Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
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Problems of Students Identity Development in the Educational Environment of the University for HumanitiesRashida G. Gabdrakhmanova , Elena A. Khodyreva & Biyanкa L. Tornyova
pp. 95-105 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.294a | Article Number: ijese.2013.001
Abstract The objective of the article is to determine the importance of students’ identity development and self-development in the course of vocational training and identification of opportunities that the educational environment of a university for humanities may provide to develop the identity of subjects of vocational training. The leading methods of the research were: retrospective analysis, pedagogical modeling and projecting, study and synthesis of pedagogical experience in students’ identity development in the educational environment, observation, interviewing, questioning, study of documentation. The role of educational environment provided by the university for humanities for students’ identity development has been revealed; its structure that includes subject, spiritual, content-methodical, spatial-subject components the integrity and interrelation of which may have essential impact on students’ identity development have been presented; problems connected with the creating of favorable conditions for students’ identity development and self-development have been brought out; dependence of individual, personal and subject components of identity development on characteristics of subject, spiritual, content-methodical, spatial-subject components of the environment has been proved. Keywords: students’ identity, identity development, individuum, individualization, socialization, readiness for self-determination, educational environment References Ananyev, B. G. (1969). Person as the subject of cognition. Leningrad: LSU. Cheverikina, E. A., Rakhimgarayeva, R. M., Sadovaya, V. V., Zakirova, V. G., Starodubets, O.D., Klemes, V.S. (2014). Socio-psychological characteristics of college students who are prone to addictions. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 11(8), 1412-1417. Feldstein, D. I. (1995). Problems of age and pedagogical psychology. Moscow: International pedagogical academy. Grebenyuk, O. C. (2002). Identity pedagogics: course of lectures. (2nd ed.) Kaliningrad: KOIPKRO. Gromova C. R. & Alimbekov A. (2015). Egocentrism and Development of Students Identity (On the Example of Studying of Future Teachers). International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 571-578. Gutman, E. V., Masalimova, A. R., Shaidullina, A. R., Nizamieva, A. M. & Mukhamadieva, A. H. (2014). Foreign language discipline integrative potential in the students’ research competence development. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 11, 1099-1103. Khodyreva, E. A. (2006). Schoolchild’s identity development in poly-cultural educational environment. Kirov: Publishing house of VyatSUH. Khodyreva, E. A. (2011). Innovative technologies of professional education. Kirov: Publishing house of VyatSUH. Khuziakhmetov A. N., Shafikova G. R. & Kapranova V. A. (2015). Conditions of Educational Environment for the Development of Teenagers’ Moral Relations. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 515-521. Levina, E. Y., Akhmetov, L. G., Latipova, L. N., Mirzagitova, A. L., Mirzanagimova, F. I., Latipov, Z. A. & Masalimova, A. R. (2015). Diagnostics of Educational Activity Quality on the Basis of Qualitative Methods. Asian Social Science, 11(4), 246-251. Manuylov, Yu. S. (1996). Axiomatics of environmental approach in education (experience of construction): Methodology, theory and practice of educational systems: search is continuing. Moscow: URAE. Mudrik, A. V. (1991). Socialization and time of troubles. Moscow: Znanie. Rezvitsky, I. I. (1973). Philosophical fundamentals of the identity theory. Leningrad: Publishing house of LSU. Slobodchikov, V. I. (1997). Educational environment: realization of education ideas in culture space. New values of education: cultural models of school, 7, 43-54. Slobodchikov, V. I. (1998). Psychology of the personality. Moscow: School – Press. The federal law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "About education in the Russian Federation". http://base .garant.ru/70291362/1/#block_1000#ixzz3dgER9mg5 Valeev, A. A. & Baranova, A. R. (2013). The development of the future engineers' capacity for creative self-realization. 16th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, ICL, 2013 (pp.436-437). Kazan, Russian Federation: Kazan National Research Technological University Yasvin, V. A. (2001). Educational environment: from modeling to projecting. Moscow: Smysl. Zakirova, V. G., Gaysina, G.I. & Zhumabaeva, A. (2015). Program of Adaptation Assistance in Foster Families and Particular Features of Its Implementation. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 553-559. Zeer, E. F., Pavlova, A. M. & Symanyuk E. E. (2005). Modernization of vocational training: competence-based approach. Moscow: MPSI publishing house. Zimnyay, I. A. (2004). Key competences as a productive-target basis of competence-based approach in education. Author's version. Moscow: Research center of experts’ quality training problems. |
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The Development of Parents Pedagogical Competence in Pre-School Science Education InstitutionMarina V. Vedishenkova, Yekaterina L. Nikitina & Asia Zhumabaeva
pp. 107-117 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.295a | Article Number: ijese.2016.019
Abstract The relevance of the study is due to the fact that currently there is an acute problem of the relationship between parents and children. Fathers’ and mothers’ pedagogical illiteracy leads to errors in family education, which is the result of a low level of education of many children today. The problem’s solution is associated with the development of parents’ pedagogical competence, provision of the family with specialized support in the education’s issues of the children. In this regard, this paper aims at the conditions’ identifying of parents’ pedagogical competence’s development in pre-school education and curriculum development for parent’ teaching education. The article describes the developed and implemented curriculum for the development of parents’ pedagogical competence in pre-school educational organizations, as well as provides empirical data on the curriculum testing results. The article reveals the content of the developed curriculum of parents’ pedagogical competence’s development. Keywords: pedagogical competence of parents, parents' education, pre-school educational institution References Arnautova, E. P. (2012). Planning of the work of the preschool educational institution with the family. Management of preschool educational institution, 4, 12-18. Burke, R. & Herron R. (2001). Education on the basis of healthy sense. St. Petersburg. Doronova, T. N. (2002). Interaction of pre-school educational institution with parents. A Handbook for employees of preschool educational institutions. Moscow "Prosvesheniye" Dreikurs, R. & Salz V. (1986). Happiness of your child. Moscow "Progress". Gordon, T. (1997). Improving of parental effectiveness. Ekaterinburg "ARD LTD. Grebennikov, V. I. (1986). Pedagogical education of parents. Moscow "Znaniye". Jainot, H. (1986). Parents and children. Moscow "Progress". Kamalova, L. A. (2012). Building professional competence of future primary school teachers by means of sociocultural creativity. Obrazovanie i samorazvitie, 5(33), 162-168. Karpov, A. V. (2003). Reflexivity as a mental property and methods of its diagnostics. Psychological journal, 4(5), 45-57. Kipnis, M. (2008). Training of family relations. Part 2. Parenthood. Moscow "Axis 89". Klimentyeva, Z. A. (2013). On the development of managerial competence of the future teachers and heads of pre-school educational institutions. Obrazovanie i samorazvitie, 4 (38), 134-139. Kozlova, A. V. (2004). The work of the PEI with the family. Moscow's "Sphere". Kulikova, T. A. (2003). Parenting and home education. Moscow, Publishing center "Academy". Merkul, I. A. (2012). Formation of psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in students of a University. PhD Thesis. Moscow. Michelson, L (2013). A Test of communicative skills. http: //azps.ru/tests/5/mihelson.html. Minina, A. V. (2015). Formation of parents’ pedagogical competence in the upbringing of independence of preschool children. PhD Thesis. Moscow. Mitina, L. M. (2014). The Psychology of personal and professional development of education’s entities. SPb.: Nestor-History. Mokeyeva, E. V., Zakirova, V. G. & Masalimova, A. R. (2015). Tolerant Pedagogic Space as a Condition of Non-Violence Position Education among Elementary School Pupils. Review of European Studies, 7(4), 216-220. Ovcharova, R. V. (2003). Psychological support of parenthood. Moscow: Publishing house of Institute of psychotherapy Petrova, V. F., Murtazina, L. T. & Samsonova, V. A. (2012). On the ethnocultural competencies of students in bachelor programs in pedagogy. Obrazovanie i samorazvitie, 5(33), 61-66. Personality inventory EPI (method, Eysenck (1995) the Almanac of psychological tests. Moscow "Prosvesheniye". Pijukova, S. S. (2002). Formation of pedagogical competence of parents of adopted children. PhD Thesis. Samara. Pozdnyakova, Y. V. (2012). Formation of psychological and pedagogical competence of surrogate parents by means of socio-cultural activities. PhD Thesis. Moscow. Sadovaya, V. V., Khakhlova, O. N. & Reznikov, A. A. (2015). The Formation of Professional Readiness of a Social Teacher to Organization of Children’s Leisure Time Activities. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4),595-602. Selina, V. V. (2009) Development of pedagogical competence of parents of young children in preschool educational institution. PhD Thesis. Veliky Novgorod. Thomas, K. (1998) Types of reaction in a conflict situation K. Thomas. Practical psychodiagnostics. Methods and tests. Moscow, "Prosvesheniye". Varga, A. J. & Stolin, V. V. (2001). A Test of a parental relationship. Psychological tests. Moscow, "Prosvesheniye". Zakirova, V. G., Gaysina, G.I. & Zhumabaeva, A. (2015). Program of Adaptation Assistance in Foster Families and Particular Features of Its Implementation. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 553-559. Zhdakaeva, E. I. (2001). The Path to a happy family. SPb.: Speech. Zvereva, O. L., Ganitcheva A. N. & Krotova T.B. (2009). Parenting and family education of children of early and preschool age. Moscow: Sphere |
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Rural School as a Resource for the Intellectual and Labour Potential formation of the Rural SocietyRamis R. Nasibullov, Olga V. Korshunova & Nurgali R. Arshabekov
pp. 119-128 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.296a | Article Number: ijese.2016.020
