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Reducing the Risk of Postoperative Genital Complications in Male AdolescentsАssem Dossanova, Vasiliy Lozovoy, Dan Wood, Кenzhekyz Маnekenov, Аigul Botabayeva, Bolatbek Dossanov, Yelena Lozovaya & Тalgat Оmarov
pp. 5797-5807 | Article Number: ijese.2016.429
Abstract The reproductive system of adolescents is exposed to a high risk of anomalies. In spite of the successes of surgical correction, the percentage of postoperative complications remains high. Special attention should be paid to circumcision, which is regarded as a religious tradition in many countries and carried out with sanitary violations. This research developed a systematic algorithm for the prevention of complications of surgical interventions in case of external genitalia anomalies. The article describes results of a statistical analysis related to the main risk factors of postoperative complications in primary genital surgery in male adolescents. The analysis implied calculating the frequency of value occurrence, the percentage of value occurrence, cumulative frequency. Using the Spearman criterion, we carried out correlation analysis; 11 predicts of complications in the postoperative period during manipulations on the genitals were determined with regard to logistic regression. Comparison of the interdependent variables by using the Chi-square method and the Wilcox on test gave the possibility to determine statistically significant differences in the frequency distribution of patients in terms of complications of the main group. A set of necessary measures for preventing postoperative complications was presented in the form of a prevention circle. Keywords: postoperative complications, reproductive system, circumcision, webbed penis, hydrocele References Barker, G., & Angsten, G. (2014). Pediatric Urology - Evidence for Optimal Patient Management. Acta Paediatria, 103, 345–345. doi: 10.1111/apa.12505 Bhat, A., Mandal, A.K. (2008). Acute postoperative complications of hypospadias repair. Indian Journal of Urology, 24, 241. Breuer, G.S., & Walfisch, S. (1987). Circumcision complications and indications for ritual recircumcision--clinical experience and review of the literature. Israel journal of medical sciences, 23, 252–6. Caldamone, A.A. (2014). Pediatric Urology: Evidence for Optimal Patient Management. Journal of Pediatric Urology, 10, 203. Chan, I.H., & Wong, K.K. (2016). Common urological problems in children: prepuce, phimosis, and buried penis. Hong Kong Med J, 22, 263–269. doi: 10.12809/hkmj154645 Chan, P.T.K., Wright, E.J., & Goldstein, M. (2005). Incidence and postoperative outcomes of accidental ligation of the testicular artery during microsurgical varicocelectomy. J Urol 173, 482–4. doi: 10.1097/01.ju.0000148942.61914.2e Cho, P., & Cendron, M. (2014). The surgical management of male epispadias in the new millennium. Curr Urol Rep, 15,1–5. doi: 10.1007/s11934-014-0472-8 Committee On Medical Ethics. (2004). The law and ethics of male circumcision: guidance for doctors. J Med Ethics, 30, 259–63. Cortes, D., Thorup, J.M., & Visfeldt, J. (2001). Cryptorchidism: Aspects of fertility and neoplasms. A study including data of 1,335 consecutive boys who underwent testicular biopsy simultaneously with surgery for cryptorchidism. Horm Res 55, 21–27. doi: 10.1159/000049959 Dabaja, A., & Goldstein, M. (2014). Microsurgical hydrocelectomy: Rationale and technique. Urol Pract, 1, 189–193. doi: 10.1016/j.urpr.2014.06.003 Fox, M., & Thomson, M. (2005). A covenant with the status quo? Male circumcision and the new BMA guidance to doctors. J Med Ethics, 31, 463–469. Gavrina, D. (2008). Surgical treatment of the foreskin diseases. Synopsis. State Medical Academy, Tver, Higuchi, T., Holmdahl, G., Kaefer, M. et al. (2016). International Consultation on Urological Diseases: Congenital Anomalies of the Genitalia in Adolescence. Urology. Iacono, F., Ruffo, A., Prezioso, D. et al. (2014). Treatment of bilateral varicocele and other scrotal comorbidities using a single scrotal access: our experience on 34 patients. Biomed Res Int 2014, 403603. doi: 10.1155/2014/403603 Ilyin, V.V., Kayumov, A.T., & Hajrullin, A.G. (2016). Values: An Analysis of the Multi-Value World of the Human Personality. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(5), 1393-1401. Ko, M-C., Liu, C-K., Lee, W-K. et al. (2007). Age-specific prevalence rates of phimosis and circumcision in Taiwanese boys. J Formos Med Assoc 106, 302–7. doi: 10.1016/S0929-6646(09)60256-4 Lozovoy, V., Nugumanova, A., & Lozovaya, E. (2010). The reasons for reoperation after complications of primary urological interventions. XIV Int. Conf. „Family Heal. - XXI Century“, 319 – 320. Italy: Rimini. Montasser, E., Gohary, E., & Amin, M. (2010). O riginal A rticle Webbed penis. A new classification 15, 50–53. Pajovic, B., Radojevic, N., Dimitrovski, A. et al. (2015). Advantages of microsurgical varicocelectomy over conventional techniques. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci, 19, 532–538. Perlmutter, A.E., Morabito, R., & Tarry, W.F. (2006). Impact of patient age on distal hypospadias repair: A surgical perspective. Urology, 68, 648–651. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2006.03.079 Snodgrass, W., Macedo, A., Hoebeke, P., & Mouriquand, P.D.E. (2011). Hypospadias dilemmas: a round table. J Pediatr Urol, 7, 145–57. doi: 10.1016/j.jpurol.2010.11.009 Soulie, M., Seguin, P., Richeux, L. et al. (2001). Urological complications of laparoscopic surgery: experience with 350 procedures at a single center. J Urol, 165, 1960–3. Woodhouse, C.R.J., & Christie, D. (2005). Nonsurgical factors in the success of hypospadias repair. BJU Int, 96, 22–27. doi: 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2005.05560.x Yaman, O., Soygur, T., Zumrutbas, A.E., & Resorlu, B. (2006). Results of microsurgical subinguinal varicocelectomy in children and adolescents. Urology, 68, 410–2. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2006.02.022 |
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Participation of a Representative of a Foreign Country in the Procedure of the Legal Proceedings in the Republic of KazakhstanNail R. Akhmetzakirov, Yerbol A. Omarov & Arman Y. Mussilimov
pp. 5809-5816 | Article Number: ijese.2016.430
Abstract The paper deals with the problem of foreigners’ rights and freedoms protection during the criminal procedure in The Republic of Kazakhstan. The comparative analysis of national and international legal framework shows that principles of legal defend of foreigners’ interests do not have a practical application. Examining the content of requests on legal assistance received by the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2012-2015 the authors determine that about 20% of the orders relate to the admission of representatives of the competent authorities of foreign states. The study also proposes the amendments to the determination of rights and duties of a representative of a foreign state. The practical value is that the research can be a theoretical basis for further development of effective legislative mechanisms of the foreign citizens’ interests’ protection in Post-soviet countries and other states referring to the Romano-Germanic legal system. Keywords: International legal assistance, foreigners’ rights and freedoms protection, criminal proceedings, attractiveness of legislative service, The Republic of Kazakhstan References Act on International Cooperation in Criminal Matters of 23 December 1982 (Federal Law Gazette I page 2071). (2012). as last amended by Article 1 of the Act of 21 July 2012, Bundesgesetzblatt, I 2012, 15661, http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/englisch_irg/englisch_irg.html. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on legal assistance and legal relations in civil, family and criminal cases signed in Vilnius on August 9, (1994). Akparova, R.N. (2006). International cooperation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on legal assistance in criminal matters. Current practice and perspectives. (200 p.). Karaganda: OtiPRINT. Assanova, M.A. (2015). Public Policy and Model of Sustainable Development in the Republic of Kazakhstan. 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Laparoscopic surgical treatment of severe obesity combined with gastroesophageal reflux disease: a pilot randomized two-arm controlled clinical studyOral B. Ospanov, Akzhunis M. Orekeshova, Roman A. Fursov & Aset A. Yelemesov
pp. 5817-5832 | Article Number: ijese.2016.431
Abstract Obesity and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are serious medical, social, and economic problems of modern society. A pilot randomized two-arm controlled clinical study was conducted to compare laparoscopic plication of the greater gastric curvature combined with Nissen fundoplication (LFN+LGP) versus only Nissen fundoplication (LFN). The study included 114 patients with GERD with a body mass index of 30.0–39.9 kg/m2. The following indices were used to assess efficacy: 24-hour pH-metry with calculation of the DeMeester index, percentage of excess weight loss (EWL%), and patients’ quality of life, for which the Bariatric Analysis and Reporting Outcome System with the Moorehead–Ardelt Quality of Life Questionnaire II scoring key was used. Postoperative evaluation of quality of life and the dynamics of key GERD symptoms was conducted with the GERD Health-Related Quality of Life questionnaire. All operations were performed laparoscopically. No significant difference was noted in the antireflux function after surgery between the two groups. The bariatric effect (EWL% after 12 months) was better in the LFN+LGP group (45.26 ± 5.80 %) than in the LFN group (18.43 ± 4.60 %)
Keywords: gastroesophageal reflux disease, obesity, Nissen fundoplication, greater curvature placation References Ayazi S., Hagen J., Chan L., et al. (2009). Obesity and gastroesophageal reflux: quantifying the association between body mass index, esophageal acid exposure, and lower esophageal sphincter status in a large series of patients with reflux symptoms. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, 13, 1440-7. Bays H., Chapman R. & Grandy S. (2007). The relationship of body mass index to diabetes mellitus, hypertension and dyslipidaemia: comparison of data from two national surveys. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 61, 737-47. Branca F., Nikogosian H. & Lobstein T. (Eds) (2007a). Obesity problem in WHO European region and solution strategies. Geneva: WHO. Branca F., Nikogosian H. & Lobstein T. (Eds) (2007b). The challenge of obesity in the WHO European Region and the strategies for response. World Health Organization. Geneva: WHO Library Cataloguing in Publication Data. http://www.euro.who.int/document/E90711.pdf. Chan M. (2011). Noncommunicable diseases damage health, including economic health. Address at the High-level meeting on noncommunicable diseases. New York: United Nations General Assembly. http://www.who.int/dg/speeches/2011/un_ncds_09_19/en/index.html. Corley D., Kubo A. & Zhao W. (2007). Abdominal obesity, ethnicity and gastro-oesophageal reflux symptoms. Gut, 56, 756-62. Dent J., El-Serag H., Wallander M., et al. (2005). Epidemiology of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: a systematic review. Gut, 54, 710-7. El-Serag H., Ergun G., Pandolfino J., et al. (2007). Obesity increases oesophageal acid exposure. Gut, 56, 749-55. El-Serag H., Graham D., Satia J., et al. (2005). Obesity is an independent risk factor for GERD symptoms and erosive esophagitis. The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 100, 1243-50. Freedman D., Ron E., Ballard-Barbash R., et al. (2006). Body mass index and all-cause mortality in a nationwide US cohort. International Journal of Obesity (London), 30, 822-9. Fried M., Dolezalova K., Buchwald J., et al. (2012). Laparoscopic greater curvature plication (LGCP) for treatment of morbid obesity in a series of 244 patients. Obesity Surgery, 22, 1298-307. Hampel H., Abraham N. & El-Serag H. (2005). Meta-analysis: obesity and the risk for gastroesophageal reflux disease and its complications. Annals of Internal Medicine, 143, 199-211. Johnson L. & Demeester T. (1974). Twenty-four-hour pH monitoring of the distal esophagus. A quantitative measure of gastroesophageal reflux. The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 62, 325-32. Mattioli S., D'Ovidio F., Pilotti V., et al. (2003). Hiatus hernia and intrathoracic migration of esophagogastric junction in gastroesophageal reflux disease. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 48, 1823-31. Mattiolo S., Felice V., Pilotti V., et al. (1991). Definition of standard tracking in monitoring of рН. Minerva Chirurgica, 46(7 Suppl), 93-101. Myers J., Clifford J., Sarker S., et al. (2006). Quality of life after laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding using the Baros and Moorehead-Ardelt Quality of Life Questionnaire II. JSLS, 10, 414-20. Neumayer C., Ciovica R., Gadenstätter M., et al. (2005). Significant weight loss after laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication. Surgical Endoscopy, 19, 15-20. Nguyen N., Magno C., Lane K., et al. (2008). Association of hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and metabolic syndrome with obesity: findings from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999 to 2004. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 207, 928-34. Parfilova G. & Karimova L. (2016) Teenage Students’ Tolerance Formation. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(4), 513-523. Prachand V., Ward M. & Alverdy J. (2010). Duodenal switch provides superior resolution of metabolic comorbidities independent of weight loss in the super-obese (BMI > or = 50 kg/m2) compared with gastric bypass. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, 14, 211-20. Skrekas G., Antiochos K. & Stafyla V. (2011). Laparoscopic gastric greater curvature plication: results and complications in a series of 135 patients. Obesity Surgery, 21, 1657-63. Talebpour M., Motamedi S., Talebpour A., et al. (2012). Twelve year experience of laparoscopic gastric plication in morbid obesity: development of the technique and patient outcomes. Annals of Surgical Innovation and Research, 6, 7. Whitlock G., Lewington S., Sherliker P., et al. (2009). Body-mass index and cause-specific mortality in 900 000 adults: collaborative analyses of 57 prospective studies. Lancet, 373, 1083-96. World Health Organisation (2015). WHO Global Infobase. Geneva: WHO. https://apps.who.int/infobase/. World Health Organisation (1997). World Health Organization. Obesity: Preventing and managing the global epidemic. Report of a WHO consultation on obesity. Geneva: WHO. |
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Epistolary Literature and Journalism: Theoretical and Practical AspectsMuratbek B. Toktagazin, Lazzat M. Adilbekova, Aigul A. Ussen, Roza A. Nurtazina & Tastanbek R. Tastan
pp. 5833-5843 | Article Number: ijese.2016.432
Abstract The relevance of the research problem is caused by the lack of a single complete system for determining the subgenre differences in the epistolary genre in literary criticism. Thus, this research is devoted to the problem of clarification of the difference between epistolary literature and epistolary journalism in their development over time. The comparative analysis of the main aspects of the epistolary genre of fiction and journalism was conducted. The research also provided a survey of 360 respondents: 180 writers and 180 journalists. The aim of the questionnaire was to confirm or to refute the hypothesis: there are some key differences between epistolary literature and epistolary journalism, which suggest that they are two varieties a single of the epistolary genre. Moreover, the paper bridges the gaps in the epistolary terminology. The content of the paper will be useful to journalists, researchers of the epistolary genre, and literary critics. Keywords: literary criticism, epistolary literature, epistolary journalism, the perception of epistolary subgenres, stylistic features of a letter References Adams Paul C. (2009). Geographies of Media and Communication: A Critical Introduction. London: Wiley-Blackwell. Beshukova F.B. (2014). Media discourse of literary space in postmodernism: monograph. Maykop: AGU Publisher. Buchanan, C. M. (2014). A more national representation of place in Canadian daily newspapers. The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographecanadien, 58(4), 517-530. Couldry N.& McCarthy A. (Eds.) (2004). Mediaspace: Place, Scale and Culture in a Media Age/ edited by. NewYork: Routledge. Fesenko, O. P. (2008). Epistolary: genre, style and discourse. Chelyabinsk State University Bulletin (23), 12-32. Jansson A. (2006). Textural Analysis. Materialising Media Space. Geographies of Communication: The Spatial Turn in Media. Göteborg: Nordicom. Jolly, M., & Stanley, L. (2005). Letters as/not a genre. Life Writing, 2(2), 91-118. Kachkaeva A. G.(2014). Journalism and convergence. Why and how traditional media transform into multimedia. Moscow: AST. Kauffman, L. S. (1988). Discourses of desire: Gender, genre, and epistolary fictions. Cornell: Cornell University Press. Kur'janovich A.V. (2014). Epistolary in advertising communication: the question of stylistic transformation genre. Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 3(19). Kur'janovich A.V. (2015). Epistolary Language Personality under the Conditions of the Mass Media of Communication: Experience of Sociolinguistic Analysis of Discursive Properties (On the Online Petitions Texts). TSPUBulletin, 9(162), 3-15. Kur'janovich A.V. (2013). Revisiting genre and stylistic features of Russian epistolary journalism (on the materials of V.P. Astaf'ev letters).TSPU Bulletin, 3(131), 182-187. Neroznak, V. P., Podol'skaja, N. V., Sattarov, G. F., Frolov, N. K., &Shherba, L. V. (2007). Epistolary of linguistic identity. Linguo-oratorical paradigm: theoretical and applicative aspects, 9, 108. Nim E.G. (2013). Media scene: the main directions of research. Business. Society. Power, 14, 31-41. Nozhkina, Je. M. (1993). The epistolary style. Functional styles and speech forms. Saratov: Saratov University Press. Pearl, L., Lu, K., &Haghighi, A. (2016). The Character in the Letter: Epistolary Attribution in Samuel Richardson’s Clarissa. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 1, 12-15. Quinn, K. (2015). Reconsidering the Public Letter in Epistolary Theory: The Case of Samuel Bowles (1865). CEA Critic, 77(1), 97-119. Senichkina E. P. (2015). Stylistics of Russian language and speech culture. Samara: GV PlekhanovSamara Institute (branch) REU. Serdali, B.K., Ashirbekova, G.S., Orazbekuly, K. &Abiev , B.M. (2016). Genres of Modern Mass Media. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(5), 1075-1085. Vinogradov V.A., Skvorcov L.V. (2014). Information needs and information culture. Theory and practice of social and scientific information, 4, 4-5 |
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Psychological peculiarities of judge professional activity and decision-makingZholdybai T.Uspanov & Dana S.Turabayeva
pp. 5845-5856 | Article Number: ijese.2016.433
Abstract The article considers the psychological peculiarities of judge professional activity and decision-making, judge’s mental set and requirements to ethical and moral requirements and quality. Moreover, this work offers original job analysis and competency model of judge professional activity. The authors have studied the problems concerning the psychological features of professional activity and deformation of judges, psychological features of decision-making, the determination of psychological discomfort or stress causes, and peculiarities of judge’s attitude to his/her professional activity and to the representatives of the parties. The aim of this work is to detect specific emotional states in the course of court proceedings, to describe the stress factors and situations that cause the greatest psychological difficulties for judges, and to find ways of resolving them. Currently, these issues are becoming increasingly relevant, and the results of their successful resolution may influence the efficiency of the justice administration in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Keywords: judicial power, professional deformation, the psychology of the judge, psychological attitude, psychological state References AdashkinE. L. (2006). Professional psychological selection of Federal agents. Psychopedagogy in law enforcement bodies,1(25), 13.
