Special Issue - (2016)
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Special Issue - (2012)
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Increasing Children’s Positive Connection To, Orientation Toward, and Knowledge of Nature through Nature Camp ExperiencesAlyssa L. San Jose & Keith E. Nelson
pp. 933-944 | Article Number: ijese.2017.062
Abstract What do children actually carry away from participating in planned activities in natural areas such as those in outdoor camps and schools? Prior research has seldom been rigorous in establishing participants’ connection to, knowledge of, and orientation toward nature before intervention, followed by a clear specification of what range of experiences in nature are included in an intervention, together with the rigorous assessment at post-test, after the educational intervention.This study provided such a design for children who attended an outdoor nature camp in the Pennsylvania woods. Fifth-grade campers (177) were administered pre-test and post-test measures. Findings demonstrated significant gains in areas of connection to, knowledge of, and orientation toward nature. Relative to prior developmental literature, the gains made by the children through their nature camp experience are particularly broad and significant. Overall, the data derived from this study show impressive impacts of a four-day outdoor nature program and will help inform future efforts to improve the quality and impact of outdoor nature camps and similar experiences in nature. Keywords: experimental design, nature awareness, nature camp, Nature Education, nature connectedness References Andrejewski, R. G. (2011). Nature connection, outdoor play, and environmental stewardship in residential environmental education (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved from Penn State Library Online. Bereiter, C. & Scardamalia, M. (1987). The psychology of written composition. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbau. Bragg, R., Wood, C., Barton, J., & Pretty, J. (2013). Measuring connection to nature in children aged 8 – 12: a robust methodology for the RSPB. University of Essex. Chawla, L. (2009). Growing up green: becoming an agent of care for the natural world. The Journal of Developmental Processes, 4 (1), 6 – 23. Erdoğan, M. (2015). The effect of summer environmental education program (SEEP) on elementary school students’ environmental literacy. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 10 (2), 165 – 181. Flower, L. & Hayes, J. R. (1981). A cognitive process theory of writing. College Composition and Communication, 32 (4), 365-387. Hartig, T., Mang, M., & Evans, G. W. (1991). Restorative effects of natural environment experiences. Environment and Behavior, 23, 3-26. Kaplan, R. & Kaplan, S. (1989). The experience of nature: A psychological perspective. New York: Cambridge University Press. Kaplan, S. & Kaplan, R. (1983). Cognition and environment: Functioning in an uncertain world. Ann Arbor, MI: Ulrich’s. Kaplan, S. (1995). The restorative benefits of nature: Toward an integrative framework. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 15, 169-182. Khan, K., Nelson, K., & Whyte, E. M. (2013). Children choose their own stories: The impact of choice on children’s learning of new narrative skills. Journal of Child Language, 41(4), 1-14. Louv, R. (2006). Last child in the woods: Saving our children from nature-deficit disorder. Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill. Nelson, K. E. & Arkenberg, M. E. (2008). Language and reading development reflect dynamic mixes of learning conditions. In M. Mody & E. R. Silliman (Eds.), Brain, behavior, and learning in language and reading disorders (pp. 315-348). New York, NY: Guilford. Pennsylvania Department of Education. (2002). Academic standards for environment and ecology. Retrieved from http://www.pde.state.pa.us/k12/lib/k12/envec.pdf. US Census Bureau. (2014). Pennsylvania State & County Quickfacts. Retrieved from http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/42000.html van den Berg, A. E. & van den Berg, A. E. (2010). A comparison of children with ADHD in a natural and built environment. Child: care, health and development, 37, 430-439. Victori, M. (1999). An analysis of writing knowledge in EFL composing: a case study of two effective and two less effective writers. System 27, 537-555. Wells, N. M. & Lekies, K. S. (2006). Nature and the life course: pathways from childhood nature experience to adult environmentalism. Children, Youth and Environments, 16 (1), 1 –24. Wells, N. M. (2000). At home with nature: effects of “greenness” on children’s cognitive functioning. Environment and Behavior, 32 (6), 775 – 795. |
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Similarities and Differences in Factors and Levels Associated with Lecturers’ Motivation and Job Satisfaction. A Comparative Study between Rwanda and ChinaSylvestre Munyengabe, Zhao Yiyi, He Haiyan & Shan Jiefei
pp. 945-964 | Article Number: ijese.2017.063
Abstract Through the comparative study between China and Rwanda we aimed to find out differences and similarities in terms of factors and levels of lecturers’ motivation and job satisfaction. One hundred forty lecturers both male and female participated in the survey by responding to the research questionnaires. The average mean for each factor and variable was calculated, compared and discussed. Both countries were found to be associated with different levels: Lecturers were at low level of motivation and job satisfaction in Rwanda while in China were at high level. The differences were mainly associated with income status, Cultural, Social and historical backgrounds. The study recommended that all analyzed factors should be taken into consideration to increase overall level of motivation and job satisfaction of lecturers in both countries. Keywords: Lecturers’ motivation; Job satisfactions; Similarities and Differences; Comparative Study, Human Development. References Akwasi Yeboah, D. A. (2016). Rural senior high school teachers’ motivation and its effect on their retention. British Journal of Education., 11(11), 84–92. Alexander, J.A., Liechtenstein, R.O., & Hellmann, E. (1998). A causal model of voluntary turn-over among nursing personnel in long term psychiatric setting. Research in Nursing and Health, 21(5), 415–427. Bao, D. (2002). Dangjin woguo zhongxiaoxue jiaoshi xintai daxing diaocha xilie baodao [A survey of primary and secondary school teachers in China]. Zhongguo Jiaoyu Bao. Retrieved from http://www.xwedu.com/xw/view?levelID=1712&infoID=724 Bennell, P., & Akyeampong, K. (2007). Teacher motivation in sub-Saharan Africa and south Asia. Educationpapers. www.dfid.gov.uk/R4D/PDF/Outputs/policystrategy /researching%0A. Retrieved on 26th June, 2016 . Bochen Pan, Xue Shen , Li Liu, Y. Y. and L. W. (2015). Factors Associated with Job Satisfaction among University Teachers in Northeastern Region of China: A Cross- Sectional Study. 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The Contribution of Vocational Students’ Learning Discipline, Motivation and Learning ResultsYussi, Syaad, & Purnomo
pp. 965-970 | Article Number: ijese.2017.064
Abstract A good vocational high school prepares students for developing capability of working independently, demonstrating professional attitude at work, and being productive which that require good learning results for the realization thereof. the learning results serve as the yardstick of students’ success. The purpose of this article is to find out the contribution of factors influencing students’ learning results comprising the learning discipline and motivation of vocational high school students. The sampling used was the industrial vocational high school students. The employment of path analysis was intended to find out the contribution of each variable. The results of the research showed that the learning discipline and motivation significantly contributed to students’ learning. The high discipline elevated the learning motivation that leads up to the enhanced learning results. Keywords: Learning Discipline, Learning Motivation, Learning Results References Andartari. (2013). Pengaruh Kemampuan Intelektual dan Motivasi Belajar Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Akuntansi Pada SMA Labschool Rawamangun. Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Bisnis, 1(1), 1-24. Anggraini,Y. (2016). Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Hasil Belajar Kompetensi Keahlian Elektronika Industri di SMKN 2 Singosari Malang. J.Pendidikan Vokasi, 8(8), 633-639. Anggraini. Y. (2017). Pengaruh Lingkungan Belajar dan Disiplin Belajar Terhadap Hasil Belajar Kompetensi Keahlian Elektronika Industri di SMK. Jurnal Pendidikan, 2(5). Asfani, K, Suswanto, H & Wibawa, A.P. (2016). Influential factors of students’ competence. World Trans. on Engng and Technol. Educ, 14(3), 416-420. Bakar, R. (2014). The Effect of learning Motivation on Student’s Productive Competencies in Vocational High School, West Sumatra. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 4(6), 722-732. Davoudi & Parpouchi,A. (2016). Relation between team motivation, enjoyment, and cooperation and learning results in learning area based on team- based learning among students of Tehran University of medical science. Proc. Social and Behavioral Sciences, 184-189. Elliott, A.J & C.S. Dweck. (2005). Handbook of competence and motivation. New York: Guilford Press. Gorbunovs. A. (2016). Self-discipline as a key indicator to improve learning outcomes in e-learning environment. Proc. Social and Behavioral Sciences, 256-262. Kim Kyong-Jee & W. Frick Theodore. (2011). Changes in Student Motivation during Online Learning. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 4(4), 1–23. McDonald, & Christine, A. (2016). Review of the contribution of the disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Science Education International, 27(4), 530-569. Narwoto & Soeharto. (2013). Faktor-faktor yang Berpengaruh terhadap Prestasi Belajar Teori Kejuruan Siswa SMK. J. Pedidikan Vokasi, 3, 2, 222-233. Olivos, P. (2016). The Relationship Between Learning Styles and Motivation to Transfer of Leraning in a Vocational Training Programme. Jurnal Suma Psicologica, 2(3), 25-32. Scubania, F.D, Tampubolon S.M. &Sumardi. (2014). Pengaruh Disiplin Belajar Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa. Bogor: FKIP Universitas Pakuan, Sumarmo, J. (2008). Minimalisai Pelanggaran Pendidikan di Sekolah Melalui Efektifitas Kinerja Tim Kedisiplinan, Jurnal SMPN Bobot Sari Purbalingga, 1(2), 1-8. Suswanto, H, Asfani,K & Wibawa, A. (2017). Contribution of teaching performance, learning satisfaction and achievement motivation to students’ competence achievement. World Trans. on Engng and Technol. Educ, 19(1), 66-71. Sutrisno. V. (2016). Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran praktik kelistrikan otomotif SMK di kota Yogyakarta. Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi, 6(1), 111-120. Thoha. I. & Wulandari, D. (2016). The Effect Of Parents Attention And Learning Discipline On Economics Learning Outcomes. Journal of Research & Method in Education, 6(2), 100-104. Tremblay,K, Lalancette,D & Roseveare,D. (2012). Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes. AHELO Feasibility Study Repor, 1(1), 16-29. Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun, (2003). Tentang sistem pendidikan nasional. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Ustun,A. & Eres, F. (2009). Disciplinary problems in secondary education: a sample of Amasya. Proc. Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1717-1725. Williams, K.C & Williams, C.C. (2013). Five key ingredients for improving student motivation. Journal Research in Higher Educ, 12(1), 1-23. |