Abstract The relevance of the research problem is reasoned by the need to create conceptual grounds of life organization variants in the rural school as a resource of intellectual and labor potential formation of rural society taking into account the socio-economic realities of Russia's development in the beginning of the twenty-first century, as well as by the need to maintain the competitiveness of Russia in the agricultural sector. The aim of this article is to present the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the model of the rural school system "school-employer-society", to disclose terms and principles of its construction. A leading approach to the study of this problem is poly paradigm approach implying a dialectical unity of systematic, integrative and differentiated, activity and competence, technological and axiological approaches, the totality of which is directed on problem solving how to transform a rural school into building and strengthening resource of intellectual and labor potential of rural society. The article reveals the author's understanding of the concepts "intellectual potential of rural society", "labor potential of rural society", presents the formulation of the theoretical and methodological terms, conditions and principles of constructing a model of the rural school as a resource to form intellectual and labor potential of rural society, reveals the peculiarities of the model, which first of all is oriented on rural school student’s comprehensive training for independent activity in the conditions of market economy in agrarian society. Keywords: educational organization of the village, rural school student, intellectual potential, labor potential, rural society, competence-activity training References Baygildina, Z. F. (2008). The creative potential of the individual. Bulletin of Bashkir University, 13(3), 693-696. Danyushenkov, V. S., & Korshunova O. V. (2014). Monitoring as a prerequisite for achieving educational outcomes in rural schools. Standards and monitoring in education, 2(4), 8-17. Gazizova, F. G. (2009). A conceptual moral and educational model of a countryside school. Obrazovanie i samorazvitie, 6(16), 167-172. Gayduk, Ye.Yu. (2011). The role of a rural school in the course of developing healthy lifestyle for students. Obrazovanie i samorazvitie, 6(28), 108-113. Guryanova, M. P. (2004). Provisions for upgrading rural small school of Russia: handbook. Moscow: Publishing ISPS waste. Guryanova, M. P. (2005). The concept of the formation of a viable individual in rural society. Moscow: Russian Pedagogical Society. Guryanova, M. P. (2013). Socio-pedagogical life of the village as a factor in its development. Pedagogy, 4, 34-40. Khuziakhmetov, A. N., Shafikova, G. R. & Kapranova, V. A. (2015). Conditions of Educational Environment for the Development of Teenagers’ Moral Relations. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 515-521 Kirsanov, K. A., & Brawlers VP Mikhailov LM (2003)/ The theory of labor. Moscow, 15-16. Korshunova, O. V. & Selivanov, O. G. (2014). Problems of rural school didactics: conceptual approaches, models and technology training: practice-oriented monograph. Kirov: Publisher Vyatka State Humanitarian University. Korshunova, O. V. (2008). Education in rural schools on the basis of integrative and differentiated approach: a monograph. Kirov: Publisher Vyatka State Humanitarian University. Korshunova, O. V. (2014). Competence model of rural school teachers. Teacher education in the humanities: Sat. All-Russian scientific articles. Congress. Appendix №1 to the journal "Bulletin of the Vyatka State Humanitarian University." Kirov: Publisher Vyatka State Humanitarian University, 165-172. Lavrentiev, V. A. & Sharina A. V. (2009). The intellectual potential of the company: the concept, structure and direction of its development. Creative Economy, 2 (26), 83-89. Leonidova, G. (2012) The intellectual potential as a factor of development of innovative economyhttp://sibac.info/index.php/2009-07-01-10-21-16/2378-2012-04-27-14-36-08. Economics and Management: Past, Present, Future: materials of international correspondence scientific-practical conference. Nesterov, L. V. & Ashirova, GT (2003). National wealth and human capital. Questions of economy, 2, 103. Radko, S.G. (2015). Labour potential as a socio-economic category. http://www.distanz.ru/videoLecture/3130//. Romanova, Ye.N. & Kovalyov, V.P. (2010). Enhancing the readiness of rural primary schoolers for creative activity.Obrazovanie i samorazvitie, 6(28), 165-170. Yasnitskaya, V.R. (2009). Theory and methods of social education in small rural schools / under the general ed. AV Mudrik. Moscow: "Canon +" ROOI "Rehabilitation". Yusupova, G. F., Podgorecki, J. & Markova, N. G. (2015). Educating Young People in Multicultural Educational Environment of Higher Education Institution. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 561-570. Zakirova, V. G., Gaysina, G.I. & Zhumabaeva, A. (2015). Program of Adaptation Assistance in Foster Families and Particular Features of Its Implementation. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 553-559 Zaykin, M. I., & Frolov, I. V., & Shkilmenskaya, N. A. (2008). Technologies differentiated learning in a rural school. Arzamas, Publisher Arzamas State Pedagogical Institute. AP Gaidar. |
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The Pedagogical Support for Preschool Children with Deviant BehaviorNadezhda Y. Kostyunina, Evgenia A. Kazaeva & Raushan B. Karimova
pp. 129-140 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.297a | Article Number: ijese.2016.021
Abstract The relevance of the research problems of pedagogical support of preschool children with behavioral problems is explained by changes due and of taking place in modern Russia in various spheres of life: ecological and economic disadvantage, social instability, the growing influence of pseudo –culture, unfavorable climate in family, too busy parents, etc. affect especially painful on the major part of the younger generation, determining the deformation of institutions of socialization. In these circumstances, there are serious prerequisites for the emergence of children’s deviant behavior, the causes of which are a variety of factors, from the social to the psychobiological. The purpose of the article is to describe the experience in the development and implementation of methods of pedagogical support of preschool children with behavioral problems. The leading method in the research is the modeling method, allows developing a methodology of pedagogical support of preschool children with behavioral problems. Methodology presented in the article includes target, organizational, substantive, procedural and efficient components, the totality of which is aimed at the prevention of behavioral response and stable behavior, promoting the exclusion situations complicating the process of socialization of children. The article may be useful in practical terms, for professionals and managers of pre-school educational institutions; additional education for professionals; for centers of training and retraining in the selection and training of the structuring of the content of pre-school educational institutions. Keywords: Nadezhda Y. Kostyunina, Evgenia A. Kazaeva & Raushan B. Karimova References Belicheva, S. A. (1999). Fundamentals of preventive psychology. Moscow. Belkin, A. S. (1996). 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(2014). methodological and technological support pedagogical support preschool children with behavioral problems. Teacher education in Russia, 10, 105-113. Khuziakhmetov, A. N., Shafikova, G. R. & Kapranova, V. A.(2015). Conditions of Educational Environment for the Development of Teenagers’ Moral Relations. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 515-521. Kochetov, A. (1986). Work with difficult children. Moscow. Education. Kovalchuk, M. A. (2002). Prevention of deviant behavior of high school students (Doctoral dissertation). Yaroslavl. Kroshkina, V. V. (2009). Moral education as a factor in the prevention of deviant behavior among adolescents. PhD Thesis. Vladimir. Kuzchenko, O. A. (2006). Pedagogical conditions of the prevention of deviant behavior of children in the transition from preschool to younger school age PhD Thesis. Volgograd. Lebed, eva Y. (2012). 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I. & Zhumabaeva, A. (2015). Program of Adaptation Assistance in Foster Families and Particular Features of Its Implementation. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4),553-559. Zhukova, M. V. (2001). Pedagogical conditions of preparation of future teachers to work with the family youngest student with behavioral problems. PhD Thesis. Chelyabinsk. Zmanovsky, E. V. (2003). Deviantology (psychology of deviant behavior). Moscow, Academy. |
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Pedagogical Conditions of School Students’ Subjectivity Formation in the Educational ProcessRezeda R. Khairutdinova, Olga G. Selivanova & Saltanat K. Abildina
pp. 141-150 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.298a | Article Number: ijese.2016.022
Abstract The relevance of the research problem of the modern school student’s subjectivity is caused by the necessity to develop in a growing person the integrity of innovative features such as productive independence, being active and initiative in any case. The aim of this article is to describe pedagogical conditions of students’ subjectivity formation as a process of awareness of their needs in knowledge and transforming themselves and the world and achieving significant personal and social goals of education. The main method of research was the pedagogical experiment, during the process of which the innovative teaching of school students of different ages was organized in the educational organizations of different kinds and type. The main results of the study are the following: clarification of the concept " student’s subjectivity development ", identifying of six groups of pedagogical conditions, proof of their influence on the level of the students’ subjectivity increasing (the level of potential subjectivity, the level of the modus manifestation of subjectivity, the level of attributive manifestation of subjectivity). The article will be useful for scientists investigating problems of modern education, and practitioners seeking to improve the quality of the educational process. Keywords: school student’s subjectivity of the student, the levels of subjectivity, pedagogical conditions of formation of the school student’s subjectivity References Coffield, F. (2004) Should we be using learning styles? What research has to say to practice. Retrieved by June 10, 2014, from http://www.lsrc.ac.uk/publications Dryden, G., & Voye, D. (2003). Revolution in training. To teach to study the world in a new way. Moscow: PARVINE. Friedman, T. (2006). Flat world: short history XXI centuries. Moscow: Keeper. Gallyamova, А. А. (2014). On the technology of development of stu-dents’ subjectivity. Obrazovanie i samorazvitie, 4(42),95-99. Gromova, C. R. & Alimbekov, A. (2015). Egocentrism and Development of Students Identity (On the Example of Studying of Future Teachers). International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 571-578. Kalimullin, A. M. & Gabdulkhakov, V. F. (2013). Diversification of education and new model of training of teachers.Obrazovanie i samorazvitie, 4(38), 3-8. Katashev, V. G. & Skobeltsina, Ye. G. (2012). Personal self-actualization as an outcome of cognitive activity in secondary school. Obrazovanie i samorazvitie, 4(32), 9-13. Lemov, D. (2014). Skill of the teacher. The checked techniques of outstanding teachers. Moscow: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber. Leontiev, A. (1999) Lectures on general psychology. Moscow: Smysl. Martsinkovskaya, T. (2013). Development of the person in social space. In A.L. Zhuravlev, E.A. Sergeenko (Ed.), Proceeding of the of the international conference "The person, the subject, the personality in the modern psychology" (p. 125-128). Moscow, Russian Federation: Institute of psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Masalimova, A. R., Zakirova, V. G., Chernova, Y. A., Drovnikov, A. S., Shaidullina, A. R. & Sakhieva, R. G. (2014). Structure and content of mentors psychological and pedagogical training curriculum. Life Science Journal, 11(7s), 381-386. Maslou, A. (2002). Distant limits of human mentality. St. Petersburg: Eurasia. Moiseyev, N. (1998). Parting with simplicity. Moscow: Agraffe. Nasibullov, R. R., Kashapova, L .M. & Shavaliyeva, Z. Sh. (2015). Conditions of Formation of Social Successfulness of Students with Disabilities in the System of Continuous Inclusive Education on the Basis of Value Approach. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 543-552. Nikoshkova, E. (2010). The English-Russian dictionary on psychology. Moscow: ABBYY Press. Novikov, A. (2010). About a pedagogics subject. Pedagogics, 6, 8-14. Petty, G. (2010). Modern training. Practical guidance. Moscow: Clematises. Rubinstein, S. (1997) The man and the world. Moscow: Science. Selivanova, O (2014). The pupil as the subject of his educational activity. European science review, 9(10), 80-82. The concept of the Federal target program of a development of education on 2016-2020. (2015). Retrieved by June 1, 2015, from http://www.consultant.ru/document/ cons_doc_LAW_173677/? frame=1 Vedishenkova, M. V., Efimova, E. V. & Ryabova, E. V. (2015). Student’s Research Work as the Condition of Continuity of General and Professional Education. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 533-542. |
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Psychological and Pedagogical Support for Students’ Adaptation to Learning Activity in High Science SchoolVera P. Zeleeva, Svetlana S. Bykova & Silvia Varbanova
pp. 151-161 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.299a | Article Number: ijese.2016.040
