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Environmental Legislation: a Study of the Shift of Spatial Policy in Local RegulationEdy Lisdiyono
pp. 597-605 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2017.1250p | Article Number: ijese.2017.039
Abstract Rapid growth of urban areas all over the world causes the expansion and the use of certain areas for residency, business, and industry. For developing countries, area expansion are frequently not grounded on the comprehensive review concerning the aspects of social, legal, and environment, and are not consistent with national policies. This study aims to analyze the legal aspect regarding the spatial planning policy change from national regulation to local regulation. The analysis was conducted in Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia. The results of this study showed that the spatial planning policy in Semarang underwent a shift in the local regulation in the level of philosophy, normative, and implementation. Keywords: Environmental Law, Indonesia, Local Regulation, Shift of Spatial Policy, Spatial Legislation References Akita, T., & Lukman, R. A. (1999). Spatial patterns of expenditure inequalities in Indonesia: 1987, 1990 and 1993. 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Primary Schools Eco-Friendly Education in the Frame of Education for Sustainable DevelopmentBulan Prabawani, Ita Musfirowati Hanika, Ari Pradhanawati & Agung Budiatmo
pp. 607-616 | Article Number: ijese.2017.040
Abstract A research on primary school education in the frame of education for sustainable development, as known as ESD, is important because the awareness of eco-friendly activities and environment empowerment cannot be developed in a short time. Meanwhile, human activities have caused significant environmental degradation. This is an exploratory study involving 240 participants from four primary schools in Semarang by applying stratified simple random sampling. The data were processed using a two-way test ANOVA and Partially Least Square. This study has found that primary school students in Semarang has a good understanding about the pillars of natural, social and ego in sustainable development. But, there are insignificant differences on the student understanding between class levels about eco-friendly issues. When the education level is higher, the students' understanding on eco-friendly education is not better. This research also has revealed that the school accreditation is insignificant to influence the students in understanding the eco-friendly issues. However, the knowledge stages in ESD innovation diffusion are applied. Therefore, the pattern of education which emphasized the students' knowledge on ESD is still relevant in building eco-friendly behavior. Keywords: education for sustainable development, eco-friendly education, primary school, innovation diffusion References Bagozzi, R. P., & Yi, Y. (1988). On the evaluation of structural equation models. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 16(1), 74–94. Burck, J., Marten, F., & Bals, C. (2015). The Climate Change Performance Index: Result 2015. Think Tank & Research (Vol. 1). Bonn. Retrieved from http://databank.worldbank.org/data/home.aspx\nhttps://books.google.com.vn/books?id=-VDVygAACAAJ\nhttp://unfccc.int/kyoto_protocol/status_of_ratification/items/2613.php\nhttps://luatminhkhue.vn/other/decision-no-1775-qd-ttg-dated-november-21,-2012-of-the-p Collis, J., & Hussey, R. (2009). Business research: A practical guide for undergraduate&postgraduate students (3rd ed.). New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Forehand, M. (2005). Bloom ’ s Taxonomy : Original and Revised. Frantz, C. M., & Mayer, F. S. (2014). The importance of connection to nature in assessing environmental education programs. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 41, 85–89. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.stueduc.2013.10.001 Konservasi Unnes. (2014). Bahan Ajar Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup. Retrieved May 14, 2014, from http://konservasi.unnes.ac.id/ Lavanya, B., & Saraswathi, S. (2014). Education for Sustainable Development. In National Conference on Management and Social Sciences – Its Impact on Sustainable Development (pp. 132–136). Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia. Pedoman Pengembangan Muatan Lokal, 81A Tahun 2013 tentang Implementasi Kurikulum 1–9 (2013). Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia. Muatan Lokal Kurikulum 2013 (2014). Indonesia. http://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781107415324.004 Nasibulina, A. (2015). Education for Sustainable Development and Environmental Ethics, 214(June), 1077–1082. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.11.708 Nomura, K. (2009). A perspective on education for sustainable development: Historical development of environmental education in Indonesia. International Journal of Educational Development, 29(6), 621–627. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedudev.2008.12.002 Reid, W. V., Mooney, H. A., Cropper, A., Capistrano, D., Carpenter, S. R., Chopra, K., … Zurek, M. B. (2005). Ecosystems and human well-being. Ecosystems (Vol. 5). Washington, DC: Island Press. http://doi.org/10.1196/annals.1439.003 Rogers, E. M. (1983). Diffusion of Innovations. New York. Sahin, I. (2006). Detailed Review of Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovations Theory and Educational Technology-Related Studies Based on Rogers’ Theory. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 5(2), 14–23. Suduc, A. M., Bîzoi, M., & Gorghiu, G. (2014). Sustainable Development in Romania in Pre-school and Primary Education. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 116, 1187–1192. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.01.367 UNESCO. (2014). Education for Sustainable Development. Retrieved May 14, 2014, from http://www.unesco.org |
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The Formation of Conservation – Based Behaviour of Mechanical Engineering Students through Contextual Learning ApproachSudarman, Djuniadi & Yeri Sutopo
pp. 617-627 | Article Number: ijese.2017.041
Abstract This study was aimed to figure out: (1) the implementation of contextual learning approaches; (2) the learning outcome of conservation education using contextual approach on the internship program preparation class; (3) the conservation – based behaviour of the internship program participants; (4) the contribution of conservation education results using contextual approach on the internship program preparation class to the conservation – based behaviour of the participants. The study was conducted at Mechanical Engineering program, Engineering Faculty, UNNES and industries in Central Java in 2016. The implementation of contextual learning approach data were gathered using direct observation. The learning outcome of the conservation education implementation using contextual approach to the internship program preparation class were gathered using a test sheet and the data of conservation – based behaviour of the internship program participants were gathered using the observation sheet. The data were analysed using descriptive and simple regression. This study showed that: (1) the implementation of contextual learning approach carried out at the internship program preparation class was in the form of additional material on the conservation education course; (2) the learning outcome of the conservation education with contextual approach were mostly higher; (3) the conservation - based behaviour of the internship program participants was mostly higher; (4) the contribution of learning outcome of the conservation education carried out using a contextual approach to the internship program preparation class was 0.98 to the conservation – based behaviour of the internship program participants in the Mechanical Engineering program, Engineering Faculty, UNNES. Keywords: contextual approach a conservation – based behaviour formation References Anonymous, (2002). Contextual Approach. Jakarta: Ministry of National Education. Arturo, E. (1997). Trends in Environmental Education. Paris: UNESCO. Berdrow, L & Evers, FT (2010). Bases of Competence: A Framework for Facilitating Reflective Learner - Centered Educational Environments. Journal of Management Education, 2010, (Online), ( http: // jme . Sagepub. Com / content / early /2010/02/23/1052562909358976), accessed 22 September 2010 Chiras DD (1991). Environmental Science: Action for Sustainable Future. Redwood City: The Benjamin / Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. David Jacobson, Paul Eggen and Donald Kauchok. (1989). Methods for Teaching: A Skill Approuch. Ohio: Merrill Publishing Co. Donnelly Gibson Ivancevich. (1991). The Systematic Design of Instruction. New York: Harper Collins Publisher. JP Guilford (1954). Psychometric Methods. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. Heinich, R.Molenda, M. & Russel, JD (1999). Instructional Media and the New Technology of Instruction. New York: McMillan Publishing Company. Jerrold E Kemp, Gay R Morrison and Steven M Ross. (1994). Designing Effective Instruction New York: Macmillan College Publishing Co. Kilic, A. (2010). Learner-Centered Micro Teaching in Teacher Education. International Journal of Instruction, 3 (1): 77-100. Eugene P. Odum (971). Fundamentals of Ecology. Tokyo: WB Sounders Company Stephen P. Robins (1988). Organizational BehaviorConcepts Controversies Aplications. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs Simon, AH (2002). Administrative Behavior .Disadur by St. Dianjung. Jakarta: Bina Script Squires, DA, Huitt, WD, and Segars, JK (2003). Effectives Schools and Classroom: A Research Based Perspective .Alexandria: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Stahl, Robert J. (1994). Cooperative Learning Social Studies. New York: Addison Wesley Sudarman. Djuniadi and Yeri Sutopo (2015) .. Development Pattern Learning Approach Formation of Behavior Based On Student Conservation S1 Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering, State University of Semarang. Semarang: LP2M UNNES Zahorik, JA (1995). Constructivist Teaching (Fastback 390). Bloomington, Indiana: Phi-Delta Kappa Educational Foundation. Zimbardo, Gerring. (1996). Psychology and Life. New York: Harper Collins Publishin |
