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Erratum: Studying innovation technologies in modern education in International Journal of Environmental and Science Education vol. 11 no.14 6612-6617Nina M. Stukalenko, Bariya B. Zhakhina, Asiya K. Kukubaeva, Nurgul K. Smagulova & Gulden K. Kazhibaeva
pp. 7297-7308 | Article Number: ijese.2016.549
Abstract In modern society, innovation technologies expand to almost every field of human activity, including such wide field as education. Due to integrating innovation technologies into the educational process practice, this phenomenon gained special significance within improvement and modernization of the established educational system. Currently, the problem of active integration and wide application of innovation technologies in education is highly significant. Present study explores innovation technologies of learning in the modern education. Corrected and Republished from http://ijese.net/makale/1002 Keywords: education, learning, pedagogical innovation theory, learning technologies, technological approach in education, innovation educational technologies. References Abdulina, О. (1995). Actual problems of pedagogical education. Journal of Higher School of Kazakhstan, 5, 58-63. Adolf, V. (1998). Theoretical bases of formation of professional competence of teachers. Moscow: Nauka, 344. Babanskiy, Yu. (1992). Competence model: from the idea to the educational program. Moscow: Nauka, 366. Bashirova, Zh. (2003). Pedagogical competence of teachers in higher education. Higher education today. 11, 21-27. Bespalko, V. (2004). Competences in the professional education. Higher education today, 11, 56-62. Bespalko, V.P. (1989). The components of pedagogical technologies. Moscow: Enlightenment, 215. Bogoyavlenskaya, D. (1991). Formirovanie pedagogicheskikh sposobnostey. [Development of pedagogic skills]. M.: Pedagogika, 124. . Gershunskiy, B. (1997). Philosophy of Education for the XXI Century. Moscow: Nauka, 365. Ibraeva, I., Stukalenko, N. (2014). O razvitii poznavatelnoy aktivnosti buduschikh pedagogov. [On the development of cognitive activity in the prospective teachers]. International journal of experimental education, 8, 56-57, http://www.rae.ru. Ilina, Т. (2001). Fundamentals of teachers` professional competence. Management in Education, 1, 166-171. Ilyasova, К. (2006). Introduction to teaching activities. Almaty: Kazakhstan, 225. Kenzhebekov, B. (2002). The nature and structure of professional competence of a specialist. Higher School of Kazakhstan, 2, 171-175. Klarin, М.V. (1999). Technologies of teaching: the ideal and reality. Riga: Vesta, 180. Komenskiy, Ya.А. (1982). Selected pedagogical works. Moscow: Pedagogics, 1, 174. Kozberg, G. (2000). Formation of professional competence of the teacher in the teaching activities. Voronezh: Znaniye, 242. Kukushin, V.S. (2004). Pedagogical technologies. Moscow: March, 335. Kuzmina, N. (1990). The professionalism of a teacher`s personality. Moscow: Nauka, 232. Ligay, M., Ermekova, Zh., Stukalenko, N. (2015). Vazheyshie prioritety obrazovatelnoy politiki respubliki Kazakhstan i vozmozhnye puti ikh realizatsii. [The most significant priorities in educational policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and possible ways of their actualization]. International journal of experimental education, 11, 715-718, http://www.rae.ru. Lukyanova, М. (2001). Psycho-pedagogical competence of the teacher. Moscow: Pedagogics, 178. Phomenko, V.Т. (2004). Creative technologies as an important reserve for increasing the effectiveness of teaching. Poisk, 4, 160-164. Raven, D. (2002). Competence in modern society: the identification, development and realization. Moscow: Nauka, 424. Savostyanov, А. (2007). Basis of the professional and personal growth. Moscow: Nauka, 144. Selevko, G.К. (1998). Modern educational technologies. Moscow: Public education, 253. Skatkin, M. (1995). Professionalno-pedagogicheskaya podgotovka studentov. [Professional pedagogic preparation of students]. Pedagogika, 2, 42-47. Stukalenko, N. (2015). About innovative development of university education in the Bologna process. International Journal оf Applied аnd Fundamental Research, http://www.science-sd.com/461-24834. Stukalenko, N., Ermekova, Zh., Tasbulatova, G., Kalymova А., Kainikenova, G. (2013). Formation of future teachers' professional skills during the period of pedagogical practice. Life Science Journal, 12s, 139-141, http://www.lifesciencesite.com. The concept of continuous pedagogical education of the teacher of new formation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (2005). Astana: Adilet. The concept of Higher Pedagogical Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (2005). Astana: Adilet. The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “About education” of 27.07. 2007 No. 319-III. Маrkovа, А. (1996). Psychology of professionalism. Moscow: Publisher Prospect, 308. |
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The effect of school supervisors competence and school principals competence on work motivation and performance of Junior High School teachers in Maros Regency, IndonesiaArman, Syamsul Bachri Thalib & Darman Manda
pp. 7309-7317 | Article Number: ijese.2016.548
Abstract This study aims at analyzing the effect of the competence of school supervisors and school principals on work motivation and performance of Junior High School teachers in Maros Regency. This research was a quantitative research by using survey approach. This approach was used because it is adjusted to the nature and assumptions of the study in accordance with the research problem. This study used a fairly large population because it involved all teachers of Junior High School in Maros regency totaling 734 teachers. The results show that the competence of school principals is predicted through five indicators. The first is the dimension of learning and achievement. The second is instructional leadership. The third is the management of the learning environment. The fourth is the responsibility of learning and assessment. The fifth is a social personality. The dimension of instructional leadership contributes greatly to the competence of principals and supervisors. In general, the competence of school principals, the competence of school supervisor, teachers’ work motivation, and teachers’ performance are in the middle category. However, special attention is required to improve the social personality as well as research and development of the school supervisors. The research found that the competence of the school principals positively affects the teachers' work motivation. The principal’ competence positively affects the teacher performance. The competence of the school supervisors positively affects the teachers' work motivation. In addition, the competence of the school supervisors positively affects the teachers’ performance in Junior High Schools in Maros. Keywords: Teachers’ Competence, Teachers’ Motivation, School Principals, School Supervisors, Teachers’ Performance References Atmojo Marnis. The Influence of Transformational Leadership on Job Satisfaction Organizational, Commitment, and Employee Performance, 2012. Dale. H. Schunk. Learning Theories, Yogyakarta: Puspel. Translator: Eva Hamdiah and Rahmat Fajar, 2012. Didin Halim. The Effect of Transformational Leadership Competencies and the Performance of Teachers in the Senior High School Maros. Unpublished Dissertation: Universitas Negeri Makassar, 2014. Hamalik, Oemar. Competency Based Teacher Education. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2004. Ivansevich, Gibson, Donnely. Organization and Management. New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1996. Kusmianto, 2005. The influence of workers' compensation and characteristics on the performance. Wacana. 2000 July; 4 (1). Mangkunegara, Prabu, Anwar. Behavioral and Organizational Culture. Bandung: Rafika Aditama, 2005. Mischan. The influence of teachers' work motivation and organizational culture on teacher performance in Senior High School in Sibolga City. Unpublished Dissertation: USU Medan, 2006. Mulyasa. School-Based Management Concepts and Implementation Strategy Bandung: Rosdakarya, 2007. The Act Number 14 in 2005, On Regulation of Teachers and Lecturers. |
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A study on the evaluation of the applicability of an environmental education modular curriculumHüseyin Artun & Tuncay Ozsevgec
pp. 7318-7347 | Article Number: ijese.2016.551
Abstract The purpose of this study was, in line with the views of the students & teacher, to examine Environmental Education Modular Curriculum (EEMC) developed to give environmental education with a specific content. In the study, the case study method was used. The research sample was determined with the purposeful sampling method & made up of 23 7th grade students (12 male & 11 female) attending a secondary school in the city of Gümüşhane. During the application of EEMC in 11 weeks, the data were collected with Semi-Structured Interviews (SSI), Environmental Activities Evaluation Questionnaire (EAEQ), Environmental Education Self-evaluation Form (EESF) & the Constructive Learning Environment Questionnaire (CLEQ). The research data were analyzed with content analysis & frequencies, & the related categories & themes were formed. In the study, it was found that EEMC not only included a content which met the students’ needs & which allowed them to produce solutions to environmental problems but also had the quality of a dynamic modular curriculum Keywords: Constructivist teaching; environmental education;modular curriculum; secondary school students References Ağgül-Yalçın, F. & Bayrakçeken, S. (2010). The effect of 5E learning model on pre-service science teachers’ achievement of acids-bases subject. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 2(2), 508–531. Akıllı, M. & Yurtcan, M. T. (2009). An investigation of prospective science teachers’ attitudes towards environment in terms of different factors (Sample of Kazim Karabekir Education Faculty). Erzincan Univercity Journal of Education Faculty, 11(2), 119–131. Alım, M. (2006). Environment & environmental education in primary school in Turkey within the process of european union. Kastamonu Education Journal,14(2), 599–616. Arslan, A. & Şahiner, S. 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Assessment of the Main Indicators’ Relationship of Projects of Information and Communication Services’ DevelopmentYana S. Chernyavskaya, Sergey V. Kiselev, Ilya M. Rassolov, Viktor V. Kurushin, Lyudmila I. Chernikova & Guzel R. Faizova
pp. 7348-7357 | Article Number: ijese.2016.576
Abstract The relevance of research: The relevance of the problem studied is caused by the acceleration of transition of the Russian economy on an innovative way of development, which depends on the vector of innovative sphere of services and, to a large extent, information and communication services, as well as it is caused by the poor drafting of methodical approaches to the effectiveness’s evaluation of the processes of information and communication services’ commercialization. Purpose of the study: The purpose of the study is to develop a methodic to assess the relationship of basic indicators of projects of information and communication services’ development. Methods of the study: The basic methods of research are methods of stochastic factor analysis, method of pair correlation, multiple correlation analysis, matrix models and mathematical modeling. Results of the study: Based on the analysis of traditional methodic for assessing of the cost-effectiveness of projects of information and communication systems’ development the paper offers combined method to estimate the dependencies of financial indicators’ basic parameters of projects on long-term development of mobile operators in providing of information and communication services. Practical significance: The paper is intended for researchers, teachers and undergraduates studying the problems to assess the effectiveness of the projects’ commercialization in the service sector, particularly, in the development of information and communication services, as well as for specialists - mobile operators, engaged in the problems of development projects’ investment and implementation. Keywords: Economic effectiveness evaluation, information and communication services, long-term development projects, correlation, forecasts of implementation References Kalachanov, V. D. (2006). Economic efficiency of introduction of information technologies. Moscow: the Moscow Aviation Institute, 363 p. Kudryavtsev, E. M. (2004). Fundamentals of simulation of various systems. Moscow: DMK Press, 427 p. Mandel, I. D. (2008). The cluster analysis. Moscow: Finance and statistics, 273 p. Razumnikov, S. V. (2013). The analysis of existing methods for evaluating of the effectiveness of information technologies for cloudy IT services. Modern problems of science and education, 3, 76-80. Rebrikova, N. V. (2012). Organizational-methodical maintenance of process of separation of a batch product of telecommunication services. Moscow: Russian State Trade-Economic University, 295 p. Skripkin, K. G. (2002). Economic efficiency of information systems. Moscow: DMK Press, 374 p. Vasil’ev, V. V. (2006). Methodologies and tools for monitoring of information and development of the information economy. Moscow: IRIAS, 363 p. Vasil’ev, V. V. & Kuzovkova, T. A. (2005). Information and communication technology and the information economy. Moscow: Publishing House "Paleotype", 311 p. Vasil’ev, V. V. & Salyutina, T. Y. (2005). Monitoring of information: indicators, methodology of estimation and forecasting. Moscow: Publishing House "Paleotype", 273 p. Vorontsov, Y. A. (2008). Technical - economic justification of the effectiveness of information system projects. Moscow: Insvyaz ' Izdat, 407 p. |
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Practical Recommendations for University Graduates’ Readiness Formation to Occupational MobilityZulfiya Sh. Yakhina, Sergey A. Yakovlev, Natalya V. Kozhevnikova, Yuliya V. Nuretdinova & Natalya A. Solovyeva
pp. 7358-7367 | Article Number: ijese.2016.577
Abstract The research urgency is caused by the development of economic integration and demand for professionals able to adapt to constantly changing working conditions. The purpose of the paper is to develop practical recommendations on formation of University graduates’ readiness to occupational mobility. A leading approach to the study is the structural-functional approach allowing revealing of the nature and structure of occupational mobility, to identify the pedagogical conditions of formation of University graduates’ readiness to professional mobility. The study involved 300 teachers, 450 students who took part in characterizing levels of readiness for occupational mobility and definition of its criteria. Main results of the research consist of the identification of core components of occupational mobility (axiological, epistemological, praxeological) and pedagogical conditions of formation of University graduates’ readiness to occupational mobility (formation of occupational value orientations of students; the modular structure of educational process; organization of project-based learning), identifying of levels of readiness for occupational mobility (high, average, low) and the criteria (motivational, cognitive, activity-related). The significance of the results obtained is that the identified components of occupational mobility allow us to consider it as an integrative quality of the personality of the specialist, which characterizes the readiness for rapid and successful acquisition of new activities. Identified pedagogical conditions of formation of University graduates’ readiness for occupational mobility provide their focus on the active acquisition of the latest occupational achievements and expansion of the scope of activities, qualification enhancement and development of competitiveness. Levels of readiness for occupational mobility help to develop the ability to quickly mastering of new skills and changes in them arising under the influence of scientific, social and technical changes. Criteria of readiness for occupational mobility reflect the unity of fundamental knowledge, occupational competences and personal qualities. Keywords: Occupational mobility, occupational value orientations, project-based learning References Akhmetov, L. G., Khramova, N. A., Sychenkova, A. V., Chudnovskiy, A. D., Pugacheva, N. B., Pavlushin, A. A., Varlamova, M. V., Khilsher, V. A. (2016). Selective Support for the Development of Regional Vocational Education Services. 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Mssca: Pedagogical society of Russia, 353 p. Pugacheva, N. B., Ezhov, S. G., Kozhanov, I. V., Kozhanova, M. B., Ogorodnikova, S. V., Oshaev, A. G., Timonin, A. I., Goloshumova, G. S. (2016). The model of self-realization readiness formation of research universities students in the process of civic education. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(1), 128-133. Sorokin, P. A. (2005). Social mobility. Moscow: Academia: LVS, 460 p. Terentyeva, I. V., Starodubtsev, M. P., Timonin, A. I., Pugacheva, N. B., Zykova, N. N., Lunev, A. N., Ezhov, S. G., Starikova, L. D. (2016). Assessment of state services quality and availability in the socio-cultural sphere. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(1), 122-127. Ushakov, D. N. (2008). Big explanatory dictionary of modern Russian language. Moscow: published house "ROSSA", 1243 p. Zamaletdinov, R. R., Yudina, N. P., Lavrentyeva, E. I., Savva, L. I., Pugacheva, N. B. (2016). Practical Recommendations on the Improvement of the Effectiveness of Anti-Corruption Policy in Universities. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(2), 390-396. |
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Practice-Oriented Model of Professional Education in RussiaYury A. Svirin, Svetlana E. Titor, Alexander A. Petrov, Evgenii N. Smirnov, Ekaterina A. Morozova & Olga Y. Scherbakova
pp. 7368-7380 | Article Number: ijese.2016.578
Abstract The relevance of the chosen problem is caused by the necessity of finding a model of qualitative growth of specialists training in conditions when cuts in expenditure of the state budget allocated to education occurs annually. Besides, the development of technology inevitably leads to the expansion of the list of subspecialties employers need. The imbalance of demand and supply of labour in the labour market takes place in Russia today. This is due to consequence of inconsistencies between the structures of workforce development in the field of education and the structure of needs of the industries. With this purpose some new models of professional education have been investigated, one of which was dual (or practice-based) learning system. The aim of the study was to analyze and to form the basic principles and proposals on legal regulation of practice-based model of professional education. Methodology: empirical, comparative-historical, system analysis, structural-functional, statistical methods, and scientific methods of cognition are used in the study. Besides the dialectical method of cognition, which allows to consider the phenomena in their interrelation and development is used. The paper formulates the basic principles, benefits of practice-oriented model of professional training, the concept of social partnership in the field of education and forms of implementation of the model. Formed principles and proposals for improving the legislative framework in practice-based learning will help to implement this training model, which allows to overcome the imbalance of staffing requirements on the labour market. Keywords: Practice-oriented (dual) training, social partnership, core business, quality of education, the principles of the dual training References The proceedings of the National Council under the President of the Russian Federation according to professional standards. (2016). Direct access: http://nspkrf.ru. The materials of the Supervisory Council of the Agency for strategic initiatives. (2013). Direct access: http://1tv.ru/news/economic/246185. The proceedings of the General Council on "improving the system of General education in Russia" (2015). Direct access: https://russian.rt.com/article/138363. The report of Rosstat "Employment and unemployment in the Russian Federation" (2016). Direct access: http://www.gks.ru/bgd/free/b04_03/IssWWW.exe/Stg/d01/169.htm. Northern, A. (2013). "Dual training system in Germany is becoming more and more popular". Direct access: http://www.ug.ru/news/7784. |
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Semantic Meaning of Money in the Perception of Modern Russian YouthTatiana N. Knyazeva, Lidiya E. Semenova, Anna V. Chevachina, Marina B. Batuta & Elena V. Sidorina
pp. 7381-7391 | Article Number: ijese.2016.579
Abstract In connection with socio-economic transformations taking place in our country, which caused changes in the system of values and, as a consequence, in moral-economic relationships and human behavior, the subject of money becomes one of the most significant topics in modern Russian researches in various fields of science. The main method to study this problem is a modified variant of the method of semantic differential which makes it possible to assess the cognitive (monetary notions) and emotional (evaluation of money) components of the emerging monetary perceptions. The results of the study allow us to state a high degree of importance of money in the perception of modern Russian youth, which is mainly characterized by the context of vital attributes, including success, meaning of life, authority. We found close relationship between age and gender lines of identity formation, the interlocking of which defines the nature of the person’s inner world, including relatively subjective beliefs about money. Having studied specifics of money perception in the system of individual consciousness of personality in older adolescents, we may get closer to understanding the likely future social trends in the Russian society and possible personality problems of our compatriots with regard to the immediate future. Keywords: Money, perception of money, semantic meaning of the phenomenon of money, monetary notions References Abramova, S. B. (2000). Money as social value: a generational slice of the problem. Sociological Studies, 7, 37-41. Anikeeva, E. A. (2008) Social attitudes towards money as a factor of population’s financial behavior: PhD Abstract thesis. Moscow, 263 p. Baranova, T. S. (2004). Emotional "I – We" (experience of psychosemantic study of social identity). Family Psychology and Family Therapy, 2, 3-9. Boyarintseva, A. V. (1994). Psychological problems of economic socialization. Pedagogics, 4, 12-18. Connell, R. (2015). Gender and power: society, personality, and gender policy. Moscow: New Literary Review, 432 p. Dejneka, O. S. (2002). Dynamics of macroeconomic components of the image of money in the public consciousness. Psychological Journal, 2, 36-46. Ermakov, P. N. (2007). Psychosemantic approach in the study of meaning. Under the editorship of P. N. Ermakova, V. A. Labunskaya, Personality Psychology. M.oscow: Eksmo, 68-71. Fenko, A. B. (2000). Children and money: specifics of economic socialization. Questions of Psychology, 2, 94-101. Fenko, A. B. (2004). Psychological analysis of Muscovites’ attitude towards money. Psychological Journal, 2, 34-42. Fenko, A. B. (2005). The people and the money. Essays on the psychology of consumption. Moscow: Independent firm "Klass". 416 p Fenko, A. B. (2006). The problem of money in foreign psychological studies. Psychological Journal, 21, 50-62. Filinkova, E. B. (2010). The attitude of senior pupils towards money and the ways of their earning. Social Psychology and Society, 1, 152-173. Furnham, A. (1984). Many sides of the coin: the psychology of money usage Personality Individual Differences, 5, 501-509. Gorbacheva, E. I. & Kupreychenko A. B. (2006). Attitude of personality to money: the moral contradictions in estimates and associations. Psychological Journal, 4, 26-37. Kaufman, M. (2002). From flesh to steel. Gender pedagogics and gender education in the post-Soviet countries. Proceedings of the International summer school "Gender pedagogics and gender education in the post-Soviet countries". Ivanovo: IVGU., 20-49. Kon, I. S. (2009). A man in a changing world. Moscow: Time, 496 p. Lynn, M. (1991). Restaurant tipping: a reflection of customers' evaluations of a service? Journal of Consumer Research, 18, 438-448. Mironova, T. Y. (2012). Some factors in the attitude of teenagers and young men to money. News of Saratov University, Series of Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogy, 12(3), 74-78. Mitchell, T. R. & Mickel, A. E. (1999). The meaning of money: An individual-difference perspective. Academy of Management Review, 24, 568-578. Poltavskaya, M. B., Kozlova S. I. & Sonina, M. A. (2011). The role of money in modern society as assessed by senior pupils (socio-economic aspect) Proceedings of Internet-conference "Professional self-identity and economic behavior of personality." Direct access: https://sites.google.com/site/konfep/Home/1-sekcia/polanskaa Radina, N. K. (2006). Economic socialization of pupils in orphanages and establishments for children without parental care. Psychological Science and Education, 4, 100-105. Semenov, M. Y. (2004) Differences in attitude towards money among people with different levels of personality maturity: PhD Abstract. Yaroslavl, 24 p. Semenova, L. E. (2008). Features of self-presentation of male teachers in secondary schools in the context of their professional activities. Psychological Science and Education, 1, 82-89. Shchedrina, E. V. (1991). Studies of economic concepts in children. Questions of Psychology, 2, 157-164. Tang, T. L. (1992). The meaning of money revisited. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 13, 197-202. Trynkin, V. V. (2013). The problem of man and humaneness under market public relations. Bulletin of Minin University. 1. URL:http://www.mininuniver.ru/scientific/scientific_activities/vestnik/archive/no1 Yamauchi, K. T. (1982). The Development of a Money Attitude Scale. Journal of Personality Assessment, 5, 522-528. |
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The structural Dynamics’ Nature of Innovative Development of Russian Economy in the Framework of its Technological DiversityLyudmila A. Gorbach, Marina V. Rajskaya, Anna V. Aksianova, Alexander V. Morozov, Irina A. Gusarova & Anzhella A. Sagdeeva
pp. 7392-7407 | Article Number: ijese.2016.580
Abstract The relevance of the research problem is conditioned by the lack of developments in the field of management of transformational processes in modern economic systems in conditions of globalization and development in the framework of the trends of the world economy. The purpose of this paper is to substantiate directions of innovative development of the Russian economy in the context of sector technological structures’ concept. The main research method of this problem is the comparative analysis of indicators of economic and innovative development, allowing estimating of the parameters of the innovation process at the macro and mezzo levels. The paper presents the systematization of industries’ sectors in accordance with existing technological structures; reveals the characteristic tendencies of sectors’ development on the Russian economy in the sphere of innovation activity taking into account the characteristics and dynamics of changes in the proportions of reproduction of its technological diversity. The findings can be used in the formation of priority directions of innovative development at the Federal and regional levels in the context of regulation of proportions of technological structures, as well as in the process of development of programs for perspective innovative development of industries of the Russian economy. Keywords: Innovative activity, innovative development, technological way, the transformation process, structural economic dynamics References Belousov, V. (2010). Technological structures and economic crises’ overcoming. Direct access: http://www.perspektivy.info/rus/ekob/tehnologicheskije_uklady_i_preodolenije_ekonomicheskih_krizisov_2010-02-02.htm. Export of the Russian Federation of crude oil for 2000-2015 (according to the Federal customs service of Russia and Rosstat). (2015). The Bank of Russia. Direct access: http://www.cbr.ru/statistics-/credit_statistics/print.aspx?file=crude_oil.htm. Glazjev, S. Y. (1993). The theory of long-term economic development. Moscow: Vladar, 310 p. Glazjev, S. Y. (2011). On the strategy of development of Russia's economy. Moscow: UN RAS, 48 p. Glazjev, S. Y. (2013). The global economic crisis as a result of the replacement of the dominant technological structures. Direct access: http://www.glazev.ru/scienexpert/84/. Glazjev, S. Yu. & Kharitonov, V. V. (2009) Nanotechnologies as a key factor of a new technological mode in the economy. Moscow: Trovant, 304 p. Gorbach, L. A. & Rajskaya, M. V. (2014). Innovative transformation of economic system of Russia based on the development of new inter-sector technologies. Kazan: Publishing house of KAZAN state technical University, 188 p. Iljin. V. V. (2009). The role of cluster systems in the innovative development of industry in the region. Federalism, 4, 204-210. Kablov, E. (2010). The sixth technological structure. Science and life, 4, 2-7. Kuzyk, B. N. (2009). Innovative development of Russia: the scenario approach. Economic strategy, 1, 56-67. Orlova, N. (2013). Innovative activity of small enterprises: the prospects and role in the development of the Russian economy. Direct access: http://www.sum-tech.ru/tech/innovacionnaya-deyatelnost-predpriyatiy.aspx. Rogov, S. M. (2005). The functions of the modern state: challenges for Russia: a research report. Moscow: Institute of USA and Canada RAS, 163 p. Russian innovation index. (2011). Under the editorship of L. M. Gokhberg. Moscow: national research University “Higher school of Economics”, 84 p. Science and Engineering Indicators – 2008. (2008). Washington: NSA. Direct access: http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/seind08. Stakhov, A. P. (2009). Ten breakthrough technologies of the 21st century and the "Golden" information technology. Direct access: http://www.trinitas.ru/rus/doc/0232/012a/02322041.htm. |
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Dialogue as a Constıtuent Resource for Dramatıc Dıscourse: Language, Person And CultureMarina R. Zheltukhina, Anastasia V. Zinkovskaya, Veronika V. Katermina & Natalia B. Shershneva
pp. 7408-7420 | Article Number: ijese.2016.581
Abstract The article is devoted to the description of peculiarities of a person, language and culture. The offered approach of studying the human factor in the language singles out implicit connotations and makes it possible to see the differences in the perception of the reality by the members of the nation. The idea of the language as an environment of the existence of a person with which the constant interconnection happens; the person being the center of the linguistic picture of the world as the beginning of all categorical coordinates of the language is considered to be the basic idea. Studies of dramatic dialogue as discourse, as a special speech exchange system, are hardly in evidence, even in research of the language of drama. In drama discourse dialogue is employed as a dramatic resource. The specifics of the drama dialogue arc the locus of this study. The dialogue is viewed as interaction open to enormous variation. Dialogue is operative in drama; speech functioning is complex with its own specificities which are different from those in the literary field. Keywords: Language, culture, person, dialogue, dramatic discourse, language picture of the world, connotation References Beckerman, B. (1970). The Dynamics of Drama. New York: Knopf, 274 p. Berdyaev, N. A. (1990). Self-knowledge. Moscow: International relations, 278 p. Berezin, F. M. & Golovin B. N. (1979). General linguistics. Moscow: Education, 374 p. Brutyan, G. A. (1968). Hypothesis of Sapir-Whorf. Yerevan: Luís, 472 p. Buneeva, E. S. (1996). Conceptological Model of a Sign of a Seniority. Language Personality: Cultural Concepts. Volgograd: Peremena, 273 p. Burns, E. (1972). Theatricality: A Study of Convention in the Theatre and in Social Life. London: Longman, 361 p. Dibrova, E. I. (1996). Text Phenomena: Cultural, Philological, and Psychophilological. Philologica, 10, 2-5. Dubichinsky, V. V. (1993). Lexical parallels. Moscow: Self-knowledge, 155 p. Gachev, G. D. (1988). National Images of the World. Moscow: Soviet Writer, 209 p. Hall, E. (1973). The Silent Language. New York: Garden City, 277 p. Hofstede, G. (2001). Culture’s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviours, Institutions and Organizations Across Nations. London: SAGE Publications, 285 p. Hymes, D. (1998). Models of the Interaction of Language and Social Life. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 363 p. Kasevich, V. B. (1991). Language and knowledge. Language and Structure of Knowledge. Moscow: Institute of Linguistics of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 251 p. Kluckhohn, С. (1951). Values and Value Orientations in the Theory of Action. Toward а General Theory of Action. Cambridge: CUP, 352 p. Kukushkina, E. I. (1984). Knowledge, Language, Culture. Moscow: Moscow State University, 153 p. Lakoff, R. T. (2000). The Language War. London: University of California Press, 263 p. Leontyev, A. A. (1976). Signs of Integrity and Connectivity of the Text. Semantic perception of the Speech Message. Moscow: Moscow State University, 274 p. Markaryan, E. S. (1969). Sketches of the Theory of Culture. Moscow: Thought, 367 p. Ojegov S. I. & Shvedova, N. I. (1994): Explanatory Dictionary of Russian. Moscow: Russian, 274 p. Romaine, S. (1994). Language in Society: An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Oxford: OUP. 396 p. Rosen, E. V. (1991). German Lexicon: History and Present. Moscow: The higher school, 285 p. Thelia, V. N. (1996). Russian Phraseology. Moscow: Languages of the Russian Culture, 253 p. Trudgill, P. (1996). Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society. New York: OUP, 305 p. Ufimtseva, N. V. (1995). Russians in Eyes of Russians. Language – System. Language – Text. Language – Ability. Moscow: Institute of Linguistics of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 242-249. Wardhaugh, R. (1997). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Oxford: OUP, 473 p. Williams, R. (1983). Keywords. A vocabulary of Culture and Society. New York: OUP, 373 p. Zheltukhina M. R. (2015). Institutional, Stereotypical and Mythological Media Markers of Modern Society. Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, April, 12 (1), 913-920. Zheltukhina, M. R., Krasavsky, N. A., Slyshkin, G. G. & Ponomarenko, E. B. (2016a). Utilitarian and Aesthetic Values in the Modern German Society. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(5), 1411-1418. Zheltukhina, M. R., Vikulova, L. G., Slyshkin, G. G. & Vasileva, E. G. (2016b). Naming as Instrument of Strengthening of the Dynastic Power in the early middle Ages. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(14), 7195-7205. Zinkovskaya, A. V., Tkhorik, V. I. & Fanyan N. Yu. (2007). Language – Spirituality – Culture. Krasnodar: Education-South, 363 p. |
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Development of Social Infrastructure in the Management Practices of Local Authorities: Trends and FactorsElena V. Frolova, Mikhail V. Vinichenko, Andrey V. Kirillov, Olga V. Rogach & Elena E. Kabanova
pp. 7421-7430 | Article Number: ijese.2016.582
Abstract The relevance of the article is conditioned by the exceptional importance of the social infrastructure for the development of the state, society and each individual. Social infrastructure ensures the development of the municipal unit, satisfaction of the basic needs and interests of the population, creation of the conditions for its subsistence and reproduction. In this connection, the paper aims at analysis of the main challenges and tendencies in the functioning of the social infrastructure of the Russian territories, the factors of its development. The major method of research is jury of opinion - the leaders of local authorities, that has allowed to consider the main resources and restrictions of their activities for the development of social infrastructure in the modern Russian conditions. The article includes the analysis of factors, determining the effectiveness of the development of social infrastructure of municipal units in the Russian Federation. The work discloses the financial-and-economic and political factors, limiting the development of territorial social infrastructure. The article proves that the socio-cultural factors can serve as resources of formation of investment attractiveness of the territory, the development of social infrastructure. The results of the research can be used in the activity of public authorities in drafting of regulations, the practice of local government, contributing to the development of social infrastructure. Keywords: Social infrastructure, municipal unit, local government, social -and-economic and political factors References Babichev, I. V. (2000). Subjects of the local self-government and their interaction. Moscow, Publishing house "Eastern frontier", 207 p. Copus, C. (2006). British Local Government: A Case for a New Constitutional Settlement. Public Policy and Administration, 21, 4-21. Crawford, N. C. (2009). Homo Politicus and Argument (Nearly) All the Way Down: Persuasion in Politics. Perspectives on Politics, 7, 103-124. Delmon, D. (2012). Public-private partnership in the infrastructure. A Practical Guide for authorities. Direct access: http://www.ppiaf.org/sites/ppiaf.org/files/publication/Jeff%20-Delmon_PPP_russian.pdf Draft Concept of improvement in the regional policy in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020. (2014). Direct access http://economy.gov.ru/minec/activity/sections/strategicplanning/-concept/doc20081117_01 Erdyneeva, K. G., Vasilyeva, K. K., Krysova, E. V., Nikonova, T. V.,Fatikhova, L. E., Klimenko, T. I., Zaitseva, N.A. & Marfina, L.V. (2016). The mechanism of state regulation of regional services markets as an imperative to reduce territorial socio-economic disparities. Management of Education: Problems and Perspectives. 6, 274-280 Frolova, E. V. (2014a). Social infrastructure of contemporary Russian municipal bodies: Issues and prospects for modernization. Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, 2, 51-58 Frolova, E. V. (2014b). Deformations in interbudget relations in Russian federation: Socioeconomic and political risks. Actual Problems of Economics, 158, 351-359 Frolova, E. V. (2016). Interaction of the population and local government: Problems and new opportunities. Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, 4, 59-64 George, J. & John, S. (2012). Local government: the past, the present and the future. Public Policy and Administration, 27, 346-367. Grissom, J. A. & Harrington, J. R. (2012). Local Legislative Professionalism. American Politics Research, 41, 76-98. Gureva, M. A., Kirillov, A. V., Vinichenko, M. V., Melnichuk, A. V. & Melnichuk, Y. A. (2016). Management of Innovations and Innovative Process: Concept, Essence, Classification and Diffusion. International review of management and marketing, 6, 147-153. Ivanov, V. N. & Patrushev, V. I. (2001). Innovative social technologies of state and municipal managment. Moscow, Economy, 327 p. Kuhtin, P.V. (2008). Infrastructure of municipal units. Moscow. KNORUS , 14 p. Larionova, A. A., Suslova, I. A., Povorina, E. V. & Vinogradova, M. V. (2015). Formation of Tourist Image of the Region. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6, 261-266. Lupeko, A. A. (2011). Assesment of problems of local government from the standpoint of small towns. Speech at the public hearings "Trends in the development of local government in Russia in the context of legislative changes" in the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, 24.11.2011 Makushkin, S. A., Kirillov, A. V., Novikov, V. S., Shaizhanov, M. K. & Seidina, M. Z. (2016). Role of inclusion “Smart city” concept as a factor in improving the socio-economic performance of the territory. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(1), 152-156. Rogach, O. V. (2009). The role of the formal education in the development of human potential in Russia. Social Policy and Sociology, 5(47), 263-274. Rudenko, L. G., Zaitseva, N. A., Mekush, G. E., Dmitrieva, N. V. & Vasilieva, L. S. (2016). Improving Private Sector and Government Partnership System to Support Small Businesses in the Service Sector. IEJME — Mathematics Education, 11, 1261-1270. Russia in numbers – 2013. (2014). Federal State Statistics Service. Direct access: http://www.gks.ru Shirokov, A. N. (2000). Fundamentals of Local government in the Russian Federation. Moscow, Municipal authority, 136 p. Slyunyaev, I. N. (2012). Speech in a panel session of the Main Board of the All-Russian civic organisation "All-Russian Board of Local Self-Government.". Direct access: http://www.-chelduma.ru/vystuplenie-ministra-regionalnogo-razvitiya-rf-slyunyaeva-na-zasedanii-centralnogo-soveta. Timchenko, V. S. (2013). Problem of the relationship between local governments and state control and supervisory bodies. Direct access: http://vsmsinfo.ru. Vazhenin, S. G. (1980). Social infrastructure of the national economic complex. Moscow, Science, 170p. Vinogradova, M. V., Kulyamina, O. S., Larionova, A. A., Maloletko, A. N. & Kaurova, O. V. (2016). The Use of Management of Objectives Method of Attraction and Evaluation of Effectiveness of Investments to the Tourism and Hospitality International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(2), 241-246. Vinogradova, M., Kulyaminа, O., Koroleva, V. & Larionova, A. (2015).The Impact of Migration Processes on the National Security System of Russia. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. 5, 161-168. Vries, M. S. (2002). Can you Afford Honesty? A Comparative Analysis of Ethos and Ethics in Local Government. Administration & Society, 34, 309-334. Wulf, S. J. (2008). A Philosophical Theory of Citizenship: Obligation, Authority, and Membership. Lanham: Lexington Books, 162 p. |
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Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of the Formation of Anti-Corruption Mechanisms in the System of Higher Education of the Russian FederationRuslan A. Abramov & Maxim S. Sokolov
pp. 7431-7440 | Article Number: ijese.2016.583
Abstract Relevance of the study lies in the fact that modern higher education in the Russian Federation are increasingly approaching the critical state – despite attempts to reform and use of successful foreign practices, our country is still lagging behind in the role. The aim of the article is the formation on the events that occurred in the country over the past two decades, the conclusion that Russia is characterized by unpredictable "rules of the game" and, as a consequence, the future unpredictable. The leading method of research is the modelling method, Indication, and prognostic methods. Identified prospects that Russian society is developing in a legalized falsification of higher education is reflected in the media and formally legalized the issuance of diplomas of higher education to persons not mastered the full competencies, required not only educational standards, but also the labor market. The significance of the results obtained might be expressed as follows: Indicators of Education falsification are "custom-made" evaluation and qualification works of students. Plagiarism, rough compilation when writing papers, the active use of cribs in the control of knowledge of students is a systemic phenomenon in the modern high school, that is, in fact, the falsification of knowledge. Thus, in today's society formed the "cult of the diploma" the presence of higher education, and not the real competence, with the help of which the professional career and the life of a citizen in a civilized world. Keywords: Eurasian Economic Union, higher education, corruption, competence, prevention of corruption References Abramov, R.A. (2015). Integration of Russian and Belorussian universities as a form of access to modern higher education. Higher Education in Russia, 10, 68-74. Abramov, R.A., Sokolov M. (2016). Features of counteraction to corruption in the Russian educational system. In R.A. Abramov (Ed.), Organizational and administrative mechanism of anti-corruption activities (Russian and foreign experience): collection of articles and abstracts of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference on January 25, 2016 (pp. 10-14). Moscow, Russian Federation: "ID Tretyakov" LLC. Aklin, M., Bayer, P., Harish, S.P., Urpelainen, J. (2014). Who blames corruption for the poor enforcement of environmental laws? Survey evidence from Brazil. Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 16(3), 241-262. Becker, K., Hauser, C., Kronthaler, F. (2013). Fostering management education to deter corruption: What do students know about corruption and its legal consequences? Crime, Law and Social Change, 60(2), 227-240. Beets, S.D. (2005). Understanding the demand-side issues of international corruption. Journal of Business Ethics, 57(1), 65-81. Croix, D., Delavallade, C. (2009). Growth, public investment and corruption with failing institutions. Economics of Governance, 1, 10-187. Delavallade, C. (2006). Corruption and distribution of public spending in developing countries. Journal of Economics and Finance, 30(2), 222-239. Eicher, T., García-Peñalosa, C., Ypersele, T. (2009). Education, corruption, and the distribution of income. Journal of Economic Growth, 14(3), 205-231. Factor, R., Kang, M. (2015). Corruption and population health outcomes: an analysis of data from 133 countries using structural equation modeling. International Journal of Public Health, 60(6), 633-641. Gomez, M.L. (2000). Civic formation towards a culture of lawfulness: School-based education against crime and corruption. Trends in Organized Crime, 5(3), 86-89. LaMagna, R.C. (1999). Changing a culture of corruption: How Hong Kong’s independent commission against corruption succeeded in furthering a culture of lawfulness. Trends in Organized Crime, 5(1), 121-137. Osipian, A.L. (2009). Vouchers, tests, loans, privatization: Will they help tackle corruption in Russian higher education? PROSPECTS, 3, 39-47. Riera, P., Barberá, P., Gómez, R., Mayoral, J.A., Montero, J.R. (2013). The electoral consequences of corruption scandals in Spain. Crime, Law and Social Change, 60(5), 515-534. Sokolov, M.S. (2016). Theoretical and applied aspects of combating corruption: Russian and foreign experience. Security Issues, 1, 15-26. Spector, B.I. (2016). The benefits of anti-corruption programming: implications for low to lower middle income countries. Crime, Law and Social Change, 65(4), 423-442. Vernadsky, V.I. (1991). Scientific thought as a planetary phenomenon. Moscow: Nauka, 270 p. Walker, D.W. (2016). How Systemic inquiry releases citizen knowledge to reform schools: Community scorecard case studies. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 29(4), 313-334. Wilhelm, P.G. (2002). International validation of the corruption perceptions index: Implications for business ethics and entrepreneurship education. Journal of Business Ethics, 35(3), 177-189. Wing, L.T. (1998). Pioneer of moral education: Independent comission against corruption (ICAC). Trends in Organized Crime, 4(2), 19-30. Wood, P. (2010). Earth worms: The eco-corruption of higher education. LAW, 23(1), 11-19. Wu, Y., Zhu, J. (2016). When are people unhappy? Corruption experience, environment, and life satisfaction in Mainland China. Journal of Happiness Studies, 17(3), 1125-1147. Zhou, L., Tao, J. (2009). Government size, market-orientation and regional corruption: Evidence from the provincial level panel data. Frontiers of Economics in China, 4(3), 425-448. |
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Methods of Evaluating the Efficiency of Energy Saving Projects with Taking risks Into AccountGulnara M. Kvon, Farid F. Khamidullin, Ekaterina Y. Samysheva, Vera B. Vaks & Nikita V. Mararov
pp. 7441-7452 | Article Number: ijese.2016.584
Abstract The relevance of the problem studied in the article is caused by the fact that now the process of reforming the housing and utilities sector in the Republic of Tatarstan continues. Its purpose is to increase the quality of service for public and to protect their legitimate rights and interests. That is why it is one of the aspects of social and economic policy. All mentioned above determines the necessity of implementing energy saving projects and evaluating their efficiency. The purpose of the article is quantitative evaluation of the efficiency of investment project in the field of energy saving with estimation of the risk of its implementation. The leading method to study this problem is the quantitative approach of evaluating the project risks, based on the analysis of sensitivity and project risks scenarios which are calculated by using discount method of its efficiency. Such methods provide the accuracy of the calculations. In the article we made evaluation of economic efficiency in housing and utility sector. We also detected the most critical factors for implementing the projects in the field of energy saving and made quantitative assessment of their influence. We also made the reasonable conclusions about the necessity of risk evaluation by using methods of sensitivity and scenario evaluation. Results of calculating the project efficiency in the field of energy saving and the results of analyzing sensitivity of the factors that influence the project can be useful when implementing similar project. Keywords: Energy saving, evaluation of project efficiency, sensitivity analysis, evaluating the risks References Andrizhievsky, A. A. & Volodin, V. I. (2008). Energy conservation and energy management. Minsk: High School, 294 p. Berens, V. & Havranek, P. M. (1995). Guidelines for evaluating the effectiveness of investments. Moscow: "INFRA-M", 528 p. Chekalin, E. V. (2002). 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Complex Exploration of Hydrocarbon Deposits on Arctic Shelf with Seismic, Electric Prospection and Electrochemical MethodsVasily Palamarchuk, Mihail Holmyanskii, Nadezhda Glinskaya & Oksana Mishchenko
pp. 7453-7464 | Article Number: ijese.2016.585
Abstract Article describes basic principles of seismic, electric prospection and electrochemical data complexation, received on the same research objects. The goal of our exploration works is complex exploration of hydrocarbon deposits on arctic shelf. Complex is based on ion-selective electrodes for detection of heavy metal complex anomalies in sea water – indicators, which lies in sedimentary cover, oil deposits, in gas and gas condensate. Measurements are completed by sea bottom stations in profiling mode. Provided descriptions of new method of seismic, electric prospection and electrochemical data complexation while interpreting results of seismic research with reflected waves method and electric prospecting by electrical resistance and / or induced polarization method and an electrochemical method. Theoretical and methodological basics of geophysics data interpretation in the implementation of hydrocarbon prospecting are presented. Complex field works features that increases reliability of deposit availability forecast are described. Keywords: Hydrocarbon deposits, seismic, electric prospection and electrochemical methods, ion-selective electrodes, profiling, Kara sea References Berezkin, V. M. (1978). Application of geophysical methods for prospecting and direct exploration of oil and gas deposits. Moscow: Depths, 263 p. Holmyanskii, M. A. & Vladimirov, M. V. (2002). Creation of method and technology of electrochemical and electrometric measurements for solving geoecological tasks on water areas. Russian geophysics journal. 29, 114-22. Putikov, O. F. (2008). Prospecting of oil and gas fields on shelf with geo-electric methods of exploration the water column. Rep. AS. RF, 423(4), 530-532. Snopova, E. M., Anohin, V. M., Holmyanskii, M. A. (2016). Electrochemical profiling – effective and ecologically safe method for hydrocarbon exploration in the Arctic seas. Ecology and economics, 2, 82-89. |
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Mythorealistic Concept of ‘Beautiful Lady’ in the Structure of the Author’s Identity (Based on the Diaries of Alexander Blok)Diana Minets
pp. 7465-7475 | Article Number: ijese.2016.586