Abstract The relevance of the study is due to the importance of psychological and pedagogical support for students in university that would prevent difficulties in learning activities and increase adaptive capacity through the development of relevant personal traits. Therefore, this article is aimed at solving the problem of arranging psychological and pedagogical support for first-year students’ entry to a new system of educational activity. The key approach to the study of this problem is the system-activity approach, which allows to introduce training activities as a collaborative work with one of its members (the student) gaining experience and others creating facilities for it. The article describes the developed and implemented model of psychological and pedagogical support for student adaptation to educational activity in high school with a key role of tutoring program. The empirical data on the results of program approbation are also under consideration. With the help of system-activity approach the courses "Training activities technology" and "Life science" were adopted, the content of which is revealed in this article. The article may be useful to teachers and tutors, working within the framework of vocational training of students. Keywords: student adaptation, psychological and pedagogical support, learning activities, system-activity approach References Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, K. A. (1991) Life strategy. Moscow, 300. Badanina, L. P. (2007) The psychological and educational support for students in adapting to the university. Arkhangelsk, 168. Burenkova, O. M., Arkhipova, I. V., Semenov, S. A. & Samarenkina, S. Z. (2015). Motivation within role-playing as a means to intensify college students' educational activity. International Education Studies, 8 (6), 211-216. Khorkov, N. Yu. (2009). The problem of students’ socio-psychological adaptation during and after studying at a higher education institution. Obrazovanie i samorazvitie, 1(11), 164-168. Klimov, E. A. (2004) Psychology of professional self-determination. Moscow, 304. Klimov, E.A., Romanov, V. Ya. (1997) On the distant approaches to psychology of the psychologist. World of Psychology, 3 (12), 34-50. Krainik , V. L. (2005) The continuity in training pupils and students: what can be done at school. Moscow. Schoolmaster, 58. Miloslavova, I. A. (2004) The concept and structure of social adaptation. PhD Thesis. St. Petersburg. Nasibullov, R. R., Kashapova, L. M. & Shavaliyeva, Z. Sh. (2015). Conditions of Formation of Social Successfulness of Students with Disabilities in the System of Continuous Inclusive Education on the Basis of Value Approach. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 543-552. Rayeva, T. I. (2003) The psycho-acmeological aspects of successful adaptation of school-leavers to a new educational environment. PhD Thesis. Shuya. Ratner, F. L., Iksanova, G. R. & Ivanov, V. G. (2008). Conditions of students’ adaptation to credit system of education.Obrazovanie i samorazvitie, 2(8), 31-38. Simonova, G. I. (2005) The pedagogical support of social adaptation. Kirov, 320. Slobodchikov, I. M. (2005) The experience of being alone in the context of the problems of psychological adaptation of students of psychological and pedagogical universities. Psychological Science and Education, 4, 46 - 53. Tryapitsyna, A. P. (2006) The methodic guidelines for university professors in joining the Bologna process. St. Petersburg, 175. Vedishenkova, M. V., Efimova, E. V. & Ryabova, E. V. (2015). Student’s Research Work as the Condition of Continuity of General and Professional Education. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 533-542. Yusupova, G. F., Podgorecki, J. & Markova, N. G. (2015). Educating Young People in Multicultural Educational Environment of Higher Education Institution. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 561-570. Zeer, E. F. (2006) Psychology of professions. Moscow, 336. |
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Education Reform at the Science University and the New Strategy for Training Science TeachersValerian F. Gabdulchakov, Askarbek K. Kusainov & Aydar M. Kalimullin
pp. 163-172 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.300a | Article Number: ijese.2016.041
Abstract The urgency of the problem of designing a new strategy of teacher training due to the reform of education in universities: decrease of pedagogical disciplines, strengthening fundamental (subject) training, etc. The goal of the article lies in identification of the main components of the new strategy of teacher training. A leading approach to the study of this problem was personological. The result was a new model of teacher training. Undergraduate students are deepening their knowledge of the core subjects (be it Mathematics and Physics or Chemistry and Biology), while graduate students are making a choice: whether to be an engineer, researcher, scientist (which means keep deepening one’s knowledge) or be a teacher (which means master psychology, pedagogics, and the methodology of teaching a chosen discipline). The new approach has helped identify the indicators and determinants of pedagogical craftsmanship. The results of the study can be useful in designing new strategies for training teachers Keywords: education reform at the University, teacher training, personal developmental model, indicators of pedagogical skill of the teacher References Belyakova, Ye. G. (2009). Meaning-Making in Pedagogical Interaction. PhD thesis, Tyumen. Feldstein, D. I. (2011). A Link between Theory and Practice in Forming the Psychological-Pedagogical Foundations of the Organization of Modern Education. VoprosyVospitaniya, 2, 18-20. Gabdulchakov, V. F. (2011a). Of Linguistic Education in Kindergartens. International Journal of Early Years Education, 19(2),185-188. Gabdulchakov, V. F. (2011b). Technology of Formation of an Individual Image of Speech Behaviour. The collection: Scientific Potential of the World. Przemysl, 72-74. Gabdulchakov, V. F. (2011c). The Developing Approach to Training in the Conditions of Polycultural Language Formation.The collection: Scientific Potential of the World. Przemysl, 50-51. Gabdulhakov, V. F. (2013a). Design of Technology of Personification. Modern Scientific Achievements: materials of the international scientifically-practical conference. Dil 35 Pedagogika.Prague, 85-87. Gabdulhakov, V. F. (2013b). Indicators of Professional Skill of the Teacher in the Context of Determinants of Gifted and Deviation. Modern Scientific Achievements: materials of the international scientifically-practical conference. Dil 35 Pedagogika. Prague, 68-71. Gabdulhakov, V. F. (2013c). Tutor as a Technology for the Development of Creativity. Modern Scientific Achievements: materials of the international scientifically-practical conference. Dil 35 Pedagogika. Prague, 83-85. Korneyeva, L. I. (2004). The Making of Professional Learning and Career Enhancement in Germany: A Logical-Historical Analysis. Obrazovaniye i Nauka, 3, 53-60. Matyushkina, M. D. (2013). A Prospective Assessment of the Quality of Post-Diploma Pedagogical Education. PhD thesis, Saint Petersburg, 43-45. McClelland, D. C. (2003). Illustrator 10: The Complete Guide. Saint Petersburg: DiaSoftYuP, 848. Murray, H. A. (1938). Explorations in Personality, N.Y., 34-45. Murray, H. A. (1943). Thematic Apperception Test: Manual. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 3-7. Murray, H. A. (1951). Toward a Classification of Interaction. In Toward a General Theory of Action, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 23-34. Murray, H. A. (1994). Thematic Apperception Test: Manual. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 34-45. Petrovsky, V. A. (2002). The Idea of Free Causality in the Psychology of Personality.In The Psychology of Personality in the Works of National Psychologists. Saint Petersburg: Piter (Seriya “Khrestomatiyapo Psikhologii”), 436-448. Petrovsky, V. A. (2007). Individuality and Self- Regulation: The Experience of Multi-Subject Theory. Moscow. www.bim-bad.ru/biblioteka/article_full.php?aid=500&binn_rubrik_ pl_articles=173 Rostovtseva, V. M. (2005). Diversification as a Condition for the Preparation of Higher Education Pedagogical Human Resources by Means of Language Education. PhD thesis, Saint Petersburg, 425-427. Sleeter, C. E. (1996). Multicultural Education as Social Activism. State University of New York Press, 337. Sorokopud, Yu. V. (2012). The Development of a System of Preparation of College Instructors. Doctor of Education thesis abstract, Moscow, 44-45. |
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Foreign Language Professional Communicative Competence as a Component of the Academic Science Teacher’s Professional CompetenceRoza A. Valeeva, Olga V. Baykova & Askarbek K. Kusainov
pp. 173-183 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.301a | Article Number: ijese.2016.042
Abstract The urgency of the problem raised in the article is explained by the increasing demand for qualified specialists who have a good command of a foreign language. The communicative competence of an academic science teacher under the conditions of international cooperation development is of great importance. The article discusses the problem of developing the foreign language communicative competence of academic science researchers and lecturers within the framework of international education and integration into the united European educational area. The research methods are studying and summarizing innovative pedagogical experience, reviewing the results of educational activities of academic science teachers in the sphere of improving the foreign language communicative competence which allow to reveal the status of this scientific problem in the pedagogical theory and practice. The article describes a project aimed at development of the foreign language communicative competence – a system of personal characteristics and skills – which creates perfect conditions to encourage educational and scientific activities of academic science teachers. The materials of this article may be of use to higher school lecturers and researchers who are interested in mastering their foreign language skills to develop their foreign language communicative competence. Keywords: academic science teacher, higher education, foreign language professional communicative competence, foreign languages References Abdurazyakova, E. P. (2010). Foreign language communicative competence as one of the components of personal and professional characteristics of a modern professional. Vektor nauki TGU, 3(13). Chomsky, N. (1972). Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Moscow: MSU. Fahrutdinova, R. A., Yarmakeev, I. E. & Fakhrutdinov, R. R. (2014). The formation of students’ foreign language communicative competence during the learning process of the English language through interactive learning technologies (The study on the basis of Kazan Federal University). English Language Teaching, 7 (12), 36-46. Geihman, L. K. (2003). Interactive communication training (general pedagogic approach): Doctor of Pedagogics Dissertation. Yekaterinburg. Goihman O. Y. (2006). Professional communicative competency: components of effective communication. Moscow: INFRA-M. Gurie, L. I. and Gazizova A. I. (2008b). Problems of training academic teachers in Turkey in the conditions of current reforms. Higher Education in Russia, 9. Gurie, L.I. (2008а). Post-graduate education of university teachers under the conditions of innovative processes. Kazan: RITs “Shkola». Michalewicz, Z. (2000). How to solve it: modern heuristics. Berlin: Springer. Mukhametzyanova, L. & Shayakhmetova, L. (2014). Application of associative experiment in forming the foreign communicative competence. English Language Teaching, 7 (12), 60-64. Panfilova, V. M., Panfilov, A. N. & Merzon, E. E. (2015). Organizational-pedagogical conditions to form the foreign competence in students with the features of linguistic giftedness. International Education Studies, 8 (2), 176-185. Russian and contrastive-comparative philology: Linguoculturological aspect (2004) Kazan State University. Philology Faculty. Kazan. Safonova, V. V. (1993). Sociocultural approach to teaching a foreign language as a qualification: Author's Abstract of Doctoral Dissertation. Moscow. Shcherba, L. V. (2002). Teaching languages at school: General problems of teaching techniques: Handbook for students of the Philology Faculty of SPbGU: Philology Faculty of SPbGU. Solovova, E. N. (2004). Modern requirements to scientific and methodological and didactic-methodical aspects of the learning process in language education. Foreign languages at school, 4. Sysoev, P. V. (2006). Language multicultural education: what is it? Foreign languages at school, 4. Threshold level (1996). Russian Language. Vol. 1 – Everyday Communication. Vol. 2 – Professional Communication. Strasbourg, Council of Europe Press. Titova, S. V. (2004). Theoretical framework for computer-information model for foreign language teaching: Doctor of Pedagogics Dissertation. Moscow. Valeeva, R.A., Koroleva, N.E., Sakhapova, F.K. (2015). Civic education of the technical university students in foreign language classes. Review of European Studies, 7(1), 176-181. Zhukova, V. V. (1982). About intensification of the process of teaching adult a foreign language. Functional Styles and Foreign Language Teaching / Edited by M. Y. Tsviling. Moscow: Nauka. Zimnyaya, I. A. (1991). Psychology of Foreign Language Teaching at School. Moscow: Prosvechsheniye. |
