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Creativity in The Structure of Professionalism of a Higher School TeacherIrina Petrovna Gladilina
pp. 1691-1699 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.546a | Article Number: ijese.2016.140
Abstract In the science, due to the absence of strict and exact criteria for differentiating between creative and non-creative activities of a human, there is no rather full definition of ‘creativity’ notion despite that this matter was addressed by many scholars. Multifactor field in the science on creativity allows interpreting the essence of ‘creative personality’ notion as the set of independent separate characteristics identifying original individuality of a personality and the highest degree of its creative achievement. Meantime, creative approaches to the solution of professional tasks show the creative essence of a higher school teacher and are manifested in creative activity. On the basis of the analysis of literature on the research topic, the notion of ‘development of creativity in the structure of professionalism of a higher school teacher’ was formed: the activity seeking to establish purposed desire for creativity in a higher school teacher’s personality in the course of exercising his/her professional duties and development of his/her personal qualities required in that connection. In the course of the research it was acknowledged that development of creativity in a higher school teacher includes: a personality’s need in creative activity; creative skills; characterological personal features; individual specifics of psychical processes. The author, based on own experience, rationalizes the suggestion that the principal factor of successful training of adults (post-graduate studies, skills upgrading, professional retraining) is creative organization of not only the academic process but also of creative cooperation at all the stages of communicative chain ‘higher school teacher – adult trainee’.
Keywords: creativity, professionalism, training scientific and pedagogical staff, post-graduate study, skills upgrading, professional retraining References Bogoyavlenskaya, D.B., (2002). Psychology of Creative Abilities: Workbook for Students of Higher School. Moscow: Akademiya Publishing Center. De Bono, E., (2012). Lateral Thinking (P. Samsonov, Trans.). Minsk: OOO Popurri. Vershlovskiy, S.G., (2004). Education of Adults in Russia: Issues of Theory. Date Views 04.04.2016 www. Znanie.org/docs/vershl. Platonov, K.K., (1975). Personality as a Socio-Psychological Phenomenon in Social Psychology, Moscow. Ponomaryov, Ya.A., (1976). Psychology of Creativity. Moscow: Nauka. Rogers, K. and H.J. Freinberg, (2002). Freedom to Learn. Moscow: Smysl. Sergeyeva, S.A., (2015). Leadership Development Problems in Management Psychology. Contemporary Issues of Science and Education, 3. Date Views 04.04.2016 www.science-education.ru/123-19614. Andersen, S.M. and S. Chen, (2002). The Relational Self: An Interpersonal Social-Cognitive Theory. Psychological Review, 109(4), 619-645. Brunner, J., (1966). Toward a Theory of Instruction. New-York. Maslow, A., (1968). Towards a Psychology of Being. New York: Van Nostrand. Runco, M., (2004). Creativity. Annual Review of Psychology, 55, 657-687. Simonton, D., (1988). Creativity, Leadership, and Chance. In R. Sternberg (Ed.), The Nature of Creativity, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp: 386-426. Sternberg, R. and J. Wisdom, (2003). Intelligence, and Creativity Synthesized. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. |
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Methodology of Artistic Identification on the Path of the Comprehension of Composer’s Works in A Piano ClassElena Anatolyevna Meleshkina, Anna Iosifovna Scherbakova, Irina Anatolyevna Korsakova, Elena Vladimirovna Slavina & Irina Sergeevna Kazakova
pp. 1701-1710 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.547a | Article Number: ijese.2016.141
Abstract The article is devoted to the reflection on the problem of the “immersion” in the artistic world of a composer’s creative work in a piano class in the beginning of the 21st century. The wealth and diversity of the music material for piano players determine the new quality of understanding music and set high goals and objectives for a performing musician and a music teacher, the achievement of which becomes a factor of considerable professional and spiritual growth. In the authors’ opinion, the involvement in the never-ending process of immersion in the musical world of images, meanings and moods, inherent in music, requires of a modern music teacher the ability to create a pedagogical environment that would contribute to performance-related, musical and aesthetic, spiritual and moral development of an artist’s personality. This, in turn, is inextricably associated with the training of universally educated musicians, possessing a high humanitarian culture, emotional responsiveness and comprehensive knowledge. In this regard, it seems to be efficient to apply in the pedagogical process the combination of musical-aesthetic and psycho-pedagogical approaches proposed in the article – conceptual, syncretic and comparative-contrastive. Another efficient approach is based on using in a piano class the methodology of artistic identification of a musical composition (“immersion technique”), developed on the basis of L. Ionin’s theory “Identification and dramatization” (Ionin, 1998), which involves stage-by-stage assimilation of external and internal aspects of a comprehended phenomenon as a unity of form and content Keywords: method, methodology, music teacher, psycho-pedagogical approaches, artistic identification, composers’ works, stylistic features, comprehension of music, emotional response References Anufriev, E.A. (2013). Optimization of the Process of Vocational Training of a Modern Musician. In Music in the Information Space of the Culture of the Third Millennium: Problems, Opinions, Perspectives: Collection of Scientific Papers (Issue 8), Moscow: Russian State Social University, pp: 83-87. Anufrieva, N.I. (2012). Music Education as a Phenomenon of Russian Artistic Culture. RSSU Proceedings, 1: 96-99. Bakhtin, M.M. (1996). On the Philosophy of the Act. Moscow: Labyrinth. Berger, L.G. (1997). Epistemology of Art. Moscow: Information and Publishing Agency “Russian World”. Davydova, A.A. (2013). Systemic and Stylistic Approach in the Vocational Training of a Modern Musician: On the Problem of the Development of Musical and Stylistic Competence in a Performance Class of a Higher Educational Institution. In Music in the Information Space of the Culture of the Third Millennium: Problems, Opinions, Perspectives: Collection of Scientific Papers (Issue 8), Moscow: Russian State Social University, pp: 94-99. Dzhurinskiy, A.N. (1998). History of Foreign Pedagogy. Moscow: Forum – INFRA-M. Feynberg, S.E. (2003). Pianism as Art. Moscow: Music. Gakkel, L.E. (1995). The Grandeur of Performance. Saint Petersburg: Reindeer. Ionin, L. (1998). Sociology of Culture. Moscow. Kagan, M.S. (1996). Philosophy of Culture. Saint Petersburg: LLP TK Petropolis. Kolomiets, G.G. (2001). Musical and Aesthetic Education (Axiological Approach). Orenburg: Orenburg Institute of Advanced Training of Educators. Mil'shteyn, Ya.I. (1983). Issues of Theory and History of Artistic Performance. Moscow: Music. Nikolaeva, A.I. (2003). Style-Related approach in a Piano Performance Class of a Pedagogical University as a Factor of the Development of the Personality of a Music Student. Moscow: Prometey. Okrainets, I.A. (1994). Domenico Scarlatti. Through Instrumentalism to the Style. Moscow: Music. Prikhod'ko, V.I. (1997). Musical Texture and a Performing Musician. Kharkiv: Folio. Schumann, R. (1975). On Music and Musicians (Vol. 1). Moscow: Music. Shcherbakova, A.I. (2001). Axiology of Musical-Pedagogical Education. Moscow: Prometheus. Shor, Yu. M. (2003). Culture as Experience. Saint Petersburg: Saint-Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Theory and Methodology of Teaching Piano (2001). Moscow: Humanitarian Publishing Center Vlados. Vygotsky, L.S. (1987). Psychology of Art. Moscow: Pedagogy. |
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Results of The Investigation of Psychological Influence On Development of Students’ MotivationG.Zh. Lekerova, G.K..Karbozova, A.S.Isabayeva, B.S. Dlimbetova, R.U.Mamykova, G..A.Omarova, & A. Zh. Aymenov
pp. 1711-1720 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.548a | Article Number: ijese.2016.142
Abstract The article considers peculiar problems of motivation formation in pedagogical activity, motivational sphere of the personality by means of purposeful influence of psychological factors, influence in the form of active methods of study (special psychological course, practicum, and training), problems of realization of active methods in teaching process worked out on the basis of collective-dialogue cognitive activity (CDCA) technology. Keywords: motivation of pedagogical activity, professional orientation, professional intentions, professional choice, active methods of study, life-sense personality orientations, professionally significant qualities, motivation need sphere References Alshuler, A.S., Tabor D., Мс. Intire. (1970). Teaching achievement motivation. - Middletown, Conn. Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavior change. Psychological Review, 191-215. Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy. The exercise of control. New-York: Freeman and Co. Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1975). Beyond boredom and anxiety. San-Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Danilova, N.N. (1989). Physiology of the higher nervous activity. - M,. Deci, E. (1985). Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior. -N.Y.: Plenum. Dweck, C.S. (1999). Self-theories: Their role in motivation, personality and development. Philadelphia,. Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional Intelligence. Bantam Books. Gordeeva, Т.О. (2002). Cognitive and emotional predictors of academic achievement motivation// Paper presented at the 8 International Conference on Achievement and Task Motivation. Moscow, June 12-15. Handbook of creativity (1999). Td. By R. Sternberg. N.Y.: Cambridge University Press. Horner, M.S. (1972). Toward an understanding of achievement related concepts in women.T. of social issues. Hyin, E.P. (2000). Motivation and motives. St. Peter, pp.69. Join Joan and 20,350,855 other researchers on Academia.edu http://bham.academia.edu/JoanDuda Lekerova, G.Zh. (2009). Active methods of training as the psychological basis of development of motivation in the course of training- Training psychology. –Moscow. 6,17-28 Lekerova, G.Zh. (2014). Features of Motives` Manifestation of Professional Development and Personal Characteristics of Future Teachers. Life Science Journa 11 (ls). Lekerova, G.Zh. (2007). Features of the organization and conduct of professional orientation to teaching profession in the field of education. The Psychology of learning Moscow 9, 100-109 Lekerova, G.Zh. (2007). Forming of professionally pedagogical orientations and motivations in the system of high professional schools. Innovations in education.- Moscow,10, 100-109. Lekerova, G.Zh. (2015). Influence of psychological maintenance on development of educational motivation of students- European magazine of education and applied psychology. Austria 5, 142-150. Lekerova, G.Zh. (2014). Psychological and pedagogical bases of active teaching methods. Life Science Journal.-; 11 (bs). Lekerova, G.Zh. (2015). Psychologische Mechanismen zum Formieren der beruflichen.-Orientierung einer Persönlichkeit.- Austrian magazine of humanitarian and social sciences.- Austria, , №5, pp:125-139. Lekerova, G.Zh. (2015). Research of features of motivational sphere of pedagogical specialties students. European magazine of education and applied psychology. Austria, 4, 115-129. Lekerova, G.Zh. (2008). Results of research of influence of psychological maintenance on development of motivation of students teachers and teachers of practicians. Training psychology. Moscow, 9, 93-147. Lekerova, G.Zh. (2015). Study of internal and external learning motivation of students of pedagogical high school. European magazine of education and applied psychology, Austria, 4, pp:130-141. Lekerova, G.Zh. (2015). Psychological accompaniment of professional training of students. European scientific review, Austria, 4, 100-120. |
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Educational Services Market as A Factor of Formation of Professional Mobility and Conditions for Its ImplementationVasily Vasilevich Kadakin & Guseyn Gardash ogly Zeynalov
pp. 1721-1734 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.549a | Article Number: ijese.2016.146
Abstract The relevance of the problem stated in the article is conditioned by the fact that the inclusion of Russia into the international market area requires a new quality in educators – professional mobility. The market is not an end in itself, but the environment in which educators must learn to fulfill their personal, intellectual and creative potentials. Many Russian experts do not have such experience and the ability to quickly respond to market challenges. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of the Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute in the educational services market of the Volga, Russia and at the international level aimed at the formation of professional mobility and market-oriented mind in educators and students and the experience of the management of their pathways. In 2009, the Institute developed the Management and Development Policy. The structure of the proposed Management and Development Policy includes: strategic and tactical steps aimed at the formation of professional mobility in educators of the Institute by enhancing professionalism and including them as elements in the market environment of the region and Russia. The Institute offers a new model of work organization as a result of purposeful management of teachers' performance through the introduction of a flexible incentive scale following the results of scientific-pedagogical activities. In this model, mobility becomes systemically important, and the market is a factor for its formation and conditions for its implementation. The higher education institution serves as a link between an educator and the market. The task of the higher education institution is to create conditions under which educators implement their intellectual and creative potential, forming and leading a pathway of professional mobility. The tasks of educators include cooperation with each other, with students, external partners on network cooperation, the administration of the higher education institution. The ability to hold and control a dialogue serves as the main instrument. As a result of cooperation, small mobile groups working in a particular period of time are formed in order to solve a specific task on the basis of the division of labor between the parties on a functional basis. The simulation method allows to consider the problem as a results-oriented and organized process for the formation of professional mobility. The systemic approach involves consideration of the object under study as the integrity, conditionally abstracting from external factors. The article does not provide solutions to all problems, but determines the dependence of the professional mobility of a specialist on processes of the educational services market. Keywords: market, educational services, mobility, controlled dialogue, cooperation, labor organization, competitiveness, incentive scale References Abankina, I., Abankina, T., Filatova, L., Nikolayenko, E. and Seroshtan, E. (2012). The Effects of Reform on the Performance of Higher Education Institutions. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 4(1): 23-41. Amirova, L.A., (2006). The Development of Professional Mobility of a Teacher in the Space of His/her Personal Self-Realization. Ufa: Eastern University. Bakhtin, M.М., (1984). Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics (C. Emerson, Trans.). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Basharina, A.V., (2010). The Influence of Socio-Demographic Factors on the Educational Services Market in the Sphere of Higher Education in the Russian Federation Regions. SGA Materials, 6: 101-109. Date Views 23.03.2016 www.edit.muh.ru/content/mag/trudy/06_2010/10.pdf. Dolyatovskiy, V.A., Mazur, O.A., Kuznetsova, I.V., Sakiev, E.E. and Ryabchenko, T.N. (2005). Strategic Planning of the University Activities in the Educational Services Market: Monograph. Rostov-on-Don, Nevinnomyssk: SKNTS VSH-RGEU "RINKH" – NIEUP . Igoshev, B.M., (2008). The Organizational-Pedagogical System of Training of Professional and Mobile Specialists in the Pedagogical University: Monograph. Moscow: Humanitarian Publishing House "VLADOS". Kadakin, V.V., (2012). Innovative Processes in Higher Education (from the Professional Experience of the Mordovian State Pedagogic Institute named after Evsevyev M.E.). Humanities and Education, 2, 9-12. Kalashnicova, E.A., (2010). Competitiveness of the Higher Educational Institution in the Market of Educational Services in Krasnoyarsk City and Krasnoyarsk Region. Bulletin of Siberian Aerospace University named after Academician M.F Reshetnev. Mathematics, Mechanics, Computer Science, 7, 202-206. Maria Antony Raj, D., Raguraman, M. and Veerappan, R. (2013). Marketing of Educational Services: A New Strategy for Customer Satisfaction. International Journal of Scientific Research and Management, 1(8), 435-440. Date Views 14.04.2016 www.ijsrm.in. Pankrukhin, A.P., (2007). Educational Services Advertising. Alma Mater, 8: 55-64. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 583 "On the Introduction of New Remuneration of Labor of Employees of Federal Budgetary and State-Financed Institutions and Federal State Bodies, as well as Civilian Personnel of Military Units, Agencies and Departments of the Federal Executive Bodies, in Which the Law Provides for Military and Equivalent Service, Which Payment is Being Made on the Basis of the Unified Tariff Scale of Remuneration of Employees of Federal Executive Government Agencies", 2008, August 5. Date Views 14.04.2016 ivo.garant.ru/#/document/193695/paragraph/14925:1. Rodina, E.N., Chekushkina, E.N. and Kostina, R.G. (2015). Socio-Philosophical Substantiation of Making Good Use of Intellectual and Creative Resources in a Teachers’ Training Institution of Higher Education. Asian Social Science, 11(6): 111-117. Ryabova, N.V., (2012). Mordovian Basic Center of Pedagogic Education as an Innovative Structural Unit of the Institute. Humanities and Education, 2, 41-45. Sazonova, N.G., (2012). Creating a Mechanism of Interaction with the Regional Employers in order to Implement the Forecasting of Staffing Needs to Achieve a Balance between Supply and Demand in the Labor Market. In Supply and Demand in the Labor Market and the Educational Services Market in the Regions of Russia: Book of Reports Based on the Materials of the Ninth All-Russian Scientific and Practical Internet-Conference (October 31 – November 1, 2012) (Vol. 2), Petrozavodsk: PetrSU Publishing House, pp: 244-251. Shukshina, T.I., (2011). The Mordovian Basic Center of Pedagogic Education as an Innovative Model of Teacher Training. Russian Scientific Journal, 23, 76-86. Sudarkina, Kh.W., (2012). Marketing of Educational Services Provided by the University: Features, Opportunities and Prospects. Southern Federal University (SFU) Bulletin. Technical sciences, 8, 138-142. The Federal Law of the Russian Federation No 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", 2012, December 29. Date Views 14.04.2016 www.rg.ru/2012/12/30/obrazovanie-dok.html. The Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 3266-1 "On Education", 1992, July 10. Date Views 14.04.2016 www.consultant.ru/popular/edu/43_4.html#p1647. Volkova, M.M. and Zvezdova, A.B. (2009). Marketing Research in the Sphere of Educational Services. Marketing, 6, 45-53. Zeinalov, G.G., (2013). The Innovative Activities of Mordovian State Pedagogic Institute. Modern Research of Social Problems, 8(28). Date Views 14.04.2016 www.sisp.nkras.ru. |
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Green Skills for Green Economy: Case of The Environmental Education Role in Kazakhstan's EconomyGaini Dlimbetova, Zhanbol Zhylbaev, Lyailya Syrymbetova & Aiman Аliyeva
pp. 1735-1742 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.550a | Article Number: ijese.2016.144
Abstract The research on situation with developing “green skills” in conditions of transition to “green economy” is analysed in this article. Kazakhstan like many other states has been going through transition to “green economy” since 2013. Economic reforms have made an impact on the system of environmental education. The authors of this research directed their efforts at revealing how people use “green skills” in such sectors as catering, car-service and waste management. The authors carried out sociological survey and observation in order to find out to what extent knowledge, skills, opinions, types of behaviour associated with “green skills” are spread among the respondents. Comparative analysis demonstrated that application of environment-friendly operating procedures at enterprises in official and non-official sector vary. Many employees perceive “green skills” as environmental friendliness and have no proper understanding of the role of “green skills”. Keywords: green economy, green jobs, “green skills”, environment-friendly procedures References Altynbekova Zh. A., Shaihova B. (2013). Formirovanie ekologicheskih znaniy na urokah himii s ispol'zovaniem kollektivnyh sposobov obucheniya. Altay – zolotaya kolybel' tyurkskogo mira. [Dissemination of Environmental Knowledge in Chemistry Classes Using of Collective Teaching Methods. Altai - Golden Cradle of the Turkic world]. Azizov, A.A., Akinshina, N.G. (2009). Obrazovanie v interesah ustoychivogo razvitiya. Razvitie navykov v interesah ustoychivogo razvitiya.[Education for Sustainable Development. Shaping Skills for Sustainable Development.] Tashkent, 2009 Belén Sanchez, A., Hofmann, Ch. (2009). ILO green jobs initiative and implications for skills development. Future skill needs for the green economy. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2009. Brown, M., (2015). Developing and Using Green Skills for the Transition to a Low Carbon Economy. 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[Information on implementation of Plan of Measures on Realization of the Framework of Transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to "Green economy" for 2013 - 2020 years, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, July 31, 2013, No. 750] International Labour Office (ILO). 2011. Greening The Global Economythe Skills Challenge International Labour Office, (2013) Ustoychivoe razvitie, dostoynyy trud i zelenye rabochie mesta [Sustainable Development, Decent Work and Green Jobs. International Labour Conference, 102 session]. http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_norm/---relconf/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_207370.pdf Kontseptsiya po perekhodu Respubliki Kazahstan k «zelenoy ekonomike» [Framework on the Republic of Kazakhstan’s transition to “Green Economy”], Astana, 2013. Litvinova O.A., Morozova E.E., (2013). Formirovanie ekologicheskoy kompetenosti mladshih shkol'nikov. [Shaping Environmental Competence of Younger Students]. Vector Nauki TSU. No. 1 (23). Maclean, R., (2012). Research for Capacity Building for Green Skills in a Greeing Economy. Green Economy – Green Skills Symposium EU Centre at RMIT Melbourne 2012. Nurgalieva D.A., Nurgalieva M.A., Baykanova, D.M. (2013). Analiz sostoyaniya problemy organizatsii ekologicheskogo obrazovaniya studentov. Altay – zolotaya kolybel' tyurkskogo mira. [Analysis of Problems of Environmental Education of Students. Altai - Golden Cradle of the Turkic world] Strategicheskiy plan razvitiya Respubliki Kazahstan do 2020 goda. Utverzhden ukazom Prezidenta Respubliki Kazahstan ot 1 fevralya 2010 goda № 922 [Strategic Plan of Development of Kazakhstan till 2020. Approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on February 1, 2010 No. 922] http://www.kazpravda.kz/_pdf/feb10/120210plan_2020.pdf. UN Economic and Social Council, (2011). A Green Economy in the Context of Sustainable. Development and Poverty Eradication. UNEP, (2009). Globalny zelenyi novyi kurs. 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Electronic Learning Courses as A Means to Activate Students’ Independent Work in Studying PhysicsViktor Yurjevich Shurygin & Lyubov Alekseevna Krasnova
