Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 5951-5968 | Article Number: ijese.2016.440
Published Online: August 25, 2016
Environmental literacy can be defined as having necessary perceptions and competency of health and environmental systems and as being active in developing necessary acts about them. Individuals are expected to use their knowledge and concepts in daily life. The aim of this study is to determine students’ views about operational environmental literacy activities and the effects of these activities on students responsible environmental behavior. The study was used a mixed method. The participants of the study were 22 fourth grade students. Two scales used to determine the effect of responsible environmental behavior. Also, diaries were kept by the students and by the authors about the process of the research. Finally, a significant difference was stated on the attitudes and responsible behaviors of the students concerning the environment. The participants’ views about the process were stated as fun and interesting. Activities to improve operational environmental literacy may be designed to allow for students to actively take part in these activities. Quantitative data collection tools may be developed to analyze operational environmental literacy. Student teachers may be informed about operational environmental literacy in the teacher training programs and teachers may be informed about it through in-service training activities. In addition, parents, school community and non-governmental organizations may also participate in the activities about operational environmental literacy
Keywords: Basic education students, mixed method, operational environmental literacy, social studies education
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