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On Certain Aspects of Acts of Corruption CountermeasuresZhanat A. Mamitova, Zhaniya Kumarbekkyzy, Asem R. Tapenova & Talgat G. Mahanov
pp. 5857-5871 | Article Number: ijese.2016.434
Abstract One of the biggest problems of developing countries, including Kazakhstan, is corruption. Corruption significantly decelerates the development of economic and social institutions, which may cause distrust in the authorities and a social crisis. Therefore, fighting corruption is a top-priority task of the government of Kazakhstan; this task consists in forming an effective anti-corruption system with the involvement of the general public and a legislative reform. The research analyzes the corruption countermeasures in the Republic of Kazakhstan. This includes a critical study on the legal regulation of the detection of corruption. In addition, the research found new forms of this phenomenon (influence abuse and illicit enrichment), which the research offers to criminalize in the criminal law, studied the issues related to the improvement of the penalty system for acts of corruption, and investigated the practice of penalty infliction and property confiscation. The research paid special attention to public participation in the fight against corruption. Keywords: influence abuse, illicit enrichment, criminal penalty, property confiscation, public versus corruption References Abdymanapov, S. et al. (2016). Development of Public-Private Partnership in the Republic of Kazakhstan. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(5), 1113-1126. Ageev, V. (2011). The process of formation of civil society as a mean of combating corruption in the Russian Federation. Actual problems of Economics and Law, 4, 5-9. Avdeev, V. (2016). Punishment in the system of criminal legal means of combating crime: the interaction of legal systems in the context of globalization of international life. Criminological journal of Baikal State University of Economics and Law, 10(2), 301-312. Balgimbekov, D., Sejthozhin, D.U. & Sarsembaev B. (2014). Problems of counteraction of corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Actual problems of the humanities and natural sciences, 11(1), 12-17. Boles Jeffrey, R. (2013). Criminalizing the problem of unexplained wealth: illicit enrichment offenses and human rights violations. New York University Journal of legislation and public policy, 17(4), 49. Burger, E. (2014). Convention Against Corruption: Decisive Action or Mere Symbolism. [Electronic resource]. Available at: sartraccc.ru (Date Views 03.02.2014) GPRF (2015). The draft of Federal Law on Amendments to Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in order to strengthen the responsibility for corruption on the criminalization of improper influence. Moscow: GPRF. Available at: http://genproc.gov.ru Kairzhanova, S. (2012). State anti-corruption policy. In Proceedings of the Republican scientific-practical Conference. Astana. 88-91. Minskaja, V. & Sharafetdinova, G. (2014). The penalty in the modern Russian criminal law: Monograph. Moscow: Academy of the Russian Federation Prosecutor General's Office. Miron, R. (2012). Illicit Enrichment uncovered – and discovering the best ways to fight it. [Electronic resource]. Available at: www.blogs.worldbank.org MJRK (2008). Comment and legislative measures pertaining to various articles for the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Combating Corruption”. Almaty: LLP “Publisher” Norma-K”. Muzila, L. et al. (2012). On the Take Criminalizing Illicit Enrichment to Fight Corruption (World Bank). Washington: WB. OECD (2016). Report of the third round of monitoring of the The Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan “Anti-corruption reform in Kazakhstan”. Paris: OECD. Available at: http://www.oecd.org Perdriel-Vaissiere, M. (2015). The accumulation of unexplained wealth by public officials: Making the offence of illicit enrichment enforceable [Electronic resource]. Available at: http://www.u4.no Rahmetov S. & Borchashvili I. (2012). Criminal law measures in fight against corruption: Monograph. Astana: Art-Print. Rahmetov, S. & Kanatov, A. (2016). Participation of civil society in combating corruption. Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 5(41), 47-55. Rose-Ackerman, S. (2010). Corruption and government: Causes, consequences, and reform (2nd ed.). Moscow: Logos. Tureckij, N. (2012). Current anti-corruption policy of Kazakhstan. Actual problems of Economics and Law, 4(24), 100-102. |
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Peculiarities of the Application of Income Tax Standards by the Subsidiary Company in the Russian Accounting PracticeNatalya A. Ermakova & Elena M. Gudshatullaeva
pp. 5873-5882 | Article Number: ijese.2016.435
Abstract The aim of this work is to analyze the application practice of accounting regulation provision of subsidiary company “Accounting of settlements on income tax” (AR 18/02) and correlation of methodology of formed indicators with standards of International Accounting Standards (IAS) 12 “Income taxes” at formation of the consolidated statements. The study based upon the methods of logical-semantic analysis and synthesis, the estimation of application practice of AR 18/02 in the subsidiary company. Moreover, the comparison of methods, provided by the Russian standard with the rules of international standard, was conducted. The estimation of corporate methods of AR 18/02 application was given, and the basic meaningful and organizational problems of parallel application of Russian and international accounting standards were detected at formation of the financial accounting of an economic entity. The application of IAS 12 at formation of the corporate accounting for the aims of subsequent transformation in the international format requires the considerable volume of parallel accounting work from them. Provision of consolidated financial statements conformity to the AR requirements supposes reformation of internal accounting system and creation of the new logistics of information flows. Keywords: Financial accounting standards, income tax, subsidiary company, financial accounting transformation, Russian economy References Ampofo, A. A., & Sellani, R. J. (2005, June). Examining the differences between United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP) and International Accounting Standards (IAS): implications for the harmonization of accounting standards. In Accounting forum (Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 219-231). Elsevier.
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Criteria for Formation of Active Personal Position of SchoolchildrenMagziya Sh. Kunanbayeva
pp. 5883-5891 | Article Number: ijese.2016.436
Abstract The article considers the problem and the importance of formation of the active personal position of schoolchildren. Active personal position is a complex concept, which includes the ability to a problem solution, the ability to work in a team, the ability to express his or her views. The formation of an active personal position at school is necessary for the further development of the personality and the ability to evaluate their own activities in the society. Assessment and monitoring system is needed for complex and comprehensive development of active personal position. Thus, the purpose of the article is to develop such system theoretically. For this purpose, the methods of analysis, synthesis, and theoretical modeling were applied, and psycho-pedagogical and methodological literature was studied and summarized.
Keywords: Active personal position, assessment system, pedagogical process, personal growth, comprehensive approach References Bendahmane, M., El Falaki, B., & Benattou, M. (2016). Individualization of Pedagogical Paths via Traces Analysis. ICEL2016-Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on e-Learning: ICEl2016. Academic Conferences and publishing limited (p. 185). Brookfield, S. D. (2015). The skillful teacher: On technique, trust, and responsiveness in the classroom. John Wiley & Sons. Chiritoiu, M. S., Mihaescu, C., & Burdescu, D. D. (2013). Students Activity Visualization Tool. Educational Data Mining – 2013. Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2013). Research methods in education. Routledge. Davydov, V. V. (1986). Problems of developmental education. Moscow: Pedagogics. Filipchenko, S. N., & Makarova, L. I. (2013). Education for citizenship of younger schoolchildren. Scientific Vector of Togliatti State University, 3(25). Galperina, P. Y. (1968). Formation of knowledge and skills in a phased assimilation of mental actions. Publishing house of the Moscow University. He, Z., & Wang, X. (2015). Roles of the teacher unions in modern elementary education reform in US. Journal of Hebei Normal University (Educational Science Edition), 3, 009. Iwata, Y. (2015). On" Japanese Style" Teacher Education Reform: Considering Issues of Quality Development under an" Open System". Educational Studies in Japan: International Yearbook, 9, 81-97. Jovanović, B. R., & Đurić, I. R. (2015). The class teacher in the system of pedagogical work of schools. Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Prištini, 45(1), 185-208. Kalatskaya, N. N. & Drozdikova–Zaripova A. R. (2016). Development of Project Abilities in Primary School Students. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 11(4), 525-537 Kasim, T. S. A. T., Yusoff, Y. M. (2014). Active Teaching Methods: Personal Experience of Integrating Spiritual and Moral Values. Religious Education, 109(5), 554-570. Krasnozhonova, E. S. (2013). Development of schoolchildren’s cognitive activity with the help of various interactive technologies. World Applied Sciences Journal, 24(3), 340-344. Menchinskaya, N. A. (1982). Psychological problems of activity of the person in training. Moscow: NPA RSFSR. Musabekova, G. T. et al. (2014). Moral upbringing of junior schoolchildren in formation of educational activity. Life Science Journal, 11(4). Nevalainen, R., & Kimonen, E. (2013). Teacher Competences in a Changing School Culture. In Transforming Teachers’ Work Globally (pp. 229-259). SensePublishers. Starovoytenko, E. B. (2004). Personality Psychology paradigm life relationships: tutorial for students of higher educational institutions. Moscow: Academic Project. Tiksta Vazina, K. Y., Petrov, Y. N., & Belilovsky, V. D. (1991). Teaching management. Moscow: Pedagogics. |
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The Court in the Homeric EposAlexandr Loginov
pp. 5893-5901 | Article Number: ijese.2016.437
Abstract The research investigates the court system in Homeric Greece. This period was characterized by a declining culture and scarce works that described those times. Hence, the court procedures of those times remains understudied; therefore, the purpose of this research is to reconstruct theoretically the court procedure in Homeric Greece. Homer’s and Hesiod’s literature, as well as modern studies on this subject, were analyzed to reconstruct the court procedure. This research distinguishes two types of courts, the first one being Mycenaean royal courts and the second one being the courts of commons. After the downfall of the Mycenaean civilization, Greek communities preserved their courts, while the Mycenaean royal courts remained only as elements of epos and mythology. In the days of Homer, the Greek court of commons was based on oaths of the procedure participants. The research describes the main flaws in the court system in the days of Homer, such as corruption, prejudice, and elitist control. However, despite these problems, it was during this period that the court became the only place for settling disputes. Keywords: Homeric epos, court of commons, Mycenaean Greece, royal court, works of Hesiod References Akhsanul, I. (2016). Euclidean Geometry's Problem Solving Based on Metacognitive in Aspect of Awareness. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(4), 961-974. Bessone, F. (2014). Polis, Court, Empire: Greek Culture, Roman Society, and the System of Genres in Statius' Poetry. Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past. Brill, 2, 215-233. Burckhardt, J. (2013). History of Greek culture. Courier Corporation. Routledge, 346 p. Grundy, G. B. (2014). A History of the Greek and Roman World (Routledge Revivals). Routledge, 234 p. Hadas, M. (2013). A history of Greek literature. Columbia University Press. Routledge, 244 p. Harris, E. M., Leao, D. F. & Rhodes, P. J. (2013). Law and drama in ancient Greece. Bloomsbury Academic: A&C Black, 192 p. Kofanov, L. L. (2006). Lex et ius. The Emergence and Development of Roman Law in the Eighth-Third Centuries B.C.E. [Lex et ius: iuris Romani origo et augmen VIII-III Saeculis A.C.]. Moscow: "Nauka" Publishing House, 538 p. Lapteva, M. U. (2010). Law and court in archaic Ionia. In V. V. Dementyeva (ed.), City in antiquity and middle ages: the pan-European context: the reports of the international scientific conference dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslavl. Volume 2, 6-9. Yaroslavl, Russia. Osborne, R. (2014, 28 May). Greek History: The Basics Paperback. Routledge, 148 p. Paltseva, L. A. (2002) The Court in Homeric and Hesiod epics. In E. D. Frolov (ed.), Mnemon. Research and publications on the history of the ancient world, 21-32. St. Petersburg, Russia. Pelloso, C. (2013). The Myth of the Priority of Procedure over Substance in the Light of Early Greek Epos. Rivista di Diritto Ellenico, 3, 223-275. Ridgeway, W. (2014). The early age of Greece. Cambridge University Press, 2(3), 23-34. Sacks, D., Murray, O., & Brody, L. R. (2014). Encyclopedia of the ancient Greek world, Third Edition. Sign In for Pricing: Infobase Publishing, 938 p. Tür, G. (2014). Richter, Beweis und Urteil im Stadtrecht von Gortyn (Kreta, 5 Jh. v. Chr.). Loewe-Schwerpunkt "Außergerichtliche und gerichtliche Konfliktlösung". Wien: Arbeitspapier, 344 p. Van Thiel, H. (1991). Homeri Odyssea. Recognovit H. van Thiel. Hildesheim–Zürich–New York: G. Olms, 188 p. Van Thiel, H. (2010) Homeri Ilias. Iterum recognovit H. van Thiel. Hildesheim–Zürich–New York: G. Olms, 234 p. West, M. L. (1978). Hesiod, Works and Days. Edited with Prolegomena and Commentary by M. L. West. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 422 p. Westbrook, R. (1992). The trial scene in the Iliad. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, 94, 53-76. Wlassak, M. (1888, 1891). Romische Prozeessgesetze. Vol. 2. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, 256 p. Zaykov, A. V. (2012). Roman law in systematic representative. Moscow: University Library, 422 p. |
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Correlation of concepts "extremism" and "terrorism" in countering the financing of terrorism and extremismDiana B. Baisagatova, Saken T. Kemelbekov, Diana A. Smagulova, and Aigul S. Kozhamberdiyeva
pp. 5903-5914 | Article Number: ijese.2016.438
Abstract The main threats to world order are terrorist and extremist activities. On the world stage, countries unite into a coalition with the aim to increase the efficiency of the fight against terrorism. At the local level, the terrorist threat is fought by the security services. In order to prevent global human victims, which may arise as a result of terrorist attacks, the government is taking a number of normative legal acts, which prevent the activities of militants. The main problem that arises in the preparation of the law is the lack of a clear understanding of what the "terrorism" and "extremism" are. Therefore, in this paper, a complete analysis of these terms will be made on the basis of normative legal acts of some countries such as the USA, Russia, Kazakhstan, and scientists specialized in the subject. Research of the terms "extremism" and "terrorism" has shown that these concepts are different, but at the same time interconnected. This relationship is expressed in the fact that terrorism is a continuation of extremism, its next step. The disengagement of these concepts will allow the legislator to create more specific laws, that will cover the entire field of criminal activities. Keywords: anti-terrorist activity, criminals financing, terrorist organization, terrorist act, extremist tendencies References Akhmetov, E. (Ed.) (2001). Collection of normative legal acts on combating international terrorism and extremism. Journal "Rarity", 2007, 330. Artemov, A. & Kleimenov, M. (2010). Concept and types of criminal extremism. Herald of Omsk University, 3(24), 237. Avdeev, Y. (Stepanova, E., Ed.) (2000). Terrorism as a social and political phenomenon. Modern terrorism: state and prospects, 328, 128-156. Dal, V. (1882). Explanatory Dictionary of Russian language: T. 4 (p. 540). Moscow: M.O. Volf Publishing House. GA of UN (2003). Human rights and terrorism, № 58/174. 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The ratio of terrorism and extremism in the historical and philosophical context/inter-ethnic and inter-religious dialogue as a consolidating basis of society in the fight against the global threat of terrorism and extremism. In Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference. Astrakhan: Roman V. Sorokin. Zavotpaev, R. (2005). Terrorism: the historical and the criminally-legal aspects: the manual. Karaganda: Arko. |
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A Holistic Model of Partnership in EducationIslahuddin, Ismail Tolla & Mansyur