pp. 1743-1751 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.551a | Article Number: ijese.2016.145
Abstract Currently, there are special requirements to the system of higher education, focused not only on imparting knowledge to students, but also on the formation of the continuous need for independent self-education, self-creative approach to getting knowledge throughout their active life. In this regard, the role of students’ independent work with its potential to revitalize educational and research activities, to form general and professional competencies, self-education and self-promotion increases significantly. Currently, high-quality educational process is impossible without effective information and communication technologies. Particular importance is attached to the development and use of electronic educational courses which provides that all students of the academic group, without exception, will be involved into the process of learning. However, experience shows that students and teachers are not adequately trained to organize independent work effectively, and there are many issues that need to be addressed. The paper considers the problem of organization of students’ independent work in the study of physics through the use of remote modules, and describes the experience of the development and application of electronic learning courses (ELC) for the major sections of physics at the Physics and Mathematics Department in Elabuga Institute of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University. The obtained results prove the importance and effectiveness of the developed electronic educational courses in the study of physics in the context of improving the efficiency of students’ independent work when competency approach is used for training bachelors that enhances their competitiveness. Keywords: physics, higher education, learning process, self-study, distance learning, e-learning course References Andreev, A.A., (2003). 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Interactive teaching methods in higher education.Psychological Journal of International University of Nature, Society and Man "Dubna", 2: 1–18 http://edutechdebate.org/distance-education-for-teachers/distance-education-for-teacher-training-modes-models-and-methods/ http://www.iiav.nl/ezines/IAV_607294/IAV_607294_2010_3/Brabazon.pdf Ivanchenko, D.A., (2014) Management of mobile technologies in the information space of the modern university, Higher education in Russia, 7: 93-100. Krasnova L.A., Anisimova T.I., (2013). Particularities of Remote-Acting Courses to Upgrade Teaching Qualification. World Applied Sciences Journal 27 (Education, Law, Economics, Language and Communication): 158-161. URL: http://www.idosi.org/wasj/wasj27(elelc)13/33.pdf. doi: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2013.27.elelc.33 Moore, M.G. and Anderson W. (2nd ed. 2012). Handbook of Distance Education.Psychology Press.Taylor and Francis. Polat, E.S., Moiseeva, M.V., Petrov, A.E., (2006). 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Data Views 06.09.2013 www.aacsb.edu/publications/whitepapers/quality-issues-distance-learning.pdf. Timerbaev R.M., ShuryginV.Yu., (2014). Pedagogic Condition and Methodological Aspects of Education Intensification on the Course "Theoretical Mechanics". .Life Science Journal, 11(12): 405-408. Ustyugova, V.N., (2011). Work of the student in distance learning system MOODLE: a tutorial. Kazan, TSHPU, 59 p. |
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Prospect of Foster Family by Foster Children With DisabilitiesLiliya Arturovna Aslamazova, Alla Anatolievna Yurina, Lyubov Pavlovna Kochenkova & Ludmila Vyacheslavovna Krasnova
pp. 1753-1763 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.552a | Article Number: ijese.2016.143
Abstract This article deals with child-parent relationships in foster families, who bring up foster children with disabilities. The research was conducted in Republic of Adygheya (the Russian Federation). We have found out that, according to a child’s view, interfamily relationships can be very ambivalent. On the one hand, foster children say that they have positive relationships with foster parents and describe their foster family as friendly, affectionate and thoughtful; on the other hand, they experience many difficulties in establishing interpersonal relationships, they can’t collaborate and have a high level of anxiety and hostility towards others. They view interfamily relationships as complicated, conflict, emotionally cold. Keywords: foster children, foster family, foster parents, parent-child relationship, perception, representation, disabilities References Adoption in Russia: Internet project of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation. 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Study of The Peculiarities of Color Vision in The Course of "Biophysics" in A Pedagogical UniversityElena Borisovna Petrova & Fairuza Musovna Sabirova
pp. 1765-1776 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.553a | Article Number: ijese.2016.147
Abstract The article substantiates the necessity of studying the peculiarities of color vision of human in the course "Biophysics" that have been integrated into many types of higher education institutions. It describes the experience of teaching this discipline in a pedagogical higher education institution. The article presents a brief review of the most compelling existing color vision hypotheses, according to the authors mind: G. Allen, P. Lucas and N. Domini, which are mainly associated with the appearance of color perception with dietary habits of human ancestors, and a fundamentally different assumptions of M. Changizi, whereby the color perception was necessary for a human for a good communication with their own kind for the evaluation of skin tones. In this article is observed the system of the educational experiment research of the functioning of the color perception system of the human eye, as a natural addition to the proposed hypotheses. An experimental study model of a fragment of the retina is proposed, and a laboratory work on the study of a system of a colour human perception, the study of a photobiological paradox of vision by the example of a study model of the opaque lens (cataract). The subject results of its use in a pedagogical university are debated. All this allows us to focus on a caring attitude for human biotic sensory systems in aggressive abiotic influences. It is especially important in teachers training, aimed at training and raising a healthy younger generation. The authors also consider it necessary to acquaint future teachers with the authors of the various theories of color vision and the curricula vitae of the authors of the various discoveries, because this allows enhancing an interest in the study course. Keywords: Teaching, biophysics, human vision, color vision, educational experiment, photobiological paradox, biographical information References Abuhmaid, Changizi, M., 2009. 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Ecology and evolution of color vision of primates. Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 87(4-5), 230-238. Wakakuwa, M., Terakita, A., Koyanagi, M., Stavenga, D.G., Shichida, Y., Arikawa, K., 2010. Evolution and Mechanism of Spectral Tuning of Blue-Absorbing Visual Pigments in Butterflies. PLoS ONE. 5(11), e15015. Zack, P., Egorova, T., Rosenblum, Y., Ostrovsky M. 2005. Spectral vision correction: scientific basis and practical application. M.: Scientific world, p.454. |
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A Preschooler in the World of Russian Culture of the PeoplesRamilya Sh. Kasimova & Marina V. Stepanova
pp. 1777-1789 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.562a | Article Number: ijese.2016.156
Abstract This article is aimed at the disclosure of the process of familiarizing senior preschool children to the culture of different nations through didactic games. The purpose of the article is to determine the content of ethno-national culture of the people, accessible to children preschool age, which includes a set of elements of ethnic (folk costume, folk tales, games, music, dance, decorative and applied arts) and national (symbolism, sights) culture, and realized didactic games. A structurally-substantial characteristics of a subject position of pre-school age child, consisting of the following components: motivational-value (interest and relevance to ethno-national culture), cognitive (understanding of the ethno-national culture of their own and other peoples), emotional (emotional manifestations in the process of interaction with elements of ethno-national culture), the regulatory-activity (activity initiative in creative activity and the ability to self-willed behavior). The leading approach to the study of this problem is the activity that allows you to consider the work as a means of formation and development of human subjectivity. The article highlights the criteria for assessing the level of development of a subject position of the child's personality in the process of development of ethno-national culture of the people: the scope and completeness of knowledge about ethnic and national culture of their own and other peoples, the degree of expression of interest, the content and methods of expression related to ethno-national culture, expression of positive emotions in interaction with the elements culture of the people, the behavior of the child in its development; defined levels of a subject position of the child's personality in the process of development of ethno-national culture of the people. Article submissions are of practical value to teachers of preschool educational institutions. Keywords: Russia’s people culture, ethno-national culture, child’s subject standpoint, didactic game References Babunova, E. S. (1996). Formation at children of the senior preschool age of interest in the Russian family traditional culture: PhD Thesis. Moscow, 122 p. Babybina, T. F. (2001). Formation of the person of the senior preschool age child in the course of acquaintance with national culture: PhD Thesis. Ekaterinburg, 229 p. Barahsanova, E. A. (1995). Pedagogical conditions of use of the Yakut people's board games in the intellectual development of children 4-11 years: PhD Thesis. Yakutsk, 118 p. Barilo, O. S. (1999). Pedagogical conditions of early versatile spiritually-moral development of children of the senior preschool age: PhD Thesis. Kostroma, 119 p. Beloborodova, N. S. (1999). Formation rodinovedcheskih concepts in children of the senior preschool and younger school age in the educational process: PhD Thesis. Ufa, 119 p. Belovolova, S. P. (2001). 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Yakutsk, 19 p. |
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Networking and Special Educational Institutions for The Purpose of Socialization of Children with DisabilitiesGulnara V. Valiullina & Anastasia E. Fedotova
pp. 1791-1796 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.583a | Article Number: ijese.2016.177
Abstract The relevance to the article topic due to the fact that the network character of interaction of educational institutions aims at the implementation of accessible education of children with disabilities as a strategic objective of educational policy of Russian Federation. The purpose of the article is to analyze the existing models of network interaction between special (correctional) and general education institutions, institutions of additional in the Chuvash Republic and administration of educational networks. Leading method to the study of these problems is the analyses of theoretical literature, statistical data and work experience of educational institutions of the Republic in the field of networking, which allowed to reveal mechanisms of effective management of network interaction of educational institutions on the basis of cooperation and competition, and to describe existing models of educational networks of the Chuvash Republic. Results overview of network interaction in education Chuvash Republic, identifying effective models and management mechanisms educational networks in practical terms allows to formulate and solve educational networks for the task of structural optimization, distribution of educational resources and motivational management. Keywords: Networking, socialization, special school, children with disabilities References Chernova, G. P. & Zakharova, G. P. (2011). Complex modernization of the special education system in Chuvashia. Organization of inclusive educational space in the conditions of the comprehensive modernization of the education system in Chuvash Republic, 1, 6-11. Federal law of the Russian Federation (2012, December 29) Federal law of the Russian Federation "On education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ. Fedotova, A. E. (2014). The Experience of internship on: "The Spread of modern organizational-the legal models providing successful socialization of children with disabilities". Affordable education – successful socialization, 1, 228-230. Jakovicka, N. N. (2008). Model of network interaction of educational institutions in regional educational system. Izvestiya RGPU A. I. Herzen, 73, 26-29. Lazarev, V. S. (2008). Innovation Management in the school. Moscow: Center for teacher education. 153 p. Malofeyev, N. N. & Shmatko, N. D. (2008). The Basic model of integrated education. Defectology, 1, 89-94. Malofeyev, N. N. (2011). Education as an Institute of socialization of persons with disabilities in modern society. Organization of inclusive educational space in the conditions of the comprehensive modernization of the education system in Chuvash Republic, 1, 3-6. Potashnik, M. M. (2006). Quality Management education. Moscow: Education. 265 p. Shieh, CJ., & Demirkol, M. (2014). Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Social Networks and their Usage by High School Students. Educational Process: International Process, 3(1-2), 7-18. |
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Study of International Mentoring and Coaching Practices and their Constructive Application in the Russian System of Corporate Education and TrainingAlfiya R. Masalimova & Almira R. Shaidullina
pp. 1797-1806 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.555a | Article Number: ijese.2016.149
Abstract The relevance of the research stems from dissimilarities between domestic and foreign experiences of mentoring and coaching in corporate education and training related to the methods and techniques aimed not only at transmitting mentor’s professional experience to young professionals but also at identifying and developing mentees’ potential, and supporting their careers. In this regard, the researchers tried to identify adaptive educational and training potential of international mentoring experience under the current conditions. The most valid approach to study this issue is an integrative approach that involves integration of domestic and international techniques and their constructive implementation into the Russian corporate training system with regard to best traditions existing in this country, realities and requirements of modern industry. The paper considers the features and characteristics of the following techniques used in international mentoring and coaching: coaching (unlocking the person’s potential), e-coaching (coaching online), tutoring (supporting the learning process, discussing the experience of knowledge transfer into practice), shadowing (observing the mentor in daily activities), supervision (supervising mentee’s professional activities and assessing his competencies levels). The authors have determined conditions for their further implementation into the Russian national system of corporate education. The analysis of international mentoring and coaching techniques, presented in the paper, may be used as a guide when developing mechanisms and algorithms of constructive extrapolation of the elements in the national system of corporate education, preserving its best traditions. Keywords: Mentoring, coaching, corporate education, international experience, constructive application References Akhmetov, G. G. 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The Problem of Developing Professional Expertise of Vocational College StudentsVenera G. Zakirova & Sophia G.Gilmiyarova
pp. 1807-1819 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.556a | Article Number: ijese.2016.150
Abstract The goal of the paper is to study the problem of developing the professional expertise of vocational college students, future technicians of the road transport industry. The nature and content of the concept “the professional expertise of a technician of road transport industry” has been defined. This concept is considered as a set of skills, knowledge and experience of professional activities in the following directions: cargo and passenger transfer; road transportation service; transport and logistics activities. The content and structure of the contextual approach contributing to the effective development of the professional expertise have been determined. Its structural components - cognitive, value, activity, informational and communicative, adaptive – have been revealed. The pedagogical experiment involved students of the Ufa Road Transport College (Ufa, Russia). The pedagogical conditions ensuring the effective development of future technicians’ professional expertise have been formulated. The latter includes using the forms, tools and techniques of active learning within the contextual approach; the implementation of the automated control systems for road transport in the educational process; the orientation of the educational process on realizing the potential of students, enabling them to display creativity through the project method. After the experimental work the number of the students with a high level of professional expertise increased by 30%. The results of the experiment proving the efficiency of the suggested complex of pedagogical conditions for developing the professional expertise have been presented. Keywords: Professional education, professional expertise, specialists of the road transport industry References Akhmetzyanova, G. N. (2010). The Development of Professional Expertise in the System of Continuous Education in Foreign and Native Higher Educational Establishments of the Road Transportation Specialty. The World of Transport and Technological Machines, 2(29), 111-119. Asadullin, R. M. (2014). The Reconstruction of Pedagogical Education: the Combination of Fundamental and Applied Knowledge The Pedagogical Journal of Bashkortostan. 1(50), 7-13. Benin, V. L. (2011). Pedagogical Culture Studies. Education and Science, 2(81), 73-84. Crawley, E. F., Malmqvist, J., Östlund, S., Brodeur, D. R. & Eström, K. (2014). Rethinking Engineering Education: The CDIO Approaches. New York, Springer. 311 p. Dautova, O. B. (2013). The Pedagogical Activities of a Teacher in the Conditions of Transition of Modern School to the New Educational Standards. Individual and Education, 4(37), 10-15. Demina, E. A. (2015). The General and Professional Competences: Ways of Achieving the Results of Education. Secondary Vocational Education, 1, 24-27. Drucker, P. (1993). Post-Capitalist Society. Oxford Butterworth: Heinemann. 271 p. Gilmiyarova, S. G. (2011). The Areas of Performance the Contextual Approach to Teaching Physics in Higher Educational Establishments. The Pedagogical Journal of Bashkortostan, 6(31). 101-105. Hermelin, E., Lievens, F. & Robertson, I. T. (2007). The Validity of Assessment Centers for the Prediction of Supervisory Performance Ratings: A Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 2, 405–411. Karelin, A. A. (2003). The Big Encyclopedia of Psychological Tests. Moscow: Eksmo. 411 p. Khamitov, R. Z. (2013). The Materials of the Plenary Session of the August Republican Meeting on Education (9 August, the town of Birsk). The Pedagogical Journal of Bashkortostan, 3-4(46-47), 13-21. Kimberly, G. B., & Todd, D. F. (2013). Technological Literacy for All: A Course Designed to Raise the Technological Literacy of College Students. Journal of Technology Education, 1 (25), 26-28. Krasnykh, S. V., & Samoilenko, G. Sh. (2014). The Competence-based Model of Training a Graduate in the System of Vocational Education. Secondary Vocational Education, 5, 15-17. Kuzmina, N. V. (1990). The Professionalism of a Teacher and a Job Training Master. Moscow: Higher Education, 117 p. Nikolayev, A. B. (2013). The Automated Systems of Management of the Road Transport Enterprise: Textbook. Moscow: Academy, 288 p. Raven, J. (1984). Competence in Modern Society. Edinburgh Trillium Press, 245 p. Reznik, S. D., & Igoshina, I. A. (2003). The Personnel Management. Penza: PGASA, 136 p. Federal Act of Education of the Russian Federation and the Federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education. (2015). Moscow, Ministry of Education. Russian Federation. Shteinberg, V. E., & Gurina, R. V. (2014) The System Portrait of New Pedagogical Solutions in Research Projects (Theses). The Pedagogical Journal of Bashkortostan, 1(50), 30-37. Tikhonova, L. V. (2014). The State and Perspectives of the Use of the Automated Control Systems in the Process of Training Technicians for the Road Transport Industry. The Computerization of Education and Science, 3(23), 95-104. Verbitsky, A. A. (2010). The Context-Competence Approach to Modernizing the Education. Higher Education in Russia, 5, 32-37. Volenko, O. I., & Fomin, E. N. (2014). The Expertise-Oriented Tutoring as a Part of the Whole Teaching Process in Vocational Education. Secondary Vocational Education, 1, 3-5. Voskoboynikov, Y. E., & Timoshenko, E. I. (2006). Mathematical Statistics. Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk State Architectural University, 152 p. White, R. & Robert, W. (1959). Motivation Reconsidered: The Concept of Competence. Psychological Review, 66, 297-333. Zanin, D. S., & Fatikhova, R. M. (2013). The Theory and Practice of Psychological and Pedagogical Accompanying the Professional Development of a Specialist’s Personality. The Pedagogical Journal of Bashkortostan. 5(48), 89-98. Zeer, E. F. (2013). The Contribution to Students’ Professional Self-determination in the Modern Socio-economic Conditions. The Pedagogical Journal of Bashkortostan, 3-4(46-47), 30-38. |
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Challenges of International Students’ Adjustment to a Higher Education InstitutionTatiana A. Baklashova & Andrey V. Kazakov
pp. 1821-1832 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.557a | Article Number: ijese.2016.151