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Formation of Future Pre-School Teachers’ Readiness to Work in the Conditions of Educational InclusionGulnara F. Biktagirova & Vera V. Khitryuk
pp. 185-194 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.302a | Article Number: ijese.2016.043
Abstract Inclusive education becomes a social reality and needs to ensure its quality. Preschool age is a sensitive period of the process of personality’s socialization and the formation of moral qualities, providing interaction and communication between people pattern, among which are: respect for "otherness", cooperation, support and mutual aid. Training preschool teachers to work in conditions of educational inclusion is an important determinant of the success in educational process in the new environment and socialization of students. Strategic direction in solving this problem is the formation of such an inclusive readiness (Khitryuk, 2013) at the stage of formation of professional thinking and professional competence of a teacher, that is, in a higher education institution. The article analyzes the results of testing of complex pedagogical conditions of the future teachers’ readiness to work in the conditions of educational inclusion formation (Khitryuk, 2014; Sharifzyanova, Shtreter & Nauryzbayeva, 2015; Akhmetzyanova, 2014, Nigmatov, 2014, Nigmatullina, 2014), created at the stage of the teaching profession acquisition. The basis of the experimental work were the universities of Belarus (Baranovichi State University, Brest State University named after A.S Pushkin) and Russia (Kazan Federal University), implementing educational programs for future pre-school teachers training. The results of the pilot study confirmed the advanced hypothesis and effectiveness of pedagogical conditions in the formation of the inclusive readiness. Keywords: inclusive education, children with special educational needs, inclusive readiness of teachers, the competence approach, pedagogical conditions References Alekhina, S. V., Alekseeva, M. A., Agafonova, E. L. (2011). The readiness of teachers as a key success factor in the formation of an inclusive process in education. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie, 1. Akhmetzyanova, A. I. (2014). Organization of inclusive education of people with the limited health abilities at Kazan university. Obrazovanie i samorazvitie, 2(40), 208-212. Aybazova, M. Yu. (2014). Preparation of the future teachers for the work in conditions of inclusive education. Pedagogika, 4. Biktagirova, G. F. (2011). Formation of social competence of students of pedagogical majors. Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya, 4, 39. Biktagirova, G. F., Valeeva, R. A. (2013). Technological approach to the reflection development of future engineers. Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL). International Conference, 427-428. Biktagirova, G. F., Valeeva, R. A. (2014) Development of the teachers’ pedagogical reflection. Life Science Journal, 11(9s), 60-63. Cagran, B. & Schmidt, M. (2011). Attitudes of Slovene teachers towards the inclusion of pupils with different types of special needs in primary school. Educational Studies, 37(2), 171-195. De Boer, A., Pijl, S. J. & Minnaert, A. (2011). Regular primary schoolteachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education: a review of the literature. International Journal of Inclusive Education,15(3), 331-353. Inclusive education: understanding inclusive practices (2011). Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie , 3. Khafizullina, I. N. (2008). Formation of future teachers’ inclusive competence in the course of professional training. PhD thesis. Astrakhan’. Khitruk, V. V. (2013). Competence levels characteristic of formation of the teachers’ inclusive readiness. Vestnik of Ch.GPU, 5. Khitruk, V. V. (2013). The teachers’ readiness to work in conditions of inclusive education. Vestnik of Ch.GPU named after I.Ya.Yakovlev, 3. Khitruk, V. V. (2014). The complex of pedagogical conditions of future teachers’ inclusive readiness formation. Vestnik of Bashkir University, 4. Kim, J. R. (2011). Influence of teacher preparation programmes on preservice teachers’ attitudes toward inclusion.International Journal of Inclusive Education, 15(3), 355–377. Mattson, E.-H., Hansen, A.-M. (2009). Inclusive and exclusive education in Sweden: principals’ opinions and experiences.European Journal of Special Needs Education, 24(4), 465-472. Mokeyeva, E. V., Zakirova, V. G. & Masalimova, A. R. (2015). Tolerant Pedagogic Space as a Condition of Non-Violence Position Education among Elementary School Pupils. Review of European Studies, 7(4), 216-220. Nigmatov, Z. G, Valeeva, R. A. (2013). The formation of a multicultural personality in the context of inclusive education. Studia Edukacyjne, 27/2013. Poznan: UAM Wydawnictwo Nau-kowe, 283-291. Nigmatov, Z. G. (2014). The teacher's role in the system of modern multi-cultural education. Obrazovanie i samorazvitie, 4 (42), 256-260. Nigmatullina, I. А. (2014). Life-long inclusive learning as a new direction of the education system development in Russia.Obrazovanie i samorazvitie, 4 (42), 196-207. Parfilova, G. G., Karimova, L. S. & Kasimova, R. S. (2015). The Development of children with Disabilities by Means of Folk Plays. Review of Europeаn studies, 7(4), 186-191. Polat F. (2011) Inclusion in education: A step towards social justice. International Journal of Educational Development, 31(1), 50 – 58. Rybakova, L. A. & Biktagirova, G. F. (2015). Peculiarities of demonstrative behavior manifestations of teenagers brought up in orphanages. Review of Europeаn studies, 7(4), 148-152. Sadovaya, V. V., Khakhlova, O. N. & Reznikov, A. A. (2015). The Formation of Professional Readiness of a Social Teacher to Organization of Children’s Leisure Time Activities. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4),595-602. Schmidt, M. & Cagran, B. (2006). Classroom climate in regular primary school settings with children with special needs.Educational Studies, 32(4), 361 – 372. Scorgie, K. A. (2010). Powerful glimpse from across the table: reflections on a virtual parenting exercise. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 14(7), 697–708. Sharifzyanova, K. Sh., Shtreter, J. N. & Nauryzbayeva, R. N. (2015). Structural-Functional Model of Designing Individual Educational Path of Teacher’s Professional Development in Conditions of Information Educational Environment. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 523-532. Simaeva, I. N. & Khitruk, V. V. (2014). Methods of diagnosing and monitoring inclusive readiness of teachers. Vestnik of SGPU, 1. Simaeva, I. N. & Khitruk, V. V., Ponomarev, E.I. (2013). Inclusive readiness of future teachers: mechanisms. Vestnik of MDPU named after I. Shamyakin, 4. Yanchuk, V. A. (2005). Introduction to the modern social psychology: a manual for schools. Minsk: Asar. |
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Madrasahs as Vocational Educational Institutions in the Regions of Pre-Revolutionary RussiaAnvar N. Khuziakhmetov,Takhir M. Aminov & Ulzhalgas A. Yesnazarova
pp. 195-205 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.303a | Article Number: ijese.2016.044
Abstract The importance is determined by insufficient knowledge of the problem while undergoing serious changes in the system of Muslim education not only in Russia but all over the world. Hence, the purpose of this article is to identify the experience of madrasahs – professional Muslim educational institutions of pre-revolutionary Russia, as its reflection, critical analysis and possible extrapolating will contribute to further improvement of the system of Islamic education and science. A leading approach to solving this problem is the author's concept of historical and pedagogical research, which was based on the logic and structure of pedagogical process in its modern sense. Following the named concept allows a logical and consistent way to identify, analyze, synthesize, and extrapolate historical and pedagogical experience in modern educational theory and practice. The results of the study illustrate that the madrasah of pre-revolutionary Russia were prominent professional institutions. The organization of their pedagogical process in general contributed to the preparation of competent professionals. The article can be useful to teachers – the teachers of not only religious but also secular educational institutions, historians and culture experts. Keywords: vocational education, Islamic schools, madrasah References Almazova, L. (2012). Muslim educational revival in modern Tatarstan in the course of millennial historical development.History of Education and Children's Literature, 7 (2), 33-48. Aminov, T. M. (2006) Istoriya professional’nogo obrazovaniya v Bashkirii. Nachalo XVII veka – do 1917 goda. Moskva: Nauka Aminov, T. M. (2010) Antologiya istorii musul’manskogo obrazovaniya v Respublike Bashkortostan. Ufa. Aminov, T. M. (2014) The Structure and Logic of the Pedagogical Process as the Basis of the Conception of Historical and Actual Pedagogical Research. Life Science Journal, 11 (11), 544 - 547. Amirkhanov, R. U. (1988) Tatarskaya demokraticheskaya pechat’ (1905-1907 gg.). Moskva: Nauka. Fahrutdinova, R. A. (2014). English language in the development of a tolerant person of the student in a multi-ethnic educational environment of the university (For example, Kazan Federal University). English Language Teaching, 7 (12), 77-84. Farhshatov, M. N. (2009) Delo sheikha Zaynully Rasuleva. Ufa. Farhshatov, M. N. (1994) Narodnoye obrazovaniye v Bashkirii v poreformenniy period. 60-90 gody XIX veka. M.: Nauka. Gazizova, A. (2013). Foreign experiences in light of higher education reforms. 16th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, ICL, 2013 (рр. 506-508). Kazan, Russian Federation: Kazan National Research Technological University. Gimazova, R. A. (2004) Prosvetitel’skaya deyatel’nost’ Nigmatullinych-Bubi (konets XIX – nachalo XX vv.). Kazan Galimov, A. М. & Nasibullov, K. I. (2010). Building a system of quality management in professional religious. Obrazovanie i samorazvitie, 5(21), 82-88. Muslim education: the Tatarstan experience Hablimid oglu. (1998) Sefika Gasprali ve Rusyada Turk kadin hareketi (1893-1920). Ankara. Kalimullin, А. М. & Gabdulchakov, V. F. (2015). About pedagogical aspects of development of culture: discussions and problems. Obrazovanie i samorazvitie, 1(43), 105-113. Kamalov, T. (1997) Ziya Kamali. Kazan’. Khanbikov, Y. I. (1967) Iz istorii pedagogicheskoy mysli tatarskogo naroda. Kazan’. Lyubimov, A. (1914) Maktaby i medrese g.Ufy i 1-go rayona Ufimskogo uyezda. Ufa. Magsumov, T. A. (2010) Srednyaya professional’naya shkola Kazani v kontse XIX – nachale XX veka. Sankt-Peterburg Mamleeva, T. M. (1953) Zhenskoye obrazovaniye (bashkirok i tatarok) v dorevolyutsionnoy Bashkirii (Unpublished master's thesis). Moskva, Sovetskiy Soyuz Maras, I. (2002) Turk dunjasinda dini yenilesme (1850-1917). Istanbul. Rakhimkulova, M. F. (1988) Prepodavaniye yestestvennych nauk v tatarskich shkolach dorevolyutsionnoy Rossii. Orenburg. Rossiyskaya pedagogicheskaya entsyklopediya (1993). T. 1. Moskva. Sadovaya, V. V., Khakhlova, O. N. & Reznikov, A. A. (2015). The Formation of Professional Readiness of a Social Teacher to Organization of Children’s Leisure Time Activities. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4),595-602. Sayahov, R. L. (2015) Deyatel’nost’ voskresnych shkol i ich rol’ v formirovanii tolerantnosti naseleniya: opyt Duchovnogo upravleniya musul’man respubliki Bashkortostan (Ed), Universitetskiy kompleks kak regional’niy tsentr obrazovaniya, nauki i kultury (pp. 3108-3113). Orenburg, Rossiya. Orenburgskiy gosudarstvenniy universitet Sinenko, S. G. (2000) Gorod nad Beloy rekoy: Kratkaya istoriya Ufy v ocherkach i zarisovkach. Ufa. Suleymanova, L.S. (2000) Natsional’nye uchebnye zavedeniya v Bashkortostane v pervoye sorokaletiye XX veka. Ufa. Validov, D. (1923) Ocherk istorii obrazovannosti i literatury volzhskich bulgar (do revolyutsii 1917 goda). Moskva. Yarmakeev, I. E. & Pimenova, T. S. (2014). The formation of students’ national self-awareness in EFL class. English Language Teaching, 7 (12), 26-35. Zhirnova, G. I. & Absalyamova, S. G. (2013). Global innovation gap and quality of education. 16th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, ICL, 2013 (рр. 144-145). Kazan, Russian Federation: Kazan National Research Technological University. |
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Teachers' Training in the Magistrate: Structural, Content and Organizational Modernization in the Context of a Federal UniversityAydar M. Kalimullin, Vera K. Vlasova & Regina G. Sakhieva
pp. 207-215 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.304a | Article Number: ijese.2016.045
