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Special Issue - (2012)
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Ocean Under Global Change: From Science to SchoolFrancisco Sóñora-Luna, & Aitor Alonso-Méndez
pp. 97-112 | Article Number: ijese.2018.007
Abstract This article includes a methodological proposal in which students collaborate with scientists in order to establish a significative series of data to know the impacts of Climate Change on a shellfish bank which represents the main socio-economic motor in a costal population of more than 14000 habitants live. This proposal explains the theoretical background of the experience as well as the teaching strategy through laboratory practices which allows the students to act as efficient scholar scientists on this type of collaborations with research teams. Also described is the practical application of this knowledge on an investigation allowing for the beginning of a temporal series of data about the situation regarding the collection of cockles (Cerastordema edule) to understand how Climate Change can affect this valuable economic resource in Galicia – Spain. This applied scholar science is described ending with the analysis of data through our accumulation of graphs and the creation of our conclusions. Through our conclusions we have found the necessity of carrying on the kind of studies in the following years remarkable both, before and after, the recruitment campaign in order to obtain conclusions about possible adaptations of the duration of the recruitment period to Climate Change. Via our pedagogically obtained conclusions, we have found interest in this type of proposal to be valuable for the acceleration of the incorporation of these contents to the syllabus due to the urgency of the arrival of this knowledge to society. Keywords: scholar science, global change, laboratory practices, scientific method, change investigations, science – technology – society References Barreiro, F., Gómez, M., López, J., Lastra, M., & de la Huz, R. (2013). Coupling between macroalgal inputs and nutrients outcrop in exposed sandy beaches. Hydrobiologia, 700, 73-84. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-012-1220-z Behrenfeld, M. J., O’Malley, R. T., Siegel, D. A., & McClain, C. R. (2006). Climate-driven trends in contemporary ocean productivity. Nature, 444, 752-755. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature05317 Chivers, W. J., Walne, A. W., & Hays, G. C. (2017). Mismatch between marine plankton range movements and climate change velocity. Nature Communications, 8, Article no: 14434. https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms14434 Doney, S. C., Ruckelshaus, M., Duffy, J. E., Barry, J. P., … & Talley, L. D. (2012). Climate change impacts on marine ecosystems. Annual Review of Marine Science, 4, 11-37. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-marine-041911-111611 Lastra, M., López, J., & Neves, G. (2014). Algal decay, temperature and body size influencing trophic behaviour of wrack consumers in sandy beaches. Marine Biology, 162(1), 221–233. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00227-014-2562-z Marañón, M., Lastra, M., & Sobrino, C. (2017). Cambio global y ecosistemas marinos. Univesidad de Vigo. Proyecto EduCO2cean-Erasmus+ Richardson, A. J. (2008). In hot water: zooplankton and climate change. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 65, 279-295. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsn028 Riebesell, U., Zondervan, I., Rost, B., Tortell, P. D., Zeebe, R. E., & François, M. M. (2000). Reduced calcification of marine plankton in response to increased atmospheric CO2. Nature, 407, 364-367. https://doi.org/10.1038/35030078 Rivero-Calle, S., Gnanadesikan, A., Del Castillo, C. E., Balch, W. M., & Guikema, S. D. (2015). Multidecadal increase in North Atlantic coccolithophores and the potential role of rising CO2. Science, 350, 1533-1537. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aaa8026 Sóñora, F., Rodriguez, M., & Troitiño, R. (2009). Un modelo activo de educación ambiental: prácticas sobre cambio climático. Enseñanza de las Ciencias de la Tierra, 17(2), 196-206. Sóñora, F. (2011). Climántica: A web 2.0 Education Project. Green Teacher, 93, 28-30. Stiasny, M. H., Mittermayer, F. H., Sswat, M., Voss, R., Jutfelt, F., …, & Clemmesen, C. (2016). Ocean Acidification Effects on Atlantic Cod Larval Survival and Recruitment to the Fished Population. PLoS ONE, 11(8), e0155448. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0155448 |
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Analyzing the Home-Field Advantage in Major European Football LeaguesTuğbay Inan
pp. 113-124 | Article Number: ijese.2018.008
