Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
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Enrichment Wastes’ Processing of Manganiferous Ores with the Use of Mechanochemical MethodsSholpan N. Kubekova, Viktoria I. Kapralova, Gulnur T. Ibraimova and Aigul A. Batyrbayeva
pp. 3855-4869 | Article Number: ijese.2016.359
Abstract The aim of the research is the study of the chemical and phase composition of enrichment wastes of manganiferous ore in Ushkatyn-III deposit and the synthesis of new materials by mechanochemical activation and subsequent heat treatment of the mechanical activation products. The use of XFA, infrared spectroscopy and electron probe microanalysis showed that the main phase is spar CaCO3 (65 % wt). A number of silicophosphate materials were obtained based on these wastes by mechanochemical method in the two-phase system “enrichment wastes – phosphoric acid” with subsequent heat treatment of the mechanical activation products. In addition, it is shown that their solubility has an extreme character depending on the annealing temperature with a minimum at 600°C. These products can be used as fertilizer materials of prolonged action, as well as metal corrosion inhibitors for water environments. Keywords: Ore, manganiferous ore enrichment, silicophosphates, mechanochemical activation, IR-spectroscopic analysis of enrichment wastes References Abishev, D. N. & Eremin, Y. P. (2000). The Enrichment of Fine-Ore is the Priority of Mining and Metallurgical Industry. Industry of Kazakhstan, 2, 96. All-Union State Standard 20851.2-75 (1990). «Mineral Fertilizers. Methods for Phosphates Determination». Moscow: State Committee for the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology, 37 p. Avvakumov, E. G. (1986). Mechanical Methods of Chemical Processes’ Activation. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 305 p. Buketov, E. A., Gabdullin, T. G. & Takenov, T. D. (1979). Metallurgical Processing of Manganiferous Ore of Central Kazakhstan. Almaty: Nauka, 368 p. Chaikina, M. V. (2002). Mechanochemistry of Natural and Synthetic Apatites. Novosibirsk: RAS Siberian Branch Press, Geological Branch, 223 p. Chanturiia, V. A. (2002). Status and Prospects of Enrichment of Ores in Russia. Non-ferrous Metals, 2, 15. Clarke, P., Fornasiero, D., Ralston, J. & Smart, R. St. (1995). A Study of the Removal of Oxidation Products from Sulfide Mineral Surfaces. Minerals Engineering, 8(11), 1347–1357. Esembekova, M. B., Kubekova, S. N. & Kapralova, V. I. (2016). New Silicophosphate Materials Based on Wastes of Polymetallic ore Enrichment. Collection of Scientific Articles from the International Scientific-practical Conference «Modernization Vector of Development of Science in the XXI Century: Traditions, Innovations, Continuity», 149-153. Eszhanov, A. B. & Kapralova, V. I. (2013). The Dependence of the Aluminium-silicophosphate Sorbents’ Properties Based on Waste Beneficiation of Ores of Non-ferrous Metals from their Composition and Conditions of Production. Collection of Scientific Articles from International Academic Conference «Modern Problems of Higher Education and Science in the Field of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering», 205-208. Gelfman, M. I., Tarasova, Y. 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Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan, 2, 102-105. Kazakova, E. V. (2015). Modern Problems and Prospects of Development of Engineering and Technology. France: UNESCO Publishing, 231 p. Kochetkov, S. P., Khriaschev, S. V. (1978). Defluoridation of Apatites During the Wet Grinding. Applied Chemistry Journal, 51(12), 2661-2664. Kochetkov, S. P. & Lembrikov, V. M. (1979). On the Prospects for the Use of Mechanochemical Methods for the Apatites Processing. Russian Chemical Bulletin. Chemical Sciences Issue, 3(7), 29-34. Kochetkov, S. P., Zorikhina, Z. A., Klevtsov, M. G. (1979). On Transformations of Calcium Phosphates in the Process of Vibration Milling in Wet Mode. Applied Chemistry Journal, 52(12), 252-257. Kubekova, S. N., Kapralova, V. I., Neverova, K. A., & Kim, N. (2015). Aluminium-silicophosphate Sorbents’ Synthesis Based on ore Enrichment Wastes from Asektas Deposit. Collection of Scientific Articles from the International Scientific-practical Conference. Saint Petersburg: Alfaret, 91-95. Molchanov, V. I. & Yusupov, M. S. (1981). Physical and Chemical Properties of Finely Divided Minerals. Moscow: Nedra, 157 p. Patkovskaya, N. A. & Tsukerman, V. A. (2000). Innovative Technology for Cleaning Drinking and Waste Water: Obtaining and Using Natural Sorbent from Mining Waste. F.Y. Levinson-Lessing Scientific Conference: International Conference «Ecological Geology and Rational Use of Mineral Resources». Conference Management Ssystem. Saint Petersburg: Alfaret, 376-377 Permitina, G. V. (1984). Acid-free Technology of Producing Fertilizers on the Basis of the Wet Mechanical Activation of Natural Phosphates. Ivanovo: Institute of Chemical Engineering, 182 p. Saginzhan, A. S., Kapralova, V. I. & Kubekova, S. N. (2012). Crystalline Soluble Silicophosphates of Sodium-Manganese as the Metal Corrosion Inhibitors for Water Environment. Collection of Scientific Articles from the IX International and Technical Conference «Science, Education, Production in Solving Environmental Problems. Ufa, 267-272. Shevchenko, N. P, Ulanova, N. M. & Kapralova, V. I. (1998). Anticorrosive Properties of Water Solutions of Phosphates and Silicophosphates of Sodium and Calcium. Russian Academy of Sciences bulletin. Issue Inorganic Materials, 34(6), 730-733. Sidenko, P. M. (1977). Crushing in Chemical Industry. Moscow: Khimiia, 350 p. |
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Images of the ‘Other’ with ‘Alien’ Ethnicity in the Conscience of Russian Population Living in Border RegionsDaria A. Omelchenko, Svetlana G. Maximova, Oksana E. Noyanzina, Maxim B. Maximov & Galina S. Avdeeva
pp. 3994-4004 | Article Number: ijese.2016.309
Abstract In the age of dense international relations, heightened by intensive migration flows and local ethnic identity strengthening, the study of social representations of ethnic ‘others’ in public consciousness permit to fulfill the evaluation of the current interethnic situation in the country, explore the latent unconscious groundings for ethnic roles differentiation. As was found in the psychosemantic research in four border regions of Russia, the images of the ‘Other’ are constructed and reshaped through interrelations between different social roles performed by a representative of the other nationality. The core of these generalized images relies on the evaluation of the potential risk and the threat to national security, ethnic conflicts and tension, social inequality, cultural and intellectual level. The self-perception of Russian citizens is contradictory, assembling paternalistic view on other nationality, national uniqueness and superiority with a low self-esteem. Regional mentalities differ from general representations and reflect peculiarities of social perception of their possessors. Keywords: Image of the ‘other’, social representation, repertory grid, ethnicity, migrants References Anderson, B. R. (2006). Imagined communities: Reflections on the origins and spread of nationalism. London: Verso, 253 p. Arruda, A. (2015). Image, Social Imaginary and Social Representations. In G. Sammut, E. Andreouli, G. Gaskell, J and Valsiner (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of social representations. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 352 p. Augoustinos, M., Walker, I., & Donaghue, N. (2014). Social cognition: An integrated introduction. London: Sage, 262 p. Bauer, M. W., & Gaskell, G. (1999). Towards a Paradigm for Research on Social Representations. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 29(2), 163-186 Bourdieu, P. (1990). Structures, habitus, practices. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 421 p. Brubaker, R. (2012). Ethnicity without groups. Moscow: HSE Publishing house, 356 p. Burr, V., Giliberto, M., & Butt, T. (2014). Construing the cultural other and the self: A Personal Construct analysis of English and Italian perceptions of national character. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 39, pp. 53-65. Hjorth F. (2016). Who benefits? Welfare chauvinism and national stereotypes. European Union Politics, 17, 3-24. Howarth, C. (2006a). How social representations of attitudes have informed attitude theories: The consensual and the reified. Theory and Psychology, 16(5), 691–714. |
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Methodical Approaches to Determine the Level of Risk Associated with the Formation of the Capital Structure in Conditions of Unsteady EconomyMaria V. Petrovskaya, Anna A. Larionova, Natalia A. Zaitseva, Natalya V. Bondarchuk & Elena M. Grigorieva
pp. 4005-4014 | Article Number: ijese.2016.310
Abstract The relevance of the problem stated in the article is that in conditions of nonstationary economy the modification of existing approaches and methods is necessary during the formation of the capital. These methods allow taking into account the heterogeneity of factors’ change in time and the purpose of the development of a particular company, thereby ensuring higher market value of the business. The purpose of this article is to develop a methodology for determining the risk associated with the formation of the capital structure in conditions of nonstationary economy. During the study, the authors used the methods of economic-statistical and factor analysis, economic and mathematical modeling, allowing to consider the problem as a purposeful and organized process and form the capital structure with the objectives of business development, the dynamics of changes in each component of the cost of capital, minimize total financial costs and risks to attract sources for the foreseeable future and to maximize the market value of the company. The methodology includes five stages: creation of a dynamic database of key macro and microeconomic indicators; the formation of the matrix of the risk reasons associated with the price of capital, the calculation and comparative analysis of factors affecting the cost of capital in a period of time; establishing a weighted average cost of capital and its components for the planning period and determining the degree of influence of each component on the price change of capital and total risk level. The proposed methodology of the evaluation of the capital structure can be used in conditions of nonstationary economy for companies engaged in activities at the expense of their own and borrowed funds, considering the cost of capital by the current time Keywords: Capital management, capital structure, nonstationary economy, financial instrume References Altman, E. A. (1984). Further Empirical Investigation of the Bankruptcy Cost. Question Financial Management Association International, 38(1), 1–37. Annual Integrated Report (2015). Direct access: http://www.potashcorp.com/investors-/financial_reporting/annual/ Bodie, Z ., Kane, A. & Marcus, A. (2002). Investment principles. Moscow: Williams, 994 p. Braley, R. & Myers, S. (2008). Principles of corporate Finance. Мoscow: Olimp-Biznes, 1008 p. Damodaran, A. (2004). Investment evaluation. Tools and technology of evaluation of any assets (Translated from English). Moscow: Al'pina Biznes, 1342 p. Dzhandzhugazova, E. A., Zaitseva, N. A., Larionova, A. A., Petrovskaya, M. V. & Chaplyuk, V. Z. (2015). Methodological Aspects of Strategic Management of Financial Risks during Construction of the Hotel Business. Asian Social Science, 11(10), 229-234. Erdyneeva, K. G., Vasilyeva, K. K ., Krysova, E. V., Nikonova, T. V., Fatikhova, L. E., Klimenko, T. I., Zaitseva, N. A. & Marfina, L. V. (2016). The Mechanism of State Regulation of Regional Services Markets as an Imperative to Reduce Territorial Socio-Economic Disparities. Management of Education: Problems and Perspectives, 6, 274-280. Fischer, E. O., Heinkel, R. & Zechner, J.(1989). Dynamic capital structure choice: theory and tests. Journal of Finance, 44(1), 19-40. Frank, M. Z. & Goyal, V. K. (2009). Capital Structure Decisions: Which Factors are Reliably Important? Journal Of The Journal of Finance, 39, 1067—1089. Ibragimov, R. G. (2008). the effect of debt in calculating the cost of capital and valuation of a Business. Audit and financial analysis, 4, 130-142. Kostyuk, V. N. (2013). Nonstationary economy. The impact of complexity on economic development. Moscow: Publishing House "Lenand", 272 p. Livshits, V. N. (2013). A systematic analysis of the reform of the nonstationary economy of Russia. Moscow. Publishing House "Lenand". 640 p. Livshits, V. N. (2014). The nonstationarity of the Russian economy in transition. The journal "Problems of theory and practice of management", 2, 8-13. Lubnina, A. A., Shinkevich, M. V., Ashmarina, S. I., Zaitseva, N. A., Sayfutdinova, G. B. & Ishmuradova, I. I. (2016). Resource Saving Innovative Forms of the Industrial Enterprises. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(2), 479-483. Marshall, J. F., Bansal, V. K.(1998). Financial engineering. Moscow: Higher education, 784 p. Modigliani, F. & Miller, M. (1963). Corporate income taxes and the cost of capital. American Economic Review, 53(3), 433–443. Modigliani, F. & Miller, M. (1958). The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment. American Economic Review, 48(3), 261–297. Opler, T. C. & Titman, S. (1994) Financial Distress and Corporate Performance. Journal of Finance, 3, 1015—1040. Petrovskaya, M. V. & Vasilieva, L. S. (2010). A balanced model of the structure of sources of financing of innovative activity. Innovations and investments, 3, 9-11. Skidelsky, R. (2016). Craig Nan «Who runs the Economy? Direct access: http://www.palgrave.-com/gp/book/9781137580184 Titman, S. & Wessels, R. (1988). The Determinants of Capital Structure Choice. The Journal of Finance, 43(1), 1–19. Van Horn, К. (2003). Fundamentals of financial management. Moscow: Finance and statistics, 800 p. Vinogradskaya, N. A. & Ocheret, A. Y. (2010). Formation of a system of early detection of crisis symptoms in the enterprise management. The economy in the industry, 4, 47-54. |
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Development of Creative Potential of Cinema TourismElena A. Dzhandzhugazov, Elena L. Ilina, Aleksander N. Latkin & Anna I. Kosheleva
pp. 4015-4024 | Article Number: ijese.2016.311
Abstract The relevance of the problem indicated in the article is caused by the fact that under current conditions it is necessary to offer high-quality and demanded tourist products, formed at the combination of various industries on the basis of wide application of creative potential of different industries, including tourism and cinema, a harmonious conjunction that opens a new area of tourist activity –cinema tourism.The purpose of the article is to examine the role and significance of the creative potential to develop cinema tourism, to work out typologies and identify the key characteristics of cinema tours. The leading method to the study of the problem is the method of sociological research and modeling, allowing on the base of analysis of consumer preferences emphasize the key characteristics of the movie, which will be proposed as the cinematographic basis for creating a project of a new cinema tour.In the article the classification and the original typology of cinema tours are presented, on the basis of sociological research the specific peculiarities of building route of different types of cinema tours are emphasized, practical examples of the most popular cinema tours formed on the cinematographic basis selected as a result of the principles and approaches identified during the research are discussed. The article submissions may be useful for members of the scientific and educational community concerned with the problems of exploring the possibilities of application of creative potential, as well as for representatives of the tourism business developing niche products of cultural tourism. Keywords: Creative potential, cultural tourism, cinema tourism, types of cinema tours References Amabile, T. M. (1996). "A Model of Creativity and Innovation in Organizations. Research in Organizational Behavior, 10, 77-85. Dzhandzhugazova, Е. (2013). Particularities of Creation and Promotion of New Ideas in Social Network Space. World Applied Sciences Journal, 27, 79-84. Dzhandzhugazova, Е. (2016). Artistic space and time in the designing of competitive urban tourist product. Russian regions: looking into the future, 1, 52-62. Dzhandzhugazova, Е. & Christov Т. (2016). Film tourism as a basis for the development of promising tourist products. Russian regions: looking into the future, 2, 75-86. Florida, R. (2002). The Rise of the Creative Class and How It’s Transforming Work, Leisure, New York: Basic Books, 263 p. Howkins, J. (2001). The Creative Economy. London: Penguin, 242 p. Joseph, B., Pine, I. I. & Gilmore, J. H. (1999). The Experience Economy. Direct access: https://hbr.org/1998/07/welcome-to-the-experience-economy Kobyak, M., Ilyina, E., Latkin, A. (2015). Specifics of economic development of the experience economy in the hospitality and tourism industry. Russian regions: looking into the future, 3, 27-36. Landry, C. (2000). The Creative City. A Toolkit for Urban Innovators. London: Earthscan, 362 p. Landry, C. & Bianchini, F. (1995). The Creative City. Direct access: http://www.demos.co.uk/-files/thecreativecity.pdf Liu, X., Sheng H. S. & O’Connor, K. (2013). Art villages in metropolitan. Habitat International, 2, 88-94. Pratt, A. (2008). Creative cities. Geografiska Annaler, 2, 107–117. Richards, G. & Wilson, J. (2007). Creativity and Development. London: Routledge, 452 p. Urri, D. (2005). Vzglyad turista i globalizaciya. Pragmatika kul'tury, 1, 46-58. Russian Public Opinion Research Center (2014). Press release №2608 Direct access: http://wciom.ru/index.php?id=236&uid=114867 |
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The Study of Axiological Orientations of Kazakh Diaspora, Living AbroadFarida A. Sakhiyeva, Sveta K. Berdibayeva, Roza S. Kasymova, Mentay Shagyrbayeva, Clara B. Smatova & Ayimbala Sh. Orazbayeva
pp. 4025-4039 | Article Number: ijese.2016.312
Abstract Considers the lines of development for ethnic-national values as the driving force of the Kazakh nation’s multiethnic society, characterizes ethnic and national value orientations inherent in the representatives of the Kazakh nation based on a comparison of value orientations of Kazakh living in Kazakhstan and abroad, determines the dominating value orientations that are the basis for the identification of the representatives of the Kazakh nation. The research determines the content, character, and efficiency of ethnic-national values, which significantly depend on the formation conditions of the multiethnic society. The results of the conducted factor analysis allow concluding that the value structure of Kazakhstan’s main ethnic group and that of foreign Kazakhs is multifaceted and has certain similarities and differences. Foreign Kazakhs’ values focus to the search for meaning in religion, faith, destiny, and spirituality; alongside this, foreign Kazakhs value the sense of community and wellbeing, which reflects their collective values and manifests in the balance and harmony with themselves and other people. The Kazakhs who live in Kazakhstan are characterized by individual values, what allows determines the most important value what for their his family and financial status, while collective and social values, in this case, are of secondary importance. Keywords: Ethnic-national relations, multiethnic society, development, culture, value orientation References Alekseyeva, T. A. (2000). Modern political theory. Moscow: Russian political encyclopedia. 830p. Breuilly, J. (2006). Introduction in Nations and Nationalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1684-1685. Burlachuk, L. F. (2006). Psychodiagnostics. Textbook for High Schools, 309– 352. Saint-Petersburg: Peter, 253 p. Calhoun, C. (2006). Nationalism. Moscow: Trans, 288 p. Fantalova, E. B. (2002). New methods of diagnosis in Clinical psychology. In B.A.Marshinin (Eds.). Moscow: Publishing House Academy, 217 p. Fantalova, Ye. B., Kolmogorova, L. S. & Kashirsky, D. V. (2002). Method of diagnostic value orientations of the individual. Moscow: Publishing House Academy, 384 p. Fine, M. (2012). Resuscitating critical psychology for “Revolting” times. Journal of Social Issues, 68(12), 416 -438 Gold, S. (2002). The Israeli Diaspora. London: Routledge, 256 p. Howarth, C., Campbell, C., Cornish, F., Franks, B., Garcia-Lorenzo, L., Gillespie, A., Gleibs, I., Goncalves-Portelinha, I., Jovchelovitch, S., Lahlou, S., Mannell, J., Reader, T. & Tennant, C. (2013). Insights from Societal Psychology: a contextual politics of societal change. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 364-377. Karandashev, V. N. & Schwartz, S. H. (2004). Technique for the study of the values of the individual. Saint Petersburg: Rech, 241 p. Kuznetsova, E. I. (2010). Formation political nation in modern Ukraine. Proceedings of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen. Theory and Practice of Modern Science, 120, 314-320. Okladnikov, A. P. (1973).Ethnic and cultural genesis. Problems of the ethnic genesis of Siberian and Far Eastern peoples. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 155 p. Rokeach, M. (1973). The Nature of Human Values. New York: Free Press, 89(2), 399-401. Schnell, T. & Becker, P. (2006). Personality and meaning in life. Personality and Individual Differences, 41(1), 117-129. Schnell, T. & Becker, P. (2007). Manualdes Fragebogenszu Lebensbedeutungenund Lebenssinn. Göttingen: Hogrefe, 362 p. Schnell, T. (2006). Ohne Sinnkein Glück? Zur Relativierung und Differenzierungdes Zusammenhangsvon Sinnund Neurotizismus. Kongressder Deutschen Gesellschaftfür Psychologie, 4(51), 249-260. Schwartz, S. H. (1992). Universals in the content and structure of values: Theoretical Advances and empirical tests in 20 countries. Social Psychology, 25, 1-65. Schwartz, S. H., Melech, G., Lehmann, A., Burgess, S., Harris, M. & Owens, V. (2001).Extending the cross–cultural validity of the theory of basic human values with a different method of measurement. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 32, 519–542. Smith, A. (2004). Nationalism and modernism. Moscow: Praxis, 58. Woocher, J. S. (1986). Sacred Survival. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 37 p. Yermolaev, O. (2003). Kazakhstan Model of Ethnic Policy. Almaty, Oner, 184 p. |
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The Interrupted Intercourse in the Election Communication: Pragmatic AspectOlga K. Andryuchshenko, Gulnara S. Suyunova, Bibigul Dz. Nygmetova, Ekaterina P. Garanina
pp. 4040-4053 | Article Number: ijese.2016.313
Abstract The article provides analysis of the interrupted communication as part of the communication in the election discourse. The authors explored the most typical reasons for the interrupted communication in the electoral discourse analyzed communication failures as a kind of ineffective communication. Communication failures are presented as a result of interrupted communication, which may be determined by several reasons. The paper disclosed the key reason of these failures - the intention of the speaker - the reluctance to continue the conversation for one reason or another. The communication failures in terms of the election discourse were typical largely for the election debate, characterized by the impossibility of predicting future responses, uncomfortable questions that often required non-standard speech decisions on the part of the speaker. The study established the relationship between the ability of a politician to maintain effective communication and the creation of his positive or negative political image. Psychological causes of interrupted speech present a separate group: the emotional state of the speaker, his perception or non-perception of the opponent, the ability to transfer the required opinion in an expressive way. Keywords: Interrupted communication, election communication, communication failure, pragmatic aspect, political discourse References Akhatova, B. A. (2005). Communication Technologies in the political discourse. Bulletin of Al-Farabi KazNU, 7(89), 20-22. Baranov, A. N. (2001). Introduction to applied linguistics. Moscow: Editorial URSS, 360 p. Barthes, G. R. (1987). Elements of Semiotics. Lavers, A. & Smith, C, (Eds.). New York: Hill & Wang, 540 p. Cameron, D. (1998). Gender, Language and Discourse. Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 23(4), 945-973. Chudinov, A. P. (2012). Discourse characteristics of political communication. Political linguistics, 2 (40), 53-59. Chudinov, A. P. (2013). Essays on the Modern Political Metaphor Studies. Ekaterinburg: USPU, 176 p. Formanovskaya, N. I. (2002). Speech communication: communicative and pragmatic approach. Moscow: Russian language, 216 p. Foucault, M. (1970). The Order of Things: An archeology of human sciences. New York: Tavistock, 422 p. Geis, M. L. (1987). The Language of politics. New-York: Springer, 89 p. Grice, H. P. (1975). Logic and conversation. Syntax and Semantics, 3, 41–58. Issers, O. S. (2006). Communicative strategies and tactics of the Russian language. Moscow: URSS, 288 p. Martel, M. (1983). Political campaign debates. London: Longmanyu, 269 p. Maslova, A. Y. (2007). Introduction to Pragmalinguistics: Training book. Moscow: Flinta. Nauka, 152 p. Pocock, J. G. (1971). Politics, language and time. New-York: Atheneum, 123 p. Rassinskaya, O. V. (2015). Speech features of political communication. Young scientist, 1, 412-413. Seidel, G. (1985). Political discourse analysis. Washington: Blackwell Publishers, 874 p. Sheigal, E .I. (2000). Semiotics of political discourse. Volgograd: Peremena, 367 p. Sheigal, E. I. (2010). Genre space of political discourse. Direct access: http://www.filologija.vukhf.lt/510/doc/1.2%20Sheigal%20RED_VM.doc. Sineokaya, N. A. (2013). Characteristics of election discourse. Political Science, 7, 128-134. Temirgazina, Z. K. (2007). Interrupted communication as part of communication. Problems of language in the modern scientific paradigm. VII Sedelnikovsky readings, 128-132. Van Dijk, T. (1996). Discourse, power and access. London: Routledge, 307 p. |
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On the Origins, Stages and Prospects of the Kazakh PhilosophyYerlan B. Sydykov, Abdumalik N. Nysanbaev, Valikhan T. Tuleshov
pp. 4054-4064 | Article Number: ijese.2016.314