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School Physical Education Curriculum of Iran from Experts' Perspective: "What It Is and Should Be"Hossein Nazari, Ebrahim Mirshah Jafari, Ahmad Reza Nasr, Seyed Mohammad Marandi
pp. 971-984 | Article Number: ijese.2017.065
Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the current physical education curriculum of elementary schools (first and second grades) in Iran. This is an applied study conducted using grounded theory and the research method is qualitative. The research population consisted of all professors in Iran in the field of physical education, of whom, 15 people were selected as the statistical sample using purposive sampling method. Semi-structured interviews were used as the research tool. The interview was conducted person to person and over a period of 40 to 60 minutes. Content validity was used to determine the validity of the interview. Collected data were classified and then, analyzed through the categorization method. This form contains general questions about the elements, physical education curriculum in Iran. Supervisors' constructive comments and few curriculum and physical education experts were also used and reliability of the interview was confirmed by three experts who reviewed a summary of the content and determined categories using the qualitative research methods. The results showed that the current physical education curriculum in schools is not favorable in terms of the objectives, content, and curriculum, teaching-learning strategies, and evaluation methods of knowledge, skills and attitudes and does not entirely satisfy the expectations of the physical education professionals. Experts suggested the use of studies and experiences of leading countries and the local, national, and regional capacities based on the international perspective on the current situation of physical education curriculum, needs assessment, flexibility and providing necessary infrastructure in schools. Keywords: Physical Education Curriculum, Objectives, Content, Learning Strategies, Evaluation References Akhond, M. (2016). The effect of physical activity on overweight and obesity of the police forces. Journal of Educational Development Office of Health School, 13 (49), 13-20. Eisner, E. (2002). Curriculum of theory discourse, research and practice of social efficiency curriculum (translated by Mostafa Sharif). Isfahan, Publication: SID. Eliasi, Z. (2010). Analysis of shortcomings and problems of physical education curriculum in schools. Tehran: Roshd Publications. Esmaeili, M. R. (2006). Comparative study of elementary physical education curriculum in Iran and selected countries and proposing a model. PhD thesis in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Tehran Teacher Training. Farajollahi, M. et al. (2013). Analysis of barriers in utilizing information and communication technologies in teaching and learning process from the perspective of the teachers in two districts of Qom province. Journal of Information and Communication Technologies in Educational Sciences. (3), 57-70. Fathi Vajargah, K. (2010). Educational need assessment. Tehran: Aeizh pubications Health and teaching guide of the physical education curriculum of elementary schools (2000). Department of Physical Education curriculum, Organization of Research and Educational Planning of Education Ministry. Javadipoor (2006). Designing and validating the optimal pattern of the elementary school's curriculum in Iran. sport science research in Iran. Physical Education research center, 21, 17-68. Kashef, M. (2011). A review of physical education curriculum in schools. Journal of development of physical education 40, 19-27. Mousavi, M. R. (2012). The reduction of the hours of physical education curriculum. Journal of Development of Physical Education. (43), 14-19. Osareh, F. (2003). Evaluation of the new physical education curriculum of the third grade of elementary school in implementation process of the pilot study (Phase I in academic year 2002-2003). Organization of research and educational planning, the office of planning and writing textbooks. Osareh, F. (2003). Evaluation of the new physical education curriculum of the second grade of elementary school in implementation process of the pilot study (Phase I in academic year 2002-2003). Organization of research and educational planning, the office of planning and writing textbooks. Rahmanpour, M. (2016). Analysis of current status of the Master curriculum of Educational Technology in Iran and comparison with selected countries for a suggested desirable curriculum. PhD thesis, University of Isfahan. School of Education. Ramezaninejad, R. (2008). Investigation of the physical education curriculum needs and sport in Iranian high schools. Research in Sport 23, 2-18. Razavi, A. (2001). Analysis of test book content of first-grade physical education in 2000. Education Ministry, Research Center of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. Saboonchi, R. & Mousavi, S. M. (2003). Performance analysis and prioritization of Youth and Sports Department of the Lorestan province, using data envelopment analysis. Contemporary Research in Sport Management, 6 (11), 85-97. Shaban, B. et al. (2007). Surveys and need assessment of the students regarding the physical education curriculum in secondary schools of Malayer City, Journal of Movement, (33), 153. 164. Silver et al (2003). Planning for better teaching and learning (translated by Khoeinezhad, GH.). Mashhad, Astan Quds Razavi Wiles, J. (2007). How to lead the curriculum. (Translated by Nazari, H. and Golkar, R.), First editon, Esfahan: Sarv-e Chaman. |
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Trademarks from the perspective of Iranian criminal lawSaeed Ekradi
pp. 985-992 | Article Number: ijese.2017.066
Abstract Regarding the developments of our time, the individuals’ tendency as well as legal requirements are increasing to choose a brand to differentiate a specific business character from the others and to choose a trademark to distinguish goods and services. Brands and trademarks are the central elements of marketing and the strategy for the supply of goods or services. In essence, business competition is the competition of brands and trademarks rather than merchants. The increase in the trade transactions has a direct relation with the increase of the insidious business competitions which have developed in recent decades with the use of new technologies in different ways. Currently, the most common fraud in the field of trade and the most insidious competition is the simulation of the trademarks which is considered as the most common claims in the court of justice. Hence, according to the value and commercial and economic importance of these marks and the development of science and new technologies, opportunists always seek opportunities for abuse, forgery, fraud and unauthorized exploitation of the rights of these marks. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify and strengthen the enforcement mechanisms and forecast and create an efficient and effective laws and regulations as well as preventive and supportive measures in this field. Keywords: trademark, penalty, rights, prison, court, Iran References Ardabili, Mohammad Ali (1384), General criminal law, the first volume, eighth edition, Mizan publication, Tehran. Haqiqat, Negin (1388), Rights of trademarks, Azad University Tehran Markaz Branch, thesis Implementing Regulations of the Law on Patent, Industrial Designs and Trade Marks enacted. Karimi, Mohammad Hossein (1389). trademarks in Iranian law, First Edition, Tehran, Majd Publications. Katozian, Naser (1376), Introduction to law, 22nd Edition, Tehran, Sahami publication. Khodabakhshi, Abdullah (1389), foundations and impacts of fundamental distinction between civil law and criminal law, first edition, Sahand Danesh publication, Tehran. Mir-Hosseini, Sayed Hassan (1387), Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights, Second Edition, Tehran, Mizan Publication. Mir-Hosseini, Sayed Hassan (1390), rights of trademarks, first edition, Tehran, Mizan publication. Sadeghian, Amrollah (1391), sanctions on trademarks violation in Iranian law and international system of intellectual property rights, Allameh Tabatabaei University. |
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Forecasting Temperature using Fuzzy Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms (Case Study Lorestan Province, Khorramabad City)Shokoh Khosravi
pp. 993-1006 | Article Number: ijese.2017.067
Abstract Predicting temperature is one of the most important phenomena studied in climatology studies that from the user's perspective to many human activities, especially agricultural activities linked. Planning against the dangers of this phenomenon is necessary to studies on forecasting methods and the effects of climate signals on the minimum and maximum temperature taken. Due to limitations such as insufficient data available, low accuracy and high error in Hakol statistical methods in this study using fuzzy inference nervous system and genetic algorithm in MATLAB software boxes used as an efficient method to predict temperature. The model used in this study includes a hidden layer and an output layer, fuzzy system used in this study is Sugeno model. In this method, non-linear relationships between variables are assumed. In this study, we tried to predict the minimum and maximum temperatures in the city of Khorramabad (using the variables of sunshine, and climate signals) are necessary. For this purpose, the capabilities of fuzzy neural network and genetic algorithm were used to make the prediction. Monthly and daily statistical model inputs of signals in the area of climate and sunshine period (2014-2008) and output data minimum and maximum temperature. The neuro-fuzzy model, in the period (2014-2008) in estimating the minimum was trained and the maximum temperature is conducted using a genetic algorithm in 945 years. The results indicate that the fuzzy neural network with genetic algorithm capable of more and high accuracy to predict the minimum and maximum daily temperature and monthly than usual statistical methods as temperatures with reasonable accuracy predict with a confidence level of 90%. Keywords: predicting temperature (minimum, maximum), fuzzy neural networks, genetic