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How is the relationship between Entrepreneurship Potential and Student Personality in the Implementation of Science and Technology for Entrepreneurship in Higher Education?Yuliana
pp. 629-641 | Article Number: ijese.2017.042
Abstract Entrepreneurship learning and training are tedious and rising educated unemployment of higher education graduates. For this reason, an alternative solution is done by higher education through Science and Technology Program for Entrepreneurship. This research aims to explore and describe the correlation analysis between entrepreneurial potential with the personality of students in science and technology for the implementation of entrepreneurship in higher education. The correlation analysis is to obtain preliminary information about the correlation between personality qualities and entrepreneurial potential of students involved in the implementation of science and technology for entrepreneurship in higher education. The research method used was quantitative research which was conducted through questionnaire distributed to 46 students in higher education in order to obtain information about the potential of entrepreneurship and personality of each student after the questionnaire being validated and normal. Next, the data were tabulated and then being analyzed to see the correlation between both variables by using software SPSS V.20. The result of correlation analysis showed 0.589 which meant a positive and significant relationship between personality variables with entrepreneurial potential variables, both at the level of 0.05 and at the level of 0.01, as well as the strength of the correlation is at a medium level. This meant that if an individual's personality is better or in other word is very strong, the entrepreneurial potential will also be very strong. Thus, the implementation of science and technology for entrepreneurship undertaken will provide maximum results towards the entrepreneurial spirit of students in higher education. Besides that, the implementation of science and technology activities for entrepreneurship students are expected to push the unemployment rate of educated, so the students who graduate from college can develop entrepreneurship potential through their own business and able to create job vacancies. Keywords: Entrepreneurship Potential, personality, Science and Technology for Entrepreneurship References Andruhina, T.V., Dorozhkin, E.M., Zaitseva, E.V., Komleva, S.V., Sosnin, A.S. & Savinova , V.A. (2016). Scientific-Theoretical Background the Organization of Geobotany Employees of the Micro Enterprises Sport and Recreation Sector. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(17), 9773-9785 Brenner, O.C., C.D. Pringle and J.H. Greenhaus. (1991). 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Knowledge, Attitudes and Awareness of Pre-Service Teachers on Biodiversity Conservation in RwandaNsengimana Venuste, Habimana Olivier, Ngarukiye Valens
pp. 643-652 | Article Number: ijese.2017.043
Abstract This research presents a case study on the knowledge of pre-service teachers of the school of lower secondary education on biodiversity conservation in Rwanda. It critically examines the implication of the level of knowledge on attitudes and behaviors towards biodiversity conservation and the potential implications of a lack of the courses focusing on biodiversity conservation in the school of lower secondary education, and presents empirical data from a survey and group discussions. Results showed that generally the level of knowledge of pre-service teachers on biodiversity conservation is high, and there is positive correlation between knowledge, awareness and attitude, which in turn may contribute to sustainable biodiversity conservation in Rwanda. Research concluded that there should be another research on the side of primary and secondary students in order to verify if the skills of teachers in biodiversity conservation are fully taught to the students. 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The Influence of Teaching Methods and Learning Environment to the Student’s Learning Achievement of Craft and Entrepreneurship Subjects at Vocational High SchoolMunawaroh
pp. 665-678 | Article Number: ijese.2017.045
Abstract This research aims to explain the influence of teacher’s teaching methods and learning environment to the learning achievement in class XI with the competency of accounting expertise to the subjects of craft and entrepreneurship, according to the students, the subject was very heavy and dull. The population in this research are students in class XI with the competency of accounting expertise at SMK PGRI 1 Jombang as many as 108 students who are divided in to 3 classes. The samples are determined with using random sampling techniques, where the whole of class XI are encrypted and given in class XI with competency of accounting expertise. The kind of this research is quantitative. The data collection technique of research uses questionnaires, interviews, and observations, with test data processing used multiple linear regression analysis. The results of multiple regression analysis test that was used to explain the influence of teachers' teaching methods and student’s learning environment to student’s learning achievement in class XI. The competency of accounting expertise. The result of research showed that teachers' teaching methods and learning environment which was created when the learning process influenced student’s learning achievement in class XI with the competency of accounting expertise at SMK PGRI 1 Jombang. Being evidenced by the value of Coefficient Of Determination (R2) as big as 0.626, It means that 62.6% teacher’s teaching method variable (X1) and the student’s learning environment (X2) was able to influence learning achievement variable (Y) significantly, whereas others 37.4% are influenced by other factors that are not included in this research. Keywords: Teacher ‘s teaching method, Learning environment, and Learning achievement References Act No. 20 of 2003 on the Indonesian National Education System. Jakarta, Indonesia: Sinar Grafika Arikunto, S. (2006). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta. Indonesia: Rineka Cipta. Degeng, I.N.S (1989). Ilmu Pengajaran Taksonomi Variabel, Jakarta, Indonesia: Depdikbud Djamarah, S.B., & Zain, A. ( 2010). Strategi Belajar Mengajar. Cetakan keempat. Jakarta. Indonesia: Rineka Cipta. Fadli. (2012). Analisis Regresi Linier Berganda. Available at: http://dawaisimfoni.wordpress.com/karya-tulis-ilmiah-2/metodologi-penelitian/ analisis-regresi-2/ Fadli. (2012). Pengujian Asumsi Klasik Model Regresi Berganda. Available at: http://dawaisimfoni.wordpress.com/karya-tulis-ilmiah-2/metodologi-penelitian/ pengujian-asumsi-klasik-model-regresi/ Mahanani. (2011). Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Keberhasilan Siswa. Available at: http://www.m- edukasi.web.id/2013/05/faktor-faktor-yang-mempengaruhi.html Matrapendidikan. (2013). Pentingnya Suasana Belajar kondusif. Available at: http://www.matrapendidikan.com/2013/09/pentingnya-suasana-belajar kondusif.html Qudsyi, I., Herawaty., Saifullah., Khaliq., & Setiawan. (2011). Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Kooperatif (Cooperative Learning) dan Motivasi Belajar terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa SMA. Available at: http://journal.unissula.ac.id/proyeksi/article/view/106 Rohani, A. (2004). Pengelolaan Pengajaran. Jakarta, Indonesia: Rineka Cipta. Slameto. (2010). Belajar dan Factor-Faktor yang mempengaruhinya, Jakarta. Indonesia: Rineka Cipta. Sudjana, N. (2010). Dasar-dasar Proses Belajar Mengajar. Cetakan Kesebelas. Bandung, Indonesia: Sinar Baru Algensindo. Sugiyono. (2011). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R dan D. Cetakan Ketigabelas. Bandung, Indonesia: Alfabeta. Uda, A. (2013). Pentingnya Suasana Belajar Kondusif. Available at: http://www.matrapendidikan.com/2013/09/pentingnya-suasana-belajar kondusif.html Utu, R. (2009) Metode Bervariasi Dapat meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Matematika Kelas V SD Negeri 1 Olo-Oloho Kecamatan Pakue Kabupaten Kolaka Utara, Jurnal MIPMIPA, 8(1). Wahyuni, A. (2007). Pengaruh Motivasi Belajar dan Metode Pembelajaran terhadap Prestasi Belajar Akuntansi Siswa Kelas I Jurusan Akuntansi SMK Pelita Nusantara I Semarang. Available at: http://lib.unnes.ac.id/1739/ Wena, M. ( 2011). Strategi Pembelajaran Inovatif Kontemporer. Cetakan Kelima. Jakarta, Indonesia: Bumi Aksara. Zuldafrial. (2011). Strategi Guru Mengembangkan Suasana Belajar Yang Kondusif. Available at: Cancer55.wordpress.com/2011/12/17/strategi-guru-mengembangkan-suasana-belajar-yang-kondusif/.html |
