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Using Web GIS for Public Health EducationRajika E. Reed & Alec M. Bodzin
pp. 6314-6333 | Article Number: ijese.2016.482
Abstract An interdisciplinary curriculum unit that used Web GIS mapping to investigate malaria disease patterns and spread in relation to the environment for a high school Advanced Placement Environmental Science course was developed. A feasibility study was conducted to investigate the efficacy of the unit to promote geospatial thinking and reasoning skills and content understandings. Results revealed increased content understandings and significant effect sizes for all three geospatial thinking and reasoning subscales -inferences, relationships, and reasoning. The findings provide support that Web GIS, with appropriate curriculum design can improve both learning outcomes and geospatial thinking and reasoning skills. Keywords: curriculum design, disease patterns, geospatial thinking, public health education, Web GIS References Baker, T. R. (2015). WebGIS in Education. In O. M. Solari, A. Demirci, & J. Schee, (Eds.), Geospatial Technologies and Geography Education in a Changing World (pp. 105-115). Japan: Springer. Baker, T. R., Battersby, S., Bednarz, S. W., Bodzin, A. M., Kolvoord, B., Moore, S., & Uttal, D. (2015). A research agenda for geospatial technologies and learning. Journal of Geography, 114(3), 118-130. Baker, T. R., Kerski, J. J., Huynh, N. T., Viehrig, K., & Bednarz, S. W. (2012). Call for an agenda and center for GIS education research. Review of International Geographical Education Online, 2(3), 254-288. Barab, S., & Squire, K. (2004). Design-based research: Putting a stake in the ground. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 13(1), 1-14. doi:10.1207/s15327809jls1301_1 Barnard, D. K., & Hu, W. (2005). The population health approach: health GIS as a bridge from theory to practice. International Journal of Health Geographics, 4(1), 1. doi: 10.1186/1476-072X-4-23 Battersby, S. E., Golledge, R. G., & Marsh, M. J. (2006). Incidental learning of geospatial concepts across grade levels: Map overlay. Journal of Geography, 105(4), 139-146. doi:10.1080/00221340608978679 Bell, P., Hoadley, C. M., & Linn, M. C. (2004). Design-based research in education. In M. C. Linn, E. A. Davis, & P. Bell (Eds.), Internet Environments for Science Education (pp. 73-85). London: Routledge. Bodzin, A. M. (2011). The implementation of a geospatial information technology (GIT)‐supported land use change curriculum with urban middle school learners to promote spatial thinking. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 48(3), 281-300. Bodzin, A., Anastasio, D., & Sahagian, D. (2015). Using Web GIS to promote geospatial thinking and reasoning skills. In K. Finson & J. Petersen (Eds.), Application of Visual Data in K-16 Science Classrooms (pp. 263-284). Dordrecht: Springer.
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Forming Occupational Safety Culture on the Basis of Development of Students’ Risk-Focused IntellectionIrina G. Dolinina & Oksana V. Kushnaryova
pp. 6334-6343 | Article Number: ijese.2016.495
Abstract Bologna process puts in a high claim for the modern European education in terms of competency building approach. The control is conducted by the agencies which monitor learning activity level in higher education institutions. This paper presents the aspects of higher education within the conduction of competency building approach projects in Europe and Russia. We propose the technology which evaluates students’ professional competence qualimetricly. The technology represents the evaluation algorithm at all levels of student training Keywords: forming risk-focused attitude of students, occupational safety culture, model of pedagogical process, structural and dynamical model. References Belov, S.V., & Devisilov, V.A. (2005). Rossiyskaya kontseptsiya nepreryvnogo mnogourovnevogo obrazovaniya v oblasti bezopasnosti zhiznedeyatel'nosti [Russian Concept of Continuous Multi-Level Education in Occupational Safety]. Bezopasnost' zhiznedeyatel'nosti, 14, 4-9. Brushlinskiy, A.V. (1996). 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Open and distance education acreditation standards scale: validity and reliability studiesErtuğ Can
pp. 6344-6356 | Article Number: ijese.2016.474
Abstract The purpose of this study is to develop, and test the validity and reliability of a scale for the use of researchers to determine the accreditation standards of open and distance education based on the views of administrators, teachers, staff and students. This research was designed according to general descriptive survey model since it aims to develop a scale to measure the accreditation standards in open and distance education. The sample of the research comprises 196 students and 19 teachers, administrators and staff studying or working in Private Open education courses in Kadıköy district of İstanbul during 2011-2012 school year. The research data were collected using a scale developed to measure the level of accreditation standards in open and distance education based on the views of stakeholders in open and distance education institutions. The five-point Likert type scale “Acreditation Standards Scale for Open and Distance Education” developed in this research is consist of 47 items under eight factor including Organizational Structure, Students Services, Quality Assurance/Accreditation, Measurement and Assessment, Organization Mission, Distance Education Management, Distance Education Program, Openness/Credibility/Transparency. The Cronbach Alpha internal consistency coefficient was estimated .9683. It was concluded that Open and Distance Education Standards Scale is a valid and reliable instrument developed to measure the open and distance education quality at post-secondary education stages in Turkey. Keywords: open education, quality, open and distance education, accreditation, distance education References Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET).(2016). The Accreditation Process. Retrieved from http://www.accet.org/, on 27 January 2016. Accreditation Council for Distance Education (ACTDE). 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Methods of Work with Pupils-Immigrants at Russian Language Lessons in Primary SchoolVenera G.Zakirova & Lera A. Kamalova
pp. 6357-6372 | Article Number: ijese..001
Abstract The relevance of the study is due to the development of a new stage of prevention and the need to justify new educational goals and objectives of the pedagogical prevention of addictive behavior in the educational environment. The purpose of this article is to examine the totality of the necessary and sufficient individual resources, that are protective factors for teenagers from different types of addictions. The leading method of research is the analysis of psychological and educational literature and legal acts in the field of prevention of addictive behavior, psycho diagnostic methods. The paper theoretically justifies the formation of the person’s resilience as a task of pedagogical prevention of addictive behavior in the educational environment, shows the results of psycho-diagnostics for coping strategies, personal resources and resilience of adolescents, reveals the relationship between the models of coping behavior, the development level of the individual resources and the level of teenagers’ resilience. The article presents theoretical and practical significance for teachers, social workers and psychologists involved in the development and implementation of educational programs of addictive behavior prevention in the educational environment Keywords: Russian language, children of migrants, methods, migrants, primary school, multi-ethnic, form, communicative, lingual, linguistic, skill, group References Balykhina, T. M. (2007). Methods of teaching Russian as a second language. A manual for teachers and students. Moscow: Publishing house of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University, 245 p. Cialdini, R. (2002). .Social psychology. St.Petersburg: EVROZNAK, 336 p. Galoyan, Y. E. (2004). Educational support for migrant children in a multicultural educational environment. Rostov-on-Don: Rostov State Pedagogical universities, 159 p. Khamraeva, E. A. (2010). Russian language in the space of a multi-ethnic Russian school: learning organization model. Russian language at school, (11), 34-39. Makarov, A. Y. (2010). The socio-cultural adaptation of migrant children in education: European experience and Russian. Bulletin of the Russian State Humanitarian University, 3, 243-256. Mikheevaа, T. B. (2008). Education Russian language students’ multiethnic classes. - Rostov-on - Don: Phoenix, 362 p. Mityushina, L. D. (2006). Listening to the Russian language lessons in primary schools with the native (non-Russian) and Russian (non-native) language learning. Moscow: Bustard, 112 p. Negnevitskaya, E. I. (1987). Foreign Language for the little ones: yesterday, today and tomorrow. Foreign languages at school, 6, 27- 32. Sabatkoyev, R. B. (2009). Education Russian language in multiethnic classes. Grades 5-9. Teacher's Manual. Moscow: Education, 360 p. Savchenko, T. V., Sineva, O. V. & Shorina, T. A. (2009). Russian language: from stage to stage. Moscow: Ethnosphere, 215 p. Sergeeva, O. E. (2005). Cheerful steps: teach Russian as a foreign language. Moscow: Russian language, 184 p. Sherstobitova, I. A. (2015) Methodological aspects of work with students- migrants Direct access: https://infourok.ru/statya-metodicheskie-osnovi-raboti-s-uchaschimisyainofonami-v-nachalnoy-shkole-752434.html Silanteva, T. A. (2007). Sociocultural adaptation of migrant children. Messenger AGTU, 1(36), 219-221. Slastenin, V. A., Isaev I. F., Mishchenko, A. I. & Shiyanov, E. N. (1997). PEDAGOGY. Moscow: School Press, 512 p. Usha, T. Y. (2014). Integrative methods of teaching the Russian language in the contemporary multicultural school: to the problem. The world of science, culture, education, 3(46), 133-136. Uskova, I. V. (2014). Independent work on the Russian language and its function in modern educational process. St.Petersburg: Zanevskaya area, 234-236. Zeitlin, S. N. (2010). In foreign language the child in the Russian-speaking school. Journal of the Herzen University, 1, 79-85. |
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Conditions of Social-Pedagogical Maintenance of Bilingual Children in Educational InstitutionsRashida G. Gabdrakhmanova & Tatyana S. Guseva
pp. 6373-6380 | Article Number: ijese.2016.475
Abstract The actuality of the research is due to the fact that in multinational Russia one of the most important issues is education of bilingual children in national republics and of migrant children, speaking their native language. This is due to multicultural environment of Russian regions and to migration processes that have marked the issue of education, adaptation and socialization in a new socio-cultural environment that necessitates socio-pedagogical maintenance of migrant children in educational establishments. In this situation, it acquires a new shade – full linguistic proficiency in both languages ensures bilingual children a successful socialization and equal access to quality education conducted in Russian, which becomes socially important. The purpose of the article is substantiation of the propaedeutic preparation model for such children to master the Russian speech as non-native and experimental verification of pedagogical conditions complex ensuring the effectiveness of this model. The leading method is a pedagogical experiment that allows to test the developed model of propaedeutic preparation model of preschool children to master the second (Russian) language based on activity approach and which represents a continuous process. The developed structural and functional model of propaedeutic preparation process of bilingual children to mastering the Russian speech includes the following components: axiological-purposeful, content-related, process-activity component, evaluation-effective component. The model aims to introduce into practical work of national educational institutions the teaching conditions conducive to solving the problems of pre-school children socialization and to improving propaedeutic preparation of pre-schoolers to mastering the Russian speech. Keywords: Multicultural regional environment, mastering a second language, model of propaedeutic preparation of pre-schoolers, conscious Russian speech mastering References Bakeeva, N. Z. & Daunene, Z. P. (1981). The Russian language teaching in a national secondary school: a teaching aid for the students of teachers’ training institutes. Leningrad: Publishing House Prosveshhenie, 318 p. Bakshihanova, S. S. (1999). Analysis of speech production mechanisms as the psycholinguistic basis of speech defects diagnostics under conditions of Buryat- Russian bilingualism: PhD Thesis. St. Petersburg, 224 . Balyhina, T. M. (2007). Teaching the Russian language as a non-mother tongue. 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Entrepreneurship Development and Business Climate of KazakhstanZhamilya Sh. Kydyrova, Katira B. Satymbekova, Galymzhan E. Kerimbek, Zauresh O. Imanbayeva, Saule S. Saparbayeva, Ainash A. Nurgalieva, Akylbek A. Ilyas, Saule K. Zhalbinova, Kuralay S. Jrauova, and Ainura T. Kanafina
pp. 6381-6394 | Article Number: ijese.2016.477
Abstract The goal is to explore the state of development of entrepreneurship and business climate for the formation of a clear mechanism of state support for small and average business in conditions of economy modernization. A special science-based methodology was developed to monitor the condition of entrepreneurship development and business climate in the country. This, in turn, will be the main lever for timely adoption of the necessary decisions by the state and targeted assistance to entrepreneurs. General research methodology of this research article is based on economic ideas and concepts. The basis for this is the management concept of small entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is determined through the use of system, functional, cluster-network scientific approaches to the formation and effective functioning of the management system. In the process of achieving the objectives of the study, a questionnaire survey was conducted, which is one of the forms of statistical observation. Of particular relevance is the development of a clear mechanism for monitoring the activities of state bodies in compliance with legislation in the sphere of entrepreneurship support in the Republic of Kazakhstan. This will allow determining clear priorities of the state policy to support entrepreneurship, to establish priorities in the development of new tools for the development of fast growing innovative small and medium-sized businesses, with the aim of providing targeted support point. Keywords: Business climate, small and medium business, the concept of management, affiliate programs, state support References Abdymanapov, S. A., Toxanova, A. N., Galiyeva, A. H., Muhamedzhanova, A. A., Ashikbayeva, Zh. S. & Baidalinov, A. S (2016). Government Support of Innovative Business in the Republic of Kazakhstan. 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"Edigey" as the common heritage of the Turkic people: historical basis of the eposZhubanazar A. Assanov, Abat Sh. Pangereyev, Mira R. Baltymova, Bayan T. Borash, and Elmira T. Idrissova
pp. 6395-6408 | Article Number: ijese.2016.478
Abstract Today we know that the heroic epos "Edigey" remained among the Turkic people living in the south from Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan to Siberia, as well as in foreign countries: Turkey and Romania. "Edigey" epos has more than 40 versions, some of which consist of fifteen or sixteen thousand lines. Therefore, a narrow study is not enough for in-depth analysis of the nature of the epic. The archaic and contemporary versions of the epic, the diversity of its national versions contribute significantly to the study of the dynamics of the epic tradition of literature of Turkic-speaking people. The general laws of these phenomena in science were determined through a comparative analysis. However, a similar study of national versions of the epic, in our opinion, is currently being implemented or not implemented not so often. The development of this topic also meets the objectives of the state program "Cultural Heritage". "Edigey" epic allows us to consider the main literary traditions of the Turks, which connect real historical events and personalities, with fictitious hyperbolized scenes. It reveals the attitude of Turkic people to described historical realities, shows the impact of these events on the worldview of the Turks. Keywords: Literature of the Turkic people, Kazakh literature, Genres of literature, Epos, Heroic epos References Asfendiyarov, D., & Kunte, P. A. (1997). The past of Kazakhstan in written sources of the period from V century B. C. to XV century. Almaty: Olke. (in Russian). Башкорт халык ижады (Башкирский фольклор). Т.5. – Уфа: Китап, 2000. – 392 б. (на башкирском языке) Clavijo, R. (2003). The history of the great Tamerlane. Tamerlane the Lord of Eurasia. Almaty: LLP Publishing House "Kochevniki" ("Nomads"). (in Russian) Grekov, B. D., & Jakubovsky, A. (1950). The Golden Horde and its fall. Moscow-Leningrad: Nauka. (in Russian). Gumilev, L. N. (2004). From Rus to Russia. Moscow: AST. (in Russian). Gumilev, L. N. (2007). Ancient Rus and the Great Steppe. Moscow: AST. (in Russian). Hasanoglu, T. R. (2016). Tradition of Turkish Epics (In the Basis of Kumuk Epics) / (Kumuk Destanlarinin Temelinde) Türk Destanlartnin Gelenegi. Turan: Stratejik Arastirmalar Merkezi, 8(29), 87-92. Hopkin, D. (2013). Legends of the Caucasus, by David Hunt. The English Historical Review, 5, 271-278. Hozhabergenov, R. (1990). Edige. Kijas varianty (Variant of Qiyas). Nokis: Karakalpakstan. (Karakalpak language). Ibatullina, G. M. (2016). Kabbalistic Myth and Its Interpretation in A. Kuprin's Story Sulamith. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(5), 1271-1280 Ibn Arabshah. (2005). Miracles of predestination in the fate of Tamerlane. History of Kazakhstan in Arab sources (Vol. 1, 711 p.). Almaty: Publishing house "Dajk -Press". (in Russian). Идәгә. Казан: Татарстан китап нәшрияты, 1988. – 254 с. Ishbulatov, M. R. (2004). From the depths of centuries. Kazan: Tatar Book Publishing House. (in Russian). Jakubovsky, A. (2003). Tamerlane. Tamerlane the Lord of Eurasia. Almaty: "Kochevniki" ("Nomads"). (in Russian). Kaskabasov, S. (2002). Zhanazyk (Food for reflection). Astana: Audarma. (in Kazakh) Magauin, E. (1993). Edige. Almaty: Aikap. (in Kazakh). Mizun, Ju. V., & Mizun, Ju. G. (2005). Khans and princes. Moscow: Vega. (in Russian). Niles, J. D. (2016). Introduction to the Special Issue: Living Epics of China and Inner Asia. Journal of American Folklore, 129(513), 253-269. Nurgaliev, R. N. (1991) Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic brief encyclopedia. Language. Literature. Folklore. Art. Architecture (Vol. 4, pp. 514-515). Alma-Ata: Ch. Ed. Kazakh Soviet Encyclopedia. Reichl, K. (2013). From Performance to Text: A Medievalist's Perspective on the Textualization of Modern Turkic Oral Poetry. Western Folklore, 72(3/4), 252-259. Safargaliev, M. G. (1960). The collapse of the Golden Horde. Saransk: Yurtaali. (in Russian). Sharaf al-Din, A. Ya. (2008). Zafar-name. Tashkent: Sanat. (in Uzbek). Zhirmunsky, V. M. (1974). Turkic heroic epic. Leningrad: Nauka. (in Russian). Zhirmunsky, V. M. (1979). Comparative literary studies: East and West. Leningrad: Science. |
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Geological Structure of the Basement of Western and Eastern Parts of the West-Siberian PlainKirill S. Ivanov, Yuriy V. Erokhin, Vladimir S. Ponomarev, Olga E. Pogromskaya & Stepan V. Berzin
pp. 6409-6432 | Article Number: ijese.2016.479
Abstract The U-Pb dating (SHRIMP-II on zircon) was obtained for the first time from the basement of the West Siberian Plain in the Western half of the region. It is established that a large part of the protolith of the metamorphic depth in the Shaim-Kuznetsov meganticlinorium contained sedimentary late - and middle-Devonian rocks (395-358 million years). Probably, greywackes served as a substrate of metamorphic rocks substrate, which were formed largely in the erosion of ophiolitic association rocks. The U-Pb method helped to specify late carbonic age of granite plutons composing the Shaim-Kuznetsov meganticlinorium. It turns out that the kernels of anticlinoria are not Precambrian blocks, but Paleozoic magmatic and metamorphic complexes, i.e., the formations of the lower and middle part of the crust. In the Eastern part of Western Siberia, the tectonic zoning of the basement of East Khanty-Mansiisk Autonomous district is held and 8 submeridional structural-formational zones are determined with different sets and structure of composing formations, history of geological development and physical regions. On the basis of generalization and analysis data, we have compiled a new geological map of the pre-Jurassic base of the Eastern part of the Khanty-Mansiisk Autonomous district, significantly refining the predecessors’ maps. Keywords: West-Siberia, geological map of the basement, metamorphic rocks, granite, U-Pb age References ArcView. Using ArcView GIS. The Geographic Information System for Everyone. (1996). USA: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. Bochkarev, V.S., & Brekhuntsov, A.M. (2011). Problems of Identification of Triassic Rift Graben Systems in Western Siberia and the Oil and Gas Potential the Deep Horizons. Gornye Vedomosti, 8, 6-23. 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The Mechanism of Restricting the Legal Status of Individuals Convicted of Multiple OffencesNatalya N. Korotkikh
pp. 6433-6444 | Article Number: ijese.2016.480
Abstract The subject of the article is the legal status of individuals serving custodial sentences. Special emphasis is laid on the legal status of individuals serving sentences for multiple offences. The soviet state directed substantial public resources to maintenance of basic human conditions in prisons. Now the Russian Federation, which embarked on a course of reform, has carried out reform of state government and begun the modification of the penal system. Many generally accepted norms and principles of international law in the field of human rights were taken into account and implemented in the national legislation regulating the execution of punishment. The implementation of the rights and freedoms of convicts with regard to the provisions of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation remains problematic. During the serving of a sentence the legal status of convicts may change either for better or for worse, depending on their attitude to imprisonment. The sanctions imposed on individuals who committed multiple offences also restrict their legal status. Such additional limitation of rights must be reflected in the active legislation. The author considers specific restrictions imposed on individuals during the serving of a sentence and reveals the deficiencies of their legal coverage. Keywords: Rights and freedoms of convicts, imprisonment, restrictions of rights and freedoms, convicted of multiple offences References The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (1948). Adopted by Resolution 217, Part A (III) of the United Nations General Assembly on December 10. The United Nations Organization. http://www.un.org/ru/documents/decl_conv/declarations/declhr. The Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. (1975). Adopted by Resolution 3452 (XXX) of the United Nations General Assembly on December 9. 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Shvedova, M., 1978, P. 753 Definition No.1113-О-О by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2009 “On Rejection of the Complaint by Citizen G. V. Akopyan about the Violation of his Constitutional Rights by Articles 10, 82, 94, and 103 of the Penal Code and Article 3 of the Law“On Employment of the Population of the Russian Federation” [Online resource] // Legal Information Portal “Garant” http://www.garant.ru/products/ipo/prime/doc/1692977/ (Retrieved on May 8, 2014). Smirnov L.B. Penal policies with regard to improving the legal regulation of the implementation of penal sanctions: thesis of Doctor of Juridical Sciences. St. Petersburg, 203. P. 364. 2014 The state of health of prisoners. (2014). Official website of the Federal Service for Execution of Punishment of the Russian Federation. http://www.fsin.su/ Ebzeyev, B.S. The restriction of constitutional rights: concept and boundaries. (1998). The theory and practice of restricting human rights in accordance with the Russian and international legislations: Collection of studies. Part 1. Nizhniy Novgorod: Law Institute of the Interior Ministry of the Russian Federation, 7 Tatarinova, L.F., Shakirov, K.N., & Tatarinov, D.V. (2016). Criminological Analysis of Determinants of Cybercrime Technologies. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(5), 1127-1134. Perera P.K.P., & Lam N. (2013). An environmental justice assessment of the Mississippi River Industrial Corridor in Louisiana, U.S. using a GIS-based approach. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 11(4), 681-697. |
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Prospects for Formation and Development of the Geographical (territorial) Industrial Clusters in West Kazakhstan Region of the Republic of KazakhstanEduard Zh. Imashev
pp. 6445-6462 | Article Number: ijese.2016.481
Abstract The purpose of this research is to develop and implement an economic and geographic approach to forming and developing geographic (territorial) industrial clusters in regions of Kazakhstan. The purpose necessitates the accomplishment of the following scientific objectives: to investigate scientific approaches and experience of territorial economic development; to investigate the developmental trends and territorial concentration of the economy in the West Kazakhstan region; to determine the prospects of formation and recommendations regarding the development of geographic (territorial) industrial clusters in the West Kazakhstan region. The general methodology of the present research is based on philosophical and ecological-geographic ideas and concepts, which, in turn, are based on the concept of sustainable development of an area and the principle of polycentric development of production forces in the country. The given paper presents an economic and geographic approach to the formation and development of geographic (territorial) industrial clusters in Kazakhstan regions. Recommendations are developed regarding territorial and structural transformation and modernization of the West Kazakhstan region economy, based on mobilization and an effective use of natural resources, new forms of productive forces territorial organization (geographic (territorial) industrial clusters). Keywords: West Kazakhstan region, industrial clusters, territorial organization of economy, transformation, modernization References Arkhipova, Ye. V. (2010). Development Factors of Trans-Border Cooperation Between the Volgograd region of the Russian Federation and the West Kazakhstan region of Kazakhstan Republic. Volgograd State University Bulletin. Series 4: History, Regional studies. International relations, 1, 109-116. Avtonova, V.Y., & Kamchatova, Ye.Yu. (2013). Development of methodology of management by innovative clusters in monoproduction regions. Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 12 (140), 31-36. Axtell, R. (2013). Team Dynamics and the Empirical Structure of U.S. Firms. Working Paper, Department of Computational Social Science. Fairfax: George Mason University, VA. Babkin, V.A. (2014). Peculiarities of management of innovative territorial cluster. Astrakhan State Technical University Bulletin. Series: Economy, 3, 39-45. Bolumole, Y., Closs, D., & Rodammer, F. (2015). The economic development role of regional logistics hubs: A cross-country study of interorganizational governance models. Journal of Business Logistics, 36(2), 182-198. Dahmen, E. (1950). Entrepreneurial Activity and the Development of Swedish Industry, 1919–1939. Stockholm. Delgado, M. (2008). Convergence, Clusters, and Economic Performance. Delgado, M., Porter, M., & Stern, S., (eds.). Working paper. http://astro.temple.edu/~mdelgado/index_files/DPS_Cluster.pdf Enright, M. (1996). Regional clusters and firm strategy. Business Networks: Prospects for Regional Development. Staber, U., Schaefer, N. & Sharma B., (eds.). Berlin & New York: The Free Press, 190-213. Fedoseeva, O.N. (2013). Industrial economic cluster management. Humanitarian Environment Formation in the Higher Educational Establishment: Innovative Educational Technologies. Competency-based approach, 3, 435-439. Ibragimova, Z.I. (2006). Methodology of a comprehensive assessment of the Republic of Kazakhstan regions’ social-economic development. Geography in Schools and Universities of Kazakhstan, 5 (6), 2-4. Kelinbaeva, R.Zh. (2010). Polycentric principle of country development / R.Zh. Kelinbaeva // World and Russia: regionalism under globalization conditions: Proceedings of the III International scientific and practical conference. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, 4(1), 63-69. Moscow. Koryakina, O.F. (2011). Factors of corn production competitive ability in the market conditions. Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference, 556 p. Barnaul: Altai printing house. Lavrikova, Yu.G. (2009). Clusters as a market instrument of regional economy spatial development, Abstract of Dr.Sc. (Economics) dissertation. Ekaterinburg. Marshall, A. (1993). Principles of economics. Moscow: Progress, 3, 351 p. Nakamura, R. (2008). Agglomeration Effects on Regional Economic Disparities: A Comparison between the UK and Japan. Urban Studies, 45 (9), 1947–1971. Nugerbekov, S.N., Temirkhanov, E.U., Bopiyeva, Zh.K., Kassymov, S.M., & Nadyrov, Sh. M. (2008). Territory Spatial Organization and Population Moving in the Republic of Kazakhstan up to 2030. (p. 292). Kazakhstan: Economic Research Institute. Porter, M.E. (2008). On Competition, Updated and Expanded Edition. (p. 544). Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing. Pyatinkin, S.F., & Bykova, T.P. (2008). Developing clusters: essence, relevant approaches, foreign experience. (p. 72). Minsk: Theseus. Sarsengali, A. Abdymanapov, A.N. Toxanova, A. H., Galiyeva, A.A., Muhamedzhanova, Zh. Ashikbayeva, S., & Baidalinov A.S. (2016). Government Support of Innovative Business in the Republic of Kazakhstan. IEJME-Mathematics Education,11 (5), 1033-1049. Spencer, G. (2000). Do clusters make a difference? Defining and assessing their economic performance. Regional Studies, 697-715. Territorial development Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan up to 2015. (2006). Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated, 167, 60. August 28. Astana. Vujić, V., Avramov, S., Tarasjev, A., Barišić Klisarić, N., Živković, U., & Miljković, D. (2015). The Effects of Traffic-Related Air Pollution on the Flower Morphology of Iris Pumila – Comparison of A Polluted City Area and The Unpolluted Deliblato Sands (Nature Reserve). Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 13(2) Yermolaeva, V.A. (2008). New approaches to territory management. Territorial Organization of Perm Krai and Adjacent Territories. Scientific-Practical Conference, 88-92. Zhidkikh, A.A. (2003). Territorial organization of regional social-economic development, by the example of the Altai Krai. Barnaul. |
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Ideologeme «Order» In Modern American Linguistic World ImageAygul Z. Ibatova, Larisa V. Vdovichenko & Lubov K. Ilyashenko
pp. 6463-6468 | Article Number: ijese.2016.483
Abstract The paper studies the topic of modern American linguistic world image. It is known that any language is the most important instrument of cognition of the world by a person but there is also no doubt that any language is the way of perception and conceptualization of this knowledge about the world. In modern linguistics linguistic world image is referred to as integral global world image which is the result of all mental activity of a person and comes out of during all contacts of a person with the world itself and his ideas about the world. The paper touches upon the idea that political thinking, political activity and language are in close interaction. The paper also considers the problem of an ideologeme as a linguo-cognitive phenomenon. The authors suggest some examples of the use of «order» ideologeme as a means of ideological representation and expression of political sentiments and political hopes, and also ambitions of both an individual and the whole society in general. Keywords: American linguistic world-image, ideologeme References Bazhanov, Ye. «Pax Americana» failure // The echo of the planet. - 2009. - №45. – P. 18. Chilton, P. Analyzing Political Discourse: Theory and Practice / P. Chilton. – London: Routledge, 2004. – 224 p. Maslova, V. A. Modern trends in linguistics / V. A. Maslova. – M.: Akademia, 2008. – 272 p. Nachimova, Ye.A. Precedent onims in modern Russian mass-media: theory and methods of cognitive-discursive research: monogr. / Ye.A. Nachimova. – Yekaterinburg: SEE HPE” Ural state pedagogical university”, 2011. – 276 p. Wodak, R. Disorders of Discourse / R. Wodak. – London and New York: Longman, 1996. – 200 p. |
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Socialization of students with disabilities in an inclusive educational environmentElena V. Zvoleyko, Svetlana A. Kalashnikova &Tatiana K. Klimenko
pp. 6469-6481 | Article Number: ijese.2016.484
Abstract With the implementation of the Educational Standard for children with disabilities the need for definition of parameters of an inclusive educational environment is high. The article highlights the groups of special conditions of socialization for students with disabilities in an inclusive educational environment; the authors give the content characteristics of all groups. In order to implement inclusive practice it is necessary to create special educational conditions for children with disabilities. Russian defectologists adequately defined a list of special conditions, but they did not give the system description. Without these conditions studying in a regular school is difficult for a child with disabilities. We have used a new approach to the representation of special conditions system of inclusive education, which is based on the structural-functional model of the educational environment; the components of this model allowed identifying some groups of special conditions (organizational and managerial, material and technical, organizational and pedagogical, the organization of psychological and pedagogical support, social-psychological and subjective). We have defined the content of each group of special conditions and determined the significance and content of extracurricular activities for successful socialization. Keywords: students with disabilities; inclusive educational environment; inclusive classroom; socialization of students with disabilities; Federal State Educational Standard of primary education for students with disabilities; educational and extra-curricular activities References Zubets A.N.,Tarba I.V. Quality of life in Russia. Finance. 2013, No. 12, 68-70.Kazakova L.A. Features of socialization of children and adolescents with disabilities. Siberian Pedagogical Journal, 2010, No. 11, 256-266. Raizberg B.A., LozovskyL.S., StarodubtsevE.B. Quality of life. Modern economic dictionary.INFRA-M., 1999. KonI.S. Socialization of Children in a Changing World.Questions of education, 2010, No. 1 (2), 18-24. LaktionovaE.B. Structural and functional model of the educational environment as an object of psychological examination. Proceedings of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen, 2012, No.148, 67-76. LubovskyV.I. Psycho-pedagogical problems of differentiated and integrated training.Special psychology, 2008, No. 4 (18), 11-21. MalofeevN.N.Federal state educational standards for children with disabilities.[Electronic resource]. URL: http://gigabaza.ru/doc/14523.html (reference date 15/05/2016) MerinovaV.N. Features of the integration into society of persons with disabilities. PhD dissertation. Irkutsk, 2007. Guidelines on the implementation of the federal state educational standard of primary education for students with disabilities and the federal state educational standard of primary education for students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities). Moscow: MGPPU, 2016. MudrikA.V. Socialization of the person. Moscow: Academy, 2004. Nazarova N.M. Integrated (inclusive) education: the genesis and implementation issues [electronic resource]. URL: http://www.mgpu.ru/article.php?article=129 (reference date: 16.03.2016). Nikitin V.A. Beginnings of Social Pedagogy. Moscow Psychological and Social Institute: Flint, 1998. On the creation conditions for education of children with disabilities and children with disabilities / Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. AF-150/06 dated 18.04.2008 URL: http://base.consultant.ru/cons/ cgi / online.cgi base = EXP; n = 433,853; req = doc (reference date: 04/09/2016). Organization of special educational conditions for children with disabilities in educational institutions.M .: MGPPU, 2012. SavinaL.Y. Socialization of children with disabilities in the process of social-cultural rehabilitation.PhD dissertation. Moscow, 2002. TarabaevaV.B. Inclusive education as the factor of socialization of children with disabilities in schools of the Belgorod region.Scientific results.2014, No.2, 114-120. The Federal state educational standard of primary education for students with disabilities / Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 19.12.2014 No.1598. URL: http: //minobrnauki.rf (reference date 10/05/2016). The Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation» No. 273-FZ of 29.12.2012 (In red. The federal law from 07/05/2013 number 99-FZ from 7/23/2013 number 203-FZ) // Reference legal system Consultant [official. site]. 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Teachers attitudes towards and experiences in implementing inclusive education in South Africa, Acta Academia 32 (2). URL: http://scholar.sun.ac.za/handle/10019.1/73766 (referencedate 15/06/2015) |
