Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
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Applying the Subject “Cell” Through Constructivist Approach during Science Lessons and the Teacher’s ViewMustafa Doğru & Suna Kalender
pp. 3-13 | Article Number: ijese.2007.001
Abstract In this study our purpose is to determine how the teachers are applying the structuralist approach in their classes by classifying the teachers according to graduated faculty, department and their years in the duty. Besides understanding the difference of the effects of structuralist approach and traditional education method on studennt success and knowledge sustainability For the study the teachers are given likert type surveys and primary school 6th clas students are used as final test and the repeat of the last test as data collecting tools The study, has been carried in 23 schools in Mersin City Center with 53 Science Teacher and two branches of Davultepe Atatürk Primary School where is Mersin City Davultepe district, where 52 students are used as 24 of them in control group and 28 of them in experimental group. The poll has been applied to teachers and the final test and same test after 15 days has been applied to the test students. While analyzing the final test data to measure the success and sustainability of the students t test is used. Keywords: Constructivist approach, cell, elementary science References |
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Children’s Ideas about EarthquakesCanan LACİN SİMSEK
pp. 14-19 | Article Number: ijese.2007.003
Abstract Earthquake, a natural disaster, is among the fundamental problems of many countries. If people know how to protect themselves from earthquake and arrange their life styles in compliance with this, damage they will suffer will reduce to that extent. In particular, a good training regarding earthquake to be received in primary schools is considered as higly important for raising concious citizens regarding this field. Consiquently this study aim, what kind of thoughts do kindergarden students, grade 1, 2, 6 and 8 students, who are attending primary schools, have regarding earthquake phenomena? This study has a descriptive aim. A qualitative method based on semistructured interview method has been used in this study to analyze children’s thoughts about earthquake and ways of protection from it deeply. Sampling group of this study is composed of a total of 40 students and 16 of these felt earthquake and only one student experienced earthquake in real terms. As a result of this study, it has been thought that there is an adverse image in students’ minds regarding earthquake phenomena and this results from deficiency in knowledge obtained. It has been observed that few students can give rational answers for the causes of earthquake and no one can explain the causes of earthquake completely and scientifically. Keywords: Earthquake, elementary science References |
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A Comparison of the Attitudes of Spanish and American Secondary Science Teachers Toward Global Science and Technology Based Problems/ThreatsJenaro Guisasola, Mike Robinson & Kristina Zuza
pp. 20-31 | Article Number: ijese.2007.002
Abstract In this study, Spanish and US secondary science teacher data is used to address the relationship between what science teachers teach and the science and technology based environmental problems/threats faced by the world. The results of a two part questionnaire indicated that teachers of both countries are worried about the problem of pollution of the planet. The US teachers showed greater sensitivity to the problems related to sustainable development and the limited resources of the planet. The Spanish were more concerned about problems regarding unjust distribution of the natural resources and possible ways to equitably distribute them. However, the majority of both teacher groups recognized that they do not dedicate much time to the treatment of these subjects in class. Keywords: Global Science, Technology, Problems, Threats References |
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Impediments to Environmental Education Instruction in the Classroom: A Post-Workshop InquiryAmy T. Parlo & Malcolm B. Butler
pp. 32-37 | Article Number: ijese.2007.007
Abstract Current research has begun to reveal a link between environmental education and increases in science achievement and understanding (Glynn 2000; Liederman and Hoody, 1998). The researchers in this study of participants in a coastal marine teacher workshop found that increases in environmental topics or lessons in teachers’ classrooms post-program were minimal. Several limitations to infusion were revealed, including teachers’ perceived obligation to strictly follow science standards, and an increased emphasis on preparation for standardized tests. The results suggest that greater emphasis is needed on providing opportunities for participants to make explicit connections with their instruction within the parameters of the science classroom. Keywords: Environmental Education, Professional Development References |
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