Abstract Although the home field advantage is an important factor in determining the results of football matches, the precise reasons for it are not clear. For this reason, many studies that dwell on different aspects of the subject have been conducted. Home field advantage has become a phenomenon which is often discussed by footballers, technical teams, fans and media organizations, but which is at the same time a controversial subject on whose precise existence they cannot be sure of. The home field advantage ratio is determined by the ratio of the points that the teams get from the games they play as home teams at the end of the season to the overall score. It is possible that if the ratio is more than 50% it is not possible to mention home field advantage neither for that team nor season. The aim of this study was to determine the home field advantage ratios in the top professional football leagues of some European countries. For this reason, 54 seasons and N = 140,826 matches were analysed starting from 1963 to 2017. The data was obtained from the official sites of the leagues. According to the results obtained, in all seasons analysed, it was found that the teams playing at home earned more than 50% points. In the study, a mean home field advantage of 63.8% ± 1.81 was found. When the literature is examined, this study can be seen to show similar results with it. Keywords: football, analyzing, home-field, advantage, soccer, European, leagues References Adams, R. D., & Kupper, S. J. (1994). The effect of expertise on peak performance: the case of home-field advantage. Journal Sport Behavior, 17, 108-119. Allen, M.S., Jones, M. V. (2014). The home advantage over the first 20 seasons of the English Premier League: Effects of shirt colour, team ability and time trends. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 12(1), 10–18. https://doi.org/10.1080/1612197X.2012.756230 Carmichael, F., & Thomas, D. (2005). Home field effect and team performance: Evidence from English premiership football. Journal of Sports Economics, 6(3), 264-281. https://doi.org/10.1177/1527002504266154 Carron, A. V., & Hausenblas, H. A. (1998). Group dynamics in sport (3rd edn.). Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology. Carron, A. V., Loughhead, T. M., & Bray, S. R. (2005). The home advantage in sport competitions: Courneya and Carron’s (1992) conceptual framework a decade later. Journal of Sports Sciences, 23(4), 395-407. https://doi.org/10.1080/02640410400021542 Clarke, S., & Norman, J. (1995). Home ground advantage of individual clubs in English soccer. The Statistician 44(4), 509-521. https://doi.org/10.2307/2348899 Courneya, K. S., & Carron, A. V. (1992). The home advantage in sport competitions: A literature review. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 14, 28 – 39. https://doi.org/10.1123/jsep.14.1.13 Da Silva, C. D., & Moreira, D. G. (2008). Home advantage in the soccer: Comparison between the Brazilian Championship and the Main National Leagues of the World. Brazilian Journal of Kinanthropometry and Human Performance, 10(2), 184-188. Dowie, J. (1982). Why Spain should win the World Cup. New Scientist, 94, 693-695. Greer, D. L. (1983). Spectator booing and the home advantage: A study of social influence in the basketball arena. Soc Psychol Quart, 46(3), 252-261. https://doi.org/10.2307/3033796 Gutiérrez, O., Saavedra, M., & Fernández, J. J. (2012). Determining home advantage in Spanish handball. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 114(1), 329-338. https://doi.org/10.2466/05.PMS.114.1.329-338 Jamieson, J. P. (2010), The Home Field Advantage in Athletics: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 40, 1819–1848. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1559-1816.2010.00641.x Jones, M. (2007). Home Advantage in the NBA as a Game-Long Process. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 3(4). https://doi.org/10.2202/1559-0410.1081 Jurkovac, T. (1983) Collegiate basketball players’ perceptions of the home advantage (Unpublished master’s thesis). Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, USA. Lago-Peñas, C., & Lago-Ballesteros, J. (2011). Game location and team quality effects on performance profiles in professional soccer. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 10(3), 465-471. Leite, W. S. S. (2017). Home advantage: Comparison between the major European football leagues. Athens Journal of Sports, 4(1), 65-74. Marcelino, R., Mesquita, I., Palao, J. M., & Sampaio, J. (2009). Home advantage in high-level volleyball varies according to set number. J Sport Sci Med, 8, 352-356. Marques, A, (2002), Competitive balance in the Portuguese Premier League of professional soccer. http://econwpa.repec.org/eps/io/papers/0211/0211025.pdf Nevill, A., & Holder, R. (1999). Home Advantage in Sport: An Overview of Studies on the Advantage of Playing at Home. Sports Medicine, 28(4), 221-236. https://doi.org/10.2165/00007256-199928040-00001 Pollard, R. (1986). Home advantage in soccer: A retrospective analysis. Journal of Sports Sciences, 4, 237-248. https://doi.org/10.1080/02640418608732122 Pollard, R. (2006). Home advantage in soccer: Variations in its magnitude and a literature