontinuities. Life Science Journal, 11(8), 307–310. Bulat, P.V. & Volkov, K.N. 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Fuzzy Algorithm for the Detection of Incidents in the Transport SystemAndrey B. Nikolaev, Yuliya S. Sapego, Anatolij N. Jakubovich, Leonid I. Berner & Victor Yu. Stroganov
pp. 9039-9059 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract In the paper it’s proposed an algorithm for the management of traffic incidents, aimed at minimizing the impact of incidents on the road traffic in general. The proposed algorithm is based on the theory of fuzzy sets and provides identification of accidents, as well as the adoption of appropriate measures to address them as soon as possible. A criterion of algorithm’s effectiveness is the time interval from beginning of accident until its complete elimination. In this paper the main stage of development of fuzzy algorithm are considered, linguistic variables and fuzzy rules are introduced, as well as it’s reviewed an example of the work of the proposed algorithm. Keywords: Transport system, accident, fuzzy algorithm, monitoring, situational management, fuzzy situational network, knowledge base, fuzzy inference, fuzzy linguistic variables, fuzzy rules References Akhmadieva, R.Sh. & Minnikhanov, R.N. 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Working Capacity of Track Structure and Failure Simulation of its Components. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 2995-3008. Toymentseva, I.A., Karpova, N.P., Toymentseva, A.A., Chichkina, V.D. & Efanov, A.V. (2016). Methods of the Development Strategy of Service Companies: Logistical Approach . International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(14), 6820-6836. Zadeh, L. (1976). The concept of linguistic variable and its application to decision the approximate solutions, Moscow: Mir, 362 p. |
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Simulation of Automatic Incidents Detection Algorithm on the Transport NetworkAndrey B. Nikolaev, Yuliya S. Sapego, Anatolij N. Jakubovich, Leonid I. Berner & Andrey M. Ivakhnenko
pp. 9060-9078 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract Management of traffic incident is a functional part of the whole approach to solving traffic problems in the framework of intelligent transport systems. Development of an effective process of traffic incident management is an important part of the transport system. In this research, it’s suggested algorithm based on fuzzy logic to detect traffic incidents and determine its priority for transmission information about incident to emergency services. Sensors that are installed on the roadway provide the data for algorithm of incident detection. After the incident is detected, the algorithm of defining its priorities will be started. The traffic flow for research will be modeled in the PTV Vissim, after all receives information will be uploaded to excel for further processing. Keywords: System of incident management, Intelligent Transport System, PTV Vissim, fuzzy logic References Akhmadieva, R.Sh. & Minnikhanov, R.N. (2015) Regional practice of developing road safety behavior competency in future specialists. Journal of Sustainable Development, 8(3), 242-249. Akhmadieva, R.Sh. (2015) Competency development for safety measures on roads as a strategy for prevention of traffic accidents. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(2S3), 176-181. Alkandari, A. (2013). Accident Detection and Action System Using Fuzzy Logic Theory. Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Application. Taipei, Taiwan: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 385-390. Bulat, P.V. & Volkov, K.N. (2016). Detonation Jet Engine. Part II – Construction Features. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(12), 5020-5033. Deniz, O. & Celikoglub, H.B. (2011). Overview to some existing incident detection algorithms: a comparative evaluation. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2, 153-168. Gettman, D., Pu, L., Sayed, T. & Shelby, S. (2008). 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IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 2995-3008. Tian, F. & Dong, H. (2012). Simulation of Traffic Incident Detection Based on VISSIM and Neural Network. IEEE, 2(3), 51-55. Toymentseva, I.A., Karpova, N.P., Toymentseva, A.A., Chichkina, V.D. & Efanov, A.V. (2016). Methods of the Development Strategy of Service Companies: Logistical Approach. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(14), 6820-6836. Transport streams. (2016). The intensity and composition on the federal highway. Direct access: http://www.roads.ru/articles/a29_potoki.php What keeps traffic flowing? (2016). Direct access: http://vision-traffic.ptvgroup.com/fileadmin/files_ptvvision/Downloads_N/0_General/2_Products/2_PTV_Vissim/BRO_PTV_Vissim_EN.pdf |
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Dependence of the Teacher's Overall Work Capacity on the Professional ExpertiseNikolay Barmin, Yuri Petrov, Aleksey Petrov & Marina Bulaeva
pp. 9079-9091 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The topicality of the research is conditioned by the social and pedagogic, scientific and theoretical, and scientific and methodical aspects. With regard to this, the paper is aimed at revealing the dependence of the teacher's overall work capacity on the development of his/her professional expertise. The leading methods in studying this problem are theoretical and experimental ones that allow viewing the problem comprehensively. The paper presents the ways of evaluation of indices characterizing the condition of physiological, psychological and emotional components of the functional system that determine the level of overall work capacity of teachers and development of their professional expertise. The materials of the paper are of practical value for the heads of professional education organizations designing the pedagogues' professional development. Keywords: Development, professional expertise, work capacity, open system, quality References Abulhanova-Slavskaya, K.A. (1980). Activity and personality psychology. Moscow: Science, 334 p. Anohin, P.K. (1973). Fundamental questions of the general theory of functional systems. In: Principles of the systemic organization of functions. Moscow: Education, 5-61. Aristotle (1984). Compositions. Moscow: Thought, 830p. Barmin, N.Yu. (2010). Adult Education in the new economy: social and philosophical analysis: monograph. Nizhny Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Education Development, 155 p. Bespalko, V.P. (1998). Personalized education. Pedagogy, 2, 12-17. Bondarevskaya, E.V. (2000). Theory and practice of student-centered education. Rostov-on-Don: RSPU Press, 352 p. Bransford, J.D., Brown, A.L. & Cocking, R.R. (2000). How People Learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school. Washington: National Academy Press, 12-18. Bulaeva, M.N. & Petrov, Yu.N. (2012). Manager of engineering and teacher education in the administrative and managerial activities. Nizhny Novgorod: NSPU, 195 p. Darling-Hammond, L. & Bransford, J. (2005). Preparing Teachers for a Changing World: What Teachers Should Learn and be Able to Do. San-Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 339 p. Domer, P. (1978). Self-reflection and problem-solving. In: Human and artificial intelligence. Berlin: Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 101 - 107. Erikson, E. & Erikson, J. (1997). The life cycle completed. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 134 p. Froumin, I. (2015). National-Regional Relationships in Federal Higher Education Systems: The case of Russian Federation. Higher education forum Hiroshima University, 12, 77-94. Gibbons, H. (2002). Electronic Technology Provides a New Methodology for Teaching and Testing. Journal of Legal Education, 52, 145-158. Heathon, J.B. (1997). Classroom Testing. London: Longman, 127 p. Knowles, M.S., Holton, E.E. & Swanson, R.A. (2005). The Adult Learner: The Definitive Class in Adult Education and Human Resource Development. London: Butterworth Heinemann, 378 p. Kulyutkin, Yu.N. & Mushtavinskaya, I.V. (2002). Educational Technology and pedagogical reflection. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg SUPM, 48 p. Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation N 03-339 «Methods of assessing the level of teachers` qualification" (2010). Direct access: http://www.garant.ru/products/ipo/prime/doc/55070066/ Loksha, O.M. (2002). Communicative approach to the development of the sphere of self-regulation of students in the learning process: PhD Thesis. Kaliningrad, 206 p. Lorin, W. Anderson, D., Krathwohl, R. & Bloom, B.S. (2001). A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. London: Longman, 352 р. Noak, H. (1987). Concepts of health and health promotion. Measurements in Health promotion and Protection. Direct access: http://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0013/156100/-WA525ES.pdf Order, N 1152 of the Ministry of Education of Nizhny Novgorod region "On the organization of the regional innovative network educational project "Model of professional educational organization as an open educational system" (2014). Direct access: http://www.niro.nnov.ru/?id=23040 Petrov, Yu.N., Alikperov, F.G., Egorova, T.E. & Sedyh, M.M. (2009). A method of evaluating measurement of the overall health of the person. Russian patent №2354282. Polat, E.S. (2007). Modern pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: teaching guide. Moscow: Academy, 368 p. Sechenov, I.M. (1956). Selected Works. Physiology of the Nervous System. Moscow: Academy of Sciences of the USSR Press, 538 p. Smith, D. (2008). Assess. Students with Portfolio. Types of portfolios. Education Research Consumer Guide, 3, 232-138.
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Physical Fitness Monitoring as an Enhancing Means of Specialist`s Training Quality in Higher Education InstitutionZinaida Kekeeva, Vladimir Burlykov & Sergey Proshkin
pp. 9092-9100 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The relevance of the investigated problem is due to the needs of modern society in the preservation of the physical health of the nation, development of physical education in higher school. The purpose of the article is to disclose theoretical and methodological basis of organisation of physical fitness monitoring of a specialist as a means of enhancing the quality of his/her training in higher school. The major method of the study of this issue is physical fitness monitoring of a specialist as a means of improving the quality of vocational training in higher school, allowing to identify the features of his/her physical fitness. The main results of the article are the analysis of national and foreign scientific and methodical literature on the organization of physical fitness monitoring, for example at Kalmyk State University, students` physical fitness testing, a comparative analysis of the results, which led to the findings of the organization forms of work on the preservation and strengthening of young people health. The materials of the article have practical value in solving economic, social, demographic and cultural problems of the society in creating a stable motivation for a healthy and productive lifestyle, formation of the necessity in physical development of young people based on physical fitness monitoring as a means of improving the quality of vocational training at school and university. Keywords: Monitoring, activity, fitness, specialist, culture References Alekhina, S.V. (2007). Psychological monitoring – a tool for the development of education: a guide for students of the psychological faculty. Moscow: MSPPU, 342 p. Aleksandrova, M.V. (2007). Support of teachers` career in the territorial educational system: monograph. Novgorod: Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav Mudriy, 238 p. Baranovskaya, D.I. & Vrublevskaya, V.I. (2005). The role of physical culture in the formation of motivation to physical culture in students. Acute Problems of Physical Culture and Sport for all at the present stage: materials of the VIII International scientific sessions on research results in 2004. Minsk: BSUPHC, 13-16. Burlykov, V.D. & Burlykova, E.B. (2015). Organization of the process of physical education of higher school students on the basis of physical fitness monitoring results. Innovative processes of transformation in the field of physical culture, sport and tourism. Proceedings of the XVIII International scientific and practical congress-conference. Vol. 1. Novomikhailovskiy, 28-33. Cavalli, M.O. (2010). Considerations on contemporary physical education and sport. Should PE and sport change? Direct access: http://www.efdeportes.com/efd140/should-physical-education-and-sport-change.htm Donlić, V., Marušić Štimac, O. & Smojver-Ažić, S. (2005). Odgojni aspekti sporta - slika o sebi i problemna ponašanja obzirom na uključenost i uspješnost djece u sportskim aktivnostima. VI. konferencija o športu Alpe-Jadran. Zagreb, 197-207. Donovan, M., Jones, G. & Hardman, K. (2006). Physical education and sport in England: Dualism, partnership and delivery provision. Kinesiology, 38, 16-27. Endaltsev, B.V. & Malashenko, S.A. (2014). Improving adaptation capabilities - a basic direction of physical training of military specialists. Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 9, 20-23. Goodlad, J. (2008). What is called school. Мoscow: Education, 476 p. Holodnova, L.F. (2000). Sociological monitoring of the regional educational system: based on the studies of Moscow region: PhD Thesis. Moscow, 136 p. Izaak, S.I. (2006). The status of physical development and physical fitness of Russian young generation and their correction on the basis of population monitoring technology: PhD Abstract. St.Petersburg: SSUPHC, 55 p. Kekeeva, Z.O. (2009). Preparation of the teacher in the cultural and educational space of the university: theory, methodology, practice: monograph. Volgograd: VSSPU Press “Brake” Publishing House of the SGMP's "Change", 256 p. Kuzmina, M.V. & Lazareva, S.E. (2004). Problems of physical education in the educational institution and some ways of their solution. Acute problems and prospects of sports education in higher education institutions. Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference. Volgograd, 35-37. Lexin, V.N., Seliverstov, V.E. & Shvetsov, A.N. (2000). On the formation of the state system for monitoring socio-economic, national-ethnic and political situation in the regions of the Russian Federation. Project TASIS “Regional policy directed at reducing socio-economic and legal asymmetry”. Moscow-Novosibirsk: Ekor, Siberian agreement, 70-83. Lown, B. (1998). Lost art of healing. Moscow: Kron-Press, 367 p. Mayorov, A.N. (2005). Monitoring in education. Moscow: Itellect-Centre, 424 p. Mironova, S.P. (2004). Pedagogical monitoring as a condition of efficiency increase of the management of process of students` physical: PhD Abstract. Yekaterinburg, 25 p. Regulation on the all-Russian system of monitoring the state of physical health, physical development of children and youth: Resolution of the RF Government from 29.12.2001 №916 (2002). Official documents in education, 4, 67-69. Rubinstein, S.L. (2000). The basics of general psychology. St.Petersburg: Publishing House “Piter”, 712 p. Samozhenkov, V.M. (2001). Monitoring and management of the investment process at the industrial enterprises: PhD Thesis. Kislovodsk, 145 p. Seghers, J., Martelaer, K. & Gardon, G. (2009). Young people's health as a challenge for physical education in schools in the twenty-first century: the case of Flanders (Belgium). Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy, 14(4), 407–420. Semenov, L.A. (2007). Monitoring of conditional physical readiness in educational institutions: monograph. Moscow: Soviet Sport, 168 p. Tsgoev, T.F. (1997). Development and research of the automated environmental monitoring management system: the case of the North Ossetia-Alania: PhD Abstract. Vladikavkaz, 23 p. Vilenskiy, M.Ya., Zaitsev, A.I., Ilyinich, V.I., Kislitsyn, Yu.L., Kovalenko, V.A. & Shcherbakov, V.G. (2000). Physical education of students. Moscow: Gardariki, 385 p. Vygotsky, L.S. (2005). Psychology of man`s development. Moscow: Publishing House Sense, Publishing House Eksmo, 1136 p. |
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Russian Education in the Context of the Third Generation Universities` Discourse: Employers’ EvaluationOlga Maximova, Vladimir Belyaev, Olga Laukart-Gorbacheva, Lyudmila Nagmatullina & Guzel Hamzina
pp. 9101-9112 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract Urgent problems of modernization of the Russian system of higher education in the context of the discourse of the third generation universities were revealed on the basis of the expert survey of employers (heads of personnel departments of large industrial enterprises of the city of Kazan and the Republic of Tatarstan) within research project “Strategy development of socio-economic development of the Republic of Tatarstan for the period till 2030". These include: insufficient level of professional skills and competencies of graduates in recent decades; decrease in motivation of young specialists in employment and work in the industrial sector; formal activities aimed at enhancing interaction between universities and companies due to the lack of financial and material resources. To improve the quality of young specialists` training, experts offered recommendations such as improving the system of practical training of students, modernization of the educational process through the use of new educational technologies and active involvement of employers into the development of educational plans and programs, improvement of the quality of teaching university staff. Keywords: Higher education, third generation university, modernization of education, graduates, employers, expert interviews References Baudrillard, J. (1974). La Société de Consommation: Ses Mythes, Ses Structures. Paris: Gallimard, 318 p. Bauman, Z. (2001). The Individualized Society. Cambridge: Polity, 272 p. Beck, U. (1992). Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity. London: Sage, 272 p. Bell, D. (1973) The Coming of Post-Industrial Society: a Venture of Social Forecasting. New York: Basic Books, 507 p. Castells, M. & Himanen, P. (2004). The Information Society and the Welfare State: The Finnish Model. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 216 p. Clark, B. (1998) Creating Entrepreneurial Universities: Organization Pathways of Transformation. Guildford: Pergamon, 163 p. Dahrendorf, R. (1979). Life Chances. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 272 p. Etzkowitz, H. (2008). The Triple Helix: University-Industry-Government Innovation In Action. London: Routledge, 180 p. Giddens, A. (1990). The Consequences of Modernity. Cambridge: Polity Press, 188 p. Husen, T. (1974). The Learning Society. London: Methuen, 268 p. Hutchins, R.M. (1968). The Learning Society. Santa Barbara: Praeger, 461 p. Inkeles, A. (1976). A Model of the Modern Man: Theoretical and Methodological Issues. In C.E. Black (Eds.). Comparative Modernization. New York: Free Press, 320-348. Kumar, K. (1988). The Rise of Modern Society: Aspect of the Social and Political Development of the West. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 338 p. Laszlo, E. (1991). The Age of Bifurcation: Understanding the Changing World. Philadelphia: Gordon & Breach, 126 p. Laukart-Gorbacheva, O.V. & Maksimova, O.A. (2015). Problems of domestic education in the evaluation of young generation. Herald of Economics, Law and Sociology, 4, 316-321. Levy, M. (1966). Modernization and the Structure of Societies. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 855 p. Luhmann, N. (1991). Soziologie des Risikos. Berlin: de Gruyter, 252 p. Maksimova, O.A. & Hamzina K.A. (2015). Adaptation of management of university education to the conditions of the Bologna Declaration. Herald of Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev – KAI (KNRTU-KAI), 71, 213-234. Mansell, R. (1998). Knowledge Societies: Information Technology for Sustainable Development. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 323 p. Masuda, Y. (1983). The Information Society as Postindustrial Society. Washington: World Future Society, 171 p. Naisbitt, J. & Aburdene, P. (1990). Megatrends 2000: The New Directions for the 1990's. New York: William Morrow, 384 p. Slaughter, S. & Leslie, L.L. (1997). Academic Capitalism: Politics, Policies, and the Entrepreneurial University. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 276 p. Ropke, J. (1998). The Entrepreneurial University: Innovation, Academic Knowledge Creation and Regional Development in a Globalized Economy. Direct access: http://www.wiwi.unimarburg.de/Lehrstuehle/VWL/Witheo3/documents/entreuni.pdf Toffler, A. (1980). The Third Wave. London: Bantam Books, 448 p. Wissema, J.G. (2009). Towards the Third Generation University: Managing the University in Transition. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 252 p. |