Abstract The paper establishes that the change of an educational paradigm cannot be realized without developing a new view on teachers’ mission, their social and professional status, and, in particular, on the process of vocational training in general. Main problems of modern teachers’ training and the purpose of pedagogical education at the present stage are singled out in the paper; guidelines of pedagogical education modernization in Russia are updated. The paper reveals essential characteristics of a competence- and activity-based approach in the context of modern teachers’ training. The authors provide the analysis of master programs in Kazan Federal University applied for the training direction "Pedagogical education"; identify problems of content and organizational character in this context; highlight advantages and possible risks of a new organizational structure of Master in Pedagogy within a federal university; submit a substantial characteristic of Master’s degree programs for training subject teachers, variable trajectories of receiving pedagogical education, forms of educational results presentations. The paper is addressed to administrative and academic teaching staff of higher educational institutions realizing Master’s degree programs for the direction “Pedagogical education” and interested in their further modernization. Keywords: Aydar M. Kalimullin, Vera K. Vlasova & Regina G. Sakhieva References Ananyev, B. G. (1977). About problems of modern human study. Moscow: Science. Bolotov, V. A. (2013). Considerations on the reform of pedagogical education. Professional Education. Stolitza, 10, 6-10. Bulin-Sokolova, E. I., Obukhova, A. S. & Semenova, A. L. (2014). Future pedagogical education. Direction of movement and first practical steps. Psychological Science and Education, 19(3), 207-226. Gafurov, I. R. (2013). Pedagogical education at Kazan Federal University. Universum: Bulletin of Gertsen university, 2, 19-24. Gilmanshina, S. I. & Vilkeev, D. V. (2004). Professional thinking of the teacher: scientific and pedagogical aspect.Psychological Science and Education, 2, 67-75. Kalimullin, A. M. (2014). Improvement of teachers' qualification at Kazan Federal University. World Applied Sciences Journal, 30 (4), 447-450. Kalimullin, A. M. (2014). Processes of reforming teacher training in modern Russia (experience of Kazan Federal University). American Journal of Applied Sciences, 11 (8), 1365-1368. Kuzmina N. V., Rean A. A. (1993). Professionalism of pedagogical activity. St. Petersburg: Education. Leontyev, A. N. (1975). Activity. 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Savenkov, A. I., Lvova, A. S., Vachkova, S. N., Lyubchenko, O. A. & Nikitina, E. K. (2014). A new generation of Master’s course for teachers. Pedagogical Science and Education, 19 (3), 197-206. Sidorkin, A. M. Public pedagogical practice in teachers’ training (2014). Psychological Science and Education, 19 (3), 74-77. Slastenin, V. A. (2000). Pedagogical process as a system. Moscow: MAGISTR-PRESS. Talanchuk, H. M. (1996). New content of teachers’ general pedagogical preparation: system-synergetic theory. Kazan: Magarif. The analytical statement about the course of pedagogical education modernization project implementation in the Russian Federation. MSPPU, SRI HSE, Moscow, 2015, http://pedagogical obrazovaniye.rf/news/show/105. The Professional Standard “Teacher” (pedagogical activity in preschool, primary general, main general, secondary education (a tutor, a teacher).URL http://profstandart .rosmintrud.ru/web/ps235135. Valeeva, R. A. (2013) Requirements to the teacher’s personality as a tutor in the context of humanistic pedagogics of the XX century. Issues of Education, 2, 80-88. Vesmanov, S. V., Vesmanov, D. S., Zhadko, N. V. & Akopyan, G. A. (2014). Training of teachers in a research magistracy: experience of Moscow City Pedagogical University. Psychological Science and Education, 19 (3), 160-167. Vilkeev, D. V. (1992). Formation of students’ pedagogical thinking: Study guide for students of teachers’ training colleges. Kazan: Magarif. Vygotsky, L. S. (1991). Pedagogical psychology. Moscow: Science. Zimnyay, I. A. (2004). Key competences as a resultative-goal foundation for a competence-based approach in education. Author's version. Moscow: Research center for quality specialists’ training. |
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Training Biological Family in the Process of Implementation of the Program of Psychological and Pedagogical SupportGulfiia G. Parfilova, Ekaterina O. Mazurchuk & Karina R. Suvorova
pp. 217-224 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.305a | Article Number: ijese.2016.046
Abstract The relevance of the study due to the destruction of the family and parent-child relationship caused by a number of socio-economic and other issues that determine the need for psycho-pedagogical support of their biological families. In this regard, this paper aims to reveal the contents of the program of psychological and pedagogical support biological families of children in institutions for orphans and children left without parental care. A leading approach to the study of this problem is systemic-activity approach, allowing to consider modern approaches to work with the biological family. The article presents the program of psycho-pedagogical support, during the implementation which uses the optimal forms and methods of interaction to strengthen the parent-child relationship, causing significant changes in the family system, ensuring realization and protection of the right of the child to live and grow up in the family. The materials of this paper are of practical value to the work of psychologist of education, social service centers of population and services of psycho-pedagogical support.
Keywords: psycho-pedagogical support, biological family, program References Amosov, A. A. (2012). Socio-pedagogical support disadvantaged families. Regional education in the XXI century: problems and prospects, 5, 379-381 Anokhin N. E., Sokratov V. V. (2010). Parent education: what will it be today? Social pedagogy, 5, 32-37. Brushlinsky, V. A. (2003). Тhe Psychology of the subject. St. Petersburg, SPb.: Aletheia. Bulygina, T. B. (2013). Parent café as a form of the system of psychological support of personal development of parents.Psychology and pedagogy: methods and problems of practical application, 31, 23-28. Ivanov, A. S. (2012). Persons deprived of parental rights, who are they? http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=18079326. Mukhin, V. S. (2011). Peculiarities of personality development of the child deprived of parental guardianship. Moscow: Prometheus. Ovcharova, R. V. (2003). Psychological support parenthood. Moscow: Publishing house of Institute of Psychotherapy. Rubinstein S. L. (2003). Man and world. Moscow, Moscow: Pedagogika. Rusakova, N. A. (2009). Socio-pedagogical support in the socialization of adolescents deprived of parental care, professional foster family. Public education, 6, 102-105. Shikhmurzaev, S. N. (2012). Features of work of the psychologist in dysfunctional families. Proceedings of the Dagestan state pedagogical University. Psychological and pedagogical science, 1, 64-66. Shulga T. I. (2010). The specifics of assisting at-risk families.Bulletin of Moscow state regional University. Series: psychological science, 4, 40-44. Strauss, V. (2012). Features of psycho-pedagogical and social support of the subjects of the educational process.Educational work at school, 5, 47-50. Tarasov, S. A., Krylov, I. G. (2011). Institute for parents: raising the psycho-pedagogical competence. Social pedagogy in Russia, 2, 44-50. Tseluyko, V. M. (2006). The psychology of a dysfunctional family. Moscow: VLADOS-PRESS. Unda, I. F. (2010). Socio-psychological foundations of family life. Kiev, К: Pedagogika. Vasyagina, N. N. (2011). Training as a form of psycho-pedagogical support of parents. Ped. education in Russia, 3, 126-132. Zharov, A. A. (2010). Termination of parental rights regarding children left without parental care. Issues of juvenile justice, 4, 9-10. |
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The Technology of Teacher Training Contents Projection and Implementation on the Basis of Information Streams IntegrationVera K. Vlasova, Alfiya R. Masalimova & Salamat K. Alamanov
pp. 225-236 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.306a | Article Number: ijese.2016.047
Abstract The article is aimed to develop the technology of teacher training contents projection and implementation on the basis of information streams integration. The leading approach to the development of teacher training contents projection and implementation technology on the basis of information streams integration is the information-logistic approach aimed to provide timeliness and quality of future teachers’ competences that make the content of teacher training, their coordinated realization in the educational process, and the demand for them in the innovative manufacturing. The technology of teacher training contents projection and implementation on the basis of information streams integration offers the option of variable logistic trajectories: parallel projection, serial projection and projection through an expressly organized auxiliary link. The developed technology of teacher training contents projection and implementation on the basis of information streams integration realizes basic functions: selection of professionally significant competences for a future teacher, organization of information-environment interactions, the requirements-based teacher training content, the estimation of projection results. Keywords: teacher training, technology, information streams, integration References Anisimova, T. I. & Krasnova, L. A. (2015). Interactive technologies in electronic educational resources. International Education Studies, 8 (2), 186-194. Denisenko, V. A. (2003). Fundamentals of educational logistics, 317. Drescher, Yu. N. (2014). Pedagogical aspects of a healthy lifestyle in the construction of social space of modern society Modern problems of life safety: Present and Future: Proceedings of the III International scientific and practical conference at the forum. Security and Communication. Golitsyna, I. N. (2013). 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(2013) Philosophic problems of correlation between professional education and education in general.Middle-east journal of scientific research, 17, 226-232. Ovchinnikova, I. G. (2012) Pedagogical aspects of the implementation of automated information systems of universities.Theory and practice of social development, 11, 134-136. Ovechkin, V. P. (2014) Justification of the methodology of education in today's changing world. Yearbook of Finno-Ugric Studies, 4, 114-125. Razinkov, E.V. & Latypov R. H. (2007). The hidden information transfer with the use of objects’ borders. Scientific notes of Kazan university. Series: Physical and mathematical sciences, 2, 128-137. Sadovaya, V. V., Khakhlova, O. N. & Reznikov, A. A. (2015). The Formation of Professional Readiness of a Social Teacher to Organization of Children’s Leisure Time Activities. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4),595-602. Semushina, E. Y. & Galeeva, M. V. (2013). Distant form of mastering translator's competence as a part of engineering education in Kazan Federal University. 16th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, ICL, 2013 (pp. 519-521). Kazan, Russian Federation: Kazan National Research Technological University. Shaidullina, A. R., Evsyukova, N. Y., Mikhailov, V. A., Gazizova, F. S., Masalimova, A. R., Khairullina, E. R. & Galimzyanova, I. I. (2015). The Curriculum Project on Professional and Pedagogical Teachers Communication Culture Formation.Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(2 S3), 202-208. Shaidullina, A. R., Masalimova A. R., Vlasova V. K., Lisitzina T. B., Korzhanova A. A., Tzekhanovich O. M. (2014). Education, science and manufacture integration models features in continuous professional education system. Life Science Journal, 11, 478-485. Sharifzyanova, K.Sh., Shtreter, J.N. & Nauryzbayeva, R.N. (2015). Structural-Functional Model of Designing Individual Educational Path of Teacher’s Professional Development in Conditions of Information Educational Environment. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 523-532. Sibgatova, K. I., Sabirov I. T., Sadovaya V. V., Vlasova V. K., Leyfa I. I., Yatsevich L. P., Fassakhova G. R. (2015). Pedagogical Potential of the Career Guidance Course “Professional Career Planning” to Form Pupils and Students’ Self-Determination in the Integrated System “School—Vocational College”. Review of European studies, 1 (7), 80-85. Vlasova, V. K., Kirilova G. I. & Mikhaylov V. Yu. (2009). Creation of object-oriented and logical-mathematical models of pedagogical systems. Siberian pedagogical journal, 3, 66-74. |