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Experience of Testing Practice-Oriented Educational Model of Pedagogical Master’s ProgramTatjana I. Shukshina, Irina B. Buyanova, Svetlana N. Gorshenina & Irina A. Neyasova
pp. 6482-6492 | Article Number: ijese.2016.485
Abstract The recent changes in the Russian educational regulations have predetermined the search for new conceptual approaches and ways to improve the content and arrangement of pedagogical staff training. More attention is paid to the implementation of the professional standard of a teacher intended to set the etalon of a graduate of a pedagogical higher school, to identify the criteria for the assessment of pedagogues’ qualification, to create the basis for their job descriptions and payment system. It is required to check the compliance of the professional standard of a teacher with the current national governmental standards for higher education. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in 2014 began the project for the modernization of pedagogical education with the objective to ensure efficient and good quality educational process aimed to train contemporary pedagogues. In compliance with that project, the modernization of pedagogical education is focused on the development of new models of educational programs for training pedagogues compliant with the global trends of pedagogical professionalization. The objective of this paper is to share the experience of testing a practice-oriented model for training pedagogues within pedagogical master’s program. The main method is pedagogical experiment enabling to find the basics of the content and process of pedagogues training, to identify the set of means, methods and conditions of that process arrangement ensuring efficient establishment of professional competences and professional acts of a pedagogue in total constituting the basis of his/her qualification. Independent assessment results on the establishment of professional competences and acts of future pedagogues were submitted. The materials of this paper are of interest for scholars, masters, pedagogues Keywords: master’s program in pedagogics, practice-oriented training, educational unit, network cooperation, professional competences, professional acts. References Adamski, A.I. Network Partnership in Education. Moscow, Eureka, 2004. 144 р. Angrist, J. and V. Lavy (2001). Does Teacher Training Affect Pupil Learning? Evidence from Matched Comparisons in Jerusalem Public Schools, Journal of Labor Economics, 19 (2), 343-369. Buyanova, I. B. (2013). Analysis of the level of students’ adaptation to the university environment, Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 17 (9), 1237-1242. Buyanova, I. B. (2015). Modular approach to construction of basic professional educational programs of teacher training in accordance with the professional standard of the teacher, Humanities and education, 3 (23), 81-85. David C. (2002). 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Pedagogic approach to the mechanisms of personality identity developmentMarina V. Shakurova
pp. 6493-6503 | Article Number: ijese.2016.486
Abstract The article addresses the problem of defining and attributing pedagogic essence to the mechanisms of personality identity development. It is based on the general mechanism of social interaction. Its structure contains, on the one hand, pedagogic interaction, including the forms of pedagogic assistance and pedagogic support; on the other hand, it also contains such components as impulse, perception, manipulation and conclusion (according to G.H. Mead). As a result, with regard to the pedagogic context with specified scientific-methodic supply, we explore local mechanisms of development (stimulating, teaching) of reflection and reflective behavior; acceptance of the Other’s role; learning the choice and facilitating a motivated reasonable choice. We review the developmental potential of pedagogics of game, theatrical pedagogics, communicative attack technique, reflective teaching and mentoring, pedagogic support of empathy development, etc., for personality identity development. Keywords: personality identity; personality identity development; social interaction; pedagogic interaction; reflection; choice References Aleksandrova, E.A. (2006). Pedagogicheskoe soprovozhdenie starsheklassnikov v protsesse razrabotki i realizatsii individualnykh obrazovatelnykh traektoriy: avtoref. dis. …dokt. ped. nauk: 13.00.01. [Pedagogic assistance of high-school students during the process of development and actualization of individual educational trajectories: abstract of the thesis of the doctor of pedagogic sciences: 13.00.01]. Tymen, 40 p. Antonova, O.A. (2006). Shkolnaya tetradnaya pedagogika kak sotsialno-kulturnyy fenomen: dis. …dokt. ped. nauk: 13.00.05. [School copybook pedagogics as a social-cultural phenomenon: thesis of the doctor of pedagogic sciences: 13.00.01]. Saint-Petersburg, 365 p. Balaban, M.A. (2001). Shkola-park. Kak postroit shkolu bez klassov i urokov. [School-park. How to build a school without classes and lessons]. Moscow: Publishing House “Pervoe sentyabrya”, 208 p. Basova, A.G. (2013). Formirovanie empatii. [Development of empathy]. Molodoy uchenyy, 5, pp. 631-633. Belozertseva, T.V. (2000). Pedagogicheskaya technologiya formirovaniya refleksii shkolnikov v protsesse obucheniya: diss…kand. ped. nauk: 13.00.01. [Pedagogic technology of developing school students’ reflection during the educational process: thesis of the doctor of pedagogic sciences: 13.00.01]. Chelyabinsk, 195 p. Beytuganova, M.S. (2010). Pedagogicheskaya podderzhka nravstvennogo vybora strasheklassnika: diss…kand. ped. nauk: 13.00.01. 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[Theatrical-pedagogic technologies as a technique of social-cultural adaptation of older adolescents: thesis of the doctor of pedagogic sciences: 13.00.02]. Moscow, 222. Gazman, O.S. (1995). Ot avtoritarnogo obrazovaniya k pedagogike svobody. [From authoritarian education to pedagogics of freedom]. Novye tsennosti obrazovaniya, 2, pp. 16-45. Heidegger, M. (1988). Prolegomeny i istorii ponyatiya vremeni. [Being and time]. Tomsk: Vodoley, 383 p. Hoffman, M. (2000). Empathy and moral development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 26 p. Ivanova, S.P. (2000). Pedagogicheskaya deyatelnost kak protsess gumanisticheski-orientirovannogo polysubyektnogo vzaimodeystviya v sovremennoy sotsialno-obrazovatelnoy srede: avtoref. dis. …dokt. psikhol. nauk: 19.00.07. [Pedagogic activity as a process of humanistically-oriented multi-subject interaction in the modern social-educational environment: abstract of the thesis of the doctor of psychological sciences: 19.00.07]. Sb. Petersburg, 40 p. Kan-Kalik, V.A. (1987). Uchitelyu o pedagogicheskom obschenii. [For the teacher, about pedagogic interaction]. Moscow: Prosveschenie, 190 p. Karaseva, G.I. (2012). Natsionalnaya igra kak faktor formirovaniya etno-kulturnoy identichnosti korennykh narodov respubliki Sakha (Yakutiya): avtoref. dis. …kand. ped. nauk: 13.00.05. [National game as a factor of the etnic-cultural identity development in native people the Sakha republic (Yakutia): abstract of the thesis of the doctor of pedagogic sciences: 13.00.05]. Sb. Petersburg, 26 p. Kommunicativnaya ataka. [Communicative attack]. Retrieved from: http://exam777evseeva. narod.ru/index/0-39. Date view 15.07.2016. Kusheverskaya, Yu.V. (2007). Formirovanie refleksovnoy kompetentnosti studentov v obrazovatelnom protsesse pedagogicheskogo kolledzha: diss…kand. ped. nauk: 13.00.08. [Reflective competence development in students in the educational process of a pedagogic college: thesis of the doctor of pedagogic sciences: 13.00.08]. Petrozavodsk, 190 s. Leschinskiy, V.I., Kulnevich, S.V. (1995). Uchimsya upravlyat soboy i detmi: pedagogicheskiy praktikum. [Learning to regulate yourself and the children: pedagogic practicum]. Moscow: Prosveschenie, VLADOS, 238 p. Lopatkin, E.V. (2007). Razrabotka sistemnoy modeli motivatsii professionalnogo vybora studentov pedagogicheskogo vuza: diss…kand. ped. nauk: 13.00.08. [Development of a systemic model of professional choice motivation in pedagogic college students: thesis of the doctor of pedagogic sciences: 13.00.08]. Rostov-na-Donu, 307 p. Mamardashvili, M.K. (1990). Kak ya ponimayu filosofiyu. [How I understand philosophy]. Moscow: Progress, 368 p. Mikhaylova, N.N., Yusfin, S.M. (2001). Pedagogicheskaya podderzhka. [Pedagogic support]. Moscow: MIROS, 208 p. Romanova, M.V. (2014). Lichnostnye factory razvitiya professionalnoy refleksii studentov, buschikh pedagogov-psikhologov, v protsesse obucheniya v vuze: dis. …kand. psikhol. nauk: 19.00.07. [Personality factors of professional reflection development in students, prospective pedagogues-psychologists, in the process of studying in college: thesis of the doctor of psychological sciences: 19.00.07]. Kursk, 155 p. 25. Rubtseva, O.V. (2012). Preodolenie vnutrennego rolevogo konflikta u starshikh podrostkov posredstvom syuzhetno-rolevoy igry: avtoref. dis. …kand. psikhol. nauk: 19.00.13. [Overcoming internal role conflict in older adolescents through role-playing game: abstract of the thesis of the doctor of psychological sciences: 19.00.13]. Moscow, 22 p. 26. Shakurova, M.V. (2007). Pedagogicheskoe soprovozhdenie stanovleniya i razvitiya sotsiokulturniy identichnosti shkolnikov: dis. …dokt. ped. nauk: 13.00.01. [Pedagogic assistance of the establishment and development of social-cultural identity in school students: thesis of the doctor of pedagogic sciences: 13.00.01]. Moscow, 363 p. 27. Shakurova, M.V., Syrykh, T.V., Laktionov, V.V. (2010). 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On present state of teaching Russian language in RussiaIrina V. Tekucheva, Liliya Y. Gromova
pp. 6504-6511 | Article Number: ijese.2016.487
Abstract The article discusses the current state of teaching Russian language, discovers the nature of philological education, outlines the main problems of the implementation of the standard in school practice, analyzes the problems of formation of universal educational actions within the context of the implementation of cognitive-communicative approach, presents the description of personal, subject and metasubject results. It is proved that with a foundation of cognitive component the favourable conditions for the formation of universal educational actions are created, due to which various thinking processes are improved, knowledge, skills and abilities required for further education and development are formed. The problem of selecting strategies (general and individual) is touched upon which will allow achieving positive interaction between participants of communication. The focus of attention is formation of personal results of learning which include learners’ willingness and capacity for self-development and self-determination, school-leavers’ value-semantic system. The article presents the description of the key points of system activity approach in teaching Russian language. It is proved that the considered approach makes it possible to combine the processes of education and upbringing and is indissolubly related to the development of a school student’s linguistic personality. The main ways of achieving personal, subject and metasubject results were singled out and listed the difficulties which participants of educational process may face. Keywords: Federal state educational standard, cognitive-communicative approach, personal, subject and metasubject results, strategies, universal educational actions, communicative skills. References Antonova E.S. Problemy realizatsii FGOS OOO (Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education): sposoby formirovaniya metapredmetnykh umeniy (UDD, universal educational actions) v obuchenii russkomu yazyku [Issues of implementation of Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education: methods of metasubject skills (UDD) formation in teaching Russian language] // Strategii razvitiya metodiki prepodavaniya russkogo yazyka d usloviakh realizatsii sovremennykh obrazovatelnykh standartov: a multi-author study [Development strategies for Russian language teaching methods under implementation of modern educational standards: a multi-author study]. – M.: FORUM, 2015. P.113 – 119. Arefieva S.A. Perspektivnye napravleniya problem razvitiya rechi uchaschikhsya [Perspective development lines for the issue of students’ speech development]. // Strategii razvitiya metodiki prepodavaniya russkogo yazyka d usloviakh realizatsii sovremennykh obrazovatelnykh standartov: a multi-author study [Development strategies for Russian language teaching methods under implementation of modern educational standards: a multi-author study]. – M.: FORUM, 2015. P.70 – 73. Voiteleva T.M. Sistemno-deyatelnostny podkhod v protsesse izucheniya russkogo yazyka kak usloviye formirovaniya yazykovoi lichnosti [System activity approach within the process of studying Russian language as linguistic personality formation condition]. // Strategii razvitiya metodiki prepodavaniya russkogo yazyka d usloviakh realizatsii sovremennykh obrazovatelnykh standartov: a multi-author study [Development strategies for Russian language teaching methods under implementation of modern educational standards: a multi-author study]. – M.: FORUM, 2015. P.14 — 18. Issers O.S. Kommunikativnye strategii i taktiki russkoi rechi [Communicative strategies and tactics of Russian speech]. – 3rd edition, reprint. – M.: URSS, 2003.- 284 p. Kurtseva Z.I. Realizatsiya kommunikativnykh strategiy v prepodavaniy rechevedcheskikh distsiplin [Implementation of communicative strategies in teaching speech study disciplines]. // Strategii razvitiya metodiki prepodavaniya russkogo yazyka d usloviakh realizatsii sovremennykh obrazovatelnykh standartov: a multi-author study [Development strategies for Russian language teaching methods under implementation of modern educational standards: a multi-author study]. – M.: FORUM, 2015. С.388 – 394. Primernye programmy po uchebnym predmetam. Russkiy yazyk. 5-9 klassy [Approximate school subject programmes. Russian language. 5th-9th forms]. – 3rd edition, revised. – M.: Prosveshenie, 2011. – 112 p. Skryabina O.A. Universalnye uchebnye deystviya uchaschikhsya v svete realizatsii kognitivno-kommunikativnogo podkhoda [Universal educational actions of students in view of cognitive-communicative approach implementation] // Strategii razvitiya metodiki prepodavaniya russkogo yazyka d usloviakh realizatsii sovremennykh obrazovatelnykh standartov: a multi-author study [Development strategies for Russian language teaching methods under implementation of modern educational standards: a multi-author study]. – M.: FORUM. P.103 – 104. Tekucheva I.V., Gromova L.Yu. O nekotorykh tendentsiyakh razvitiya metodiki obucheniya chteniyu na urokakh russkogo yazyka [On some development trends in teaching reading at Russian language lessons]. // Strategii razvitiya metodiki prepodavaniya russkogo yazyka d usloviakh realizatsii sovremennykh obrazovatelnykh standartov: a multi-author study [Development strategies for Russian language teaching methods under implementation of modern educational standards: a multi-author study]. – M.: FORUM, 2016. С.78 – 81. Tekucheva I.V., Gromova L.Yu. Rabota s klyuchevymi slovami teksta kak odin iz etapov obucheniya ratsionalnomu chteniyu teksta [Working with text key words as one of the stages of teaching efficient text reading]. // Sredneye professionalnoye obrazovaniye [Secondary vocational education]. – 2016. – №4. P. 44 – 46. Tekucheva I.V., Gromova L.Yu. Obucheniye chteniyu: istorichesky aspect problem [Teaching reading: historical aspect of the problem]. // Works of international scientific conference of September 28 – October 2, 2015, Armenia, Goris, Moscow, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. – Er.: Astghik Gratun. – 2015. P.381-385. Federalny gosudarstvenny obrazovatelny standart osnovnogo obschego obrazovaniya [Federal state educational standard of basic general education] [Electronic source]. – URL: http: //www.edu.ru/db-mon/to/Data/d_10/prm1897-1/pdf (retrieved April 30, 2016). Shumkina O.N. Spetsifika raboty nad stilizovannoi razgovornoi rechyu [Specifics of working on stylised oral speech]. // Strategii razvitiya metodiki prepodavaniya russkogo yazyka d usloviakh realizatsii sovremennykh obrazovatelnykh standartov: a multi-author study [Development strategies for Russian language teaching methods under implementation of modern educational standards: a multi-author study]. – M.: FORUM, 2015. С.321 – 325. |
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A Meta-Synthesis of Turkish Studies in Science Process SkillsMurat YILDIRIM, Muammer ÇALIK & Haluk ÖZMEN
pp. 6518-6539 | Article Number: ijese.2016.489
Abstract This study thematically evaluates Turkish studies in science process skills (SPS) from 2000 to 2015. In looking for SPS studies, the authors entered the keywords ‘process skills, science process skills, science education and Turkey/Turkish’ in well-known databases (i.e., Academic Search Complete, Education Research Complete, ERIC, and Springer LINK Contemporary). Further, in case the online search may have missed a substantial part of important SPS literature, the authors also conducted a manual search of the related journals. To present insights of SPS studies, a thematic matrix (needs, aims, methodologies, data collection tools, general knowledge claims, implications for teaching and learning) was used. Their general knowledge claims referred to (a) development of students’ and teachers’ SPS (b) effect(s) of variable(s) on SPS achievement level(s) (c) integration of SPS into science curriculum and (d) SPS measurement. Also, they showed that inquiry-based learning approach acted as a driving factor in developing SPS. Since science curriculum plays an important role in improving students’ SPS, the studies under investigation suggest curriculum developers to increase the number of science activities in science curriculum.
Keywords: meta-synthesis, science education, science process skills References Akar, Ü. (2007). The relationship between student teachers’ scientific process skills and critical thinking skills (Öğretmen adaylarının bilimsel süreç becerileri ve elestirel düsünme beceri düzeyleri arasındaki ilişki). Unpublished Master Thesis, Afyon Kocatepe University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey (in Turkish). Akbaş, A. (2010). Attitudes, self-efficacy and science processing skills of teaching certificate master’s program (OFMAE) students. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 39, 1-12. Akgün, A., Özden, M., Çinici, A, Aslan, A. & Berber, S. (2014). Teknoloji destekli öğretimin bilimsel süreç becerilerine ve akademik başarıya etkisinin incelenmesi (An investigation of the effect of technology based education on scientific process skills and academic achievement). Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 13(48), 27-46. Aktamış, H. & Yenice, N. (2010). 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Unpublished Master Thesis, Dokuz Eylül University, Graduate School of Educational Sciences, İzmir, Turkey (in Turkish). Aydoğdu, B. & Buldur, S. (2013). An investigation of pre-service classroom teachers’ science process skills in terms of some variables (Sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının bilimsel süreç becerilerinin bazı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi). Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, 6(4), 520-534. Aydoğdu, B., Tatar, N., Yıldız, E. & Buldur, S. (2012). The science process skills scale development for elementary school students (İlköğretim öğrencilerine yönelik bilimsel süreç becerileri ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi). Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, 5(3), 292-311. Ayvacı, H.Ş. (2010). A pilot survey to improve the use of scientific process skills of kindergarten children. Necatibey Faculty of Education Electronic Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 4(2) 1-24. Bağcı Kılıç, G., Haymana, F.&Bozyılmaz, B. (2008). 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Organization of Individual Work of Students Under Competence-Oriented Approach to Education in Higher SchoolNazym T. Ualiyeva & Alma Z. Murzalinova
pp. 6540-6556 | Article Number: ijese.2016.490
Abstract The main objective of this research is to identify the essence, content and specifics of organization of individual work of higher school students under competence-oriented approach. The research methodology is related to the choice of competence-oriented approach to ensure transformation of individual work into individual activity in self-education and development of professional and core competences of future teachers. Upon the research results, the content of individual work of students was re-confirmed in integration of its external (organizational and procedural) and internal (personality-forming) aspects to create the space for personal and professional development of a student. Great effect of self-education and self-development skills formed under individual work organization conditions was identified in connection with formation of value-related sense sphere of a student and establishment of his/her professional competency. Also, personally significant value of individual work was acknowledged acting as an internal regulator of future professional pedagogical activity (a stable motive for future professional activity) and actualizing creative motivation of a student, individualization of the style of academic and research activity, reflexive self-position as a subject of activity, self-governance and other personal qualities of future teachers. The significance of the results obtained is determined by the use of psychological and pedagogical conditions of the organization and respective methodical follow-up to improve individual work of students in the structure of competence-oriented education in a higher school. Keywords: Competence-oriented approach, individual work of students, independence, self-education, competences, competency, individual educational trajectory . References Abdymanapov, S.A. (2009). 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The Use of Interactive Methods in the Educational Process of the Higher Education InstitutionRimma A. Kutbiddinova, Aleksandrа A. Eromasova & Marina A. Romanova
pp. 6557-6572 | Article Number: ijese.2016.491
Abstract The modernization of higher education and the transition to the new Federal Education Standards require a higher quality training of the graduates. The training of highly qualified specialists must meet strict requirements: a high level of professional competence, the developed communication skills, the ability to predict the results of one’s own activity, etc. Effective training is possible when the competency, practice-oriented approach, active and interactive teaching methods are used. Currently, a focus in teaching students is on the role of independent work, the organization of practice, physical training of the graduates, the fund of evaluation tools, inclusive education, quality training of the teaching staff, as well as the active and interactive teaching methods. The active and interactive methods allows sharing information, receiving feedback, solving together the arising problems, simulating the educational situations, evaluating one’s own behavior and the actions of other participants, diving into the real atmosphere of business cooperation in solving problematic issues. Various methods exist of interaction between the teacher and students: cooperative learning methods, group discussions, debates, business simulation games, case situation analysis, project method, social-psychological training, moderation, computer simulations, and others. Thanks to interactive methods, the students form the professional competences, develop analytical thinking, mobilize the cognitive powers, an interest in new knowledge is awakened, and the creativity of personality is revealed. This article discusses the experience of using interactive methods with the students studying at the Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy of the Sakhalin State University. 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Contingent Capability of a Conceived Child: Civil Law AspectElena A. Kirillova, Vladimir N. Suslikov, Elena V. Blinkova, Oleg E. Blinkov & Marina M. Staroseltseva
pp. 6573-6580 | Article Number: ijese.2016.492
Abstract This paper covers on contingent legal capability of a conceived child. To protect the capability of conceived children and legal rights, including property, emerging on that basis, it is imperative to strictly identify the moment of emergence and termination of legal capability. The objective of this research is to analyze the provisions on civil law governance of the relations, the object of which is a conceived child’s legal capability, and to develop recommendations aimed at improvement of the international regulations. General scientific methods are mainly applied in the course of theoretical rationalizing of the problem, studying the issues of establishment and development of the concept on contingent legal capability of a conceived child in regulations of various countries. It is offered to formalize in the legislation contingent recognition of an embryo as a person, and in that case a mandatory provision should apply – further birth of an alive child which brings an embryo from the category of contingent person into the category of non-contingent person, enjoying a number of rights prior to the birth – the right to be an heir, a grantee, a fructuary. Capability classification was offered – contingent capability of a conceived child; partial capability of a born child; full capability of an adult. The absence of medical indications predetermines absolute protection of a conceived child as a special object of protection. It is required to identify the list of reasons to be accepted by all the states as sufficient for legal termination of pregnancy – first, to take care about life and health of mother, also allowing improving the demographic situation in some countries Keywords: capacity, capability, natural person, minor, realization of right References Svevo-Cianci, K.A., Herczog, M., Krappmann, L., & Cook, F. (2011). The New UN CRC General Comment 13: “The Right of the Child to Freedom from All Forms of Violence” – Changing How the World Conceptualizes Child Protection. Child Abuse & Neglect, 35(12), 979-989. Kilborn, S. (1990). Placing the Convention on the Rights of the Child in an American Context. Human Rights: Journal of the Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities, 26(2), 28. Manciaux, M. (1998). Children's Rights: Their Development in the Light of the Protection and Promotion of Child, Family, and Community Health. International Digest of Health Legislation, 49(1), 12-17. 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Unique Nature of the Quality of Life in the Context of Extreme Climatic, Geographical and Specific Socio-Cultural Living ConditionsAnastasia Kulik, Yuliya Neyaskina, Marina Frizen, Olga Shiryaeva & Yana Surikova
pp. 6581-6591 | Article Number: ijese.2016.493
Abstract ABSTRACT This article presents the results of a detailed empirical research, aimed at studying the quality of life in the context of extreme climatic, geographical and specific sociocultural living conditions. Our research is based on the methodological approach including social, economical, ecological and psychological characteristics and reflecting objective living conditions and processes as well as subjective assessments of individuals, social groups, the region and society in general. Various objective and subjective factors determining the unique nature of quality of life in severe weather conditions have been examined, leading to the conclusion that objective factors, such as age, place of residence, professional activities, income and particular conditions, have a significant impact on the quality of life and determine its content diversity and its overall integrated assessment. Control, positive self-perception, self-assertion and self-fulfillment opportunities, purposefulness and meaningfulness of specific time frames and emotional state balance are some of the issues that emerge as an impact target and, at the same time, the most probable “point of eventual fracture” when handling the situation in a destructive way. The study revealed that individual activity is one of the most important internal and external factors that affect how respondents representing different groups evaluate the quality of their own lives. In this regard, “internal” activity is treated as a resource for improving quality of life even in disadvantaged circumstances, while “external” activity is understood as an indirect indicator of satisfaction with the quality of life. Keywords: quality of life, extreme living conditions, objective and subjective factors to evaluate the quality of life References Almakaeva, A. M. (2007). 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Evaluation of the Development of Professional Competence in Undergraduates: Methodical AspectsVyacheslav V. Leontyev, Fayruza G. Rebrina, Irina A. Leontyeva & Elvira A. Gafiyatullina
pp. 6592-6602 | Article Number: ijese.2016.494
Abstract Bologna process puts in a high claim for the modern European education in terms of competency building approach. The control is conducted by the agencies which monitor learning activity level in higher education institutions. This paper presents the aspects of higher education within the conduction of competency building approach projects in Europe and Russia. We propose the technology which evaluates students’ professional competence qualimetricly. The technology represents the evaluation algorithm at all levels of student training. Keywords: competence, vocational qualification, European Qualifications Framework, result of evaluation, evaluation indicators References A Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area. Bologna working group on Qualifications Framework, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. (2005). Copenhagen. Bajdenko, V.I. (2008). 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Pedagogical Conditions of Multilevel Foreign Languages Teaching in Pedagogical Higher EducationVasily V. Kadakin, Tatiana I. Shukshina, Svetlana I. Piskunova, Larisa E. Babushkin & Alexander E. Falileev
pp. 6603-6615 | Article Number: ijese.2016.496
Abstract This article is devoted to pedagogical conditions of multilevel foreign languages teaching in pedagogical higher education. The purpose of the study is to form the students' skills in foreign language mastering, to form the ability to operate independently and autonomously in this activity, both in the specific learning situation, and in the context of the further continuous learning a foreign language. The article presents the results of the study of multilevel foreign language training of students of non-linguistic faculties of a pedagogical institute. It describes the pedagogical conditions aimed at optimizing and improving the quality of education. Some advantages and difficulties associated with the implementation of this technology are considered. It refers to the important problems of further researches in psychology, pedagogics and didactic features of linguistic competence formation. It takes into account the regional component and programs for Russian, native and foreign languages that means purposeful work on the teachers’ mutual account of the language knowledge, which gains on language classes. The article states that multilevel training is an indispensable component in the course of the innovative education directed to training of specialists both in the strategic directions, and in a combination of fundamental and innovative training. One of key tasks in realization of professionally oriented language training formation in the innovative model of the professional development is cultural development of the language functional possession that allow to construct various and effective communication process Keywords: Innovative educational environment of a pedagogical institute, foreign languages, monitoring activities, multilevel foreign languages teaching, pedagogical conditions References Adamchuk, T.V. (2015). The technology of work on the grammatical errors in the foreign language lesson. International cooperation: the socio-economic and legal aspects, XV Makarkinskie nauchnye chteniya, International scientific and practical conference, Private educational institution of higher professional education «Mordovian humanitarian institute», Saransk, 15-21. Babushkina, L.E., Kadomceva, S.Yu. & Kiryakova, O.V. (2015). Creating an electronic information and communication environment for teaching foreign languages at non-linguistic faculties of pedagogical institutions. Bulletin of the Moscow state regional university Series Pedagogics, 33(3), 140-148. Jouzdani, M. &Biria, R. (2016).The Relationship between Interpersonal and Intra-personal Intelligences and Vocabulary Learning Strategies Used by EFL Learners. International Journal of English and Education, 5(1), 119-138. Kireeva, Z.R., Aitov, V.F. &Galimova Kh.Kh. (2014).Using the Problem-Based Learning in the Formation of Linguistic and Culturological Competence in Students of Teacher Higher Schools (Based on Comparison of Russian, Bashkir, English and French Proverbs and Sayings). Vestnik VEGU, (5), 5-16. Kostina, E.V. &Pronkina, V.M. (2015).Tests as the modern means of assessment of the students’ progress in learning English. The Humanities and Education, (2), 91-93. Kurina, V.A. (2015).Mobile and computer technology in vocational education for the Master direction «Theory and practice of construction of highways». Ways to improve the quality of roads, Collection of articles, Samara State University of Civil Engineering, Samara, 127-131. Kouritzin, S. & Nakagawa, S. (2011). Linguistic Ecosystems for Foreign-Language Learning in Canada and Japan: An International Comparison of Where Language-Learning Beliefs Come From. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 57(3), 244-257. Retrieved from http://ajer.journalhosting.ucalgary.ca/index.php/ajer/article/view/914 Llosa, L., Lee, O., Jiang, F., Haas, A., O’Connor, C., Van Booven, Ch. D. &Kieffer, M. J. (2016). Impact of a Large-Scale Science Intervention Focused on English Language Learners. American Educational Research Journal, (53), 395-424. Doi: 10.3102/0002831216637348 Mitina, S.I. &Falileev,A.E. (2012). Stylistic devices in the language of political culture (on the material of English public speeches of the leaders of Britain and USA).The Humanities and education, 12(4), 97-101. Petrova, E.A. &Galieva, D.A. (2014). Business game as a methodological procedure of formation of communicative and professional competence in the teaching of foreign languages. Law Enforcement: Theory and Practice, (2), 135-138.