Abstract The relevance of this work is determined by the real problems of foreign students’ adaptation to the educational environment of Russian high school. International students face certain problems, complicating adaptation to a new lifestyle, to the educational environment of the Russian high school, to a completely new social and cultural environment. Every year more and more foreign students come to Russia to get higher education, and every foreign student goes through an objective process of adaptation to college life. This article aims to develop recommendations, basic principles for an educational institution that provides educational services to foreign citizens. The leading method to the study of this problem is a qualitative method of case-study, which allows to focus on practical knowledge about real everyday situations, faced by foreign students in Russia. The case-study method provides an opportunity to pay close attention to the impact of social, cultural and academic factors on their adaptation. The article revealed that international students often face a series of transitional difficulties immediately after arriving to study in Russian universities. The problems are cataloged according to academic, social and cultural aspects. The article states that in order to overcome these problems, the students use resources provided mainly by the university. On the other hand, it is found out that these problems motivate foreign students to develop strategies to meet emerging challenges. The data obtained can be used in the practice of the university administration, faculty and staff to timely detect and eliminate academic, social and cultural challenges faced by international students at the beginning of their studies in Russia. Attention to these issues will provide more adequate support for foreign students. Keywords: International students, higher education, academic challenges, social isolation, cultural adjustment References Bondareva, S. V. & Bondarev, N. A. (2014) Gender differences in manifestations of anxiety among foreign students. Personality, family and society: questions of pedagogy and psychology, 38, 159-164. Celleja, D. (2000). The world at your door. Canadian Business, 73(20), 108-111. Fomina, T. K. (2004) Foreign students in Russian medical high schools: internalization of professional value. PhD Thesis. Volgograd, Volgograd State Medical university, 289. Gelbras, Q. (2002, May 7) Has Russia Chinese future? Komsomolskaya Pravda, 8 p. Hammer, M. R., Bennett, M. J., Wiseman, R. (2003) The intercultural development inventory: a measure of intercultural sensitivity. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 27, 421-443. Kamara, I. (2012) Stress and its influence on the process of African students’ adaptation in Russia. Society: sociology, psychology, pedagogy, 2, 66-70. Knyazeva, E. M. & Kurina, L. N. (2010) Features of chemistry teaching to foreign students. Modern problems of science and education, 6, 39-43. Kosheleva, E. Y. (2015) Effects of stress factors on the adaptation to the academic process in the Russian high school students of foreign and Russian. Almanac of modern science and education, 4, 95-98. Kravets, J. L. (2013) Social adaptation of foreign students in the educational environment. Psychopedagogy in law enforcement, 3, 31-35. Malykhin, M. (2015, February, 19) A student – a step to rating. Vedomosti, 8 p. Opendoors. (2015, April 17) Report on international educational exchange. Direct access: www.iie.org/opendoors Russell, J., Rosenthal, D., Thomson, G. (2010) The international student experience: three styles of adaptation. Higher Education, (60) 2, 235-249. Tatarko, A. N. (2009) Migrants in Moscow: threats real and imaginary. Migration processes and adaptation issues, 4, 73-97. |
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Content and Methodological Formation Model of a Younger Pupil Value-Oriented Attitude to Reality Based on Historical and Social Science KnowledgeRanija R. Zakirova & Oksana А. Shamigulova
pp. 1833-1848 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.558a | Article Number: ijese.2016.152
Abstract One of the most important functions of historical and pedagogical education in modern educational the system is connected with a pupil’s character features development, a value apprehension of social events and a formation of a value-oriented attitude to reality. The main aim of the present article is to describe and analyze the results of a conceptual and methodological model implementation which is based on historical and social science knowledge for a purpose of a formation of value-oriented attitude to reality among younger pupils. The principle methods of this research are: modelling method which allows to observe and trace a value-oriented attitude formation in a step-by-step sequent complex of didactic, methodological and technological historical and social science education components of a primary and secondary education; a method of pedagogical experiment among younger pupils aimed at a formation of a value-oriented attitude to reality on the basis of historical and social science knowledge. The conceptual and methodological model of a value-oriented attitude to reality formed on historical and social science knowledge among younger pupils is discussed and explained in the present paper; the forming conditions of a value-oriented attitude to reality based on historical and social science knowledge among younger pupils are revealed from a pedagogical point of view taking into account pupils’ most sensitive personal development period for pedagogical influence and reality apprehension. Devised and tested diagnostic tools implemented among younger pupils to analyze the quality parameters of a value-oriented attitude to social objects in connection with history and modern conditions are considered to be practically significant. Keywords: historical and social science education, value-oriented attitude, set of diagnostic tools References Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, K. A. (1991). Strategy of life. Moscow: Thought. 299 p. Amonashvili, Sh. A. (1998). Humane and personal approach to children. Moscow: MODEK. 544 p. Bodalev, A. A, & Stolin, V. V. (2006). Total psihodiagnostika. St. Petersburg: Speech, 440 p. Bogolubov, L. N. (2012). About the prospects for the development of social science education. The journal Teaching history and social science at school, 5, 12-18. Bozovic, L. I. (1968). The personality and its formation at children's age. Moscow: 422 p. Dairi, N. G.(1991). Complex becomes simpler. Moscow: Enlightenment. 214 p. Davydov, V. V. (1986). 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(1998). Problems of training, upbringing and psychological development of a child. Moscow: MODEK, 448 p. Merlin, V. C. (1971). Lectures on the human motivation psychology. Perm: PSPI, 120 p. Myasischev, V. N. (1995). Psychology of relations: selected psychological works. Moscow: Science, 356 p. Nikandrov, N. D. (2000). Russia: socialization and upbringing at the turn of millennium. Moscow.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 304 p. Petrenko V. F. (2005). Method of semantic differential. Humanitarian Encyclopedia. Direct access: http://gtmarket.ru/concepts/7035 Shamigulova, О. А. (2007). Realization of a value potential of history and social sciences knowledge in study and social practices of young pupils. Ufa: Vagant, 128 p. Shokhin, V. K. (2004). Axiology. In the Encyclopaedic dictionary. Moscow: Gardariki, 175 p. Strelova, O. Y. (2003). Upbringing with history as a formation of a personality values. Teaching History and Social Sciences Journal, 7, 66-70. Vildanov, H. S., Fayzullin F. S. 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The Forming of Prospective Music Teacher's Readiness to Professional Activity in a Multicultural SocietyIndira M. Salpykova & Tatyana I. Politaeva
pp. 1849-1861 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.559a | Article Number: ijese.2016.153
Abstract The relevance of the researched problem is caused by the fact, that in modern social circumstances the special attention is given to the formation of a modern highly qualified music teacher, who should be prepared to implement his professional activity in a multicultural society, be able to treat the representatives of various social groups, their culture, traditions and spiritual values tolerantly and using these positions with the means of music art to educate the younger generation on the base of spiritual values and various traditions of national music cultures' assimilation. The objective of the article is in the elaboration of the model of formation of prospective music teachers’ preparation to the professional activity in multicultural social circumstances. The principal method is the method of modeling, allowing considering this problem as a purposeful and organized process of enhancement of substantial structural components of a prospective music teacher’s professional training at pedagogical university that is necessary for the effective fulfillment of his activity in multicultural social circumstances. The structure of the introduced model of formation of prospective music teachers’ preparation to the professional activity in multicultural social circumstances includes motivational, content and operational components. The model is directed in the increase of the level of professional competence of a prospective music teacher in multicultural social circumstances. Keywords: the formation of preparation, model, professional training, a prospective music teacher, multicultural society, musical folklore References Abril, C. (2006). Learning outcomes of two approaches to multicultural music education. 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Gayazov, A. S. (2003). Education and the citizen education in the modern world. Moscow: Nauka. 256 p. Gaysina, G. I. (2015). Content and methods of teacher professional culture forming. Review of European studies, 7(1), 18-23. Goncharov, I. F. (2015). A support and a pledge of Russia's revival. Spiritually-moral education of children and youth. Saint Petersburg: Publishing house of the Leningrad state University of A. S. Pushkin, 234 p. Henvi, R. (1994). An attainable global perspective. Ryazan. Russia: Ryazan state pedagogical University, 92 p. Jenks, Ch., Lee, J. O., & Kanpol, B. (2001) Approaches to multicultural education in preservice teacher education: philosophical frameworks and models for teaching. The urban review, (33) 2, 87-105. Karpushina, L. P. (2015). Ethno-cultural training of bachelors of pedagogical education in the conditions of introduction of FSES of the General education. Pedagogical education: traditions and innovations, 120 – 125. Kolokolova, I. V. (2001). 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The concept of spiritually-moral development and education of the person citizen of Russia. (2010) Moscow: Prosveshchenie. 11 p Tichonov, M. G. (2006). The traditional values of the peoples of Russia and their integration into the modern education system. Nizhnekamsk: Publisher Nizhnekamsk municipal Institute, 42 p. Tolstaya, S. M. (2015). An image of the world in text and ritual. Moscow: Publishing house of the Russian Fund of assistance to education and science. 528 p. Tomašić, J. (2011). Theoretical questions and methodological challenges in research addressing development of ethnic prejudice in children. Ljetopis Socijalnog Rada, 18( 3), 601-633. p. |
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Rendering of Foreign Language Inclusions in the Russian Translations of the Novels by Graham GreeneRoza A. Valeeva & Irina N. Martynova
pp. 1863-1875 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.560a | Article Number: ijese.2016.154
Abstract The importance of the problem under discussion is preconditioned by the scientific inquiry of the best variants of foreign language inclusions translation which would suite original narration in the source text stylistically, emotionally and conceptually and also fully projects the author’s communicative intention in every particular case. The article aims at bringing to light certain peculiarities of rendering foreign language inclusions in the Russian translations of the novels by Graham Greene depending on their historical and cultural context and the nature of foreign words used in them. The key research method employed is translation and linguistic analysis enabling to disclose the specifics of foreign language inclusions’ functioning in a text and particular features of their rendering in the process of translation. The analysis showed the main way of rendering foreign language inclusions which was used while translating works by Graham Greene – full foreign language inclusions with their translations in the footnotes or in the text. A great number of foreign language inclusions are used in the Russian graphical form and according to the grammar rules of this language. The research results may be useful at the universities’ curricula and in-service education of translators. Keywords: Foreign language inclusions, loan words, translation, linguistic analysis, Graham Greene, novels References Babkin, A. M. (2009) Russian Phraseology: its Development and Origins. Moscow: Librocom, 443 p. Bolshakova, T. I. (2005) Foreign Language Inclusions in the Story “Searing For a Sad Baby”. Journalism, 2, 44-47. Borisova, L. I. & Parfyonova, T. A. (2005) A Reference Book on Specialized Translation. Moscow: NVI-Thesaurus, 345 p. Gazizova, L. G. (2015) Foreign Language Inclusions in the Texts of Spanish Advertisements. Direct access: http://dspace.kpfu.ru/xmlui/handle/net/34494 Greene, G. (2008) The Comedians. Moscow: Amphora, 528 p. Greene, G. (2009) The Power and The Glory. Moscow: AST, 288 p. Karasik, V. I. (2002). Language of Social Status. Moscow: Gnosis, 311 p. Kazakova, T. A. (2001) Introduction into Transaltion. St. Petersburg: Soyuz, 277 p. Kiryanova, N. B. (2002). Foreign Language Inclusions in English Poetry as an Element of its Graphics. Saransk: Logos, 327 p. Krysin, L.P. (1968). Loan Words in the Modern Russian Language. Moscow: Nauka, 224 p. Leviy, I. (1974). The Art of Translation. Moscow: Progress, 307 p. Listova-Pravda, Y. T. (2001). Foreign Language Biblical Inclusions in the language of Russian Literature in the XIX and XX centuries. Voronezh State University Bulletin, 1, 37-39. Marinova, Y. V. (2010). Barbarisms as a Lexical Phenomenon. Moscow: Znanie, 287 p. Norlusenyan, V. S. (2010). Foreign Language Inclusions: Modern Status of the Problem. Novgorod State University Bulletin, 57, 17-23. Ter-Minasova, S. G. (2000). Language and Intercultural Communication. Moscow: Slovo, 253 p. Vlakhov, S. & Florin, S. (1980). Untranslatable in Translation. Moscow: International Relations, 387 p. Yeremia, N. A. (1976). Principles of Selecting Exotisms and Foreign Language Inclusions for Learners’ Definition Dictionaries. Moscow, 94 p. Zemskaya, A. L. (2004). Logics of Semiotic Systems. Moscow: Znanie, 324 p. |
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Logical-Semantic Visual Navigators - Aids for TeachersAnvar N. Khuziakhmetov & Valery E. Steinberg
pp. 1877-1887 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.561a | Article Number: ijese.2016.155
Abstract The relevance of the article in question is that the success of pupils’ learning depends not only on the aptitude of pupils, but also on the teaching technique, including universal educational technique of various complexities. This problem is relevant on all levels of learning- from nursery schools up to higher education, including refresher courses and retraining of teachers. The purpose of this article is working out visual aids for a teacher, based on logical-semantical modeling and functioning as navigators in learners’ actions, when fulfilling educational tasks. The leading method of this problem is the method of visual notion of logical- semantic models of educational actions, which enable us to view the initial problem as a purposeful and well-organized process of learning. According to the scheme of the learning process students fulfill few-stepped and multi-stepped actions and, as a result, the time of the teacher’s oral explanation is shortened. The article gives logical foundation to the implementation of logical-semantic visual navigators for presenting universal educational actions. These actions are realized in coordinate matrix structures which help to fulfill few-stepped educational actions; at the same time the contents of navigators clearly reflect multi-stepped, I. e. scenario-based training actions. The functions of visual forms of navigators are clearly shown in the article. This enables students to be guided by them in the educational process, and the teacher can control the process of solving educational tasks according to the given training actions. It has been proved that the professional competence of teachers are improved thanks to the projecting of logical-semantic navigators which enable them to solve systematic tasks in forming universal training actions, performed by students. Keywords: Teacher, navigators, logical-semantic modeling, universal educational actions References Buzan, T. & Buzan, B. (2003). Supermachine. Minsk: Nauka, 304 p. Galperin, P. J. (1958). The types of orientation and types of formation of actions and concepts. Doklady APN RSFSR, 2, 75-78. Gurina, R. V. & Sokolova, E. E. (2005). Frame-based knowledge representation. Scientific research Institute of school technologies. Moscow: public education, 176 p. Krasnic, T. (2011). How to Study with Mind Maps: The Concise Learning Method for Students and Lifelong Learners. Minsk: MGLU, 134p. Manko, N. N. (2013). The evolution of the didactic principle of clarity. Ufa: publishing house of the BSPU, 220 p. Ostapenko, A. A. (2008). Multidimensional Modeling of educational reality. Moscow: public education, 384 p. Steinberg, V. E. (2000). Theoretical and methodological foundations of multi-dimensional teaching tools for learning technologies: PhD Thesis. Ekaterinburg, 224 p. Steinberg, V. E. (2002). Didactic multidimensional tools. Moscow: National education, 304 p. Steinberg, V. E. (2015). Theory and practice of didactic multidimensional technology. Moscow: National education, 332 p. Taylor, M. (2014). Mind Maps: Quicker Notes, Better Memory, and Improved Learning 3.0 Kindle. New York, 311 p. |
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Background and Prospects of Schoolchildren’s Polylingual Education in the Context of New Federal State Educational StandardsMarina V. Vedishenkova & Valentina S. Gulyaeva
pp. 1889-1900 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.563a | Article Number: ijese.2016.157
Abstract The rationale of the problem under study is conditioned by the fact that the compulsory study of a second foreign language at school is a new, but by all means positive phenomenon, as the introduction of a second foreign language in the secondary school curriculum has become a practical step on the way to polycultural education, to the formation of a polylingual personality. The introduction of the compulsory study of two foreign languages has aggravated such problems as the absence of the unifying concept of teaching a second foreign language, the absence of requirements for a second foreign language proficiency level in the State Educational Standard, the absence of various and effective teaching resources. This article is aimed at the analysis of the background and prospects of schoolchildren’s polylingual education in the context of new Federal State Educational Standards (FSES). The leading approaches in the research of the problem under study are competence-based and contrastive ones as they let us fully consider the phenomenon of polylingualism which gives an opportunity to use several language systems in communication. The article reveals the background of polylingualism, defines the purposes, content and main principles of teaching several foreign languages, justifies the application of competence-based and contrastive approaches in teaching a second foreign language in the modern school, develops the model of the foreign language communicative competence formation for a second foreign language in the context of studying two foreign languages (English and German). The materials of the article can be useful for foreign language teachers in order to upgrade their skills and make the teaching-learning process a learner-centered one Keywords: School disadaptation, art therapy method, emotional and personal violations, violations of behavior References Averin, М. М. (2011). The German language 5 grade. Moscow: Prosveshcheniye: Cornelsen, 104 p. Averin, М. М. (2012). The German language 6 grade: textbook for secondary education institutions. Moscow: Prosveshcheniye, 96 p. Baryshnikov, N. V. (2003). Methods of teaching a second foreign language at school. Moscow: Prosveshcheniye. 158 p. Bim, I. L. (1997). Some peculiarities of teaching German as a second foreign language on the basis of English. Foreign Languages at School, 4, 5-12. Bim, I. L. (2001). The concept of teaching a second foreign language. Obninsk: Titul, 48 p. Bim, I. L. (2003). Bridges 2: textbook of German as a second foreign lang. Мoscow: AST-PRESS MART, 264 p. Bim, I. L. (2006). 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Preventive Work with Teenagers who are Prone to Addiction, in Terms of Educational SpaceGulfiia G. Parfilova & Svetlana V. Velieva
pp. 1901-1912 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.564a | Article Number: ijese.2016.158