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Future Teachers’ Training for Learners’ Individual Projects ManagementAnvar N. Khuziakhmetov, Natalya A. Belova, Elena A. Kashkareva &Vera A. Kapranova
pp. 237-244 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.307a | Article Number: ijese.2016.048
Abstract The relevance of the issue considered in the article concerning the training of future teachers in the higher education institution for learners’ project and research activity as an obligatory component of professional pedagogical education is caused by current trends of social development which sets new tasks for school – keen interest in exceptional and talented children, in the peculiarities of their abilities advancement in the course of education. The leading method of the designated research is the method of content and procedural modeling of higher education institution students vocational competences connected with the arrangement of learners’ project activity. The article contains the experience of future language and literature teachers’ methodical training content development to implement learners’ individual projects arrangement. The authors lay emphasis on the procedural component of future teacher’s vocational training – a step-by-step training aimed to model learners’ individual projects arrangement in the form of an educational project or educational research. The offered material may be useful for bachelors, masters, graduate students trained according to humanitarian programs approved for teachers’ training institutes, as well as for language and literature teachers. Keywords: learner’s individual project, educational project, teacher training References Abdrafikova, A. R., Akhmadullina, R. M. & Singatullova, A. A. (2014). The implementation of project and research activities in working with gifted children in terms of school-university network cooperation (Regional aspect). English Language Teaching, 7 (12), 54-59. Britvina, L. Yu. (2005). Method of creative projects at technology lessons. Elementary school, 6, 42-45. Dictionary of pedagogical terms (2012, April 14). 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Masalimova, A. R. & Nigmatov, Z. G. (2015). Structural-Functional Model for Corporate Training of Specialists in Carrying Out Mentoring. Review of European Studies, 7(4), 39-48. Mitrokhina, S.V. (2009). Development of learners’ independent activity at studying mathematics in the system "comprehensive school - higher education institution" (Author's abstract of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Education). Moscow pedagogical state university, Orel. New technological and information technologies in the education system: The education guidance for students of higher education institutions and system of professional development of ped. staff (1999). E. S. Polat, M. Yu. Bukharkina, M. V. Moiseyeva, A. E. Petrov; Under the editorship of E. S. Polat. M.: Publishing center "Akademiya". Novolodskaya, E. G. & Yakovleva, S. N. (2008). Implementation of creative projects at studying natural history. Elementary school, 9, 34-38. Pakhomova, N. Yu. (2000). Educational project: its opportunities. Teacher, 4, 52-55. Sadovaya, V. V., Khakhlova, O. N. & Reznikov, A. A. (2015). The Formation of Professional Readiness of a Social Teacher to Organization of Children’s Leisure Time Activities. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4),595-602. Shaidullina, A. R., Evsyukova, N. Y., Mikhailov, V. A., Gazizova, F. S., Masalimova, A. R., Khairullina, E. R. & Galimzyanova, I. I. (2015). The Curriculum Project on Professional and Pedagogical Teachers? Communication Culture Formation.Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(2 S3), 202-208. Sharifzyanova, K. Sh., Shtreter, J. N. & Nauryzbayeva, R. N. (2015). Structural-Functional Model of Designing Individual Educational Path of Teacher’s Professional Development in Conditions of Information Educational Environment. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 523-532. Shukshina, T. I., Zamkin, P. V. & Parvatova, I. I. (2013). The development of students’ research and project activity in the context of multilevel system of higher pedagogical education. Humanities and education, 4, 84-89. Sibgatullina, T. V. (2014). Project work in the system of teachers’ additional vocational education. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 19, 1573-1577. Solnyshkina, M. I., Harkova, E. V. & Kiselnikov, A. S. (2014). Unified (Russian) state exam in English: Reading comprehension tasks. English Language Teaching, 7 (12), 1-11. Tatyanina, T. V. & Putilkina, N.P. (2015). Project activity in the formation of educational independence of students studying in colleges. Humanities and education, 1, 75-79. Zemlyanskaya, E. N. (2005). Educational projects of younger school students. Elementary school, 9, 53-56. Zhirnova, G. I. & Absalyamova, S. G. (2013). Global innovation gap and quality of education. 16th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, ICL, 2013 (рр. 144-145). Kazan, Russian Federation: Kazan National Research Technological University. |
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The Use of the Task Method in Civic Education of StudentsRezeda R. Khairutdinova, Evgenia A. Kazaeva & Grzegorz Czerwinski
pp. 245-259 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.308a | Article Number: ijese.2016.049
Abstract At the present stage of the development of the educational system, great emphasis is placed on transition from knowledge paradigm toward consolidation-oriented content of education. One of the most forward-looking methods, in this process, to simulate any situation and find an adequate solution, is knowledge method. The purpose of the article is to present work experience in the use of the task method in the educational system. The leading method in the study this problem was task method, which allows the most effectively, taking into account the trends in development of the education system, to address the problems of nature, namely development of civil position of the individual learning youth. The article submitted by the use of different types of tasks, in particular multicultural and civil, civil and axiological, participative and civil dealing with the challenges of education young students in educational organizations. The optimum system of tasks is developed, aimed at solving the problems of nature and their use of technology in the educational system. This article can be useful for teachers of general secondary and higher education, in the working out of the educational disciplines, as well as professionals working in the sphere of additional education. Keywords: educational process, system of education, the task method, the civil task References Andreev, A. L. (2005). Competence paradigm in education: experience of philosophical and methodological analysis.Pedagogy, 4, 19-27. Ball, G. A. (1990). Theory of learning tasks: psycho-pedagogical aspect, M, Pedagogy, 184. Esaulov, A. F. (1976). The Psychology of solving problems. M Science, 256. Gromova, C. R. & Alimbekov, A. (2015). Egocentrism and Development of Students Identity (On the Example of Studying of Future Teachers). International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 571-578. Isaev, E. I. (1997). 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(2009). phenomenological analysis of professional and personal orientation.International Journal of Experimental Education, 6, 19-21. Vlasova, V. K, Galimova, A. G. (2014). About the peculiarities of designing the content of teachers’ education. Obrazovanie i samorazvitie, 2 (40), 24-28. Vygotsky, L. S. (1956). Selected psychological studies. M, RSFSR, 519. Wilson, Deirdre & Sperber, Dan (2004). Relevance Theory. Handbook of Pragmatics / Ed. by Laurence R. Horn and Gregory L. Ward. Oxford, 249-290. Yalalov F. G. (2008). Action-competence approach to the practice-oriented education. Higher education in Russia, 1, 89-93. Yusupova, G. F., Podgorecki, J. & Markova, N. G. (2015). Educating Young People in Multicultural Educational Environment of Higher Education Institution. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 561-570. Zimnyaya, I. A. (2004). Educational Psychology. M, Logos, 384. |
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National Traditions as a Means to Upbringing Humanity in TeenagersZyamil G. Nigmatov, Ildar T. Khairullin & Gulzamira D. Baubekova
pp. 261-268 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.309a | Article Number: ijese.2016.050
Abstract The relevance of the research is proved due to the following. The educational sphere in Russia, that includes an upbrining component as well, is undergoing nowadays quality changes the cornerstone of which is the comprehension of universal values and a focus on the rational use of the experience that has been accumulated in the world education. The appeal in this context to the richest heritage of national upbringing traditions as the foundation for the solution of modern problems in humanistic upbrining of the youth is, in our opinion, urgent and relevant. In this regard the article aimes to identify pedagogical conditions of teenagers’ humanity upbringing with progressive national traditions in view. The leading research methods were systematization and generalization of historical-pedagogical facts and concepts, the analysis of actions results, teenagers’ activity and behavior, study and synthesis of educational institutions experience in learners’ humanity upbringing and the use of progressive national traditions in this process, diagnostic techniques, pedagogic experiment. In the article characteristics of teenagers’ humany development have been revealed; criteria of teenagers’ humanity development have been singled out; pedagogical conditions necessary and sufficient for upbringing teenagers’ humanity on progressive national traditions have been substantiated. The materials of this article may be useful to school teachers, guidance teachers, tutors, providers of education. Keywords: national humanist traditions, humanity upbringing, teenagers’ level of upbringing, teenager, criterion of development, pedagogical conditions References Agosti, E. P. (1969). The revived Tantalum. 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The Formation of Students’ Tolerance in a Multi-Ethnic SchoolRezida N. Safina & Mirzatilla A. Abdurakhmanov
pp. 269-277 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.310a | Article Number: ijese.2016.051
Abstract In today's world, under the influence of political, social and economic conditions, we lose many moral values. As the result, the problem of forming a tolerant person is of particular relevance, which leads to the need to find mechanisms and measures aimed at improving the educational process. The article aims to develop a pedagogical model of the formation of tolerance of students in multi-ethnic schools, which contributes to solving urgent problems of the modern educational system. The leading approach to the study of this problem is the integrative approach that means integrating the values of national cultures in the content of school subjects and educational work of educational institutions. The content of the article presents a pedagogical model of tolerance of students in multi-ethnic schools, including the target, substantial, procedural, administrative, methodological aspects that together can implement the process of education in accordance with modern requirements. The article stuff may be useful for heads of educational institutions, methodists of informative and resource centers of departments of education, teachers of educational institutions. Keywords: tolerance, students, multi-ethnic school, pedagogical model, the formation of a tolerant person, intolerant personality References Asmolov, A. G. (1998). Tolerance: different paradigm. Tolerance analysis in the public consciousness in Russia. Moscow. Bardier, G. L. (2005). Social psychology of tolerance. Saint Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg. University Press. Cheverikina, E. A., Rakhimgarayeva, R. M., Sadovaya, V. V., Zakirova, V. G., Starodubets, O.D. & Klemes, V.S. (2014). Socio-psychological characteristics of college students who are prone to addictions. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 11(8),1412-1417. Fahrutdinova, R.A. (2014). 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Conditions of Educational Environment for the Development of Teenagers’ Moral Relations. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 515-521 Kleptsova, E. J. (2004). Psychology and Pedagogy of Tolerance. Moscow. Academic Project. Lectorskiy, V. A. (1997.) About tolerance, pluralism and criticism. Problems of Philosophy, 11, 46-54. Mokeyeva, E. V., Zakirova, V. G. & Masalimova, A. R. (2015). Tolerant Pedagogic Space as a Condition of Non-Violence Position Education among Elementary School Pupils. Review of European Studies, 7(4), 216-220. Ribakova, L. A., Parfilova, G. G., Karimova, L. Sh. & Karimova, R. B. (2015). Evolution of Communicative Competence in Adolescents Growing Up in Orphanages. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 589-594. Safina, R. N. (2004). The formation of a students’ tolerance in multi-ethnic schools (Master’s thesis), Kazan Federal University, Kazan, The Russian Federation. 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Educating Young People in Multicultural Educational Environment of Higher Education Institution. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 561-570. Wulfov, B. Z. (2002.) Teaching Tolerance: the nature and means. Vneshkolnik, 6, 12-16. Zhilyaev, A. G. & Palacheva, T. I. (2013). Cultural and historical aspects of the formation of the psychological tolerance.Obrazovanie i samorazvitie, 4 (38), 51-57. |