Sbrodov, V.V., Ivanenko, O.I. &Rybkina, T.I. (2008).Multilevel differentiated teaching. Advances in chemistry and chemical technology, 22(2), 92-95. Tukaeva, O.E. (2014).The regional material as a component of the contents in teaching a foreign language in the institution of higher education. The Humanities and Education, (3), 71-74. Wei, L. (2013). English, Education, and Life: A Narrative Inquiry into the English-using Experience of Chinese Graduate Students in the U.S. International Journal of English and Education, 2(1), 34-45. Yankina, O.E. (2015). Technologies of learning competence’ formation of bachelors of pedagogical education by means of foreign language. Evsevevskie chteniya, Series: «Linguistics and Methodology: a multidisciplinary approach»: International scientific-practical conference with the elements of scientific school for young scientists, 14-15 May 2015, Mordovian state pedagogical institute, Saransk. Shi, Z. (2012). Opportunities and Constraints with Ethnography in Examining the Home Literacy Experiences of English Language Learners. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 58(2), 232-245. Retrieved from http://ajer.journalhosting.ucalgary.ca/index.php/ajer/article/view/1015 Shukshina, T.I. Babushkina, L.E. (2014). Formation of sociocultural competence among students of a pedagogical higher education institution using ICT when learning foreign languages. Life Science Journal, 11(6), 565-568. |
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Studying innovation technologies in modern educationNina M. Stukalenko, Bariya B. Zhakhina, Asiya K. Kukubaeva, Nurgul K. Smagulov & Gulden K. Kazhibaeva
pp. 6612-6617 | Article Number: ijese.2016.550
Abstract In modern society, innovation technologies expand to almost every field of human activity, including such wide field as education. Due to integrating innovation technologies into the educational process practice, this phenomenon gained special significance within improvement and modernization of the established educational system. Currently, the problem of active integration and wide application of innovation technologies in education is highly significant. Present study explores innovation technologies of learning in the modern education. Corrected and republished in http://ijese.net/makale/1001 Keywords: education, learning, pedagogical innovation theory, learning technologies, technological approach in education, innovation educational technologies. References Antonova E.S. Problemy realizatsii FGOS OOO (Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education): sposoby formirovaniya metapredmetnykh umeniy (UDD, universal educational actions) v obuchenii russkomu yazyku [Issues of implementation of Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education: methods of metasubject skills (UDD) formation in teaching Russian language] // Strategii razvitiya metodiki prepodavaniya russkogo yazyka d usloviakh realizatsii sovremennykh obrazovatelnykh standartov: a multi-author study [Development strategies for Russian language teaching methods under implementation of modern educational standards: a multi-author study]. – M.: FORUM, 2015. P.113 – 119. |
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Characteristics of Social-Psychological Adaptation and Self-Regulation in Patients With Diabetes MellitusNadezhda A. Tsvеtkova, Marina I. Aleksandrova, Anna Igorevna Rybakova, Larisa I. Starovoitova & Tatiana B. Kononova
pp. 6616-6634 | Article Number: ijese.2016.497
Abstract The article presents the results of searching for answers to the following questions: which are the characteristics of socio-psychological adaptation and self-regulation behavior in patients with diabetes mellitus type II? What is the nature of the relationship between these personal characteristics? In particular, it contains results of comparative analysis of data experimental group (men and women, patients with diabetes mellitus type II) and control groups (men and women without a diagnosis "diabetes mellitus") by four parameters: 1) level of socio-psychological adaptation; 2) emotional modality; 3) the level of self-regulation of behavior; 4) peculiarities of self-regulation of behavior in conflict situations; and the results of the comparative analysis on the basis of gender. It is concluded that the level of socio-psychological adaptation and the level of self-regulation of behavior of patients with DM had significantly lower levels of socio-psychological adaptation and self-regulation of behavior of people without the diagnosis of "diabetes"; the higher the level of self-regulation of behavior of patients with DM, the higher the level of socio-psychological adaptation and Vice versa. The necessity of approximation programs of the courses in "Schools of diabetes" and other forms of group work with patients with diabetes to their ontological reality, i.e. taking into account the socio-psychological background of diabetes mellitus (personality characteristics, adaptation, self-regulation of behavior diabetics) and integration of medical, psychological and social assistance to this population. Keywords: diabetes mellitus, socio-psychological adaptation, emotional modality, the self-regulation of behavior, style of self-regulation of behavior, the strategy of behavior in conflict, features of adaptation and self-regulation of patients with diabetes mellitus. References Aleksandrova, M.I. (2011). Sotsialno-psikhologicheskie problemy bolnykh sakharnym diabetom. [Social-psychological problems of patients with diabetes mellitus]. Vestnik universiteta (Gosudarstvenniy universitet upravleniya), 20, pp. 4-5. Aleksandrova, M.I. (2012). Integratsiya meditsinskoy, sotsialnoy i psikhologicheskoy pomoschi bolnym sakharnym diabetom kak aktualnaya problema. [Integration of medical, social and psychological assistance for patients with diabetes mellitus as a significant problem]. VIII Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya: Sb. dokladov. RF, g. Lipetsk, 24 dekabrya 2011 g., Lipetsk: ITS “Gravis”, pp. 203-209. Aleksandrova, M.I., Tsvetkova, N.A. (2012). 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Evaluation of The Cross-Cultural Traits Influence on The Behavior of Russian and Chinese Students on The Higher Education Products MarketIrina M. Romanova, Elena V. Noskova & Anastasiya N. Trotsenko
pp. 6635-6650 | Article Number: ijese.2016.498
Abstract Development of academic mobility of students from different countries requires evaluating the influence of their cultural traits on the behavior on the educational products market. The subject of present study is the development of methodic approach towards evaluating the cross-cultural traits influence on students’ behavior on the higher education products market. Within the study we developed a model of culture, which reflects the list of cultural values and characteristics of material and institutional values adapted for the educational products market of the universities. We propose a method of constructing a matrix of cross-cultural analysis of the elements, which create the model of culture in the consumers from a certain culture and behavioral traits of students on the higher education market. The developed methodical approach was evaluated on Chinese and Russian students. The results of the study can be used for developing measures for increasing the attractiveness of Russian universities for Chinese consumers. Keywords: cross-culture, model of culture, students’ behavior, educational products market References Agarwal, J., Malhotra, N., Bolton, R. (2010). A Cross-National and Cross-Cultural Approach to Global Market Segmentation: An Application Using Consumers' Perceived Service Quality. Journal of International Marketing, 18(3), pp. 18-40. Aghion, P., Dewatripoint, M., Hoxby, C.M., Mas-Colell, A., Sapir, A. (2010). The governance and performance of research universities: Evidence from Europe and the USA. Economic Policy, 25(61), pp. 7–59. Aleshina, I.V. (2011). Marketing: kross-kulturnye problem i vozmozhnosti. [Marketing: cross-cultural problems and opportunities]. Sovremennyy menedzhment: problem, gipotezy, issledovaniya. (Ed. M.Yu. Shereshev). M.: NIU VSHE. Almakaeva, A.M. (2014). 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Methods Of Forming Professional Competence Of Students As Future TeachersYessen B. Omarov, Darkhan Gabdyl-Samatovich Toktarbayev, Igor Vyacheslavovich Rybin, Aigul Zhanayevna Saliyeva, Fatima Niyazbekovna Zhumabekova, Sholpan Hamzina, Nursulu Baitlessova & Janat Sakenov
pp. 6651-6662 | Article Number: ijese.2016.499
Abstract The article presents an analysis of the problem of professional competence; a methodological basis of forming professional competence of college students as future teachers is established. The essence of professional competence is defined. The structure has been experimentally proved and developed, the contents, criteria and levels of professional competence have been defined. The effectiveness of the identified methodological basis of professional training, that provide the forming of professional competence of students. A methodological model of forming of professional competence of college students as future teachers has been theoretically proved, practically developed and experimentally approbated. In the process of the experiment, the pedagogical effectiveness of the developed methodological model of forming professional competence of students in the process of their college professional training has been empirically tested and proved. Keywords: Methods, professional competence, students, forming, methodological basis, professional competence of students as future teachers, forming of professional competence References Arsamerzaev G.A., Dauletova I.G., Sakenov J.Z., Toktarbayev G. - S. D. (2014). Formation of professional competence at students (on the example of creative pedagogical specialties). Life Sci J,11(6s):97-101. Asenova N.S., Zhumabaeva Z.E., Kenenbaeva M.A., Sakenov D.Zh., Toktarbaev D.G. (2013). About preparation of students of higher education institution for professional activity in the course of studying of elective disciplines Life Sci J, 10(10s):96-100. Baigozhina Z., Zhakibayeva G., Sakenov J.Z., Zavalko N., Nurtayeva Z. Z., Tasbulatova G.T.(2014). About increase of efficiency of vocational training of students. Life Sci J, 11(5s):259-262. Berkimbaev, K., M. Akeshova, A. Meirbekov and G. Meirbekova, (2013). 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Semantics vs Pragmatics of a Compound WordElena A. Smirnova, Ella I. Biktemirova & Diana N. Davletbaeva
pp. 6663-6674 | Article Number: ijese.2016.500
Abstract This paper is devoted to the study of correlation between semantic and pragmatic potential of a compound word, which functions in informal speech, and the mechanisms of secondary nomination, which realizes the potential of semantic-pragmatic features of colloquial compounds. The relevance and the choice of the research question is based on the following: firstly, the last decades in the study of the language are devoted to the analysis of ‘language in action’ (speech) rather than its inner form; secondly, the human factor is the leading notion in pragmalinguistics; thirdly, pragmatics is closely connected with productive word building and nomination processes. The following scientific methods were used in the research: analysis and synthesis, definition analysis, method of transformations, the semantic analysis, statistical method, descriptive analysis, and contextual method. The materials and methods chosen in the article help to prove that the meaning of a compound word is built not only on the semantic purpose but mostly on the pragmatic one, that is why the inner structure of a colloquial compound is more complicated. The research also shows that the traditional understanding of pragmatics determines the study of communicative features which appear in certain contexts. The obtained results can be applied in the educational system and are of theoretical and practical value for educational professionals who investigate the questions of pragmatics and semantics. Keywords: Semantic component of meaning, pragmatic component of meaning, colloquial compounding, informal speech References Benczes, R. (2006). Creative compounding in English: The semantics of metaphorical and metonymical Noun-Noun Combinations. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 206 p. Boldyrev, N. & Babina, L. (2001). Vtorichnaya representaciya kak ocobii tip predstavlenia znanii v yazyke. Filologicheskiye nauki, 4, 79-86. Brown, G. (1996). Speakers, listeners and communication: explorations in dicourse analysis. Cambridge: Camdridge University Press, 251 p. Fisher, R. (1998). Lexical change in present-day English. A corpus-based study of the motivation, institutionalization and productivity of creative neologism. Tubingen: Gunter Narr Verl, 209 p. Kobozeva, I. (2004). Lingvisticheskaya semantika. Moscow: Editorial URSS, 352 p. Kolshansky, G. (1975). Sootnosheniye sub’ektivnykh i ob’ektivnykh faktorov v yazyke. Moscow: Nauka, 232 p. Lacoff, G. & Johnson, M. (1980). Metaphors we live by. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 270 p. Leech, G. N. (1983). Principles of pragmatics. London: Longman, 250 p. Lehrer, A. (2007). Blendalicious. In J. Munet (Ed.), Lexical Creativity, Texts and Contexts. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 133 p. Martynova, N. O. (2007). O tipakh nominacii inokultunykh realii v mezhkulturnoi kommunikacii. Direct access: http://cs.net.ru/conf/ruslang2005/trend7/martynova.htm Meyer, R. (1993). Compound Comprehension in Isolation and in Context. The contribution of Conceptual and Discourse Knowledge to the Comprehension of Novel Noun-Noun Compounds. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 225 p. Molchkova, L. (2003). Professionalnaya leksika angloyazychnykh sredstv massovoi informacii: pragmatika, semantika, struktura: PhD thesis abstract. Samara: Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education, 24 p. Morrish, J. (1999). Frantic Semantics. Snapshots of Our Changing Language. London: Macmillan, 179 p. Petru, E. (1993). Socio-pragmaticheskiye i strukturno-semanticheskiye osobennosti ekspressivnoi kollokvialnoi leksiki: PhD thesis. Pyatigorsk: Pyatigorsk State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, 235 p. Posner, R. (1992). Reseach in Pragmatics after Morris. In M. Balat & J. Deledalle-Rhodes (Eds.). L’homme et ses signes. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1420 p. Sadykova, A. & Kayumova, D. (2014). The correlation between linguistic and conceptual worldviews: the role of metaphor. Life Scince Journal, 11(6), 552-555. Sadykova, A. (2002). Sistema substantivnogo slovoslozheniya v tyurkskykh i germanskykh yazykakh v sravnitelno-tipologicheskom aspekte: PhD thesis. Kazan: Kazan State Pedagogical University, 492 p. Salmon, N. (2005). Two conceptions of semantics. In Z. Szabo (Ed.), Semantics Versus Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 328 p. Shelyakin, M. (2005). Yazyk i chelovek: K problem motivirovannocti yazykovoi sistemy. Moscow: Flinta, 296 p. Smirnova, E., Sadykova, A. & Davletbaeva, D. (2014). The study of occasional words: Theoretical aspect. Life Science Journal, 11(11), 532-535. Vardzelashvili, Zh. (2000). K voprosu o tolkovanii termina ‘nominaciya’ v lingvisticheskikh issledovaniyakh. Slavistics in Georgia, 1, 62-68. Yule, G. (2000). Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 135 p. |
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Formation of the Professional and Didactic Culture of the Future TeacherAlsu L. Mirzagitova & Linar G. Akhmetov
pp. 6675-6689 | Article Number: ijese.2016.501
Abstract Relevance: The relevance of the problem under investigation is caused by the fact that the problem of the formation of the professional and didactic culture of future teachers has not been sufficiently elaborated. The purpose of the article: The article aims to the solution of the problem of improving the content of future teachers’ training with regard to the requirements of time. Methods: The leading approach to the study of this problem is the cultural approach that includes systemic, competence-based, personal, axiological and other approaches to professional development that allows revealing the culturological component of future teachers’ didactic training. Results: The paper considers the basic aspects of the professional and didactic culture of future history teachers and analyzes the possibility of forming the individual elements of the teacher’s professional and didactic culture. The significance of the results: Materials of this article may be useful for the future history teachers as it actualizes the concept of “pedagogical responsibility” and considers the basic aspects of their professional and didactic culture. Keywords: Professional and didactic culture, critical thinking, future teacher’s training, skills References Akhmetov, L. G., Faizrakhmanov, I. M. & Faizrakhmanova, A. L. (2013). Emotional component of communicational activity in the process of making a future teacher ready to competitive relations. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 17(2), 173-176. Akhmetov, L. G., Faizrakhmanov, I. M. & Faizrakhmanova, A. L. (2014). Features of use of direct communicative interaction in the course of formation of professionally significant competence. Paper presented at the 3-rd International Congress on Interdisciplinary Behavior and Social Science. Bali, Indonesia, 107-111. Aronowitz, S. & Giroux, H. (1991). Postmodern education: Politics, culture and social criticism. Minneapolis-Oxford: University of Minnesota Press, 205 p. Banning, M. (2005). Approaches to teaching: current opinions and related research. Nurse Education Today, 25(7), 502-508. Brookfield, S. D. (1987). Developing Critical Thinkers. Challenging Adults to Explore Alternative Ways of Thinking and Acting. California: California Open University Press, 1-51. Butenko, A. V. & Khodos, E. A. (2002). Critical thinking: Method, theory, practice. Moscow: Miros. 176 p. Dewey, J. (1999). Psychology and pedagogy of thinking. Trans. from English by N.M. Nikolskaya. In U.S. Rasskazov (Eds.). Moscow, Labyrinth, 375 p. Facione, P. A. (2011) Critical thinking: A statement of expert consensus for purposes of educational assessment and instruction. Executive Summary. Translated by E.N. Volkov. California: Academic Press. 234 p. Faizrakhmanova, A. L. & Faizrakhmanov, I. M. (2015). Technology of creative workshops in the process of training of the future technology teacher. Modern problems of science and education, 1, 174-184. Gregory, J. (2002). Facilitation and facilitator style. In P. Jarvis (Eds.). The Theory and Practice of Teaching. London: Kogan Page, 79-93. Halpern, D. (2003). Thought and Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical Thinking. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 364 p. Hendry. G. D., Frommer, M. & Walker, R. A. (1999). Constructivism and problem-based learning. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 23, 359-371. Ksenzova, G. Y. (2004). Psychology of teacher’s labor: Textbook for the system of advanced training and retraining of educators. Tver: Lily Print, 42 p. Levina, E. Y., Akhmetov, L. G., Latipova, L. N., Mirzagitova, A. L., Mirzanagimova, F. I., Latipov, Z. A. & Masalimova, A. R. (2015). Diagnostics of educational activity quality on the basis of qualitative methods. Asian Social Science, 11(4), 246-252. Lipman, M. (1991). Thinking in education. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 285 p. Mirzagitova, A. L. & Akhmetov, L. G. (2015). Self-development of pedagogical competence of future teacher. International Education Studies, 8(3), 114-121. Mirzagitova, A. L., Mukhametgaliyeva, S. H. & Tirigulova, R. H. (2015). Realization of competence-based approach in preparation of the competitive specialist. The Proceedings of 6th World Conference on Educational Sciences. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 191, 1938–1940. Samokhin, Y. S. (2012). On the responsibility of the teacher for the design and research of the pupil. Slovo. Direct access: http://www.portal-slovo.ru/ Shakirova, D. M. (2006). Pupils and students’ critical thinking formation: model and technology. Educational Technology & Society, 9(4), 284-292. Tarasiuk, O. V. & Kopylov, S. N. (2013). Content design of general professional disciplines in the formation of the professional competence of college students. Ekaterinburg: RGPPU, 313 p. |
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Practices and Methods for Actualization of the Scientific Information in Art Excursions (Excursions and Cultural Heritage in the Contemporary WorldTatiana V. Portnova
pp. 6690-6696 | Article Number: ijese.2016.502
Abstract The paper deals with various practices and methods for actualization of the scientific information in art excursions. The modern society is characterized by commitment to information richness. The range of cultural and historical materials used as the basis for art excursions is really immense. However if to consider the number of excursions with elaborated structure, then the excursions devoted to art will certainly be in the minority. And after such excursions the excursionists are left with many questions in their minds. The objects of art have their own criteria, specifics and peculiarities. To realize them and to comprehend them scientifically – at the theoretical level – is the relevant task of the art experts and critics. Keywords: Practices and methods for actualization; art excursion; excursion site; preparatory stages; scientific knowledge References Emel'janov, B. V. (1986). Professional Skills of Guide. Moscow: CRIB “Turist”, 53 p. Emel'janov, B. V. (2004). Study of Excursion. Moscow: Sovetskij sport, 119 p. Portnova, T. V. (2013). Scientific Aspects in Art Excursions. Fundamental Science and Technologies – Perspective Developments. Fundamental science and Technology-Promising Developments, 2, 33. Romanov, N. I. (1916). On the Tasks and Methods of Art Excursions. Excursions journal, 1, 530 p. Sichinaeva, V. A. (1981). Excursion Work. Moscow: CRIB “Turist”, 31 p. Stolyarov, B. A. (2004). Museum Pedagogics. History. Theory. Practice. Moscow: High school, 127 p.
