Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 4954-4966 | Article Number: ijese.2016.367
Published Online: August 10, 2016
Aim of research – to develop complex of psychology-pedagogical conditions, directed on prevention of suicidal tendencies among teenagers. On analysis basis of scientific literature authors disclose main causes of suicidal behavior in adolescence. To confirm science veracity of advanced theoretic assumptions, describes experiment, conducted on basis of middle schools in Kostanay cities of The Republic of Kazakhstan. In it took part 300 pupils at age of 10-16 years. Results of approbation of methodics, oriented on development of value orientations system, communicational and organizational skills and abilities, showed an increase of maturity level of teenagers vitality in experimental group. Thus, proposed program can be used in modern psychology-pedagogical practice with aim to prevent formation of suicidal tendencies among teenagers.
Keywords: Teenage years, social deviation, suicidal behavior, formation of teenagers vitality, psychology-pedagogical conditions
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