Abstract Perception of a single chain of the Kazakh history as the history of their ethnic consciousness and self-awareness, and not as a history of the events or stories of artefacts presents the most important political task, which could be solved only through the metaphysical, philosophical synthesis of views from the primitive to modern times. The article discusses the history of the Kazakh philosophy from the inception of the native-nomadic worldview - Tengrianism. The article aims at justifying the need to examine the national philosophy to strengthen national independence. Research methodology is based on the dialectical and metaphysical approaches. As a result, modern Kazakh philosophy is a complex and highly organized spiritual energy structure. One should use consciously and effectively the diverse theoretical and ideological content of the Kazakh philosophy. In a metaphorical sense, there is a need to disclose the personal and moral sense of philosophy to the nation. In this case, empirical validity of each of its representatives will not lead to tragic consequences for the state independence. Research results indicate the importance of studying the Kazakh national philosophy in the context of globalization. Studying traditional, national philosophy provides the possibility to enhance national, cultural and historical identity, which in turn will enhance state independence. Keywords: Kazakh philosophy, metaphysical tradition, nomadic culture, national independence, self-development References Caesar, M. (2013). Umberto Eco: Philosophy, semiotics and the work of fiction. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 427 p. Degenaar, J., van der Merwe, W., & Cilliers P. (1999). Justice, law and philosophy: An interview with Jacques Derrida. South African Journal of Philosophy, 18(3), 279-286. Deleuze, G., & lix Guattari F. (2014). What is philosophy? Columbia: Columbia University Press, 352 p. Derrida, J. (2007). Positions. Moscow: Academic Project, 253 p. Edelbay, S. (2012). Traditional Kazakh Culture and Islam. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(11), 33-42. Freud, S. (2012). The basic writings of Sigmund Freud. London: Modern library, 253 p. Gabitov, T., Moldagaliev, B., & Zhanabaeva, D. (2013). Kazakh culture in the context of the traditional civilizations of Asia. Central Asia and the Caucasus, 14(2), 12-18. Glover, W. (2013). Nomads: Nomadic Material Culture in the Asian Collections of the Homiman Museum. New York: Folk Life, 252 p. Gritsanov, A. A., (2008). Gilles Deleuze. Minsk: The Book House, 432 p. Hösle, V. A. (2016). Short History of German Philosophy. Princeton University Press, 352 p. Kemelbekov, K., Abdurakhmanov, N., & Begdauletova K. (2014). The Traditional Perception of the World and the Role of Sufism Kazakhs in the Formation of the Kazakh Philosophy. World Applied Sciences Journal, 29(8), 1078-1081. Koniratbaeva, Z. M., Altaeva, Z. T., & Koniratbaev, O. M. (2015). Kazakh Ethno and Lingvocultural Ideology: The Symbol of «Blue». Anthropologist, 22(3), 435-441. Koshekova, A. A., Alpysbay, S. E., Chakenova, B. A. (2016). Zhyrau Origin and its Activities. Actual problems of Arts and Sciences. 3(2), 136-139. Lymer, K. (2014). Nomads and networks: the ancient art and culture of Kazakhstan. Central Asian Survey, 33(1), 125-127. Ning'er, S. (2013). Social Change: A Study on Sea Nomads in Japan. Journal of Ocean University of China, 1, 003. Russell, B. (2013). History of Western Philosophy: Collectors Edition. London: Routledge, 255 p. Talgat, M. & Ayman, A. (2015). Religion of Old Turks. Anthropologist, 21(2), 46-50. Tapper, R. (2013). Tsars, Cossacks, and Nomads: The Formation of a Borderland Culture in Northern Kazakhstan in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. International Journal of Turkish Studies, 19(2), 263. Tuleshov, V. U. (2010). Asian Way: history of the XXI century. Almaty: Almatykitap baspasy, 192 p. Tuleshov, V. U. (2011). Asian Way: history of the XXI century. Almaty: Zhibek Zholy, 278 p. Wheat, C. A. (2015). Derrida's Objection To The Metaphysical Tradition. Direct access: http://scholarship.claremont.edu/cmc_theses/1188 Winter, L. (2014). The Culture and Practice of Assessment in Kazakhstan. The Case of School Reform in Kazakhstan, 133 p. Zharylgapov, Z., & Takirov, S. (2012). Formation of Critical Realism Principles in Kazakh Prose. European Researcher, 37(12), 2203-2207. |
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Formation of the Integral Ecological Quality Index of the Technological Processes in Machine Building Based on their Energy EfficiencySergey B. Egorov, Alexey V. Kapitanov, Vladimir G. Mitrofanov, Leonid E. Shvartsburg, Natalia A. Ivanova, Sergey A. Ryabov
pp. 4065-4078 | Article Number: ijese.2016.315
Abstract The aim of article is to provide development of a unified assessment methodology in relation to various technological processes and the actual conditions of their implementation. To carry the energy efficiency analysis of the technological processes through comparison of the established power and the power consumed by the actual technological process during its implementation using real technological equipment, i.e. upon determining the integral ecological quality index of the machine-building technological fabrication processes. This allows to determine the impact of technological processes on the environment due to the energy losses and to implement this process under excessive currents. In this case, the integral ecological quality index is determined by the ratio of the fabrication power set by the technologist and the power consumed by the actual technological process during its implementation using the real technological equipment. The integral ecological quality index is specific due to the fact that it is formed not on with regard to statistical data; it is based on the energy characteristics of the implemented technological process with regard to the real state of equipment and related factors, which are important for assessing the ecological performance of the real technological process. Keywords: Technological process, power analysis, ecology, energy efficiency, integrated ecological index References Drogui, P., Blais, J. F., & Mercier, G. (2007). Review of electrochemical technologies for environmental applications. Recent patents on engineering, 1(3), 257-272. Duflou, J. R., Sutherland, J. W., Dornfeld, D., Herrmann, C., Jeswiet, J., Kara, S., & Kellens, K. (2012). Towards energy and resource efficient manufacturing: A processes and systems approach. CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, 61(2), 587-609. Fisher, A. J. (2002). System and method for recovering energy from an air compressor. 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The Role of Environmental Knowledge in Altai Peoples' Adaptation to the Conditions of EcologicalMichail Shishin, Oksana Engoyan, Elena Zhukova, Svetlana Surazakova
pp. 4079-4092 | Article Number: ijese.2016.316
Abstract The article is devoted to the experience of traditional nature conservation when it needs to adapt social and natural systems to global climate change. The study provides a brief overview of the regulatory and legal aspects of decision issues concerning land management in Altai region in the context of the problems involved. We also studied problems of adaptation of local people to conditions of current ecological crisis by using modern technologies, such as RES (renewable energy sources). We conclude that state regulation of the processes of adaptation of local population to climate change is now urgently required. Keywords: Climate change, indigenous peoples, environmental culture, mountain regions, renewable energy References Anudarieva, D. T. (2014). The problem of preserving of natural and natural-religious objects in the territory Agin-Buryat district. Ethnos and habitat. Collection of articles on ethnoecology, 4, 93-115. Beket, U., Shishin, M. Y. & Engoyan, O.Z. (2015). The desertification problems of the Great Altai. Science and Education of the great Alta, 2, 1-10. Cumming, G. S., Allen, C. R., Ban, Natalie C., Biggs, Duan, Biggs, H. C., Cumming, D. H. M., Alta De Vos, Epstein, G., Etienne, M., Maciejewski, K., Mathevet, R., Moore, Ch., Nenadovic, M., Schoon, M. (2015). Understanding protected area resilience. Ecological Applications, 25(2), 299-319. Engoyan, O. Z. & Surazakova, S. P. (2006). On the question of the Development Strategy of Altai Republic. The Altai messenger, 2(8), 14-28. Hanna, Ph., Langdon, E. J. & Vanclay, F. (2016). Indigenous rights, performativity and protest. Land Use Policy, 50, 490-506. Hanna, Ph., Vanclay, F., Langdon, E. J. & Arts, J. (2014). Improving the effectiveness of impact assessment pertaining to Indigenous peoples in the Brazilian environmental licensing procedure. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 46, 58-67. Kypchakova, L. V. (1983). The problem of the Altaian tree cult. The Questions of the Altai Mountain Region Archeology and Ethnography, 5, 141-148. Levin, N., Kark, S., Crandal, D. (2015). Where have all the people gone? Enhancing global conservation using night lights and social media. Ecological Applications, 25(8), 2153-2167.. Lopulenko, N. A. (1988). Land-fights as a preservation and development of USA and Canada Eskimo ethnic-awareness factor. The American Indian and Eskimo ecology. The Indian studies problem, 209-217. Maciejewski, K. & Cumming, G. S. (2015). The relevance of socioeconomic interactions for the resilience of protected area networks. Ecosphere, 6(9), 1-14. Novikova, N. I. (2013). The indigenous people of the Russian North and the oil and gas companies. Arctic: ecology and economy, 3(11), 102-111. Nygaard, V. (2016). Do indigenous interests have a say in planning of new mining projects? The Extractive Industries and Society, 3(1), 17-24. Prussing, E. & Newbury, E. (2016). Neoliberalism and indigenous knowledge. Social Science & Medicine, 150, 57-66. Radlov, V. F. (1871). The trade relations between Russia and Western Mongolia and their future. The word about Altai, 3(2), 74-84. Røpke, I. (2016). Complementary system perspectives in ecological macroeconomics. The example of transition investments during the crisis Ecological Economics, 121, 237-245. Shishin, M. Y. & Makarova, E. V. (2010). Constants of Russian and Mongolian culture. Altai Printing House, 6, 36-42. Surazakova, S. P. & Epishev, K. M. (2012). The development of alternative power engineering in Altai Republic. The Polzunovsky messenger, 4, 201-204. The Civil Code of Russian Federation №51-FL (2015). Legal reference system Consultant Plus, Moscow, 76p. The Federal Law №49-FL (2014). On traditional nature management territories of the Russian Federation Indigenous Peoples in the North, Siberia and Far East. Reference legal system Consultant Plus, Moscow, 56 p. The Federal law №82-FL (2015). On rights guarantees of the Russian Federation indigenous peoples. Legal reference system Consultant Plus, Moscow. 64 p. The Land Code of the Russian Federation № 136- FL (2015). Legal reference system Consultant Plus, Moscow, 74 p. Vinogradova, S. N. & Masloboyev, V. A. (2015). Mining in traditional territories of indigenous people of the North. Arctic: ecology and economy, 2(18), 96-103. White, G. M. (2006). The North America Indians. Moscow, AST, 252 p. Zhukova, E.V. (2015). Some problems of Russian legislation on the rights of indigenous peoples in the traditional nature exploitation sphere. In S.B. Bregetova, L.I. Drobysheva, S.Y. Shevelev (Eds), Barnaul: Saint Petersburg Management and Economics University, 209-216. |
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Ranking of the Ecological Disaster Areas According to Coliform Contamination and the Incidence of Acute Enteric Infections of the Population in Kyzylorda RegionMariya N. Omarova, Lyazzat Zh. Orakbay, Idelbay H. Shuratov, Asiya T. Kenjebayeva, Aizhan B. Zhumagalieva, Ainur B. Sarsenova
pp. 4093-4103 | Article Number: ijese.2016.317
Abstract The paper is devoted to monitoring the environmental coliform bacteria (CB) contamination (soil and water) in the environmental disaster areas in the Kazakhstan part of the Aral Sea Region and ranking districts by their level of contamination and the rate of gastrointestinal infections (GI). The research was done in environmental disaster areas (Aral District, Kazaly District) and environmental crisis areas (Karmakshy District, Zhalagash District, and Shieli District) in the Kyzylorda Region. The areas were ranked in terms of CB contamination level and GI rate in descending order. The bacterial composition in the gathered water samples showed that the greatest number of contaminated samples was found in the Aral District and an insignificantly smaller number of contaminated water samples were found in the Shieli District. A combination of various microorganisms (by two or three species) was found in most studied samples of soil and water, while the total microbial count ranged from 2.1 to 6.7. The obtained results show that the rankings of areas by E.coli contamination and GI rate coincided or were very close, but weakly correlated with the severity of the environmental disaster. Keywords: Coliform bacteria, Gastrointestinal Infections, environmental disaster, water and soil pollution, Aral See References Abdullaev, I., & Rakhmatullaev, S. (2013). Transformation of water management in Central Asia: from State-centric, hydraulic mission to socio-political control. Environmental Earth Sciences, 73(2), 849–861. Anaedi, O. (2002). The Aral Sea. Problems and Solutions. Ecology and Sustainable Development, 7, 13–19. Anuraj, A., Tiwari, V. K., Babu, P. P., Sreekanth, G. B., & Srinivas R, P. (2015). Portals of Entry for Gram-Negative Bacteria in a Freshwater Prawn Hatchery. 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Budgeting-Based Organization of Internal ControlTatiana Rogulenko, Svetlana Ponomareva, Anna Bodiaco, Valentina Mironenko, Vladimir Zelenov
pp. 4104-4117 | Article Number: ijese.2016.318
Abstract The article suggests methodical approaches to the budgeting-based organization of internal control, determines the tasks and subtasks of control that consist in the construction of an efficient system for the making, implementation, control, and analysis of managerial decisions. The organization of responsibility centers by means of implementing budgeting is suggested with a view to ensuring the stable work of independent educational institutions under the conditions of their partial independence. The goal of the development and implementation of a budgeting system is to create an instrument for the efficient organization of the activity management of an institution and its structural units by planning, controlling incomes and expenses, and analyzing economic and financial indicators. Keywords: Internal control, budgeting, control, analysis of managerial decisions, management functions References Bodiako, A. (2011a). The methods of accounting and internal control of salaries calculation. Moscow: State University of Management Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, 263 p. Bodiako, A. (2011b). The methods of accounting and internal control of salaries calculation. Moscow: “Marketing” Information-Implementation Center, 135 p. Bogdanov, A. (1989). Tektology: Universal Organization Science. Moscow: Institute of Economy of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 263 p. Bogoviz, A. (2013a). Modeling the Labor Process One of the Tasks of Strengthening of Positive Trends in the Economic Growth of the Industrial Enterprises of the Region. World Applied Sciences Journal, 8(25), 1222-1225. Bogoviz, A. (2013b). Regional Aspects of Labour Management. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 8(16), 1105-1108. Brueckner, J. (2002). Airport Congestion When Carriers Have market Power. The American Economic Review, 92(5), 12-17. Dementyev, V. (2009). Long waves of economic development and financial bubbles. Moscow: Central Economic Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Eickhof, N., & Kreikenbaum, D. (1998). Die Liberalisierung der Märkte für leitungsgebundene Energien. Wirstschaft und Weltbewerb, 48(8), 4-10. Ghoshal, S., & Bartlett, C. (2000). The Individualized Corporation: A Fundamentally New approach to Management. Random House Business Book, 4, 56-58. Glazyev, S. (2010). The strategy of Russia’s advanced development under the conditions of a global crisis. Moscow: Economy, 353 p. Kaplan, R. & Norton, D. (2001). The Strategy-Focused Organization. Harvard: Harvard Business School Press. Kasperk, G. (1997). Deregulierung und Privatisierung des Elektrizitätssektors in Entwicklungsländern. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 426 p. Lopatin, V. (2008). The system of managing business-processes. Credit Institution Management analytical journal, 6, 23-28. Melnik, M. (2012). Organizing an internal audit and control system at large organizations. Audit Journal, 2, 118-134. Melnik, M. (2013). Innovations in reporting and control of modern commercial organizations. Economy and management: problems, solutions, 5(17), 2-8. Mishin, V. (2003). Study of management systems. Moscow: UNITY-DANA, 527 p. Myrdal, G. (1957). Economic Theory and Underdeveloped Regions. London: Rutledge, 253 p. Oskorbin, N. (1989). Volume of Abstracts International School. Seminar Optimization Methods and Their Applications. Some Aspects of Optimization of Decision Support System. Baikal: Znanie, 66-67. Pine, B. & Gilmore, J. (2005). The Experience Economy: Work Is Theater & Every Business a Stage. UNCTAD, World Investment Report: Transnational Corporations and the Internationalization of RD. Geneva: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 255 p. Ponomareva, S. (2013). Reporting and control system of information support for intellectual business-services management. Moscow: KNORUS, 325 p. Ragulina, J. & Zavalko N. (2013). Integration Processes in the Chain: Science, Higher Vocational Education and Production, as a Factor in the Increasing the Competitiveness of the Educational Institution. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research. Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities, 13, 161-166. Rogulenko, T. & Ponomareva S. (2011). Improving the internal control and audit system under the transition to international financial reporting standards. Moscow: Economic Newspaper publishing house, 253 p. Rogulenko, T. (2012). Internal audit and its place in internal control. RISC: Resources, Information, Supplies, Competition, 1, 568-576. Sokolov, Ya. (2000). Basic accounting theory. Moscow: Finances and statistics, 253 p. Zelenov, V. (2010). Organization of internal audit and its role in increasing the efficiency of the internal control system. Fundamental and applied researches of the cooperative sector of the economy, 3, 77-85. |
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The Implementation of the Program Personnel SupportTatyana Veynbender & Svetlana Vershinina
pp. 4118-4132 | Article Number: ijese.2016.319
Abstract The article contains analysis software products used in the preparation of professionals through which they can realize themselves in this industry. The aim of the study is the analysis of personnel petroleum education in specialized university. The result is a sociological study on the question of the need and importance of personnel support petroleum and geological formations; the rating of Russian universities, which train specialists in the oil and gas industry training. Discussed the main programs of dynamic simulation solutions for training through new information technologies. Also developed projects to train teachers in new software system that will enable them to improve skills and to improve teaching methods. The principles of structural balanced educational programs and advanced training for educational global networks of production, trade for direction of personnel training. The article includes an analysis of universities that focused on high-quality training to working professionals. The novelty of the research is analytical survey realization personnel program support. Keywords: Professional training, training. the oil and gas industry, the Russian universities References Alekseev, A. I. (2005). The Geography of Russia, Moscow: Drofa, 264 p. All-Russian public organization "Business Russia" (2015). Direct access: http://www.deloros.ru/issledovaniya.html. Analysis and forecast of production of commodity group "oil Refining in Russia". (2011). The Institute for economic forecasting, issue 2, 253-267. Bakulin, V. V. & Kozin, V. V., (2007). The Geography of the Tyumen region Ekaterinburg, 1996. Russian Gazette, 40, 26-27. Glebov, A. F. (2006). Geological and Mathematical Simulation of Oil Reservoir: Seismic to Geo-Hydrodynamics. Moscow: Science World, 263 p. Kanevskaya, R. D. (2012). Mathematical modeling of hydrodynamic processes of hydrocarbon deposits development. Ishevsk: Institute of Comuter Researches, 352 p. Korzhubaev, A. G. & Suslov, V. I. (2008). Strategy of developing the infrastructure of transport of oil, oil products and gas in Russia. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 3(4), 1-28. Lappo, G. M. (1997). Urban Geography. Moscow: Vlados, 265 p. Large Tyumen encyclopedia. (2004). Tyumen: Tyumen State Univercity, 312-314. Naftogaz. (2003). The encyclopedia of the TSOGU graduates. Tyumen, 488 p Oil Refining industry of Russia. (2005). Geography, 13. Moscow: Science, 77 p. Sheveleva, N. P. (2014). The prospects for the implementation of University science window" in Russian universities, about new technologies in the oil and gas industry. Direct access: http://www.tyuiu.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Sbornik-materialov-konferentsii-Tom-2.pdf The Tyumen region today (2009b). The newspaper "The Tyumen region today", 64, 14-15. The Tyumen region today (2009a). The newspaper "The Tyumen region today", 42, 27-28. Zakrevsky, K. E. (2009). 3D geological modeling. Moscow :Mask, 262 p. |
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Conceptual Features of Value Management of Socio-Economic SystemsGalina V. Serebryakova & Igor K. Musayelyan
pp. 4133-4145 | Article Number: ijese.2016.320
Abstract The article highlights the need to establish and apply organizational and economic mechanisms that contribute to strengthening moral and ethical components in management. Emphasis is put on the issue of interactions within a company which lays a foundation for value management of socio-economic systems. It is shown that present-day business management is a system of managing the relations among various interested parties, i.e a system of managing the creation of value. It is substantiated that value management is the embodiment of values within a company on the basis of common and consensual corporate values that are shared by all the employees. It is revealed that interactions cannot be evaluated only on the basis of economic outcomes; social aspects of interaction are no less important. The results show that in the process of its functioning a company must create value for all its participants, and this is what helps it develop and enhance its stability. The practical value of the research is that it justifies the creation of a system of management which takes into account the main characteristics of interaction among its participants. Furthermore, the study examines the transition to a new ideology of corporate strategic management Keywords: Socio-economic systems, modern management concepts, value management, corporate strategic management, social aspects of business interaction References Arnold, G., & Davies, M. (2000). Value-Based Management: Context and Application. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 253 p. Brunner, K. (1987). The perception of man and the conception of society. Econ. Inquiry, 7, 367-388. Copeland, T., Koller, T. & Murrin, J. (2000). Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies. New York: Wiley. Honnet, A. (1995). The Sruglle for Recognition. The Moral Grammar of Social Conflicts. Cambridge: Massachusetts, 253 p. Ivin, A. A. (2004). Value. Philosophy, encyclopedic dictionary. Moscow: Science, 848 p. Katkalo, V. S. (2008). Evolution of the theory of strategic management. St. Petersburg: Peter, 364 p. Lan, L. L. & Hearacleous, L. (2010). Rethinking agency theory: The view from law. Academy of Management Review, 35(2), 294–314. Larcker, D., Ormazabal, G., & Taylor, D. (2011). The market reaction to corporate governance regulation. Journal of Financial Economics, 101(2), 431-448. McTaggart, J., Kontes P. & Mankins M. (1994). The Value Imperative. New York: The Free Press, 253 p. Mecking, W. H. (1976). Values and choice of the model of the individual in the social sciences. Schweiz: Ztschr, 264 p. Momot, T. V. (2007). Assessment of business value: modern techniques. Kharkov: Factor, 363 p. Parkhomenko, O. G., Ronzin, D. B. & Stepanov, A. A. (1989). S.L. Rubinshtein in the Pedagogical Institute named after A.I. Gertsen. In Sergey Leonidovich Rubinshtein. Outlines, reminiscences, materials. To the 100th anniversary of birth, 146-158 Peters, Th. J. & Waterman, R. H. (1982). In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best Run Companies. New York: Harper & Row, 373 p. Porter, M. E. (1980). Competitive strategy. New York: The Free Press, 264 p. Rapp, M., Schellong, D., Schmidt, M., & Wolff, M. (2011). Considering the shareholder perspective: Value-based management systems and stock maket perfromance. Review of Managerial Science, 5(3), 171-194. Rappaport, A. (1986). Creating Shareholder Value. New York: The Free Press, 267 p. Ryan, H., & Trahan, E. (2007). Corporate financial control mechanisms and firm performance: The case of Value-Based Management systems. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 34(1), 111-138. Slater, S., & Olson, E. (1996). A value-Based Management system. Business Horizons, 39(5), 48-52. Steurer, R., Langer, M., Konrad, A., Martinuzzi, A. (2005). Corporations, Stakeholders and Sustainable Development: A Theoretical Exploration of Business-Society Relations. Journal of Business Ethics, 61(3), 263–281. Stewart G. B. (1991). The Quest For Value: the EVA Management Guide. New York: Harper Business. Surina, I. A. (1999). Values. Value orientations. Value space: questions of theory and methodology. Moscow: Moscow State University Publishing, 362 p. Windsor, D. (2001). The Future of Corporate Social Responsibility. The International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 9(3), 225–256. Young, S., & O'Byrne, S. (2001). EVA and Value-Based Management, A Practical Guide to Implementation. New York: McGraw-Hill, 253 p. |
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Theoretical Issues of the Constitutional Regulation MechanismGuldaray B. Zhussupova, Rassul T. Zhailyaubayev, Symbat K. Ukin, Sylu M. Shunayeva, Rachit G. Nurmagambetov
pp. 4146-4153 | Article Number: ijese.2016.321