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Approach to Classifying “Design” Drugs and New Potentially Dangerous Chemical Substances, With a Brief Review of the ProblemAzat R. Asadullin, Elena Kh. Galeeva, Elvina A. Achmetova & Ivan V. Nikolaev
pp. 6697-6703 | Article Number: ijese..001
Abstract The urgency of this study has become vivid in the light of the growing problem of prevalence and use of new synthetic drug types. Lately there has been a tendency of expanding the range of psychologically active substances (PAS) used by addicts with the purpose of their illegal taking. The aim of this research is an attempt of systematizing and classifying “design” drugs according to their chemical structure, neurochemical mechanisms of action and clinical manifestations. As a result, we have found that they can be divided into ten big groups. This classification will allow to better arrange new clinical phenomenology in modern addictology. This paper would be useful for psychiatrists, experts in narcology, as well as for personnel of institutions and agencies engaged in anti-drug activity. Keywords: Opiates, cannabinoids, cathinones, tryptamine, cocaine, pregabalin, new “design” drugs, classification References Abbott, R. & Smith, D. E. (2015). The New Designer Drug Wave: A Clinical, Toxicological, and Legal Analysis, Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 5, 368-371. Akhmetova, E. А., Galeeva, Е. H., Asadullin, А. R., Nikolaev, I. V. & Illarionov, М. V. (2016). Peculiarities of prevalence and consumption of the latest synthetic "designer" drugs on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Тоmsk: Publishing house “Ivan Fedorov”, 300 p. Arunotayanun, W., Dalley, J. W. & Huang, X. P. (2013). An analysis of the synthetic tryptamines AMT and 5-MeO-DALT. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters, 11, 3411 - 3415. Asadullin, А. R., Akhmetova, E. А. & Uritsky, B. L. (2015). The pathomorphism of clinical forms of drug addiction. New synthetic drugs. Materials of all-Russian conference on "Current issues of addictology - new opportunities of pharmacological psychotherapy and rehabilitation", 20-25. Bokhan, N. А. & Selivanov, G. Y. (2015). Clinical typology of psychopathological disorders in users of synthetic cannabinoids (spice), Siberian Gerald of Psychiatry and Addiction Psychiatry, 4, 18-23. Chavant, F. (2015). New synthetic drugs in addictovigilance, Thérapie, 2, 179-189. Golovko, А. I. & Bonitenko, Е. Y., (2015). Terminological and biological paradoxes of the phenomenon of "design narcotics". Narcology, 8, 69-83. Helander, A., Beackberg, M. & Beck, O. (2014). MT-45, a new psychoactive substance associated with hearing loss and unconsciousness, Clinical Toxicology, 4, 176-185. Ismailova, Y. S. (2013). Addiction, morphine and morphinism, Scientific-Practical Journal of Medicine, 4, 55-67. Krupitsky, E. M. (2016). Efficacy and safety of pregabalin in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome: a randomized placebo-controlled trial, Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry, 7, 29 – 36. Lowe, L. M. (2015). A Case Review of the First Analytically Confirmed 25I-NBOMe-Related Death in Washington State Journal of analytical toxicology, 8, 668-671. Mendelevich, V. D. (2014). Psychotic disorder as the result of drug abuse: current state of the problem. Narcology, 7, 93—100. Nenastieva, A. U., Rokhlina, M. L., Usmanova, N. N. & Zakharov, E. D. (2015). Abuse of pregabalin, Materials of all-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation "Psychiatry is at the stage of reforms: problems and prospects", 5, 119-126. Poklis, J. L. (2015). Analysis of 25I-NBOMe, 25B-NBOMe, 25C-NBOMe and Other Dimethoxyphenyl-N-[(2-Methoxyphenyl) Methyl]Ethanamine Derivatives on Blotter Paper, Journal of analytical toxicology, 8, 617-623. Shevyrin, V. A. & Morzherin, Yu. Yu. (2015). The structure, operation and classification of cannabis, Izvestiya akademii nauk. Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences, 11, 1249-1266. Vorce, S. P. (2014). A fatality involving AH-7921, Journal of analytical toxicology, 4, 226-230. |
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Innovative basis of research of technologic features of some craftsmanship traditions of Ganja (On the sample of carpets of XIX century)Elnur L. Hasanov
pp. 6704-6714 | Article Number: ijese.2016.503
Abstract The carpet production in Ganja took one of the leading handicraft activities since ancient times and still impresses with its high skill and the variety of colors, but there have been no widely studied the question of the creation technology of such representatives of cultural heritage. Scientific paper deals with the research of the basic features of some main traditional handicraft kinds of Ganja, amoung them is making carpets, on the basis of innovative methods and materials. For the investigations were used ethnographic field samples. Based on the research identified the main types of carpet, the technique and the materials, especially dyes. Also for the first time these local craftsmanship patterns have been investigated as an important source in research of historical past and ethnology of Azerbaijan. Keywords: Craftsmanship; Ganja; innovative technologies; Azerbaijan; historical-ethnographic research References Alieva, A.S. (1973). Napped carpets in Azerbaijan XIX - beg. XX centuries. Baku: Elm, 21-25. Alieva, K.M. (1983). Lint-free Azerbaijani carpets. Baku: Ishyh, 88 p. Azərbaycan arxeologiyası: 6 cilddə. (2008). VI cild. Bakı: Şərq-Qərb, 632 s. Azərbaycan etnoqrafiyası: 3 cilddə. (2007). I cild. Bakı: Şərq-Qərb, 544 s. Guliyeva, N.M., Hasanov, E.L. (2011). About the development of artistic ceramics in ancient Ganja. Proceedings of the International correspondence scientific-practical conference “Questions of social sciences: sociology, political science, philosophy, history”, Novosibirsk: Apriori, 132-135. Guliyeva, N.M., Hasanov, E.L. (2012). New ethnographic approach to the research of main decorative - applied arts of Ganja of the XIX – XX centuries. International scientific conference “Achievements in science: new views, problems, innovations”, Lodz, 56-58. Häsänov, E.L. (2012). Die Gändschänischen teppiche von XIX – XX Jahrhundert als geschichtliche - ethnographische quelle. European Science and Technology. Second international scientific conference, Bildungszentrum Rdk e. V. Wiesbaden, 26-27 Hasanov, E.L. (2012). Innovational ethnographic facts on investigation and teaching of some basic decorative - applied arts of Ganja of the XIX - XX centuries. Applied and Fundamental Studies: Proceedings of the 1st International Academic Conference. Saint Louis: Science and Innovation Center, 400-403. Hasanov, E.L. (2015). About innovative results on historic-ethnographic research of art ceramics of ancient Ganja. New Unıversıty. Topical issues of humanities and social sciences 8-9(53-54), 44-47. Hasanov, E.L. (2015). To the Question on Research of Craftsmanship Traditions of Ganja of XIX – First Half of XX Centuries. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(1), 433-437. Həsənov, E.L. (2012). Gəncə İmamzadə türbəsi (tarixi-etnoqrafik tədqiqat). Bakı: Elm və təhsil, 268 s. Kaziev, A.Yu. (1949). The color and composition of Azerbaijan carpets. Art of Azerbaijan. Baku: Elm, 38-56, 96. Kerimov, L.G. (1983). The Azerbaijan carpet, T. 3. Baku: Elm, 163 p. Piralov, A.S. (1900). A brief outline of handicrafts Caucasus. Tiflis: Printing Office of the Vicar, 50 p. Smith, W.B., Hasanov, E.L. (2013). Importance of handicraft traditions in investigation of history of urban culture in Ganja. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 11(7), 61-66. Sumbatzade, A.S. (1958). Agriculture of Azerbaijan in the XIX century. Baku: Pablished house of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences SSR, 254 p. The Caucasian calendar for 1854. (1853). Tiflis: Printing Office of the Vicar, 338-341. The dawn of Art. (1974). Leningrad: Aurora Art Publishers, 196 p. |
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Evaluation Methods Basis of Strategy Development Effectiveness of the EnterpriseAnna S. Zotova, Elena A. Kandrashina, Andrey D. Ivliev & Marina V. Charaeva
pp. 6715-6725 | Article Number: ijese.2016.504
Abstract The urgency to study the problem is caused by the necessity to make management decisions in terms of reducing goods life cycle, reducing profitability of production, increasing speed of technological progress. In this context, this article aims to identify and elaborate the tools for integrated diagnostic of strategy efficiency, taking into account the relationship of parameters which characterize various spheres of enterprise activity, and to formulate integral indicator of strategic effectiveness, which can be accepted as the criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of strategic development. The leading approach to the study of this problem was the systems approach, used in the development of methods for efficiency evaluation of strategic development, it allows to identify priority factors of the strategic development of the company. The article substantiates the use of value approach to management as a methodical bases of diagnostics of the effectiveness of the strategic development of the industrial enterprises; the matrix tool was developed, supplementing the information-analytical foundation of management. The results of the research work may be useful for effectiveness evaluation of the strategic development of industrial enterprise and for identifying priority strategic development factors and making recommendations to improve the value of business. The urgency to study the problem is caused by the necessity to make management decisions in terms of reducing goods life cycle, reducing profitability of production, increasing speed of technological progress. In this context, this article aims to identify and elaborate the tools for integrated diagnostic of strategy efficiency, taking into account the relationship of parameters which characterize various spheres of enterprise activity, and to formulate integral indicator of strategic effectiveness, which can be accepted as the criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of strategic development. The leading approach to the study of this problem was the systems approach, used in the development of methods for efficiency evaluation of strategic development, it allows to identify priority factors of the strategic development of the company. The article substantiates the use of value approach to management as a methodical bases of diagnostics of the effectiveness of the strategic development of the industrial enterprises; the matrix tool was developed, supplementing the information-analytical foundation of management. The results of the research work may be useful for effectiveness evaluation of the strategic development of industrial enterprise and for identifying priority strategic development factors and making recommendations to improve the value of business. Keywords: Strategy development effectiveness, value approach References Andrews, K. R. (1987). The concept of Corporate Strategy Homewood. Illinois: Richard D Irwin, 111 p. Ansoff, I. & Mcdonnell, E. (1990). Implanting Strategic Management. New York: Prentice Hall, 520 p. Ashmarina, S. I. (2015). The peculiarities of organization change management in integrated economic systems. Review of European Studies, 7, 40–48. Ashmarina, S. I., Streltsov, A. V., Dorozhkin, E.M., M. Vochozka & Izmailov, A. M. (2016). Organizational and Economic Directions of Competitive Recovery of Russian Pharmaceutical Enterprises. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 11 (7), 2581-2591. Byrne S. F. (2001). EVA and Value-Based Management. New York: McGraw-Hill, 190 p. Drucker, P. F. (1999). Management Challenges for 21st Century. New York: Harper Business, 224 p. Drucker, P. F. (2002). Managing in the Next Society. New York: Truman Talley Books, 352 p. Helfert, E. (2001). Techniques of Financial Analysis. New York: McGraw-Hill. 480 p Lubnina, A.A., Shinkevich, M.V., Ashmarina, S.I., Zaitseva, N.A., Sayfutdinova, G.B., Ishmuradova, I.I. (2016). Resource saving innovative forms of the industrial enterprises. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues , Porter, M. E. (1998). Competitive strategy. New York: Free Press, 397 p. Prahalad, C. & Hamel, G. (1990). The Core Competence of the Corporation. Harvard Business Review, 6, 78–90. Quinn, J. B. (1992). Intelligent Enterprise. New York: Free Press, 473 p. |
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The Use of Logistics in the Quality Parameters Control System of Material FlowNatalia P. Karpova, Irina A. Toymentseva, Elena V. Shvetsova, Vera D. Chichkina & Elena V. Chubarkova
pp. 6726-6743 | Article Number: ijese.2016.505
Abstract The relevance of the research problem is conditioned on the need to justify the use of the logistics methodologies in the quality parameters control process of material flows. The goal of the article is to develop theoretical principles and practical recommendations for logistical system control in material flows quality parameters. A leading approach to study this problem is a set of scientific knowledge and special methods, allowing identifying the main trends and features for the quality parameters control of material flows. The main results of the research with the scientific novelty are the following: - grounded conceptual framework for the qualitative parameters management of material flows and business processes; - defined the relationship of the evaluation criteria to characterize products and processes, and to highlight typical and assigned material flow characteristics; - proved the necessity of quality parameters logistical system control of material flows. The article can be useful to set up the quality parameters control system of material flow in the micro – mesa-logistics systems to optimize total costs, improve quality, material flow and processes and, as a consequence, improve the products competitiveness. Keywords: Quality, logistics, material flow, company, management References Albekov, A. U. (2012). Commercial logistics. Rostov on Don: Feniks, 416 p. Big explanatory dictionary of Russian language (2000). In S.A. Kuznetsov (Eds.). St. Petersburg: Norint, 1536 p. Bowersox, D., Closs, D. & Cooper, M. (2012). Managing Supply Chain Logistics. New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 496 p. Christopher, M. (2016). Logistics and Supply Chain Management. New York: M press, 328 p. Crosby, B. D. (1979). Quality is free: the art of Quality certain: how to manage quality - so that it becomes a source of profit for Your business. New York. McGraw-Hill, 309 p. Dyibskaya., V. V., Zaitsev. E. I. & Sergeev, V. I. (2009). Logistics: integration and optimization of logistic business processes in supply chains. Moscow: Eksmo, 944 p. Feigenbaum, A. V. (2004). Total quality control. New York. McGraw-Hill Professional, 896 p. Ishikawa, K. (1985). What is total quality control? The Japanese Method. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 215 p. Juran, J. M. (1988). Guide to quality control gurana. New York: McGraw Hill, 1774 p. Karnaukhov, S. (2013). Logistics as a management theory and management system for material flow. RISK, 2, 79-90. Kurbatov, O. N., Protsenko, I. O. & Novikov, F. D. (2007). The conditions for the use of innovative logistics in different spheres of public activities. RISK, 4, 56-60. Leenders, M. R. & Firon H. E. (1992). Procurement and materials management. Irwin.Burr ridge: United States, 704 p. Minko, E. V. (2004). The quality and competitiveness. St. Petersburg: Peter, 272 p. Nagowski, S. N. (2012). Logistics design and management of production and commercial systems. Kaluga: A Manuscript, 336 p. Novikov, D., Grebnev, E. & Horn, A. (2007). Control system of relations with clients (CRM) and its advantages on trade markets. Marketing and logistics, 1, 47-52. NSS ISO 9000-2011. (2013). The quality management system. Direct access: http://docs.cntd.ru/document-/gost-iso-9000-2011 Rampersad, H. K. (2009). Total quality Management. London: Springer, 190 p. Sergeev, V. I. (2013) Corporate logistics. 300 answers to questions of professionals. Moscow: INFRA-M, 976 p. Sterligov, K. B. (2006). The terminological knowledge base and the conceptual structure of terminology of logistics and its definitions. Logistics today, 2, 130-135. Stock, J., Lambert, R. & Douglas M. (2001). Strategic Logistics Management. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing, 872 p. Taguchi, G., Chowdhury, S. & Wu, Y. V. (2004). Quality Engineering Handbook Taguchi. Hoboken: Wiley-Interscience, 1696 p. Waters, D. (2009). The supply chain management. New Jersey: Palgrave Macmillan, 384 p. |
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Marketing Mix for E-commerceElena V. Pogorelova, Irina V. Yakhneeva, Anna N. Agafonova & Alla O. Prokubovskaya
pp. 6744-6759 | Article Number: ijese.2016.506
Abstract The relevance of the analyzed issue is caused by the need to study the process of transformation of marketing in e-commerce, as the active involvement of business organizations in the field of e-business is often accompanied by problems of applying the usual marketing tools in a virtual environment. The article seeks to identify changes in the elements of the marketing mix in e-commerce in accordance with the trend of e-business and Internet technology. The leading approach to the study of this issue is the marketing model 7P, allowing structuring the changes in a complex of marketing tools with regard to trade and information services of online stores. The results of research were: to establish the determining role of technology and information support of consumers; to identify the areas of transformation of the marketing mix in e-commerce, demonstrating the significant influence of consumers on the content of 7P and personalize the supply of goods and services. The article may be useful for online stores in case of marketing strategy development, identification of the most important elements of 7P, assessment of marketing effectiveness and optimization of marketing costs. Keywords: Customer behavior, digital economy, e-commerce, marketing mix References Agafonova, A. N. (2014). Information Service in the Internet Economy. Moscow: Biblio-Globus, 152 p. Baudrillard, J. (2001). The System of Things. Moscow: All-Russian Library for Foreign literature named after M. I. Rudomino, 246 p. Booms, B. H. & Bitner, M. J. (1981). Marketing strategies and organization structures for service firms. Marketing of Services, Conference Proceedings: American Marketing Association, Illinois, 47-51. Chaffey, D. (2007). E-Business and E-Commerce Management. Harlow: Pearson Education, 663 p. Eiglier, P. & Langeard, E. (1976). Principes de politique marketing pour les enterprises de services. Marseille: Universite d’Aix-Marselle, 26. Executive summary: Advertising Expenditure Forecasts. (2015). Direct access: http://www.zenithoptimedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Adspend-forecasts-June-2015-executive-summary.pdf Global Trust in Advertising. Winning Strategies for an Evolving Media Landscape (2015). Direct access: http://www.nielsen.com/content/dam/nielsenglobal/apac/docs/reports/2015/nielsen-global-trust-in-advertising-report-september-2015.pdf Kalyanam, К. & McIntyre, Sh. (2002). The E-Marketing Mix: A Contribution of the E-Tailing Wars. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 30(4), 487-499. Kelly, К. (1999) New Rules for the New Economy. New York: Penguin Group, 181 p. Kotler, Ph. & Armstrong, G. (2010). Principles of Marketing. New Jersey Pearson Education, 637 p. Kotlyarov, I. D. (2012). Trends in the Evolution of E-commerce. Internet Marketing, 4(70), 252-258. Lee, J.K. & Lehto, X. (2010). E-personalization and online privacy features: the case with travel websites. Journal of Management and Marketing, 4, 122-131. Lopsulin, S. (2016). E-commerce Market in Russia reached $ 13.9 Billion. Direct access: http://www.cnews.ru/news/top/2016-03-02_rynok_elektronnoj_kommertsii_v_rossii_dostig_13 Lovelock, Ch. H. & Wirtz, J. (2007). Services Marketing: People, Technology. New Jersey: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 648 p. McCarthy J. & Jerome E. (1964). Basic Marketing. A Managerial Approach. Illinois: Irwin, 242 p. Project management: the basics of professional knowledge, national requirements for professionals’ competence. (2010). Moscow: Project, PRACTICE, 250 p. Rathmel, J. (1974). Marketing in the Service Sector. Mass: Winthrop Publishers, 232 p. Rueter, Th. (2014). The price is right – then it's not. Direct access: https://www.internetretailer.com/2014/08/04/price-rightthen-its-not Tapscott, D. (1999). Electronic and Digital Society: the Pros and Cons of the Era of Network Intelligence. London: INT Press, 324 p. Veblen, T. (2011). The Theory of the Leisure Class. Moscow: Lıbrokom, 368 p. Yakhneeva, I. V. & Podolyak, M. I. (2009). Metrics of Success: How to Assess the Results of the Internet-marketing. Internet Marketing, 3, 176-183. |
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Implementation of Potential of the Transdisciplinary Approaches in Economic StudiesTatiana E. Stepanova, Nadeghda V. Manokhina, Maria E. Konovalova, Olga Y. Kuzmina & Lyudmila M. Andryukhina
pp. 6760-6773 | Article Number: ijese.2016.507
Abstract The relevance of the researched problem is caused by the increasing interest in using potential of transdisciplinary approaches, and mathematical methods, which include the game theory in analysis of public and economic processes. The aim of the article is studying a possibility of implementation of the transdisciplinary approaches in economic researches. The leading approach is institutional and evolutionary, which allows to reveal such tendencies of relationship development and interrelations of individuals that remain hidden and implicit. It also allows to receive new and quite unexpected important results, significant for practice. In the article the hypothesis is proved. According to it, innovations, its generation and autopoiesis itself are structural units. In the innovative environment it assumes various forms. The materials of the article can be useful for development of the theory of the system analysis, and also when developing macroeconomic forecasts of social and economic development. Keywords: Methodologic monism, mathematical methods, game theory, transdisciplinary approaches References Borel, E. (1969). Probability and consistency. Мoscow: INFRAN, 352 p. Grebenshchikova, Е.G. (2012). The transdisciplinary paradigm of innovation studies: recontextualization of expert evaluation and the problem of responsibility. Мoscow: Publishing house of Moscow University for the Humanities, 311 p. Judge, A. (1994). Conference Paper. 1st World Congress of Transdisciplinarity. Union of International Associations, 5, 45-48. Kiyashchenko, L. P. (2009). Philosophy of transdisciplinarity. Мoscow: INFRAN, 355 p. Lawrence, R. (2004). Housing and health: From interdisciplinary principles to the transdisciplinary research and practice. Futures, 4, 488-489. Manokhina, N. V. (2015). The transdisciplinary approaches in modern science. Vectors of change of economic policy, Vestnik of International Institute of Economics and Law, 1(10), 431-436. Melnikov, V. (2007). Quantum Economics. Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University, 364 p. Moiseev, V. I. (2009). Philosophy and Methodology of Science. Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy, 411 p. Moki, М. (2010). History and philosophy of Economic Science. Moscow: Publishing house Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, 325 p. Morgenstern, O. & Neumann, F. (1947). Theory оf games and economic behavior. Princeton, Princeton University, 478 p. Neumann, F. (1959) Contributions to the theory of games. Annals of Mathematics Studies, 4, 13-42. Piaget, J. (2001). Theory, experiment, discussion. Moscow: Publishing house Akademika, 264 p. Remadier, T. (2004). The transdisciplinarity and its challenges: The case of urban studies. Futures, 36, 433-434. Stepanova, Т. E. (2012). Regularities of Economics, based on knowledge. Samara: LLC «Publishing house As Gard», 374 p. Моki, V. (2014). The transdisciplinarity in Higher Education: expert estimation, problems and practical solutions. Modern problems of Science and Education, 5, 3-15. |
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Adaptive prompts for learning Evolution with worked examples - Highlighting the students between the "novices" and the "experts" in a classroomCharlotte Neubrand, Christoph Borzikowsky & Ute Harms
pp. 6774-6795 | Article Number: ijese.2016.508
Abstract Evolutionary theory constitutes the overarching concept in biology. There is hardly any other concept that is more complex, and causes more difficulties in learning and teaching. One instructional approach in optimizing the learning of complex topics is to use worked examples combined with self-explanation prompts that fit to the prior knowledge (knowledge adapted prompts). Especially from cognitive psychological research we know, that prior knowledge is a tremendously relevant factor for learning. However, corresponding studies so far mainly consider the domain specific prior knowledge of high knowledge (expert) versus low knowledge (novice) students. The majority of the learners in a classroom – namely students between these experts and novices - were hardly focused on. These students will be considered here. The aim of our study was to identify how these learners with average prior knowledge can be supported by prompts when learning with worked examples. Using worked examples we analyzed how different types of self-explanation prompts (at novice and/or expert level) affect knowledge acquisition in evolution of learners with average prior knowledge. For determining the prior biological knowledge we used a general biological content knowledge test (GBCK). The learning gain was measured with an evolutionary biological content knowledge test (EBCK). Knowing what type of prompt is most effective for the learners with average knowledge we compared the benefits of this instructional combination between the three knowledge levels: novices, averages, and experts. Results show that for learners with average knowledge, all types of prompts were equally effective. The Matthew effect was not reliable between the knowledge levels. According to our results, learners with average prior knowledge did not require explicit measures of differentiation for learning evolution with prompted worked examples. Nonetheless, for the experts it seems not appropriate to use worked examples with adapted self-explanation prompts. Rather it may be advisable to use another instructional format than worked examples. Keywords: Evolution, worked examples, adaptive prompts, average knowledge, self-explaining References Anderson, D. L., Fisher, K. M., & Norman, G. J. (2002). Development and evaluation of the conceptual inventory of natural selection. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 39(10), 952-978. Atkinson, R. K., Derry, S. J., Renkl, A., & Wortham, D. (2000). Learning from examples: Instructional principles from the worked examples research. Review of Educational Research, 70(2), 181-214. doi: 10.3102/00346543070002181 Atkinson, R., & Shiffrin, R. (1968). Human memory: A proposal system and its control processes. In K. Spence & J. Spence (Eds.), The psychology of learning and motivation (Vol. 2, pp. 89-195). New York: Academic. Baddeley, A. D. (1968). Working memory. 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Prerequisites for Setting Up Management System in Municipal Retail TradeMaria O. Suraeva, Igor A. Grigoryants, Galina A. Karpova, Lyubov V. Khoreva, Alexander V. Schreyer & Victor A. Sirotkin
pp. 6796-6810 | Article Number: ijese.2016.509
Abstract The relevance of the research problem is determined by the number of complex problems that exist in present Samara municipal retail trade system, which is manifested in the lack of regulation, a glut of sales area, poorly developed infrastructure. The purpose of this article is to form a quantitative base for determining the municipal needs in the floor space. Leading method to study this problem is the method of empirical observations and mathematical modeling. The study results: the article contains the analysis of sales area availability on the example in the urban district and presents a quantitative method to determine predictive values for retail trade turnover. Practical significance: the paper is aimed to develop managerial decisions in the sphere of municipal trade regulation.