Abstract The urgency of research is caused by the growth of risky behaviours among children and adolescents, which poses a serious danger to their physical, mental and moral health, leads to biological, genetic and social degradation, poses a threat to the health and well-being of society as a whole. In this regard, this article aims to identify psycho-pedagogical conditions of prevention of addictive behaviours in adolescents. The leading approach to the study of this problem was organizational psychology, identify professional resources for the education system to a comprehensive, systemic effects on a minor for the purpose of formation of culture and attitudes on healthy and safe lifestyle. The article reveals that the prevention and overcoming of teenagers ' propensity to addiction in the conditions of modern educational space is possible through the implementation of organizational and psychological models of preventive work. The structure of organizational-psychological model of modular system of training lessons, which includes cognitive, autopsychological, technological, axiological and components of valeological. Effectiveness of individual and group interactive forms of content modular system in the preventive work on the prevention of addictive behaviours in adolescents. It is proved that preventive pedagogical activity must be prolonged, complex and carry the complementary kind. Intermediate revealed positive changes, which suggest that the application of modular system of training classes «my Choice» reduces the risk of initiation of adolescents to substance abuse and to other forms of addictive behavior. A modular system of training classes «my Choice» can be used in practice of educational establishments for work with adolescents 14-17 years. Keywords: organizational and psychological approach, adolescents, addictive behavior, modular training References Besedin, O. V. (2011). Prevention of addictive behavior. Your psychologist, 6, 16-36. Beznosyk, K. V. (2012). Complex-targeted program of early prevention of deviant behavior of pupils. Your psychologist, 2, 56-62. Bitensky, V. S., Kherson, B. G., Dvoryak, S. V., Glushkov, V. A. (1989). Addiction in adolescents. Moscow: Health. 216 p. Borodina, N. A. (2006). Psychological causes addictive behavior person: PhD Thesis. Novosibirsk. 165 p. Bulygina, I. Е., Andreeva, A. P., Golenkov, A. (2012). The organization of measures to prevent substance use among students of the Chuvash State University. Bulletin of Chuvash University, 3, 309-315. Eagle, A. N. (2004). Questionnaire of tendency to deviant behavior. Moscow: Yurayt. 160 p. Fedossenko, E. V. (2006). Psychological support adolescents. St.Petersburg; Labirint. 198p. Gogoleva, A. V. (2003). Addictive behavior and its prevention. Voronezh: Publishing «MODEK». 240 p. Kirillov, T. V. & Shubnikov, E. G. (2012). The viability of the individual as the basis for the primary prevention of addictive behavior. Bulletin CSPU, 1 (73), 79-83. Kulakov, S. A. (1998). Diagnosis and therapy of addictive behavior in adolescents. Moscow: Folium. 70 p. Nikolaev, E. L. (2006) Clinical characteristics of borderline mental disorders in children and adolescents. Bulletin of Chuvash University, 2, 136-142. Niño, M. D., Cai, T., Ignatow, G. (2015) Social isolation, drunkenness, and cigarette use among adolescents. Bulletin of Chuvash University, 14, 94-100 Petrova, T. N., Kuznetsova, L. V. (2014) On the formation of the foundations of cultural and historical and moral education. Education and self-development, 4 (42), 211-215. Rozhkov, M. I. & Kovalchuk, M. A. (2003) Prevention of drug abuse among adolescents. Moscow: Vlados. 144 p. Sirota, N. A., Yaltonsky, V. M., Languages, O. V., Terentyev, A. V., Bausheva, I. L., Ivashin, O. I. (2006) Conceptual program and other drug abuse psychoactive substances among adolescents and young adults. Moscow: Academy. 176 p. Tsvetkova, L. A. (2011) Socio-psychological theory of the formation of addiction. Moscow University, 2, 166-179. Veliyeva, S. V. & Veliyev, А. R. (2015a) Overcoming addictive behavior in adolescents 14-17 years of age with intellectual disabilities. Cheboksary: Lotis, 204. Veliyeva, S. V. & Veliyev, А. R. (2015b) Proactive assistance to high school students who are prone to addictive behavior. Cheboksary: Chuvashiya state pedagogical University. 274 p. Zakharova, G. P. (2007) Cultural self-determination: the comprehension of meaning. Personality. Culture. Society, 1 (34), 204-213. |
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Characteristic Trends in Prevalence and Use of New Synthetic "Designer" Drugs over the Territory of the Republic of BashkortostanAzat R. Asadullin, Vladimir L. Yuldashev, Elena Kh. Galeeva, Elvina A. Achmetova & Ivan V. Nikolaev
pp. 1913-1922 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.565a | Article Number: ijese.2016.159
Abstract The urgency of this study has become vivid in the light of the growing problem of prevalence and use of new synthetic drug types, incidence rate of comorbid states, and pathomorphism of psychoactive substances consumption. The aim of this paper consists in analysis and disclosure of the research data obtained on consumption of such designer drugs as amphetamines, synthetic cathinones and cannabimimetics over the whole territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan, namely, revelation of geographical regoins with increased level of drug abuse, determination of the addicts’ age and gender composition. The principal method of the research involves a statistical analysis of the data obtained for the individuals examined in conjunction with the results obtained in the course of chemico-toxicological analysis of biomaterials taken from them. During this study, the regions with especial prevalence of the synthetic narcotic substances abuse were revealed, the main types of drugs especially preferred in consumption to the others were determined, and the prevailing age and gender composition of drug addicts’ contingent was shown. This paper would be useful for psychiatrists, experts in narcology, as well as for personnel of institutions and agencies engaged in anti-drug activity. Keywords: Synthetic drugs, cathinones, amphetamines, cannabimimetics, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), spices References Dvorskaya, O. N., Kataev, S. S., Melentyev, A. B., Kurdina, l. N. (2014). Markers of new synthetic cannabimimetics in urine. Narcology, 3, 55 – 65. Erik, G. Erikson. (1996). Childhood and Society. – St.Petersburg: Lenato, AST, The fund «University book», 592 p. Golovko, A. I., Barinov, V. A., Bonitenko, E. Y., Zatsepin, E. P., Ivanov, M. B., Nosov, A. V., Shestova, G. V. (2015). Toxicological characterization of designer drugs. Toxicology, 16, 26 – 57. Huffman, J. W., Zengin, G., Wu, M. J., Lu, J., Hynd, G., Bushell, K., Thompson, A. L., Bushell, S., Tartal, C., Hurst, D. P., Reggio, P. H., Selley, D. E., Cassidy, M. P., Wiley, J. L., Martin, B. R. (2005). Structure-activity relationships for 1-alkyl-3-(1-naphthoylindoles at the cannabinoid CB(1) and CB(2) receptors: steric and electronic effects of naphthoyl substituents. New highly selective CB(2) receptor agonists. Bioorganic Medical Chemistry, 13, 89–112. Järbe T.U., Li C., Vadivel S.K., Makriyannis A. (2010). Discriminative stimulus functions of methanandamide and Δ9-THC in rats: tests with aminoalkylindoles (WIN55,212-2 and AM678) and ethanol. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 1, 87–98. Kaklyugin, N. V. (2014). Drug-related suicides among youth. Problems and prospects. Medicine, 4, 1-27. Kurdil, N. V. (2015). Topical issues of toxicology and laboratory identification of synthetic cannabinoids. Treatment of emergency conditions, 2, 9-18. Mazhiev, K. T., Gladyrev, V. V., Lyubetskiy, G. V., Kayrgaliev, D. V., Vasil’ev, D. V. ( Nikolaeva, E. G., Marchenko, M. V., Bantish, I. B., Krupina, N. A. (2015). Detection of α-PVP and its metabolites in biological samples using gas chromatographic. Journal of forensics science, practice, education. 2, 79-80. Pozdnyakova, M. E. (2013). New wave of drugs and its impact on the drug abuse situation in Russia. The sociological science and social practice. 2, 123-139. Savchuk, S. A. Gofenberg, M. A. Nikitina, N. M. Nadezhdin, A. V., Tetenova, E. J. (2013). Detection of markers for synthetic cannabimimetics pb-22, pb-22f, ab-pinaca, ab-fubinaca in urine and hair samples by gas chromatography — mass spectrometry methods. Narcology, 11, 66-73. Savchuk, S. A., Gofenberg, M. A. (2013). Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis in drug and toxicological practice. Moscow: LENAND, 224 p. Shileyko, I. D., Ayzberg, O. R., Kuzmenko, A. T. (2015). The problem of a new drugs. Medical business. 2, 27-30. Streich T. William F Rushton, Nathan P Charlton. Death by spice: A case report of mortality following synthetic cannabinoid use Heather (2014). Clinical Toxicology, 52, 365-368. Veselovskaya, N. V. (2008). Drugs. Properties of action, pharmacokinetics, metabolism. Moscow: Narkonet, 264 p. Zobnin, Y. V., Stadler, E. M. (2014). Acute poisoning with synthetic cannabinoids. Siberian Medical Journal, 8, 130-135. |
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Anticipatory Competence and Ability to Probabilistic Forecasting in Adolescents: Research ResultsAnna I. Akhmetzyanova
pp. 1923-1932 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.566a | Article Number: ijese.2016.160
Abstract The relevance of this problem is related to the urgent need to explain peculiarities of anticipation and probabilistic forecasting in adolescence. It has revealed a contradiction: on the one hand, the problem of anticipation in ontogenesis is well developed, and, on the other hand, there remain understudied mechanisms of anticipation in adolescents. Therefore, this article is aimed at presenting the findings of anticipatory competence in teenagers. The theoretical base of the study is anticipatory concept of neurogenesis that considers the formation and development of neurotic disorders in connection with such personal characteristics of the patient, as the inability to predict the possible traumatic situations in the future and to plan ways to overcome them, - anticipatory competence. The basic methods in the study of this problem are the empirical methods of studying and comparing, allowing to reveal the specifics of anticipation in adolescents. The main results of the paper are as follows: both adolescents and young men reveal an average level of anticipatory competence; in adolescents overall anticipatory competence is made up of personal-situational anticipatory competence, spatial and temporal anticipatory incompetence. At the youthful age overall anticipatory competence is made up of personal-situational anticipatory competence and spatial and temporal anticipatory incompetence. The article submissions are of practical value for psychologists working with teenagers. Keywords: Anticipatory incompetence, probabilistic forecasting, adolescence, information activities References Abitov, I. R. (2015). Model of Psychological Disadaptation at Psychosomatic and Neurotic Disorders. Review of European Studies, 7, 130 – 136. Akhmetzyanova, A. I. (2014). Spatial and temporal elements of anticipation consistency of children with general speech retardation. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 11(7), 1031.1035. Akhmetzyanova, A. I. 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Formation of Communication Skills in Preschool Children with Visual Impairments as an Important Factor of their SocializationLera A. Kamalova & Nadezda N. Vasilyeva
pp. 1933-1941 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.567a | Article Number: ijese.2016.161
Abstract The urgency of the problem under investigation due to the provisions of the new federal state educational standards of preschool education in the Russian Federation, according to which at the present stage of priority education is to implement a high level of social and communicative potential of the child's personality as a prerequisite for its successful adaptation and socialization in the society. This article discusses the results of a study whose purpose was to develop a program of formation of communication skills in preschool children with visual impairments. The leading approaches to the study of this problem is the position of humane pedagogy, Waldorf education and to imitate the example of the idea of a deep respect for the child's personality. Structure of the program includes games, aimed at developing the child's care to another, his virtues and experiences, fellowship with one another, assisting in real and game interaction, non-verbal learning and verbal means of communication. The implementation of this program in the experimental conditions showed the effectiveness of the proposed approaches in the organization of educational activities aimed at the formation of communication skills in preschool children with visual impairments, as an important factor for their adaptation in the social environment. Keywords: Children with visual impairments; communication skills; socialization References Amonashvili, Sh. A. (2012). Collected works. 3. School of Life: Fundamentals of Humane Pedagogy. Moscow: Amrita-Rus. 312 p. Ananiev, B. G. (2008). Psychology and problems knowledge about the people. Moscow: Publishing house of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute. 431 p. Bern, E. (2012). Games People Play. People who play games: communication psychology. Moscow: Ecsmo. 556 p. Bodalev, A. A. (2008). Personality and communication: selected works. Moscow: Pedagogika. 270 p. Fopel, K. (2006). How to teach children to cooperate? Moscow: Genesis. 542 p. Galiguzova, L. N. & Smirnova, E. O. (2004). The Art of Communication with the child from one year to six years. Moscow: Arkti. 158 p. Grigorieva, G. V. (2001). Development of the leading forms of communication in preschool children with visual impairments. Defectology, 2, 76-80. Gryunelius, E. M. (2010). Waldorf kindergarten. Education of children of preschool age. St. Petersburg: Demetra. 92 p. Katsuba, N. A. (2014). We develop communication skills in preschool children. Preschool Pedagogy, 8, 63-64. Korczak, J. (2014). How to Love a Child? Moscow: AST. 480 p. Leontiev, A. A. (2008). Communication Psychology. Moscow: Meaning. 368 p. Lisina, M. I. (2009). Formation of the person of the child to communicate. St. Petersburg: Piter. 318 p. Malofeev, N. N. (2011). Special education system at the stage of modernization. Defectology, 2, 3–17. Myasischev, V. N. (2011). Psychology of relations: Selected psychological works. Moscow: Publishing house of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute. 398 p. Neroev, V. V. (2009). Selected lectures in pediatric ophthalmology. Moscow: Geotar-Media. 184 p. Nikulina, G. V. (2004). Formation of communicative culture of the visually impaired. St. Petersburg: RGPU. 499 p. Smirnova, A. N. & Kolmogorova, V. N. (2009). Conflict children: how to teach children to communicate and understand others. Moscow: Ecsmo. 171 p.
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Types of Meaningfulness of Life and Values of Future TeachersNailia R. Salikhova
pp. 1943-1950 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.568a | Article Number: ijese.2016.162
Abstract The leading role of meaning of life in regulation of human’s activity of all types provides the relevance of the research. The goal of the paper is to identify and describe types of meaningfulness of life in future teachers, and to reveal the specificity of values hierarchy indicative of each type. The leading approach applied in the research was the combination of qualitative methods aimed to identify types of meaning of life on the basis of essays analysis with quantitative comparison of types revealed according to the structure of values hierarchy. The paper describes types of meaning of life set by criteria of awareness of meaning of life and satisfaction with life. There were found 6 types of meaningfulness of life: unconscious satisfaction, unconscious dissatisfaction, unconscious avoiding, conscious satisfaction, conscious dissatisfaction and conscious denial. Comparative analysis of their valuable specifics was carried out. Materials from the paper are of practical importance for psychological support of future teachers’ training. Keywords: Education, value, meaning of life, types of meaningfulness of life, future teacher References Chudnovsky, V. E. (1999). Revisiting the issue of the meaning of life's adequacy. World of Psychology, 2, 74-80. Cieciuch, J., Davidov, E., Vecchione, M. & Schwartz, S. H. (2014). A hierarchical structure of basic human values in a third-order confirmatory factor analysis. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 73, (3), 177-182. Cieciuch, J. & Schwartz, S. H. (2012). The number of distinct basic values and their structure assessed by PVQ-40. Journal of Personality Assessment, 94, (3), 321-328. Davis, W. E. & Hicks, J. A (2015). Judgments of Meaning in Life, Religious Beliefs, and the Experience of Cognitive Fluency. Journal of Personality, 1, 52-55. Debates, D. L. (1999). Sources of meaning: an investigation of significant commitments in life. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 39, (4), 30-58. Debats, D. L., Drost, J. & Hansen, P. (1995). Experiences of meaning in life: A combined qualitative and quantitative approach. British Journal of Psychology, 86, 359-375. Fantalova, E. B. (2001). Diagnostics and psychotherapy of inner conflict. Samara: BAHRAH, 334 p. Frankl, V. (1963). Man's search for meaning: An introduction to logotherapy. New York: Washington Square Press, 120 p. Hicks, J. A., Trent, J., Davis, W. E., King, L. A. (2012). Positive effect, meaning in life, and future time perspective: An application of socioemotional selectivity theory. Psychology and Aging, 27, (1), 181-189. Kasler, J., Izenberg, P., Elias, M. J. & White, G. (2012). Meaning in life, hope, and priorities for the future. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 178 p. Leontiev, D. A. (2003). Psychology of meaning: Essence, structure and dynamics of meaningful reality. Moscow: Smysl, 452 p. Lightsey, O. R., Boyraz, G., Ervin, A., Rarey, E. B., Gharghani, G. G. & Maxwell, D. (2014). Generalized self-efficacy, positive cognitions, and negative cognitions as mediators of the relationship between conscientiousness and meaning in life. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 46, (3), 436-445. Maddi, S. R. (1967). The existential neurosis. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 72, 311-325. Prokhorov, A. O. & Chernov A. V. (2014). The influence of reflection on mental states of students during the educational activity. Experimental Psychology (Russia), 7, (2), 82-93. Prokhorov, A. O. & Chernov A. V. (2015). Self-Reflection Control of Mental States During Academic Activity. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(3), 277-281. Rokeach, M. (1973). The Nature of Human Values. New York: Free Press, 304 p. Salikhova, N. R. (2014). Correlation of Meaningfulness of Life to Psychological Time in Personality. Asian Social Science, 10(19), 291-295. Salikhova, N.R. (2015). The comparison of substantial and dynamic parameters personal value-meaning systems of American and Russian university students. Review of European Studies. 7, (4), 117-123. Seto, E., Hicks, J. A., Davis, W. E. & Smallman, R. (2015). Free Will, Counterfactual Reflection, and the Meaningfulness of Life Events. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 6 (3), 243-250. Shin, J. Y., Steger, M. F. & Henry, K. L. (2016). Self-concept clarity’s role in meaning in life among American college students: A latent growth approach. Self and Identity, 15 (2), 206-223. Valiullina, M. E. (2015). Dependence of the Social and Psychological Adaptability of Religiosity among First-Year Students. Review of European Studies, 7(4), 153-160. Vogler, De., K. & Ebersole, P. (1980). Categorization of college students’ meaning of life. Psychological Reports, 46, 387-390. |
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Modern Educational Technologies in Teaching Senior Secondary Pupils’ Communication in the Form of a Monologue and in Generating Their Cognitive InterestElvira G. Galimova & Marina G. Shvetsova
pp. 1951-1962 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.569a | Article Number: ijese.2016.163
Abstract The need to address the above problem arises from the fact that school foreign language education tradition has not developed any theory based and experimentally confirmed algorithm aimed at teaching communication in the form of a monologue, although the standards of the pupils’ level of proficiency in oral and written communication in a foreign language are constantly increasing. The research is intended to determine the connection between using modern educational technologies for teaching senior secondary pupils how to communicate in the form of a monologue in a foreign language and developing the pupils’ cognitive interest. The research applies the personality-centered and the technology-centered approaches which allow to present current branches in pedagogy which study and develop effective means and ways of achieving the goals of education. The article deals with peculiar characteristics and methods of teaching communication in the form of a monologue. It also investigates the problem of using the Project Technology and the Collaboration Technology and establishes a close relationship between modern educational technologies for teaching communication in the form of a monologue to senior secondary pupils and developing pupils’ cognitive interest in the process of their learning a foreign language. The article can be of interest to specialists who train student teachers of foreign languages, as well as to those who intend to raise their level of proficiency in teaching a first and a second foreign languages. Keywords: educational technology, approach, communication, monologue, cognitive interest, Projects, Collaboration Technology References Alkhazishvily, A. A. (1988). Foundations of mastering oral speech in a foreign language. Moscow: Prosveshcheniye, 334 p. Bogdanova, O. S. (1989). Arousing students’ personalized attitude to knowledge in teaching a foreign language. Foreign Languages at School, 6, 24-29. Boyarintseva, S. L. (2009). Teaching in small groups (cooperative learning) in a foreign language class. Kirov: VSHU Publishing, 72 p. Galskova, N. D. & Cheptsova, M. B. (1995). Aims an content of teaching oral communication in a primary school. Foreign Languages at School, 2, 14-19. Galskova, N. D. & Gez, N. I. (2006). The theory of teaching foreign languages. Moscow: Academia, 336 p. Gulyaeva, V. S. & Mingalieva, V. R. (2015). Implementing obligatory learning a second foreign language at school: fashion or norm? The improvement of teaching foreign languages in school and high school. Сol. of scien. and method, 18, 16. Karmanova, N. A. (1985). Foundations of the theory of planning the process of learning foreign languages in a secondary school. Moscow: Prosveshcheniye, 372 p. Kuklina, S. S. & Limonova, A. A. (1999). A comparative study of technologies aiming at developing foreign language communication skills in a comprehensive school. Сol. of scien. and method, 18, 35. Kuklina, S. S. (2009). Organizational forms of schoolchildren’s collective learning at various stages of teaching foreign language communication. Kirov: VSHU Publishing, 163 p. Leontyev, A. A. (1997). Foundations of psycholinguistics. Moscow: Smysl. 287 p. Passov, E. I. & Tsarkova, V. B. (1993). Concepts of communicative teaching. Moscow: Vysshaya Shkola, 180 p. Passov, E. I. (1991). The communicative method of teaching foreign language oral communication. Moscow: Prosveshcheniye, 223 p. Rogova, G. V. (1991). Teaching foreign languages in a secondary school. Moscow: Vysshaya Shkola, 211 p. Shamov, A. N. (2016). Technology of teaching the lexical aspect of foreign language communication. Nizhny Novgorod: Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod Publishing, 230 p. Shvetsova, M. G. (2016). The role of electronic sources in intensifying the process of teaching a foreign language to students. Pedagogy and Psychology, 51 (7), 250 p. Tarlakovskaya, E. A. (2008). On principles of teaching communication in the form of a monologue in order to influence the audience. Bulletin of Vyatka state Humanities University, 3 (3), 96-99 Vaisburd, M. L. & Kuzmina, E. V. (1999). The role of pupils’ individual characteristics in teaching foreign language communication. Foreign Languages at School, 2, 18. Vaisburd, M. L. (1981). Theoretical foundations of teaching foreign languages in a secondary school. Moscow: Prosveshcheniye, 278 p. Vaisburd, M. L. (1983). Types of tasks in teaching foreign language communication. Moscow: APS, 186 p. Wicke, R. E. (1997). Vom Text zum Projekt. Kreative Textarbeit und offenes Lernen im Unterricht. Berlin: Cornelsen Verlag, 168 p. Zimnyaya, I. A. (1991). Psychology of teaching foreign languages at school. Moscow: Prosveshcheniye, 249 p. Zimnyaya, I. A. (2001). Linguopsychology of communication. Moscow: RAE, 396 p. |
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Social Conditionality of Multilinguism Education in Educational Establishments of the Country in the Modern PeriodInna I. Golovanova & Tatyana A. Lopareva
pp. 1963-1973 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.570a | Article Number: ijese.2016.164