pp. 5915-5924 | Article Number: ijese.2016.438
Abstract This research aims at describing the functions of education played by the family, school, community, and government in education partnerships in Makassar. It is also explaining the holistic model of education partnerships in Makassar. This study used a qualitative approach with a case study. The data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. There are some results of this research. First, the role of the family in the function of education is not run optimally. Second, the role of the school in the function of education shows a great achievement. Third, the role of the community in the function of education is very diverse. Fourth, the role of government in the function of education is conceptually comprehensive, but it needs to be reviewed and optimized. Fifth, educational partnership in Makassar performed by three education centers (family, school, community) is not optimal. The types of family-community, family-school, and school-community partnerships have not been accepted in totality. Sixth, in realizing the ideal partnership in education, a holistic model called Mitra Kemas Kelola Selamat is recommended. Keywords: Education Role, Family Role, Holistic Model, Partnerships References Damsar. (2011). Introduction to Sociology of Education. Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group. Danim. (2010). İntroduction to Education, the Theoretical Basis, and 234 Educational Metaphor. Bandung: Alfabeta. Jalaluddin, & Idi, A. (2011). Philosophy of Education: Human, Philosophy, and Education. Jakarta: Rajawali Press. L, Z. (2005). Developmental Psychology. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya. Langeveld, M. J. (1971). Pedagogic: Theoretic/Systematic. Jakarta: FIP-IKIP Jakarta. Law of the Republic of Indonesia on National Education System (2003 ). Purwanto, & Ngali |
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Preservice Science Teachers’ Attitudes Toward EnvironmentIsil Koc & Meltem Kuvac
pp. 5925-5941 | Article Number: ijese.2016.438
Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine preservice science teachers’ attitudes toward environment and to investigate whether their environmental attitudes differ in terms of gender and grade level. A total of 197 preservice science teachers participated in the study. Personal Information Form and the Environmental Attitudes Inventory (EAI) developed by Milfont and Duckitt (2006) were utilized as data collection tools in the study. The data were analyzed using the PASW Statistics 18 (SPSS Inc.). According to the results, preservice science teachers displayed moderately favorable attitudes toward environment. Furthermore, a significant gender difference favoring female preservice teachers was found in terms of total and environmental movement activism, environmental threat, support for population growth policies dimensions of EAI. In addition, according to grade level, significant differences were found in favor of senior preservice teachers in total and human utilization of nature, support for population growth policies dimensions of EAI. Results were discussed based on the findings obtained from the study. Keywords: Environmental attitudes; environmental education; preservice science teachers; science education, teacher training References Ahi, B., & Ozsoy, S. (2015). Ilkokullarda gorev yapan ogretmenlerin cevreye yonelik tutumlari: cinsiyet ve mesleki kidem faktoru. Kastamonu Egitim Dergisi, 23(1), 31-56. Ak, S. (2008). Ilkogretim ogretmen adaylarinin cevreye yonelik bilinclerinin bazi demografik degiskenler acisindan incelenmesi. Yuksek lisans tezi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu, Abant Izzet Baysal Universitesi, Bolu. Alp, E., Ertepinar, H., Tekkaya, C., & Yilmaz, A. (2006). A statistical analysis of children’s environmental knowledge and attitudes in Turkey. 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Characteristics of Value and Professional Orientation of the Technical University Students as Ideal Views on the Activity GoalsAlla L. Khinkanina & Olga E.Serova
pp. 5942-5950 | Article Number: ijese.2016.439
Abstract The results of the empirical investigation of the characteristics of value and professional orientation of the students taking studies in social and computer engineering related fields are presented. The types of value structure uncovered depend on the students’ attitudes to the values significant for the professional evolution (active mode of life, creative work, productive life, development, etc.). Value type grouping of students provided is of particular importance. Keywords: value orientation, cluster analysis, students’ personality evolution, higher professional education, students-programmers References Bardi, A., Buchanan, K.E., R. Goodwin, L. Slabu, Robinson, M. 2013. Value Stability and Change During Self-Chosen Life Transitions: Self-Selection Versus Socialization Effects. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 106(1). Date Views 20.03.2014 doi:10.1037/a0034818. Boer, D. and R. Fischer, 2013. How and when do personal values guide our attitudes and sociality? Explaining cross-cultural variability in attitude–value linkages. Psychological Bulletin, 139(5). Date Views 20.03.2014 doi:10.1037/a0031347. Brazhnikova, A.N., 2011. Civil activity and patriotism of the modern young people. Bulletin of Bryansk State University, 1: 212-216. Frankl, Viktor (1959). Man's Search for Meaning. ISBN 9780807014295. Golubkova, N.Ya, 1998. Social behavior of the students. Sotsis, 3: 123–127. Gvozdev, V.A., 2012. Deformation of the moral values system as a social factor of young people’s aggressive behavior. The problem of correlation of the natural and social in the society and the human being, 3: 7-10. Ivanenkov, S.G., Kostrikin, A.V. 2009. Problems of young people’s social pro-active performance research. Credo new, 3. Date Views 27.03.2014 www.credonew.ru/content/view/834/61/. Ivanova, V.M., 2010. Values and value attributes of the modern youth. Values system of the modern society, 13: 191-194. Khinkanina, A.L., 2004. Analysis of moral and ethical plane of a schoolchild’s personality (following from the psychological and pedagogical research). In the Spirituality and morality in the present-day academic process: proceeding of the scientific and practical conference, Yoshkar-Ola, pp: 32-37. Khinkanina, A.L., 2010. The problem of an ideal image in the modern humanities knowledge. Bulletin of Vyatka State University of Humanities, 3(3): 145-151. Kurapina, E.V., 2012. Innovation technologies of social and cultural activity as a means to form students’ social activism: a synergetic approach. Bulletin of Tambov University. Series: Humanities, 10 (114): 216-220. Leontyev, A.N., 2000. Lectures in general psychology. Moscow: Smysl, pp: 560. Maslow, A.H. (1987) Motivation and personality (3rd edition) New York: Harper and Row. Musina, V.P., 2012. Diagnostics of professional activism. Proceedings of Lesgaft University, 84(2): 111-115. Raigorodsky, D. Ya, 2004. Practical psychodiagnosis. Methods and tests. Samara: Bakhrakh, pp: 672. Rokeach M. Understanding Human Values: Individual and Societal. New York: The Free Press, 1979. 322 p. Rostovtseva, M.V., Mashanov, A.A., Khokhrina, Z.V. 2013. A temporal approach to the investigation of an adaptive course of the university students: a theoretical aspect. Fundamental researches, 4(4): 1015-1019. Rubinstein, S.L., 1989. Fundamentals of general psychology in 2 vol. Moscow: Pedagogika, pp: З28. Statinova, N., Ye. Kushchenko, 2011. Priorities and values of the modern students. Bulletin of Kiev National Trade and Economy University, 3(77): 107-117. Tolstoles, Ye.S., Shelekhov, I.L., Berstneva, O.G. 2012. A psychosocial approach in the investigations of personality and gender. Fundamental researches, 9(4): 872-876. Vygotsky, L.S., 1983. History of higher psychical functions. Collected works in 6 vol. Moscow: Pedagogika, pp: 368. Znakov, V.V., 2000. Spirituality of a person mirrored in psychology and religious belief. In Psychology of a personality in the works of Russian psychologists, Saint-Petersburg, pp: 428-434. |
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Acquisition of Operational Environmental Literacy in Social Studies CourseNuray Kurtdede Fidan & Tuğba Selanik Ay
pp. 5951-5968 | Article Number: ijese.2016.440
Abstract Environmental literacy can be defined as having necessary perceptions and competency of health and environmental systems and as being active in developing necessary acts about them. Individuals are expected to use their knowledge and concepts in daily life. The aim of this study is to determine students’ views about operational environmental literacy activities and the effects of these activities on students responsible environmental behavior. The study was used a mixed method. The participants of the study were 22 fourth grade students. Two scales used to determine the effect of responsible environmental behavior. Also, diaries were kept by the students and by the authors about the process of the research. Finally, a significant difference was stated on the attitudes and responsible behaviors of the students concerning the environment. The participants’ views about the process were stated as fun and interesting. Activities to improve operational environmental literacy may be designed to allow for students to actively take part in these activities. Quantitative data collection tools may be developed to analyze operational environmental literacy. Student teachers may be informed about operational environmental literacy in the teacher training programs and teachers may be informed about it through in-service training activities. In addition, parents, school community and non-governmental organizations may also participate in the activities about operational environmental literacy Keywords: Basic education students, mixed method, operational environmental literacy, social studies education References Abuhmaid, Aslan Efe, H., Yücel, S., Baran, M., Oner Sunkur, M. (2012). Influence of animation-supported project-based instruction method on environmental literacy and self-efficacy in environmental education. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 13 (2). 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The Model of ICT-Based Career Information Services and Decision-Making Ability of LearnersMuhammad Syakir, Alimuddin Mahmud & Arifin Achmad
pp. 5969-5979 | Article Number: ijese.2016.441
Abstract One of the impacts of information technology in guidance counseling is in the implementation of the support system. Entering the world of globalization and rapid technological breadth of information requires counseling to adjust to the environment in order to meet the needs of learners. Therefore, cyber-counseling is now developing. It is one of the utilization of information technology in the world, especially the provision of counseling services of career information for the learners. The issue that need to be answered in this research is "how is the model of ICT-based career information service that is interesting, acceptable, based on the accuracy, feasibility, and utility to improve career decision-making ability of the learners developed?” This research aims at finding out a model of ICT based-career information services that can be used to help learners in improving their carrier decision-making. The method used was the Research and Development (R & D) through several steps. Techniques and data collection instruments were questionnaires, observations, and tests. Data analysis technique used was qualitative and quantitative analysis. Based on the data analysis, it is found that t value is 40.79 with df = 149. The t table value is 1.645 with the significance level (P) = 0,000 < α = 0.05. Therefore, the hypothesis stating that "there is a significant effect on improving career decision-making of the learners after the implementation of the service model of ICT-based career information to the Senior High School students in Parepare" is accepted. Keywords: career information; ICT; decision-making; learners References Azwar, Saifuddin. 2009. Reliability and Validity. Ninth Edition. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Baggerly, Jennifer. 2002. Practical Technological Applications to Promote Pedagogical Principles and Active Learning in Counselor Education. 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Styles of Self-Regulation of Learning Activities of University StudentsRezeda M. Khusainova & Helena P. Ivutina
pp. 5980-5992 | Article Number: ijese..001
Abstract The relevance of the study is largely due to changes in the country's education system in recent years, in particular - the transition to a two-tier system of education - undergraduate and graduate - the purpose of which is to improve learning efficiency. One feature of this system is to strengthen the role of independent educational activity of students enrolled in this program. In this regard, the growing interest to the organization by students of their time, the ability to self-set goals, analyze solutions the way to reach them, which, in turn, determine the success of the training activities. That is, the level of self-regulation is having a major impact on the success of the training. The article aims to study the style features of self-regulation of students. The leading approach to the study of this problem is the subject-activity approach, allowing to reveal representations of the functional structure of the system of self-conscious arbitrary human activity. The article defines the styles and levels of self-regulation activities of the students; identified formed skills of the group of students with a high level of self-regulation; revealed the relationship between styles of self-regulation and the level of subjective control and volitional qualities of students. Article may be useful in the work of teachers, psychologists to optimize learning processes and the development of self-regulation of a personality. Keywords: Self-regulation, self-regulation activity indicators, volitional qualities, style features of self-regulation of students References Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, K. A. (2005). Principle subject to the national psychology. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, 2(4), 3-21. Barkova, Y. V. & Korchagina, G. I. (2013). Psychological mechanisms of self-regulation of successful professional activity of a person. Bulletin of the Vyatka State University of Humanities, 3(1), 159-166. Bazhin, E. F., Golynkina, E. A. & Etkind, A. M. (2001). Diagnosis of Internal partial positions. Direct access: http://vsetesti.ru/7/ Brushlinsky, A. V .(2003). The psychology of the subject. St. Petersburg, Publishing House: Aletheia, 242 p. Cherkashina, O. A. (2010). Formation of mechanisms of self-regulation of students in the educational activity. Scientific notes of the Russian State Social University, 3, 181-185. Chumakov, M. V. (2004). Questionnaire of diagnostic of volitional qualities of personality. Yaroslavl, Publ: SPC "Psycho.", 277 p. Ilyin, E. P. (2009). Psychology of will. St. Petersburg, Publishing house: Peter, 304 p. Ivutina E. P., Vinogradova EM (2014). The relationship of responsibility and self-regulation of behavior in adolescence. Psychology of the XXI century. Proceedings of the International Conference of Young Scientists, 17-19 April 2014, 166-168 pp. St. Petersburg, Russia, St. Petersburg University. Kolesnikova, E. I. (2012). Personal and valuable aspects of self-regilation of educational process at the university. Bulletin of the Samara Humanitarian Academy.A series of "Psychology", 1(11), 9-26. Konopkin, O. A. (2008). Conscious self-regulation as a criterion of subjectivity. Questions of Psychology, 3, 22-34. Levshin, S. V. (2008). The student as the subject of deliberate self-regulation of learning activities. Science. Innovation. Technology, 1, 25-30. Morosanova, V. I. (2004). The questionnaire "Style and self-regulation of behavior. Moscow, Publishing House: Cogito center, 288 p. Morosanova, V. I. & Sagieva, R. R. (2007). Individual self-regulation and the nature of man. Questions of Psychology, 3, 59-68 Neverov, V. N. (2012). Psychological structure of conscious self-regulation of students of different types of specialties. Direct access: http://sisp.nkras.ru/e-ru/issues/2012/3/neverov.pdf. Osnitsky, A. K., Byakova, N. V. & Istomina, S. V. (2012). The study of development of conscious self-regulation during the selection and development of the profession. Psychological research 2(22), 11. Paul R. Pintrich & De Groot E. V. (2000). Motivational and Self-Regulated Learning Components of Classroom Academic Performance. Journal of pedagogical psychology, 82(1), 33-40. Prygin, G. S. (2009). Independence Psychology: monograph. Naberezhnye Chelny: Publishing House of the Institute of Management, 287 p. Rean, A. A. (2001). Practical psycho diagnostics of personality. St. Petersburg, Publishing House: Peter, 304 p. Rubinstein, S. L. (2007) Being and consciousness. Moscow, Sofia, 344p. Zlokazov, K. V. (2005). Multidimensional functional analysis of self-identity: PhD Thesis. «Ural State Pedagogical University." Ekaterinburg, 214 p. Zobkov, A. V. (2014). Psycho-akmeological concept of integrative and dynamic self-regulation of activity of actors: Master’s Thesis. Kostroma, 122 p.