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Environmental Approach to the Study of the Modern Stage of Information Society Development: Research ProspectsVitali Yu. Ivlev, Eleonora V. Barkova, Marina I. Ivleva & Olga M. Buzskaya
pp. 9113-9124 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The paper analyses modern information society in terms of an information ecology approach. Its aim is to determine the place of the human being in the human-society-ecosystem relations system and to study the prospects of a humanistic approach to the understanding of the essence of subject-object relationships in the communication space of information society. Based on the principles of integrity and systemacy, the principles of holistic methodology, analysis and synthesis have been used. It is shown that the ecology-information model leads modern philosophical thought to new dimensions of the world and the human-being, to the reconsideration of the existing essential relations between them; that the eco-oriented conceptions of modern philosophy that preserve the integrity and inherent worth of the being of the human make it possible to adequately consider an individual’s social situation in the information society. The article also describes the concept of an information code as unconscious and sustained cultural matrix that determines the mode of the human existence in the world, and considers its features under modern conditions when communicative activity of the subject as a general form of being becomes its basis. In addition, the concept of navigation as the movement of the subject within the structure of information models of the world created by the experience of many generations is characterized. Keywords: Information society, information ecology, subject-object relations, ecosystem, information code References Anikin, S.S. (2011). Ecology of the information space as a condition for the development of healthy antroposistem. Journal of the International Academy of Sciences (Russian section), 2(3), 12-14. Babik, W. (2008). Sustainable Development of Information Society: towards an Ecology of Information. Geomatics and environmental engineering, 2(1), 13-24. Baker, K.S & Bowker, G.C. (2007). Information ecology: open system environment for data, memories, and knowing. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems: Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Database Technologies, 29(1), 127-144. Barkova, E.V. (2013). Ecophilosophers in search of grounds of the theory of natural and cultural heritage. Bulletin of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Introduction. A path to science, 4, 3-8. Bellafiore, A. (2013). Ecology of ideas and ecology’s ideas. Kybernetes, 42(9), 1338-1345. Capurro, R. (1990). Towards an Information Ecology. Contribution to the NORDINFO International seminar "Information and Quality", Royal School of Librarianship, Copenhagen, 23-25 August, 1989. Proceedings: Information Quality. Definitions and Dimensions. London: Taylor Graham, 122-139. Castells, M. (2009). The Rise of the Network Society, With a New Preface. The Information Age: Economy, Society, and Culture. Wiley-Blackwell, 355-403. Chen, A.J., Boudreau, M.C. & Watson R.T. (2008). Information systems and ecological sustainability. Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 10(3), 186-201. Davenport, T.H. & Prusak, L. (1997). Information ecology: mastering the information and knowledge environment. New York: Oxford University Press, 154 p. Detlor, B. (2001). The influence of information ecology on e-commerce initiatives. Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy, 11(4), 286-295. Eddy, B.G., Hearn, B.J., Luther, J.E., Van Zyll de Jong, M., Bowers, W., Parsons, R., Piercey, D., Strickland, G. & Wheeler, B. (2014). An information ecology approach to science–policy integration in adaptive management of social-ecological systems. Ecology and society, 19(3), 40. Fidel, R., Pejtersen, A.M., Cleal, B. & Bruce, H. (2004). A Multidimensional Approach to the Study of Human Information Interaction: A Case Study of Collaborative Information Retrieval. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 55(11), 939–953. Eryomin, A.L. (1998). Information ecology - a viewpoint. The International Journal of Environmental Studies, 54, 241-253. Grigoryan, A.E. (2015). In search of ecooriented strategies of development of information andcommunication space. Bulletin of Orlovsky University. Series: New humanitarian studies, 1(42), 297-300. Ivleva, M.I. (2014). Information and environmental benchmarks in the concept of "the transsubjective", Human Capital, 12(72), 89-92. Karakas, F. (2009). Welcome to World 2.0: the new digital ecosystem. Journal of Business Strategy, 30(4), 23-30. Kutyrev, V.A. (2006). Philosophy of postmodernism. Nizhny Novgorod: Publishing House of the Volga-Vyatka Academy of State Service, 310 p. Malhotra, Y. (2002). Information ecology and knowledge management: toward knowledge ecology for hyperturbulent organizational environments. Direct access: www.eolss.net Marten, G.G. (2008). Human Ecology. Basic concepts for sustainable development. New York: Earthscan, 256 p. 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Practice-Oriented Teachers’ Training: Innovative ApproachTatjana I. Shukshina, Svetlana N. Gorshenina, Irina B. Buyanova & Irina A. Neyasova
pp. 9125-9135 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract Modernization of Russian education meets the global trend of professionalization of teachers’ training which assumes strengthening the practical orientation of educational programs as a significant factor in increasing the competitiveness of the teacher in the modern educational environment. The purpose of the article is to identify and experimentally test the conditions for effective practical training of teachers in the framework of the educational program of pedagogical magistracy. The study was conducted on the basis of the methods of theoretical and empirical level. The leading method is the method of pedagogical experiment allowing to determine the effectiveness of professionally-oriented training of teachers, to identify a set of conditions for the organization of this process. The achievement of positive results of the pilot study was obtained due to the implementation of the following pedagogical conditions: the reliance on the idea of the activity approach, a focus on modular design of the basic professional educational program of pedagogical magistracy, a change of the organization procedure and the content of practices, partnerships of educational institutions in the context of the professionalization of teachers’ training, a change in the assessment procedure of professional competencies and labour actions of teachers. The findings demonstrate the increasing level of formation of professional competence and labour actions of graduates which both form the basis of student`s qualification. The materials of the article are valuable for scientists, graduates, teachers of educational institutions. Keywords: Practice-oriented training, educational module, partnership, practice, professional competences References Adamski, A.I. (2004). Network Partnership in Education. Moscow: Eureka, 144 p. Bacca, J., Baldiris, S., Fabregat, R. & Graf, S. (2014). Augmented Reality Trends in Education. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 17(4), 133-149. Baran, E. (2014). A Review of Research on Mobile Learning in Teacher Education. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 17(4), 17-32. Black, P., Harrison, C., Lee, C., Marshall, B., & William D. (2003). Assessment for Learning. Putting it into Practice. Berkshire: Open University Press, 135 p. Bolotov, V.A. (2014). On the reform issues of pedagogical education. Psychological Science and Education, 3, 32-41. Buyanova, I.B. (2013). Analysis of the level of students’ adaptation to the university environment. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 17(9), 1237-1242. Federal state educational standard of higher professional education on the direction of preparation 44.04.01. Pedagogical education “Master’s degree” (2014). 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Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 16(12), 1709-1713. Zeichner, K.M. & Conklin, H.G. (2005). Teacher education programmes. In: M. Cochran-Smith & K.M. Zeicher (Eds.). Studying teacher education: the report of the AERA Panel on Research and Teacher Education. Washington: AERA, 645-735. Zemlyanskaya, E.N. & Sitnichenko, M.Ya. (2015). Model of Profound Professionally Oriented Practice of Undergraduates of Psychology and Pedagogical Education. Teacher of the XXI century, 1(2), 107-138. |
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About Comparative Research of Poems “Treasury of Mysteries” and “Iskandername” on the Basis of Manuscript Sources as the Multiculturalism SamplesElnur L. Hasanov
pp. 9136-9143 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract In this scientific paper for the first time were investigated the innovative approach of the local literary heritage of Ganja on the basis of various historic sources as manuscripts and archive materials. Have been researched the comparative materials of such poems as “Treasury of mysteries” and “Iskandername”. Also were systematic investigated the importance of these poems of great poet and thinker Nizami Ganjavi in research of historical past of Azerbaijan. In academic paper based on such sources as manuscripts have been researched problems on investigation of basic characteristics of cultural heritage of the ancient East, also some features of formation and historical development of legal culture in society from the point of ethnographic-literary point of view. For the first time by author were researched the problem of similar socio-cultural features in these poems on the real samples from the different manuscripts and archive sources. Dialogue culture between Eastern and Western civilizations and multiculturalism values were investigated on the basis of comparative study of these literary samples. Have been proved, that Nizami Ganjavi told about the importance of protection of dialogue culture between nations as the main element of the peace. Keywords: Ganja; ethnography, Azerbaijan, literature, ancient national traditions, manuscripts, archive documents, multiculturalism References Artamonov, M.I. (1974). The dawn of Art. Leningrad: Aurora Art Publishers. 374p. Babayev, X.B. (1999) Nizaminin “Xəmsə”sində Quran ayələri və Qissə motivləri. Baku: Elm. 375p. Bodenstedt, F (1872) Mirza Schaffy im Liede und in der Wirklichkeit. In Jg. Daheim (Eds.). Leipzig: Verlag. 257p. Əhmədov, F.M. (2007) Gəncənin tarix yaddaşı. Gəncə: Elm. 285p. Gazhieva, В. (2015) Place of allusion in poetic text structure. Nizami history, 5, 14-19. Herzfeld, E. (1941) Iran in the Ancient East. London: Cambridge. 366p. Məmmədova, M.N (2012). Nizami Gəncəvi dilinin leksik üslubu. Baku: Nafta-Press. 386p. Nizami, G. (1491) Seven Beauties. Moscow: Shiraz. 257p. Nizami, G. (1543a) Iskandername. Moscow: Shiraz. 241p. Nizami, G. (1543b) The Treasury of Mysteris. London: British Library. 375p. Nizami, G. (1648) Khosrov and Shirin. Moscow: Bukhara. 286p. Nizami, G. (1947) Sirlər xəzinəsi. Baku: Azərnəşr. 174p. Nizami, G. (2004a) İskəndərnamə. İqbalnamə. Baku: Lider nəşriyyat. 256p. Nizami, G. (2004b) Sirlər xəzinəsi. Bakı: Lider. 264p. |
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Transformation of Students Value Orientations: Behavioral Virtual ModelsRoza Sh. Akhmadieva, Rozalina V. Shagieva, Yoldyz N. Ganieva, Teymur E. Zulfugarzade, Sergey G. Ezhov & Nataliya M. Komarova
pp. 9144-9154 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The research urgency is caused by the intensification of virtual models of youth behavior that determine the educational process of modern University as the undifferentiated flows of information which are different by their value and that reduce the channels of personal communication of students as socio-cultural communication. Replicated in the information and communication systems, virtual models of behavior in artificial environments mostly are oriented on the development of abilities to activities by suppressing the sphere of interpersonal interaction and limiting of real social contacts, which does not correspond to generally accepted in society, socio-cultural programs of development of the individual student – the future specialist. The current discrepancy needs scientific systematization and interpretation. In this regard, the focus in this article is devoted to substantiation of the content of students’ value orientations, which are transformed by the virtual behavioral models. The paper presented actualized content of the concept "virtual models of behavior", defined the essence of transformation of students’ value orientations in the educational process of the University, disclosed the specifics of the transformation of value orientations in the space of virtual models of behavior, developed elective learning module "Value orientations of students in a real educational process of the University and in the virtual space of the Internet. It proved the effectiveness of this module by using the cognitive, emotional and behavioral criteria. Keywords: Sociocultural orientations, socio-cultural environment of the University, virtual culture, virtual behavioral models, escapism, the method of content analysis References Askhamov, A.A., Konysheva, A.V. & Gapsalamov, A.R. (2016). 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The Main Strategic Directions of the Education System Development (on the Example of Higher Education Institutions on Personnel Education for the Hospitality Industry)Natalia A. Zaitseva, Elena L. Ilina, Elena Y. Nikolskaya, Marianna M. Romanova & Anna A. Larionova
pp. 9155-9168 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The importance and relevance of research of questions is determined by the intensive development of the tourism and hospitality industry, the consequence of which is the increase of business needs for skilled personnel. The purpose of this paper is to examine and assess the main strategic trends in educational technologies and methods used for education of qualified personnel for the hospitality industry. For analysis of the modern educational processes in the hospitality industry the authors of the article have used theoretical and empirical research methods, economic-statistical and factor analysis, expert evaluations. In the article the conclusions about the quality of Russian education are made, the main trends in change of system of personnel education by the Russian higher education institutions are proved, including those in which personnel education for the hospitality industry is conducted. The main strategic directions of Russian education development are determined, the European experience of education for the hospitality industry is summarized, the main tendencies of the development of education system for the hospitality industry in Europe are formulated. Moreover, the application of professional standards in the Russian system of education for the hospitality industry is proved, and a draft of “road map” of the development of higher education system (on the example of personnel education for the hospitality industry) until 2025 is developed. Keywords: Education system, personnel education, educational trends, hospitality industry References All-Russian Center for Public Opinion Research (2016). Direct access: https://wciom.ru/index.php--?id=236&uid=115775 Anand, Ch.K., Bisaillon, V., Webster, A. & Amor, B. (2015). Integration of sustainable development in higher education – a regional initiative in Quebec (Canada). 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(2015). Foresight Technologies Usage in Working out Long Term. Forecasts of Service and Tourism Personnel Training System Development. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2(12), 411-418. Zaitseva, N.A., Larionova, A.A., Skrobotova, O.V., Trufanova, S.N. & Dashkova, E. (2016). The Mechanism of Business Integration and the Training System for the Tourism Industry. IEJME — Mathematics Education, 11(6), 1713-1722. |
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Practical Recommendations for the Development and Implementation of Youth Policy in the University as a Tool for Development of Student Public AssociationsSergey G. Ezhov, Nataliya M. Komarova, Elmira R. Khairullina, Liudmila A. Rapatskaia, Radik R. Miftakhov & Liana R. Khusainovae