algorithms References A. Jain, R.W, Mc clendon, G, Hoog en Boom, R, Ramyaa, (2003) prediction of frost for fruit protect tian using artificial neural networks, American society of Agricaltural Engineers, ASAE paper, 3073-3075. Agha Moradi, Bisotoni, O, (2015) present a hybrid model based on genetic algorithms and artificial neural network to measure the credit risk of customers real Bank of Tejarat (branch of Tehran), University of Arak Ahmadi, Ismail, (2003), classified Bushehr precipitation changes using model-based self-organizing neural networks ANN (SOM) Master thesis, University of Teacher Education, Department of Geography. Ashrafi, KH, Shafipour Motlagh, Majid, Bokhar Arabi, B, Ghasemi, Laden, (2009) predicted a rise in temperature due to climate change in Iran using neural networks, NWP Conference, 80, Institute of Meteorology, Tehran B.A, smith, R.W, MC clendon, G, Hoogeboom, (2009) Artifical neural networks for automated year- round temperature prediction, computers and Electronics in Ag ricul-ture,68,52-61. B.A, smith, R.W, MCC lendon, G,H hoogenboom, (2006) Improving air temperature pre-diction with artificial neural net worles, Intelligence 3 ,179-186. Davoudi, S.M.M. (2014). Parame terization scheme utilizing a on pimentional cloud model, monthly weather Review Fernando, C, kampis,G,and Eors, S, (2000). Evolvability of Natural and Artifical systems, the European future technologies conference and Exhibition, 73-76. Ih shaish, H, cortes, A, senar, M, A, (2012) paraller multi-level Genetic Ensemble for mumerical wather prediction Enhancement, procedia computer science, 9,270-285. Kia, M., 2008, neural networks in MATLAB, publications Qian green computer Mehdi Ebrahimi, Sh, Bashari Seghale, M, (2011) modeling and prediction of monthly discharge current case study River, the fourth Iran Water Resources Management, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Rahim Zadeh, F., (2011), Statistical Methods in Meteorological Studies, Tehran, 1 Rahimzada, F, Asghari, Ahmad, (2004) a view on the difference between the minimum and maximum rate of increase in temperature and decrease in diurnal temperature range in Geographical Research, 2, 155 Shakiba, Hanieeh, (2013), to examine and forecast annual and monthly minimums studied using artificial neural networks Karaj shyi, mch, senior , M, Jeng, R.H, (2000) temperature prediction using fuzzy time series, IEEE TRAWS sactions on systemes, man, and CYBERNEtics,2,30. SU,Z,prieto,D.F,Timmermans, J, chen, X, Hunger shoefer, k,Roe beling, R, Schroder, M, schulz,J,stammes, P, wang, p,wolters,E, (2014) first results of the earth observation water cycle multi-mission observation strategy (wacmos), International Journal of Applied Earth observation and Geol imformation,26,270-285. Zahiri, R., (2013) industrial application of fuzzy logic and neural networks, 2001, Ayzairan Institute Press, 107 |
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The Communist Party in ChinaFereydon Akbarzadeh, Ali Latifinia & Nazanin Ghasemi
pp. 1007-1024 | Article Number: ijese.2017.068
Abstract During the recent three decades, China has a high economic growth and this progress hadn’t been realized unless by the policies of communist party. Communist party of China was established in July 1921. Communist party of China used to lead the people in hard battles since 1921 to 1949 and as the result, meanwhile it overthrew imperialism, feudalism and capitalism as well as bureaucratic, it founded people’s republic of China. After founding the republic of China, communist activities intensified in China. Within 1937 to 1945, China communist party became peculiarly popular among people during second war of china and Japan and communists dominated continental part of China and nationalists retreated to the small areas in Taiwan, Peng Hu and Fujian Islands. Meanwhile maintain the independence and security of the country, the people led by communist party realized transferring the Chinese society from modern democratic society to socialists one and China’s cultural and economic affairs achieved huge and unique developments. This study will investigate the role of this powerful party in china and development of this country. Keywords: China, communist Party, economic reformations, Mao, Deng Xiaoping References Acemoglu, D. Johnson, S. & Robinson, J. A. (2001). The colonial origins of comparative Agriculture ministry, deputy of planning and budget, the institution of planning and the economy of Iran agriculture institution Alison, Graham and Halperin, Morton (1972), Bureacratic Politics: a Paradigm and some Policy Implication, World Politics. Armendáriz de Aghion, B. & Morduch, J. (2005). The Economics of Microfinance. Bakhtiari Ali (2005), "China Economic Review", Political-economic information, No. 219,220 Bardhan, P. (2010). 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Comparing Quality Of Life Midwives Working In the Field Of Health with Midwives Working In the Field Of Health and Medical Treatment of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in TehranAzam Khiabani, Shahnaz Torkzahrani, Sheikhan Zohre, Malihe Nasiri
pp. 1025-1035 | Article Number: ijese.2017.069
Abstract Regarding the developments of our time, the individuals’ tendency as well as legal requirements are increasing to choose a brand to differentiate a specific business character from the others and to choose a trademark to distinguish goods and services. Brands and trademarks are the central elements of marketing and the strategy for the supply of goods or services. In essence, business competition is the competition of brands and trademarks rather than merchants. The increase in the trade transactions has a direct relation with the increase of the insidious business competitions which have developed in recent decades with the use of new technologies in different ways. Currently, the most common fraud in the field of trade and the most insidious competition is the simulation of the trademarks which is considered as the most common claims in the court of justice. Hence, according to the value and commercial and economic importance of these marks and the development of science and new technologies, opportunists always seek opportunities for abuse, forgery, fraud and unauthorized exploitation of the rights of these marks. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify and strengthen the enforcement mechanisms and forecast and create an efficient and effective laws and regulations as well as preventive and supportive measures in this field. Keywords: trademark, penalty, rights, prison, court, Iran References Ahmadian Mazhyn, N.; Abedi, Parvin; Akhund, Mohammad reza, Rahimi, Ali, Hekmat, Khadija, Ahmadian Mazhin, Zahra (2015). The relationship between work-family conflict and quality of life among midwives working in health centers of Ahvaz city. Journal of Medical Sciences, twenty-three, number seven, March 2015. Almalki MJ, Fitzgerald G, Clark M. 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Comparison of interpolation methods for modeling spatial variations of Precipitation in IranMajid Javari
pp. 1037-1054 | Article Number: ijese.2017.070
Abstract In this study, represents a new climatic modeling of monthly rainfall for Iran (1975–2014), presented with the spatially variability, patterning monthly rainfalls series available in the 140 stations and rainfall points. Eight special interpolation methods were estimated and considered: the inverse distance weighting (IDW), the ordinary kriging (OK), the simple kriging (SK), the universal kriging (UK), the indicator kriging (IK), the probability kriging (PK), the disjunctive kriging (DK) and the empirical Bayesian kriging (EBK). The results of the several methods were studied and assessed by the validation indicators, evaluating the outcomes from the methods with the actual rainfalls series and predicting various residuals amounts. The eight methods presented suitable for IDW, OK, UK and EBK than for other methods with the least RMSE (IDW=0.497, OK=0.37, UK=0.398 and EBK=0.189), and for the spatial variability, rather than another patterns, as well at 31200 rainfall points in January than 37261 points for another series. The suitable and best outcomes were realized with EBK and OK utilized for the actual rainfalls series in the Iran. The EBK and OK perfected the precision of the rainfall spatial variability analysis with respect to IDW and UK. We present a method of rainfall monthly patterns, using the EBK and OK to predict any spatial variations in the monthly rainfall for the period of 2014–2064 over Iran. Keywords: interpolation methods, spatial variations, precipitation patterns, Modeling References Ahmadi, S., & Sedghamiz, A. (2008). Application and evaluation of kriging and cokriging methods on groundwater depth mapping. 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Investigating the Views of Pre-service Science Teachers on STEM Education PracticesIbrahim Erdogan & Ayse Ciftci
pp. 1055-1065 | Article Number: ijese.2017.071
Abstract It has given importance to the development of 21st century skills in every aspect of life. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education has played an important role to improve these skills and teachers are expected to be able to organize learning environments accordingly. The purpose of this research is to examine the pre-service science teachers’ views on STEM education practices. The case study method was used in this research and participants of the research are 7 pre-service science teachers (4 female, 3 male). In the research STEM activities were applied during 8 weeks. The data of this research were collected through semi-structured interviews. The content analysis was used for data analysis and data were converted to the tables. During the interviews, it was noted that the pre-service science teachers wanted to apply STEM education when they become teachers; they wanted to get advanced knowledge about STEM education. In addition, pre-service science teachers have expressed their opinions on the basic rationale, benefits and limitations of STEM education, and have made proposals for the development and dissemination of STEM education. Pre-service science teachers learned about STEM education and how to implement it, by the help of STEM education practices that was conducted within the scope of this research. Pre-service teachers who are future teachers need to be informed and trained about STEM education. Keywords: STEM education practices, science education, pre-service science teachers’ views References Akbaba, C. (2017). Okullarda maker ve steam eğitim hareketlerinin incelenmesi. Master Project, Trakya University. Akyıldız, P. (2014). Fetemm eğitimine dayalı öğrenme-öğretme yaklaşımı. In G. E. Editor (Ed.), Etkinlik örnekleriyle güncel öğrenme-öğretme yaklaşımları-I (pp. 978-605). Ankara: Pegem Akademi, 566 p. Altan, E. B., Yamak, H., & Kırıkkaya, E. B. (2016). 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Investigating energy literacy and its structural model for lower secondary students in JapanYutaka Akitsu, Keiichi N. Ishihara, Hideyuki Okumura & Eiji Yamasu