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Conflict Humanitarian and Natural Knowledge: the Way to Exit From ItAlfiya R. Masalimova & Vladislav L. Benin
pp. 5993-6001 | Article Number: ijese..001
Abstract The urgency of the problem, which is developed in the article enclosed in an emerged reducing tendency, and sometimes a complete rejection of importance of the humanities knowledge at the current stage of scientific development. The article shows that in the context of the overestimation the role of natural and technical education by modern society, it is clearly underestimated importance of humanities education. Paper is aimed at creating prerequisites for the study of contemporary place in science of humanities and culture in general. As the leading methodological approaches of this study the author uses the cultural approach and the principle of determinism. The article substantiates the proposition that without an understanding of human nature and the sake of what a man lives on the earth, the solution of all other problems and technical quests are meaningless. In other words, the humanity stands as a mainstay of human in culture. As a result of the systematization and generalization of facts, the author offers a new universal metasubjected approach in cognition of the social reality that allows evaluating the possibilities and prospects of the global human survival. Because of the article’s methodological nature, it is aimed at the creation of a theoretical basis for future researches of the humanities in general and for those whose scientific work is not indifferent to the fate of the humanities. Keywords: Human, technical, humanitarian, culture References Eagleton T. (2015). The slow death of the university. Direct access: http://scepsis.net/library/print/id_3672.html. Gurevich, P. S. (2014). The greatness and the inestimable value of human knowledge. Humanitarian knowledge and challenges. St. Petersburg: University Book, 132 p. Hegel,G. W. (1974). Science of Logic. Moscow: Mysl, 452 p. Hesse, S. I. (1995). Basics of pedagogy. Introduction to Applied Philosophy. Moscow: Shcola-Press, 448 p. Ignatova, V. A. (2001). Pedagogical aspects of synergy. Pedagogy, 8, 26-31. Mamardashvili, M. K. (1992). Law dissent. Here and Now, 1, 10-14. Shapovalov, V. F. (1994) On the specifics of human knowledge. Direct access: http://ecsocman.hse.ru/data/169/741/1217/009Viktor_ShAPOVALOV.pdf. Sola, J. (2013). The fundamental error of “modern” civilization. Signs. Direct access: http://www.f7x.ru/blog/%D0%BA%D0%BB%D1%8E%D1%91%D1%82/1876?page=2. Solzhenitsyn, A. I. (2013). In the First Circle. Moscow: Publishing House "AST", 768 p. Stalin, I. V. (1951). Essay. The issue of industrial and technical intelligentsia of the working class. Moscow: State Publishing House of Political Literature, 87p. The First Russian Congress in Cultural Research. Programme. (2006). Report Summaries. – St. Petersburg: Eidos. – 432 p. The Second Russian Congress in Cultural Research. Programme. (2008). Report Summaries. – St. Petersburg: Eidos, 560 p. |
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Development of Internal System of Education Quality Assessment at a UniversityAydar M. Kalimullin, Elena А. Khodyreva & Julia Koinova-Zoellner
pp. 6002-6013 | Article Number: ijese..001
Abstract The urgency of the research is determined by the need to ensure the quality of higher education an essential factor of which is development of the internal assessment system for educational activities at universities. The aim of the article is validation of the model of development of the internal assessment system for educational activities at universities which is aimed at providing the management with immediate, objective and reliable information on the state and development of the educational process and the processes related to it, whether intermediate and final results correspond to the set goals and regulatory requirements. The leading research methods were teacher modeling and instructional design, theoretical analysis and review of educational practices in the field of quality assessment at a higher education institution, as well as mathematical methods of statistics, which allowed to comprehensively investigate the effectiveness of the suggested model based on the analysis of the dynamics of the key indicators of education quality. The article describes theoretical concepts which determine the characteristics of the model of development of the internal assessment system for educational activities at the university; its main components – the goal, principles, the objects for assessment and entities of assessment, the content and technology of assessment – are revealed; and it also highlights peculiarities of development of the internal quality assessment system at the university in relation to the external environment requirements and etc. The article can be of practical use when modernizing the quality assessment system at universities, when developing projects and programs on improving education quality assessment systems. Keywords: Education quality; internal system of education quality assessment; development model of internal system of education quality assessment References Belova, S. N. (2008). Prognostic model of the internal system of quality assessment of the educational activities of a university. Scientific Notes: The online academic journal of Kursk State University. Direct access: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/prognosticheskaya-model-vnutrenney-sistemy-otsenivaniya-kachestva-obrazovatelnogo-protsessa-v-vuze Bolotov, V. А. & Efremova, N. V. (2005). Russian education quality assessment system. Direct access: http://www.den-za-dnem.ru/page.php?article=150. Bordovsky, G. А., Nesterov, А. А. & Trapitsyn, S.Yu. (2001). Educational process quality management: monograph. St.Petersburg: RGPU named after. А.I. Hertsen, 359 p. Kachalov, V. А. (2001). ISO 9000 Standards quality management problems at universities. Moscow, IzdАТ. 128 p. Navodnova, V. G. (2001). In-house expert review of universities, Moscow, Vlados, 177 p. Subetto, А. I. & Selezneva, V. А (2000). Education quality as a product of education problems in Russia monitoring, problems. Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk State Technical University, 380 p. The Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation". (2012). Direct access: http://base .garant.ru/70291362/1/#block_1000#ixzz3dgER9mg5 Zhigalev, B. А. (2009). Pedagogical system of education quality assessment at universities. Vestnik of Lobachevsky University of Nizhni Novgorod. Direct access: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/pedagogicheskaya-sistema-otsenki-kachestva-obrazovaniya-v-vuze-sovremennoe-sostoyanie-i-perspektivy-razvitiya |
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Developing the Multicultural Personality of a Senior High School Student in the Process of Foreign Language LearningMilyausha R. Khairutdinova & Olga V. Lebedeva
pp. 6014-6024 | Article Number: ijese.2016.442
Abstract The relevance of the research problem is determined by intensification of integration processes in all spheres of life, which results in broadening international cooperation and cultural interaction between different nations and countries. The modern contradictory and heterogeneous world requires serious rethinking of the existing traditions of the educational process with the view of its multicultural integration and intensification. In this regard the role of a foreign language as a means of cross-cultural communication is increasing. The purpose of the article is to study the problems of formation of the multicultural personality of senior pupils at foreign language lessons. The leading research approach to this problem is a multicultural approach which allows to define such interconnected cultural components as ethnocultural, nationwide, and international ones in the educational content. The analysis of the French language textbook was conducted to reveal what potential it has for development of a multicultural personality. The effectiveness of the impact of the dialogue of cultures on cognitive, affective and activity components at foreign language lessons is shown. The present paper can be of use to foreign language teachers, classroom teachers, and students of the Linguistics faculties. Keywords: In-service science teachers, technology supported teaching, ICT, teacher professional development program, mixed methods research References Baryshnikov, N. V. (2013). The bases of the professional intercultural communication. Moscow, Vlados, 174 p. Batarchuk, D. S. (2006). Pedagogical conditions of forming senior pupils’ multicultural self-consciousness: PhD Thesis. Astrakhan, 186 p. Bezrukova, V. S. (2000). The bases of spiritual culture. The encyclopedia for a teacher. Yekaterinburg, Solntse, 112 p. Drobizheva, L. M. (2008). The national-civic and ethnic identity: the problems of positive compatibility. The Reforming Russia. The Annual Issue, 7, 43-51. Dzhurinskiy, A. N. (2008). The conceptions and facts of multicultural education: a comparative research. Moscow: Academia, 214 p. Elukhina, N. V. (2002). The role of discourse in multicultural communication and methods of forming the discursive competence. Foreign languages at school, 3, 9-13. Galskova, N. D. (2004). Multicultural communication, the problem of aims and content in teaching foreign languages. Foreign languages at school. 1, 3-8. Khairullin, R. Z. (2009). Developing the culture of international communication and tolerance among the youth. World of psychology, 3, 89 p. Kuznetsov, R. Kh., Palatkina, G. V., Smirnova R. V. & Lukyanenko E. A. (2008). The technology of realizing the pedagogical possibilities of ethnic culture for students’ multicultural education. Astrakhan: The publishing house “Astrakhan University”, 237 p. Lebedeva, O. V. (2007). Upbringing the pupils’ patriotism and culture of the international communication. Moscow, Drofa, 227 p. Makeev V. V., Malkova Z. A. & Suprunova L. L. (1999). Multicultural education is a topical problem of the modern school. Pedagogy. 4, 13-14. Maslovets, O. A. (2009). Forming senior pupils’ tolerance by means of a foreign language: PhD Thesis. Blagoveshchensk, 197 p. Palatkina, G. V.(2003) Ethnopedagogic factors of multicultural education: PhD Thesis. Direct access: Extracted from: http://www.dissercat.com/content/etnopedagogicheskie-faktory-multikulturnogo-obrazovaniya. Potapova, I. A. (2012). Psychological and pedagogical bases of forming the multicultural behaviour of students of secondary schools in a multicultural region. Astrakhan, Academia, 247 p. Shadrina, E. V. (2011). About multicultural education and upbringing. Direct access: http://www.niro.nnov.ru/?id=7210. Shafikova, AV (1999). Multicultural approach to training and education of students: PhD Thesis. Kazan, 193 p. Shatskikh, V. N. , Kuznetsova, O.V. & Kuznetsova I. N. (2007). French language as the second foreign language. Moscow, Drofa, 344p. Sidorov, V. P. (2003) Youth Health - the nation's health. Higher education in Russia, 3, 225-227. Siraeva, M. N. (2009). Future teachers’ multicultural education under the condition of a linguistic club: Ph.D Thesis. St. Petersburg, 235 p. The Concept of developing the multilicultural education in the Russian Federation. (2010, April 2) Direct access: http://old.mon.gov.ru/work/vosp/dok/6988/ |
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Higher Education Marketing Strategies Based on Factors Impacting the Enrollees’ Choice of a University and an Academic ProgramAydar M. Kalimullin & Svetlana G. Dobrotvorskaya
pp. 6025-6040 | Article Number: ijese.2016.443
Abstract The relevance of studying the stated problem is due to the fact that for increasing the efficiency of higher education marketing it is necessary to take into account several factors, namely, factors that impact the choice of a university and an academic program by enrollees, as well as socio-psychological characteristics of the latter, while systematic research of this problem has not been done by now. The goal of this paper is to give recommendations for the implementation of higher education marketing strategies aimed at potential enrollees. The main method used by us for studying the stated problem was the questioning of 1515 enrollees of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University (KFU) with subsequent statistical data processing. Namely, by using techniques of cluster, factor, and correlation analysis we have succeeded in determining certain characteristic features of enrollees and main factors that impact the choice of a university and an academic program by enrollees; we have also ranked these factors. We refine factors that impact the choice of a university and an academic program by enrollees, rank their motives for entering a university, reveal factors that influence the total number of enrollees in a university, and determine new academic programs demanded by enrollees. Basing on the obtained results, we propose a model of an enrollee of one of Russian universities and prove that the implementation of an education marketing strategy should take into account the factors that impact the choice of a university and an academic program by enrollees, as well as socio-psychological characteristics of the latter. The practical value of obtained results consists in their applicability to the implementation of higher education marketing strategies. The recommendations proposed by us can contribute to increasing the competitiveness of universities among enrollees. Keywords: Higher education marketing, enrollee, university choice factor, socio-psychological model of enrollee References Kirillina, Yu. M. (2000) Educational marketing, Education in Russia, 5, 18-26. Kleshchevsky, Yu. N. (1998). Higher education management for experts in business. Kemerovo: Kuzbassuniversitetizdat, 29 p. Kotler, F. (1998). Marketing Management. St Petersburg: Piter, 56 p. Notman, O. V. (2008). Educational space metropolis: marketing analysis. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House of the Ural State University, 134 p. Pankrukhin, A. G. (1997). Education services: a point of view of a marketing expert. Аlma Mater, 3, 45. Saginova, O. V. (1999) Education Marketing, Marketing in Russia and Abroad, 1, 27. Senashenko, V. I. (2000) Additional education: ideas and solutions. Higher Education in Russia, 5, -24. Shchetinin, V. P. (1997) Peculiarity of the Russian education market, World Economy and International Relations, 11, 12-17. Shemetova, N. K. (2011). To the question on the classification of factors impacting the marketing strategy of a university. Direct access: http://vestnik.uapa.ru/ru/issue Stiglitz, J. E. (1997) Economics of the public sector (Russ. Transl.) M: Infra-M. 48 p. Tikhomirova, N. V. & Isaev, S. N. (2010). Trends of the Russian market of educational services of higher and secondary vocational education. University Management: analysis and practice, 5, 32-40. Volkova, M. M. & Zvezdova, A. B. (1999). Research in Education Marketing, Journal of Marketing in Russia and Abroad, 6, 34. |
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Techniques of Play Activity at Physical Education Classes at Specialized Secondary Educational EstablishmentsVictoria A. Martynova & Aleksandr G. Kapustin
pp. 6041-6055 | Article Number: ijese.2016.444
Abstract The issue is urgent today because at present the organization and content of Physical Education (PE) classes at specialized secondary educational establishments (SSEEs) do not completely meet contemporary requirements. The following negative trends prove that, namely: the physical and psychological health decline in school leavers and students, the incidence rate of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous and digestive systems while studying. The aim of the article is to scientifically explain how the techniques of the play activity can raise physical and technical competence, functional state, interest in classes and improve academic progress of students at SSEEs in PE. The leading method of the research of this issue is the method of a pedagogical experiment. It makes that possible to practically prove the effectiveness of the suggested theory. The article describes the essential features and the role of play activity techniques, shows the role of the game as the main motivational component of students’ activities, develops and demonstrates the techniques of the play activity. Thus, the structure of the techniques of the play activity contains the concept base, the content component and, what is of high importance, the techniques in process (technological process). The data of the study can be useful for making PE academic programmes for students at different types of educational establishments. Keywords: Students of SSEEs, the compulsory school subject 'Physical Education', the techniques of the play activity, motivation References Andrushenko, L. B. (2002). Sports-Oriented Teaching Technique in Physical Education. Theory and Practice of Physical Education, 2, 47-54. Astashina, E. E. (2002). Play Techniques as the Means of Adapting High School Students to Social Environment: PhD Thesis. Samara, Samara State University, 186 p. Iluinich, V. I. (2000). Physical Education of Students. Moscow: Gardariky, 448 p. Kapustin A.G. & Kapustin, A.A. (2007). Technique of Play Activity. Theory and Practice of Physical Education, 7, 41-42. Konovalov, I. E. (2013). Structure and Contents of Modern Academic Programmes in Physical Education at Specialised Secondary Educational Establishments: PhD Thesis. Naberezhnye Chelny, Volga State Academy of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism, 40 p. Nabokova, Sh. K. (1996). Influence of Active Games on Some Psychophysiological Peculiarities in Six-Year Children. Theory and Practice of Physical Education, 3, 54-55. Sheenko, E. I. (2008). Formation of Demand in Physical Education in Students at Pedagogical Specialised Secondary Educational Establishments: PhD Thesis. Barnaul, Altay State Technical University, 197 p. Solovyev, G. M. (1999). Pedagogical Techniques Developing Physical Culture in Students: PhD Thesis. Stavropol, Stavropol State University, 342 p. Strelkova, E. A. (1993). Pedagogical Fundamentals of Using Play Activity at the Teaching and Learning Process at Secondary General School: PhD Thesis, Moscow, MSPU, 24 p. Titulov, R. V. (2009). Complex Development and Control of Speed and Strength Abilities in Male-Students at Specialised Secondary Educational Establishments: PhD Thesis. Adygei State University, 25 p. Yavorskaya, A. A. (2013). Physical Education as the Means of Developing General Competences in Students at Specialised Secondary Educational Establishments: PhD Thesis. Kaliningrad, Baltiysky Federal University, 217 p. |
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Organizing Educational Activity of a Pupil on the Basis of Learning TechnologiesTatiana V. Sibgatullina & Olga G. Selivanova
pp. 6056-6067 | Article Number: ijese.2016.445