Abstract The present paper deals with the diaries of Alexander Blok dated 1901-1921 reflecting the process of the writer’s self-identification. During 20 years under the influence of various social and cultural situations Blok’s ‘Self-Conception’ is undergoing significant changes. The vector of these changes shows the complicated evolution of the Author’s ‘Self’. So purpose of the work is to explore the development of Bloks self-identification. The base of the author’s personal identity in the text is comprised of such conceptual dominants as ‘Beautiful Lady’, ‘Art’ (‘Creativeness’), ‘Intelligentsia’, where the first dominant, being the base of the creative life strategy, performs a hyperonymic function which also defines the attitude towards the others. The model of the author’s identity is defined by the following divergent communicative vectors: 1) Self/She, Self/Others as a marker of the positional social abstraction of Blok (individual => group => ontological oppositions); 2) Self/Alter Ego as a marker of reflective autocommunication; 3) Self/We as a marker of group self-categorization. This work represents not only an analysis of the Bloks creation, but also reflects the realities of the contemporary state of literary art and its influence on the poet Keywords: Social and personal identity, auto-document, diary, creative life strategy, concept References Licuk, Zh. V. (2012). The Silver Age of Russian Poetry in the Memoirs and Autobiographies of the Contemporaries. Social Sciences, 3(106), 112-126. Minets, D. V. (2012). The Concepts of Identity in the ‘Svodnye tetradi’ by Marina Tsvetayeva. Kazan science, 2, 178-183. Schneider, L. B. (2007). Personal, Gender and Professional Identity: Theory and Methods of Diagnostics. Moskow: MPSI, 128 p. Shlykova, Ju. B. (2006). Personal Comprehension of Meaning of Life: PhD Abstract. Krasnodar: KGU, 56 p. Solovyev, I. (1971). Alexander Blok: Introduction. Moskow, 363 p. Tarasova, I. V. & Minec, D. V. (2016). Lexical and Semantical Transformations of the Image of Lyubov Mendeleeva in the Diaries of Alexander Blok. Materials of the international scientific conference. Vologda, Russia: Vologda State University, 583-584. Turner, J. (1985). Social Categorization and Self-concept: A Social Cognitive Theory of Group Behavior. Advances in Group Processes, 3, 77-121. Zvonareva, Ju. V. (2013). Linguistic Means of Personal Identification in Literature: PhD Abstract. Cheljabinsk: ChGU, 70 p. |
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Improving Competences of Engineering Students in Terms of Development of Research FunctionValentina A. Ivashova, Roman V. Pavliuk, Anton V. Zaharin, Lyubov F. Maslova & Svetlana S. Alivanova
pp. 7476-7485 | Article Number: ijese.2016.587
Abstract Among the priorities of the vocational education reformation, highlighted in the concepts of development of vocational and technical (professional) education, the need to develop the standards of professional expertise for the professions and types of work is identified with regard to the prospects of development of production and scientific research. Main contradictions of development influencing the state of higher education in the regions emphasized on the basis of theoretical analysis were observed and used. Signs of the education revolution in the early 21st century are increase in the requirements to a specialist and the transition of the educational priorities from the order for assimilation of future specialists of certain information amounts to the qualities of the building, contributing to the implementation of a specific creative activity, so now the development of new approaches for improvement of training of highly qualified specialists is an extremely urgent problem. The main indicator of the future engineering specialist’s professional competence is the established professional way of thinking, which represents his or her intellectual ability to solve professional problems. Keywords: Student, training, engineering, competence, research function, the learning process References Adams, S. B. (2009). Follow the Money: Engineering at Stanford and UC Berkeley During the Rise of Silicon Valley. Minerva, 47, 367-390. Baillie, C., Bowden, J. A., & Meyer, J. H. (2013). Threshold capabilities: Threshold Concepts and Knowledge Capability Linked through Variation Theory. Higher Education, 65, 227-246. Choi, H., & Shields, B. (2015). A Place for Materials Science: Laboratory Buildings and Interdisciplinary Research at the University of Pennsylvania. Minerva, 53, 21-42. Crawley, E. F., Brodeur, D. R., & Soderholm, D. H. (2008). The Education of Future Aeronautical Engineers: Conceiving, Designing, Implementing and Operating. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 17, 138-151. Cyguleva, M. V. & Fedorova, M. A. (2016). Formation of Reflexive Environment of Technical Higher Educational Institution as a Condition for ‘Humanitarian Engineer’ Development. Higher Education in Russia, 5, 143-149. Habaeva, E. V. & Hozjainova, M. S. (2016). Compliance of Education Mathematical Activities of Technical Students with Professional Activities of Engineer. Science almanac, 4-2(18), 309-312. Hacrinova, O. Ju. (2016). Modern Problems of Engineering Education – from the Perspective of Florence. Sustainable development management, 2(3), 109-112. Innovative Technologies for Solution of Engineering Tasks. (2016). Measurement world. Direct access: https://nielsen.taleo.net/careersection/11/jobdetail.ftl?job=1515418&lang=en Lambert, A. D., Terenzini, P. T. & Lattuca, L. R. (2007). More than meets the eye: Curricular and Programmatic Effects on Student Learning. Research in Higher Education, 48, 141-168. Law, K.., & Breznik, K. (2016). Impacts of innovativeness and attitude on entrepreneurial intention: among engineering and non-engineering students. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 2, 1-18. Loyalka, P., Carnoy, M., Froumin, I., Dossani, R., Tilak, J. B., & Yang, P. (2014). Factors affecting the quality of engineering education in the four largest emerging economies. Higher Education, 68, 977-1004. Mause, K. (2013). 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Emotional Stability as a Condition of Students’ Adaptation to Studying in a Higher Educational InstitutionTat'yana A. Serebryakova, Lyudmila B. Morozova, Elena M. Kochneva, Darya V. Zharova, Elena A. Kostyleva & Oxana G. Kolarkova
pp. 7486-7494 | Article Number: ijese.2016.588
Abstract Background/Objectives: The objective of the paper is analysis and description of findings of an empiric study on the issue of social and psychological adaptation of first year students to studying in a higher educational institution. Methods/Statistical analysis: Using the methods of theoretical analysis the paper’s authors plan and carry out an experimental study, which made it possible to relate personality’s social-psychological adaptation to personality’s emotional stability as well as to prove the need for developing programs of psychological content that optimize personality’s adaptive processes. Findings: Based on the findings of scientists in the area of social-psychological adaptation, we understand this phenomenon as a process of interaction between a personality and social environment that results in adaptiveness, which means effective accustoming to social environment by a personality through accepting of its standards of interaction, system of values and forms of domain-specific activity as well. We consider the level of development of emotional stability as personal formation the base of social-psychological adaptation. According to stated base theoretical provisions, we included the following methods into the programm of the empiric study: Rogers’ and Dymond’s Social and Psychological Adaptation of Personality, Self-Esteem of Psychological Adaptiveness, H. Eysenck’s Diagnostics of Self-Esteem of Mental States. Application/Improvements: The low level of social-psychological adaptation is typical for 50% of respondents that took part in the study representing the need for developing and goal-oriented implementation of a program of psychological aid aimed at optimizing the process of social-psychological adaptation by means of optimizing the development of first year students’ emotional sphere. Keywords: Adaptation, personality, personality’s social-psychological adaptation, personality’s emotional stability References Andreeva, G. M. (2005). Psikhologiya sotsial'nogo poznaniya. Moscow: Aspekt Press, 274 p. Ashikhmina, O. A. (2009). Emotional stability as a functional phenomenon. Herald of the State University of Management, 4, 12-23. Cannon, W. B. (1953). Bodily changes in pain, hunger, fear, and rage. Boston: Branford, 369 p. Chernikova, O. A. (1967). The study of emotional stability as a major indicator of athlete’s psychological preparedness to competitions. Psychological Issues of Athletic Training, 3, 9-13. Gabdreva, G. S. (2009). The major aspects of the problem of anxiety in psychology. Moscow. 25-28. Kolarkova, O. G. & Chikina, T. E. (2015). Social and pedagogical conditions of first-year students’ adaptation. Sotsialnye issledovaniya socialnykh problem, 9(53), 607-626. Leontyev, A. N. (1971). Needs, motives, and emotions. Moscow: Moscow State University, 233 p. Levitov, N. D. (1969) Psikhologiia kharaktera. Moscow: Prosveshenie, 424 p. Maklakov, A. G. (2001). General psychology. St. Petersburg: Piter. 421 p. Norakidze, V. G. (1966). Types of character and fixed installation. Tbilisi: Metsniereba, 262 p. Pavlov, I. P. (1955). Selected works. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 374 p. Sechenov, I. M. (1863). Physiologische Studien iiber die Hummuagmechanismen fiir die Reflextatigkeit des Ruckenmarkes im Gehirne des Frosches. Berlin: Hirschwald, 51 p. Serebryakova, Т. A., Morozova, L. B., Kochneva, E. M., Zharova, D. V., Skitnevskaya, L. V. & Kostina, O. A. (2016). The Problem of Socio-Psychological Adjustment of Personality in the Scientists’ Studies. International journal of environmental & science education, 11(4), 349-358 р. Shadrikov, V. D. (1997). Human abilities. Moskow: Institute of Applied Psychology, 288 p. Trukhmanova, E. N. (2004). Personal characteristics of orphan teenagers and teenagers with no parental custody as a factor of their deadaptation: PhD Thesis. Nizhny Novgorod, 288 p. Volkov, G. D. & Okonskaya, N. B. (1975). Adaptation and its levels. Philosophy of Frontier Issues of Science. 7, 134-142. Volkova, E. N., Vereitinova, T. V., Volkova, I. V. & Mikhalyuk, O. S. (2016). Regarding definition of the notion of positive socialization of youth. Herald of Minin University, 2, 215-226. |
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Innovative Features of Comparative-Historical Research of European and Azerbaijani Cultural Heritage (Based on the Materials of British and Azerbaijani Literature of the XX Century)Nicolas Eugstera & Elnur L. Hasanov
pp. 7495-7505 | Article Number: ijese.2016.589
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Functional Zoning as an Instrument for Sustainable Development of Tourism of Great AltaiMaria G. Sukhova,b, Evgenia O. Harms, Valery G. Babin, Olga W. Zhuravleva & Andrey V. Karanin
pp. 7506-7514 | Article Number: ijese.2016.590
Abstract The paper is relevant since tourism is considered as an element of sustainable development of the region, which means not only growth but also formation of a fundamentally new system of land use planning with tourism as its integrator. The purpose of the paper is development of theoretical-methodological and cartographic instruments for identifying homogeneous territorial complexes, which can be grouped based on the similar functional features and represented as strategic instruments for development of the region. The differential matrix method for distinguishing typological structures in the economic complex of the region is the basic research method. This method in turn is based on the targeting method for the purpose of planning development of a region, the structural method aimed at forming clusters on the branch principle and the forecasting method with an eye to determine whether implementation of suggested measures will cause an increase in Gross Regional Product. It’s suggested to implement recreational monitoring based on the concept of recreational digression stages with diversification of tourist product in each natural recreational area and identifying a few cycles of recreational activity, which allow, if conditions changed, refocusing recreational activity to a different, optimum direction and creating cross-border protected areas, coordinating actions of existing near-border areas. Zoned territories can be useful for investment companies, economic associations. The territories, which could be designated as additional protected areas in the Ukok, Chuya-Kuray, North-South-Chuya natural recreational regions, can be included into the Golden Ring as far-reaching paths Keywords: Altai, environmental management, zoning, recreation References Chernykh, D.V. (2012). Spatio-temporal design of inland mountain scenery (by the example of Russian Altai). PhD Thesis in Geographic Sciences. Barnaul: Altai State University, 368 p. 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The Economic Efficiency of European Football Clubs – Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) ApproachAleksey V. Pyatunin, Angelina B. Vishnyakova, Natalia L. Sherstneva, Svetlana P. Mironova, Sergey A. Dneprov & Yuriy P. Grabozdin
pp. 7515-7534 | Article Number: ijese.2016.591
Abstract The relevance of this paper lies in the fact that football business has grown significantly in the past 20 years and football clubs have become large companies, which in an effort to be profitable and successful on the field need to improve the efficiency of their business. The aim of this article is to measure economic efficiency of 48 big European football clubs and assess the relationship between efficiency and different financial and sportive indicators (variables). To measure efficiency, we used both widely used Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method and its extensions: DEA Super-efficiency and DEA Cross-efficiency models. The results showed that these methods can successively be applied to football clubs’ efficiency measurement and the analysis of the them can help to explain why some clubs are efficient or inefficient and which factors affects the efficiency. This paper will be interesting football clubs’ managers, football analytics, economists and other people interested in football business because we combine in it the most interesting ideas and methods about football clubs’ efficiency measurement. Keywords: Efficiency, football clubs, economic efficiency, data envelopment analysis (DEA), spearman's rank correlation coefficient References Andersen, P. & Petersen, N. (1993). A Procedure for Ranking Efficient Units in Data Envelopment Analysis. Management Science, 39(10), 132-143. Andersen, T., Hollingsworth, K. & Inman, L. (2002). The fixed weighting nature of a cross-evaluation model. Journal of Productivity Analysis,1, 249-255. Banker, R., Charnes, A. & Cooper, W. (1984). Some Models for Estimating Technical and Scale Inefficiencies in Data Envelopment Analysis. Management Science, 30, 1078-1092. Barros, C. & Douvis, J. (2009). Comparative analysis of football efficiency among two small European countries: Portugal and Greece. 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Mesofauna Influence on Hamification Process of Vegetable Oddments with Partticipation MicroarthropodYuriy V. Simonov, Irina A. Svetkina & Konstantin V. Kryuchkov
pp. 7535-7550 | Article Number: ijese.2016.592
Abstract Relevance of the studied problem is caused by the fact that stability of natural ecosystems strongly depends on functioning of their destructive block which closes a biological circulation. The organisms that ensure functioning of the destructive block are very different and numerous. All of them partly supplement, partly duplicate functions of each other that is an important factor of reliability of this ecosystem block. Shallow arthropods are important regulators of fossils mineralization and immobilizations of various biogens. Experiments demonstrate that if there are microarthropods, humification processes amplify and the optical density of humic acids raises. The aim of the article is to show degree and depth of change of mineralization and humification processes at the interaction of microarthropods and some mesofauna representatives in the processes of transformation of organic substance of vegetable oddments on the basis of experimental research. The most popular method to a research of this problem is the creation of laboratory microecosystems which have a clear boundary, which are easily reproduced and convenient for experimenting with subsequent instrumental determination of quantitative and qualitative humification parameters. In the course of experimental work it is revealed that the activity of soil-forming invertebrates results in strengthening humification processes. Humification rates, transformation depth of organic substance directly depend on cenotic organization of destructors. It is obvious that, the more complete the composition of biodegradative agents, the more intensive the decomposition process, the stronger the humification processes prevail over mineralization, the higher their maturity degree. All above-mentioned has a huge value to preserve a long-term fertility and high agronomical soil value, both in agrophitocenosis, and in natural biogeocenosis. Keywords: Mesofauna, vegetable Oddments, microarthropod References Anderson, J. M. (2000). Food web functioning and ecosystems processes: problems and perception of scaling. Invertebrates as Webmasters in Ecosystems. CABI Publishing, 3-24. Bengtsson, Y. R. & Rundgren, S. (1983). Resperation and growth of a fungua Mortierella isabellina, in reipouse to grazing by Onychiurus armatus. Soil. Biol. and Biochem, 15(4), 463-473. Byzova, Yu. B. (1987). The quantitative methods in soil zoology. Moscow: Science, 288 p. Cassagne, N., Gers, C. & Gauquelin , T. (2003). Relationships between Collembola, soil chemistry and humus types in forest stands. Biol, and Fert. Soils, 37(6), 355-361. Chernova, N. M., Kuznetsov, N. A. & Simonov, Y. V. (1989). Cenotic organization and functions of the microarthropod’s population of a forest laying.. Moscow: Science, 432 p. Kozlovskaya, L. S. (1984). Biochemical changes of vegetable oddments under the influence of mesofauna. Ashgabat: Kumush, 142 p. 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The Scenario Approach to the Development of Regional Waste Management Systems (Implementation Experience in the Regions of Russia)Eugene P. Fomin, Andrey A. Alekseev, Natalia E. Fomina & Vladimir E. Dorozhkin
pp. 7551-7562 | Article Number: ijese.2016.593
Abstract The article illustrates a theoretical approach to scenario modeling of economic indicators of regional waste management system. The method includes a three-iterative algorithm that allows the executive authorities and investors to take a decision on logistics, bulk, technological and economic parameters of the formation of the regional long-term (10-25 years) waste management program. Keywords: Waste management system, economy, regional economy References Albegova, А. V., Gonopolsky, А. М. & Mariev, V. А. (2015). Analysis of issues of Russian waste management system. Moscow: AST, 536 p. Alekseev, A. A. (2014). Waste processing - an innovative industrial segment. Saint Petersburg: News of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 3, 17-23. Alekseev, A. A., Dwarf, A. E. & Makhatadze, L. P. (2013). Development of a regional waste management system. Economy and management, 4(90), 12-18. Berninger, K., Heikkilä, L. & Kolev, Z. (2010). Waste management and recycling in Finland. Conference Presentation, 12 p. Cherubini, F. & Bargigli, S. (2009). Ulgiati Life cycle assessment (LCA) of waste management strategies: landfilling, soring plant and incineration. Energy, 34(12), 2116–2123. Chepiga, P. N. (2010). Enhancement of waste management system in the Russian Federation. Problems of the modern economy, 4, 306-309. Eremina, M. G. & Savinykh, B. B. (2015). Management of solid waste management system in the region. Technologies of technosphere safety, 1(59), 225-233. Eriksson, O., M. Carlsson Reich, & Frostell, B. (2005) Thyselius Municipal solid waste from a systems perspective J. Clean. Prod., 13(3), 241–252. Fomina, N. E. (2009). Optimization of budgetary expenses (on the example of the Samara region). S.: Vestnik of the Samara State University of Economics, 5(55), 126-128. Gorina, L. N., Danilina, N. E. & Mill T. Y. (2015). Methodology and logistics of waste management system in the organizations of a power complex. News of the Samara scientific center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences, 17(5-2), 641-645. Kosarikov, A. N. & Makarov, P. V. (2014). The development of solid waste management system at a post-industrial stage. Health and safety, 8, 64-68. Malinin, A. M., Bodenko, E. M. & Rukomoynikova, M. A. (2010). Institutional approaches to the solution of problems of the waste management system’s organization. Journal of legal and economic researches, 3, 74-77. Meylan, G., Ami, H. & Spoerri, A. (2014). Transitions of municipal solid waste management. Part II: hybrid life cycle assessment of Swiss glass-packaging disposal. Resour. Conserv. Recycl., 86, 16–27. Minghua, Z., Xiumin, F. & Rovetta, H. (2009). Municipal solid waste management in Pudong New Area, China. Journal of Waste Management, 29, 1227–1233. Minakova, I. V. & Timofeeva, O. G. (2015). Institutional innovations in a waste management system in the region. In the world of discoveries, 10(70), 118-125. Pugin, K. G. (2014). Requirements to the modern waste management system. Transport. Transport constructions. Ecology, 4, 66-76. Rigamonti, L., Falbo, A. & Grosso, M. (2013). Improvement actions in waste management systems at the provincial scale based on a life cycle assessment evaluation. Waste Management, 33(11), 2568–2578. Shabalov, M. Y. (2014). Enhancement of waste management system by means of creating method of portraits of their development. Online magazine Science of science, 1(20), 41-57. Scheinberg, A. (2011). Value added: modes of sustainable recycling in the modernisation of waste management systems. Ph.D. Wageningen University, Netherlands, 217-224. Sonesson, U. (2000). Modelling the waste collection – a general approach to calculate fuel consumption and time. Waste Management & Research, 18, 115–123. Spoerri, A., Lang, D. J. & Binder, C. R. (2009). Expert-based scenarios for strategic waste and resource management planning – C&D waste recycling in the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland. Resour., Conserv. Recycl., 53, 592–600. Tarakanov, V. A. (2012). Organization of the industry for waste processing. Municipal solid waste, 12(78), 14-17. Zurbrügg, C., Drescher, S. & Rytz, I. (2005). Decentralised composting in Bangladesh, a win–win situation for all stakeholders. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 43, 281–292. Zamyatina, M. F. & Fesenko, P. C. (2011). The role of waste management system in the balanced development of the region. Economy and management, 11(73), 57-64. |
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Mutual Funds as a Form of Collective Investment in RussiaMarina B. Tershukova, Oleg G. Savinov, Elena V. Zhegalova, Georgy I. Zhuruhinc & Alexandra S. Zhegalova
pp. 7563-7575 | Article Number: ijese.2016.594
Abstract The relevance of the research problem inspired with the fact nowadays there is a need for theoretical generalization based on international experience the essence of the collective investment system and the rationale for prioritizing the mutual funds development as the most attractive form of collective investment. The goal of the article lies in theoretical provisions development and practical recommendations for mutual Funds modernization and development as a form of collective investment. A leading approach to study this problem is a classical approach that can identify the characteristics of different forms in collective investment, mutual Funds benefits as a promising form of collective investments organization. Main results of the research are to formulate definitions of collective investment, collective investment that allows you to build a model of the collective investments system in Russia, reflecting the relationship and interdependence of an elements set and having relative isolation from other segments of the financial market. Also there were developed priorities for the mutual funds development as a promising form of collective investment in the Russian Federation. The article can be useful, that developed in that position develop theory for collective investment in management system private savings (personal finance). Suggested ways of improving the mutual funds functioning can be used in the practice of collective investments for providing safety of investors’ financial resources, increase control and mitigate risk. Keywords: Investment attractiveness of the mutual fund, the collective investment, a system model for collective investment, mutual funds References Blank, I. A. (2001). Investment management. Moscow: El'ga Nika Center, 311 p. Boldyrev, N.B. (2005). Institutional investors in the region. Bulletin of financial Academy, 4, 117-125. Kharseeva, A.V. (2010). The concept and essence of investments: the problem of definition.Direct access: http://www.teoria-practica.ru/-1-2010/economics/harseeva.pdf Kovaleva, T. M. (2015). Regulation of financial and credit relations and globalization. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of the Polytechnic University, 525 p. Krasnyanskaya, A.P. & Kuzmin, O.Y. (2016). Investing in structured products: development prospects. Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics, 6(140), 129-134. Pigou, A. (1920). Wealth and Welfare. London: Macmillan, 25 p. Sharpe, W. F., Alexander, G. J. & Bailey, J. V. (2006). Investments. Moscow: INFRA-M, 210p. Zhegalova, A. S. (2013). The development of the Institute of collective investments in Russia. Ekon.science, 6(103). 99-101. |
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Dairy Cattle Breeding Effectiveness Analysis under the Conditions of Import SubstitutionYuri A. Tokarev, Nina I. Merkushova, Olga V. Bakanach, Natalya V. Proskurina & Natalia S. Sazhina
pp. 7576-7585 | Article Number: ijese.2016.595
Abstract The relevance of the research problem is inspired by the strategic importance of dairy farming to the national economy, which is especially evident in the context of the EU economic sanctions against the Russian Federation and carrying out the import substitution policy. First and foremost, this policy applies to food commodities, including milk. The goal of the article is to study statistical productivity analysis of dairy cattle breeding as one of the major indicators to show its effectiveness (Privolzhsky Federal district in Russia is taken as the example). The main methods, used to study this problem are the index method, time series analysis, and correlation and regression analysis. As the study result there were identified the factors affecting the dairy cattle productivity, the prognosis and the conclusion about the positive aspects in solving problems of import substitution in the field of milk production. The article can be useful to regional governments in the development and adjustment programs for socio-economic development of subjects dealing with agriculture in the Volga Federal district of Russia. Keywords: Agriculture, dairy cattle, livestock productivity, efficiency, the substitution References Bezlepkina, I. V., Alfons G. J., Lansink, M. O. & Oskam, A. J. (2005). Effects of subsidies in Russian dairy farming. Agricultural Economics, 33(3), 277-288. Guskova, N. D., Salimova, T. A. & Krakovskaya, I. N. (2015). Software import substitution based on sustainable development and competitive recovery of the region. Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics, 2, 134-145. Kormushkina, L. A., Semenova, N. N. (2015). Import substitution is an important strategic task of development of agroindustrial complex of Russia. National interests: priorities and security, 8(293). 2-12pp. Kosinski, P. D. & Chuprakov, A. G. (2014). The role of agriculture in the implementation of the policy of import substitution and maintenance of food security in the region. International journal of applied and fundamental research, 2(12), 208-211. Mkhitaryan, V. S. & Sweet, L. V. (2013). Statistical analysis of the efficiency of production and consumption of dairy products. Economics, statistics and Informatics. Bulletin UMO. Russian University of Economics named after G. V. Plekhanov, 4, 166-170. Ollinger, M. (2011). Structural change in the meat and poultry industry and food safety regulations. Agribusiness, 27(2), 244-257. Ruchinskaya, L. V. (2013). Statistical analysis of the Russian market of milk and dairy products: PhD Thesis. Moscow, 25 p. Rybakova, E. S. (2005). Statistical analysis and forecasting of production of major livestock products: PhD Thesis. Moscow. Direct access: http://economy-lib.com/statisticheskiy-analiz-i-prognozirovanie-proizvodstva-osnovnyh-vidov-produktsii-zhivotnovodstva#ixzz44MF3zJRr. |
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The Development Mechanism of Financial Resources of the Housing Mortgage Lending in RussiaValentina A. Savinova, Marija N. Solodilova, Elena V. Zgegalova, Marina B. Tershukova & Tatiana K. Rutkauskas
pp. 7586-7607 | Article Number: ijese.2016.596
Abstract The urgency of the analyzed issue is due to the priority of state issues of providing the population with affordable and comfortable housing. The purpose of research is to develop the main provisions of the development mechanism of financial resources of the housing mortgage lending and to develop practical recommendations for its implementation. The leading approach to research this issue is a systematic approach, which used such scientific methods as analysis and synthesis, economic and mathematical and statistical methods, logic, and dialectic methods. Key findings of research are to develop the functional model of the development mechanism of financial resources of the housing mortgage lending; to clarify the understanding of mortgage and housing mortgage lending. The article also shows the scheme of public-private partnerships in order to enhance the formation of financial resources for the construction of affordable housing for the population. The contents of the article may be used in the practice of commercial banks in attracting financial resources and regional authorities in order to improve the housing supply. study. Keywords: Financial resources, development mechanism of financial resources, private-public partnership, refinancing; securitization References An, X. & Bostic, R.W. (2009). Policy incentives and the extension of mortgage credit: Increasing market discipline for subprime lending. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 28 (3), 340-365. Behr, J. P. (2006). Asset securitization: Securitization of Financial Assets - an innovative tool that finances banks. Direct access: http://finance-innovation.org/risk08/files/3433996.pdf. Dell'Ariccia, G., Igan, D. & Laeven, L. (2012). Credit Booms and Lending Standards: Evidence from the Subprime Mortgage Market. Journal of money credıt and bankıng, 44(3), 367-384. Ferreira, F. A., Santos, S. P., Marques, C. S. & Ferreira, J. (2014). Assessing credit risk of mortgage lending using MACBETH: A methodological framework. Management Decision, 52(2), 182-206. Gan, C., Li, Z., Wang, W. &Kao, B. (2012). Credit scoring in mortgage lending: Evidence from China. International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, 5(4), 334-350. |
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Assessment Problems and Ensuring of Decent Work in the Russian RegionsMarina V. Simonova, Larisa V. Sankova, Farida I. Mirzabalaeva, Dina Ye. Shchipanova & Vladimir E. Dorozhkin
pp. 7608-7626 | Article Number: ijese.2016.597
Abstract The relevance of the research problem is inspired by the need to ensure decent work principles in Russia. The purpose of this article is to develop evaluation methodologies and identify areas to implement key principles of decent work at the regional level in modern Russia. A leading approach to study this problem is the development of a new method of calculating the index characterizing the decent work deficit in the region. Results: the authors have developed a general procedure for overcoming the decent work deficit, given the chosen model of development in the regions, and developed the stages of events. In the study, the authors analyzed the existing approaches to the assessment of decent work, taking into account the updated development trends of the economy, its key parameters. There are presented results of a comparative analysis on decent work deficits at the regional level, identified the problem field of assessment methodology and proposed measures to ensure patterns of decent work with regard to the choice of innovative development in regional economies. The advantage of this model is overcoming the decent work deficit through structural, institutional changes, increasing investment activity. The article may be useful for research organizations and regional administrative structures in the development of medium and long-term programs to increase decent work levels. Keywords: Decent work, wages, labor productivity, social protection, working conditions References Acemoglu, D., & Autor, D. (2011). Skills, Tasks and Technologies: Implications for Employment and Earnings. Handbook of Labor Economics, 1, 1043-1171. Anker, R., Chernyshev, I., Egger, P., Mehran, F. & Ritter, J. A. (2003).Measuring decent work with statistical indicators.International Labour Review, 142(2), 147-178. Ashmarina, S. I., Zotova, A. S. & Smolina, E. S. (2016). Implementation of financial sustainability in organizations through valuation of financial leverage effect in Russian practice of financial management. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11 (10), 3775 – 3782. Baimurzina, G. R. (2010). Opportunities and challenges indication of decent work indicators in the regions of Russia. The Standard of Living of the Population of Regions of Russia, 8, 43-56. Bescond, D., Châtaignier, A., & Mehran, F. (2003). Seven indicators to measure decent work: An international comparison.International Labour Review, 142(2), 179-212. Bonnet, F., Figueiredo, J. B., & Standing, G. (2003). A family of decent work indexes. International Labour Review, 142(2), 213-238. Breau, S., Kogler, D. F., & Bolton, K. C. (2014). On the Relationship between Innovation and Wage Inequality: New Evidence from Canadian Cities. Economic Geography, 90(4), 351-373. Florida, R., Mellander, C., Stolarick, K., & Ross, A. (2011).Cities, skills and wages. Journal of Economic Geography, 12(2), 355-377. Goos, M., Manning, A., & Salomons, A. (2009).Job Polarization in Europe. American Economic Review, 99(2), 58-63. Holmlund, B. (2014). What do labor market institutions do? Labour Economics, 30, 62-69. Jahan, S. (2015). Human Report development in 2015 "Work for the sake of human development" Direct access: http://hdr.undp.org/ Karpuhin, D. N. (2014). Achieving decent work in creating and upgrading jobs. Moscow: IE RAN, 100 p. Pavlova, E. A., & Sankova, L. V. (2012). Methodological approaches to the definition of decent work index at the power plants. Modern problems of science and education. Direct access: http://www.science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=5950 Rubery, J., Keizer, A., & Grimshaw, D. (2016). Flexibility bites back: The multiple and hidden costs of flexible employment policies. Human Resource Management Journal, 26(3), 235-251. Ryan, A. M., & Wessel, J. L. (2015). Implications of a changing workforce and workplace for justice perceptions and expectations.Human Resource Management Review, 25(2), 162-175. Shaimardanov, N., Polkova, T., & Shahova, O. (2009). Decent work: Methodology and methods of evaluation. , 4, 193-199. The Economy of the Region, 4, 193-199. Simonova, M. V., Bazhutkina, L. P., & Berdnikov, V. A. (2015).Approaches to the System Salary Increase in the Region on the Ground of Labor Production Growth. Review of European Studies RES, 7(2), 58-65. Smirnova, T. (2010). The criteria of decent work for intellectual workers. Bulletin of Moscow University, 3, 90-99. Tatarkin, A., Vasilyeva, E. & Chichkanov, V. (2015). Map selection of life quality control mechanism in the region. Regional Economy: Theory and Practice, 42(417), 2-14. Zubarevich, N. (2015). Monitoring the crisis and post-crisis development of Russian regions. Direct access: from http://www.socpol.ru/atlas/overviews/social_sphere/kris.shtml |
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Corporate Information Management System and Its Influence on Increase of Changes ProductivityArtem I. Krivtsov, Ludmila V. Polinova, Marina S. Ivankina, Elena V. Chubarkova & Alla O. Prokubovskaya
pp. 7627-7636 | Article Number: ijese.2016.598
Abstract The urgency of the problem under investigation due to constant changes in the external business environment requires organizations to establish a mechanism to manage change and increase the impact of these changes. The purpose of the article is to analyze the change management concepts and their applicability in the strategically important holdings in the region, as well as identifying features of reforming of the enterprises in the crisis through the creation of change management system. The leading approach to the study of this problem is a systematic approach to identify the main features allowing for the formation of the mechanism of change management in the regional holding companies. The main results: systematization and analysis of the existing change management concepts, and identified particular changes in the company based on the use of change management system. Article Submissions may be useful for the regional and federal holding companies with constant changes in the external business environment. Keywords: Holding structures management changes system, strategically significant branches, corporate information system References Ansoff, I. (1999). New corporate strategy. St. Petersburg: Peter, 415 p. Bridges, U. (2007). Company management during structural changes. Moscow. 117-119p. Daft, R. (2002). Management. St. Petersburg: Peter, 326 p. Galanin, E. & Tyuilye, D. (2005). Eliminating risks of mergers negotiations. McKinseyonFinance, 3, 55-66. Huang, S., Xin, N, Guanglei, A. & ElHami, K. (2015). Corporate Internal Management Information System. Proceedings of the 2015 international conference on management, education, information and control. Book Series: Advances in Intelligent Systems Research , 125,1839-1847. Kazachenko, T. A. (2015). Use of information and communication technologies in the russian corporate sector. Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics, 11. 108-118. Kotter, J. (2007). Ahead of changes (Translated from English). Moscow: JSC Olymp-Business, 267 p. Meskon, M., Albert, M. & Hedouri, F. (2002). Management basic concepts (Translated from English) Moscow: Business, 363 p. Mintsberg, G., Kuinn, J. B. & Goshal, S. (2001). Strategic process. St.Petersburg: Peter, 257 p. Pérez-Méndez, J. A. & Machado-Cabezas, Á. (2015). Relationship between management information systems and corporate performance. Revista de contabilidad-spanish accounting review, 18(1), 114-125. Tom, N. (1998). Management of changes. Issues of theory and practice of management, 1, 68-74. Voldachek, L. (1999). Restructuring – challenge to Czech enterprises. Issues of theory and practice of management, 1, 84- 89. Xu, L. (2010). Optimization of corporate governance performance calls for application of workflow technology in corporate information management system. Direct acess: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2s2.077952157386&partnerID=40&md5=b78cd1cbc0d8ba54550a16515f56ef7f. |
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Efficiency Analysis and Productivity of Socioeconomic Activities of the Municipal Museums on the Basis of Factorial CommunicationsElena Y. Nuykina, Natalia V. Polyanskova & Marija V. Snegireva
pp. 7637-7648 | Article Number: ijese.2016.599
Abstract The urgency of the problem under investigation due to the fact that in most municipal districts with a deficit of financial and other resources are troubled almost all areas of museum activity. The article focused on the study of factor socioeconomic relations of municipal museums. The leading method to the study of this problem is the correlation and regression analysis, allowing to identify the linkages in the form of statistical regularities. On the basis of the study concluded that the indicators of social efficiency of municipal museums play the most prominent role in shaping the performance of museum activities in the municipalities of the Samara region. Article Submissions may be useful in the development of programs for socio-economic development of regions. Keywords: Econometric methods, efficiency, socioeconomic activities, the municipal museum, communication factor References Ashmarina, S. I. & Khasaev, G. R. (2015). Methodical estimation basic concepts of organization changes’ requirements level and enterprises’ readiness to their implementation. Review of European Studies, 7(2), 1-9. Dorzhieva, V. V. & Bairova, E. V. (2009). Methodical approaches to the estimation of efficiency of the cultural institutions activity in the Republic of Buryatia. Bulletin of South Ural State University, 41, 42-47. Elhorst, J. P., Lacombe, D. J. & Piras, G. (2012). On model specification and parameter space definitions in higher order spatial econometric models. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 42, 211-220. Esakov, V. А. (2007). Terms efficiency sector management culture in the period of transformation. Observatory of Culture. Review Journal, 2, 35-37. Gordin, V. E., Kanygin, G. V. & Horev, L. V. (2012). Methodological principles and approaches to the study of the cultural sphere. Cultural heritage and creative industries: time, place, action. Proceedings of the Laboratory of Culture of the economy of the St. Petersburg branch of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics", 59-83. Grabs, J., Langen, N., Maschkowski, G. & Schäpke, N. (2015). Understanding role models for change: a multilevel analysis of success factors of grassroots initiatives for sustainable consumption. Journal of Cleaner Production, 25, 225-267 Huang, X., Guo-Liang Tian, G. L., Liu, Y., & Yu, J. W. (2015). A new survey design for a totally sensitive binary variable correlated with another nonsensitive binary variable. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 44(3), 432-447. Ignatieva, Е. L. (2007). Problems and prospects of the development of cultural institutions in the light of budgetary reform. Reference manager cultural institutions, 11, 13-20. Mihaila, M. (2014). Museum Side of the City – From the Theory to Inquiry. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 149, 570-574. Polyanskova, N. V. & Nuykina, E. Yu. (2014). Method of analysis of the socio-economic role of museums in moral and Patriotic upbringing of the youth. Management of economic systems: an electronic scientific journal, 11(71), 117-125. Polyanskova, N. V. & Sherstobitova G. I. (2014). Analysis of the factors of the environment and the interaction of museum of cultural tourism in the moral and patriotic education of youth. Vestnik of Volzhsky University after V.N. Tatischev, 2(31), 131-144. Rubinstein, А. Ya. (2012). “Baumol's Disease” in the field of culture: The experience of the econometric study. Art Culture ART & Culture Studies. Electronic peer-reviewed scientific journal, 2 (3), 125-137. Smirnov, А. Yu. (2005). Eurasian international scientific-analytical edition “Problems of modern economics”. Retrieved from http://www.m-economy.ru/art.php?nArtId=897. Throsby, D. (2013). Economics and culture. Мoscow: Higher School of Economics State University Publishing House, 256 p. Volkova, G. L. (2013). Statistical analysis and modeling of the services development in the field of culture. Direct access: ved from statistics.hse.ru/data/2013/05/23/.../ВКР%20текст%20-Волкова.doc Wong, S. Y., Keem S., Yap, K. S. & Yap, H. J. (2016). A Constrained Optimization based Extreme Learning Machine for noisy data regression. Neurocomputing, 171, 1431-1443. |
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Evolution of the Concept of “Human Capital” in Economic ScienceVyacheslav A. Perepelkin,Elena V. Perepelkina & Elena S. Morozova
pp. 7649-7658 | Article Number: ijese.2016.600
Abstract The relevance of the researched problem is determined by transformation of the human capital into the key economic resource of development of the postindustrial society. The purpose of the article is to disclose the content of evolution of the human capital as a scientific concept and phenomenon of the economic life. The leading approach to the studying of the problem of changes in ideas about the human capital is the evolutionary approach that allows us to identify the cause-and-effect relations between definitions of this concept and actual necessities of economic development. The author's hypothesis about the necessity of priority of the human capital and its intellectual component in the study of economic content was proved in the article. It is necessary for the subsequent quantitative analysis of interconnection between the human capital development and structural changes in the economy. In this research the original definition of the concept was formulated. The materials of the article can be useful for development and implementation of the policy of the innovative economic growth in regard to accumulation of the human capital. Keywords: Income, intellectual potential, skills, capabilities, human capital References Acemoglu, D., Autor, S. & Skills, D. (2010). Tasks and Technologies: Implications for Employment and Earnings. NBER Working Paper, № 16082, 154p. Ackerman, P.L. (1988). Determinants of Individual Differences During Skill Acquisition: Cognitive Abilities and Information Processing. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 117, 288-318. Arellano, A. & Fullerton, T. (2005). Educational attainment and regional economic performance in Mexico. International Advances in Economic Research, 11(2), 231-242. Ashmarina, S.I. & Khasaev, G.R. (2015). Methodical estimation basic concepts of organization changes’ requirements level and enterprises’ readiness to their implementation. Review of European Studies, 7(2), 1-9. Baldwin, N. & Borrelli, S. (2008). Education and economic growth in the United States: cross-national applications for an intra-national path analysis. Policy Sciences, 41(3), 183-204. Becker, G.S. (1962). Investment in Human Capital.A Theoretical Analysis.Journal of Political Economy, 70, 9-49. Becker, G.S. (1993). Human capital: a Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with Special Reference to Education, third edition. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 412 p. Becker, G. S.& Chiswick, B.R. (1966).Education and the distribution of earnings.American Economic Review, 56, 358-369. Becker, W. (1999). Gesamtwirtschaftlicher Stellenwert der Humankapitalproduktion im Hochschulbereich in Westdeutschland. Discussion Paper Series, 187, 27-33. Bourdieu, P. (1986). The forms of capital. New York: Greenwood, 241-258. Bowen, H.R. (1977). Investment in Learning.San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 507 p. Doré, J.& Clar, G. (1997). Bedeutung von Humankapital. Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 174p. Edvinsson, L. (1998). Human Capital in Transformation. Stockholm: Skandia, 23p. Fisher, S., Dornbush, R.&Shmalenzi, R. (1993).Economy. Мoscow: Delo, 864 p. Fleishman, E.A. (1982). Systems for Describing Human Tasks.American Psychologist, 37(7), 821-834. Häfliger, M. (2000). Humankapital.Betriebswirtschaft: Institut für Betriebswirtschaft, 105p. Hegelheimer, A. (1975). Texte zur Bildungsökonomie. Berlin: Ullstein, 617p. Koubek, J. (2007). Human Resources Management. Praha: Management Press, 400p. Laroche, M., Mérette, M. & Ruggeri, G.C. (1999).On the Concept and Dimensions of Human Capital in a Knowledge-Based Economy Context.Canadian Public Policy, 25(1), 87-100. Lehrer, E. (2004). Religiosity as a determinant of educational attainment: The case of conservative protestant women in the United States. Review of Economics of the Household, 2(2), 203-219. Lisý, J. (2005). Výkonnost' ekonomiky a ekonomický rast. Bratislava: IURA EDITION, 132 p. Mankiw, N.G., Romer, D. & Weil, D.N. (1992). A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Growth. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 107(2),407-437. Schultz T.W. (1960). Capital Formation by Education. Journal of Political Economy, 68, 571- 583. Stewart, T.A. (1997). Intellectual Capital: The New Wealth of Organizations. London: Doubleday. Currency, 261 p. The Well-being of Nations.The Role of Human and Social capital.(2001). OECD report. Direct access: http://www.oecd.org/site/worldforum/33703702.pdf. Tokarčíková, E. (2010). Productivity of Human Capital. Current Trends for Economic Development and Entrepreneurship. Karviná: Silesian University in Opava, 465p. Zhabin, A.P. & Morozova, E.S. (2012). MANAGEMENT FEATURES investment in human capital higher educational institutions. Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics, 6(92), 25-28. |
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Competitiveness as the Factor of Settlements Terms Forming at the Market of Chocolate ProducersElena A. Kandrashina, Anna S. Zotova, Ekaterina S.Smolina, Vladimir E. Dorozhkin & Sergey A. Dneprov
pp. 7659-7667 | Article Number: ijese.2016.601
Abstract The relevance of the investigated problem is caused by increasing levels of competition in the industry markets of chocolate producers in Russia and the need to maintain the profitability of the companies' activities in the unstable macroeconomic conditions. The aim of the article is to assess the impact of competitive forces on settlements terms between the participants of supply chain, taking into account relative financial and industrial competitiveness of suppliers and buyers. The leading method of this problem is the research analysis of the market situation in the industry based on the model of five forces of competition by M. Porter (2004), as well as assessment of individual indicators of financial condition of chocolate products manufacturing companies using the analysis of some indicators. The article defines the conditions of optimization of financing sources for current payments based on relative financial and industrial competitiveness of suppliers and buyers. Article Submissions are of practical value to chocolate producers operating in Russian and international markets. Keywords: Competition, cost of capital, commercial credit, industry market, the supply chain, industrial competitiveness, financial competitiveness References Ashmarina, S. I. & Khasaev, G. R. (2015). Methodical estimation basic concepts of organization changes’ requirements level and enterprises’ readiness to their implementation. Review of European Studies, 7(2), 1-9. Ashmarina, S. I., Streltsov, A. V., Dorozhkin, E. M., Vochozka M. & Izmailov, A. M. (2016). Organizational and Economic Directions of Competitive Recovery of Russian Pharmaceutical Enterprises. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2581-2591. Ashmarina, S. I., Zotova, A. S. & Smolina, E. S. (2016). Implementation of financial sustainability in organizations through valuation of financial leverage effect in Russian practice of financial management. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(10), 3775 – 3782. Barbier, E. (1987). The Concept of Sustainable Economic Development. Environmental Conservation 14(2), 101–110. Brealey, R. A. & Myers S. C. (2003). Principles of Corporate Finance. New York: McGraw-Hill, 352 p. Doff & René. (2008). A Critical Analysis of the Solvency II Proposals. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 33, 193 – 206. Dyllick, T. & Hockerts, K. (2002). Beyond the business case for corporate sustainability. Business Strategy and the Environment, 11(2), 130–141. Groppelli, Angelico, A. & Nikbakht, E. (2000). Direct access: https://www.researchgate.net/file.Post-FileLoader.html?id=54d81ed6d5a3f23b3b8b4603&assetKey=AS%3A273701084303360%401442266831999 Khasaev, G. R. & Mikheev, Y. (2003). Clusters - modern tool for enhancing the competitiveness of regions. Samara State University of Economics, 5, 18-21. Limitovskiy, M. A., Lobanova, E. N., & Minasyan, V. B. (2014). Corporate financial management. Moscow: Uright, 551 p. Oliver, R. K. & Webber, M. D. (1982). Supply-chain management. London, Chapman Hall, 63–75. Porter, M.E. (2004). Competitive advantage: creating and sustaining superior performance. New York: Free Press. Sandström, A. (2006). Solvency: Models, Assessment and Regulation. Florida: Chapman & Hall, Boca Ranton, 321 p. Tobias, A. & Shin, H. S. (2010). Liquidity and Leverage. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 19, 418 – 437. |
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Integration of the Problem of Medical Ecology on the Level of the Highly Urbanized RegionGennadiy S. Rozenberg, Natalya V. Lazareva, Yury V. Simonov, Natalya G. Lifirenko & Lilija A. Sarapultseva