review of the associated factors associated with its existence. Journal of Sport Behavior, 29, 169-189. Pollard, R. (2008). Home advantage in football: A current review of an unsolved puzzle. Open Sports Science Journal, 1, 12–14. https://doi.org/10.2174/1875399X00801010012 Pollard, R., & Pollard, G. (2005) Home advantage in soccer: a review of its existence and causes. International Journal of Soccer and Science Journal, 3(1), 28-38. Sánchez, P. A., García-Calvo, T., Leo, F. M., Pollard, R., & Gómez, M. (2009). An analysis of home advantage in the top two Spanish professional football leagues. Percept Motor Skill, 108, 789-797. https://doi.org/10.2466/pms.108.3.789-797 Seckin, A., & Pollard, R. (2008). Home advantage in Turkish professional soccer. Perceptual and Motor Skills 107(1), 51-54. https://doi.org/10.2466/pms.107.1.51-54 Thomas, S., Reeves, C., & Bellhome, A. (2008). Advantage in the six nations rugby union tournament. Percept Motor Skill, 106(1), 113-116. https://doi.org/10.2466/pms.106.1.113-116 |
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Attention to Diversity in the Formation of Future Teachers: Forming in Inclusion from Higher EducationLuis Espino-Díaz, & Gemma Fernández-Caminero
pp. 125-129 | Article Number: ijese.2018.009
Abstract The paper focuses on the importance of applying attention to diversity in the school context as a means of inclusion. For this purpose, it analyzes the training needs of the teaching staff by detecting the elements that should be strengthened, as well as the criteria to be taken into account and the elements to be included in a training plan to be applied in the field of Higher Education, specifically in the curricula for future teachers. Subsequently, the authors make a proposal of contents of a learning program in attention to diversity for teachers in training describing the process of development of the training proposal. Keywords: attention to diversity, inclusion, higher education, teacher training, social responsibility, educational guidelines References Alonso, J., Castedo, A. & Varela, E. (2016). Atención a la diversidad en la educación secundaria obligatoria: Análisis desde la inspección educativa. Aula Abierta, 44(2), 70-76. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aula.2016.03.002 Cejudo, J., Díaz, M., Losada, L. & Pérez-González, J. (2016). Necesidades de formación de maestros de infantil y primaria en atención a la diversidad. Bordón, 68(3), 23-39. https://doi.org/10.13042/Bordon.2016.68402 Colmenero, R. & Pegalajar, P. (2015). Cuestionario para futuros docentes de Educación Secundaria acerca de las percepciones sobre atención a la diversidad: construcción y validación del instrumento. Estudios sobre Educación, 29, 165-189. https://doi.org/10.15581/004.29.165-189 Correa, J., Sierra, M. & Alzate, G. (2015). Formación de docentes participantes en el programa de educación inclusiva con calidad en Colombia. Revista latinoamericana de educación inclusiva, 9(1), 43-61. Durán Gisbert, D., & Climent, G. G. (2017). La formación del profesorado para la educación inclusiva: Un proceso de desarrollo profesional y de mejora de los centros para atender la diversidad. URI: http://repositoriocdpd.net:8080/handle/123456789/1913 García, R. & Martínez M. (2016). Inmigración, mediación intercultural y diálogo interreligioso: Lecturas comparadas desde la educación. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, 27, 173-192. https://doi.org/10.5944/reec.27.2016.15660 González, M. (2008). Diversidad e inclusión educativa: algunas reflexiones sobre el liderazgo en el centro escolar. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 6(2), 82-99. González, D. (2013). La atención a la diversidad en la LOMCE. En C. Marchena (Ed.), La LOMCE. Claves para el profesorado (pp. 99–122). Madrid: Editorial Anaya. Leigers, K. & Myers, C. (2015). Effect of duration of peer awareness education on attitudes toward students with disabilities: A systematic review. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools & Early Intervention, 8(1), 79-96. https://doi.org/10.1080/19411243.2015.1021067 Martinez, A., Coker, C., McMahon, S., Cohen, J. & Thapa, A. (2016). Involvement in extracurricular activities: Identifying differences in perceptions of school climate. The Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 33(1), 70-84. https://doi.org/10.1017/edp.2016.7 Pilgrim, M. & Hornby, G. (2016). Preparing teachers for special and inclusive education: Applicability of a model developed in New Zealand to the English speaking Caribbean. Journal of Education and Training, 3(1), 176-188. https://doi.org/10.5296/jet.v3i1.8963 Pilgrim, M., Hornby, G., Everatt, J. & Macfarlane, A. (2017). Evaluation of an innovative programme for training teachers of children with learning and behavioural difficulties in New Zealand. Educational Review, 69(3), 337-348. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131911.2016.1218443 Sanhueza, S., Granada, M. & Bravo, L. (2012). Chilean and Costa Rica teacher`s attitudes towards inclusive education. Cuadernos de pesquisa, 42(146), 884-899. Silva, S. (2007). Atención a la diversidad. Necesidades educativas: guía de actuación para docentes. España: Ideas propias Editorial. Siperstein, G., Summerill, L., Jacobs, H. & Stokes, J. (2017). Promoting Social Inclusion in High Schools Using a Schoolwide Approach. Inclusion, 5(3), 173-188. https://doi.org/10.1352/2326-6988-5.3.173 UNESCO (2005). Guidelines for Inclusion: Ensuring Access to Education for All. París: UNESCO. |