Abstract A pupil is in the center of contemporary educational process, and the educational process requires some reorganization, which adds topicality to this paper. The paper considers how pupils use learning technologies helping them to achieve certain personally and socially important goals. The main research method is the method of a pedagogical experiment through which the skills of a pupil which are necessary for learning activity, such as self-analysis, self-goal-setting, self-planning, self-organizing, self-control, self-assessing, and self-correction are revealed. The results are the following. The concept “learning technologies” is explained. The learning technologies called “I want to learn”, “I can learn”, “I know how to learn”, are worked out and tested. Their influence on the process of the pupil's subject-activity, i. e. subjectness, is proved. This paper could be interesting to scholars dealing with contemporary education, as well as to teachers striving to improve the educational process. Keywords: Pupil's subjectness, pupil's learning activity, learning technologies References Bespal'ko, V. P. (1989). Elements of pedagogical technologies. Moscow: Pedagogika, 62 p. Coffield F. (2004). Should we be using learning styles? What research has to say to practice. Direct access: www.lsrc.ac.uk/publications Conception of Federal State Educational Standards (2008). Direct access: http://standart.edu.ru/catalog.aspx Davydov, V. V. & Markova A. K. (1981). The concept of educational activity of schoolboys. Questions of Psychology, 6, 81-93. Maslow, A. (2002). The farther reaches of human nature. Saint-Peters burg: Eurasia, 164 p. Novikov, А. М. (2010). Bases of Pedagogic. Moscow: Egves, 648 p. Petit, D. (2010).Contemporary teaching. Practice Guidelines. Moscow: Lomonosov. 624 p. Savenkov, А. I. (2001). A gifted child in a mass school. Moscow: Sentyabr. с.84 Selivanova, O (2014). The pupil as the subject of his educational activity.European science review. «East West Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH, Vienna, (9-10). 80-82. Sitwala, A. (2014). In search of a theory of teaching and learning for the 21st century. International Conference of Education Rethinking Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century, 114-117. Vavydov, V. V. & Markova, A. K. (1981). Conception of learning. Voprosypsikhologii, 6, 13-26. Yakovleva, Z. L., Nemtseva, T. I. & Stepanov, E. N. (2004). Creating a situation of choice at the lesson. Shlokniyetekhnologii, 1, 198-200. |
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Modern Trends in Teaching English at Comenius University, BratislavaElena N. Ibragimova & Irina Martynova
pp. 6068-6077 | Article Number: ijese.2016.446
Abstract Recent changes in the Russian system of higher linguistic education, introduction of the two level education for future teachers of foreign languages according to the Bologna agreement, alterations to the existing university syllabi necessitate a close study of the international experience in this sphere. Therefore careful evaluation of the best practices of European universities in organizing teaching of English to future teachers of foreign languages at the undergraduate and graduate levels has become significant and crucial. The article aims at systemizing some approaches to the English instruction of future teachers of foreign languages, which are used in Slovakia. It is based on the observations and the module analysis conducted at the Comenius University (Slovakia). The article brings to light some modern methods of teaching English in Slovakia, a country in Eastern Europe which has already passed a long period of transition from a Soviet like system of education to the latest innovations in the EU education policies. The facts and conclusions referred to in the given article can be used in upgrading higher linguistic and teachers’ training education in Russia as well as other countries. Keywords: higher education, international experience, language learning, bachelor and master programs, Slovakia, English, speech practice References Bezukladnikov, К. E. (2008). Development of linguistic and didactic competences of future teachers of foreign languages. Perm: Perm State Pedagogical University, 270 p. Caplanova, A. (2000). The Reform of the System of Higher Education in Slovakia Current Status and Perspective, CPS International Policy Fellowship Program. Direct access: pdc.ceu.hu/archive/00001923/.../ caplanova.pdf Council of Europe Language Policy Division (2007). Language Education Policy Profile Ireland. Strasbourg: Language Policy Division, 61 p. Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (2015). The European higher education area in 2015 Bologna process. Brussels: Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, 304 p. European Commission (2013). Report to the European Commission on improving the quality of teaching and learning in Europe's higher education institutions. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 92 p. Farrington, D. J. & Palfreyman, D. (2012).The law of higher education. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 709 p. Hrabinska, M. & Pribisova, A. (1999). Higher education and recognition practices. Slovakia. Bratislava: Institute of Information and Prognose of Education, 119 p. Jensen, H. T., Kralj, A., McQuillan, D., Reichert, S. (2008). The Slovak Higher Education System and its Research Capacity. A EUA Sectorial Report. Brussels: European University Association, 78 p. Lanraric, D. (2008). Linguistics for English language students. Bratislava: Z-F Lingua, 108 p. Lojova, G. (2011).Teach languages more effectively : Insights into learners´minds. Saarbrücken : VDM Verlag Dr. MüllerGmbH, 99 p. Malyov, А. V. (2012). Theory and practice of developing communicative and methodological competences of future teachers of foreign languages on the integrative basis. Moscow: Academia, 83 p. Pavlik, R. (2015). A practical introduction to English pronunciation. Batislava: Z-F Lingua, 76 p. Repka, R., Pcolinska, A. & Siposova, M. (2015). An introductory course in English language didactics Bratislava: Pedagogická fakulta UK. 95 p. Sursock. A. (2015). Trends 2015: Learning and Teaching at European Universities. Brussels: European University Association. 133, p. |
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The Concept of Personological Information-Educational System of Forming Professional Effectiveness of a SpecialistVera K. Vlasova & Luycia V. Vakhidova
pp. 6078-6089 | Article Number: ijese..001
Abstract Professional self-effectiveness – is a key quality of a modern specialist together with cultural, general professional and professional competences, which are realized in his further activity. But in normative documents regulating preparation of a specialist, this quality is not present. The aim of the article is in working out a conception of personological information-educational system of teaching specialists. The major approach to the investigation of this problem became: instrumental-active, competentive and subadjective approaches which enable us to project a teaching computer program, as well as formulate a conception of personological information-educational system, directed at formulating a professional self-effective specialist when tutoring specialists. The concept of the article may be useful for practical use for specialists and heads of educational-business centers for forming professional self-effectiveness when educating young specialists; for refresher courses and re-training courses; specialists who are interested in increasing personal self-effectiveness. Keywords: Personological information-educational system, personization, personification, personalization, professional self-effectiveness of a specialist References Alimova, N.K & Pavlov, A.P. (2011) Personology as a response to the challenges of global problems of modernity. Sociology of Science. Online journal, 1 (6) Retrieved from http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/personology-as-a-response-to-the-challenges-of-global-problems Bandura, A. (2000). Social learning Theory.Saint-Petersburg, Eurasia, 320 p. Esaulova, M.B. (2010). Personification of higher professional-pedagogical education: towards self-managed learning.Saint-Petersburg, Spgutd, 160 p. Gabitova E. M. & Vahidova L.V. (2016). Structure transprofessional competencies of mid-level professionals. The Collection of the results of the correspondence XLVII scientific conference of the International Research Journal, 2(44), 13-15. Gabitova, E.M., Vahidova, L.V., & Steinberg, V.E. (2015). Additional professional competence in modern professional training. Educational technology,4, 59-64 Jasvin, V.A. (2001) Educational enviroment: from modeling to designing. Moscow, Meaning, 365 p. Kisesova, I.V. (2007) Personalized training of students in the system of additional professional education. Krasnoyarsk, Siberian state technological University,172 p. Krapivensky, S.E. & Feldman, E. (2003) Devaluation of the individual and contemporary personology. Philosophy and society, 4, 26-48 Pavlov, A.P. (2012) Personology of educational process for learning in small groups with the use of remit, approach. Internet-journal “Sciense of siense”, 2 (11), 1-9 Leontiev, A. N. (1975).Activity. Consciousness. Personality. Moscow, Politizdat, 304 p. Muddy, S. (2002).Theory of personality: a Comparative analysis. Saint-Petersburg,Speech, 542 p. Petrovsky, V.A. (2010).The Logic of "I": Personological perspective. Samara, Samara state University, 304 p. Shteinberg, V.E. (2015).Theory and practice of didactic multidimensional technology. Moscow, National education, 350 p. Shteinberg, V.E., Vahidova, L.V. & Davletov, O.B. (2014). Didactic modeling: didactic multidimensional technology and personified informational educational environment. Education and science,4(113), 69-91. Starodubtsev, V.A. (2012).The Creation of a personal educational environment of a University teacher. Tomsk, Tomsk Polytechnic University, 124 p. Starovoytenko, E.B. (2011). The Paradigm of life in personology. Psychology. Journal of Higher school of Economics.7, 3-18. Steinberg, V.E., Vahidova, L.V.,& Davletov, O.B. (2013). Conceptual-deterministic information-educational environment and their implementation framework. Collection.scientific.Tr,7, 271-278. Vahidova, L.V. (2013). Development of training programs as a condition of development of the personality. Modern problems and ways of their solution in science, transport, production and education,12, 60-64 Vahidova, L.V. (2014). Personified informational educational environment: the concept of training of a competent specialist tools training programs. Pedagogical journal of Bashkortostan, 2(51),77-83 |
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Pedagogical Modeling of the Competitive Activity of Athletes in Russian LaptaRashida G. Gabdrakhmanova & Aleksandr Y. Kostarev
pp. 6090-6101 | Article Number: ijese.2016.447
Abstract The rationale of the problem stated in the article is defined by the fact that in the sphere of sports modeling is a new method of investigating of the work-out sessions construction on the basis of the definition of the different characteristics of sports training and rational methods of its structural parts construction. The purpose of the article is to develop pedagogical modeling in competitive activity of athletes on the example of Russian lapta. The leading method of research of this problem is the modeling method that allows considering this problem as a targeted and organized process and corresponds to the specificity of competitive activity in the Russian lapta. The structure of the provided pedagogical model includes a number of elements: external and internal factors that determine the functioning of the modeled object; training process; playing activities; control unit; set of criteria of effectiveness of lapta players training assessment. Quality of the developed model is expressed in a logical relationship of its structural elements, correspondence of the model to the specific conditions of its implementation, flexibility of the model to make the necessary adjustments to the training process. The model is aimed at improving the efficiency of competitive activity in the Russian lapta, which is a system formed of a plurality of elements that are in conjunction with each other and have a common goal - to increase the impact of competitive activity by the directional pedagogical influence to the components of the sports fitness players condition. Keywords: Modeling, pedagogical model, competitive activity, athletes, Russian lapta References Alyoshin, I. N. (2007). Modeling of the one-year training in team sports game. Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 10, 43-45. Anoshkin, A. A. (1998). Fundamentals of modeling in education. Omsk: Publishing house OSP, 144 p. Asanova, I. M. (2002). Pedagogical modeling of primary professional training in the tourism PhD Thesis. Moscow, 158 p. Balsevich, V. K. & Shestakov, M. P. (2008). New theoretical approaches to the study of human capabilities in the sphere of sports. Theory and Practice physical education, 5, 57-62. Elevich, S. N. (2009). Controlling the state of readiness of highly competitive basketball players in the process of long-term sports training: PhD Thesi., St. Petersburg, 238 p. Germanov, G. N. & Gotovtsev, E. V. (2003). Analysis of the competitive load and structure of the competitive actions of young and skilled players in the Russian lapta. Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 9, 50-54. Grigoryev, V. M. (1988). Play lapta. Moscow: Physical Education and Sports, 32 p. Kostarev, A. Y. (2004). Competitive activity of highly skilled athletes. Russian lapta players. Moscow, Soviet Sport , 224 p. Kuznetsov, V. V. Novikov, A. A. & Shustin, B. I. (1995). Scientific basis for the creation of models of the strongest athletes. Problems of a modern system of preparation of highly skilled athletes, 2, 24-26 Matveev, L. P. (2005). The general theory of sport and its applications. St. Petersburg. Lan, 380 p. Morozov, A. E. (2002). Pedagogical modeling of professional training of economists in high school of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: PhD Thesis. St. Petersburg, 197 p. Shannon, R. (1978). Imitation modeling systems - the art and science. Moscow, Publishing House “Mir”, 418 p. Shulyatiev, V. M. (1997). Theoretical and methodological and organizational bases of skilled volleyball players reserves preparation: PhD Thesis.Omsk, 335 p. Shustin, B. N. (1998). Modeling in Sport (theoretical foundations and practical realization): extended PhD Thesis. Moscow, 197 p Stepanov, E. N. (2001). The methodology of modeling of educational system of educational institution. Pedagogika, 4, 15-18. Stoff, V. A. (1966). Modeling and philosophy. Moscow: Nauka, 300 p. Tomiltsev, A. V. (1997). Modeling is the guiding principle to improve the organization of educational process in pedagogical college: PhD Thesis. Ekaterinburg, 154 p. Valiakhmetov, R. M. (1997). Lapta. Study guide, Ufa: BSPI, 98 p. Voronov, Y. S. (2009) Pedagogical control technology of long-term training of young athletes in orienteering: PhD Thesis. St.Petersburg, 489 p. |
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A Structural and Functional Model of Teachers’ Monitoring Skills DevelopmentAlfiya R. Masalimova & Nataliya A. Barinova
pp. 6102-6112 | Article Number: ijese..001
Abstract The relevance of the present issue is caused by a strong need to conduct monitoring processes in all types of teaching processes and a poor development of theoretical, content and technological, scientific and methodological material for teachers’ monitoring skills development during their teaching practice. The aim of the article is to create and test a structural and functional model of teachers’ monitoring skills development based on a systematical activity-oriented approach. Modelling is the main method in the research as it helps to consider the present problem as a process of a directed and conscious acquisition of monitoring skills by teachers trained. The article presents a fully elaborated structural and functional model of teachers’ monitoring skills development which consists of interconnected motivational and aim-oriented, content and procedural, result-oriented and estimation components. The model adapts teachers to new conditions of modern education and encourages for further high quality education monitoring process. Keywords: Structural and functional model, education quality monitoring, monitoring, monitoring skills References Abdulina, O. A. (1998). Professional training quality monitoring. Higher education in Russia, 3, 40-46. Atanasyan, S. L. (2009). Peculiarities of quality and training estimation of students in pedagogical universities during complex information technology development. Standards and monitoring in education, 4, 58–62. Barinova, N. A. & Karimova, N. Kh. (2014). Monitoring of a distant teaching process on a particular subject. Historical, social and educational idea, 6 (28), 300-302. Barinova, N. A. & Karunas, E. V. (2015). Individual educational program design as a consequence of FSES realization. Kazan Pedagogical journal, 3(110), 70-75. Bolotin, I. S. & Sorokin, I. S. (2009). Problems of education quality in innovative economy. Social and humanitarian knowledge, 5, 172–180. Gayazov, A. S. (2003) Education and literacy of a citizen in the present world. Moscow: Nauka, 373p. Kalney, V. A. & Shishov, S. E. (1999). Technology of education quality monitoring in the system ‘teacher-pupil’. Moscow, Moscow: Pedagogicheskoe obshchestvo Rossii, 275p. Mayorov, A. N. (1998). Educational monitoring. St.Petersburg: Obrazovaniе, 428p. Potashnik, M. M. (2006). Education quality: problems of management technology. Moscow, Pedagogicheskoe obschestvo Rossii, 372p. Tryapitzyna, A. P. (2006) Effective school management in modern times. Study guide. St.Petersburg: KARO, 363p. Usova, A.V. (1987). Pupils’ study skills development. Moscow, Znanie. 263p. |
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Dissociation Of Time Perspective Of Personality With Oncohematological DiseaseAnna I. Akhmetzyanova, Vera B. Nikishina, Igor L. Kiselevс, Vladimir V. Khvostovoy & Ekaterina A. Petrash
pp. 6113-6121 | Article Number: ijese.2016.448
Abstract The relevance of the problem under investigation is conditioned by the fact that a person in the situation of the disease, especially the disease with a poor prognosis in the first place, transforms the system of the value-meaningful priorities, organizing time perspectives, which are drastically changing its structure and length. The resulting changes of the time perspective in the situation of the disease significantly affect the outcome and quality of life. The aim of the research is to study the dissociation of time perspective of the individual patients with hematological disease. The basic method to study this issue is the experimental method, which allows revealing the specifics of the dissociation of time perspective of the individual patients with oncohematological disease. The research results, obtained by the authors are as follows: the basic element of the time perspective of the individual patients with oncohematological disease is the fatalistic present, which is dissociated from the future and the positive past. Negative past is not dissociated, as it is a source of maintaining the experience of the fatalistic present. The increasing share of the future, its integration into the structure of the time perspective of the individual patients with oncohematological disease will allow activating the productive mechanisms of coping with the disease, which has a prognostic significance in the subjective attitude to their own disease. The paper submissions may be used in the provision of psychological assistance to patients with oncohematological disease. Keywords: Time perspective of the individual, oncohematological diseases, dissociation References Abulhanova, K. A. & Berezina, T. N. (2001). Time personality and life time. St. Petersburg: Aletheia, 304 p. Avdulova, T. P. (2009). The structure of the identity and time perspective preschoolers. Psychology training, 11, 57-69. Bylchenko, M. V. (2009, June 10). Features of formation of identity in adolescence. Direct access: http://psystudy.ru Demina, L.D. & Smirnova, J.K. (2013). Features manifestations of temporal perspective at different tier organization of psychological sovereignty of personality. News of Altai State University, 2(78), 56-59. Federal State Statistics Service. Official site. Direct access: http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/population/healthcare/# Golovakha, E. I. & Kronik, A. A. (1984). Psychological time of personality. Kiyev: Naukova Dumka, 130 p. Janicki, M., Grey, A.V. & Prokonich, O.A. (2012). Features temporal perspective of the individual representatives of various types of values of the mass consciousness. Humanitarian sciences, 2(20), 175-180. Kravchenko, L.V. (2008). The event as a unit of analysis of psychological time. Proceedings of the Volgograd State Pedagogical University, 4, 8-12. Lipetskiy, N.N. (2013). Psychological features of the relation to the life of cancer patients. Young scientist, 7, 372-374. Lobanov, E.S. & Mikhailova, A.A. (2010). Features of temporal perspective of condemned men with drug addiction. Bulletin of the Institute: crime, punishment, correction, 9, 54-57. Ludwig, A.M. (1983). The psychological functions of dissociation. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 26, 93–99. Maksimenko, S.D. (1998). Basics of genetic psychology. Kiev: Perspective, 220 p. Maksimenko, S.D. (2006). The genesis of personality. Kiev: Publishing LLC "MMC", 240 p. Maksimenko, S.D., Maksimenko, K.S., Nikishina, V.B., Petrash, E.A., Kuznetsova, A.A. (2014). Associative and dissociative mechanisms of temporal perspective of the person with the alcohol dependence. Kursk scientific-practical herald "Man and his health", 1, 85-91. Nyutten, J. (2004). Motivation, action and the prospect of the future. Moscow: Sense, 608 p. Tarabrina, N.V., Agarkov, V.A., Bykhovets, Y. (2007). A practical guide to the psychology of post-traumatic stress. Moscow: Publishing House of the "Cogito Center", 208 p. Tolstih, N. (2010). Chronotope: Culture and ontogeny. Smolensk-Moscow: Universe, 292 p. Zimbardo, F. & Boyd, J. (2010). The paradox of time. The new psychology of the time, which will improve your life. St. Petersburg: Speech, 213 p. |