Abstract The urgency of the examined issue is stipulated by inconsistency between social services commissioning to speak several foreign languages and inadequate implementation of these services in educational establishments of the country. The aim of the article is to justify the necessity to reconsider models of mastering the language and to alter professional training of future foreign language teachers within the teacher’s activity in the present day situation. The leading approach to investigate this issue is a cognitive one, whose realization makes it possible to solve some up-to-date problems of methods of foreign language teaching, formation of multicultural linguistic personality, development and improvement of linguistic and conceptual worldview. The article studies interconnection between social and political conditions, leading to international and interpersonal affinity and interaction, and, therefore, to appearance of new targets in foreign language training practice. The material of the article can be used both for training foreign language teachers and for advanced training of the first and second foreign language teachers. Keywords: Multilinguism, globalization of education, information and communication technologies, levels of language proficiency. References Baryshnikov, N. V. (2004). Multilingualization. Foreign languages at school. 5, 19 - 27. Bim, I. L. (2001). The concept of teaching the second foreign language. Obninsk: Titul. 148 p. Carlinski, A. E. (1990). Fundamentals of the theory of language interaction. Alma-ATA: LEM. 127 p. Chernichkina, E. K. (2007). Artificial bilingualism: linguistic status and characteristics: author: PhD Thesis. Volgograd. 182 p. Ervin, S. M. & Osgood, C. E. (1954). Second language learning and bilingualism. Journal of abnorm. soc. psychol., 4(2), 139-136. Galskova, N. D. (2012). The problems of foreign language education at the present stage and possible ways of their solving. Foreign languages in school, 9, 2-9. Galskova, N. D. & Tareva, E. G. (2012). The values of the modern world of globalization and intercultural education as a value. Foreign languages in school, 1, 3-11. Hamers, J. F. & Blanc M. H. (2000). Bilinguality and bilingualism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 6-8. Imedadze, N. V. (1986). Motivational foundations of bilingual development in the context of pedagogical. Psychology of bilingualism, 26, 103-113. Khaleeva, I. I. (1999). Language policy in Russia "Language portfolio in Russia." Moscow: MSLU. 214 p. Leontyev, A. A. (1970). Some problems of teaching Russian as a foreign language. Moscow, VLADOS. 189 p. Lopareva, T. A. (2013). The issue of levels of language proficiency in terms of training bachelors. Improving teaching foreign languages in school and University, 17, 45-50. Lvova, O. V. (2009, September 5) The characteristic features of the course on the use of information and communication technologies in training future teachers of foreign language Direct access: http://imp.rudn.ru/vestnik/2009/2009_3/14.pdf. Majid, A. (2002). Educating Ourselves Into Coexistence. The Chronicle on Higher Education, 12, 10. Meißner, F. J. (2005): Mehrsprachigkeitsdidaktik revisited. Fremdsprachen lehren und lernen, 34, 125-145. Milrud, R. P. & Karamnov, A. S. (2012). The competence of EFL teachers. Foreign languages in school, 1, 11-17. Mosina, M. A. (2014). The integrity of Lingvo-methodical training of teachers of a foreign language based on a dialogical approach: PhD Thesis. Novgorod. 247 p. Nechaev, V. Ya. (1992). Sociology of education. Moscow: Moskow University. 200 p. Rosenzweig, V. Yu. (1972). The main issues of the theory of language contacts. Language contacts, 6, 248 -251. Schepilova, A. V. (2005). Theory and methods of teaching French as a second language foreign. Moscow: VLADOS. 245 p. Scherba, L. V. (1958). On the concept of mixing languages. Selected works on linguistics and phonetics, 40–53. Schukin, A. N. (2003). Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language. Moscow: Higher school. 334 p. Shamov, A. N. (2006). Cognitive approach to learning. N. Novgorod: NGLU, 278 p. Shirin, A. G. (2006). Bilingualism: search of approaches to research in domestic and foreign science. Bulletin of Novgorod state University, 36, 63-67 Usov, I. I. (1986) Psychological analysis of the mutual influence of speech development on native and foreign language. The Psychology of bilingualism, 260, 74-77. Vereshchagin, E. M. (1969). The theory of speech and methods of teaching foreign languages. M.: Izd. Mosk. University, 90p. Weinreich, W. (1999). Monolingualism and multilingualism. Foreign linguistics, 7, 39-42. Zimnyaya, I. A. (2004). Key competencies as effectively-targeted basis of competence approach in education. Moscow: Research center of quality problems of specialists training. 334 p. |
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The Methodology of Foreign Language Integrative Teaching at the Initial Stage of Interpreter TrainingMarina V. Vedishenkova & Anna Y. Mironina
pp. 1975-1988 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.571a | Article Number: ijese.2016.165
Abstract The topicality of the research is connected with the modern requirements to the education of future interpreters who are to speak a foreign language within the professional context. For this purpose, it is necessary to focus their language training at the initial stage of learning on forming their professional thinking. This raises the need for scientific understanding and development of an effective methodology for foreign language integrative training of future interpreters. The purpose of the article is to try the set of educational communication and search exercises, contributing to the development and formation of the basic professionally important competences of an interpreter at the initial stage of language training. The leading approaches to the study of this problem are the method of experiment, integrative and competence-based approaches to learning. The author of the article has developed an integrative methodology of foreign language teaching at the initial stage of interpreter professional training at the VSHU, which allowed to raise the level of basic professionally important competences necessary for a future interpreter to master the interpretation specialty. The article and the research results described can be useful for teachers of higher educational institutions interested in raising the level of language training of future interpreters Keywords: future interpreters, professional competence, integrative teaching, competence-based approach, speech competence, speech practice References Alekseeva, I. S. (2004). Professional training of the translator. St.Petersburg: Soyuz, 288 p. Borshcheva, O. V. (2011). The structure of an integrative approach to foreign language teaching. Bulletin of Moscow State Humanitarian University. Direct access: http://www.cyberleninka.ru. Fedotova, O. V. (2009). On professionally significant competence of the translator. Philological Direct access: http:// www.rusnauka.com. Filatova, L. O. (2005). Competence-based approach to building learning content as a factor in the development of continuity of school and University education. DOP. education, (7), 9-11. Gakhova, E. V. (2012). The role of creativity in the process of formation of professional competence of the translator. Moscow: RUDN, VESTNIK RUDN, (1), 11-18. Kolesova, E. M. (2014). An integrative approach to teaching listening comprehension of authentic news broadcasts. Direct access: http://www.cyberleninka.ru. Komissarov, V. N. (2002). Modern translation studies. Moscow: ETS, 424 p. Lawless, L. K. (2016). Accelerative Integrated Method (AIM) for Teaching. Direct access: http://www.french.about.com. Muhammad, B. J. (2015). Integrative approach in teacher training high schools. Direct access: http://www.cyberleninka.ru. Porshneva, E. R. (2001). Strategy professional contextualization of language training translators on the junior stage of education. The language and methodology of its teaching. Linguistics and literary criticism. Kazan: KSU. Center for innovative technology, 88 p. Remezova, L. V. (2011). On the professional competence of linguist-translator. Direct access: http://www.cyberleninka.ru. Sdobnikov, V. V. (2007). Methodical bases of training of translators. Nizhny Novgorod: NGLU after N. Dobrolyubov, 165 p. Shchukin, A. N. (2004). The teaching of foreign languages. Moscow: Filomatis, 416 p. Tenishcheva, V. F. (2008). Integrative-contextual model of formation of professional competence. Direct access: http://www.dslib.net. Zhuravleva, I. V. (2014). The formation of translation competence as one of the key components in the overall structure of foreign language professional communicative competence. Actual problems of humanitarian and natural sciences. Direct access: http://www.cyberleninka.ru. Zimnyaya, I. A. (2006). Key competences – new paradigm of modern education. Direct access: http://www.eidos.ru/journal/2006/0505.htm. |
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Teaching Listening Comprehension: Bottom-Up ApproachAnvar N. Khuziakhmetov & Galina V. Porchesku
pp. 1989-2001 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.572a | Article Number: ijese.2016.166
Abstract Improving listening comprehension skills is one of the urgent contemporary educational problems in the field of second language acquisition. Understanding how L2 listening comprehension works can have a serious influence on language pedagogy. The aim of the paper is to discuss the practical and methodological value of the notion of the perception base of the language. It also highlights the importance of structural features and frequency of linguistic units in helping to determine teaching priorities in English language teaching, specifically, when training listening skills. The leading approaches to the problem of the paper are the psycholinguistic and statistical ones which help to identify practical teaching principles. The paper illustrates these approaches with the findings on the perceptually relevant features and frequency of the English words and sentences and their linguistic features. The findings are discussed in terms of their application in developing bottom-up listening skills and tested in a listening comprehension experiment. The materials of this article may be of use to those who are interested in problems of speech perception and improving the existing listening comprehension teaching techniques Keywords: Listening comprehension; speech perception; bottom-up strategies; linguistic features; perception base; frequency References Abramov, V. Y. (2004). Mono- and bilingual mechanisms of oral speech perception: PhD Thesis. Samara: Povolzhskaya State Academy of Telecommunication and Informatics, 274 p. Aponte-de-Hanna C. (2012, September 15) Listening strategies in the L2 classroom. College Quarterly. 15 (1). Direct access: http://collegequarterly.ca/2012-vol15-num01-winter/index.html Baiburova, O. V. (2008). The mechanism of perception of words of different syllable type: PhD Thesis. Perm: Perm State Pedagogical University. 220 p. 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American Journal of Applied Sciences, 11, 1099-1103. Howard, J. & Major, J. (2004, October 9) Guidelines for designing effective English language teaching materials. Seoul, South Korea. Direct access: http://www.paaljapan.org/resources/proceedings/PAAL9/pdf/Howard.pdf. Hulstijn, J.H. (2003). Connectionist models of language processing and the training of listening skills with the aid of multimedia software. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 16 (5), 413-425. Hunsaker, R. A. (1990). Understanding and developing the skills of oral communication. Englewood, Morton Press. 184 p. Karimvand, P. N. (2011). Psycholinguistic Perspectives on Comprehension in Second Language Acquisition. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2 (6), 1268-1273. Kasevich, V. B. (2010). Speech perception. Philosophy of the language. Perm: Perm Scientific Centre URo RAN, 28-32. Khaleeva, I. I., (1989). The theoretical basis of teaching foreign language comprehension. Moscow: Vysshaya Shkola. 238 p. Krause, M. (2002). The dynamics of the mechanism of the word identification under different conditions of foreign language learning. Minich: Verlag Otto Sagner. 173 p. Leech, G. (2001, April 23) The Role of Frequency in ELT. Direct access: http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/fass/doc_library/linguistics/leechg/leech_2001.pdf Lopatina, O. V., Borisov, A. M., Leyfa, I. I., Galimzyanova, I. I., Yatsevich, L. P., Demyanenko, M. A. & Masalimova, A.R. (2015). Role of foreign language teacher shaping students’ research skills. Asian Social Science, 11 (4), 135-140. Masalimova, A. R., Porchesku, G. V. & Liakhnovitch, T. L. (2016). Linguistic Foundation of Foreign Language Listening Comprehension. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 11(1), 123-131. Mendelsohn, D. (1994). Learning to listen: a strategy based approach for the second language learner. California: Dominie Press. 149 p. Mendelsohn, D. (1998). Teaching Listening. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 18, 81-101. Miller, G. A. & Selfridge, J. A. (1950). Verbal context and the recall of meaningful material. American Journal of Psychology, 63, 176-175. Porchesku, G. V. (2013). The structure of the English sentence in the perception aspect: PhD Thesis. Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov: VSHU. 195 p. Richards, J. C. (2008). Teaching Listening and Speaking. Cambridge University Press. 337 p. Sekerina, I. A. (2006). Method of event-related brain potentials in experimental psycholinguistics. Topics in the study of language, 3, 22-45. Shcherba, L. V. (1974). Teaching foreign languages at secondary school: general problems of teaching methods. Edited by E. V. Rakhmanova. Moscow. Vysshaya Shkola. 111 p. Shtern, A. S. (1992). Perception aspect of speech activity: experimental research. St. Petersburg: St.Petersburg University. 236 p. Slater, J., Kraus, N. (2015). The role of rhythm in perceiving speech in noise. Cognitive Processing, 17(1), 210 p. Tsarevskaya, I. V. & Litovchenko, L. N. (2015, May 22) To the question of listening in learning a foreign language in non-linguistic university. Retrieved from http://www.science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=21713 Vandergrift, L. (2009, October, 17) Listening: Theory and practice in modern foreign language competence. Retrieved from https://www.llas.ac.uk/resources/gpg/67 Vandergrift, L. & Goh, C. M. (2012). Teaching and learning second language listening: metacognition in action. New York: Routledge. 315 p. Ventsov, A. V. & Kasevich, V. B. (1994). Problem of speech perception. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg university. 232 p. Zalevskaya, A. A. (1988). Text comprehension: psycholinguistic approach. Kaliningrad: Kalin. 95 p. Zinder, L. R. & Shtern, A. S. (1972). Factors which influence the perception of a word. Proceedings of IV Symposium on Psycholinguistics and Communication Theory, 1, 149-159. |
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Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities: Personal Aspects of Their Developmental DisabilityIrina A. Kedrova & Tatiana N. Matantseva
pp. 2003-2014 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.573a | Article Number: ijese.2016.167
Abstract The article deals with the development of inclusive, special and integrated education in regions of the Russian Federation which is connected with socio-cultural changes in modern education. The author underlines the need for continuous improvement of education system and education of children with different development level. The expansion of educational opportunities for children with disabilities and the opportunity to choose the educational path determine the need for an experimental study of factors affecting the success of learning in different educational models. Therefore the article aims to explore self-regulation development of students with intellectual disabilities throughout adolescence ontogeny. The leading methods in the study of this problem are the experimental method, the age method, the comparative analysis method. They allow investigating the following features of the self-regulation structural components: reflection, values, and self-attitude. Also they provide a dynamic system of personal control of teenagers with intellectual disabilities. The author proves that individual self-regulation is in a sensitive period of development throughout adolescence ontogeny. Developmental disability influences its formation, leads to the regulatory system collapse and severe difficulties while teaching young people with intellectual disabilities in an inclusive model. The article may be useful for bachelors and masters of major “Education and pedagogical sciences”, for researchers dealing with inclusion issues, and for the teachers while organizing the learning process of adolescents with intellectual disabilities. Keywords: Lontogeny, developmental disability, adolescence, sensitive period, self-regulation, regulatory system, inclusive education, replacing ontogeny References Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, K. A. (1991). Life strategy. Moscow: Thought, 299 p. Anokhin, P. K. (1980). The main questions of functional systems theory. Moscow: Science, 196 p. Bondarevskaya, E. (2004). The main approaches to improve modern education. Moscow: Publishing Service, 480 p. Borisenko, E. J. (2006). Formation of schoolchildren’s desire for self-development. Bulletin of the Irkutsk State Technical University, 26, 67-68. Golikov, N. A. (2009). Inclusive education: new approaches to the life quality of children with special educational needs. Siberian Pedagogical Journal, 6 (232-240). Karpova, A. (2004). The psychology of reflexive mechanisms of action. Moscow: Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 410. Konopkin, O. (2004). Total ability for self-regulation as a factor in the subject development. Questions of Psychology, 2 (128-135). Kornilov, T. (2003). The Psychology of risk and decision-making. Moscow: Aspekt Press, 242. Leontiev, D. A. (2006). The personal maturity as mediation of personal growth. Cultural-historical psychology of development (pp. 154-161). In: Petukhova I.A. (ed.). Moscow Sense, 250. Lukyanov, I. (2001). Basic needs of the age as a basis for the development of social competence in adolescents.Psychological Science and Education, 4 (41-47). Osnitsky, A. K. (1996). Problems of research of subject activity. Questions of Psychology, 1 (5-18). Matantseva, T. N. (2012). Age-specific characteristics and personal self-regulation in adolescents with mental retardation. Bulletin of the Vyatka State Humanitarian University, 1 (162-166). Morosanova, V. I. (2011). Development of the self-conscious theory: the differential approach. Questions of Psychology, 3 (132-144). Petrovsky, V. (1993). The phenomenon of subjectivity in personality psychology. Doct. Diss. Moscow, 76. Safonov, T. S. & Morozova, J.S. (2010). Leveled characteristics of self-identity. Kemerovo State University Bulletin, 3 (100-101). Shapoval, I. A. (2005). Methods for study and diagnosis of deviant development. Moscow: TC Sphere, 320. Sharov, A. S. (1993). Formation of value orientations and personal behavior. Omsk: OSPU, 91. Stolin, V. V. & Calvin, M. (1982). Personal meaning: the structure and shape of the sous-existence in the mind. Bulletin of Moscow University. Series Psychology, 3 (38-47). Ulenkova, U. V. (1998). The integration of children with developmental delay in the general education environment: problems and solutions. Interuniversity collection of scientific works of 1998 (p. 9-20), Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 280. Vygotsky, L. S. (1983). Fundamentals of Defectology. Moscow: Science, 368. Yakimanskaya, J. S. (2013) Competence approach in education: problems and ways of modernization. Novosibirsk: LLC Sibprint Agency, 159. Zaretsky, V. K. (2005). Ten conferences on the special children development - ten steps from innovation to norm. Psychological Science and Education, 1, 83-95. |
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Prevention of Addictive Behavior Based on the Formation of Teenagers’ ResilienceVera P. Zeleeva & Ekaterina G. Shubnikova
pp. 2015-2023 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.574a | Article Number: ijese.2016.168
Abstract The relevance of the study is due to the development of a new stage of prevention and the need to justify new educational goals and objectives of the pedagogical prevention of addictive behavior in the educational environment. The purpose of this article is to examine the totality of the necessary and sufficient individual resources, that are protective factors for teenagers from different types of addictions. The leading method of research is the analysis of psychological and educational literature and legal acts in the field of prevention of addictive behavior, psycho diagnostic methods. The paper theoretically justifies the formation of the person’s resilience as a task of pedagogical prevention of addictive behavior in the educational environment, shows the results of psychodiagnostics for coping strategies, personal resources and resilience of adolescents, reveals the relationship between the models of coping behavior, the development level of the individual resources and the level of teenagers’ resilience. The article presents theoretical and practical significance for teachers, social workers and psychologists involved in the development and implementation of educational programs of addictive behavior prevention in the educational environment. Keywords: Addictive behavior, pedagogical prevention, resilience of a personality, coping behavior, the personal resources References Bazhin, E. F., Golynkina, E. A. & Etkind, A. M. (1984). Method of research of level of subjective control. Psychological Journal, 3, 152-162. Guryanova, M. P. (2006). The resilience of the individual as a pedagogical phenomenon. Pedagogy, 10, 43-50. Karpov, A. M. & Goryachev, D. N. (2011). Structural and dynamic unity of algorithms of formation of chemical and behavioral addictions. Practical Medicine, 1 (49), 37-41. Kirillova, T. V., Shubnikova, E. G. (2012). The resilience of an individual as the basis for the primary prevention of addictive behavior. Bulletin of the Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after I.Y. Yakovlev, 1-2, 79-83. Kryukova, T. L., Kuftyak, E. V. (2007). Questionnaire of ways of coping. Journal of Practical Psychology, 3, 93-103. Laktionova, A. I. (2010). The relationship of resilience and social adaptation of teenagers: PhD Thesis. Moscow. IP RAO, 184 p. Laktionova, A. I., Makhnach, A.V. (2008). Factors of resilience of deviant adolescents. Psychological Journal, 6, 39-47. Lazarus R. (1970). The theory of stress and physiological studies. Emotional stress. Los Angeles: Medicine, 178-208 . Magomed-Amin, M. S. (1988). Modification of the test questionnaire A. Mehrabian. Moscow: MGU, 88-93. Makhnach, A. (2006). The International Conference on the resilience of children and adolescents. Psychological Journal, 2, 129-131. Mendelevich, V. D. (2003). Drug addiction and comorbid conduct disorder (psychological and psychiatric aspects). Moscow: MEDpress.inform, 328 p. Mendelevich, V.D. (2007). Guide of addictology. St.Petersburg: Speech, 768 p. Nesterova, A. A. (2011). Socio-psychological concept of youth resilience in situations of job loss: PhD Thesis. Moscow: RGSU, 210 p. Rylskaya, E. A. (2011). On the question of the human psychological viability: a conceptual model and empirical experience. Psychology. Journal of Higher School of Economics, 3, 9-38. Rylskaya, E. A. (2014). Psychology of human vitality: PhD Thesis. Yaroslavl, 446 p. Shubnikova, E. G. (2013). Theoretical approaches to the study of the structural components of the individual as the basis of the resilience of the prevention of addictive behavior. Russian Humanitarian Journal, 1, 14-20. Shubnikova, E. G. (2015). Pedagogical prevention technology of dependent behavior of children and youth. Moscow: Modern Education, 154 p. Yaltonsky, V. M. & Sirota, N. A (2003). Prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism. Moscow: Academy, 176 p. Sirota, N. A., Yaltonsky, V. M. & Viderman, N. S. (2001). Prevention of addiction in adolescents. Moscow: Genesis, 216 p. The concept of prevention of substance abuse in the educational environment (2011). Moscow, 13 p. Vanishtendal, S. (1998). «Resilience», or justified hopes.. Geneva: Bice, 180 p. Velikanova, L. P. (2006). Narcology. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 384 p. |
