Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 1241-1267 | Article Number: ijese.2017.083
Published Online: July 22, 2017
The study aims to empirically test the relationship between types of campus adaptations across academic years of engineering undergraduate B. Tech students pursuing a four-year study at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT’s) and National Institute of Technology (NIT’s) in India. The Multivariate Analysis of Variance (Manova) test was run with SPSS vs. 21 to compare the student’s campus adaptations of IIT’s and NIT’s by student’s academic year level. Multistage random sampling with n = 1420 students were selected comprising of Multistage random sampling with n = 1420 students were selected comprising of first academic year (n = 160), second academic year (n = 273), third academic year (n = 460) and fourth academic year (n = 561). In academic adaptation, first year and second year students had negative outcomes with third and fourth year students having positive outcomes. In Social Adaptation, first year and fourth year students had negative outcomes with second and third year having positive outcomes. In physical – psychological and institutional adaptation, only second year students had negative outcomes with first, third and fourth year had positive outcomes driving towards mental well-being and successful completion. Campus adaptations do vary across academic years influencing student’s experiences at IIT’s and NIT’s.
Keywords: transition, academic year, engineering student
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