Keywords: Urban district, management, trade, sales network References Abdulhaev, L. B. (2014). Managerial accounting and analysis in the organizations of food products retail trade: PhD Thesis. Kazan: Russian University of Cooperation, Kazan Institute of Cooperation, 194 p. Bobkova, E. Y. (2014). Reflection of party and state concept of political indoctrination of the red army contingent in the works of the soviet state military leadership. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 19(4), 497-500. Bobkova, E. Y., Korobejnikova, E. V., Nelyubina, E. G. & Likhman, V. A. (2015). Pedagogical problems of effective specialists training in international virtualization of economic industry. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(4), 17-24. Boudhiaf M. & Zribi E. G. (2014). Business regulations and economic growth: What can be explained? International Strategic Management Review, 2(2), 69-78. Daunoriene, A., Draksaite, A., Snieska, V. & Valodkiene, G. (2015). Evaluating Sustainability of Sharing Economy Business Models. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 20th International Scientific Conference "Economics and Management, 836-841. Faskhutdinov, A. (2015). Modernization of the Russian Economy in Terms of Innovative Development. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Leadership, Technology, Innovation and Business Management, 210(2), 188-192. Nurgazin E. O. (2015). The Center of Innovative Education, Business solutions in retail grocery chains: PhD Abstract. Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, 18 p. Panyuzhev, S. I. (2001). Statistical analysis and forecasting of commercial activities in retail trade: an example Moscow trade enterprise (Doctoral dissertation). Moscow: Moscow State University of Commerce, 431 p. Šmejkal, V. (2015). Competition law and the social market economy goal of the EU. International Comparative Jurisprudence, 1(1), 33–43. Svirina, A., Bagautdinova, N. & Gafurov, I. (2015). Interrelation of Real Economy Sector Enterprises with University in Contemporary University Development. The Proceedings of 6th World Conference on educational Sciences. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 191, 1377-1382. Okrepilov, V. V. (2012). Improving the quality of public authority’s activities and their services on the basis of innovative management methods and evaluation. Economics and management, 8(82), 3-5. Xiao, G. (2015). Trading and earnings management. Journal of Corporate Finance, 31, 67-90. |
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“Financial Bubbles” and Monetary PolicyYuriy A. Tikhonov, Olga E. Pudovkina & Juliana V. Permjakova
pp. 6811-6819 | Article Number: ijese.2016.510
Abstract The relevance of this research is caused by the need of strengthening a role of monetary regulators to prevent financial bubbles in the financial markets. The aim of the article is the analysis of a problem of crisis phenomena in the markets of financial assets owing to an inadequate growth of their cost, owing to subjective reasons. The leading approach to mechanism research of crisis phenomena in the market of financial assets is the approach based on a balance effect. Results: authors developed offers to prevent the crisis phenomena in the financial markets due to credit expansion. There is proved the necessity to develop a risk assessment system on existing and new financial instruments, with their obligatory application by commercial banks and rating agencies. The materials of the article can be useful at further studying the reasons for financial bubbles, development of actions for their prevention, and also in an educational process when studying certain subjects. Keywords: "A financial bubble", central bank, innovative financial instruments References Baiding, E. V. & Baydina, O. C. (2009). About a prevention problem of "financial bubbles". Money and credit, 6, 31-33. Chirkova, E. V. (2010). Anatomy of a financial bubble. Moscow: LLC Keys, 416 p. Davnis, V. V. & Tinyakova, V. I. (2006). Adaptive models of multitrend processes and cost forecast of financial assets. Vestnik of Voronezh State University. Series: Economy and management, 1, 143-147. Davnis, V. V., Kasatkin, P. E. & Ardakov, A. A. (2012). The main components and their application in models of portfolio investment. Modern economy: problems and decisions, 7(31), 150-157. Egorov, A. V., Merkuryev, I. L. & Chekmareva, E. N. (2009). Adaptation of the Russian financial sector to a crisis situation in the world financial market. Money and credit, 8, 25-30. Endovitsky, D. A. & Bocharova, I. V. (2004). Analysis of observance the requirements by a borrower to secure a credit. Economic analysis: theory and practice, 14, 2-11. Fischer, I. (1932). Booms and Depressions. New York: Adelphi, 115-174. Fischer, I. (1933). The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions. Econometrica, 1, 337-57. Keynes, J. M. (1936). The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. Macmillan: Cambridge University Press, for Royal Economic Society, 263 p. Kindlberger, Ch. & Aliber, R. (2010). Global financial crises. Manias, panic and crashes. Saint Petersburg: Peter, 544 p. Minsky, H. P. (1982). The financial-instability hypothesis: capitalist processes and the behavior of the economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 222 p. Moiseyev, S. R. (2005). Monetary policy. Moscow: Economist, 652 p. Poole, W. (1988). Monetary Policy Lessons of Recent Inflation and Disinflation. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2(3), 73-100. Rachkevich, A. Y. & Alekseeva, I. A. (2008). Securitization: characteristic signs and definition. Money and credit, 8, 22-31. Schumpeter, J. (1934). The Theory of Economic Development. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 255 p. Soros, G. (2008). The New Paradigm for Financial Markets: The Credit Crisis of 2008 and What it Means. San Marcos: PublicAffairs, 208 p. Tikhonov, Y. A. (2012). Emergence mechanism "financial bubbles. Publishing house "State University of management", 10, 254-259. Tikhonov, Y. A., Pudovkina, O. E. & Bratukhina, E. A. (2014). Economic research: analysis of conditions and prospect for development. Chapter VII. A problem of "financial bubbles" in the context of monetary policy, 33, 174-191. |
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Methods of the Development Strategy of Service Companies: Logistical ApproachIrina A. Toymentseva, Natalya P. Karpova, Angelina A. Toymentseva, Vera D. Chichkina & Andrey V. Efanov
pp. 6820-6836 | Article Number: ijese.2016.511
Abstract The urgency of the analyzed issue is due to lack of attention of heads of service companies to the theory and methodology of strategic management, methods and models of management decision-making in times of economic instability. The purpose of the article is to develop theoretical positions and methodical recommendations on the formation of the logistical approach to the development strategy of service companies. The leading approach to the study of this issue is the logistical approach, which allows identifying the most significant factors, carrying out the quantitative assessment of their interaction with each other and determining the extent of their influence on the parameters of the system under research. This research presents a methodology for the selection of optimal functional business strategies of service companies from the alternative, based on the use of economic and mathematical modeling techniques. The authors assess the parameters of the micro, macro and internal environment of the company, represent the company’s business profile, a general development strategy of based on the determination of optimal logistics, marketing, production, financial and human resource management strategies for individual strategic business areas. The contents of the article may be useful for managers of service companies, auto-transport enterprises in making rational decisions on the formation of the optimal business development strategy in uncertain environmental conditions. Keywords: Logistics, uncertainty, factors, strategic management, transport References Ackoff, R. (1994). The Democratic Corporation. Moscow: Infra-M, 315 p. Ansoff, I. (2009). Strategic Management. St.Petersburg: Peter, 235 p. Ballou, R. H. (1993). Business Logistics Management. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall International, 253 p. Berezhnoy, V. I. (2000). Logistics of truck transport. Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 297 p. Bowersox, D. J., Kloss & David. J. (2014). Logistics: the Integrated Supply Chain. In N. Baryshnikova and B. Pinsker (Trans.). Moscow: Olympus Business, 856 p. Chandler, A. D. (1962). Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of the Industrial Enterprise. Cambridge: MIT Press, 411 p. Galaburda, V. G. (1992). Marketing in Transport. Moscow: Transport, 309 p. Kaplan, R. S. & Norton, D. P. (1996). Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System. Harvard Business Review, 74(1), 75-85. Kotler, F. (2006). Marketing Management. St.Petersburg: Peter, 336 p. Leenders, M. R., Fearon, H. E., Flynn, A. E. & Yohnson, F. P. (2002). Purchasing and Supply Management. New York: Mc Graw-Hill, 236-238. Lovelock, C. (2005). Marketing Services: Personnel, Technology Strategy. London: Foreign Williams, 396-423. Lukinskiy, V. S. (2007). Models and Methods of Logistics Theory. St.Petersburg: Peter, 543 p. Meskon, M., Albert, M. & Hedouri, F. (1997). Fundamentals of Management. Moscow: Business, 623-627. Mintzberg, G. (2001). The strategic Process: Concepts, Problems, Solutions. St.Petersburg: Peter, 285 p. Mirotin, L. B., Tyshbaev, I.E. & Kasenov, A. G. (2002). Logistics: Customer Service. Moscow: INFRA-M, 354 p. Porter, M. E. (2009). Competitive Advantage of Nations. New York: Free Press, 421 p. Sergeev, V. I. (2001). Logistics Business. Moscow: INFRA-M, 374 p. Shoal, J. (2006). First-class Service as a Competitive Advantage. Harvard Business Review, 2, 236-243. Thompson, A. A. & Striklend, A. J. (2006). Strategic Management. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 736 p. Toymentseva, I. A. (2011). Strategic Management in Service Transport Industries: PhD Thesis. Samara: Samara State University of Economics, 342 p. Waters, D. (2003). Supply Chain Management. Moscow: UNITY-DANA, 584 p. |
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Specific Features of Entrepreneurial Departments Management in Russian CompaniesElena P. Troshina, Valentina V. Mantulenko , Vladislav A. Shaposhnikov & Tatiana Y. Anopchenko
pp. 6837-6852 | Article Number: ijese.2016.512
Abstract The topic is considered to be relevant due to the fact that entrepreneurship is necessary for the businesses survival and development worldwide, including Russia, and today some Russian companies are adapting their economies to the more developed economic standards. The entrepreneurial format adoption is an important stage of development for possible changes and growth in the future. The aim of this research work is to analyze some approaches to the phenomenon of entrepreneurship, to determine some specific features of entrepreneurial departments, including in the context of the Russian business space, and to study specific characteristics of these departments management in Russian companies. The main methods used in the study are the theoretical materials analysis, as well as the analysis of statistical data in the study area, the method of expert judgments, the survey method. The research work included the study of Russian entrepreneurship experience, specific features of entrepreneurial departments. The specific features of the Russian entrepreneurship were identified during the own diagnostic research, as well as some entrepreneurial difficulties caused by the entrepreneurship. Identified due to this research peculiarities of Russian entrepreneurship and difficulties of this phenomenon development in the Russian business space will allow to develop the Russian entrepreneurial business model based on its specific characteristics. On the basis of the obtained data a special mechanism can be created for the support and development of intra-entrepreneurship departments within the overall entrepreneurship management mechanism in Russian companies, where the full range of necessary organizational and economic conditions, as well as the possibilities for entrepreneurial results assessment will be presented, combined with a complete list of tools to facilitate the emergence and development of intrarepreneurship in companies. Keywords: Innovation, innovation management, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship References Ashmarina, S. I. &Khasaev, G.R. (2015) Methodical Estimation Basic Concepts of Organization Changes’ Requirements Level and Enterprises’ Readiness to Their Implementation. Review of European Studies, 7(2), 1 – 9. Ashmarina, S.I.,Zotova, A.S., Smolina, E.S. (2016). Implementation of financial sustainability in organizations through valuation of financial leverage effect in Russian practice of financial management. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11 (10), 3775 – 3782. Ashmarina, S.I.,Khasaev, G.R.,Zotova, A.S. (2015). The peculiarities of organization change management in integrated economic systems. Review of European Studies, 7 (2), 40-48. Carrier, C. (2003). Entrepreneurship in Small Businesses. Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 21(1), 5-18. Colin, C.T. (1999). Individuals and enterprise: developing intrapreneurs for the new millennium. MCB University Press, 31(7), 55-65. Morris,M.H. (2007). Corporate Entrepreneurship & Innovation.Chula Vista: South-Western College Pub, 448 p. Pinchot, G. (1999). Intrapreneuring in Action. California: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 176 p. Ronnie, L. (1998). Entrepreneurship: Developing the Individual in Business. Aldershot: Ronnie. – Gower Publishing Ltd, 362 p. |
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The Conceptual Model of Sustainable Development of the Rubal SectorGalina I. Belyaeva, Ekaterina N. Ermoshkina, Veronika V. Sukhinina, Lyudmila D. Starikova & Evelina P. Pecherskaya
pp. 6853-6865 | Article Number: ijese.2016.513
Abstract On the one hand, the relevance of the studied issue is determined by growing lag of rural territorial units in socioeconomic development, and one the other by their significance in such important aspects of the country, as ensuring food supply security, preservation of the available land, production, ecological, demographic and human potential. The aim of the article is to develop the conceptual model of sustainable development of rural areas, which is based on the system of indicators of quality of living of rural population. The leading method for studying this issue is modeling, which allows to consider it as a targeted and organized process of formation of the concept of sustainable development of the rural sector of the regional economy using the example of the studies of experience of sustainable development of the Kinel-Cherkassky municipal district of the Samara region. The results: the analysis of consistence and tendencies of development of agrarian potential of rural areas of the Samara region was carried out for the purpose of implementation of the conceptual model of sustainable development and assessment of further prospects in the production sphere of the village; the main reasons for disproportion in sustainable development of rural areas of the Samara region are identified. The materials of this article can be used for theoretical conclusions, methodological developments and working knowledge in activities of bodies of the regional government and local self-government when developing the concept and programs of sustainable development of rural municipalities Keywords: Conceptual model, sustainable development, rural areas, rural sector References Yurina, V.S. (2010). Sustainable regonal development as a factor of stable development of the state. School of the academic research, 2, 134-138. Ivanov, V.А. & Ponomareva, А.С. (2011). Methodological background of sustainable development of the rural sector. Economic and social changes: facts, tendencies, assumptions, 16(4), 109-121. Balandin, D.А. (2014). Improvement of management of sustainable development of the rural areas. Yekaterinburg: Ural. 169 p. Dorward, A. (2013). Agricultural labour produc`.tivity, food prices and sustainable development impacts and indicators. Food Policy, 39, 40–50. Otiman P., Toderoiu, F., Alexandri, C., Florian, V., Gavrilescu, C., Ionel, I., Sima, E. & Tudor, M.M. (2014). Sustainable Development Strategy for the Agri-food Sector and Rural Area – Horizon 2030. Procedia Economics and Finance, 8, 510-517. Popescu, D. (2014).Subsistence/Semi-subsistence Agricultural Exploitations: Their Roles and Dynamics within Rural Economy/Rural Sustainable Development in Romania. Procedia Economics and Finance, 16, 563-567. Hoornweg, D. & Munro-Faure, P. (2013). Urban Agriculture For Sustainable Poverty. Alleviation and Food Security, 10, 84. |
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Assessment of Entrepreneurial Territorial Attractiveness by The Ranking MethodMarina A. Gavrilova, Victor M. Shepelev, Inessa V. Kosyakova, Lyudmila F. Belikova & Olga F. Chistik
pp. 6866-6875 | Article Number: ijese.2016.514
Abstract The relevance of the researched problem is caused by existence of differentiation in development of separate regional units (urban districts and municipalities) within the region. The aim of this article is to offer a method, which determines the level of differentiation in development of various components of the region, and also in producing a set of recommendations for local government administration to achieve higher level in development of their territories. The leading approach to the research of this problem is the ranking method of regional units according to cumulative socioeconomic potential and integral risk. The results of the research are: the estimation procedure for entrepreneurial territorial attractiveness is offered and tried out, with the use of municipal formations of the Samara region as an example; the advantages and "bottlenecks" in development of the concrete urban district are educed; specific measures for realization of advantages and (or) elimination of "bottlenecks" are offered. The materials of the research can be useful for developing strategy for improvement of the region by regional public authorities, for leveling-off of social and economic differentiation of separate regional units, and also for developing of scientifically based municipal programs of support and development of entrepreneurship. Keywords: Entrepreneurial territorial attractiveness, socioeconomic potential, integral risk, ranking method References Boari, C., Elfring, T. & Xavier, F. (2016). Entrepreneurship and Cluster Dynamics. New York: Routlege, 345 p. Ezmale, S. (2012). Strategıes for enhancıng attractıveness of the cıtıes ın latgale regıon. European ıntegratıon studıes, 6, 121-127. Falco, S. E., Cucari, N. & Cirillo, M. R. (2015). The terrıtoryattractıveness as a factor for competıtıveness. The t-Forum of Global Conference Tourism Intellegence in Action, 1-21. Fetisov, G. G. & Oreshin, V. P. (2012). Regional Economics and Management. Moscow: INFRA-M, 416. Hamri, H. M., Ouariti, O. Z. & Sadiqui, A.(2014). Territory Attractiveness Case of Souss-Massa-Draa Region. International Journal of Research in Management & Business Studies, 1(4), 27-31. Samara Statistical Catalogue. (2015). Samara: Stat.cb.Samarastat, 355. p The rating of investment attractiveness of the regions in 2015. 2015. Expert RA. Direct access: http://raexpert.ru/ratings/regions/2015 |
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System Development of Estimated Figures of Volume Production PlanMaksim A. Brazhnikov, Irina V. Khorina, Yulia I. Minina, Lyudmila V. Kolyasnikova & Aleksey V. Streltsov
pp. 6876-6888 | Article Number: ijese.2016.515
Abstract The relevance of this problem is primarily determined by a necessity of improving production efficiency in conditions of innovative development of the economy and implementation of Import Substitution Program. The purpose of the article is development of set of criteria and procedures for the comparative assessment of alternative volume production plans and choice of optimum alternative. The leading method of the study of the problem is economic-mathematical modeling, providing the variability of volume plan development on the basis of different factors and variables, which reflect actual operating standards of a particular study subject. The results of the study: In the article, economic-mathematical model for development of aggregate production plan was presented, on the basis of which alternatives was produced, estimated figures, characterizing efficiency of derived alternatives, were justified, the key factors, which determine a specific set of variables and constraints, were considered. The article materials can be useful for experts, which are specialized in planning of production and distribution of the production program in choosing optimum alternative of aggregate production plan. Keywords: Aggregate planning, smooth production flow, estimated figures, economic and mathematical model References Aláč, P. (2015). Decision Making and its Importance in Production Planning within the Wood processing Company, Respectively in the Whole Supply Chain Original. Procedia Economics and Finance, 34, 682-688. Brazhnikov, M. A (2003). Estimation of market demand and the formation of the release priority in scheduling. Assembling in mechanical engineering, professional equipment, 10, 3-7. Brazhnikov, M. A (2007). Volume production planning. Samara: Samara State Technical University, 77 p. Chase, R. B., Evilayn, N. D. & Jacobs, R. F. (2001). Production and Operation Management. Moscow: Williams, 704 p. Gavrilov, D. A (2002). Production management on the basis of MRP II standard. St. Petersburg: Peter, 320p. Gellovey, L. (2002). Operational management. St. Petersburg: Peter, 320 p. Kozlowsky, V. A, Markina, T. V. & Makarov V. M. (1998). Production and Operations Management. St. Petersburg: Special literature, 366 p. Kurlyandchik, R. I. (1989). Providing of smooth mechanical engineering flow. Leningrad: mechanical engineering, 142 p. Stevenson, W. (1998). Production Management. Moscow: Binom, 928 p. Tatevosov, K. G (1985). Fundamentals of operational and production planning at machine-building enterprise. Leningrad: Mechanical Engineering, 278 p. Tsarev, V. V. (2002). Corporate planning. St. Petersburg: Peter, 496 p. Turovets, O. G. (2002). The organization of production and business management. Moscow: INFRA-M, 528 p. |
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Strategic Analysis of Sustainable Socioeconomic Situation of Rural Areas in the Samara Region of the Russian FederationGalina I. Belyaeva, Ekaterina N. Ermoshkina, Inessa V. Kosyakova, Larisa E. Pankratova & Anna S. Zotova
pp. 6889-6897 | Article Number: ijese.2016.516
Abstract On the one hand, the relevance of this problem is primarily determined by growing gap of rural territorial entities in socioeconomic development, and on the other hand, due to their significance in such prominent aspects for the country as food security, maintaining the existing land, industrial, ecological, demographic and human potential. The purpose of the article is comprehensive assessment of socioeconomic, institutional and ecological situation of rural areas in order to justify managerial decisions and effective policy making at the regional and local levels. The leading method for studying this problem is stratigic analysis of processes of developing rural areas, as well as factors, affecting development. The results of the study: In this article the authors assessed the situation in socioeconomic sphere of munitipalities in the Samara Region of the Russian Federation,accordingly, based on this, the authors concluded about a predominance of degradation processes, which form instability in the development of rural areas.The results of this study can be used by the regional authorities in their practice for making and implementation both regional policy , as well as strategy of socioeconomic development of rural area. Keywords: Rural areas, analysis, development strategy, comprehensive assessment References Atkisson, A. (2012). How Sustainable Development Can Change the World? Moscow: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 455 p. Bobylev, S. N. & Zakharov V. M. (2011). Modernization of the economy and sustainable development. Moscow: Economics, 295 p. Chung, R. K (2016). The development of the modern city is impossible without investment in education and science. Direct access: http://www.justmedia.ru/news/economy/razvitie_sovremennogo_goroda_nevozmozhno_bez_investiczij_v_obrazovanie_i_nauku_uveren_nobelevskij_laureat Danilov-DanilIan, V. I. (2009). Before the Main Challenge of the Civilization. Moscow INFRA-M, 224 p. Dubikova, E. N., Antipova, V. N., Polyanskova, N. V. (2010). Improvements in the agricultural enterprises' investment and innovation policies in theSamara Ob last. Economics and Sociology, 4, 307-315. Federal Law of October 6, 2003 N 131-FZ. (2003) "On general organizational principles of local self-government in the Russian Federation". Direct access: http://base.garant.ru/186367/1/#100 Kalyagina, L. V. (2009). Analysis of the areas of sustainable development of rural areas. Polzunovsky Almanac, 1, 235-241. Khasaev, G. R., Koroleva, E. N, Grodskaia, G. N, Evdokimov, N. N, Tsybatov, V. A. (2013). Forecasting and programming of complex social and economic development of the region. Samara: Publishing House of Samara state economy University, 140 p. Kosiakova, I. V. (2012). Economy of national and global environmental management. Moscow: "Pero", 125 p. Lopez, M. & Pastor, R. (2015). Development in rural areas through capacity building and education for business. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 197, 1882-1888. Direct access: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877042815042512 Myrdal, G. (1997). Modern problems of the "Third World". Moscow: Progress, 261 p. Sherstobitova, G. I & Polianskova, N. V. (2012). To the question of the theoretical knowledge about sustainable development of rural areas. Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy, 2, 125-129. The concept of sustainable development of rural territories of the Russian Federation. Direct access: http://www.mcx.ru/documents/document/show/3571.77.htm. Valentini, R. (2016). All-Russian agricultural census. Direct access: http://www.vshp2016.ru/news/1648/ Voytyuk, M. M. (2012). Socio-economic infrastructure as a factor of the development of rural areas. Moscow: FGBNU "Rosinformagroteh", 144 p. |
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Phenomenological Analysis of Professional Identity Crisis Experience by TeachersNadezhda O. Sadovnikova, Tamara B. Sergeeva, Maria O. Suraeva & Olga Y. Kuzmina
pp. 6898-6912 | Article Number: ijese.2016.516
Abstract The topicality of the problem under research is predetermined by the need of psychology and pedagogy for the study of the process of professional identity crisis experience by teachers and development of a system of measures for support of teachers’ pedagogical activity and professional development. The objective of the study is to describe the content of the process of professional identity crisis experience by teachers. The principal method of study of this problem is the phenomenological method, which provides for exploration of the main aspects of the experience process. The results of phenomenological method application for the analysis of professional crisis experience make it possible to state that the professional crisis issue is a specific life situation for labourer where in the alteration of the teacher’s general view of life occurs. The experience of professional identity crisis manifests itself in the polarization of evaluations of the main parameters of the professional and the Self-image (the external activity evaluation, interest in the activity, the control over professional activity and professional situations, professional prospects). Transformation of the notional field of a teacher’s consciousness and reflection (the content of the activity, relation and the proper behaviour in general) are distinguished as the mechanisms of professional crisis experience. The materials of the article may be useful for teachers, psychologists, and heads of educational institutions in the process of planning and implementation of activities on educational process psychological support. Keywords: Crisis, experience, pedagogical activity, phenomenological analysis, professional identity References Asmolov, А. G. (1990). Psychology of personality. Moscow: Smysl, 448 p. Dukes, S. (1984). Phenomenological methodology in the human sciences. Journal of Religion and Health, 23(3), 107-203. Dukhnovsky, S. V. (2005). The experience of interpersonal relationships disharmony. Kurgan: Kurgan State University, 175 p. Fakhrutdinova, L. R. (2012). Structural and dynamic organization of a subject’s experience: PhD Abstract. Kazan: Kazan Federal University, 42 p. Giorgi, A. & Giorgi, B. (2003). The descriptive phenomenological psychological method. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 43(1), 3-12. Leontiev, А. N. (1981). The problems of psychics development. Moscow: Moscow State University, 584 p. Rubinshtein, S. L. (1998). Foundations of general psychology. Saint-Petersburg: Piter, 688 p. Sadovnikova, N. О. (2009). Value and sense peculiarities of the non-normative crisis of professional carrier. The education and science journal, 6(2), 89-97. Sadovnikova, N. О. (2014). Managing the professional development barriers by teachers: activity approach. Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya, 5, 659-667. Symanyuk, E. E. & Devyatovskaya, I. V. (2015). Continuous education as a resource of psychological barriers negotiation in the process of aprofessional identity crisis. The education and science journal, 1(1), 80-92. Ulanovsky, А. М. (2012). Phenomenological psychology: qualitative research and work with experiences. Moscow: Smysl, 255p. Varela, F. J. & Shear, J. (1999). First-person methodologies: why, what, and how. Journal of Consciousness Studies. Direct access: http://www.imprint.co.uk/pdf/VFW_introduc.pdf Vasilyuk, F. Ye. (1984). Psychology of experience: Analysis of critical situations management. Moscow: Moscow State University, 200p. Vygotsky, L. S. (2001). Lectures on paedology. Izhevsk: Udmurt University, 303 p. |
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Time Management and Professional Identity of Students of Pedagogical UniversitiesEkaterina V. Lebedeva, Dina Ye. Shchipanova, Maria E. Konovalova & Anton O. Kutyin
pp. 6913-6924 | Article Number: ijese.2016.517
Abstract Topicality of the problem under research is stipulated by the necessity of personal characteristics consideration in the process of organization of educational and vocational activities of the future teachers in the conditions of educational medium, which sets high requirements to the students' time competence. The aim of the article is to study the influence of time management peculiarities on the components of students' professional identity. The primary research method applied was psychodiagnostic testing with further statistical data processing, enabling quantitative assessment of formedness of time competence and professional identity in students of a pedagogical university, as well as establishing the interaction character of the phenomena of interest. Research results: in the article peculiarities of students time management within different stages of professional identity are presented, and the interconnection between time competence and professional identity components is considered. Based on empirical data, there can be drawn a conclusion that time competence development will facilitate formation of professional identity for the future professionals. Received results can find practical implementation in development of programs for psychological follow-up of professional formation of student's identity in the system of university education. Keywords: Professional identity, time competence, time disorganizers, time management References Abulkhanova, K. A. (1999). Psychology and conscience of personality. Moscow: Moscow Institute of Psychology and Sociology; Voronezh: NPO MODEK publishing house, 224 p. Balakshina, E. V. (2009). Professional identity as a guarantee of high labour efficiency. Human factor: problems of psychology and ergonomics, 4, 66-67. Bolotova, A. K. (2006). Time organisation psychology. Moscow: Aspect Press, 254 p. Erikson, E. (1996). Identity: youth and crisis. Moscow: Publishing group Progress, 344 p. Kalinin, S. I. (2006). Time management: workshop on managing time. St. Petersburg: Rech, 371 p. Kozlovskaya, T. N. (2005). Time management as a factor of forming the "image of future" of a university student: PhD Abstract. Orenburg: Orenburg State University, 19 p. Kronik, A. A. & Golovakha, E. I. (1984). Psychological time of personality. Kyiv: Scientific thought, 207 p. Kuzmina, O. V. (2011). Diagnostic method of personal time disorganizers. Psychological studies: electronic scientific journal, 6(20), 12-23. Lebedeva, E. V. & Surnina O. E. (2014). Peculiarities of time competence of students with different profiles of professional identity. Psychological science and education psyedu.ru, 2, 188-197. Makovskaya, E. A. (2013). Social and educational work with future social teachers in conditions of pedagogical university. The education and science journal, 1(10), 105-119. Marcia, J. E. (1966). Development and validation of ego-identity status. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 3(5), 551-558. Nasledov, A. D. (2012). Mathematical methods of psychological research. Analysis and interpretation of data. St. Petersburg: Rech, 392 p. Ozerina, A. A. (2012). Professional identity of fourth-year students: PhD Abstract. Volgograd: Volgograd State University, 22 p. Shneider, L. B. (2001). Professional identity: monography. Moscow: Moscow Open Social University, 272 p. Vechkanova, E. M. (2014). Specifics of personal time perspective at different levels of undergoing identity crisis. Reporter of the Kemerovo State University, 4(60), 117-122. Yenkova, L. P. (2011). Time competence in university students. Science Vector of the Tolyatti State University, 2(5), 85-87. Yudeeva, T. Yu., Garanyan, N. G. & Zhukova, D. N. (2011). Approbation of student procrastination questionnaire of C.Lay. Psychological diagnostics, 2, 84-94. Zachinyaeva, E. F. (2011). Professionally oriented volunteering as a means of professional identity development of the future specialists. Science Vector of the Tolyatti State University, 3(6), 134-138. Zeer, E. F. & Kormiltseva, M. V. (2012). Professional self-identification of students in the conditions of socially conditioned conflicting realities. The education and science journal, 1(10), 79-87. Zeer, E. F., Kormiltseva, M. V. & Symanyuk, E. E. (2015). Self-identification of students in the conditions of conflicting realities: guideline. Moscow: publishing house of the Moscow State University, 100 p. |
