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Comparison of the Main Determinants Affecting Environmental Literacy in Singapore, Estonia and GermanyVolkan Hasan Kaya, & Doris Elster
pp. 373-389 | Article Number: ijese.2018.031
Abstract The purpose of this research is to determine and compare the variance of the main factors affecting the environmental literacy of fifteen-years-old students studying in Singapore, Estonia and Germany. The relational model, which is one of the quantitative research approaches, has been adopted in this study. Through the relational model, the main factors affecting the environmental literacy averages of the sample countries and the degree of the effect of these factors have been investigated. As the research design, a survey method that provides the opportunity to work with a large sample was used. In this study, the universe was 15-years-old German, Singaporean and Estonian students. The sample consisted of 6.504 German, 6.115 Singaporean and 5.587 Estonian students. The data based on the findings of the PISA 2015. In this study, the researchers used Environmental Literacy Scale developed by researchers. It was also classified by the researchers to determine the basic determinants affecting environmental literacy. In the light of the selected determinants, it is concluded that in all three countries there is a low but significant relationship between environmental literacy and the determinants affecting the environmental literacy. In Estonian case, there are various factors affecting environmental literacy furthermore, the total variance ratio is lower than the other two countries. In German case, the determinants (extra-curricular activities, teacher’s teaching skills etc.) affecting environmental literacy were few and the variance rate was about the same as that of Singaporean. “Extra-curricular activities” is the determinant which had the most significant positive impact on environmental literacy among students in all three countries. Keywords: environmental literacy, science education, country-comparative study References Abdi, A. (2014). 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Which are More Effective to Stop Burning Land: Subsidies or Taxes? Evidences from Laboratory ExperimentRestiatun Massardi, Eddy Suratman, Yarlina Yacoub, & Yanto
pp. 391-399 | Article Number: ijese.2018.032
Abstract The amount of losses incurred by smog encourages all parties to participate in risk mitigation efforts. Law enforcement is one step that is often taken by the authority to reduce the number of entrepreneurs who open plantations by burning land. In addition to the punitive policy, efforts to prevent the burning of land are also required, for example, by providing subsidies for the planters. By utilizing laboratory experiments, this research aims to determine the effect of some treatments that might reduce the proportion of the population who burn the land and increase the proportion who perform manual land clearing, which is environmentally friendly. The treatments given are subsidizing, taxing, and the combined provision of subsidies and taxation. The results from the test of the population differences showed that there is no difference in behavior between the participants working as civil servants and non-civil servants in terms of choosing the investment method. 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Methodology of Solving Tasks in ChemistryMilena Novica Miljkovic, Vojkan Miljkovic, Jelena Mitrovic, & Sofija Rancic
pp. 401-405 | Article Number: ijese.2018.033
Abstract For learning chemistry is very important to make connection between theory and practice. Ability to solve problems represents the well learned theory knowledge, and good methodology in work on theory classes. Usually the strategy of solving of the problem consists from three parts: studying the conditions of the task and its analysis, formation of the opinion, solving the task and its check. In order to better understand the significance and advantages which methodical preparation gives during solving of the problem, we have made two groups with fourteen students of the second year high school-course agricultural technician. The first group of the students had the opportunity to have methodical explanation of ways and means of problems solving in chemistry. The second group only got the problems to be solved without methodical preparation. The aim of our experimental work was to establish the contribution of methodical preparation during task solving. Group of the students that got methodically explained exercises have achieved significantly better results, so it serves as a proof of the assumption in theoretical part that methodical preparation in problem solving is inevitable and necessary, and its practical importance is multiple. Keywords: chemistry learning, methodology, tasks References Ausubel, D. P., Novak, J. D., & Hanesian, H. (1978). Educational psychology: cognitive view, 2nd ed. New York: Rinehart and Winston. Eilks, I., & Hofstein, A. (2013). Teaching Chemistry - A studybook: A practical guide and textbook for student teachers, teacher trainees and teachers. Rotterdam; Boston, Sense Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-6209-140-5 Fach, M. de Boer, T., & Parchmann, I. (2007). Results of an interview study as basis for the development of stepped supporting tools for stoichiometric problems. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 8(1), 13-31. https://doi.org/10.1039/B6RP90017H Friedman, R. S., & Deek, F. P. (2002). Problem-based learning and problem-solving tools: Synthesis and direction for distributed education environments. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 13(3), 239-257. Gabel, D. (1999). Improving teaching and learning through chemistry education research: A look to the future. Journal of Chemical Education, 76(4), 548-553. https://doi.org/10.1021/ed076p548 Greenfield, L. B. (1987) Teaching thinking through problem solving. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 1987(30), 5-22. https://doi.org/10.1002/tl.37219873003 Herron, J. D. (1996). The chemistry classroom: Formulas for successful teaching. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC. Hewson, P. W., & Hewson, M. G. A. (1989). Analysis and use of a task for identifying conceptions of teaching science. Journal of Education for Teaching: International research and pedagogy, 15(3), 191-209. https://doi.org/10.1080/0260747890150302 Kozma, R. B., & Russell, J. W. (1997). Multimedia and understanding expert and novice responses to different representations of chemical phenomena. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 34(9), 949-968. https://doi.org/10.1002/(SICI)1098-2736(199711)34:9<949::AID-TEA7>3.0.CO;2-U Polya, G. (1985). How to Solve It. 2nd ed. Princeton University Press: Princeton, NJ. Russell, J. W., Kozma, R. B., Jones, T., Wykoff, J., Marx, N., & Davis, J. (1997) Use of simultaneous-synchronized macroscopic, microscopic and symbolic representations to enhance the teaching and learning of chemical concepts. Journal of Chemical Education, 74(3), 330-335. https://doi.org/10.1021/ed074p330 Sandlin, B., Harshman, J., & Yezierski, E. (2015). Formative assessment in high school chemistry teaching: Investigating the alignment of teachers’ goals with their items. Journal of Chemical Education, 92(10), 1619-1625. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.5b00163 Schoenfeld, A. H. (1992). Learning to think mathematically: Problem solving, metacognition, and sense making in mathematics. Handbook for Research on Mathematics Teaching and Learning, 334-370. Spencer, J. N. (2006). New approaches to chemistry teaching. 2005 George C. Pimentel Award. Journal of Chemical Education, 83(4), 528. https://doi.org/10.1021/ed083p528 Stieff, M. (2011). When is a molecule three dimensional? A task-specific role for imagistic reasoning in advanced chemistry. Science Education, 95(2), 310-336. https://doi.org/10.1002/sce.20427 Zhou, Q., Shen, N., & Tian, H. (2010). Developing critical thinking disposition by task-based learning in chemistry experiment teaching. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(2), 4561-4570. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.03.731 Zusho, A., Pintrich, P. R., & Coppola, B. (2003). Skill and will: The role of motivation and cognition in the learning of college chemistry. International Journal of Science Education, 25(9), 1081-1094. https://doi.org/10.1080/0950069032000052207 |
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Direct Observation as an Assessment Tool for Evaluation of Technical Competence of Intern Medical Technologists: A Realistic ApproachMelini Baruth, Jamila Khatoon Adam, & Suresh Babu Naidu Krishna
pp. 407-417 | Article Number: ijese.2018.034