Abstract The purpose of this research is to define the concept of “constitutional regulation mechanism”. The definition of the concept of “constitutional regulation mechanism” will give jurists and legislators a theoretical framework for developing legal sciences, such as the constitutional law and the theory of state and law. The research investigated the main attributes of the constitutional regulation mechanism. The methodological framework of the research included the systems, historical-legal, and axiological approaches, classification, and systems-structural analysis.The concept of “constitutional regulation mechanism” is defined as a set (system) of constitutional means of influencing objects of constitutional regulation for the purpose of ordering, normal functioning, development and protection of fundamental social relations in accordance with the constitutionally set goals of the society and the state.The conclusions of this research may be used for the theoretical development of constitutional law. Keywords: Legal influence, legal regulation, legislative initiative, constitutional process, interests of subjects References Abramova, A. A. (2006). The Effectiveness of the Legal Regulation Mechanism: PhD Thesis. Krasnoyarsk, 216 p. Aytkhozin, K. K. (2008). Theoretical Issues of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan: PhD Thesis. Almaty, 220 p. Chernova, E. R. (2007). Juridical Activity in the Legal Regulation Mechanism: PhD Thesis, Ufa, 193 p. Cotterrell, R. (2013). Law, culture and society: Legal ideas in the mirror of social theory. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd, 252 p. Golovkin, B. G. (2013). Citizen Right to Direct Legislative Initiative – an Obligatory Attribute of a Legal State. Proceedings of the Interregional Scientific and Practical Conferenced dedicated to the 20th Anniversary of the Adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: “I am a Citizen of Russia. 20th Anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Anthropological Readings”. Yekaterinburg, 81-82. Goyman, V. I. (1996). Law in the System of Statutory Regulation. Moscow: Right and Law, 363 p. Greenberg, M. (2013). Moral Impact Theory of Law. Yale LJ, 123., 128-138. Hart, H. L. (2012). The concept of law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 326 p. Khropanyuk, V. N. (1995). The Theory of State and Law. Moscow: Science, 384 p. Kovachev, D. A. (1977). The Legislation Mechanism in a Socialist State: Theoretical Issues. Moscow: Right and Law, 264 p. Kozhevnikov, V. V., & Krasman, A. I. (2013). The Limitations of Legal Regulation and Natural Right. Modern Law International Scientific and Practical Journal, 10, 35-47. Kulapov, V. L., & Khokhlova, I. S. (2010). Means of Legal Regulation. Saratov: Saratov State Academy of Law Publishing House, 252 p. Lazarev, V. V. (1996). The Mechanism of State Legal Regulation. Moscow: Right and Law, 352 p. Malko, A. V. (2002). Legal Regulation. The Theory of State and Law, 480-483. Mironov, O. O. (1986). Constitutional Regulation of Social Relations in the USSR: PhD Abstract. Moscow, 42 p. Morozova, L. A. (1985). Constitutional Regulation in the USSR. Moscow: Legal Literature, 253 p. Rusinov, R. K. (2001). Legal Regulation and its Mechanism. Moscow: NORMA Publishing House, 384 p. Samuel, G. (2014). An introduction to comparative law theory and method. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. |
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The Origin of a Jury in Ancient Greece and EnglandDmitriy Yu. Tumanov, Rinat R. Sakhapov, Damir I. Faizrahmanov, Robert R. Safin
pp. 4154-4163 | Article Number: ijese.2016.322
Abstract The purpose of the study is to analyze the implementation of the democratic principles in the court and judicial process in the trial by jury by the example of the history and development of this institution in Russia. The authors used different methods and approaches, in particular, historical, systemic and Aristotelian method, concrete historical approach and rather-legal analysis. The paper assessed significance of the historical experience related to the organization and activities of the jury as a guarantor of successful implementation of democratic principles in the criminal trial, with regard to the international experience. The authors conclude that jury trial has its ancient roots, however, this modern phenomenon is taken from England. The research findings may be useful for future explorations on the origin of a jury by historians, philosophers and lawyers etc. Keywords: Justice, jury trial, court proceedings in Russia, England, Ancient Greece References Appleman, L. I. (2009). The Lost Meaning of the Jury Trial Right. Indiana Law Journal, 84, 397. Baker, J. H. (1979). An introduction to English legal history. Direct access: http://lawweb.usc.edu/users/dklerman/secure/documents/3AssumpsitBofMEjectment.pdf Bazhenova, T. M. (2015). The results of judicial reform 1864. The Russian Judicial journal, 1(100), 224-231. Bobotov, S. V. (1995). Where Jury Trial came from? Moscow: Russian Legal Academy of the RF Ministry of Justice, 253 p. Burnham, W. (1995). Jury Trial. Moscow: Publishing of Moscow independent University of International Law, 352 p. Caenegem, R. C. (1988). The birth of the English common law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 265 p. Gromikova, O. E., Ilyukhin, A. V. Mukhamedov, R. A., & Mukhamedov, R. R. (2015). The jury in the Russian Empire: the idea, legislation, practice. Moscow: Publishing House "Yurlitinform". Hanly, C. (2005). The decline of civil jury trial in nineteenth-century England. The Journal of Legal History, 26(3), 253-278. Heinze, R. (1896). The English judicial system in connection with the jury. St. Petersburg: Peter, 254 p. Kadri, S. (2005). The trial: A history, from Socrates to O J Simpson. Random House Incorporated, 363 p. Kamnev, A. S. (2015). Forms of reviewing a jury trial decision and its grounds in France. Bulletin of Tomsk State University, 396, 122-128. Kolomenskaya, S. A. (2004). A jury in the United States and its role in criminal matters. Petrozavodsk: Petrozavodsk State University, 374 p. Kovalev, N., & Smirnov, A. (2014). The Nature of the Russian Trial by Jury. European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 22(2), 115-133. Langbein, J. H. (1987). The English criminal trial jury on the eve of the French revolution. The Trial Jury in England, France, Germany, 4, 1700-1900. Lloyd-Bostock, S., & Thomas, C. (1999). Decline of the" Little Parliament": Juries and Jury Reform in England and Wales. Law and Contemporary Problems, 62(2), 7-40. Lobban, M. (2002). The Strange Life of the English Civil Jury, 1837-1914. The Jury in the History of the Common Law, 173-215. Mitnick, J. M. (1988). From neighbor-witness to judge of proofs: The transformation of the English civil juror. The American Journal of Legal History, 32(3), 201-235. Nasonov, S. A. (2015b). The Continental Model in the jury: genesis and procedural features. Law and Politics, 11, 1567-1572. Nasonov, S. A. (2015a). European models of proceedings in the trial by jury: trial by jury in Spain (comparative legal studies). Actual problems of the Russian law, 8, 154-160. Tarasov, A. A., & Rahmetullina, O. R. (2015). Jury trial and problems of popular participation in justice. Monograph. Moscow : "Rusayns" Publishing House, 263 p. Tcheltsov-Bebutov, M. A. (1957). Course of Soviet Criminal Procedure Law. Moscow: State publishing ow law literature, 374 p. Tetlow, E. M. (2005). Women, crime and punishment in ancient law and society. London: Continuum, 374 p. Walker, R. (1980). The English judiciary. Moscow: Judicial literature, 264 p. |
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Monitoring of the Abrasion Processes (by the Example of Alakol Lake, Republic of Kazakhstan)Ainagul Abitbayeva, Adilet Valeyev, Kamshat Yegemberdiyeva, Aizhan Assylbekova, Aizhan Ryskeldieva
pp. 4164-4174 | Article Number: ijese.2016.323
Abstract The purpose of the study is to analyze the abrasion processes in the regions of dynamically changing Alakol lakeshores. Using the field method, methods of positioning by the GPS receiver and interpretation of remote sensing data, the authors determined that abrasion processes actively contributed to the formation the modern landscape, causing the occurrence of landslide processes due to trimming coastal cliffs. It influences the dynamic mode of coastline, which currently stands in the sea or in the form of capes in the areas of solid rock, or juts out into the bay with a beach by narrow pebble beaches. The results showed that the lakeshores retreated to 60-100 m (from 1990 to 2015). The suggested method of installation reefs may help to increase bio-productivity, to perform the functions of self-purification of sea water and to reduce the process of destruction of the shores of Alakol lake. Keywords: Abrasion, relief-forming processes, shores destruction, lakeside niche, submarine reef References Akijanova, F. (2001). Modern Geomorphological Processes on the Kazakhstanian Coast of the Caspian Sea and Problems of Desertification. Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 269-274. Bai, J. (2011). Changes in the area of inland lakes in arid regions of central Asia during the past 30 years. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 178(1-4), 247-256. Bird, E. C. (1985). Coastline changes. A global review. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne, 253 p. Bedareva, L.A. (2000). The dynamic geomorphology. Almaty: KazSU, 389 p. Bexeitova, R. T. (2010). Morphoclimatic Particular Area of Central Kazakhstan as a Factor of Differentiation of Ecological-geomorphological Systems Platform Plains. Dynamics of scientific research, 9, 23-29. Ermolaev, O. P. (2015). The Recent Exogenous Processes in Mountain Landscapes of the Temperate Zone of Northern Eurasia and Assessment of Their Contribution to the Sediment Load of Rivers Using Satellite Data. In Proc. of Kazan University. Natural Sciences, 157(2), 12-25. Gaynullin, I. I., Sitdikov, A. G. & Usmanov, B. M. (2014). Abrasion processes of Kuibyshev reservoir as a factor of destruction of archaeological site Ostolopovo. Advances in Environmental Biology, 2, 1027-1031. Granja, H. M. & de Carvalho, G. S. (1995). Is the coastline" protection" of Portugal by hard engineering structures effective? Journal of Coastal Research, 3, 1229-1241. Haines-Young, R., Green, D. R. & Cousins, S. H. (Eds.). (2003). Landscape ecology and geographical information systems. Boca Raton: CRC Press. Research report on line MES (2012). Almaty Integrated studies of the tourism potential of Alakol basin for development of recreation and tourism. Almaty: MES, 223-229. Kurdyukov, K. (1951). Oscillations of the Alakol lake level. Questions of geography. A series of physical geography, 24, 117-133. Korovin, V. (1965). Investigation of the relationship with the level of the Alakol lake hydrometeorological factors. Questions of Geography of Kazakhstan, 12, 141-150. Li, W. & Gong, P. (2016). Continuous monitoring of coastline dynamics in western Florida with a 30-year time series of Landsat imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment, 179, 196-209. Limber, P. W., & Murray, A. B. (2011). Beach and sea-cliff dynamics as a driver of long-term rocky coastline evolution and stability. Geology, 39(12), 1147-1150. Mitrofanova, A. H. (2002). Exogenous processes and ecological condition of the depressions Alakol and Zaisan. Moscow: Nauka, 346 p. Schultz, L. (2015). Adaptive governance, ecosystem management, and natural capital. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(24), 7369-7374. Sharapov, R. V. (2013). Some problems of exogenous processes monitoring. Fundamental research, 1(2), 444-447. Sidorenko, A. V. (1997). Hydrogeology of the USSR. Tom Eastern Kazakhstan. Moscow: Nauka, 378. Veličko, A. A. & Spasskaâ, I. I. (2011). Approaches to assessment of relief-forming processes under conditions of global warming (with reference to Northern Eurasia within the boundaries of the former USSR. Geographia Polonica, 84(1), 179-187. Velichko, A. & Spasskaya, I. (2002). Climatic change and the development of landscapes. The physical geography in northern Eurasia. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 36-69. Veselova, L. K. (2013). Modern trends geomorphological mapping intermountain basins of the Central Asian mountain belt. In Proc. of XXXIII Plenum Geomorphological Commission RAS. Saratov: RAS, 105-109. Whipple, K. X., Hancock, G. S. & Anderson, R. S. (2000). River incision into bedrock: Mechanics and relative efficacy of plucking, abrasion, and cavitation. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 112(3), 490-503. Zobeck, T. M. (2003). Measurement and data analysis methods for field‐scale wind erosion studies and model validation. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 28(11), 1163-1188. |
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Formation of Various Competencies in the Process of Training the Future Music Teachers at the Present StageDmitry A. Kovalev, Gulzada A. Khussainova, Svetlana T. Balagazova, Tamarasar Zhankul
pp. 4175-4183 | Article Number: ijese.2016.324
Abstract The article is devoted to professional training of future music teachers. Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign studies, the authors proved the importance of studying this problem and focusing on different pedagogical aspects. The study of this topic in general shows that the process of training the future music teachers has its own characteristics associated with the development of professional culture in the future music teachers, the development of their motivation for this profession. More specifically, the study focuses on the development of theoretical models describing development of music performance competence in the future music teachers. The effectiveness of professional development of the future music teachers depends on professional competence, determined by a continuous musical and pedagogical education. The experimental study focuses on specific features of undergraduate training of the future music teachers, as well as on the analysis of their problems in terms of their cultural identity and the development of student self-esteem. The paper also provides analysis of professional competence development strategies through archival documents in the teachers’ portfolio. Keywords: Professional competencies, music education, music pedagogy, music acquisition, teacher training, music skills References Conway, C. (2015). The Experiences of First-Year Music Teachers: A Literature Review. Applications of Research in Music Education, 33(2), 65-72. Dyganova, E. & Yavgildina, Z. (2015). Organization a Culture of Self-Education of Music Teachers. International Education Studies, 8(6), 95-103. Fitzpatrick, K. (2012). Cultural Diversity and the Formation of Identity: Our Role as Music Teachers. Music Educators Journal, 98(4), 53-59. Kertz-Welzel, A. (2008). Music Education in the Twenty-First Century: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of German and American Music Education towards a New Concept of International Dialogue. Music Education Research, 10(4), 439-449. Lance, D. (2014). Teacher Evaluation: Archiving Teaching Effectiveness Nielsen. Music Educators Journal, 101(1), 63-69. Laor, L. (2015). Evaluating Graduate Education and Transcending Biases in Music Teachers' Professional Development. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 3(1), 56-63. Legette, R. & McCord, D. (2015). Pre-Service Music Teachers Perceptions of Teaching and Teacher Training Legette. Contributions to Music Education, 40(1) 163-176. Legette, R. (2013). Perceptions of Early-Career School Music Teachers Regarding Their Preservice Preparation. Applications of Research in Music Education, 32(1), 12-17. Sarah, H. & Ronald, G. (2013). Assessment in Music Education: Relationships between Classroom Practice and Professional Publication Topics. Research and Issues in Music Education, 11(1), 1-14. Shively, J. (2015). Constructivism in Music Education. Arts Education Policy Review, 116(3), 128-136. Susan, H. (2015). Applying Research in Motivation and Learning to Music Education: What the Experts Say Cogdill. Applications of Research in Music Education, 33(2), 49-57. Suzanne, L. (2011). Perspective Consciousness and Cultural Relevancy: Partnership Considerations for the Re-Conceptualization of Music Teacher Preparation Burton. Arts Education Policy Review, 112(3), 122-129. Twyman, J., & Redding, S. (2015). Personal Competencies, Personalized Learning: Reflection on Instruction. Direct Access: http://www.ccsso.org/Documents/Peer to Peer(0).pdf Zaffini, E. (2015). Supporting Music Teacher Mentors. Music Educators Journal, 102(1), 69-74. Vasilyeva, N. (2006). Development of music performance competence as a factor of professional training of the future music teachers in the context of pedagogical college. Problems of history, philology and culture, 17, 171-176. Kashapova, L., & Khaibullina, R. (2015). Development of professional culture in the future music teachers in the instrumental and performance training. Modern problems of science and education, 5, 26-42. Teplov, B. M. (1985). Psychology of individual differences. Selected Works, 2, 211 - 223 Tutolmin, A. (2008). Theoretical and methodological bases of studying the problem of professional and creative competence. Bulletin of the University of the Russian Academy of Education, 4, 51-56. Khaibullina, R. (2011). The model of professional culture development in the bachelors of music education in the process of instrumental training. European Social Science Journal, 4, 188-196. Kholodnaya, M. (2002). Intelligence as a form of mental experience. Intelligence Psychology: paradoxes of research. St. Petersburg: Peter, 272 p. Yakovlev, V. (2010). The theoretical model of music performance competence of the future music teachers. Research notes. Online Journal of the Kursk State University, 2(14), 89-96. |
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Kazakh Symphonic Kuy - the Counterintuitive Convergence of TraditionsMarlena T. Kokisheva, Diana Y. Mahmood, Gulnar A. Begalinova, Galiya Z. Begembetova, Valeriya E. Nedlina
pp. 4184-4193 | Article Number: ijese.2016.325
Abstract The research is devoted to a particular genre of Kazakh classical music - Symphonic kuy. This article is the first attempt to understand not the phenomenon of kuy itself, but its belonging to a certain historical era and culture, therefore reflecting their characteristic properties. The area of Kazakh ethnic music is little studied yet, as is the issue of specific historical origins of the interaction between European and Kazakh traditions. Particular attention is paid to a number of controversial issues, such as the ambiguity of the genre of kuy, cultural complexity, the variety of forms of “Symphonic kuy”. Still, the comparative analysis is of great scientific interestconcerning the ways of development of the Kazakh traditional music. The appearance of kuy as a cultural phenomenon of musical and linguistic canons determined the “language” character of this study. It means it is not aimed at the search for individual uniqueness of music, but at the principles and code of kuy’s musical organization. Keywords: Kazakh music, symphonic kuy, symphonic music, orchestra, interaction of traditions References Abazov, R. (2007). Media and Cinema. In R. Abazov (Eds.)., Culture and Customs of the Central Asian Republics. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 105-133. Adams, M. (2012). Musical and Historical Overview. In M. Adams, Music and entertainment in post-Soviet Kazakhstan: ideology and legacy. Illinois: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 23-49. Asafiev, B. (1959). On the Kazakh folk music. In B. Asafiev, Musical culture of Kazakhstan. Alma-Ata: Mir, 9-10. Dzhanseitova, S. & Rauandina, S. (2013). Music in the World Picture and World Pictures in Music. World Applied Sciences Journal, 23(2), 145-150. Dzhanseitova, S. & Sakharbayeva, K. (2013).Conceptual World Picture of Traditional Music. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 15(3), 434-438. Izmailov, L. (2000). Yerkegali Rakhmadiyev, Astana Elorda, 234 p. Jumagaliyeva, A. (2015). World modeling element in spiritual culture determing the conceptual picture of the world of traditional Kazakh music. Acta Histriae, 23(2), 245-264. Karomatov, F. & Slobin, M. (1972). On the Regional Styles of Uzbek Music. Asian Music, 4(1), 48-58. Kuzbakova, G. (2013). Functioning of traditional music in contemporary culture of Kazakhstan. GISAP: Culturology, Sports and Art History, 1, 8-10. Mergal, D. (2007). Musical folklore of Kazakh people. The News of Altai State University, 2, 77-79. Mergaliyev, D., Popandopulo, M., & Stepanskaya, A. (2013). Folklore as the Source of Inspiration and Professional Creative Performance in Kazakhstan Art. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 17(10), 1484-1487. Muhambetova, A. (2002). Genesis and evolution of the Kazakh kuy. In, B. Aman & A. Muhambetova, Kazakh traditional music and XX century. Almaty: Dyke Press, 119-152. Muhambetova, A., & Begalinova, G. (2002). Kazakh musical language as a state problem, In, B. Aman & A. Muhambetova, Kazakh traditional music and XX century. Almaty: Dyke Press, 390-403. Omarova, G. (2002). Traditional culture of nomads. In G. Omarova, Culture and type of Kazakh traditional music. Almaty: Dyke Press, 134-149. Omarova, G. (2015). Kazakh traditional music and aspects of the comparative study of Turkic musical cultures. KazNU “Vestnik”, Philology Edition, 134(4), 331-334. Omarova, G., Alpeissova, G. & Kuseubay, A. (2015). National traditions of the 21st century problems with the preservation and translation of Kazakh traditional music. Acta Histriae, 23(2), 285-296. Rouland, M. (2007). Music across the Kazakh steppe. In J. Sahadeo & R. Zanca, Everyday in Central Asia: Past and Present. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 213-228. Sadykova, G. (2013). Kazakh Traditional Musical Culture: Worldview Universals. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 16(11), 1470-1475. Shegebaev, P. (2011). The combinatorial nature of Kazakh dombra music. In A. Timoshenko, Collection: Kontonatsiya: Perspectives of musical art and science of music. St. Petersburg: Asterion, 30-37. Tansuğ, F. (2009). A Bibliographic survey of Kazakh and Kyrgyz literature on music. Yearbook for Traditional Music, 41, 199-220. Zataevich, A. (1925). 1000 songs of the Kyrgyz people (tunes and melodies). Proceedings of the Society for the Study of the Kyrgyz region. Orenburg Kirgiz, 150-187. |
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The Formation of the Foundation of Academic WritingGulnar K. Ismagulova, Olga N. Polevayа, Gaukhar Z. Balgabayeva, Mergul S. Kulakhmetova, Dameli E. Kapanova
pp. 4194-4204 | Article Number: ijese.2016.326
Abstract The relevance of the problem under investigation is caused by the fact that in the context of the modernization of the education system one of the main tasks of higher education is the formation of the students’ key competencies. The article aims to compare the model of higher education in Kazakhstan and abroad, reveal the differences and identify a number of problems that must be solved for the formation of key competencies of academic writing. The leading approaches to the study of this problem are the survey of products of students’ activity, questioning, interview and the method of statistical processing of results. An analysis of the theoretical and methodological literature allowed to formulate the concept of academic literacy and to determine the level of readiness for the academic activities of students in pedagogical high school. Materials of this article may be useful for the students of pedagogical high school as the result of the interviews with the students of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute has shown the need to introduce a special discipline in the educational process for the development of academic skills. Keywords: Academic writing, academic literacy, scientific and research activity, scientific community, formation of academic writing skills References Academic Literacy (2002). A Statement of Competencies Expected of Students Entering California’s Public Colleges and Universities. California: ICAS, 82 p. Armer, T. (2012). Cambridge English for Scientists. Cambridge: Cambridge University press, 128 p. Bazanova, E. M. (2015). Laboratory of scientific communication: Russian experience. Higher Education in Russia, 7(8), 135-143. Bogolepova, S. W. (2016). Education Academic Writing in English: Approaches and products. Higher Education in Russia, 1, 87-94. Brown, K. & Hood, S. (2002). Academic Encounters: Life in Society Student's book: Reading, Study Skills, and Writing. Cambridge: CUPm 152 p. Cummins, J., Brown, K. & Sayers, D. (2007). Literacy, Technology and Diversity. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 263 p. Ease (2014). Essential Academic Skills in English. Direct access: http://www.ease.ac.uk Esselborn-Krumbiegel, H. (2010). Richtig wissenschaftlich schreiben: Wissenschaftssprache in Regeln und Übungen. Paderborn: Schöningh, 168 p. Green, B. (1999). The new literacy challenge. Literacy Learning: Secondary Thoughts, 7(1), 36–46. Gudjons, H. (2012). Pädogogisches Grundwissen: Überblick - Kompendium – Studienbuch. Bad Heilbrunn: Julius Klinkhardt, 399 p. Iarskaya-Smirnova, E. R. (2013). Creation of the academic text. Moscow: LLC Variant, 187 p. Irvin, L. (2010). What is “academic” writing? In Ch. Lowe & P. Zemliansky (Eds.). Readings on Writing. Direct access: http://wac.colostate.edu/books/writingspaces1/irvin--what-is-academic-writing.pdf Kolesnikova, N. I. (2016). What is important to know a post-graduate student about the scientific text? Higher Education in Russia, 7, 55-62. Korotkina, I. B. (2013) Academic writing: new developments, new perspectives. Higher Education in Russia, 7, 142-150. Morley, J., Doyle P. & Pople I. (2007). University Writing Course. Berkshire: Express Publishers. Murphy C. & Stay B. L. (2010). The Writing Center Director’ Resource Book. New York: Routlegde, 424 p. Nasibullina, F. & Bezrukov, A. (2015). The Academic Writing in a historical and linguistic context (on the example of German). Higher Education in Russia, 8-9, 148-153. Oshima, A. & Hogue, A. (2006). Introduction to Academic Writing. The Longman Academic Writing Series. Essex: Longman, 221 p. Ostrovskaya, Ye. S. & Vyshegorodtseva, O. V. (2013). Academic Writing: the concept and practice of the academic writing in English. Higher Education in Russia, 7, 104-113. Smirnova, N. V. (2015). Academic literacy and writing in high school: From theory to practice. Higher Education in Russia, 6, 58-64. The Official SAT Study Guide (2005). The College Board. Milpitas, CA: Beagle Books. Theuerkauf, J. & Steinmetz, M. (2008). Assis Thesis. Qualitative Anforderungen an wissenschaftliche Arbeiten an der TU Berlin. In Tu-Berlin, Direct access: https://www.career.tu-berlin.de/fileadmin/ref2/career-service/AssisThesis_Studierendenversion.pdf |
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Ways to Improve Strategic Planning within the Tourist Industry (in the Case Study of the Republic of Kazakhstan)Balzhan Shilibekova, Bakyt Syzdykbayeva, Sayat Ayetov, Rina Agybetova, Assel Baimbetova
pp. 4205-4217 | Article Number: ijese.2016.327