pp. 7668-7683 | Article Number: ijese.2016.602
Abstract The urgency of the analyzed issue is due to the study of the basic issues of medical ecology: the dynamics of demographic indicators, the correlation of somatic and reproductive public health, depending on the influence of physical factors of the urban environment on public health on the basis of medical and geographic mapping. The article aims at the analysis of the environmentally determined disorder of the urbanized territory. The leading approach to the study of the issue of medical ecology is a medical and geographical mapping, which allows identifying the most affordable and common areas of multi-component medical and environmental maps. While analyzing the impact of various aspects of the environment on human health, the priority is given to risk factors that directly lead to the emergence of diseases. The contents of the article may be useful to justify the choice of the rational approach to public health as a redistribution mechanism to reallocate the space of ecological niches. Keywords: Demographic situation dynamics, medical ecology, medical and geographical cartography, reproductive health, state of environment References Agadzhanyan, N. A., Nikityuk, B. A., & Polunin, I. N. (1995). Integrative Anthropology and Human Ecology: The Areas of Interaction. Astrakhan: AGMI, 134 p. Chumakov, B. N. (2000). Valeology. The course of lectures. Pedagogical Education in Russia, 21, 407-427. Dubos, R. (1965). Man’s Nature and Man’s History. American Scientist, 53, 4-19. Ausubel, K. (2004). Ecological Medicine: Healing the Earth, Healing Ourselves. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 264 p. Ilyinyh, I. A. (2005). Human Ecology: The course of lectures. Direct access: http://e-lib.gasu.ru/eposobia/iliinyh/iliinyh.pdf. Kaznacheev, V. P. (1983). Essays on the Theory and Practice of Human Ecology. 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Irkutsk: Publishing House of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 57-65. Zibarev, A. G., Kudinova, G. E. & Lifirenko, D. V. (2012). Ecological atlas. Ecological Audit of the Territory and Recommendations for the Mayor of Togliatti , 14(1), 32-42. |
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Influence of the Participatory Budgeting on the Infrastructural Development of the Territories in the Russian FederationMarina V. Tsurkan, Svetlana I. Sotskova, Olga S. Aksinina, Maria A. Lyubarskaya & Oksana N. Tkacheva
pp. 7684-7702 | Article Number: ijese.2016.603
Abstract The relevance of the investigated problem is caused by the need for the advancing of participatory budgeting practice in the Russian Federation. Due to insufficient development of theoretical, scientific, and methodological aspects of the participatory budgeting, very few territories in the Russian Federation use this tool effectively. The most important issue to be addressed is increasing the effectiveness of involving of local communities in the process of the rational allocation of budgetary funds. The objective of this paper is to study how participatory budgeting influences the potential of infrastructural development of territories in the Russian Federation. The leading methods of investigation of the problem include analyzing the common practices in certain regions and specifying the different categories of participatory budgeting. Using these methods, the authors consider the participatory budgeting as a process of allocating the budget funds to address the primary local problems, which leads to improving territorial infrastructure development. The results of the given research include updated conceptual basis of participatory budgeting; indicators reflecting the influence of the participatory budgeting on infrastructural development and criteria for its implementation in the municipalities; organizational chart clarifying the methodological aspects of different types of the participatory budgeting; and classification of territorial development mechanisms based on the participatory budgeting models of financing municipal projects. The practical significance of the given research is focused on the development of the practice of the relevant projects financing through the participatory budgeting in the Russian regions by systematizing their conceptual frameworks. Results of the study can be used by regional and municipal authorities to improve the relevant legislation, and by representatives of local communities to increase their participation in the budgeting process. Keywords: Participatory budgeting, infrastructural development, territory, project, authorities, local community References Allegretto, D., Reke, A., Sentome, I. & Herzberg, C. (2013). Participatory Budget: A Variety of Shapes and Patterns. Municipality: Economics and Management, 2(5), 11-17. Bogatyr, N. V., Vagin, V. V., Gridin, S. A., Courland, G. V., Nahrov, M. Y., Safonov, M. V. Spiridonov, A. A. Sukhov , A. S., Timohina, E. A., Shaposka, E. G., Shilov, L. A. & Shulga, I. E. (2014). Guidelines for the Implementation of a Participatory and Extra-budgeting projects. Moscow: Word Bank, 58 p. Bogdanov, L. N. (2015). Direct (Participative) Budgeting: Opportunities and Constraints. Direct access: https://www.hse.ru/pubresource/second212 Davydov, M.D. (2011). 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Vagin, V. V. & Kuzmin, V. V. (2015). Proactive Budgeting: the Russian Practice. Direct access: http://bujet.ru/article/274443.php?print=Y Vagin, V. V., Gavrilova, N. V. & Shapovalova, N. A. (2015a). Proactive Budgeting in Russia: Best Practices and Development Trends. Financial Journal, 4 (26). Retrieved from http://www.nifi.ru/images/FILES/Journal/Archive/2015/4/statii/10.pdf Vagin, V. V., Gavrilova, N. V. & Shapovalova, N. A. (2015b). Proactive Budgeting: International Context of the Russian Version. Financial Journal, 3(25), 117-122. Wampler, B. (2010). Participatory Budgeting in Brazil: Contestation, Cooperation, and Accountability. Philadelphia: Pennsylvania State University Press, 280 p. |
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The American Aid to the Russian Reforms at the End of the Twentieth CenturyYuliya A.Tarasova, Lyubov S. Bolshakova, Igor A. Yasenitsky & Marija B. Larionova
pp. 7703-7714 | Article Number: ijese.2016.604
Abstract The importance of the studied problem is caused by the USA’s leading role in the development of modern world order and the economy, its influence in the international economic organizations. The article is aimed at revealing the reasons of choosing neoliberal strategy for Russian reforms, the amount and results of the American financial and technical aid to these reforms. The leading approach of researching this problem is the complex one. It allows finding out economic, internal political, geopolitical and cultural factors which influenced the implementation and the results of the American assistance to the Russian reforms. Authors draw a conclusion about considerable influence of the USA on domestic policy of Russia in the early nineties of the XX century. The amount and the content of the American financial and technical assistance to the Russian government are analyzed. Promises of massive financial aid from the international economic organizations and the USA were realized partially and much later, than it was necessary for economic transformations. The article’s content and conclusions can be used in other scientific works on American-Russian relations history, Modern history of Russia, during elaboration the effective strategy of reforms for the countries which are in a condition of a transitional economy Keywords: US-Russian relations, american advisers, economic reforms, neoliberal strategy, aid programs References Aslund A. (2002) Building Capitalism: the Transformation of the former Soviet Block. Cambridge, Cambridge Press, 75 p. Batalov, A. Ya. & Kremenyuk, V. A. (2002). Russia and the USA: Rivals or Partners? SShA, Kanada: Economika. Politika. Kultura, 6, 19-36. Bogdanov, I. Y. (2015). Assessment and evolution of poverty in modern russia. Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics, 3. 158. Cohen, St. (2000). 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Methodical Bases for the Regional Information Potential EstimationSvetlana I. Ashmarina, Gabibulla R. Khasaev, Valentina V. Mantulenko, Stanislav V. Kasarin & Evgenij M. Dorozhkin
pp. 7715-7725 | Article Number: ijese.2016.605
Abstract The relevance of the investigated problem is caused by the need to assess the implementation of informatization level of the region and the insufficient development of the theoretical, content-technological, scientific and methodological aspects of the assessment of the region's information potential. The aim of the research work is to develop a methodology for assessing the information potential of the region and its approbation. The key method used while studying the problem is the method of multidimensional integral assessment of the region’s informatization development level which allows to consider the problem from the system approach. Results: methodical approach to the assessment of the region's information potential, including 45 partial indicators of the information potential combined into five subgroups: indicators of the IT application level; indicators of economic activity results, based on the use of information and communication technologies in organizations; indicators of the technical security for informatization processes; indicators of the global information networks data use in the work, of the use of specialized information programs; labor indicators and the integral indicator of the region’s informatization development level. Practical value is determined by the formation of some theoretical and methodical aspects and recommendations for the development of regional information management, based on the improvement of methodical principles and instruments for the assessment of information processes in the region. Keywords: Region, information potential, assessment, methodical tools References Kerimbaeva, B.T., Berkimbaev, K.M., Nyshanova, S.T. & Meirbekova, G.P. (2014). The Use of Information Technologies in the Training of Students. 5th World Conference on Educational Sciences - Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 116, 2697-2701. Retrieved from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877042814006557. Kirilova, G.I. & Vlasova, V.K. (2016). Information Streams of Education Content Integrative Designing at a Federal University. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11 (4), 767-778. Rus, I. (2012). The Sustainability of Integrated Information Sistem. Methodical Bases for the Regional Information Potential Estimation. Procedia Economics and Finance, 3, 1005-1011. Retrieved from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212567112002651. Shandan, Z., Dan, F., Li, C. & Yunyun, X. (2012). The Application of the Campus Experimental Project Management System Based on Intranet Technology. International Workshop on Information and Electronics Engineering. Procedia Engineering, 29, 504-508. Retrieved from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187770581106588X. Sapargaliyev, D. & Shulenbayeva, K. (2013). Informatization of Kazakhstani Higher Education. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2nd World Conference on Educational Technology Research, 83, 468-472. Retrieved from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877042813011592. Toktagazin, M.B., Turysbek, R.S., Ussen, A.A., Nurtazina, R.A., Korganbekov, B.S. & Hradziushka, A. A. (2016). Modern Internet Epistolary in Information and Media Discourse. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11 (5), 1305-1319. Xie Jie (2001). Informatization Management Thinking of Strengthen Personnel Service in Colleges and Universities. Procedia Engineering, 15, 2757-2761. RETRIEVED FROM http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877705811020200. |
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The Budgeting Mechanism in Development CompaniesTatiana M. Kovaleva, Oleg A. Khvostenko, Alla G. Glukhova, Veronica V. Nikeryasova & Denis E. Gavrilov
pp. 7726-7744 | Article Number: ijese.2016.606
Abstract Relevance of the researched problem is caused by the fact that today there is a requirement for a unique, generalized, theoretically and methodically elaborated budgeting mechanism disaggregating the aims of strategic level to the level of structural units of the company. The aim of article is to develop methodical provisions and practical recommendations to harmonize a budgeting mechanism of development companies on the basis of direct interrelation of current budgeting and strategic objectives of company development. The leading approach to a research of this problem is the classical approach allowing revealing sources and directions of financial resources application of commercial organizations and also ensuring their balance. The main results of a research are the expansion of a budgeting concept as a type of financial planning, the author's technique of budgeting is suggested that is based on the indicators of assets turnover ratio, sales profitability and return on assets as the main characteristics of activity efficiency of a development company. Materials of the article can be useful in financial management enhancement and forming an effective budgeting mechanism in development companies. Keywords: Budgeting, harmonization, development companies, budgeting mechanism, financial model References Ackoff, R.L. (1978). The Art of Problem Solving. New York: Wiley, 214 p. Blank, I.A. (2014). Financial resource management. London: Omega-L, 768 p. Bocharov, V.V. (2013). Financial planning and budgeting. St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St.Petersburg University, 90. Brealey, R. A. & Myers, S.C. (2003). Principles of Corporate Finance 7th edition. New York: The McGraw−Hill Companies, 497 p. Brimson, J. A. & Antos, J. (1999). Driving Value Using Activity-Based Budgeting. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 136 p. Derfuss, K. (2016). Reconsidering the participative budgeting–performance relation: A meta-analysis regarding the impact of level of analysis, sample selection, measurement, and industry influences. The British Accounting Review, 48(1), 17-37. Dobrovolsky, E. (2006). Budgeting: Step by Step. St. Petersburg: Pieter, 448 p. Drury, C. (2009). Management Accounting for Business. London: Cengage Learning, 27 p. Farrell, J. (1957). The Measurement of productive efficiency. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 3(120), 253-290. Gorshkova, A.S. (2014). Practical Aspects Of Manufacturing Management System’s Automation In Case Of Implementing Mfg/Pro Erp System. Volga Scientific Bulletin, 3(31), 32-42. Hope, J. & Fraser, R. (2003). Beyond Budgeting. Harvard: Harvard Business Press, 232 p. Horngren, C.T., Datar, S.M.& Rajan, M.V. (2012). Cost Accounting. Direct access: http://sacredartichoke.com/latarsha/Nonfiction%20Ebook%20Pack%20January%202012%20PHC/Cost.Accounting.Charles.T.Horngren..Srikant.M.Datar..Madhav.Rajan.9780132109178.pdf Horngren, C. T., Datar, S. M., Foster, G. & Rajan M. (2009).Cost Accounting and Managerial Emphasis. London: Jenson Books Inc, 253 p. Kaplan, R. S. & Norton, D.P. (1996). The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action. Harvard: Harvard Business Review Press, 94 p. Khan, M., & Jain, P. (2010). Management accounting: Text, problems and cases. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill Education Private, 47 p. Khvostenko, O.A. (2016). Budgeting system in the development companies. St.Petersburg: Publishing house of Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, 352 p. Kovalev, V.V. (2007). Financial Management: Theory and Practice. Moscow: Prospect, 1024 p. Leontiev, V. E., Bocharov, V. V. & Radkovskaya, N.P. (2005). Financial management. Moscow: AST, 119 p. Nemirovsky, I.B. & Srarozhukova, I.A. (2006). Budgeting. From Strategy to the Budget: Step by Step Guide. Moscow: Dialecticka, 408 p. Nikitina, N. V. & Yanov, V.V. (2014). Corporate finance.Moscow: KnoRus, 381 p. Paramasivan, C., & Subramanian, T. (2009). Financial management. New Delhi: New Age International (P), 329. Polyak, G.B. (2012). Financial Management.Moscow: Unity-Dana, 527 p. Romanovsky, M.V. & Vostroknutova, A. I. (2014). Corporate Finance.St. Petersburg: Piter, 179 p. Shakhovskaya, L.S., Khohlov, V.V. & Kulackova, O.G. (2009). Budgeting: Theory and Practice. Moscow: Knorus, 257 p. Shim, J. K. & Siegel,J.G. (2008). Financial Management.London: Barron’s Business Library, 73 p. Zhukova, V.V. (2014). Budgeting in Development Companies: Improving the Mechanism. Direct access: http://www.sseu.ru/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Dissertatsiya-ZHukovoy-V.V..pdf |
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Evaluation of the Effect of Non-Current Fixed Assets on Profitability and Asset Management EfficiencyAlexandra V. Lubyanaya, Airat M. Izmailov, Ekaterina Y. Nikulina & Vladislav A. Shaposhnikov
pp. 7745-7753 | Article Number: ijese.2016.607
Abstract The purpose of this article is to investigate the problem, which stems from non-current fixed assets affecting profitability and asset management efficiency. Tangible assets, intangible assets and financial assets are all included in non-current fixed assets. The aim of the research is to identify the impact of estimates and valuation in accounting for non-current fixed assets through several objectives, for example, explanation of the impairment tests of tangible and intangible assets under IFRS. This study relied on combining the deductive approach with the quantitative analysis approach, where the deductive approach was used to root the subject through books, periodicals and scientific communications and electronic articles published online. The results of the research: The differences in the measurement of accounting figures under IFRS and EAS may directly affect the numerator of ratio calculations, their denominator, or both. In cases where the difference in measurement affects only the numerator or only the denominator, the effect of the changes is straightforward, easy to identify and to interpret. Identification and interpretation are less obvious in cases of numerous diverging effects on ratios. The results provided by this article have a practical value for designers and users of financial statements. Keywords: Non-currents fixed assets, profitability, asset management efficiency, EAS, IFRS References Ashmarina, S. I. & Khasaev, G. R. (2015). Methodical estimation basic concepts of organization changes’ requirements level and enterprises’ readiness to their implementation. Review of European Studies, 7(2), 1-9. Ashmarina, S. I., Zotova, A. S. & Smolina, E. S. (2016). Implementation of financial sustainability in organizations through valuation of financial leverage effect in Russian practice of financial management. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(10), 3775 – 3782. Ashmarina, S. I. & Zotova, A. S. (2015). The reasoning for methodical instruments of evaluation of organization readiness, possibility and necessity to implement the organizational changes. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(3), 44-48. Chua, W. F. & Taylor, S. L. (2008). The rise and rise of IFRS: An examination of IFRS diffusion, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 27, 462-473. Lantto, A. M. & Sahlström, P. (2009). The impact of International Financial Reporting Standard Adoption on Key Financial Ratios. Accounting and Finance, 49, 341-361. Lerner, J. (2004). Bookkeeping an accounting. New York: McGrew- Hill, 156 p. Milburn, J. A. & Skinner, R. M. (2001). Accounting Standards in Evolution. Direct access: https://www.wlu.ca/documents/985/GFC-Dec-15-2004.pdf Nikolaev, A. A. (2013). Key criteria effective strategic management of the Corporation. Vestnik Samara State University of Economics, 1(99), 72-74. Schweser, S. I. (2013). Financial reporting and analysis. Direct access: https://issuu.com/tienduongvan/docs/schweser_notes_2014_book_3 Zarb, B. J. (2006). The Quest for Transparency in Financial Reporting, The CPA, Journal, 24, 254-257. |
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Managing Change in the Holding Company as a Factor in Solving Strategic Problems of the RegionArtem I. Krivtsov, Ludmila V. Polinova & Irina P. Chupina
pp. 7754-7762 | Article Number: ijese.2016.608
Abstract The relevance of the investigated problem is caused by the necessity of changes in holding company’s management systems to address the strategic problems of the region. The purpose of the study is to develop a method of forming teams at the corporate level for the coordination and implementation of programs for the implementation of reforms and their subsequent impact on the institutional environment of the region. The leading approach to the study of the problem is systemic and situational approach in the framework of the theory and methodology of innovation management that allow to analyze the change management features in the company. The following results were obtained from the study: analyzed regionally significant holding companies which have a significant impact on the socio-economic indicators. Article Submissions may be useful for organizations engaged in development, as well as consultants and experts on issues of innovation and production management. with the proposed mechanism can plan and implement economic development, in which the organization will be ensured current stability, long-term sustainability, the pace of development of the relevant market situation. Keywords: Management, market, region, business References Adizes, I. (2008).Managing changes. St. Petersburg: Peter, 381 p. Brulin, G. & Svensson, L. (2012). Managing Sustainable Development Programmes: A Learning Approach to Change. Direct access: http://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do-?product=WOS&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=10&SID=Q1bILeLRVHPiK8HwVui&page=1&doc=10&cacheurlFromRightClick=no. Chakravorti, S. (2011).Managing organizational cultur,e change and knowledge to enhance customer experiences: Analysis and framework. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 19(2), 123-151. Crawford, L. &Nahmias, A.H. (2010).Competencies for managing change. International Journal of Project Management, 28(4), 405-412. Cohen, A. (2007). Course MBA on management. Moscow: Alpina Business of Books, 317 p. Galanin, E. &Tyuilye, D. (2005).Negotiations risks decreasing on merges.McKinsey on Finance, 3, 55-67. Graetz, F. & Smith, A. C. (2010).Managing organizational change: A philosophies of change approach. Journal of Change Management, 10(2), 135-154. Mintsberg, G., Kuinn, J.&Goshal, S. (2001). Strategic process. St. Petersburg: Peter, 365 p. Ranking of consulting groups “Russian Consulting” following the results of 2010. (2010). Rating Expert agency.Direct access: http//www.raexpert.ru/ratings/consulting/2010. Senaratne, S. & Sexton, M. (2008).Managing construction project change: A knowledge management perspective. Construction Management and Economics, 26(12), 1303-1311. Thomas, R., Sargent, L.D. & Hardy, C. (2011). Managing organizational change: Negotiating meaning and power-resistance relations. Organization Science, 22(1), 22-41. Toymentseva, I. A., Karpova, N. P. &Fomin, E. P. (2016). Marketing in strategic management and planning of service company. Vestnik of Samara State University of Economics, 1, 214-227. |
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Development of Scientific Understanding of the Essence of the Fiscal Control in Russia over the Past 100 YearsElizaveta N. Valieva, Larisa N. Milova, Elena E. Dozhdeva, Andrey G. Lukin & Nikolay K. Chapaev
pp. 7763-7781 | Article Number: ijese.2016.609
Abstract The relevance of the studied problem is determined by the fact that the modern understanding of the essence of the fiscal control is based on the research of specific essential characteristics. As a rule, they are not of system nature and are not connected with studies of other characteristics. The aim of this article is a synthesis of the main theoretical achievements in the study of the fiscal control in the Russian Federation and other countries, and identifying of the most important characteristics, which allow to reveal its internal content. The leading approach to the research of this issue is the system approach that provides a means of analyzing the essence of the fiscal control as a multifaceted phenomenon of the economic life of economic entities and the state. The main results of the research consist in the substantiation of the three major theoretical outputs concerning: a) the nature of the fiscal control as an economic phenomenon; b) the main essential characteristics of the fiscal control; c) interested user in information of the fiscal control as the foundation of its organization and implementation. . The materials of this article can be used for further research of the theory and methodology of carrying out the fiscal control, as well as its organization on the macro and micro levels. Keywords: Financial relations, fiscal control, essential characteristics, interested user References Adams, R. (1995). Fundamentals of auditing. Moscow: UNITY, 398 p. Ahrens, E. A. (2001). Audit. Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 551 p. Budget and Accounting (1921). Act, – Electronic text data. Direct access: http://www.gao.gov/about/-history/articles/working-for-good-government/01 introduction.html Burtsev, V. V. (2002). 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Special Aspects of Managers and Employees’ Responsibility StructureOlga V. Mukhlynina, Natalia E. Zhdanova, Irina M. Kondyurina, Natalia S. Bastrakova, Tatyana М. Kovaleva & Farida I. Mirzabalaeva
pp. 7782-7790 | Article Number: ijese.2016.610
Abstract The relevance of the research problem due to the fact that society needs people who are able to make their own decisions and take responsibility for their choices, but often there are situations when leaders are not able to delegate responsibility, and employees in turn do not want to take it. The article aims to study the differences in the structure of responsibility of managers and employees’ responsibility, analysis of interrelations of components of responsibility with motivation. Leading methods to the study of this problem is a psycho-diagnostic method and method of mathematical statistics (Pearson correlation analysis, factor analysis ‒ multivariate statistical method used for studying relationships between values of variables). Processing of empirical data was conducted using SPSS programs. In the result of the study obtained significant differences in the structure of managers and employees’ responsibility described the relationship of components of responsibility with motivation. The article can be useful to psychologists, staff managers and administrative managers. Keywords: Components of responsibility, motivation,motives, responsibility References Abulkhanova, K. A. (1999). Psychology and conscience of personality. Moscow: Moscow Institute of Psychology and Sociology; Voronezh: NPO MODEK publishing house, 224 p. Ananiev, B. G. (1969). Man as a subject of knowledge. Direct access: http://elib.gnpbu.ru/text/ananyev_chelovek-kak-predmet_1968/go,2;fs,0/ Andenes, I. (1979). The punishment and prevention of crime.Moscow: Progress, 264 p. Bain, A. (1859). The Emotions and the Will. Direct access: http://www.ebooksread.com/authors-eng/alexander-bain/the-emotions-and-the-will-nia/1-the-emotions-and-the-will-nia.shtml Bakhtin, M. M. (1979). Aesthetics of verbal creativity. 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Valuable and Professional Orientations as a Social and Psychological Resource of Development of a Modern WorkerEvald F. Zeer & Iuliia V. Bragina
pp. 7791-7802 | Article Number: ijese.2016.611
Abstract The relevance of the researched problem is caused by the fact that at present there is the sharpest shortage of highly skilled personnel at the Russian enterprises and, therefore, studying of features of valuable and professional orientations of representatives of working professions is of special interest. The purpose of the article consists in the reasons for valuable and professional orientations as predictors of psychological recourses development of social professional qualification, and also development of effective means of its forming among modern workers. The leading method of the research of this problem is the testing method that makes possible to reveal psychological features of valuable and professional orientations of workers of iron and steel enterprises. The resource model of self-control of activities of the worker is provided in the article; and also it is proved that there is the need for development of the program of forming and development of valuable and professional orientations of workers as highly skilled personnel. Materials of the article can be useful to psychological practice in case of professional consultation, individual consultation, and also during the work on forming of metaprofessional qualities of specialists of working professions. Keywords: Mentoring, resource model of self-control, social and professional qualification, valuable and professional orientations, worker. References Aladyina, V. V. (2012). Valuable and vocational orientations of students of technical colleges: PhD Abstract. Moscow: Moscow State University of Sholokhov, 26 p. Bezumova, L. G. & Yarushkin, N. N. (2008). Change of Values in the Semantic Sphere of the Identity of Students in the Course of Their Training in Higher Education Institution. Bulletin of Samara Academy for the Humanities. A Series "Psychology", 1(3), 70-81. Bragina, I. V. (2016). Valuable and Vocational Orientations of Workers at Different Stages Of Professional Formation. The Education and science journal, 6, 75-96. Bragina, I. V. (2016). Value and vocational orientations: Analysis of a Concept. Science as Driving Anti-Recessionary Force: Innovative Transformations, Priority Directions and Tendencies of Development of Basic and Applied Scientific Research.Russia, St. Petersburg, 55-58. Crumbaugh, J. S. & Maholick, L. T. (1964). An Experimental Study in Existentialism: The Psychometric Approach to Frankl's Concept of Noogenic Neurosis. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2, 200-207. Efremova, T. F. (2000). New dictionary of the Russian language. Sensible and word-formation. Direct access: http://www.efremova.info/ Esenina, E. Y. (2015). Mentorship on Production: "Forgotten Old" and "Desirable New". Professional Education and Labor Market, 7, 2-5. Fantalova, Е. B. (2001). Diagnostics and psychotherapy of the internal conflict. Samara: Bahrah-М, 127 p. Federal service of the state statistics. (2016). Labor market, employment and salary. Direct access: http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/wages/ Field, F. L., Kehash, D. & Tiedeman, D. V. (1962). The Self-Concept in Career Development. Personnel & Guidance Journal, 41(63), 767-771. Filippova, K. (2015). Research of vocational valuable guidances of the personality as theoretical bases. Direct access: http://www.juristlib.ru/book_9465.html Gilmutdinov, D. Ya. (2006). Valuable orientations of students of secondary vocational education institutions and their realization in the conditions of modern Russia: PhD Thesis. Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Ufa, Russia, 155 p. Hall, D. T. (1986). Career development in organization. San-Francisco: Jossey-Bas, London, 366 p. Helbing, J. S. (1987). The self in career development. Theory, measurement, and counseling. Amsterdam: Geboren Teassen, 199 p. Isaev, I. F. (1993). Theory and practice of formation of is professional-pedagogical culture of high school teacher. Moscow: Publishing Center "Academy", 177 p. Kaminskaya, T. S. (2006). Professional Value Orientation as a Characteristic of the Personality of a Technical College Student. Psychological Journal, 1, 40-43. Кiselev, V. N. (2013). Vital values of young workers in modern conditions: PhD Abstract. Ekaterinburg: Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, 26 p. Klimov, E. A. (2003). Psychology of the professional: chosen psychological works. Voronezh: NPO MODEK, 456 p. Коsheleva, A. N. (2001).Valuable vocational guidances of various social groups: PhD Thesis. Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 177 p. Krasnopevtseva, I. V. (2013). Professional Imbalance of the Labor Market of a Skilled Labor Force. Economic Sciences. Bulletin of Nizhny Novgorod University named after N. I. Lobachevsky, 1(3), 315-321. Lazutina, T. V. & Itskovich, T. V. (2011). Welfare bases of the higher working education. Innovative technologies in education: theory and practice. Krasnoyarsk: Scientific and Innovative Center, 344 p. Leontiev, D. A. (1992). The purpose in life orientations test. Moscow: Smysl, Psychodiagnostic series, 16 p. Mikhaylova, T. V. (2012). Vocational Valuable Guidances: To a Question of the Maintenance of a Concept. Kazan Science, 8, 105-107. Mkrtchan, G. M. (1983). Valuable orientations of youth in the course of professional self-determination: PhD Thesis. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Institute of Sociological Researches, Moscow, Russia, 197 p. Мorosanova, V. I. (2010). Specific Features of Conscious Self-Control of Any Activity of the Person. Bulletin of Moscow State University, Series 14. Psychology, 1, 34-35. Prozumentova, G. N. (1978). Some questions of determination of formation of valuable orientations of pupils. 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Problem of styles in psychology: historical and theoretical analysis. Moscow: Institute of Psychology of RAS, 320 p. Yalalov, F. G. (2013). Professional multidimensionality. Kazan: Center for Innovative Technologies, 180 p. Zanin, D. S. (2013). Psychology and pedagogical maintenance of professional development of the identity of specialists at the entities. PhD Abstract. Ufa: Bashkir State Pedagogical University of Akmulla, 26 p. Zeer, E. F. & Streltsov, A. V. (2016). Technological Platform for Realization of Students’ Individual Educational Trajectories in a Vocational School. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2639-2650. Zeer, E. F. (2013). Socio-educational aspects of the working man formation. The Education and science journal, 8, 33-47. |
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Resource and Information Maintenance of Foreign Citizens in Russia: Statement of a ProblemEvgenij M. Dorozhkin, Tatyana V. Leontyeva, Anna V. Shchetynina & Artem I. Krivtsovb
pp. 7803-7814 | Article Number: ijese.2016.612
Abstract The relevance of studied problem is determined by the fact that in a multiethnic country the problem of the ethno-cultural specificity of different groups of people is extremely severe, and the activity of the processes of intercultural communications in the modern world requires knowledge and understanding of other cultures. The aim of the article lies in justification of the necessity of information support of the process of adaptation of foreign citizens coming to Russia with business, educational or tourism purposes. A leading approach to the study of this problem is practice-oriented approach to creating conditions for social and cultural adaptation of foreign citizens in Russia. The following results were obtained in the results of the study: the necessity of developing theoretical and practical foundations of resource and information support for foreigners from abroad who plan to visit Russia was proved; authors’ vision of scientific bases of formation of the target resource and information content was outlined; the project of creating such content was presented. The article materials can be useful for researches in the field of pedagogy and teaching Russian as a foreign language, teachers, postgraduate students, undergraduates and students of a direction “pedagogical education”. Keywords: Сompetences, human capital, teacher’s labour, university graduate References Anderson, W. & Corbett, J. (2013). Shaping intercultural competence? Creating a virtual space for the development of intercultural communicative competence. In: F. Sharifian& M. Jamarani (Eds.). Language and Intercultural Communication in the New Era New York: Routledge, 99-115. Atabekova, A. A. (2008).New computer technologies in teaching Russian as a foreign language. Moscow: RUDN. 245p. Azimov, E. G. (2008).Methodological guidance on the use of remote technologies in teaching Russian as a foreign language. Moscow: Ikar. 150p. Bogomolov, A. N. (2008).Virtual linguistic environment of teaching Russian as a foreign language. Moscow: MAKS Press. 320p. Corbett, J. & Phipps, A. (2006). Culture, language and technological control: virtual intercultural connections. In: G. Linke. New Media – New Teaching Options?! Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 462 p. Davydova, N.N., Dorozhkin, E.M., Fedorov, V.A. &Konovalova, M.E. (2016). Research and Educational Network: Development Management. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2651-2665. Dunaeva, L. A. (2006).Means of information and communication technologies in teaching foreign students of humanities to scientific communication. Moscow: MAKS Press, 296p. Dyomina, D. A. (2010).Methods of forming intercultural competence on the base of technology of 3D visualization: PhD Abstract. Moscow. 12p. Evtyugina A.A., Simonova M.V. & Fedorenko R.V. (2016). Teaching Conversational Language Skills to Foreign Students: Blended Learning and Interactive Approaches. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 11(8), 2925-2936 Gartsov, A. D. (2009).An electronic linguo-didactics in teaching foreign languages(Doctoral dissertation). Moscow: Russian University of Friendship of Peoples, 398p. Khromov, S. S. (2012). Russian as an alien language in informational and educational space in modern Russia. Philology and Culture, 2(28), 149-152. Mayer, R. E. (2009).Multimedia learning. New York: Cambridge University Press, 53 p. Semenova, I. N. &Slepukhin, A. V. (2013) Classifying and Designing the Educational Methods with Information Communications Technoligies.The Education and science journal, 1(5),95-113. Staritchenko, B.Y. (2013). Information Technology Model of Education. The Education and science journal, 1(4), 91-111. Yoshida Masamiand and ThammetarThapanee (2015). Continual Social Graph Analysis of Online Community for a Cultural Project in the Foreign Country. The Social Sciences, 10,194-200. |
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The Role of the Social Vocabulary Research in the Russian Language Teaching Practice (on the Example of Zoomorphic Nominations Homo Socialis)Tatyana V. Leontyeva, Anna V. Shchetynina, Natalya A. Vorobyeva & Anastasiya N. Blinova
pp. 7815-7825 | Article Number: ijese.2016.613
Abstract The relevance of the investigated problem is stipulated by the necessity to solve a problem of multicultural humanitarian education and formation of tolerance of students to unfamiliar culture. The purpose of the article is to research educational potential of metaphorical vocabulary in different languages, such as zoomorphic naming units of a man in his social roles and functions. The leading approach to the study of this problem is a communicatively oriented approach to training highly qualified specialist, the future teacher of Russian as a foreign language or an interpreter. The study produced the following results: the possibility to use ethno-linguistic study of Russian language results is illustrated; a selection of lexical items and phraseologic– zoomorphism, which nominate people on the social roles and functions – tat teacher can use in the classroom, is presented; the technique of analysis of the vocabulary in which social seme is located in different zones of the word, is presented; the necessity of the use of research results in the practice of teaching in higher school in order to ensure the formation of socio-cultural and communicative competence of students is substantiated. The results can be applied in the organization of educational process in higher educational institutions. The article may be useful to researchers in the field of pedagogy, to teachers, to post-graduate students, to graduate students and students of the following specialties: Russian as a foreign language, Russian language in the practice of interpretation. Keywords: Metaphorical vocabulary, multicultural humanitarian education, zoomorphic naming References Afanasyev, A. N. (1994). Poetic views on the nature of the Slavs: in 3 volumes. Moscow: Indrik, 804 p. Chibisova, O. V. & Busarova, K. O. (2013).Teaching zoonyms in studying the Chinese language. Bulletin Ryazansky State University Named after S.A. Yesenin, 2(39), 128-137. Davydova, N. N., Dorozhkin, E. M., Fedorov, V. A. & Konovalova, M. E. (2016). Research and Educational Network: Development Management. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2651-2665. Evtyugina, A. A., Simonova, M. V. & Fedorenko, R. V. (2016). Teaching Conversational Language Skills to Foreign Students: Blended Learning and Interactive Approaches. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 11(8), 2925-2936. Fayzullina, G. C. (2016). Metaphorization zoonyms as a way to create a secondary naming unit of a man in Tatar national dialects of Tyumen region. Nauchnyy dialog, 5(53), 145-154. Galimova, O. V. (2004). Ethnocultural specifics of zoonimic vocabulary characterizing man: PhD Thesis. Ufa: M. Akmullah Bashkir State Pedagogical University, 309 p. Gromyko, M. M. (1991). The world of the Russian village. Moscow: The MolodayaGvardia, 270 p. Guketlova, F. N. (2009). Zoomorfic cultural code in a language picture of the world: PhD Thesis. Nalchik: Kabardino-BalkarianState Universitynamed after Kh. B. Berbekov, 431 p. Hueymin, H. (2009). Phraseoformation potential of zoonimic vocabulary in Russian and Chinese: PhD Thesis. Ufa: M. Akmullah Bashkir State Pedagogical University, 372 p. Kochnova, S. A. (2005). Linguoculturological interpretation of Russian animalistic phraseological units without zoonyms in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language: PhD Thesis.RUDN University, Moscow, Russia, 216 p. Krivoshapova, Ju. A. (2007). Russian entomological vocabulary in ethnolinguistic aspect: PhD Thesis. Ekaterinburg: A.M. Gorky Ural State University, 161 p. Krysin, L. P. 1988. The social component in the semantics of language units.The impact of social factors on the functioning and development of languages. Moscow: Science, 124-143. Lapshina, M. N. (2016).Cognitive metaphors value. Science yesterday, today, tomorrow, 3, 102-107. Lavrova, O. V. (2008). Cross-cultural component of animal names in the aspect of intercultural communication: PhD Thesis. St. Petersburg: Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, 283 p. Leontyeva, T. V. (2013). The vocabulary of social regulation in the Russian folk dialects. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, 219 p. Leontyeva, T. V. (2014). Zoological metaphor for man designation in terms of unsociability or sociability (based on Russian folk dialects). In: Current issues in dialectology of languages of the peoples of Russia: Materials of the XIVAll-Russian scientific conference. Ufa: IIYAL Ufa Science, 65-67. Malafeeva, E. R. (1989). The semantic structure of phraseological units with zoonyms component in the modern Russian literary language: PhD Thesis. Chelyabinsk: Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical Institute, 231 p. Maslov, A. S. (2013). Using the invectiveness index in zoometaphor characteristic in modern Russian language. Nauchnyyevedomosty Belgorod State University. Series: Humanities, 18(13), 51-58. Ogdonova, Ts. Ts. (2000). Zoomorphic vocabulary as a fragment of Russian language picture of the world: PhD Thesis. Irkutsk: V.P. Astafiev Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University, 162 p. Sapir, E. (1993). Selected works on linguistic and cultural studies. Moscow: Progress, 656 p. Sharova, A. A. (2010). The gender aspect of zoomorphic images: PhD Thesis. Yaroslavl: Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky, 168 p. Shchetinina, A. V. (2016). Zoomorfic naming units homo socialis in dictionaries of the Russian language, literary and artistic and newspaper discourses. Nauchnyy dialog, 7(55), 106-123. Shevtchyk, A. V. (2011). Complex motivological study of Russian language zoonyms: PhD Thesis. Tomsk: Tomsk State University, 241 p. Solntseva, N. A. (2004). Comparative analysis of zoonyms in Russian, French and German languages in ethnosemantic aspect: abstract of PhD Thesis. Omsk: Omsk State Pedagogical University, 23 p. Urakova, F. K. & Altanavdar, I. (2015). Linguoculturological analysis of Russian phraseological units with zoonim-component on the background of the Mongolian language. Bulletin of the Adygeya State University, 3(157), 158-165. Ustuner, I. (2004). Zoomorphic metaphor, describing people in Russian and Turkish languages: PhD Thesis. Ekaterinburg: Ural State Pedagogical University, 172 p. Vatletsov, S. G. (2001). Systematics of zoomorphic vocabulary and its English-Russian equivalence: PhD Thesis. Nizhny Novgorod: Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod, 278 p. Yeremina, M. A. (2003). Lexico-semantic field of "human attitude to work" in Russian national dialects: ethno-linguistic aspect: PhD Thesis. Ekaterinburg: A.M. Gorky Ural State University, 253 p. |
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Formation of Future Specialists’ Communicative Competence in Language Disciplines Through Modeling in Game of Professional SituationsMarina V. Sturikova, Nina V. Albrekht, Irina M. Kondyurina, Svetlana S. Rozhneva, Larisa V. Sankova & Elena S. Morozova
pp. 7826-7835 | Article Number: ijese.2016.614
Abstract The relevance of the research problem driven by the necessity of formation of future specialists’ communicative competence as a component of professional competence with the aim of further professional mobility of graduates. The purpose of the article is to justify the possibility and necessity of formation of the required competencies in language disciplines at the University through the simulation of professional situations in practical classes. Leading method to the study of this problem is empirical, allowing to reveal the modeling capabilities in the game of professional situations and the use of games as forms of work in the classroom. Different variants of the experimental materials are developed and tested : game situations on a professional theme, tests, assignments, exercises, questions, reference work, selection of texts on pedagogy and education in our country and in the country of the target language. The article can be useful in practical work, to the teachers of language courses, not only at the universities, but also at schools, colleges, as well as interesting to all who are connected with professional pedagogical activity. Keywords: Communicative competence, competence formation, language of the discipline, the game, professional situation References Akhmetov, N. K. & Khaydarov, J. S. (1985). Game as a learning process. Alma-ATA: Knowledge, 38 p. Albrekht, N. V. (2009). Activity-based learning as a means of formation of professional mobility of students of the University. PhD Abstract. Ekaterinburg: The Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, 23 p. Albrekht, N. V. & Kondyurina, I. M. (2016). The teaching of foreign languages in the context of the competence approach through the use of innovation technology. Acmeology of professional education: proceedings of 13-th all-Russian scientific-practical conference. Ekaterinburg: The Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, 204-208. Amirova, L. A. & Fedorova, A. Y. (2014). Training the competitive graduates of pedagogical higher schools via the system of additional education. The Education and science journal, 1(2), 85-97. Elkonin, D. B. (1976). Game psychology. Moscow: Pedagogics, 304 p. Evtyugina, A.A., Simonova, M.V. &Fedorenko, R.V. (2016). Teaching Conversational Language Skills to Foreign Students: Blended Learning and Interactive Approaches. IEJME-MathematicsEducation, 11(8), 2925-2936. Ezrokh, S. U. (2014). The game technique stimulating learning activity of junior students specializing in economics. The Education and science journal, 7, 87-102. Fominykh, M. V., Uskova, B. A., Mantulenko, V. V., Kuzmina, O. N. &Shuravina, E. N. (2016). A Model for the Education of a Student of a Vocational Pedagogical Educational Institution Through the Gaming Simulation. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 2814-2840. Kondyurina, I. M. (1999). Didactic conditions of development of pedagogical communication in teaching foreign languages: PhD Thesis. Ekaterinburg: The Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, 156 p. Maslyko, E. A. & Babinskaya, N. D. (2004). Reference book of the teacher of a foreign language. Moscow: Higher school, 522 p. Maslyko, E. A. (1989). Communicative English for Intensive Learning. Minsk: Higher school, 240 p. Safonova V. V. (2014). Study both languages and cultures in a mirror of world tendencies’ development of modern language education. Language and culture, 1(25), 123-141. Saranzev, G. I. (2016). Harmonization of vocational training of the bachelor in the «pedagogical education» direction. Education integration, 2(83), 211-219. Sturikova, M. V. (2009). Ritorization of educational process as the development of communicative competence of pupils and students. The Education and science journal, 11, 104-113. Sturikova, M. V. (2015). Use of interactive methods of training in development of communicative competence of pupils. Municipality: innovations and experiment, 2, 38-41. Vygotskiy, L. S. (1934). Thinking and speech. Direct access: http://yanko.lib.ru/books/psycho/vugotskiy-psc_razv_chel-7-myshlenie_i_rech.pdf. Wundt, W. (1896). An essay on the psychology. Direct access: http://mexalib.com/view/38033 |
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Integration of Pedagogical and Technological Knowledge in Forming Meta-Competencies of a Modern WorkerVera T. Sopegina, Nikolay K. Chapaev & Marina V. Simonova
pp. 7836-7846 | Article Number: ijese.2016.615
Abstract The relevance of the problem under study is based on the society, economy and job market’s demand for workers who possess meta-competencies: comprehensive knowledge, free and critical thinking, readiness for using personal approach in work and establishing the strategy of professional and personal development, as well as capacity for self-actualization. The purpose of the article is to study the technology of forming future workers’ meta-competencies by integrating pedagogical and production tasks. Leading method for studying this problem is modelling and integrating pedagogical and production processes allowing to fully consider the technology of modern worker’s training as regards forming of meta-competencies. The article presents a model of forming meta-competencies in modern worker’s training. The article can be useful for supervisors, mentors and teachers who participate in training modern workers. Keywords: Meta-competencies, mentor, pedagogical tasks, production tasks, process integration References Batyshev, A. S. (1985). Pedagogical Mentoring System at Work Force. Moscow: Vysshaya Shkola, 272 p. Belyaeva, A. P. (2003). Vocational Education Development Tendencies. Pedagogy, 6, 21-27. Bezrukova, V. S. (1996). Pedagogy. Projective Pedagogy. Ekaterinburg: Delovaya Kniga, 343 p. Chapaev, N. K. (2005). Pedagogical Integration: Methodology, Theory, Technology.Ekaterinburg: Publishing house of the Russian state vocational pedagogical university, 325 p. Chupina, V. A. (2010). Reflective Method and Its Role in Developing Professional Thinking of Managers. The Education and science journal, 11, 12-22. Chupina, V. A., Pleshakova, A. Y. & Konovalova, M. E. (2016). Methodological and Pedagogical Potential of Reflection in Development of Contemporary Didactics. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(14), 6988-6998. Dorozhkin, E. M., Zaitseva, E. V. & Tatarskikh, B. Y. (2016). Impact of Student Government Bodies on Students' Professional Development. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2666-2677. Ermakov, D. S. (2011). Competency-Based Approach in Education. Pedagogy, 4, 8-15. Heckhausen, H. (1986). Motivation and Activity. Moscow: Prosveschenie, 392 p. Isaeva, T. I. (2010). Competencies of University Students and Teachers: Forming and Evaluating Methods. Rostov-On-Don: Rostov State Transport University, 152 p. Kislov A. G. (2014). Vocational masters training in the context of growing social and professional mobility. The Education and science journal, 7, 47-64. Klimov, E. A. (2010). Psychology of Professional Identity. Moscow: Academia, 304 p. Kraevsky, V. V. (2007). The Basics of Learning. Didactics and Techniques. Moscow: Academia, 352 p. Kuznetsov, A. A. (2008). On Second-Generation School Standards. Municipal Education: Innovations and Experiment, 2, 3-6. Masalimova, A. R. (2014). 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M. (2007). Problems of Vocational and Pedagogical Education Development in Russia and Ways to Solve Them. Ekaterinburg: Publishing house of the Russian state vocational pedagogical university, 21 p. Romantsev, G. M., Fedorov, V. A., Osipova, I. V. & Tarasyuk, O. V. (2011) Level-Based Vocational and Pedagogical Education: Theoretical and Methodological Standardization Fundamentals. Ekaterinburg: Publishing house of the Russian state vocational pedagogical university, 544 p. Ronzhina, N. V., Romantsev, G. M., Piskunov, V. A. & Vrbka, J. (2016). Economic Laws of Division and Changing the Labor in the System of Contemporary Vocational Education Determination. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2788-2799. Schunk, D. H. (2014). Toward a Conceptual Model of Mentoring Research: Integration with Self-Regulated Learning. Direct access: http://www.academia.edu/12353965/Toward_a_Conceptual-_Model_of_Mentoring_Research_Integration_with_Self-Regulated_Learning. Shavaliev, A. N. (2015). On Specifics of Training Qualified Personnel in the Sverdlovsk Region Based on the Practice-Oriented (Dual) Education. Vocational Education and Job Market, 5-6, 21-25. Shelten, A. (1996). Introduction to Professional Pedagogy. Ekaterinburg: Publishing house of the Russian state vocational pedagogical university, 288 p. Slastenin, V. A. (2007). Pedagogy: Textbook for Students of Pedagogical Universities. Moscow: Academia, 257 p. Stashenko, A. & Cheglakova, L. (2008). Mentoring: Fashion Becomes Trend. Corporate Universities, 15, 37-49. Talanchuk, N. M. (1996). New Content of Teachers’ Training: System and Synergic Pedagogical Theory. Kazan: ISSO RAO. 98p. Zeer, E. F. & Streltsov, A. V. (2016). Technological Platform for Realization of Students’ Individual Educational Trajectories in a Vocational School. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2639-2650. Zhukov, G. N. (2013). Development and Implementation of Continuing Vocational Pedagogic Education. The Education and science journal, 1(4), 58-76. Zhukov, G. N. (2014). Readiness of Future Specialists to Employment in Job Market as a Factor of Their Socio-Professional Mobility. Socio-Professional Mobility in the XXIst Century: Proceedings Book of the International Conference. Edited by G.M.Romantsev and V.A. Kopnov. Ekaterinburg: The Russian state vocational pedagogical university, 235-241. Zhukov, G. N. (2015). Where Has the Vocational Teacher Disappeared? Or Is It Possible to Train a Master without “The Master”. Vocational Education.Capital, 4, 20-23. |