Abstract Background: Medical laboratories play a vital role in patient care and needs a competent skilled workforce to deliver this essential service. The current process of medical technologist training is a summative assessment consisting of two written 3 hour papers that correlates theoretical knowledge acquired at a tertiary level with the practical internship. There is no requirement for the assessment of technical competence by the Health Professional Council of South Africa (HPCSA). Methods: A quantitative design was used for assessing the technical competence of the candidates who were eligible to write the National Board Examination by using an adapted South African National Accreditation System (SANAS) witnessing tool across ten Clinical Pathology test procedures by direct observation. Results: Some candidates that were directly observed in each of the Clinical Pathology test procedures were deemed not yet competent in compliance and adherence to Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s), acceptability of results, internal quality control procedures and the acceptability of the outcome and availability of signed training and competency records on the direct observation checklist. Conclusion: From this study it can be concluded that assessment of technical competency for Intern Medical Technologists in Clinical Pathology could augment current assessment systems of Intern Medical Technologists for conferment of professional designation and a policy review is recommended. Keywords: assessment, direct observation, medical education, internship References Adcock, D. M., Favaloro, E. J., & Lippi, G. (2016). Critical pre-examination variables in the hemostasis laboratory and their quality indicators. Clinical biochemistry, 49(18), 1315-1320. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clinbiochem.2016.08.022 Africa, H. P. C. o. S. (2008). HPCSA Guidelines for Good Practice in the Health Care Professions: Seeking Patients’ Informed Consent: The Ethical Considerations. Booklet 9. In: HPCSA Pretoria. Baartman, L. K., Bastiaens, T. J., Kirschner, P. A., & van der Vleuten, C. P. (2007). Evaluating assessment quality in competence-based education: A qualitative comparison of two frameworks. Educational Research Review, 2(2), 114-129. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.edurev.2007.06.001 Baartman, L. K., Prins, F. J., Kirschner, P. A., & van der Vleuten, C. P. (2011). Self-evaluation of assessment programs: A cross-case analysis. Evaluation and program planning, 34(3), 206-216. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2011.03.001 Carr, S. (2004). Assessing clinical competency in medical senior house officers: how and why should we do it? Postgraduate medical journal, 80(940), 63-66. https://doi.org/10.1136/pmj.2003.011718 Coakes, S. J., & Steed, L. (2009). SPSS: Analysis Without Anguish Using SPSS Version 14.0 for Windows: John Wiley & amp; Sons, Inc. Du Pré, R. (2009). The place and role of universities of technology in South Africa: South African Technology Network Bloemfontein, South Africa. Howanitz, P. J., Valenstein, P. N., & Fine, G. (2000). Employee competence and performance-based assessment: a College of American Pathologists Q-Probes study of laboratory personnel in 522 institutions. Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine, 124(2), 195-202. ISO, I. (2012). 15189: 2012 Medical laboratories–Requirements for quality and competence. Geneva: International Standardisation Organisation. Kruger, W., & Eagleton, S. (2017). A statistical analysis of the South African National Board examinations for Intern Medical Technologists for the period 2008-2012. Medical Technology SA, 31(1), 1-7. Kruger, W., Eagleton, S., & Maule, W. (2016). Pilot study of Intern Medical Technologists performances related to the National Board examinations: views from the laboratory trainers, supervisors, examiners and moderators for the period 2008-2012. Medical Technology SA, 30(1), 5-9. Štajdohar-Pađen, O. (2008). Education and training of laboratory staff as a part of laboratory competence. Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 13(4-5), 267-270. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00769-007-0352-8 Woods, R., Longmire, W., Galloway, M., & Smellie, W. (2000). Development of a competency based training programme to support multidisciplinary working in a combined biochemistry/haematology laboratory. Journal of clinical pathology, 53(5), 401-404. https://doi.org/10.1136/jcp.53.5.401 |
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Ecological Life Behaviour Scale: Development, Validity and ReliabilityZeynep Yüce, & Arzu Önel
pp. 419-428 | Article Number: ijese.2018.035