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Psychology of Personality in the Conditions of Modern Migration ProcessesTatiana V. Artemyeva & Sergey A. Chernov
pp. 6122-6134 | Article Number: ijese.2016.449
Abstract The relevance of the research problem due to the fact that, together with a positive influence on the demographic situation, the consequences of migration processes have a negative impact in all areas of social life and become a source of social tension and destabilization of the economic and political situation. The purpose of the article is to describe the process of implementing an eclectic model of individual psychological support to the younger members of the families of migrants. The leading approach in the provision of psychological assistance is multi-modal multidimensional model of restoration of internal stability, allowing to provide comprehensive and targeted psychological effects. The article presents a case description of the practice of psychological help, which revealed the potential of this model, it disclosed the specifics of its application and justified the use of the model as a tool for studying the effectiveness of psychological correction. The materials of the article are of practical value to the professional psychologists, since the implementation of the model described above allows to record personal experience of the practice of psychological help, making it available for analysis and systematization, as well as improve the competence of psychology students by solving problems of various types that are based on this model Keywords: Workers, migrants, psychological support, multi-modal approach, psychological correction References Asmolov, A. G. (2001). How to integrate migrants in society. Psychologists on migrants and migration in Russia. Information and analytical Bulletin, 2, 12-20. Badishtova, I. M. (2003). the Attitude of the local population towards migrants. Sociological researches, 6, 38-46. Berry, J. W. (2003). Immigrazion, acculturation and adaptazion. An integrazion review, 46(1), 5-34. Bondyreva, S. K. (2003). Tolerance. Voronezh : MODEK, 240 p. Dmitriev, A. V. (2006). Migration - the conflict dimension. Moscow, Academia, 432 p. Grinberg, L., Grinberg, R. & Ribas, F. (2010). Psychoanalyse der Migration und des Exils. Fachbuch Klett-Cotta, Broschiert, 272 p. Gritsenko, V. V. & Shustova, N. E. (2004). Socio-psychological adaptation of children of Russian migrants in the Russian society. Psychological journal, 3, 25-32. Lahad, S. (1993). Tracing Coping Resources Through a Story in Six Parts. Tel-Aviv, Levinson-Hadar, 55 – 70. Licko, A. E. (2010). Psychopathy and accentuations of character in adolescents. Saint Petersburg: Rech, 256 p. Sobchik, L. N. (2010). Method of color elections — modification vosmiruchevoj Luscher test. Moscow, Speech, 132 p. Sobchik, L. N. (2010). The method of portrait elections. Moscow, Speech, 176 p. Soldatova, G. U., Shaigerova, L. A. & Sharov, O. D. (2001). to Live in peace with yourself and others. Moscow: Genesis, 112 p. |
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Orientation of Senior Pupils to the Choice of Teaching ProfessionsRegina G. Sakhieva & Elena А. Kuvaldina
pp. 6135-6146 | Article Number: ijese.2016.450
Abstract The importance of the study is due to the problem of lack of the teaching staff. Despite the sufficient number of graduates of pedagogical faculties, the number of those who really want to work in the profession and devote their lives to the teaching profession is limited. Many schools, especially in rural areas, have to face shortage of specialists. The article is aimed to solve the problem of organizing the work of preparing senior pupils to the choice of the teaching profession at school. The leading method of this research is the pedagogical experiment, in the process of which the program of the club named "The Leader», was developed and tested, and the content of which is revealed in this article. The article reveals the potential of school teaching clubs as one of forms of career guidance. We have proved great potential of effective orientation to teaching professions using a variety of opportunities of club work, forming organizational, communication and leadership skills of senior pupils. The material of this article can be useful for social educators, class teachers, those who work with senior schoolchildren. Keywords: Career guidance, choice of teaching profession, potential capacity of club activities References Boldina, M. A. & Deeva, E. V. (2012). The concept and essence of career guidance work in educational institution. Socio-economic phenomena and processes, 12(046), 431 – 439 p. Chemodanova, G. I. & Kolokolova, K. A. (2012). Club activities and its role in the socialization of the individuality of a pupil. Sociosphere, 2, 55 - 56. Chistyakov, S. N. (1974). Theory and practice of vocational guidance. School and manufacture, 5, 78 - 80. Klimov, E. A. (1984). How to choose a profession? A book for students. Moscow: Education. 159 p. Kodzhaspirova, G. M. & Kodzhaspirov, A. J. (2005). Pedagogical Dictionary. Moscow: Academy. 176 p. Krivshenko, L.P. (2014) Profile education and training of the future teacher to professional orientation activity under the conditions of social and cultural transformation of the Russian society. Teacher Training Education and Science, 3, 107-110. Kuvaldina, E. A. & Protasov, V. S. (2012). The investigation of the prestige of teaching profession among pupils in today's schools. VSHU Bulletin, 2(3), 6 - 8. Minnullina, R. F. (2013). Clubs for children and teenagers. FAN-Science, 5(20), 30 - 32. Mitina, N. A. (2014). The system of career guidance to the teaching profession of young people. Young scientist, 4, 1037 - 1040. Paladyev, S. L. (2002). The club association in school as an educational phenomenon. Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin, 4(33), 1 - 12. Rean, A. A. (2013). Personality Psychology. St. Petersburg: Piter, 288 p. Rezapkina, G. V. (2007). Psychology and the choice of profession: the program of preprofile training. Moscow: Genesis, 143 p. Samoukina, N. V. (1999). Psychology and pedagogics of professional activity. Moscow: EKMOS, 351 p. Shaidullina, A. R., Evsyukova, N. Y., Mikhailov, V. A., Gazizova, F. S., Masalimova, A. R., Khairullina, E. R. & Galimzyanova, I. I. (2015) The Curriculum Project on Professional and Pedagogical Teachers? Communication Culture Formation. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(2 S3), 202-208. Shatsky, S. T. (1980). Selected pedagogical works in 2 volumes. Moscow: Pedagogics, 304 p. Shilina, O. V. (2013). Socio-project activity of a club association as a means of creative self-realization of the teacher. Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin, 2, 41 - 43. Stepanov, S. S. (2005). Popular psychological encyclopedia. Moscow: Eksmo,672 p. Tubelsky, A. N. (2012). The school of the future, built together with children. Moscow: The first of September, 437 p. |
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The Reciprocal Organization of Constructive Activity in Drug AddictionAnna I. Akhmetzyanova, Vera B. Nikishina , Nadezhda V. Klyueva & Ekaterina A. Petrash
pp. 6147-6161 | Article Number: ijese.2016.451
Abstract The urgency of the problem stated in the article is caused by the fact that modern scientific studies show that sustainable neuro-associative connections with the object of addiction arise at chemical addiction. The aim of this study is to examine the features of the reciprocal organization of constructive activities in drug addiction. Study of the constructive activity of patients with drug addiction in comparison with the group in norm was carried out by using the experimental method. The study found a decrease of constructive activity in drug addiction by the characteristics of performance pace and accuracy, regulated by reciprocal and auditory-motor coordination, which, in turn, are also significantly reduced. Reciprocal organization in drug addiction is characterized by impaired proprioceptive kinesthetic afferentation of motor act at safety of outer space organization of movements, lack of differentiation and low handling of movements, movement program disorders, as well as the replacement of the right movements by motor patterns and stereotypes. The obtained results are experimental psychological argument for the need to introduce neuropsychological block in the system of psychotherapeutic impact, which includes the tasks aimed at increasing reciprocal organizations to improve the general level of constructive activity in order to create alternative to the stereotyped models of mental activity and patterns of behavior. Keywords: Constructive activity, reciprocal organization, reciprocal coordination, profile of lateral brain organization References Akhmetzyanova, A. I. (2015). Anticipation and Prediction of Interrelation of Neuropsychological Mechanisms in Young Age. The Social Sciences, 10, 399-401. Anokhina, I. P. (2013). Main biological mechanisms of alcohol and drug addiction. Moscow: National Scientific Center of Addiction of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation, 13 p. Anokhina, I. P., Veretinskaya, A. G., Vasileva, G. N. & Ovchinnikov, I. V. (2000). About the unity of biological mechanisms of individual predisposition to substance abuse. Man’s physiology, 26, 74-81. Beck, D.M., Rees, G., Frith, C.D. & Lavie, N. (2001). Neural correlates of change detection and change blindness. Nature Neuroscience, 4(6), 645-656. Frit, K. (2016). Brain and soul: How nervous activity shapes our inner world. Moskow: Astrel: CORPUS, 335 p. Karter, R. (2015). How does the brain works. Moskow: Astrel: CORPUS, 224 p. Morozova, E.V., Shmeleva, S.V., Sorokoumova, E.A., Nikishina, V.B. & Abdalina, L.V. (2015). Acceptance of Disability: Determinants of Overcoming Social Frustration. Global journal of health science, 7(3), 317-323. Nikishina, V. B., Petrash, E. A. & Kuznetsova, A. A. (2015). Approbation of methods of event reconstruction of personality time perspective. Psychology questions, 2, 140-147. Nikishina, V. V. & Zapesockaya, I. V. (2010). Mechanisms of addiction state transformation. University Herald. University, 17, 83-87. Uhtomski, A.A. (2002). Dominance. Saint Petersburg: Piter, 448 p. Vasserman, L.I., Dorofeeva, S.A. & Meerson, Y.A. (1997). Methods of neuropsychological diagnostics. Saint Petersburg: Stroylespechat, 360 p. |
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Pedagogical Conditions of Formation of Professional Competence of Future Music Teachers on the Basis of an Interdisciplinary ApproachChulpan R. Gromova & Lira R. Saitova
pp. 6162-6177 | Article Number: ijese.2016.452
Abstract The relevance of research problem is due to the need for music teacher with a high level of formation of professional competence determination of the content and principles of an interdisciplinare approach to its formation. The aim of the article lies in development and testing of complex of the pedagogical conditions in formation of professional competence of future music teachers on the basis of an interdisciplinare approach. The leading method to the study of this problem is a modeling method based on the principle of interdisciplinarity. The article presents a scientific ilea of inter relationship of the major positions of interdisciplinarity, cultural and competence-based approaches to the formation of professional competence. The article can be useful both for students and teachers in higher professional educational. Al institutions proposed content, forms, methods and technologies of formation of professional competence can improve training of future music teachers. Keywords: Interdisciplinary approach, professional competence of a future music teacher, interdisciplinary competence, artistic and cultural component of professional competence of a future music teacher References Abdullin, E. B. (2006). Methodology of music education. Moscow: Publishing house "Music", 336 p. Apraksina, O. A. (1983). Methodology of musical upbringing at school. Moscow: Publishing house "Prosveschenie", 224 p. Archazhnikova, L. G. (1984). A profession of a teacher of music. Moscow: Publishing house "Prosveschenie", 111 p. Baydenko, V. I. (2005). Competence approach to the design of State Educational Standards of higher professional education. Moscow: AST, 114 p. Berulava, M. N. (1998). Integration of educational content. Moscow: Publishing house "Perfection", 198 p. Bezrukova, V. S. (1994). Integrative processes in the pedagogical theory and practice. Ekaterinburg: Publishing house RUPP, 134 p. Bolotov, V. A. (2003). Competence model: from the idea to the educational program. Moscow, Publishing house "Pedagogy", 10, 8-14. Bushcovskaya, E. A. (2010). The phenomenon of interdisciplinarity in foreign studies. Bulletin of the Tomsk state University, 330, 152-155. Chapaev, N. K. (2005). Pedagogical integration: methodology, theory and technology. Ekaterinburg: Publishing house RUPP, 325 p. Islamova, Z. I. (2003). Theoretical and methodological basis of national values of teacher education. Pedagogical Bulletin, 19-28. Khutorskoy, A. V. (2005). Design technology of key and subject competences. Ides: an Internet journal. Direct access: http://www.eidos.ru/journal/2005/1212.htm Levina, I. R. (2006). Creative interaction: theory and practice. Moscow: Modern University, 200 p. Rapatzkaya, L.A. (2011). Music education in the University: traditions and innovations. Higher education in Russia. 6, 84-90. Saitova, L. R. (2012). Professional approach to units of competence of bachelors of education teacher education Interdisciplinary. Weekly teaching Bashkortostan. 5(36), 106-113. Saitova, L. R. (2011) Historical context of the formation of an interdisciplinary approach in education. Modern pedagogical research: a look into the history. The materials of the Forum of students and young researchers of the North-West, the participants of the V science Olympiad graduate students in pedagogical disciplines, 91-93. Steinberg, V. E. & Manko, N. N. (2009). Technology of comparative musicologie. Practical psychology and speech therapy. 4, 8 – 21. Syomin, Y. N. (2002) Multidisciplinary educational complex. Higher Education in Russia. 2, 107-110. Zanin, D. S., Saitova, L. R., Islamova, Z. I. & Aidagulova A. R. (2012). Interactive technology in professional education. Ufa: Publishing House of BSPU "Vagant", 229 p. Zimnyaya, I. A. (2006). Competence-based approach. What is its place in the system of modern approaches to educational problems? Higher education today, 8, 20-26. Zverev, I. D. & Maksimova, V. N. (1981). Intersubject communications in the modern school. Moscow: Publishing house "Pedagogy", 159 p. Zyeer, E. F., Pavlova, A. M. & Cimanuk, E. E. (2005). Modernization of vocational education: competence approach. Moscow: AST, 216 p. |
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Effects of Parent-Child Relationship on the Primary School Children’s Non-Violence Position FormationRoza A. Valeeva & Aydar M. Kalimullin
pp. 6178-6184 | Article Number: ijese.2016.453
Abstract The aim of the research was to identify and test experimentally the impact of parent-child relationship on the formation of the primary school children non-violence position. During the research the effectiveness of the correctional and development program "Together with my mom" was verified to promote parent-child interaction, as well as gaming technology aimed on creating a position of non-violence of primary school children. 54 schoolchildren, Kazan, Russian Federation took part in the empirical research. The complex of diagnostic instruments to research parent-child relationship characteristics, non-violent interaction of children has been applied. To identify the correlation between the received data (types of interaction between children and data on the scale of the child-parent relations), we used the method of correlation analysis, based on the calculation of Spearman's Rank Correlation. Keywords: parent-child relationship, primary school children, non-violence position, formation, correctional and development program, "Together with my mom", parent-child interaction, gaming technology References Amonashvili, Sh. A. (1990). Personal-humanistic basis of the pedagogical process. Minsk: Universitetskoye. Asmolov, A. G. (2001). Historical culture and pedagogy of tolerance. Memorial, 24, 25-32. Blonsky, P. P. (1979). Selected pedagogical and psychological works. Moscow: Pedagogika. Comenius, J. A. (1982). Selected pedagogical works. Moscow: Pedagogika. Diesterweg, A. (1956). Selected pedagogical works. Мoscow: Uchpedgiz Erikson, E. (1950). Childhood and Society. New York: Norton. Frankl, V. (1990). Man's Search for Meaning. Moscow: Progress, Fromm, E. (2010). A Man for Himself. A study of psychological problems of ethics. Moscow: AST. Horney, K. (1950). Neurosis and Human Growth. New York: Norton. Kabatchenko, M. V. (1992). Pedagogy of peace. Problem and theoretical basis. In Sokolova E. (Ed.) Pedagogy of peace: history, theory and practice (pp.11-20). Moscow: Znanie. Krakova, Y. (1991). Peace and cooperation: how it can be done in the classroom. Мoscow: Center of Pedagogy of Peace. Maslow, A. (1982). Self-actualization. In Psychology of personality (pp.108-117). Moscow: MGU. Montessori, M. (1913). Children's House. Method of Scientific Pedagogy. Moscow: Zadruga. Myasischev, V. N. (1995). Psychology of relations. Moscow: Publishing House of the Institute of practical psychology. Orlov, Ju. M. (1997). Psychology of nonviolence. Мoscow: Impriting-Golfstream. Prevention of violence in school (2001). Kazan: RITS "School". Rogers, C. (1994). A look at psychotherapy. Becoming a Human Being. Moscow: Publishing Group "Progress". Rousseau, J.-J. (1981). Pedagogical works. Moscow: Pedagogika. Sitarov, V. A. & Maralov, V. G. (1997). Pedagogy and Psychology of non-violence in the educational process. Moscow: Club of realists. Sokolova, E. S. (2002). Education is the path to a culture of peace and tolerance. Narodnoye obrazovanie 2, 111–118. Stepanov, P. (2002). Raising children in the spirit of tolerance. Klassny rukovoditel 2, 18–20. Sukhomlinski, V. A. (1961). The spiritual world of teenage student and youth. Мoscow: Uchpedgiz. Tolstoy, L. (1995). Up-bringing and education. In Kornetov, G.(Ed.) Free education (pp. 35-49). Moscow: ROU. Varga, A. Ja. & Stolin, V. V. (1988). Workshop on psychodiagnostics. Psychodiagnostic materials. Moscow: Moscow State University. Ventzel, K.. (1923). Theory of free education and the ideal kindergarten. Moscow: Zemlya I fabrika. |