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The welfare effects of economic sanctions on final consumers of goods and services in IranMorteza Ezzati, Uunes Salmani
pp. 679-692 | Article Number: ijese.2017.046
Abstract In this study, using AIDS (Almost Ideal Demand System), we estimated direct and indirect welfare effects of economic sanctions on final consumers of (durable, semi-durable and non-durable) goods and services in Iran during 1981-2012 period. We also analyzed changes in consumer behavior due to sanctions. In order to analyze welfare effects, welfare criteria of Equivalent Variation (EV) and Compensating Variation (CV) were employed, and for testing behavior change, Marshall and Hicks criteria of elasticities were used. The results showed that: 1) the welfare effect rises when sanctions are removed (direct welfare effect). 2) As price of goods and services increases, welfare costs of final consumers and government get higher upon sanctions as compared to when they are removed (indirect welfare effect). 3) Sanctions created a structural failure in behavior pattern of final consumers of goods and services, so that influenced by sanctions, income, price and substitution elasticities of goods and services changed (change of consumers’ behavior pattern). Keywords: Sanction, Welfare Effect, Equivalent Variations, Compensating Variations, Demand, Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) References Costa, F. J. and Vilalta, M. (2004), Preference for National Health Service Use and the Demand for Private Health Insurance in Spain, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, Vol. 29, No. 4, Pp. 705-718. Ezzati, Morteza (2016), Analyzing Direct and Indirect Effects of Economic Sanctions on I. R. Iran Economic Growth: Focusing on the External Sector of the Economy, Open Journal of Marine Science, 2016, 6, 457-471 Farahani, Banafsheh, M. and Shabani, M. (2013),The Impact Of Sanctions On Iran's Tourism, The Open Access Journal of Resistive Economics (OAJRE)/ Economic, Sanctions/Volume 01, Number 1, 2013 Published Online August 2013 Faraji Dizaji, Sajjad (2014) The effects of oil shocks on government expenditures and government revenues nexus (with an application to Iran's sanctions), Economic Modelling, 40, 299–313 Hill, R.C., Griffiths, W.E and Lim, G. C. (2007), Principles of Econometrics, Fourth Edition. Kwiatkowski, D, Phillips, P.C.B, Schmidt, P. & Shin, Y. (1992), Testing the Null Hypothesis of Stationary against the Alternative of a Unit Root, Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 54, Pp. 159-178. Mahdzan, N. S, and Victorian, S. M. P. (2013), The Determinants of Life Insurance Demand: A Focus on Saving Motives and Financial Literacy, Asian Social Science, Vol. 9, No. 5, Pp. 274-284. Moret, Erica S. (2014) Humanitarian Impacts of Economic Sanctions On Iran and Syria, European Security, DOI: 10.1080/09662839.2014.893427. Pauly, M., K. , Withers, K. S., Viswanathan, J., Lemaire, J., Hershey, K. A., and Asch, D. A. (2003), Price Elasticity of Demand for Term Life Insurance, NBER Working Paper 9925. Working, H. (1943), Statistical Laws of Family Expenditures, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 38, PP. 43-56. Zellner, A. (1962), an Efficient Method of Estimating Seemingly Unrelated Regressions and Tests For Aggregation Bias, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 57, N0. 298, Pp. 348-368. |
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Effective factors in the couples' financial relationshipMaliheh Sojdeh
pp. 693-700 | Article Number: ijese.2017.047
Abstract Religious views on the financial relations between spouses are based on the woman's financial independence; on the other hand, wife is dependent on her husband because of getting alimony, dowry. If she is unemployed, she would be dependent on her husband and in the case of employment, in terms of dowry and alimony, she is dependent on her husband but she is independent in terms of income. Family is a safe entity that the members feel full of love and kindness. Naturally, all emotional and financial problems occur due to disputes in family. This research is based on theoretical method, data were collected by documentary method. It aims to study the financial rights of the couple and the wife's financial rights and the importance of financial independence and financial dependence to her husband. Keywords: financial rights, alimony, inheritance, reward, remuneration, dowry, divorce References Bojnordi, Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad Mousavi, Family Law, Tehran, Majd Scientific and Cultural Assembly, 2007. Mirkhani, Ezzat al-Sadat, a new approach in family relations, Tehran, Safir Sobh, 2001. Moazami and Kazemi, Shahla and Mahmoud, education rights for girls, Tehran University of Al-Zahra, 2002. Shariat Panahi, J. Movahed, a new study on women's rights in the Quran, Volume I, Tehran: pik, 1998. |
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Shadow removal using texture and color clusteringAbbas Nasrabadi, Mahdi Vaezi
pp. 701-709 | Article Number: ijese.2017.048
Abstract While perfect illumination conditions are not usually available at most of the vision sites the resulting shadows are in role of poison for countless algorithms and applications, despite the numerous efforts which have been put yet most of the presented solutions have major disadvantages, at this work a method with mediocre computation load and high reliability is presented which abolishes the soft shadows with respect to the texture and color clusters without attending to detect the shadowed regions. Keywords: shadow removal, texture and color analysis, computer vision References Gershon R., A.D. Jepson, , and J.K. Tsotsos. Ambient illumination and the de- termination of material changes. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 3:1700{1707, 1986. Saritha Murali, "Shadow Detection and Removal from a Single Image Using LAB Color Space", NITC, Calicut, India, Cybernetics and information technologies, volume 13,No. 1, 2013. Nasrin Hakim Mithila, "a Shadow Detection and Removal from a Single Image Using LAB Color Space", Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh,IJCSI, Vol 10, Issue 4, No. 2, July 2013. Jyothisree V. and Smitha Dharan, "SHADOW DETECTION USING TRICOLOR ATTENUATION MODEL ENHANCED WITH ADAPTIVE HISTOGRAM EQUALIZATION", College of Engineering Chengannur, Kerala, India, International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 5, No 2, April 2013. Jain R., R. Kasturi, and B. Schunck, Machine Vision. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1995. Jiang H. and M. Drew. Tracking objects with shadows. In CME03: International Conference on Multimedia and Expo,, pages 100–105, 2003. Klinker G. J., S. A. Shafer, and T. Kanade. A physical approach to color image understanding,. International Journal of Computer Vision, 4:7–38, 1990. Swain M. J. and D. H. Ballard. Color indexing. International Journal of Computer Vision, 7:11–32, 1991. Weiss Y., “Deriving intrinsic images from image sequences,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Comput. Vis., 2001, pp. 68–75. |
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Examination of Postgraduate Theses in Sciences within the Interdisciplinary ContextMemet Karakuş & Onur Yalçın
pp. 711-727 | Article Number: ijese.2017.049
Abstract Nowadays, the rapid spread of the interdisciplinary approach contributes to the development of disciplines and scientific developments in many ways. Therefore, how the interdisciplinary approach is addressed in the studies carried out is important in terms of guiding other studies. For this purpose, an attempt to determine how 155 doctorate theses which were written in science departments at a university located in Turkey's south between 2010-2016 addressed the study discipline, subject of study and interdisciplinary approach process was made in this study. Furthermore, the opinions of instructors working in these departments on the interdisciplinary approach were also examined. As a result of the study, it was seen that 140 theses were written with the disciplinary approach, 15 theses were written with the interdisciplinary approach, and they were also associated with economics, sociology, psychology and geography among social science disciplines. The facts that the concept of interdisciplinary is not exactly known and that the necessary conditions for studying have not been provided, the lack of time, the presence of gaps in disciplines and failure to ensure the adequate cooperation are important reasons for the limited number of studies carried out with the interdisciplinary approach. Therefore, it is important to promote interdisciplinary studies and to provide suitable conditions for studying. Keywords: Discipline, Interdisciplinary, Postgraduate, Sciences References Akins, A. & Akerson, V. L. (2002). Connecting science, social studies, and language arts: An interdisciplinary approach. Educational Action Research, 10(3), 479-498. doi.org/10.1080/09650790200200196. Arslantaş, S. (2013). The effect of education with an interdisciplinary approach in primary school 4th grade visual arts class on the attitudes of the students towards the class. Gaziosmanpasa Journal of Scientific Research, 2,1-13. Atız, A. (2014). Güneş kolektörleri ve güneş havuzundan oluşan entegre bir sistemin enerji ve ekserji veriminin incelenmesi ve ısıtma uygulamaları [Investigation of the energy and exergy efficiencies of the solar pond integrated with solar collectors and its heat applications] (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Cukurova Universty, Adana, Turkey. Bağcı, Ş. (2012). Sınıf öğretmenliği lisansüstü tezlerinin karakteristik özellikleri: tematik, metodolojik ve istatiksel yönelimler [Characteristic features of elementary education dissertations: Thematic, methodological and statistical trends] (Unpublished Master Dissertation). Osmangazi Universty, Eskişehir, Turkey. Caf, Y. (2015). Alkali ve termostabil keratinaz üretıcısı doğal Bacillus sp. ve Streptomyces sp. suşlarında genetik manipülasyon ile enzim üretıminin arttırılması, enzim üretimi, karakterizasyonu ve endüstriyel alanlarda kullanılabilirliliğinin araştırılması [Enhancing the enzyme production from alkaline and thermostable keratinase producer native Bacillus sp. and Streptomyces sp. strains by genetic manipulation, and enzyme characterization.] (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation), Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey. Cervetti, N., Barber, J., Dorph, R., Pearson, P. & Goldschmidt, P. (2012). The impact of an integrated approach to science and literacy in elementary school classrooms. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 49 (5),631-658. DOI: 10.1002/tea.21015 Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. London: Sage. Çiltaş, A., Güler, G. & Sözbilir, M. ( 2012). Mathematics education research in Turkey: a content analysis study. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice. 12,1, 565-580. Demir, E. (2009). İlköğretim ikinci sınıflarda uygulanan disiplinlerarası bütüncül öğretim yaklaşımının etkisi[Holistic Approach to Teaching in Second Year Primary Impact of Interdisciplinary Applied.] (Unpublished Master Dissertation). Selcuk Universty, Konya, Turkey. Demir, K. (2008). Bütünleştirilmiş öğretim programının işbirliğine dayalı ve proje tabanlı öğrenme yaklaşımıyla uygulanmasının etkililiği [Efficacy of applying integrated teaching program using cooperative and project based learning approaches] (UnpublishedDoctoral Dissertation). Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. Demirel, Ö., Tuncel, G., Demirhan, C. & Demir, K.(2008). Teacher and pupil views about activities based on multiple ıntelligences and the ınterdisciplinary approach. Education and Science, 33(147), 14–25. Dervişoğlu, S. & Soran, H. (2003). Evaluation of interdisciplinary teaching approach in high school biology education. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 25, 48-57. Drake, S. M., & Burns, R. C. (2004). Meeting standards through integrated curriculum. ASCD. Ece, A.S. & Çeşit, C. (2011). Researches and results of interdisciplinary music performed at the post graduate level in Turkey. The Journal of International Social Research ,4,17. Erdinç, A. (2010). Disiplinlerarası öğretim yaklaşımının öğrencilerin olasılık konusundaki akademik başarılarına ve öğrenmenin kalıcılığına etkisi[The effect of interdisciplinary teaching approach on students' academic successes and permanence of learning in probability subject] (Unpublished Master Dissertation). Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey. Focht, W. & Abramson, C. I. (2009). The case for interdisciplinary environmental education Frykholm, J., & Glasson, G. (2005). Connecting science and mathematics instruction: Pedagogical context knowledge for teachers. School Science and Mathematics, 105(3), 127-141. Gök, Kaya, G. (2014). Serbest metabelyen nilpotent lie cebirlerinin sunumları[Presentations of free nilpotent metabelian lie algebras] (UnpublishedDoctoral dissertation).Cukurova University Adana, Turkey. Gürdal, A., Şahin, F. & Bayram, H. (1999). A survey on the level of primary school teacher candidates establishing and establishing energy integrity. Journal of Dokuz Eylül University Buca Faculty ofEducation Special Issue,10, 382-395 Hamalosmanoğlu, M., & Güven, E. (2014). The impact of environmental education based on interdisciplinary approach on students' attitudes towards environmental and behavior. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 11,4. İlhan, A. (2011). Matematik eğitimi araştırmalarında tematik ve metodolojik eğilimler: uluslararası bir çözümleme. [Thematic and methodological trends in mathematics education researches: an international analysis] (Unpublished Master Dissertation). Osmangazi Universty, Eskişehir, Turkey. İşçi, S. (2013). Türkiye’de eğitim yönetimi alanında yapılmış lisansüstü tezlerin tematik, metodolojik ve istatistiksel açıdan incelenmesi [The thematic, methodological and statistical analysis of educational administration theses and dissertations in Turkey] (Unpublished Master Dissertation). Osmangazi Universtiy, Eskişehir, Turkey. Jacobs, H.H. (1989). Descriptions of two existing interdisciplinary programs. H.H. Jacobs (Ed.), Interdisciplinary Curriculum: Design and Implementation. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Kanatlı, F., & Çekici, Y. E. (2013). Interdisciplinary Opportunities in Turkish Teaching. Mersin Universty Journal of the Faculty of Education, 9(2). Kır, N. Z. (2013). Tekstil sanayi için ekonomik ve çevreci yıkama maddesi üretimi[Economical and enviromental washing off agent production for textile industry] (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation) Cukurova Universtiy, Adana, Turkey. Kunduroğlu, T. (2010). 4. sınıf fen ve teknoloji dersi öğretim programıyla bütünleştirilmiş “değerler eğitimi” programının etkililiğinin incelenmesi[The effectiveness of 'values education? Program integrated with the 4th grade science and technology instructional program](Unpublished Master Dissertation). Ankara Universty, Ankara, Turkey. Mercimek, Aysun, H. (2011). 2,4,6-trinitrotoluen'in mikrobiyal biyodegradasyonu. [Synthesis of 2, 4, 6-trichloro-1, 3, 5-triazine derivatives with dimethylamine and morpholine](Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation). Cukurova Universtiy, Adana, Turkey. Miles, M.B. & Huberman, AM. (1994). Qualitative Data Analysis (2nd edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Miller. R. (2005). The philosophical resources of holistic education.Journal of Values Education, 3(10), 33-40. Osborne, J., Erduran, S., & Simon, S. (2004). Enhancing the quality of argumentation in school science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 41(10), 994-1020. Özhamamcı, T. (2013). İlkokul ve ortaokul öğretim programlarındaki disiplinlerarası öğretim programlarına yönelik öğretmen görüşleri [Teachers' opinions about interdisciplinary teaching applications in elementary and secondary school education programs]. (Unpublished Master Dissertation)Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey. Parker, J. (2002). A new disciplinarity: communities of knowledge, learning and practice. Teaching in Higher Education, 7(4), 373-386. Roush, M.K. (2008). How does usıng an integrated curriculum promote critical thinking and engagement in middle school student learning. (Unpublished Master Dissertation) Ohio University, Ohio. Sönmez, D. P.(2011). Serbest Lie cebirlerinin endomorfizmlerinin sabit noktaları ve sabit nokta alt cebirleri [Fixed points of endomorphisms of free Lie algebras and fixed point subalgebras] (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). Cukurova Universtiy, Adana, Turkey. Şimşek, A. &Yıldırım, H.(2011). Research methods in social sciences. Ankara: Seçkin Press. Tatlı Hürtaş, İ. 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Developing Physics E-Scaffolding Teaching Media to Increase the Eleventh-Grade Students’ Problem Solving Ability and Scientific AttitudeAffa Ardhi Saputri & Insih Wilujeng
pp. 729-745 | Article Number: ijese.2017.050
Abstract This research aims at revealing (1) the suitability of physics e-scaffolding teaching media with mathematical and image/diagrammatic representation, as well as (2) the effectiveness of the e-scaffolding teaching media with mathematical and image/diagrammatic representation to improve students’ problem solving ability and scientific attitude. It is a research and development adapting Borg and Gall model which consists of five stages: (1) preliminary study; (2) planning; (3) product development (production, validation & revision); (4) limited trial and product revision, field testing and product revision; and (5) dissemination. The instruments applied in this research comprise validation form, lesson plan implementation observation form, students’ response questionnaire, teacher interview form, problem solving ability test, and scientific attitude observation form. The subject of this research is the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Wonosari. The respondents of this research consisted of six validators, 24 students for thelimited test, and 48 students for field testing. This research produced physics e-scaffolding teaching media equipped with lesson plans, students worksheets, problem solving ability test, and scientific attitude observation form. The result of the validation shows that physics e-scaffolding teaching media developed in this research issuitable to be implemented and categorized as “very good.”The result of the test shows that this teaching media fulfills the criteria of effectiveness. Based on the MANOVA test, it can be concluded that there is a difference between problem solving ability and scientific attitude in the experiment class and the control group. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the gain of problem solving ability and scientific attitude among the students who participated in the learning process using physics e-scaffolding media and other media developed in accordance with the devices used by the teachers. Keywords: e-scaffolding, problem solving ability, scientific attitude, mathematical representation, image/diagrammatic representation References Aiken, L.R. (1985). Three coefficient for analyzing the realiability and validity of rating. Education and psychological measurement, 131-142. Albe, V., Venturini, P., & Lascours, J. (2001) Electromagnetic Concepts in MathematicalRepresentation of Physics [Electronic version]. Journal of Science Education and Technology, Springer Verlag (Germany), 2001, 10 (2), pp. 197-203. Alwan, A.A. (2011). Misconception of Heat and Temperature among Physics Students. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 12 (2011) 600–614. 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Universal Texture ClusteringAbbas Nasrabadi, Mahdi Vaezi