pp. 9169-9178 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The research urgency is caused by the increase of social responsibility of universities for improvement of the quality of higher education and development of students' socio-professional values. In terms of the conflicting realities of modern society the youth policy at the University is the most important tool to form students' commitment to universal human and national values, involvement in socio-political, socio-cultural and professional activities. The purpose of this article is to develop practical recommendations for the development and implementation of youth policy in the University as a tool for development of student public associations. The leading approach of the study is the integrative approach which allows to consider the youth policy in the University as a component of the educational process that combines a system of normative-legal, organizational- managerial, psychological-pedagogical, scientific-methodical measures that are implemented on the basis of interaction with civil society institutions, with the aim of expanding opportunities for effective self-realization of young people and achievement of sustainable socio-economic development of modern society. The study involved 450 teachers, 600 students, which revealed the criteria for the effectiveness of youth policy at the University. Main results of the research consist in the identification of organizational and managerial measures aimed at the creation and coordination of the activities of the Department of youth policy at the University (development of local normative acts, specific activities in areas of the state youth policy, interaction with public federations and associations); psycho-pedagogical measures to facilitate the social adaptation of students (workshops, individual and group counseling, the study of individual-typological peculiarities of the personality of students). The significance of the results is that the identified organizational and managerial measures allow us to determine the functions and structure of the Department of youth policy at the University. The implementation of psycho-educational measures allows us to optimize the development of student self-government. Keywords: Youth policy, social responsibility of universities, student government References Agarkova, D.A., Komarova, M.S. & Matveeva, E.V. (2016). State youth policy in Russian Federation and its recognition in national legislation. Contemporary society: problems, ideas, innovations, 5, 54-65. Andreev, A.I. & Il’yn, I.V. (2016). The state youth policy of Russian Federation: strategic development guidelines. Alma mater, 5, 54-58. Biktagirova, G.F. (2016). Basic Principles and Conditions of Training Reflective Teachers at University. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(6), 1927-1933. Grigorenko, A.A. (2016). Youth policy in modern Russia. Innovative science, 4-5, 147-149. Il’ynskiy, I.M. & Lukov, V.A. (2016). About the prospects for the development of organized youth movement in Russia (socio-philosophical, sociological, political and legal aspects). Knowledge. Understanding. Ability, 1, 5-28. Kamasheva, Y.L., Goloshumova, G.S., Goloshumov, A.Y., Kashina, S.G., Pugacheva, N.B., Bolshakova, Z.M., Tulkibaeva, N.N. & Timirov, F.F. (2016). Features of vocational education management in the region.International. Review of Management and Marketing, 6, 55-159. Karnaushenko, L.V. (2016). State youth policy as tool of countering the destructive tendencies in the spiritual and moral sphere of the Russian society. Philosophy of law, 1(74), 51-54. Kosarenko, N.N., Kulakov, V.V., Ostroushko, A.V., Murkshtis, M.Y. & Nevskiy, S.A. (2016). The Formation of Social and Cultural Immunity of University Students: Educational Governance Mechanisms. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 3037-3047. Kustov, A.A. & Fardzinova Z.A. (2016). The place and role of youth in the context of state youth policy in Russian Federation. Scientific reviewer, 5, 73-75. Matveev, Y.V., Valieva, E.N., Trubetskaya, O.V. & Kislov, A.G. (2016). Globalization and Regionalization: Institution Aspect. 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Date Views (2016) Direct access: http://students.kpfu.ru/psychological-service/about/general-information Pugacheva, N.B., Kirillova, T.V., Ovchinnikova, I.G., Kudyashev, N.K., Lunev, A.N., Pavlova, O.A., Kashina, S.G., Valeyev, A.S. (2016a). The Mechanism of State-Public Management of Vocational Education in the Region.International Review of Management and Marketing. Volume 6, Issue 2S, pp. 6-11. Pugacheva, N.B., Ezhov, S.G., Kozhanov, I.V., Kozhanova, M.B., Ogorodnikova, S.V., Oshaev, A.G., Timonin, A.I. & Goloshumova, G.S. (2016b). The model of self-realization readiness formation of research universities students in the process of civic education.International. Review of Management and Marketing, 6, 128-133. Saralinov, D.S. (2016). The priorities of youth policy development of the Chechen Republic. A young scientist, 11(115), 953-954. Semenova, I.Y. (2016). State youth policy as a key policy direction of people-saving in modern Russia. 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Zamaletdinov, R.R., Yudina, N.P., Lavrentyeva, E.I., Savva, L.I., Pugacheva, N.B. (2016). Practical Recommendations on the Improvement of the Effectiveness of Anti-Corruption Policy in Universities. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6, 390-396. |
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Development of Structural Components of Future Technicians’ Professional Competencies during Their Studies of General Disciplines in CollegeSergey N. Kopilov, Evgenij M. Dorozhkin, Olga V. Tarasyuk, Irina V. Osipova & Natalia V. Lazareva
pp. 9179-9190 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The relevance of the problem stems from the necessity to develop and implement the formation model for structural components of future technicians’ professional competencies during their studies of general professional disciplines. The purpose of the article is to carry out a theoretical study, to develop and approbate a model that forms the structural components of future maintenance and repair of automobile technicians’ professional competencies during their studies of general professional discipline “Materials science”. The leading method towards studies of this problem is technologies and methods of educational process modeling; works on educational research methodology. The article theoretically proves, develops and approbates a formation model for future maintenance and repair of automobiles technicians’ professional competencies during their studies of general professional discipline "Materials science". This article may be useful for developing the competence-oriented content for training courses aimed at the formation of structural components of professional competencies. Keywords: Model, professional competencies, general professional disciplines, didactic conditions of model implementation References Abykanova, B., Tashkeyeva, G., Idrissov, S., Bilyalova, Z. & Sadirbekova , D. (2016) Professional Competence of a Teacher in Higher Educational Institution. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(8), 2197-2206. doi: 10.12973/ijese.2016.560a Atutov, P.R. (1986). Polytechnic education of students: Approximation of general education and vocational schools. Moscow: Pedagogy, 176 p. Baydenko, V.I. (2004). Competencies in professional education. Higher education in Russia, 11, 5-15. Belyaeva, A.P. (1991). Didactic principles of professional training in vocational schools. Moscow: Higher School, 208 p. Bolotov, V.A. & Serikov, E.G. (2003). 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Econometric Models for Forecasting of Macroeconomic IndicesElena I. Sukhanova, Svetlana Y. Shirnaeva & Aleksandr G. Mokronosov
pp. 9191-9205 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The urgency of the research topic was stipulated by the necessity to carry out an effective controlled process by the economic system which can hardly be imagined without indices forecasting characteristic of this system. An econometric model is a safe tool of forecasting which makes it possible to take into consideration the trend of indices development in the past and their cause and effect interrelations. The aim of the article is to build econometric models for macroeconomic indices forecasting, reflecting Russia’s economy stabilization processes. In the process of research econometric modeling methods were used which allow to build, estimate and control the quality of various econometric models. In the given research the following models were built and analyzed: autoregressive integrated moving average model, vector auto-regression model, simultaneous equations system; the comparison of forecast possibilities and forecast accuracy of models built; forecast values of considered macroeconomic indices for the next periods were received. As to the results of study some preference can be given to forecasting on the basis of autoregressive models. The materials of the article can be quite useful for researchers, dealing with problems of modeling and economic processes forecasting, both in their scientific and practical activity. Keywords: Autoregressive integrated moving average model, Forecasting, macroeconomic indices, Simultaneous equations system, Vector auto-regression model References Aivazyan, S.A. & Brodsky, B.Y. (2006). Macroeconomic model building: approaches, problems, an example of Russia’s economy econometric model. Applied econometrics, 2, 85-111. Aivazyan, S.A. 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Formation of a Cluster Integration System of Educational Institutions within the RegionNataliia N. Davydova, Evgenij M. Dorozhkin, Nataliia V. Polyanskova & Еlena Yu. Nuykina
pp. 9206-9221 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The relevance of the investigated issue is caused by the need to explore new approaches to the development of integration processes in the field of education which are of great interest for the development of an environment conducive to the creation and the active use of innovations in the education system. The aim of this study is the development of organizational and pedagogical bases for the formation of a cluster integration system of educational institutions within the regional educational space. The basic guideline of the implemented scientific study is the system approach, which provides an integrated study of the cluster system of educational institutions as a highly organized and orderly object comprised of interrelated elements. This article presents organizational and pedagogical bases for the formation of a cluster integration system of educational institutions, which will allow adapting the internal processes of educational entities (participants in the interaction) to regional conditions and adapting particular features of cluster participants to external conditions and developments in the market-based educational environment. Keywords: An education cluster, an organizational and pedagogical model, the development of cluster integration References Bezrukova, V.S. (1996). Projective Pedagogy. Moscow: “DelovayaKniga” Publishing House, 344 p. Borgatti, S. & Foster, P. (2003). The Network Paradigm in Organizational Research:A Review and Typology. Journal of Management, 29(6), 991–1013. Brass, D.J.,Galaskiewicz, J., Greve, H.R. & Tsai, W.P. (2004). Taking stock of networks and organizations.Academy of Management Journal, 47(6), 795–817. Chandler, A.D. (1998). 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The Structural and Functional Model of Development of Profession-Oriented and Specialized Competences of Students at Vocational and Pedagogical Higher Educational EstablishmentsBoris N. Guzanov, Olga V. Tarasyuk, Svetlana A. Bashkova, Daria A. Ustakova & Svetlana I. Sotskova
pp. 9222-9238 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The topicality of the problem under study is based on requirements of the society and the shortage of teachers of vocational education on the labour market, aimed at successful vocational and pedagogical activities by means of the needed level of development of profession-oriented and specialized competences through self-development and self-fulfillment by doing vocational and pedagogical tasks. The aim of the article is to draw up a structural and functional model of development of profession-oriented and specialized competences of students during the studying of profession-related disciplines and to test this model. The leading method to study this problem is pedagogical modeling, enabling us to consider this problem as the process of development of profession-oriented and specialized competences through self-development and self-fulfillment by doing vocational and pedagogical tasks. The article outlines the structural and functional model of development of profession-oriented and specialized competences of students while studying profession-related disciplines, consisting of interconnected components: purpose-oriented, theoretical and methodological, informative, organizational and activity-related, assessment and adjustment, and performance-related; an algorithm to introduce this model was also developed. The results of the study contain the invariable foundation of methodological support of profession-oriented disciplines and can be recommended for use for the entire range of educational disciplines for profilisation. The practical significance to control professional development of students is proved by the factual material illustrating qualitative changes in their need in self-development of professional abilities. Keywords: Competence, profession-oriented and specialized competences, specifics of training of teachers of vocational education, structural and functional model References Bashkova, S.A. & Tarasyuk, O.V. (2010). Profession-oriented and specialized competences of teachers of professional training. Secondary professional education, 7, 33 - 35. Bashkova, S.A. & Tarasyuk, O.V. (2011). The Main design approaches of the competence-oriented content of development of profession-oriented and specialized competences of teachers of professional training. The world of science, culture and education, 4(29), 98–107. Bashkova, S.A. & Tarasyuk, O.V. (2015). The Procedure of determining profession-oriented and specialized competences of future teachers of professional training in the course of studying of discipline "Devices and automatic machines for control of accuracy and quality". News of the Volgograd state pedagogical university, 8(103), 39-44. Baydenko, V.I. (2004). 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(2013). Competence-based approach in training. Scientific and methodical benefit. Moscow: Eydos publishing house; Publishing house of Institute of education of the person, 73 p. Krayevsky, V.V. (2000). Education Content – running on the spot, Pedagogics, 7, 3 - 11. Romantsev G.M. (2007). Theory and practice of professional pedagogical education. Ekaterinburg: Publishing house of the Russian state professional pedagogical university, 304 p. Ronzhina, N.V. (2015). Theoretical and methodical fundamentals of professional pedagogics. (Doctoral dissertation). The Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 301 p. Ronzhina, N.V., Romantsev, G.M., Piskunov, V.A. & Vrbka, J. (2016). Economic Laws of Division and Changing the Labor in the System of Contemporary Vocational Education Determination. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2788-2799. Sakhieva, R.G. & Fedorova, S.N. (2016). Structural-Functional Model of Ethnocultural Training of Future Educators: Competency-Based Approach. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(9), 2785-2798. Sakhieva, R.G. & Kuvaldina, E. (2016). Orientation of Senior Pupils to the Choice of Teaching Professions. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(13), 6135-6146. Simonova, M.V., Ilyukhina, L.A., Romantsev, G.M., Zeer, E.F. & Khamatnurov, F.T. (2016). Approaches to Monitoring of Competences and Qualifications. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2745-2760. Tatur, Yu.G. (2004). Competence-based approach in the description of results and designing of standards of the highest professional education. Materials for the second meeting of a methodical seminar: author's version. Moscow: Publishing house of the research center of problems of quality of training of specialists, 16 p. Zakirova, V.G. & Gilmiyarova, G.S. (2016). The Problem of Developing Professional Expertise of Vocational College Students. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(8), 1807-1819. doi: 10.12973/ijese.2016.556a Zakirova, V.G. & Purik, E.E. (2016). Creative Environment Formation in Design Professional Training. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(9), 2323-2332. doi: 10.12973/ijese.2016.608a Zeer, E. F. (2005) Competence-based approach as methodological line item of updating of professional education. The messenger of Educational and methodical consolidation on professional pedagogical education, 1(37), 5-46. Zimnyaya, I. A. (2003) Competence of the person – new quality of result of education. Problems of quality of education. Book 2. Competence of the person – new quality of result of education. Materials XIII of the All-Russian meeting. Moscow: Ufa. Research center of problems of quality of training of specialists, 4 - 15. |
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Structural and Functional Model of Organization of Geometric and Graphic Training of the StudentsValery B. Poluyanov, Zhanna A. Pyankova, Marina I.Chukalkina & Ekaterina S. Smolina
pp. 9239-9254 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The topicality of the investigated problem is stipulated by the social need for training competitive engineers with a high level of graphical literacy; especially geometric and graphic training of students and its projected results in a competence-based approach; individual characteristics and interests of the students, as well as methodological approaches to the design of training and methodological support of the process of individualization of geometric and graphic training. The purpose of the article is to develop a structural and functional model of organization of geometric and graphic training of students of a technical University and its approbation. The leading method of research of this problem is a pedagogical modeling, which allows to consider this issue as a process of developing students readiness to operate spatial objects in the study of geometric and graphic disciplines. The article presents the structural and functional organization model of geometric and graphic training of students in technical university, consisting of interrelated components: a target, theoretical and methodological, technological, diagnostic and effective; we developed an algorithm for the implementation of this model. The article can be useful for the organization of the geometric and graphic training in universities, with appropriate adaptation in educational institutions of secondary vocational education in specialized classes in secondary schools Keywords: Structural and functional model, geometric and graphic training, the ability to operate spatial objects, higher technical education References Andrich, B., Sheridan, B., Lyne, A. & Luo, G. (2000). RUMM: A windows-based item analysis program employing Rasch unidimensional measurement models (Perth: Murdoch University) Direct access: http://www.rummlab.com/. Andryukhina, L.M., Dneprov, S., Sumina, T.G., Zimina, E.Y., Utkina, S.N. & Mantulenko, V.V. (2016). The Model of Monitoring of Vocational Pedagogical Competences of Professors in Secondary Vocational Education. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(14), 7016-7034. Baydenko, V.I. (2004). Competence in vocational education (to the development of competence-based approach). Higher education in Russia, 11, 3-13. Brykova, L.V. (2011). Formation of graphic culture of the future engineer. The research note. Electronic Journal of the Kursk State University, 17. Directaccess: scientific-notes.ru/pdf/018-022.pdf. Dorozhkin, E.M., Tarasyuk, O.V., Lyzhin, A.I., Krotova, O.P. & Sherstneva, N.L. (2016). Structural and Functional Model of Training Future Masters of Vocational Training for the Organization of Teaching and the Production Process in Terms of Networking. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(15), 8323-8334. Gamenyuk, T.N. (2013). 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The Education and science journal, 1(4), 69-90. DOI:10.17853/1994-5639-2014-4-69-90 Tatur, Y.G. (2004). Competence approach in the description of the results and designing standards of higher vocational education: Matters to the 2 meeting of methodological seminar: author's version. Moscow: Publishing House of the Research Center of challenges the quality of training specialists, 16p. Yakimanskaya, I.S. (1989). Age and individual characteristics of the image thinking of students. Moscow: Pedagogy, 224 p. Zeer, E.F. (2005). Competence approach as a methodological attitude to renewal of vocational education. Journal of Educational and Methodological Association on vocational teacher education, 1(37), 5-46. Zhuykova, O.V., Shikhova, O.F. & Shikhov, Y.A. (2015). Рrofessionally oriented course of engineering-graphical training. The Education and science journal, 3, 46-61. Zimnyaya, I.A. (2003). Competence of a person - a new quality of education results. Education quality problems. Bk. 2. 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Educational Game Systems in Artificial Intelligence CourseElena V. Chubarkova, Ilya A. Sadchikov, Irina A. Suslova, Andrey А. Tsaregorodtsev & Larisa N. Milova