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Electronic Informational and Educational Environment as a Factor of Competence-Oriented Higher Pedagogical Education in the Sphere of Health, Safety and EnvironmentGalina S. Kamerilova, Marina A. Kartavykh, Elena L. Ageeva, Marina A. Veryaskina & Elena M. Ruban
pp. 6185-6194 | Article Number: ijese.2016.454
Abstract The authors consider the question of computerisation in health, safety and environment teachers’ training in the context of the general approaches and requirements of the Federal National Standard of Higher Education, which is realised through designing of electronic informational and educational environment. The researchers argue indispensability of the last in the process of forming informational competences, and suggest mechanisms of its realisations. The applied methods of theoretical analysis and synthesis of ideas and approaches to the stated question helped to distinguish the theoretical fundamentals of electronic informational and educational environment modelling, to demonstrate the role of electronic learning and methodological complex (ELMC) in raising the efficiency of competence-oriented higher pedagogical education in health, safety and environment within electronic informational and educational environment, the levels of formedness of student informational competences are defined. Keywords: Electronic informational and educational environment, competences, postnonclassicality, electronic learning and methodological complex, interactivity References Akbashev, T. F. (2007). Civilization of intellect. A great turn. Ufa: Astarta, 151 p. Davydov, Yu. S. (2004). Bologna process and Russian realities. Mosсow: MPSI, 132 p. Gay, G.H.E. (2016). 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Interdisciplinary Learning as a Basis for Formation of Intercultural Communicative CompetenceNadezhda N. Redchenko
pp. 6195-6202 | Article Number: ijese.2016.455
Abstract An interdisciplinary approach provides many benefits that warrant the need for its use at technical universities teaching foreign language as an academic discipline. This article reviews recent Russian researches focused on interdisciplinary integration, summarizes advantages and proves overall high efficacy of the interdisciplinary approach to teaching a foreign language for students. When taken as a basis, this approach was found to open up new prospects for implementation of didactic principles of learning at foreign language classes. The article describes the implementation of the principles of interdisciplinary coordination, systematicity and consistency, scientificity, occupational focus, visualization, affordability, strength, consciousness, pro-active behavior, educational training, availability, focus on student’s individual character, and intercultural interaction within the framework of the interdisciplinary approach. Incorporation of these principles is demonstrated using training of students of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI [Moscow Engineering Physics Institute] as an example. At MEPhI, students learn a foreign language during the entire period of their education and study the following credit modules: Introduction into General Technical Foreign Language; General Technical Foreign Language; Occupation-oriented Foreign Language; Foreign Language for Occupation-oriented Communication, Business Communication; Foreign Language for Academic Research; and Communication Foreign Language (in-depth study). Keywords: Didactic principles of teaching; interdisciplinary approach; foreign language; professional competence. References Bredneva, N.A. (2009). Project Activities in Interdisciplinary Integration. PhD Thesis. Moscow: University of the Russian Academy of Education, 264 p. Fabricius, A.H., Mortensen, J., Haberland, H. (2016). The lure of internationalization: paradoxical discourses of transnational student mobility, linguistic diversity and cross-cultural exchange. Higher Education, 1, 1-19. Glasgow, G.P., Paller, D.L. (2016). English Language Education Policy in Japan: At a Crossroads. English Language Education Policy in Asia. Language Policy, 11, 153-180. Golubev, Y.V. (2013). Formation of Cadets’ Communicative Competence, Professional education at Russia and abroad, 4(12), 46-50. Gulow, W., Fritz, W. (2015). A Qualitative Approach to Analyze Intercultural Competence in Sino-German Collaborations. Thriving in a New World Economy. Part of the series Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, 8.4, 302-305. Habók, A., Nagy, J. (2016). In-service teachers’ perceptions of project-based learning. Springer Plus, 5, 83. Huang, H.Ch. (2016). Openings and Closings in Intercultural Email Communication: A Case Study of Taiwanese, Japanese, and Italian Students. Email Discourse Among Chinese Using English as a Lingua Franca, 185-204. Koposova, E.G. (2010). Learning Mathematics. St.Petersburg: The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, 113 p. Korhonen, V., Weil, M. (2016). The Internationalization of Higher Education: University Teachers’ Competencies and Professional Development. Teaching Skills Assessments. Lernweltforschung series, 17, 49-71. Lifanova, S.S. (2015). Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Foreign Languages for ‘Auxiliary’ Professions. Innovations and Multicompetence in Teaching and Studying Foreign Languages. Moscow: Nauka, 128-134. Moloney, R., Hui Ling Xu. (2016). Intercultural Competence in Tertiary Learners of Chinese as a Foreign Language: Analysis of an Innovative Learning Task. Exploring Innovative Pedagogy in the Teaching and Learning of Chinese as a Foreign Language. Multilingual Education, 15, 97-114. Perekhozheva, A.V. (2012). Formation of Professional Competence in Students of Technical Universities. Chita, 23 p. Popova, N.V. (2011). Formation of Integrative Competences at Multidiscipline University Using Language/IT-based Tasks and Projects. Pedagogical Education in Russia, 5, 59-66. Razlivinskaya, N.A. (2015). Teaching English Financial and Economic Terms for University Students Based on Interdisciplinary Approach. Humanization of Education, 5, 83-88. Shahijan, M.K., Rezaei, S., Amin, M. (2016). International students’ course satisfaction and continuance behavioral intention in higher education setting: an empirical assessment in Malaysia. Asia Pacific Education Review, 17(1), 41-62. Shibayev, V.P. (2008). Modelling and Organization of Interdisciplinary Integration. Stavropol, 21 p. Sochneva, A.Y. (2011). Formation of Integrative Competences in Technical Students Using Web-based Technologies. PhD Thesis. St.Petersburg: St.Petersburg State Polytechnic University, 281 p. Starodubtseva, O.G. (2015). Interpretation of Interdisciplinary Links in Didactic and Psychological Aspects in Teaching Foreign Language at a Non-linguistic University. Research & Pedagogical Digest, 3(9), 40-46. Uvarova, I.V., Yerina, T.F. (2015). Interdisciplinary Links in Teaching Foreign Languages at Universities. International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Studies, 3-4, 724-726. Vetrova, M.I., Dmitrieva, I.L, Negro, S.V. (2015). Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Foreign Language at Non-linguistic Universities. Major Rivers 2015. Proceedings of the 17th International Research & Production Forum Congress in 3 Volumes (pp. 319-321). Nizhny Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Construction. Yafizova, R.A. (2013). By an Example of Mathematics and Computer Science as Academic Disciplines. Secondary professional education, 4, 32-34. Zelenkova, A.V. (2014). Formation of Teaching Competence. PhD Thesis. Kazan: Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Education RAO, 214 p. |
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Project Activities as a Form of English Language Teaching Based on the Interdisciplinary Approach to Form Intercultural Communicative CompetenceNadezhda N. Redchenko
pp. 6203-6211 | Article Number: ijese.2016.456
Abstract The authors of this article suggest a thesis about the purpose of teaching a foreign language – it is student’s communicative activities, i.e. learning a foreign language in practice. The teacher’s task is to encourage activities of every student and to create situations to develop their creative activities in a learning process. New information technologies streamline and diversify the learning process and, at the same time, open up good prospects to expand the educational framework and undoubtedly bring an incredible motivational drive and promote the principles of individualization of learning. At the current stage of development, the educational system tends to gradually shift towards learner-centered cooperation where a learner plays an active role. Non-standard technologies, encouragement of teacher’s creative pursuit and professional advancement, and implementation of innovations proved to be useful in the learning and educational process. Keywords: Competence; interdisciplinary leaning; English language; communication; intercultural exchange References Antonenko, M., Zelinska, N., Melnichuk, T. (2015). Interdisciplinary approach to teaching etiology and pathogenesis of caries disease in postgraduate education. Modern stomatology, 3 (77), 116. Bloom, J.W. (2015). Systems thinking, pattern thinking, and abductive thinking as the key elements of complex learning. Problems of management in social systems, 8(12), 130-150. Capone, A., Mey, J.L. (2016). Introduction: Pragmatics, Linguistics, and Sociocultural Diversity. Interdisciplinary Studies in Pragmatics, Culture and Society. Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology series, 4, 1-11. Carbaugh, D. (2016). Cultural Discourse Analysis: Pragmatics of Social Interaction. Interdisciplinary Studies in Pragmatics, Culture and Society. Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology series, 4, 565-580. Díaz, A.R. (2016). Developing Interculturally-Oriented Teaching Resources in CFL: Meeting the Challenge. Exploring Innovative Pedagogy in the Teaching and Learning of Chinese as a Foreign Language. Multilingual Education series, 15, 115-135. Dossanova, A.Zh. (2015). Interdisciplinary approach to perception and understanding of the learning text. Science and world, 2, 6(22), 33-38. Earls, C.W. (2016). Internationalisation, Globalisation and English-Medium Higher Education. Evolving Agendas in European English-Medium Higher Education, 60-103. Grainger, K., Mills, S. (2016). Zimbabwean English and British English: A Case Study of Directness and Indirectness Across Cultures. Directness and Indirectness Across Cultures. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 177 p. Handford, M. (2016). The Dynamic Interplay between Language and Social Context in the Language Classroom: Interpersonal Turn Taking for ELF Learners. The Dynamic Interplay between Context and the Language Learner, 151-171. Ignatov, N.G., Shulepov, A.S. (2015). Active Teaching Methods in the Educational Process. Scientific Almanac, 12-1(14), 493-498. Kohler, R. (2016). Selected Significant Leadership Roles, Skills and Abilities. Optimization of Leadership Style. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 178 p. Kuznetsova, E.V. (2015). Integrative Approach to Designing Working Programs in a Foreign Language. Professional Linguistic Education. Materials of the Ninth International Research & Practical Conference (pp. 216-218). Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management. Napier, J., Leeson, L. (2016). Learning and Teaching Sign Languages. The Paradoxical Relationship Between Schleiermacher’s Approach and the Functional Translation Theory. Rereading Schleiermacher: Translation, Cognition and Culture. Part of the series New Frontiers in Translation Studies, 67-77. Napier, J., Leeson, L. (2016). Sign Language in Action. Research and Practice in Applied Linguistics. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 339 p. Polat, E.S. (2000). Method of projects on the FL lessons. Foreign languages at school, 2, 3-10. Sidorov, O.V., Petelina, E.B., Yakovleva, L.V., Goferberg, A.B. (2015). Interdisciplinary Links in Formation of Technical Thinking in Students Pursuing Technology Education. Innovations & Investments, 5, 178-181. Widodo, H.P. (2016). Language Policy in Practice: Reframing the English Language Curriculum in the Indonesian Secondary Education Sector. English Language Education Policy in Asia. Language Policy series, 11, 127-151. Zavyalova, A.G. (2015). Impact of Interdisciplinary Technologies of Teaching Foreign Language on Formation of Professional Features of a Future Specialist. Bulletin of Irkutsk State Academic Academy, 25(4), 728-734. Zhang, Y. (2016). Standard English or Chinese English? Native and Non-Native English Teachers’ Perceptions. Assessing Chinese Learners of English. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 245-269. |
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Metamorphoses of Visualisation: Experiences of Interpreting Stained-Glass Artworks of Anglican Emmanuel College Chapel of Cambridge UniversityLidia V. Sofronova, Tatiana G. Chugunova, Anna V. Khazina, Anastasiya V. Babayeva & Natalia V. Shmeleva
pp. 6212-6220 | Article Number: ijese.2016.457
Abstract This research was caused by an accidental discovery of a photo reproduction of one unknown in Russia masterpiece of British stained glass art of the Victorian age found on open spaces of the Internet: a full-height portrait of John Colet, a famous member of clergy of the pre-reform period, Erasmus’ and Thomas More’s friend and mentor. Exquisite lines of the picture give evidence of masters’ using the latest technique of glass processing of the time – so called Tiffany technique. The stained glass is a panel in the opening of a Romanesque window, in the centre of which the John Colet’s side-drawn figure is depicted. The figure is encircled in intricate architectural framing: low white-stone gold plated carved columns to the right and to the left are joined overhead with a semi-circular arch with high canopy. Looking back at experiences of interpreting stained-glass artworks of Anglican Emmanuel College Chapel of Cambridge University, we clearly realized how perception of the visual had been changed. This stage of research clearly demonstrated how much the image’s content depends on the beholder and that the image has designing nature. “Panoramic” perception of the stained glass composition led to emerging a new image – an ideas man of Broad Church the composition’s author F. Horn adhered to. Keywords: Visualization; Anglican Emmanuel College Chapel; Cambridge University; John Colet; Anglican Church References Armstong, A.H. (1967). Augustine and the Christian Platonism. Villanova: Villanova University Press, 250 p. Blavatsky, H.P. (1999). Infallibility of Modern Religion. Pasadena: Theosophical University Press, 512 p. Bridgett, Т.E. (1888). Life of Blessed John Fisher: Bishop of Rochester, Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church and martyr under Henry VIII. London: Burns & Oates, 528 p. Cassirer, E. (1953). The Platonic Renaissance in England. Edinburg: Nelson and Sons Ltd. 207 p. Dobell, B. (2009). Augustine's Intellectual Conversion: The Journey from Platonism to Christianity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 250 p. Foxe, J. (1877). Actes and Monuments of Matters Happening in the Church. London: Nichols and Sons, 983 p. Gauld, A. (1968). The Founders of Psychical Research. New-York: Routledge, 386 p. Green, J.R. (1874). A Short History of the English People. London: Macmillan and Co, 872 p. Hort, A. (1896). Life and Letters of Fenton John Anthony Hort. New-York: Macmillan and Co, 504 p. Jowett, B. (2000). On the Interpretation of Scripture. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 430 p. Koposov, N.E. (2001). As historians think. Moscow: New Literary Review, 398 p. Lloyd, J.G. (1996). The Discovery of Hebrew in Tudor England: A Third Language. Manchester: St.Martin Press, 311 p. Lupton, J.H. (1887). A Life of John Colet, D.D, Dean of St. Paul's, and Founder of St. Paul's School. London: G. Bell and Sons, 358 p. MacCulloch, D. (1996). Thomas Cranmer: A life. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 704 p. Mansfield, B. (1992). Man of His Own: interpretation of Erasmus. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 512 p. Miles, L.W. (1951). Protestant Colet and Catholic More. Anglican Theological Review, 33(1), 29-42. Moran, D. (2004). The philosophy of John Scottus Eriugena: A Study of Idealism in the Middle Ages. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 333 p. Patrides, C.A. (1980). The Cambridge Platonists. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 376 p. Savrey, V.Y. (2011). Alexandrian school in the history of philosophical and theological thought . Moscow: KomKniga, 279 p. Seebohm, F. (1867). The Oxford Reformers of 1498: A History of the Fellow-Work of John Colet, Erasmus and Thomas More. London: Longmans, Green and Co, 360 p. Seebohm, F. (1916). The spirit of Christianity, an Essay on the Christian hypothesis. London: Longmans, Green and Co, 212 p. Seregin, A.V. (2005). The hypothesis of the plurality of worlds in Origen's treatise "On the principles". Moscow: Institute of Philosophy of the RAS, 347 p. Shea, V., Whitla, W. (2000). Broad Church compromise. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 124. Shea, V., Whitla, W. (2000). Essays and Reviews: The 1860 Text and Its Reading. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1057 p. Shelley, H.C. (1908). John Harvard and His Times. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 416 p. Smith, H.M. (1938). Pre-reformation England. London: Longman Green, 576. Southern, R.W. (1992). Saint Anselm: A Portrait in a Landscape. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 493 p. Tsurkan, A.V. (2002). Origen: the problem of the interaction of religion and philosophy. Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk State University, 350 p. Vzhosek, V. (2012). Culture and historical truth. Moscow: Publishing House "Krug", 432 p. Webb, J. (1974). The Occult Underground. Illinois: Open Court Publishing Company, 431 p. |
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Design Education: Peculiarities of Design Students’ Creativity DevelopmentIrina S. Aboimova, Lidia P. Depsames, Olga V. Serova, Maria V. Shcherbakova &Svetlana I. Yakovleva
pp. 6221-6225 | Article Number: ijese.2016.458