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Modernization of Management: Social and Socio-Cultural AspectsMarina V. Vinogradova, Sergy V. Babakaev, Anna A. Larionova, Marina V. Kobyak & Mikhail Y. Layko
pp. 7847-7856 | Article Number: ijese.2016.552
Abstract The relevance of the topic is determined by the new challenges faced by the Russian state in modern conditions that have a significant impact on public administration, which entails the need for its comprehensive modernization. In this regard, this article is aimed at the disclosure of social and socio-cultural aspects of the modernization of management as the most important part of it. Leading method to the study of this problem is the expert interviews, which allowed to reveal comprehensively the main factors influencing the possibilities of modernization of the public administration both in positive and negative ways. The article presents the basic models and approaches to the public management, identifies and studies opinion of the expert community on the issue of modernization of management in the present situation, bases the necessity of a multifaceted study of possible consequences, and develops social and sociological figures and indicators to reflect the dynamics of social impacts in the context of modernization of public administration. Keywords: modernization, public management, socio-cultural challenges and threats References Aron, R. (1993) Democracy and totalitarianism. Moscow. Text, 303 p. Batanov, A. S., Podberezkin, A. I., Zorkaltsev, V. I. (2005) Role of civil society institutions and capacities of the human person as the increasing acceleration factors, socio-economic development of Russia. Moscow, JSC CPI CPI Dortrecht, 295 p. Buhl, V. L. (1989) Culture Change: towards a dynamic sociology of culture. Social Sciences abroad. 3 S, 141-145. Dementyev, V. E. (2009) Long waves of economic development and financial bubbles – Moscow: CEMI RAS, 88 p. Fedorenko, N. In. (2014) Managerial elites in modern Russian society (the sociological aspect of the study): monograph. Rostov na Dony, SKNTS VSH YUFU, 248 p. Giddens, E. (2005) Sociology. Moscow, Editorial URSS , 632 p. Green, K. B. (1987) Cognitive Models of International Decisionmaking and International Stability. Systems Research. 4, 4, 251-267. Green, K. B.(1988) The Kondratiev Phenomenon: A Systems Perspective. Systems Research, 5, 4, 281-298. Kondratiev, N. D. (1989) Problems of economic dynamics. Moscow. Economy, 526 p. Kozin, N. G. (2006) The temptation of liberalism. Questions of philosophy, 9, 55 - 62 Levashov, V. K. (2005) Russian society and legal state.Science. Culture. Society, 3, 3-22. Malysheva T.V., Shinkevich, A.I., Kharisova, G.M., Nuretdinova, Y.V., Khasyanov, O.R., Nuretdinov I.G., Zaitseva, N.A., Kudryavtseva, S.S. (2016). The sustainable development of competitive enterprises through the implementation of innovative development strategy. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(1), 185-191. Masalimova, A.R. & Chibakov, A.S. (2016). Experimental Analytical Model of Conditions and Quality Control of Vocational Training of Workers and Specialists. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(6), 1796-1808. Olkhovaya T.A., A.E. Shukhmana, NevolinaV.V., AmirovaL.A., Zaitseva N.A. (2016) A Synergy-Based Approach through Developing Cross-Disciplinary Module. IEJME — Mathematics education. 11, 3, 467-474 Pichas, R. (1999) The Law on civil service in the light of new public management // public administration Reform on the eve of the third Millennium. Moscow, RAGC, 23p. Potekhin, V. A. (2010) Improvement of power relations as a condition of modernization of management. Power. 6, 18-22 Pykhtin, S. (2004) Modernization of Russia and Europe. S. Pykhtin. materials of the round tables . Bulletin of Analytics. 2 (16), 256. Rudenko, L., Zaitseva, N., Larionova, A., Chudnovskiy, A., Vinogradova, M. (2015). Socio – Economic Role of Service – Sector Small Business in Sustainable Development of the Russian Economy. European Research Studies, XVIII, Special Issue, 219 - 234 Smolin, O. N. (2006) The political process in modern Russia. Moscow, TK velbi, Prospekt, 336 p. The world Bank report "the Quality of governance: Indicators of governance in the countries of the world over the 1996-2013 years" (GovernanceMatters 2014:WorldwideGovernanceIndicators 1996-2013). Direct access: http://gtmarket.ru/ratings/governance-matters/governance-matters-inf Tsyganov, V. V. (2010) On the modernization of public administration. National security, 6, 4 - 14 Vasilenko, I. (2010) Possibilities and limits of the use of innovative business technologies in administrative reform. Public service, 2, 29-35 Vasiliev, L. H. (2007) The Elite and ersatz-elite: the political future of Russia. Social Sciences and modernity, 1, 91-102 Yurchenko, N. (2010) The ideology of modernization of public administration in the context of realization of national interests of modern Russia. Vlast, 9, 60-63 |
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Place of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation in System of Bodies Involved in Criminal ProsecutionValeriy V. Grebennikov, Badma V. Sangadzhiev & Elena V. Vinogradova
pp. 7857-7867 | Article Number: ijese.2016.553
Abstract The relevance of the study to the problem of determining the place of prosecutors in the system of state bodies carrying out criminal prosecution, is determined, firstly, by the ongoing scientific debates and lack of consensus about the nature of the Prosecutor's office, the place and role of prosecutorial supervision in the structure of the system of state activities, and secondly, reform of the judicial system in Russia determined the structural changes in the public administration system and structure of state bodies carrying out criminal prosecution. The purpose of this article is to develop the functional-legal approach that defines the place of the Prosecutor's office in the system of state bodies carrying out criminal prosecution in Russia. The leading method to study the problem is the deductive method, allowing studying the activities of the Prosecutor's office for criminal prosecution. A leading method underlying the solution to the problem is to study the legal foundations of judicial reform and to transfer its legal mechanisms to functionally-legal development of the prosecution’s power. The paper shows that the problem of determining the functions of the Prosecutor is theoretically unsolved. The practical significance of the results obtained lies in the fact that the vesting of certain provisions concerning the organization and activities of the Prosecutor's office, with status of the principle seems far-fetched and artificial Keywords: The Prosecutor's office, rule of law, Prosecutor's supervision, the court References Adamenko, V. D. (1991). Entities of protection of the accused. Krasnoyarsk: Znaniye, 257 p. Boikov, A. D. (2002). The third power in Russia. Moscow: AST, 362 p. Burns, R. (2001). “Constructing images of workplace homicide.” Western Criminological Review, 3(1), 1-25. Friedrichs, D. (2000). “Crime in high places: A criminological perspective on the Clinton case.” In: Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance, edited by Jeffery T. Ulmer. New York: Elsevier Science, 300 p. Gouvis, C., Calvin D. & Depies, С. (2001). Violence in the District of Columbia: Patterns from 1999. Washington: Urban Institute, 77 p. Gutierrez-Lobos, K., Eher R. & Grunhut, C. (2001). “Violent sex offenders lack male social support.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 17, 209-221. Hart, S. D. & Kropp, P. R. (2001). “Validity of the Personality Assessment Inventory for forensic assessments.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 3(9), 488-497. Khaliulin, A. G. (2015). Criminal prosecution as a function of the Prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation. Direct access: http://www.law.edu.ru/book/book.asp?bookID=1236565 Lebedev, V. M. (2000). Problems of formation and development of the judiciary in the Russian Federation: Abstract PhD. Moscow, 37 p. Lupinskaya, P. A. (1995). Criminal trial. Moscow: Academia, 363 p. Maxwell, S. R. & Barclay, A M. (2000) “The proportions of different types of sex offenders and the degree of difficulty in treating them: A comparison of perceptions by clinicians in Taiwan and in Michigan.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 1, 353-366. Monto, M. A. (1999). Focusing on the clients of street prostitutes: A creative approach to reducing violence against women. Portland: University of Portland, 80 p. Perry, B. (2000). Beyond black and white: Ethnoviolence between oppressed groups. New York: Elsevier Science, 323 p. Piquero, A. & Mazerolle, P. (2001). Life-course criminology: Contemporary and classic readings. Belmont: Wadsworth, 396 p. Savitsky, V. M. (1975). Essay on the theory of prosecutorial supervision in criminal proceedings. Moscow: Nauka, 41 p. Skuratov, J. I. (2002). The case of the dragon. Moscow: Detektiv-press, 320 p. Smallbone, S. W. & Milne, L. (2000) “Associations between trait anger and aggression used in the commission of sexual offenses.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 5, 342-356. Wasserman, D. & Wachbroit, R. (2001). Genetics and criminal behavior. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 335 pp. Weitzer, R. (2000). “Deficiencies in the sociology of sex work.” In: Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance, edited by Jeffery T. Ulmer. New York: Elsevier Science, 279 p. Yakubovich, N. A. (1980). Procedural functions of the investigator. Problems of the preliminary investigation in criminal proceedings. Moscow: Publishing house of the all-Union Institute for studying of reasons and developing measures of crime prevention, p. 15-32. |
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The Image of Russia Formed by Means of Modern Russian Paper MoneyElena A. Dzhandzhugazova, Mikhail Y. Layko, Elena L. Ilina, Aleksander N. Latkin & Ekaterina N. Valedinskaya
pp. 7868-7879 | Article Number: ijese.2016.554
Abstract The relevance of the problem posed in the article is caused by the fact that under current conditions it is necessary to develop a comprehensive, but a complete image of Russia as a huge Eurasian state on the basis of effective use of scientific and practical approaches proposed by marketing of territories and tools used in the practice of territorial branding. The purpose of the article is to examine the role and socio-cultural value of paper money as an important instrument of state monetary policy and at the same time an integral attribute of everyday life. The leading methods of investigation of the defined problem are the methods of sociological research and modeling, allowing on the base of an analysis of public opinion research results to highlight the main objects-symbols that Russians prefer to see on modern Russian paper banknotes. The article offers an integrated scientific grouping of objects-symbols on the basis of which it is supposed to form visual images of Russian area space and that then will be reflected on paper banknotes. On the basis of conducted comparative analysis of the objects-symbols selected for banknotes in 1997 and 2016, conclusions about the stability of preferences of Russians are made, and also the fact of increasing symbolic value of Russian paper money is emphasized, despite an increase of the growth of non-cash turnover. Article submissions may be useful for the members of scientific and educational community concerned with the problems of study of marketing of territories and countries, as well as political scientists and representatives of the government. Keywords: Image of Russia, territorial branding, Russian paper money, objects-symbols References Common problems of psychology of money. (2000) Economic psychology. St.Petersburg: Piter, 345 p. Dzhandzhugazova, E. A. (2013). New Forms and Possibilities for Promotion of Russian National Parks in the Internet Environment. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research,16(9),1238-1244, 2013 Dzhandzhugazova, Е. A. (2011). Living Map of Russia. Moscow: Knorus, 263 p. Dzhandzhugazova, Е. A. (2016a).The new profile of Russia’s image: the monetary approach. Russianregions: lookingintothefuture, 3, 103-121. Dzhandzhugazova, Е. A. (2016b).The new profile of Russia’s image: the monetary approach. Russian regions: looking into the future, 3, 103-121. Kagansky, V. L. (2004). The Russian space in Russian money. Direct access: http://www.russ.ru-/pole/Rossijskoe-prostranstvo-v-rossijskih-den-gah Kislinskaya, G. (2015). The front side of a banknote. Which side at the banknote is considered the front? Direct access: http://fb.ru/article/187711/litsevaya-storona-kupyuryi-kakaya-storona-u-kupyuryi-schitaetsya-litsevoy Tuan, Yi-Fu (1976a). Humanistic geography. Annals of the Association of American Geographers,2,266-276. Tuan, Yi-Fu (1976b). Topophili. Minneapolis: Amber, 253 p. Tvoya-Rossiya. (2016).September 22, 2016. Direct access: http://www.tvoya-rossiya.ru Valedinskaya, E. N., Ilina, E. L.& Latkin, A. N. (2015). Phenomena of development of the sphere of hospitality and tourism in the conditions of increasing globalization level. In New Science: Strategy and vectors of development, 6(1),58-62. |
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Structures of Mathematical Modeling of Metathematic and Metacognitive Skills and Abilities’ TypologyArseniy Lebedev, Tatsiana Krupa & Maksim Rezakov
pp. 7880-7887 | Article Number: ijese.2016.555
Abstract According to the survey of experts, the association of non-cognitive skills in groups according to their classification as object of evaluation leads to the fact that one group includes very different skills - both in volume and in the way of they identify and assess. So, the purpose of the research is the development of mathematical model of metathematic and metacognitive skills and abilities’ typology, as well as its subsequent extension to mathematical model of map of the present skills. As the basis for such typology codifiers developed in terms of FGES (Federal Governmental Educational Standard) requirements and corresponding systems of planned results within the framework of research on evaluation of education quality in elementary school, as well as within the framework of instrumentation for monitoring of dynamics of use in educational activity of “ICT as the instrument of activist approach realization” model by institutions of primary and general education and teachers of such educational structures was taken. The specified codifiers have been brought to unified codifier. Some objects of grading in unified codifier have been redefined in conformity with goals of the present research.
Keywords: Codifier, noncognitive skills, objects of grading, model References Belova, E. N. (2014). Interaction between students and teachers in the framework of approach of content and language integrated learning in higher educational institution. In collection: Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education, III International scientific-technical and scientific-methodic conference: collection of scientific papers, 629633. Bogdanov, V. A. & Khorunzhiy, A. G. (2016). Methods of theory of games in motivation of teaching for knowledge economy. Modern education: content, technologies, quality, 1, 6668. Bolbakov, R. G. (2015). Multimedia educational technologies. Management of Education: Theory and Practice, 1(17), 156167. Bulgakov, S. V. (2016). Applying of multimedia technologies in education. Slavyansky forum, 2(12), 5056. Galiaskarova, N. G. (2015). Formation of sociocultural and sociolinguistic competence in teaching second foreign language in training of touristic personnel. In compilation: Problems and prospects of development of multilevel linguistic training under conditions of multicultural society, materials of II trans-regional extra-mural research and practice conference. The State University of Art and Humanities of Kazan, 1721. Kazaeva, E. A. (2016). Program of pre-deviant diagnostics and prophylaxis of deviant behavior of over-five children. Rearing and teaching younger children, 5, 635639. Zaytseva, S. P. (2015). Scientific and research activity of student as the stage of professional activity training by the example of November institute of oil and gas (branch) of State Oil and Gas University of Tyumen. Naukovedenie webzine, 5(30), 192-205. |
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Management of Students’ Independent Work through the Project Technology in Foreign Language EducationAssel Lakova & Assel Chaklikova
pp. 7888-7898 | Article Number: ijese.2016.556
Abstract This article focuses on the management of students’ independent work in the specialty "Journalism" on the subject "Special Foreign Language" in high school through project-based learning, which is one of the most important and modern types of tasks. The goal of this work is theoretically and experimentally proved the effectiveness of the project work for the complex formation of the intercultural communicative competence. The data that is listed in this article have been identified during the author’ research practice. In conducting this study the age and interest of the students took into account and, accordingly, intercultural communicative and reflexive-developing competences were formed. Intercultural communicative competence involves the ability of students to produce their own texts in oral and written form in accordance with a given communication task, as well as the knowledge, abilities and skills acquired in the classroom of a foreign language for academic purposes. The author conducted a comparative survey among students and on the efficiency of project work during independent work, which is the result of research Keywords: Management, independent work, project activity, intercultural and communicative competence References Dewey, J. (1929). Impessions of the Soviet Russia and Revolutionary World II Mexico, China, Turkey. Introduction of William Brickman. New York: Teacher’s College Press, 259 p. Kilpatrick, W. H. (1918). The project method. Teachers college record, 19(4), 319-335. Kilpatrick, W. H. (1925). Foundations of method: informal talks on teaching. New York: Macmillan, 350 p. Kopylova, V. V. (2004). Methodology of project work at the lessons of Foreign languages. Moskow: Drofa, 317 p. Kunanbayeva, S.S. (2010). Theory and practice of modern foreign language education. Almaty: Mir, 344 p. Masalimova, A.R. & Chibakov, A.S. (2016). Experimental Analytical Model of Conditions and Quality Control of Vocational Training of Workers and Specialists. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(6), 1796-1808. Polat, Е. S. (2000). Method of projects at Foreign languages. IYASH, 2, 9-12. Polivanova, K. N. (2008). PhD project activity students: Teacher's Manual. Moskow: Education, 192 p. Slavina, L.R. & Khairova, I.V. (2016). Language Education in the Regions of Russia and Canada: a Comparative Analysis. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(6), 1809-1816. Strelova, О. U., Tsyrenova, M. G. & Aushyeva, I. G. (2009). Project activity as a way of forming professional competences of students and teachers. Ulan-Udy: Buryat State University, 422 p. |
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Study of Problems of Individual's Social EducationAbay K. Duisenbayev, Mira R. Baltymova, Aktoty T.Akzholova, Gabit B. Bazargaliyev & Arman Zh. Zhumagaziyev
pp. 7899-7905 | Article Number: ijese.2016.557
Abstract The importance of the study of social education of the individual as an integral process covering all stages of human development, supported by factors of modern development of children, adolescents, youth in the conditions of reforming education. Currently, the scientific literature has accumulated a sufficient fund of theoretical knowledge, describing the essence of the process of socialization. However, analysis of numerous concepts of socialization shows that there is no single overarching theory of socialization. The greatest effect on the social personality formation provides an educational institution, the teaching staff opinion and the coeval’s influence. This underlines the particular social formation, and its distinction from the other educational concepts. Social Education provides a comprehensive personal development in a multicultural world condition Keywords: Socialization of human, social education, identity formation, social institution, aspects of socialization References Carter, M. & Diaz, J. (2015). Latino/a Student Racial and Ethnic Identity Development. The Vermont Connection, Т. 26(1), 5. Dewey, J. (1921). An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education, Moscow: Rabotnikprosvesheniya, 63 p. Durkheim, E. (2014). The Rules of Sociological Method: and Selected Texts on Sociology and its Method, 272 p. New York: Simon and Schuster. Erikson, E.H. (1968). Life Cycle. In international Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 9, 286-292. New York: Crowel Collier & Macmillan. Freud, Z. (2010). O Psychoanalizie, 72 p. Singapore: Spectrum Press Grilo, C.M., Becker, D.F., Walker, M.L., Edell, W.S., & Mc.Glashan, T.H. (1996). Gender Differences in Personality Disorders in Psychiatrically Hospitalized Young Adults. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 184(12), 754-757. Khuziakhmetov, A. N., & Nasibullov, R. R. (2016). Dialectics of Correlation of the School Student Personality Socialization and Individualization in Pedagogical Theory and Practice. IEJME: Mathematics Education, 11(4), 475-487 Mardakhaev, L.V. (2005). Social Pedagogy, 269 p. Moscow, Gardariki. Maslow, A.H. (2013). Toward a Psychology of Being, 192 p. New York: Start Publishing LLC. Mikerova, G.G. (2015). The Basic Conceptual Postulates of the Personal-Social Approach in Education. Historical and Socio-Educational Thought, T. 7(6), 1 p. Morgan, D.H.J. (2014). Social Theory and the Family (RLE Social Theory), 296 p. New York: Routledge. Mudrik, A.V. (2004). The Socialization of the Person, 304 p. Moscow: Academy. Mudrik, A.V. (2010). Social Education in the Educational Institutions. Voprosy Vospitaniya, 4(5), 38-43. Namazbaeva, J.I. (1989). Emotions and Experiences of Mentally Retarded Schoolchildren. Improvement of Correctional Work with Abnormal Children. Almaty: Kazakh Pedagogical Institute of Abai, 62-66. Nazarbayev, N.A. (1997). Kazakhstan - 2030: The Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the People. Kazakhstan: Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, 11 October. Parsons, T. (2013). Social System. New York: Routledge, 408 p. Plotkin, M.M. (2009). Social Education in the Context of Social Pedagogy. Theory, Social Pedagogy in Russia, 5, 80-90 Romm, T.A. (2007). Social Education: Evolution of Theoretical Images. Monograph. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 380 p. Shabel'nikov, V.K. (2004). The Functional Psychology. Journal of Academic Project, 592 p. Slastenin, V.A. (2002). Pedagogy: Study Guide for Higher Educational Institution Students. Slastenin, V.A., Isaev, I.F., Shiyanov, Ye. N., (eds.). Moscow: Academia, 146. Yasnitskaya, V.R. (2008). How to Make a Cool Class? Education of Teenagers. Moscow: Education, 223 p. |
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Confessional Peculiarity of Chinese IslamNurzat M. Mukan, Sagadi B. Bulekbayev, Ainura D. Kurmanaliyeva, Sultanmurat U. Abzhalov & Bekzhan B. Meirbayev
pp. 7906-7915 | Article Number: ijese.2016.558
Abstract This paper considers features of Islam among Muslim peoples in China. Along with the traditional religions of China - Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Islam influenced noticeable impact on the formation of Chinese civilization. The followers of Islam have a significant impact on ethno-religious, political, economic and cultural relations of the Chinese society. Ethno-cultural heterogeneity of Chinese Islam has defined its confessional identity. The peculiarity of Chinese Islam is determined, firstly, with its religious heterogeneity. In China there all three main branches of Islam: Sunnism, Shiism, and Sufism. Secondly, the unique nature of Chinese Islam is defined by close relationship with the traditional religions of China (Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism) and Chinese population folk beliefs. Chinese Islam has incorporated many specific feat Keywords: Chinese Muslims, history of Islam, confessional heterogeneity, Islamic branches, religions of China References Berger, Ya., & Bruk, S. (1972). China population. Big Soviet Encyclopedia, 12, 207 p. USSR: Great Russian Encyclopedia. Ching, J. (1993). Chinese Religions. London: Macmillan, 123. Dillon, M. (2005). Islam: Islam of China. Encyclopedia of Religion. Lindsay, J., (ed.). New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 4635 p. Erie, M.S., & Carlson, A. (2014). Introduction to Islam in China.China in Islam'. Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review, 12, 1-13. University of Hawai'i Press. Erie, M.S. (2016). China and Islam: The Prophet, the Party, and Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 472 p. Hueyun, Y. (1993). Dictionary of Chinese nationality Hui. Shanghai: Shanghai Tsyshu Chubanyshe, 822 p. Ho, R.T.H. et al. (2014). Role of Religion in Chinese Breast Cancer Patient. Psycho-Oncology, 373 p. Lisbon, Portugal. Kafarov, P. (1887). Chinese literature of Mohammedans. Reprint from the Proceedings of the Imperial Russian Archaeological Society, XVIII. St. Petersburg: Synodal Printing House, 166 p. Kafarov, P. (1996). The Mohammedans in China. Arabeski istorii, 1, 171-179. Ostroumov, N. (1879). Chinese Expats in Semirechenskaya region of Turkestan and the Distribution Among them of Orthodox Christianity. Kazan: Kazan, 9 p. Parfilova, G.G. & Karimova, L.Sh. (2016). Teenage Students’ Tolerance Formation. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 11(4), 513-523. Rossabi, M. (2013). l 7 Islam In China. The Religious Traditions of Asia: Religion, History, and Culture, 355 p. Stratonovichi, G. (1965). Hui. Eastern Asia Peoples. Moscow: Nauka. Sushanlo, M. (1971). Dungans. Historical-Ethnographic Essay. Frunze: Ilim, 317 p. The Religious Life of Chinese Muslims. (1956). Under the editorship China Islamic Society. Beijing: Mintsu chubanyne, 524 p. Tsin, H. (2009). Islamic tradition and culture in China. Beijing: Chzhungo Shehuei Kesiue Chubanyshe, 141 p. Yuxiu, M., & Feng, C.Q. (2013). The Study of Islam and Islam Economic Thought in China. World. 3(1), 21-27. Wain, A. (2016). Islam in China: The Han Kitab Tradition in the Writings of Wang Daiyu, Ma Zhu and Liu Zhi, with a Note on Their Relevance for Contemporary Islam. Islam and Civilisational Renewal (ICR), 7(1), 27-46. Walikhanov, Sh. (1984). Research Materials About Kulja region. Almaty: LEM, 136-173. Wu, Y., & Cheng, Q. (2013). The Impact of the Spread of Islam on the Formation and Development of the Chinese Hui Ethnic Minority. World, 3(2), 62-65. |
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Evaluation of Mineral Assets: Interconnection of Financial and Managerial AspectsIgor B. Sergeev & Olesia Y. Lebedeva
pp. 7916-7931 | Article Number: ijese.2016.559
Abstract Mining business makes no sense without mineral assets comprising mineral rights, exploration and evaluation expenditures, development costs, ore reserves and resources. The paper is aimed at investigation of how mineral reserves and resources are evaluated and represented in financial statements of mining companies, and what kind of influence do these mineral assets exert on the market value of a company. We concluded that application of so called accounting and managerial approaches to estimation of mineral resources base gave completely different results. Despite this, ore reserves and resources are not recognized in the financial reports. This leads to occurrence of difference between market and book value of a company, which should be taken into account in business combinations. Using correlation analysis we deter-mined the dependence of capitalization and mineral resources base indicators and factors exerting influence on it. The evaluation of mineral assets as a very important part of business combination deal should be prepared on a basis of income and cost approach. The advantage of such a combination is the ability to take into account as many financial, organizational, managerial and technological factors as possible. Keywords: Mineral assets, international financial reporting standards, fair value, mining company, value based management References Abdo, H. & Al-Gabery Al-H. (2013). Exploring the Effects of Oil and Gas Reserves Disclosures on the Market Value of Oil and Gas Companies. http://onlineresearchjournals.org/JSS/pdf/2013/aug/Abdo%20and%20Al-Gabery.pdf Annual Report of Polymetal International PLC (2012). Moscow: The College, 87 p.: http://www.polymetal.ru/~/media/Files/P/Polymetal/Annual%20Reports/6378-Polymetal-AR12-RUS.pdf Annual Report of Polymetal International PLC (2014). 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Substantiation of the Parameters of the Central Distributor for Mineral FertilizersSayakhat O. Nukeshev, Kairat D. Eskhozhin, Masgut H. Tokushev & Zhazira M. Zhazykbayeva
pp. 7932-7945 | Article Number: ijese.2016.560
Abstract The main problem of distribution systems with a centralized metering seed actions of pneumatic planters is deficient feed-rate consistency of seeds in supply coulters. Thus, the purpose of the study is to develop the optimal ways of decreasing the irregular distribution of the seeds and mineral fertilizers in the coulters. In order to achieve this goal, it is suggested to give the air-and-seed mixture a certain form of organized motion by installing inside the transport line in front of dividing attachment of helical spiral of an original construction. The authors observe that the pneumatic pipeline with distributor with equal turns gives the most qualitative distribution of the material. Moreover, offset value of turns, particle velocity in different sections of the transportation, which were used to calculate their design parameters were theoretically justified. The practical value is that the submissions can be used in current practice of increasing the production of horticulture. Keywords: Seeding systems, central distributor, transport line, mineral fertilizers, helical spiral References Astahov, V.S. (1998). Sowing Machinery: Analysis and Prospects of Development. Tractors and Agricultural Machinery, 10, 7-9. Beaujot, P.M. (2009). U.S. Patent No. 7,555,990. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Goottfried, E. (2000). Wie die Saat, so die Ernt. Profi-Magazin Fur Agrartechnik, 4, 44-49. Ivzhenko, S.A. (1992). Mechanical and Technological Bases of Perfection of Pneumatic Seeding: Disseration. Doctor of Engineering Sciences. Chelyabinsk: Landtechnik, 506 p. Ivzhenko, S.A. (2005). Theoretical Research of the Process Seeds Egress in the Air Intake Chamber of Sowing Apparatus. Actual Problems of Agricultural Science and Education: Collection of Research Papers. Samara: Infra-Engineering, 101-103. Jianbo, Z., Junfang, X., Yong, Z., & Shun, Z. (2014). Design and Experimental Study of the Control System for Precision Seed-metering Device. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 7(3), 13. Jin, H., Zhiqiang, Z., Hongwen, L., & Qingjie, W. (2014). Development of Small/Medium Size No-till and Minimum-till Seeders in Asia: A Review. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 7(4), 1. Jinli, C., & Xiaohui, Z. (2011). Design and Test of One-step Centralized Type Pneumatic Seeding System. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2011(1). Johansen, C., Haque, M.E., Bell, R.W., Thierfelder, C., & Esdaile, R.J. (2012). Conservation Agriculture for Small Holder Rainfed Farming: Opportunities and Constraints of New Mechanized Seeding Systems. Field Crops Research, 132, 18-32. Krjuchin, N.P. (2003). Sowing Machines. Design Features and Development Trends: a Monograph. 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The Assessment of Irrigated Land Salinization in the Aral Sea RegionOrazkhan K. Karlykhanov & Gulzhaz B. Toktaganova
pp. 7946-7960 | Article Number: ijese.2016.561
Abstract Agriculture is one of the main industries of Kazakhstan, especially in the Kyzylorda Region. Before the reforms, agriculture in this region was better developed than the manufacturing industry; this is no longer the case. The main crop grown on the irrigated land of the region is rice. Inefficient distribution of cultivated areas, their excessive use, and the growing volume of fertilizers used in the soil increases the salinization of the soil on arable land. This necessitates the investigation of the soil on irrigated land through environmental and geographical monitoring. This research analyzes the current reclamation state of irrigated cultivated land in the Kyzylorda Region located in the Kazakhstani part of the Eastern Aral Sea region, in the lower reaches of the Syr Darya River. The causes and level of soil salinization in said areas were determined. In addition, the factors that affect land salinization in the Shieli-Zhanakorgan, Kyzylorda, and Kazaly-Aral irrigation sectors were determined. The research classifies the arable land in the Shieli, Zhalagash, Karmakshy, Kazaly, and Aral Districts in terms of salinization type, characterizes its peculiarities, and investigates ways of improving the salt regime of soil on irrigated arable land. Keywords: Irrigated Land, Agriculture, Cultivation, Salt Regime Of Soil, Salinization Level References Agriculture in the Kyzylorda Region. (2015). Kyzylorda: Statistics Book for 2010-2014, 59 p. Golovanov, A.I., & Koshkarov, S.I. (1996). Regulating the Hydro-Chemical Regime of Landscapes in the Lower Reaches of Syr Darya River. Almaty: Alatay, 95. Ibadullayeva, S.Zh., Sauytbayeva, G.Z., Auezova, N.A., Toktaganova, G.B., & Ungarbayeva, G.R. (2014). The Halophyte Status of the Soil in the Shieli District. Toraighyrov, S.(ed.). Pavlodar State University Bulletin. Chemistry and Biology Series, 2, 39-46. Pavlodar. Ilyaletdinov, A.N., & Suleymanova, S.I. (1971). Mineralization of Organic Substances and Denitrification, Depending on the Flooding Term. Microbiology, 40(4), 27-30. Investigation of Dewatering and Ways of Economic Development: Scientific Report. (2006). Kyzylorda: Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, 281 p. Koshkartov, S.I. (1997). Reclamation of Landscapes in the Lower Reaches of Syr Darya River. Almaty: Gylym, 242p. Lopez-Sanchez, J.M. et al. (2014). Polarimetric Response of Rice Fields at C-band: Analysis and Phenology Retrieval. IEEE: Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 52(5), 2977-2993. Nurgizarinov, A. (2006). The Breath of the Aral Sea Environment. Almaty: Gylym, 222 p. Nurgizarinov, A. (2008). The Scientific Framework of Sustainable Development in the Aral Sea Region. Astana: Foliant, 169 p. Pak, M. (2014). International River Basin Management in the Face of Change: Syr Darya Basin Case Study. Environmental Science & Policy, 43, 12-26. Ramazanova, S.B., & Nurgizarinov, A.M. (1981). The Use of Fertilizers and the Crop Yield of Rice in the Kzyl-Orda Region. In Improving the Effectiveness of Rice Complexes in Kazakhstan. Alma-Ata: V.I. Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 59-66. Saltanat, A. et al. (2015_. Water-Saving Technology of Rice Irrigation on Kazakstan Rice Systems. Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, 12(3), 2459-2465. Sorg, A. et al. (2014). Coping with Changing Water Resources: the Case of the Syr Darya River Basin in Central Asia. Environmental Science & Policy, 43, 68-77. The System of Agriculture in the Kyzylorda Region. (2002). Nurgisayev, S.U., (ed.). Almaty: Bastau, 346 p. Uyttendaele, M. et al. (2015). Microbial Hazards in Irrigation Water: Standards, Norms, and Testing to Manage Use of Water in Fresh Produce Primary Production. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 14(4), 336-356. Valipour, M. (2013). Necessity of Irrigated and Rainfed Agriculture in the World. Irrigation & Drainage Systems Engineering, T. 2013. Vlasova, V.K., Kirilova, G.I., & Curteva, O.V. (2016). Matrix Classification of Information Environment Algorithms Application in the Educational Process. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(1), 165-171. Vorozhtsov, V.I. (2008). Agro-Ecological Cartography. Astana: Agroizdat, 296 p. Xiao, S. et al. (2015). Hydroclimate-Driven Changes in the Landscape Structure of the Terminal Lakes and Wetlands of the China’s Heihe River Basin. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187(1), 1-14. |
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Assessment of Effectiveness of Use of Intellectual Potential of a University: a Methodological ApproachIrina B. Stukalova, Anastasia A. Stukalova & Galina N. Selyanskayaa
pp. 7961-7974 | Article Number: ijese.2016.562
Abstract This article presents the results of theoretical analysis of existing approaches to the categories of the “intellectual capital” and “intellectual potential” of an organization. The authors identified the specific peculiarities of developing the intellectual potential of a university and propose their own view of its structure. A comparative analysis of the methodological approaches to the quantification of the intellectual potential of a university was conducted. The study proposes guidelines on monitoring organization, a system of indicators and methods of assessing the effectiveness of the use of the intellectual potential of a university. Moreover, the results of a quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of the use of intellectual potential on the example of the leading Russian universities listed in the QS World University Ranking are presented. The suggested assessment methodology is versatile and can be applied not only to the Russian universities but also on a global scale. Keywords: educational process, effectiveness of universities’ activities, intellectual capital, intellectual potential development, formation of competitiveness of higher education institutions References Bardhan, P. (1985). Marxist ideas in development economics: a brief evaluation. Economic and Political Weekly, 1, 550-555. Bragin, L., Selyanskaya, G. & Stukalova, I. (2014). Competitiveness assessment of Russian universities under the conditions of globalization. Life Science Journal, 11(12), 268-273. Brooking, A. (1996): Intellectual Capital: Core Assets for the Third Millennium Enterprise. London: Thomson Business Press. Bronnikova, T. & Zuntova, I. (2015). University as source of formation of intellectual potential of the enterprise. Questions of regional economy, 24(3), 3-8. Clark, B. (1986). The higher education system: Academic organization in cross-national perspective. Oakland: University of California Press. Coleman, J. (1988). Social capital in the creation of human capital. American Journal of Sociology, 94, S95-S120. Drezinsky, K. (2014). Methodical and practical instruments of increase and realization of intellectual and creative capacity of university. Economy and Business, 10(51), 504-512. Edvinsson, L. & Malone, M. (1997) Intellectual Capital: Realizing your Company's True Value by Finding Its Hidden Brainpower. New York: Harper Business. Edvinsson, L., & Sullivan, P. (1996). Developing a model for managing intellectual capital. European Management Journal, 14(4), 356-364. Etzkowitz, H. et al. (2000). The future of the university and the university of the future: evolution of ivory tower to entrepreneurial paradigm. Research Policy, 29(2), 313-330. Fazlagic, A. (2005). Measuring the intellectual capital of a university. In Proc. of Conf. on Trends in the Management of Human Resources in Higher Education. Paris: OECD Headquaters. Fortune, T. (1998). Intellectual Capital. London: Anthem Press. Garafiyeva, G. (2014). Intellectual potential of higher education institution: measurement technique. BUKEP Bulletin, 1, 353-358. Garnett, J. (2001). Work based learning and the intellectual capital of universities and employers. The Learning Organisation, 8(2), 78-82. Kalimullin, A. & Masalimova, A. (2016). Editorial: Actual issues of national education: Theory and practice. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(1), 1-2. Levitin, S. (2011). About using of intellectual potential of higher education institutions in the market of professional business services. Innovations, 3(149), 64-65. Montessori, M. (2015). To educate the human potential. New York: Ravenio Books. Plis, K. (2014). Formation of the intellectual potential on the basis of the national innovative economy state support. Scientific and technical sheets of the St. Petersburg state polytechnical university. Economic Sciences, 1, 18-24. Pulic, A. (1998). Measuring the performance of intellectual potential in knowledge economy. In 2nd McMaster Word Congress on Measuring and Managing Intellectual Capital by the Austrian Team for Intellectual Potential. Hamilton: McMaster World Congress. Ramírez, Y. & Vanderdonck, J. (2013). Empirical Evidence for the Increasing Importance of Intellectual Capital Reporting in Higher Education Institutions. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 3(8), 39-51. Secundo, G. et al. (2015). An intellectual capital maturity model to improve strategic management in European universities: a dynamic approach. Journal of Intellectual Capita, 16(2), 419-442. Shehzad, U. (2014). The impact of intellectual capital on the performance of universities. European Journal of Contemporary Education, 4(10), 273-280. Stewart, T. (1997). Intellectual Capital: The New Wealth of Organizations. New York: Doubleday. Yumasheva, I. (2010). Intellectual potential as objective prerequisite of formation of competitiveness of higher education institution. Problems of Science and Education, 4(21), 75-81. |
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Functional Dependence for Calculation of Additional Real-power Losses in a Double-wound Supply Transformer Caused by Unbalanced Active Inductive Load in a Star Connection with an Insulated NeutralSergey S. Kostinskiy & Anatoly I. Troitskiy
pp. 7975-7989 | Article Number: ijese.2016.563
Abstract This article deals with the problem of calculating the additional real-power losses in double-wound supply transformers with voltage class 6 (10)/0,4 kV, caused by unbalanced active inductive load connected in a star connection with an insulated neutral. When solving the problem, authors used the theory of electric circuits, method of balanced components, field and comparative experiment, modern devices for the analysis and synthesis of electric circuits. With the research results authors obtained the functional dependence, allowing calculating the additional losses in the transformer caused by unbalanced load, which differ from the similar ones due to the use phase resistance. In order to confirm the obtained functional dependence, researchers measured current, voltage and real power for each phase of “distribution transformer – unbalanced load” module. The experiment results allowed making a conclusion that the real-power losses, calculated according to the classical formula, should be adjusted in accordance with the developed functional dependence. The application of functional dependence is possible in organizations involved in the design, replacement and upgrading of transformer substations of urban and industrial distribution networks of electric power systems in order to increase energy savings in them. Keywords: Double-wound power transformer, power distribution networks, unbalanced active inductive load, real-power losses, additional transformer losses References Models and Students' Actions. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 9(1), 3-11 Besselmann, T., Mester, A., & Dujic, D. (2014). Power Electronic Traction Transformer: Efficiency Improvements Under Light-Load Conditions. IEEE, Transactions on Power Electronics, 29(8), 3971-3981. Bessonov, L.A. (2006). Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering. Electrical circuits: textb. 11th Edition, Revised and Correlation. M.: Gardariki, 701 p. Bonnin, X. et al. (2013). Designing the High Voltage Transformer of Power Supplies for Dbd: Windings Arrangment to Reduce the Parasitic Capacitive Effects. Power Electronics and Applications (EPE), 1-9. 15th European Conference. IEEE. Danko, P.E. (2005). Advanced Mathematics as Exercises and Tasks: 2 parts, Part 1: University Manual. Danko, P.E., Popov, A.G., & Kozhevnikova, T.Y., (eds.). M.: “Onyx 21 century” Publishing House, LLC: “Peace and Education” Publishing, LLC, 304 p. Dzhendubaev, A.Z.R. (2009). The Precise Calculation of the Catalog Data of Power Transformers Efficiency of Electricity Networks. Proceedings of the Universities. Electromechanics, 5, 34-37. Ebrahimi, B.M. et al. (2014). Analytical Estimation of Short Circuit Axial and Radial Forces on Power Transformers Windings. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 8(2), 250-260. Franklin, A.C., & Franklin D.P. (2013). The J & P Transformer Book: A Practical Technology of the Power Transformer. Elsevier. Oxford: Johnson & Phillips Ltd. Gómez-Expósito, A., Conejo, A. J., Cañizares, C. (eds.). (2016). Electric Energy Systems: Analysis and Operation, 664 p. Florida: CRC Press. Letschert, V. et al. (2013). Energy Efficiency – How Far Can We Raise the Bar? Revealing the Potential of Best Available Technologies. Energy, 59, 72-82. Naidu, M.S., & Kamaraju, V. (2013). High Voltage Engineering. Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 462 p. Pollock, J.D., & Sullivan, C.R. (2015). Design Considerations for High-Efficiency Leakage Transformers. IEEE, Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 162-169. Serdeshnikov A., Protosovitsky I., Leus, Yu., & Shumra, P. (2005). Transformer Balancer set. Means of Voltage Stabilization and Reduction of Losses in the Networks of 0.4 kV. Electrical Engineering News, 1(31), 11-16. The Practical Guide for Choice and Development of Energy-Saving Projects. (2006). d.t.s.: Danilova, O.L., &Kostenko, P.A., (Eds.). Hessian Ministry of Economics, Transport, Urban and Regional Development, 8, 668 p. Troitsky, A.I. (2001). Balancing the Zero Sequence Currents: Monograph. South Russian State Technical University (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute), 170 p. Troitsky, A.I., Kostinsky, S.S., & Durdykuliev, A.K. (2012). The Functional Connection of the Total Power of an Unbalanced Mode to the Value Ratio of an Active Unbalanced Load Resistance. Electromechanics, 1, 80-84. Weedy, B.M. et al. (2012). Electric Power Systems, 44(3). Elsevier, Oxford: John Wiley & Sons. |
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Non-Profit Ecological Organizations in the Function of the Realization of the Right to Freedom of Association and the Development of Civil Environmental Liability in KazakhstanBolat Zh. Aitimov, Erkin Sh. Dussipov, Alua Altynbekkyzy, Dinara I. Ashimova, Dana T. Nurbeka & Talgat E. Urazymbetov
pp. 7990-8005 | Article Number: ijese.2016.564
Abstract Environmental issues have become a central issue, which is considered not only at the state level, but also in the international arena. At the moment the main initiators of drawing attention to the environment are the environmental non-profit organizations. In developed countries, these organizations provide full support to the government and society. For developing countries, such as Kazakhstan, there is a number of issues: legal and social. The article deals with the legal regulation of the environmental non-profit organizations and reveals their role and influence on the government and the public. In order to achieve this goal has been applied the analysis of international law and the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the experience of scientists is generalized. In Kazakhstan, the legislation provides for free participation in non-profit organizations, including environmental. These organizations should be closed only in cases of violation of the legislation. Environmental non-profit organization conduct environmental education on the problems, cooperate with government authorities. The nature of such associations is exclusively peaceful and voluntary, nor is the goal to acquire profit. Keywords: non-profit organizations, the legislation of Kazakhstan, rights and freedoms of citizens, voluntary associations, educational activities, civil environmental liability. References Abbott, Kenneth W., Green, Jessica F., and Keohane, Robert O. (2013). Organizational Ecology and Organizational Strategies in World Politics. Direct access: http://www.iilj.org/documents/IILJ2_2013.pdf. Annon. (1994). Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Oficial site of the Ministy of Justice of the republic of Kazakhstan. Direct access: http://adilet.zan.kz/eng/docs/K940001000_. Annon. (1995). Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, adopted on August 30, 1995. Oficial site of the Ministy of Justice of the republic of Kazakhstan. Direct access: http://adilet.zan.kz/eng/docs/K950001000_. Annon. (2001). Administrative Offences Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Oficial site of the Ministy of Justice of the republic of Kazakhstan, dated January 30, 2001 No. 155. Direct access: http://adilet.zan.kz/eng/docs/K010000155_. Annon. (2003). Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, On Joint Stock Companies, dated 13 May, 2003 No.415. Oficial site of the Ministy of Justice of the republic of Kazakhstan. Direct access: http://adilet.zan.kz/eng/docs/Z030000415_. Brown, Michael & May, John (1991). The Greenpeace Story (Greenpeace books). Direct access: https://www.amazon.com/Greenpeace-Story-books/dp/0863186912. Cent, Joanna, Mertens, Cordula, & Niedzialkowski, Krzysztof (2013). Roles and impacts of non-governmental organizations in Natura 2000 implementation in Hungary and Poland. Environmental Conservation 40(2), 119-128. Dhanani, Alpa & Connolly, Ciaran (2015). Non-governmental Organizational Accountability: Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk? Journal of Business Ethics 129(3), 613–637. Farrington, John (1993). Non-governmental organizations and the state in Asia : rethinking roles in sustainable agricultural development. Routledge. Greenpeace (2013). Retrived March 9, 2013, from Greenpeace International website, http://www.greenpeace.org/international/en/. Hasmath, Reza & Hsu, Jennifer Y. J. (2016). Conceptualizing Government-Organized Non-Governmental Organizations Across Contexts. Direct access: https://works.bepress.com/rhasmath/43/. Kulzhanova, Zh., Kulzhanova T. & Gulbaram T. (2016). Technology Development in the Terms of Built Environment Creation. Philosophical Analysis. IEJME-Mathematics Education 11(7), 1987-2001. Ovcharenko, V. (2007). The government and NGOs in Kazakhstan: strategy, forms, and mechanisms of cooperation. Central Asia and the Caucasus 1(43), 44-56. Shandra, John M., Shandra, Carrie L., & London, Bruce (2010). Debt, Structural Adjustment, and Non-Governmental Organizations: A Cross-National Analysis of Maternal Mortality.” Journal of World-Systems Research 16(2), 217-245. Sikor, Thomas (2014). The Justices and Injustices of Ecosystem Services (Paperback). Routledge. Venice Commission (2005). Oficial site of the Council of Europe. Direct access: http://www.venice.coe.int/webforms/events/default.aspx?id=407. Yakovlev, V. (2004). Keynote lecture. Conference of the International Association of Judicial independence and world peace. Moscow / St. Petersburg 2014. |