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Topic: An Overview on Various Models of Internal Marketing StrategiesSoheila Zarinjoio Alvar, Ebrahim Albo Naimi, Mahmoud Samiei Nasr, & Mohammad Mahmoudi Maymand
pp. 131-142 | Article Number: ijese.2018.010
Abstract Internal marketing is considered as an academic, scientific, and commercial knowledge of improving the level of customer satisfaction. This branch of marketing science is largely influenced by quality management and service marketing, which emphasizes the importance and necessity of creating quality throughout the service delivery process. This field of marketing science discusses the relationship between the customers and internal suppliers of the organization (employees) in creating value for foreign customers, this can be appeared as a chain of value and a tool for developing the quality of products and services and inter-organizational and outsourced interactions within the organization (Ling, 2000). Today, domestic marketing is known as a strategy to improve the performance of the organization. Related studies in this realm show that internal marketing activities will improve the organization’s competitiveness and enhance competency through empowering and motivating employees. Despite the expansion of this concept in the marketing literature, practically little use has been made of it. The internal marketing argument is that the first customers of each organization are its employees. By examining the factors affecting internal marketing, it is clear that there are many factors that affect domestic marketing. Over the past 20 years, many models have evolved from domestic marketing. In this article 12 models of them will be covered in detail. Then, in the end, they will be criticized, and these models will be examined. Keywords: internal marketing, staff, model References Abzari, M., Ranjbarian, B., Fathi, S. & Ghorbani, H. (2009). Effect of internal marketing on market-orientation and organizational performance in Hoteling industry. Journal of Management vision. (31): 25-42. 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(2011). the Impact of Internal Marketing on Commercial Banks Market Orientation. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 4(29), 308-332. https://doi.org/10.1108/02652321111145943 Barzoki, A. S. & Ghujali, T. (2013). Study the Relationship of Internal Marketing with Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. International Journal of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences, 3(3), 33-49. Basirat, M., Imani, S., Zaranezhad, M., & Dehghan Najmabadi, A. (2015). Evaluate effects of internal marketing on organizational commitment with emphasis on the role of mediator is entrepreneurial orientation (The case of headquarters Agha-Jari oil and gas operation company). Productivity Management, 8(32), 147-169. (in Persian) Bonyadi Nahani, Kamifiruzi M., & Dehghiyan Meshiteini, M. (2014). Investigating the Effect of Internal Marketing and Branding on Quality of Services. Marketing Management, (45), 11-23. Camisón, C., & Villar-López, A. (2014). 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Quarterly of New Marketing Research, 2(3-6), 107-120. (in Persian) Hosseini, Y., & Rahmani, S. (1391). Effect of Internal Marketing on Organizational Performance in Travel Services Companies of Tehran Using Structural Equation Modeling. Scientific Journal of Research in New Marketing Research, 2(4). Kameswari, A. V. & Rajyalakshmi, N. (2012). Role of internal marketing in job satisfaction of employees in state bank of India. In Ninth AIMS International Conference on Management, 1(4), 47-56. Keelson, S. A. (2014). The Moderating Role of Organizational Capabilities and Internal Marketing in Market Orientation and Business Success. Review of Business & Finance Studies, 5(1), 1-17. Kim, J., Song H., & Lee, C. (2016). Effects of corporate social responsibility and internal marketing on organizational commitment and turnover intentions. International Journal of Hospitality Management, (55), 25–32. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2016.02.007 Lings, I. N., Greenley, G. E. (2010). 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Learning organizations, internal marketing, and organizational commitment in hospitals. BMC health services research, 14(152), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1186/1472-6963-14-152 Yahyazadefar, M., Shirkhodaie, M., Ramezani, A. (2012). The Effect of the Effect of Orientation on Internal Marketing and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Organizational Performance in Mazandaran University of Technology. Executive Directorate, 4(8), 158-176. Younesifar, M., Mohagher, A., & Younesifar, A. (2013). A study on the effect of domestic marketing factors on the performance of employees of Shahid Sadoughi Hospital in Yazd. Health Management, (2), 19-27. Yu, Q., & R. Barnes, B. (2010). Performance improvement by investing in internal marketing management. IEEE international Conference on Singapore, 2-5 June, 708-713. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICMIT.2010.54 |
