Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 131-142 | Article Number: ijese.2018.010
Published Online: March 03, 2018
Internal marketing is considered as an academic, scientific, and commercial knowledge of improving the level of customer satisfaction. This branch of marketing science is largely influenced by quality management and service marketing, which emphasizes the importance and necessity of creating quality throughout the service delivery process. This field of marketing science discusses the relationship between the customers and internal suppliers of the organization (employees) in creating value for foreign customers, this can be appeared as a chain of value and a tool for developing the quality of products and services and inter-organizational and outsourced interactions within the organization (Ling, 2000). Today, domestic marketing is known as a strategy to improve the performance of the organization. Related studies in this realm show that internal marketing activities will improve the organization’s competitiveness and enhance competency through empowering and motivating employees. Despite the expansion of this concept in the marketing literature, practically little use has been made of it. The internal marketing argument is that the first customers of each organization are its employees. By examining the factors affecting internal marketing, it is clear that there are many factors that affect domestic marketing. Over the past 20 years, many models have evolved from domestic marketing. In this article 12 models of them will be covered in detail. Then, in the end, they will be criticized, and these models will be examined.
Keywords: internal marketing, staff, model
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