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The Professional Transspective of the Students in the Conflicting Realities of the Post-industrial SocietyMariya V. Zinnatova, Maria E. Konovalova & Nataliya V. Makarova
pp. 6925-6933 | Article Number: ijese.2016.518
Abstract The topicality of the issue under investigation is determined by the rising demand of the Russian society in the mastering and controlling conflicting realities that are capable of changing the integral notional structure of an individual, leading to the evolution or degradation of such individual’s social and professional life activity. The purpose of the article is to identify the professional positions and views of the modern students in conditions of affecting their internalities, motives, and values of the conflicting realities, defining methods of negotiation of the latter. The leading methods of the research of this problem are the art technology that consists of the representation of the personal professional path in future, the postpictural interview, the questionnaire method, qualitative data analysis, allowing to identify the features of the professional transspective of the students in the conflicting realities. The following results have been achieved: the analysis of the professional transspective of the students, whose self-realization occurs in the post-industrial society, was provided, the reasons (conflicting realities) of the obtained data were found, the methods to overcome the impact of the conflicting realities on the personality were proposed. The research materials may be useful for the psychologists of the professional education, the teachers of the vocational training in the organization of accompaniment and rendering assistance in the professional self-realization of young people in realities of the post-industrial society. Keywords: Conflicting realities, controlling and mastering the conflicting realities, post-industrial society, professional transspective References Dorozhkin, E.M., Zaitseva, E.V. & Tatarskikh, B.Y. (2016). Impact of Student Government Bodies on Students' Professional Development. IEJME - Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2666-2677. Karpova, G. A. (2000). Pedagogical Diagnostics of Academic Motivation of Students. Ekaterinburg: Ural State Pedagogical University, 40 p. Klimov, Ye. A. (2006). Conflicting Realities in the Work with People. Moscow: Moscow Psychology-Social Institute, 208 p. Klochko, V. Ye. (2005). Self-Organization in Psychological Systems: Development Problems of the Mental Space of the Personality. Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk State University, 174 p. Lebedeva, Ye. V. (2015). Formation Problem of the Temporary Transspective of the Professional Development of Future Specialists in the Modern Conditions. Personality in Professional Educational Space: Materials of XIV All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference.Ekaterinburg: Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, 102-108. Levchenko, A. N. (2011). Temporary Transspective of Self-Actualizing Personality. Scientific Notes of the University named after P. F. Lesgafta, 6(76), 97-101. Spiridonova, I. A. (2002). Temporary Transspective of the Subject: Influence of Age and Early Subject Learning: PhD Thesis. Moscow: Moscow State Regional University, 165 p. Zavodchikov, D. P., Sharov, A. A., Chistik, O. F., Larionov, I. V.& Naumova, O. A. (2016). The Relationship of Time Perspective and Subjective Perceptions of Students as the Empirical Base for Individualization of the Educational Path. IEJME — Mathematics education, 11(7), 2678-2701. Zeer, E. F. &Kormiltseva, M. V. (2012). Professional Self-Determination of Students in the Conditions of Socially Determined Conflicting Realities. The Education and science journal, 10(99), 79-87. Zeer, E.F. (2010). Self-Determination of the Person in the Modern Conflicting Realities. The Education and science journal, 7, 71-81. |
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The Analysis of Institutional Environment for Development of a Public-private Partnership in the Sphere of Environmental Protection in the Samara RegionMarina N. Saldaeva, Alexander V. Kudryashov, Tamilla L. Magomadova, Galina P. Sikorskaya, Tatiana E. Evtodieva & Marina V. Charaeva
pp. 6934-6948 | Article Number: ijese.2016.519
Abstract The relevance of researched problem is caused by the fact that public-private partnership has high potential to become an effective platform not only for infrastructure and socially important projects, but also to start mechanisms of environmental problems solution and activization of ecological business responsibility at the levels which are significant for the Samara region. The aim of the article is to consider the institutional environment of the Samara region from the point of view of readiness to implement public-private partnership in the sphere of environmental protection. The leading method to research this problem is analysis and synthesis that allow revealing essential aspects of the institutional environment in the region to implement projects of public-private partnership in the sphere of environmental protection. Results: there were revealed the factors, constraining development of public-private partnership in the sphere of environment in the Samara region, conditions of forming the environment are determined. Results of this research can be useful for specialists in the sphere of PPP both in executive, and in industry authorities. Keywords: Public-private partnership, ecological damage, environmental protection References Andryushevich, O. A. & Denisova, I. M. (2010). Formation features of public-private partnership In Russia. Analysis and modeling of economic processes, 7, 7-38. Gassy, B.B. (2011). Partnership of authorities and business in the field of rational environmental management for ensuring sustainable regional development. Person. Community. Management, 1, 26-31. Kalashnikova, S. P. (2013). Public-private partnership for the purpose of a steady ecological-economic development on the basis of marketing approach. Scientific Bulletin. MSUH, 11(44), 69 - 74. Kolotyrina, K. P. (2009). Concessionary mechanisms in environmental management economy: experience in the sphere of waste management. Vestnik of Russian Economic Academy of G. V. Plekhanov, 2(26), 98-102. Marker, E. V. (2012). Public-private partnership as an instrument of sustainable social-ecological-economic regional development. Internet magazine Naukovedenie, 4(13), 1-5. Direct access: http://vestnik.msmu.ru/archive/index44.html Ministry of Natural resources of the Samara region. 2016. Direct access: http://www.priroda.samregion.ru/program/programms Pakhalchak, G. Yu. (2013). About the prospects of mechanisms development of public-private partnership in the ecological sphere. Discussion, 9 (39), Discussion, 8 (49). Direct access: http://www.journal-discussion.ru/publication.php?id=15 Pakhalchak, G. Yu. (2014). Role of partnership of the state and business in economic regulation of priority environmental problems. Discussions, 8 (49). Direct access: http://www.journal-discussion.ru/publication.php?id=1167 Panova, T. V. (2014). Formation of public-private partnership in Russia: content and forms. Economic sciences, 6(115), 22-25. Petrova, T. V. (2010). Financing in the sphere of environmental protection: new and traditional approaches. Environmental law, 6, 28-33. Potravny, I. M., Vega, A. Y., Gassy, V. V. & Zhalsarayeva, E. A. (2012). Opportunities for public-private partnership application in the sphere of environmental management and environmental protection. Plekhanovsky Scientific Bulletin, 2, 164-176. Smiths, I. V. (2012). Foreign experience of public-private partnership (USA, Europe, Canada). Economic sciences, 8, 196-201. Yakovleva, E. N. (2013). Role and stimulation of public-private partnership application in the implementation of govermental environmental policy of the Russian Federation. Economy and economic sciences, 12(1), 245-247. |
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Research of Academic Motivation at the Stage of Forming a Threshold Level of Mastering CompetencesOksana Y. Eremicheva, Vladimir V. Yudin, Inna I. Sheptukhina, Natalia I. Zyryanova, Valery Y. Shevchenko ,Yuliya G.Komarova & Marina V. Simonova
pp. 6949-6962 | Article Number: ijese.2016.520
Abstract The relevance of researched problem is caused by the society requirement to form and implement educational and creative potential of a student as a conductor of changes that set a high level of motivational behavior. The aim of this article is to develop a structural model of motivational behavior of students that allow carrying out modeling of specific characteristics and their practical application. The leading approach to the research of this problem is the provision of the theory of self-determination on basic needs that allow considering basics of intrinsic motivation. The results of the research are: the structural model of motivational behavior is considered in the article, the questions are selected and the questionnaire on educational motivation is developed for the poll of student's groups “Economy and Management”. The development and approbation of multi-profile software programs are "Students’ Questionnaire" to implement on-line poll or interviews with students on academic motivation. The results of the research can be useful for specialized structural divisions of the university, teachers, and also for the students in case of further research of the issues of academic motivation and individual educational paths. Keywords: Structural model, motivational behavior, academic motivation, university References Bean, J. (1980). Dropouts and Turnover: The Synthesis and Test of a Causal Model of Student Attrition. Research in Higher Education, 12(2), 155-187. Braxton, J.M. (2003). Student Success. Student Services. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 427 p. Clark, B. (2011). Creation of entrepreneurial universities: organizational directions of transformation. Translation from English A. Smirnov; State university — Higher School of Economics. Moscow: publishing house of the State University — Higher School of Economics, 240. Dim, R. (2004). "New Manageralism" and higher education: quality management and productivity at the universities of Great Britain. Issues on education, 3, 44-56. Gordeeva, T. O., Sychev, O. A. & Osin, E.N. (2013). Intrinsic and extrinsic academic motivation of students: their sources and influence on psychological well-being. Psychology issues, 1, 1-11. Gordeeva, T.O. (2013). Motivation of educational activities of school students and university students. Moscow: Lomonosov Moscow State University, 444 p. Kosyakova I.V. & Larionov, I.V. (2013). Information and analytical system as a crucial element in the company management for selection, forming, implementation and monitoring of scientific and technical projects. Vestnik of Samara State University, 1(102), 140-144. Kovalevskaya, A. V. (2015). Influence of academic motivation on teenagers progress. Concept. Special issue, 1, 126-130. Loginov, O.N. & Musafirova, E.N. (2010). Influence of academic motivation on the progress of students of higher educational institution. Works of international symposium "Reliability and Quality", 1, 165-168. Maltseva, O.E. (2013). Features of academic motivation at different stages of professional training. Apriori, Series: Humanities, 1, 1-6. Polonyankin, D. A. (2010). Model verification of forming motivation of educational activities of junior students in Physics. Vestnik of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, 4(94), 125-130. Solodyankina, O.B. (2012). Motivation of educational activities of students of “Social Work” program. Modern research on social problems (electronic scientific journal), 11(19), 1-12. State program of the Russian Federation "Education development" for 2013-2020. It is approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2012. The federal Law of "On Education in the Russian Federation" № 273 of Federal Law of December 29, 2012. Tinto, V. (2003). Promoting student retention through classroom practice. Paper presented at the Conference on Enhancing Student Retention: Using International Policy and Practice. Amsterdam: November, 5-6. Tukhbatullina, L.M. & Safina L.A. (2013). Foreign experience of application of project training in case of training specialists of a polymeric profile. Vestnik of Kazan Technological University, 7(16), 333-335. Zyolko, A. S. (2011). Dynamics of educational motivation of students of a higher educational institution in the course of pedagogical support. Izvestia of Penza State Pedagogical University of V. G. Belinsky, 24, 650–654. |
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Noospheric Pedagogy: The Expansion of the Humanitarian Space of Vocational and Pedagogical EducationGalina P. Sikorskaya, Olga B. Akimova, Evgenij M. Dorozhkin & Irina V. Yakhneeva
pp. 6963-6975 | Article Number: ijese.2016.521
Abstract The relevance of this subject is due to the changed socio-economic conditions in Russia, which has led to the search for educational paradigms that are appropriate for the new socio-economic development of our country. The purpose of this article is to justify the noospheric pedagogy as an independent branch of the science of teaching that reflects both socio-natural and civilizational changes in the modern world. A leading approach to the study of this problem is a systematic analysis of theories and concepts dedicated to noospherogenesis, which allows filling the teaching science and the educational practice with new constructs and meanings of noospheric content and expanding the humanitarian space by means of new areas of the science of teaching. The study has developed a model for the formation of a new teacher type in the noospheric pedagogy paradigm. Materials of this article may be useful for the development of vocational training programs, including the development of the latter for the network use in the humanitarian space of vocational and pedagogical education. Keywords: Humanitarian educational space, networking of educational institutions, noospheric teaching, the noosphere, vocational and pedagogical education References Akimova, O. B., Dorozhkin, E. M. & Sikorskaya, G. P. (2014). The Concept of Networking of Institutions of Vocational and Pedagogical Education. The Teaching Journal of Bashkortostan, 6(55), 24-34. Dorozhkin, E.M., Zaitseva, E.V. & Tatarskikh, B.Y. (2016). Impact of Student Government Bodies on Students' Professional Development. IEJME - Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2666-2677. Ivanov, S. A. (2015). New Horizons of Environmental Education: from the Noospheric Worldview to the Noospheric Ethics. The Education and science journal, 3, 29-45. Kaznacheev, V. P. & Marchenko, Yu. Yu. (2003). Heliobiology in Siberia: Its Origins and Prospects. Bulletin of the IRISA (International Research Institute of Space Anthropology), 10, 13-20. Kolycheva, Z. I. (2007). The Role of Noospheric Ideas in the Professional and Personal Development of the Future Teacher. Theory and Practice of the Noospheric Education. Ekaterinburg: Raritet Publishing House, 362 p. Moiseev, N. N. (1990). The Man and the Noosphere. Moscow: Molodaya Gvardiya Publishing House, 351 p. Peccei, A. (1980). Human Qualities. Moscow: Progress Publishing House, 185 p. Romantsev, G. M., Fedorov, V. A., Osipova, I. V. & Tarasyuk, O. V. (2011). Level Vocational and Pedagogical Education: Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Standardization. Ekaterinburg: Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University Publishing House, 545 p. Sikorskaya, G. P. (2007). Comprehensive Educational System of the Noospheric Orientation. Theory and Practice of the Noospheric Education. Ekaterinburg: Raritet Publishing House, 363 p. Sikorskaya, G. P. & Ippolitova, V. A. (2007). The First Step into the Noosphere. From Environmental Education to the Noospheric Model of School Development. Ekaterinburg: Raritet Publishing House, 265 p. Sikorskaya, G. P. & Komov, S. V. (2007). Environmental Education. The Urals Variant: Brief History, Methodological Foundations, and Practice. Ekaterinburg: Ural State University Publishing House, 202 p. Spartin, V. (2016). Noospheric Pedagogy. On the Formation of a Noospheric Mentality. Direct access: http://www.ihst.ru/~biosphere/Mag_2/spartinA.htm Subetto, V. I. (2012). The Noospheric Scientific School in Russia. Results and Prospects: a monograph. St. Petersburg: Asterion Publishing House, 153 p. The Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” as amended in 2014, Chapter 9, articles 73-74. Direct access: http://ipipip.ru/zakon-ob-obrazovanii-2/15/ Ursul, A. D. (1993). The Path to the Noosphere: The Concept of Survival and Sustainable Development. Moscow. Luch Publishing House, 275 p. Ursul, A. D. (1994). From Sustainable Development to the Establishment of the Sphere of the Mind / An Introduction to the Human Ecology. Moscow: Luch Publishing House, 212 p. Vernadsky, V. I. (1926). Biosphere. Leningrad: NkhTI, 146 p. Vernadsky, V. I. (1944). A Few Words on the Noosphere. Successes of Modern Biology, 18, 2, 113-120. Vishnyakova, S. A. (2012). On the Issue of the Methodological Foundations of the Noospheric Pedagogy: Research Perspectives. St. Petersburg. Asteron Publishing House, 365 p. |
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Modern Interactive Technologies of Professional Self-Determination under the Conditions of Overcoming Conflicting RealitiesIrina I. Hasanova, Svetlana S. Kotova & Elena A. Kandrashina
pp. 6976-6987 | Article Number: ijese.2016.522
Abstract The urgency of the problem under study is due to the fact that the professional life of a person under current conditions is highly dynamic; moreover, the attitude to the profession, the meaning of work, and its results is changing. The purpose of this article is to develop innovative psychological and pedagogical support of the professional self-determination of young students as well as to design an innovative psychological and educational technology of the professional choice promotion of an individual. The leading approach to the study of this problem is the psychological and pedagogical observation and questionnaires, which allow for the identification and the study of the experience in the field of development and application of interactive technologies of the provision of professional self-determination of the youth under the conditions of overcoming conflicting realities. This article presents conceptual provisions of interactive psychological and pedagogical support of professional self-determination of an individual in terms of continuing education as a semantic factor of the professional self-determination of an individual; defines goals, objectives, and principles of the modern interactive technology of psychological and pedagogical support of professional self-determination of the youth under the conditions of overcoming conflicting realities; and reveals an interactive technology for the provision of the professional self-determination of the youth. The article may be useful for psychologists, education psychologists, or career psychologists who are ready to use the Internet in order to facilitate an individual in its professional self-determination — namely, the creation of profession interactive services whose activity is not limited to the search for “the most suitable profession”. Keywords: Career guidance, innovative technology, innovative technology in professional self-determination, professional self-determination of the youth References Batyshev, S. Ya. (1998). Professional Pedagogy. Moscow: The Pedagogical Society of Russia, 265 p. Chistyakov, S. N. (2005). The Issue of Self-Determination of Senior Pupils in the Course of Selection of an Educational Profile. Pedagogy, 1, 19-26. Davydova, N. N., Dorozhkin, E. M., Fedorov, V. A. & Konovalova, M. E. (2016). Research and Educational Network: Development Management. IEJME — Mathematics education, 11(7), 2651-2665. Dorozhkin, E.M., Zaitseva, E.V. & Tatarskikh, B.Y. (2016). Impact of Student Government Bodies on Students' Professional Development. IEJME - Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2666-2677. Hasanova, I. I. & Kotova, S. S. (2014a). Possibilities of Interactive Profession Services during Professional Self-Determination of the Individual. Vocational Education and the Labour Market, 3(7), 18-20. Hasanova, I. I. & Kotova, S. S. (2014b). Foundational Theoretical Principles of the Psycho-Pedagogical Support of Professional Self-Determination of the Individual. The Path of Science, 4(4), 112-114. Hasanova, I. I. & Kotova, S. S. (2012). Scientific and Methodological Support of Network Vocational Guidance Resource Centres: The Competence-Based Aspect. Proceedings of the Educational and Methodological Association on Vocational and Pedagogical Education, 1(46), 207-213. Khutorskoy, A. V. (2012). Metasubject Content and Results of Education: How to Implement the Federal State Educational Standards. Eidos online magazine. Direct access: http://www.eidos.ru/journal/2012/0229-10.htm. Leontiev, A. A. (1996). Pedagogical Dialogue. Moscow: Moscow State University Publishing House, 284 p. Lomov, B. F. (1984). Methodological and Theoretical Problems of Psychology. Moscow: NAUKA Publishing House, 289 p. Pryazhnikov, N. S. (2013). Self-Determination and Career Guidance of Students: Textbook for Students of Higher Vocational Institutions. Moscow: Academy Publishing Centre, 208 p. Pryazhnikova, E. Yu. (2013). Career Guidance: Textbook for Students. Moscow: Academy Publishing Centre, 496 p. Pyatnitskaya, G. A. (2011). The Issue of Professional Self-Determination of Senior Pupils at the Present Stage. Proceedings of the Samara Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2(4), 828-830. Serikov, V. V. (1999). Education and Identity. Theory and Practice of Designing Educational Systems. Moscow: Logos, 272 p. Symanyuk, E. E. (2005). Psychological Barriers to the Professional Development of the Individual. Moscow: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 187 p. Tkachenko, E. V. (2009). The Issues of Development of Vocational Education in Russia. Vocational Education in Russia and Abroad, 1(1), 45-48. Vygotskiy, L. S. (1996). Pedagogical Psychology. Moscow: Pedagogy Press, 536 p. Yakimanskaya, I. S. (2000). The Technology of Personality-Centred Education. Moscow: Logos, 243 p. Zeer, E. F. (2006). Modernization of Vocational and Pedagogical Education: An Innovative Aspect. The education and science journal, 6(42), 44-53. Zeer, E. F. (2009). Strategic Guidelines for the Innovative Development of Professional Education. The education and science journal, 6(63), 3-12. Zeer, E. F. (2010). Human Self-Determination in the Current Conflicting Realities. The education and science journal, 7(75), 26-28. Zeer, E. F. (2013). Promotion of Professional Self-Determination of Students in Modern Social and Economic Conditions. The Pedagogical Journal of Bashkortostan, 3, 30-37. Zeer, E. F & Streltsov, A. V. (2016). Technological Platform for Realization of Students’ Individual Educational Trajectories in a Vocational School. IEJME — Mathematics education, 11(7), 2639-2650. Zimnyaya, I. A. (2000). Pedagogical Psychology. Moscow: Logos Publishing Corporation, 384 p. |
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Methodological and Pedagogical Potential of Reflection in Development of Contemporary DidacticsValentina A. Chupina, Anastasiia Yu. Pleshakova & Maria E. Konovalova
pp. 6988-6998 | Article Number: ijese.2016.523
Abstract Applicability of the issue under research is preconditioned by the need of practical pedagogics to expand methodological and methodical tools of contemporary didactics. The purpose of the article is to detect the methodological core of reflection as a form of thinking and to provide insight thereinto on the basis of systematic attributes of the didactic method. The leading approach to research into this issue is a conceptual genetic approach which enables comprehensive examination of reflection as a form of thinking that provides for generation of new ideas, knowledge and transformation of activity. The main deliverables of the work are that the main interpretations of reflection, its ontological attributes are provided, the core of the method as a way of research into the object and management of activity is described, the didactic method is defined, and the attributes thereof which enable substantiating the reflexive method as a didactic one and describing reflexive techniques are detected, thus allowing introduction of reflection into the categorical framework of the pedagogics. The contents of the article may be of use for theoretic research and are of practical value for pedagogues as they enable developing techniques on the basis of the reflexive method and introducing them into the pedagogical practice. Keywords: Didactic method, reflection, reflexive techniques, reflexive method References Anikina, V. G., Koval, N. A. & Semenov, I. N. (2002). Research into Existential Reflection in Problematic Conflict Situations. Tambov: Publishing House of the Tambov State University, 108 p. Anisimov, O. S. (1989). Introduction into Methodology. Vilnius: Balticon, 305 p. Anisimov, O. S. (2002). Methodology: Function, Core, Development. Moscow: LMA, 380 p. Ashmarina, S. I., Streltsov, A. V., Dorozhkin, E. M., Vochozka, M. & Izmailov, A. M. (2016). Organizational and Economic Directions of Competitive Recovery of Russian Pharmaceutical Enterprises. IEJME — Mathematics education, 11(7), 2581-2591. Babanskiy, Yu. K. (1988). Pedagogics. Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 479 p. Bakhtin, M. M. (1986). Aesthetics of Verbal Art. Moscow: Iskusstvo, 445 p. Berkeley, G. (1710). Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge. Direct access: http://psylib.org.ua/books/berkl01/index.html. Chupina, V. A. (2010). Reflexive Method and Role Thereof in Development of Professional Thinking of Senior Executives. The Education and science journal, 11(79), 12-23. Davydova, N. N., Dorozhkin, E. M., Fedorov, V. A. & Konovalova, M. E. (2016). Research and Educational Network: Development Management. IEJME — Mathematics education, 11(7), 2651-2665. Descartes, R. (1637). Discours de la méthode. Direct access: http://psylib.org.ua/books/dekar01. Dewey, J. (1916). Democracy and education. Direct access: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Democracy_and_Education. Date of introduction 28.07.2016. Diesterweg, F. (1835). Guidelines on Education of German Teachers. Direct access: http://jorigami.ru/PP_corner/Classics/Diesterweg/Diesterweg_Rukov_k_obraz_nem_uchitel.htm Dorozhkin, E.M., Zaitseva, E.V. & Tatarskikh, B.Y. (2016). Impact of Student Government Bodies on Students' Professional Development . IEJME - Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2666-2677. Hegel, G. (1812-1816). Science of Logic in Three Volumes. Moscow: Mysl, 248 p. Herbart, J. F. (1835). Review of Pedagogical Lectures. Direct access: https://www.kazedu.kz/referat/3448.. Kapterev, P. F. (1885). Didactic Reviews. Direct access: http://dugward.ru/library/kapterev_pf/kapterev_p_f_didakticheskie_ocherki.html. Lerner, I. Ya. (1976). Didactic System of Education Methods. Moscow: Znanie, 185 p. Mamardashvili, M. K. (1990). Conscience as a Philosophical Problem. Philosophical Issues, 10, 3–18. Mezirow, J. (1990). How critical reflection triggers transformative learning. Associates Fostering critical reflection in adulthood: A guide to transformative and emancipatory learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 356 p. Pestalozzi, J. H. (1826). Swan Song. Direct access: http://jorigami.ru/PP_corner/Classics/ Pestalozzi/Pestalozzi_Swan_song.html. Russian Pedagogical Encyclopaedia. (1993). Moscow: Great Russian Encyclopaedia, 608 p. Shchedrovitskiy, G. P. (1997). Philosophy. Science. Methodology. Moscow: Shkola kulturnoy politiki, 656 p. Skatkin, M. N. (1986). Pedagogical Research Methodology and Techniques. Moscow: Pedagogika, 150 p. Soviet Encyclopaedic Dictionary (1983). Moscow: Soviet Encyclopaedia, 1600 p. Tyukov, A. A. (1987). On the Ways to Describe Psychological Reflection Mechanisms. Contemporary Complex Research. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 73 p. Ushinskiy, K. D. (1867). Human Being as a Subject of Upbringing. Direct access: http://az.lib.ru/u/ushinskij_k_d/text_1867_chelovek_kak_predmet_ vospitaniya_tom_1.shtml. Ushinskiy, K. D. (1869). Human Being as a Subject of Upbringing. Direct access: http://az.lib.ru/u/ushinskij_k_d/text_1869_chelovek_kak_predmet_ vospitaniya_tom_2.shtml. Zeer, E. F & Streltsov, A. V. (2016). Technological Platform for Realization of Students’ Individual Educational Trajectories in a Vocational School. IEJME — Mathematics education, 11(7), 2639-2650. |
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Typology of Strategies of Personality Meaning-Making During Professional EducationDina Ye. Shchipanova, Ekaterina V. Lebedeva, Valentin P, Sukhinin & Elizaveta N. Valieva
pp. 6999-7015 | Article Number: ijese.2016.524
Abstract The importance of the studied issue is conditioned by the fact that high dynamic of processes in the labour market requires constant work of an individual on self-determination and search for significance of his/her professional activity. The purpose of research is theoretical development and empirical verification of the types of strategies of meaning-making based on perceptions of future in terms of professional self-determination of the personality at the stage of vocational training. Basic research methods: modelling, psychosemantic approach, allowing to perform research process with the possibility of more in-depth analysis of the results. Research results: the model of the semantical future in the consciousness of the personality, which includes affective, cognitive, activity and intentional components is developed and empirically verified; the types of strategies of meaning-making based on perceptions of future in terms of professional self-determination of the personality at the stage of vocational training is identified, the typology includes the following 3 types of the meaning-making strategies: strategy of integration of the meaning of education and profession in the model of own future, strategy of disintegration and strategy of uncertainty and delay of the semantical choice. Significance of results: analysis of the semantical grounds for future professional activity will help optimize the training of a competent, competitive and adaptive specialist ready to continuous self-development, and to intensify the process of professional self-determination and building life and professional prospects of the personality at the stage of vocational training, as exactly at this stage the professional competence and identity is built up. Keywords: Meaning-making strategies, professıonal educatıon and vocational training, professional self-determination, semantical future model References Abakumova, I. V. (2003). Education and meaning: smysloobrazovanie in the learning process. Psychological and didactic approach. Rostov-on-Don: Rostov State University Publisher, 480 p. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, K. A. (1991). Life Strategy. Moscow: Mysl, 230 p. Artemyeva, Ye. Yu. (1999). Principles of the subjective semantic psychology. Moscow: Smysl, 352 p. Ashmarina, S.I., Streltsov, A.V., Dorozhkin, E.M., Vochozka, M. & Izmailov, A.M. (2016). Organizational and Economic Directions of Competitive Recovery of Russian Pharmaceutical Enterprises. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2581-2591. Belova, D. Ye. (2004). Semantic future in the context of professional self-determination: PhD Thesis. Ural State University, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 205 p. Dorozhkin, E.M., Zaitseva, E.V. & Tatarskikh, B.Y. (2016). Impact of Student Government Bodies on Students' Professional Development . IEJME - Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2666-2677. Ginsburg, M. R. (1994). Psychological content of the personal self-determination. Psychology Issues, 3, 43-52. Golovakha, Ye. I. & Kronik, A. A. (2008). Causometry. Moscow: Smysl, 272 p. Kurus, I. A. (2016) Correlation of crises, crisis experiences and orientation of time perspective at the initial stage of training in higher education institution. The Education and science journal, 2, 68-79. Leontiev, A. N. (1977). Activity. Conscience. Personality. Moscow: Politizdat, 304 p. Leontiev, D. A. (2003). Meaning psychology. Moscow: Smysl, 488 p. Nuttin, J. (2004). Motivation, action and perspective of the future. Moscow: Smysl, 608 p. Obukhovskiy, K. (1981). Psychological theory of structure and development of personality. Psychology of personality building and development: collection of research papers; Publishing Editor L. I. Antsyferova. Moscow: Nauka, 45-67. Osgood, C. E., Suci, G. & Tannenbaum, P. (1957). The Measurement of Meaning. University of Illinois Press, 342 p. Osgood, C. Е. (1964). Semantic differential technique in the comparative study of cultures. American Anthropologist, 66(3), 171-200. Osgood, С. Е. (1962). Studies on the generality of affective meaning systems. American Psychologist, 17, 10-28. Petrenko, V. F. (1983). Introduction in experimental psychosemantic: research of the representation forms in the everyday consciousness. Moscow: Edition of the Moscow State University, 175 p. Petrenko, V. F. (1988). Consciousness psychosemantic. Moscow: Edition of the Moscow State University, 208 p. Pryazhnikov, N. S. (2015). Importance of work and dedication to work. Occupational Psychology, 5(1), 111-119. Rubinstein, S. L. (1957). Existence and consciousness. Moscow: Prosvescheniye, 348 p. Schreiber, T. V. (2005). Problem of regulation of the meaning-making activity in the early juvenile age. Fundamentals and perspectives of the psychological science and practice in the Russian society: materials of the Russian scientific and practical conference. Naberezhniye Chelny: Edition of the Management Institute, 80-83. Shchipanova, D. Ye. (2013). Professional self-determination in the context of study of psychological time. Scientific Works SWorld, 24(4), 47-50. Shmelyov, A. G. (1983). Introduction in experimental psychosemantic. Moscow: Edition of the Moscow State University, 158 p. Vygotskiy, L. S. (2005). Person development psychology. Moscow: Edition Smysl, Edition Eksmo, 1136 p. Werner, N. (2004). Comparative psychology of mental development. New York: Percheron Press, 564 p. Yegorov, D. V. (2007). Psychological components of semantic self-fulfilment of the psychology students in the context of different professional perspectives. Russian Psychological Magazine, 4(1), 38-40. |