Abstract The main goal of the Russian professional education becomes the preparation of competent, qualified graduates, who are able not only to put their knowledge and skills to use, but also make original nonstandard decisions in the situations happening in their professional activities. The process of the design students’ creativity development requires scientific substantiation and procedural guidelines due to insufficient knowledge, theoretical insight and guidance papers. The researchers recommend refusing from transition of ready-made knowledge and value and guideline representations in the course of learning by means of reproductive pedagogics and applying to development of new pedagogical technologies for education of personality. The most careful analysis is required for research of the problematic field for such concepts as ‘creative work’, ‘creative activities’, ‘creativity’. Model of pedagogical support of students’ creativity formation has peculiarities in accordance with the concept, when pedagogical activities, oriented to pedagogical support of design students’ creativity formation, connect self-actualization of the teacher and his or her purposeful involvement in the change of student and in development of creativity. Thereby, today there is high demand for creative, intellectually developed, educable, flexible people, who are capable of applying gained knowledge in practice, and looking for the ways of rational and nonstandard solution of evolving problems. Keywords: Design education; design students; creativity; approach to the problem of design education; model of educational support for creativity development References Aboimova, I.S. (2010). Didactical conditions of design and art skill formation of future designers in higher educational institution. Nizhny Novgorod: Volga State Engineering and Pedagogical University, 259 p. Gnatko, N.M. (1994). Problem of creativity and phenomenon of imitation. Moscow: Institute of Psychology RAS, 312 p. Guilford, J.P. (1982). Cognitive psychology's ambiguities: Some suggested remedies. Psychological Review, 89, 48-59. Manuzina, E.B. (2011). Pedagogical Support of Students in the Educational Institutions of Higher Professional Education. Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 1, 109-112. Markova, S.M., Gorlova, V.G. (2014). Design activities of teacher as creative process. Minin University Bulletin, 3(1), 1-5. Medvedeva, T.Y., Marik, V.B. (2015). Opportunities of information technologies application in the process of professional self-determination of art and culture students. Minin University Bulletin, 1(1), 1-8. Rapatsevich, E.S. (2005). Pedagogy: A modern encyclopedia. Minsk: The modern word, 720 p. Shcherbakova, M.V. (2014). Pedagogical support of student’s creativity formation in the contest of life-long education in the sphere of design. Nizhny Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 243 p. Varlakova, Y.R. (2013). Development of future pedagogical bachelors creativity in higher educational institution. Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after VP Astafyev, 200 p. |
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Sociocultural Mechanisms of Intergenerational Values and Mindset Translation in Modern Family Development and Generational ChangeOlga A. Nemova, Veronika V. Retivina, Lubov I. Kutepova, Irina S. Vinnikova & Ekaterina A. Kuznetsova
pp. 6226-6237 | Article Number: ijese.2016.459
Abstract The paper considers the issue of functioning of the mechanism of formation and translation of values of labor in family. Fundamental labor values and main channels of their distribution are revealed based on empiric material. Family influence on motivation of today’s Russian youth’s labor behavior was determined. An intergenerational comparative analysis of labor mindset and values of parent’s generation and their children was carried out. Random sampling was used for designing “parent” sampling: parents of students of two state universities of Nizhny Novgorod, Minin University and Dobrolyubov University, were interviewed. Survey type – hands-on: students were supposed to interview parents with respect to their labor mindset. Respondent parents were asked a question on values they consider important for their children. It was proposed to choose at most three from 7 options: prestigious work, high income, self-fulfillment opportunities, interesting work, socially useful labor, family well-being, health. Family well-being turned out to be the most significant for respondents. 79,5% of respondents chose this answer. Health ranks second – 76,2%. 36,9% of respondents distinguished the role of interesting work. High income ranks fourth (36,1%), 32,0% and 25,4% of parents wish their children self-fulfillment opportunities and prestigious work, correspondingly. Socially useful labor appeared least important among suggested options, only 3,3% of respondents checked it. The percentage of parents, who highlighted their own influence on children’s occupational choice and support of that choice, is high. The research also demonstrated that today’s students are much less involved in household work than parents at their age. Keywords: Family; youth’s labor mindset; sociocultural mechanisms of intergenerational values translation References Blau, J.R. (1993). Social Contracts and Economic Markets. New York: New York Life, 220 p. Durkheim, E. (1897). The Prohibition of Incest and its Origins, L'Année Sociologique, 1, 1-70 Gorshkov, M.K. (2007). New Russia’s youth: life style and value priorities. Moscow: Higher School, 268 p. Gurko, T.A., Orlova, N.A. (2011). The development of teenager's personality in different family types. Russian Sociology in Turbulent Times. Moscow: Russian Society of Sociologists, 869-876. Korzh, N.D. (2009). Labor mindset in the value system of student youth. Penza: Higher School, 325 p. Kutepova, L.I., Mukhina, M.V., Smirnova, Z.V. (2014). Role of practice in competent specialist training. Minin University Herald, 10(1), 7-12. Kutepova, L.I., Smirnova, Z.V., Konyshev, E.V. (2015). Housing and public utilities specialists training improvement in the system of professional education. Minin University Herald, 3(11), 11. Lapin, N.I. (1990-2006). Our values today. Moscow: Higher School. Nemova, O.A. (2013). Labour mentality of today’s student youth: qualitative social studies experience. European Social Science Journal, 8 (35), 500-508. Nemova, O.A., Pakina, T.A. (2010). Issues of youth socialization under conditions of social and economic uncertainty. The State University of Management Herald, 12(8), 31-32. Pakina, T.A. (2014). Labour values and preferences of today’s students based on social studies. Moscow University Herald, 18(1), 1-15. Pakina, T.A. (2014). Labour values of today’s student youth. Nizhny Novgorod State University Herald, 11(2), 34-35. Parsons, T. (1951). The social system. Glencoe, Ill. : Free Press, 600 p. Pokida, A.N., Zybunovskaya, N.V. (2016). Dynamics of the historical memory in the Russian society. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration: Moscow, 356 p. Rokeach, M. (1973). The nature of human values. New York: Free Press, 438 p. Schwartz, S.H. (1987). Towards a Psychological Structure of Human Values. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1(10), 22-25. Sorokina, N.D. (1994-2002). Researches focused on studying students’ self-determination. Moscow: Higher School. Svadbina, T.V., Nemova, O.A., Pakina, T.A. (2014). Modern traffic: causes, kinds, consequences, preventative measures. Sociological research, 2(1), 43-48. Weber, M. (1930).The Protestant ethnic and spirit of capitalism. London: Allen and Unwin, 247 p. Zhuravleva, N.A. (2006). Personality’s value orientations dynamics in the Russian society. Moscow: Nauka, 310 p. |
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Information Technologies in the System of Military Engineer Training of CadetsAnna V. Khizhnaya, Maksim M. Kutepov, Marina N. Gladkova, Alexey V. Gladkov & Elena I. Dvornikova
pp. 6238-6245 | Article Number: ijese.2016.460
Abstract The necessity of enhancement of the information component in the military engineer training is determined by the result of a comparative analysis of global and national engineering education standards. The purpose is to substantiate the effectiveness and relevance of applying information technology in the system of military engineer training of cadets. The methodological part of paper includes analyses of the problem information approach, system integrity and competency-based approaches. The article proves the effectiveness of using information technology in the system of military engineer training of cadets; describes the conditions and results of using information technology in the system of military engineer training of cadets. The obtained results can be used in the system of military engineer education, as well as in general in the system of military education when providing military engineer training of cadets. Keywords: Information technology; military engineer training; military engineer; computer-generated simulation; military engineer training model References Bernstein, B. L., Bekki, J. M., Wilkins, K. G., Harrison, C. J. (2016). Analysis of instructional support elements for an online, educational simulation on active listening for women graduate students in science and engineering. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 28(2), 136-171. Dolzhenko, O.V., Shatunovsky, V.A. (1990). Modern methods and technology of education in a technical high school. Moscow: Science, 267 p. Dvoretsky, S.I., Ignatyeva, N.V., Zhdanov, D.V., Mamontov, I.N. (1999). System of mathematical modeling, optimization and design of manufacturing processes and equipment of chemical production sites. Information Technologies, 11(1), 10-11. Gladkov, A.V. (2006). Arrangement of professional training of cadets in a military-engineering higher educational institution. Nizhny Novgorod: Science, 321 p. Gladkova, M.N. (2015). Competency-based approach to professional training of cadets. Relevant Problems of Modern Science and Education. All-Russian Society of Inventors and Innovators, Lipetsk, 73-75. Gladkova, M.N., Gladkov, A.V. (2015). To the issue of the effectiveness of 3D-technology application in the process of professional military training of cadets. Relevant Problems of Modern Science and Education. All-Russian Society of Inventors and Innovators, Lipetsk, 75-76. Ivanov, Y.M. (1983). System approach to the training of a generalist engineer. Kiev: Vishcha Shkola, 289 p. Kazantsev, G.A., Perov, T.V. (2015). Ways to improve the process of formation of professional competence of specialists. International Journal of Applied and Basic Research, 12(7), 1309-1311. Khizhnaya, A.B., Chervova, A.A. (2006). Pedagogical conditions for training graduate students in the continuous education system in the Higher School Teacher major. Nizhny Novgorod: VGIPU, 310 p. Kutepov, M.M. (2003). Technology of formation of professional pedagogical abilities in future teachers of physical culture. Nizhny Novgorod: VGIPA, 390 p. Markova, S.M., Gladkova, M.N. (2008). The implementation of the educational process in an orphanage. Nizhny Novgorod: Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, 347 p. Medvedeva, T.Y., Marik, V.B. (2015). Possible applications of information technology in the process of professional self-determination of the future professional of the arts and culture. Bulletin of the Mininsky University, 1(1), 1-4. Scherer, P., Beswick, K., DeBlois, L., Healy, L., Opitz, E. M. (2016). Assistance of students with mathematical learning difficulties: how can research support practice? ZDM, 48(5), 633-649. Shevchenko, S.M., Mukhina, M.V., Kutepova, L.I., Smirnova, Z.V. (2014). Designing of the basic educational bachelor program in the Service major: competence building approach. Online Journal Naukovedenie, 5(24), 182-186. Smyth, L., Davila, F., Sloan, T., Rykers, E., Backwell, S., Jones, S. B. (2016). How science really works: the student experience of research-led education. Higher Education, 72(2), 191-207. Sun, D., Looi, C.-K., Wu, L., Xie, W. (2016). The Innovative Immersion of Mobile Learning into a Science Curriculum in Singapore: an Exploratory Study. Research in Science Education, 46(4), 547-573. Tai, J. H.-M., Canny, B. J., Haines, T. P., Molloy, E. K. (2016). The role of peer-assisted learning in building evaluative judgement: opportunities in clinical medical education. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 21(3), 659-676. Tonello, M. (2016). Peer effects of non-native students on natives’ educational outcomes: mechanisms and evidence. Empirical Economics, 51(1), 383-414. Vaganova, O.I. (2014). Interactive technologies in the preparation of the bachelor training. Bulletin of the Mininsky University, 6(1), 12-16. Vaganova, O.I., Khizhnaya, A.V. (2016). Evaluation of educational outcomes of high school students in the MOODLE electronic environment. Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogy, 1(1), 93-94. |
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Innovative Approaches to Assessment of Results of Higher School Students TrainingOlga I. Vaganova, Tatiana Yu. Medvedeva, Elena R. Kirdyanova, Galina A. Kazantseva & Albina A. Karpukova
pp. 6246-6254 | Article Number: ijese.2016.461
Abstract The basis of assessment tools selection for performance of control and evaluation of training results subject to requirements of modular-competence approach has been disclosed. The experience in implementation of assessment tools during "General and professional pedagogy" course has been observed. The objective of the study is rationale of assessment tools selection for evaluation of results of students' training. The methodology basis is modular-competence approach, which determines the review direction of all components of education process and the system of control and evaluation of specialists training, which is of major importance. The basis for assessment tools choice for control and evaluation of students' training results was offered and analytically substantiated. Results and experience in implementation of assessment tools in pedagogical disciplines can be used in institutions of professional-pedagogical education. Development of educational and research project "The law of future professional education" demonstrated students' creativity as well as formation of analytical and research skills. Keywords: Modular-competence approach; training results; competences; professional competence; national qualifications framework References Blinov, V.I., Sazonov, B.A., Leibowitz, A.N., Batrova, O.F., Voloshina, I.A., Yesenina, E.Y., Sergeev, I.S. (2010). National framework of qualifications of the Russian Federation. Moscow: FGI "FIRO", 265 p. Bobienko, O.M. (2012). Gauging the materials for the assessment of new educational results. TISBI Bulletin, 2(50), 173-183. Bradford, K. L., Newland, A. C., Rule, A. C., Montgomery, S. E. (2016). Rubrics as a Tool in Writing Instruction: Effects on the Opinion Essays of First and Second Graders. Early Childhood Education Journal, 44(5), 463-472. Challenger, M., Kardas, G., Tekinerdogan, B. (2016). 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Cultivated Lands of Kuban and Features of Their DevelopmentIvan S. Belyuchenko
pp. 6255-6276 | Article Number: ijese.2016.462
Abstract The basis of cultivated lands consists of the interacting populations of annual and perennial weeds and updated annually cultural annual plants, which have very limited data on the aboveground net production, and even less information about the yield of their underground organs. The aim of the research is scientific and theoretical development of crops agriculture in Kuban region also with analysis of land systems and practical mistakes in the agriculture. The development of the agricultural system operation management systems provides a basis to solve the problems of environmental management, their protection, as well as ecological safety at the level of the cultivated land system formation through improving the soil, increasing the vegetation structure complexity, and including corresponding life forms in the vegetation composition. The results of study shows that management of cultivated lands is provided from the outside, where it takes place in a faster way, so it is more reasonable to organize agricultural ecosystems. Besides, the colloidity of wastes of different industries and their role in the formation of complex compost changes the aggregate composition of ordinary chernozem and impacts other aspects of the formation and development of soil and plants in the system of cultivated lands. Keywords: Cultivated lands; cultural annual plants; mixed crops; soil disturbance. References Belyuchenko, I.S. (1964). El cultivo de la herba Indigofera hirsutа. Agrotecnia de Cuba. Habana: INRA, 53 р. Belyuchenko, I.S. (1965). El cultivo del frijol Canavalia. Cuba, Habana: INRA, 87 р. Belyuchenko, I.S. (1966). Canavalia (Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC.) and certain peculiar features of its crops. PhD Thesis of Candidate of Agriculture. Moscow: Nauka, 24 p. Belyuchenko, I.S. (1971). 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Q Workshop: An Application of Q Methodology for Visualizing, Deliberating and Learning Contrasting PerspectivesGo Yoshizawa, Mineyo Iwase, Motoko Okumoto, Keiichiro Tahara & Shingo Takahashi
pp. 6277-6302 | Article Number: ijese.2016.463
Abstract A value-centered approach to science, technology and society (STS) education illuminates the need of reflexive and relational learning through communication and public engagement. Visualization is a key to represent and compare mental models such as assumptions, background theories and value systems that tacitly shape our own understanding, interests and interactions. Yet conventional approaches including concept mapping and multi-criteria value elicitation methods often have little suggestion or implication as to how participants themselves can address and deliberate the incompatibility of their perceptions, preferences and perspectives. This study proposes Q workshop as a legitimate eliciting and deliberation technique that can be employed in pluralistic discourse, exploring systematic divergences of perspective by constructing the participant‘s self in a formative, emergent and contingent manner. For this it introduces Q mapping as a novel visualization tool for the hybridity of qualitative and quantitative methods derived from Q methodology. Q mapping is a two-factor solution that transforms the similarities in participants’ individual Q scores into distances represented in two-dimensional space, for the sake of illustrating the relative positioning and partitioning of perspectives in a schematic figure. A case study on STS education for postgraduate students demonstrates that Q workshop can play a heuristic and abductive role in providing independent illumination of distinguishable perspectives and facilitating individual and collective learning among participants, suggesting a schematic two-dimensional basis for resolving the key differences. Keywords: Q methodology, reflexive learning, mental models, visualization, participatory works References Addams, H., & Proops, J. (Eds.) (2000). Social discourse and environmental policy: An application of Q methodology. Edward Elgar. 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Analysis of Pre-School Teachers’ Views on the Importance of Education for Sustainable Development by Means of Location and Household Type in ChildhoodDeniz Kahriman-Öztürk, Refika Olgan
pp. 6303-6313 | Article Number: ijese.2016.464
Abstract This article explores views of pre-school teachers in Turkey regarding the importance of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). It also explores how pre-school teachers’ views on the importance of Education for Sustainable Development can be explained by their experiences with nature in childhood. The study sample consisted of 838 pre-school teachers currently teaching in the Ankara, Eskisehir, Istanbul, and Antalya provinces across Turkey. A scale developed in 2015 by Park, Kim and Yu called "Pre-School Teachers’ Views on the Importance of ESD" was utilized to collect data. In addition, demographic data were also collected. The study results revealed that the vast majority of teachers emphasized that ESD is necessary for the pre-school period and reported that the purposes of pre-school ESD were: raising awareness about SD and ESD, acquiring creative and holistic thinking skills in problem solving and decision making stages, and acquiring a sustainable lifestyle for SD. The teachers emphasized the inclusion of ESD into teacher training programs and preschool education curriculum as pillars of crucial importance for the launching of ESD practices in the pre-school period. The results also indicated that preschool teachers’ views on the importance of ESD varied according to their relationship with the environment in terms of childhood location and household type. In the light of the results, it is recommended that this study be the pioneer for future studies on the importance of ESD in both Turkey and the world, particularly with reference to experiences with nature. 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