Abstract Kazakhstan has a great tourist potential, but it is still partly fulfilled. That is why very important to find the weakness in the state’s policy and to develop this industry in the best way. The aim of the research is to formulate a hypothesis with regard to the possible content of measures to improve the strategic planning and marketing methodology in relation to the specific nature of entities within Kazakhstan inbound tourism industry, recreational potential of Kazakhstan and objectives of its development set forth by the Government of Kazakhstan. As the main method of research were chosen the data collection and its further analysis. The primary data were collected by polling managers of the companies-members of Kazakhstan inbound tourism industry, who had previously participated in the development of strategies and/or in the strategic management process. The characteristic features have been analyzed and the reasons for the systemic imperfection of analytical procurement, related to strategic planning processes in marketing, have been identified. The article represents the results of the poll among the managers of companies involved in Kazakhstan's inbound tourism industry which was conducted by the authors. It is suggested that the use of multi-agent technologies as a new conceptual approach to solving the problems of analytical procurement concerning marketing strategy should be employed. Keywords: Marketing strategy, analytical procurement, domestic tourism industry, agent-based simulation References Barden, Ph. (2013). Decoded: The Science Behind Why We Buy. New York: John Wiley & Sons Limited, 263 p. Blumberg, B., Cooper, D. R. & Schindler P. S. (2011). Business Research Methods. Columbus: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 362 p Callon, M. (2006). What Does It Mean to Say That Economics Is Performative? Paris: Centre de Sociologie de l’Innovation Ecole des Mines de Paris, 263 p. Fournaise Marketing Group. (2014). Retrieved January 2016. Direct acces: https://www.fournaisegroup.com/ Frei F. & Morriss, A. (2012). Uncommon Service: How to Win by Putting Customers at the Core of Your Business. Harvard: Harvard Business Review Press, 164 p. Frochot, I. & Batat, W. (2013). Marketing and Designing the Tourist Experience. London: Goodfellow Publishers, 362 p. Godin, A. M. (2007). Methodological aspects of modern marketing theory improving for the problem solution of small business entrepreneurship in Russia (Doctoral dissertation). All-Russian State Tax Academy of the Russian Ministry of Finance, Moscow, Russia, 463 p. Huggins, R. & Izushi, H. (2012). Competition, Competitive Advantage, and Clusters: The Ideas of Michael Porter. Oxford: OUP, 253 p. Karimova, M. (2015). Touristic cluster of Kazakhstan - challenges and opportunities. Direct access: http://www.kisi.kz/site.html?id=10759 Kozak, M. & Kozak, N. (2013a). Aspects of Tourist Behavior. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 352 p. Kozak, N. & Kozak, M. (2013b). Tourism Research: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 322 p. Lewis, D. (2013). The Brain Sell: When Science Meets Shopping; How the New Mind Sciences and the Persuasion Industry Are Reading Our Thoughts, Influencing Our Emotions, and Stimulating Us to Shop. New York: Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 527 p. Long, R. (2013). The Weird and Very Real World of Excel-Error Research The Rogoff-Reinhart blunder is a prominent example of a very common problem. Direct access: http://www.newrepublic.com/article/112951/kenneth-rogoff-carmen-reinhart-and-world-excel-error-research# Mauduit, L. (2012). Les Imposteurs de l’économie [The Impostors of the Economy]. Paris: Jean-Claude Gawsewitch, 263 p. Murthy, V. K. & Krishnamurthy, E. V. (2009). 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The Halo Effect... And the Eight other Business Delusions that Deceive Managers. New York: Free Press, 274 p. Salamon, T. (2011). Design of Agent-Based Models: Developing Computer Simulations for a Better Understanding of Social Processes. Prague: Bruckner Publishing, 252 p. Saunders, M., Lewis, P. & Thornhill, A. (2009). Research Methods for Business Students. Harlow: Prentice Hall, 263 p. Shynkarenko, I. (2006). Mantras and mortal sins of marketing. The interview with F. Kotler. Expert Kazakhstan, 36(92), 6-7. Travel & Tourism Economic Impact. (2015). Retrieved on January 2016. Direct access: http://www.wttc.org/research/economic-research/ Woodside, A. & Kozak, M. (2014a). Tourist' Behaviors and Evaluations, Advances in Culture. London: Emerald, 373 p. Woodside, A. & Kozak, M. (2014b). Tourist' Behaviors and Evaluations, Advances in Culture. London: Emerald, 263 p. Zelizer, V. (2005). Culture and Consumption. The Handbook of Economic Sociology. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 127 p. Zhudkoblinova, O. V. (2014). State management of development of the tourism sector of economy of Kazakhstan: PhD Thesis. KEUK, Karaganda, Kazakhstan, 196 p. |
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On the Crime ObjectRasul M. Akutaev & Guseyn B. Magomedov
pp. 4218-4228 | Article Number: ijese.2016.328
Abstract The relevance of the research of this problem is caused by the theoretical and practical needs of a specific concept of the crime object as one of the corpus delicti signs essentially the determining and defining its object and objective side, thereby – the nature of socially dangerous act. Besides, being a facultative sign of corpus delicti, the object of a crime contains in more than a half of the crime components provided by the Special Part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The purpose of article consists in research of the most problematic issues of an object of a crime and on the basis of critical understanding of the existing definitions of the search term to offer our own definition of the crime object. The basic methods of research were formal-logical, historical, systemic, structural and comparative - legal methods which have allowed to consider the evolution of the views of legal scholars to the search term and to distinguish the criminal legal concept of crime object from the related concepts and from the Criminal Procedure notion of «the injured person. In article the object of a crime is provided not as a thing of a material world, including only inanimate objects but as more difficult phenomenon, the certain material and (or) intellectual substratum characterizing, and sometimes determines the other elements and features of a crime, illegal impact on which or in connection with which (concerning which) a real threat is caused or a real threat of substantial harm to legally protected public relations (personal benefits) is inflicted. The study results are of practical value for teaching staff, which lead lessons and specialized courses of the criminal law cycle, and also have some importance for law enforcers in the legal assessment of the offense, the qualification of crimes, delimitation of object of a crime from methods and tools of its commission. Keywords: The crime object, the object of commission of crime, signs of the object and objective side of the offense, corpus delicti References Avdeev, V. A. & Avdeeva, E. V. (2013). Controversial issues of qualification of human trafficking and use of a slave labor. Russian justice, 7, 20-23. Bikmurzin, M. P. (2005). The subject of crime: theoretical and legal analysis: PhD Abstract. Saratov, 26 p. Convention on the compensation of victims of violent crimes, the Framework Decision of 15 March 2001 on the standing of victims in criminal proceedings. (2001). SPS Consultant Plus, 35 p. Course of criminal law. (2002). The doctrine about a crime. In N. F. Kuznetsova and I.M. Tyazhkova (Eds.). Moscow: IKD "Zertsalo-M", 624 p. Criminal law of Russia. (2015) Parts the General and Special. Moscow: Prospectus, 1184 p. Criminal law of the Russian Federation. (2013). The General and Special Parts. (2013) Moscow: CONTRACT, INFRA-M, 704 p. Gaukhman, L. D. & Maksimov, S. V. (2008). Criminal law. Moscow: Norma, 1008 p. Gertsenzon, A. A. (1948). Criminal law. Moscow: RIO VYUA. 496 p. Glistin, V. K. (1979). The problem of criminal law protection of public relations. Object and qualification of crimes. Leningrad: Publishing house of the Leningrad university. 127 p. Gribunov, O. P. & Tretyakova, E. I. (2013). Drugs as a subject of a crime. Russian investigator, 18, 2-4. Guidelines on justice in matters involving child victims and witnesses of crime. (2001). SPS Consultant Plus, 121 p. Helfer, M. A. (1969). Some questions of general teaching of the subject of crime in the Soviet criminal law. Questions on Soviet penal law. Scientists notes, 7, 39-59. Kistyakovskiy, A. F. (1891). The elementary textbook of the general criminal law with a detailed statement of the beginnings of the Russian criminal legislation. Kiev: Johanson, 892 p. Kudryavtsev, B. H. (1951). To a question of a ratio of object and a subject of a crime. Soviet state and right, 8, 55-60. Naumov, A. V. (2007). Russian criminal law. Moscow: Volterskluver, 572 p. Piontkovskiy, A. A. (1961). The doctrine about a crime on the Soviet criminal law. Moscow: Gosyurizdat, 666 p. Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of Justice of 9 July 2013 number 24. (2013). "On judicial practice in cases of bribery and corruption of other crimes". SPS Consultant Plus, 212 p. Shulga, A. V. (2008). Object and a subject of crimes against property in the conditions of the market relations and information society: PhD Abstract. Volgograd. 47 p. Spasovich, V. D. (1863). Textbook on criminal law. St. Petersburg: Iosafata Ogrizko, 432 p. Spiridonova, O. E. (2002). Symbol as a crime subject: PhD Abstract. Kazan. 23 p. Tatsiy, V. Ya. (1988). Object and a subject of a crime in the Soviet criminal law. Kharkov: Vishchashk. Publishing house of the Kharkov University, 198 p. Traynin, A. N. (1957). The general doctrine about corpus delicti. Moscow: Gosyurizdat, 364 p. Vetoshkina, M. M. (2001). Securities as a subject of theft: PhD Abstract. Ekaterinburg. 25 p. Vinokurov, V. N. (2011). The subject of crime: unlike of the related concepts. Journal of the Russian right, 12, 56-63. Vishnyakova, N. V. (2003). The object and subject of crimes against property: PhD Abstract. Omsk. 24 p. Yani, P. S. (1995). Legislative definition of the crime victim. Russian justice, 4, 39-42. Yashkov, S. A. (2005). Information as a crime subject: PhD Abstract. Yekaterinburg. 23 p. |
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Violation of International Conventions Relatively to the Treatment of Prisoners of War During the First World WarGulzhaukhar Kokebayeva, Kadyrzhan Smagulov, Gulnara Mussabalina
pp. 4229-4240 | Article Number: ijese.2016.329
Abstract This article attempts to address the issue of prisoners of war through the prism of international law. The object of research is the work of the Commission to investigate the Entente’s complaints of violation of Hague Convention on Treatment of Prisoners of War by German authorities. After the armistice, the governments of the Entente sent notes to the German authorities on allegations contrary to international law actions in German POW camps. The study analyses the problems of war prisoners’ life at the time, particularly their lifestyle, pastime, ceremonies, work, food. Also paper investigates the laws, introduced during ground warfare by the Hague Convention, as well as considers the position of war prisoners in Germany. The new German government (Council of the People's Deputies) set up a commission to investigate the claims of the Entente. During the First World War, all countries kept the international law relating to the treatment of prisoners of the war. Separate violations of articles of the Hague Convention of 1907 based on the objective reasons, they were not connected with the general thrust of internal policy of belligerent states. Keywords: The World War I, prisoners of war, International Conventions, the Laws and Customs of War, Hague Convention References Doegen, W. (1921). Kriegsgefangene Völker. Der Kriegsgefangenen Haltung und Schicksal in Deutschland. Berlin: Verlag für Politik und Wirtschaft, 311 p. Doegen, W. (1930). Jahrbuch des Lautwesens 1931. Berlin: Lehner, 175 p.. Dreyer, M. & Lembcke, O. (1993). Die deutsche Diskussion um die Kriegsschuldfrage 1918. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 272 p. Fischer, H. (1994). Schutz der Kriegsgefangenen. München: Becksche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 260 p. Hinz, J. & Rauch, E. (1984). Kriegsvolkerrecht. Köln: Carl Heymanns Verlag, 159 p. Jones, H. (2011). Violence Against Prisoners of War in the First World War: Britain, France and Germany, 1914-1920. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 468 p. Kalshoven, F. (1984). Limitation of methods and means of warfare. Moscow: ICRC, 160 p. Kramer, A. R. (2010). Prisoners in the First World War, in Prisoners in War. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 90 p. Krammer, A. (2008). Prisoners of War. Conn: Greenwood Publishing Group, 392 p. Krebs, E. (1917). Die Bechandlung der Kriegsgefangenen in Deutschland. Berlin: Herdersche Verlagshandlung, 264 p. Kriegsministerium. (1915-1916). Bundesarchiv. Berlin, R 1501/112386. Kriegsministerium. (1918-1919). Bundesarchiv. Berlin, R 1501/112389. Oeter, S. (1999). Die Entwicklung des Kriegsgefangenenrechts, in In der Hand des Feindes. München: Böhlau, 241 p. Oltmer, J. (2005). Kriegsgefangene im Europa des Ersten Weltkriegs. Paderborn: Schöhning, 311 p. Scheipers, S. (2010). Prisoners in War. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 342 p. Stange, C., & Gefangenen-Lager, D. (1915). Materials on Prisoners of War in the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Göttingen: Verlag Louis Hofer, 64 p. Yarnall, J. (2011). Barbed Wire Disease: British and German Prisoners of War, 1914-19. London: History Press, 224 p. Zhdanov, N. M. (1920). Russian Prisoners of War in the World War. Moscow: Union of State Book and Magazine Publishers, 289 p. |
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Language Politics in the Republic of Kazakhstan: History, Problems and ProspectAiman Z. Zhumanova, Bibigul A. Dosova, Amanbek N. Imanbetov, Rymbek M. Zhumashev
pp. 4241-4253 | Article Number: ijese.2016.330
Abstract The research aims at global analysis of language politics in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Using comparative historical method and method of actualization, the authors examine achievements and shortcomings of the language politics of the Soviet state in order to understand the modern language situation in the Republic. The results show that one of the problems arising in the process of language politics imThe research aims at global analysis of language politics in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Using comparative historical method and method of actualization, the authors examine achievements and shortcomings of the language politics of the Soviet state in order to understand the modern language situation in the Republic. The results show that one of the problems arising in the process of language politics implementation is descent of government control in approved legislative acts fulfillment and in ineffective financial funds granted by the state budget for actions in the field of language politics disbursement. In general, the authors have drawn a conclusion that country's language policy is not effective enough. The study determines the optimal way of improving the country's language policy is the maintaining of the balance between intention to raise the status of Kazakh language and state support for other ethnic languages in the Republic. The practical value is that the study may be asked for comparative analysis of language politics pattern of Republic Kazakhstan and other countries. The submissions also can be regarded as a basis of practical recommendations for language politics improvement.plementation is descent of government control in approved legislative acts fulfillment and in ineffective financial funds granted by the state budget for actions in the field of language politics disbursement. In general, the authors have drawn a conclusion that country's language policy is not effective enough. The study determines the optimal way of improving the country's language policy is the maintaining of the balance between intention to raise the status of Kazakh language and state support for other ethnic languages in the Republic. The practical value is that the study may be asked for comparative analysis of language politics pattern of Republic Kazakhstan and other countries. The submissions also can be regarded as a basis of practical recommendations for language politics improvement. Keywords: The Republic of Kazakhstan, language politics, Russification, Kazakhization, mono speech References Abdygaliev, B. (2007). Language politics in Kazakhstan: condition and prospects. Kazakh mission. Almaty: Dike Press, 253 p. About Plan of activities for State program of language development and functioning in the Republic of Kazakhstan implementation in 2011 - 2020. Direct access: http://archive.mki.gov.kz/showarticle.php?lang=rus&id=6439 Arel, D. (2002). Demography and politics in the first post-Soviet censuses. Population, 57, 801-827. Dave, B. (1996). Politics of language revival: National identity and state building in Kazakhstan: PhD Thesis. Syracuse University, Greece, 185 p. Dave, B. (2004). Entitlement through numbers: nationality and language categories in the first post‐Soviet census of Kazakhstan. Nations and Nationalism, 10(4), 439-459. Dave, B. (2007). Kazakhstan-Ethnicity, Language and Power. London: Routledge, 352 p. Ertysbaev, Е. (2008). Аbout national self-consciousness, social demand and language politics. Industralny Karaganda, 6, 29-30. Fierman, U. (2005). Turn of language progress in Kazakhstan. Ethnographic surveying, 6, 49-71. Gak, V. G., Domashnev, А. I., & Zhluktenko, Y. А. (1988). Interlingual relation and language policy. Capitalist states and countries of the third world. Kiev: Science idea, 253 p. Hasanuly, B. (2001). Development of state and other languages is a factor of the Republic of Kazakhstan democratization. Bulletin PSU. Series of Sociological science, 1, 166-176. Landau, J. M., & Kellner-Heinkele, B. (2001). Politics of language in the ex-Soviet muslim states: Azerbayjan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan. Michigan: University of Michigan Press, 252 p. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2013). “About languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan (with amendments and additions on January, 21, 2013) July, 11, 1997 № 151-I. Direct access: http://online.zakon.kz/Document/?doc_id=1008034 Olcott, M. (1985). The politics of language reform in Kazakhstan. Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Soviet National Languages. New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 345-361. Pavlenko, A. (2008). Russian in post-Soviet countries. Russian Linguistics, 32(1), 59-80. Phillipson, R. (1992). Linguistic Imperialism. Oxford: Oxford Press, 352 p. Prokhorov, A. V. (2001). Russian encyclopaedic dictionary. Moscow: Big Russian encyclopaedia, 1526 p. Schatz, E. (2000). The politics of multiple identities. Europe-Asia Studies, 52(3), 489-506. Stavans, A., & Hoffmann, C. (2015). Multilingualism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 452 p. Zhumashev, R. M. (2002). Sketches about the history of Kazakhstan culture (1917–1991). Karaganda: publishing house of Karaganda State University, 148 p. Аibasova, М. K. (1997). Language politics in the Republic of Kazakhstan (1921-1990)". Аlmaty: Mir, 352 p. Аnohona, V. S. (2002). English-speaking bilinguism in modern Canada. the USA-Canada: economics, policy, culture, 11, 111-120. Тishkov, V.А. (1977). Language and politicy. The USA: economics, policy, ideology, 2, 55-67 |
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Searching Ways to Improve the Exam as Forms of Control at a Vocational School in the Conditions of Modernization of Russian EducationEkaterina V. Artamonova, Jhanna I. Aytuganova, Elena V. Grigoryeva
pp. 4542-4563 | Article Number: ijese.2016.331
Abstract The relevance of the investigated problem is caused by the objective necessity of construction of the Russian examination practice, taking into account the leading trends in the education system development, where student-activity approach advocates the dominant, and insufficient development of this issue in both the theoretical and methodical plan, based on the primary focus of the examination content on reproductive component, does not dock with the modern educational realities. Objective of the research: to develop and pedagogically substantiate the didactic conditions and means of improving the examination control procedures at a vocational school in the conditions of modernization of Russian education, drawing on diagnostically specified learning objectives and focus on personal characteristics of the student. Leading approach to the study of this problem was the holding of a retrospective analysis of the literature on the quality control of the educational process, the analysis of the actual state of the problem of examination quality control of preparation of students of professional institutions in theory and practice, with the purpose to identify the didactic conditions and means of improving the examination control in a vocational school. The author's version of pedagogically-based examination procedures in a vocational school in the conditions of modernization of education is represented in the article, developed on the basis of the revealed didactic conditions (diagnostic mission objectives, focus on level and student-activity approaches, reflected in the structure and content of the exam, correcting pre-exam training) and means (typology of examination tasks, complex advisory activities). The article represents practical significance for using by vocational school teachers in the process of organizing and carrying out the examination; researchers in the field of vocational training in the study of problems related to the examination control. Keywords: Professional education, quality of education, exam, as a form of monitoring of educational results in a vocational school, structural and substantive aspects of the exam References Amonashvili, Sh. A. (1984). Educational and educational function of school evaluation exercises: experimental pedagogical research. Moscow: Pedagogy. 296 p. Archangelskiy, S. I. (1980). The educational process in high school, his legitimate bases and methods. Moscow: Higher School. 368 p. Avanesov, V. S. (1989). Fundamentals of the scientific organization of the pedagogical control in high school. Moscow: MISA. 168 p. Bespalko, V. P. (1970). Programmed learning. Moscow: Higher School. 300. Bespalko, V. P. & Tatur, Y. G. (1989). Systemic and methodological support of the educational process of training. Moscow: Higher School, 143 p. Bloom, B. S. (I956) Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, The Classification of Educational Goals, New York, Longmans: Green and Company, 207 p. Bolotov, V. (2012). Evaluation of the quality of education. Retrospectives and prospects. School of Management, 5, 9-11. Calney, V.A.. & Shishov, S. (2010). Multicenter analysis of the quality of education. The quality of education in schools, 3, 3 - 11. Chizhova, N. N. (2013). Testing as a form of evaluation of the quality of education. Vocational education, 2, 51-52. Ibragimov, G. I. (2007). The quality of education in a vocational school. Kazan: Kazan School. 248 p. Calney, V. A. & Shishov, S. E. (1999). Teaching quality monitoring technology in the system "teacher - pupil". Moscow: Russia Pedagogical Society. 275 p. Kartashova, O. S. & Pushnikova, V. P. (2014). Use of automated quality assessment systems of education and evaluation of expected results as an incentive to the development of educational space in an innovative mode. Quality Management Education, 2, 85-94. Ksenzova, G. Y. (2002). The estimated activity of the teacher. Moscow: Russia Pedagogical Society. 128. Nokhrina, N. (2000). test control system. Higher education in Russia, 1, 106-107. Perovsky, E. I. (1960). Test your knowledge of students in high school. Moscow: Publishing House of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR. 511 p. The concept of the Federal target program of education development for 2016-2020 years, (2014) Direct access: http://government.ru/media/files/mlorxfXbbCk.pdf Ulasevich, O. N. & Volkov, A. V. (2013) The school system of education quality assessment. Managing a modern school. The director of studies, 2, 35 - 53. |
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Monitoring of Working Conditions and the Nature of their Influence on Health of Students and Academic StaffMikhail V. Vinichenko, Andrey V. Kirillov, Elena V. Frolova, Olga V. Kaurova, Sergey A. Makushkin
pp. 4564-4577 | Article Number: ijese.2016.332
Abstract The relevance of the research is conditioned by the need to win the competition struggle by certain organizations and area in general. Education has recently become very popular for the training of highly professional staff. However, achieving this goal is possible by means of creation of favorable working and learning conditions, maintaining health of the teaching staff and students. Therefore, the present article has the purpose to reveal the issues of monitoring of working conditions and the nature of their influence on the health of students and academic staff of Russian State Social University (RSSU). The main approach, implemented in the study has been the system one, giving the opportunity to study the problem in the logical relationship. Also, there has been used the method of comparative analysis, based on the comparison of the results of content analysis of documentary data of the university and sociological survey. 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Students’ Network Project Activities in the Context of the Information Educational Medium of Higher Education InstitutionElvira K. Samerkhanova, Elena P. Krupoderova, Klimentina R. Krupoderova, Lyudmila N. Bahtiyarova, Alexander V. Ponachugin
pp. 4578-4586 | Article Number: ijese.2016.333
Abstract The purpose of the research is justifying didactic possibilities of the use of network services for the organization of information for the learning environment of college, where students carry out their project activities, and where effective networking between students and teachers takes place. The authors consider didactic possibilities of network services for their applications at each stage of the project activity: search and research, design, presentation, reflective. The use of the following services is justified: sharing media materials, hypertext; services of co-editing text documents, spreadsheets, presentations; service of sharing maps and charts; on-line imaging service. During network project activity a developing information environment is formed. The analysis showed effectiveness of the creating of a shared information educational environment in college based on network services and the possibility of organizing productive project activities of students and full networking between students and teachers in this environment. The materials can be used in any educational organization, forming an open information environment for the organization of project activity of students. The continuation of the study validates the use of different models of organization of project activities. Keywords: Information educational medium, project, network project activities, network services, cooperation References Dewey, J. (1963). Experience and Education. New-York: Collier Books, 91 p. Golub, G.B., Perelygina, E.A., Churakova, O.V. (2006). The Project Method: Technology of Competence-Based Education. Moscow: Fedorov's House, 176 p. Gruzdeva, M.L., Bakhtiyarova, L.N. (2014). 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Citizenship as Fundamentals of Youth UpbringingZulfiya M. Hodzhageldieva, Gulzhan С. Imambekova, Rysty K. Kerimbayeva, Madina A. Myrkassymova, Ayauzhan M. Shukeyeva, Laila A. Alpysbay, Saira T. Bekberdiyeva