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Current Problems of Improving the Environmental Certification and Output Compliance Verification in the Context of Environmental Management in KazakhstanYerzhan S. Zhambaev, Galia K. Sagieva, Bakhytzhan Zh. Bazarbek & Rustem T. Akkulov
pp. 8006-8016 | Article Number: ijese.2016.565
Abstract The article discusses the issues of improving the activity of subjects of environmental management in accordance with international environmental standards and national environmental legislation. The article deals with the problem of ensuring the implementation of international environmental standards, the introduction of eco-management, and the practice of eco-labeling and corporate waste management. Existing problems in the area of corporate environmental management are reviewed and recommendations on improving the institutions are put forward. A special attention is paid to the involvement of community and community-based organizations in the environmental management affairs. In order to achieve this goal, abstract-logical, economic and statistical methods are used in the article, the experience of the scientists on the problems of the economy and the environment, their relations and interactions is summarized. The main problem that stands on the way of achieving an effective environmental management is the desire of company's management teams to improve their financial performance by neglecting environmental issues. In order to improve the environmental standards, it is necessary to stimulate population masses to study environment problems. Keywords: eco-management, environmental standards, environmental protection, environmental policy of Kazakhstan, genetically modified foods References Earth Summit’92. The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. “Kazakhstan 2030” Message of President N.A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan; UN Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (UNCED-92); Regulation (EC) No. 1830/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2003; Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Technical Regulation” No. 603-II; Lehmann, J., Joseph, S. and et al. (2015). Biochar for environmental management: science, technology and implementation, Routledge. O'riordan, T. (2014). Environmental science for environmental management, Routledge. Mitchell, B. (2013). Resource & environmental management, Routledge. Godin, A.M. (2013). Environmental Management. M.: Publishing and Trade Corporation. Korobko, V.I. (2012). Environmental Management. Study Guide. M.: Unity-Dana. Mochalova, L.A. (2016). Company Environmental Management. Janssen, R. (2012). Multiobjective decision support for environmental management. Springer Science & Business Media; 2. Haefele, E.T. (2013). Representative government and environmental management, Routledge. Welford, R. (2013). Corporate environmental management 3: Towards sustainable development, Routledge. Marshall, G. (2012) Economics for collaborative environmental management: renegotiating the commons, Routledge. Pondeville, S., Swaen, V. and De Rongé, Y. (2013). Environmental management control systems: The role of contextual and strategic factors. Management accounting research, 24(4):317-332. Beaumont, P. (2014). Drylands: environmental management and development, Routledge. Lo, C.K.Y., Yeung, A.C.L. and Cheng, T.C.E. (2012). The impact of environmental management systems on financial performance in fashion and textiles industries. International Journal of Production Economics; 135(2):561-567.) Zhuldizay, T. and Gulbaram T. (2016). Technology Development in the Terms of Built Environment Creation. Philosophical Analysis. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7):2003-2014 Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 9, 2007; |
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Mistake of Criminal Law and its Influence on the Classification of CrimeRoman V. Veresha
pp. 8017-8025 | Article Number: ijese.2016.566
Abstract The paper examines the characteristics of a mistake of the commitment of crime as an optional feature of the mental state of the crime. The analysis conducted offers an opportunity to state that in international criminal law, a mistake of law, although taken into account, does not generally affect the classification of crime. We uncovered and substantiated the need to research mistake as one of the features of the mental state of crime. This will make it possible to reveal the real causes of crime and administer the right type and measure of punishment. Moreover, the research provides a definition of mistake of criminal law by which we should understand an incorrect view of a person of the actual substance of his/her action and the specific characteristic of social relations that are protected by criminal law and are damaged as a result of a crime. Proceeding from a scientific approach to the definition of mistake of criminal law and its role in the mental state of corpus delicti, the author proposes that mistakes of law and mistakes of fact in criminal law affect the classification of crimes. Keywords: Classification of crime, criminal liability, mistake of criminal law, result of crime, mental state of crime References Abdilov, K. S., Zusbaev, B. T., Naurysbaev, E. A., Nukiev, B. A., Nurkina, Z. B., Myrzahanov, E. N. & Urazalinc, G. T. (2016). Basis of Criminalistic Classification of a Person in Republic Kazakhstan and Republic Mongolia. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(11), 4751-4759. Akutaev, R. & Magomedov, G. (2016). On the Crime Object. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(11), 4218-4228. Annon. (1997). The Criminal Code of the Republic of Poland, dated 06.06.1997. 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Effects of a Teacher Professional Development Program on Science Teachers’ Views about Using Computers in Teaching and LearningNagihan İmer Çetin
pp. 8026-8039 | Article Number: ijese.2016.567
Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine science teachers’ level of using computers in teaching and the impact of a teacher professional development program (TPDP) on their views regarding utilizing computers in science education. Forty-three in-service science teachers from different regions of Turkey attended a 5 day TPDP. The TPDP was structured in modules designed using inquiry-based interactive computer simulations (IBICS). The participants created modules on different science subjects during the TPDP. Their progression was evaluated by micro-teaching sessions. Mixed methods research was used. The data were gathered by a survey and semi-structured interviews. Findings indicate that most of the science teachers initially lacked the necessary skills and knowledge for using computers in teaching. However, after the TPDP majority of them developed positive views on using computers in teaching and learning. 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A Multiple Case Study of Preservice Science Teachers’ TPACK: Embedded in a Comprehensive Belief SystemErhan Güneş & Eralp Bahçivan
pp. 8040-8054 | Article Number: ijese.2016.569
Abstract Integrating technology into science education provides opportunities to foster students’ meaningful learning. This study focused on technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) and its connections to belief system in a science teaching context. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of preservice science teachers’ (PST) beliefs on their TPACK level. Multiple case study method was implemented. Multiple cases of the study were: low, medium and high confidence of TPACK. Purposive sampling was adapted to select cases. Data was collected through individual semi-structured interviews and lesson plans of PSTs. Content analysis was used in order to analyze the data. Holistic and embedded analyses were implemented to grasp each case entirely and comparing specific aspects and relations of the cases. According to findings there was a positive relationship between PST’s TPACK confidence and TPACK level. The PSTs’ belief systems consistently related to their TPACK levels in terms of several respects. When epistemological beliefs were not taken into consideration, relationships among other variables of the study showed consistency with previous research findings related to relationship between self and conceptions of teaching and learning. Implicational suggestions for future research and science teacher education programs were presented. Keywords: TPACK, belief system, science teachers, technology, confidence References Bahçivan, E. (2014). Investigating coherence between preservice science teachers’ conceptions of learning and teaching science: a phenomenographic study. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(3), 147-166. Bai, H., & Ertmer, P. (2008). Teacher educators’ beliefs and technology uses as predictors of preservice teachers’ beliefs and technology attitudes. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 16(1), 93-112. 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Using Interdisciplinary Integration in Teaching English of Oil and Gas Students in RussiaAygul Z. Ibatova, Aleksandr G. Ilin, Natalia V. Ippolitova, Marina A. Stavruk & Natalia L. Ivanova
pp. 8055-8061 | Article Number: ijese.2016.568
Abstract The article discusses the problem of foreign language training of students of oil and gas faculty with the use of interdisciplinary integration as an effective teaching method. A brief review of the application of this method in the foreign language classes with students at the Federal State Institution of Higher Education of Tyumen Industrial University is presented. Approvals and the results of the mentioned method are described. Keywords: teaching English as a second language, professional communication, interdisciplinary integration References
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Financing Sustainable Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in CameroonJustin A. Ayuk, Aleksandr Y. Bystryakov & Oksana A. Karpenko
pp. 8062-8076 | Article Number: ijese.2016.570
Abstract Small and medium sized enterprise despite their huge presence in all economies have been identified to have similar challenges with respect to their sustainable development. Access to finance, managerial skills and the absence of an entrepreneurial class have been a call for concern. Policy response has been financial and technical assistance as instruments with the employment generation as the main objective. This has been the case in Cameroon with 81% of enterprises falling in the micro category despite significant state support to promote the sector since 2005. An economic transformation that increasingly relies on domestic finance sources and innovative systems or mechanisms that are capable of combining entrepreneurship and financing can translate SME development into sustained and inclusive development is what nations without a strong private sector require. 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Contributions Emotional Intelligence on Cognitive Learning Result of Biology of Senior High School Students in Medan, IndonesiaAnggi Tias Pratama & Aloysius Duran Corebima
pp. 8077-8087 | Article Number: ijese.2016.571
Abstract Emotional intelligence is one of the factors affecting the success of students’ learning results. Students having high emotional intelligence will be able to overcome the problems faced in school and in society. This research aims at investigating the correlation between emotional intelligence (EQ) and students’ cognitive learning results of Biology and comparing the contribution of each indicator of EQ on the Biology cognitive learning results. This research was a correlational research. The samples in this research were 232 students of class X selected randomly from 7 schools. The results of this research show that there is a correlation between EQ and Biology cognitive learning results. EQ has a contribution on the learning results as much as 5.2%. The contribution of EQ indicator such as identifying self emotion was 0.01%, managing emotions was 0.05%, motivating ownselves was 0.60%, recognizing emotions in others was of 0.33%, keeping relationship was 4.25%. 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The Effects of Online Homework on First Year Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Learning Achievements of Introductory Organic ChemistryJadsada Ratniyom, Suttipong Boonphadung & Thassanant Unnanantn
pp. 8088-8099 | Article Number: ijese.2016.572
Abstract This study examined the effects of the introductory organic chemistry online homework on first year pre-service science teachers’ learning achievements. The online homework was created using a web-based Google form in order to enhance the pre-service science teachers’ learning achievements. The steps for constructing online homework were approximately described. The participants were 76 first year pre-service science teachers at Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University (SSRU). A quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design was performed in this study. The research instruments were pre- and post-tests and online homework relevant to the introductory organic chemistry. The findings unfolded that the pre-service science teachers’ performance significantly improved after the implemented treatment and the online homework was an effective learning aid for improving the achievements of introductory organic chemistry learning. The correlations between online homework score and the various course elements were investigated. The moderate and statistically significant correlations were found between the online homework score of the students and the normalized gain and between the online homework score and their post-test achievements. Hence, the score results of the online homework were considered as a predictor of student test scores. A statistically significant correlation between their achievements in introductory organic chemistry chapter and their overall grades was found. In term of learning behavior, this implied that students’ learning habits improved when they completed their online homework. This study also proposes that introductory organic chemistry is the hardest chapter in this general chemistry course sequence at SSRU. Keywords: online homework, introductory organic chemistry, Google form, pre-service science teachers References Arasasingham, R. 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Influence of the international academic and labor mobility on the activity of open innovationsTulegenova Madina & Benazir Mansurova
pp. 8100-8111 | Article Number: ijese.2016.573
Abstract This article presents the analysis of the new tendencies: openness of technologies, growth of the migration flows of the youth that are seeking for the quality education, and highly qualified professionals, who offer their unique abilities to large companies and research centers of the developed countries. The subjects of the world market competing for the innovations are interested in the development of this phenomena. The goal of the article is to provide scientific analysis of the reasons and premises of the increase in the activity of migration flows of human resources, the influence of this process on the innovation superiority of the countries initiating open innovations Keywords: open innovations, academic and labor mobility, human capital and human resources. References Brooking A. (2002) Intellektual'nyi kapital. Saint Petersburg, pp.75-76. Friedrich August von Hayek (1941) The Pure Theory of Capital. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Henry Chesbrough (2007). Open innovation-2003 — Moscow, p.207. Hans de Wit; Irina Ferencz; Laura E. Rumbley (14 May 2012). "International student mobility". Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education. 1 17 (Routledge): 17–23. OECD (2006). Education at a Glance. Paris: OECD International labor migration (n.d.) http://www.grandars.ru/. 13 февраля 2015 International migration report (2015) http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/migration/index.shtml John Bates Clark (1899) The Distribution of Wealth: A Theory of Wages, Interest and Profits. http://oll.libertyfund.org/titles/clark-the-distribution-of-wealth-a-theory-of-wages-interest-and-profits John Mill (1982) Osnovy politicheskoi ekonomii-t.1. Moscow, p.394. Kembayev B.A., Akhmetov Ph.I. (n.d.) Innovative activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan: state and development problems. Analytical Review.—Almaty, p.205. OECD (2011). Education at a Glance 2011. Paris: OECD. p. 320., UNESCO (2006). Global Education Digest 2006. Paris: UNESCO. p. 342. Olivier Dessibourg (2012) "La Suisse, carrefour de la circulation des cerveaux", Le Temps, Thursday 15 November 2012, p. 14. Peter F. (2008) The Essential Drucker: The Best of Sixty Years of Peter Drucker's Essential Writings on Management. Harper Business. Ranking of countries by level of education (n.d.) http://gtmarket.ru/ratings/education-index/education-index-info/ Reports about Bolashak activity (n.d.) http://bolashak.kz/en/pages/prospects Smith A. (1776) An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. http://www.ifaarchive.com/pdf/smith_-_an_inquiry_into_the_nature_and_causes_of_the_wealth_of_nations%5B1%5D.pdf Shumpeter Y. (1982) Teoriya ekonomicheskogo razvitiya (Issledovanie predprinimatel'skoi pribyli, kapitala, kredita, procenta i cikla kon'yunktury-1911) —Moscow. |
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Investigation of the Effects of Brain Teasers on Attention Spans of Pre-School ChildrenMeryem Altun, Muhsin Hazar & Zekihan Hazar
pp. 8112-8119 | Article Number: ijese.2016.574
Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of brain teasers on attention spans of pre-school children of age six. The study was conducted using an experimental design with a control group and pre-test/post-test. The sample of the study is children of age six selected via random appointment among ones who were enrolled in the Merkez Kindergarten in the province of Sivas, district of Şarkışla in the school year 2014-2015. The sample consists of a total of 213 participants including 113 in the experiment group and 100 in the control group. “Frankfurter Tests für Fünjahlige-Konzentration” was used as the measurement tool. The experiment group was given the brain teaser curriculum 3 days a week, one hour a day for 10 weeks, while the control group was given only the National Education Ministry Pre-School curriculum. The obtained data were organized and analyzed using the SPSS 22 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) package software. Dependent samples t-test was used in order to analyze the differences between the experiment and control groups, while percentages, frequencies and means were used for demographics. As a result of the study, it was seen that there was a significant difference in favor of the experiment group between the attention spans of children who received the brain teasers curriculum and children who received the National Education Ministry Pre-School curriculum. This result shows that brain teasers are effective in improving the attention span. Keywords: Attention, Pre-School, Brain Teasers References Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç Ç., E., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş., Demirel, F. (2009). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Ankara: Pegem Akademi. Cammann, R., Spiel, G. (1991). Neurophysiologische Grudlagen von Aufmerksamkeits-und Konzentrationsleistungen. In. H. Barchmann, W. Kinze, N. Roth (Eds.). Aufmerksameit und Konzentration im Kindesalter. İnterdisziplinaere Aspect (s. 11-26). Berlin: Verlag Gesundheit. Dorsch, F. (1987). Psychologiesches Wörterbuch. (11. Auflage). Bern: Verlag Hans Huber. Ettrich, C. (1991). Zur Entwicklung Von Konzentrationsleustungen im Kleinkınd-und Vorschulalter. In. H. Barchman, W. Kinze & N. Roth (Eds.). Aufmerksamkeit und Konzentration im Kindesalter: İnterdisziplinaere Aspect (s. 81-88). Berlin: Verlag Gesundheit. Gözalan, E. (2013). Oyun Temelli Dikkat Eğitim Programının 5-6 Yaş Çocuklarının Dikkat ve Dil Becerilerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Konya. Kaymak, S. (1995). Yuvaya Giden Beş Yaşındaki Çocuklarla Dikkat Toplama Çalışmaları. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara. Kuscu, Ö. ( 2010). Orff-Schulwerk Yaklaşımı ile Yapılan Müzik Etkinliklerinin Okulöncesi Dönemdeki Çocuklarının Dikkat Becerilerine Etkisi. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Konya. Nickel, H. (1991). Die Entwicklung von Aufmerksamkeit und Konzentartion aus Ökologisch- Systemischer Perspektive. In. H. Barchmann, W. Kinze, N. Roth (Eds.). Aufmerksameit und Konzentration im Kindesalter. İnterdisziplinaere Aspect (s. 64-71). Berlin: Verlag Gesundheit. Ott, E. (1994). Das Konzentrationsprogramm. Konzentrationsschwaeche Überwinden- Denkvermögen Steigem. Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag. Özdoğan, B. (2003). Okulöncesi Eğitimde Araç Geliştirme. (Ed. Ayşen Gürcan). Eskişehir: Anadolu Ünv. Yayınları. Özmen, S. K. (2011a). Dikkat Toplama Becerisini Geliştirici Etkinlikler: Okulöncesi, Anne Babalar ve Öğretmenler İçin El Kitabı. (2. Baskı). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık. Özmen, S. K. (2011b). Dikkat Toplama Becerisini Geliştirici Etkinlikler: İlköğretim 1. 2. 3. Sınıf Anne Babalar ve Öğretmenler için El Kitabı (4. Baskı). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık. Solso, R. L., MacLin, M. K., MacLin, O. H. (2014). Bilişsel Psikoloji. (Çev. Ayşe Ayçiçeği- Dinn). Kitabevi. TÜZDER: Tüm Üstün Zekalılar Derneği. (2013). TÜZDER "Zeka ve Akıl Oyunları Eğitmenliği Eğitimi" Kitapçığı. http://www.tuzder.org/ 22.03.2016 Wagner, I. (1991). Möglichkeiten der Förderung. In. H. Barchmann, W. Kinze & N. Roth (Eds.). Aufmerksamkeit und Konzentration im Kindesalter: İnterdisziplinaere Aspect. (s.184-197). Berlin: Verlag Gesundheit. Yaycı, L. ( 2007). İlköğretim Dördüncü Sınıf Öğrencilerinde Seçici ve Yoğunlaştırılmış Dikkat Becerilerini Geliştirmeye Dayalı Bir Programın Etkililiğinin Sınanması. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Marmara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul. |
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Nature Connectedness and Landscape Preferences of Turkish Preservice Preschool TeachersSimge Yılmaz, Refika Olgan & Elif Öztürk Yılmaztekin
pp. 8120-8142 | Article Number: ijese.2016.575
Abstract The current paper had two aims, first to investigate Turkish pre-service preschool teachers’ perceptions of different kinds of landscapes that can be used to achieve their educational goals, their ideas about the characteristics of these settings, and the contribution to children’s education, the resource needs, motivations, and barriers they associated with these settings, and second to explore the possible relationship between nature relatedness of the participants and their outdoor setting type preferences (educational and personal). The participants were 300 pre-service preschool teachers from two universities in Turkey. The researchers used a landscape preferences questionnaire accompanied by 16 photographs of types of outdoor settings and human influence attributes to explore the landscape preferences of the participants. Additionally, a nature relatedness scale was used to investigate the participants’ understanding of how human beings and nature are connected. 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The Structure of the Managerial System of Higher Education’s DevelopmentElena Y. Levina, Ruslan A. Kutuev, Lidia V. Balakhnina, Konstantin B. Tumarov, Alexey D. Chudnovskiy & Вulat V. Shagiev
pp. 8143-8153 | Article Number: ijese.2016.616
Abstract The research urgency is caused by necessity of planning regulation of higher education development at all levels of management. The purpose of this article is to develop the structure of a control system of higher education development, the Foundation of which is understanding of the quality of higher education as factor for development of the system and reconcile of the education agents’ interest. Based on the definition of levels, types of control and methods for subordination, the authors have developed an innovative governance structure with the development of higher education system, including: a set of agents of higher education system; a set of relations between entities of management of higher education’s development; the sequence and dynamics of functioning; criteria for management of higher education system; a set of normalized states for agents of higher education; the level of awareness of higher education’ agents in making managerial decisions. This article is intended for researchers and specialists in the field of development of higher education. Keywords: Higher education system, management of development, system of management, regulation of management, agents of education References Belyakov, S. A. (2009). Foreign experience in improving educational management: the basic model. University Management: Practice and Analysis, 1, 45-63. Bim-Bad, B. M. (2002). Teaching encyclopedic dictionary. Moscow: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 528 p. Felt, U. & Glanz, M. (2004). University autonomy in Europe: shifting paradigms in university research? In Managing university autonomy: shifting paradigms in university research. Magna Charta Observatory. Bologna: Bononia University Press, 15-99. Juran, J. M. (1992). Juran on Quality by Design: The New Steps for Planning Quality into Goods and Services. New York: The Free Press, 538 p. Khatkevich, S. P. (2004). Philosophical understanding of the approaches and principles of contemporary management of the development of education. Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, 1, 158-160. Khudin, A. N. (2008). Innovations in the organizational structure of the management of sustainable development of the educational process of university. Siberian Pedagogical Journal, 9, 359 – 367. Levina, E. Y. (2015). The problem of development of education: stakeholders approach. Kazan Pedagogical Journal, 6(1), 11-15. Levina, E. Y., Bazhenova, N. G., Beydina, T. E., Denisova, R. R., Popova, N. N., Makarov, A. L., Shakhnina, I. Z. (2015). Adaptive mechanisms of management in educational system development. International Journal of Sustainable Development. 6(8), 292-297. Mukhametzyanova, F. Sh. & Levina, E. Y. (2015). Management development educational systems: models and mechanisms. Bulletin of the Bashkir University. 4, 1398-1402. Mukhametzyanova, G. V. (2009). The main trends in the development of vocational education. Specialist, 11, 2.-9. Nikandrov, N. D. (2008). Education in the process of socialization of the person. Herald URAO , 5, 24-33. Pudenko, T. I. (2010). Principles and approaches to the evaluation of systems. Vocational education, 3, 7-9. Saprykin, D. L. (2005). State and fundamental education: national models. Higher education in the Russian, 1, 148-156. Shamova, T. I., Davydenko T. M. & Shibanov G. N. (2007). Management of educational systems. Moscow: Academy, 384 p. Shaton, G. I. (1999). Theoretical analysis of the problems of management of educational systematic. Dirwct access: http://www.irex.ru/press/pub/polemika/03/ 1999 Shchepakin, K. M. & Tarasova, I. V. (2012). Development management issues of educational institutions in modern conditions. Herald of the Tula State University, 1, 470-479. Shcherbakov, V. S. (2005). Problems of advanced general professional training in modern vocational school. Kazan Pedagogical Journal, 2, 14-18. Smirnov, I. P. (2002). Man. Education. Profession. Personality. Moscow: Count-Press, 419 p. Subetto, A. I. (2004). Quality of education: problems of evaluation and monitoring. The director of studies, 5, 3-10. Tretyakov, P. I. (2001). School of Management based on the results: the practice of pedagogical management. Moscow: New School, 320 p. Tretyakov, P. I. (2009). School: education quality management based on the results. Moscow: Perspective, 492 p. Vakhshtein, V. (2006). Two models of educational systems: Continental and Atlantic. Prognosis, 3, 321-352. Van Vut, F. A. (1995). Policy Models and Policy Instruments in Higher Education. The Effects of governemental policy-making on the innovative behavior of higher education institutions. Direct access: http://www.ihs.ac.at/publications/pol/pw_26.pdf. |
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The Development Of Self-Government Of The Student in The Educational ProcessSvetlana V. Khusainova, Natalia A. Shepilova, Albina N. Kudyasheva, Elena A. Sorokoumova, Vera V. Murugova & Teymur E. Zulfugarzade
pp. 8154-8162 | Article Number: ijese.2016.617
Abstract The research urgency is caused by necessity to study and develop the phenomenon of students’ self-government, providing their vocational formation. In this regard, this paper aims to identify the internal psychological-pedagogical factors for implementing of self-government of the students through the assessment of their personal-typological peculiarities. A leading approach to the study of this problem is activity-based approach, allowing considering of the manifestation of students’ personality characteristics within the educational process. The authors present the results of experimental research of internal factors of students’ self-government; reveal the specifics for solution of educational tasks in terms of time; identify criteria of successful task performance by the students; theoretically substantiate conditions for manifestation of self-government of College students. The materials of the paper are of practical significance for educators, psychologists, researchers, engaged in the projecting and implementation of learning activities of College students. Keywords: Vocational education, student, self-government, training activity, personal characteristics References Anokhin, P. K. (1978). The philosophical aspects of theory of functional systems. Moscow: Science, 400 p. Bernstein, N. A. (1966). Essays on the physiology of movements and activity physiology. Moscow: Medicine, 349 p. Gabdreeva, G. S. (1991). Formation of ability to self-government mental state of students with high levels of anxiety. Moscow: AST, 243 p. Hekhauzen, H. (2003). Motivation and action. St.Petersburg: Peter, 860 p. Horney, K. (1997). Anxiety Coll. Op. Moscow Sense, 2, 174-180. Khusainova, S. V. (2003). Fundamentals of effective self-regulation. Naberezhnye Chelny: Publishing Management Institute, 132p. Khusainova, S. V. (2010). Test to determine the mental state of the subject activity-related anxiety. Journal of Commerce and Institute of Technology, 3, 308-316. Khusainova, S. V. (2013). Specificity of the structural and dynamic characteristics of adaptability of life as a student of the subject. Kazan pedagogical journal, 50, 144-154. Khusainova, S. V. (2016). Features high school students learning at different levels of activity-related anxiety. Moscow: Research and Education Center "Knowledge", 237-240. Khusainova, S. V. & Levina, E. U. (2016). Experimental study of student self-development conditions. Modern problems of social-humanitarian sciences, 4, 61-65. Konopkin, O. A. (2004). The total capacity for self-regulation as a factor in the development of subject. Questions of psychology, 2, 36-46. Maralov, V. G. (2004). Fundamentals of self-knowledge and self-development. Moscow: Publishing Center "Academy", 256 p. Meili, R. (1975). The structure of the personality. Experimental Psychology, 5, 196-283. Peisakhov, N. M. (1991). Applied Psychology. Kazan State University, 120 p. Prokhorov, A. O. (1997). Psychology of self-government. Kazan: Alphabet everyday self, 95 p. Rozhkov, M. I. & Bayborodova, L. V. (2000). The organization of educational process at school. Moscow: Publishing Center Vlados, 256 p. Rubinstein, S. L. (1940). Fundamentals of General Psychology. Moscow: AST, 28-45 Shevtsov, M. N. (2004). The possibility of using chronometric methods to assess the ability to self-government in Psychology. Kazan: Kazan State University, 335 p. |
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Creativity Development: The Role of Foreign Language LearningAida G. Sadykova & Olga V. Shelestova
pp. 8163-8181 | Article Number: ijese.2016.618
Abstract The relevance of the present research stems from the need to consider the ways of preventing conflicts between the objective necessity of development of students’ creative activity in the learning process, and insufficient development of pedagogical conditions for its effective implementation in theoretical and methodological terms. The article is aimed at summarizing the study of creativity development by means of the foreign language. A set of methods was used in the paper: theoretical (analysis of the philosophical and methodological literature on the issue; projecting), empirical (questionnaires, interviews, testing, an experiment), methods of mathematical statistics. Experimental work covered in total 58 students and included three stages: summative, formative and controlling. The results of the experiment show that the system of exercises developed for boosting the student’s creativity proved out effective, and the selected indicators characterizing the creative activity of students reflect considerable growth. The authors also proved that the goal of foreign language teaching in higher education is both practical knowledge of the target language, and the development of the student personality. The practical significance of this research involves developing the complex of effective means, forms and methods of teaching and learning activities of students in the process of learning a foreign language in the framework of the theory of development training, and the use of the materials received in the course of study by teachers in the higher and secondary vocational schools. Keywords: Creative tasks, creativity, education, foreign language teaching, fostering creativity, personal development References Adobe Systems Incorporated. (2012). Creativity and education: why it matters. Direct access: http://www.adobe.com/aboutadobe/pressroom/pdfs/Adobe_Creativity_and_ Education_ Why_ It_Matters _study.pdf Anderson, C. (1962). Technology in American Educations, 1650-1900. Washington: U.S. Government printing office, 363 p. Ausubel, D. P. (1978). The Nature and Measurement of Creativity. Psychologia, 21, 326-336. Barysheva, T. A. & Zhigalov, Yu. A. (2006). Psychological and pedagogical basis for creativity development. St.Petersburg: Peter, 452 p. Barysheva, T. A. (2012). Psychological Structure of Creativity: Invariants and Variations. Direct access: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/psihologicheskaya-struktura-kreativnosti-opyt-empiricheskogo-issledovaniya Cimermanova, I. (2014). Foreign language teaching and creativity. Direct access: https://www.pulib.sk/web/kniznica/elpub/dokument/Germuskova2/subor/Cimermanova.pdf Clarke, M. A. (2015). Creativity in modern foreign languages teaching and learning. Direct access: https://www.heacademy.ac.uk/resource/creativity-modern-foreign-languages-teaching-and-learning Creativity in the English language classroom (2015). In Alan Maley and Nik Peachey (Eds.). Direct access: http://englishagenda.britishcouncil.org/sites/ec/files/F004_ELT_Creativity_ FINAL_ v2%20WEB.pdf De Bono, E. (2007). How to have creative ideas: 62 exercises to develop the mind. Vermilion: Autumn, 352 p. Derkach, A. A. (1991). Pedagogical Heuristics. Moscow: Nauka, 293 p. Fromm, E. (1959). The creative attitude. New York: Harper & Row, 511 p. Gordon, W. J. (1961). Synectics: the development of creative capacity. New York: Harper & Row, 427 p. Guilford, J. P. (1973). Creative Learning. Educational Leadership, 5(48), 363-375. Ilyin, Ye. P. (2012). Psychology of art, creativity and talent. St.Petersburg: Peter, 355 p. Livingston, L. (2010). Teaching Creativity in Higher Education. Arts Education Policy Review, 111(2), 59 – 62. Osborn, A. F. (1957). Applied imagination. New York: Scribner, 522 p. Ostroumova, O. F., Nizamieva, L. R. & Nazarova, G. I. (2014). The didactic aspect of foreign language creative teaching. Journal of Language and Literature, 5(3), 76-82. Sadykova, A. & Kayumova, D. (2014). The Correlation between Linguistic and Conceptual Worldviews: the Role of Metaphor. Life Science Journal, 11(6), 552-555. Shatilov, S. F., Kolkova, M. K. & Kolesnikova, I. L. (1991). Methodology of foreign language teaching on the initial stage at school and higher school. St.Petersburg: Obrazovanie, 405 p. Taylor, I. E. (1977). Can creativity be taught? Critique and Commentary. Social Education, 33(2), 114-125. Torrance, E. P. (1959). Dictionary of Education. In Carter V.G ,and Winifred R.M. (Eds.). New York: Mc.Graw-Hill, 387 p. |
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Statistical Research of Investment Development of Russian RegionsTatiana A. Burtseva, Vera I. Aleshnikova, Mayya V. Dubovik, Ksenya V. Naidenkova, Nadezda B. Kovalchuk, Natalia V. Repetskaya, Oksana G. Kuzmina, Anton A. Surkov, Olga I. Bershadskaya & Anna V. Smirennikova
pp. 8182-8192 | Article Number: ijese.2016.619
Abstract This article the article is concerned with a substantiation of procedures ensuring the implementation of statistical research and monitoring of investment development of the Russian regions, which would be pertinent for modern development of the state statistics. The aim of the study is to develop the methodological framework in order to estimate the investment development of regions of Russia, providing an increase in the usage of own resources and an achievement of the objectives of economic development. Basic principles of neo-Keynesian economic theory and methods of statistical analysis (index method, clustering method, taxonomic method) are the methodological basis of the research. Information basis includes analytical materials, expert opinions and statistical data of Federal State Statistics Service on the development of Russian regions. Results of the study: the structure of the investment development of a region as an object of statistical research and the system of statistical indicators characterizing its elements were elucidated; the algorithm of statistical research and monitoring system of investment development of regions of Russia were tested. Conclusions: proposed procedures allowed implementing a monitoring of investment development in Russian regions in 2005-2013. On its basis, Russian regions, which are "points of investment growth", and regions, which use investments for achieving development goals ineffectively were identified. This made it possible to develop and justify practical recommendations for optimizing the allocation of budget investments during the crisis in the Russian economy. Keywords: The investment policy of the region, methods of measurement of investment development of the region, factors of economic growth of economy, results of development of the region, the purposes of development of the region References Aleshnikova, V. I. & Kalashnikov, D. I. (2012). Cluster policy of regional development. Voronezh: Independent educational non-profit organization of higher vocational education, Institute of Management, 326 p. Aleshnikova, V. I., Lisovtseva, L. N. & Nikitin, P. V. (2012). State policy on development of depressed regions: Strategy and Tactics. Voronezh: Scientific Book, 386 p. Burtseva, T. A. (2009a). Indicative model of monitoring the investment attractiveness of the region. Statistics problems, 6, 37-45. Burtseva, T. A. (2009b). Monitoring of investment attractiveness of the region on the basis of the indicative model. Bulletin of the Novosibirsk State University. "Social Science", 9(3), 109-120. Burtseva, T. A. (2014). 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Quantitative Development and Distribution of Zooplankton in Medium Lakes of the Kostanay Region (North Kazakhstan Region)Gulzhan A. Aubakirova, Kuanysh N. Syzdykov, Zhumagazy Kurzhykayev, Rashit B. Uskenov, Serik Narbayev, Ainagul B. Begenova, Aikumys N. Zhumakayeva, Dinara K. Sabdinova & Serikbay N. Akhmedinov
pp. 8193-8210 | Article Number: ijese.2016.620
Abstract ABSTRACT The assessment of water resources plays an important environmental and economic role, since it allows developing an effective program of regional development with regard to the environmental load. The hydro-chemical regime of lakes includes water temperature, content of biogenic elements, total mineralization, oxygen regime, and other parameters (transparency, color, and smell). However, this assessment cannot be considered full, since it does not take into account the effect of human activity. Therefore, various systems of water monitoring have been developed, one of which is the assessment of zooplankton. The state of zooplankton is a universal marker. The quantitative and qualitative assessment allows monitoring the physical and chemical state of water resources and assessing their bio-pruduction potential. This research investigated zooplankton communities in lakes Aksuat, Altybai and Taly (Kostanay Region, Kazakhstan). The qualitative composition and dominant species of zooplankton was determined; their population dynamic was monitored. The oxygen regime of lakes remained stable; no oxygen deficiency was found. The lakes have favorable conditions for the development of zooplankton. This also provides favorable conditions for commercial fish farming if the main diet of fish is zooplankton Keywords: Species composition, lakes mineralization, water condition, zooplankton population, bio-production potential References Achal, Varenyam, Mukerjee, Abhijeet, & Sudhakara, Reddy M (2013). Biogenic Treatment Improves the Durability and Remediates the Cracks of Concrete Structures. Construction and Building Materials, 48, 1-5. Afonina, E. Yu & Itigilova, M. Ts. (2014) Zooplankton in Salt Lakes in Different Periods of Filling (Zabaykalsky Krai). International Journal of Applied and Basic Research, 10(2), 38-42. Alekin, O. A. (1970). Basics of hydrochemistry. St. Petersburg: Gidrometeoizdat. Anuryeva, A. 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Issues of financial Assurance of Economy Greening in the RegionsNatalia V. Shekhova,b, Ekaterina E. Kireeva, Michael A. Nazarov, Dinara R. Peskova, Elena P. Gusakova & Vladimir E. Dorozhkin
pp. 8211-8227 | Article Number: ijese.2016.621
Abstract The relevance of the analyzed issue is caused by the need to internalize environmental externalities in the modern world. The purpose of the article is to examine the issue of financial support of the green economy using the example of the regions included in the Volga Federal District (VFD). The leading methods to the study of this issue is a comparative analysis of environmental taxes and charges in Russia and countries of the European Union (EU) and the analysis of environmental problems in the regions of the Volga Federal District, which allow identifying the shortcomings of the existing environmental payment system and proposing measures to modernize the system of financial support of the green economy. The key shortcomings of the existing environmental payment system: low rates of environmental payments; the inappropriate use of funds received from environmental payments; concentration of 97% of revenues from environmental payments in the federal budget. 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Intuition in Business: Empirical BaseEugeniy P. Fomin, Andrey A. Alekseev, Natalia E. Fomina, Marina A. Rensh & Ekaterina V. Zaitseva
pp. 8228-8236 | Article Number: ijese.2016.622
Abstract In this article, the authors propose economic projection of the views of Daniel Kahneman on intuition. The authors believe intuition to act as an operative category in entrepreneurship. The results of given statistical experiment prove viability of the phenomenon of intuition when making investment decisions. Two independent mechanisms for investment decisions are being defined - the «rational» and the «intuitive» ones. The research leads to conclusion that entrepreneurs’ intuitive decisions possess a relatively high level of efficiency. Keywords: Management, entrepreneur, investment, intuition, decision-making under uncertainty, risks References Asmus, V. F. (1965). Problema intuitsii v filosofii i matematike. Оcherk istorii: XVII nachalo XX, 1, 48-50. Barnard, C. I. (1968). The Functions of the Executive. Diret access: http://www.spiegel.de/internatio-nal/zeitgeist/interview-with-daniel-kahneman-on-the-pitfalls-of-intuition-and-memory-a-834407.html. Bergson, H. (2008). The Creative Mind: An Introduction to Metaphysics, For a Whiteheadian use of Bergsonian intuition. Frankfurt. Paris: Ontos Verlag, 165 p. Bowers, K. S., Regher, G., Balthazard & Parker, K. (1990). Intuition in the Context of Discovery. Cognitive Psychology, 22(1), 72-110. Dijksterhuis, A. (2006). On Making the Right Choice: The Deliberation-Without-Attention Effect. Science, 311(5763), 1005–1007. Gerhard, Roth. (1997). Das Gehirn und seine Wirklichkeit. Kognitive Neurobiologie und ihre philosophischen Konsequenzen. Belin: Asmus, 273 p. Gigerenzer, G. & Murray, D.J. (1987). Cognition as intuitive statistics. Hillsdale: Erlbaum, 314 p. Kahneman, D. & Tversky, A. (1984a). Choices, values and frames. New York: Cambridge University Press and the Russell Sage Foundation, 673-692. Kahneman, D. & Tversky, A. (1984b). Choices, values and frames. American Psychologist, 39, 341-350. Kahneman, D. (1973). Attention and effort. New York: Prentice-Hall, 213 p. Kahneman, D. (2000). Evaluation by moments: Past and future. In D. Kahneman & A. Tversky (Eds.), Choices, values and frames. New York: Cambridge University Press and the Russell Sage Foundation, 693-708. Kehoe, J. (2008). Mind Power Into the 21st Century: Techniques to Harness the Astounding Powers of Thought. New York: Prentice-Hall, 413 p. Klein, G. (2009). Streetlights and Shadows. Searching for the Keys to Adaptive Decision-making. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 239 p. Lehrer, J. (2009). How We Decide. Orlando: Houghton Mifflin, 314 p. MacIntyre, A. (1984). After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory. University of Notre Dame Press, 355 p. Mintzberg, H. (1989). Management: It’s not what you think! London: International edition published by Pearson Education, 521 p. Nordström, K. A & Ridderstråle, J. (2002). Funky business: Talent makes capital dance. Canada: Pearson Education Canada, 256 p. Schumpeter, J. & Opie, R. (1983). The theory of economic development: an inquiry into profits, capital, credit, interest, and the business cycle. New Jersey: Transaction Books, 485 p. Vernadsky, V. I. (1945). The biosphere and noosphere. Am Sci., 33, 1-12. Waterman, R. (1989). The Renewal Factor: How the Best Get and Keep the Competitive Edge. London: Transworld Publishers Ltd, 312 p. |
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Building of Projecting Competence Among Future Teachers in the Conditions of Introduction of Inclusive EducationEvgeniya V. Ketrish, Evgenij M. Dorozhkin, Оleg М. Permyakov, Natalia V. Tretyakova, Tatiana V. Andryukhina & Valentina V. Mantulenko
pp. 8237-8251 | Article Number: ijese.2016.623
Abstract The relevance of the researched problem is caused by the need of consideration of teachers’ readiness for work in the conditions of inclusive education, and change of process of their professional training (on the example of specialists in the sphere of physical education). The purpose of publication consists in the development of pedagogical model of the projecting competence building which will provide effective forecasting, modeling and planning of educational process. The leading approach to the research of a problem is the system-based approach which allows us to analyze the process of building of projecting competence as pedagogical system, and on the basis of it to determine its structural and functional characteristics. The results of the research on identification of the relation of future physical education (PE) teachers to a possibility of work in the conditions of inclusive education are provided; the pedagogical model of projecting competence building among teachers including target, substantial, organizational and estimative-productive components is offered. Materials of the publication can be useful to the scientists while studying questions of implementation of an inclusive education in the Russian education system, to the specialists who are engaged in the organization of training of future teachers, to the teachers working in the educational organizations of various types, to students of pedagogical higher education institutions. Keywords: Children with special needs or disabilities, inclusive education, projecting competence of a teacher, readiness of the teacher References Akhmetzyanova, A.I. & Saitgaleeva, G.G. (2016). Education for Parents with Disabled Children: How to Participate in Inclusive Education Support. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(4), 859-865. Alekhina, S. V., Alekseev, M. N. & Agafonov, E. L. (2011). Readiness of Teachers as a Major Factor of Success of Inclusive Process in Education. Psychological Science and Education, 1, 83–92. Babansky, Yu. K. (1989). Chosen pedagogical works. Moscow: Pedagogics, 480 p. Baydenko, V. I. & Oskarsson, B. (2002). Basic Skills (Core Competencies) as the Integrating Factor of Educational Process. Professional Education and Forming of the Identity of the Specialist, 5, 22-46. Bespalko, V. P. (1997). Bases of the theory of pedagogical systems. Voronezh: Voronezh State University, 304 p. Chigrina, A. Ya. (2010). Social Policy Concerning Education of Handicapped Children. Bulletin of Vyatka State Humanities University, 4, 136-141. Culms, V. (2010). 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A. & Davydova, N. N. (2014). Control of the Research and Education Network Development in Modern Socio-Pedagogical Conditions. Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University, 2(140), 126–133. Fedorov, V. A. & Tretyakova, N. V. (2015). Quality Management of educational Institutions in Protecting Students’ Health: Conceptual and Structural-Functional Innovations. Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University, 6(150), 134–143. Fedorov, V. A. (1999). Quality of Vocational Pedagogical Education. Education and Science, 2(2), 189–198. Hafizullina, I. N. (2010). Forming of inclusive competence of future teachers in the course of professional training: PhD Thesis. Astrakhan: Astrakhan State University, 213 p. Hitryuk, B. B. (2013). Readiness of Teachers for Work in the Conditions of Inclusive Education. Bulletin of Chuvash State Pedagogical University Named after I. Ya. Yakovlev, 3, 189–193. Ketrish, E. V. & Andryukhina, T. V. (2015). A Research of the Relation of Future Experts in the Sphere of Physical Culture to Professional Activity in the Conditions of Inclusive Education. Siberian Pedagogical Journal, 3, 131-134. Ketrish, E. V., Andryukhina, T. V. & Mironova, S. P. (2012). Competence-Based Approach – a Methodological Basis of Formation of Projecting Competence of Future Teachers. Pedagogical Journal of Bashkortostan, 4(41), 62-68. Kobrina, L. M. (2009). Integration in the Vocational and General Education as a Condition of Development of Regional Social and Pedagogical System. Bulletin of Southern Federal University, 8, 222-233. Kokorina, M. A. (2012). Pedagogical Support of Valuable Orientations of Students of Secondary Vocational Educational Institutions in a Crisis Situation of the First Year of Training. Scientific Dialogue, 5, 176-190. Komendrovskaya, Yu. G. (2004). Formation of projecting competence of the translator assistant in the course of vocational training: PhD Thesis. Kuzbass State Pedagogical Academy, Irkutsk, Russia, 165 p. Kostyunina, N.Y. & Valeeva, a.R.A. (2016). Sandplay Therapy in Psycho-Pedagogical Correction of Preschool Children Fears. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(5), 1461-1469. Kovalyov, A. G. (1965). Psychology of the personality. Moscow: Education, 289 p. Kuzmina, N. V. & Kukharev, N. V. (1996). Psychological structure of activity of the teacher. Gomel: Gomel State University, 57 p. Lebedeva, G. A. (2000). Training in Pedagogical Design in the System of Vocational Training of the Teacher. The education and science journal, 3(5), 71-86. Malofeyev, N. N. (2007). Why Integration into Education is Natural and Inevitable. Almanac of Institute of Correctional Pedagogics, 11. Direct access: http://almanah.ikprao.ru/articles-/almanah-11/pochemu-integracija-v-obrazovanie-zakonomerna Markova, A. K. (1996). Professionalism psychology. Moscow: Knowledge, 312 p. Muravyeva, G. E. (2005). 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Training of future teacher for work with pupils in the conditions of inclusive education: PhD Abstract. Shuya: Shuya State Pedagogical University, 26 p. Slastenin, V. A. (1997). Pedagogics: innovative activities. Moscow: Master, 233 p. Tarasyuk, O. V. (1999). Forming among students of professional and pedagogical higher education institution of abilities of designing of studies: PhD Thesis. TheRussian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 198 p. Tretyakova, N. V., Fedorov, V. A., Abramov, D. V. & Kalimulin, D. M. (2016). Educational Institution Health Service Management: Key Aspects of Communication and Interaction within the Team. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 2841-2857. Ulyenkova, U. V. (2002). The organization and content of special psychological assistance to children with problems in development. Moscow: Academy, 175 p. Yakovlev, E. V. & Yakovleva, N. O. (2006). Pedagogical concept: Methodological aspects of creation. Moscow: VLADOS, 239 p. Yemelyanova, T. V. & Alexandrov, Yu. M. (2013). Theoretical Aspects of Readiness of Specialists in Physical Culture and Sport for Work in the Conditions of Inclusive Education. Tolyatti. Vector of Science of the Tolyatti State University, 3, 420-423. Zeer, E. F. (2004). Upgrade of Professional Education: Competence-Based Approach. The education and science journal, 3, 42-52. Zimnjaja, I. A. (2006). Competence-Based Approach. What its Place in System of Modern Approaches to Education Problems? (Theoretical-Methodological Approach). Higher Education Today, 8, 21-26. |