pp. 747-753 | Article Number: ijese.2017.051
Abstract Although texture can be assumed as the richest aspect of images to obtain visual information yet again the existing methods to analyses this field of data are not very effective, there are generally statistical, structural, model based and mathematical transformations based approaches which all are either unable to fully grasp the information or highly complicated and time- computation consuming. At this work a simple, fast and comprehensive statistical like pace is developed which can quickly determine the existence of both micro and macro structures for further computer vision applications. Keywords: texture analysis, image structures, computer vision References Brodatz P., "Textures as a photographic album for artists and designers", Dover, 1966. Chen Y., "Gray scale morphological granulometric texture classification", Optical Engineering, 33, 8, pp 2713-2722, 1994. Haralick R., "Statistical and Structural Approaches to Texture", Prac. IEEE, 67, 5, pp 786-804, 1979. Jingjing Zhang, "Analysis of texture patterns in medical images with an application to breast imaging", Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Temple University, 2008. Levine M., "Vision in Man and Machine", McGraw Hill, 1985. Rosenfeld S., "Digital Picture Processing", Vol. 1, Academic press, 1982. Ruchaneewan Susomboon, "Co-occurrence Matrix Invariance to Patient Size in Computed Tomography", DePaul University, Chicago, IL, USA, 2007. Serra J., "Image Analysis and Mathematical Morphology", Academic press 1982. Weszka J., "a comprative study of texture measures for terrain classification", sixth IEEE transaction of system, man and cybernetics, pp 269-285, 1976. William Henry Nailon, "Texture Analysis Methods for Medical Image Characterisation", Youxin Mao (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-071-1, InTech, 2010. |
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Comparing the Math Anxiety of secondary school female students in groups (Science and Mathematical Physics) Public SchoolsKhatoon Vakili, Zinat alsadat Pourrazavy
pp. 755-761 | Article Number: ijese.2017.052
Abstract The aim of this study is comparing math anxiety of secondary school female students in groups (Science and Mathematical Physics) Public Schools, district 2, city of Sari. The purpose of the research is applied research, it is a development branch, and in terms of the nature and method, it is a causal-comparative research. The statistical population in this study consisted of all secondary school female students in groups (Science and Mathematical Physics) Public Schools, district 2, city of Sari that is the equivalent of 1,900 people according to the latest figures cast of Education in Sari city. According to the population size and referring to the Morgan’s sample size table, the sample size was considered 320 people. Simple random sampling method was used to select research samples. Data collection methods included library and observation. Data collection tool in the survey is questionnaire. Pelick and Parker (1982) math anxiety questionnaire that their reliability was calculated 0.98 by using Cronbach's alpha. Research Hypothesis test and data derived from questionnaires were analyzed by using spss software and descriptive and inferential statistics. The tests used in the research included Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Pearson correlation and T of two independent groups. The results show a difference between math anxiety among students of mathematics and science. According to the average score of students' math anxiety, we find out students’ math anxiety in science is more than math. There is an inverse relationship between math anxiety and students’ academic achievement. Students, who have high math anxiety, have lower academic achievement. Keywords: anxiety, math anxiety, academic achievement References Aqajani, Seyfolah, Khormayi, Farhad; Rajabi, Saeid and Rostam Oghli Khiavi, Zahra (2015). The reslationship between self-confidence and self-efficacy with math anxiety in students. School Psychology Fall 2012; 1 (3): 6-26. Parviz, Kurosh. Sharifi, Masoud (2014) investigated the relationship between cognitive and metacognitive strategies with self-efficacy beliefs in students of PNU in Bukan. Quarterly instructional strategies, Course 4- No. 1 Spring 2011. Pourjafar Doust, Camellia. (2010). Construction and Standardization of students self-efficacy test. Karaj, Allameh University. Kodior, Parvin (2010). Training Psychology, Tehran: Publication Doran. Noori, Zohre; Fathabadi, Jalil and Parand, Kurosh (2013). Prediction of mathematics anxiety in students of mathematics, humanities and science in secondary school based on self-efficacy and goal orientation variables, Journal of Educational Psychology, Issue 11, Summer 2011, p. 125. Nikmanesh, Zahra and Yari, Somayeh (2014). The relationship between self-efficacy and self perception with test anxiety among high school male and female students. Article Educational Sciences. Yarmohammadi Vasel, Mosayeb (2012). Predictors of math anxiety and its relationship to academic failure in mathematics. Journal of Educational Psychology, Issue 14, Summer 2010, p. 19. Bonaccio, Silvia & Charlie L. Reeve. Charles, Jennifer E. (2008). Polic capturing study of the contextual antecedents of test anxiety. Personality and Individual Differences. 45(3), 243-248. Tobias, S. (2009). Overcoming math anxiety. New York: W. W Norton & Company. Putwain, D.W & Daniels, R.A. (2013). Is the Relationship between Competence Beliefs and Test Anxiety Influenced by Goal Orientation Jain, S., Dowson, M. (2009). Mathematics Anxiety as a Function of Multimensional Self-Regulation and Self-Efficacy. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 34, 240-249. Miller, H& Bishel, J. (2004). “Anxiety, working memory, generan, and math performance”. Personality an Individual Differences,37,591- 606. Putwain, D.W., & Daniels, R.A. (2010). Is the relationship between competence beliefs and tes anxiety influenced by goal orientation? Learning and Individual Differences, 20(1), 8–13. |
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Validation Model Design for Corporate Banks’ CustomersMohammad Eftekhari
pp. 763-776 | Article Number: ijese.2017.053
Abstract Recently one of the main problems in banks and financial institutions is the risk of customers` credit risk that sometimes plays a key role in bankruptcy. It is obvious for credit risk management one useful way is dividing of banking customers into two groups; good pay customers and bad pay customers. Until now, variety of methods such as artificial neural networks, genetic algorithm, linear regression, logistic, probit and logit models have been used in the legal field to authenticate customers. In recent years has been more attention the logistic regression because of the high accuracy. In this research a logit model has been used to determine the probability of Mehr economy bank`s corporate customers default risk. In this model the dependent variable is the condition of customers` loan repayment and the explanatory variables are some financial ratios and corporate characteristics. Data collected from customers credit book from 2008 to 2010. Results show that some management and financial variables e.g. age, asset turnover ratio, bank credit history, Current Ratio, Average current account balance, Profit margins and interest rate are significant. Indeed Estimate provided Predicts Credit status of customers with 0.82 percent. Keywords: Credit risks, Logistic regression, Probability of default References Amir Koasemi, n., (2010), designed to validate our model and its role in reducing credit risk in banks, thesis, Allameh Tabatabaei University. Baha Karan, M., (2004), Risk Profile OF Turkish Households For Consumer Credits, Department of Business Administration, pp1-26. Gajarati, D., Abrishami, h., (2004), the foundations of econometrics, Tehran University Press, Volume II. Hedayati, A. et., Kalhor, H., Bahmani, May., (2010), 2 operations Domestic Banking, Banking Institute. Jalili, m., (2011), validating the actual customers in the banking system of the country, few studies in management. Moon, T., h, So Young, S., (2008), Technology Scoring Model for Refecting Evaluators Perception Within Con, Dence Limits, European journal of Operational Research 184 pp. 981-989. Sadeghi, A, (2007), the position of the Iranian banking credit risk management in accordance with the regulatory principles of the Basel Committee, Master's thesis, Tehran University. Shadabfar, a., (2010), the factors affecting the housing property development with an emphasis on the academic level-headed households (Case Study of Tehran), Master's thesis, Allameh Tabatabaei University. Thomas, Lyn C., (2000), A Survey of Credit and Behavioural Scoring, Forecasting Financial Risk Oflending to Consumers, International Journal of Forecasting 16 pp. 149-160. Tian-Shyug, l., Chih-Chou, Ch., Chi-Jie, L., (2002), Credit Scoring Using the Hybrid Neural Discriminant Technique, Expert systems with Application 23 pp. 245-254. Zarrin Poor, S.,(2008), design and validation of a classification system based on Generalized Linear Models corporate clients Books, Thesis, University of Allameh Tabatabai. |