pp. 4587-4594 | Article Number: ijese.2016.334
Abstract The subject of the article is of current interest nowadays in the conditions of spiritual and moral crisis provoked by the deep social and economic transformations occurring in modern society. Such public situation makes fall into a muse about the revival of lost cultural wealth, about moral and patriotic reference points in youth education. The aim of the study is identifying and studying the basics of pedagogical system for the formation of civil activity in students during the learning process. That is necessary not only to improve the quality of education and the educational process, but also for the democratization of life in general. The study identifies the main functions of a pedagogical management, specific pedagogical impact, and define special test or questionnaire probable degree of susceptibility or resistance to the student's ideas of others. Historical and pedagogical methods allowed to determine that the problem of formation of civil activity was and is the subject of attention of philosophers, educators and other scientists. Significant results gave a comparative analysis of specific trends in the formation of civic engagement of young people in Europe and Russia. The practical significance of the study lies in developing of a model of the system for the formation of students civil activity; defining stages and conditions of the complex implementation of the process; substantiation of criteria and indicators of youth civic activity. Keywords: Citizenship, civil literacy, civil maturity, civil position, civil consciousness, civil engagement. References Aksenov, G.P. (1990). Personality as the most precious value. Moscow: Knowledge, 164 p. Amanoshvili, Sh. (1990). Personal-humane basis of the pedagogical process. Minsk: University press, 559 p. Bespalko, V.P. (1989). Pedagogical technology and means of teaching. 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Psychological and Pedagogical Support of Teenage Inmates of Children's VillageAlia M. Muhanbetzhanova, Svetlana M. Bakhysheva, Asylbek S. Irgaliev, Ruskanim S. Kinghekova, Shynar T. Gabdrahmanova, Ludmila G. Kolesova
pp. 4595-4609 | Article Number: ijese.2016.335
Abstract The urgency of the stated in the article issue is caused by the necessity to solve the problems of education and way of life of orphans and children without parental care, the severity of which increases not only because of the continuous growth of the number of children coming into care of the state, but also the inefficient functioning of the existing state orphanage children education system. The aim of the research is scientific and theoretical development of pedagogical conditions of successful socialization of orphans in children's villages of family type and experimental study of their effectiveness. Theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the concept of social development and individual activity determinism, pedagogical and psychological theories on the human nature and socialization, its diagnosis, correctional and development activities concepts. The article contains the results of the socio-psycho-pedagogical diagnostics of socialization of teenage inmates of family type children's village; the authors describe the concept, certain principles and make a summary of educating principle for this category of children. The results are explained in terms of socialization: axiological, behavioral and communicative, emotional and volitional and personal self-assessment. The study does not cover the full problem of the children's village activities, but it can serve as a basis for the development of methodological approaches in solving for a number of practical problems of social adaptation of teenage children, and need to be supplemented by experts in fields of psychology, pedagogy, etc. Keywords: Socialization, teenage inmates of children's village, successful socialization, socialization level, social adaptability References Abulkhanova, K. A. (2011). Ratio of individuality and personality in the light of the subject approach. 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Development of Leadership Potential in Students within an Education Space of a Pedagogical UniversityAnar Alimbekova, Marziya Asylbekova, Raziya Karimova
pp. 4610-4616 | Article Number: ijese.2016.336
Abstract In recent years in psychological and pedagogical sciences there is a trend for increase of interest in studies of students’ potential in higher education institutions, because it is the major factor affecting development of student’s inner potential. Majority of works in this field deal with the issues of study of student’s personal potential, however the problem of leadership potential development in students (i.e. the question of development of leadership qualities directly within education space of a pedagogical university) is understudied, especially concerning students of pedagogical departments. Theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the analysis of psychological and pedagogical understanding of leadership as a phenomenon of development of leadership skills in students. The article contains the results of the theoretical analysis of leadership potential development in student’s personality within education space of a pedagogical university, define the structure of student’s leadership potential, study the content of the process of leadership potential development within education space of a pedagogical university. The study describes conditions for effective development of leadership skills. Keywords: Leader, leadership potential, leadership skills, education space of pedagogical university References Bondyreva, S. K. (2006). Interpersonal interaction in ethnopedagogical context of cultural dialogue. News in Psychological and Educational Research, 1(1), 26-32. Drygina, I. V. (2004). Activation of Leadership Potential in a Student within Education Process at the University: PhD Thesis. Krasnoyarsk: Siberian State Technological University. Gusinksiy, E. N. (2004). Modern Education Theories. Moscow: Publishing House "University Book", 256 p. Kirsanov, M. V. (2003). Leadership Potential of Crisis Managers. PhD. Thesis, Unpublished. Moscow: MV Lomonosov Moscow State University. Kotrukhova, R. I. (2009). Techniques of Development of Leadership Skills in College Youth. Chelyabinsk: Chelyabinsk National University, 248 p. Martynova, M. D. (2003). Development of leadership and social activity of youth within the system of university education as a basis for formation of management skills in future professionals. University Management, 5, 28-36. Ozhegov, S. I., Shvedova, N. Y. (1999). Dictionary of the Russian Language. Moscow: Azbukovnik, 939 p. Pidkasisty, P. I. (1998). Pedagogy: textbook for students of pedagogical universities and teacher training colleges. Moscow: Russian Pedagogical Society, 640 p. Slobodchikov, V. I. (1991). Age categories in psychology and pedagogy development. Problems of Psychology, 2: 37-50. Vulfov, B. Z. (1999). Fundamentals of pedagogy. Moscow: URAO Press, 352 p. |
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Vowel Harmony is a Basic Phonetic Rule of the Turkic LanguagesGaziza B. Shoibekova, Sagira A. Odanova, Bibigul M. Sultanova, Tynyshtyk N. Yermekova
pp. 4617-4630 | Article Number: ijese.2016.337
Abstract The present study comprehensively analyzes vowel harmony as an important phonetic rule in Turkic languages. Recent changes in the vowel harmony potential of Turkic sounds caused by linguistic and extra-linguistic factors were described. Vowels in the Kazakh, Turkish, and Uzbek language were compared. The way this or that phoneme sounded in the Proto-Turkic language and the way it sounds now in each specific language was investigated. The common and distinguishing features of phonemes were specified based on concrete facts. The specificity of sounding of key vowel phonemes was analyzed with regard to the findings of prominent phoneticians. It was found that of the compared languages, only the Turkish and the Kazakh language preserved the classic eight Proto-Turkic vowels. Certain signs of vowel harmony were characterized – tree types of vowel opposition: by backness – front, back, central, by labialization – unlablialized-labialized, by roundness – narrow, wide, and medium. Thus, it is possible to see the full picture of the phonemic spectrum of vowel functioning in the Turkic languages under consideration by distinguishing the common trends in changes at the current stage of linguistics with regard to the specificity of each individual language system. Keywords: Vowel harmony, sound harmony, phonetic regularity, labialized-unlabialized vowel, palatal sound References Abuov, Zh. O. (1978). On the Influence of the Phonological System on the Perception of Phonetic Signs of Vowels: PhD Abstract. Leningrad, 27 p. Baydar, T. İ. (2013). Yardımcı Fiil Şeklinde Oluşan Birleşik Fiiller Üzerine. A.Ü. Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5, 55–66. Caferoğlu, A. (2013). Türk Dili Tarihi. İstanbul: Enderun Kitabevi, 246 p. Dzhunisbekov, A. (1991). The Structure of the Kazakh Language. Alma-Ata: Gylym, 115 p. Dzhusupov, M. (1991). Sound Systems in the Russian and Kazakh Languages. Tashkent: FAN, 214 p. Iskhakov, F. G. (1955). Long Vowels in Turkic Language. Study of the Comparative Grammar in Turkic Languages. Moscow: Eastern Literature Publishing House, 264 p. Kononov, A. N. (1976). Essay on the history of study of the Turkish language. Leningrad: Nauka, 115 p. Korkmaz, Z. (2013). Türkiye Türkçesinin Temeli Oğuz Türkçesinin Gelişimi. Ankara: TDK Yayınları, 230 p. Odanova, S. A. (2014). Economy in the Kazakh Language: Law or Phenomenon? Science Journal, 11(4), 242-253. Reshetov, V. V. (1961). Basic Phonetics, Morphology, and Syntax of the Uzbek Language. Tashkent: Secondary and High School of the Uzbek SSR Publishing House, 232 p. Sevortyan, E. V. (1955). Phonetics of the Turkish Literary Language. Moscow: AV USSR Publishing House, 134 p. Serebrennikov, B. A. (1986). Comparative and Historical Grammar of Turkic languages. Moscow: Nauka, 294 p. Shcherbak, A. M. (1970). Comparative Phonetics of Turkic Languages. Leningrad: Nauka, 76 p. Tekin, T. (1978). Determination of Middle-Turkic Long Vowels Through Arud. Ankara: Kurmay Kitap Yayın Dağıtım, 704 p Torsuyev, G. P. (1962). Issues of the Verbal Phonetic Structure. Leningrad: AV USSR Publishing House, 312 p. Wurzel, W. (1983). Phonologie. Kleine Enzyklopädie. Leipzig: Deutsche Sprache, 14, 567–582. |
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Strategy of Inclusion of Reproductive Work in the Social ProductionElena A. Astakhova, Dina B. Chuprova, Svetlana N. Kalyugina, Alexander I. Pyanov
pp. 4631-4638 | Article Number: ijese.2016.338
Abstract The article deals with a set of economic, social and psychological factors that result in decrease of birth-rate and render the market incentives in overcoming depopulation of Russia inefficient. Doubts about the appropriateness of Western models, which are being continuously and ineffectively adapted to Russian reality by researchers from Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States, call for attempts at finding solution within the framework of social constructivism. Analytical sessions and a sociological research into circumstances and considerations, which are perceived as those impeding the realization of the reproductive potential of Russian women, helped to lay down the conceptual statements on the formation of new strategies aimed at inclusion of reproductive labor in the process of social production. Ascertained were the specific social-psychological and medical factors that influence reproductive processes and can bring about considerable demographic changes. Keywords: birth-rate, depopulation, reproductive labor, human capital, socio-constructivist approach References Alexander, P., Baden, S. (2000). Glossary on macroeconomics from a gender perspective. Brighton: Institute of development of studies. Bridge (development-gender). 48, 2-40. http://www1.aucegypt.edu/src/macroeconomics/PDFS/gender%20and%20macroeconomics.pdf Antonov, A. (1995). Depopulation and the family crisis in post-Soviet Russia: who is to blame and what to do? Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 18. Sociology and political science, 2, 12-21. Baranov, A. (2000). Socio-economic problems of depopulation and the aging of the population. Questions of economy, 7, 111–120. Baranov, A. (2000). Some factors of population crisis. Sociological studies, 7, 116–119. Becker, G. (1991). Treatise on the Family. Harvard: University Press, 424 p. Berger, P., Luckman, T. (1995). Social Construction of Reality. Moscow: Medium publ., 323 p. Bezrukova, O. (2011). Reproductive motivate women. Sociological studies, 12, 122 –124. Borisov, V. (1995). Marriages and births in Russia: demographic analysis. Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, 67 p. Elson, D. (1997). Integrating Gender Issues into Public Expenditure: Six Tools. USA: University of Manchester, Graduate School of Social Sciences, GENECON Unit. Folbre, N. (1994). Who Pays for the Kids? Gender and the Structures of Constraint. London, New York: Routledge, 335 p. Kapitsa, S. (1999). The general theory of human population growth. Moscow: Nauka, 216 p. Kulagina, G. (2002). National accounting. Moscow: Finansy i statistika, 607 p. Mehra, R., Gammage, S. (2005). Trends, Countertrends, and Gaps in Women's Employment. World Development, 3, 533–550. Nyberg, A. (1998). Women, men and incomes. Gender equality and economic independence. Stockolm: Fritze, 87 p. Palmer, I. (1991). Social and Gender Issues in Macroeconomic Policy Advice. Social Policy Series, 13, 45-62. Popper, K. (1992). The Open Society and Its Enemies. Moscow: Fenix Publ., 528 p. The social construction of gender. (1991). Ed. by J. Lorber and S. A. Farrell. Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage Publications, 374 p. What do Russians think about low birth-rate. Public Opinion Fund review. (2002). Demoscope Weekly, 53-54. http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2002/053/analit02.php Zbarskaya, I. (1999). Family crisis and depopulation in Russia. Sociological studies, 11, 51-56. Zhurzhenko, T. (1999). The discourse of the market and the issue of gender in the economy, Social studies and the present, 5, 175 – 187. |
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Nurturing and Testing Translation Competence for Text-TranslatingKarlygash Adilkhanovna Aubakirova
pp. 4639-4649 | Article Number: ijese.2016.339
Abstract The article analyzes the problems of contemporary professional education. As its instance, we examine the developmental scheme for training professional translators. Optimal ways of organizing the learning process are suggested from the point of view of the competence approach, which is widely recognized for training a modern specialist. The article demonstrates the present-day relevance of the translation profession and the importance of raising expert translators, who possess such a professional quality as a translator’s competence. In this article, we analyze different points of view on the concept of “translation competence”, as given presently in both national and foreign scientific literature. However, the PACTE-model is specifically highlighted. The problems of developing criteria for the translation quality control are studied, as regards to the translations that future professional translators perform in the process of learning. The article presents various opinions of foreign scientists on the systems of assessment and on the criteria for evaluating the quality of translation services. These systems form the basis for the suggested complex of criteria for the quality control and assessment of translations from Russian, which combines different approaches to assessing translation, and which proved to be productive when used in the process of translators training. Keywords: Translation, professional competence, translation competence, student translation, professional translation, analytical approach, system approach, translation quality assessment, assessment of translation competence References 1. Chaleva, I. (1999). Training the translator as "the second linguistic personality". The translator's workbooks: a collection of theoretical and scientific articles, Moscow, MGLU, 24, 63-72. 2. Alekseeva, I. (2008). The text and its translation: theoretical aspects. Moscow: International relations. 3. Porshneva, H. (2002). The basic linguistic training for a translator, a monograph. Nizhniy Novgorod: NNGU named after N. I. Lobachevsky. 4. Beeby, A., Ensinger, D., & Presas, M. (2000). Acquiring translation competence: Hypotheses and methodological problems in a research project. Investigating Translation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 5. Komissarov, V. (2001). Modern translation studies. Мoscow. 6. Bell, R. (1991). Translation and Translating. London: Longman. 7. Nord, C. (1991). Text Analysis in Translation: Theory, Methodology, and Didactic Application of a Model for Translation-Oriented Text Analysis. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 8. Heizman, S. (1994, November). Human Strategies in Translation and Interpreting – what MT can learn from translators. BMT. Report 43. 9. Beeby, A., & Ensinger, D. (2000). PACTE Acquiring Translation Competence: Hypotheses and Methodological Problems in a Research Project (pp. 99-106). 10. Campbell, S. (1991). Towards a Model of Translation Competence. Meta, 36-2/3, 329-243. |
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Development of Innovative Business Model of Modern Manager’s QualitiesElena V. Yashkova, Nadezda L. Sineva, Angelika A. Shkunova, Natalia V. Bystrova, Zhanna V. Smirnova, Tatyana V. Kolosova
pp. 4650-4659 | Article Number: ijese.2016.340
Abstract The paper defines a complex of manager’s qualities based on theoretical and methodological analysis and synthesis methods, available national and world literature, research papers and publications. The complex approach methodology was used, which provides an innovative view of the development of modern manager’s qualities. The methodological background of the research are theoretical and methodological analysis and synthesis methods of available national and world literature, conceptual analysis of issue-related research papers and publications; study and generalization of both national and foreign developments and introduction of projects regarding actualization of manager’s effective activity; the use of generalization, comparison, forecasting methods. The carried out research made it possible to distinguish a number of factors, which will have the major effect on managers’ innovative entrepreneurial activities in the coming decade. Management as a social and economic phenomenon is under constant development – going to the future, and every efficient manager should accordingly improve himself. Therefore, today not only the level of professional training but such components of the profession as innovations and creativity, which are business advantages, important economic recourse and intensive economic development condition, become characteristic of manager’s activity. They’re defined as abilities to reveal and encourage employees’ creative and innovative ideas. These aspects are reflected in the development of innovative business model of modern manager, each component of which is a key and independent element. Special attention is paid to the creative and innovative component of the suggested model. The suggested model might be used in order to create a manager’s unique image and lead the company he manages to a long expected result. Keywords: Entrepreneurship; innovation; manager’s qualities model References Batrasov, V.I., Vifleemsky, A.B. (2001). Dictionary-reference book of economics. Murom Institute of Vladimir State University Press: Murom, 275 p. Betz, F. (2003). Managing Technological Innovation: Competitive Advantage from Change. J. Willey and Sons: New York, 384 p. Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1988). Society, culture, and person: A system view of creativity', in the nature of creativity: Contemporary Psychological Perspectives. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 466 p. Drucker, P.F. (1992). The new society organizations. Harvard Business Review, 70(5), 95-104. Kao, J.J. (1996). The Art and Discipline of Business Creativity. Harper Collins: New York, 159 p. Morozova, V.S. (2012). Notion and structure of manager’s entrepreneurial competence. Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences, 2(2), 199-204. Morozova, V.S. Who are you – an entrepreneur, a manager or a specialist? Retrieved October 04, 2015, from http://www.bishelp.ru/svoe_delo/ocenka/30kto.php. Proctor, T. (1995). The Essence of Management Creativity. Prentice Hall: London, 235 p. Reznik, S.D., Sochilova, A.A. (2010). Individual competitiveness basics. Educational guidance. Infra-M: Moscow, 256 p. Shkunova, A.A., Koloda, S.A. Team-building as a students’ research project in the “organizational behavior” course. Retrieved February 15, 2016, from http://vestnik.mininuniver.ru/reader/search/komandoobrazovanie-kak-issledovatelskiy-proekt-stu/. Sineva, N.L., Yashkova, E.V. (2015). Modern company’s staff intellectual and creative activity development management. Naukovedenie web journal, 7(5), 1-11. Tan, G. (1998). Managing creativity in organizations: A total system approach. Creativity and Innovation Management, 7(1), 23-31. Vishnyakova, M.V. (2009). The hunt for a manager in the crisis period. Personnel Management: Moscow, 211 p. Yashkova, E.V., Kamkin, N.V. Exercising corporate culture in a hotel enterprise. Research studies in humanities. Retrieved October 18, 2015, from http://human.snauka.ru/2015/10/12813. |
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On the Development of Professional Competence in Students of Creative Pedagogical SpecialtiesPatima Makhashova, Asylbek Meirmanov, Zhaxybek Zhunusbekov, Orynkul Makasheva, Elmira Mirzaliyeva, Almagul Ermuratova, Janat Sakenov
pp. 4660-4668 | Article Number: ijese.2016.341
Abstract The relevance of the topic revealed is caused by necessity to update the organization of professional activity for pedagogical higher education institution on a competence-based basis, creating conditions for developing the corresponding professional competences in students of creative pedagogical specialties. The paper addresses the structure, content, organization and methodology of developing the professional communicative competence of future specialists in creative pedagogical specialties. The basic components to provide integrity for an educational process that increases the efficiency of training students and aims to support their personal development are described. The article explains the dynamics of the process of developing professional communicative competence and integrating the proposed system into the educational process as well. The Model for developing professional competence in students of creative pedagogical specialties is developed and experimentally verified. Results and the conclusions gained during research might be used while developing substantial and procedural modules on creative disciplines. Keywords: Professional competence, creative pedagogical specialties, professionally-oriented aspect, educational system, model References Aleinikov, A. (2013). Creative Pedagogy: Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship. New-York: Springer, 339 p. Arsamerzaev, G.A., Dauletova, I.G., Sakenov, J.Z., Toktarbayev, G.-S.D. (2014). Formation of professional competence at students (on the example of creative pedagogical specialties). Life Science Journal, 11(6s), 97-101. Asenova, N.S., Zhumabaeva, Z.E., Kenenbaeva, M.A., Sakenov, D.Zh., Toktarbaev D.G. (2013). On the preparation of students of higher education institution for professional activity in the course of studying of elective disciplines. Life Science Journal, 10(10s), 96-100. Baigozhina, Z., Zhakibayeva, G., Sakenov, J.Z., Zavalko, N., Nurtayeva, Z.Z., Tasbulatova, G.T. (2014). On the increase of efficiency of vocational training of students. Life Science Journal, 11(5s), 259-262. Brown-Rice, K.A., Furr, S. (2013). Preservice counselors' knowledge of classmates' problems of professional Competency. Journal of Counseling & Development, 91(2), 224-233. Carr, D., Skinner, D. (2009). The cultural roots of professional wisdom: Towards a broader view of teacher expertise. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 41(2), 141-154. Clarke, A., Budge, K. (2010). Listening for creative voices amid the cacophony of fiscal complaint about art and design education. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 29(2), 153-162. Cremin, T., Maybin, J. (2013). Children's and teachers' creativity in and through language. International Handbook of Research on Children's Literacy, Learning and Culture, 1, 275-290. Fernandez, N., Dory, V., Ste-Marie, L.-G., Chaput, M., Charlin, B., Boucher, A. (2012). Varying conceptions of competence: an analysis of how health sciences educators define competence. Medical Education, 46(4), 357-365. Johnson, M., Cowin, L.S., Wilson, I., Young, H. (2012). Professional identity and nursing: contemporary theoretical developments and future research challenges. International Nursing Review, 59(4), 562-569. Kamak, A.O., Rakhmetova, N.B., Imankulova, L. (2016). The requirements for the formation of future fine art teacher`s pedagogical competence. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9(22), 1-7. Kramsch, C. (2006). From communicative competence to symbolic competence. Modern Language Journal, 90(2), 249-252. Oreck, B. (2004). The artistic and professional development of teachers: A study of teachers' attitudes toward and use of the arts in teaching. Journal of Teacher Education, 55(1), 55-69. Sakenov, D.Zh. (2012). Preparation of students of higher education institution for professional activity in the course of studying of pedagogical disciplines. World Applied Sciences Journal, 19(10), 1431-1436. Schantz, E.A. (2012). Professional training of university students as a holistic educational system. Theory and Practice of Education in the Modern World, 1, 383-386.