pp. 9255-9265 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract Article actuality based on fact that existing knowledge system aimed at future professional life of students: a skillful use game activity in educational process will teach students to look for alternative ways solving of real problems. The purpose of article lies in theoretical substantiation, development and testing of criteria, which must be met by special-purpose software oriented on gamification of educational process. A leading research method of the described problem is a method of simulation that allows to consider gamification as concentration and organized process for increasing the factor of student engagement in cognitive activity. This article aimed to demonstrate models of ideal educational game programs with optimum number of gamification elements, also article focused on development of such software, which will be not entertaining, but educational in nature. The article may be useful for researchers dealing with gamification issues and software developers, which works relate with educational programs. Keywords: Education, game design, gamification, interactive education, social interaction References Barata, G., Gama, S., Fonseca, M. & Gonçalves, D. (2013). Improving Student Creativity with Gamification and Virtual Worlds. The Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Gamification, 1-4. Boronenko, T.A. & Fedotova, V.S. (2015). Dırectıons of preparatıon of future teachers to the use of dıstance learnıng technologıes ın professıonal actıvıty (praxıologıcal aspect of the actıvıty approach). The Education and science journal, 1(3), 87-105. DOI:10.17853/1994-5639-2015-3-87-105 Boronenko, T.A. & Fedotova, V.S. (2016). The formatıon of ıt competence of the academıc staff ın a three level system of hıgher educatıon. The Education and science journal, 1, 95-108. DOI:10.17853/1994-5639-2016-1-95-108 Denis, G. & Jouvelot, P. (2004). 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Forming Artistic-Design Competency of Vocational Design TeacherVera P. Falco, Vladimir A. Fedorov, Evgenij M. Dorozhkin, Nina I. Merkushova & Olga V. Bakanach
pp. 9266-9284 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The relevance of the problem under study is based on the necessity to achieve effectiveness of the learning process aimed at forming a competent specialist and ensuring the quality of training of vocational teacher of a certain subject (design). The aim of the article is to provide theoretical substantiation, to elaborate and to test the structural-conceptual model of forming artistic-design competency of vocational design teacher which is important for successful professional activity within the mobile environment of modern production and learning process. The leading approach to studying the problem is the system approach which allows to review the learning process in interdisciplinary interaction that ensures integration of educational subjects’ content into a united professional field of activity to contribute to formation of professional competencies of vocational teacher. The structural-conceptual model of forming artistic-design competency of vocational design teacher is presented and includes the following blocks: scientific-methodological which includes fundamentals of social, historical and natural sciences, and practice-oriented including educational activity determined by specific features of designer’s activity which requires knowledge and process algorithms that ensure execution of certain artistic and design-creative tasks. The structural-conceptual model is aimed at forming the artistic-design competency of vocational design teachers, ensures effectiveness and quality of students’ education, as well as their adaptation to changing environment of professional activity. The materials can be useful for academic researchers and practitioners in the sphere of professional and vocational education, as well as for candidates for a master’s degree and students of vocational universities, institutes and faculties. Keywords: Artistic-projection competency, designer-teacher, interdisciplinary interaction and complementarity, vocational education, vocational teacher References Afanasiev, V.G. (1990). Systematicity and society. Moscow: Nauka, 368 p. Babansky, Yu.K. (1982). Optimization of the learning and cognitive process. Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 192 p. Barkhin, B.G. (1982). Methods of architectural design. Moscow: Stroyizdat, 224 p. Bermus, A.G. (2005). Russian pedagogical education in the context of the Bologna process. Pedagogy, 10, 102 – 109. Blauberg, I.V. & Yudin, V.G. (1973). Establishment and essence of the system approach. Moscow: Nauka, 270 p. Davydova, N.N., Dorozhkin, E.M., Fedorov, V.A. & Konovalova, M.E. (2016). Research and Educational Network: Development Management. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2651-2665. Falco, V.P. & Stepanov, A.V. (2008). Rating technology in the teacher-designer training quality management system. The Education and science journal, 5(53), 98–107. 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The Phenomenon of the Home: Metaphysics of the Innermost (as Illustrated by the Modern Russian Culture)Elena Zh. Shupletsova, Andrei V. Solodov, Anton O. Samoilov, Nikita Е. Polyakov & Anastasia Yu. Pyankova
pp. 9285-9299 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The relevance of the problem under study is based on the influence of the expanding globalization processes that affect the view of life of a modern man: the internal balance is lost due to feeling of chaos, rhythm of life and constant changes. In these conditions there is a tendency to de-humanize the living environment, depersonalization of living space and desacralization of human dwelling which leads to re-thinking of the Home that ensures human existence in the world. The purpose of the article is to state the necessity of new understanding of the Home as the phenomenon of culture which would confront the absolute priority of the rational, pragmatic and utilitarian through the notion of “the innermost”, through studying the transformation of the innermost within the historical context and through revealing the dialectics of the innermost and the explicit in living space of the modern culture. The lead method for studying this problem is the interdisciplinary approach that provides the possibility of comprehensive consideration of the results of philosophical, cultural, architectural and other studies. The article reveals the essence and the main philosophical-cultural characteristics of the Home and the essence of the innermost as a special super-value, specifies the traditional image of the innermost in living space related to the Home as the centre of existence and reveals the attributes of transformation of the innermost in the Home resulting from the processes which are characteristic of the modern age. The materials of the article can be useful for developing the scientific-methodological support of general and special courses, for conducting lessons in philosophical-cultural disciplines and for usage for designing and modeling the living environment. Keywords: Culture, home, living space, the innermost References Arendt, H. (1960). Vita Activa oder vom tätigen Leben. 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Professional Competencies Development of Competitive Bachelors in Machine EngineeringEvgenij M. Dorozhkin, Olga V. Tarasyuk, Elena A. Sinkina, Ekaterina М. Deryabina & Valeria S. Sisimbaeva
pp. 9300-9312 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The significance of the problem being investigated is conditioned by the need of introduction of considerable amendments to academic discipline content with the objective of ensuring effective education process and professional competencies development level increase of bachelors in machine engineering necessary in their professional activities while performing employment functions. The purpose of the article involves structural-functional model development of forming bachelors’ professional competencies towards “Machine Engineering” qualifications in studies of qualified educational subjects, and also identifying a set of organizational-educational conditions of its successful implementation. The key method of the given problem analysis is meant to be model analysis which enables to study the matter point of this problem in great detail. The fundamental result of the article is a generated structural-functional model of professional competencies forming, including information-packed, assignment, and evaluative units in its structure and being implemented with respect to organizational-educational conditions. The content of the article may prove helpful for faculty members of technical institutions for the purposes of high quality vocational training implementation which meets unit standard requirements of machine-building complex enterprises. Keywords: Content design, educational process, instructional design, professional competencies, quality of education References Baidenko, V.I. (2004). Competencies in vocational education: of competency-based approach acquisition. Higher education in Russia, 11, 3–14. Bayushta, А.А. (2012). The question of modern development priorities of continuous pedagogical education. 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IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2651-2665. Dorozhkin, E.M. & Zeer, E.F. (2014). Methodology of professional pedagogical education: theory and practice. The Education and science journal, 10, 18-30. DOI:10.17853/1994-5639-2014-10-18-30 Dorozhkin, Е.M. & Shcherbina, E.Yu. (2013) Development trends of vocational education in the context of socio-economic changes. The Education and science journal, 6, 65-74. DOI:10.17853/1994-5639-2013-6-65-74 Dvulichanskaya, N.N. (2011). Organizational-educational conditions of professional competence increase of trainees in the system of continuous scientific education. Science and education, 3, 122-135. Efremova, N.F. (2013). Competency-based tasks. Design and appliance in teaching process. Moscow: Publishing house “National education”, 208 p. Gabdulchakov, V.F., Kusainov, A.K. & Kalimullin, A.M. (2016). Education Reform at the Science University and the New Strategy for Training Science Teachers. 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Strategic partnership between a university and enterprises - innovative economics develpoment basis. Higher education in Russia, 11, 50–54. Sosnin, N.V. (2006). Competency-based approach in innovative engineering education. Krasoyarsk: Publishing house of Krasnoyarsk state technical university. 182p. Tarasyuk, О.V. & Sinkina, Е.А. (2014). Designing competence-oriented formalized tasks for students of technical colleges. Higher education today, 3, 75-77. Tatur, U.G. (2004). Competency in the model structure of the quality of specialists training. Компетентность в структуре модели качества подготовки специалистов. Higher education today, 3, 20–26. Tkacheva, O.N., Simonova, M.V. & Matveev, Y.V. (2016).. The Model of Quality Assessment of a Scientific and Educational Network Performance. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 2871-2883. Torkunova, U.V. (2014). Innovative process as a networking cooperation between a university and a manufacturing complex. Fundamental research, 6, 1286-1289. 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Preparation of Professional Training Teachers for Network Cooperation between Educational Establishments during Labor PreparationOlga V. Tarasjuk, Ksenia A. Fedulova, Marina A. Fedulova, Polina S. Kryukova & Vyacheslav А. Yadretsov
pp. 9313-9327 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract Relevance of the problem being investigated is conditioned by the necessity to arrange network cooperation between educational institutions during labor force preparation in the conditions of informatization of educational and technological processes. The aim of the article is to prove the necessity of including basics of network cooperation between educational establishments to preparation of professional training teachers for computer modeling in the conditions of implementation of Federal State Educational Standards for labor professions. The main method of research is pedagogical modeling of professional training teachers preparation, permitting to identify the structure and content of the preparation process for computer modeling. The necessity to train professional training teachers in organization of network cooperation between educational institutions during preparation for computer modeling has been identified and proved; the approach to development of the structure and component content of the process of preparation for computer modeling has been determined; content of preparation for computer modeling has been reconstructed by introduction of cross-discipline module “Computer modeling”; module and competency-based learning and teaching support of the process of preparation to computer modeling has been developed. The materials of the article can be used by magistrands, post-graduates, teachers in development of content of information preparation of professional training teachers. Keywords: Computer modeling, cross-subject module, network cooperation References Adamskiy, A.I. (2006). 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Higher Education Marketing Strategies Based on Factors Impacting the Enrollees’ Choice of a University and an Academic Program. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(13), 6025-6040. Knjazev, Ye.A. & Drantusova, N.V. (2010). Networks in Professional Education. University Administration, 5, 24-31. Leontyev, V.V., Rebrina, F.G., Leontyeva, I.A. & Gafiyatullina, E.A. (2016). Evaluation of the Development of Professional Competence in Undergraduates: Methodical Aspects. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(14), 6592-6602. Medvedev, V.P. & Denisova, L.N. (2009). Module-Competence Approach to New State Educational Standards. Fundamental Studies, 2, 96-99. Mirzagitova, A.L. & Akhmetov, L.G. (2016). Formation of the Professional and Didactic Culture of the Future Teacher. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(14), 6675-6689. Mokretsova, L.A. & Shvets, N.A. (2011). 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The Experience of Positioning the University at the Educational Services MarketEvgenij M. Dorozhkin, Olga B. Akimova, Alexander V. Lazarev, Dmitriy О. Spylaev & Alexander S. Kornilov
pp. 9328-9338 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The relevance of the problem under study is based on the necessity to find the most productive method of positioning a higher educational organization at the educational services market within the conditions of transfer from the centrally planned economy to a market economy and changing of the thinking format of the young generation. The purpose of the article is to develop a set of marketing actions for positioning a higher educational organization at the educational services market and its assessment. The lead method of studying this problem is modeling which provides the possibility to consider the problem as a process of results-oriented and well-informed managing of the process of development of a university as an educational system. The article contains a set of marketing actions aimed at positioning the university at the educational services market using the organization’s own internal resources and consisting of the interconnected components, such as motivational-target, content-processing and result-assessing; their specific features are described and the algorithm of implementing this set is developed. The developed and assessed system is intended for promotion of the university as a brand at the educational services market, for strengthening and reinforcing its competitive positions and increasing the university’s attractiveness for future students. The materials of the article can be useful for education specialists oriented towards marketing of educational services, for teachers who deliver a course of lectures in disciplines related to pedagogical marketing or marketing of educational services. Keywords: A set of marketing actions, educational services market, pedagogical marketing, positioning of the university References Astratova, G.V. (2007). Advanced topics of the municipal marketing. Ekaterinburg: the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Science, 305 p. Astratova, G.V. (2008). The Fundamentals of marketing. Textbook: Course of lectures and practical course. In three parts. Ekaterinburg: Printing House “The Ural centre of academic service”, 692 p. Dorozhkin, E.M. & Zeer, E.F. (2014). Methodology of professional pedagogical education: theory and practice (theoretical and methodological foundations of vocational teacher education). The Education and science journal, 9, 4-20. DOI:10.17853/1994-5639-2014-9-4-20 Dorozhkin, E.M., Zaitseva, E.V. & Tatarskikh, B.Y. (2016). Impact of Student Government Bodies on Students' Professional Development. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2666-2677. Dremina, M.A., Gorbunova, G.A. & Kopnov, V.A. (2015). Influence of unıversıty corporate culture on «adornatıon» of graduates’ competences. The Education and science journal, 5, 39-57. DOI:10.17853/1994-5639-2015-5-39-57 Fedorov, V.A. (1999). The Quality of Vocational Education. The Education and science journal, 2(2), 189–198. Fedorov, V.A. (2001). Vocational education: Theory, empirics, practice. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, 330 p. Katkalo, V.S. (2006). The evolution of the strategic management theory. Saint-Petersburg: Publishing House of the Saint-Petersburg State University, 548 p. Kislov, A.G. (2014). Vocational masters training in the context of growing social and professional mobility. The Education and science journal, 7, 47-64. DOI:10.17853/1994-5639-2014-7-47-64 Klyachko, T.L. (2002). Adaptation strategies of higher educational institutions: economic and sociological aspects. Moscow: The National Research Institute “Higher School of Economics”, 323 p. Levitt, T. (1959). 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On the Research of the Methodology of Mathematization of Pedagogical ScienceEvgeniy А. Perminov, Sergey V. Anakhov, Anton S. Grishin & Egor S. Savitskiy