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Forming Health Culture of Bachelors of Education by Means of an Academic CourseElena V. Asafova & Maria L. Sazanova
pp. 2025-2036 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.575a | Article Number: ijese.2016.169
Abstract In Russia the system of spreading health-culture among the young generation, the students, has not been formed yet, which makes the paper topical and up-to-date. The young generation is characterized by a low level of education and professional training efficiency in healthy life-style and health culture. It has caused depreciation of the concepts “health” and “healthy life-style”, they have been excluded from the value system of the young. Deplorable health condition of contemporary students was the reason that made the state authorities shift the national policy priorities and improve and upgrade valeological knowledge. Thus the paper aims at showing the ways of spreading health-culture by means of a special academic course. The key research methods are the following: health monitoring of the future Bachelors of Education, analyzing normative documents, getting together and generalizing the facts, making a pedagogical experiment, and forming the informational field for the theoretical grounds of health-culture. The paper presents the results of physical health monitoring of students who are future teachers, it reveals the ways of forming health-culture by means of an academic course. The necessity of improving valeological knowledge of the students and providing the bases for protecting and improving health of the future Bachelors of Education is explained. The research material has a practical value for the headmasters, teachers, and students of higher educational establishments, as well as for the scientists whose research sphere deals with students' health condition and the ways of its protecting and improving Keywords: Students' health, health culture, valeological knowledge, health diagnosis, health protection References Achkasov, E. E., Shteindert, S. V., Kazakova, P. N., Sindeyeva, L. V., Dyatchina, P. V. & Shtefan, O. S. Morphofunctional state of students-adolesents at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries (2013). Mediko-sotsialnaya ekspertiza i rehabilitatsiya, 2.41-45. Akamov, V. V. & Evdokimov, N. I. (2010). Organizational and methodical grounds of physical training at the pedagogical higher educational establishment. Problemi i perspektivi obrazovanija v Rossii, 6, 293–296. Apanasenko, G. L. (2006). Individual health. Direct access: http://www.journal.valeo.sfedu.ru/journal/200601.pdf. Bayevskiy, R. M. (1989). 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Prikladniye informatsionniye aspekti meditsini, 18(2), 62-67. Gorbunova, V. I. (2015). Methods of forming health culture of the students of a physical culture college. Problemy sovershenstvovaniya fizichesko kulturi, sporta i olimpizma, 1, 53-60. Gorelov, A. A. & Rumba O. G. (2013). On dependance of physical health of students on the amount of their physical activity. Vestniksportivnoynauki,2. 36–39. Gushchenko A. V., Leshchenko, Ya. A. & Boyeva A. V. (2011). Physical development, functional status of teeagers-lyceum pupils and students. Elektronniynauchno-obrazovatelniy vestnik «Zdorovye i obrazovaniye v XXI veke», 13(7), 312–314. Laykam, K. E. (2015). Social state and life level in Russia. Direct access: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/doc_2015/soc-pol.pdf Mikhailova, S. V., Norkina, E. I., Glagoleva, K. S., Titova, M. N. & Kurdayeva, E. A. (2015). Social-biologival aspects of health of contemporary students. Direct access: http://www.science-education.ru/121-17190 Panikhina, A. V. (2011). Physiological peculiarities of adaption of first-formers to studying at a higher educational establishment. Bulleten experimentalnoy biologii i meditsini, 151, 248-250. Pazyrkina, M. V. & Sopko, G. I. (2014a). Forming health-preserving competence of students of a pedagogical higher educational establishment. Pedagogika i sovremennost, 1, 107-110. Petrova, G. S. (2012). Health preserving technologies in the system of physical training of students. Izvestiya Tulskogogos.un-ta, 2, 499–504. Shyaybova, M. O. (2014). Student's healthy life-style cluture and the technology of its forming.Vestnik Akademiidetsko-yunosheskogo tunizma i krayevedeniya, 2(111), 68-75. Sopko, G. I. & Pazyrkina, M. V. (2014b). Forming health culture in teaching training. Nauka 21 veka, 2, 69-72. Tikhomirov, D. A. (2013). Demographic crisis and health problems of young people in Russian. Direct access: http://www.zpu-journal.ru/e-zpu/2013/5/Tikhomirov_Demographic-Crisis-Youth/. Verkhorubova, O. V. & Podlesskaya, O. S. (2013). The problem of forming students’ health culture. Vestnik TGPU (TSPU Bulletin), 4 (132). 148-150. Veselkina, T. E. & Krylov, A. I. (2013). Grounds for the complex of measures aiming at increasing physical activity of the beginning students. Uchyoniye Zapiski Un-ta im. P.F. Lesgafta, 10 (104). 35–39. Zvezdina, M. L. (2013). “Health Culture” as a theoretical research subject in Pedagogic. VestnikTvGU, 2, 229-238. |
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Correction of School Disadaptation of Teenagers by Art Therapy MethodsIrina A. Nigmatullina & Julia A. Gerasimenko
pp. 2037-2045 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.576a | Article Number: ijese.2016.170
Abstract Relevance of research is caused by growth of number of pupils with school disadaptation that is expressed in problems of development of the school program, socialization problems, and the general trouble. In this regard, this article is directed to identification or disclosure of opportunities of assistance to teenagers with this problem, to take them in a difficult educational situation, to help to overcome vital difficulties. The leading method in research of this problem is the art therapy method. It allows pupils to create the atmosphere of emotional wellbeing in the course of mobilization of creative potential, to find experience of new kinds of activity, to develop creative abilities, to promote internal self-control of feelings and behavior. On the basis of the provision of the humanistic focused art therapy about self-expression and self-realization in creativity products, opportunities art and therapeutic the technician in work with the teenagers in the diagnostic, correctional, therapeutic and developing purposes are shown in article. Results of correctional work speak about positive changes in the emotional and personal relation to the doctrine, teachers, peers, and about increase of the general school progress. Materials of article show practical value for specialists of the educational organizations in the solution of problems of school disadaptation of teenagers. Keywords: School disadaptation, art therapy method, emotional and personal violations, violations of behavior References Bratchikova, J. V., Korotaeva, E. V., Arakelov, T. L. & Bezrodny, T. V. (2010). Theory and practice of pedagogical interactions in the modern system of education: the collective monograph Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk State University, 172 p. Coumarin, G, F. (2014). the school System: prevention of destructive behavior. Social pedagogy. Science Journal, 3(4), 5 - 19. Gerasimenko, Y. A. & Karpovа, G. A. (2004). Interpersonal relationships of students with hearing impairment. Ekaterinburg: Ural. state University, 196 p. Gerasimenko, Y. A. & Velutina, T. N. (2008). Rehabilitation of students with disabilities in vocational education. Shadrinsk: The Printing House, 120 p. Gerasimenko, Y. A. (2013). Pedagogıcal desıgnıng of process of career educatıon of hearıng-ımpaıred students. Bulletın of krasnoyarsk state pedagogıcal unıversıty them. V. P. Astafıev. 3(6), 110-114. Gerasimenko, Y. A., Semenov, T. V., Skorobogatov, N. V. & Shahmuhametova, E. S. (2006). Survey of pedagogical techniques and methods of active learning. Shadrinsk: Shadrinsk state pedagogical Institute, 152 p. Gerasimenko, Y. A. (2003). Correction of interpersonal relations of deaf students. Shadrinsk: Shadrinsk state pedagogical Institute, 139 p. Kataeva, E. A. (2013). Modelling socio-cultural activities of residential institutions as a tool of prevention of deviant behavior of children-orphans. World of science, culture, education. Science Journal, 2(3), 39- 41. Lozgacheva, O. V. (2008). Methods of active socio-psychological training. Ekaterinburg: Ural. state University, 220 p. Osypuk, E. (2007). Psycho-diagnostic and psycho-correctional work with children with the use of the mandala. School psychologist. Newspaper, 4, 18-19. Sharapanovskaya, E. V. (2005). Social-psychological maladjustment of children and adolescents. Moscow: TC Sphere, 160 p. Vasyagina, N. N. (2007). The psychology of a subject of activity. Ekaterinburg: Ural. state University. 206 p. Vasyagina, N. N. (2010). Оn the question of socio-cultural educational space. Scientific problems of humanitarian researches. Science Journal,1(3), 67-72. Yakovleva, E. P. (2009). The Problem of social adaptation and maladaptation in adolescence. Man and education. Science Journal, 1(8), 73 – 78. |
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Psychological Model of a Person Dedicated to His ProfessionVictoriya V. Sadovaya & Galina I. Korchagina
pp. 2047-2057 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.577a | Article Number: ijese.2016.171
Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine science teachers’ level of using computers in teaching and the impact of a teacher professional development program (TPDP) on their views regarding utilizing computers in science education. Forty-three in-service science teachers from different regions of Turkey attended a 5 day TPDP. The TPDP was structured in modules designed using inquiry-based interactive computer simulations (IBICS). The participants created modules on different science subjects during the TPDP. Their progression was evaluated by micro-teaching sessions. Mixed methods research was used. The data were gathered by a survey and semi-structured interviews. Findings indicate that most of the science teachers initially lacked the necessary skills and knowledge for using computers in teaching. However, after the TPDP majority of them developed positive views on using computers in teaching and learning. Also, for teachers the TPDP provided ways and methods of successful integration of ICTs in teaching. Keywords: system of professional dedication, to be in demand, identity References Berdnikova, V. A. & Korchagina, G. I. (2016). Justification of the psychological system of personal professional dedication. Scientific and methodical electronic journal "Concept", 11, 3026-3030. Chiksentmihaii, M. (2014). Proper business. Leadership, flow state and the creation of meaning. Moscow: Career Press, 320 p. Ermolaeva, E. P. (2008). Psychology of social professional realization. Moscow: Publishing House of the "Institute of Psychology, Academy of Sciences", 347 p. Ermolaeva, E. P. (2011). Evaluation of professional implementation in the system "man-profession-society". Moscow: Publishing House of the "Institute of Psychology, Academy of Sciences", 241 p. Gromyko Y. V. (2013). Institute for Advanced Studies of E.L. Schiffers. Moscow, Sofia, 142 p. Kharitonova, E. V. (2014). Psychology of social and professional personal demand. Moscow: Institute of Psychology, Academy of Sciences Publ., 411 p. Kharitonova, E. V. & Jasko B.A. (2009). Methodological Guide. Krasnodar, Lipba, 40. Korchagina, G. I. (2014). The man in the organizational environment. Kirov: Raduga, 124 p. Korchagina, G. I. (2015, October 20-22). Component-functional analysis of professional success of a teacher. Yaroslavl. Proceedings of the VII International scientific-practical conference, 67-69. Maslach, C. & Leiter, M. P. (1997). The truth about burnout. San Francisco, 443 p. Morosanova, V. I. & Bondarenko I. N. (2015). Diagnosis of man’s self-regulation. Moscow: Kogito Center, 304 p. Polunina, O. V. (2009). Correlation of dedication to work and professional burnout: PhD Thesis. Moscow, 27. Povarenkov, J. P. (2015, October 20-22). Structural approach to the psychological analysis of professional activity. Yaroslavl, Proceedings of the VII International scientific-practical conference, 122-129. Richey, S. & Martin, P. (2009). Motivation management.12 motivating factors. Moscow: UNITY-DANA, 399 p. Salanova, M., Agut, S. & Peiro, J. (2005). Linking organizational resources and workengagement to employee performance and customer loyalty: the mediation ofservice climate. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1217-1227 p. Schaufeli, W. & Bakker, A. (2010). Defining and measuring work engagement: Bringing clarity to the concept / Work engagement: A handbook of essential theory and research. Psychology Press. R. 5-24. Schaufeli, W., Dijkstra & P. Ivanova, T. (2015). Passion for work: how to love the job and enjoy it. Moscow: Cogito – Center,144 p. Seligman, M. (2006). New Positive Psychology: The scientific outlook on happiness and meaning of life. Moscow: Sofia, 368 p. Shadrikov, V. D. (2013). Psychology of man’s work. Moscow: Institute of Psychology, Academy of Sciences Publ., 464 p. |
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The Criteria of Adaptation of Primary School Pupils to the Academic Load of the Increased IntensityNadezhda V. Telegina & Tatyana V. Belicheva
pp. 2059-2067 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.578a | Article Number: ijese.2016.172
Abstract The relevance of the research problem is due to applying various training programs in the modern education system which are supposed to increase teaching efficiency. In-depth study of some subjects at schools, lyceums and gymnasiums which starts in the elementary school quite often leads to tension and failures of adaptation process in innovative institutions that makes it necessary to work out the criteria of this process. This article deals with studying such criteria as dynamics of intellectual working capacity, physical health and physical fitness of the 1-3rd graders influenced by teaching in classes with in-depth study of a foreign language. The methods of the research of this problem are: the method of proof tests, the health index assessment method, testing of physical qualities that make it possible to define the level of intellectual working capacity, physical health and physical fitness of the 1-3rd graders in their dynamics and interrelation with the intensity of the academic load. The criteria of adaptation of primary school pupils to the academic load of the increased intensity have been worked out in the article. It has been proved that the increase in the academic load increases pupils’ intellectual working capacity and has no negative effect on physical fitness of the 1-3rd graders, but it increases their disease incidence that indicates a high physiological cost of organism adaptation to a more intensive academic load. The materials of the article can be useful to elementary school teachers and school psychologists in working out and planning training programs involving in-depth study of subjects. Keywords: Pupils, intensity of training, intellectual working capacity, physical health, physical fitness References Chasanova, N. N. (2007). Intellectual efficiency of pupils of the 3-4th classes being trained according to the experimental program. Bulletin of the Adygei state university. Series 4: Natural and mathematical and technical science, 4, 161-167. Chasanova, N. N., Shakhanov, A. V., Kuashev, D. A. & Glazun, T. V. (2004). Adaptation of the pupils of 1-3rd classes to academic loads in the conditions of various innovative and traditional forms of education. New researches: Almanac, 2(7), 396 p. Dubrovinskaya, N. V., Farber, D. A. & Armless, M. M. (2000). Psychophysiology of the child. Moscow: Vlados, 144 p. Grebneva, N. N., Sazanov, T. V., Petrov, A. V., Arefyeva, A. V. (2004). Formingf a child’s organism in the conditions of adaption school training at the Tyumen North. New Researches: Almanac, 6, 7-13. Grigorieva, O. V. (2000). A functional condition of cardiovascular system and intellectual efficiency pf children of 7-9 years within a week and an academic year: PhD Thesis. Kazan, KFU, 126 p. Khimich, G. Z. & Bulekbayeva, S. E. (2000). Adaptation opportunities of school students and innovative educational technologies. Physiology of development of the person. Materials of the international conference, dedicated to the 55-th anniversary of the Institute of age physiology RAO, 446-448. Kirpichev, V. I. (2002). Physiology and hygiene of the younger school student. Moscow: Vlados, 143 p. Lebedeva, N. T. (2004). Preventive physical culture for children: A manual for teachers and tutors, Minsk: Vysheyshy school, 190 p. Marushchak, L. A. & Shemanchuk, G. A. (2013). An intensification of educational process in educational institutions as the reason of disharmonious physical development of pupils: problems, prospects. News of the Volgograd state pedagogical university, 2(77), 54-56. Nazipova, G. A. (2002). A functional condition of a cardiovascular system and intellectual efficiency of 7 - 9-year-old younger school pupils at the different modes of training: PhD Thesis. Kazan, KFU, 207 p. Polenova, M. A., Sazanyuk, Z. I., Shumkova, T. V. (2012). About realization of an integrated approach to optimization of training in the conditions of the raised educational loading. Health of the population and habitat, 11 (236), 42-44. Ryabichenko, T. I., Timofeev, E. P., Skosyrev, G. A., Kartsev, T. V., Kosyanov,T.G. & Hasnulin, V. I. (2014). The comparative analysis of psychological health of the teenagers being trained at the educational institutions with the increased and usual level of an academic load in the conditions of the large megalopolis of Siberia. International journal of experimental education, 3, 85-90. Stepanova, M. I., Sazanyuk, Z. I., Polenova, M. A., Ulanova, S. A., Lashneva, I. P., Berezina, N. O., Sedov, A. S. & Laponova, E. (2012). Health saving opportunities of pedagogical technologies. Hygiene and sanitation, 2, 52-55. Sukharev, A. A (1991). Health and physical training of children and teenagers, Moscow: Medicine, 272 p. Vavilov, Y. N., Yarych, E. A. & Kakorina, E. P. (1997). Check yourself. Theory and Practice of physical culture, 9, 58-66. Voronina. G. A., Small, T. V. & Spitsin, A. P. (2004). Complex assessment of reserves of adaption and preservation of health. Eussinphzciological journal of I.M.Sechenov, 8, 187-194. Zaytseva, V. V. (2004). Optimization of a functional state of alarming school students by means of physical culture. New researches: Almanac, 2(7), 172-173. |
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Socio-Pedagogical Complex as a Pedagogical Support Technology of Students’ Social AdaptationVictoriya V. Sadovaya & Galina I. Simonova
pp. 2069-2083 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.579a | Article Number: ijese.2016.173
Abstract The relevance of the problem stated in the article is determined by the need of developing technological approaches to pedagogical support of students’ social adaptation. The purpose of this paper is to position the technological sequence of pedagogical support of students’ social adaptation in the activities of the socio-pedagogical complex. The leading method in the study of this problem was the method of modeling, which allowed us to identify the components and structure of the socio-pedagogical complex, the implementation of which optimizes the process of students’ social adaptation. The article presents and characterizes the components of the socio-pedagogical complex revealed in the course of the study; proposes activities for the centers and services that provide pedagogical support of students’ social adaptation; proves the efficiency of the socio-pedagogical complex technology on the basis of children’s additional education institutions. The materials of the article are of theoretical and practical value for both researchers of the problems of personality social adaptation and for educational professionals implementing pedagogical support of students’ social adaptation. Keywords: Pedagogical support, social adaptation, socio-pedagogical complex, pedagogical support technology References Anokhina, T. V. (1996). Pedagogical support as a reality of modern education. New values of education. 6 , 72-84. Gazman, O. S. (1995). Pedagogical support of children in education as an innovative problem. New values of education: ten concepts and essays, 7, 110-124. Mikhailova, N. N. & Yusfin, S. M. (2001) Pedagogy of support. Moscow, MIROS, 208 p. Plotkin, M. (2003). The theory and practice of schoolchildren social education: PhD Thesis. Moscow, 376 p. Selevko, G. K. & Selevko, A. G. (2002). Socio-educational technologies Moscow, Public education, 256 p. Semenov, V. D. (1986). Interaction of school and social environment. Moscow, Pedagogy, 110 p. Simonova G. I. (2004). Social adaptation of schoolchildren: theory and practice. Kirov, VSHU, 128 p. Strokova, T. A. (2002). Pedagogical support and assistance in modern educational practice. Pedagogy, 4. 20-27 Subbotina, L. G. (2002). Psychological and pedagogical support of students in the context of student-centered learning: PhD Thesis. Kemerovo: Kemerovo State University, 213 p. Yakimanskaya, I. S. & Yakunin, O. (1998). A learner-centered lesson: planning and conduct technology. The school Director, 3. 65-73. |
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Development of Higher Mental Functions in First-graders During the School Year Depending on the Intensity of Educational ActivitiesAlla A. Tvardovskaya &Elena V. Svinar
pp. 2085-2097 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.580a | Article Number: ijese.2016.174