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Especially of Labor Education Junior SchoolchildrenSeimbika U. Bichurina &Asuka Kawano
pp. 279-287 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.311a | Article Number: ijese.2016.052
Abstract Relevance of the studied problem is caused by contradictions between objective need of society for education of younger school students, equalizing of their starting opportunities and practice of primary education. Article is directed on identification and justification of pedagogical conditions at which the elementary school teacher will most effectively provide labor education of younger school students. The present stage of social and economic development makes high demands to the personality: the relation to work as to the major public debt, a conscientious attitude to work, the movement to work and to its results, take the initiative, active, creative approach to work, internal requirement to work in full measure of the intellectual and physical forces, the relation to work as to conscious need and the basic vital need of the person. The analysis of pedagogical research allows claiming that children of younger school age have some idea about labor standards of behavior, sufficient ability to estimate this or that labor act, but the sustainable demand and habit to observe these norms and rules in real life are not developed, their labor behavior often has a situational character. All process of children education at elementary school can and has to be organized so that they learn to understand benefit and demand of work for themselves and for people around. To treat work with love, to see pleasure in it - a necessary condition to develop the creativity and talents of the personality. Materials of article can be useful for elementary school teachers, additional education teachers, organizers of educational work, etc. Keywords: labor education, incentive motives of activity; interest of children to work, relation of children to work, labor behavior, initiative of children, diligence education References Bichurina, S. U. (2014). Family in labor education of junior school students. Obrazovanie i samorazvitie, 4(42), 181-187. Elkina, O. Yu. (2012) A journey into the world of professions: a handbook for parents of pupils 1-4 classes / Moskow: Educational publishing center "Academy", 112. Faraponova E.A. (2008). Psychological bases of labor education of children. Moscow. Fonarev, A. &Teplyuk S. Prerequisites of labor education. Moscow. Gordin A.U. (1997) Moral education of pupils in work. Moskow. Gromova, C.R. &Alimbekov, A. (2015).Egocentrism and Development of Students Identity (On the Example of Studying of Future Teachers). International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 571-578. Ivashchenko, F.I. (1997) Work and identity development of pupils, Moskow. Kalimullin А. М., Gabdulchakov V. F. (2014). Creativity and intelligence in the educational process of the university: problems and prospects. Obrazovanie i samorazvitie, 4(42), 3-9. Katashev, V. G., Nugumanova, L. N. (2011). Basic premises for the development of a school student’s professional self-identity. Obrazovanie i samorazvitie, 2(24), 148-154. Kantarbaev, S. E. (1996) the Formation of educational activity as a means of labor education. Moscow, 265. Kharlamov, I. F. (1999.) Pedagogy. Moscow, 520. Krupskaya, N. K. (1959) Pedagogical works in 10 vol 4. Labor education and Polytechnic education. Moscow. Khuziakhmetov, A. N., Shafikova, G.R. & Kapranova, V.A. (2015). Conditions of Educational Environment for the Development of Teenagers’ Moral Relations. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 515-521. Makarenko A.C. (1964). Labor education. Moscow, 106. Mokeyeva, E. V., Zakirova, V. G. & Masalimova, A. R. (2015). Tolerant Pedagogic Space as a Condition of Non-Violence Position Education among Elementary School Pupils. Review of European Studies, 7(4), 216-220. Sukhomlinsky, V. (1974) I give my Heart to children. Moscow, 288. |
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Operations of Classification Thinking in Students Working on Verbal TasksAjslu T. Kurbanova & Nailia R. Salikhova
pp. 289-298 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.312a | Article Number: ijese.2016.053
Abstract Modern science features a contradiction in the study of classification features proper to thinking in children and adolescents, as well as a lack of knowledge about its features in educated adults). The authors have developed and tested a new experimental method for detecting the functioning of a number of logic operations classes on verbal material. The experiment involved university students majoring in mathematics (n=217 of the logic of classes as isolated, but they rarely use them as a means of solving classification problems on the verbal material. We have also found that the students use various operations with logic of classes with different degrees of success. The article can be used to assess the ability and readiness of future teachers to identify and put into practice the purposes of logical thinking formation in students. Keywords: mathematical education, classification thinking in adults, the operations with logic of classes, relations of community, classification problems References Anastasi, A. & Urbina, S. (1997). Psychological testing. 7th edn. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Artemyeva T. V. (2013). Peculiarities of Primary School Children Figurative Speech Comprehension. World Applied Sciences Journal, 27(6): 738-741. Bruner J. S., Olver R. R. & P. M. Greenfield (eds) (1966). Studies in Cognitive Growth. New York, John Wiley. Clayton, V., Overton, W. F. (1976). Concrete and formal operational thought processes in young adulthood and old age.International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 7(3), 237-245. Davydov, V. V. (1996). The theory of developmental education. M.: INTOR. Flynn, James R. (2012). Are We Getting Smarter? Rising IQ in the Twenty-First Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Inhelder, B., & Piaget, J. (1964). 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Diagnostics of Elementary School Children Social Representations, Concepts, Knowledge Development LevelRamis R. Nasibullov, Irina A. Neyasova & Valentina Kh. Adilova
pp. 299-308 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.313a | Article Number: ijese.2016.054
Abstract The article aims to identify the level of elementary school children social knowledge, representations, concepts development, to define the dynamics of their development at this age stage. It presents the results of a pilot study to testify that the transition from one "age stage" to another is characterized by positive changes that take place in the social sphere of elementary school children personality: with growing up the level of elementary school children understanding of the main social representations, concepts, knowledge increases; the number of social categories used in the speech extends; the content component of the studied notions changes due to the increase of signs and categories that are included in the active vocabulary and as a result of already available data specification. Keywords: children, elementary school, knowledge, social representations, diagnostics, level of social knowledge development References Aleksandrova, E. A. (2009). Educational space of the school: at the crossroads of subcultures. Public education, 8, 234-239 Bayanova, L. F. (2014). Compliance with Cultural Rules of Children Having Different Level if Creativity. Procedia. Social Behavioral Sciences, 146, 162-165 Buyanova, I. B. (2013). Analysis of the level of students’ adaptation to the university environment. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 17 (9), 1237–1242. Damon, W., Lerner R. & Eisenberg N. (2006). Handbook of Child Psychology, Social, Emotional, and Personality Development, 1152 Dodge, K. A., Pettit G. S. & Bates J. E. (1994). Socialization Mediators of the Relation between Socioeconomic Status and Child Conduct Problems. Child Development, 65 (2), 649-665 Dougherty, L. R. (2006). Children's Emotionality and Social Status: A Meta-analytic Review. Social Development, 15 (3), 394-417. Gromova, C. R. (2014) Psychological and pedagogical conditions of primary school children civil identity development (results of complex research). Life Science Journal, 11 (10s), 258-261 James, W. and Zanden V. (1990). The Social Experience an Introduction to Sociology, New York, 231 Joan E., G. & Davidov M. ( 2010). Integrating Different Perspectives on Socialization Theory and Research: A Domain-Specific Approach. Child Development, 81 (3), 687-709. Kalazka, N. N. (2013). Psychological profile of primary school children learning according to different educational technologies. 2nd International Congress in Interdisciplinary Behavior and Social Klementyeva, Z. A. (2014). About development of competitive personality features in children of 5-6 years old. Middle East Journal of Science Research, 20 (4), 419-422 Kostelnik, M. J. (2006). Guiding children's social development: theory to practice. Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning, 574. Mudrik, A. V. (2000). Social pedagogy: Proc. for stud. of ped. Universities. Moscow: Academy, 200. Neyasova, I.A. (2011). Social experience as a pedagogical category. Humanities and Education, 4 (8), 41-44. Schoonmaker, S. (2006). Kids in Context: The Sociological Study of Children and Childhoods. Contemporary Sociology, 35 (6), 579-580 Science, 337-340 Serikova, L. А. & Shukshina T. I. (2010) Psyhologo-pedagogical aspects of formation of is religious-moral representations of elementary schoolboys. Siberian pedagogical journal, 10, 233–243. Shukshina, T. I., Neyasova I. A., Serikova L. A. (2014). Diagnosis of the level of assimilation of the social experience by younger schoolchildren. Life Science Journal, 12(12), 371-374. Wichmann C., Coplan R. J. & Daniels T. (2004). The Social Cognitions of Socially Withdrawn Children (social cognitions of isolated children). Social Development, 13 (3), 377-392, Yakunchev, M. & Gorshenina S. (2013). Diagnostics of Ethno-Cultural Competence of the Future Teachers. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 16 (12), 1709-1713. Yusupova, G. F., Podgorecki, J. & Markova, N. G. (2015). Educating Young People in Multicultural Educational Environment of Higher Education Institution. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 561-570. Zakirova, V. G., Gaysina, G. I. & Zhumabaeva, A. (2015). Program of Adaptation Assistance in Foster Families and Particular Features of Its Implementation. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 553-559. |
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Features of Correctional Development Work In the Sensory Room with Children with DisabilitiesIrina A. Nigmatullina, Svetlana E. Inevatkina, Evgeniya V. Zolotkova & Elena Agathangelou
pp. 309-315 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.314 | Article Number: ijese.2016.055