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The Model of Monitoring of Vocational Pedagogical Competences of Professors in Secondary Vocational EducationLyudmila M. Andryukhina, Sergey А. Dneprov, Tatyana G. Sumina, Elena Yu. Zimina, Svetlana N. Utkina & Valentina V. Mantulenko
pp. 7016-7034 | Article Number: ijese.2016.525
Abstract The relevance of the researched issue is preconditioned by the strategic changes in the secondary vocational education system taking place not only in Russia, but also in majority of industrially developed countries. Provision of the system with qualified pedagogical staff is the leading strategic objective of development of the secondary vocational educational system. Its solution must be based on the justified monitoring system, which objectively represents the condition as well as quantitative and qualitative changes taking place in the educational sphere. The article is aimed at developing, substantiating and approbating the model of monitoring of vocational pedagogical competences of professors in secondary vocational education. Integration of the competence, functional and general pedagogical analysis became the leading approach to research into this problem, which has enabled substantiating the model of monitoring of vocational pedagogical competences of professors in the secondary vocational education system. The article presents results of the theoretical and methodological analysis of Russian and foreign research dedicated to identification of key and emerging competences in various spheres. The competence model of a professor of secondary vocational education has been developed and substantiated as a monitoring basis. The article may be useful to improve the quality of the human resource potential in the secondary vocational education system in Russia, to define current and long-range objectives of its development. Keywords: Competences, competence model of a professor, emerging competences, key (basic) competences, monitoring model References Ashmarina, S. I., Streltsov, A. V., Dorozhkin, E. M., Vochozka, M. & Izmailov, A. M. (2016). Organizational and Economic Directions of Competitive Recovery of Russian Pharmaceutical Enterprises. IEJME — Mathematics education, 11(7), 2581-2591. Davydova, N.N., Dorozhkin, E.M., Fedorov, V.A. & Konovalova, M.E. (2016). Research and Educational Network: Development Management. IEJME - Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2651-2665. Dorozhkin, E.M., Leontyeva, T.V., Scherbina, Y.Y., Shchetynina, A.V. & Pecherskaya, E.P. (2016). Teacher’s Labour as a Tool of Forming Human Capital of Higher School Graduates. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2773-2787. Dremina, M. A., Kopnov, V. A.&Lyzhin, A. I. (2016). Staff Training for High-Technology Production. The Education and science journal, 1, 50-75. Dudyrev, F. F. (2016). On Development Trends of Secondary Vocational Education and Education Training.Direct access: http://worldskills.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/26.05.2016_-YEkspertnaya-diskussiya_O-trendakh-razvitiya-SPO_Dudyrev.pdf. Emerging Occupations Collection. (2014). Agency for Strategic Initiatives and Skolkovo Moscow School of Management.Direct access: http://www.skolkovo.ru/public/media/documents/research/sedec/SKOLKOVO_SEDeC_Atlas.pdf. Emerging Skills and Competences – A transatlantic study EU-US Study for the European Commission (2011). DG EAC, 141 p. Fedorov, V. A. & Khamatnurov, F. T. (2010). Scientific and Educational School “Scientific Fundamentals of Development and Design of Vocational and Vocational Pedagogical Education in Russia” of academician of the Russian Academy of Education, G. M. Romantsev. The Education and science journal,10(78), 126-140. Future Work Skills 2020 Summary Map (2011). Institute for the Future.Direct access: http://www.iftf.org/uploads/media/ IFTF_FutureWorkSkillsSummary_01.gif. Golodets Found Higher Education Unnecessary for Two Third of Workers in the Russian Federation (15 July 2016). Interfax. Direct access: from http://www.interfax.ru/business/518708. Graduate employability in Asia (2012). Bangkok, UNESCO, 2012.Direct access: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0021/002157/215706E.pdf. Gurban, I. A. (2015). Global Educational Trends: Challenges Russia Faces. Bulletin of the Ural Federal University. Economy and Management Series, 14, 5, 812–830. Konanchuk, D.&Volkov, A. (2013). Greenfield Epoch in Education. Skolkovo: Business School Education Development Centre, 352 p. Kutepov,S. N. (2015). Vocational Education and Regular Labour Force Training in Europe: PhD Thesis. Tula: Tula State L. N. Tolstoy Pedagogical University, 146 p. Marshuba, O. A. (2014). Key Competences as Elements of Occupational Competence. Koncept, Special Edition, 08.Direct access: http://e-koncept.ru/2014/14599.htm. Mintzberg, H., Ahlstrand, B.& Lempel, J. (2001).Strategy Schools.. Saint-Petersburg: Piter, 336 p. National Competition “Young Professionals” (2016). Direct access: http://worldskills.ru/home/missiya/. Professional Standard “Pedagogue of Vocational Training, Vocational Education and Supplementary Vocational Education” (2015). Direct access: http://xn--c1arjr.xn--p1ai/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Pedagog-DPO.pdf. Romantsev, G. M. (2007). Theory and Practice of Vocational Pedagogical Education. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, 304 p. Shchedrovitsky, P. G. (2016). III Industrial Revolution and Changes in Competence Requirements.Direct access: http://worldskills.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/25.05.2016_Lekciya-dlya-BC_CHast-1_SHHedrovickiy.pdf. Skills USA Framework (2016). Direct access: http://www.skillsusa.org/about/skillsusa-framework/. Strategy for Innovative Development of the Russian Federation for the Period until 2020 (2011). Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 08, 2011, No. 2227-р.Direct access: https://rg.ru/2012/01/03/innov-razvitie-site-dok.html. The Strategy for Developing the Regular Labour Force Training System and Forming Applied Qualifications for the Period until 2020 (2013) Direct access: http://xn80abucjiibhv9a.xnp1ai/%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%82%D1%8B/413/%D1%84%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB/2605/BookEducation_02.pdf. Zeer, E. F& Streltsov, A. V. (2016). Technological Platform for Realization of Students’ Individual Educational Trajectories in a Vocational School. IEJME — Mathematics education, 11(7),2639-2650. Zeer, E. F. (2013). Vocational Education Psychology. Moscow: Akademiya Publishing Centre, 416p. Zhilin, D. M. (2014). XXI Century Skills and XXI Century Science – Controversy or Conformance?Direct access: https://docviewer.yandex.ru/. |
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Psychological Predictors of Human Hardiness FormationEvald F. Zeer, Elena A. Yugova, Natalia P. Karpova & Olga V. Trubetskaya
pp. 7035-7044 | Article Number: ijese.2016.526
Abstract The relevance of the researched problem is conditioned by the growing social and psychological tension in the ever-changing post-industrial society and psychoemotional disorders affecting the human lifespan, developing on this background. The goal of the article is to disclose and analyse psychological predictors of hardiness formation, stipulating self-preservation and longevity of human. Identification of personal and reactive anxiety of young people, as well as assessment of their adaptive capacity are the leading methods in the study of this problem, allowing for complex consideration of the factors influencing the hardiness formation. The article discloses and justifies psychological indicators, serving as predictors of contemporary human hardiness, needed to overcome the difficulties of life arising in the course of personality ontogenesis. Article data may be useful for psychologists, psycho-physiologists, teachers and other professionals concerned with support and assistance to people experiencing problems in difficult situations. Keywords: Hardiness, positive education, predictors, self-regulation, self-preservation References Ashmarina, S.I., Streltsov, A.V., Dorozhkin, E.M., Vochozka, M. & Izmailov, A.M. (2016). Organizational and Economic Directions of Competitive Recovery of Russian Pharmaceutical Enterprises. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2581-2591. Baevsky, R. M. (1988). Measure your health. Moscow: Soviet Russia, 96 p. Bogomaz, S. A. & Balanev, D. Yu. (2009). Hardiness as a component of human innovative capacity. Siberian Psychological Journal, 32, 23-28. Bogomaz, S. A. & Gladkikh, A. G. (2009). Psychological safety and its measurement using the scales of basic beliefs. Bulletin of the Tomsk State University, 318, 191-195. Davydova, N.N., Dorozhkin, E.M., Fedorov, V.A. & Konovalova, M.E. (2016). Research and Educational Network: Development Management. IEJME - Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2651-2665. Dorozhkin, E.M., Leontyeva, T.V., Scherbina, Y.Y., Shchetynina, A.V. & Pecherskaya, E.P. (2016). Teacher’s Labour as a Tool of Forming Human Capital of Higher School Graduates. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2773-2787. Duganova, Yu. K. (2010). Hardiness of people with different psychological safety. Science of Human: Humanitarian Research, 5, 130-133. Evan, D. R., Pellizari, J. R., Culbert, B. J. & Metzen, M. E. (1993). Personality, marital and occupational factors associated with quality of life. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 4, 477-485. Fominova, A. N. (2012). The hardiness of a person. Moscow: Prometheus 125 p. Kurus, I. A. (2016). Relationship of crises, crisis experiences and orientation of time perspective of students at an early stage of studying at the university. The Education and science journal, 2, 68-79. Kuzmina, E. I. & Moroz, O. S. (2010). Freedom from frustration and hardiness. Bulletin of Moscow State Regional University, 2, 5-8. Leontiev, D. A. & Rasskazova, E. A. (2006). Test of hardiness. Moscow: Smysl, 63 p. Maddi, S. & Khoshaba, D. (1994). Hardiness and Mental. Journal of Personality Assessment, 2, 63, 265–274. Maddi, S. & Khoshaba, D. (2004). Hardyi training. Managing stress for performance and health enhancement. Irvine: Hardiness Institute, 301 p. Nagy, St. & Nix Ch., L. (1989). Relation between preventive health behaviour and hardiness. Psychological Reports, 1, 339-345. Seligman, M. (2013). The path to prosperity. Moscow: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 402 p. Spielberger, Ch. D. (1995) Test Anxiety: theory, assessment, and treatment. Hemisphere: Taylor and Francis, 142 p. Stetsishin, R. I. (2008). The focus of the personality and hardiness: a psychological study. Bulletin of the Adygeya State University, 7, 186-190. Sukhov, A. N. (2002). Social psychology of safety. Moscow: Academy, 256 p. Zeer, E. F & Streltsov, A. V. (2016). Technological Platform for Realization of Students’ Individual Educational Trajectories in a Vocational School. IEJME — Mathematics education, 11(7), 2639-2650. Zeer, E. F. (2015). Social psychological aspects of hardiness development and hardiness formation of human. Pedagogical education in Russia, 8, 69-76. |
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Vocational Pedagogical Competencies of a Professor in the Secondary Vocational Education System: Approbation of Monitoring ModelLyudmila M. Andryukhina, Sergey А. Dneprov, Tatyana G. Sumina, Elena Yu. Zimina, Svetlana N. Utkina & Valentina V. Mantulenko
pp. 7045-7065 | Article Number: ijese.2016.527
Abstract The relevance of the researched issue is preconditioned by the strategic changes in the secondary vocational education system taking place not only in Russia, but also in majority of industrially developed countries. Provision of the system with qualified pedagogical staff is the leading strategic objective of development of the secondary vocational educational system. Its solution must be based on the justified monitoring system, which objectively represents the condition as well as quantitative and qualitative changes taking place in the educational sphere. The article is aimed at approbating the model of monitoring of vocational pedagogical competences of professors in secondary vocational education. Integration of the competence, functional and general pedagogical analysis became the leading approach to research into this problem, which has enabled substantiating the model of monitoring of vocational pedagogical competences of professors in the secondary vocational education system. The competence model of a professor of secondary vocational education has been developed and substantiated as a monitoring basis. Results of model approbation and monitoring tools have been presented. The article may be useful to improve the quality of the human resource potential in the secondary vocational education system in Russia, to define current and long-range objectives of its development. Keywords: Competence model of a professor, monitoring model,approbation of Monitoring Model References Andryukhina L. M., Dneprov S. А., Sumina T. G., Zimina E. Yu., Utkina S. N., Mantulenko V. V. . (2016). The model of monitoring of vocational pedagogical competences of professors in secondary vocational education //International journal of environmental & science education? 2016, VOL. 11, NO. 4, 349-358 Ashmarina, S. I., Streltsov, A. V., Dorozhkin, E. M., Vochozka, M. & Izmailov, A. M. (2016). Organizational and Economic Directions of Competitive Recovery of Russian Pharmaceutical Enterprises. IEJME — Mathematics education, 11(7), 2581-2591. Bobienko, O. M. (2013). Status of Key Competences of a Professional in Qualification Requirements of Contemporary Employers. TISBI Bulletin, 2(54), 32–44. Davydova, N.N., Dorozhkin, E.M., Fedorov, V.A. & Konovalova, M.E. (2016). Research and Educational Network: Development Management. IEJME - Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2651-2665. Dorozhkin, E.M., Leontyeva, T.V., Scherbina, Y.Y., Shchetynina, A.V. & Pecherskaya, E.P. (2016). Teacher’s Labour as a Tool of Forming Human Capital of Higher School Graduates. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2773-2787. Dudyrev, F. F. (2016). On Development Trends of Secondary Vocational Education and Education Training.Direct access: http://worldskills.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/26.05.2016_-YEkspertnaya-diskussiya_O-trendakh-razvitiya-SPO_Dudyrev.pdf. Emerging Occupations Collection. (2014). Agency for Strategic Initiatives and Skolkovo Moscow School of Management.Direct access: http://www.skolkovo.ru/public/media/documents/research/sedec/SKOLKOVO_SEDeC_Atlas.pdf. Emerging Skills and Competences – A transatlantic study EU-US Study for the European Commission (2011). DG EAC, 141 p. Fedorov, V. A. & Khamatnurov, F. T. (2010). Scientific and Educational School “Scientific Fundamentals of Development and Design of Vocational and Vocational Pedagogical Education in Russia” of academician of the Russian Academy of Education, G. M. Romantsev. The Education and science journal,10(78), 126-140. Graduate employability in Asia (2012). 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Peculiarities of Educational Environment at Mining and Metallurgical Schools of the UralsNikolay K. Chapaev, Alexander G. Erofeev & Lenka Dvořáková
pp. 7066-7078 | Article Number: ijese.2016.528
Abstract The relevancy of the issue under study stems from the contradiction between the need for a modern interpretation of the activities of mining and metallurgical schools, which had played a prominent role in the institutionalization of the vocational education environment as well as from moral “obsolescence” of research work results in this field. The goal of the article is the development of environmental indices of mining and metallurgical education of the Urals. The principal concept of research of this problem is the system approach, which allows considering the main peculiarities of the educational environment at mining and metallurgical schools of the Urals comprehensively. This article includes structurally significant characteristics of the educational environment at mining and metallurgical schools of the Urals. The contents of the article may be used for the purpose of modeling, designing and construction of an educational establishment (system) meeting the demands of the new communicational reality within the system of relations between education, industry, and social environment. Keywords: Educational environment, mining and metallurgical schools of the Urals, openness of an educational establishment, social partnership, spiritual and moral trends References Alekseev, V. V. (2001). Three centuries of metallurgy in the Urals. Ekaterinburg: Publishing house of the Urals state university, 376 p. Ashmarina, S.I., Streltsov, A.V., Dorozhkin, E.M., Vochozka, M. & Izmailov, A.M. (2016). Organizational and Economic Directions of Competitive Recovery of Russian Pharmaceutical Enterprises. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2581-2591. Babansky, Yu. K. (1989). Chosen pedagogic woks. Moscow: Pedagogika, 558 p. Belkin, A. S. & Tkachenko, E. V. (2006). 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IEJME - Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2651-2665. Dorozhkin, E.M., Leontyeva, T.V., Scherbina, Y.Y., Shchetynina, A.V. & Pecherskaya, E.P. (2016). Teacher’s Labour as a Tool of Forming Human Capital of Higher School Graduates. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2773-2787. Kolpakov, S. V. (2001). The role and place of metallurgy of the Urals in the industrial complex of Russia and the world. 300 years of metallurgy in the Urals: International congress works. Ekaterinburg: Publishing house of the Urals state university, 10-17. Korchak, Ya. (1922). How to love children. Moscow: Gosizdat, 116 p. Mezenin, N. A. (2002). The metal of the Urals. Moscow: Metallurgiya, 112 p. Mezenin, N. A. (2008). The Demidov dynasty: a historical review. 3rd ed. amended and revised. Ekaterinburg: Raritet, 270 p. Mogilev, А. V. & Shilman, А. N. (2005). On the concept of “Educational environment”. Pedagogic informatics, 2, 72-79. Nechaev, N. V. (1944). 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Research into the Specific Aspects of Internal Conflict Displays in the Course of Professional IdentificationMarina A. Rensh, Inessa V. Kosyakova & Anna N. Agafonova
pp. 7079-7090 | Article Number: ijese.2016.529
Abstract The applicability of the researched issue is preconditioned by the need for detecting key determinants which define the process of the person's professional development, identification with the professional environment, and sources of professional self-efficacy. The purpose of the article is to provide the deliverables of the empiric research for the purpose of detection of an aggregate of professional values, internal conflicts therein and specific aspects of their displays in the course of professional establishment. The leading approach to the research has been an ascertaining experiment by means of standardised tools as well as approbation of the modified diagnostic technique which enables detecting essential aspects of internal conflicts and dynamics of their displays. The dynamic structure of professional values is analysed, and contents of the internal conflict and development thereof in the process of professional identity establishment are studied in the article. The article may be of use when developing processes of training and adaptation of young professions, determining professional reference points of production trainers and tutors in the course of vocational training. Keywords: Identification, internal conflicts, person's professional development, professional values References Allport, G. W. (1968). The person in psychology. Selected essays. Boston: Beacon Press, 345 p. Ashmarina, S.I., Streltsov, A.V., Dorozhkin, E.M., Vochozka, M. & Izmailov, A.M. (2016). Organizational and Economic Directions of Competitive Recovery of Russian Pharmaceutical Enterprises. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2581-2591. Breakwell, G. M. (1986). Coping with threatened identities. New York: Mithuen, 240 р. Davydova, N.N., Dorozhkin, E.M., Fedorov, V.A. & Konovalova, M.E. (2016). Research and Educational Network: Development Management. IEJME - Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2651-2665. Dorozhkin, E.M., Leontyeva, T.V., Scherbina, Y.Y., Shchetynina, A.V. & Pecherskaya, E.P. (2016). Teacher’s Labour as a Tool of Forming Human Capital of Higher School Graduates. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2773-2787. Ermolaeva, E. P. (2005). Social Functions and Strategies of Self-Fulfilment of a Professional in the System “Person – Profession – Society”. Psychological magazine, 4, 30–40. Fantalova, E. B. (2001). Diagnostics and Psychotherapy of the Internal Conflict. Samara: Bakhrakh-m, 214 p. Festinger, L. (1962). A Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 291 p. Fromm, E. (1964). Man for Himself. An inquiry into psychology of ethics. Holt, Rinehart and Winston. New York: Springer, 352 р. Ivanova, N. L. (2006). Professional Identity and Its Place in the Identification Structure of the Personality. Yaroslavl Psychological Bulletin, 17, 44-48. Povarenkov, Yu. P. (2000). Psychology of the Professional's Establishment. Yaroslavl: Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, 98 p. Rensh, M. A. (2011). Professional I Image as a Professional Identity Factor Psychological Study. Direct access: http://psystudy.ru. Rensh, M. A. (2014). Professional Values as a Factor of Social and Professional Mobility of the Personality. Social and Professional Mobility in XXI Century. Collection of Materials and Speeches of the International Conference. Ekaterinburg: Russian State Vocational Pedagogic University, 186-190. Thurstone, L. L. & Chave, E. J. (1929) “Theory of Attitude Measurement” Chapter 1 in L.L. Thurstone and E. J. Chave, The Measurement of Attitude: A Psychophysical Method and Some Experiments with a Scale for Measuring Attitude toward the Church. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1-21. Vasilyuk, F. E. (1997). Psycho Technique of Choice. Psychology with the Human Face: Humanistic Prospects in the Post-Soviet Psychology. Moscow: Smysl, 462 p. Zavalishina, D. N. (2001). Ways of the Person's Identification with the Profession. Psychology of the Subject of Professional Activities. Yaroslavl: Yaroslavl State University, 365 p. Zeer, E. F & Streltsov, A. V. (2016). Technological Platform for Realization of Students’ Individual Educational Trajectories in a Vocational School. IEJME — Mathematics education, 11(7), 2639-2650. Zeer, E. F. & Kormiltseva, M. V. (2012). Students’ Professional Self-Determination in the Context of the Socially Conditioned Conflicting Realities. The Education and science journal, 1(10), 79-87. |
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Environmental Risk to Health of the PopulationTatiana Y. Anopchenko, Anton D. Murzin, Elena A.Kandrashina, Inessa V. Kosyakova & Olga E. Surnina
pp. 7091-7115 | Article Number: ijese.2016.530
Abstract Researches of the last years in the field of ecological epidemiology and the analysis of risk for health allow to claim with confidence that the polluted environment is one of the important factors defining changes of a state of health of the population. Expert opinions on the scale of this influence differ considerably now. These estimations vary from small shares of percent to several percent, reaching in some cases 30-50%. An attempt to elaborate economic approaches to a risk assessment to health of the population has been made in this work. The main reason which demands development of special approaches for an assessment of an environmental risk is that quantitative estimation of risk for health from environmental pollution is difficult to be realized. As a rule, population is affected by the whole set of the polluting substances from the atmosphere, drinking water, food, etc. For effective risk management it is necessary to assess and compare diverse risks caused by action of various pollutants coming to an organism in different ways. The stated methodical materials give an idea of possibility of the stage-by-stage multilevel risk analysis at the solution of environmental problems. Further comparative analysis connected with definition and comparison of various dangers can be done by means of the results received at a risk evaluation stage Keywords: environmental risks, population health, socio-economic assessment, environmental pollution, methodology References Abel, F.H. (1975). Analysis of "cost-benefit" in management of environmental quality: proceedings of the Soviet-American Symposium "Comprehensive analysis of the natural environment". Leningrad: Gidrometeoizdat Anopchenko, T. Y., Paytaeva, K. T., Novoseltseva, L. 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Financing – the basis of organization and realization of the investment policy of Russian enterprisesMarina V. Charaeva, Olga A. Naumova, Inessa V. Kosyakova & Aleksandr D. Denisov
pp. 7116-7128 | Article Number: ijese.2016.531
Abstract The relevance of the research: the relevance of research problem caused the necessity in organization investment policy of Russian enterprises for intensification their strategic investment development and insufficient development of theoretical and methodological aspects in attracting financial resources for the realization of investment decisions. Purpose of the research: the purpose of this article concludes in developing of measures to overcome the negative impact of the factors limiting the financial support of the investment activity of Russian companies in the context of a systematic approach. Methods of research: the main method of research of this problem is dialectical method of cognition of reality, allowing to investigate this issue thoroughly and interpret scientific results. 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Innovative Approaches to Increasing the Student Assessment Procedures EffectivenessEvgenij M. Dorozhkin, Marina B.Chelyshkova, AlexeyA. Malygin, Irina A. Toymentseva &Tatiana Y. Anopchenko
pp. 7129-7144 | Article Number: ijese.2016.532
Abstract The relevance of the investigated problem is determined by the need to improving the evaluation procedures in education and the student assessment in the age of the context of education widening, new modes of study developing (such as blending learning, e-learning, massive open online courses), immediate feedback necessity, reliable and valid assessments. The purposes of the article are multistage adaptive measurements validation and testing for increasing the student assessment procedures effectiveness and getting immediate feedback, reliable and valid assessments. Multistage adaptive measurements mentioned above are based on modern test theory Item Response Theory (IRT). The main research methods are math models and measurements on the basis of IRT models, mathematical-statistical methods (descriptive statistics, Bayesian models and maximum likelihood method) and the systematic analysis of the developing practices for student evaluation during the assessment procedures, opinion polls and questionnaires of learning process participants at university. The article presents validation and results of multistage adaptive measurements application, description of adaptive measurement algorithm (leading to the increase of effectiveness in student assessment procedure due to the selection of optimal task difficulty for each student, creating a situation of success during computer-based test session with the tasks accomplishable at individual pace, increase of assessment accuracy and cutting of labor input. Multistage adaptive measurements, as one of the innovative approaches increasing the student assessment effectiveness, admit of individualization principle, actualization in education and getting immediate feedback for improving learning process and the content of education. Multistage adaptive measurements can be applied in blending learning, massive open online courses and e-learning. The article can be of interest for teaching staff and experts in developing the effective methods of learning outcomes assessment. Keywords: Adaptive measurement algorithms; assessment; multistage adaptive measurements; effectiveness References Birnbaum, A. (1968). Some latent trait models and their use in inferring an examinee’s ability / In: F.M. Lord and M.R. Novick. Statistical Theories of Mental Test Scores. Reading, Mass: Addison - Wesly, 568 p. Boyatzis, R. (2008). The Competent manager. A model for effective performance. Moscow: HIPPO publ., 352 p. Chelyshkova, M. B. (2001). Adaptive testing in education (theory, methodology, technology). Moscow: Research Center of Training Quality Problems, 165 p. Chelyshkova, M. B.. (2002). Theory and practice of designing of pedagogical tests. Moscow: Logos, 432 p. Crocker, L. &Algina, J. (2006). Introduction to Classical and Modern Test Theory. Pacific Grove, CA: Wadsworth, 527 p. Dorozhkin, E.M., Zaitseva, E.V. & Tatarskikh, B.Y. (2016). Impact of Student Government Bodies on Students' Professional Development . IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2666-2677. Gorbachev, V. T. (2006).Improving the efficiency of adaptive testing the quality of student learning in higher education of a humanitarian profile. PhD Thesis. Moscow: Military University of the Russian Federation Ministry of Defense, 258 p. Hambleton, R. K., Swaminathan, H.& Rogers, H. J. (1991). Fundamentals of Item Response Theory. N.-Y. :Sage Publications, 174 p. Lord, F.M. (1980). Application of Item Response Theory to practical testing problems. Hillsdale N.-J. : Lawrence Erlbaum Ass.,Publ, 266 p. Malygin, А. А. (2011). Computer adaptive testing to quality assurance of distance learning. Vestnikuniversiteta, 4, 166–169. Malygin, А. А. (2012). Adaptive testing in distance learning. Ivanovo: ISUCT, 138 p. Minko, N. T. (2010).Pedagogical support of computerized adaptive testing in the context of personal education. PhD Thesis. Ulan-Ude: Buryat State University, 209 p. Rasch, G. (1980). Probabilistic models for some intelligence and attainment tests. With a foreword and afterword by B.D. Wright. The Univ. of Chicago Press. Chicago & London, 199 р. Spencer, L. М.&Spencer, S. М. (2005). Competence at Work. Models for Superior Performance. Moscow: HIPPO, 384 p. Stevens, S. S. (1946). On the Theory of Scales of Measurement. Science. New Series, Vol. 103, 2684, 677-680. Teryuha, R. V. (2006). The technology of computerized adaptive testing in vocational training of engineers. PhD Thesis. Krasnodar: Kuban State University, 261 p. Van der Linden, W. J.&Glas, C. A. W. (2010). Elements of adaptive testing, Statistical for social and behavioral sciences. Springer Science + Business Media, LLC, 437 p. Wainer, H.(2000). Computerized adaptive testing: A Primer. – 2nd edition. – Mahwah, NJ :ELawrence Erlbaum Associates, 278 p. Weiss, D. J. (1983). New horizons in testing: Latent trait theory and computerized adaptive testing. N. Y. : Academic Press, 380 p. Zvonnikov, V. I. (2006). Measurement and the quality of education. Moscow: Logos. 312 p. |
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Place of Manufacture Diversification in Cyclical Development of the EnterpriseAlexander G. Erofeev & Georgy K. Smolin
pp. 7145-7153 | Article Number: ijese.2016.533