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Particular Features of Interrelation of Motivation, Values and Sense of Life’s Meaning as Subjective Factors of Individualizing Trajectory in the System of Continuous EducationDmitry P. Zavodchikov, Anton A. Sharov, Anastasia А. Tolstykh, Ekaterina S. Kholopova & Artem I. Krivtsov
pp. 8252-8268 | Article Number: ijese.2016.624
Abstract The relevance of the problem under study is based on the fact that, as regards methodological and theoretical aspects, the problem of value and motivational sphere is poorly elaborated regarding the interrelation between professional education and professional activity and on the empirical level there is no clear understanding of how the sense of purpose of life and own professional values is related to the professional motivation. The aim of the article is to identify the specific features of the interrelation and effects of meaning of life to the professional values and motivation. The leading method of research is questionnaire method which makes it possible to identify the following: level of sense of life’s purpose – method of life-meaning orientations, specific features of professional motivation – method “Motivation of professional activity” and method “Level of correlation between value and availability of value”. The article presents and discusses the results of empirical study of the interrelation between professional values, professional motivation and life-meaning orientations, as well as the effects of the level of life’s meaning on professional motivation. The practical value is the possibility to use the results of the research in developing programs for correcting and increasing professional motivation, as well as for developing technologies of psychology-pedagogical assistance to sense-making and professional self-identification in projecting and implementing individual educational trajectories in the continuous vocational education system. The article can be useful for specialists in professiology, teachers of technical subjects and professional consultants for forecasting professional development of a person. Keywords: Advanced training in the continuous education system, life-meaning orientations, professional motivation, professional values, sense of life’s purpose References Abulkhanova, K. A. (1999). Psychology and conscience of personality. Moscow: Moscow Institute of Psychology and Sociology; Voronezh: NPO MODEK publishing house, 224 p. Chapayev N. K. & Shevchenko K. V. (2012). To the Issue of the Subject Definition of Pedagogic Acmeology. The Education and science journal, 1(10), 28-45. Chupina, V. A., Pleshakova, A. Y. & Konovalova, M. E. (2016). Methodological and Pedagogical Potential of Reflection in Development of Contemporary Didactics. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(14), 6988-6998. Derkach, A. A. & Saiko, E. V. (2010). Self-actualization is the foundation of acmeological development: a monograph. Moscow: Moscow Psychological and Social University; Voronezh: MODEK, 224 p. Dorozhkin, E. M. & Zeer, E. F. (2014). 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Conceptual bases of formation of the educational path in continuing education. Moscow: Publishing House of the Russian Academy of Education, 256 p. Masalimova, A.R. & Chibakov, A.S. (2016). Experimental Analytical Model of Conditions and Quality Control of Vocational Training of Workers and Specialists. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(6), 1796-1808. Rean, A. A. (2006). Psychology and psychodiagnostics of personality: theory, research methods, practicum. Saint-Petersburg: Praim-EVROZNAK, 84-86. Sharov А. А. (2013). Developing the method of studying professional values. Innovative processes in education: strategy, theory and practice of development: materials of the VIth All-Russia scientific and practical conference. Ekaterinburg: Publishing house of the Russian state vocational pedagogical university, 166-171. Vladislavlev, A. P. (1978). Continuous education: problems and prospects. Moscow: Molodaya Gvardiya, 175 p. Yadov, V. A. (2000). Labour in the life value system. Man and labour, 1, 39-43. Yanitsky, M. S. (2013). Value orientations of a person as dynamic system. Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 204 p. Zamfir, C. (1983). Unsociologdespre: muncasisatisfactie. Moscow: Politizdat, 140 p. Zdravomyslov, A. G. (1998). Needs. Interests. Values. Moscow: Politizdat, 223 p. Zeer E. F. & Symanyuk E. E. (2014). Individual educational paths in continuing education system. Teacher education in Russia, 3, 74-82. Zeer, E. F. & Streltsov, A. V. (2016). Technological Platform for Realization of Students’ Individual Educational Trajectories in a Vocational School. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2639-2650. Zeer, E. F. & Symanyuk, E. E. (2013). Asymmetric professional future of today's youth. Teacher education in Russia, 4, 258-263. Zinchenko, G. P. (1990). Continuous education: a socio-philosophical concept. Rostov-on-Don: Print, 152 p. |
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Organization of Professional Mobile Practice for Students - Future Social EducatorsRinad H. Iskhakov, Janika I. Zavyalova, Diana A. Antropova, Valeria A. Mongileva & Angelina B. Vishnyakova
pp. 8269-8280 | Article Number: ijese.2016.625
Abstract The relevance of the investigated problem is due to the increasing social tension in society and the state, associated with the active manifestation of anti-social phenomena and the need for prompt resolution of these problems through the involvement of professional mobile social educators. The purpose of the article is to develop a new concept in the organization and carrying out practices that promote the professional development of a new generation of social educators with such developed personal and professional qualities as professional mobility. The leading study method of this problem is the system that allows to integrate the scientific, theoretical and practical components of the implementation process of this new concept. The article describes the concept of the organization and conducting professional mobile practice, which is also graphically depicted as the structural-functional model of the development of professional mobility in the future social educators, consisting of interconnected target, informative, technological, control and evaluation components. Article can be useful for organizers of practical training of professional educational institutions. Keywords: Introspection, monitoring, professional and mobile practice, professional mobility, social educators References Amirova, L. A. (2009). The development of professional mobility of teachers in supplementary education system (Doctoral dissertation). Ufa: Bashkir Pedagogical University, 401 p. Barkunova, O. V. (2010). Formation of professional competence of the future social educator in the course of on-the-job training program: PhD Thesis. Shuya: Shuya Sate Pedagogical University, Russia, 160 p. Dorozhkin, E. M. & Zeer, E. F. (2014). Methodology of professional pedagogical education: theory and practice. The Education and science journal, 9, 4-20. Dorozhkin, E. M., Leontyeva, T. V., Scherbina, Y. Y., Shchetynina, A. V. & Pecherskaya, E. P. (2016). Teacher’s Labour as a Tool of Forming Human Capital of Higher School Graduates. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2773-2787. Dorozhkin, E. M., Zaitseva, E. V. & Tatarskikh, B. Y. (2016). Impact of Student Government Bodies on Students' Professional Development. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2666-2677. Dvoeglazova, M. Ju. (2004). Features of the subject of personal reflection. Education and science: achievements, problems and prospects, 5, 10-14. Galaguzova, M. A. (2010). Integrative and differentiated training of experts of social sphere: scientific and practical aspect. Moscow: VLADOS, 224 p. Galaguzova, Yu. N. (2000). The structure and content of the practical training of students enrolled in the specialty "social work". Ekaterinburg: Ural State Pedagogical University, 111 p. Goryunova, L. V. (2006). Professional mobility of a specialist as a problem of the developing education of Russia (Doctoral dissertation). Rostov-on-Don: Rostov State Pedagogical University, 344 p. Igoshev, B. M. (2008). The development of professional mobility of specialists - prospective lines of development of the pedagogical University. Teachers’ Education and Science, 9, 74-77. Kalimullin, A.M. & Islamova, Z.I. (2016). Formation of Information-Educational Environment in the Partner Universities of University of Shanghai Cooperation Organization. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(6), 1879-1890. Kamalova, L. A., Korchagina, G. I. & Bulatbaeva, K. N. (2016). Professional Self-Affirmation of a Teacher as a Functional Activity System. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 11(1), 279-290. Konik, O. A. (1997). Organization of student teaching training for students of pedagogical university in course of professional training of future teachers: PhD Thesis. Kurgan: Kurgan State University, Kurgan, 159 p. Kovaleva, A. G. (2001). Pedagogical conditions of the organization of continuous student teaching training program for social educators (on the data from the college of all-Russian child center "Orlyonok"). PhD Thesis. Rostov-on-Don: Rostov State Pedagogical University, 193 p. Proshkina, I. V. (2006). Pedagogical conditions of realization of social continuous practice of the future experts in social work at the university: PhD Thesis. Makhachkala: Dagestan State University, 167 p. Sawa, L. I. (2002). Formation of interpersonal knowledge of the teacher in high school (Doctoral dissertation). Magnitogorsk: Magnitogorsk State University, 349 p. Shakirova, A.A. & Valeeva, R.A. (2016). Periods of Academic Mobility Development in Russia. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(6), 1643-1649. Slastenin, V. A. (2008). Psychology and Pedagogy: a textbook for university students. Moscow: Academy, 408 p. Stepanova, I. A. (2009). Professional mobility of the teacher as scientific and pedagogical phenomenon. The Education and science journal, 5, 37-45. Vlasova, V. K., Kirilova, G. I. & Curteva, O. V. (2016). Matrix Classification of Information Environment Algorithms Application in the Educational Process. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 11(1),165-171. Zeer, E. F & Streltsov, A. V. (2016). Technological Platform for Realization of Students’ Individual Educational Trajectories in a Vocational School. IEJME — Mathematics education, 11(7), 2639-2650. |
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Student Readiness Formation for Activities Oriented to Health SavingNatalia V. Tretyakova, Vladimir A. Fedorov, Evgenij M. Dorozhkin, Maria K. Komarova & Elena I. Sukhanova
pp. 8281-8292 | Article Number: ijese.2016.626
Abstract The relevance of the studied problem is caused by the need of formation and development among students of educational organizations of the personal qualities directed to updating of their potential concerning preservation and promotion of health, organization of own style of a healthy lifestyle, i.e. formation of readiness for health-oriented activity – HOA. The purpose of the article consists in the development of conceptual aspects of readiness formation of students for HOA. The leading methodological approach to the research of this problem is a personal and activity approaches, allowing us to disclose the features of organization of an educational process directed to readiness formation of students for HOA. Conceptual aspects of students’ readiness formation for HOA conclude in the fact that health is considered as a target resource of a person which can be operated; the basis of this resource is the health saving potential of the person, its components and phases of development are presented; the model of student readiness for HOA is developed. Materials of the article can be useful to pedagogical workers regarding the organization of activities for preservation and promotion of student health in educational organizations, by means of change of intrinsic and substantial components of this activity. Keywords: Health-oriented activity (HOA), health saving activity, health saving potential of a person, readiness of students for an activity focused on preservation of health References Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50, 179–211. Akhmetzyanova, A.I. & Saitgaleeva, G.G. (2016). Education for Parents with Disabled Children: How to Participate in Inclusive Education Support. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(4), 859-865. Ananyev, B. G. (2001). Person as knowledge subject. St. Petersburg: Peter, 288 p. Ayzman, R. I. & Turner A. A. (2001). Physiological bases of health. Novosibirsk: Lada, 524 p. Balsevich, V. K. (2006). A sports vector of physical training at the Russian school. Moscow: Theory and Practice of Physical Culture and Sport, 114 p. Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: the exercise of control. New York: W. H. Freeman, 604 p. Bandura, A. (2001). Social Cognitive Theory: An Agentic Perspective. Annual Review of Psychology, 52, 1–26. Bazarnyj, V. F. (2004). Destructive Influences of Modern Educational Process on Corporal Health of a Child. School Technologies, 3, 17–22. Berezovskaya, R. A. & Nikiforov, G. S. (2003). Psychology of health. St. Petersburg: Peter, 275–291. Deryabo, S. D. & Yasvin, V. A. (1996) Ecological pedagogics and psychology. Rostov-on-Don: Feniks, 477 p. Fedorov, V. A. & Tretyakova, N. V. (2015). Quality management of educational institutions in protecting students’ health: conceptual and structural-functional innovations. Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University, 6(150), 134–143. Ivanyushkin, A. Ya. (1982). "Health" and "Disease" in the System of Valuable Orientations of a Person. Valeology, 1, 49–58. Khuziakhmetov, A.N. (2016). Social Competence Formation of Students In the Process of Students Self-Government. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(1), 81-89. Kislyakov, P. A. (2014). Social Competences of the Personality: Structure and Integration in System of Professional Training in Higher Education Institution. Scientific Search, 3, 45–47. Kolbanov, V. V. (2015). Fundamentals of pedagogic of health. St. Petersburg: Baltic Pedagogical Academy, 155 p. Kuchma, V. R. (2005). Medico-preventive bases of training and education of children: Management for health and pedagogical workers of educational, medical-preventive and sanitation-and-epidemiological service. Moscow: GEOTAR-media, 528 p. Leontyev, A. N. (1977). Activities. Consciousness. Personality. Moscow: Politizdat, 304 p. Leventhal, H. (2003). The common-sense model of self-regulation of health and illness. The self-regulation of health and illness behavior. New York: Rutledge, 42–65. Lisicyn, Yu. P. (1998). Concept of Risk Factors and Conduct of Life. Health Care of the Russian Federation, 3, 49–52. Malyarchuk, N. N. (2013). Health as Moral Value and Economic Resource. National Education, 10, 9–17. Malyarchuk, N. N. (2014). Аctual Ways for Overcoming the Factors Adversely Affecting the Children and Adolescents’ Health in Educational Institutions. Тhe education and science journal, 1, 116- 125. Manzheley, I. V. (2014). Еenvironmental Approach to Physical Education of University Students. Тhe education and science journal, 2, 125-138. Matkivskij, R. A. (2009). Management of health of school students on the basis of health saving activities of educational institutions: PhD Abstract. Moscow: Scientific Center of children Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, 46 p. Orekhova, T. F. (2004). Theoretical bases of forming of a healthy lifestyle of subjects of pedagogical process in system of the modern general education. Magnitogorsk: Magnitogorsk State University, 352 p. Platonov, K. K. (1986). Structure and development of a personality. Moscow: Nauka, 255 p. Prochaska, J. & Velicer, W. (1997). The Transtheoretical Model of Health Behavior Change. American Journal of Health Promotion, 12(1), 38–48. Rosenstock, I. M., Strecher, V. J. & Becker, M. H. (1988). Social Learning Theory and the Health Belief Model. Health Education Quarterly, 15(2), 175–183. Tretyakova, N. V. & Andryukhina, T. V. (2012). Educational Institutions: Analysis of Health Saving Activities. Pedagogical Journal of Bashkortostan, 4(41), 69–75. Tretyakova, N. V. & Fedorov, V. A. (2013). Quality of Health Care Activity in Educational Institutions: Conceptual Aspect. Тhe education and science journal, 4, 112-132. Tretyakova, N. V. & Fedorov, V. A. (2014). Quality of health saving activity of the educational organizations: theory and technology of providing. Ekaterinburg: Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, 208 p. Tretyakova, N. V. & Le-van, T. N. (2015). Health as Value, Reference Point and Result of Activities of Students: Pedagogical Model. Bulletin of Institute of Education of the Person, 2, 10-22. Tretyakova, N. V. (2014). Forming of readiness of students of educational institutions for health creative activities. Ekaterinburg: Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, 159 p. Tretyakova, N. V. (2014). The Concept of Formation of the Readiness of Students Educational Organizations to Preserve and Promote Health. Modern Problems of Science and Education, 4. Direct access: http://www.science-education.ru/118-14314 Tretyakova, N. V., Fedorov, V. A., Abramov, D. V. & Kalimulin, D. M. (2016). Educational Institution Health Service Management: Key Aspects of Communication and Interaction Within the Team. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 2841-2857. Tyumaseva, Z. I. (2006). Bionomics, educational medium and modernization of education. Chelyabinsk: Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, 322 p. Ukhtomsky, A. A. (1966). Physiological rest and lability as biological factors: lectures on physiology of a nervous system. Leningrad: Nauka, 273 p. Usanova, E. P. (1997). The state of health of school students, new forms of the organization of a medical care, scheduled and recreational maintenance at school: PhD Abstract. Nizhny Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod Scientific Research Institute of Children's Gastroenterology, 45 p. Uznadze, D. N. (1961). Basic provisions of the theory of installation. Moscow: Pedagogika, 368 p. Vygotsky, L. S. (2001) Thinking and speech: Mentality, consciousness, unconscious. Moscow: Labirint, 368 p. Zuckerman, M. (1979) Sensation seeking: beyond the optimal level of arousal. New Jersy: Lawrence Erlbaum, 464 p. |
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Communicative, Educational, Pedagogical Objectives and Planning in Russian Language TeachingAlla A. Evtyugina, Irina I. Hasanova, Svetlana S. Kotova, Anastasia N. Sokolova & Irina A. Svetkina
pp. 8293-8302 | Article Number: ijese.2016.627
Abstract The relevance of the problem stems from the necessity to distinctly plan educational process and set the goals for successful mastering of Russian language by foreign students in Russian higher educational institutions. The article is aimed at defining the foreign students’ objectives for Russian language training, allowing them to get involved into the learning process and adapt to the society. The leading method to the study of this problem is a practical method allowing to consider it as a process of purposeful planning that favors the improvement of the quality of education and enables foreign students to intensify the study of the language. During the educational planning process, the article proposes to use the concept of interconnected training for the main types of verbal activity that allows to single out the skills and abilities needed to master the communicative competencies, specifying objectives and optimizing the learning process. The article may be useful for researchers who develop a methodology for teaching foreign students, and for teachers who teach Russian language and plan the training of foreigners who are interested in optimization of the learning process. Keywords: Communicative competence, forms of speech activity, language skills, oral speech, purpose References Arkadyeva, T. G., Vladimirova, S. S. & Fedotova, N. S. (2012). Organizational Trends in Educational and Professional Adaptation of Foreign Students in the Russian Higher School. The Education and science journal, 5, 116-129. Belyaev, B. V. (1965). Essays on the psychology of foreign languages learning. Moscow: Education, 229 p. Bespal'ko, V. P. (1989). The aspects of educational technology. Moscow: Education, 190 p. Biryukova, A. B. (2014). Modelling of communicative and speaking situations in teaching Russian as a foreign language in a non-native language environment. Philology. Problems of theory and practice, 4(34), 34 - 37. Common European competencies of foreign languages proficiency: learning, teaching, assessment. (2003). Moscow: Moscow State Linguistic University, 15-16. Evtyugina, A. A. (2014). The development of language and cross-cultural communication in a multicultural space. Multilinguism and Dialogue of Cultures: Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference, Aktyubinsk, April 25. 2014. Aktyubinsk: Aktyubinsk Regional University Publisher K. Zhurbanova, 5-9. Evtyugina, A. A., Simonova, M. V. & Fedorenko, R. V. (2016). Teaching Conversational Language Skills to Foreign Students: Blended Learning and Interactive Approaches. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 2925-2936. Kostomarov, V. G. & Mitrofanova, O. D. (1998). Methodological guide for professors who teach Russian language to foreigners. Moscow: Russian language, 157 p. Kostomarov, V. G. & Vereschagin, E. M. (1990) Language and Culture: Linguistic and cultural knowledge in teaching Russian as a foreign language. Moscow: Russkiyyazik, 248 p. Kubryakova, E. S. (2004) The issue of cognitive science and actual problems of cognitive linguistics. Problems of cognitive linguistics, 1, 6-17. Masalimova, A.R., Porchesku, G.V. & Liakhnovitch, T.L. (2016). Linguistic Foundation of Foreign Language Listening Comprehension. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(1), 123-131. Passov, E. I. (2007). The content of foreign language education as a methodical category. Foreign languages at school, 6, 13-23. Popova, Z. D. & Sternin, I. A. (2007). Semantic and Cognitive Analysis of Language. Voronezh: Istoki Publishing House, 250 p. Rosh, E. (1975). Cognitive Representation of Semantic categories. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 104, 192-233. Shchukin, A. N. (2006). Foreign languages: Theory and Practice: A Training Manual for teachers and students. Moscow: Philomatis, 479 p. State educational standard for Russian as a foreign language. Basic level (1999). Moscow-Saint Petersburg: Zlatoust, 32 p. Tarasov, E. F. (1996). Intercultural communication is a new ontology of linguistic consciousness analysis. Ethnocultural specifics of linguistic consciousness. Moscow, 7- 22. Valeeva, R.A., Aitov, V.F. & Bulatbayeva, A.A. (2016). The Levels of English Language Acquisition on the Basis of Problem-solving and Product-oriented Tasks in the Multiligual Social Medium. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(1), 255-266. Vezhbitskaya, A. (2001). Lexicography and conceptual analysis. Moscow: Languages of Russian Culture, 200 p. Yaeger, G. V. (1990). Mechanisms for monitoring the correctness of the language statements. Kharkov: Base, 184.p. Zimnyaya, I. A. (2001). Linguistic psychology of speech activity. Moscow, Voronezh: Modek, 432 p. |
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Principles of Integrative Modelling at Studying of Plasma and Welding ProcessesSergey V. Anakhov, Evgeniy А. Perminov, Denis K. Dzyubich, Maria A. Yarushina & Yuliya A. Tarasova
pp. 8303-8310 | Article Number: ijese.2016.628
Abstract The relevance of the problem subject to the research is conditioned by need for introduction of modern technologies into the educational process and insufficient adaptation of the higher school teachers to the applied information and automated procedures in education and science. The purpose of the publication consists in the analysis of automated procedures efficiency in engineering training and development of structurally functional model of information skills for students and teachers during their teaching in welding and allied technologies. The leading approach to research of this problem is the structurally functional method of the objects studying. This method based on representation of technological structure as hierarchical sequence of the interconnected devices and division of a matter into objects and means of influence that allows to allocate the processes providing functioning between means of influence. In the publication the structurally functional models of information skills formation for students and teachers in engineering and natural-science training are presented. The materials of the publication can be useful for students and teachers at studying of welding and allied technologies and development of scientifically-methodical maintenance for engineering and natural-science disciplines. Keywords: Designing, model, information, automation, plasmatron References Anakhov, S. V. & Pyckin, Yu. А. (2012). Plasma torches: the problem of acoustic safety. Thermophysical and gas dynamic principles of design of low noise plasma torches. Ekaterinburg: RIO UrO Russian Academy of Sciences, 224 p. Anakhov, S. V. (2014). Principles and methods of design in electric plasma and welding technologies. Ekaterinburg: Publishing house of the Russian State Vocational Professional University, 144 p. Cherednichenko, V. S., Anshackov, A. S. & Kuzmin, M. G. (2011). Plasma electrotechnic installations. Novosibirsk: Publishing house of Novosibirsk state technical university, 602 p. Gapontseva, M. G., Gapontsev, V. L., Tkachenko, E. V. & Fedorov, V. A. (2001). "Natural science" as the integrating factor of continuous education. The Education and science journal, 3, 3-18. Kaydalov, А. А. (2007). Modern technologies of thermal and remote cutting of constructional materials. Kiev: Ecotechnology, 456 p. Kotlyarova, I. O. (2015). University teachers’ readiness to apply the modern educational technologies. The Education and science journal, 1, 103-114. Kurnaev, V. А. (2008). Plasma-XXI century. Moscow: Publishing house the Moscow engineering-physical institute, 80 p. Lisovsky, S. М. (2006). System integrator designing of electric plasma technologies and equipment (Doctoral dissertation).Saratov state technical university, Saratov, 405 p. Orlov, P. I. (1988). Foundations of designing. Moscow: Mashinostroeniye, 560 p. Orlov, V. А. & Dorozhkin, S. V. (2005). Plasma - the fourth condition of matter. Moscow: Laboratory of knowledge, 144 p. Zakirova, V. G. & Shilova, Z. V. (2016). Integrative Connection of Mathematics and Economics. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 3021-3036. Zhukov, M. F., Zasipkin, I. M., Timoshevsky, A. N., Mikhailov, B. I. & Desyatkov, G. A. (1999). Electricarc generators of thermal plasma. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 712 p. Zhuravlyov, V. F. & Shevchenko, V. Ya. (2007) Structurally functional method of technical objects and researches studying. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, 90 p. |
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Activation of Learning and Creative Activity of the Vocational Pedagogical University StudentsOlga E. Krayukhina, Larisa E. Shmakova, Veronica Yu. Smetanina, Elizabeth A. Nikolaeva & Marina B. Tershukova
pp. 8311-8322 | Article Number: ijese.2016.629
Abstract The relevance of the problem under study is based on the society’s demand for training students – future professional training teachers ready to solve in a creative manner a wide range of professional and pedagogical tasks, as well as to develop professionally-oriented creative work in the process of training; it is also caused by the insufficient extent of the prior research within the vocational training theory of scientific and methodological mechanisms required for implementing this process. The purpose of the article is to develop a conceptual structural model of professionally-oriented learning and creative activity of the vocational pedagogical university students. Leading method for studying this problem is modelling which allows to consider this problem as the process of goal-oriented and deliberate acquiring by future professionals the creative approaches to implementation of professional activity. The article presents a structural model of learning and creative activity of vocational pedagogical university students, justifies the necessity to single out in the structure of the students’ learning and creative activity three interconnected components (creative, professional-pedagogical and personal-acmeological), proves the productivity of activating the learning and creative activity of the vocational pedagogical university students by organizing it as quasi-professional process of searching and solving professional tasks which are subjectively and objectively new, on the basis of using synectics including association methods of activating creative thinking integrated into the its structure. The article can be useful for teachers within the vocational and pedagogical education system, as well as for professionals who develop creative abilities of students based on the heuristic creativity methods. Keywords: Associative-synectic technology, learning and creative activity of students, professional creative work, synectics, vocational and pedagogical activity References Andreev, V. I. (1998). Pedagogy of creative self-development: an innovative course. Kazan: Kazan State University Publishing House, 317 p. Derkach, A. A. (2013). Psychological-acmeological bases and means of optimizing personal and professional development of competitive specialist. Acmeology, 3, 14-21. Gabdrakhmanova, R.G., Kalimullina, G.I. & Ignatovich, V.G. (2016). Professional Pedagogical Education Quality Management. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(1), 103-112. Kedrov, B. M. (1987). On creativity in science and engineering. Moscow: Molodaya Gvardiya, 192 p. Khamatnurov, F. T., Dudina, M. M. & Chistik, O. F. (2016). Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Development of Talent Among Schoolchildren. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(8), 2903-2913. Krayukhina, O. E. & Novoselov, S. A. (2008). Activation of professionally-oriented creative activity of students of the vocational pedagogical university. The Education and science journal, 8(56), 81–90. Kubrushko, P. F. (2001). Content of professional-pedagogical education. Moscow: Vysshaya Shkola, 236 p. Masalimova, A.R. & Chibakov, A.S. (2016). Experimental Analytical Model of Conditions and Quality Control of Vocational Training of Workers and Specialists. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(6), 1796-1808. Nikandrov, N. D. (1987). Studying the pedagogical creative work. Soviet Pedagogy, 6, 104 –105. Novoselov, S. A. (1997). Development of technical creative work in vocational education institutions: systematic approach. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, 371 p. Novoselov, S. A. (2003). Designing artificial poems. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, 324 p. Osipova, I. V. & Tarasyuk, O. V. (2010). Introduction to the course of vocational pedagogy. Moscow: Moscow State Industrial University Publishing House, 216 p. Osipova, I. V. & Tarasyuk, O. V. (2011). Organizing the teaching and learning process in the context of the competency-based approach: teacher resource book. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, 138 p. Romantsev, G. M. (2001). Theoretical and organizational problems of vocational-pedagogical education development in Russia. The Education and science journal, 6(12), 23–35. Rotenberg, V. S. & Arshavsky, V. V. (1984). Searching activity and adaptation. Moscow: Nauka, 193 p. Shmakova, L. E. & Novoselov, S. A. (2008). Technology of complex development of artistic and creative abilities of future vocational education teachers in the sphere of design. The Education and science journal, 9(57), 57–67. Subetto, A. I. (1992). Creative work, life, health and harmony. Studies in creative ontology. Moscow: Logos Publishing Company, 204 p. Tkachenko, E. V. (2006). Concept of continuous education in design. Moscow: ISOM, 43 p. Verbitsky, A. A. (1991). Active teaching in higher education institutions: Contextual Approach. Moscow: Vysshaya Shkola, 204 p. Zagvyazinsky, V. I. (1987). Pedagogical creativity of a teacher. Moscow: Pedagogy, 160 p. Zinovkina, M. M. (2002). Multi-level continuous creative education and school. Moscow: Prioritet-MV, 48 p. |
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Structural and Functional Model of Training Future Masters of Vocational Training for the Organization of Teaching and the Production Process in Terms of NetworkingEvgenij M. Dorozhkin, Olga V. Tarasyuk, Anton I. Lyzhin, Olga P. Krotova & Natalia L. Sherstneva
pp. 8323-8334 | Article Number: ijese.2016.630
Abstract The urgency of the problem under investigation is due to the fact that, in accordance with the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" concentrated system of training of working professions, in which the most important specialist in the formation of the qualification is a master of industrial training as the last and only pedagogical and technological unit is substantively defined, which integrates future operating into the real production process. The purpose of the article is to develop a structural and functional model of training of future masters of vocational training for the organization of teaching and the production process in terms of networking. The leading method to the study of this problem is a simulation that allows to consider this issue as a process of deliberate and conscious mastery of future masters of vocational training competencies for teaching and the production process in terms of networking. The article presents a structural and functional model of training future trainers for the organization of teaching and the production process in terms of networking, which consists of target, meaningful, the activity and effectiveness of interrelated components that have their own characteristics, as well as developed organizational and pedagogical conditions of successful implementation this model. Article submissions may be useful to students in educational institutions vocational teacher education system, all types of professional and teaching staff, adapting to the new conditions of professional work in the field of education, for specialists in the field of education focused on designing the content of training. Keywords: Master of vocational training, networking, organizational and pedagogical conditions, structural-functional model, teaching and production processes References Adamski, A. I. (2006). The organization of network interaction of educational institutions implementing innovative educational programs, taking part in the competition for state support. Moscow: Eureka, 411 p. Batyshev, S. J. (1999). Encyclopedia of vocational education. Moscow: APO, 440 p. Chapaev. N. K. (2013). Philosophy and History of Education. Moscow: Academy, 288 p. Davydova, N. N., Dorozhkin, E. M., Fedorov, V. A. & Konovalova, M. E. (2016). Research and Educational Network: Development Management. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2651-2665. Dorozhkin, E. M, Tarasyuk, O. V & Lyzhin, A. I. (2015). Modern model of training masters of industrial training in the conditions of networking. Vocational secondary education, 8, 25-29. Dremina, M. A., Kopnov V. A. & Lyzhin, A. I. (2016). Training to work on high-tech production. The Education and science journal, 1(130), 50 - 75. Kubrushko, P. F. (2001). The content of vocational teacher education. Moscow: Higher School, 235 p. Lednev, V. S. (1991). The content of education: essence, structure and prospects. Moscow: Higher School, 223 p. Malenko, A. T. (1986). Education of engineer-teacher. Moscow: Higher School, 119 p. Mikhailova, N. N. (2008). Modular-competence approach to the design of educational technology in vocational education. Research in Education, 10, 11-18. Orchakov, O. A. (2004). Theory of Organization: Educational materials. Moscow: MIEMP, 35 p. Romanev, G. M. (2003). A professionally-pedagogical education in modern conditions: the results of research. Ekaterinburg: Publishing house of the Russian state professional pedagogical university, 67 p. Romantsev, G. M., Fedorov, V. A., Osipovа, I. V. & Tarasyuk, O. V. (2005). Professional and pedagogical concepts: words. Ekaterinburg: Publishing house of the Russian state professional pedagogical university, 456 p. Skakun, V. A. (1985). Introduction to the profession of industrial training masters. Moscow: VNMTsentr, 239 p. Tarasyuk, O. V. & Lyzhin, A. I. (2015). The creation of innovative educational environment in the framework of network cooperation as a condition of improvement of quality of preparation of masters of inservice training. Innovations in professional and vocational teacher education: abstracts of scientific conference. Ekaterinburg, Russia: Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, 112-116. Tarasyuk, O. V., Palkina, I. A. & Lyzhin, A. I. (2014). Development of competence model working in a technical re-engineering enterprises. Vocational secondary education, 1, 29-31. Tkachenko E. V. & Bukharovа, G. D. (2006). Teaching Search in vocational teacher education. Ekaterinburg: Publishing house of the Russian state professional pedagogical university, 257 p. Zborowski, G. E. (1987). Professional and non-professional activities of the engineer-teacher. Sverdlovsk: Sverdlovsk engineering-pedagogical Institute, 42 p. Zeer, E. F. (1988). Professional formation of the personality of the teacher-engineer. Sverdlovsk: Sverdlovsk engineering-pedagogical Institute, 120 p. Zhukov, G. N. (2013). Introduction to the profession of industrial training masters: a tutorial. Kemerovo: GOU "KRIRPO", 56 p. |
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Pedagogical Content of National Physical Behavıor of Kazakh PeopleRyskul Lesbekova, Yermek Nassiyev, Amanshol Аitpanbet & Yeldar Nassiyeva
pp. 8335-8342 | Article Number: ijese.2016.631
Abstract Physical education significantly contributes to students’ well-being; therefore, it is an instructional priority for California schools and an integral part of our students’ educational experience. High-quality physical education instruction contributes to good health, develops fundamental and advanced motor skills, improves students’ self-confidence, and provides opportunities for increased levels of physical fitness that are associated with high academic achievement. Mastering fundamental movement skills at an early age establishes a foundation that facilitates further motor skill acquisition and gives students increased capacity for a lifetime of successful and enjoyable physical activity experiences. Similarly, the patterns of physical activity acquired during childhood and adolescence are likely to be maintained throughout one’s life span, providing physical, mental, and social benefits. The purpose of this study was to look at the development of knowledge of student physical education teachers in Kazakhstan. Results showed that knowledge important to develop, knowledge developed and knowledge which still needs to be developed at the end of the course was all related to content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge which they could apply in the immediate practical teaching situation. The results are discussed in relation to the development of student physical education teachers knowledge for teaching. Keywords: Knowledge for teaching, student physical education teachers References Anderson, D. (1989). The Discipline and the Profession. Foundations of Canadian Physical Education, Recreation, and Sports Studies. Dubuque: Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 356 p. Balasagun U. (2004) Kazakhstan, Almaty:Kazakh Enciclopedy. 650 p. Calderhead, J. and Shorrock, S. B. (1997). Understanding teacher education, London: Falmer Press. 253 p. Dzu, U. (2002). Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej i Sportu z dnia 12 lutego 2002 r. w sprawie ramowych planów nauczania w szkołach publicznych." Internetowy System Aktów Prawnych, 47 p. Elbaz, F. (1983). Teacher thinking: a study of practical knowledge. New York: Nichols Publishing, 263 p. Fernandez-Balboa, J. M., Barrett, K., Solomon, M. & Silverman, S. (1996). Perspectives on content knowledge in physical education. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 67, 54-57 Graber, K. (1995). The influence of teacher education programs on the beliefs of student teachers general pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and teacher education course work. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 14, 157-718 Griffin, L., Dodds, P. & Rovegno, I. (1996). Pedagogical content knowledge for teachers. Integrate everything you know to help students learn. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 67, 58-61. Grossman, P. L. (1990). The making of a teacher: teacher knowledge and teacher education. New York: Teachers College Press, 163 p. Grossman, P. L., Wilson, S. M. & Shulman, L. E. (1989). Teachers of substance: subject matter knowledge for teaching. In M.C.Reynolds (Eds.). Knowledge Base for the Beginning Teacher. New York: Pergamon, 432 p. Hebeish, A. & El-Rafie, M. H. (1990) American Dyestuff. Reporter, 79(7), 34-46. Hopkins, D. (2002). A teacher’s guide to classroom research. Maidenhead: Open University Press, 312 p. Hoyle, E. & John, P. (1995). Professional knowledge and professional practice. London: Cassell. 273 p. Leinhardt, G. & Smith, D. (1985). Expertise in mathematics instruction: Subject matter knowledge. Journal of Educational Psychology, 77(3), 241-271. Lewin, K. (1946). Action research and minority problems. In G.W. Lewin (Eds.). Resolving Social Conflicts: Selected Papers on Group Dynamic.New York: Harper, 352 p. McDiarmid, G. W., Ball, D. L. & Anderson, C. W. (1989). Why staying one chapter ahead doesn‟t really work: subject specific pedagogy. In: M.C. Reynolds (Eds.). Knowledge Base for the Beginning Teacher. New York: Pergamon, 256 p. Pangrazi, R. P. (2007) "Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children". London: Pearson, 758 p. Schon, D. (1983). The reflective practitioner. London: Ashgate, 351 p. Schwab, J.J. (1964). The structure of the disciplines: Meanings and significance. In: Ford, G. and Purgo, L. (Eds.). The Structure of Knowledge and the Curriculum. Chicago: Rand McNally, 174 p. Shulman, L. (1986). Those who understand: Knowledge growth in teaching. Educational Researcher, 15, 4-14. Shulman, L. (1987). Knowledge and teaching: Foundation of a new reform. Harvard Review, 57, 1-22 Stenhouse, L. (1975). An introduction to curriculum research and development. London: Heinemann, 263 p. Wang, L., Myers, D., & Yanes, M. (2010). Creating student-centered learning experience through the assistance of high-end technology in physical education. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 37(4), 352-356. Woods, M., Karp, G., Goc, H. & Perlman, D. (2008). Physical educators' usage. Physical Educator, 65(2), 82-94. |
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Psycho-pedagogical Research of Emotional and Estimative Mental States of Students who are Prone to AddictionsAlexey N. Gryaznov, Svetlana U. Gruzkova, Eduard S. Sharafiev, Elena A. Cheverikina, Larisa Yu. Muhametzyanova, Alsu R. Kamaleeva & Rimma Kh. Gilmeeva
pp. 8343-8349 | Article Number: ijese.2016.632
Abstract The relevance of the investigated problem is conditioned by the fact that one of the negative factors, which prevent favorable socialization and successful personal-professional development of students, is the tendency of youth to be prone to addiction the formation of which is affected by various mental states. The paper is aimed to explore the characteristics of emotional and estimative mental states of the students who are prone to alcohol and drug dependencies. The leading methods to the study of this problem are psychological testing and analysis of statistically processed data obtained. In the course of empirical research it is found that students with a high propensity to both alcohol and drug addiction possess the emotional perception of self-image is significantly more negative than the students with low propensity. Their dominant mental negative emotional and estimative state that contributes to the high level of addiction to psycho-active substances is a condition which is caused by the insufficient adequacy of self-esteem and the failure of themselves. These article data can be used to improve the psycho-pedagogical activity on reducing the level of addiction to substance abuse among students, to develop effective prevention programs. Keywords: Emotional and estimative mental states, addiction, addiction to alcoholism, addiction to drugs, students References Cheverikina, E. A. (2012). Socio-psychological characteristics of college students who are prone to substance abuse. Kazan pedagogical journal, 5, 126-132. Ilyin, E. P. (2001). Emotions and feelings. St. Petersburg: Peter, 752 p. Kamaleeva, A. R., Gruzkova, S. Yu. & Russkova, O. B. (2015). Methodology of organization of integrated lessons of natural-science cycle. International Journal of Advanced Studies, 3, 10-17. L’dokova, G. M. (2006). Negative mental states of students in situations with an uncertain outcome. Yelabuga: JSC "ALMED", 160 p. Lyudvig, A. M. (2012). Altered states of consciousness. Moscow: Publishing House of the cognitive center, 373 p. Mental states. (2000). St. Petersburg: Publishing House of Peter, 512 p. Mukhametzyanova, L. Y. (2015). Art Pedagogy. A teaching and methodic aid for vocational training institutions. Kazan: Publishing house "Danis", 120 p. Prokhorov, A. O. (1991). Theoretical and practical aspects of the problem of mental states of the person. Samara: Svet, 408 p. Prokhorov, A. O. (1998). The Psychology of nonequilibrium states. Moscow: AST, 152 p. Prokhorov, A. O (2004). Practice in Psychology states. St.Petersburg: Peter, 480 p. |
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The Organization of Teaching Process for the Development of Key Competencies (case study: Future Managers)Guzel R. Khusainova, Farida T. Galeeva, Diana R. Giniyatullina, Natalya M. Tarasova & Ekaterina E. Tsareva
pp. 8350-8359 | Article Number: ijese.2016.633
Abstract This article is focused on the development of the organizational forms of future managers training for the development of their key competencies, namely, creativity and the ability to work in a team. The analysis of works of the researchers in the field of management and pedagogics shows that small groups as an organizational form has great potential for the development of the professionally significant creative abilities of future managers. The article shows methods of moderation and structuralization of small groups that are necessary for their effective functioning. The developed and well-grounded conditions of cooperative learning proposed in this study are universal and easy to use and can be used by teachers while training future specialists at different disciplines. Keywords: Key competence, professional activity of a manager, small groups, moderation, foreign language, creative abilities, cooperation, visualization References Agisheva, M. A. (2011). 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Characteristics of the Different Modes of Walking and Hiking Conditions to Optimize the Movement of Tourists in the DesertTatiyana Imangulova, Aleksandr Makogonov, Gulbaram Kulakhmetova & Osman Sardarov
pp. 8360-8370 | Article Number: ijese.2016.634
Abstract The development of desert areas in the industrial and tourist and educational purposes related to the implementation of physical activity in extreme conditions. A complex set of hot climate causes the body deep adaptive adjustment, impact on health, human physical performance. Optimization of physical activity in hot climates is of particular importance for the tourists and military personnel, the specific activity of which is related to the foot movement with different masses carried goods on different terrain. The methodology is based on the analysis of the results of experimental studies of the optimum speed of movement of a person walking in a desert area, taking into account temperature and weight of cargo carried. The purpose of the study - assessment of the severity of muscle work, depending on the weight of transported cargo, the nature of the soil and the air temperature at the time of walking alone in a desert area. The paper presents experimental data to evaluate the severity of muscle work, depending on the weight of transported cargo, the nature of the soil and the air temperature at the time of walking alone in a desert area. Keywords: Minute volume of respiration, oxygen consumption, heart rate, energy expenditure, weight of cargo carried References Azhaev, A. N. (1979). Fiziologi-geneticheskie aspekty dejstvija vysokih i nizkih temperatur. Problemy kosmicheskoj biologii. Moskva: Nauka, 390 p. Bagirov, B. G (1977). Chelovek i zharkij klimat. Ashhabad: Ylym, 275 p. Bagrova, N. D. & Kovalenko, V. P. (1987). Vlijanie vysokoj temperatury na funkcional'noe sostojanie i rabotosposobnost'. Voenno- medicinskij zhurnal, 4, 35-36. Dimri, G. P, Maehotra, M. S. & Sen Gupta, J. (1980). Altratio in aerobic- anaerobic proportion of metabolism during work in heat. Europ. J. Appl.Phiysiol, 2, 43-50. Imangulova, T., Makogonov, A., Zakiryanov, B. & Makogonova, T. (2016). Influence Altitude and Length of Stay in the Mountains of Physical Performance Tourists International Journal of Science and Environmental Education, 11, 7271-7277 Ivanov, Ju. A. (1985). Jeksperimental'noe obosnovanie rezhima trenirovok i metody kontrolja pri uskorennoj adaptacii k zhare. Voenno-medicinskij zhurnal, 11, 47-49. Kovalenko, V. P. & Andropov, A. S. (1990). Vlijanie uskorennoj adaptacii i rabotosposobnost' voennosluzhashhih v uslovijah zharkogo klimata. Voenno-medicinskij zhurnal, 11, 48-52. Mammadov, I. M., Grigor'jan, A. G., Frank, Je. I., Kurbanova, L. M. (1994). Prognosticheskaja ocenka sostojanija adaptacii ljudej, prozhivajushhih v uslovijah aridnoj zony. Materialy VII Vserossijskogo simpoziuma «Jekologo- fiziologicheskie problemy adaptacii», Moskva, 190-192. Rahmetov, B. R. & Hekimova, A. R (1991). Sostojanie teplovoj ustojchivosti i rabotosposobnosti cheloveka pri adaptacii k uslovijam aridnoj zony. Syezd fiziologov Srednej Azii i Kazahstana, 2-73. Rowell, H. B., Brengelmann, G. H. & Murray, J. A. (1969). Cardiovascular responses to sustained high tempe rature in resting man. J. Appl. Physiol, 5, 373-690. Sultanov, F. F. (1988). Jekologo - fiziologicheskie /aspekty zhiznedejatel'nosti cheloveka v aridnom regione v uslovijah nauchno-tehnicheskoj revoljucii. Vsesojuznyj simpozium «Jekologo-fiziologicheskie problemy adaptacii». Moskva, 221-222. Tilis, A. Ju. (1964). Gemodinamika i biohimicheskie sdvigi pri solnechno- teplovom peregrevanii. Tashkent: Medicina, 160 p.