pp. 1067-1095 | Article Number: ijese.2017.072
Abstract Energy literacy is indispensable for a sustainable society, which is fostered and improved by formal and informal energy education. To achieve the goal of energy education, which develops a well-informed public with positive attitudes toward energy conservation and the ability to make appropriate decisions regarding future energy choices, we must understand the status of students’ energy literacy and its conceptual structure. By employing and modifying the energy literacy framework and instrument developed by DeWaters & Powers (2013), energy literacy and its structural model for students in Japan were investigated through a survey for 1316 lower secondary students (ages 13–15) in 2014. It was found that female students and students who have family discussions about energy-related issues scored higher than their counterparts. Students in Fukushima scored lower than those in Tokyo and Kyoto/Nagasaki. The energy literacy structure model was described by six predictors by structure equation modeling, where energy-saving behavior was predicted by both the awareness of consequences and the ascription of responsibility. Both the awareness of consequences and the ascription of responsibility were predicted by basic energy knowledge through the cognition of environmental issues. The prediction of energy-saving behavior by the awareness of consequences indicates the role of bonding between the relevant knowledge on energy and the environmental issues and energy-saving behavior. A moderation analysis found that (1) the effect of the cognition of environmental issues on responsibility depends on gender, and the magnitude of its effect did not necessarily depend on the amount of knowledge; (2) the indirect effect of responsibility toward energy-related issues on energy-saving behavior through energy-use conscious behavior seems to decrease with grade progression; and (3) the indirect effect of the awareness of consequences on energy-saving behavior through energy-use conscious behavior depends on the region. Keywords: Energy literacy, Energy literacy structure model, Moderation analysis, Lower secondary school students in Japan References Adachi, N., Adamovitch, V., Adjovi, Y., Aida, K., Akamatsu, H. Akiyama, S.,... Zuclarelli, E. (2016). 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Developing an Entrepreneurship Module by Using Product-Based Learning Approach in Vocational EducationAsmar Yulastri, Hendra Hidayat, Ganefri, Syaiful Islami, Fuji Edya
pp. 1097-1109 | Article Number: ijese.2017.073
Abstract Boring lecturers and irrelevant learning materials needed by students caused the students are less motivated to learn entrepreneurship course in vocational education. It is caused by the learning materials that will be delivered by the lectures can be predicted by the students. Thus, a relevant and supplementary support is much needed which can be in form of a module to learn entrepreneurship in order to make entrepreneurial learning in vocational education more interesting for the students. This article aims to describe the development of entrepreneurship module by using Product-Based Learning Approach which is valid, practice and effective. This research utilized Research and Development study. This research used ADDIE (Analyzing, Designing, Developing, Implementation and Evaluation) model. The validity, the practicality and the effectiveness of the module were analyzed descriptively. The results of this research are: 1) an entrepreneurship module by using Product-Based Learning Approach is produced; 2) the result of the content validity of this module is 0.89, the format validity is 0.86 and the presentation validity is 0.88; 3) the practicality of the module gathered from lecturers’ respond is very practice (87.50%) and from students’ response is (81.63%); 4) the effectiveness of the module is categorized as effective to improve the students’ achievement by gain score-test (0.53) at average category. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the module used Product-Based Learning Approach is valid, practice and effective to improve the quality of entrepreneurial learning process in vocational education. Keywords: Entrepreneurship Module, Product-Based Learning, Vocational Education References Ahmad Fauzi., Patta Bundu & Suradi Tahmir. (2016). 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Turkish Elementary Students’ Classroom Discourse: Effects of Structured and Guided Inquiry Experiences That Stimulate Student Questions and CuriosityIbrahim Erdogan
pp. 1111-1137 | Article Number: ijese.2017.074
Abstract This study focuses on structured and guided inquiry instruction regarding question asking behaviors and curiosity of elementary students in Turkey. 177 sixth graders in 8 science courses were randomly assigned to treatment groups. Analysis of the data revealed that students in the guided inquiry groups asked higher-cognitive level questions and were more encouraged to go beyond retaining a given body of information or simply following instructions compared with others. Students in the guided inquiry groups were found asking questions about electric circuits and providing explanations for their observations and testing hypotheses related to their observations. Through these experiences, students were afforded opportunities to think creatively and cultivate their imaginative spirits. These are seen as initial steps in attracting students to doing real science. 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Fashion and Sustainability: Increasing Knowledge About Slow Fashion Through an Educational ModuleRachel Preuit & Ruoh-Nan (Terry) Yan
pp. 1139-1154 | Article Number: ijese.2017.075
Abstract The purpose of this study is to understand whether exposure to education about slow fashion regarding its environmental benefits would influence consumers’ knowledge, attitudes, and purchase intentions toward slow fashion apparel and also to investigate whether knowledge about and attitude toward slow fashion would influence young adult consumers’ purchase intentions toward slow fashion. College-aged students were recruited and a mixed-method approach with three phases of data collection was implemented, including a focus group, a pre-educational survey along with an educational module, and a post-educational survey to all participants from the pre-educational survey. The final sample for analyses included 163 participants. Paired-sample t-tests showed that the module significantly improved the participants’ objective knowledge and subjective knowledge of, and attitudes toward slow fashion; however, their purchase intentions toward slow fashion remained unchanged. Results also indicated that subjective knowledge and attitude positively predicted purchase intention toward slow fashion. Findings suggest that a 30 minute educational module in the power point format made a significant, positive impact on young adult consumers’ knowledge of and attitudes toward slow fashion. This study expanded the slow fashion research through the incorporation of an educational module which was found to improve consumer knowledge and attitude toward slow fashion. Keywords: educating for sustainability, behavior change, attitude, knowledge, slow fashion, purchase intention References Arvola, A., Vassallo, M., Dean, M., Lampila, P., Saba, A., Lähteenmäki, L., & Shepherd, R. (2008). Predicting intentions to purchase organic food: The role of affective and moral attitudes in the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Appetite, 50(2), 443-454.. Beard, N. D. (2008). The branding of ethical fashion and the consumer: a luxury niche or mass-market reality?. 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A Democracy of Experience: Significant Life Experiences of Appalachian Trail Thru-hikersVanessa Ann Klein
pp. 1155-1173 | Article Number: ijese.2017.076
Abstract This study examined the Significant Life Experiences (SLE) behind Appalachian Trail (AT) thru-hikers’ choices to engage in an intense nature/outdoor experience. To more deeply understand the contexts of hikers’ SLE a naturalist inquiry research method was used. Data sources consisted of in-depth interviews, observations, and researcher journaling. A constant comparative analysis method (Glaser & Strauss, 1967) was used in data analysis. In this study, it was found that childhood experience in nature was an important factor in participants’ decisions to undertake an intense nature experience. This is in line with what the current SLE literature reveals. However, the study also found that childhood interaction with the outdoors was not strictly necessary, nor did it always result in an environmentally minded adult. Looking at a democracy of experience reveals that SLE do not always result in an environmental individual, nor are they necessary to becoming an environmental individual Keywords: significant life experiences, Appalachian Trail, hikers, : Environmental education (EE) References Appalachian Trail Conservancy. (2012). About the Trail. Retrieved from http://www.appalachiantrail.org/about-the-trail Appalachian Trail Conservancy. (2012). Hiking. Retrieved from http://www.appalachiantrail.org/hiking Arnold, H. E., Cohen, F. G., & Warner, A. (2009). Youth and environmental action: Perspectives of young environmental leaders on their formative influences. The Journal of Environmental Education, 40(3), 27-36. Carspecken, P. F. (1996). Critical Ethnography in Educational Research: A Theoretical and Practical Guide. New York, NY: Routledge. Catling, S., Greenwood, R., Martin, F., & Owens, P. (2010). Formative experiences of primary geography educators. 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Perceptions of College Students Towards Climate Change, Environmental, and Tourism Issues: A Comparative Study in Botswana and the USNaomi N. Moswete, Haretsebe Manwa, Helen Purkitt
pp. 1175-1193 | Article Number: ijese.2017.077
Abstract This exploratory study used a comparative cross-sectional research design and survey data to describe and compare attitudes of undergraduate students about climate change and environmental issues at the University of Botswana in Gaborone and the U.S. Naval Academy (USNA) located in Annapolis, Maryland during the spring of 2011. Two important patterns emerged in the survey responses. The first was a consistently large percent difference between students in the US and Botswana on issues related to climate change, tourism, and other environmental issues. Batswana students overwhelmingly shared similar perceptions on most issues regardless of their discipline. The only difference between perceptions of Botswana students majoring in Environmental Science and those majoring in Business was with regards to the impact of climate change on future attractiveness of their area. We conclude that climate change issues should be integrated into courses, subjects or programmes in Universities or colleges of education across African institutions and the developed world. Also, college students who live in urban centres should be exposed to rural environs through field-based courses or subjects regardless of their majors and geographic areas of abode. Both governments could use these results to formulate climate change policy with an inclination to nature-based tourism industry. Keywords: tourism, perceptions, students, climate change, environment, midshipmen, Botswana, USA References Achenbach, J. Eilperin, J. (2011, August). Climate-change science makes for hot politics. Washington Post. Amelung, B. Nicholls, S. Viner, D. (2007). Implications of global climate change for tourism flows and seasonality. Journal Travel Research. 45, 285 - 296. Becken, S. Hay, J.E. (2007). Tourism and climate change: Risks and opportunities. Channel-view. Clevedon. Bigano, A. 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Environmental Literacy of K–10 Student CompletersMichael B. Nunez & Michael A. Clore