pp. 9339-9347 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract Topicality of the study is driven by the fact that the new fundamental mathematical ideas and methods of mathematics arise in the new era of mathematization of science and have a great influence on the formation of methodological culture of educational research in recent decades. The aim of the article is to identify the important aspects of the methodology of mathematization of pedagogical science. The leading approach to the study of this problem is a philosophical and mathematical analysis of aspects of the methodology of mathematization of pedagogical science that allows to consider in complex the aspects revealing in the light of matematization of sciences. The analysis of the specified aspects describes the main features of a methodological interaction between mathematical and pedagogical science, the influence of the ideas and methods of modern mathematics and mathematical culture on pedagogical research, on the formation of conceptual and terminological bases of correct logic and of the reasoning of pedagogical research. The materials of the article can be used in the correct use of ideas and methods of modern mathematics during the study of the characteristic features of pedagogical objects, processes and phenomena. Keywords: Aspects of mathematization of pedagogical research, methodology, pedagogical science References Borovskih, A.V. & Rozov, N.H. (2010). Activity-related principles of pedagogy and pedagogical logic: guide for system of vocational pedagogical education, professional development and advanced training of teaching staff. Moscow: MAKS Press, 80 p. Chuyko, L.V. (2006). 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Conceptual Model of Continuing Professional Education Based on Social-and-Academic ApproachEvgenij M. Dorozhkin, Svetlana V. Saltseva & Valery E. Steinberg
pp. 9348-9361 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The importance of the issue in subject derives from the fact that the vocational (professional) education does not really meet the demands of people, society and state that are explained by new qualification requirements to employees in various fields, including forestry, in the modern socio-economic situation. Thus, continuing professional education is particularly important. This article is aimed for development of a conceptual model for continuing professional education based on the potential of this system, that has to be used to its full extent in order to overcome the danger of our country lagging behind the world tendencies in economic and social development and increasing quality of training of forestry workers that possess such qualities as mobility, dynamics, constructiveness, independent thinking and acting. The leading method in research of this issue is modelling that allows us to see the issue as a process of focused and deliberate learning to monitor the quality of education by specialists. The article presents a conceptual model for continuing professional education, reveals its peculiarities, and describes an algorithm for implementation of such model based on socio-academic approach. The model is aimed for successful socialization of students, adaptation to new professional environment and development of scientific and methodological basis for the education quality monitoring. Keywords: Conceptual model, continuing professional education, education quality monitoring, socialization of students, socio-academic approach References Abdullina, O.A. (1998). Quality monitoring for professional training. Higher education in Russia, 3, 40-46. Abragimovich, M.M. (2013). The Role of Further Vocational Education in Training the Competitive Specialists for the Regional Labor Market. 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Cybernetic Welness of the Youth: Psychological AspectMariya V. Zinnatova, Evald F. Zeer, Ekaterina V. Zavyalova, Vladimir А. Sorokin & Marina S. Yudina
pp. 9362-9373 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The ever more growing relevance of the issue under evaluation is explained by the wide expansion of digital technology that leads to the necessity to ensure cybernetic wellness of the population, especially the young. The goal of this article is to detect the psychological peculiarities of the Internet dependence of the youth. The leading approach to this issue is the empirical one (psychological evaluation); it allows detection of differences in socialization levels depending on severity of the Internet dependence among the students and the connection between the level of the Internet dependence and socialization for the young. The article analyzes the severity of the modern youth’s Internet dependence, describes the main criteria of the Internet addictions, forms of appearance and motives for development of addictive behavior among the young, stages of Internet addictions. This article may be used by the psychologists that perform psychological follow-up within the framework of psychocorrective, training and consulting jobs with students and the youth suffering of or damaged by Internet dependence, or fighting the consequences of Internet-addiction-based behavior. The article may also interest other specialists working with the young (teachers, social workers). Keywords: Cybernetic wellness, Internet addiction, Internet dependence, the youth References Akhmetzyanova, A.I. (2016a). The Theoretical Analysis of the Phenomenon of Anticipation in Psychology. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(7), 1559-1570. doi: 10.12973/ijese.2016.359a Akhmetzyanova, A.I. (2016b). Anticipatory Competence and Ability to Probabilistic Forecasting in Adolescents: Research Results. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(8), 1923-1932. doi: 10.12973/ijese.2016.566a Beloborodova, N.S., Pihtovnikov, S.V. & Hanipova, L.Yu. 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Dynamic Meaning Systems of Consciousness of a Criminal PersonalityValentina B. Salakhova, Alexander A. Lodzhanidze, Bogdan S. Vasyakin, Natalia V. Sidyacheva & Sergey D. Ludvig
pp. 9374-9380 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The importance of the studied problem is determined by the fact that in contemporary Russian society, along with social, political and economic problems, there is a significant crime rate growth, which in its turn leads to an increase in the number of people convicted of various crimes. The current penitentiary system in the country, despite a great accumulated experience of correction and reforming the personality of a criminal, is generally focused on traditional punitive methods of work with convicts and does not prove to be effective enough. The analysis of studies on this issue, suggests that the ineffectiveness of penal institutions is explained by the acquisition of such negative traits as the propensity for violence, greed, disrespect for society, etc. by convicts while serving their sentences. The methods aimed at reforming an offender do not cause any productive changes in the deformed personality. In this context, this article aims to study the personality of a convict while serving a sentence. The leading approach to the study of this problem should be a holistic, a systemic and dialectical approaches, which ensures the integrity and comprehensive of the study, based on a holistic personal development, taking into account the history of the personality. The article deals with the results of empirical studies of dynamic semantic systems of consciousness and structures of the subjective reality of a convict. The results of the study of semantic systems through their reflection in the individual personality outlook of a convict have been presented in the article. The materials of this article are of practical value to staff members of the Penitentiary Service, psychologists and social workers of penitentiary institutions. Keywords: a criminal, dynamic semantic system of consciousness, outlook References Asmolov, A.G. (1990). Personality Psychology. Moscow: State Univ. University, 367 p. Antonyan, Y.M. (1996). Psychology and criminal investigations of crimes. Moscow: Lawyer, 335 p. Antsyferova, L.I. (1993). Daily Psychology: the living world of the individual and the "art" of its existence. Psychological magazine, 14(2), 3-16. Alferov, Y.U. (1990). Psycho-pedagogical diagnostics and educational influence on convicted. Domodedovo, 340 p. Bebenin, V.G. & Bagdasaryan, L.E. (2008). A study of tolerance in the educational space of the average professional and higher education. Vocational education number, 73-76. Debol'skii, M.G. (1995). Psychological service in the penal system. Crime and Punishment, 4, 58 - 61. Deyev, V.G. (1978) Psychological orientation juvenile offenders. Ryazan: Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 96 p. Gernet, M.N. (1905). Social factors Crime. Moscow: Univ. type, 215 p. Ratinov, A.R. (1979). Study of value-normative sphere of criminals. Identity of the perpetrator as an object of psychological research, 44-62. Ribak, M.S. (2001). Re-socialization of convicts (theory and practice): PhD Thesis. Saratov: Saratov State Law Academy, 450 p. Kraynova, N.A. (2005). Some aspects of the interpretation of the concept of re-socialization of convicts. Direct access: http: //tsn/tmb.ru/nu/kon/arhiv Kudryavtsev, V. (1998). The genesis of crime: experience kriminologo. Moscow: Forum: INFRA, 214 p. Leontiev, A.N. (1977). Activity. Consciousness. Personality. Moscow: Politizdat, 302 p. Lomov, B.F. (1984). Methodological and theoretical problems of psychology. Moscow: Science, 444 p. Myasischev, V.N. (1966). Consciousness as a unity reflection of reality and the relationship to her man, The problem of consciousness: proceedings of the symposium. Moscow, 126-132. Mikhlin, A. (1991). General characteristics of convicts. Moscow: Institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 176 p. Kalinina N.V., Kalinin, I.V., Oschepkov, A.A., Salakhova, V.B. & Sima, M.A. (2016). The Use of Social Resources of Inclusive Educational Environment to Cope Difficult Situations by Adolescents. Mathematics education, 11(7), 2527-2536. Povarenkov, Y.T. (2014). Psychology of professional development and realization of the person as a branch of psychology, Bulletin of Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, 1. Psychological and pedagogical sciencs, 184 -196. Predov, T.G. (1980). Re-socialization on prestpnitsite-recidivists. Sofia: Universal, 36 p. Platonov, K. (1982). Quality System psychic phenomena. Psychological magazine, 3(2), 27-33. Salakhova, V.B. (2016). Features of the value-semantic sphere of convicts receiving professionlnoe higher education. Ulyanovsk: USU, 167 p. Vygotsky, L.S. (2000). Psychology. Moscow.: Eksmo-Press, 1007 p. Yakovlev, A.M. (1971). Crime and Social Psychology. Moscow.: Legal Aid. Literature, 237 p. Ushatikov A.I. (1998). Introduction to the psychology of prison. Ryazan: Uzoroche, 195 p. Zhuleva, Y.V. (2000). Re-socialization of convicted female juveniles serving sentences in young offenders' institutions (legal and criminological aspects): PhD Thesis. Ryazan: IPiE MIA Russia - 24 p. |
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International University Freshmen’s Perceptions on Culturally Diverse Community and Internal Stakeholders’ TacticsAnastasia A. Atabekova, Alexander A. Belousov & Oleg A. Yastrebov
pp. 9381-9389 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The paper explores first-year students’ feelings about international university campus. Increasing globalisation of education raises a number of issues related not only to internationally accepted standards of qualifications and degrees, curriculum development, faculty competences, but also to domestic and international students’ tolerance, community building, etc. The research focuses on the first-year domestic and international students’ attitudes to their own and other cultures, students’ readiness to share their personal psychological environment with еру representatives of other cultures. The study started with literature review and further used surveys for experimental analysis of students’ perceptions on culturally diverse community. Most surveys engage current undergraduate and final year students, with no particular attention to those who have just enrolled. The present paper argues that the novice students’ surveys could contribute to mapping potentially sensitive zones regarding novice students’ engagement into the university multifaceted landscape. Respondents were asked about the reasons to choose the international university for studies, attitude to other cultures, readiness to accommodation with foreigners. The above survey helped to draft preliminary recommendations regarding ways and instruments for the university internal stakeholders to efficiently interact with domestic and international students to foster their social maturity within international university landscape and its multicultural environment. Keywords: University internationalization, domestic and international students, students’ cultural diversity, international campus, students` survey References Altbach, P.G. (1991). Impact and adjustment of foreign students in comparative perspective. Higher Education, 21, 305-323. American Council on Education (2013). At home in the world: Educating for global connections and local commitments. Washington: Washington State University, 68 p. Barker, M., Child, C., Jones, E., Gallois, C. & Callan, V.J. (1991). Difficulties of overseas students in social and academic situations. Australian Journal of Psychology, 43, 79-84. Barratt, M.F. & Huba, M.E. (1994). Factors related to international undergraduate student adjustment in an American community. College Student Journal, 28, 422-436. Beaver, B. & Tuck, B. (1998). The adjustment of overseas students at a tertiary institution in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 33, 167-179. Celleja, D. (2000). The world at your door. Canadian Business, 73(20), 108-111. Cheng, J. (2013). International Students: Addressing Barriers to Successful Transition, the Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA. Los Angeles: Center for Mental Health in Schools, 15 p. Collet, D. (2010). Interaction between Local and International Students using Inclusive Association Conference, Direct access: http://www.proceedings.com.au/isana/docs/2010/paper_collett.pdf Fedotova, O. & Chigisheva, O. (2015). Comparative analysis: methodological optics in the ideological context. International Perspectives on Education and Society, 26, 57-82. Grayson, J.P. (2008). The experiences and outcomes of domestic and international students at four Canadian universities. Higher Education Research & Development, 27(3), 215-230. Jon, J.E. (2009). ‘Interculturality’ in higher education as student intercultural learning and development: A case study in South Korea. Intercultural Education, 20(5), 439-449. Kell, P. & Vogl, G. (2012). International Students in the Asia Pacific: Mobility, Risks and Global Optimism. New York: Springer, 183 p. Kravets, J.L. (2013). Social adaptation of foreign students in the educational environment. Psychopedagogy in law enforcement, 3, 31-35. Le, A. (2010). Making the great journey: International students’ experiences at the University of Nebraska Lincoln: Masters Thesis. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 107 p. Left without a choice: How international students are exploited in New Zealand (2016). Direct access: http://thewireless.co.nz/articles/left-without-a-choice-how-international-students-are-exploited-in-new-zealand Olson, C., Evans, R. & Shoenberg, R.E. (2007). At Home In The World: Bridging The Gap Between Internationalization And Multicultural Education. USA: American Council on Education, 76 p. Russell, J., Rosenthal, D. & Thomson, G. (2010). The international student experience: three styles of adaptation. Higher Education, (60)2, 235-249. Scheuer, O. & McLaren, B.M. (2012). Educational data mining. In: Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. New York: Springer, 1075-1079. Scott, R.A. (1994). Campus development in response to the challenges of internationalisation: The case of Ramapo College of New Jersey (USA). Higher Education Management, 6, 71-89. Sherry, M., Thomas, P. & Chui, W.H. (2010). International students: A vulnerable student population. Higher Education: The International Journal of Higher Education and Educational Planning, 60(1), 33-46. Summers, M. & Volet, S. (2008). Students’ attitudes toward culturally mixed on international campuses: Impact of participation in diverse and non-diverse groups. Studies in Higher Education, 33(4), 357-370. The National Student Survey (2016). Direct access: http://www.thestudentsurvey.com/ The NSSE survey (2016). Direct access: http://nsse.indiana.edu/ THE Student Experience Survey 2016 results (2016). Direct access: https://www.timeshighereducation.com/student/news/student-experience-survey-2016-results Young, N.E (2014). Seeking Best Practices for Integrating International and Domestic Students. Minnesota: University of Minnesota, 82 p. |
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University Academic Excellence and Language Policy: a Case of RussiaAnastasia A. Atabekova, Rimma G. Gorbatenko & Tatyana V. Shoustikova
pp. 9390-9397 | Article Number: ijese.2016.663
Abstract The paper focuses on the university academic excellence projects worldwide and tries to explore the higher education institutions experience and trends regarding their language policies within the international landscape and increasing globalisation.The article agrees that English goes as a major medium of instruction at universities that strive for reaching higher positions in world university rankings and takes into account the UNESCO traditions related to language diversity and multilingual education development, as well. The research focuses on language policy issues as language has always been a tool to create, deliver and process knowledge within, across and beyond local and national communities toward the global scale. The study took into account the experience of national academic excellence projects across the world, tried to identify those language challenges that the Russian universities as members of the Russian national academic excellence project are currently facing. The research goal was to map those changes and shifts in the language policies of Russian higher education institutions that could help them boost their academic visibility internationally. The methodology rested on the qualitative analysis of national education programmes, universities’ action plans, data on Russian universities strategies and tactics regarding language issues. Keywords: Higher education, university internationalization, academic excellence, language policy for world class university References Altbach, P. & Salmi, J. (2011). The Road to Academic Excellence: The Making of World-Class Research Universities. Washington: The World Bank, 394 p. Beacco, J.C. & Byram, M. (2003). Guide for the Development of Language Education Policies in Europe - From Linguistic Diversity to Plurilingual Education. Peris: Strassbourg, 115 p. Benson, C. & Kosonen, K. (2013). Language Issues in Comparative Education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 69 p. Bolsman, C. & Miller, H. (2008). International student recruitment to universities in England: discourse, rationales and globalisation. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 6(1), 75-88. Bulajeva, T. & Hogan-Brun, G. (2014). Internationalisation of higher education and nation building: resolving language policy dilemmas in Lithuania. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 35(4), 318-331. Fedotova, O. & Chigisheva, O. (2015). Comparative analysis: methodological optics in the ideological context. International Perspectives on Education and Society, 26, 57-82. Shared cervices centres 2014. Moving towards Centres of Excellence. Czech Republic & Slovakia (2014). Direct access: http://www.pwc.com/sk/en/shared-services-centres/assets/ssc-survey-2014.pdf Doğançay-Aktuna, S. (1998). The spread of English in Turkey and its current sociolinguistics profile. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 19(1), 23-39. Garret, P. & Gallego Balsa, L. (2014). International universities and implications of internationalisation for minority languages: views from university students in Catalonia and Wales. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 35(4), 361-375. Global Universities Association (2014-2016). Direct access: http://www.globaluni.ru/ Graddol, D. (2005). The future of English. The British Council: London. Direct access: https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/future-english Guangwei, H. & Jun, L. (2014). English-Medium Instruction in Chinese Higher Education: A Case Study. Higher Education: The International Journal of Higher Education and Educational Planning, 67(5), 551-567. Heugh, K. (2000). The case against bilingual education and multilingual education in South Africa. Praesa: Cape Town, 40 p. Hou, Y.C., Ince, M. & Chiang, C.L (2013). The Impact of Excellence Initiatives in Taiwan Higher Education. Global Perspectives on Higher Education, 25, 35-53. Lee, E.J. (2000) Brain Korea 21: A development oriented national policy in Korean Higher Education. International Higher Education, 19, 24-25. Llurda, E., Cots, J.M. & Armengol, L. (2014). Views on multilingualism in higher education:administrative staff in the spotlight. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 35(4), 376-391. Mortensen, J. (2014). Language policy from below: language choice in student project groups in a multilingual university setting. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 35(4), 425-442. Preece, S. (2009). Multilingual identities in higher education: negotiating the ‘mother tongue’,‘posh’and ‘slang’. Language and Education, 1, 21-39. Project 985 (2004). Direct access: http://www.chinaeducenter.com/en/cedu/ceduproject211.php Russia’s 5-100 project (2013). Direct access: http://5top100.com/ The 21st century center of excellence program in Japan (2002). Direct access: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-globalcoe/ UNESCO (2003). Education in a Multilingual World. Education Position Paper, France, Paris. Direct access: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0012/001297/129728e.pdf Vogel, G. (2006). A German Ivy League Takes Shape. Science. Direct access: http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2006/10/german-ivy-league-takes-shape Wang, Q., Cheng, Y. & Nian Cai Liu. (2012). Building World-Class Universities. Boston: Sense Publishers, 42 p. Wächter, B. & Maiworm, F. (2014). English-Taught Programmes in European Higher Education. The State of Play in 2014. Bonn: Lemmens MedienGmbH, 144 p. |