Abstract The relevance of the stated problem in the article is caused by the need to expand the activities of correctional development work in the sensory room with children with disabilities. Work in the sensory room helps to stabilize the emotional state of a child of this category, which in turn enhances the effectiveness of correctional and developmental measures for his/her rehabilitation. This research work allows studying the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures carried out in the sensory room and identifying major areas of correctional and developmental work in supporting a child with disabilities. The goal of the article lies in developing a multi-component technology of correctional development work in the sensory room with children of the specified category. As a leading method of investigation of this problem the interviewing was selected, which allows identifying the effectiveness of the conducted activities in the sensory room. The article describes possibilities for psycho-pedagogical support of children with disabilities; discloses the potentialities of interaction of various specialists of psychological and pedagogical support in sensory room conditions; the role of parent-child relationships in the development of children with disabilities has been substantiated. Keywords: children with disabilities, sensory room, correctional and developmental work, psycho-pedagogical support, parent-child relationships References Ahmetzyanova, A. I. (2015). Fear and Anxiety in the Children Suffering from Infantile Cerebral Palsy and Raised in Families with Various Parental Subsystems. Asian Social Science, 11(7), 356–361. Ainswort, M., Bowlby, J. (1991). An ethological approach to personality development. Amer. Psychol, 46, 331 – 341. Berger, J., Cuппiпgham, С. (1981). Development of еуе contact between mothers and normal versus Down syndrome infants. Developmental psychology, 17, 678 ‒ 689. Berger, J., Cuппiпgham, С. 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Preparing Elementary School Teachers to Conduct Diagnostic Testing of the Elementary School Children DevelopmentIlnar F. Yarullin, Venera M. Yangirova & Viya G. Ignatovich
pp. 317-326 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.317a | Article Number: ijese.2016.056
Abstract This article aims to design the theoretical and technological framework for preparing elementary school teachers to conduct diagnostic testing of elementary school children. The key research methods used in this work included testing, expert evaluation; direct, indirect and participant observation; analysing the output of the students', educators' and elementary school children’s activity, the study of best innovative practices, summative and formative experiments which allow to prepare the students to evaluate the development of elementary school children. The article deals with methodological, theoretical and technological aspects of preparing students to evaluate the development of elementary school children; identifies the information, values and tool inventory necessary to prepare the students to conduct diagnostic testing of the development of the elementary school children; defines psychological and pedagogical conditions and experimentally presents the components of such preparedness: intellectual, operational and practical. Keywords: teachers, children, diagnostic testing, development, learning process, preparedness, interdisciplinary approach References Asadullin, R. M. (1999). Advancement of the student’s pedagogic activity in the process of higher education training. Ufa. Bekhterev, V. M. (1923). The objective study of neuropsychic activity, Moscow, 63. Bida, О. A. (2003). Theoretical and methodological foundations of the training of future teachers for natural science education in primary school. PhD Thesis. Uman. Bitinas, B. P. & Kataeva L. I. (1993). Diagnostic testing: Essence, functions, perspectives. Pedagogika, 2. Bleikher, V. M., Burlachuk, L. F. (1978). Psychological diagnostic testing of the intellect and personality. Vysshaya Shkola, 142. Blonsky, P. P. (1961). Children’s age-related features. Collected works in pedagogic science. Moscow. Brundrett, M., Rhodes, C.P. &Gkolia, C. (2006) Planning for leadership succession: creating a talent pool in primary schools.Education, 34 (3), 259-68. Bruner D., Olver R. & Greenfeld P. (1971). Studies in cognitive growth. Moscow, 392. Connect: UNESCO International Science, Technology & Environmental Education Newsletter. 1994. T. 19. 1, 3. Ee training workshops for primary and primary secondary school teachers (ghana) Gaysina, G. I. ( 2002). Culture-study approach in theory and practice of teacher training. PhD Thesis. Moscow. Gromova, C. R. & Alimbekov, A. (2015). Egocentrism and Development of Students Identity (On the Example of Studying of Future Teachers). International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 571-578. Hadfield, M., Kellow, M. & Day, C. (2002). Schools as learning communities: building capacity through network learning.Education, 2, 19-22. Kapterev, P.F. & Maltsev, A. (1881). Experience of systematic observation of the children’s development. St.Petersburg, 46. Khodusov, A. N. (1947). The Development of the teacher’s philosophy. PhD Thesis. Moscow. Klarin, M. V. (2005). Teaching technologies: Image of an ideal. Shkol’nyye Tekhnologi, 1, 11-20. Luria, A. R. (1966). Brain mechanisms and the problems of skill development. Sovetskaya Pedagogika, 8, 92 – 93. Majar, N. E. (1996). Theoretical framework of developing the teacher’s creativity. PhD Thesis. Moscow. Miles, M. B. & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative Data Analysis. London: Sage. Pavlov, I. P. (1949). Collected works. V.3. USSR Academy of Sciences. Ravich–Scherbo, I. V. (1981). Genetic aspects of psychological diagnostics. Psychological diagnostics. Research and issues. Moscow. Ravkin, Z. I. (1958). Research issues of the world historic and pedagogic process. Sovetskaya Pedagogika, 5, 53-58. Rubinshtein, S. L. (1958). Of reasoning and its research. Moscow. USSR Academy of Pedagogical Science, 147. Shatsky, S. T. (1962). Essays in pedagogic science in 4 Volumes. Moscow, 196. Silyaeva, E. G. (2010). Synergic approach to specialist’s professional philosophy. Pedagogicheskoye Obrazovaniye i Nauka, 8, 35-42. Slastenin, V. A. & Podymova, L. S. (1997). Pedagogic science: innovative activity. Moscow. Teplov, B. M. (1961). Problems of individual distinctions. Moscow, RSFSR Academy of Pedagogic Science, 534. Ushinsky, K. D. (1952). The Human As a Subject of Education. Collected works. Moscow, APS Publishing House. Sadovaya, V. V., Khakhlova, O. N. & Reznikov, A. A. (2015). The Formation of Professional Readiness of a Social Teacher to Organization of Children’s Leisure Time Activities. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4),595-602. Sharifzyanova, K. Sh., Shtreter, J. N. & Nauryzbayeva, R. N. (2015). Structural-Functional Model of Designing Individual Educational Path of Teacher’s Professional Development in Conditions of Information Educational Environment. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 523-532. |
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Children’s Rights in Poland and Russia in the Context of Janusz Korczak’s in heritageEdyta Januszewska & Roza A. Valeeva
pp. 327-338 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.319a | Article Number: ijese.2016.057
Abstract The urgency of the problem under investigation is due to the fact that children's rights are equally important and binding than those of adults. Even more important, because children need special protection of the state and the international community. The aim of the article is to study the situation with realizing children’s rights in Poland and in Russia in the context of Janusz Korczak’s inheritage. The main methods of the research are systematization, classification, comparative analysis, which allowed to determine the main objectives and results of the historical development of children's rights; as well as analysis and generalization of Janusz Korczak’s ideas on children’s rights. The implementation of the Convention on Children’s rights in Poland is described on the example of child-refugees. The Russian experience of realization of the named Convention is also described in the article. The results of the research will be useful for the teachers and principals of the educational institutions in realizing children’s rights. Keywords: Janusz Korczak, children’s rights, child, childhood, the right to be respected for, child-refugee, Convention on the rights of the child References Abramov, V. I. (2005). The Rights of the Child in Russia (theoretical aspect). Saratov. Cots, J. (2010). Eglentyne Jebb and the Geneva Declaration. Children in Europe, 17(5), 43. Bauman, Z. (2004). Life for Recycling. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie. Budanova, G. P. (2001). Children's Rights as a conceptual framework for the content of the activities of Commissioners on the Rights of the Child. In: The rights of the child. Institute of Ombudsman for Children in the Russian Federation: experience, problems, theoretical models, legal and regulatory framework. Moscow. Shiro, S. V. (2009). Rights of the Child: the need for new mechanisms of protection. Murmansk. Weber E. (2003). 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A Structural Analysis of the Complex of Professionally Important Qualities of Male and Female ManagersGuzel Sh. Gabdreeva & Alisa R. Khalfieva
pp. 339-347 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.320a | Article Number: ijese.2016.058
Abstract The relevance of the issues of managers’ professional advancement related to the formation of the structure of professionally important qualities (PIQ), which guarantee a successful and effective work, remain open and poorly explored till nowadays. The aim of that article was to reveal gender-specific features of a complex of professionally important qualities. The research data clarify the idea of this complex by supplementing it with personal gender-specific characteristics. The article presents the results of a research on psychological characteristics of managers successful in their careers. Some particular aspects of interrelations of personal qualities in the correlational structure were revealed. The particular nature of gender-specific structures was demonstrated, which points at the necessity of differential approach to the study of psychological problems associated with professional advancement in male and female managers. Keywords: structure of professionally important qualities complex; individual gender-specific features of managers References Andreev, V. I. (2009). Competition Studies. A training course for creative self-development of competitiveness, Tsentr innovatsionnykh tekhnologiy, Kazan, 468. Balakshina, Y. V. (2008). Psychological characteristics influencing the success of managerial activity. Bulletin of the Kostroma state university after N.А. Nekrasova. Series: Psychological sciences “Acmeology of education”, 3, 148-150. Bem, S. L. (1974). The Measurement of Psychological Androgyny. J Consult Clin Psychol 42, 155-162. Chekalina, А. А. (2009). Gender psychology. Os’-89, Moscow, 240 Chirikova, A. Y. (2000). Women leading companies (The problems of formation of women’s entrepreneurship in Russia).Issues of economy. 3, 94-102. Chumakov, М. V. (2006). Diagnostic method of personal volitional traits. Issues of Psychology, 1, 169-178. Fetiskin, N. P., Kozlov V. V., Manuylov, G. М. (2002). Social and psychological diagnosis of personality development and small groups, 263-265. Gabdreeva, G. S., Khalfieva A. R. (2014). The structure of psychological personality traits of a manager. Education and personal development: A scientific pedagogical and psychological journal, 2, 194-200. Khokhlova, T. P. (2001). Identification of gender aspects of management as a factor of increasing management efficiency.Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom, 2, 67-74. Maury R. (1990). Chercher la Femme Les Patrons japonais parlent, 177-189. Raspopin, Y. V. (2009). Psychological Stress Resistance Test (PSRT.) Psikhologicheskaya diagnostika, 3, 104-122. Rean, А. А. (2006). Psychology and psychodiagnostics of personality. Theory, research methods, practical work, Praym-YEVROZNAK, Saint Petersburg, 255. Rosener, J. B. (1990). Ways Women Lead, C. Vol. 68. №6, Haward business rev. Boston, 74-85. Ryff, C. Keyes, C. (1995). The structure of psychological well-being revisited. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69, 719–727. Samartseva, О. К., Fomina Т. (2000). Gender peculiarities of management in the field of business. Russian Entrepreneurship: Strategy, Power, Management, ISRAN, Moscow, 162-175. Schubert, R. Brown, Gysler, M. M., Brachinger, H. (1999) Financial Decision-Making: Are Women Really More Risk-Averse.American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 89(2), 381–385. Semyonova, F. О. (2011). Psychological characteristics of career ideas of women successfully fulfilling themselves in professional activities. Scientific notes of the university after P.F. Lesgaft. №3 (73). Saint Petersburg, 21-30. Shevtsova, О. V. (2014). Gender aspects of management. Economy and management of innovative technologies, №3. URL: http://ekonomika.snauka.ru/2014/03/4665 Shterts, О.М. (2007). Development of value orientations of middle rank managers. Education and self-development. scientific pedagogical and psychological journal, 3, 69-76. Symons, G. (2005). Women’s occupational careers in business: Managers a. Entrepreneurs in France. Canada, 61-75. Zaytsev, V. P. (2004). BMPT psychological test. Actual issues of rehabilitation medicine, 2, 17-21. |
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