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Health Protection Features of Student youth in Research UniversityTatyana V. Antonova, Vladimir V. Kozhanov, Alexander A. Kolodovsky, Svetlana E. Shivrinskaya & Nail K. Kudyashev
pp. 8371-8380 | Article Number: ijese.2016.635
Abstract The relevance of the study is conditioned by the adverse dynamics of students’ physical and mental health, which creates objective obstacles to the development of research universities. The article aims to find out particular health protection features of student youth in research universities. The leading approach of the study is the systematic approach that considers health as holistic, multidimensional dynamic state, evolving in the process of realization of genetic potential in terms of the specific social and ecological environment, and which leads to the implementation of human biological and social functions. The study involves 750 teachers, 2500 students who participated in the development and implementation of the project "University of health", with the aim to develop motivation to acquire knowledge, abilities and skills needed to understand the value of health’s preserving and strengthening. Main results of the research consist in the characterization of health-forming education as a pedagogical process aimed at the formation of the ability for positive self-development in different life circumstances, stable orientation to a healthy lifestyle; development of mechanisms of health-forming education, including the creation of interagency of medical-psychological-pedagogical program, the formation of students' health culture, organization of medical-psychological-pedagogical monitoring of students’ health. The significance of the results obtained lies in the fact that the organization of health-forming education provides for the development of needs in health as a condition for the successful social activity and a full professional activity; the implementation of mechanisms of health-forming education determines the education of the ability to organize life activity on the basis of a healthy lifestyle; mastery of the abilities and skills for enhancing of the adaptive reserves of the organism and strengthening of health; creating of psychological stability in difficult and extreme conditions. Keywords: The health protection of student youth, health-forming education, culture of health References Akhmetov, L. G., Khramova, N. A., Sychenkova, A. V., Chudnovskiy, A. D., Pugacheva, N. B., Pavlushin, A. A., Varlamova, M. V., Khilsher, V. A. (2016). Selective Support for the Development of Regional Vocational Education Services: the Russian Experience. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6, 127-134. Bulich, E. G. & Muravov, I. V. (2003). Human health: biological basis of life and physical activity in its stimulation. Kiev: Olympic literature, 424 p. Constitution of the World health organization. (2016). Direct access: www.who.int/about/mission/ru/ Guvakov, V. I. (1991). Public health activities: social, cultural and methodological problems. Novosibirsk: publishing house of Novosibirsk University, 184 p World health organization. (2016). Informational bulletin No. 345. Direct access: www.who.int/medi-acentre/factsheets/fs345/ru/ Ivanov, V. G., Barabanova, S. V., Shagieva, R. V., Chikisheva, N. M., Lunev, A. N., Volkova, N. V., Nabiullina, K. R. & Spirina, E. V. (2016). The Essence and Content of State Regulation of Services Development in Conditions of Increasing Autonomy of Federal State Entities. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6, 149-154. Kalju, P. I. (1988). The essential characteristic of the concept "health" and some restructuring issues of health care: an Overview. Moscow: Medicine, 240 p. Kamasheva, Y. L., Goloshumova, G. S., Goloshumov, A. Y., Kashina, S. G., Pugacheva, N. B., Bolshakova, Z. M., Tulkibaeva, N. N. & Timirov, F. F. (2016). Features of vocational education management in the region. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6, 155-159. Korotkova, O. V. & Pugacheva, N. B. (2011). Health-forming education: experience, problems, prospects. Collections of conferences, SIC Socio-sphere, 18, 109-125. Lisitsyn, Yu. P. (1992). Social hygiene and organization of health lectures: problem lectures. Moscow: Medicine, 512 p. Lunev, A. N., Pugacheva, N. B. & Stukolova, L. Z. (2014). Development strategies for professional educational services under the increasing autonomy of territories within the federal state. Actual Problems of Economics, 160(1), 215-220. Petrova, T. N., Kirillova, O. V., Sokolova, S. G., Pugacheva, N. B., Galimullina, A. F., Maksimova, O. G., Antonova, T. V. & Kozhanov, V. V. (2016). Education as the Management of Research Universities Students' Socialization. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(2), 28-33. Pugacheva, N. B., Ezhov, S. G., Kozhanov, I. V., Kozhanova, M. B., Ogorodnikova, S. V., Oshaev, A. G., Timonin, A. I. & Goloshumova, G. S. (2016). The model of self-realization readiness formation of research universities students in the process of civic education. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(1), 128-133. Shchedrina, A. G. (1989). Ontogeny and the theory of health: Methodological aspects. Novosibirsk: Nauka, Sib. department, Academy of medical Sciences, 136 p. Terentyeva, I. V., Mukhomorova, I. V., Perezhogina, O.N., Pugacheva, N. B., Lunev, A. N., Akhmetzyanova, G. N., Lezhnin, V. V. & Gainullina, R. R. (2016). Development Strategy of Service Sector in Conditions of Federal States Entities Autonomy Increasing. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(2), 1-5. |
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THE COMPARISON OF SOME PHYSICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF FOOTBALLERSEzgi Samar Ekinci, Malik Beyleroğlu, Hasan Ulukan, Ercan Konuklar, Alper Cenk Gürkan & Adem Erbay
pp. 8381-8386 | Article Number: ijese.2016.636
Abstract In this study, it's to aim for comparison of some physical and physiological parameters of footballers at The Erenler Sport Team and Didim Municipality Sport Team. Thirty volunteers sportsman from each two teams joined to this research. It's measured the values of age, weight ,lenght, flexibility, balance, power of left-right handgrasping, power of back, power of legand vital capacity of sportsmans at this research. The diversity between findings were evaluated by using with ''T Test'' on computer with program SPSS 20. At measurement, each physiological factor was evaluated statically at the level meaninfulness p<0.05 and p<0.01.In conclusion, when it's found the meaningful difference on the level of age, flexibility, balance, power of left-right handgrasping, power of back, power of legand vital capacity among footballers, it's not obtained the difference on level of lenght and kilos. Keywords: Football, Physical and physiological parameters References Agostini, R., (1994). 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pp. 8387-8402 | Article Number: ijese.2016.637
Abstract The article represents structural semantic analysis of the grammatical number of nouns in the Indo-European (English, German), Semitic (Arabic, Hebrew), and Altai (Tatar, Japanese) languages. The category of number comprises numerous phenomena, including some transitive and historical aspects, which complicate and enrich the system of language. Several controversial features of the category may be pointed out, especially those concerning the phenomena of collectiveness, duality, segmentation, etc. The idea of plurality is reflected in the mind of different people in the many-sided way. In the Indo-European languages there are mass nouns that occur only in the singular. Also, there are countable nouns that occur only in the plural. The special attitude of the Semitic languages towards the category of number can be noticed in the formal interpretation of the concept "singularity - plurality". Their graphic style of thinking penetrates the grammar of Arabic and Hebrew and is reflected in the category of number. In Tatar the singular and plural forms are distinguished. There are a lot of number affixes. Japanese does not grammatically differentiate between singular and plural forms. So, the isomorphic and allomorphic traits of the number category reflect universal and unique language verbalization of different cultures, revealing people's world outlook, their traditions and history. Keywords: quality, quantity, grammatical number, singularity/duality/plurality, segmentation/collective nouns, English/German, Arabic/ Hebrew, Japanese/ Tatar References Anokhina, S.P. (2012). Comparative typology of German and Russian. Moscow, 208 p. Antrushina, G.B. (2001). Lexicology of the English language. Moscow, 288 p. Babakhanov, Sh.Z. (1973). The category of number in Arabic. Moscow, P.19. Fleischer V. (1993). Word formation in German. Leipzig, 361 p. Frolov D.V. (2006). Arabic philology: grammar, versification, koranovedenie. Moscow, P.185. Gebhardt, L. (2009). Numeral Classifiers and the Structure of DP. EVANSTON, ILLINOIS PhD dissertation, P.95. Grande, B.M. (1998). Arabic grammar course. Comparative-historical Harley, Heidi and Ritter, Elizabeth. (2002). Person and number in pronouns: a feature-geometric analysis. Language 78:3, P.483. Mishkurov, E.N. (1985). Typology of dialectal and literary grammatical structure of Modern Arabic. Dissertation for Doctor's degree. Moscow, 467 p. Mingazova, N.G. (2005). The number category of nouns in English and Arabic. Kazan, 164p. Mingazova, N.G. Subich V.G., Shangaraeva L.F. (2014). The verb-noun agreement in English and Arabic. Journal of Language and Literature 2014; 5(2), 43-50. DOI: 10.7813/jll.2014/5-3/8. Panfilov, V.Z. (1977). Philosophical problems of linguistics. Moscow, P.287. Rakovskaya, I. (2011). The morphology in Hebrew. The practical grammar. Part1: Word formation. A noun. Israel. 81p. Sheveleva, L.V. (2004). Lexicology of modern German. Moscow, 240 p. Subich V.G., Mingazova N.G., Shangaraeva L.F. (2014). Gradability and intensification of the language quantity (on the materials of English, Russian and Japanese). Life Sci J 2014;11(6):574-578 (ISSN:1097-8135). Yusupov, R.A. (1980). Lexico-phraseological means of Russian and Tatar. Kazan, P.133-141. |
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Integrating Sustainable Development Concept into Science Education Program is not enough; We Need Competent Science Teachers for Education for Sustainable Development – Turkish ExperienceGüliz Karaarslan & Gaye Teksöz
pp. 8403-8424 | Article Number: ijese.2016.638
Abstract In order to educate science teachers for a sustainable future, recent discussions are going on related to collaboration between science education and education for sustainable development (ESD). Still, ESD has been in a development stage and needs to be improved in terms of developing teacher competencies. Therefore, in this study we focused on competencies of science teachers and ESD educators. We explored the required competencies for science teachers to become ESD educators through basic qualitative research as including gap analysis approach incorporating theoretical (literature review) and tangible part (interviews with science education and ESD researchers). Both literature review and interview results revealed that science teachers’ competencies do not cover systems thinking skills together with affective aspects. In order to foster systems thinking and affective aspects of competencies for science teachers, we suggest outdoor ESD approach that support thinking in a systemic way, feeling inter-connectedness with the natural world and understanding social, economic and environmental values of the natural system and developing an intention to act for sustainability. Keywords: Competencies for science teachers, competencies for ESD educators, systems thinking, outdoor education References Assaraf, O. and Orion, N. (2005). The development of system thinking skills in the context of earth system education. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 42, 1-43. doi: 10.1002/tea.20061 Assaraf, O. and Orion, N. (2010). Four case studies six years later: Developing systems thinking skills in junior high school and sustaining them over time. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 47(10), 1253-1280. doi: 10.1002/tea.20351 Batzri, O., Assaraf, O., Cohen, C., & Orion, N. (2015). 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Using lesson study to enhance meaningful understanding on the topic of pressureSarisavinarinawatie Shahrani Muhammad Leong, Hardimah Mohd Said, Masitah Shahrill & JSH Quintus Perera
pp. 8425-8435 | Article Number: ijese.2016.639
Abstract This paper aims to explore how the use of lesson study approach with a constructivist framework could enhance Year 9 students’ conceptions of pressure specifically on the topic of manometer reading in determining gas pressure. A diagnostic test was first administered to three Year 10 classes to help teachers identify student difficulties in learning the topic. Four cycles of lesson study was carried out on four classes, three from one school and an additional confirmatory cycle conducted in a class from a different school. Four tests of pre-, post, delayed and confirmatory were conducted in order to identify students’ misconceptions and their conceptual understanding. The results of the study showed that with the use of the improved lesson design positive progress were achieved on the understanding of pressure to assist the reading of manometers to determine gas pressure. Keywords: Pressure Concept, Lesson Study, Students’ Misconceptions References Ball, D. L., & Cohen, D. K. 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The problems of coordination of the international duties of the Kazakhstan Republic in the social-labour sphere and national lawYermek A. Buribayev, Zhambyl K. Oryntayev, Yermek Bekbossynov, Saken Mazhinbekov, Patima Yessenbekova & Manshuk Blasheva
pp. 8436-8446 | Article Number: ijese.2016.640
Abstract Background/Objectives: The research topicality is conditioned by the fact that the labour secure of the social and labour human rights is realized not only by the national law but also by the international law that is usually more progressive and establishes the generally accepted standards and norms of human rights in the social-labour sphere. But the specificity of the mentioned sphere of social relations does not permit in most cases to realize direct, immediate action of the international regulations at realization of social or labour rights because the implementation of setting and realizing the generally accepted norms into the national law system is demanded. The mentioned above condition makes it difficult for the Kazakhstan republic (hereinafter - RK) to observe the taken international duties to provide social and labour human rights. Methods/Statistical Analysis: The methodological basis of the research were scientific methods of theoretical research (analysis, synthesis, interpretation, comparison, classification, synthesis, simulation, etc.), empirical methods (observation, documentation), as well as statistical methods (quantitative and qualitative data analysis). The theoretical basis of the research were the works of scientists in the field of international and social rights. Findings: As the analysis result the conclusions are made that the obligatory financial provision of realizing the universal social-labour rights condition a complex of measures to establish in the national law system the sources of laws finance and also measures to secure their functioning. In spite of the national law regulation of the general order of the interstate use of the international norms to solve the issue of using the definite norm in the analyzed sphere depends on the normative guarantees set that are needed and the social and financial-economic conditions of its realization. Application/Improvements: The report contains provisions that can be used in the practice of law. The analysis results can be used to improve the sources of Kazakh social and labor law, the definition of the provisions of international legal acts in the system of national law, to identify the specifics of the transformation of international standards into domestic law. Keywords: Social human rights, labour human rights, international regulation, international state’s duties, social standards References 1. Abdullayev MI. Harmonization of national law with international nym (theoretical aspects). Journal of Jurisprudence: 1993; 2(1):45–53. 2. Chernichenko SV. The theory of international law. Volume 1. Zed Books; 1999. 3. Khamzin AS. International legal bases of ensuring social and labor human rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Monograph. Astana. 2009. 4. Khamzin AS., Khamzina ZA. Problems of state activities to provide NIJ-social human rights in Kazakhstan: the constitutional and legal research. Monograph. Astana, 2009. 5. Khamzin AS. Sources of the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Textbook. Almaty, 2001. 6. Salibaeva NA. The ratio of international treaties and domestic law RT Magazine. Journal of state and right: 2004; 4 (10); 80-87. 7. Tokayev K. International covenants on civil, political, economical. Social and Cultural Rights and the Optional Protocols of the United Nations as an instrument-ment to ensure the effective protection of human rights and freedoms. Development of human rights protection mechanisms in Kazakhstan. Astana, 2004. |
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Investigating the Relationship between the Perceptions of Taekwondo Athletes towards Coach-Athlete Relationship, Task and Ego Orientation in Sports, and Motivation in SportsŞakir Bezci
pp. 8436-8447 | Article Number: ijese.2016.642
Abstract This research aims to determine the effect of tasks and egos of taekwondo athletes on the coach-athlete relationship and the effect of coach-athlete relationship on motivation in sports. Thus, “Coach-Athlete Relationship”, “Task and Ego Orientation in Sports” and “Motivation in Sports” scales have been applied to the national team athletes attending the championship. The relational screening model which reveals the relationship between variables has been used in data analysis. Scaling and structural model have been established by SPSS-15 and LISREL programs. Additionally, it is concluded that perceptions about task and ego orientations of athletes explain %43 of perceptions belonging to coach-athlete relationship and %47 of perceptions belonging to motivation in sports. That the perceptions regarding task and ego orientations of athletes and coach-athlete relationship explain %77 of perceptions concerning the motivation in sports and that the athletes’ perceptions regarding coach-athlete relationship explain %24 of perceptions concerning the motivation in sports. Keywords: Motivation, task and ego, sport psychology, structural model, taekwondo References Altıntaş, A., Kazak, Z. & Aşçı, H., (2012). Antrenör-sporcu ilişkisinin değerlendirilmesi: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Hacettepe Journal Of Sport Sciences, 23 (3): 119-128 Amorese, A. J. & Horn, T. S. (2000). Intrinsic motivation: Relationships with collegiate athletes’ gender, scholarship status, and perceptions of their coaches’ behavior. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 22: 63-84. Anshel, M. H. (1997). Sport psychology: from theory to practice. Scottsdale, Arizona: Gorsuch Scarisbrick. Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. 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Recreational Potential of Kazakhstan and Prospects of Medical Health Tourism in This CountryAiman Yessengabylova, Assem Bekbulatova, Sairan Suraganova, Alken Bissekov & Bekarshyn Zhumanova
pp. 8447-8469 | Article Number: ijese.2016.641
Abstract The present article analyzes the comparative characteristics of the recreational potential of hydro areas of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 20 hydro areas were marked out for comparative assessment of their attractiveness and recreational possibilities of the development of medical health tourism on the basis of balneological resources. The aim of the study is to identify the areas with the high natural recreational potential, but with a low level of exploration, thus identifying the most promising areas for the development of medical health tourism. The article gives comparative characteristics of areas with health-improving resources and the level of their development to achieve this goal. The outline maps of natural and socio-economic and recreational resources of Kazakhstan and zoning were made for the purpose of comparison of the recreational potential areas on the basis on the performed analyses. As a result, the hydro mineral regions of Kazakhstan were classified into 4 groups with very high, high, medium and low-recreational potential. The presented results of the study will help to formulate proposals for the development of specific areas with a high medical-health potential. Keywords: medical health tourism, mineral resources, therapeutic mud, mineral water, recreation, Kazakhstan References Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (2016). Direct access: http://www.stat.gov.kz/ Aleksandrova, A.Y. (2002). International tourism. Moscow: Aspekt Press. Bender, T., Karagülle, Z., Balint, G.P., Gutenbrunner, C., Balint, P.V. & Sukenik, S. (2005). Hidrotherapy, balneotherapy, and spa treatment in pain management. Rheumatology International, 25(3), 220-224. Committee of Geology and Subsoil Use of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (2016). Direct access: http://geology.gov.kz Dzhetimov, M.A., Mazbayev, O.B., Asubayev, B.K., Yesengabylova, A. & Tokpanov, E.A. (2014). 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The Use of Computer Competencies of Students in the Departments of Physical Education and Sport Teaching, and School TeachingIlyas Okan
pp. 8470-8490 | Article Number: ijese.2016.643
Abstract This study aims to reveal the levels of the use of computer, which is nowadays one of the most important technologies, of teacher candidate studying in the departments of Physical Education and Sport Teaching, and School teaching; also aims to research whether there is differences according to various criteria or not. In research, data were collected via the survey “Specifying The Use of Computer Competencies of Students in the Departments of Physical Education and Sport Teaching, and School Teaching” with researcher adapting this to Departments of Physical Education and Sport Teaching, and School Teaching. The sample of this study consists of 210 students studying in Gazi University Faculty of Education School Teaching and Physical Education and Sport Teaching Departments in 2014-2015 academic years. Statistical package program was used for research data. Statistic technics such as ANOVA for class variable, t-test for the other variables and mean standard deviation were used. As a result of analysis conducted, the use of computer competencies of students in the departments of physical education and sport teaching, and school teaching was researched and it was figured out that students who have computers at home or who benefits from the computers in school lab use many computer program menus meaningfully a lot at the level of p<0,05. Based on the research results, suggestions for using computer effectively in Physical Education and Sport classes were presented. Keywords: Technology, computer, use of computer, sport, physical education References Erdemir, E., Bakırcı B., (2009).Öğretmen Adaylarının Eğitimde Teknolojiyi Kullanabilme Özgüvenlerinin Tespiti. TÜFEDTUSED.6(3), 99-108 Gümüşdağ H.,Cerit E.,Gönülateş S., Arslanoğlu C.,Bastık C.,Şahin S., Ünlü C.(2013). Beden Eğitimi Öğretmenlerinin Bilgisayar Kullanım Yeterlikleri Ve Tutumlarının Belirlenmesi. Uluslar arası. Hakemli Beşeri ve Akademik Bilimler Dergisi.2(4) İşman, A. (2005), Öğretim Teknolojileri ve Materyal Geliştirme, Pegem A.Yayıncılık, Ankara Usta, E., Korkmaz, Ö., (2010). Öğretmen Adaylarının Bilgisayar Yeterlikleri ve Teknoloji Kullanımına İlişkin Algıları İle Öğretmenlik Mesleğine Yönelik Tutumları. Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi. 7 (1),1335-1349 Çolakoglu, T., Er, F., Ipekoğlu, G., Karacan, S., Colakoglu, F. F., Zorba, E. (2014). Evaluation of physical, physiological and some performance parameters of the Turkish elite orienteers. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 152, 403-408. Yaman, Ç., Yaman, M.(2008). Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bölümü Öğrencilerinin Bilgisayar Kullanma Yeterlilikleri. Akademik İncelemeler 3(1). Yaman, M. (2007). The competence of physical education teachers in computer use. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 6(4). Güçlü, M. (2010). University students' computer skills: A comparative analysis.TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 9(2). Furst-Bowe, J. & Boger, C. (1996). An analysis of required computer competencies for university students. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 08886504, Winter95/96, 28 (2). Smith, M., & Furst-Bowe, J. (1993). An assessment of computer skills of incoming freshmen at two University of Wisconsin campuses. Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. Yaman, M., & Yaman, Ç. (2014). The use of social network sites by prospective physical education and sports teachers (Gazi University sample). TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 13(1). Yaman, M. (2007). The attitudes of the physical education students towards internet. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 6(3). Morahan-Martin, J. (1992). Gender differences in computer experience, skills and attitudes among incoming college students. Collegiate Microcomputer, 10, 1-7. Levine, T.; Donitsa-Schmidt, S. (1998). “Computer Use, Confidence, Attitudes and Knowledge : A Casual Analysis”. Computers in Human Behavior. 14 (1), 125-146. Hunt, N.P.; Bohlin R.M. (1993). “Teacher Education Students’ Attitudes Toward Using Computers”. Journal of Research on Computing in Education. 25 (4), 487-497. Necessary, J. R.; Parish, T. S. (1996). “The Relationships Between Computer Usage and Computer-Related Attitudes and Behaviors”. Education. 116 (3). 384-386. |
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Does Outdoor Education Make any Difference in Environmental Literacy of Pre-service Classroom Teachers?Aysegul Derman, Elvan Sahin & Esme Hacieminoglu
pp. 8491-8506 | Article Number: ijese.2016.644
Abstract The aim of this research is to determine the effects of various teaching methods and activities, which are used in environmental education lessons, on the environmental literacy level of classroom pre-service teachers. This study was carried out including the classroom pre-service teachers, who took the environmental education course in the academic year of 2012-2013. In this study, an experimental design was used. The Environmental Literacy Scale and the Evaluation of the Environmental Education Outcome Scale, which was developed by the researchers, were utilized as data collection instruments. The implementations were carried out throughout the semester. During the semester, traditional teaching methods (lecture type) were used in the control group, while teaching methods in which the pre-service teachers were active in the outdoor and indoor were used in the experimental group. Regarding the quantitative data, descriptive analysis, paired-samples t-test, Independent Samples T-Test analysis were utilized. Content analysis was used for the analysis of the data obtained from the open-ended questions. The findings showed that there was a statistically significant difference in favor of the experimental group with respect to the “attitudes”, “uses,” and “concern” dimensions of the environmental literacy. When the pre-test and post-test results of the control group were compared within the group, no any significant difference was found. Yet, a significant difference in the dimensions of “attitudes” and “uses” was found when the pre-test and the post-test results were compared within the experimental group. The classroom pre-service teachers in the control group gave very positive feedback on the issues of “the outcomes they obtained from the environmental education course”, “teaching topics related to environmental education when become teachers,” and “environmental problems.” Richer codes and higher frequencies were obtained from the experimental group on these categories. Keywords: Environmental education, environmental literacy, classroom pre-service teachers, teaching methods, outdoor education References Ballantyne, R. and Packer, J. (2005). Promoting environmentally sustainable attitudes and behaviour through free-choice learning experiences: what’s the state of the game, Environmental Education Research, 11(30), 21-35. Balkan Kiyici, F., Atabek Yigit, E. & Selcen Darcin, E. (2014). Investigation of Pre-Service Teacher’s Opinion and Environmental Literacy Level Change with Nature Education, Trakya University Journal of Education, 4(1), 17-27. Black, R. 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Foreign Experience of Formation of Anti-Corruption StrategiesPernebay Almaganbetov, Elmira Kenzhibekova, Teimuraz Khvedelidze, Saliman Buranbayeva, and Zhanel Sailibayeva
pp. 8507-8516 | Article Number: ijese.2016.645
Abstract Corruption is the main obstacle on the way toward state’s economic and political growth. Corrupt practices are one of the oldest forms of crime that arose with an appearance of nationhood. Nowadays, corruption harms the economies of developing countries that are undergoing a process of an economic model transformation. Kazakhstan is among these countries. In order to form an effective policy to fight against corruption in Kazakhstan, it is necessary to study and generalize the experience of developed and developing countries. This paper studies the attitude of society towards manifestations of corruption, on the example of the countries of Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America. Scientific researches on the problem of corruption practices were considered in the article. Corruption is the main limiting factor on the way toward reforming the state. At this time, social movements counteract corruption in developing countries. This article summarizes the problems of corrupt practices in developing countries, which would help to develop an effective program to fight against corruption in further researches. Keywords: Asian model of corruption, economics, non-governmental organizations, fight against corruption, punitive policy References Asongu, S.A. (2013). Fighting corruption in Africa: do existing corruption-control levels matter? International Journal of Development Issues, 12(1), 36-52. Bai, J. et al. (2013). Does economic growth reduce corruption? Theory and evidence from Vietnam. National Bureau of Economic Research, w19483. Bohn, S.R. (2013). Corruption in Latin America: Understanding the Perception of Exposure Gap. Journal of Politics in Latin America, 4(3), 67-95. Doig, A., & Theobald, R. (2013). Corruption and democratisation. Britain: Routledge, 13–36 p. Galtung, F. et al. (Ed.). (2013). Measuring corruption. Surrey: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 105-128. Ge, W. et al. (2014). The Effect of Internal Control on Corporate Corruption: Evidence from China, 58 p. Guerber, A., Rajagoplan, A., & Anand, V. (2016). The Influence of National Culture on the Rationalization of Corruption. Crime and Corruption in Organizations: Why It Occurs and What to Do About It, 143 p. Hanna, R. (2013). Fighting Corruption in India. Retrieved September, 28, 2013. Jain, A.K. (ed.). (2012). Economics of corruption. Springer Science & Business Media, 65. Johnston, M. (2014). Corruption, contention and reform: the power of deep democratization. New York: Cambridge University Press, 308 p. Kubbe, I. (2015). Corruption in Europe. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 220 p. Komekbayeva, L.S., Legostayeva, An.A., Tyan, O.A., & Orynbassarova, Y.D. (2016). Government Measures for Economic Support in the Conditions of a Floating Exchange Rate of the National Currency. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2227-2237. Kwong, J. (2015). The political economy of corruption in China. Britain: Routledge, 188 p. Lambsdorff, J.G. et al. (2015). What Can We Know About Corruption? A Very Short History of Corruption Research and a List of What We Should Aim for. Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik), 235(2), 100-114. Niehaus, P., & Sukhtankar, S. (2013). Corruption dynamics: The golden goose effect. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 5(4), 230-269. Persson, A., Rothstein, B., & Teorell, J. (2013). Why anticorruption reforms fail—systemic corruption as a collective action problem. Governance, 26(3), 449-471. Robinson, M. (2012). Corruption and development. Britain: Routledge, 176 p. Rose-Ackerman, S. (2013). Corruption: A study in political economy. New York: Academic Press, 258 p. Rose-Ackerman, S., & Palifka, B.J. (2016). Corruption and government: Causes, consequences, and reform. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 266 p. |
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Research of Fears of Preschool Age ChildrenAiman E. Konkabayeva, Beybitkhan D. Dakhbay, Zаryana Ya. Oleksyuk, Gulmira M. Tykezhanova, Gulnaziya K. Alshynbekova & Anna Ye. Starikova
pp. 8517-8535 | Article Number: ijese.2016.645
Abstract One of the symptoms of neurosis at preschool age children is fear. In our opinion, research in this area will help to solve a number of problems of children of preschool age, including difficulties of acceptance on themselves in the new social roles in relation from kindergarten transition to school adjustment problems and a number of other pressing issues that confronts a psychological science. Research is directed to comparative and age studying of forms of boundary mental disorders at children at various stages of mental development. Existence of fears that appear as result of development of the intellectual sphere and imagination are characteristics of each age. Under favorable circumstances of life of the child, such fears disappear: children "grow up" from them. However, when fears collect, they interfere with personal development of the child and create for him adaptation, neurotic and other problems, and in general, are a trouble sign. In this work, the research directed to identification of amount of fears at children of preschool children aged from 3 years 8 months until 5 years 5 months by means of A. I. Zakharov's technique "Children's fears" is conducted. Frequency, content and amount of fears are revealed. Increase in quantity and intensity of fears correlate with nevrotization level. Statistical these amounts of fears are given in different age groups. Kruskala-Wallice's H-criterion and χ2-criterion of consent of Ch. Pearson were used when processing results. Keywords: Fears, preschool age children, neurosis, anxiety References Akopyan, L. S. (2010). Children's fears: the theory, diagnosis, correction. Samara: Pedagogika, 315 p. American Psychiatric Association (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Washington: American Psychiatric Association, 264 p. Barrett, P. & Turner, S. (2001). 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Psychological and Pedagogical Conditions for the Prevention of Deviant Behavior among AdolescentsNatalya V. Vist
pp. 8536-8551 | Article Number: ijese.2016.646
Abstract This article focuses on such a highly relevant subject as the prevention and correction of deviant behavior in the adolescent environment. The study revealed the main vectors for the development of the modern science of deviant behavior, identified the main causes of deviations and carried out a comparative analysis of the work on the prevention of deviant behavior in the CIS countries and abroad. This paper proved that the key factor in the prevention and correction of deviant behavior should be, firstly, the family as the primary and the most important institution of identity formation, and secondly, the pedagogically controlled environment of educational institutions serving as a condition for socialization and personal development for children and adolescents. Keywords: Deviant behavior, psychological correction, social environment, adaptation, negative factors References Age-standardized suicide rates (2015). 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On the Role of Elective Disciplines in the Formation of Professional Competence of Students as Future TeachersZaidа Zhumabaeva, Anara Zhumasheva, Tattygul Kenzhebayeva, Janat Sakenov, Ardak Tleulesova, Marzhan Kenenbaeva, Sholpan Hamzina
pp. 8552-8561 | Article Number: ijese.2016.647
Abstract The article examines essential characteristics and specific features, role of elective disciplines in the formation of professional competence of students as future teachers. Important and promising characteristics of the content of professional competence of students as future teachers have been studied and theoretically justified. We have theoretically justified, practically developed and experimentally tested an original model of formation of professional competence of students as future teachers when studying elective disciplines in conditions of a teaching institute, including criteria, rates and levels of performance of this process. Within the conducted experiment, we have empirically tested and proved the pedagogical efficiency of the developed original model of formation of professional competence of students as future teachers when studying elective disciplines, the role of elective disciplines as a means of formation of professional competence of students as future teachers has also been proved. Keywords: Elective disciplines, role, means, professional competence, students, future teacher, formation of professional competence. References Albekova A.S., Rezuanova G.K., Muratbekova A.M., Kukenova G.A. (2014). Elective disciplines as means of formation of professional competence of future teachers. Life Sci J;11(8s):53-56 (ISSN:1097-8135). http://www.lifesciencesite.com. Arsamerzaev G.A., Dauletova I.G., Sakenov J.Z., Toktarbayev G.-S. D. (2014). Formation of professional competence at students (on the example of creative pedagogical specialties). Life Sci J,11(6s):97-101. 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Perspectives of Introduction of the Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (Mall) TechnologyMonica-Nataliia Laurensovna Wagner, Maryana Vladimirovna Donskaya, Milana Evgenievna Kupriyanova & Umeda Akparovna Ovezova
pp. 8562-8571 | Article Number: ijese.2016.648
Abstract Present article addresses methodological and technical (instrumental) aspects of creation and implementation of mobile-assisted learning, which is oriented to the process of foreign languages learning. We provide the interpretation of the main definitions of mobile-assisted learning, as well as propose recommendations for using mobile devices in education for improving the language competence. In present article we note that the means of mobile communication possess a significant potential in the education process. We explore the perspectives of efficient implementation of mobile devices in foreign language teaching. We conducted the analysis of the capabilities of various modern program platforms and mobile devices. We present a practical argumentation for the efficiency of foreign language learning with the use of mobile (portative) devices and IT-devices with the implementation of Mobl21 platform in the process of mobile-assisted learning technology realization. Keywords: Elective disciplines, role, means, professional competence, students, future teacher, formation of professional competence References Ally, M. (2009). Mobile Learning: Transforming the Delivery of Education and Training. Athabasca, AB: Athabasca University Press. Attewell, J. (2005). Mobile technologies and learning: A Technology Update and mLearning Project Summary. London: Learning and Skills Development Agency. Brandl, K. (2002). Integrating internet-based reading materials into the foreign language curriculum: from teacher- to student-centered approaches. Language Learning & Technology, 6(3), 87-107. Caudill, J.G. (2008). The Growth of m-Learning and the Growth of Mobile Computing: Parallel developments. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 8(2), 1-13. Crow, R. (2010). Switching Gears: Moving from e-Learning to m-Learning. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching [On-line], 6(1). Available: http://jolt.merlot.org/vol6no1/crow_0310.htm. Huang, C., & Sun, P. (2010). Using mobile technologies to support mobile multimedia English listening exercises in daily life. In The International Conference on Computer and Network Technologies in Education (CNTE 2010) [On-line]. Available: http://cnte2010.cs.nhcue.edu.tw/. Kukulska-Hulme, A. & Traxler, J. (Eds.) (2005). Mobile learning: A handbook for educators and trainers. London: Routledge. Miangah, T.M., & Nezarat, A. (2012). Mobile-Assisted Language Learning. International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems (IJDPS), 3(1), 309-319. Sandberg, J., Maris, M., & De Geus, K. (2011). Mobile English Learning: An evidence-based study with fifth graders. Computers and Education, 57, 1334-1347. Sharples, M. (2000). The design of personal mobile technologies for lifelong learning. Computers & Education, 34(3-4), 177-193. Swan, K., Hooft, M., Kratcoski, A., & Unger, D. (2005). Uses and Effects of Mobile Computing Devices in K–8 Classrooms. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 38(1), 99-112. Valarmathi, K.E. (2011). Mobile Assisted Language Learning. Journal of Technology for ELT [On-line],1(2). Available: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwOKc8FiJVqpZmE0NGM4NTctMDgzNC00YTIwLWI0ZTgtMjc5MjZmZWYzM2U2/view. What is m-learning? Tribal's Digital Learning Studio [On-line], Cambridge, United Kingdom. Available: http://www.m-learning.org/knowledge-centre/whatismlearning. Yannick, J. (2007). M-Learning: A pedagogical and technological model for language learning on mobile phones. In J. Fong & F. L. Wang (Eds.), Blended Learning (pp. 327-339). Pearson.