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Role of Сreative Social Practices in the Development of United Activities in Russian SocietyYury Grigorievich Volkov, Sergey Pavlovich Kulikov, Dmitry Valerievich Krotov, Anzhela Mikhailovna Salogub & Maksim Aleksandrovich Gnatyuk
pp. 9398-9409 | Article Number: ijese.2016.664
Abstract The article reveals the role of creative social practices in the development of united activities in Russian society. Creative social practices in Russian society are implemented by different social groups and strata for the purpose of self-realization, participation in socially important affairs when agreed by state institutions, ensuring safety and stability, and developing social creativity. In modern Russian society, there is a requirement for social solidarity associated with the mutual responsibility of the elites and the public, community groups and the state. Keywords: global challenges, united activities, state institutions References Gorshkov, M. K. et al. (Eds.). (2015). Russian society and challenges of the time. Book 1. Moscow. Gorshkov, M. K. et al. (Eds.). (2015). Russian society and challenges of the time. Book 2. Moscow. Nureev, R. M. and V. V. Dementiev (Eds.). (2006). The post-Soviet institutionalism. Rostov-on-Don. Ogonek. (2015). No. 49, December 14, p. 9. Volkov, Y. G. (2011). Creativity: Russian historical breakthrough. Moscow. Volkov, Y. G. (2013). Creative society as a goal of Russian modernization. New ideas in sociology. Moscow. Volkov, Y. G. (2013). Creativity: creativity against imitation. Moscow. Volkov, Y. G. (Ed.). (2014). Middle class in the Rostov region: Behavioral strategies, value mindsets and social resources of development. The results of sociological studies. Rostov-on-Don. Volkov, Y.G. (Ed.). (2012). 20 years of reforms in Russia through the eyes of residents of the Rostov region. Rostov-on-Don. |
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Investigation Of The Effects Of Teaching Core Exercises on Young Soccer PlayersAyşegül Yapıcı
pp. 9410-9421 | Article Number: ijese.2016.664
Abstract The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of teaching core exercises on some motoric parameters in young soccer players.32amateur male football players from Afjet Afyonspor and Muğlaspor football team; 16 experimental group (average age 13.75 ± 0.46 years; mean body height 1.65.±0.09 cm; mean body mass 52.88 ± 8.04kg) and 16 control group (average age 13.71 ± 0.34 years; mean body height 1.59±0.08 cm; mean body mass 45.63 ± 6.25kg) participated in this study voluntarily. For each player, flexibility, agility, sprintability and standing long jump performance was measured. Core exercises were done 6 weeks to the subjects located in experimental group in addition to football training. Before starting the core training program, experimental group were applied core exercises during 2 weeks. Explainations on the correct teaching of the core training techniques and the attainments to be achieved during the se exercises were provided. The subjects located in control group were asked to continue their normal training and any additional program was not applied. Control group wasn't provided with the explanations on the correct teaching of core training technique sand the attainments to be achieved. Mann Whitney U test for paired comparison of the groups and Wilcoxcon test for the comparison of pre- and post-tests of the groups were used. The significance level was taken as p<0.05. As for the statistical results between the pre-test values of the groups, no significant difference was found in any of the variables (p>0.05). At the beginning of the study, groups divided into the homogeneous. The experimental groups howed a 11.62%, 6.8%, 7.5%, 3% improvement in standing long jump, agility, 10-m sprint performance and 20-m sprint performance (respectively) (p<0.05).A significant differences was found agility performance (Z= -2.38; p<0.05), standing long jump (Z= -1.4; p<0.05), 10-m sprint performance(Z= -1.26; p<0.05)and20-m sprint performance (Z= -0.56; p<0.05)between the pre-and post-test in experimental group. A significant differences was found agility performance (Z=-2.52, p=0.01) and 10-m sprint performance (Z=-2.53, p=0.01) between the pre-and post-test in control group. There were statistically significant difference between of post-test 10-m sprint performance in experimental and control groups (U=13.0 p=0.04).In conclusion, it was observed that 6 week core exercises implemented on young soccer players brought about significant improvement on parameters of standing long jump, agility, 10-m sprint performance and 20-m sprint performance (p<0.05).The necessary motor skills can be improved by core exercises and a football coach who teaches his or her players correct techniques using and executing these exercises in their training programs. Keywords: Youth soccer,core exercise, flexibility, sprint, agility, standing long jump References Afyon YA, Bayansalduz M, Boyaci A, Yildiz M (2014). Examination of AdministrativeCompetenceLevels of Football Coaches. ERPA International Congress on Education Book of Abstracts, ERPA Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey Atan T, Kabadayı M, Eliöz M, Cilhoroz TB, Akyol P (2013). 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Have University Sport Students Higher Scores Depression, Anxiety and Psychological Stress?Havva Demirel
pp. 9422-9425 | Article Number: ijese.2016.665
Abstract Multiple studies have now shown that people who maintain appropriate body fitness, using judicious regimens of exercise and weight control, have the additional benefit of prolonged life. In fact, sport or exercise may be also expected to be helpful for psychological health. In the present study, depression, anxiety and psychological stress points in athlete university students in comparison with non-athlete university students were investigated.In the present study, athlete university students hadhigher depression, anxiety and psychological stress points compared to non-athlete university students. The possible causes the higher depression, anxiety and psychological stress scores in Turkish athlete university students compare to non-athlete university students may be due to the factors such as (1) the fear of occupational forthcoming, (2) ambiguousness in occupational career, (3) physical or somatic stress associated with training programs of vigorous exercise. Keywords: athlete university students, depression, anxiety, psychological stress References Guyton AG, Hall JE. Textbook of Medical Physiology. Elsevier Saunders, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2006. Lovibond, S.H. &Lovibond, P.F. (1995). Manual for the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales. (2nd. Ed.) Sydney: Psychology Foundation. ISBN 7334-1423-0. Lovibond, P.F. &Lovibond, S.H. (1995). The structure of negative emotional states: Comparison of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS) with the Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 33, 335-343. Nixdorf I, Frank R, Beckmann J.Comparison of athletes' proneness to depressive symptoms in individual and team Sports: research on psychological mediators in junior elite athletes.Front Psychol. 2016:17;7:893. Newman HJ, Howells KL, Fletcher D.The dark side of top level sport: An autobiographic study of depressive experiences in elite sport performers.Front Psychol. 2016:7;7:868. McMahon EM. Physical activity in European adolescents and associationswith anxiety, depression and well‑being. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2016, in press. Balazs J et al. (2013) Adolescent subthreshold-depression andanxiety: psychopathology, functional impairment and increasedsuicide risk. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 54(6):670-677. Carli V et al. (2014) A newly identified group of adolescents at“invisible” risk for psychopathology and suicidal behavior: findingsfrom the SEYLE study. World Psychiatry 13(1):78-86. Bilgel N, Bayram N. Turkish Version of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-42): Psychometric Properties. Archives of Neuropsychiatry 2010; 47: 118-26. Gouttebarge V, Aoki H, Kerkhoffs GM.Prevalence and determinants of symptoms related to mental disorders in retired male professional footballers. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2016;56(5):648-54. |
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Lifelong Professional Education in the Russian Federation: Personal AspectAygul Z. Ibatova, Natalia V. Ippolitova, Safia Kh. Mukhametgaliyeva, Anna E. Rodionova, Khafiza N. Yagafarova & Ludmila N. Ikonnikova
pp. 9426-9436 | Article Number: ijese.2016.666
Abstract The article analyzes the problem of realization of the postulate of "lifelong education" in the field of professional education in Russia, reveals its importance for the development of personality of a future specialist. A brief overview and the results of the implementation of this principle in the process of professional training of students of Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University, the Branch of the Industrial University of Tyumen, Bashkir State Pedagogical University are presented. Keywords: Lifelong education, the personal aspect, continuity, self-education References Bim-Bad, B.M., 2003. Teaching Encyclopedia. M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, pp.528. Gershunsky, B.S., 1998. Philosophy of Education for the XXI century. M .: Perfect, pp.137. Ibatova A., Ilin A., Ippolitova N., Stavruk M., Ivanova N., 2016. Using Interdisciplinary Integration in Teaching English of Oil and Gas Students in Russia. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, Volume 11, No. 15, pp. 8055-8061. Il'ichev, L.F., 1983. Philosophical Encyclopedia. M .: Soviet Encyclopedia, pp.840. Ippolitova, N.V., 2010. Development of the Person of the Future Teacher in the Context of Training: Monograph. Shadrinsk: SHGPI, pp; 244. Kolesnikov, L.F. , 1991.The Effectiveness of Education . M .: Education, pp. 272. Lengrand, P., 1970. Intoduction a 'l'education pemanente. P .: Unesco, pp.100. Polonsky, V.M., 2004. Dictionary of Education and Pedagogy. M .: Higher. wk, pp.512. The Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" Adopted by the State Duma on December 21, 2012 Approved by the Federation Council December 26, 2012 [Internet resource]. - Access - http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_166143/. Tulkibaeva, L.V., 2003. Educational Encyclopedia: Current Concepts of Modern Pedagogy. M.: Publishing House "East", pp. 274. |
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Investigating Visually Disabled Students’ Attitudes About Physical Education And Sportİbrahim Dalbudak, Alper C. Gürkan, Şıh Mehmet Yiğit, Mehmet Kargun, Gürkan Hazar & Feridun Dorak
pp. 9437-9447 | Article Number: ijese.2016.667
Abstract This study aims to investigate visually disabled students’, who study in the level of primary education, high school, university, attitudes about physical education and sport in terms of different variables. Totally 100 visually disabled students who are individual and team athletes and study in İzmir, (8 visually disabled athletes study in primary education; 30 visually disabled athletes study in high school; 62 visually disabled athletes study in university) attended the research. “Physical Education and Sport Attitude Scale” which consists of 12 positive and 12 negative and totally 24 items and was developed by Demirhan and Altay (2001), was used in order to survey students’ attitudes. Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient of the scale was calculated as 0.93, Criterion validity coefficient is calculated as 0.83. Data which were obtained from questionnaire were analysed in SPSS 20.0 packaged software. Cronbach Alpha reliability analysis, frequency tables, Pearson correlation analysis, independent sample t test for comparing two groups, one-way analysis of variance for comparing more than two groups, and LSD test were used within the analysis. As a result of the research, differences according to sex, age, education level, individual and team sport, sport status in family variables were not determined in visually disabled students’ attitudes about physical education and sport (p> 0,05). It can be said that both two groups have positive attitudes about physical education and sport. Visually disabled students’ attendance to physical education and sport activities, their beliefs that they pass their time in a better way by doing exercise and sport; physical education and sport will provide important benefit in the future, their important time allocation for physical education and sport activities show that they have positive attitude for physical education and sport. Keywords: Visually Disabled, Student, Physical Education and Sport, Attitude Scale References Aracı, H. (2001),Öğretmen ve Öğrenciler için Okullarda Beden Eğitimi, 3. Edition, Ankara, Nobel Yayınevi, p. 6-7 Çelik, Z. & Pulur, A. (2011) Ortaöğretim Öğrencilerinin Beden Eğitimi ve Spora İlişkin Tutumları, Ulusal Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Öğrt. Kongresi, VAN/YYÜ Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi Özel Sayısı, P. 115-121. Demirhan, G. & Altay, F. (2001). Lise Birinci Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Beden Eğitim ve Spora İlişkin Tutum Ölçeği II. Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 12, (2), 9-20. Enç, M. (1972). ‘Görme Özürlüler Gelişim ve Uyum ve Eğitimleri’ Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 30, S.38. Güllü, M. & Güçlü, M. (2009). Ortaöğretim Öğrencileri İçin Beden Eğitimi Dersi Tutum Ölçeği Geliştirilmesi. Niğde Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, V.3, issue 2, P.139-140. Gürkan, A. (2016). Visually Disabled Athletes’ Reasons Of Starting Sport And Their Expectations İn Turkey, International Journal Of Environmental & Science Education, Originally Published By Look Academic Publishers İn IJESE ,ISSN: 1306-3065, Vol. 1303-1317, Koca, C. & Demirhan, G. (2004). An Examination of High School Students’ Attitudes Toward Physical Education with Regard to Sex and Sport Participation. Percept Motor Skill, 98, P.754-758. Özer, D. (2001) Engelliler İçin Beden Eğitimi ve Spor, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, P.1-89. Süngü, B. (2012). Development and validation of the pre-service physical education and sport teachers' attitudes toward children with intellectual disabilities, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Sport, Published Master Thesis, P.5. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Başbakanlık Özürlüler idaresi Başkanlığı. Aile Eğitim Rehberi, Görme Özürlüler, Aile Eğitim Serisi:1. Ankara: T.C. Başbakanlık Özürlüler idaresi Başkanlığı Yayınları; 2008, p.12. |
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Social Pedagogical Work with Different Age Groups in GermanyOlga Toporkova, Ekaterina A. Glebova, Inna V. Vysotskaia & Victoria V. Tikhaeva
pp. 9448-9456 | Article Number: ijese.2016.668