pp. 1195-1215 | Article Number: ijese.2017.078
Abstract This study aimed to investigate the environmental literacy of K-10 student completers. The quantitative research design, specifically, the non-experimental descriptive-correlational design was used to determine the students’ level of environmental knowledge and sensitivity, identify the students’ environmental attitudes and behaviors, and determine the correlation between students’ environmental knowledge, attitudes, sensitivity, and behaviors. Exploratory factor analysis design was used to clarify the underlying dimensionality of environmental literacy of the students and to disentangle the complex interrelationships among various aspects of environmental literacy and eventually identify the variables that go together as unified concept. A total of 614 out of 759 students (81%) currently enrolled in a senior high school in one university were asked to participate in the study. Results showed that the student completers of K-10 grade levels have moderate level of environmental literacy and environmental knowledge and behavior and high level of environmental attiude and sensitivity. Students who are more knowledgeable about the environment have strong sensitivity and attitudes but do not necessarily have strong pro-environmental behaviors. Thus, although students may have pro-environment knowledge, this knowledge is not necessarily translated into positive behaviors towards the environment. Lastly, environmental literacy of the students has three broad dimensions of blended environmental attitude and sensitivity, pro-environmental behaviors and environmental knowledge. The results imply that the science curriculum and instruction in these grade levels did not fail in their instruction but much is still to be done to achieve the highest degree ofenvironmental knowledge, pro-environmental behaviors, positive environmental attitudes and environmental sensitivity. Keywords: environmental literacy, environmental knowledge, environmental behavior, environmental attitide, environmental sensitivity References Alp, E., Ertepinar, H., Tekkaya, C., Yilmaz, A. (2006). A study on children’s environmental knowledge and attitudes: The effect of grade level and gender. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education,15, 210-223. Bogan, M.B., &kromrey, J.D. (1996). Measuring the Environmental Literacy of High School Students. Florida Bradley,, J.C., Waliczek, T.M., Zajicek, J.M. (1999). Relationship between environmental knowledge and environmental attitude of high school students. The Journal of Environmental Education, 30 (3) (1999), pp. 17-21. 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A Longitudinal Essay Analysis of Noyce Scholars’ Growth in Self-View on Teaching Science in High-Needs School DistrictsPaul Bischoff, Paul French, John Schaumloffel
pp. 1217-1232 | Article Number: ijese.2017.080
Abstract In the United States, principal investigators of the National Science Foundation’s Noyce Scholars program are challenged with identifying college STEM majors who have a fledgling interest in science teaching and preparing them to teach in high-needs school districts. The purpose of this longitudinal research project was to quantitatively and qualitatively identify STEM majors’ self-view on becoming a science teacher when they applied to one college campus based, Noyce Scholars program, and to describe how their self-view on becoming a science teacher in a high-needs school district evolved from their college years into their early careers as science teachers. To address the purpose of the study, researchers quantitatively analyzed emergent themes in a series of three reflective essays written by sixteen Noyce Scholars over a five-year period. The first essay was part of their Noyce Scholars program application; the second essay was written approximately three-years later during their undergraduate coursework; and the final essay was written during their induction year as a science teacher in a high-needs school district. Essay analyses revealed that the Noyce scholars’ self-view of teaching science in high-needs schools spreads from a narrow focus on personal experiences as students, to an in-service self-view characterized by broad understandings of some of the challenges, rewards and pedagogical competencies needed to teach science in a high-needs school. Keywords: disposition, high-needs, Noyce scholars, reflection, self-view References Adamson, F., & Darling-Hammond, L. (2012). Funding disparities and the inequitable distribution of teachers: Evaluating sources and solutions. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 20(37), 1-41. Authors (2014). School Science & Mathematics Bower, J., van Kraayenoord, C., & Carroll, A. 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Post-occupancy assessment of thermal environment in classroomsArhab-Saidi Fatma, Djebri Boualem, Saidi Hemza
pp. 1233-1247 | Article Number: ijese.2017.082
Abstract In this paper, we present our main results of the post occupancy evaluation of thermal comfort of two primary schools constructed following the same plane, situated in two different climate zones. The first stage of the work consisted on measurements using meteorological equipments. These measurements are used to quantify the physical parameters of the thermal atmosphere, such as temperature, rate of relative humidity and wind speed prevailing inside classrooms. The second step aims to support the results of the first stage; and it is a psychological investigation using inquiry with users. Keywords: evaluation, thermal comfort, psychological factors References Mazalto m. (2005). «Une école pour réussir : l’effet établissement » ; édition l’Harmattan. Paris. M.E.N (2012). « Rapport des Statistiques des Ecoles Primaires en Algérie », par le Ministère de l’Education National 2011-2012. Ould-Henıa A. (2003). « Choix climatiques et construction zones arides et semi arides la maison a cour de Bou-Saâda ». Thèse de docteur es sciences dans le domaine de l’architecture. Lausanne, EPFL. |
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Campus Adaptations of Engineering Undergraduates across Academic YearsNS Vijayalakshmi & Aloysius Henry Sequeira
pp. 1241-1267 | Article Number: ijese.2017.083
Abstract The study aims to empirically test the relationship between types of campus adaptations across academic years of engineering undergraduate B. Tech students pursuing a four-year study at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT’s) and National Institute of Technology (NIT’s) in India. The Multivariate Analysis of Variance (Manova) test was run with SPSS vs. 21 to compare the student’s campus adaptations of IIT’s and NIT’s by student’s academic year level. Multistage random sampling with n = 1420 students were selected comprising of Multistage random sampling with n = 1420 students were selected comprising of first academic year (n = 160), second academic year (n = 273), third academic year (n = 460) and fourth academic year (n = 561). In academic adaptation, first year and second year students had negative outcomes with third and fourth year students having positive outcomes. In Social Adaptation, first year and fourth year students had negative outcomes with second and third year having positive outcomes. In physical – psychological and institutional adaptation, only second year students had negative outcomes with first, third and fourth year had positive outcomes driving towards mental well-being and successful completion. Campus adaptations do vary across academic years influencing student’s experiences at IIT’s and NIT’s. Keywords: transition, academic year, engineering student References Abdel-Salam, T., Kaufftnann, P., & Williamson, K. (2005). A case study: do high school GPA/SAT scores predict the performance of freshmen engineering students? In Proceedings Frontiers in Education 35th Annual Conference (pp. 7–11). http://doi.org/10.1109/FIE.2005.1612225 Abdullah, “Maria Chong” ., Elias, H. ., Uli, J. ., & Mahyuddin, R. . (2010). 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The Development of Performance Assessment of Stem-Based Critical Thinking Skill in the High School Physics LessonsFikroturrofiah Suwandi Putri & Edi Istiyono
pp. 1269-1281 | Article Number: ijese.2017.081
Abstract This research aims to produce an assessment instrument of STEM-based critical thinking skill which meets the feasibility criteria. This development research refers to the model developed by Borg & Gall and is modified using the development model instruments developed by Oriondo & Antonio. The research subjects were one senior high school Physics teacher, 129 tenth grade students, and 331 eleventh grade students of senior high school. The data gathering was carried out using self-evaluation sheets, observation rubric, students’ worksheets (LKPD) and reportscoring rubrics, and a test instrument on critical thinking skill. The research results show that the developed performance assessment has fulfilled the content validity based on the evaluation by 3 experts and 3 practitioners. The reliability of all the rubrics in the performance assessment is categorized as very high. The Test on critical thinking skill consisting of 72 items was declared fit usingPCM and the level of difficulty of the items ranged between -0.69 and 1.14, which implies good category. The test also had a reliability coefficient of 0.81 and was categorized as very high and suitable to measure the students whose ability ranged from -1.60 to 1.70 in the logit scale. In addition, teachers and students gave positive responses to the application of the developed assessment. Therefore, the developed performance assessment of STEM-based critical thinking skill has fulfilled the feasibility criteria to be applied in the senior high school physics class. Keywords: Performance Assessment, critical thinking skill, STEM, physics subject References Aiken, L. R. (1985). Three coefficients for analyzing the reliability and validity of ratings. Educational and Psychological Measurement, (45), 131-142. Arends, R.I. (2012). Learning to teach (9th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Azwar, S. (2016). 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Science Teacher Candidates' Attitudes and Opinions Concerning Nuclear Power Plants: a Nuclear Research Reactor TripDündar Yener, Pelin Aksüt & Naciye Somuncu-Demir