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On the Students’ Ability to Use Digital Educational ResourcesAigul Z. Saliyeva, Fatima N. Zhumabekova, Bayzhuman B. Kashkynbaу, Gulmira Saurbekova, Danara Tauasarova, Darkhan Toktarbaev, Janat Sakenov
pp. 4669-4679 | Article Number: ijese.2016.342
Abstract The study covers the issue of students’ ability to use digital educational resources in their professional activity in which reflects their future professional work. Levels of students' readiness to use digital educational resources in their professional activity are identified. The Model of students’ ability to use digital educational resources in professional activity is experimentally proved. The authors have shown that in recent years the Internet has captured most of the spheres of life of persons, and has become an integral part of life. It was revealed that the democratization of the world's online users opened the cultural environment in which they are, regardless of their interests, can find a place to socialize with friends with the same interests all over the world. For the proper implementation and application of E-learning as the authors see a need to explore these concepts and its features, a clear definition of E-learning elements and realize its significant advantages compared with traditional learning. Implementation of the developed Model allows to optimize process of professional training in higher educational institutions Keywords: Digital educational resources, higher education, ability to use digital educational resources, professional activity, Model References Burleson, W., Ganz, A., Harris, I. (2013). Educational innovations in multimedia systems. Journal of Engineering Education, 90(1), 21–31. Efimova, E.A. (2011). Interactive learning as a means of preparing professionally mobile specialist. Vocational Secondary Education, 10, 23-24. Ellis, T. (2004). Animating to build higher cognitive understanding: A model for studying multimedia effectiveness in education. Journal of Engineering Education, 93(1), 59-64. Furs, M.V. (2011). Interactive training and means of increasing the level of training of students. Journal of Higher School, 10, 29-33. Gorana, R.N., Kanaujia, P.R. (2016). Reorienting Educational Efforts for Sustainable Development: Experiences from South Asia. Dordrecht: Springer, 212 p. Gorneva, E.A. (2007). Electronic educational resources as an integrated tool of information culture of the future teachers of technology. PhD Thesis. Bryansk: Academician I.G. Petrovsky Bryansk State University, 24 p. Kang, M.-J., Vasseur, A.F. (2016). Criteria on Contractions for Entropic Discontinuities of Systems of Conservation Laws. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 222(1), 343-391. Karakozov, S.D. (2002). The methodological basis for the design of educational WEB-site. Information Technologies in Science and Education, 1, 288-291. Määttä, S., Ray, C., Roos, G., Roos, E. (2016). Applying a socioecological model to understand preschool children’s sedentary behaviors from the viewpoints of parents and preschool personnel. Early Childhood Education Journal, 44(5), 491-502. Magdy, F., Iskander, J., Catten, C., Jameson, R., Jones A., Balcells, A. (2014). Development of multimedia modules for education. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 3(2), 97-110. McDonald, C.V. (2016). Evaluating junior secondary science textbook usage in Australian schools. Research in Science Education, 46(4), 481-509. Muller, D.A., Sharma, M.D., Reimann, P. (2008). Raising cognitive load with linear multimedia to promote conceptual change. Science Education, 92(2), 278–296. Othman, M.R., Naintin, E.A. (2016). The relationship between maritime education and employer trust: the structural equation modelling (SEM) perspective. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 15(2), 112-124. Rosina, N.L. (2012). Development of professional learning psychology students in terms of high school preparation. Educational Psychology, 1, 70-78. Sakenov, D.Zh. (2012). Preparation of students of higher education institution for professional activity in the course of studying of pedagogical disciplines. World Applied Sciences Journal, 19(10), 1431-1436. Sarsenbaeva, B.G. (2014). Pedagogical conditions of formation professional competences in students (Pedagogics and psychology specialty as an example). Life Science Journal, 11(5s), 166-170. Schantz, E.A. (2012). Professional training of university students as a holistic educational system. Theory and Practice of Education in the Modern World, 1, 383-386. |
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Model of Formation for Readiness to Work within Inclusive Education in TeachersZulfiya A. Movkebayeva, Indira A. Oralkanova, Bagdat M. Mazhinov, Aitolkyn B. Beisenova, Oksana G. Belenko
pp. 4680-4689 | Article Number: ijese.2016.343
Abstract The whole civilized world commonly practices including of all the children into educational system regardless on their abilities or cultural and social status. In this context there is a topical issue of creation of a social environment within an educational institution that shall allow a child to fulfil him/herself, to feel inner connection with the world around, to realise his/her importance for the world. The objective of this research is to model the process of formation of readiness in teachers of elementary school to work within inclusive education. The article describes basic parameters of professional and physiologic readiness of elementary school teachers to inclusion of a child with special educational needs into educational process: new conception thinking, ability to realise personal and social value of work with children with special educational needs, readiness to continuous learning and self-development. In order to create effective ways of training teachers to work within inclusive education the methods of theoretical analysis and synthesis were used. The results of the study might be used in preparation of teachers to work in inclusive schools is a complex and systematic work, including professional selection of applicants to the pedagogical specialty and the inclusion of psychological and pedagogical disciplines with information about inclusive education. Keywords: Inclusive education, physiologic readiness, elementary school teacher, formation of readiness in teachers, model. References Alyokhina, S.V. (2012). Readiness of the teacher for realization of inclusive approach in education. Science and Education. Munich, Germany: Publishing Office Vela Verlag, 656 p. Bim-Bad, B.M. (1998). Pedagogical anthropology. Moscow: Publishing house URAO, 576 p. Bodalev, A.A. (1995). Personality and communication. Moscow: International Pedagogic Academy, 328 p. Bondarevskaya, E.B. (1997). Humanistic paradigm of person-centered education. Pedagogics Journal, 4, 11-17. Cagran, B., Schmidt, M. (2011). Attitudes of Slovene teachers towards the inclusion of pupils with different types of special needs in primary school. Educational Studies, 37(2), 171-195. Derkach, A.A. (2004). Acmeology. Moscow: RAGS, 298 p. Forlin, C., Chambers, D. (2011). Teacher preparation for inclusive education: Increasing knowledge but raising concerns. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 39(1), 17-32. Galkienė, A. (2003). Pedagoginė sąveika integruoto ugdymo sąlygomis. Šiauliai: Šiaulių Universitetas, 169 p. Galperin, P.Ya. (1999). Introduction to psychology. Moscow: Knizhnuy dom “Universitet”, 332 p. Gazman, O.S. (1995). New values of education: content of humanistic education. Moscow: ILI RAO, 103 p. Ivanov, D. (2007). Competences and competency building approach in modern education. Moscow: Science, 195 p. Kertaeva, K.M. (2002). Pedagogical ethics teaching. Moscow: Science, 224 p. Kolesnikova, I.A. (2007). Basic principles of andragogy. Moscow: ACADEMA, 169 p. Leontiev, A.N. (1977). Activity, consciousness, and personality. Moscow: Politizdat, 304 p. Likhachov, B.T. (1997). Introduction to the theory of educational values. Samara: SIU, 84 p. Maslow, A.H. (1970). Motivation and personality. New-York: Harper & Row, 369 p. Nikandrov, N.D. (2004). Values in life and education. Higher Education Today, 11, 34-40. Rubinstein, S.L. (1997). Philosophic and psychological selectas. Moscow: Science, 463 p. Shchedrovitskiy, G.P. (1996). Philosophy. Science. Methodology. Moscow: Science, 641 p. Shchurkova, N.E. (1998). Up-bringing: new outlook from the point of view of culture. Moscow: Pedagogical Search, 177 p. Shumilovskaya, Yu.V. (2011). Preparation of a future teacher to work with pupils within inclusive education. PhD Thesis. Shuya: Shuya State Pedagogical University, 174 p. Slastenin, V.A. (2000). Axiological basis of education. Value priorities of basic and professional education: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (pp. 27-30). Moscow, Russian Federation. Vygotsky, L.S. (1982). Issues in the theory and history of psychology. Moscow: Pedagogics, 488 p. Zimnyaya, I.A. (2004). Competency building approach in education. Issues on the quality of education: Proceedings of the 14th National Conference (p. 13-27). Moscow, Russian Federation. Zmeev, S.I. (2007). Andragogy: basic principles, theories, stories and methods of education of adults. Moscow: PER SE, 272 p. |
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Transformation of Corporate Culture in Conditions of Transition to Knowledge EconomicsTatiana V. Korsakova, Elena A. Chelnokova, Svetlana N. Kaznacheeva, Irina B. Bicheva, Antonina L. Lazutina, Tatyana V. Perova
pp. 4690-4698 | Article Number: ijese.2016.344
Abstract This article is devoted to the problem of corporate culture transformations which are conditioned by changes in social-economic situation. The modern paradigm of knowledge management is assumed to become the main value for forming a new vision of corporate culture. The starting point for transformations can be found in the actual corporate culture of the company. In the paper the selection of corporate culture concepts according to the modern paradigm of economics is carried out. New approach to the study of the corporate culture based on the analysis of available typologies is established. Reflection is chosen as the method for probing of the current status and potential possibilities of changes of corporate culture. The concept of "intermediate type of corporate culture" is substantiated. Within the frame of practical experiment the influence of hidden factors upon the process of corporate culture transformation is established. The expediency of diagnostics of corporate culture for its further transformation is substantiated. Keywords: culture, typology, diagnostics, knowledge management References Deal, Т. Е., Kennedy, А. А. (1982). Corporate Cultures. The Rites and Rituals of Corporate Life. Boston: Addison-Wesley Publ., 232 p. Gates, B. (2007). Business with the speed of thought. Moscow: Eksmo, 287 p. Handy, С. (1987). Understanding Organizations. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 212 p. Korsakova, T. V., Korsakov, M. N. (2015). An interdisciplinary approach to knowledge management in modern commercial organization: climbing the spiral. Ekonomika i predprinimatel’stvo, 8 (I), 564-569. Kuznetsov, A. (2013). Formation and diagnostic criteria of corporate culture of a company. Osnovy economiki, upravleniya i prava, 1 (7), 65-69. Lepsky, V. (2010). Reflexive-active spheres of innovative development. Moskva: Cogito Center, 167 p. Loginova, O. B. (2011). The problem of choice of organizational culture. http://economics.ihbt.ifmo.ru/file/article/6727.pdf (September, 2011). Mayo, E. (1933). The human problems of an industrial civilization. New York: McMillan Press, 256 p. Ouchi, W. G. (1981). Theory Z: how American business can meet the Japanese challenge. New York: Perseus Books Group, 283 p. Schein, Edgar H. (1992) Organizational Culture and Leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 334 p. Tihomirova, O. (2008). Organizational culture: formation, development and evaluation. Sankt-Peterburg: ITMO, 302 p. Yasvin, V. A. (2001). Educational environment: from modeling to design. Moskva: Smysl, 365 p. |
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Diagnosis of the Initial State of Formation of Research Competence of a Future Social PedagogueAinur K. Zhexembinova, Saeeda Shah, Sharkul T. Taubayeva
pp. 4699-4705 | Article Number: ijese.2016.345
Abstract The article presents the results of the first series of practical research within the scope of an adopted program of pilot testing on “The Technology of Formation of Exploratory Competence in Future Social Teachers within the System of University Education”. A set of questionnaires offered to students made it possible to identify the initial condition of formedness of exploratory competence of future social teachers, which helps to choose correctly the most efficient methods and techniques for its proper formation. It was found out that the students interviewed lack cognitive and professional motives, and do not have a clear idea about scientific activities and their place in a social teacher occupation. However, a considerable amount of respondents have positive attitude to exploratory activity, which means a material opportunity for fostering exploratory competence in future social teachers within the system of university education. Keywords: exploratory activity, motive, exploratory competence, education system References Kodzaspirova, G. M. (2000) Pedagogic dictionary: for students of high and secondary educational institutions. Moscow: Academy, 176 p. Voronova, T. A. (2000) Revisiting criteria of efficiency of training of teachers-researchers within the system of university multilevel pedagogic education. In: V. A. Myasnikov (ed.), M. N. Skatkin and modern education: Proceedings of the conference, 2 (75-89). Moscow. Vvedensky, V. N. (2003) Modelling of professional competence of a teacher. Pedagogika Journal, 10, 51-55. Zimnyaya, I. A. (2000) Scientific and exploratory work: methodology, theory, experience of organisation and implementation: experimental original academic programme. Moscow: Research Centre for Problems of Quality in Specialists, 28 p. |
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The Problem of Socio-Psychological Adjustment of Personality in the Scientists’ StudiesТatyana A. Serebryakova, Lyudmila B. Morozova, Elena M. Kochneva, Darya V. Zharova, Larisa V. Skitnevskaya, Olga A. Kostina
pp. 4706-4715 | Article Number: ijese.2016.346
Abstract Instability and unpredictability of the present stage of social development make the study of social and psychological adjustment of personality to the social environment a highly topical issue. The article presents the results of an empirical research on social personality adaptation. Evident is the close relations between social and psychological adaptation and socialization of the personality, which both may be considered an indicator of maturity of personality and a high level of development of personal activity and subjectivity. Having applied the method of theoretical analysis, which helped to explore the «social and psychological adaptation» notion, the authors carried out an experimental study showcasing the need for working out programs of psychological content and orientation that are aimed at optimizing adaptive processes. The research results attested to the particular importance of proper social and psychological adaptation in adolescence. The approbated program of empirical research of social and psychological adaptation proved to be fit for a wide use in experimental practice. Keywords: adaptation, personality, social and psychological adaptation of personality, adolescence, social learning theory References Adler, A. (1995) Practice and theory of individual psychology. – Мoscow: Nauka, 218 p. Aksarina, N. M. (2011) Educating small children. Мoscow: Phoenix Publ., 234 p. Andreyeva, D. A. (2006) About the concept of adaptation: research of high school education adjustment of students. – Мoscow: Man and Society, 451 p. Belinskaya, Ye. P., Tikhomandritskaya, O. A. (2001) Social psychology of personality. Moscow: The Aspect Press, 300 p. Erikson, E. (1996) Identity: youth and crisis. Мoscow: Progress, 189 p. Freud, Z. (1991) Introduction to psychoanalysis: lectures. Мoscow: Nauka,456 p. Grigorieva, M. V. (2005) Theoretical and applied aspects of the problem of adjustment in psychology. The problems of social psychology of personality. – SPb, Azbuka, 376 p. Hjelle, L . Ziegler, D. (2003) Theories of personality. SPb.: Peter, 609 p. Klaykov, I. D. (1984) Civilization and adaptation. Moscow: Progress, 239 p. Krys'ko, V. G. (1999) Ethnopsychological dictionary. Мoscow: МPSI, 343 p. Mnatsakanyan, I. A. (2004) Adaptation of students in the new socio-cultural conditions PhD Thesis. Yaroslavl, RMP, 191 p. Morozov, A. V. (2000) Business psychology. A course of lectures. SPb.: Soyuz, 576 p. Nalgadzhyan, A. A. (2004) Socio-psychological adaptation of personality: forms, mechanism, strategies. Yerevan: Sarkis Khachenz Publ.,186 p. Petrovsky, A. V. (1981) To understanding personality in psychology. Psychology Issues, 2, 40-46. Piaget, J. (1994) The selected psychological works. Мoscow: Aspekt Press, 114 p. Rubtsova, N. V. (2014) To the problem of formation of the individual: education and teacher as a «mediators» in the process of socialization of personality. The Herald of the Minsk University, 2, 17-34. Trukhmanova, Ye. N. (2004) Personality characteristics of orphans-adolescents and the adolescents without parental care as a factor of their maladjustment: on the materials of rural children's homes. PhD Thesis. N. Novgorod, 288 p. |
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New Approaches to a Subject of Anthropocentric LinguisticsValentine S. Lee, Ainakul B. Tumanova, Zhanat H. Salkhanova
pp. 4716-4728 | Article Number: ijese.2016.347
Abstract The article studies theoretical issues of modern anthropocentric paradigm of scientific knowledge from the history of anthropocentric linguistics development as a special field of language science. The purpose of this study is to answer the question about human influence on the semiotic system. The material result is the unification of specific approaches to anthropological linguistics subject. Therefore, approach based on linguistics solved the problem of establishment of the human’s linguistic nature, his language world. Conversely, the anthropocentric approach in focused on the person as a subject of speech activity that implements his communicative intentions in certain speech acts oriented to the world of semantics and mental human activities. Offered situations are examined on the actual material of the Russian language, which was analyzed from the standpoint of cognitive semantics. The problematics of anthropological linguistics, therefore, is not new and there are no sufficient grounds to consider it firmly established and generally accepted direction; only obvious trends are outlined, therefore it is better to talk about it as a linguistic paradigm having its own background in linguistics and closely related to other related sciences’ issues. Keywords: the Anthropocentrism principle, language and man, the human factor in language, linguistic based approach, cognitive semantics References Alpatov, V. M. (2005). History of Linguistics. Moscow: Languages Slavic culture, 367 p. Apresyan, Y. D. (2009). Research in Semantics and Lexicography. Moscow: Languages Slavic culture, 568 p. Courtenay Baudouin de J. N. (1963). Selected Works on General Linguistics. St.Petersburg: Authors, 315 p. Boldyrev, N. N. (2014). Cognitive Semantics. Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics. Tambov: Derzhavin Tambov State University press, 236 p. Boldyrev, N. N. & Dubrovskaya, O. G. (2016). Sociocultural Commitment of Cognitive Linguistics. Ilha do Desterro, 69(1), 173-182. Budagov, R. A. (1976). A Person and His Language. Moscow: Moscow University press, 253 p. Bulygina, T. V., & Shmelev, A. D. (2014). Language Conceptualization of the World. Moscow: Nauka, 482 p. Dreeva, D. M. (2016). Onomastic Citation as the Means of Expression of Intertextual Connections in the Poetic Disсourse. Science Vector of Togliatti State University, 2(36), 242-246. Frumkina, R. M. (2008). Psycholinguistics: Manual for graduate students. Moscow: “Akademiia” press, 320 p. Kostomarov, P., & Ptashkin, A. (2015). The Identification of “Author” and “Addressee” in the Discourse of the Representative of Volga Germans of Siberia. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 206, 103-107. Krochuk, J. V. (2015). Language Personality as an Investigation Object of Anthopocentric Linguistic Studies. Molodiy vcheniy, 17(2), 204-214. Kubriakova, Y. S. (2004). Language and Knowledge. Moscow: Languages Slavic culture, 560 p. Kuhn, T. S. (2009). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Moscow: АSТ, 310 p. Lee, V. (2016). On Human Factor Influence on Semantic Processes in the Language System. GISAP: Philological Sciences, 9, 224-231. Nikolaeva, T. M. (2008). Non-paradigmatic Linguistics. Moscow: Languages Slavic culture, 376 p. Potebnia, A. A. (1985). From the Notes on Russian Grammar, I-II. Moscow: Prosveschenie, 549 p. Romanova, T. V. (2015). Tracing the Roots of Cognitive Linguistics in Hermann Paul's Principles of the History of Language. Respectus Philologicus, 28(33). 142-154. Stepanov, S. Y. (2009). Methods and Principles of Modern Linguistics. Moscow: Nauka, 313 p. Vezhbitskaya, А. (2001). Understanding Cultures Through Key Words. Moscow: Languages Slavic culture, 288 p. Zaliznyak, A. A. (2006). The Ambiguity in Language and the Ways of its Representation. Moscow: Languages Slavic culture, 672 p. |
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Newspaper Headings as a Means of Presenting Priority and Secondary InformationBekzhigit K. Serdali, Gulmira Sh. Ashirbekova, Zhazira Isaeva, Pakizat M. Adieva
pp. 4729-4738 | Article Number: ijese.2016.348
Abstract This study considers the possibility of using headings in periodicals as a functional mechanism for influencing the readers, which has corresponding goals and tasks. The study offers a detailed characterization of headings not as a unit of publishing and printing design, but as a conceptual and informational element in journalistic texts. Therefore, headings are studied in close relation to publications and their influence on the recipient. The study determines the features of the headings’ information load, their design and conceptual-semantic direction. The most important functions of newspaper headings were analyzed. The reasons for considering them both as an architectonic structure that predetermines and affects the information content of the entire newspaper and as an individual productive unit that forms its own conceptual load and determines the perceptional reserve of the newspaper were outlined and substantiated. The key characteristics that allow determining the level of information presented in newspaper headings were described – they play the main and secondary role in the conveyance of notions and facts that are important to the recipient. The influence of headings on the readability of the periodical and its competitiveness in the formation of the public opinion was noted. Keywords: Periodical information, readers choice, headline complex, printed media, priority of publication References Bowles, D. A. & Borden, D. L. (1997). Creative Editing for Print Media. New York: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 253 p. Brand, W. (1991). Zeitungssprache heute. Hildesheim, Zürich, New York: Olms, 254 p. Hellwig, P. (1984). Titulus oder über den Zusammenhang von Titeln und Texten. Titel sind ein Schlüssel zur Textkonstruktion. Zeitschrift für germanische Linguistik, 12, 1–20. Ilchenko, V. I. (2002). Agents of actualization in newspaper headlines. Scientific Notes of the Institute of Journalism, 8, 172-175. Ivanov, V. F. (2000). Newspaper design technique. Kiev: Znannya, 324 p. Kurz, J., Müller, D., Pötschke, J., Pöttker, H. & Gehr Stilistik, M. (2013). Für Journalisten. Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für Sozialwiss, 264 p. Lazareva, E. A. (2006). The headline complex of a text – a means of organizing and optimizing perception. Proceedings of the Ural State University, 40, 158-166. Lenk, H. E., Chesterman, A. (2005a). Form und Funktion von Kommentarüberschriften in deutsch-, finnisch- und englischsprachigen Tageszeitungen. New York: Olms, 353 p. Lenk, H. E., Chesterman, A. (2015b). Pressetextsorten im Vergleich. New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 275 p. Milchin, A. E. (1998). The publisher’s dictionary and reference book. Moscow: OLMA-Press, 277 p. Oberhauser, St. (2013). "Nur noch 65000 Tiefflugstunden": eine linguistische Beschreibung des Handlungspotentials von Hard-News-Überschriften in deutschen Tageszeitungen. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, New York, Paris, Wien: Lang, 255-258. Partyko, Z. V. (2016). Heading standards of message editing. Direct access: http://journlib.univ.kiev.ua/index.php?act=article&article=337. Pilik, V. V. (2014). Theoretical framework of the linguistic characteristics of newspaper discourse. Scientific Bulletin of the Kyiv National Linguistic University UNESCO Department. Series Philology, 29, 78-88. Popov, V. V. (1964). General typography. Moscow: OLMA-Press, 251 p. Ptashnуk, S. (2014). Phraseologische Modifikationen und ihre Funktionen im Text. Eine Studie am Beispiel der deutschsprachigen Presse. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 436 p. Ramge, H. & Schuster, B. M. (2013). Kommunikative Funktionen des Zeitungskommentars. Medienwissenschaft. Ein Handbuch zur Entwicklung der Medien und Kommunikationsformen. Berlin; New York: De Gruyter, 1702-1712. Rath, R. (2015). Überschriften von Kurznachrichten. In Hrsg. von M. Wierzbicka and M. Sieradzka (Eds.), Moderne deutsche Texte. Beiträge der internationalen Germanistikkonferenz Rzeszow. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag, 259-275. Sabyanin, N. N. (2013). Communicative strategies of advertisement article headlines. Novosibirsk State University Bulletin. History, Philology. Journalism Edition, 11(6), 84-89. Serazhim, K. S. (2008). Text studies. Kiev: Kyiv University, 266 p. Shevchenko, V. Ye. (2001). Newspaper heading system – the foundation of its architectonic organization. Scientific Notes of the Institute of Journalism, 2, 195-203. Staffeldt, S. & Christine, О. (2013). In die Irre. Bemerkungen zur Funktion journalistischer Überschriften als Leseanreiz. Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 2(114), 131–170. Voss, C. (2013). Textgestaltung und Verfahren der Emotionalisierung in der BILD-Zeitung. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 426 p. |
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Determination Motive Through the Prism of the General Concept of the Motives of Human BehaviourRoman V. Veresha
pp. 4739-4750 | Article Number: ijese.2016.349
Abstract This research studies the problems of defining the concept of motive of crime in terms of the psychological concept of motives of human behavior. The purpose of this research is to define the motive of crime (which is yet undefined in spite of the longstanding existence of criminology) and to improve existing scientific theories regarding the motive of crime. The research found that the definition of the motive of crime should include all its distinguishing features: awareness, decisive importance of human needs during the satisfaction of human desires, the correspondence of motives with the set goal, the publicly dangerous nature of actions, motivated is such a way, and the incurrence of criminal responsibility as a result of such actions. This research defines the concept of motive of crime as a conscientious encouragement to achieve the goal, determined by personal needs, which is publicly dangerous and brings criminal responsibility. This subject is of scientific, theoretical, and practical importance, since it offers a comprehensive term that can be used fundamentally in criminology. The novelty of this research is that the definition of the motive of crime concept includes the definition of the motive of behavior and activity, which is offered in psychology, legal psychology in particular, and the main elements of a crime. Keywords: Motive of crime, motive of behavior, motive of activity, criminal motive, purpose of crime, classification of crime, publicly dangerous activity References Allport, G. W. (1961). Pattern and growth in personality. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 463 p. Ashworth, A., Zedner, L. & Tomlin, P. (2013). Prevention and the Limits of the Criminal Law. Oxford University Press, 363 p. Braynin, Ya. M. (1963). The Ground of Criminal Responsibility and Crucial Issues of the Doctrine of Corpus Delicti in the Soviet Criminal Law: PhD abstract. Kharkiv, Ukraine, 32 p. Ciccarelli, S. K. & White, J. N. (2014). Psychology. Direct access: gearbox.compsat.org/wp-content/.../2014/07/.../Ciccarelli%20Psychology%203rd.pdf Coon, D., Mitterer, J .O. (2012). Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior with Concept Maps and Reviews Wadsworth Cengage Learning. New York: Rutledge, 242 p . Dormashev, Yu. B., Kapustin, S. A., Petukhov, V. V. (2013). General Psychology. Moscow: Cogito-Centre, 263 p. Fischer, T. (2015). Strafgesetzbuch und Nebengesete. München: Beck, 352 p. Freud, Sigmund. (1949). The Ego and the Id. London: The Hogarth Press Ltd. Gladkikh, V. I., Kurcheyev, V. S. (2015). The Criminal Law of Russia. General and Special Provisions. Moscow: Novosibirsk State University, 322 p. Hull, C. L. (1952). A behavior system: An introduction to behavior theory concerning the individual organism. New Haven, Yale Univ, 163p. Maslow, A. (1970). Motivation and personality. New York: Springer, 255 p. McDougall, W. (1923). Outline of Psychology. New York: Springer, 371 p. Moskalenko, A. T., Serzhantov, V. F. (1984). The Personality as an Object of Philosophical Study. The Philosophical Theory of Personality and Its Psychological and Biological Foundation. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 206. Myers, A. M. & Lips, H. M. (1978). Participation in competitive amateur sports as a function of psychological androgyny. Sex Roles, 4, 571-578. Piontkovsky, A. A. (1970). Soviet Criminal Law. General Provisions. Moscow: Nauka, 426 p. Podilchak, O. M. (2004). The Motives and Motivation of Crimes Committed by Women: PhD Thesis. Kharviv, Ukraine, 237 p. Savchenko, A. V. (2002). The Motive and Motivation of Crime. Monograph. Kiev: Atika, 288 p. Tararukhin, S. A. (1977). Determining the Motive and Classifying the Crime. Kiev: High School, 196 p. Tarnovskaya, P. N. (1902). Female Murderers. Saint Petersburg: Fiction Press, 372 p. Travis, L. F. & Edwards, B. D. (2015). Introduction to Criminal Justice. New York, Routledge, 217 p. Vetrov, D. V. (2015). The Motive and Goal as Elements of Mens Rea. Provided for in Article 272 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Olvia Forum – 2015: Strategies of Black Sea Region Countries in the Geopolitical Space: Theses, Mykolayiv UA: Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University Publishing House, 10-12. Whalen, R. E. (1977). Brain mechanisms controlling sexual behavior. In F. A. Beach (Eds.). Sexuality in Four Perspectives. Baltimore, 260 p. |