Abstract Background/Objectives: The main objective of the article is to study, analyze and organize the modern German experience in the sphere of social pedagogical and educational work with socially unprotected adults, including youth and the elderly. The retrospective analysis threw light on the background of work with socially unprotected adults in Germany and predetermined the research objective. Methods: The methods of induction and deduction, comparison and generalization of theoretical, practical and statistics data enabled to examine the main strategies of work with the risk-group youth; while the interpretational method and techniques of synthesis and analogy of the data obtained helped to bring to light the most important forms of work with the elderly. Findings: Scientific novelty of the article is represented in the following findings: the authors revealed and characterized meaningfully street social work and prevention programs for the risk-group youth to guarantee their socialization and adaptation in the modern society; they analyzed profoundly such forms and methods as intergenerational, biographical and interactive work to provide the elderly personal transition from pre-retirement to post professional period with due account for their interests and possibilities. The findings prove and stress the need of purposeful social pedagogical and educational work with socially unprotected adults in any society as one of the prerequisites both for the successful educational process and the further development of the society at large. Conclusions: Presently, different age groups and their problems are actively worked with and on in Germany. Social pedagogical and educational work serve various purposes but the most important goal is to socialize and adapt socially unprotected adults, youth and the elderly to ongoing social and economic changes in the society; guarantee a high standard of their life in the best interests of every person. Purposeful work with socially unprotected adults is very important. It is one of the prerequisites both for the successful educational process and the further development of the society at large. Keywords: social work, pedagogical work, age groups, Germany References Faulstich P, Zeuner C. Erwachsenenbildung und soziales Engagement. Bertelsmann Verlag, 2001. Barz H, Tippelt R. Weiterbildung und soziale Milieus in Deutschland. Praxishandbuch Milieumarketing. W. Bertelsmann Verlag GmbH, 2007. Wittpoth J. Einführung in die Erwachsenenbildung. 2. Auflage. UTB Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2009. Siebert H. Didaktisches Handeln in der Erwachsenenbildung: Didaktik aus konstruktivistischer Sicht. 5. Auflage. Wolters Kluwer: Deutschland GmbH, 2009. Specht W. Mobile youth work with a global perspective. In Walther Specht (Ed.). Mobile youth work in the global context: reaching the unreachable. ISMO: Stuttgart, Germany, 2010, pp. 56-65. Svensson NP. Outreach work with young people, young drug users and young people at risk: emphasis on secondary prevention. Strasborg. Available from https://wcd.coe.int/ViewDoc.jsp?id=1302697&Site=COE. 2003. Collaborative Community Health Research Centre University of Victoria. Research review of best practices for provision of youth services. Available from http://www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/youth/pdf/best_practices_provision_of_youth_services.pdf. 2002. International Centre for the Prevention of Crime. Urban crime prevention and youth at risk. Compendium of Promising Strategies and Programmes from around the World. International Centre for the Prevention of Crime, 2005. National Crime Prevention Centre. Proising and model crime prevention programs. National Crime Prevention Centre (NCPC), 2008. Kosaretskaya SV, Kosaretskiy SG, Sinyagina NU. Neformal'nye ob#edinenija molodezhi: profilaktika asocial'nogo povedenija [Informal youth formations: antisocial behavior prevention]. CARO, 2006. Fülgraf B, Arnold B. Intergenerationelles Lernen. Hess. Blätter f. Volksbildung. 1985, 1, pp. 20-24. Veelken L, Gösken E, Pfaff M. Gerontologische Bildungsarbeit – Neue Ansätze und Modelle. Verlag: Opladen, 1994. Dohmen G. Selbstgesteuertes lebenslanges Lernen? Ergebnisse der Fachtagung des Bundesministeriums für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie vom 6.-7.12.1996.: Gustav-Stresemann-Institut, 1997. Stadelhofer, C. Selbstgesteuertes Lernen und neue Kommunikationstechnologien als neue Wegpfeiler in der Altenbildung. In: S. Becker, L. Veelken, K.P. Vallraven, (Eds.), Handbuch Altenbildung. Theorien und Konzepte für Gegenwart und Zukunft. Leske+Budrich, 2000, pp. 55-67. Kohli M. Die Institutionalisierung des Lebenslaufs. Historische Befunde und theoretische Argumente. KZfSS. 1985, 1: pp. 1-29. Breloer G. Altenbildung und Bildungsbegriff. In: Becker S., Veelken L., Vallraven K.P. (Eds.): Handbuch Altenbildung. Theorien und Konzepte für Gegenwart und Zukunft. Leske+Budrich, 2000, pp. 38-49. |
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The Effects of Regular Exercise on the Physical Fitness LevelsOzlem Kirandi
pp. 9457-9468 | Article Number: ijese.2016.669
Abstract The purpose of the present research is investigating the effects of regular exercise on the physical fitness levels among sedentary individuals. The total of 65 sedentary male individuals between the ages of 19-45, who had never exercises regularly in their lives, participated in the present research. Of these participants, 35 wanted to be included in the exercise group, while 30 didn’t want to attend exercises and formed the control group. Individuals, who exercised for an hour, 3 days a week, for eight weeks, formed the experiment group of the research. Pre-test data were collected by obtaining basal metabolic rate, fat percentages, and circumference measures of some body parts. Post-test data were also collected with the same method and same body parts after eight weeks. Within the scope of the research, age, height, body weight, body circumference measurements, skinfold thickness, bio-impedance and body-gem measurements were taken from the participants. Skinfold thickness was measured on 6 parts (chest, abdomen, iliac, triceps, biceps, scapula) and fat percentage was measured with TANITA brand device. Rested metabolic rates were measured with BodyGem device and circumference measurements were taken with measuring tape. Group were compared on SPSS 20 program with frequency analysis, independent and paired samples t-tests were used to test the differences, and significance level was taken as (p˂0,05). According to the findings obtained in the present research, there are significant differences between pre-test and post-test some circumference measurements, skinfold thickness, fat percentage, and body-gem measurements of experiment group and control group participants. Accordingly, even without a certain exercise program, regular activity and exercise has positive effects on physical fitness levels of sedentary individuals. Keywords: Regular, Exercise, Physical, Fitness, Training References Açıkada C Ergen E. 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Examining the Effectiveness of Augmented Reality Applications in Education: A Meta-AnalysisHakan Tekedere & Hanife Göker
pp. 9469-9481 | Article Number: ijese.2016.670
Abstract In this study, the purpose is examining the reviews released on augmented reality applications in education, merging the results obtained in the studies that are independent from each other, and providing a new viewpoint for the studies that will be conducted in the future. The meta-analysis method has been used in the study. 15 out of 171 reviews, whose effect size of the data may be calculated, and released between the years 2005 and 2015 have been included in the meta analytic effect size analysis. The reviews were intended to examine the efficiency of augmented reality applications in education and were selected after scanning the SCI and SSCI Indices. The names and the abstracts of the reviews were taken as bases in the classifying according to the target audience and subjects. It was determined as a conclusion in the study that the average effect size of the augmented reality applications in education was ES=0.677. In other words, it was determined that the applications performed by using the augmented reality technology in education had a positive effects on students, and that this effect was at medium level that could not be underestimated according to Thalheimer and Cook Classification. At the end of the study, the development of the augmented reality applications used in education, the missing points in present studies, and the new study areas are mentioned. Keywords: Augmented reality, meta-analysis, education, effectiveness. References Borenstein, M., Hedges, L. V., Higgins, J. P. T., & Rothstein, H. R. (2009). Introduction to meta-analysis. West Sussex-UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. *Cai, S., Chiang, F. K., & Wang, X. (2013). Using the augmented reality 3D technique for a convex imaging experiment in a physics course. International Journal of Engineering Education, 29(4), 856-865. Cai, S., Wang, X., & Chiang, F. K. (2014). 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Investigation Of The Impact Of The Uniform Colors Of Sportsmen Who Participated In Turkish Youth Boxing Championship On Their Performance During The CompetitionMahmut Gülle, Malik Beyleroğlu & Muhsin Hazar
pp. 9482-9488 | Article Number: ijese.2016.671
Abstract The purpose of the present study is to elucidate the relationship between performance impacts of red and blue colors on uniforms of young boxers and competition results. The study universe was consisted of 650 competitions organized in the scope of 2005-2006 Sakarya City Young Men Boxing Championship by the Turkey Boxing Federation. Sampling of the study was constituted by 562 competitions which were selected randomly from the universe. In terms of data collection, video analyses of preliminary selection, semi-final and final competitions were conducted so that x2 test evaluation could be performed for the numbers of wining of sportsmen in blue and red color uniforms based on the competition results. According to the results obtained through this research; when general total result of the competitions and preliminary selection results is considered, it was found that sportsmen in blue uniform are more successful against the ones in red uniform. When semi-final and final competitions were considered, it was found that wearing blue and red color uniforms is not significantly relevant with the competition results of the sportsmen. Keywords: Colors, Psychology of colors, Impact of Colors in Sports References Attrill, M.J., Gresty, K.A., Hill, R.A., & Barton, R.A., (2008). Red Shirt Colour İs Associated With Long-Term Team Success İn English Football. Journal Of Sports Sciences, 26, 577-582. Ayben, E., (2013). http://ivillage.mynet.com/yazarlar/gebelik-aile/ayben-ertem/21480-renklerin-psikolojik-etkileri.html?start=2. Baube, C. L., (1997). Manipulations Of Signalling Environment Affect Male Competitive Success İn Three-Spined Sticklebacks. Animal Behaviour, 53, 819–833. Caldwell, D. F., & Burger, J. M., (2011). On Thin Ice Does Uniform Color Really Affect Aggression in Professional Hockey?. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2(3), 306-310. Cuthill, I. C., Hunt, S., Cleary, C., & Clark, C., (1997). 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Science Education Journals as Hosts of Environmental Education Research: Perspectives and Trends in the 21th CenturyKonstantinos Korfiatis
pp. 9489-9506 | Article Number: ijese.2016.672
Abstract Scholarly journals are not passive receptors of scientific information. On the contrary, they, within the process of filtrating the kind of research that will finally been published, contextualize a scientific field. In the present review I examine the Environmental Education related articles published in science education journals between the years 2000 and 2014. It turned to be that EE-related research published in science education journals is characterized by an emphasis on the development and study of inquiry-oriented educational settings in both indoor and outdoor learning environments, as well as a preference for studies on biodiversity and increasingly on climate change, while research questions cover a wide range of topics (although not in equal terms) extended from the study of conceptual understanding and psychological characteristics to the development of cognitive skills and the elaboration of community oriented actions. Methodological approaches are characterized by flexibility, while an important amount of EE-related research is produced in science departments. A lack of research on early childhood as well as on adult education and a need on greater emphasis on learning for empowerment and active participation are the most important weakness of the literature under review. Keywords: environmental education, environmental education research, literature review References Aighewi, T. A., & Osaigbovo, U. A. (2010). Students’ perspectives on worldwide “greening” of tertiary education curricula. Research in Science Education, 40, 625–637. Ardoin, N. M., Clark, C., & Kelsey, E. (2012). An exploration of future trends in environmental education research. Environmental Education Research, 19, 499-520. Baytak, A. (2011). Towards effective instructions in environmental education: A critical review of literature. European Journal of Physics Education, 2 (1), 28-37. Boyer, L., & Roth, W-M. (2006). 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Linking the components of a university program to the qualification profile of graduates: The case of a Sustainability-Oriented Environmental Science Curriculum. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 46, 537–569. Hansen, P. (2010). Knowledge about the greenhouse effect and the effects of the ozone layer among Norwegian pupils finishing compulsory education in 1989, 1993, and 2005—what now? International Journal of Science Education, 32, 397-419. Hwang, S. (2011). Narrative inquiry for science education: teachers’ repertoire‐making in the case of environmental curriculum. International Journal of Science Education, 33, 797-816. Jimenez-Aleixandre, M.P. (2002). Knowledge producers or knowledge consumers? argumentation and decision making about environmental management. International Journal of Science Education, 24, 1171-1190. Jurin, R.R., & Fortner, R.W. (2002). Symbolic beliefs as barriers to responsible environmental behavior. Environmental Education Research, 8, 375-397. Kaya, O. 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The Benefit of the GLOBE program for the Development of Inquiry Competence in the Czech and Slovak ContextsNikoleta Smoľáková, Juraj Švajda, Samuel Koróny & Jan Činčera
pp. 9507-9519 | Article Number: ijese.2016.673
Abstract This study compares the inquiry competence of the 8th-grade students participating in the science and environmental education program GLOBE in the Czech Republic with a sample of students of the same age not participating in the program from the Slovak and Czech Republics. Inquiry competence is analyzed as a set of variables representing students’ investigation skills, understanding of the procedure of the scientific work, their understanding of the principles of scientific work, and their interest in science. While no differences between the Czech and Slovak students not involved in the GLOBE program were found, the Czech participants achieved a higher level of inquiry competence in most of the investigated variables. Gender was an important factor for both the groups not participating in the program, while no significant difference between boys and girls was found in the group of participants. 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An Investigation of Middle School Students’ Attitudes and Awareness of Water UseBülent Aydoğdu & Aysun Çakır
pp. 9520-9536 | Article Number: ijese.2016.674
Abstract The purpose of this mixed method study is to investigate middle school students’ attitudes and awareness of water use. The quantitative data were collected through the administration of “Water Usage Questionnaire (WUQ)”. The qualitative data were collected through semi structured interviews. In the study the stratified sampling method was employed. The participants of the study were 1050 secondary school students (6th, 7th and 8th grades) in Afyonkarahisar during the 2015-2016 school years. The qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 18 students who had low (n=6), moderate (n=6) and high level socio economic status (n=6). The quantitative data were analysed using SPSS statistical package software while the qualitative data were content analyzed. It was found out that students mostly agreed with careful use of water. Female students had significantly higher levels of awareness of water use than male ones. 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A Comparison of the Lower Extremity Proprioceptive Senses of the University Students that Exercise Regularly and Those Who Do NotMehmet GÖKTEPE
pp. 9537-9548 | Article Number: ijese.2016.675
Abstract This study has been conducted with a view to identifying and comparing the lower extremity proprioceptive senses of the university students who exercise regularly and those who do not. The study group included voluntary participants studying at various departments of Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University (Faculty of Education and Physical Education and Sports High School), of whom 65 exercised regularly and 59 did not engage in any sports activity. The propriceptive senses of the subjects participating in the study were measured using standardized methods and materials. Their height and weight were measured. They were asked to do a warm up run for 5 minutes and the study was ended once their proprioceptive senses were measured after they were found to have complied with the proprioceptive sense platform. The data obtained from the study was analyzed by using the SPSS 22 software package. Normality distribution was tested by applying the Shapiro-Wilks test. Parametric tests were preferred as the data was found to have distributed normally. A paired-samples t-test was applied to test the level of significance of difference between the students' proprioceptive sense scores. As a result of the study, it was established that the proprioceptive sense values of the male and female students who exercised regularly were better than those who did not engage in sports (p<0.05). Keywords: Sports, Students, Proprioceptive senses References Akdoğan, E. (2011). Halk Dansçıların Diz Eklemi Pozisyon Hissinin (Propriosepsiyon) İncelenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitütüsü. Akdoğan, E., Ertan, H. (2013). Halk Dansçılarında Eklem Pozisyon Duyusunun (Propriosepsiyon) İncelemesi. Pamukkale Journal of Sports Sciences vol 4 no:3, pg:122-133. Akman, M., (2007). 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Mental Programs and Social Behavior Patterns in Russian SocietyAnatoly Vladimirovich Lubsky, Elena Yuryevna Kolesnykova & Roman Anatolyevich Lubsky
pp. 9549-9559 | Article Number: ijese.2016.677
Abstract The objective of the article is to reconstruct the mental programs, their cognitive, axiological and connotative structures, and construction on this basis of various modal patterns of social behavior in Russian society. Methodology of the article is based on an interdisciplinary scientific approach making it possible to conceptually disclose the contents of reflexive structures of mental programs that determine modal patterns of social behavior. On the basis of the cognitive construction the authors identify the distinctive features of the liberal pattern, liberal-statist pattern, statist pattern and conservative-liberal pattern of social behavior in Russian society. It is shown that in modern Russian society, two alternative modal patterns of social behavior can be distinguished: liberal and conservative. However, in real life these patterns are mostly hybrid: statist-liberal, as they include elements of the liberal behavior pattern. 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Confessional factor of ethnic community reproduction in the South of RussiaAnatoly Vladimirovich Lubsky, Andrew Vladimirovich Bedrik & Darya Nikolaevna Stukalova
pp. 9560-9572 | Article Number: ijese.2016.678