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Teachers and Students Knowledge about Global Warming: a Study in Smoke Disaster Area of IndonesiaUndang Rosidin & Agus Suyatna
pp. 777-785 | Article Number: ijese.2017.054
Abstract The average temperature on the Earth's surface has globally increased. This issue was generally caused by the increasing of greenhouse gases concentrations due to human activities. Therefore, the knowledge about global warming becomes major topics for students and educators. This research aimed to investigate how the teachers and students knowledge about global warming. The data was retrieved through objective tests on 230 teachers and 573 junior and senior high school students in Lampung Province as one of the most potential black smoke disaster area in Indonesia. Data were collected and analyzed using two Way ANOVA, and Tukey multiple comparison to understand the relationship of global warming knowledge towards gender, teachers’ identity, students’ educational level. The results showed that students and teachers knowledge about global warming are very low. The students knowledge is higher than the teachers. For students, it was found that an educational level hold the important factors of students’ global warming knowledge, in which secondary school students has better knowledge and experiences relative to the primary students. There is no difference in students' knowledge of global warming caused by gender. There is a correlation between attitude and knowledge about global warming at a senior high school students while in junior high school students there is no correlation. The conclusion there is a difference in students' knowledge about global warming caused by differences in the learning experience but not by gender. There was no difference in knowledge between the teacher caused by field of study, gender, or where they teach. Students are more mature and have better knowledge about global warming would have a disagreement on the behavior that led to the increasing greenhouse gases and are willing to sacrifice pleasures. Keywords: Knowledge, Students, teachers, global warming References Brechin, Steven R. (2003) Comparative Public Opinion and Knowledge on Global Climatic Change and the Kyoto Protocol: The U.S. versus the World?. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 23 (10), 106-134. Çimer, Sabiha O., Çimer, A., & Ursavas, N.. (2011) Student teacher’s knowledges about global warming and changes their knowledges during pre-service education : A cross sectional study. Academic Journals, 6(8), 592-597. Cox, Peter M., Richard A. Betts, Chris D. Jones, Steven A. Spall& Ian J. Totterdell. (2000). Acceleration of global warming due to carbon-cycle feedbacks in a coupled climate model. Nature. 408, 184-187. Doran, P. T. and Zimmerman, M. K. (2009). Examining the scientific consensus on climate change. EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 90, 22-23. Environment Agency. (2001). Lessons Learned: Autumn 2000 floods. Bristol: Environment Agency Lashof, Daniel A. & Dilip R. Ahuja.(1990). 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Climate of Concern-A Search for Effective Strategies for Teaching Children about Global Warming.International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 4(2), 97-116. Whitmarsh, L. (2008). Are flood victims more concerned about climate change than other people? The role of direct experience in risk perception and behavioural response. Journal of Risk Research, 11(3), 351-374. Yazdanparast, T., Salehpour, S., Masjedi, M. R., Seyedmehdi, S. M., Boyes, E., Stanisstreet, M., &Attarchi, M. (2013). Global Warming: Knowledge And Views of Iranian Students. Acta Medica Iranica, 51(3), 178-184. |
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Assessment of Factors Affecting Drinking Water Quality from Free Water Dispensers in the Higher Education InstitutionChitsanuphong Pratum & Napharat Khananthai
pp. 787-797 | Article Number: ijese.2017.055
Abstract Water dispensers are popularly used in public areas and workplaces. Assessment of factors that affect the drinking water quality in water dispensers is important for the prevention of water-related diseases and other health risks. The aim of this study was to assess the bacteriological, physicochemical and sanitary parameters of drinking water in free water dispensers at Mahidol University, Thailand. Two models, namely, the bottled water dispensers (BWDs) and the bottle-less water dispensers (BLWDs), were used. The bacteriological results revealed a widespread of the coliform bacteria group in the BWDs while none were found in the BLWDs. Even so, the physicochemical results showed that 56.4% of the water samples from the BLWDs possessed the hardness value that exceeded the reference values of the drinking water regulation. For the assessment of the factors affecting drinking water quality, the number of faucets have an effect on the drinking water quality in the BWDs, of which the difference was statistically significant at p-value = 0.003 while the BLWDs have 3 factors that directly impacted the drinking water quality, namely, the location of water dispenser (p-value = 0.001), the drip tray water drainage system (p-value = 0.026), and the pathogen source around the water dispenser (p-value = 0.022). Ultimately, the primary source of this problem may be due to a lack of routine maintenance and cleaning, some water dispensers could be considered unfit for use. Keywords: Drinking water, free water dispensers, factors affecting drinking water quality, the higher education institution References American Public Health Association (2012) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater 22nd (ed), Washington, DC, USA. Bitton, G. (2005) Wastewater Microbiology 3rd (ed), John Wiley & Sons Inc, Canada, pp. 419–55. Cochran, W.G. (1963) Sampling Techniques 2nd (ed), John Wiley and Sons, Inc, New York. da Silva, M.E.Z., Santana, R.G., Guilhermetti, M., Camargo, F.I., Endo, E.H., Ueda-Nakamura, T., Nakamurac, C.V. & Dias, F.B.P. (2008) Comparison of the bacteriological quality of tap water and bottled mineral water. Int J Hyg Environ Health 211(5), 504–9. de Victorica, J. & Galvan, M. (2001) Pseudomonas aeruginosa as an indicator of health risk in water for human consumption. Water Sci Tech 43(12), 49–52. Department of Health (2010) The quality of Edible Tap Water. Ministry of Public Health, Thailand. Farhadkhani, M., Nikaeen, M., Adergani, B.A., Hatamzadeh, M., Nabavi, B.F. & Hassanzadeh, A. (2014) Assessment of drinking water quality from bottled water coolers. Iranian journal of public health 43(5), 674–81. Fiebelkorn, A.P., Person, B., Quick, R.E., Vindigni, S.M., Jhung, M. & Bowen, A. 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Southeast Asian J Trop Med Publ Health 36(1), 162–9. Thai Industrial Standards Institute (2006) Drinking Water (TIS 257-2006). Ministry of Industrial, Thailand, ISBN: 974-1508-26-3 World Health Organization (1996) Fighting Disease, Fostering Development. The World Health Report, Geneva, Switzerland, pp 1–5. World Health Organization (2003) Emerging issues in water and infectious disease. The World Health Report, Geneva, Switzerland, pp 5–8. World Health Organization (2011) Guidelines for drinking–water quality 4th (ed). |
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The theology of Eckankar: Its critique and study based on the Islamic teachingsAbdolreza Mahmoudi
pp. 799-816 | Article Number: ijese.2017.056
Abstract The present paper deals with theology from the point of view of the school of Eckankar and its critique based on the Islamic teachings. Three major topics are probed into in the school of Eckankar, i.e. the definition of religion, the origin of religion, and exclusiveness. On the topic of the definition of religion, Eckankar essentially regards as a religious experience in its common sense in the western culture. Therefore religion is an experience that the individual passes in him, and observing rituals such as going to the church are not regarded as faithfulness. From the point of view of Islamic teachings such an attitude causes the reduction of the values of the epistemic role of religion, while in Islam the epistemic aspects are very strong. On the topic of the origin of religion, once again the Eckankar School regards religion as the individual’s personal experiences .Therefore, based on the multiplicity of the individual’s religious experiences; religions will be multiple as well. Islamic teachings regard personal experiences as based on divine nature, but does not agree with the religious multiplicity as multiplicity in the legitimacy as regarded by the Eckankar School. The concluding part of this of this paper is the topic of religious exclusiveness of which the Eckankar School is a fervent advocate, but yet there are many contradictory points in the contents of the speeches of the supporters of this school. The paper attempts at showing its ambiguous and contradictory points from the point of view of Islamic teachings, and put to the test of critique. Keywords: Eckankar, religion, the origin of religion, exclusiveness, multiplicity of religion References Alam Hoda , Ali Bin Hussein Bin Moosa Almoosavi , (1425) “The Letters.”, the translator Ahmad Husseini Eshkavari, the Assembly for Islamic Treasures, Qom, the lunar year. Alston, William, and Mohammad Legnhausen, (1376)“Religion and New Perspectives.”, translated by Golam Hosen Tavakoli, The Center for Islamic Researches and Studies, Qom, , the solar year. Astor, Anthony, “Freud”, the translator, Hasan Marandi, (1375)Tarh e No, Tehran, the solar year. Ayaashi, Mohammad Bin Masood , (1384)“Ayaashi’s Interpretations.”, research by Rasooli Mahalati, the Islamic office, Tehran, the solar year. Eliade, Mircea, (1389) “Religion Studies.” , translated by Khoram Shahi, the research center for humanities and cultural studies, Tehran, , the solar year. Frume, Eric, (1348)“The Mission of Sigmund Freud.”, the translator Farid Javaher Kalam, Amir Kabir, Tehran the solar year. 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Criticism and study of the astrology of the Eckankar based on the teachings of IslamAbdolreza Mahmoudi, Maryam Shamsaie, Hashem Kakaei