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Basis of Criminalistic Classification of a Person in Republic Kazakhstan and Republic MongoliaKanat S. Abdilov, Baurzan T. Zusbaev, Erlan A. Naurysbaev, Berik A. Nukiev, Zanar B. Nurkina, Erlan N. Myrzahanov, Galym T. Urazalinc
pp. 4751-4759 | Article Number: ijese.2016.350
Abstract In this article reviewed problems of the criminalistic classification building of a person. In the work were used legal formal, logical, comparative legal methods. The author describes classification kinds. Reveal the meaning of classification in criminalistic systematics. Shows types of grounds of criminalistic classification of a person. Identified and substantiated grounds of classification of a person in criminalistics. On the basis of conducted research by the author, it is proposed to insert changes in the previously used definition of the first-order basis of classification of a person in criminalistics. The author analyzed and showed correlation between criminal law of republic Kazakhstan and republic Mongolia with the goal to make a parallel of a second-order basis of criminalistic classification of a person. Contained conclusions can be used in the work of law enforcement authorities to increase in efficiency, and also during specialists training in disclosure and investigation of crimes in juridical educational establishments. Correctly made criminalistic classification will help to make reforms in prevention, investigation and disclosure of a crime. Keywords: Criminalistic theory, criminalistic classification of a person, objects of classification, classification basis, investigation of crimes References Bachman, R. D. & Paternoster, R. (2016). Statistics for criminology and criminal justice. California: SAGE Publications, 346 p. Belkin, R. S. & Vinberg, A. I. (1969). Criminalistics and proving. Moscow: Legal literature, 363 p. Belkin, R. S. & Vinberg, A. I. (1973). Criminalistics. General theoretical problems. Moscow: Legal literature, 352 p. Belkin, R. S. (1986). General theory of soviet criminalistics. Saratov: Nauka, 266 p. Belkin, R. S. (1993). Criminalistics: Brief encyclopedia. Moscow: Scientific Publishing House "Great Russian Encyclopedia", 313 p. Belkin, R. S. (1997). Criminalistics course. In General theory of criminalistics, 1, 397-402. Belkin, R. S. (2000). Criminalistical classifications. Moscow: Megatron, 353 p. Clinard, M. R., Quinney, R &, Wildeman, J. (2014). Criminal behavior systems. London: Routledge, 326 p. Cole, G. F., Smith, C. E. & DeJong, C. (2015). The American system of criminal justice. Toronto: Nelson Education, 352 p. Criminal law (2016). General provisions of Mongolian law right. Direct access: http://www.legalinfo.mn/law/details/50 Douglas, J. (2013). Crime classification manual. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 363 p. Fenyvesi, C. (2015). Pyramid Model of Criminalistics and Its Basic Principles. US-China Law Review, 12, 233. Garbuz, G. S. (2007). Method upon investigation of assumptions or waistings committed in budget sphere: PhD Thesis. Irkutsk: Irkutsk state university, 194 p. Ilyichev, L. F. (1983). Pholosophical encyclopedical dictionary. Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia, 363 p. Ishchenko, A. V. (1996). Methodological and organizational problems of development of criminalistical scientific investigations: PhD Thesis. Kiev: In Jure, 242 p. Kutsonis, P. B. (1990). Problems of construction and usage of criminalistic classifications in method of crimes disclosure: PhD Thesis. Moscow: Moscow University of Internal Affairs. McShane, M. (2013). An Introduction to Criminological Theory. London: Routledge, 266 p. Obraztsov, N. A. (1988). Criminalistical classification of crimes. Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk University, 373 p. Panteleev, I. F. & Selivanov, N. A. (1993). Criminalistics. Moscow: Legal literature. Yakimov, I. N. (1924). Practical guide to investigation of crimes. Moscow: NKVD, 362 p. |
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Confession and Carrying Into Execution of Foreign Arbitration Courts’ Decisions: Reciprocity and Public PolicySalima A. Sarina, Aigul A. Nukusheva, Kassym S. Kalmagambetov, Zhanara T. Kumysbekova, Elena V. Nesterova
pp. 4760-4767 | Article Number: ijese.2016.351
Abstract The article contains a comparative analysis of foreign arbitration courts’ decisions, ensuring the reciprocity and public policy. The aim of the study is to explore such aspects as reciprocity and public policy of arbitration courts. The result is the view of the public policy, despite its apparent irrelevance in today's Kazakhstan, which is of fundamental importance in the examination of cases in Western countries. The article also carries the example of the court's decisions in Kazakhstan and the UK, their reciprocity and public policy. In other words, the execution of Kazakhstan arbitral decisions in another country is a necessary condition and basis for the execution of arbitral decisions of other countries in Kazakhstan. The article also examines the confession and carrying into execution of arbitral courts’ decisions. In addition, it was revealed that the arbitration court is a non-state court. It is elected by the parties of the dispute, or by those, to whom the parties have entrusted this choice. The novelty of the research is the comparative analytical overview based on foreign arbitration courts. Keywords: Reciprocity, public policy, arbitral decision, confession, execution, arbitration agreement References Bantekas, I. (2002). Some Aspects of Execution of Foreign Arbitral Decisions in the United Kingdom: Financial For a Public Policy and Jus Cogens. Bloomsbury: Bloomsbury Publishing, 320 p. Bantekas, I. (2008). The Private Dimension of the International Customary Nature of Commercial Arbitration. 25 Journal of International Arbitration, 4, 449–460. Civil Code No. 269-XII. (1994). General Part, as amended up to Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 162 of March 2, 2001. Convention on the Recognition and Execution of Foreign Arbitral Decisions. (1958). New York Convention Guide, 77 p. Decision of the constitutional Council of the RK. (2000). On the official interpretation of paragraph 3 of rule 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 18(2), 66-69. Illegal transactions (1999). The effect of Contracts and Torts. UK Law Commission Consultation Paper, 43-44. Lemenda trading Co. ltd. v. African Middle East petroleum ltd., (1988), QB 448. Report of Working Group on Contemporary Forms of Slavery. (1999). UN Commission on Human Rights. Geneva, 115 p. The agreement on the procedure of mutual execution of decisions of arbitration and economical courts in territories of the member states of the Commonwealth. Moscow, March 6, 1998. The Convention on the recognition and execution of foreign arbitral decisions. (1958). New York Convention Guide, XII, 87-91. The Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes Between States and Natural or Legal Persons of Other States. (1962). International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes. Washington, D.C., 128 p. The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On international commercial arbitration” № 23-III LRK of December 28, (2004). Astana. Akorda, 65 p. The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On arbitration courts" № 22-III LRK of December 28, (2004). Astana. Akorda, 94 p. Treaty on the Settlement of Disputes Related to Economic Activity. (1992). Treaty Ratified by the Decree of the Verkhovna Rada No. 2889-XII. Kiev, 43 p. |
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Social and Legal Aspects of the Educational Support of Adolescents with Deviant BehaviorMukhtar A. Tolegen, Bolat A. Seriev, Ualikhan A. Akhatov, Baurzhan R. Taubayev, Talgat T. Balashov
pp. 4768-4781 | Article Number: ijese.2016.352
Abstract The purpose of the study is to consider the problem of the organization of working with adolescents with deviant behavior through the development and implementation of their psychological and pedagogical support based on student-centered and system approaches. Holistic application of components of psychological and pedagogical support (diagnostic, developmental and correctional) we consider as an open system that interacts with the social environment. The authors determine that modern models of deviant behavior correlation ought to focus on creating the conditions that allow the child to build their own system of relations with the world, other people, himself and independently to overcome difficulties; moreover, they should include reflexive and analytical approach to the process and the result of psychological and pedagogical support. Experienced and experimental work on the implementation of psychological and pedagogical support of adolescents with deviant behavior in secondary school allowed us to make a conclusion about the effectiveness of using a specially designed program of psychological and pedagogical support of adolescent with deviant behavior with a view to its correction. Keywords: Deviant behavior, correction of adolescents, psychological development of the individual, programs of psychological and pedagogical support, diagnostics of psychological abnormalities References Afanasyev, V. G. (1981). Society: systematic, cognition and control. Moscow: Politizdat, 322 p. Averincev, S. S., & Arab-Ogly, E. A. (Eds.) (1989). Philosophic encyclopedic dictionary. Moscow: Soviet encyclopedia, 369 p. Berdibayeva, S., Garber, A., Ivanov, D., Satybaldina, N., Smatova, K. & Yelubayeva, M. (2016). Identity Crisis’ Resolution Among Psychological Correction of Deviant Behavior of Adolescents. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 217, 977-983. Bityanova, M. R. (1998). Organization of psychological work in school. Moscow: Perfection, 364 p. Browning, C. R., Soller, B., Gardner, M. & Brooks-Gunn, J. (2013). “Feeling Disorder” as a Comparative and Contingent Process Gender, Neighborhood Conditions, and Adolescent Mental Health. Journal of health and social behavior, 54(3), 296-314. Campbell, J. (1996). Models of experiments in social psychology and applied researches. St. Petersburg: Soc. and psychol. Center, 363 p. Cattell, R. B., Eber, H. W. & Tatsuoka, M. M. (1970). Handbook for the sixteen personality factor questionnaire (16 PF): In clinical, educational, industrial, and research psychology, for use with all forms of the test. London: Institute for Personality and Ability Testing, 97 p. Crosnoe, R., Erickson, K. G. & Dornbusch, S. M. (2002). 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Contemporary Development Trends in Administrative-Legal Relations in the System of Administrative JusticeAynur A. Abdikerimova
pp. 4782-4789 | Article Number: ijese.2016.353
Abstract The purpose of the study is to determine the main contemporary development trends in administrative-legal relations in the field of administrative justice. In order to examine theoretical and practical issues of modern administrative justice, normative legal acts identifying the relations in the system of administrative justice in the Republic in Kazakhstan have been reviewed. The analysis of international experience showed that administrative justice was not a punitive, but an advocacy institution. Furthermore, in examining the essence of the judiciary as a constitutional category, the authors consider its components: administration of justice, judicial control, interpretation of the active legislation on the basis of case studies and case law analysis, and formation of the judiciary. The submissions may be useful for historians, lawyers and legislators as a basis of investigations on reforming the administrative law of the Republic of Kazakhstan and formation of new administrative institutions for successful implementation of judicial reform Keywords: Administrative justice, administrative-legal relations, administrative court, judicial control, judicial reform References Abdraimov, B. Zh. (2005). Administrative Justice: history and present-day status. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Administrative court procedure: problems and prospects for development”. Almaty. Arkhipov, A. V., Prikhodko, D. Yu. (2002). Administrative justice in the context of judicial legal reform. Collection of scientific papers “Problems of the legal reform in the Russian Federation and in Member States of the CIS” – In 2 vols. (V.2, Endorsed by Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Prof., V. G. Tataryan). Moscow: Academy of the Tax Police of the Federal Tax Police Service. 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About the Influence of Population Growth, Unemployment on the Crime Situation in the Cities of Astana and AlmatyAinagul Karipova, Oxana Voznyak, Yester Babajanyan, Abzal Serikbayev, Zhauhar Kozhantayevab
pp. 4790-4800 | Article Number: ijese.2016.354
Abstract The objective of the study is to draw an analogy with the criminological aspects of unemployed migrants’ delinquency in Astana and Almaty, based on the example of the criminal US cities, to develop a solution on the basis of the information received and solutions to emerging conflicts. The article presents solutions in order to improve the efficiency of social and legal control over unemployment and migration flows. The article reviews the main causes of crime, and the comparative analysis between the level of crime and unemployment has been undertaken. There were given recommendations how to normalize those aspects and improve crime situation in the cities. The author raises the question of migratory flows, their importance for the economy and the urban crime. Recommendations for improving the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the migration service were given as well as ways of proper managing and administering migration flows. The paper provides the theoretical recommendations for combating unemployment and improving the lives of migratory flows in order to solve conflict situations and reduce the impact of crime on the basis of the received data about given cities of Kazakhstan. Keywords: College, students, vocational training, social partnership References African migration in the context of contemporary international relations: Collection of essays. (2015). T.L. Dejch and E.N. Korendjasov (Eds.). The Institute for African Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences. Мoscow: IASRAS, 176 p. Committee for Legal Statistics and Special Accounts of the State Office of Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Kazakhstan: http://service.pravstat.kz/portal/page/portal/POPage-Group/Services/Pravstat Crime Statistics in Detroit. Direct access: http://www.neighborhoodscout.com/mi/detroit/trumbull-lincoln/#crime Criminology (2013). The standard of the third generation. V.N. Burlakova, & N. Korpachova. (Eds.). St. Petersburg: Piter, 304p. Davey, S. M. & Wash, M. W. (2013). Billions in Debt, Detroit Tumbles Into Insolvency. The New York Times, 8, 11-12. International Journal of Economics and Finance. (2014). International Journal of Economics and Finance, 6(7), 254. International Migration and Demographic Development. (2016). International Migration and Demographic Development, Prospect, January 21. Keski, G. (2015). The Impact of Migration on the Economy and International Trade. Norface Migration, Discussion Paper, 2011(20), 33. Key indicators of the labor market in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Prime Ninister of Kazakhstan. (2013). Article Iv Consultation—Staff Report; Press Release. International Monetary Fund. Washington: D.C. Direct access: https://primeminister.kz/news/show/26/osnovnye-indikatory-rynka-truda-v-respublike-kazahstan-/18-02-2013?lang=ru Kovacheva, S. (2014). Overview of the Implementation of the EU Youth Strategy in the Field of Employment. Slovak Journal of Political Sciences, 14(1), 24-34.. Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (2015). Direct access: http://stat.gov.kz/faces Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. The portal of legal statistics. Direct access: http://crimestat.ru/offenses_map Organized Crime in Kazakhstan: State and Solutions. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(3), 329 -339. Producer Price Indexes – June. (2016). Bureau of Labor Statistics, Direct access: http://www.bls.gov/ Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine. (2005) Statistics of juvenile delinquency. Direct access: http://www.gp.gov.ua/ua/stat.html Tauova, G.S. (2014). The Penitentiary Crime in the Republic of Kazakhstan: The Prevention and Prophylaxis. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(23), 256-322. The Daily Newspaper of Kazakhstan “Vremja”. (2009) Direct access: http://www.time.kz The Metropolitan Police Department, City of St. Louis. (2010). Direct access: http://maps.stlouisco.com/police/lib/sbar/stats.html Tokubaev, K. Z. (2015). The international cooperation of the Internal Affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the fight against organized crime: criminally-legal and criminological aspects. Journal of Applied Sciences, 14, 3436-3445. World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2016. (2016). Geneva: ILO. International Labour Office, 92 p. Yu Peng Lin (Cor.). (2014). The Fall of Detroit: A Financial Economist’s Point of View. Department of Economics. University of Detroit Mercy. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 6(7), 254-265. |
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Ensure the Right of Citizens to Work: Problems of Domestic and International RegulationZhamilya Berdiyarova, Samal Serikbekova, Yester Babajanyan
pp. 4801-4811 | Article Number: ijese.2016.355
Abstract The purpose of this research is to examine the legal problems of ensuring the right to work of citizens in the Republic of Kazakhstan and to find the conformity of labor laws in the Republic of Kazakhstan to international standards. Using the method of comparison analysis of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and norms of international treaties and agreements, the authors determine that in order to improve the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and to prevent labor and social conflicts, it is necessary to 1) amend and supplement the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 30, 1995, with a view to ensuring the right to work of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 2) similarly amend the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Law “On Employment” of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 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The Role of Nutrition in the Biological Adaptation of the Medieval Population of the Cis-Ural Perm Region (Archeological and Anthropological evidence)Natalya B. Krylasova, Natalya G. Brykhova, Natalya D. Burova
pp. 4812-4824 | Article Number: ijese.2016.356
Abstract The aim of this article is to reconstruct the nutrition system of the medieval inhabitants of the Perm Territory located in the western foothills of the Ural mountain range. The investigation is built on a comprehensive analysis of archeological sources available and on the basis if anthropological materials with involvement of radioactive tracer analysis. As a result of the measures taken within this examination it is possible to conclude that grain crops played a minor role in the diet of the medieval population of the Cis-Ural Perm Region, who relied predominantly on protein-rich food. The research is built on a comprehensive analysis of archeological sources and anthropological materials involving initial results of radioactive tracer analysis which was conducted on the territory under investigation. We have primarily examined the materials from burial grounds of the period when hoe agriculture was prevalent. The conclusions drawn from the anthropological and isotope analysis are in compliance with the notion that this kind of agriculture was low-yield and that grain crops played a minor role in the diet; protein-based foods dominated. Keywords: Nutrition of medieval population, the Cis-Ural Perm Region, reconstruction of the nutrition system, biological adaptation, paleoecology References Adams, J. & Black, J. (2004). From rescue to research: Medieval ship finds in St Peter Port, Guernsey. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 33(2), 230–252. Arutiunov, S. A. (1989). Peoples and Cultures: the Development and Interaction. Moscow. Science Publ. Barbiera, I. & Dalla-Zuanna, G. (2009). Population dynamics in Italy in the middle ages: New insights from archaeological findings. Population and Development Review, 35(2), 367–389. Birks, H. J. B. (2013). Paleoecology. In Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.00884-8 Bradshaw, D. 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The Impact of Migration Processes on the National Security of KazakhstanSaipzhamal S. Korganova, Mirash Y. Taubayeva, Serik A. Sultanov, Saule Zh. Rysbayeva, Valida I. Sultanova, Madiyr U. Zhumabekov, Mavluda K. Raximshikova
pp. 4825-4833 | Article Number: ijese.2016.356
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of migration processes on the national security of Kazakhstan. However, it should be noted that national security is an expression of national interests and it is provided by means of resources and efforts of a particular state. Consequently, social security is an expression of the public interest, which may coincide entirely, partially or may not fully coincide with public interests. Social security can be provided through the state, public institutions and structures. Keywords: National security, migration, migration processes, labor market References Address by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Leader of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev to People of Kazakhstan "Strategy" Kazakhstan-2050". (2013). a New Policy of the Established state. Astana, 117 p. Analysis of Current Migration Processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan. (2009). Astana: LLP "IC" Jupiter, 23 p. Bisekov, A.T. (2012). Key Themes and Reasons for Migration of Rural Population in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Proceedings of the I International Scientific-practical Conference Socio-economic Modernization, the Main Vector of Development of the Country. Moscow: AST, 230 p. Demographic Yearbook of Kazakhstan. (2013). Statistical Yearbook. Astana, 784 p. Ethnopolitical Dictionary. (2014). Astana. Durect access: https://strategy2050.kz/en/ Gender Aspects of Labour Migration in the Republic of Kazakhstan: An Expert Evaluation. (2013). In E. Abdullaev (Eds.), Almaty: Mir, 187 p. Koshanov, A. (2015). The Problem of the New United Economic Space. Thought, 8, 57-67. Mukhatzhanova, G. (2008). United Nations (UN). Almaty: Kazakhstan Analysis, 60 p Nazarbayev, N. (2003). Undated. Kazakhstan: The Strategy for the Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Direct access: http://www.akorda.kz/en/category/gos_programmi_razvitiya. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). (2012). How Do People in the Asia/Pacific Region Spend Their Time? Society at a Glance: Asia/Pacific 2011. OECD Publishing, 11-24 Otobe, N. (2011). Global Economic Crisis, Gender and Employment. Geneva: Employment Working Paper, 74. Social Protection and Employment. (2012). Kazakhstanskaya Pravda. Direct access: http://www.zakon.kz/http://www.zakon.kz/http://www. zakon. kz / Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific. (2002).United Nations Publication Sales, 260 p. Toleubayev, K., Jansen, K. & van Huis, A. (2010). Knowledge and Agrarian De-Collectivization in Kazakhstan. Journal of Peasant Studies 37(2), 353-377. |
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Morphological Characteristics of Placental Complex in Pregnant Women Without Complications in Pregnancy and in the Presence of Severe PreeclampsiaTurakbai Zh. Umbetov, Akzhenis K. Berdalinova, Akylbek B. Tusupkalieyv, Arip K. Koishybayev, Karaman Ye. Zharilkasynov
pp. 4834-4843 | Article Number: ijese.2016.357
Abstract According to the WHO data, preeclampsia develops during late pregnancy in 2-8% of women. Preeclampsia is a major cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality, therefore, the study of the morphological features of placental complex, taking into account gestational complications in postpartum women with severe preeclampsia is an important factor for finding the optimal treatment during pregnancy. The study was conducted on a placental complex (placenta, umbilical cord, fetal membranes) obtained from 24 pregnant women (10 pregnancies without complications, 14 with severe preeclampsia) of the first maternity home in Aktobe city. Paraffin histological sections were stained with hematoxylin - eosin and by using Van Gieson's stain. In the presence of severe preeclampsia, villi walls of separate blood vessels are sclerotic; sometimes vessels are dilated and filled with blood. Areas of eosinophilic accretions on the surface of the chorionic plate increased significantly, up to 15,9 ± 0,6%, areas of Langhans fibrinoid contacting terminal villi - up to 15,3 ± 1,2%. Rohr area on the basal lamina increased up to 21,1 ± 1,1%, along with increase in the number and area of decidual cells - up to 11,3 ± 1,14%. There was an increase in the number and area of terminal villi, up to 4,6 ± 0,45%. Arterial blood vessels of the umbilical cord lost annular invagination rolls into the lumen of the vessel. The study showed consolidation and infiltration of cellular elements of the fetal membranes. In response to strengthening of the destructive processes (inflammation, apoptosis), one could observe more pronounced compensatory and adaptive processes in the form of strengthening fibrinoid barriers aimed at eliminating defects of the fetoplacental barrier and at increasing the number of terminal villi, in the development of placental insufficiency. Keywords: Placental complex, Langhans fibrinoids, Rohr fibrinoid, Nitabuch fibrinoid, decidual cells References Anderson, U. D., Otsson, M. G., Kristensen, K. H., Akezstrom, B. & Hansson, S. R. (2012). Review: Biochemical markers to predict precclamsia. Placenta, 33, 42-47. Belotserkovtseva, L. D., Kasparova, A. E., & Kovalenko, L. V. (2013). Preeclampsia (gestosis): disease pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Surgut: Nauka-S, 352 p. Cindrova-Davies, T. (2007). NF-kB, p38 and stress activated protein kinase mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling partways regulate proinflammotory cytokines and apoptosis in human placental explants in response to oxidative stress. The American Journal of Pathology, 170, 1511-1520. Davison, J. M., Homuth, V., Jeuabalan, A. (2004). New aspesrs in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 15, 2440-2448. Dubova, E. A., Buranova, F. B., Fedorova, T. A., Shchegolev, F. 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Existence Regions of Shock Wave Triple ConfigurationsPavel V. Bulat & Mikhail V. Chernyshev
pp. 4844-4854 | Article Number: ijese.2016.358
Abstract The aim of the research is to create the classification for shock wave triple configurations and their existence regions of various types: type 1, type 2, type 3. Analytical solutions for limit Mach numbers and passing shock intensity that define existence region of every type of triple configuration have been acquired. The ratios that conjugate intensities of three shock in triple configuration and flow turn angle on them are presented. The transition (boundary) shock wave triple configurations have been reviewed. The acquired results can be used to design shock wave structures with set properties in detonation engines, air collectors, technological plants, when analyzing shock wave influence on objects during an explosion. Triple configurations of type 1 are used in internal compression air intakes that are based on interaction of oncoming shocks. Triple configurations of type 2 can be found in supersonic gas jets, at Mach reflection of shock and detonative waves from solid walls. Triple configurations of type 3 are used in supersonics multishock air intakes of external or mixed compression. Keywords: Mach reflection, triple shock wave configuration, von Neumann criterion, Mach configuration, Mach stem References Adrianov, A. L., Starykh, A. L. & Uskov, V. N. (1995). Interference of Stationary Gasdynamic Discontinuities. Novosibirsk: Publishing house “Nauka” Bulat, P. V. (2014). About the detonation engine. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 11(8), 1357-1364. Bulat, P. V. & Uskov, V. N. (2014). Shock and detonation wave in terms of view of the theory of interaction gasdynamic discontinuities. Life Science Journal, 11(8), 307-310. Courant, R. & Friedrichs, K. O. (1948). Supersonic Flow and Shock Waves. New York Interscience, 376 p. Guderley, K. G. (1962). The theory of transonic flow. Oxford, New York: Pergamon Press, 264 p. Henderson, L. F. & Lozzi, A. (1975). Experiments on transition of Mach reflexion. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 68(1), 139-355. Henderson, L. F. & Lozzi, A. (1979). Further experiments on transition to Mach reflexion. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 94(3), 541-559. Isakova, N. P., Kraiko, A. N., P’yankov, K. S. & Tillyayeva N. I. (2012). The amplification of weak shock waves in axisymmetric supersonic flow and their reflection from an axis of symmetry. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 76(4), 451-465. Ivanov, M. S., Bondar, Y. A. & Khotyanovsky, D. V. (2010). Viscosity effects on weak irregular reflection of shock waves in steady flow. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 46(3), 89-105. Landau, L. D. & Lifshitz, E. M. (2003). Theoretical Physics. Moscow: Publishing house “FIZMATLIT”, 326 p. Omelchenko, A. V. & Uskov, V. N. (2002). Interference of nonstationary oblique shock waves. Technical Physics Letters, 28(6), 491-493. Omelchenko, A. V. & Uskov, V. N. (1999). Optimum overtaking compression shocks with restrictions imposed on the total flow-deflection angle. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 40(4), 638-646. Roy, G. D., Frolov, S. M., Borisov, A. A. & Netzer, D. W. (2004). Pulse detonation propulsion: challenges, current status, and future perspective. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 30(6), 545-672. Tao, G., Uskov, V.N. & Chernyshov, M. V. (2005). Optimal triple configurations of stationary shocks. \ Direct access: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-27009-6_74. Uskov, V. N. (1980). Shock Waves and Their Interaction. Leningrad: LMI press, 285 p. Uskov, V. N. & Chernyshov, M. V. (2006). Special and extreme triple shock-wave configurations. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 47(4), 492-504. Uskov, V. N. & Mostovykh, P. S. (2008). Triple configurations of traveling shock waves in inviscid gas flows. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 49(3), 347-353. Uskov, V. N. & Mostovykh, P. S. (2010). Interference of stationary and non-stationary shock waves. Shock Waves, 20(2), 119-129. Uskov, V. N. & Omelchenko, A. V. (1995). Optimal shock-wave systems. Fluid Dynamics, 6, 126-134. Uskov, V. N., Chernyshov, M. V., Erofeev, V. K. & Genkin, P. (2006). Optimal shock-wave structures and new ideas about supersonic gas jet noise generation. Direct access: http://icsv13.tuwien.ac.at |