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Characteristics of the essence of volunteering in psychologyAngelina Alexandrovna Shagurova, Efremova Galina Ivanovna, Bochkovskaya Irina Aleksandrovna, Sergey Ivanovich Denisenko, Tarasov Mihail Valerievich, Nekrasova Marina Viktorovna & Svetlana Anatolievna Potutkova
pp. 8572-8579 | Article Number: ijese.2016.649
Abstract The article discusses the basic ideas of volunteering; it analyzes the data of psychological studies on social activity and it highlights the importance of studying the motivational part of volunteering. The conclusion on structure and content of volunteering is made. Key focus is on the fact that volunteering is of particular importance in the social sphere and is considered as an activity aimed at positive social change through charity, peacekeeping and humanitarian support to members of society. Lots of definitions are characterized as volunteering activities. However, not only the characteristics of this activity, its content, forms and methods are important, but also the goals and results. Keywords: volunteering, altruism, social activity, motivation References Bobneva,M.I. Social norms and behavior regulation.M.: Science, 1978. Efremova, G.I., Shagurova,A.A., Bochkovskaya, I.A.Actual problems of social and psychological readiness of young people to volunteering. Bulletin of North Caucasus Federal University. 2015. No. 5 (50). pp. 159-166. Ilyin,E.P. Psychology of assistance. Altruism, egoism, empathy. SPb.:Piter, 2013. Kudrinskaya, L.A. 2006. Voluntary labor: the experience of a theoretical reconstruction. Synopsis, dissertation doctor of social sciences, pp. 302. Mersiyanova, I.V., Jacobson,L.I. Practices of the philanthropy in Russia: the population's involvement and attitude towards it.М.: Pub. house of State University - HSE, 2009. Nasinovskaya,E.E. Methods of studying personality motivation. The experience of studying the personality-semantic aspect of motivation.М., 1988. Ozhegov,S.I., Shvedova, N.Y.Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language: Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Russian Language named after V.V. Vinogradov. 4th ed., Ext. M., 1999. Reshetnikov,O.V. Organizing volunteering. Educational handbook. M.: "Foundation on promotion of education of the XXI century", 2005. Shagurova,A.A.Psychological crowdsourcing. Bulletin of North Caucasus Federal University.2015. No. 2 (47). pp. 251-253. Shindauletova, S.S. Problems of legal regulation of volunteering: Overview. St. Petersburg: Fortess, 2008. |
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Students’ Adaptation in the Social and Cultural DynamicsVladimir Vitalievich Sadyrin, Marina Vladimirovna Potapova, Elena Alexandrovna Gnatyshina, Nataliya Viktorovna Uvarina & Viktoriya Valerievna Danilova
pp. 8580-8591 | Article Number: ijese.2016.650
Abstract Modern scientific literature views issues on adaptation based on various aspects: biological, medical, pedagogical, sociological, cybernetic, interdisciplinary, etc. The given article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of adaptation as social and psychological phenomenon including peculiarities of its functioning in the conditions of social and cultural acceleration (dynamics). The analysis of empirical data on the results of research of adaptation processes of students of the chosen higher educational institution has been given here combined with comparative analysis of adaptability of foreign and local students of the first year of academic study. Keywords: adaptation, identification, self-identification, social dynamics, resistance, the level of adaptability References Glass , C.R., Gómez E., Urzua A. (2014). Recreation, intercultural friendship, and international students’ adaptation to college by region of origin. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 42: 104–117. Forbush E., Foucault-Welles B. (2016). Social media use and adaptation among Chinese students beginning to study in the United States. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Volume 50, January 2016, P. 1–12. Groys, B. (2014). The rescue from the future is urgent. The Prime Russian Magazine, 5(26) URL: www.primerussia.ru/interview_posts/444 Kormilitsin, A.P. (1996). Management of the process of adaptation of foreign students in new economic conditions. Modern scientific and technical problems of civil aviation: theses of reports of the International scientific and technical conference. Moscow, p. 258. Lem, S. (1996). Sum of technologies. Moscow: Text. Mazitova, L.T. (2002). Social adaptation of foreign students on the example of higher educational institutions. Bashkortostan diss. of cand. of social sciences. Ufa. McWard, O. (2003). Epoch of extreneity to the world? Domestic notes, 6. URL: www.magazines.ru/oz/2003/62004_1_27-pr.html Petrov, V.N. et al. (2009) Peculiarities of adaptation of foreign students. Sociological researches, 2 (2): 117-121 Rakhimov, T.R. (2011). Peculiarities of the organization of training of foreign students in the Russian higher educational institution and the direction of their development. Tomsk. Savchenko, I.A. (2010). The foreign student in Russian conditions and barriers of integration. Bulletin of the Orenburg State University, 1: 25-31. Shevelyov, G.E., Kabanova, L.I. and Mikhalchenko, E.V. (2012). Information system for an assessment of adaptation of foreign students. Bulletin of science of Siberia, 1 (2): 134-138. Strategy of 2020: New model of growth – new social policy: URL: www.2020strategy.ru/documents/32710234.html Toffler, E. (2002). Shock of the future. Moscow: AST, p. 48. Vadutova, F.A., L.I. Kabanov, G.I. Shkatov (2010). Assessment and forecasting of adaptation of foreign students to training conditions in the Russian higher educational institutions. TSPU Bulletin, 12: 123-126. |
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A Study of Psychological Readiness of Parents to Educate Children in a Foster FamilyV.I. Dolgova, Y.A. Rokickaya, E.Y. Volchegorskaya, E.E. Yemelyanova & N.V. Uvarina
pp. 8592-8598 | Article Number: ijese.2016.651
Abstract In the study methods to identify the main components of parents' psychological readiness for raising children in a substitute family were used. The survey was carried out during the study of the cognitive component. The emotional-volitional component is disclosed by using an MMPI questionnaire (abridged version) and techniques for determining the accentuation of personality traits (Leonhard K.). The analysis of the motivational-evaluative component has been conducted using a morphological test of life values (Sopov V.F., Karpushina L.V.). Indicators of the activity component are fixed by two methods – PARI (Schäfer E.S., Bell R.K.) and the analysis of family relationships (Eidemiller E.G., Yustitskis V.V.). The significance of the results obtained has been checked by mathematical statistical methods (factor analysis and statistical criterion for difference – Student's t-test). In the experimental group statistically significant differences that confirm a positive impact of the research-experimental program on the level of formation of parents' psychological readiness for raising children in a substitute family have been indicated. Keywords: child, substitute family, psychological readiness, cognitive component, emotional-volitional component, motivational-evaluative component, activity component, program References Avdonicheva, M.A. (2014) Priyomnaya Semya kak Effektivnaya Model Semeynogo Zhizneustroystva Detey-Sirot. [A Foster Family as an Effective Model of Family Life for Orphan Children.]. Simbirsk Scientific Bulletin. No. 3 (17). P. 91-94. Bezrukova, A.N., Golub, O.V. (2011) Problema Otsenki Effektivnosti Zhizneustroystva Detey-Sirot i Detey, Ostavshikhsya bez Popecheniya Roditeley v Zameshchayushchikh Semyakh. [Problem of Assessment of Effectiveness of Life Arrangement for Orphan Children and Children without Parental Care, in Foster Families.]. Collected Papers of NITS “Sotsiosfera”. No. 32. P. 163-167. Bobkova, T.S. (2015) Rabota s zameshchayushchimi smyami v novykh usloviyakh restrukturizatsii detskikh domov. [Work with Foster Families in the New Conditions of Restructurization Children`s Homes.]. Pedagogika Sovremennosti. No. 2 (6). P. 5-7. Gibadullin, N.V. (2014) Motivatsiya Prinyatiya Detey-Sirot i Detey, Ostavshikhsya bez Popecheniya Roditeley v Zameshchayushchiye Semyi. [Motivation for Taking Orphan Children and Children without Parental Care, to Foster Families.] Fundamental Research. No. 9-12. P. 2756-2759. Dolgova, V.I. (2014) Aspects of emotional stability in volunteers of gerontology programs. Advances in Gerontology. Vol. 4. No. 4. P. 278-282. Dolgova, V.I. (2014) Impact of the arch suburb on the state of health, activity and mood of a person. Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia. Vol. 11. P. 307-311. Dolgova, V.I., Rokitskaya, Y.A., Merkulova, N.A. (2015) Gotovnost Roditeley k Vospitaniyu Detey v Zameshchayushchey Semye. [The Parents` Readiness to Bring Up Children in Foster Families.]. Moscow: Pero. - 180 p. Dolgova, V.I., Shumakova, O.A. (2011) Psihologu Obrazovaniya: Vzaimodeystviye s Roditelyami. [To the psychologist Obrazovaniya: Interaction with Parents ]. Chelyabinsk: ATOKSO, 2014 p. Dolgova, V.I., Kapitanets, E. G., Kondratyeva, O.A., Shumakova, O.A. (2012) Psykhologo-pedagogicheskoye Soprovozhdeniye Detsko-roditelskikh otnoshwniy. [Psychological and Pedagogical Support of Child – Parent Relationships.]. Moscow: KT “Buki Vedi”, 152 p. Kvasha, Y.A. (2014) Nekotoriye Napravleniya Sovershenstvovaniya Semeynogo Zakonodatelstva, Kasayushchiesya Dogovorov o Zameshchayushchikh Semyakh. [Some Directions of Impovement of Family Law, Dealing with Agreements on Foster Families.] Herald of Tver State University. Series: Law. No. 2. pp. 97-101. Kiselyova, N.A. (2014) Problema Adaptatsii Priyomnykh Detey I Roditeley v Zameshchayushchikh Semyakh. [The Problem of Adaptation of Children and Parents in Foster Families.]. Vestnik Pskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Series: Social Sciences and Humanities. No. 4. pp. 134-138. Kitayeva, A.I. (2016) Psikhologocheskiye Riski Zameshchayushchikh Semey. [Psychological Risks of Foster Families]. Sotsialnaya Rabota: Teorii, Metody, Praktika: Materialy Internet-Konferentsiy I Seminarov. [Social Work: Theories, Methods, Practice: Materials of Internet-conferences and Seminars.]. Vol. 3. No. 5. P. 14-16. Morozova, I.S., Belogay, K.N., Ott, T.O. (2014) Psikhologicheskiye Aspekty Vospitaniya Dwtey v Zameshchayuchikh Semyakh. [Psychological Aspects of Bringing Up Children in Foster Families.]. Vector of Science. Tolyatty State University. No. 1 (27). P. 135-138. Ovcharova, R.V. (2003) Psykhologicheskoye Soprovozhdeniye Roditelstva. [Psychological Support of Parents]. – Institute of Psychotherapy. – 319 p. Palamaarchuk, Y.M. (2016) Motivatsiya Prinyatiya Rebyonka v Semyu kak Faktor Uspeshnosti Zameshchayushchego Roditelstva. [Motivation for Taking a Child to a Family as a Factor of Success of Foster Parenting.]. Nauchno-Pedagogicheskoye Obozreniye. No. 2 (12). P. 31-37. Paliyeva, N.A., Savchenko, V.V., Solomatina G.N. (2011) Motivatsiya Prinyatiya Rebyonka v Zameshchayushchuyu Semyu. [Motivation for Taking a Child to a Foster Family]. Obshchestvo. Sreda. Razvitiye. [Society. Envionment. Development.]. No. 1. P. 132-137. Pletnyova, M.V., Mukhamedrakhimov, R.Zh. Osobennosti Vzaimodeystviya Detey Rannego Vozrasta s Roditelyami v zameshchayushchikh semyakh. [Characteristics of Interaction of Children of Early Age with their Parents in Foster families.] Prokhorova, L.V. (2011) Nekotorye Pravovye Problemy Pri Peredache rebenka v Zameshchayushchuyu Semyu. [Some Legal Problems of Putting a Child into a Foster Family]. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta. [Bulletin of St Petersburg State University.]. Series 12. Psychology. Sociology. Education. 2013. No. 3. P. 22-31. Samsonova, G.O., Dekina, Y.V., Kalinina, Z.N. (2016) Psykhologo-Pedagogicheskiaya Rabota s Zaneshchayushchimi Semyami, vospityvayushchimi Rebyonka s Osobymi Potrenostyami v Razvitii. [Psychological and Pedagogical Work with Foster Families Bringing up Children with Special Needs]. Obrazovaniye Lichnosti. [Personality Education.]. No. 1. P. 74-84. Solomatina, G.N. (2015) Vliyaniye Nasiliya v Krovnoy Semye na Protsess Adaptatsii Rebyonka k Usloviyam Zameshchayushchey Semyi. [Influene of Violence in the Family of Blood on the Adaptation Process of a Child to the Conditions of his/her Foster family.]. Aktualnye Problemy Gumanitarnykh I Yestyestvennykh Nauk. [Actual Problems of Humanities and Sciences.]. 2015. No. 5-2. P. 224-227. Tatarenko, D.D. (2012) Detsko-Roditelskaya Adaptatsiya v Zameshchayushchikh Semyakh. [Adaptation of Children and Parents in Foster families.]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. [Bulletin of Moscow State University.]. Series: Psychology. No. 2. P. 58-61. Tikhonova, I.V. (2015) Retrospektivnoye Issledovaniye Motivov Prinyatiya Rebyonka v Semyakh s Raznym Urovnem Effektivnosti Zameshchayushchey Zaboty. [Retrospektive Research of the Motives of Adopting a Child in families with Different Levels of Parental Care.]. Vestnik Kostromskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta imeni N.A. Nekrassova. [Bulletin of Kostroma State University Named after N.A. Nekrassov.]. Series: Education. Psychology. Social Work. Juvenology. Sociokinetics. Vol. 21. No. 4. С. 221-226. Ubozhenko, A.V. (2013) Otnosheniye Kandidatov v Zameshchayushchiye Roditeli k Priyomy v Semyu Rebyonka, imeyushchego Narusheniya v Razvitii. [Attitude of Candidates to Become Foster Parents to Adopting a Child with special Needs.] Modern social psychology. Theoretical approaches and applied research, Vol. 21. No. 4. P. 221-226. Shvetsova, M.N. (2013) Roditelskaya Motivatsiya Priyoma Rebyonka v Zameshchayushchuyu Semyu. [Parents` Motivation to Take a Child to a Foster Family.]. Kazan Science, No. 7. P. 274-277. |
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Professionalization of an Individual Involved in the Educational Process in a Higher Education InstitutionValentina Bikbulatova, Inga Orlova, Raziyat Rabadanova, Sergey Shishov & Galina Yulina
pp. 8599-8605 | Article Number: ijese.2016.652
Abstract The article concerns the problem of training a competitive person in the information and educational environment of a higher education institution. Professional formation of a person is conditioned by historical, social and cultural factors. This research is guided by the works of B.G. Afanas’iev, A.G. Asmolov, E.A. Klimov, V.A. Kal’ney, B.F. Lomov, V.D. Shadrikov, N.S. Pryazhnikov, S.E. Shishov, etc. The analysis of the literature on this subject suggests that the professional formation of a person should first of all be seen as the formation of professional orientation, the adequacy of the personality traits that are socially important and demanded, the desire for self-fulfillment. Formation of the professional orientation goes through a number of stages, each featuring new objectives of the activity as well as new leading mechanism determining the activity. The findings obtained provide a conclusive proof that clear and scientifically grounded organization of the educational process in a higher education institution is a prerequisite for the formation of a professionally orientated psychologist as an individual. The contents of the educational process must be interrelated, complementing each other, which will allow for comprehensive and purposeful development of the process. Keywords: Professional formation, professionalization, responsibility, self-esteem, self-fulfillment, self-presentation, motivation of activity References Abylkasymova, A.E., Ryzhakov, M.V., & Shishov, S.E. (2015). Strategicheskie napravleniya modernizatsii pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya v usloviyakh innovatsionnogo razvitiya [Strategic Modernization Areas of Pedagogical Education in the Conditions of Innovative Development]. Socio-Humanitarian Research and Technology, 3(12), 3-8. Artem’eva, S.I. (2013). Metodologicheskaya podgotovka – vedushchee zveno v realizatsii kompetentnostnogo podkhoda i povyshenii kachestva obrazovaniya [Methodological training. Driving Link for Implementation of the Competence Approach and Improvement of the Quality of Education]. Socio-Humanitarian Research and Technology, 1(2), 8-14. Artem’eva, S.I. (2013). Problemy sozdaniya nauchnykh shkol v pedagogike [Challenges for Establishing Schools of Thought in Pedagogy]. Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki. Sotsial’no-gumanitarnye issledovaniya i tekhnologii, 2(3), 3-7. Afanas’ev, V.V., & Afanas’eva, I.V. (2014). Osnovaniya i kriterii klassifikatsii tehnologiy upravleniya obrazovatel’nymi protsessami [Grounds and Criteria for Classification of Educational Process Management Technologies]. Socio-Humanitarian Research and Technology, 1(6), 3-8. Afanas’ev, V.V., & Afanas’eva, I.V. 2013. Metodologicheskiy bazis resheniya problem prakticheskoy pedagogicheskoy deyatel’nosti [Methodological Basis for Solving Problems of Practical Pedagogical Activity]. Socio-Humanitarian Research and Technology 3(4), 26-31. Bozhovich, L.I. (1995). Problemy formorovaniya lichnosti: Izbrannye psikhologicheskie trudy [Problems of Personality Formation. Selected Psychological Works]. Moscow, Voronezh: Institute of Practical Psychology. Bikbulatova, V.P., & Rabadanova, R.S. (2015). Strategicheskaya deyatel’nost vysshei shkoly po organizatsii obrazovatel’nogo protsessa [Strategic Activity of Higher School in the Organization of Educational Process]. Socio-Humanitarian Research and Technology, 1(10), 14-20. Bikbulatova, V.P., Rabadanova, R.S., & Yulina, G.N. (2013). O roli polikul’turnogo obrazovaniya v razvitii motivatsionno-poznavatel’noi sfery studentov [Role of Multicultural Education in the Development of Motivational and Cognitive Spheres of Students]. Socio-Humanitarian Research and Technology, 4(5), 12-15. Ivanov, A.I., & Rabadanov, Z.R. (2016). Formorovanie ustoichivosti u studentov pedagogicheskogo vuza k emotsional’nomu vygoraniyu [Formation of Tolerance to Emotional Burnout in Students of Pedagogical Institutes]. Vestnik RMAT, 1, 57-63. Kuteeva, V.P. (2009). Otvetstvennost’ kak neobkhodimyi component professional’noy napravlennosti lichnosti [Responsibility as an essential component of a person’s professional orientation]. In Integratsii regional’nykh system obrazovaniya. Materialy mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii. VNP 6. Chast’ 1 [Integration of Regional Educational Systems. International Conference Proceedings (Part 1)] (pp. 129-131). Kuteeva, V.P. (2012). Organizatsiya sovremennogo obrazovatel’nogo protsessa v vysshey shkole: innovatsionnyi aspect [Organization of modern educational process in higher school. Innovative aspect]. Socio-Humanitarian Research and Technology, 1(1), 46-49. Klimov, E.A. (2003). Puti v professionalism. Psikhologicheskiy vzglyad: uchebnoe posobie [Ways to Professionalism. Psychological View: Course Book]. Moscow: Flinta. Kondrat’eva, O.V., & Rabadanova, R.S. (2015). Pedagogika i psikhologiya [Pedagogy and Psychology]. Moscow: Moscow State University of Technologies and Management named after K.G. Razumovskiy; Kaluga: Eidos. Kondrat’eva, O.V. (2015). Pedagogicheskoe vzaimodeystvie v kontekste ustanovochnogo povedeniya lichnosti [Pedagogical Interaction in the Context of Adjustive Behavior]. Socio-Humanitarian Research and Technology,, 3(12), 17-22. Mukhin, M.I. (2015). Pedagogika vysokogo poleta kak fenomen I vedushchee napravlenie pedagogicheskoy mysli [High Flight Pedagogy as a Phenomenon and Leading Direction of Pedagogical Thought]. Socio-Humanitarian Research and Technology, 1(10), 67-76. Druzhinin, V.N. (Ed.). (2001). Psikhologiya. Uchebnik dliya gumanitarnykh VUZov. [Psychology. Textbook for Higher Education Institutions for Humanities]. Saint Petersburg: Piter. Rubinstein, S.L. (1989). Osnovy obshchey psikhologii [Principles of General Psychology]. Moscow: Pedagogy. Shishov, S.E., & Kal’ney, V.A. (2013). Formirovanie kadrovogo potentsiala dliya vysokotekhnologichnykh otrasley rossiyskoy promyshlennosti v usloviyakh razvitiya innovatsionnykh protsessov v obshchestve [Formation of Workforce Capacity for Russian High-Technology Industries in the Conditions of Development of Innovative Processes in the Society]. Socio-Humanitarian Research and Technology, 1(2), 4-8. Shishov, S.E. (2014). Izmenyayushchayasya mnogomernaya sotsiokul’turnaya sreda globaliziruyushchegosya mira i yeye vliyaniye na sistemu rossiyskogo professional’nogo obrazovaniya [Varying Multidimensional Social and Cultural Environment of the Globalizing World and Its Effect on the Russian System of Professional Education]. Socio-Humanitarian Research and Technology, 2(7), 45-52. Shishov, S.E. (2016). Chelovek rashiryaet Put’, a ne Put’ rasshiryaet cheloveka [It is Man Who Broadens the Way. It is not the Way That Broadens Man]. Socio-Humanitarian Research and Technology, 1(14), 85-87. Yulina, G.N. (2012). K voprosu resheniya problem sotsial’noy aktivnosti lichnosti [Solving Problems of a Person’s Social Activity]. Socio-Humanitarian Research and Technology, 1(1), 36-39. Yulina, G.N. (2013). Samoobrazovaniye pedagoga kak neobkhodimoye usloviye yego professional’noy deyatel’nosti [Self-Education of a Teacher as a Precondition for Professional Activity]. Socio-Humanitarian Research and Technology, 1(2), 47-50. |
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International Festival of Student Films as the Innovative Means of Legal Education and Multimedia Training of Future LawyersYury Petrovich Garmaev & Lydia Petrovna Chumakova
pp. 8606-8616 | Article Number: ijese.2016.653
Abstract The main purpose of the article is to ensure further modernization of the educational activities in law universities based on the use of multimedia technologies as well as development of tools for legal education through implementation of the project of international student film festivals. The methodology is based on the concept and methods of use of multimedia technologies in education, as well as the methods of inter-branch legal studies and comparative law. The most important findings and their meaning: the article analyzes theoretical and methodological, didactic and practical means and results of three international festivals of student films on criminalistics “Golden Trace” held by Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch) of National Research Tomsk State University (Russia) in 2014-2016. The importance of the festival is underlined as a bright example of successful application of the methodology of use of multimedia technologies in education of lawyers. The results of this youth forum are indeed invaluable for solution of problems related to legal education of minors, young people and general public as well. In 2016, the Third Film Festival received even broader representation of leading universities of Russia and other countries, compared to previous years: from Egypt to Mongolia, which has contributed to the increase of massiveness of participation and entertainment of the youth event. The organizers are planning to hold this forum every year (in April) and invite institutions of higher education from around the world. The authors conclude that such international and local film festivals should be initiated and held by universities of other countries, focusing on various legal sciences and academic disciplines. The findings obtained provide a conclusive proof that clear and scientifically grounded organization of the educational process in a higher education institution is a prerequisite for the formation of a professionally orientated psychologist as an individual. The contents of the educational process must be interrelated, complementing each other, which will allow for comprehensive and purposeful development of the process. Keywords: multimedia technologies in education, legal culture, legal education, legal awareness, legal upbringing, anti-criminal education, criminalistics, international film festival, student films, the Siberian regions of Russia References “Golden Trace” – from Cairo to Ulan Bator. (2016). Article from the official site of the Novosibirsk Institute of Law (branch) of Tomsk State University http://www.n-l-i.ru/news/detail.php?ID=1810 Chumakova, L. P. (2015). New time - new challenges. Higher education in Russia. 2015. (2): 89-96. Eksarhopulo, A. A. (2004). Subject and system of criminalistics: Problems of development at the turn of XX-XXI centuries. SPb.: Publishing House of St. Petersburg State University. Filatov, S. A., Sukhorukov, N. G., Dudina, T. N. (2013). Formation of a new model for vocational professional education − the imperative of post-industrial development. Higher education in Russia. 2013 (10). Fundamentals of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the sphere of legal literacy and legal awareness of citizens (2011). Approved by the President of the Russian Federation on April 28, 2011, No Пр-1168. Retrieved from: http: // www.consultant-plus.ru. – Title from screen (accessed date 27/05/2016) Garmaev, Yu. P. Multimedia intersectoral means of crime prevention: perspectives of development and implementation. Criminological magazine. Baikal State University of Economics and Law. 2014 (3): 71-80. Retrieved from: http://cj.isea.ru/pdf.asp?id=19505 Garmaev, Yu. P. (2014). Multimedia Inter-industrial Crime Prevention Instruments: Development and Introduction Prospects, 2014. Criminology Journal of Baikal National University of Economics and Law, (3): 71-80. Garmaev, Yu. P. & Chumakova, L. P. (2014). International film festival of student films on the criminalistics as the means of development legal literacy and legal awareness of students of law schools. Legal education and science. 2014. (3): 33-36. Garmaev, Yu. P.& Chumakova, L. P. (2015a). Student Film Festival and other innovative means of legal training and education of young people. Higher education in Russia. 2015. (2): 105-111. Garmaev, Yu. P.& Chumakova, L. P. (2015b). International student film festival as the means of legal education: Proposal for holding the event in Russia. World Applied Sciences Journal, 33 (1): 44-50, 2015. – P.44-50. ISSN 1818-4952, IDOSI Publications, 2015, DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2015.33.01.1370 Hentig, H. Von. (2002). Der technischen Zivilisation gewachsen bleiben. Nachdenken uber die Neuen Medien und das gar nicht mehr allmahliche Verschwinden der Wirklichkeit. Hilgendorf, E. (2005). Juristenausbildung und Neue Medien, (2005). Juristische Zeitung. (8): 365−373. Kloepfer, M. (2004). Umweltrecht. Muenchen: Beck Kraemer, L. (2007). Environmental law. London: Sweet and Maxwell Novosibirsk. Metamorphoses of “Victory” (August 23, 2011). Blog of Dmitry Popovski. Retrieved from http://d-popovskiy.livejournal.com/22821.html Project EDUCATION AGAINST CORRUPTION. (2004). Retrieved from: http://www.sdcentras.lt/antikorupcija/en/tp1.htm Regulation on the international film festival of student films on criminalistics “Golden Trace” (2016). Official site of the Novosibirsk Institute of Law (branch) of Tomsk State University, section “Festival “Golden Trace”. Retrieved from http://www.n-l-i.ru/kino/ Reichskammergericht (2016, January 03). In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved on January 03, 2016, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichskammergericht Scheuerl, H. (1991). Johann Amos Comenius (1592−1670). Ders. (Hrsg.) Klassiker der Pȁdagogik. Bd. 1, 2. Aufl. 1991. V. K. Gavlo has passed away (June 2, 2016). The official website of the International Association of Assistance to Justice. Retrieved from http://www.iuaj.net/node/2038. Weimer, H. & Jacobi, J. (1992). Geschichte der Pȁdagogik. |
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Setting up the Interactive Educational Process in Higher EducationOlga Nikolaevna Ponomariova & Olga Nikolaevna Vasinа
pp. 8617-8627 | Article Number: ijese.2016.654
Abstract This article aims to discuss the opportunities in the interactive teaching in higher education. The study presents the methodological approach of understanding the notions of “teaching technology” and “interactive teaching methods”. The originality of the study consists in the authors’ definition of the situation in “the conceptual didactic field” and their proposal of classifying interactive teaching methods. The authors have also explored endless possibilities for setting up the interactive educational process of non-entertaining interactive teaching methods. The issue of implementing interactive teaching methods and techniques in higher education concerns, in the narrow sense, encouraging teachers to perfectly master the specialized terminology and to communicate in the same “teaching” language; and, in the broad sense, the approach to evaluating quality of teaching in a higher education institution, since interactivity is in demand among students, making this institution more competitive in the educational services industry (related to the “word of mouth” phenomenon when modern students’ emotions and impressions about an interesting activity are reinforced by professional knowledge which is a must on the job market).The findings obtained provide a conclusive proof that clear and scientifically grounded organization of the educational process in a higher education institution is a prerequisite for the formation of a professionally orientated psychologist as an individual. 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Master’s Program Module “Environmental Issues – Decision Making Experience” as Precondition for Implementation of Education for Sustainable Development for Professional Training of TeachersNatalia Fedorovna Vinokurova, Natalia Viktorovna Martilova Irina Yurievna Krivdina, Mikhail Mikhailovich Badin & Olga Evgenyevna Efimova
pp. 8628-8636 | Article Number: ijese.2016.655
Abstract The article discusses current issues related to the implementation of the UNESCO roadmap implementing Global action programme on education for sustainable development. In the context of increasing the professional level of pedagogical workers is a priority area in the implementation of education for sustainable development. Therefore, we believe that the proposed by the authors master program “Environmental issues: the experience of decision” meets the objectives of the global action programme on education for sustainable development. The article substantiates the relevance of the topic, States the purpose, objectives and structure of the module, corresponding to different dimensions of sustainable development. Presented technology training that provides the development of cognitive competence (development of thinking), axiological (values, capacity for partnership, tolerance, empathy, pluralism) and the activity of nature. This corresponds to the competences, proposed by the UNESCO Commission. It defines and explains the educational outcomes of a module of master's program “Environmental issues: the experience of decision-making”. Keywords: education for sustainable development, road map for the implementation of the global programme of action, vocational education teachers, master's program, educational module, objectives, tasks, structure, technology, educational outcomes of the module References Alekseev S.V. (2014) Continuous environmental education of a teacher – indispensable factor of efficient development of environmental culture among young people. Environmental education: to school, at school, outside of school, 3 (summer): 10-13. Boekhout, B. (2009) Concepts of Sustainability. Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Chumakov A. N. (2006) Globalization and sustainable development. Science and education in the interests of overall development. Moscow. 57-61. Ermakov, D. 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The Role of Pre-Teritiary Artistic Training in the Vocational Self-Determination of EnrolleesLarisa Vladimirovna Shokorova, Natalia Egorovna Kiseleva & Oksana Alexandrovna Batsyna
pp. 8637-8648 | Article Number: ijese.2016.656
Abstract The article deals with the problem of choosing a future profession by enrollees in the context of their vocational self-determination. It substantiates the value of art education in the vocational training of the intellectual, spiritual and moral human with high creativity, civic,aesthetic and moral position. It reveals special aspects of vocational self-determination of adolescence and the role of vocational guidance system in the formation of students’ readiness to realize professional and educational trajectory. It analizes the specifics of artistic training in terms of networking cooperation of educational institutions. The article defines methods of creative work in professional and artistic activities, contributing to the development of creative skills and artistic orientation of enrollees as motivation for art education. It describes a set of special tasks aimed at the acquisition and development of students' knowledge and skills of examination work making. It offers educational conditions conducive to the development of enrollees’ artistic orientation. Keywords: art education, vocational self-determination, subject oriented instruction, vocational guidance, enrollees References Ananiev, B. G. Favorite Psychological Works. M.: Pedagogy, 1990, 227 p. Andreev, V. I. Pedagogy: Bootcamp for creative self-development. Kazan: CIT, 2003, 608 p. Baydenko, V. I. Competence approach to the design of the state educational standards of higher professional education (methodological and methodical questions): Manual. (2nd ed.) M.: Research center of problems of training quality, 2005, 114 p. Batsyna, O. A. In Focus – the embodied idea of artists-stylists of Arts Faculty of Altai State University. Cultural Heritage of Siberia. 2014. No. 16, P. 235-239. Vygotsky, L. S. Art Psychology. M.; 1968, 217 p. Gorbacheva, E. Y. Features of pre-training as a component of professional education. Person, family and society: questions of pedagogy and psychology: Articles from V International Scientific-Practical Conf. Part I. - Novosibirsk: SibAK, 2011, P. 112-116 Kireenko, V. I. Psychology of abilities to fine art activity. M.: 1959, 272 p. Kiseleva, N. E., Shokorova, L. V. Decorative composition as a means of designers’ creative thinking development. Historical, philosophical, political and juridical sciences, cultural studies and art criticism. Questions of theory and practice. Tambov: Publishing House “Gramota”, 2014. 9 (47), P. 203-205. Kon, I. S. Psychology of senior high school student: A Handbook for Teachers. M.: Education, 1980, 192 p. Korolev, V. A. Exercise drawing. M.: Visual Arts, 1981. - 128 p. Kuzin, V. S. Psychology of Art: a textbook for art schools.M.: Education, 1982, 256 p. Leontiev, A. N. Activities. Consciousness. Personality. M.: 1975, 107 p. Lomov, B. F. Methodological and theoretical problems of psychology. Edited by Y. M. Zabrodin, E. V. Shorohov. M.: Nauka, 1984, 444 p. Markov, A. K. Formation of motivation to Learn. M., 1990, 376 p. Maslow, A. Motivation and Personality (3rd Ed.) Transl. from English. SPb.: Peter, 2007, 352p. Medvedev, L. G. Academic drawing in the process of art education. Omsk: Publishing House “Nauka”, 2008, 290 p. Menshenina, I. S. Professional orientation of enrollees in the classroom for drawing. Siberian Pedagogical Journal: Scientific Edition. Edited by T. A. Romm. Novosibirsk: Publishing House of NSPU, 2014, Vol. 3, P.113-115. Nevolina, V. V. Interrelation of valuable orientations and motivation in the student age. Materials of the XI International scientific-practical conference “The scientific community of XXI century. Humanitarian sciences”. Novosibirsk:. “Seebach”, 2013, P. 242-246. Osipov, P. N. Encouraging of self-improvement of students. Kazan: Karpol, 1997, 215 p. Step into adulthood: professional self-determination of pupils. Toolkit for teachers of educational institutions to work with students. Ekaterinburg. 2011, 67 p. Shokorova, L.V., Mamyrina, N. S. Professional and artistic education of future folk artists in the process of drawing training. Man In India, 96 (7): 2345-2356 Shokorova, L.V., Turlyun, L.N. Shaping of Arts and Crafts Objects Using Computer Graphics. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 4 (2016) pp. 2185-2190 Nekhvyadovich, L.I., Chernyaeva, I.V. Experience and Perspectives of Art History Development in Educational Space of Siberia at the Turn of XX - XXI centuries. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education. 2016, V. 11, Is. 7., p. 1501-1507. |
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The Project Activity in High School Specialists' PreparationRoza I. Burganova, Sairan E. Abdugalina, Aizhan E. Tuyakova, Tatiyana A. Abdrashitova, Yaroslava N. Ospanova & Kuralay A. Mukhambetova
pp. 8649-8656 | Article Number: ijese.2016.676
Abstract The relevance of the research problem is caused by the modern discourse of students' involvement to the project activity. Moreover, the current labor market requires a high level of graduates' professional competitiveness. Therefore, this article is aimed at the development of optimal scheme of high school specialists' preparation on the basis of project-based learning. The poll conducted among the 2 500 high school students showed 35,9% of respondents are not involved in the project activity. 13,38% of students claim the level of applying of project activity in their university is unsatisfactory. In this case the scheme of project-based learning mechanism implementing was introduced. The practical value is that the submissions may be useful in current university practice regarding students' project activity encouraging. Keywords: Educational environment, Project-based learning, High schaool students' competences, Project and critical thinking, Professional activities. 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Importance of Plein-Air Practice in Professional Art EducationLarisa Vladimirovna Shokorova, Natalia Vladislavovna Grechneva & Vera Igorevna Bochkovskay
pp. 8657-8668 | Article Number: ijese.2016.658
Abstract The article discusses the role and importance of plein-air practice in vocational training of art specialties’ students. It analyzes the historical aspect of plein-air drawing in nature origin. It identifies psychophysiological characteristics of visual perception in fine and decorative art. It characterizes methods of artistic perception of reality and educational activity in the conditions of an open-air. It defines methods of creative work in professional and artistic activities, facilitating the development of integral perception and artistic-creative skills. It substantiates the complex of special tasks aimed at the acquisition and development of students' knowledge, abilities and skills of drawing outdoors. It describes the themes of work in plein-air. It comes up with pedagogical conditions of formation of professional skills of art specialties’ students in plein-air art space. Keywords: professional art education, fine and decorative art, plein-air practice, artistic and creative skills References Beda, G. V. Painting: the textbook for students of pedagogical institutes. M.: Prosveshchenie, 1986, 192 p. Borev, Y. B. Aesthetics. M.: Political Literature, 1998, 495 p. Bochkovskaya, V. I. The symbolism and semantics of arts and crafts. Food Safety. Agrarian policy dialogue. Barnaul, 2013, P. 294 297. Vazhenina, K. A., Pavlenkovich, O. B. The personality of the teacher and its role in the formation of informative activity of younger schoolboys in the lessons on fine arts. Actual problems of higher education methodology. 2016. Vol. 2, P. 411-417 Vygotsky, L. S. Selected psychological studies. M.: APN RSFSR, 1956, 430 p. Goethe, I. V. About the Art. M.: Art, 1975, P. 623. Grechneva, N. V. Modern problems of plein-air practice. Lomonosov Readings in Altay: fundamental problems of science and education. ASU Publishing house. 2015, P. 3701-3704. Goncharov, I. F. Reality and art in the aesthetic education of students. M.: Education, 1978, 160 p. Kiseleva, N. E., Dvuhzhilova, A. N. Teaching practice – plein-air - a necessary component in the system of art education. Young scientist. 2016, No. 11, P. 1603-1606. Kuzin, V. S. Psychology of Art: a textbook for art colleges. M.: Prosveshchenie, 1982, 256 p. The Book of painting masters Leonardo da Vinci, a Florentine painter and sculptor / ed. by A. G. Gabrichevsky. M.: OGIZ, 1934, P. 384. Leslie, C. R. Life of John Constable, Esq. M.: Art, 1964, P. 336. Nehvyadovich, L. I., Bochkovskaya, V. I., Grechneva, N. V. Painting: plein-air. Textbook. Altai State University Publishing House, 2015, 115 p. Rostovtsev, N. N. Methods of teaching art in school: the textbook for students of Art Faculty, Pedagogical Institutes. 3rd Ed. Revised and edited. M.: Agar, 2000, 256 p. Rubinstein, S. L. Fundamentals of General Psychology: 2 Parts. M.: Prosveshchenie, 1989, 488 p. Starodub, K. I. Drawing and painting. From a realistic image to the conditionally stylized: Textbook (2nd ed.). Rostov n / D.: Phoenix, 2011, 190 p. Tyutyunova, Y. M. Plein-air: schizzos, drawings, sketches. M.: Academic Prospect, 2012, 176 p. Shokorova, L. V. Folk arts and crafts in the system of art education in Russia. Alma mater (Journal of the Higher School). 2015, No. 7, P. 110-113. Shokorova, L.V., Turlyun, L.N. Shaping of Arts and Crafts Objects Using Computer Graphics. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 4 (2016) pp 2185-2190 Shokorova L.V., Mamyrina N. S. Professional and artistic education of future folk artists in the process of drawing training. Man In India, 96 (7) : 2345-2356 Nekhvyadovich, L. I., Chernyaeva, I. V. Experience and Perspectives of Art History Development in Educational Space of Siberia at the Turn of XX – XXI centuries. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education. - 2016. - V. 11, Is. 7. - p. 1501-1507. |
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Creation of a Unified Educational Space Within a SLA University Classroom Using Cloud Storage and on-line ApplicationsKamilya Zhumartovna Karabayeva
pp. 8669-8678 | Article Number: ijese.2016.658
Abstract In the present article the author gives evidence of effective application of cloud storage and on-line applications in the educational process of the higher education institution, as well as considers the problems and prospects of using cloud technologies in the educational process, when creating a unified educational space in the foreign language lessons at the linguistic university. Today there is a growing importance of cloud technology, which offers universities new opportunities to provide modern network technology-based applications, providing a high level of educational service. The pilot testing confirmed the didactic benefits of the cloud technologies: an intensive upgrading of learning content, the development of individual creative initiative, and self-organizational practice in the new educational environment. The novelty of this work is that the author suggests the use of cloud technologies in teaching foreign language (FL) at the higher educational institution in terms of using cloud platforms such as Google Apps Education Edition and Microsoft Live@edu, as well as Microsoft's cloud storage SkyDrive and AppleiCloud. The author suggests prospective lines for implementation of noted resources into the cloud technology-based educational process in both in-class learning and student self-study. Keywords: cloud technologies, cloud computing, web-service, data processing center, cloud storage, cloud platform Microsoft Live@edu, Google Apps Education Edition, Microsoft’s cloud storage SkyDrive and Apple iCloud, private clouds, common clouds References Karabayeva, K., 2015, “Focus on Profession: Teaching Insights Using a Technology in a SLA Classroom,” International Education Studies, 8(2). Mell, P., Grance, T., 2011, “The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing,” Recommendation of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Computer Security Division, Information Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaitherburg, MD 20899- 8930, 7 p. Plumer, D.C., Cearley, D.W., Smith, D. M., 2008, “Cloud Computing Confusion Leads to Opportunity,” Retrieved from http://www.gartner.com/it/content/868800/86881/cloud _computing_confusion.pdf Kshetri, N., 2010, Clouds in Developing Countries,” Open Systems, 9, Retrieved from http://www.osp.ru/os/ 2010/09/13005729/ Ivannikov, V.P., “Cloud Computing in Education, Science and the Public Sector,” Retrieved from http://paco.ipu.ru/pdf/P301.pdf Jian, F., 2009, “Cloud Computing-based Distance Education Outlook,” China Electronic Education, pp. 39-42. Juan, Y.S., Yi-xiang, 2010, “The Initial Idea of New Learning Society which Based on Cloud Computing,” Modern Educational Technology, 20(1), pp. 14-17. Khasenova G.I., Shakerkhan K.O., 2012, “The Possibilities of Applying Cloud Computing-based Technologies,” Information Technologies in Education, 12, pp. 206-214, Retrieved from http://vestnik.kazntu.kz/files/newspapers/80/2594/2594.pdf Seydametov, Z.S., Seitvelieva, S.N., 2011, “Cloud Services in Education,” Information Technologies in Education, 9, pp. 105-111. Ballmer, S., 2010, “Five Dimensions of "Cloud Computing," Retrieved from http://www.microsot.com/events/ ballmer-students-lecture-2010/default.mspx. Sklater N., 2010, “E-learning on the Cloud,” 10th International Journal of Control Systems and Virtual Private Tuition, 1(1), pp. 10-19, Retrieved from http: //www.distance - learning.ru/db/el/382DF785722E67DBC325787E005C58EA/doc.html. 12.“Google Apps for education,” Retrieved from www.google.com/enterprise/ apps/education/products.html. 13.“The Windows Azure Platform,” Retrived from http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/ windowsazure/dd163896.aspx#bk_Platform. Morze, N.V., Kuzminskaya, A.G., 2011, “Pedagogical Aspects of Using Cloud Computing,” Information Technologies in Education, pp. 20-29. Chard, K., Caton, S., Rana, O., Bubendorfer, K., 2010, “Social Cloud: Cloud Computing in Social Networks,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing. Mathew, S., 2012, “Implementation of Cloud Computing in Education: A Revolution,” International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, 4(3), pp. 473-475. Sclater, A.N., 2010, E-education in the cloud. 10th International Journal of Management systems and the problems of virtual personal training, 1 (1): 10-19. |
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Development of Intellectual Activity in Solving Exponential InequalitiesAkan Alpyssov , Zhazira Mukanova , Assel Kireyeva Janat Sakenov & Kabylgazy Kervenev
pp. 8679-8692 | Article Number: ijese.2016.659
Abstract The article describes the possibilities and the main directions of development of intellectual activity in teaching mathematics in school. The aims and specific features of application of international comparative TIMSS and PISA studies, as well as their results in the field of mathematics education in relation to the pupils in Kazakhstan are analyzed. We present some examples of solving exponential inequalities by the inverse operation method: in solving them it is possible to develop creativity and form the thinking logic of pupils. Keywords: mathematics education, intellectual activity, TIMSS, PISA, mathematical literacy, methods of inverse operations, solution of exponential inequalities, the standard inequality References Filippov, V.B. (2000). Matematika v obrazovanii i vospitanii [Mathematics in Education and Upbringing]. Moscow: Fazis. Reshotova, Z.A. (2002). Formirovanie sistemnogo myshleniya v obuchenii [Formation of Systemic Thinking in Training]. Moscow: UNITY-DANA. Lockhart, P. (2014). Plach matematika. Matematika v shkole [A Mathematician’s Lament. Mathematics in School]. Retrieved August 23, 2016, from http://ege-ok.ru/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Pol_Lokkhart_quot_Plach_matematika_quot.pdf. Uspenskiy, V.A. (2010). Apologiya matematiki [Apology of Mathematics]. Saint Petersburg: Amphora. Alpysov, A.K. (2013). Uravneniya i neravenstva [Equations and Inequalities]. Pavlodar. Esmukhan, M.E., & Alpysov, A.K. (2002). Pokazatel'nye i logarifmicheskie uravneniya i neravenstva [Exponential and Logarithmic Equations and Inequalities]. Kokshetau. Alpysov, A.K. (2012). Metodika prepodavaniya matematiki [Methods of Teaching Mathematics]. Pavlodar. Zhokhov, A.L. (2007). Mirovozzrenie: stanovlenie i razvitie, vospitanie cherez obrazovanie i kul'turu [Worldview: Formation and Development, Upbringing through Education and Culture]. Arkhangelsk: Institute of Management; Yaroslavl: Yaroslavl branch of IU. Khazankin, R.G. (1990). Kakaya krasivaya zadacha! [What a Beautiful Problem!]. Narodnoe obrazovanie, 9. Rezul'taty mezhdunarodnogo issledovaniya otsenki uchebnykh dostizheniy uchashchikhsya 4-kh i 8-kh klassov obshcheobrazovatel'nykh shkol Kazakhstana. Natsional'nyy otchet [The Results of the International Study Evaluating Educational Achievements of the Pupils of the 4th and 8th Grades of Secondary Schools of Kazakhstan. National Report]. (2013). Astana: NTSOSO. OECD. (2013). PISA 2012 Assessment and Analytical Framework. Mathematics, Reading, Science, Problem Solving and Financial Literacy. Paris: OECD. The World Bank. (2013). Ukreplenie: sistemy obrazovaniya Kazakhstana. Analiz rezul'tatov issledovaniya PISA, provodimogo v 2009 i 2012 godakh [Strengthening the Education System of Kazakhstan. Analysis of the Results of PISA Conducted in 2009 and 2012]. Retrieved August 23, 2016, from http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/230321468263647366/pdf/929130RUSSIAN00n0Online0FINAL0Dec01.pdf. Matematicheskaya gramotnost' uchashchikhsya [Mathematical Literacy of Pupils]. (2014). Astana: Branch of the "Education Measurement Center" of "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools". Sakenov, D.Zh. (2012). Preparation of Students of Higher Education Institution for Professional Activity in the Course of Studying of Pedagogical Disciplines. World Applied Sciences Journal, 19(10): 1431-1436. Schantz, E.A. (2012). Professional Training of University Students as a Holistic Educational System. Theory and Practice of Education in the Modern World, 1: 383-386. OECD. (2012). PISA 2012 Released Mathematics Items. Retrieved August 23, 2016, from http://www.oecd.org/pisa/pisaproducts/pisa2012-2006-rel-items-maths-ENG.pdf. |
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“Green” Logistics as an Instrument for Putting Together a New Model for Professional and Career-Broadening Training in Global Economic SpaceMikhail Nikolaevich Dudin, Evgenia Evgenevna Frolova, Mikhail Nikolaevich Kuznetsov, Liliana Valer'evna Drobysheva & Ekaterina Vladimirovna Krasulya
pp. 8693-8705 | Article Number: ijese.2016.660
Abstract This paper looks into the key aspects of the shift in the instruction of logistics as a discipline from traditional to environmentally responsible practices. The authors examine the experience of the development of scientific-educational systems in the world’s more advanced societies (the European Union and North America), as well as in the BRICS countries. The paper proposes specific ways to reform the model for professional and career-broadening education by reference to the amassed global experience. The authors draw the following major conclusions: • both today’s scientific and business communities are oriented toward the shift to environmentally responsible development, which presupposes gradually renouncing the use of hydrocarbon energy resources, embracing the use of renewable technology and recycling, and ensuring social stability; • we are witnessing a change in the tenor of not only the strategic concept of the development of particular scientific and business areas but of the functional one as well. Thus, for instance, the domain of logistics services is currently being enriched with the concept of “green logistics”, which implies a need for relevant human resources specializing in the field. Many leading nations have already started transforming their education models, as a whole, and their methods for the instruction of logistics as a discipline, in particular, in specific alignment with the principles of environmental responsibility; • the education systems of certain world powers, including the Russian model for education, have not yet been fully adapted for shifting to “green logistics”, one of today’s latest scientific paradigms. Among the major reasons behind this delay is the failure to properly reform the scientific-educational sector, as well as the state’s excessive, and rarely effective, participation in the development of this area. To help remediate this situation, the authors propose a set of recommendations aimed at helping to put together a new model for professional and career-broadening training in keeping with the latest scientific concepts and the needs of the labor market. Keywords: “green” logistics, environmental responsibility, science, education, universities, Russia, BRICS, European Union, North America References Pearce, D. W., Markandya, A., & Barbier, E. (1997). Blueprint for a green economy (p. 208). London: Earthscan Publications. Chapple, K. (2008). Defining the green economy: A primer on green economic development (p. 66). Berkeley, CA: Center for Community Innovation, University of California. UNEP. (2011). Towards a green economy: Pathways to sustainable development and poverty eradication. Retrieved September 1, 2016, from http://web.unep.org/greeneconomy/sites/unep.org.greeneconomy/files/field/image/green_economyreport_final_dec2011.pdf Busemeyer, M. R., & Trampusch, C. (2012). The political economy of collective skill formation (p. 359). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ashton, D. N., & Green, F. (1996). Education, training and the global economy (p. 227). Cheltenham, England: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. Dunleavy, P. (2014). 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Creating an Effective System of Education to Prepare Future Human Resources within the Context Provided by the Global Shift toward a “Green Economy”Mikhail Nikolaevich Dudin, Evgenia Evgenevna Frolova, Petr Aleksandrovich Kucherenko,Tatyana Mikhailovna Samusenko & Natalya Andreevna Voikova
pp. 8706-8717 | Article Number: ijese.2016.661
Abstract This article explores the major aspects of putting together effective national systems of education oriented toward providing academic instruction to the population and preparing future human resources for work within the economy in specific alignment with the concept of environmental responsibility (or that of “green economy”). The major conclusions drawn by the authors are: • this period in the development of modern civilization, characterized by our aggressive and wasteful exploitation of the Earth’s natural resources, nearing its end, the major condition for our civilization to be able to physically go on is the shift to a “green economy”, a new global concept that implies being oriented toward ensuring social equality and the availability of resources and education on the basis that our anthropogenic and technogenic impact on the environment will not be aggressive; • national education and human resource preparation systems serve as a strategic basis that determines the specificity of national social-economic development. They ought to be transformed and enhanced, while working to forestall whatever catastrophic scenarios for the development of society and the economy there may be; • the global shift from resource-wasting to resource-effective development, predicated on knowledge and its creative utilization, will be possible via the harmonization of national systems of education and their transformation, involving a shift in the focus of learning from anthropocentrism to biocentrism and ecocentrism. Keywords: “green economy”, sustainable development, education, preparation of human resources, system of education, learning, standard of living, environmental responsibility References Berger, S., & Lester, R. K. (2015). Global Taiwan: Building competitive strengths in a new international economy (p. 325). London: Routledge. Busemeyer, M. R., & Trampusch, C. (2012). The political economy of collective skill formation (p. 359). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Malhotra, Y. (2001). 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HUMANITIES – THE BASIS OF UNIVERSITY EDUCATIONT. M. Stepanskaya, I. V. Chernyaeva & V. I. Naumova
pp. 8718-8725 | Article Number: ijese.2016.662
Abstract The article analyzes the role of humanities in forming the worldview of modern person in the system of higher education. It emphasizes the idea that a graduate of the higher education institute, and especially the university, should not only be an expert (a professional), but above all, a person of culture. Humanities as the basis of university education are considered in the article in a historical context and in the context of creation of educational institution in conditions of humanistic worldview formation. The authors refer to the historical experience of European and Russian universities, show the major periods of formation of the capital and the provincial Arts in the university educational space. The article emphasizes close relationship of the organization of the university humanities departments in the process of archaeological research and the development of museums and gallery movement. The article characterizes the contribution of Russian scientists in the formation of art disciplines teaching in educational institutions of Russia – A. G. Gabrichevsky, A. A. Fedorov-Davydov, E.N. Atsarkina, V. N. Lazarev, A. N. Savinova, N. V. Alpatov, Y. M. Lotman and others. The authors consider the concepts of “contextual thinking”, “one-dimensional person” and "multi-dimensional person". The article presents domestic experience of art criticism development as a science in the system of higher education. Keywords: art criticism, university, monuments, artistic creativity, contextual thinking References Gabrichevsky, A. G. Morphology of Arts. M.: Agraf, 2002. - 863 p. History of Russian and Soviet art . Ed. by D. V. Sarabyanov. M.: Higher School, 1989, 448 p. Stepanskaya, T. M. The universalism of the humanities - the Russian university tradition. Cultural Heritage of Siberia: Collection of Articles. Altay State University. Barnaul, 2005. - P. 144-148. Kamensky, S. Y. Actualization of archaeological heritage in the contemporary socio-cultural practices. PhD Thesis Abstract. Ekaterinburg, Urals State University, 2009. P. 14-19. Shichanina, Y. V. Phenomenon of interdimensionality. Philosophical sciences. 2004, No. 5, P. 41-53. Losev, A. F. Higher synthesis of both happiness and knowledge. Higher synthesis: Unknown Losev. M.: CheRo, 2005, P. 13-33. Nekhvyadovich L.I., Chernyaeva I.V. Experience and Perspectives of Art History Development in Educational Space of Siberia at the Turn of XX – XXI centuries. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education. – 2016, V. 11, Is. 7, p. 1501-1507 Nekhvyadovich, L.I., Stepanskaya, T.M. 2014. Ethnocultural tradidition as a basis of national originality of the art schools. Terra Sebvs. Special Issue, p. 161-175. Chernyaeva, I. V. Artistic galleries of the Western Siberia at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. Barnaul. 2013. 163 p.: illustrated. Chernyaeva, I.V. 2014. Sources of funding of cultural institutions in Russia at the turn of the XX - XXI centuries. Terra Sebvs. Special Issue. Pp. 147-159. |
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