pp. 1283-1297 | Article Number: ijese.2017.084
Abstract When the fact that information changes and increases very quickly today is taken into account, individuals' ability to adapt to this change shows parallelism with the education they will receive. This study aims to determine the effect of a planned technical trip made to the Nuclear Research Reactor located in Istanbul Technical University Energy Institute campus on science teacher candidates' attitudes and opinions. The research, quantitative data of which were collected by the "Nuclear Power Plants Attitude Scale" developed by Özdemir and Çobanoğlu (2008) and qualitative data of which were collected by a semi-structured interview form developed by the researchers, was designed as a mix-method research in which both methods are used together. In the study, a planned technical trip to a nuclear reactor was organized along with 17 teacher candidates studying in the 4th year (or senior year) of Science Teaching at Abant Izzet Baysal University. As a result of the research, a significant change was determined in teacher candidates' attitudes concerning nuclear power plants. In addition, 9 semi-structured interview questions were applied to the teacher candidates before and after the trip. As a result of the content analysis performed, 22 codes in total were identified under 4 theme titles, and a positive increase in terms of quality was determined in teacher candidates' opinions after the trip. Based on these findings, it can be said that candidate teachers' opinions on nuclear power plants to be established in our country changed for the establishment of nuclear power plants in our country by the effect of the technical trip made. Keywords: informal learning, socio-scientific topics, technical trip, nuclear power plants, attitude References Ay, Y., Anagün, Ş.S. ve Demir, Z.M. (2015). Sınıf Öğretmeni Adaylarının Fen Öğretiminde Okul Dışı Öğrenme Hakkındaki Görüşleri. 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Developing Connections Between Integrated Laboratory Practices and First-Year Undergraduate Nature of Science (NOS) UnderstandingMargery A. Gardner
pp. 1299-1315 | Article Number: ijese.2017.085
Abstract This study featured findings from a three-year National Science Foundation (NSF) funded research project at a STEM focused college. ‘Project Synapse’ was developed to build relevance between disciplines through authentic collaborations between biology and chemistry content. Integrated science practices were explicitly addressed during investigations of interdisciplinary topics such as microscopy and redox reactions. This study focused on the impact of one integrated laboratory- based intervention on student nature of science (NOS) understanding. Using a previously validated survey, Views on Nature of Science (VNOS), student NOS knowledge was assessed at the beginning and end of the academic school year. Structured interviews were conducted to gather a more in-depth understanding of student thinking. Additional qualitative data sets included participant observations of labs, interviews with in instructors, and focus groups with students. Project Synapse students performed better on both the pre and post assessments of NOS understanding. At the close of the academic year, Project Synapse students scored higher in the domains of inference and theoretical entities in science and nature of scientific theories as compared to students not exposed to the model. Students in both the control and experimental group struggled to discriminate between theories and laws or provide specific examples. his integrated model offered a more authentic look at the actual practices of science through investigations that extended beyond a single subject area. Findings suggest that this collaborative instructional model may provide greater opportunities to address NOS content throughout the school year. Keywords: science teaching, integrated STEM education, Nature of Science (NOS), curriculum development, higher education References Capps, D. K. & Crawford, B. A. (2013). Inquiry-based instruction and teaching about nature of science: Are they happening?. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 24(3), 497-526. Harre, R. (1984). The Philosophies of Science: An Introductory Survey (2nd ed.) Oxford: Oxford University Press. Harwood, W. S. (2004). A new model for inquiry. Journal of College Science Teaching, 33(7), 29-33. Lederman, N. G. (1992). Students' and teachers' conceptions of the nature of science: A review of the research. Journal of research in science teaching, 29(4), 331-359. Lederman, N. G., Abd‐El‐Khalick, F., Bell, R. L. & Schwartz, R. S. (2002). Views of nature of science questionnaire: Toward valid and meaningful assessment of learners' conceptions of nature of science. Journal of research in science teaching, 39(6), 497-521. McComas, W. F. (2002). The principal elements of the nature of science: Dispelling the myths. In The nature of science in science education (pp. 53-70). Springer Netherlands. McComas, W. F. & Olson, J. K. (2002). The nature of science in international science education standards documents. In The nature of science in science education (pp. 41-52). Springer Netherlands. McComas, W. F., Almazroa, H. & Clough, M. P. (1998). The nature of science in science education: An introduction. Science & Education, 7(6), 511-532. Osbourne, J. (2014). Teaching science practices: Meeting the challenge of change. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 25, 177-196. Posner, G. J., Strike, K. A., Hewson, P. W. & Gertzog, W. A. (1982). Accommodation of a scientific conception: Toward a theory of conceptual change. Science education, 66(2), 211-227. Ryan, A. G. & Aikenhead, G. S. (1992). Students' preconceptions about the epistemology of science. Science Education, 76(6), 559-580. Sardag, M. Auydin, S., Kalendar, N., Tortumlu, S., Ciftci, M. & Perihanoglu, S. (2014). The integration of nature of science in the new secondary physics, chemistry, and biology curricula. Education and Science, 39(174), 233-248. Wahbeh, N., & Abd-El-Khalick, F. (2014). Revisiting the Translation of Nature of Science Understandings into Instructional Practice: Teachers' nature of science pedagogical content knowledge. International Journal of Science Education, 36(3), 425-466. Zeidler, D. L. & Kahn, S. (2014). Introduction and background to socioscientific issues in It’s Debateable! Using Socioscientific Issues to Develop Scientific Literacy and Citizenship (p. 1-30). Arlington, VA: NSTA Press. |
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Cancer Nanotechnology: Hopes and HurdlesSyed Abdul Kuddus, Samiul Alam Rajib, Farjana Abedin
pp. 1317-1340 | Article Number: ijese.2017.079
Abstract Nanotechnology has opened a new era for the treatment and diagnosis of cancer, which is one of the leading causes of death in the 21st century. Using nanotechnology different engineered particles, known as naoparticles has born. Nanoparticles have provided several opportunities to deal with cancer in a more convenient way which are useful to overcome the drawbacks of the conventional cancer treating and diagnosing method. This article is an overview of the opportunities provided by nanotechnology, especially nanoparticles such as, liposomes, dendrimers, fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, solid lipid, paramagnetic and super paramagnetic, ceramic, gold, quantum dots, polymers to deal with cancer and the challenges needed to overcome for proper utilization of them. Keywords: Nanoparticle, Nanotechnology, Opportunities, Challenges, Conventional. References Akash Yadav, M. G., Dinesh Kumar Jain. (2011). Nano-medicine based drug delivery system. 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Lead Pollution in Flint, Michigan, U.S.A. and Other CitiesJonathan A. Ladapo, Abdul K. Mohammed & Veronica C. Nwosu
pp. 1341-1351 | Article Number: ijese.2017.086
Abstract Flint, Michigan was recently faced with lead contamination that affected 6,000-12,000 children. The contamination led to the death of 10 people as a result of Legionnaires’ disease. Exposure to lead has long term health effects including neurological problems in children, kidney failure and cancer. The contamination in Flint, MI was due to the leaching of old lead pipes into the water supply system. The problem started when the authorities switched the water supply from the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department to the Karegnondi Water Authority. The river water required more chlorine as compared to the lake water and hence the cause of the lead leaching. The problem could have been solved earlier had the authorities responded timely to the concerns of the users about the changes in the water color and odor. Some officials were found to have falsified the tests and test results. The State and Federal governments finally intervened with promises to remove all the lead pipes. The US President approved the provision of funds and personally visited the city. Several law suits were filed but the nature of the legislation made it difficult for the top officials to be prosecuted. Four officials were, however, dismissed with one being prosecuted. The problem can be attributed to negligence. Other cities have also faced similar lead water pollutions including Washington DC, Durham NC, Greenville MS, Sebring OH and Columbia SC. The research methodology involved the use of secondary sources for data collection and analysis. Keywords: Lead contamination, water quality, pollution level, drinking water, Flint References Baskarada, S. (2014). Qualitative case study guidelines. The Qualitative Report 19(40), 1-25. Binns, C. & Wah, Y. L. (2016). Environmental Challenges Facing Public Health in 2016. Asia- Pacific Journal of Public Health, 28(3), 204-205. Gostin, L. O. (2016) Lead in the water: A tale of social and Environmental injustice. Journal of the American Medical Association, 315(19), 2053-2054. Hanna-Attisha, M., LaChance, J., Sadler, R.C., & Schnepp, A. C. (2016). Elevated blood lead levels in children associated with the Flint drinking water crisis: a spatial analysis of risk and public health response. American Journal of Public Health, 106(2), 283-290. Hopwood, J. D., Derrick, G. R., Brown, D. R., Newman, C. D., Haley, J., Kershaw, R. & Collinge, M. (2016). The Identification and Synthesis of Lead Apatite Minerals Formed in Lead Water Pipes. Journal of Chemistry, vol. 2016, Article ID 9074062, 11 pages, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/9074062 Jones, D. (2016). United Sates: King’s unfinished revolution. Green Left Weekly 1081, 20. Kausahal, S. S. (2016). Increased salinization decreases safe drinking water. Environmental Science and Technology, 50(6), 2765-2766. Kirchhoff, M. M. (2016). Communicating Chemistry in Informal Environments: A Framework for Chemists. Journal of Chemical Education, 93(6), 981–983 Laidlaw, M. A. S., Filippelli, G. M., Sadler, R. C., Gonzales, C. R., Ball, A. S. & Mielke, H. W. (2016). Children’s blood lead seasonality in Flint Michigan (U.S.A.) and soil sourced lead hazard risks. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(4), 358-371. Markel, Howard. (2016). Remember Flint. The Milbank Quarterly 94(2), 229-236. Mielke, Howard W. (2016). Editorial: Lead Risk Assessment and Health Effects. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(6), 587. Ryder, S. (2016). The Flint Water Crisis and Beyond. Climate Change and Indigenous People, 23-24. Schlieber, M. & Neuharth-Pritchett, S. (2016). Sources of Lead and steps to reduce lead exposure in homes, child care and early learning environments. Childhood Education, 3, 175-183. Schnoor, J. L. (2016). Recognizing water pipes as community health hazards. Journal of Chemical Education, 93(4), 581-582. Washington, S. H. & Foster, S. R. (2016). The legal discourse surrounding the water crisis in Flint, Michigan: Interview with Sheila R. Foster. Environmental Justice, 9(2), 59-64. |