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Oxygen-induced Cracking Distillation of oil in the Continuous Flow Tank ReactorValeriy F. Shvets, Roman A. Kozlovskiy, Artur I. Luganskiy, Andrey V. Gorbunov, Yuriy P. Suchkov, Nikolay S. Ushin & Alexandr A. Cherepanov
pp. 4855-4868 | Article Number: ijese.2016.359
Abstract The article analyses problems of processing black oil fuel and addresses the possibility of increasing the depth of oil refining by a new processing scheme. The study examines various methods of increasing the depth of oil refining reveals their inadequacies and highlights a need to introduce a new method of processing atmospheric and vacuum residues by initiation a reaction of cracking by ambient oxygen. We identify the main physical and chemical parameters of source materials and reaction products. We used a continuous flow reactor with an active volume of 1,5 liters and a continuous supply of oxygen which allowed us to process up to 3 kg of feedstock per hour at temperatures of up to 5000С and pressure up to 10 atm. The conducted experiments using initiated cracking showed the possibility of a substantial increase the yield of light fractions (up to 50-70%), which is substantially higher than yield of these products on existing installations of thermal cracking. On the basis of experimental data we propose creating an industrial installation which would allow to considerably increase the depth of oil refining without significantly changing the existent technology while also preserving the flexibility and the cost-effectiveness of the process. Keywords: Black oil fuel, oil refining, continuous flow reactor, increasing the depth of oil refining, cost-effectiveness References Baldin, V. U., Danilov, N. I., & Khudyakova, G. I. (2014). The system of human resource development in energy saving in the Ural region. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 190, 1205-1211. Batyzhev, E. A. (2005). The Choice of Solvents of Asphaltene Complexes in Thermal Destruction of Fuel-Oil Residuals. Technologies of Oil and Gas, 4, 29-32. Boateng, A. (2015). Guayule (Parthenium argentatum) Pyrolysis Biorefining: Production of Hydrocarbon Compatible Bio-Oils From Guayule Bagasse Via Tail-Gas Reactive Pyrolysis. Fuel, 158, 948-956. Bouzarovski, S. (2014). 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Genetic Potential of Winter Wheat Grain Quality in Central AsiaAigul I. Abugaliyeva and Alexey I. Morgounov
pp. 4869-4884 | Article Number: ijese.2016.360
Abstract The grain quality of winter wheat varies significantly by cultivars and growing region, not previously differentiated by end-use (baking, confectionery, etc.) in the national breeding programs. In these conditions it is advisable to determine the genetic potential and analyze the actual grain quality. Determining the genetic potential requires the cultivars classification by grain hardness and composition of the HMS and the LMS glutenin. The most of winter wheat cultivars from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and CIMMYT are classified as “hard” and “semi hard” (62-95% in different blocks), characterizing them as baking wheat in the respective regions. The “soft” grain samples were also detected in small amounts ranging from 2% (Tajikistan) to 11% (Kazakhstan). Varieties are ranked by the HMS-glutenin from 10 (max) to (min) 4 point Payne scale for quality and by the LMS-glutenin from 5 to 1. The genetic potential of breeding material was determined by composition of the glutenin subunits as high level (75-80%). Several cultivars classified as “soft” –Batyr, Komsomolskaya 103 (Kazakhstan) and new registered cultivars Konditerskaya. It is therefore important not only to identify potential quality, but also its implementation in the specific growing conditions of the region Keywords: Winter wheat, glutenin composition, hardness index, grain quality. national breeding programs References Abecassis, J., Chaurand, M. & Autran, J. C. (1997). Structural basis of wheat hardness and technological consequences. International Agrophysics, 11(4), 273–281. Abugalieva, A. I., Dracheva, L. M., Fursov, O. V & Yessimbekova, M. A. (1998). Common wheat hardness in Kazakhstan: NIRs, varieties and grain quality breeding strategy. In 16th International Association for Cereal Science and Technology conference: Cereal Science–Its Contribution to Health and Well Being, 9–12. 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(1980). Control by homoeologous group 1 chromosomes of the high-molecular-weight subunits of glutenin, a major protein of wheat endosperm. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 58(4), 113–120. Petersen, S. O., Schjonning, P., Olesen, J. E., Christensen, S. & Christensen, B. T. (2013). Sources of nitrogen for winter wheat in organic cropping systems. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 77(1), 155–165. Sharma, R. C., Crossa, J., Velu, G., Huerta-Espino, J., Vargas, M., Payne, T. S. & Singh, R. P. (2012). Genetic gains for grain yield in CIMMYT spring bread wheat across international environments. Crop Science, 52(4), 1522–1533. Sharma, R. C., Morgounov, A. I., Braun, H. J., Akin, B., Keser, M., Bedoshvili, D., van Ginkel, M. (2009). Identifying high yielding stable winter wheat genotypes for irrigated environments in Central and West Asia. Euphytica, 171(1), 53–64. Sharma, R. C., Rajaram, S., Alikulov, S., Ziyaev, Z., Hazratkulova, S., Khodarahami, Morgounov, A. I. (2013). 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Methodology of Diagnostics of Interethnic Relations and Ethnosocial ProcessesSvetlana G. Maximova, Oksana Ye. Noyanzina, Daria A. Omelchenko, Maxim B. Maximov & Galina C. Avdeeva
pp. 4885-4893 | Article Number: ijese.2016.361
Abstract The purpose of this study was to research the methodological approaches to the study of inter-ethnic relations and ethno-social processes. The analysis of the literature was conducted in three main areas: 1) the theoretical and methodological issues of organizing the research of inter-ethnic relations, allowing to highlight the current methodological approaches and principles of organizing such studies; 2) studies of ethno-social processes in multiethnic societies, which determined the strengths and weaknesses of different research designs; 3) the current state of inter-ethnic relations in different regions of Russia, which has allowed to develop criteria for determining the areas in which such researches will be most topical. The data systematization and conceptual synthesis method have contributed to the development of a new methodological basis for inter-ethnic relations and ethno-social processes research in modern Russia. The developed methodological basis will allow to conduct a comprehensive, high-quality and timely evaluation of the processes of ethno-social and inter-ethnic relations. Such diagnostics, in turn, will contribute to the effective prevention of interethnic conflicts in multi-ethnic regions of modern Russia. Keywords: Interethnic relations, ethnic-social processes, methodological bases for diagnostics of interethnic interaction, inter-ethnic conflicts References Adisa, R. M., Rosli bin M., & Khairie, M. A. (2015). News Framing and Ethnic Conflicts Vulnerability in Multiethnic Societies. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(6), 496-505. Avksentyev, V., Aksymov, B. (2010). Briefcase of Identities of Youth in South of Russian in Conditions of Civilization Choice. Sociological studies, 12, 18-28. Bisin, A., Patacchini, E., Verdier, T. & Zenou, Y. (2010). Bend it Like Beckham: Ethnic Identity and Integration. CEPR, Discussion Paper No. 8054. Blumer, H. (1986). Symbolic Interactionism: Perspective and Method. Oakland, CA: University of California Press. Denisova, Zh. (2007). Social Inequality in Paradigm of Post-Industrial Society. Social Policy and Sociology, 3, 58-97. Giddens, A. (1976). Functionalism: Apres la Lute”. Social Research, 43, 325-366. Held, D., McGrew, A.G., Goldblatt, D. & Perraton, J. (1999). Global Transformations: Politics, Economics and Culture. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Hjorth, F. (2016). Who Benefits? Welfare Chauvinism and National Stereotypes. European Union Politics, 17, 3–24. Hřebíčková, M. & Graf, S. (2014). Accuracy of National Stereotypes in Central Europe: Outgroups are not Better than Ingroup in Considering Personality Traits of Real People. European Journal of Personality, 28(1), 60–72. Inglehart, R., Welzel, C. (2005). Modernization, Cultural Change, and Democracy. The Human Development Sequence. New York: Cambridge University Press. Ismagilov, N. (2009). Problem of Regional Identity in Russian Social-Cultural Area. Geography and Natural Resources, 3, 129-134. Maximova, S. G., Avdeeva, G. S. & Maximov, M. B. (2013). Migration Processes and Social Economic Security of Border Regions of Russia. Herald of the Altai State Agrarian University, 11, 123–127. Omelchenko, D., Maximova, S., Noyanzina, O., Goncharova, N. & Avdeeva, G. (2015). National Identity and Patriotism among Russian Youth: Representations, Feelings and Actions. Asian Social Science, 11(6), 27-36. Parsons, Т. (1991). The Social System. London: Routledge. Rizhova, S. V. (2011). The Ethnic Identity in the Context of Tolerance. Moscow: Alpha-M. Schwartz, S. J., Syed, M., Yip, T., Knight, G. P., Umana-Taylor, A. J., Rivas-Drake, D. & Lee, R. M. (2014). Methodological Issues in Ethnic and Racial Identity Research with Ethnic Minority Populations: Theoretical Prediction, Measurement Issues, and Research Designs. Child Development, 85, 58-76. Sibley, C. G. (2013). Social Dominance and Representations of the National Prototype: The Exclusionary Emphasis Hypothesis of National Character. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 37(2), 212–224. Sorokin, P. A. (1970). Social & Cultural Dynamics. A Study of Change in Major Systems of Art, Truth, Ethics, Law and Social Relationships. Boston: Porter Sargent Publisher. Summut, G. (2015). Attitudes, Social Representations and Points of View. In G. Sammut, E. Andreouli, G. Gaskell, and J. Valsiner (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of social representations (pp. 96–113). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Tishkov, V. A. & Kirsriev, E. F. (2007). Multiple Identities Between the Theory and the Practice (Example of Dagestan). Ethnographic Review, 5, 96–115. |
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The History of the Study of DetonationPavel V. Bulat and Konstantin N. Volkov
pp. 4894-4909 | Article Number: ijese.2016.362
Abstract In this article we reviewed the main concepts of detonative combustion. Concepts of slow and fast combustion, of detonation adiabat are introduced. Landmark works on experimental and semi-empirical detonation study are presented. We reviewed Chapman–Jouguet stationary detonation and spin detonation. Various mathematical model of detonation wave have been reviewed as well. Works describinig study of the instability and complex structure of the detonation wave front are presented. Numerical methods, results of parametric and asymptotic analysis of detonation propagation in channels of various forms are reviewed. It is shown that initiation of detonation is the main problem. Its various possible forms have been discussed. Laser ignition of fuel-air mixture was discussed separately and potential advantages of such initiation were demonstrated. Keywords: Detonation, detonation wave, chapman-jouguet detonation, spin detonation, detonation adiabat References Adamson, T. C. & Olsson, G. R. (1967). Performance analysis of a rotating detonation wave rocket engine. Acta Astronautica, 13(4), 405–15. Bam-Zelikovich, G. M. (1949). Arbitrary discontinuity breakdown in the combustible mixture. Theoretical Hydromechanics, 4, 112–41. Bokhon, Yu. A. & Shulepin, Yu. V. (1979). Minimum energy of initiation of spherical gas detonation of some mixtures of hydrogen. USSR Academy of Science reports, 245(3), 623–26. Bulat, P. V. (2013). Shock and detonation wave in terms of view of the theory of interference gasdynamic discontinuities. Part I. The geometric meaning of the equations of gas dynamics of supersonic flows. Fundamental Research, 10(9), 1951–54. Bulat, P. V. & Ilina, E. E. (2013). The problem of creating detonation engine – current trends in aerospace engine manufacturing. Fundamental research, 10(10), 2140–2142. Bulat, P. V. & Prodan, N. V. (2013a). Overview of projects detonation engines. Pulse ramjet engine. Fundamental research, 10(8), 1667–1671. Bulat, P. V. & Prodan, N. V. (2013b). Trends in the development of projects detonation engines. Rotating detonation engines. Fundamental research, 10(8), 1672–1675. Bulat, P. V. & Uskov, V. N. (2014). Shock and detonation wave in terms of view of the theory of interaction gasdynamic discontinuities. Life Science Journal, 11(8), 307–10. Bulat, P. V. (2014). About the detonation engine. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 11(8), 1357-1364. Bykovsky, F. A. & Zhdan, S. A. (2013). Continuous Spin Detonation. Novosibirsk, Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 423 p. Cherny, G. G. (1967). The asymptotic law of propagation of a plane detonation wave. USSR Academy of Science reports, 172(3), 558–60. Dunlap R., Brehm R. L. & Nicholls J. A. (1958). A preliminary study of the application of steady-state detonative combustion to a reaction engine. Jet Propulsion, 28, 451–56. Grib, A. A. (1944). 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The Problem of Absolute Knowledge. Metaphysics as Intellectual Intuition in Classic Modern European PhilosophyTatyana V. Torubarova
pp. 4910-4920 | Article Number: ijese.2016.363
Abstract Classic modern european philosophy explicate, reflect; leaving own history in fundamental metaphysical position, where the existence is understood as conscience. This position is representative in the process of historic development, transition of philosophical thought from R. Dekart to G. Hegel. It appears exactly the field of key metaphysical constants constitution and historically of definite form of scientific knowledge, that appeal to life the new line of philosophical coordinates and life values. The aim of research was an analysis of fundamental metaphysical position of modern European philosophy, which related to understanding the existence as conscience, acquiring a classical expression and ending in the problem of absolute knowledge – as intellectual intuition. Metaphysics of absolute knowledge obtain it’s specific refraction and essential articulation in a context of the problem of intellectual intuition. Metaphysics of German idealism in a face of it’s representatives, already recognize itself as “epochal” in the history of formation and systematic implementation of absolute spirit. History appears as a process of formation of the spirit of metaphysical thought, i.e. as a permanent and essential form of the development of Absolute knowledge system. In the process of research of intellectual intuition genesis as a metaphysics of mind, as a science hypothesis of research come out thesis, that the result of classic modern philosophy , resumed in the G.Hegel’s system, represent itself as a reflection of Absolute knowledge division on conceptual knowledge and intuitive sense, and following transfer of metaphysical principles of Absolute knowledge about world in fundamental science. Keywords: Metaphysical cognition, absolute knowledge, intellectual intuition, sensual contemplation, true cognition References Ahtunin, A. V. (2005). Turning times. St. Petersburg: Science, 352 p. Baumeyster, A. (2014). Existence and blessing. Vinnytsia: Baranovska press, 365 p. Bernecker, S. (2015). On the Metaphysics of Knowledge. In Markus Gabriel, Wolfram Hogrebe & Andreas Speer (Eds.), The New Desire for Metaphysics, 161-180. Bowman, B. (2013). Hegel and the Metaphysics of Absolute Negativity. Cambridge University Press, 352 p. Bykova, M. F. (1996). Mystery of logic and secret of subjectivity. About intention of phenomenology at Hegel. Moscow: Science, 266 p. Descartes, R. (1994). Thinking if first philosophy, where proves existence of a god and difference between human soul and body. Moscow: Thought, 526 p. Fichte, I. G. (2008). About beings of a scientist. St. Petersburg: Science, 429 p. Forster, M. N. (2014). Schelling and Skepticism. In L. Ostaric (Eds.). Interpreting Schelling: Critical Essays. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 32 p. Gaim, R. (2006). Hegel and his time. St. Petersburg: Science, 243 p. Habermas, J. (2015). Knowledge and human interests. John Wiley & Sons, 356 p. Hegel, G. V. (1974). Encyclopedia of philosophical sciences. Moscow: Thought, 364 p. Hegel, G. V. (1979). Phenomenology of a spirit. Oxford University Press, 255 p. Horvath, J. (2015). Taking the Metaphysics of Knowledge Seriously: A Response to Sven Bernecker’s “On the Metaphysics of Knowledge”. The New Desire for Metaphysics, 181-188. Hume, D. (2015). A treatise of human nature. Brooklyn: Sheba Blake Publishing, 253 p. Ilin, I. A. (1994). Hegel’s philosophy as a teaching about concreteness of a God and a human. St. Petersburg: Science, 275 p. Kant, I. (1964). Critique of a pure reason. Moscow: Thought, 367 p. Kant, I. (2014). What does it mean to orient oneself in thinking? Berlin: Verlag press, 452 p. Korotkich, V. I. (2011). “Phenomenology of a spirit” and a problem of a system structure in philosophy in evocation of Hegel. Moscow: INFRA-M, 253 p. Kozhev, A. (2013). Introduction in reading of Hegel. St. Petersburg: Science, 237 p. Lifshitz, M. A. & Ilenkov, E. V. (2003). Dialogue with Evald Ilenkov. Moscow: Progress, 363 Ryod, V. (2009). Way of Philosophy: from XVII to XIX centuries. Kiev: Spirit and letter, 254 p. Sergeev, K. (2006). Kant’s philosophy and modern European metaphysical position. In Yu.V. Perov, K.A. Sergeev, Ya.A. Slinin. Sketches of history of classic German idealism, 5-146. Shelling, F. V. (2014). Narration about a system of my philosophy. St. Petersburg: Science, 342 p. |
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Anthropology of Buddhism: The Importance of Personal Spiritual Maturity and Vital AimsKainar K. Kaldybay, Turganbai K. Abdrassilov, Muratbek M. Myrzabekov, Aybek S. Beysenov & Kalamkas A. Pazylova
pp. 4921-4930 | Article Number: ijese.2016.364
Abstract The purpose of this article is to show the views of the major schools of Buddhism towards the notion of an individual in Buddhism. The problem of the human person in Buddhism is reflected through the perception of human desires and aspirations as the sources of “suffering”. Essential Buddhism is not only a religion or philosophy – it is also a school of psychology. The concept of identity in the basic schools of thought in Buddhism can be adequately understood only in the perspective of Buddhist soteriology. The article substantiates the position that attitude to the ontological status of the essential core of the person is the main differentiating feature, which separates Buddhist schools in philosophically and psychologically and determines their soteriological features. The concept of personality was examined in six main directions of Buddhism. Special attention is paid to specific attitude to the identity in Prasangika school of thought. As the result of comparative analysis, tendencies of the development of personality concept in Buddhism were established. Keywords: Buddhism, religion, philosophy, anthropology, personality concept References Armstrong, K. (2011). The great transformation: The world in the time of Buddha, Socrates, Confucius and Jeremiah. London: Atlantic Books Ltd, 322 p. Bechert, H. & Gombrich, R. F. (1991). The world of Buddhism: Buddhist monks and nuns in society and culture. London: Thames and Hudson, 446 p. De Silva, P. (2000). An introduction to Buddhist psychology. London: Rowman & Littlefield, 416 p. Funtusov, V. S. (2007). Being of the person in the social anthropology of Buddhism. Scholarly works of Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University, 19(3), 63-72. Gellner, D. N. (1990). Introduction: What is the anthropology of Buddhism about? Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford, 21, 1-18. Gellner, D. N. (2001). The anthropology of Buddhism and Hinduism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 374 p. Gombrich, R. F. (2006). Theravada Buddhism: A social history from ancient Benares to modern Colombo. London: Routledge, 363 p. Jazykovich, V. R. (2011). Valuable dimensions of anthropological teachings of world religions. Minsk: BGUKI, 525 p. Johansen, B. C. & Gopalakrishna, D. (2006). A Buddhist view of adult learning in the workplace. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 8(3), 337-345. Karpickij, N. N. (2013). Bhagavad Gita: the existential and anthropological bases of the path to liberation. The Bulletin of the Tomsk State University. History, 4(24), 124-131p. Lenkov, P. D. (2014). Traditional Buddhist and Taoist psychophysical practices in China: perspectives of anthropological approach. The Rozenberg’s collection Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 131-134p. Levine, M. (2011). The positive psychology of Buddhism and yoga: Paths to a mature happiness. London: Routledge, 362 p. McMahan, David L. (2008). The Making of Buddhist Modernism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 166 p. Mikulas, W. (2007). Buddhism & Western psychology: Fundamentals of integration. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 14(4), 4-49. Murti, T. R.. (2013). The central philosophy of Buddhism. London: Routledge, 462 p. Nyanaponika, T. (1965). Abhidhamma Studies: Researches in Buddhist Psychology. Buddhist Publication Society, 317 p. Rāhula, W. (1974). What the Buddha taught. New York: Grove Press, 641 p. Sirodom, K., Loza Adaui, C. R., Habisch, A., Lenssen, G. & Malloch, T. R. (2014), Practical wisdom for management from the Buddhist and Indian traditions. Journal of Management Development, 33(9), 729-737 Snelling, J. (1991). The Buddhist handbook: A complete guide to Buddhist schools, teaching, practice, and history. Philadelphia: Bear & Co, 352 p. |
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Government Strategic Support for Investment ActivityAssiya N. Turekulova, Lyazzat K. Mukhambetova, Almagul S. Doshan, Baurzhan N. Issabekov, Gulbakyt K. Chimgentbayeva & Aliya Zh. Turegeldinova
pp. 4931-4940 | Article Number: ijese.2016.365
Abstract When system risks are high most investors choose to exit the market; however, there are some contrarian investors who opt to make investments. The authors analyzed the main goals of the investment process and measures that should be provided by the government to stimulate investments and innovation especially by means of investment banking. The authors gave key recommendations as regards investment regulation and support for banking as a key sector that can provide assets. The purpose of this study was to analyze the main functions, methods and directions of state regulation of the investment process, particularly in investment banking as a key resource area, which ensures resumption of economic growth and to provide recommendations related to the government support for innovation in Kazakhstan. Keywords: Government support, investment process, investment banking, economic growth References Alan, A. & Estrin, S. (2000). 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Network Reputational Risks of the Educational InstitutionZakir Z. Bekturganov
pp. 4941-4953 | Article Number: ijese.2016.366
Abstract Development of the global information space is the basis of change in the educational paradigm and the formation of the world market of educational services. Traditional educational institutions face new challenges and risks that undermine their competitiveness. This implies the emerging phenomenon of online reputation risks, with significant regional characteristics. This paper first examines the emergence of online reputation risk for the Kazakh education. It shows how particular risks of educational institutions multiply the risks of reputation as regards regions and the country overall. Countering online risks and the positive e-reputation development should be part of a unified governmental and educational strategy. Empirical data justified the need to include the program of online reputation development into the strategic development plans at the level of local educational institutions. 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Psychologic-pedagogical Conditions for Prevention of Suicidal Tendencies among TeenagersYerkin A. Abil , Natalia P. Kim, Botagoz Sh. Baymuhambetova, Nurlan B. Mamiyev, Yelena D. Li and Tatyana S. Shumeyko
pp. 4954-4966 | Article Number: ijese.2016.367
Abstract Aim of research – to develop complex of psychology-pedagogical conditions, directed on prevention of suicidal tendencies among teenagers. On analysis basis of scientific literature authors disclose main causes of suicidal behavior in adolescence. To confirm science veracity of advanced theoretic assumptions, describes experiment, conducted on basis of middle schools in Kostanay cities of The Republic of Kazakhstan. In it took part 300 pupils at age of 10-16 years. Results of approbation of methodics, oriented on development of value orientations system, communicational and organizational skills and abilities, showed an increase of maturity level of teenagers vitality in experimental group. Thus, proposed program can be used in modern psychology-pedagogical practice with aim to prevent formation of suicidal tendencies among teenagers. Keywords: Teenage years, social deviation, suicidal behavior, formation of teenagers vitality, psychology-pedagogical conditions References Abramenkova, V. V. (2015). Teenagers Subculture as a Space of Self-realization. Word of Psychology, 2, 175 -189. Alieva, M. A., Grishanovich, T. V., & Lobanova, L. V. (2006). Training on Development of Life Goals. St.Petersburg: Sppeech, 216 p. Alimova, M. A. (2014). Suicidal Behavior of Teenagers. Barnaul: My Book, 100 p. Ambrumova, A. G. (2011). To Answer About Self-destructive Behavior of Teenagers. Self-destructive Behavior Among Teenagers, 1, 29-36. Avidon, I. (2008). Trainings of Interaction in a Conflict. St.Petersburg: Speech, 190 p. Bal’dina, N. P. (2011). Prophylaxis of Suicidal Manifestations among Adolescent. Kurgan: Academy of Natural History, 107 p. Bannikov, G. S. (2013). Methodical Recommendations for Psychologists of Educational Institutions on Revealing and Prevencing of Suicidal Behavior among Teenagers. 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World Classics in Kazakh Theater at Early Stage of DevelopmentZhanagul S. Sultanova, Anar K. Yeshmuratova, Yelik Nursultan, Saniya D. Kabdiyeva and Yerkin T. Zhuasbek
pp. 4967-4975 | Article Number: ijese.2016.368
Abstract The research work deals with the practices and specific features of Kazakh theater, especially with the specifics of the director's decisions on performances based on European and Russian classical drama. The authors determine that the experienced directors from Russia were invited in order to influence the professional development of Kazakh novice actors. Furthermore, based on the views of theater critics, the study reveals the positive and negative aspects in the development of Kazakh theater. The authors have focused on different versions of performances of Shakespeare in Kazakh theatre, particularly "Othello". The practical value is that the research findings can be a basis of future investigations on the Kazakh theater development and the influence of Russian culture on this process. Keywords: Theater development, Kazakh theater, world classics interpretation, Russian drama, performances of Shakespeare References Bogatenkova, L. I. (1987). To hear and understand the person. Alma-Ata: Oner, 353 p. Bopezhanova, A. (2002). "Gogol – on Kazakh stage". Altyn-Orda, A7, 56-60. Greenwood, E. (2016). Reception Studies: The Cultural Mobility of Classics. Daedalus, 145(2), 41-49. History of Kazakh theatre (1975). Almaty: Kazakh SSR Gylym Akademiyasi, 242 p. History of Kazakh theatre (1978). Almaty: Gylym, 275 p. Jennings, S. (2009). Dramatherapy and social theatre: Necessary dialogues. Routledge, 380 p. Kabdieva, S. (2000). "Is Kazakh Theatre about to change?. Kazakh Adebieti, A3, 55-65. Kabyl, M. K. (2016). Cultural identification: the problem of art studies. Central Asian art history Journal, 2(2), 149-153. Khalykov, K. Z. (2015). Theatre semiotics: the creation of meaning in scenography in the Kazakh Drama Theatre. Journal of Political Science KNU Series, Philosophy and Cultural Studies, 1(50). 44-51. Kundakbaev, B. (1987). Bel-beleste. Almaty: Oner, 322 p. Kundakbaev, B. (1997). Mukhtar Auezov and theater. Almaty: Gylym, 263 p. Kundakbaev, B. (2006). Thoughts about theatre. Almaty: Oner, 208 p. Kundakbayuly, B. (2001). The time and theatre art. Almaty: Art, 357 p. Kundykov, K. (1969). First national theatre. Almaty: Zhazushy, 317 p. Livnev, D. G. (2012). Stage embodiment. Moscow: GITIS, 242 p. Lvov, N. I. (1954). Kazakh Drama Theatre. A short essay. Almaty: The Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, 422 p. Lvov, N. I. (1957). Kazakh Drama Theatre. Almaty: The Academy of Sciences of Kazakh SSR, 453 p. Mayemirov, A. (2015). The development of world and Russian classical works on Kazakh stage. Journal of Political Science KNU Series, Philosophy and Cultural Studies, 3(52), 77-84. Mayemirov, A., Khalykov, K. & Nurpeis, B. (2015). Ethnic and Cultural Aspects in the Development of Kazakh Theatres during the Independence Period: The Problems of Human Existence. Folklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore, 62, 201-224. Nurpeis, B. (2014). The establishment and development period of Kazakh theatre directors. Almaty: Karatau BT, 286 p. Nursultan, E., & Yerkebay, A. (2015). Innovative interpretation of the Kazakh foreign plays on stage. Journal of Political Science KNU Series, Philosophy and Cultural Studies, 4(53), 125-132. Nurtazin, Y. S. (2013). The Problem of Actualization of the Musical in Kazakhstan. World Applied Sciences Journal, 28(1), 139-144. Shapauov, A. K., Negimov, S., & Zhusipov, N. (2013). Scenic literature in the context of the drama and dramatic art of the Turkic nations (late XIX-early XX centuries). Life Science Journal, 10(10), 360-364. Sokolowsky, M. (1939). About the play "Othello". Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, A5, 17-18. |
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