Abstract The relevance of the investigated problem is caused by the fact that most children who start to study do not have a good level of higher mental functions. It leads to difficulties at school and health problems. The article aims at estimating the level of higher mental functions and the degree of educational motivation development among first-graders depending on the intensity of educational activities. The leading methods used to investigate the problem are methods of mental function evaluation of younger students. The article reveals the effect of educational activities, including intensive activities, on the development level of higher mental functions of first-graders. The results prove that the level of spatial visualization ability and short-term auditory rote memory of first-formers taking 3- or 4-year primary education program increases; and these changes are greater among students taking 3-year primary education program. This education system also contributes to increase of short-term auditory memory and semantic voluntary attention (primarily among boys). Intensive educational activities (1-3 system) provide greater motivation and efficiency of training activities than less intensive educational activities (1-4 system). The article is of practical value to educational activities managers, primary school teachers and school psychologists. Keywords: Higher mental functions, adaptation to the training load, the intensity of educational activities, first graders References Almanakh of psychological tests.(1996). Moscow: "PCB", 400 p. Belykh, A. I, Zvyagina, N. V., & Koposova, T. S. (2001). Some of psycho physiological correlates of primary school children in Arkhangelsk. Ecology of Education: actual. Problems, 2, 39-42. Chechueva, S. V., Mazur & E. N. (1999) Influence of gender on the features of mental activity of children of secondary school age. Ecology of Education: actual. Problems, 1, 439-441. Chetverikova, E. V. (2004). Influence of prenatal factors, health and education conditions on the level of development of higher mental functions and the success of educational activity of first-graders (thesis abstract on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of biological sciences). Kirov. 21 p. Dubrovinskaya, N. V., Farber, D. A. & Bezrukikh, M. M. (2000). Psychophysiology baby: Fundamentals of children's valeology. Moscow: VLADOS. p144. Egorova, T. V. (1973). Features of memory and thinking of younger schoolboys who are lagging behind in development. Moscow: Education. Farber, D. A., Beteleva, T. G., Gorev, A. S., Dubrovinskaya, N. V. & Machinskaya, R. I. (2000). Funktsionalnaya organization of the developing brain and cognitive formirovanie. Fiziologiya child development. Moscow: RAO, 82-103. Farber, D. A., Dubrovinskaya, N. V. (1997). Brain organizatsiya cognitive processes in the preschool age. Human Physiology, 2, 25-32. Gritsinskaya, V. L., Gordiets, A. V., Galaktionova, M. Y. (2001). Clinical and metabolic parameters in children's adaptation to school. Pediatrics, 5, 57-59. Gutkina, N. I. (1998). Psychological readiness for school: diagnostic and development program. Psychological Science and Education, 2, 25-32. Ilyina, M. N. & Paramonova, L. G. (1998). Tests for children: Is your child ready for school? St.Petersburg: "Delta", 384 p. Kirpichev, V. I. (2002). Physiology and hygiene of primary school age. Moscow: VLADOS, 234 p.. Klimesch W. (1999). EEG-alpha - and theta-oscillations reflect cognitive and memory performance. Brain Res. Revs, 29, 169-181. Kuchma, V. R. & Stepanova, M. I. (2002). Modern hygienic approaches to assess the impact of educational technology on children's health. Informational bulletin "Health and environment", 2 (107), 1-4. Kulagina, I. Y. (1999). Age psychology. Moscow: URAO, 176 p. Kuzmina, A. A. & Taranushenko, T. E. (2005). Dynamics of body weight as a criterion for evaluating the adaptation of first-graders to school. Pediatrics, 6, 79-82. Priluchnaya, N. V. (2002). Features of spatial visualization ability of first-graders with different levels of development of psycho-physiologica. Arkhangelsk, Vostok, 352p. Rogov, E. I. (1995). Handbook of Practical Psychology in Education. Moscow: VLADOS, 228 p. Rozanova, T. V. (1978). Development of memory and thinking of deaf children. Moscow, 241 p. Rybak, E. V. & Pyatkov, A. V. (1999). On sexual dimorphism of the system of indicators of mental maturity of the senior preschool children. Ecology of Education: actual. Problems, 1, 234-236. Ryseva, L. L. & Zlokazova, M. V. (1998). Features of verbal and logical thinking among first-graders. Kirov: Bekhterev’s Kirov Regional Psychiatric Hospital, 282 p. Stepanova, M. I. (2003). Hygienic bases of the organization of primary education of children in modern school: PhD Thesis. Moscow, 248 p. Svinar, E. V. (2008). Influence of educational activity of varying intensity on the growth processes and the functionality of the first-grade thesis. Moscow: State Pedagogical University, 82 p. Svinar, E.V. (2015). Features of development of higher mental functions of students at the initial stage of training. System genesis educational and professional materials of the VII International scientific-practical conference,100-103. Tsirkin, V. I. & Trukhina, S. I. (2001). The physiological basis of mental activity and human behavior. Nizhni Novgorod: Publishing house NSMA, 524 p. Tulyakova, O. V. (2004). Child development and success of their educational activities according to gender, type of temperament, functional asymmetry of the brain and other factors. Kirov, 218 p. Vygotsky, L. S. (1984). The crisis of seven years. Moscow: Education, 230 p |
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Developing the pedagogical culture of parents by means of social partnership with a supplementary education institutionVenera G. Zakirova & Ekaterina L. Nikitina
pp. 2099-2111 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.581a | Article Number: ijese.2016.175
Abstract The urgency of the research is due to the current requirements to develop the pedagogical culture of parents, which can help them to be successful parents, to effectively interact with their children avoiding family upbringing mistakes. In this respect, the article aims to identify the conditions for development of the pedagogical culture of parents by means of social partnership with a supplementary education institution and to work out the program of parent education. The leading approaches to this problem are axiological, synergic, systematic, and existentialistic ones allowing to find a comprehensive solution to the problem of improving family education. The article describes the implemented program of development of the pedagogical culture of parents by means of social partnership with a supplementary education institution; it also provides empirical data on the results of the program implementation. The article describes the content of the program of development of the pedagogical culture of parents. In this regard, the article can be of use to education practitioners who have to interact with parents in their professional activity. Keywords: pedagogical culture of parents, parent education, supplementary education institution, social partnership References Aidemiller, A. G. & Ustitskis, V. (2010). Family psychology and psychotherapy. Saint Petersburg: Peter, 672 p. Arnautova, Е. P. (2012). Planning work of a pre-school educational institution with the family. Pre-school educational institution management, 4, 12-18. Berk, R. & Herron, R. (2001). Up-brining based on common sense. Saint Petersburg: Ves, 176 p. Dreikurs, R. & Zolts, V. (1986). Your child’s happiness. Moscow: Progress, 240 p. Gordon, Т. (1997). Increasing parental effectiveness. Ekaterinburg: ARD LTD, 228 p. Grebennikov, I. V. (1986). Pedagogic universal education of parents. Moscow: Znanie, 79 p. Jainot, H. (1986). Parents and children. Moscow: Progress, 96 p. Karpov, А. V. (2003). Reflexiveness as a psychological attribute and its diagnostic techniques. Psychology Journal, 4(5), 45-57. Khyamyalyainen, Yu. (1993). Parent education: concepts, trends, and prospects. Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 112 p. Kipnis, М. (2008). Family relationship coaching. Moscow: Os, 144 p. Kokoeva, А. Т. (2003). Developing the pedagogic culture of parents: PhD Thesis. Vladikavkaz: North Ossetia State University named after K.L.Khetagurov, 243 p. Kulchitskaya, I. Yu. (2005). Developing the pedagogic culture of parents in an institution for supplementary education: PhD Thesis. Stavropol: North Caucasus State Technical University, 169 p. Levkov, Yu. А. (1986). Developing the pedagogic culture of parents. Irkutsk: Raduga, 125 p. Lodkina, Т. V. (2003). Social pedagogy. Moscow: Akademia, 192 p. Nedvetskaya, M. N. (2011). Theory and practice of organisation of pedagogic school and family interaction. Moscow: Perspektiva, 152 p. Ovcharova, R. V. (2003). Psychological follow-up of parenthood. Moscow: Psychotherapy Institute, 319 p. Petryavskaya, L. G. (1999). Parent education and the school. Moscow: VLADOS, 120 p. Polyakova, L. V. (2010). Preparing a future teacher to development of parents’ pedagogic culture: PhD Thesis. Volgograd. Volgograd State Pedagogic University, 174 p. Sorokina, E. N. (2005) Development of the pedagogic culture of parents in the system of institutions for supplementary education of children: PhD Thesis. Nizhny Novgorod: Dobrolyubov State Linguistic University of Nizhny Novgorod, 338 p. Titarenko, V. Ya. (1987). The family and personality development. Moscow: Mysl’, 351 p. Tokareva, S. N. (1989). Social and Psychological aspects of family education. Moscow: Moscow State University, 79 p. Varga, А. Ya. & Stolin, V. V. (2001). The test on parental attitude. Psychological tests. Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 30 p. Vasil’eva, L. Е. (2007). Development of the pedagogic culture of parents as a factor of improving quality of education at rural school: PhD Thesis. Cheboksary: The Chuvash state university named after I. N. Ulyanov, 210 p. Zhdakaeva, Е. I. (2001). A path to a happy family. Saint Petersburg: Rech, 119 p. |
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Using the Technology of Critical Thinking Development (CTD) as a Means of Forming Competencies of Students Majoring in “Life Safety”Leysan R. Kayumova & Marina A. Morozova
pp. 2113-2122 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.582a | Article Number: ijese.2016.176
Abstract The relevance of the research problem is caused by the need to use various teaching methods and techniques in training students majoring in pedagogical specialties while implementing the competency approach in education. Information about the technology of critical thinking development (CTD) in future teachers training is limited, and the conclusions about its effectiveness are contradictory. The article aims at justifying the application of this technology in training future Life Safety teachers for development of their general cultural and pedagogical competencies. The article describes the experience of the educational program actualization in accordance with the Federal State Education Standard (FSES) to enhance the formation of professional competence of future teachers. The article analyses the results of implementing active education elements and techniques of CTD in different types of contact and independent work within a single module for bachelors’ training (44.03.01 Pedagogical Education, Life Safety profile). Graduates use these techniques and methods successfully in their in their professional activity. The article is of practical value to educational activities managers, teachers of higher and secondary education, and Life Safety teachers. Keywords: college education, competence-based approach, technologies of critical thinking development, life safety, educational program References Arsenyev, К. S. (2011). On the problem of critical thinking formation in students of the university. Education and Science, 10, 68-69. Burkhanova, F. B. & Rodionova, S. E. (2012). Introduction of innovative active and interactive teaching methods and educational technologies in Russian universities: modern state and problems. Vestnik of Bashkirsky University, 4, 1862-1863. Dolgusheva, I. E. & Bekker, I. L. (2011). Competence-based approach as a theoretical and organization basis of modern education. Izvestia of Belinsky PGPU, 24, 626-630. Gruzdeva, М. L. & Bakhtiyarova, L. N. (2014). Pedagogical techniques and methods of work of higher school teachers in the conditions of the information educational environment. Theory and practice of Social Development, 1, 166 -167. Khutorsky, А. V. (2003). Key competencies as the component of a student-centered education. Popular Education, 2, 58-64. Klimova, Т. V. (2012). Methods of forming student's critical thinking. Vestnik OGU, 2, 114-138. Kukina, Е. N. (2010). Basics of the pedagogical technology of critical thinking development in students with reading and writing. Izvestia VolgGTU, 7 (8), 114-116. Kuznetsova, N. V. (2011). Development of creative potential of pupils during Life Safety lessons. Theory and techniques of training and education, 7, 225-226. Lazyrina, O. M. (2015). Techniques of critical thinking technology in teaching practice of higher education. Theory and practice of social development, 5, 156-157. Makarova, L. N. & Sharshov, I. A. (2015). Individual trajectories technology of critical thinking development in teacher and student. Gaudeamus, 1 (25), 73-74. Mansurova, I. А. & Fomin, S. V. (2014). Technology of critical thinking development in teaching engineering disciplines in higher education. Direct access: http://www.science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=13588 Morochenkova, I. А. (2004). Formation of critical thinking of students in educational process of university. Dissertation abstract for the degree of candidate of Pedagogy, 6, 22. Mzhelskaya, Т. V. (2014). Techniques of critical thinking development technology in teaching the discipline “Technology of independent work”. Siberian Pedagogical Journal, 2, 93-95. Ospanova, N. T. (2010). Pedagogical conditions of formation of critical thinking in senior pupils: PhD Thesis, Almaty, 243 p. Ovcharenko, V. А. & Repina I. А. (2014). Critical thinking development technology. Problems and prospects of education development in Russia, 27, 125-126. Ozen, H. (2016). Determining the Factors of Social Phobia Levels of University Students: A Logistic Regression Analysis. Educational Process: International Process, 5(1), 38-53. Ozbey, A., & Saricam, H. (2016). Human Values and Compassionate Love in Highly Gifted Students and Normal Student. Educational Process: International Process, 5(2), 116-127. Shakirova, D. M. (2006). Formation of critical thinking of pupils and students: model and technology. Educational Technology & Society, 4, 284-289. Stolbnikova, Е. А. (2006). Development of critical thinking of pedagogical higher educational establishment students in media education. Taganrog: Kuchma, 160 p. Varlakova, М. L. (2012). Development of critical thinking at physics lessons. Omsk Scientific Vestnik, 2(106), 243-245. Yeltsova, O. V. (2013). Realization of the competence-based approach in the discipline “Life Safety” using some techniques of the critical thinking development technology through reading and writing. Sience Vector TGU, 4 (26), 225-226. Yeremina, L. I., Nagornov, Yu. S., Nagornova, А. Yu. (2013). Creative development technologies for students of engineering specialties. Fundamental research, 1(1), 79-80. Zair-Bek, S. I. (2011). Development of critical thinking in class: manual for teachers of educational institutions. Moscow: Prosveshcheniye, 223 p. |
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Project-Based Method as an Effective Means of Interdisciplinary Interaction While Teaching a Foreign LanguageIrina Alekseevna Bondar, Renata Ivanovna Kulbakova, Irina Andreevna Svintorzhitskaja, Larisa Pavlovna Pilat & Zaur Aslanovich Zavrumov
pp. 2123-2133 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.584a | Article Number: ijese.2016.178
Abstract The article explains how to use a project-based method as an effective means of interdisciplinary interaction when teaching a foreign language on the example of The Institute of service, tourism and design (branch) of the North Caucasus Federal University (Pyatigorsk, Stavropol Territory Russia). The article holds the main objectives of the project-based method, forming their classification. The authors point out the need to conduct pre-project work by mindfully selecting the appropriate linguistic material, developing a definite system of tasks and exercises. Another important step is the selection of general or profile topics that could be of interest to students in terms of their future profession. In addition, the article describes several out-of-class projects as well as it provides basic requirements for using the project-based method while teaching a foreign language. Keywords: Project methodology, teaching a foreign language, cooperation, interdisciplinary interaction References Dadayan, Yu.S., Pilat, L.P., Svintorzhitskaya, I.A., Solomintseva, O.V., Shevchenko, E.M. (2013). Project-based methods in practice of teaching foreign languages in the Russian higher education institutions. European Applied Sciences. Stuttgart: ORT Publishing, 3, 130p. Dolmatovskaya, E.Yu. (2000). Professionally oriented teaching of a foreign language in modern conditions (non-linguistic higher educational institutions). Professional communication as the goal of learning a foreign language in non-linguistic higher educational institutions. Moscow, 180 p. Galskova, N.D. (2006). Theory of foreign language teaching. Language education and methods: Manual for students of linguistical universities and faculties of foreign languages teaching in pedagogical higher education institutions. Moscow: Publishing Centre «Academy». Kilpatrick, W.H. (2003). Project-based method. Application of target setting in the pedagogical process, in: Pedagogical locies, 2003/04 academic year. Project-based learning at school. Special appendix to the magazine Lyceum and gymnasium education, 4, 6. Matros, D.Sh., Polev, D.M., Melnikova, N.N. (2001). Quality management in education based on new informational technologies and educational monitoring. Мoscow: Pedagogical society of Russia, 186p. Methodical materials for a seminar on basic competences provided in the cycle of humanitarian and social and economic disciplines in compliance with SES РЗУ (State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education), Moscow, December 6-7, 2005. Moscow: RUDN publishing house, 52p. Pakhomova, N. Yu. (2003). Project-based methods for educational institutions: A manual for teachers and students of pedagogical colleges. Мoscow: ARKTI, 110p. Pakhomova, N. Yu. (2004). Project-based learning-what is it? School technology, 4, 93-96. Pilat, L.P., Svintorzhitskaya, I.A., Shevchenko, E.M., Solomintseva, O.V. (2013). Multimedia Applications in Teaching of Foreign Language. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 13(5), 612-615. Pilat, L.P., Solomintseva, O.V., Shevchenko, E.M. (2014). Use of project-based methods at practical lessons on the discipline "Foreign language". Education and society: Oryol, 2(85), 32-34. Polat, E.S. (2000). Use of project-based methods at foreign language lessons. Foreign languages at school, 2, 3-10. Polat, E.S., Buharkina, M.Yu., Moiseeva, M.V., Petrova, A.Ye. (1999). New pedagogical and informational technologies in education. Moscow: Publishing Center "Academy". Program "Foreign language" for non-linguistic higher educational institutions and faculties (2011). Мoscow: Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation. Research and methodology council on foreign languages, 4p. Shamov, A.N. (Ed.) (2008). Methods of teaching foreign languages: general course publishing. Moscow: AST MOSCOW, East-West, 253p. Tryapitsina, A.P. (Ed.) (2006). Modern teaching technology in specialized training. Study guide for teachers. Saint-Petersburg: Caro, 176p. Sergev, I.S. (2003). How to organize project work of students? Moscow: ARKTI, 80 p. Yermakova, L.I., Pilat, L.P., Svintorzhitskaya, I.A., Solomintseva, O.V., Shevchenko, E.M. (2014). Factors affecting the foreing language teaching quality for the students of the Russian non-linguistic higher educational institutions. Life Science Journal, 11(11), 34-38. Trim, J.L.V. (1992). Language teaching in the perspective of the predictable requirements of the twenty-first century. AJLA Review, 9, 7-20. Zapesotskiy, A.S. (2002). On the assessment and quality management of the educational activity of higher educational institutions. Problems of quality management in a Humanitarian University: Book of abstracts of the VII annual all-Russia scientific-methodical conference March 14-15, Saint-Petersburg: SPBGUP, 47-58. |
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The Intellectual Work Management as an Essential Condition for Creativity Development of Higher Education InstitutionYerlan T. Yerzhanov, Valentina Kh. Adilova, Yrysgul B. Shakaman, & Rafis Kh. Shaimardanov
pp. 2135-2145 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.586a | Article Number: ijese.2016.179
Abstract The article discusses the methodological basis of creating effective system for intellectual work management at the higher education institution. The study of the intellectual work management is caused by the need of today's complicated socio-economic, organizational and educational systems to obtain reliably reproducible repercussions from future professionals based on scientific approach to management. We propose a methodology for intellectual work management, based on the interaction of complex concepts such as intellectual resource, intellectual process, intellectual potential, and intellectual capital. The intellectual resource can be considered as a combination of knowledge, technologies and scientific discoveries in the course of research and development (R&D) activities. The iintellectual potential ensures a high rate of acquiring new knowledge. Intelligence, as a mentality quality, promotes adaptation to changes in learning based on the experience, comprehension, and application of knowledge. Intellectual capital of the education institution consists of knowledge, accumulated while implementing educational programs and providing educational services, as well as knowledge structures and intellectual value. We believe that their interpenetration and mutual reinforcement allows solving many fundamental, specific and applied problems of intellectual work management. The study of the students’ intellectual work within the described methodological framework of management science, in our opinion, forms a coherent system of representations about the attitude of employers to the intellectual work of future professionals that increases their manageability. Keywords: Intellectual work management, intellectual resource, intellectual process, intellectual potential, intellectual capital References Abdikeev, N.M., and Kiselev, A.D., (2011). Knowledge Management and Business Reengineering, Infra-M. Beckman, T.A., (1997). Methodology for Knowledge Management, in: International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED), Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Banff, Canada. Bontis, N., (2001). Assessing Knowledge Assets: a Review of the Models Used to Measure Intellectual Capital, International Journal of Management Reviews, 3(1), 41-60.. Borisov, A.F., and Bakhenskaya, M.V., (2010). Intellectual Capital of Non-Profit Educational Organization as an Object of Social Control, Social Management: Quality, Technology, Innovation. Ed. by Volchkova L.T., Sankt-Petersburg, St. Petersburg State University. Pp. 34-43. Büchel, B., and Raub, S., (2002). Building Knowledge-Creating Value Networks, European Management Journal, 20(6), 587-596. Bukovich, W., and Williams, R., (2002). Knowledge Management: a Guidelines for Action, Moscow: Infra-M, 156 p. Ilyenkova, S.D., (2007). Innovation Management. Moscow: Unity-Dana. Kryshtafovich, A.N., (2003). Knowledge Management as a Promising Area of Management, Management in Russia and Abroad, 1, 42-51. Lukicheva, L.I., (2007). Management of Intellectual Capital, Moscow: Omega-L. Rumyantseva, Z.P., (2003). Knowledge Management in the Educational Environment of the University, State University of Management, Bulletin of the University, 1, 42-51. Stewart, T.A., (2007). Intellectual Capital. The New Source of Organizations’ Wealth, Publishing House "Pokolenuje". |
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Development of Humane Interpersonal RelationshipsElena Yuryevna Kleptsova & Anton Anatolyevich Balabanov
pp. 2147-2157 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.585a | Article Number: ijese.2016.180