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A Model to Predict Academic Performance based on the Components of Emotional Intelligence, Problem Solving Skills and Achievement Motivation among Students of Smart and Ordinary SchoolIsmail Sadipour, Soghra Ebrahimi Ghavam, Noorali Farrokhi, Hassan Assadzadeh, Nahid Sameti
pp. 1353-1369 | Article Number: ijese.2017.087
Abstract Improving the academic performance of students is one of the main concerns of authorities in education fields. The science of psychology and education experts has tried to help research and studies, to identify factors affecting the academic performance of students. Previously cognitive abilities as one of the most important determinants of academic performance is recognized, but gradually it became clear non-cognitive factors such as emotional intelligence play prominent role in the academic performance of students. Children who have high emotional intelligence, in the use of problem-solving skills show higher abilities, which results in improving the cognitive ability of these students. The aim of this study provide a model predicting academic performance based on the components of emotional intelligence, problem-solving skills and achievement motivation among students of ordinary and smart school. The study in term of method is predictive- correlational. The population in this study consisted of all high school students in Tehran using multi-stage cluster sampling 583 students were selected as sample. The results showed that the direct effect of emotional intelligence and achievement motivation on students 'academic performance is significant, but direct effect of problem-solving skills on students' academic performance is not significant. The direct effect of emotional intelligence and achievement motivation on students' academic performance in smart schools is significantly higher than its impact on the academic performance of students in ordinary schools. There was any significant direct difference between problem solving skills and academic performance of students in smart and ordinary schools. So it can be concluded that the role of smart schools in important variables such as emotional intelligence, achievement motivation and academic performance makes the role of smart schools brighter and stronger. 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The Explaining look and critique of Eckankar’s Cosmology According to the Islamic TeachingAbdolreza Mahmoudi, Maryam Shamsaei
pp. 1371-1389 | Article Number: ijese.2017.088
Abstract In Eckankar cosmology, the immediate creation of the universe is rejected, instead, the creation has relied on some factors called “ECK” or the other names. In creation process (gradually or suddenly), the Eckankar school believes in gradual creation, and sometimes express some terms which indicate the eternal essence of the creatures, unlike the opinions of the Islamic philosophers who believe in temporal occurrence or essential occurrence of the creatures. In goals of creation, it believes in some goals such as growth and perfection of the soul and evaluation and examine of the human, which are relatively in accordance with Islamic teaching. In finitude or infiniteness of the universe, the Eckankar believes in infiniteness of the universe contrary to the Islamic viewpoint. In order of the world and creation of the universe, the concepts of this school resemble the creation's myth. For instance, the Hesiod’s myth looks like the PaulTwitchell's words, which are criticized in this study. In administration and management of the world, this school believes in full utilization of God from some intermediates and takes advantage of Hindu trinity. Accordingly, in this study authors tries to review the Eckankar’s view point about cosmology, then it criticized according to Islamic philosophers and theologians. Methods: The study’s method is descriptive – explaining, along with critical view that has reintegrated in six parts. Results: Finally, it is pointed that most of the Eckankar school’s words in creation were based on the mythical concepts and have no capability or similarity with the religious texts specially Islamic ones, Because according to Islamic ones. Because according to Islamic teaching the world creation is meaningful and purposive. Keywords: cosmology, Paul Twitchell ,Eckankar, Eck, ki- Sugmad, Mahanta References B. Nas, J. (1988). Tarikh Jami Adyan, Trans. Hekmat. A.A., Edi. 9, Tehran: Ebmi Farhangi publication, p.118 Bible (2007). letter to Philippian,2:6-7 Book of Genesis,1:26-27 Durat, W. (1966). TarikhTamaddon, Abu Talebsarami, Tehran: Eghbal,p.720 Farabi, Abou nasr(1975). Arao ahl-el-madinah-al-fazelah,Tehran:Roz,p.66 Feiz kashani, M. (1979). Elmol- Yaghin fi osul al- din, Qum: Bidar,p.229-233 Hafez Shirazi, Sh,M. (2005). Divan Hafez Shirazi, Tehran: Amirkhani,p.51 Ibn Abi- Esbaa, (1989). Badia al- Quran, Trans. Mouluhi, Mashhad: Astan Quds Razavi,p.152 Ibn Sina, H(1950). al- Isharat&Tanbihat, Tehran: Tehran university,p.67,83 Jorjani, A. Gh. (1989). Dalael al- Ejaz, Mashhad: Astan Quds Razavi,p:54 Khomeini, S. R (2015). Interpretation of fourthy traditions,Qom,p.635-636 Lahiji, A. R. (1983) sarmayeh Iman, Tehran:al-Zahra, p.340 Maimonides,moses (2013) Guide for the perplexed, publisher: Empire Books,p.25 Mirdamad, N.B. (1997) Taghvimal- Iman, Tehran: Islamic study Onstitutution,p.224-225 Qumi Qazi, s (1994). SharhTouhidsadugh, Tehran: TabaahNashrsInstiteute, p.351 Sadr al- Moteallehin Shirazi, M. (1998). SharhosulKafi, Tehran: cultural research and study Institute,p.151-153 Sadr- al- Moteallehin Shirazi, M. (1999). Resalah fi al- Hodus, Tehran: HekmatIslamisadra,3:127 Sadr al- moteallehinShirazi, M. (2007). Asrar al- Ayat, Trans. Khajavi, M., Tehran: moula, p.86 Sadral- MoteallehinShirazi, M. (1999) al- Hekmat al- Motealieh fi Asfar al- Aghliah al- Arbaah, Tehran: MotbaahHeidari. 6:110-136 Sohravardi, Sh.D. (2000). Hayakel al- Noor, Tehran: Noghteh,3:99 Sohravardi, Sh.D. (2001). Alvah al- Emadi, Tehran: cultural and Humanities Institute, 3:150 Soyooti, A. (1987). Etghan fi olum al- Quran, Beirut: al- Maktabah al- Asaviah,3:143 Tabatabaee, M.H. (1983). Nahayat al- Hikmat, Qum: NashrIslami,p.273 Tabatabaei, M.H., (1996) al-Mizan fi Tafsir al-Quran, Beirut: A’alami,p.7:291,8:165,187 Tabatabaei,M.H. (2009). The way of mysticism,qom: Ayate eshragh,p.50 Twitchell,P (1988). Far country , publisher: illuminated way press,collection :universallibrary,p.46-105 Twitchell,P(1988). The spiritual notebook , publisher :Eckankar , 2 edition , 2010 Twitchell,P(1998). Theshariyat – ki – sugmad,vol 1,publisher : eckankar,p.20-120 Twitchell,P(1999). Theshariyat – ki – sugmad,vol 2, publisher : Eckankar,p.86,87,194 Twitchell,paul (2010). The flute of God , publisher: Eckankar,2edition,p.127 Zarkeshi, M. (2007). al- Borhan fi olum al- Quran, Beirut: Dar al- kotob al- Elmiah,2:313 Zhiran, F. (1996). FarhangAsatirYunan (Greece myth Glossary), Trans. Ismaeelpur, A. Gh., Tehran: FekrRuz,p.15-16 |
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The Relationship between Ethics and Politics in the View of Islam and Muslim ScholarsMaryam Shamsaei , Abdolreza Mahmoudi
pp. 1391-1399 | Article Number: ijese.2017.089
Abstract For a long time, this question has arisen that: whether the ethics and politics are in agreement or can we do some deeds which are profitable and acceptable at the same time. Some like the Machiavelians believe that to achieve a goal using all the methods and means are liable though they are immoral and unacceptable, because the profitable goal may not be accompanied with moral means. On the other hand, some believe that such goals should be ignored, because the achieve them we may utilize some immoral and illegitimate methods and means, and the human deeds should be moral. Generally, to reach human interest utilizing the moral means not only is possible but also is necessary. In this study, the authors try to find the relationship between ethics and politics and to show its impact on the political destination and prosperity of man in the view of Islamic scholars. The last hypothesis should be proved, because creating and tightening a link between ethics and politics in theory and practice is a vital necessity to save man and human society. The Islamic texts indicate that considering the moral values and ethics by the government may lead to the prosperity and accomplishment of people, otherwise, the society may lead to the downfall and destruction of humanity. Through investing theoretical and practical resources the following results are concluded: the Islamic policy is a special one which is opposite to the world unpopular policies. In political organization of Islam the ethics and politics are in agreement and Islamic policy is based on ethics. In Islam, politics is not a means to acquire power but power is a means to get right and prevail justice in the society to destroy oppression, to serve people and to teach them the human virtue. Keywords: Ethics and Politics, Islamic texts, Muslim scholars, Islamic politics, Muslims rulers. References Alem,Abdol-Rahman,(1994)Bonyad-hay Elm-a Siasat,Tehran: Nashr-e Nay. Amid Zanjani,Abbas Ali,( 2006),Principles of Political Thought in Islam,Tehran:Entesharat Vezarat Farhang va Ershad Islami, Ashoori,Dariush,(1994),Danesh-name-ye Siasi(An Encyclopaedia of Politics), Tehran: Entesharat Morvarid. Avicenna, hosain abn ali,(1984)Kitab ash-Shifa,Qom:Makteb Ayatollah al-Marashi al-Najafi. Elhami,Davood,(1999) (Behtaren Siasatha va Behtaren Siasat madarha(The Best Policies and Best Politicians), Maktab al-Islam’s Jornal,vol.10. Farabi,Abu Nasr,(1980),Siasat Madinah,( translator:Seyed Jafar Sadjadi), Tehran:Entesharat Anjoman-e Hekmat va Falsafe-ye Iran. Frankena, William, Moral Philosophy, Englewood, Cliffs,N.J:Prentice-Hall,1963 Ghaderi,Hatam,(1991),Andishehaye Syasi Ghazali, Tehran:Daftar Motaleat Siyasi va Beinolmelali Vezarat Omor Kharejah. GHazali,Imam Mohammad,(1972), Ihya Uloom al-Din,(translator: Moayyed al-Din Mohammad Kharazmi),Tehran:Bonyad Farhang Iran,1972,vol.1 Ibn Manzoor,(1997), Lesan al-arab, Beirut:Daru Sadir ,vol.3. Jafari,Mohammad Taghi, (1999),Aghl dar Masnavi,Moassasae Nashr Keramat,vol.1. ,Khomaini,Rouhollah,(1983),Sahife Noor, Tehran:Entesharat Vezarat Farhang va Ershad. Louis Malouf , (1986),almonjed Dictionary,1986 Mesbah-Yazdi,Mohammad Taghi,(2002), Moral Philosophy ,Tehran:International Publish(Nashre Beinolmelal),13-17 Miskawayh,Abu Ali,(1996),Taharat Al-aragh,(Translator: Mirza Abu Taleb Zanjani) Tehran: Entesharat Noghteh. Mutahhari, Mortaza,(2008), Majmuah i-i Asar(Collected Works), Qom:Sadra . Mottaghi Hindi,Alauddin,(1989), Kenz Al-Omal.vol.3,Beirut:Muassasat al-Risalah. Sharief Al-Gharsi,Bagher,(1987),al-Nezam al-Siasi fi Islam”Tehran: Entesharat Elham. Stewart Mel,Jan,(1984), Essay about Freedom(Resaleh derbareh Azadi),(translator:Javad Shaykh al-Islami),Tehran: Markaz-e Entesharat-e Elmi va Farhangi. Tabatabaei,Mohammad Hussain,(1988),Tafsir al-Mizan(Methods of Interpretation). Tamiami Amadi,Abdul Wahed,(Ghoraro al-Hikam va Dora Al-Kalem,(translator:Jalal al-Din Mohammad Khonsari),Tehran:Moasesah Entesharat va chap Daneshgah,vol.3,No.47 |