Abstract Increasing awareness about the significance of personal preferences is highly important for the sustainable balance of earth, because the underlying reason for today’s ecological problems is always tending to or guiding into more consumption. People’s desire to always consume more brings irreversible harm to all natural systems, whether living or non-living, as well as ecological balance. Consequently, ecosystems will not maintain their sustainability and future generations of people will face very serious problems, in terms of health in particular. To avoid all these, we must adopt a new lifestyle in which organic products are preferred without polluting the environment, unnatural chemical products are refrained from and wastes are recycled, in short a system based on natural healing. Hence, this study aims to develop a scale to identify the level of adult people’s ecological life behaviour. For this purpose, discussing the subjects of overconsumption, industrial products and recycling, we created items involving general behaviours in such areas as eating-drinking, sheltering, clothing, detergents and plastics, transportation and energy use, presented these items to experts in their fields, and made changes in line with the feedback they provided. Purposeful sampling was selected for the candidate 32-item scale and 149 instructors from Kafkas University participated in the study group. Explanatory factor analysis (AFA) revealed a single-factor structure with 15 items. AFA results were also validated with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Goodness of fit index was found to be high. For assessing the reliability of the scale, item analysis was performed while also Cronbach Alpha, Guttman Split Half and Spearman Brown reliability coefficients were calculated. The scale yielded an internal consistency coefficient of .87. The language of the scale is Turkish. It was translated into English, but language validity has not been assessed yet. Keywords: ecological, ecological life, behaviour scale, validity, reliability References Babaoğul, M., Şener, A., & Buğday, E.B. (2012). Tüketici yazıları (III). Ankara: TÜPADEM. Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2005). Anket geliştirme. Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(2), 133-151. Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2012). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı (16. Ed.). Ankara: Pegem Akademi. Çakmak, A. Ç., & Özkan, B. (2016). Üniversite öğrencilerinin ekolojik farkındalıklarının ve ekolojik ürün satın alma niyetlerinin ölçülmesi: interaktif bir araştırma. İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(8), 3144-3170. https://doi.org/10.15869/itobiad.283348 Capra, F. (1994). Ecology and community. Center for Ecoliteracy, 1-11. Capra, F. (1997). Creativity and leadership. Learning Communities. A Lecture at Mill Valley School District. April, 18. Capra, F. (2003). 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Book Review: A Few Great Scientists from Alfred Nobel to Carl SaganJorge Alberto Delucca
pp. 429-430 | Article Number: ijese.2018.036
Abstract Book Review: A Few Great Scientists from Alfred Nobel to Carl Sagan Keywords: book review References |
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The Dark Triad: A Different Relationship between Personality and Empathy. A Review from an Educational PerspectiveHugo González González, Gemma Fernández Caminero, & Luis Espino Díaz
pp. 431-440 | Article Number: ijese.2018.037
Abstract In the present article the concept of the Dark Triad is reviewed and the investigations about narcissism, neuroticism and psychopathy are analyzed in relation to other characteristics of the personality and their negative psychosocial consequences. Likewise, it is examined and verified several studies in which there are correlations and models of structural equations that show the relationships between the different components of the dark triad and empathy. These reviews highlight the importance that an appropriate diagnosis and intervention can have in the educational field to carry out an intervention aimed at promoting empathy and reducing the levels of the different components of the Dark Triad of the personality. Keywords: personality, dark triad, empathy, educational intervention References Aghababaei, N., & Błachnio, A. (2015). Well-being and the Dark Triad. Personality and Individual Differences, 86, 365–368. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2015.06.043 Alvarez-Castillo, J. L., Fernandez-Caminero, G., & Gonzalez-Gonzalez, H. (2018). Is empathy one of the Big Three? Identifying its role in a dual-process model of ideology and blatant and subtle prejudice. PLOS ONE, Apr 5, 13(4), e0195470. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0195470. eCollection 2018. Barrutieta, L. H., & Ursúa, M. P. (2011). La psicopatía subclínica y la triada oscura de la personalidad. Behavioral Psychology/ Psicologia Conductual, 19(2), 317–331. Bayne, H. B., & Jangha, A. (2016). Utilizing Improvisation to Teach Empathy Skills in Counselor Education. Counselor Education and Supervision, 55(4), 250–262. https://doi.org/10.1002/ceas.12052 Campbell, J., Aitken, J., Villani, V. C., Nguyen, B., Vickers, L., & Vernon, P. A. (2009). A Behavioral Genetic Study of the Dark Triad of Personality and Moral Development. 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