pp. 817-840 | Article Number: ijese.2017.057
Abstract The subject of astrology in the School of Eckankar has two main bases of Karma and reincarnation. Karma or the very law of action and reaction can be called the moral basis of the Eckankar. The totality of this law is accepted by the reason and tradition. But yet what casts doubt and therefore a serious damage to this law would be a tight connection between Karma and Incarnation in the School of Eckankar. This is because the ECK believes that Karma is incarnated through the transmigration, and moves from a birth to another one and this long way is continued up to the constellations. Therefore, in this writing and while explaining the Karma and accepting it in its totality, various typed of incarnation are explained ,and then it will be studied and criticized based on the teachings of Islam. Keywords: astrology, Karma, transmigration References Al Andalusia, Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Saied Bin Hazm, by Mohammad Ibrahim Nasr and Abdul (1995), the Chapter on Nations, Thoughts and Schools”, research by Mohammad Ibrahim Nasr and Abdul Rahman Omeire, The House of the Generation, Beirut,. Avicenna, Hussein Bin Abdullah, (1363)“Healing”,, introductions by Ibrahim Madkoor, research by Al- Qanavati, and Saied Zayed, Nasir Khosro, Tehran, the solar year. Avicenna, Hussein Bin Abdullah, (1347)“The paper of Limitations”, the Publications of the Iranian Society for Philosophy, Tehran, the solar year. Avicenna, Hussein Bin Abdullah, (1339)” The Evidences and Warnings”,, Tehran University, Tehran, the solar year. Baghdadi, Abu Manzoor, (1417)“The Groups among Groups”,, introductions, notes and translation by Mohammad Javad Mashkoor, Eshraq, Tehran, , the lunar year. Chatter Jay, Sates Chandra, Data, and Drina Mohan, (1383)“An Introduction to the Philosophical Schools of India”, translated by Farnaz Nazer Zade Kerman, Qom: the Center for the Studies and Research on religions and Sects, the first edition, the solar year. Hume, Robert, (1379) ” The Living Religions of the World”,, translated by Abdul Rahim Govahi, the Office for the Publication of the Islamic Culture, Tehran, the solar year. Majlesi, Mohammad Baqer (1403), “The Lights of Seas”, , The Second Publications, the House for the Revitalization of the Arabic Culture, Beirut, the lunar year. Naas, John Bi. (1377) “The Comprehensive History of Religions”,, translated by Ali Asqar Hekmat, the ninth edition, the Scientific, Cultural Company of Publications , Tehran, the solar year. Sadra Al Moteallihin Shirazi, Mohammad, (1378) “The High Wisdom in the Four Mental Journeys”,, Mohammad, Al Heidari Publications, Tehran the solar year. Sadra Al Moteallihin Shirazi, Mohammad, (1360) “The Divine Evidences in the Ways of the Journeys”, research, notes and introductions by Seyed Jalal Ashtiyani, The Center for Comprehensive Publications, Beirut, the solar year. Shaygan, Daryush, (1362) “The Religions and Philosophical Schools of India” ,Amir Kabir publication , Tehran, the solar year. Sobhani, Jafar (1381),” Theology ”, Qom, the Society of the Teachers of Qom Seminary, the House of Islamic Publications, the solar year. Sohrevardi, Shahab Al Din Yaha Bi Abash, (1366)“The Wisdom of Enlightment”, Publications of Tehran University, the solar year. Toosi, Khaje Nasir Al Din , (1407)“The Abstraction of the Belief”, , the School for the Islamic Information , the center for publications, Qom, the lunar year. Toosi, Mohammad Bin Hassan, (1414)“The Explanation in the Interpretation of the Koran”,, The House for the Revitalization of the Arabic Culture, the lunar year. Toreihi, Fakhr AL Din Ibn Mohammad (1385), ” The Meetings of the Two Seas”, , the institute of resurrection, the center for publications and editions, Tehran, the solar year. Tulle, Herman, (2007)“Hinduism Karma”, Oxford Bibliographies Online,. Twitchell , Paul , (1380)“ The Letters of the Way of Light”, translated by Mino Arzhang, translated by Mino Arzhang, Sales, Tehran, the solar year. Twitchell, Paul, (1379)“The Way of the Darma”, translated by Mino Arzhang, Ahura, Tehran, the solar year. Twitchell, Paul (1380),” An Interview with the Master” . Tehran, the Gallery for Books, Zaria, the solar year. Twitchell, Paul (1983),” Eckankar Dictionary, publisher Illuminated Way publisher,. Twitchell, Paul (1968), All about Eckankar, publisher: Eckankar,. Twitchell, Paul (1998), The Shariyat –ki-Sugmad, vol. 1, publisher, Eckankar,. Twitchell, Paul (1999), The Shariyat, -ki-Sugmad, vol. 2, publisher, Eckankar,. Twitchell, Paul (1972)“The Key to the Secret Worlds”, publisher: Eckankar,. Twitchell, Paul, (1988)“Far Country”, publisher: illuminated way press,, collection: universal library,. Videngren, Geo, (1387) “Mani and His Teachings”, translated by Nozhat Safa Esfahani, the Center Publications, Tehran, the solar year. Zebedee, Mohammad Bin Mohammad (1965),” The Crown of the Bride from the Pearls of Culture”, Beirut, the House for Guidance, 1385 the lunar year. |
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Effect of positive psychology elements on job pride and honor with an emphasis on mediating role of communication among faculty members of Shiraz University of Medical SciencesSeyed Mohammad Hosein Kamani
pp. 841-849 | Article Number: ijese.2017.058
Abstract Introduction: job pride and honor is affected by various causes. Elements of positive psychology can be pointed out as one of them that in recent years has played an important role in organizational development. Hence, this study is to provide a prediction model about the impact of hope and resilience on job pride and honor with an emphasis on mediator role of communication among faculty members of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. Background and aim: The aim of this research was to examine the effect of hope and resilience on job honor with an emphasis on the mediating role of communication. Materials and Methods: 250 faculty members of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (Clinical Science and Basic Science Departments) were selected as the sample using Cochran’s formula and random stratified sampling. Data were collected using a standard questionnaire and were analyzed in Smart PLS. Findings/ Conclusion: The results of path analysis showed the significant positive effect of communications, hope and resilience on job honor. The results also indicated the significant positive effect of communication on job honor. The proposed model adequately fit the data. Keywords: Hope, Resiliency, Job honor, Organizational communications References Block, J, Kermen, AM. (1996) IQ and ego-resiliency: conceptual and empirical connections and separateness. Journal of personality and social psychology,; 70: 349-361. Collins, AM. (2009) Life experiences and resilience in college students: A relationship influenced by hope and mindfulness [Thesis]. Texas A&M University,: 141. Delancy, AD. (2005) Teaching hope a path to resilience [Thesis]. Xavier University,. Ehlers, LN. (2003) The relationship of communication satisfaction, job satisfaction, and self-reported absenteeism [Thesis]. Miami University,. Floman, JL. 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Investigate the relationship between socio-economic class and tendency to delinquency among students of Rey city in TehranAbdolreza Bagheri Bonjar
pp. 851-864 | Article Number: ijese.2017.059