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Pupils’ Understanding about Responsible Research and InnovationIlkka Ratinen, Anna-Leena Kähkönen, & Anssi Lindell
pp. 143-154 | Article Number: ijese.2018.011
Abstract Educating a responsible and ethically sensitive citizen is a challenging task, and pupils should be offered the opportunity to exercise these qualities such as evaluating the ethical issues of nanotechnology. In the European Union, the concept of responsible research and innovation (RRI) was developed to connect both the scientific and industrial processes and their outcomes with the values, needs and expectations of society. RRI helps teachers and pupils engage with scientists, educators, museum workers and the public in doing research and innovations as part of school projects. The aim of the study was to examine how RRI dimensions were understood by Finnish pupils grade five and seven (ages 11-12 and 13-14). The results indicate that the pupils’ ideas about RRI are rather difficult to measure; there was no substantial variation in the pupils’ answers to the RRI questionnaire. Because the results indicated that learning to act in a socially responsible way should not take place only inside a classroom. Keywords: RRI, science education, environmental education References Apotheker, J., Blonder, R., Akaygun, S., Reis, P., Kampschulte, L. & Laherto, A. (2017). Responsible Research and Innovation in secondary school science classrooms: experiences from the project Irresistible. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 89(2), 211-219. Banchi, H. & Bell, R. (2008). The many levels of inquiry. Science and children, 46(2), 26. Bayram, J. (2015). Responsible research and innovation: What is it? How to integrate in science education. Presented at the International Congress on Education for the Future: Issues and Challenges (ICEFIC 2015) Conference, Ankara University, 13–15 May 2015, Ankara, Turkey. Blonder, R., Zemler, E. & Rosenfeld, S. (2016). The story of lead: a context for learning about responsible research and innovation (RRI) in the chemistry classroom. 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Investigating the Effect of Social Intelligence on Innovative Performance (Case study: Moghan Agro-Industrial & Livestock Co.)Hossein Rahimi Koloor, & Naser Seifollahi
pp. 155-161 | Article Number: ijese.2018.012
Abstract Today, organizations are faced with many environmental changes. The changes occur so rapidly that if organizations are not prepared for dealing with them, their survival will endanger. One of the new tools that help organizations in today’s dynamic environment to have an appropriate situation is the use of social intelligence. Present study aimed to evaluate effect of business intelligence on innovative performance of employees of Moghan Agro-Industrial & Livestock Company (MAILC) during 2014. The research’s population included 450 employees from MAILC, which according to the Morgan table, 205 employees were selected. In this study, two standard questionnaires of social intelligence and innovative performance were used and their reliability was confirmed by Cronbach’s alpha test. The analysis of data was conducted using SPSS. Before testing the hypotheses, first we used Kolmogorov test to check the normality of data, which according to the results their normality was approved. The results of linear regression test showed that social intelligence has significant effect on innovative performance. The results of testing sub-hypotheses showed that all the four dimensions of social intelligence, i.e. social skills, social awareness, data processing and social desirability, have significant effects on innovative performance. Finally, some suggestions are presented based on results obtained from testing the hypotheses. Keywords: social intelligence, innovative performance, Moghan Agro-Industrial & Livestock Company References Beikzadeh J., Beigzadeh, J., & Sultan Dadashi, M. (2010). The relationship between social intelligence of managers, their philosophical mentality and organizational health of schools in three educational stages of Bonab city. Journal of cultural Management, 5(7), 69-84. 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Investigating 12th-Grade Students’ Prior Knowledge of Static Electricity ConceptsKetut Suma, I Wayan Sadia, & Ni Made Pujani