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Environmental Awareness as a Mediator Variable on Conceptions of Science Teaching and LearningSandra Laso Salvador, Jose María Marban Prieto, Mercedes Ruíz Pastrana
pp. 1401-1426 | Article Number: ijese.2017.090
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Academic culture and its role in knowledge management in higher Education systemMohammad Reza Sarmadi, Ziba Nouri, Bahman Zandi, Masoud Gholamali Lavasani
pp. 1427-1434 | Article Number: ijese.2017.091
Abstract Culture provides the main background of knowledge increase. As an important sub culture, academic culture has a large impact on the development of knowledge creation. This research studies academic culture and knowledge management in higher education system. For the purpose of study, a sample including academic scholars and experts (academic staff members) was chosen using objective sampling and interviewed. Interviews continued until implicit effective cultural aspects and factors on the knowledge management of academic staff members were identified and described. Qualitative stage of current study led to the identification of effective cultural factors on knowledge management. Additionally, the constructs of knowledge culture in higher education system was identified considering research theoretical bases and findings. 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Comparing central truss with concurrent arm brace in high- rise structures (Numerical simulation in sap 2000 software)Behzad Dezhkam
pp. 1435-1445 | Article Number: ijese.2017.092
Abstract The main components of high-rise buildings are brace system with belt truss including arms in center and perimeter coloumns of belt truss in some floors that the most important role of belt truss is appropriate distribution of lateral forces from central core toward perimeter coloumns. So, in comparison with arm restraint system, other components of structure have more contribution in lateral loading. In this paper, linear and non-linear performance of frames in arm system with belt truss was investigated under non-linear static analysis or Push-over load. Investigated variables in this research are two 20-story 7-bay frames consist of two bays of central core. One of them was located in 10th and 20th story of belt truss. Investigated frames were metal which were analyzed in limited components software of sap 2000. Results show that using belt truss (bracing) system with core intermediate arm improve non-linear behavior of structure considerably and existing belts arms in building height causes increasing maximum final resistance of energy absorption tolerance force and structure hardness in all loading stages. Also, in frame with belt truss all members have better and safer performance level than without belt condition. Keywords: truss system performance, arm system, non-linear static analysis, high rise buildings, sap 2000 References Applied Technology Council (ATC), Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete Buildings, Report ATC-40, November, 1996. Bayati, Z., Mahdi khani M., And Rahaei, A., Optimized Use Of Multi- Outriggers System To Stiffen Tall Building" 14 Th World Conference Of Earthquake Engineering. 12- 17, Beijing, Chaina, 2008. Federal Emergency Management (FEMA) Commentary On NEHRP Guidelines for Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, FEMA-274, Feb, 1997. Federal Emergency Management (FEMA), NEHRP Guidelines for Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, FEMA-273 ,Feb, 1997. Haghallahi,Abbas,Sarvghadmoghaddam,Abdolreza, capacity spectrum method for non-linear analysis of structures, Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 4th year, NO.1, pp.8-10,2001. Housing Research Center, regulation of designing buildings against earthquack, Standard 2800, 3rd edition. Instructions of seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings, International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering,2002. Krawinkler, H., A Few Basic Concepts For Performance-Based Seismic Design, 11th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, No. 1133, 1996. Management and Planning Organization," Instructions of seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings, magazine 360". Office equipment, development of standards and reduce the risk of earthquake,2006. Po seng, K. And First Siahaan., The Use Outrigger And Belt Truss System Ro High- Rise Concrete Building. Universitas Kristen Perta, 2001. Smith, S., and Coull, A., “Tall Building Structures”, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1996. Xiaoxuan, Q.,and Shuang, C., Design issues associated with outriggers in concrete high-rise buildings, tall building structure-A world view. 67th Regional Conference In Conjunction With ASCE Structures Congress XIV, 15-18, Chicago, Illiniois, USA, 1996. |
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Investigating pushing resistance of RCC of roads pavement with natural pozzolansBehzad Dezhkam
pp. 1447-1458 | Article Number: ijese.2017.093
Abstract In addition to the easy implementation, asphalts pavement has weaknesses such as changing its properties with temperature and perdurable deformations on pavement surface. On the other hand, concrete pavements has less maintenance costs and more useful life than asphalt pavements. As RCC pavements has faster implementation and less costs than usual concrete pavements and needs the least repairmen and maintenance, so it can be a suitable alternative for asphalt pavements and decrease government costs in this regard. There are many studies being done in this context as using these materials, in addition to decreasing cement consumption and costs, improves concrete properties. In this study, RCC pavement and effect of pozzolans on RCC properties of road pavement will be investigated. RCC pavement and different effects of pozzolans (silica fume, fly ash, zeolite and slag of melt iron) on RCC properties which constitutes 0, 5,10 and 15 weight percent of pozzolans in RCC and effect of pushing resistance in laboratory conditions will be investigated. Keywords: pushing resistance, silica fume, fly ash, zeolite,slag of melt iron References A. Karimpour, "Effect of time span between mixing and compacting on roller compacte concrete (RCC) containing ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS)", Construction and Building Materials, (2010). Akbarinejad,S.,Hasani,A.,Shekarchizade,M.,"investigating effect of aggregates features on RCC properties used in roads pavement". Journal of Transportation, 5th year,No.2,2008. Ameri,M.,Shekarchizade,M.,Shahabi shahmiri,H.,"Investigating the effect of Isfahan Steel converter slag as an alternative for aggregate on RCC". Eighth International Congress of Civil Engineering. Iran, Shiraz. Azadi,Abedin;"investigating infiltration of RCC pavements using pozzolan". M.A.thesis, Tarbiat modares university,2003. Baqeri,A.,Mahmoudian,M.,Fakhri,M." The effect of curing on RCC features of road pavement, with and without silica fume". Journal of Transportation,3rd year,2006. Maghsoudi,A.A.,Ahmadimoghadam,H.,"investigating moment resistance of pozzolanic usual concretes in sulfate environment, 2009. Makhdoom,Omid," Investigating the permeability of the molten iron blast furnace slag on the compressive strength and permeability of concrete large RCC dams (RCC)". M.A. thesis, K.N. toosi university. Naji Givi, A., Abdul Rashid, S., Farah Nora, A. and Mohd Salleh, M., “Contribution of Rice Husk Ash to the Properties of Mortar and Concrete: A Review”, Journal of American Science, (ISSN: 1545-1003), 6(3), 2010. Otsuki Lab.,Tokyo Institute of Technology, “Use of mineral admixtures in concrete”, 2001. Pozzolans and pozzolanic cements,Ali Jahangiri,Phd, Sepahan Cement Company Press,1993. Ramezanianpour,A.A.,Ghazimouradi,A.A.,"investigating Iran's pozzolans"', Building and Housing Research Center,1992,No.153. Ramezanpour,A.,Tarighat,A.," pozzolans and their role in dams concrete",4th conference of dam,Tehran,2000. Ramezanianpour AA, Mahdi khani M, Ahmadibeni Gh. The effect of rice husk ash on mechanical properties and durability of sustainable concretes. Int J Civil Eng 2009;7(2):83–91. Sand, L.B., Mumpton, F.A., Natural Zeolites: A New Industrial Commodity, New York Pergamon Press, pp 3-27, 1978. Supaporn, W., Sirirat, J. and Sakprayut, S., “Pozzolanic Activity of Rice Husk Ash: Comparison of Various Electrical Methods”, Journal of Metals, Materials and Minerals, Vol.19 No.2, 2009. Supaporn, W., Sirirat, J. and Sakprayut, S., “Pozzolanic Activity of Rice Husk Ash: Comparison of Various Electrical Methods”, Journal of Metals, Materials and Minerals, Vol.19 No.2, 2009. Vahedifard, F., Nili, M. and Meehan, Christopher L., “Assessing the effects of supplementary cementitious materials on the performance of low-cement roller compacted concrete pavement”, Construction and Building Materials journal 24, 2528–2535, 2010. Vahedifard, F., Nili, M. and Meehan, Christopher L., “Assessing the effects of supplementary cementitious materials on the performance of low-cement roller compacted concrete pavement”, Construction and Building Materials journal 24, 2528–2535, 2010. 14. Valipour,M.,Porgar,F.,Ghasemzade samarin,F."Iinvestigating the effect of natural zeolite pozzolan on the parameters of water absorption and electrical resistance of concrete and its comparison with the control concrete". 2nd national conference of concrete,Tehran,Iran, 2010. Vice president of Strategic Planning and Control, Ministry of Transportation, guidance of design and implementation of concrete pavement roller on its way (No.354), Transportation Research Institute, 2009. |
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