Abstract Delinquency is a social phenomenon and has social context though biological factors, psychological, geographical, ethnic, racial and other items in the forming and occurring type of delinquency play an important role, explain the issue is on the basis of the social environment, limiting attitude of sociology scope in particular, the performance of the smallest and the most important social institution ie family that plays an important role in cooperation and homogeneous of normative behaviors of individuals with social environment. This study is conducted aimed to investigate the relationship between socio-economic class and delinquency rate with survey method. The sample population consisted of 260 students of Rey that its data is collected using a questionnaire. In this study to show the relationship between socioeconomic class and delinquency, several views is used such as Merton, Weber, and.., research findings indicate that there is a significant relationship between social class and delinquency meanwhile variables of social class (job and income and education) have had inverse relationship with delinquency, the more the rate of job and income and education of individual is high, the delinquency rate decreases Keywords: socio-economic class, tendency to delinquency, students References Ahmadi S (2000), Introduction to the ideas and theories of demographics – publications of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies in Tehran. Alavi Yazdi, Mohammad Taghi (2000) study of attitudinal issues in delinquency adolescents, Yazd Institute Publications,. Albort, Gordon Rebliyo, Jones, Edward, E. (1992). Psychologist from the beginning until now, Translated by Mohammad Taghi Manesh Tusi, Mashhad, publication of Astan Ghods Razavi Al,. Baker, F (1996) Based family therapy, translation of Mohsen Dehghani and Zohre Dehghani, Roshd publications,. Birou, Allen (1987), translated by Dr. Bagher Sarukhany- culture of Social Sciences, Tehran: Keyhan Institute,. Eslami Nasab, Ali (1997), human sexual behaviors, Tehran, Hayyan publication. Ezazi, Shhla (1997) family sociology, Tehran, publishing of intellectuals and women's studies. Farjad, Dr.MH, (1993) Social pathology, family conflicts and divorce- Tehran, Mansouri publications. Giddens, Antoni- Translator M. Saburi (2003) principles of sociology, Tehran, Ney publishing- 2002. Hajari, AR, global feminism and the challenges ahead, Qom Bustan,. Karimi, Dr. Yousef (1998), social psychology, theories, concepts and functions, Tehran: Publication of Arasbaran. Mohseni, M., (1996) Introduction to Sociology, Tehran, Davaran. Navabi Nejad, Shokuh, (2002) normal and abnormal behaviors of adolescents- Tehran: parents and educators publications,. Patrick Nolan, (2001) Gerhard Delnesky, human societies, translation of Naser Mofaghiyan, Tehran, Ney publishing,. Quen, Bruce, (1991) Introduction to the Sociology, translator Mohsen Talash, Tehran: Publication of contemporary culture, first publishing,. Roshan, Rasul (2010) process of premarital counseling, Proceedings of the National Congress of Counsling of State Welfare Organization, Department of Cultural Affairs and prevention Sanaei, Bagher (2008) marriage, views, cliffs and health - Educational Research, a new phase of Volume IV, Number 3 and 4, fall and winter Saroukhani, Bagher (2002), family sociology, Tehran, Soroush publication,. Sarukhani, Bagher (2002) divorce a research in understanding reality and its agents - Tehran University Press. Segalen, Martin, (1991) historical sociology of the family, Hamid Alyasi translation, Tehran, Markaz publishin,. Shambayati, Hushang (2000) delinquency in children and adelescents- Tehran, Jubin and Majd Publications,. Sotude and Mirzaiy, (2002) criminal psychology, Tehran, Avaye Noor Press,. Sotude, Hedayatollah (1997) Social Pathology (sociology of deviance) – Avaye Noor Press Institute,. Stephen Moor, (1997) Prefatory on sociology, translation of Morteza Saqbar, Tehran Ghoghnus,. William J. Gud (1973) family and society – translation of Vida Nasehi, Tehran, Translation firm and Publication of Ketab,. |
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Does Organizational Learning Affect the Performance of Higher Education Lecturers in Indonesia? The Mediating Role of Teaching CompetenceEdy Hartono, Sugeng Wahyudi, Pahlawansjah Harahap & Ahyar Yuniawan
pp. 865-878 | Article Number: ijese.2017.060
Abstract This study aims to analyze the relationship between lecturers’ performance and their teaching competence, measured by antecedent variables of organizational learning and need for achievement. It used the Structure Equation Model as data analysis technique, and the random sampling method to collect data from 207 lecturers of private universities in Central Java, Indonesia. The finding showed a positive significant relationship between the lecturers’ capability and performance. It reveals the valuable determinant of teaching competence in mediating the relationship between organizational learning and the performance. This study originally contributes significantly to the creation and transfer of knowledge in academic milieu, especially in higher education institutions. Keywords: organizational learning, need for achievement, teaching competence, lecturer performance References Amit, R., & Schoemaker, P. J. (1993). 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Philosophical Study on Two Contemporary Iranian Muslim Intellectual Responses to Modern Science and TechnologyMaryam Shamsaei, Mohd Hazim Shah
pp. 879-891 | Article Number: ijese.2017.061
Abstract Iranian modern thinkers in either of the two categories: Western-minded and religious. The most prominent aspect of Western minded thinkers is their emphasis on separation of tradition and modernity. On the other hand, religious thinkers look forward to combining the two. The Western-minded thinkers believe that the most important burden on development in Islamic countries is in the Islamic culture itself. Therefore, they try to minimize the impact of religion on culture and society. The other group which is more religious put the emphasis on encountering the negative responses to modernity by the religious society. They also have the concern for maintaining the religious identity and at the same time pushing the society toward development. The rise of such religious thinkers was also simultaneous with the Persian Constitutional Revolution.In this article I will discuss in detail the views of Murteza Mutahhari and Mehdi Golshani on modern science and technology. Keywords: Muslim Intellectual, Murteza Mutahhari, Mehdi Golshani, Modern Science, Technology References Algar, H. (1985). ‘Introduction’ (to Mut.ahhari’s life) in: Murtaz . a Mutahhari,Fundamentals of Islamic Thought. Berkeley: Mizan Press. 9. Al-Suyuti. (?). al-Jami' al-Saghir min Hadith al-Bashir al-Nazir (Vol. 1). Damascus: Maktabah al-Habuni. Borojardi, M. (1998). Roshanfekran-e Irani va Gharb (J. Shirazi, Trans. 2 ed.). Tehran: Nashr-E Pajhohesh Farzan Roze. 241 Golshani, M. (1997). The Holy Quran and the sciences of nature. New York: Institute of Global Cultural Studies. 9-14. Golshani, M. (1998). Since Secular science until religious knowledge. Tehran: Institute Humanities science and cultural studies.35-72,131-176. Golshani, M. (1999a). Emkan va Chegonegie Elm Dini. Hoze va Daneshgah,18(spring). 15-18. Golshani, M. (1999b). Elm va Din. Mah Nameh Amozashi va Etela Resani Maaref, 64(winter). Golshani, M. (2003, 2003.5.4). Scientific Activity is also Religiosity.from www.Tebyan.net Golshani, M. (2004). Mutahhari's Encounter with Modern Science. Islamic Studies, 43(2):24,293-294. Kashefi, M. R. (1997). Elm va Dien az Didgah Shahid Mutahhari (Science and Religious on the Mutahhari Ideas). Ghabasat 3(1):39-47,49-51. Kazemi, A. (2008). Jameshenasi Roshanfekri Dini dar Iran. Tehran: Tarh-e No.119. Khomeini , R. (1961). Sahifih-yi Nur (Vol. 4). Tehran: Sazman-e Madarek-e Farhangi-ye Enqelab-e Islami. 104 Martin, V. (2000). Creating an Islamic State:Khomeini and the Making of New Iran. International Jornal of Middle East, 34(2), 75. Mesba Yazdi, M. T. (2000). Porsesh-haa va Pasokh-haa. Qom: Imam Khomeini Institute. Mutahhari, M. (1994). Elal-e Grayesh be Madigeri (The Causes Responsible.Materialist Tendencies in the West) (15 ed.). Tehran: Entesharat-e Sadra. 62-72, 93. Motahhari, M. (1989). Mas’alih-yi Shinakht (Recognition Problem ) (3 ed.). Tehran: Entesharat-e Sadra.166,167. Mutahhari, M. (1999). Us.u¯ l-i Falsafih va Ravish-i Rialism,(Principles of Philosophy &Realism) (4 ed.). Tehran: Intisharat-e Sadra. Mutahhari, M. (2000). Ensan va Iman (Man &Faith). Tehran: Entesharat-e Sadra. 25,27. Mutahhari, M. (2001). Insan-i Kamil,(Complet Man), (1 ed.). Tehran: Intisharat-i Islami.200-201. Motahhari, M. (2008). Majmuah i-i Asar, (Collected Works). Tehran: Intisharat-e Sadra.358,401. Mutahhari, M. (1989). Mas’alih-yi Shinakht (Recognition Problem ) (3 ed.). Tehran: Entesharat-e Sadra. Mutahhari, M. (1994). Elal-e Grayesh be Madigeri (The Causes Responsible for Materialist Tendencies in the West) (15 ed.). Tehran: Entesharat-e Sadra. Rayshahri, M. (1996). Mizan al Hikmah (Vol. 3). Tehran. Religious on the Mutahhari Ideas). Ghabasat 3(1), 39,2465. Richardson, W. M., & Slack, G. (2001). Fith in Science:Science Search for Truth. New York, London: Routledge.120 . Yousefi Eshkevari, H. (1997). Bonyad gerai va Nowgeraei dar Islam Moaser Irani. Iran-e Farda, 35: 38 |
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Efficiency Comparison of Kernel Interpolation Functions for Investigating Spatial Variability of Temperature in IranMajid Javari
pp. 893-916 | Article Number: ijese.2017.044
Abstract The kernel interpolation techniques provide a suitable spatial format that computes a temperature output layer for temperature output pattern. In this study, the efficiency of kernel interpolation functions for investigating spatial variability of temperature in Iran were studied during 39 years (1975-2014) at 174 stations and 29664 temperature points. In this study, six functions (Exponential, Gaussian, Guartic, Epanechnikov, Polynomial5 and Constant) were used to analyze and forecast monthly, seasonal and annual temperature kernel function patterns variability. Among the kernel functions, the strongest effect was discovered between functions for temperature forecasting the Exponential function at all stations during 39 years. The results showed that the increases in spatial variations of the temperature were occurring mostly in mountainous regions and there are different temperature spatial variation patterns (effect factors) in Iran. 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