pp. 163-172 | Article Number: ijese.2018.013
Abstract This study was aimed at describing the types of prior knowledge of the 12th-grade students of static electricity concepts. This study was done at public senior high schools in Singaraja-Bali. There were 117 students who participated in the study, they were between 16-17 years old. The data of students’ prior knowledge of static electricity were collected by using Three Tier Diagnostic Static Electricity Test (TTDSET) with the index of reliability r= 0.61. The data analysis was done by descriptive technique. The result showed that the students’ prior knowledge of static electricity concepts is very varied which can be categorized into four categories namely: Scientific Knowledge, Misconception, Lack Knowledge, and Error. The implication of the result in the teaching of physic is that the teacher needs to identify the student prior knowledge of static electricity concepts and design appropriate conceptual change strategies. 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Participatory Approach on Water Scarcity Solution of Tourism City: A Case Study of Hua-Hin Municipality, ThailandWatcharapong Noimunwai, Patama Singhruck, & Penjai Sompongchaiyakul
pp. 173-185 | Article Number: ijese.2018.014
Abstract Water scarcity is one of the main problems for water resources management underpinning various Thailand’s socio-economic development activities. In the past, expert judgment and scientific knowledge were conventional ways for Thai government to solve the problem. However, this approach is, to some extent, not optimal because proposed solutions may not gain acceptance from stakeholders resulting in conflicts during implementation. The participatory approach can thus help to develop more favorable water management strategies by including stakeholders’ views in identification and selection of response measures. This study uses water scarcity in tourism city as a case study to show the benefit of inclusion of participatory processes. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to prioritize the most preferable choices of response. The result reveals that different stakeholder groups suggest a number of similar options while some solutions are preferred by one group but not by the others. This implies that agreeable options should be the first priority for implementation while disagree solutions may need further enabling factors to make them acceptable. Therefore, local information obtained by participatory approach is an indispensable input to identify better strategies, leading to successful water management that well respond to the local contexts. Keywords: participatory approach, analytic hierarchy process (AHP), water scarcity, tourism city References Aidam, P. W. (2015). The impact of water-pricing policy on the demand for water resources by farmers in Ghana. Agricultural Water Management, 158, 10-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2015.04.007 Alonso, J. A., & Lamata, M. T. (2006). Consistency in the analytic hierarchy process: A new approach. 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Development of Thin Wood Bending Teaching Materials in Technological Education in a Japanese Junior High SchoolKiho Jung, Takahiro Shirai, When-Shao Chang, & Yusuke Suzuki
pp. 187-199 | Article Number: ijese.2018.015
Abstract As an effective teaching material aimed at improving technological literacy by attracting the interest of students in the technological education curriculum in a Japanese Junior High School, teaching material using thin wood bending was the focus of this research. The integrated teaching material using thin wood bending was developed and introduced into the Junior High school in order to improve student’s technological literacy. For further application as teaching material, bending mechanisms and optimum bending conditions were verified by experimental investigation based on theoretical considerations. The results of a questionnaire survey during teaching practice in Junior High School found that it showed high effectiveness and potentiality as a teaching material. Furthermore, the bending mechanism of the thin plate by mechanical analysis was verified by evaluating the change of tensile and compression properties with a relatively higher temperature (near to the boiling point of water) under higher MC (Moisture Content) conditions over FSP (Fiber Saturated Point). Therefore, it could be numerically predicted on the optimum bending curvature for thickness of plate, for improving the original design with theoretical understanding of student on the thin wood bending material. Keywords: thin wood bending, integrated teaching material, technological literacy, tensile and compression properties References Akinori, Y. (2011). The selected books of Technology research. The property of the wood and processing. Tokyo: Kairyudo. Benson, J. (2011). Woodworker’s Guide to Wood bending. East Petersburg: Fox Chapel Publishing David, A. (2015). Experimental Learning: Experience as the source of learning and development second edition. Experience based learning system. New York: Pearson Education LTD. ISBN-10:0-13-389240-9. Fusho, O., & Keizou, I. (2008). The book which understands wood. Tokyo: Nippon Jitsugyo Publishing. Japanese Cabinet Office. (2013). The Second Basic Plan for Promoting Education. Retrieved from http://www.mext.go.jp/en/policy/education/lawandplan/title01/detail01/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2015/03/06/1355571.pdf Japanese Ministry of education. (2008). The Revisions of the Courses of Study for Junior high Schools Technology and Home Economics. Tokio: Japanese Ministry of education. Japanese Ministry of education. (2011). Computerization Vision of the Education. Retrieved from http://www.mext.go.jp/component/a_menu/education/micro_detail/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2017/06/26/1305484_14_1.pdf Japanese Ministry of education. (2013). The text of Study for Junior high Schools Technology and Home Economics. Technology field. Tokio; Japanese Ministry of education. Methods of test for woods. (2009). JIS Z2101. Japanese Industrial Standards Committee, pp208 -217. Schleining, L. (2002). The Complete Manual of Wood Bending: Milled, Laminated, and Steambent Work. Fresno: Linden Publishing. Takashi, F., & Osamu, S. (2007). Wood science. Tokyo: Kaiseisha press. ISBN978-4-906165-53-7. Timoshenko, S., & Young, D. H. (1966). Elements of strength of Material 5th edition. New York: D. Van Nostrand company. ISBN0-442-08547-8 Toru, T., & Yoshio N. (2007). Wood science. Tokyo: Kaiseisha press. ISBN978-4-906165-43-8. |
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Investigation and Evaluation of Operational Matrix in Order to Solve the Partial Differential EquationMehrzad Ghorbani
pp. 201-209 | Article Number: ijese.2018.016
Abstract We need differential equations for modeling and analyzing a huge amount of issues. Fractional calculus is a branch of mathematical analysis that is used in many fields of mathematical and engineering sciences such as electrical networks, fluid mechanics, control theory, electromagnetism, biology, chemistry, propagation and viscoelasticity. The most important topics in mathematics are differential equations and integral equations which are very practical and have a special place in various sciences, especially engineering sciences. We used approximate methods to obtain the results because we cannot use analytical clustering for this kind of equations. The aim of this paper is to investigate the operational matrix in order to solve the partial differential equation. Keywords: differential equations, operating matrix, minor derivatives, gamma function, integral equations, special functions, fractional problems References Arfken, G. B., & Weber, H. J. (2001). 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The Role of India’s Adil Shahi Dynasty in Spreading Persian LanguageMansour Nikpanah
pp. 211-220 | Article Number: ijese.2018.017
Abstract Iran and India are countries with a common language, culture, race, religion, etc. But they have been away from each other for different local and foreign causes so that these people having the same root in the past have become strangers today. By returning to the Indian history we can clarify that the center of Persian language and mores was located in this land. This case is not only exclusive to the northern areas of the Indian peninsula but also included the southern states and some prominent poets among the natives there started to talk in Persian. Bijapur is one of these areas receiving myriads of writers and scholars following the policies of Bahmani and Adil Shahi dynasties. In this article this region’s position is going to be investigated regarding its attention toward Persian language and poetry in the tenth and eleventh centuries. Keywords: Bijapur, Adil Shahi Dynasty, Ibrahim Adil Shah, Persian language References Ahmad, A. (1987). The history of the Islamic thought in India. Tehran: Keyhan Publicatons. Aref Naqavi, S. H. (1991). Biography of Imamiah scholars of AQ. Mashahd: Astan e Qods. Arfaee, A. (2007). Exploration of the first Persian text and clay tokens. Hamshahri newspaper, 4282. Bahador, S. M. (2007). The candle of the society, the biography of the candle. Tehran: Yazd University Publication. Bayani, M. (1984). Biographies and the works of calligraphers. Tehran: Elmi publications. Behdarvand, A. (2010). Zohouri Torshizi’s collection of sonnets. Tehran: Mola publications. Bigdeli, A., & Beigdeli, L. (2009). Tazkereh Atashkadeh. Tehran: Rozaneh publications. Davoudi, H. (2006). The literature for the first grade senior high school. Tehran, SAMT publications. Enayat, H. (1998). The issue of language in India. Speech. 