Abstract The objective of the study is to investigate the effects produced by confessional belonging on the conditions of the ethnic identities of the diasporas and on the character of the inter-ethnic relations in regional communities. Religious identity can reveal itself both as a factor of inter-ethnic integration and as an additional indicator of ethnic and cultural identity that increases the distance between different groups of the population. The investigation has been developed based on the analysis of statistical and sociological data that illustrate the existence of confessionally heterogeneous ethnic diasporas in regional community. It has been established that in the Rostov region, the hub region of the South of Russia, confessional identity presents an additional factor of maintaining the ethnic identities within the ethnic and cultural communities as follows: Jews, Armenians, Greeks, Poles, Georgians, Assyrians and Koreans. The majority of these groups possess confessional institutions of their own, though the degree of consolidation with them is different. Thus, while for Jewish and Armenian diasporas of the Don the institutions of national religion are the key forms of maintaining their identities, for Poles the importance of the confessional factor is lower, and for Greeks and Georgians this factor is purely symbolic affecting just a negligibly small part of the community. At the same time it has been established that Islamic identity of a number of diasporas that live in the territory of the Rostov region and in many other regions of the South of Russia is practically meaningless in term0s of strengthening the identities of the ethnic communities, but, nevertheless it produces an effect of cultural differentiation on the system of social interactions in the environment of the regional community. Keywords: Diaspora, Identity, Confession, Ethic and Confessional Identity References Astvatsaturova, M.A. (2002). Diasporas in the Russian Federation: formation and government (North Caucasian region). Rostov-on-Don – Pyatigorsk, SKAGS. Auswertung der ersten bundesweiten Umfrage unter entwicklungspolitisch aktiven MDO. (2011). Hannover: Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Eine-Welt Landesnetzwerke in Deutschland. Barkov, F.A., Serikov, A.V., Chernous, V.V. (2013). Competing of Civic and Ethnic Forms of Identity in Russia (Based on Regional Empirical Studies). World Applied Sciences Journal 27 (3), 324-328. Basic results of all-Russia census of population in 2010. (2012). Statistical book. Rostov-on-Don, Rostovstat. Bazhenova, E.U., Serikov, A.V., Serikova, I.B., Stukalova, D.N. (2015).Conflict Potential of Interethnic Relations and Migration Processes in the Russian Regions: Ethnoinstitutional Methodology of Analyses. Asian Social Science, 11(7), 252-258. Bedrik, A.V., Serikov, A.V. (2015). 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Images of Ideology: Social and Cognitive SenseYury Grigoryevich Volkov, Rashid Dumalichevich Khunagov, Auyes Mukhamedovich Kumykov, Svetlana Ivanovna Imgrunt & Denis Yevgenyevich Gribov
pp. 9573-9585 | Article Number: ijese.2016.679
Abstract It would be difficult to preserve the achievements of the civilization and to discuss the future of humanity beyond the structure of ideological knowledge. The objective vision of reality implies the involvement of ideological dimension into the structure of human thoughts and actions as a precondition for national, state and cultural identity and for the movement toward the new humanistic social paradigm that would include the traditions of reasonableness, progress and the capability to “differentiate” between reasonableness and instrumental rationality which, when mixed, make social reflection inadequate to the purposes of social creativity. To what extent are the images of ideology “filled” with social and cognitive tools? What do the images of ideology reflect: reality, knowledge or myth? The authors of this study aim to give answers to these and to other questions. Keywords: Sociology of the Future, Social Subjectness, Social Thought, Methodological Approaches, Methodological Turn References Beck, U. (2000). Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity. Moscow. Fedotova, V.G. (2005). Good society. Moscow. Foucault, M. (2002). Intellectuals and Power. Moscow. General sociology: Anthology. (2006). Moscow. Habermas, J. (2003). The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity. Moscow. Habermas, J. (2007). Science and technology as ideology. Moscow, Heller, L. (2003). Niqueux M. Utopia in Russia. Saint Petersburg. Kara-Murza, S.G. (2002). Ideology and its mother science. Moscow. Kasavin, I.T., Shchavelev, S.P. (2004). Everyday routine analysis. Moscow. Losev, A.F. (1976). Problem of symbols or realistic art. Moscow. Mannheim, K. (1994). The diagnosis of our time. Moscow. Mills, C.W. (2001). The Sociological Imagination. Moscow, New postindustrial wave in the West. (1999). Moscow, Rutkevich, A.M. (1999). What is conservatism? Moscow. Smith, R. (2007). The History of the Human Sciences. Moscow. Volkov, Yu.G. (1995). Personality and humanism (Sociological aspect). Chelyabinsk. Volkov, Yu.G. (2011). Creativity: historical breakthrough in Russia. Moscow. Wallerstein, I. (2003). The end of the world as we know it. Moscow. Žižek, S. (2003). The Fragile Absolute. Moscow. Žižek, S. (2006). Some Politically Incorrect Reflections on Violence in France and Related Matters. Logos, 2. |
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Sociology of the Future: Humanization of Sociological ThoughtYury Grigoryevich Volkov, Rashid Dumalichevich Khunagov, Auyes Mukhamedovich Kumykov, Dmitriy Valeriyevich Krotov & Magomedgabib Gasankhanovich Magomedov
pp. 9586-9597 | Article Number: ijese.2016.680
Abstract The study is founded on the author’s comprehension of the methodological turn associated with the understanding of the future as social reality that is predetermined by social subjectness within the framework of creating the future in social practices of the creative class in Russian society. The authors of the study come to the conclusion that in order to investigate the future as social reality the frame of the structural analysis would be too narrow and would not reflect the focus on future in the life strategies of Russian citizens. The study develops theoretical and methodological construct which includes structure-activity and subject-activity aspects of the investigation of the future. Keywords: Sociology of the Future, Social Subjectness, Social Thought, Methodological Approaches, Methodological Turn References Bourdieu, P. (2008) El oficio de sociólogo. Siglo XXI. 372 p. Institutional practices and value policy in the sphere of interethnic relations. (2012). Rostov on Don. 350 p. Kravchenko, S.A. (2015). Sociological knowledge through the prism of the “arrow of time”. Moscow. 137 p. Lubskiy, A.V. (2015). Interdisciplinary scientific investigations: cognitive fashion or social challenge? Sociology, 10. North, D.C., Wallis, J.J., Weingast, B.R. (2011). Violence and Social Orders. Moscow. 479 p. Osipov, G.V. (2010). Introduction to sociological theoty. Moscow. 352 p. Ritzer G. (2016). Essentials of Sociology.University of Maryland.688 p. Volkov, Yu.G. (2011). Creativity: historic breakthrough of Russia. Moscow. 382 p. |
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Formation of the Creativity of Students in the Context of the Education InformatizationSherzod Ramankulov, Indira Usembayeva, Dinara Berdi, Bakhitzhan Omarov, Bagdat Baimukhanbetov & Nurdaulet Shektibayev
pp. 9598-9613 | Article Number: ijese.2016.681
Abstract Information and communication technologies are an effective means of formation of the creative potential of future physics teachers, as with their science-based application in the educational process at the university they allow fully activating learning activities of students, provide conditions for their creative self-realization in the process of professional development. The article examines the scientific and methodological basis for the use of computer models, experiments and demonstrations, as well as virtual laboratory complexes in the formation of creative thinking of the future physics teachers. It is well known that the use of computer models of various physical processes and phenomena contributes to the effectiveness of students learning the physics course, allows them to comprehend the mechanisms of physical phenomena and processes. In this regard nowadays the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Yasawi K. A. pays great attention to the development of the technical base of information and telecommunication technologies in training of future physics teachers, and electronic resources for using them in teaching physics are being developed. Using computer models, experiments and demonstrations, one can compensate for the lack of equipment in the physical laboratory, and thus teach students to independently produce physical knowledge in the course of physical experiments involving virtual models, i.e. there is a real possibility of the formation of students' creative thinking and enhancing cognitive activity in physics, particularly in optics. Keywords: information technologies, computer models, electronic resources, creative thinking, optics, training of future physics teachers References Dambueva, A. (2014). The development of the students’ creativity in the study of the general physics course. TSPU Bulletin, 1(129). p. 22-24. Berkimbaev, K., Sarybayeva, A., Ormanova, G., Usembaeva, I., Ramankulov, Sh. (2013). Revisiting the use of electronic educational resources for preparation of future physics teachers. Life Science J., 10(10s). p. 105-108. Berkimbaev, K., Saribaeva, A., Usembayeva, I., Ramankulov, Sh. (2013). Teaching to use information and computer technology in preparation of competitive specialists. Materials of the II International Research and Practice Conference: Science, Technology and Higher Education, Westwood, Canada. p. 425-429. Berkіmbaev, K., Ormanova, G. (2013). The use of computer models in the process of teaching physics to students. Bulletin of Russian Peoples’ Friendship University. p. 88-92. Chandra, V., Watters, J. (2012). Re-thinking physics teaching with web-based learning. Computers and Education, 58(1). p. 631–640. Gelade, G.A. (2002). Creativity style, personality, and artistic endeavor. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monograph, 128. p. 213-234. Kabylbekov, K., Ormanova, G. (2006). Computer models of experiments and demonstrations on the optics course “Electricity. Part 2” and their application in the learning process for the formation of the steady interest of students to the physics. Research works of the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, 11-12. p. 91-96. Lee, H., Kim, K. (2014). Relationships Between Bilingualism and Adaptive Creative Style, Innovative Creative Style, and Creative Strengths among Korean American Students”. Creativity Research Journal, 22(4). p. 402-407. kkim.wmwikis.net/file/view/Lee_Kim_2010.pdf. Leonard, D., Swap, W. (2013). Forstering creativity: expert solutions to everyday challenge. Harvard University Press. Ormanova, G., Berkimbaev, K., Kurbanbekov, B., Ramankulov, Sh., Bimaganbetova, A. (2013). Formation of Creative Thinking of Students on Physics by Means of Electronic Resources. AWER Procedia Information Technology & Computer Science 04. p. 570-575. Ormanova, G., Sarybaeva, A., Ramankulov, Sh. (2014). Electronic textbook on "Optics". Turkestan. Ramankulov, Sh., Turmambekov, T., Ormanova, G. (2015). Optics Workbook. Turkestan. 150 P. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, T, Grabenko, T. (2013). Workshop on the Creative therapy. Saint-Petersburg: Speech Publishers. Popkov, V., Korzhuev, A. (2004). Theory and practice of the professional education: Tutorial for the system of the additional education. Moscow: Academic Project. Popova, V., Kruglova, Y. (2011). Creative Pedagogy. Methodology, Theory, Practice, 2nd revised and enlarged edition. Moscow: BINOM, Knowledge Laboratory. Robinson, K. (2006). Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity.. http://www.ted.com/talks/ken_Robinson_says_schools_kill_creativity. Hoque, S., Alam, S. (2010). The Role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Delivering Higher Education. International Education Studies, 2(3). p. 97-106. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ies.v3n2p97. Ramankulov, Sh., Berkimbaev, K., Bekbayev, S., Abdumanapov, U., Ormanova, G., Sarybaeva, A. (2015). Formation of Creative Thinking of Future Teachers on Physics by Means of Information Technologie. 2nd International Conference on Civil, Materials and Environmental Sciences (CMES 2015). Atlantis Press. MacDowell, K., Michael, R. (2014). Beginning with the totally unexpected: Organic creativity in teaching physics. In: J.Piirto (Ed.). Organic creativity in the classroom: Teaching to intuition in academics and the arts, Waco, TX, Prufrock Press. pp. 59-74. Sternberg, R., Grigorenko, E., Jarvin, L. (2015). Teaching for Wisdom, Intelligence, Creativity, and Success. First Skyhorse Publishing Edition. 192 P. Jones, R.H., Richards, J.C. (2015). Creativity in Language Teaching: Perspectives from Research and Practice. New York and London: Routledge. 284 p. Carlile, O., Jordan, A. (2013). Approaches to Creativity: A Guide for Teacher. Open University Press. 328 P. McLellan, R., Galton, M., Steward, S., Page, (2012). Ch. The impact of creative initiatives on well-being: a literature review. Johnson, D. (2015). Teaching outside the lines: Developing creativity in every learner. Corwin Press, 144 P. Gramond, B. (2005). Fostering creativity in gifted students. Prufrock Press Inc. 47 P. Rajput, J. S. (2004). National Council of Educational Research and Training (India). |
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Public Сonsciousness of Russians in the Socio-Cultural and Historical Dimension: Problems of IdentityFranz Edmundovich Sheregi & Alexander Leonardovich Aref’ev
pp. 9614-9633 | Article Number: ijese.2016.682
Abstract Over the past three decades, Russia has undergone profound socio-economic reforms, often initiated not by the population itself, but by the authorities. However, it is the population, its mass consciousness that has become the main object of deep transformations, expressed not only in a change of lifestyle, but also in the value orientations. Despite the strengthening of market relations, the expected economic effect in Russia has been failed to be achieved. One of the main reasons for this is the inertial mass public consciousness. On the basis of the all-Russian sociological study the article carried out an analysis of the mass consciousness of the Russian population structure – historical, patriotic, legal – and showed its inconsistency hindering the consolidation of the population within the established new political and ideological system framework. Keywords: historical consciousness, civil identity, social status, education, cultural level References Dambueva, A. (2014). The development of the students’ creativity in the study of the general physics course. TSPU Bulletin, 1(129). p. 22-24. Berkimbaev, K., Sarybayeva, A., Ormanova, G., Usembaeva, I., Ramankulov, Sh. (2013). Revisiting the use of electronic educational resources for preparation of future physics teachers. Life Science J., 10(10s). p. 105-108. Berkimbaev, K., Saribaeva, A., Usembayeva, I., Ramankulov, Sh. (2013). Teaching to use information and computer technology in preparation of competitive specialists. Materials of the II International Research and Practice Conference: Science, Technology and Higher Education, Westwood, Canada. p. 425-429. Berkіmbaev, K., Ormanova, G. (2013). The use of computer models in the process of teaching physics to students. Bulletin of Russian Peoples’ Friendship University. p. 88-92. Chandra, V., Watters, J. (2012). Re-thinking physics teaching with web-based learning. Computers and Education, 58(1). p. 631–640. Gelade, G.A. (2002). Creativity style, personality, and artistic endeavor. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monograph, 128. p. 213-234. Kabylbekov, K., Ormanova, G. (2006). Computer models of experiments and demonstrations on the optics course “Electricity. Part 2” and their application in the learning process for the formation of the steady interest of students to the physics. Research works of the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, 11-12. p. 91-96. Lee, H., Kim, K. (2014). Relationships Between Bilingualism and Adaptive Creative Style, Innovative Creative Style, and Creative Strengths among Korean American Students”. Creativity Research Journal, 22(4). p. 402-407. kkim.wmwikis.net/file/view/Lee_Kim_2010.pdf. Leonard, D., Swap, W. (2013). Forstering creativity: expert solutions to everyday challenge. Harvard University Press. Ormanova, G., Berkimbaev, K., Kurbanbekov, B., Ramankulov, Sh., Bimaganbetova, A. (2013). Formation of Creative Thinking of Students on Physics by Means of Electronic Resources. AWER Procedia Information Technology & Computer Science 04. p. 570-575. Ormanova, G., Sarybaeva, A., Ramankulov, Sh. (2014). Electronic textbook on "Optics". Turkestan. Ramankulov, Sh., Turmambekov, T., Ormanova, G. (2015). Optics Workbook. Turkestan. 150 P. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, T, Grabenko, T. (2013). Workshop on the Creative therapy. Saint-Petersburg: Speech Publishers. Popkov, V., Korzhuev, A. (2004). Theory and practice of the professional education: Tutorial for the system of the additional education. Moscow: Academic Project. Popova, V., Kruglova, Y. (2011). Creative Pedagogy. Methodology, Theory, Practice, 2nd revised and enlarged edition. Moscow: BINOM, Knowledge Laboratory. Robinson, K. (2006). Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity.. http://www.ted.com/talks/ken_Robinson_says_schools_kill_creativity. Hoque, S., Alam, S. (2010). The Role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Delivering Higher Education. International Education Studies, 2(3). p. 97-106. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ies.v3n2p97. Ramankulov, Sh., Berkimbaev, K., Bekbayev, S., Abdumanapov, U., Ormanova, G., Sarybaeva, A. (2015). Formation of Creative Thinking of Future Teachers on Physics by Means of Information Technologie. 2nd International Conference on Civil, Materials and Environmental Sciences (CMES 2015). Atlantis Press. MacDowell, K., Michael, R. (2014). Beginning with the totally unexpected: Organic creativity in teaching physics. In: J.Piirto (Ed.). Organic creativity in the classroom: Teaching to intuition in academics and the arts, Waco, TX, Prufrock Press. pp. 59-74. Sternberg, R., Grigorenko, E., Jarvin, L. (2015). Teaching for Wisdom, Intelligence, Creativity, and Success. First Skyhorse Publishing Edition. 192 P. Jones, R.H., Richards, J.C. (2015). Creativity in Language Teaching: Perspectives from Research and Practice. New York and London: Routledge. 284 p. Carlile, O., Jordan, A. (2013). Approaches to Creativity: A Guide for Teacher. Open University Press. 328 P. McLellan, R., Galton, M., Steward, S., Page, (2012). Ch. The impact of creative initiatives on well-being: a literature review. Johnson, D. (2015). Teaching outside the lines: Developing creativity in every learner. Corwin Press, 144 P. Gramond, B. (2005). Fostering creativity in gifted students. Prufrock Press Inc. 47 P. Rajput, J. S. (2004). National Council of Educational Research and Training (India). |
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On College Formation of Future Lawyers’ Professional Readiness to Work in Social Welfare InstitutionsNatalya Ivanovna Nikitina, Veronica Mikhailovna Grebennikova, Irina Nikolaevna Nikishina, Tatyana Engersovna Galkina & Svetlana Nikolaevna Tolstikov
pp. 9634-9647 | Article Number: ijese.2016.683
Abstract In Russia today, more than ever, various social welfare institutions (Centers for social services, Social assistance centers for families and children, Rehabilitation centers for disabled children and their families, Centers for work with refugees and IDPs, Centers of medico-social rehabilitation of military men, etc.) require legal profile specialists, who are characterized by high professional culture and capable of effective advocacy. The article considers peculiarities of the lawyer’s professional activity in social welfare institutions. It describes structural components, levels of formedness of the lawyer’s professional readiness to work in social service. Didactic characteristics of the process of forming future lawyers’ professional readiness to work in various types of social welfare institutions is given, and conditions providing efficiency of this process are experimentally proven. 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