Abstract The article reflects some theoretical aspects of humanization of interpersonal relationships in the sphere of education. The notion “humanization of interpersonal relationships” is being analyzed. The authors offer a characterization of some parameters of relationships: orientation, modality, valence, intensity, awareness, differentiation, complexity, level of development, width, emotionality, presence of mutual understanding, cognitive identification of the subjects of interaction with each other. Interpersonal relationships have various qualitative characteristics. We can define negative, indifferent and positive interpersonal relationships. According to the authors` comparative and descriptive position, negative type of interpersonal relationships corresponds to inhumane or egoistic interpersonal relationships, the indifferent type corresponds to neutral interpersonal relationships, and the positive type corresponds to humane interpersonal relationships. We show empiric results of our research of humane interpersonal relationships in the teaching staff of various educational establishments of the Russian Federation. Keywords: Humanization of interpersonal relationships, humane interpersonal relationships, neutral interpersonal relationships, inhumane interpersonal relationships References Andreeva, G.M. (1999). Social Psychology. Moscow, Aspect Press, 368 p. Asmolov, A.G. (1996). Cultural-historical psychology and design worlds. Moscow: Institute of Practical Psychology; Voronezh: MODEK, 768 p. St. 48. Myasischev, V.N. (1995). Psychology relations. Moscow, Institute of Applied Psychology, MODEK, 246 p. Obozov, N.N. (1979). Interpersonal relations. Leningrad: Leningrad State University, 6 p. Petrovsky, V.A. (1992). Phenomena of subjectivity in the development of personality. Samara: Publishing House of the SSU, 168 p. Kleptsova, E.Yu. (2012). Humanization of interpersonal relations in the educational activity. Kirov: Izd VyatGGU, 287 p. Kleptsova, E.Yu. (2013a). Monitoring of the humanization of interpersonal relations in educational activities. Bulletin of the Cherepovets State University, 1 (46). V. 2: 133-135. Kleptsova, E.Yu. (2013b). Psychological characteristics of humane interpersonal relations and issues of psychological support of professional deformation and destructive behavior of teaching and administrative staff of educational institutions. Bulletin of the Vyatka State University of Humanities, 2 (3): 144-151. Kleptsova, E.Yu. (2013c). Psychological structure of humane interpersonal relations of subjects of educational activity. Education and self-development, 3 (37): 28-36. Kleptsova, E.Yu. (2013d). Types of interpersonal relationships. Bulletin of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 15 (2): 382-387. |
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The Culture Integration in The Context of National Art Schools – Prioritized Direction of Development of the Modern HumanitiesKsenia Alexandrovna Melekhova & Yelena Yurievna Lichman
pp. 2159-2169 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.587a | Article Number: ijese.2016.181
Abstract The modern picture of the world is experiencing a permanent transformation, adapting to the influence of various globalization factors, the dominance of information technology, dynamic development of a material environment, etc. In these circumstances, the society faces a problem of a technocratic knowledge domination without attention to humanitarian knowledge. In this context, the role of spiritual development is lost, as well as the role of moral growth, human values, the importance of cultural traditions. The timely problem of modern human knowledge development is considered and studied by the scientific community. But in practice, this trend more clearly represented in Asian countries, where even the technocratic component is based on a tradition, ethno-cultural experience, national art heritage. Therefore, this article addresses the problem of the national art schools development through the integration of cultures on the example of the Central Asian countries as well as Russia's role in the development of national art in the XX century through the system of art education. Keywords: Cultural integration, continuity, visual arts, the artistic process, artistic traditions, national traditions, Russian art school, European school of painting, creative method References Chutcheva, K. A. (2006a). Art of Mongolia in the XX century in the context of the influence of Russian art school. Barnaul, Barnaul, Altai State University, p. 45. Chutcheva, K. A. (2006b). Mongolian art of XXth century in the context of the influence of Russian art school. Abstract of dissertation for the degree of Arts. Barnaul, Altai State University, p. 16. Chernyaeva, I. V. (2014). Sources of funding for cultural institutions in Russia at the turn of the 21st century. Terra SebVs: Acta Musei Sabesiensis, Special Issue, 147-159. First and second session: reports, debates and resolutions. 22-24 Nov. 1947, 20-27 May 1948 Series: Sessions of the USSR Academy of Arts. 1947. Moscow, USSR Academy of Arts Gabidulin, R., Tuktibaev, N. (2002). Moral-religious philosophy of L. Tolstoy and humanistic thought of Central Asia. Institute of Management Publishing House. Moscow-Arkhangelsk. Pp. 6-7. Ganiev, R. T. 2012. Russia and Central Asia: Past and Present. Bulletin of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 3 (41), 107-110. Lichman, E. U. (2010). The development of Kazakhstan’s easel painting in the middle of the XX century in the context of Russian art school influence. Abstract. Barnaul, Altai State University, p.17. Melekhova, K. A. (2014). Formation and development of artistic traditions in the fine arts of Mongolia. European Journal of Science and Theology, December, 10(6), 250. Moleva, N. M. (1991). The outstanding Russian artists-teachers. Moscow, Publisher "Education", p.6. Nekhvyadovich, L. I. (2014). The possibilities of ethnomethodology in modern art studies. Terra SebVs: Acta Musei Sabesiensis, Special Issue, pp. 187-199. Nekhvyadovich, L.I., Stepanskaya, T.M. (2014). Ethnocultural tradition as a basis of national originality of the art schools. Terra SebVs: Acta Musei Sabesiensis, Special Issue, pp. 161-175. Rinchen-Habaeva, I. M. (2005). The art of the eternal blue sky country. Ulan-Ude, pp.57-59. Stepanskaya, T. M., Melekhova, K. A. (2015). On the question of culture integration process of the West and East (evidence from the fine arts of Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China). News of Altai State University, Vol. 1, 3(87), 143-146. Sysoev, P.M. (1949). Report. The struggle for socialist realism, in: Third session: Theory and critics of Soviet art. January 24. - Feb 1. 1949 Series: Sessions of the USSR Academy of Arts. 1949. Moscow, USSR Academy of Arts. Tarasov, B. N. (2007). The importance of humanities in modern educational process. Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. Humanities: theory and methodology, 4, 30-31. |
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Development of Creative Activity of Students in The System of The Organizational Culture of The Modern UniversityNursafa Khairullina, Ramil Bakhtizin, Lyutsiya Gaisina, Tamara Kosintseva, Lidia Belonozhko
pp. 2171-2184 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.588a | Article Number: ijese.2016.182
Abstract Student creativity today is indicative of the successful operation of the higher education institution in the training of specialists. Organizational culture, being a complex of common and shared by all subjects of teaching and educational activity such as values, norms, beliefs, acts as an important integration factor influencing the creative activity of students. The article deals with the problems of development of creativity and the creative activity of students of universities in the light of the development of the organizational culture of the university. By means of students' poll from Tyumen leading universities the main problems in the organizational culture of the university were identified impeding the development of creativity and creative activity of students: the low level of students' awareness of the directions of creative activity in university; mismatch of curricula and extra-curricular activities, aimed at the development of creativity and creative activity, offered by modern universities, needs and demands of students; low motivation of teaching staff for the implementation of innovative methods in the educational process; the absence of clear guidelines from the administration of the educational institution, aimed at the implementation of methods and forms of learning, contributing to the development of creativity and the creative activity of students; low prestige of scientific research creativity and extracurricular activities programs offered by institutions of higher education ; the practical lack of active methods in students’ training; the negative attitude of the administration and faculty to the students participation in creative activities of the university. Keywords: Organizational culture of the university, creative potential of students, creative activity of students References Barbakov, O.M., Belonozhko M.L., Siteva M.L. (2015). Higher education quality management in virtual space of a regional higher educational institution. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(3), 249-254. Belonozhko, M.L., Shaforost, P.O. (2015). Student Government as a social and practical development of learning environments. Proceedings of the higher educational institutions. Sociology. Economy. Politics, 4, 91-95. Frolov, S.Yu., Belonozhko, M.L. (2015). On the approaches to quality assessment in the modernization of higher education (pp. 62-65), in: University Science: theoretical and methodological problems of training specialists in the field of Economics, Management and Law Proceedings of the International Scientific Seminar. Tyumen. Gaisina, L.M., Mikhaylovskaya I.M., Khairullina N.G., Ustinova O.V., Shakirova E.V. (2015). The Role of the Media in the Spiritual and Moral Evolution of Society. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6,5(S2), 93-101. Garabagiu, V.A., Ustinova, O.V. (2013). The organizational culture of the university as a factor of influence on the development of creative activity of students (pp. 10-15), in: University Science: theoretical and methodological problems of training specialists in the field of Economics, Management and Law Proceedings of the International Scientific Seminar. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, FSBEI HPE "Tyumen State Oil and Gas University". Ignatova, E.V. (2013). High Education System Management (Sociological Aspect). World Applied Sciences Journal, 22(7), 898-902. Khairullina, N.G. (2014). Social and cultural development of the individual: regional aspect. Information and Education: Communication Boundaries, 6(14), 268-270. Khairullina, N.G., Moskatova, A.K., Nedosekina, A.G., Obidina, Yu.S., Stepanov, A.V., Sterledeva, T.D., Shitova, K.B. (2013). Social and humanitarian issues of the day. Individual and Society, Saint-Louis, MO, USA. Tkacheva, N.A. (2013). Formation of professional qualities of graduate: an anthropological approach (pp. 57-61), in: University Science: theoretical and methodological problems of training specialists in the field of Economics, Management and Law Proceedings of the International Scientific Seminar. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, FSBEI HPE "Tyumen State Oil and Gas University". Ustinova, O.V. Garabagiu, V.A. (2010). Axiological orientations of student's youth. Bulletin of the Kazan State Technical University, 4, 203-204. |
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Organizing The Diagnostics of Multicultural Personality in College StudentsSaule Begaliyeva, Gulnur Issabekova, Gulmira Saudabaeva, Axakalova Zhanna, Abdikhalyk Kosherbayuly Abdildaev
pp. 2185-2195 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.589a | Article Number: ijese.2016.183
Abstract The aim of present study is to reveal the actual state of multicultural personality development in college students, based on a specially selected diagnostic inventory. The problem of multicultural personality development on the level of present pedagogics development allows taking the leading methodologic theories and approaches as the bases. These theories and approaches include personality-oriented, activity and system-integrative approaches, L.S. Vygotsky’s cultural-historical theory, theory of education humanization and humanitarian orientation, theory of multicultural education, as well as creative and competence approaches. We consider the systemic approach as the priority in generalization of these approaches, because it represents the system-generating factor, which directs towards merging the common and the integral in their unity. Thus, from the systemic perspective we perceive an object (an event, a process or relations) not as summarized parts, but as something integral; moreover, we do not isolate the studied objects and do not look at them as at autonomous units; first of all, we study relationships and interactions of various components of the present whole and its relationships with the environment in order to find a way to sort and systematize the abovementioned relationships. Keywords: polycultural education, polyethnic education, culture, tolerance, intolerance, ethnical tolerance References Abdakimov, A. (2008). Kazahstan - a country of religious tolerance. Mysl, 12, 48-53. Absatova, M., Nurpeisova, T., Tektibayeva, D., Mamytbekova, L. (2013). Scientific-theoretical basis of polycultural education development in polyethnic medium. World Applied Sciences Journal, 23(10), 1360-1365. Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation NursultanNazarbayev to people of Kazakhstan: Socio-economic modernization - main direction of development of Kazakhstan. (2012). Retrieved from: http://www.akorda.kz. Asmolov, A.G. (1990). Personality of Psychology: principles of General psychological analysis: textbook. M.: University press, 367 p. Banks, J.A. (1997). Educating Citizens in a Multicultural Society. New York: Teachers College Press. Biekenov, C. (2006). Tolerance - a method of operating a culture of peace values (pp. 95-99), in: Tolerance, tolerance, freedom of thought - the basis of a culture of peace: International Scientific-practical conference (29 Sep. 2005). Almaty. Bondarevskaya, E.V. (2000). Theory and practice of personality-oriented education. Rostov-on-Don: Publisher Rostov Pedagogical University, 194 p. Borisenkov, V.P. (2004). Multicultural educational space of Russia: history, theory, fundamentals of design. Rostov-on-Don: Publisher Rostov Pedagogical University. Danilyuk, A.Ya. (2009). The concept of spiritually-moral development and education of the person citizen of Russia in the sphere of General education. Moscow: Enlightenment. Dmitriev, G.D. (1999). Multicultural education. M.: Narodnoeobrazovanie. Gukalenko, O.V. (2000). Theoretical and methodological foundations of pedagogical support and protection of students-migrants in multicultural educational environment. Rostov-on-Don: Rostov State Pedagogical University. Komogorov, P.F. (2009). Formation of tolerance interpersonal relationships of University students. Kurgan: Kurgan State University, 89 p. Makaev, V.V., Malkova, Z.A. ,Suprunova, L. (1999). Polycultural education – the actual problem of the modern school. Pedagogics, 4, 3-10. Malkova, Z.A. (1983). School and pedagogy abroad. M.: Education, 191 p. Palatkina, G.V. (2001). Multicultural education in the multiethnic region. Astrakhan, 167 p. Ryumshina, L.I. (2001). Effect of manipulative personality settings on mutual. World of Psychology, 3, 88-93. Schmidt, R. (1992). Art of communication. Moscow: Interexpert, 77р. Skryabina, O. B. (2000). Pedagogical conditions of forming communicative tolerance of senior pupils. Kostroma: Kostroma State University. Suprunova, L.L. (2013). Multicultural education: a textbook for students. institutions of higher. Professor of education.M.: Publishing center "Academy", 240 p. Tsepkova, I.B. (2007). Anatomy tolerance. Bulletin KazATC them M. Tynyshpayev. Transport and Communications, 3, 212-218. UNESCO Declaration of Principles on Tolerance. (2011). Moscow. Walzer, M. (2000). On toleration. M.: Idea Press. |
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Professional Competence of a Teacher in Higher Educational InstitutionBakytgul Abykanova, Gulmira Tashkeyeva, Salamat Idrissov, Zhupar Bilyalova, & Dinara Sadirbekova
pp. 2197-2206 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.560a | Article Number: ijese.2016.184
Abstract Modern reality brings certain corrections to the understanding of forms and methods of teaching various courses in higher educational institution. A special role among the educational techniques and means in the college educational environment is taken by the modern technologies, such as using the techniques, means and ways, which are aimed at student’s active participation and involvement in the educational and mentoring process, i.e. using the interactive methods in education process. Educational environment, which is aimed at activation of students’ creative activity on the basis of using interactive educational forms, methods and means, facilitates the development of students’ knowledge and abilities to work with information sources, communication with the pedagogic process participants and development of problem-solving skills, i.e. leads to the development of the key competencies – informational, communicative and problem-solving competences. Keywords: Education, society, competence, teacher, technologies, educational and mentoring process References Antonov, A.V. (1978). Psikhologiyaizobretatelnogotvorchestva [Psychology of Inventive Creativity]. Kiev: Vishashkola. Bim-Bad, B.M. (2002). Pedagogicheskiyentsiklopedicheskiyslovar [Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary]. Moscow, p. 107. Bogdanovich, N.V. (2003). Kategorialnyypodkhod k istoriipsikhologii. Sovremennayapsikhologiya: Sostoyanieiperspektivyissledovaniy [Categorical approach to the history of psychology. Contemporary Psychology: Research Status and Prospects], P. 4. Moscow: Izd-vo In-ta psikhologii RAN, pp. 203-216. Bush, G.Ya. (1981). Analogiiitekhnicheskoetvorchestvo [Analogies and technical creativity]. Riga: Avots. Chaklikova, A.T. (2007). Kategorii “competentnost” i “kompetentsiya” v sovremennoyobrazovatelnoy paradigm [Categories of "competence" and "competency" in the modern educational paradigm]. VestnikKazNU. Seriyapedagogicheskienauki, 2, pp. 9-16. Evgenyevoy, A.P. (1985-1988). Slovarrusskogoyazyka [Russian dictionary], v 4 t. Moscow: Russkiyyazyk, p. 696. Granovskaya, T.M., Bereznaya, I.Ya. (1991). Intuitsiyaiiskusstvennyy intellect [Intuition and artificial intelligence]. Leningrad: IzdatelstvoLeningradskogouniversiteta, p. 272. Guzeev, V.V. (2000). Planirovanierezultatovobrazovaniyaiobrazovatelnayatekhnologiya [Planning of educational outcomes and educational technology]. Moscow: Narodnoeobrazovanie, p. 240. Korsakova, N.K. (1997). Neuspevayuschiedeti: neyropsikhologicheskayadiagnostikatrudnosteyobucheniya u mladshikhshkolnikov [Underachieving children: neuropsychological diagnosis of learning difficulties in primary school children]. Moscow. Kunitsina, V.N. (2001). Mezhlichnostnoeobschenie [Interpersonal communication]. Sankt-Peterburg: Piter. LektsiyaPrezidentaRespubliki Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbaeva v EvraziyskomNatsionalnomUniversiteteimeni L.N. Gumileva [Lecture by President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev in Eurasian National University named after LN Gumilyov]. Luneva, O.V. (2008). Istoriyaissledovaniyasotsialnogointellekta [The history of the study of social intelligence]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie, 4, pp. 177-182. Mikhaylova (Aleshina), E.S. (1996). Metodikaissledovaniyasotsialnogointellekta. Rukovodstvopoispolzovaniyu [Methods of study of social intelligence. Instructions for use]. Saint-Petersburg: GP Imaton. Slobodchikov, V.I. (1997). Obrazovatelnayasreda: realizatsiyatseleyobrazovaniya v prostranstvekultury. Novyetsennostiobrazovaniya: kulturnyemodelishkoly [Educational Environment: implementation of the goals of education in the area of culture. The new value of education: cultural school model]. Moscow. Sorokin, N.D. (2005). Ob innovatsionnykhmetodakh v prepodavaniisotsiologicheskikhkursov [On innovative methods in teaching sociology courses]. Sotsis, 8, pp. 120-125. Spirkin, A.G. (1979). O tvorcheskoysilechelovecheskogorazuma [On the creative power of the human mind]. Moscow: Progress, p. 352. Spirkin, A.G. (1988). Osnovyfilosofii. Uchebnoeposobiedlyavuzov [Core philosophy. Textbook for high schools]. Moscow: Politizdat, p. 592. Ushakov, D.V. (2004). Sotsialnyy intellect kak vid intellekta. Sotsialnyyintelleht: teoriya, izmerenie, issledovaniya [Social intelligence as a kind of intelligence. Social Intelligence: Theory, measurement, research]. Moscow: Institutpsikhologii RAN, pp. 11-29. Zhelunitsyna, M. (2001). Produktivnayadeyatelnostdeteystarshegodoshkolnogovozrasta [Productive activity of children of the senior preschool age]. Doshkolnoevospitanie, 11, pp. 29-32. Zhukov, G.N. (2005). Osnovyobscheyprofessionalnoypedagogiki. Uchebnoeposobie [Fundamentals of general vocational education. Tutorial]. Moscow: Gardariki, p. 382. |
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Russian Universities: Towards Ambitious GoalsDmitriy Grigorievich Rodionov, Natalia Gennadievna Fersman & Olga Alexandrovna Kushneva
pp. 2207-2222 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.591a | Article Number: ijese.2016.185
Abstract An increased competition in the world market of educational services has brought about new tools to raise the prestige of higher education institutions in the opinion of students and employers. The most important of these tools are the rankings of the best universities in the world, regularly compiled by well-known foreign agencies. The Russian leadership pays focused attention to the ranking positions of our universities, which resulted in the development of the national program "5-100-2020" in 2013, the implementation of which should allow at least five Russian universities to occupy positions in a leading hundred of the QS World University Ranking in 2020. The article discusses the way the rating positions of the leading Russian universities have changed over the past year. The importance of advancements in international rankings is illustrated by the success of foreign universities in terms of advertising and attraction of a large number of international students. Particular attention is given to an increasingly larger role of distance learning in extending the coverage of the global student audience. A comparative geographical analysis of the regions of residence of international students, attracted both to national and foreign universities, has been conducted. The problems of raising the international prestige of Russian high school in the world educational space have been considered, the causes of unreasonably low rating of Russian universities according to leading rating agencies have been identified. The author has proved the importance of enhancing the mobility of students within Russia, taking into account the regional diversity of scientific schools. Keywords: University, rating, competitiveness, mobility, international students, globalization, export, ranking, dynamics, citation index References Abuhmaid, Altbach, P.G., (2012). The Globalization of College and University Rankings. The Magazine of Higher Learning, 44(1), 26-31. 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