9th period, 1st section. Fallah, M. (2010). The position of Persian language and culture in the Indian peninsula, Peninsula studies quarterly. Zahedan: University of Sistan and Baluchestan. Golchin Ma’ani, A. (2007). The caravan of India. Mashad: Atsan Qods. Haddad Adel, G. (1996). The encyclopedia of the Islamic world. Tehran: Center for the Great Islamic Encyclopedia. Haghighat, A. (2005). Universal features of the historical migration of Iranians. Tehran: Komsh publications. Hedayat, R. (2006). Biography of Riazi alArefin. Tehran: Research center for Humanities and cultural studies. Jalali Nayini, S. M. (1993). Rig Veda: 3rd edition. Tehran: Qatreh publications. Kakoroy, S. (2006). The way of meaning. New Delhi: Alhoda publications. La’l Nahro, J. (1982). Exploring India. Tehran: Amir Kabir University publications. Mahmoud, S. F., & Abedi, V. H. (2001). The history of Persian literature in the Indian peninsula. Tehran: Nashre Rahnemoon publication. Morsin, G. (2001). The literature of Iran from the beginning up to now. Tehran: Nashr Gostar publications. Mousavi, B. K. (2004). The great Islamic encyclopedia. Tehran: Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance Publication. Nadavi, S. A. (1992). History of Islamic invitation and its periods in India.Qasemi. Zahedan: Sadiqi Publication. Nasrabadi, M. T. (2001). Nasrabadi’s biography. Tehran: Asatir publications. Navab Shirazi, A. (1992). Delgosha biography. Shiraz: Navid Publication. Navayi, A. (1998). Iran’s political and economic relations in the Safavid era. Tehran: SAMT publications. Nourmohammadan, Q. (1994). An introduction to the causes of the decline of Persian language in the Indian peninsula. Tehran: Keyhan Publication Organization. Ohadi Daqaeqi, B. (2009). Arafat ol Asheqin and Arsat ol Arefin. Tehran: Asatir publications. Qahreman, M. (1990). The poetic collection of Abutaleb Kalim Hamedani. Mashad: Astan Qods. Safarzayi, A. (2008). The geography of the state Mecca during the period of Achaemenids. The collection of article in the Baluchestan history’s conference. Zahedan: Sistan and Baluchestan University Publication. Sobhani, T. (1998). Reviewing the history of Persian literature in India. Tehran: Secretariat of the Council of Language and Literature. Yousefi, Q. (1992). The poetic image of the object in Saeb’s mind, Saeb and the Indian style. Tehran: Ghatreh publications. |
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The Progress Pattern (Flourih Olgou)Alireza Sadra
pp. 221-227 | Article Number: ijese.2018.018
Abstract The discourse and the pattern of Western modernist development are prevalent in the world. The problem with this pattern is the lack of spirituality among western critics. In this case, can the Islamic Republic of Iran’s model, the Islamic Model of Progress, be presented as a rival strategy and alternative to the development model? The term flourish is a human and civil (social, economic, cultural) and political model. By pattern, we mean the pattern of human and civil flourishing (social, economic, cultural) and political. Pre-hypothesis: Similar to each political system, the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran is based on the development of its own discourse and is included its own development that is interpreted as the Iranian-Islamic model of progress. Hypothesis: The Iranian-Islamic model of progress (flourishing): economic development and political development occur simultaneously in order to cultural, spiritual and ethical development. Keywords: flourish, progress, development, pattern, constitution, Islamic, Republic, Iran, modernism References de Mendiola, M. P. (Ed.). (1996). Bridging the Atlantic: toward a reassessment of Iberian and Latin American cultural ties. SUNY Press. Foucault, Michel, Dis et ecrits (1954-1988), ed, par Daniel Defert et Franc0is Ewald, Tome III (1976-1979). Pp. 662-716. Translated in Persian by Hossien Masomy, (2013). Iran-Theran, Published by Hermes, Print6”A quoi revent Iranians”, le Nouvel Observateur, n 727. 16-22 octobre 1978, pp. 1-2. Foucault, M. (2013). Iran: The Spirit of a World without Sprit, translated in English by Alan Sherdin, translated in Pershian by Nico SarKhosh and Afshin Jahandideh, Iran-Tehran, Nei Publication, Print6. Huntington, S. P. (1993). The third wave: Democratization in the late twentieth century (Vol. 4). University of Oklahoma press. Khominy, R. (1981). Relation’s LeaderShip, Iran-Theran, Amirkabir. Rousseau, J. J. (1947). The Social Contract, introduction by Charles frankel, New York -London, Macmillan co, copyright. And Copyright © Jonathan Bennett 2017. Rousseau, Jean Jacques, The Social Contract, Principles of Political Law, Translation by Manochehr Kia, (1973). Iran-Tehran, Ganjineh Publication, Edition. And Translation by Ghlamhossein Zirakzadeh, (1962) Iran-Tehran, Chaher Publication, Edition4. Sen, A. (2015). Development as Freedom, Translated by Vahid Mahmodi, Iran-Tehran, Publication by Theran University, Prin. |
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