Abstract The relevance of the researched problem is caused by the fact that diversification is one of the best options for reforming enterprises. The aim of the research: to consider changes in production of outputs in development cycles of the enterprise. This will help to reveal the nature of manufacture diversification. The leading method to the research of this problem is the system approach, which allows to elicit factors promoting formation of business mechanism of manufacture diversification under the conditions of volatile economic environment. The results of the research are: it is offered to enhance the existing classification of enterprises by nomenclative and technological characteristic, taking into account the specific nature of processing capacity. The materials of the research can be useful for control bodies of enterprises when taking constructive steps in the sphere of manufacture diversification and strategy development. Keywords: Cyclical pattern of development, manufacture diversification, resource base of enterprise, nomenclative characteristic, processing capacity References Ansoph, I. (1999). New corporate strategy. St.Petersburg: Piterkom, 128 p. Ashmarina, S. I., Streltsov, A. V., Dorozhkin, E.M., M. Vochozka & Izmailov, A. M. (2016). Organizational and Economic Directions of Competitive Recovery of Russian Pharmaceutical Enterprises. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 11 (7), 2581-2591. Gort, M. (1962). Diversification and integration in American industry. Prinston: Prinston University Press, 132 p. Greiner, L. (1998). Evolution and Revolution as Organizations Grow. Harvard Business Review, 5, 134-143. Kalimullin, D. M. (2015). Formulization of diagnostic instrumentarium for defining readiness of enterprise to organizational adjustments. Vestnik of Samara State University, 4, 75. Kleiner, G. B., Tambovtsev, V. L. & Kachalov, M. I. (1997). Enterprises in unsustainable economic environment: risks, strategy, security. Moscow: Economics, 129 p. Kotler, F. (1996). Marketing fundamentals. Moscow: Rostinter, 584 p. Kunyavskii, М. Е. & Kublin, I. М. (1997). Business problems of manufacture diversification. Saratov: Publishing center Saratov State Academy of Economics, 125 p. Plotnikov, A. P. & Pavlov, N. N. (2016). Diversification mechanism of enterprise development. Vestnik of Samara State University, 3(137), 38-40. Prudsky, V. G., Elokhov, A. М. & Kovshov, V. S. (2007). Strategic management. Perm: Perm State University, 254 p. Tatarskikh, B. Y. & Fedorov, О. V. (2016). Business problems of increasing innovative potential of the Russsian machine-building complex. Vestnik of Samara State University, 3, 16-23. Trubchanin, V. V. (2013). Manufacture diversification mechanism of production plants. Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS Ukraine, 1(4), 213 p. Yoshinara, E., Sakuma, A. & Kami, K. (1979). Diversification strategy in the Japanese enterprise. Nippon: Keirai, 133 p. Zavodchikov , D.P., Sharov, A. A. , Chistik, O.F. , Larionov, I.V. and Naumova, O.A. (2016). The Relationship of Time Perspective and Subjective Perceptions of Students as the Empirical Base for Individualization of the Educational Path. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 11 (7), 2678-2701. |
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Craft training in Russia: theory and practice of developmentGennadij M. Romantsev, Andrei V. Efanov, Andrei V. Moiseev, Ekaterina Yu. Bychkova, Natalia P. Karpova & Bruno Tidemann
pp. 7154-7165 | Article Number: ijese.2016.534
Abstract The relevance of the research topic is substantiated by the social commitment to the establishment of a system of craft training focused on training personnel for craft enterprises. The purpose of the article is to provide theoretical and methodological substantiation of the necessity to provide organizational and pedagogical foundations for the development of craft training in Russia. The main method of research on this problem is the method of studying and generalizing the pedagogic experience to identify the main tendencies and contradictions of formation of a new kind of vocational education in Russia. The outcome of the research is the theoretical and methodological justification of the development of craft training as a special kind of vocational education, revealing its role and place in the social economic sphere and in the system of vocational education; the identification of the value and target base and organizational pedagogical foundations of the development of vocational education in crafts as a set of interrelated managerial and organizational, informative and technological ideas, principles and conditions taking into account the patterns and contradictions of development of this kind of education. The material of the article may be useful for practitioners and researchers in the field of vocational education, for lecturers and graduate students who are interested in the development of the system of vocational education and training. Keywords: Craftsman, craft activities, craft training, craft vocations, entrepreneurship References Bell, D. (1999). The coming post-industrial society: social forecasting experience. Moscow: Academy, 787 p. Berdyaev, N. A. (1992). Russian Soul. Russian idea. Moscow: Republic, 304 p. Chapaev, N. K. (2011). Integrative mission craft education. Formation and development of artisan craft and professional education in Russia: collection of scientific papers of the International Conference. Ekaterinburg, Russia, The Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, 285-291. Doronin, N. A. (2003). Organizational-pedagogical conditions of professional formation of craftsman. PhD Thesis. The Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 199 p. Efanov, A. V. (2011). The fate of craft education: the way from the beginnings to the present. Mathematical and software systems in the industrial and social spheres: collection of scientific papers conference. Magnitogorsk, Russia, Magnitogorsk State University, 25-31. Frank, S. L. (1992). Spiritual Foundations of Society: a collection. Moscow: Republic, 511 p. Gavrilov, D. E. (2012). The economic nature and characteristics of craft activities. PhD Thesis. The Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 176 p. Gessen, S. I. (1995). Pedagogy Basics: Introduction to Applied Philosophy. Moscow: School Press, 448 p. Ilyin, I. A. (1992). On the Russian idea. Moscow: Republic, 440 p. Intuit Future of Small Business Report. Third Installment: the New Artisan Economy (2008). The intuit future of small business series. Direct access: http://www.iftf.org/fileadmin/user_upload/downloads/researchagendas/IFTF_SR-1037C_intuit_future_sm_bus.pdf Kobelev, N. B. (2000). Organization of craft activities: Problems of Russia. German law. Moscow: BON, 409 p. Kuprikov, D. A. (1994). Formation of craft and vocational training in Russia. PhD Thesis. The Institute of General Education, Moscow, Russia, 118 p. Lokotnikova, E. M. (2002). Pedagogical bases of preparation of youth to the craft work in the system of primary vocational education (on the basis of Moscow). PhD Thesis. The Moscow State University of Service, Moscow, Russia, 203 p. Meyer, A. (2000). Handicrafts and its features in the market economy. PhD Thesis. The Kostroma State University, Kostroma, Russia, 169 p. Moiseev, А. V. (2015). The development of craft education in the Urals in the XVII - beginning of XX centuries (historical and pedagogical aspect). PhD Thesis. The Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 147 p. Moiseev, А. V. & Efanov, A. V. (2014). Formation of institutional forms of apprenticeship in the Ural region in the XVII-XVIII centuries. The Education and science journal, 7, 103–114. Romantcev, G. M. (2012). Problems of formation of professional craft education in Russia. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, 233 p. Romantsev, G. M. (1997). Theoretical basics of higher vocational education. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, 333 p. Telmanova, E. D. (2013). Social and educational management as a tool for craftsmen-entrepreneurs socialization. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, 160 p. Vodianova, I. N. (2010). New handicraft economy as a kind of small business. Problems of Modern Economics, 2, 206-219. Zavodchikov, D. P. (2004). Monitoring meta competencies craftsman personality on stage, training. PhD Thesis. The Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 203 p. Zeer, E. F. (2004). Theoretical and methodological bases of preparation of craftsmen-entrepreneurs. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, 121 p. |
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Prospects for the Cross-Border Cooperation Between Russia and Poland in the Field of TourismNatalia A. Zaitseva, Valentin S. Korneevets & Lyudmila V. Semenova
pp. 7166-7175 | Article Number: ijese.2016.535
Abstract The relevance of the research topic is driven by the increasing role of cross-border cooperation for economic development of regions of the neighbouring countries located in the immediate vicinity to the border, as well as for the tourism development. The purpose of scientific research, the results of which are presented in the article, was the justification of the prospects for cross-border cooperation between Russia and Poland in the field of tourism based on the analysis of the dynamics of the border movements and exchanges between inhabitants of the Kaliningrad region and Poland, the assessment of their structure by the purpose of visit and by the distance from the border to the target center visit. To obtain the author's conclusions, methods of expert estimations and statistical analysis, economic-statistical and factor analysis, economic and mathematical modeling were used. As a result of the research dynamics and nature of cross-border movements in the aforementioned regions were revealed, the author's assessment of the positive and negative effects of such movements and exchanges as a form of cross-border cooperation in the economic development of these regions, including tourism, was given Keywords: Cross-border cooperation, diversification, regional development, economic cooperation, Russian Federation, tourism References Anisovich, R., Palmowski T, Dragileva I. (2013). The influence of local near-border movement to the development of cross border tourism between Poland and the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation. Barnaul: Publishing house of the Altai state University, 65-73. Bolychev, O. N., Gumenyuk, I. S., Kuznetsova T. Y. (2015). The role of local frontier movement in the development of retail trade in Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and the border regions of the Republic of Poland. The Baltic sea region, 4(26), 135-149 Bunakov, O. A., Zaitseva, N. A., Larionova, A. A., Chudnovskiy, A. D., Zhukova, M. A. & Zhukov, V. A. (2015). Research on the Evolution of Management Concepts of Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality Development in the regions. Journal of Sustainable Development, 8, 39-44 Davydov, D. M. & Chekalina, T. N. (2011). Cross-border cooperation as a tool of branding in the Baltic region. The Baltic sea region, 2, 74-76. Dragileva I. I. (2006). Cross-border cooperation in tourism development in the South-Eastern Baltic: PhD Thesis. St. Petersburg, 189 p. European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities. (1980). Madrid, 463 p. Korneevets, V. S., Kropinova, E. & Dragileva, I. (2015). The current approaches to the transborder studies in the sphere of tourism. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 5, 65-73 Larionova, A. A., Suslova, I. A., Povorina, E. V. & Vinogradova, M. V. (2015) Formation of Tourist Image of the Region. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6, 3, Supplement 5, 261-266.Doi:10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s5p261 http://www.mcser.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/view/6779/6488 Mezhevich, N. M. (2002). Regional economic policy of the Russian Federation: the impact of cross-border cooperation in traditional and new implementation mechanisms. SPb. Izd-vo SPbGU, 354 Oding, N. Y. & Fedorov, G. M. (2009). Revitalization of Russian participation in cross-border cooperation in the Baltic sea. Bulletin of Baltic Federal University Kant. 3. 63-69 Ogneva, N. F. (2014). Organisational aspects of cross-border cooperation. Theory and practice of social development, 2, 394-396. Ruch graniczny na granicy polsko-rosyjskiej w 2015. Direct access: http://olsztyn.stat.gov.pl/files/gfx/olsztyn/pl/defaultstronaopisowa/1322/3/1/infografika. Ruch graniczny oraz przepływ towarуw i usług na zewnętrznej granicy Unii Europejskiej na terenie Polski w 2013 r.- Głowny Urząd Statystyczny, Urząd Statystyczny w Rzeszowie. - Warszawa-Rzeszуw (2014). Savosina, A. A. (2014). The use of instruments of regional marketing in cross-border cooperation. Materials of reports international scientific and technical conference. Vitebsk, 397-340 Semenova, L. V. & Korneevets, V. S. (2015). Specifics of forming the competitive hotel complex in the Kaliningrad region of Russia. Asian Social Science, 11, 289-295. Studzieniecki, T. Palmowski, T. & Korneevets, V. (2016). The system of cross-border tourism in the Polish-Russian borderland. Procedia Economics and Finance, 39, 545-552. Verkholantseva, K. V. (2009). The development of modern cross-border cooperation of Russia and European countries: a comparative analysis: PhD Abstract. Moscow. 24 p. WTTC: Report. Travel & Tourism. Economic impact (2015). Russian Federation. Direct access: https://www.wttc.org/-/media/files/reports/ Zaitseva, N. A., Kropinova, E. G., Korneevets V. S., Dragileva I. I. & Chudnovskiy A. D. (2016a). The long-term forecast of the Russian tourism development. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6, 103-110 Zaitseva, N. A., Semenova L. V., Larionova, A. A., Yumatov, K. V. & Hamnaeva, N. I. (2016b). The Role of Human Resource Capacity to Ensure the Competitiveness of the Cross-Border Cooperation Projects in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry. IEJME — Mathematics Education, 11, 1961-1970 Zykov, A. A. (2008). Cross-border region in the system of international cooperation. Humanities studies in East Siberia and the far East, 2, 17-27 |
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Assessment of the Impact of Globalization on the Introduction of Innovative Technology Companies in the Hospitality IndustryNatalia A. Zaitseva, Anna A. Larionova, Konstantin V. Yumatov, Natalia M. Korsunova & Nina V. Dmitrieva
pp. 7176-7185 | Article Number: ijese.2016.536
Abstract The importance and relevance of the study of the globalization effects on the introduction of innovative technologies in the hotel industry is difficult to overestimate, as only those hotels that are able to change with demographic, technological and economic changes, and to adapt to occurring changes, will be able to succeed. The aim of this work is to study and assess the impact of globalization on the introduction of innovative technology companies in the hospitality industry. For the analysis of contemporary processes in the hospitality industry, the authors of this article used theoretical and empirical methods of research economic-statistical and factor analysis, expert assessment. In the article a list of the external aspects of globalization in the hospitality industry, the peculiarities of network forms of business organization in the hospitality industry and its benefits for innovation in the context of globalization is given. The main trends of innovation in the hospitality industry are identified, the estimation of the impact of globalization on the innovative technologies implemented by the hospitality industry is done. The authors proved that the processes of globalization impact on the innovation management long-term growth potential of the hotel business, including a basic set of tangible and intangible business assets of strategic importance for sustainable development of enterprises in the hospitality industry. Keywords: Globalization, innovation, hospitality, technology, network busines References Alekseeva, Y. V. (2012). Globalization and the Russian travel market. Science and society, 6, 60-66 Bunakov, O. A., Zaitseva, N. A., Larionova, A. A., Chudnovskiy, A. D., Zhukova, M. A. & Zhukov, V. A. (2015). Research on the Evolution of Management Concepts of Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality Development In the Regions. Journal of Sustainable Development. 8, 39-44. Castells, M. (2000). The information age: economy, society and culture. Moscow: AST, 105 p. Dumulen, I. (2003) International trade in services. Moscow, Economics, 270 p. Fraj, E., Matute, J., Melero, I. (2015) Environmental strategies and organizational competitiveness in the hotel industry: The role of learning and innovation as determinants of environmental success. Tourism Management, 46, 30-42 Global Innovation Index In 2016. (2016). Direct access: http://www.globalinnovationindex.org Hotel FAQ. Six conditions for luxury hotel marketing. Trends, technology, team (2016). Direct access: http://www.hotelier.pro/sales/item/1498-marketing Hotelier.pro/ Seven trends in the hotel industry in 2016. Environmental rooms and "mental healing" to hotels and palaces to Li-Fi. Direct access: http://www.hotelier.pro/management/item/893-trends) Hussain, K., Konar, R., Faizan, A. (2016) Measuring Service Innovation Performance through Team Culture and Knowledge Sharing Behaviour in Hotel Services: A PLS Approach. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 224, 15, 35-43 Lynn van der Wagen (2001) Hotel business. Rostov-on-don. Phoenix, 412 p. Morozova, M. A. (2013). The formation of the network of hotel product in the light of the trends of globalization and internationalization of external trading markets.// Modern science: Actual problems of theory and practice, 12, 81-84 Morozovа, M. A. & Popkov, V. P. (2010) Methodology for sustainable development of network entrepreneurial structures in the national hotel business of the Russian Federation. St.Petersburg: Astérion, 269 p. Nieves, J.,& Segarra-Ciprés, M. (2015) Management innovation in the hotel industry? Tourism Management, 46, 51-58 Petrovskaya, M. V., Zaitseva N. A., Bondarchuk N. V., Grigorieva E. M. & Vasilieva L. S.(2016) Scientific Methodological Basis of the Risk Management Implementation for Companies’ Capital Structure Optimization. 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Forecasts of Service and Tourism Personnel Training System Development Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2(12), 411-418. Zaitseva, N. A., Larionova, A. A., Mekush, G. E., Mayorova, A. N. & Povorina, E. V. (2016) Methodological Aspects of the Financial Justification of Development Strategies of Hotel Industry Enterprises.(2016). IEJME — Mathematics Education. 11(7), 2559-2570 Zverev, C. V. (2004). Control innovative-by investment development of hotel companies: PhD Thesis. Volgograd, 165 p. |
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Practical Recommendations to Improve the Quality of Training and Methodical Support of Professional Teacher EducationValery V. Grebennikov, Ludmila Yu. Grudtsina,b, Nikolay N. Marchuk, Badma V. Sangadgiev & Nail K. Kudyashev
pp. 7186-7194 | Article Number: ijese.2016.537
Abstract The research urgency is caused by the transition to the knowledge society and new demands for training and methodical provision of professional pedagogical education. The purpose of this paper is to develop practical recommendations to improve the quality of training and methodical support of professional pedagogical education. The leading approach of the study is the integrative approach which allows considering training and methodological support as a system of training and curricula documentation and training-methodical materials, diagnostic methodic and training materials for the organization of the educational process, independent work of students and intensification of activity of the teacher. The study involved 250 teachers, 300 students, 100 staff of the education authorities that took part in the identification of quality performance criteria of training and methodical support. Main results of the research consist in determining of the functions’ content (teaching, educating, developmental, and integrative) of training –methodical support; development of a mechanism for assessing its quality, including functions (productive, regulatory), stages (ascertaining, advisory), criteria (informative, didactic, educational and developmental levels) and tools (analysis, study of consumer preferences, a definition of prospects of development and review). The significance of the results obtained is that the identified functions of training and methodical support lead to effective development of future teacher's professional competences and the formation of intelligence, which expresses the susceptibility to intellectual values, love of learning, interest in history, an aesthetic feeling. Implementation of a mechanism for assessing the quality of training and methodical support allows optimizing the content of professional pedagogical education and improving of the professional portrait of the teacher. Keywords: The formation of intelligence, training and methodical support, professional pedagogical education References Boborykin, P. D. (1929). For half a century. Leningrad: Land and factory, 383 p Davydov, V. P., & Rakhimov, O. Kh. (2002). Theoretical and methodological basis of modeling the process of professional training. Innovations in education, 2, 62-67. Davydova, L. N. (2005). Different approaches to defining quality of education. Quality. Innovation. Education, 2(14), 5-8. Egorshin, A. P. & Pryanichkov S. B. (2002). The methodology for evaluating of the quality and effectiveness of education. School technology, 5, 68-87. Galitskikh E. O. (2001). Intellectual – a basis of formation of future teacher. Higher education in Russia, 3, 79-86. Gorb, V. G. (2000). Pedagogical monitoring of educational process as the factor of increase of level and results. Standards and monitoring in education, 5, 33-37. Ibragimov, I. D., Dusenko, S. V., Khairullina, E. R., Tikhonova, N. V. and Yevgrafova, O. G. (2016). Recommendations on the Textbooks Creation as Information and Teaching Tools of Education Management. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 11(3), 433-446. Kamalova, L. A., Korchagina, G. I. and Bulatbaeva, K. N. (2016). Professional Self-Affirmation of a Teacher as a Functional Activity System. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 11(1), 279-290. Kamasheva, Y. L., Goloshumova, G. S., Goloshumov, A. Y., Kashina, S. G., Pugacheva, N. B., Bolshakova, Z. M., Tulkibaeva, N. N. & Timirov, F. F. (2016). Features of vocational education management in the region. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6, 155-159. Likhachev, D. S. (1993). About the Russian intelligentsia. New world, 2, 3-9. Likhachev, D. S. (2006). Letters about the kind. Saint Petersburg: Nauka, 315 p. Nazarova, T. S. & Gospodarik, Yu. P. (2005). Strategy of development of instructional books. Pedagogy, 3, 11-19. Petrova, T. N., Kirillova, O. V., Sokolova, S. G., Pugacheva, N. B., Galimullina, A. F., Maksimova, O. G., Antonova, T. V. & Kozhanov, V. V. (2016). Education as the Management of Research Universities Students' Socialization. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(2), 28-33. Pugacheva, N. B., Kirillova, T. V., Ovchinnikova, I. G., Kudyashev, N. K., Lunev, A. N., Pavlova, O. A., Kashina, S. G. & Valeyev, A. S. (2016b). The Mechanism of State-Public Management of Vocational Education in the Region. International Review of Management and Marketing. 6(2), 6-11. Pugacheva, N. B., Ezhov, S. G., Kozhanov, I. V., Kozhanova, M. B., Ogorodnikova, S. V., Oshaev, A. G., Timonin, A. I. & Goloshumova, G. S. (2016a). The model of self-realization readiness formation of research universities students in the process of civic education. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(1), 128-133. Şandır, H. and Aztekin, S. (2016). Pre-Service Math Teachers’ Opinions about Dynamic Geometry Softwares and Their Expectations from Them. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 11(3), 421-431. Soviet encyclopedic dictionary (1989). Moscow: Soviet encyclopedia. 1632 p. Yepaneshnikov, V. V., Pugacheva, N. B., Goloshumova, G. S., Kuznetsova, V. V., Dobrovolskaya, L. V., Moiseeva, L. V., Garaganov, A. V. & Litvinenko, N. A. (2016). Pedagogical Management of Civil Education of Research Universities Students. International Review of Management and Marketing. 6(2), 23-27. Zamaletdinov, R. R., Yudina, N. P., Lavrentyeva, E. I., Savva, L. I., Pugacheva, N. B. (2016). Practical Recommendations on the Improvement of the Effectiveness of Anti-Corruption Policy in Universities. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(2), 390-396.
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Naming as Instrument of Strengthening of the Dynastic Power in the early middle Ages (France, England, Vth –XIth Centuries)Marina R. Zheltukhina, Larisa G. Vikulova, Gennady G. Slyshkin & Ekaterina G. Vasileva
pp. 7195-7205 | Article Number: ijese.2016.538
Abstract The article examines the onomastic aspect of a medieval worldview through the analysis of naming principles for the kings of the Merovingian, the Carolingian and the Wessex dynasties. The etymological, structural and semantic analysis of the first Frankish and Anglo-Saxon kings’ names and bynames is used. The etymology of the first Frankish and Anglo-Saxon kings’ names is given, and the review of their bynames is made. Special emphasis is placed on the idea that the name chosen for the successor was aimed at preserving the dynastic succession and the legitimization of power. In addition, king’s personal charisma was strengthened through a proper noun. The ways of analysis are useful for development of contrastive and historical linguistics, theory of linguistics, naming theory. Keywords: Proper noun, etymology, institutional leadership, name, byname, connection between a name and the right for a throne, principles of naming References Appriou, D. (2002). Des surnoms pour l’histoire. Du petit caporal à l’homme de fer. Paris : Le pré aux clercs, 463 p. Bakhtin, M. M. (1992). Additions and changes to Rabelais. Philosophy questions, 1, 134-164, Bienfait, B. (2009). Les noms de famille. Innovation ou adaptation du Moyen Âge. Généalogie Magazine, 11, 10-17. Bordonov, G. (2009). CLOVIS et les Mérovingiens. Paris: Pygmalion, 352 p. Dictionnaire du Moyen Âge (2002). Paris: Quadrige: PUF, 264 p. Fomina, Z. E. (2009). Concepts "man" and "woman" in an Old German picture of the world. Voronezh: VSPU, 363 p. Gurevich, A. Ya. (1984). Categories of medieval culture. Moscow: Art, 274 p. Gurevich, A. Ya., (2009). The individual and the society in the medieval West. St. Petersburg: Alexandria, 375 p. Kantorovich, E. H. (2013). Two bodies of the king. Research on medieval political theology. Moscow: Publishing house of Institute of Gaidar, 255 p. Khachaturian, N. A. (2008). The power and the society in Western Europe in the Middle Ages. Moscow: Science, 264 p. Le Jan, R. (1995). Famille et pouvoir dans le monde franc (VIIe-Xe siècle). Essai d’anthropologie sociale. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 244 p. Litvina, A. F., Uspensky F. B. (2003). A variation of a patrimonial name on the Russian soil. About one of ways of naming in Ryurik dynasty. Imenoslov. Notes on historical semantics of a name. Moscow: Indrik, 274 p. Nelson, J. (1997). Kingship and empire. In: The Cambridge History of Medieval Political Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University press, 285 p. Prirodina, U. P. (2011). A nickname as means of person naming in onomastic space (through the example of the Swedish language). Humanitarian researches, 1(37), 74-78. Proskurin, S. G. (2014). To background of written culture: archaic semiotics of Indo-Europeans. Materials to a course "Old German culture and writing. Novosibirsk: NSU, 437 p. Sabine, G. H. (1966). A History of Political Theory. London: George G. Harrap & CO.LTD, 374 p. Sannikov, S. V. (2009). Images of the royalty of an era of Great resettlement of the people in an early medieval European historiography. Novosibirsk: Publishing house of NSTU, 427 p. Searle, W. G. (1879). Onomasticon Anglo-Saxonicum. London: Cambridge University Press, 386 p. Skrelina, L. M. & Stanovaya, L. A. (2001). French history. Moscow: The higher school, 285 p. Stepanov, Yu. S. (2003). Sense, absurdity and euphemisms. Bulletin of the Novosibirsk State University. Series: Linguistics and cross-cultural communication, 1, 7-10. Superanskaya, A. V. (1998). Dictionary of the Russian personal names. Moscow: AST, 354 p. Tsventukh, T. S. (2014). Old English proper names. Lingua mobilis, 4(50), 97-102. Tursky, G. (2009). History of francs. Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf, 265 p. Veselovsky, A. N. (1989). Historical poetics. Moscow: The higher school, 375 p. Zheltukhina M. R. (2015). Institutional, Stereotypical and Mythological Media Markers of Modern Society. Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, 12(1), 913-920. Zheltukhina, M. R., Krasavsky, N. A., Slyshkin, G. G. & Ponomarenko, E. B. (2016). Utilitarian and Aesthetic Values in the Modern German Society. IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(5), 1411-1418. |
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Educational – Methodical Projects for Students’ Intellectual Competences Formation: the Imperative Goal of the Educational Process of the UniversityRuslan A. Kutuev, Albina N. Kudyasheva, Natalya V. Buldakova, Natalia S. Aleksandrova & Alexandra S. Vasilenko
pp. 7206-7214 | Article Number: ijese.2016.539
Abstract The research urgency is caused by the tendencies of the modern information society which produces and consumes intelligence, knowledge and competences as the main educational product of labor market. These trends fundamentally alter the methodological basis of the educational process of the University, subjecting it to imperative goals: the intellectual development of the individual of the student, independent acquisition of knowledge and competences, development of intellectual competences to work with information in any media. In this regard, the focus of this paper is allotted to theoretical and methodical substantiation of the structure and content of students’ intellectual competences as a pedagogical category of the imperative goals of the University educational process. A leading research method is a project method which is focused on students’ intellectual competences’ formation in the process of creative activity products creation in the educational process. The paper reveals the discourse of the concept "intellectual competences"; defines the essence, structure and content of the training-methodical projects for students’ intellectual competences’ formation; on the basis of the results of the study substantiates the pedagogical algorithm of training-methodical projects for students’ intellectual competences formation. Productivity of the algorithm’s implementation is proven using the criteria: formation of knowledge (the content of the study course and related areas); comprehension of knowledge (the ability to restructure information, giving some interpretation of the main idea); the analysis of knowledge (the ability to compare the basic ideas of information, formulate conclusions supporting the assumptions with evidence, the ability to ask questions); knowledge synthesis (the ability to synthesize, develop logic of common reasoning, based on analyzed facts to create a final conclusion); assessment of knowledge (the ability to determine the accuracy and reliability of facts, to evaluate findings and conclusions). The paper can be useful to teachers, methodologists, managers of the universities Keywords: Intellectual competences, educational process, imperative objectives, project method, project modules, project technology, training-methodical project References Asadullin, R. M., Teregulov, F. Sh., Koletvinova, N. D. and Egamberdieva, N. M. (2016). Fundamental and Applied Education - A New Look. IEJME - Mathematics Education, 11(1), 23-33. Bloom, B. S., Engelhart, M. D., Furst, E. J. & Hill, W. H. (1956) Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational goals. New York: David McKay domain, 153 p. Bologna process: the search of common of European higher education systems. (2002). Moscow: Research center of quality problems of specialists training, 211 p. Delor, G. (1996). Education: a hidden treasure of UNESCO. Moscow: Pedagogika, 46 p. Dewey, J. (1999). Psychology and pedagogy of thinking. Moscow: The Maze, 192 p. Eysenck & Camen, L. (2002). The nature of intelligence. Battle for the mind. Moscow: Eksmo – press, 352 p. Halpern, D. (2000). The psychology of critical thinking. St.Petersburg: Peter. 512 p. Integrative processes in the modern professional education. (2013). Kazan: Publishing house "Printing services of the XX1 century", 356 p. Khutorskoy, A. V. (2002). Key competencies and educational standards: a report on the Department of philosophy and theory of pedagogy of RAE. Moscow: Center Eidos, 352 p. Kuznetsov, B. A. (2003). Management in engineering. Naberezhnye Chelny: Publishing house of KAMPI, 199 p. Makhmutov, M. I. (1998). How think – so live. Professional education, 2, 5 – 7. Raven, J. (2002).Competency in modern society. The identification, development and implementation. Moscow: Kogito – center, 400 p. Shadrikov, V. D. (2004). Introduction to psychology. Moscow: Logos, 156 p. Vlasova, V. K., Kirilova, G. I. and Curteva, O. V. (2016). Matrix Classification of Information Environment Algorithms Application in the Educational Process. IEJME - Mathematics Education, 11(1), 165-171. Zimnyaya, I. A. (2003). Key competences – new paradigm of education result. Higher education today, 5, 34 – 42. |
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Monitoring Technology: the Qualimetric Foundations of the Educational Process of the UniversityJulia A. Krokhina, Natalia S. Aleksandrova, Natalya V. Buldakova, Gulnaz S. Ashrafullina & Vladimir M. Shinkaruk
pp. 7215-7225 | Article Number: ijese.2016.540
Abstract The relevance of the research problem is determined by the current discrepancy between the requirements of society to quality of students’ training– future specialists with higher education, on the one hand, and level of training received by graduates on the other hand. The tendency of the discrepancies noted is a consequence of the properties of the inertia of the educational process that gives it stability, but also hindering rapid response to the recent changes in the sphere of science, production, culture, industry and other spheres of life. The current controversy requires scientific correction and rethinking of the methodology of quality evaluation of the educational process. In this regard, priority attention in this article is devoted to justification of qualimetric grounds for the projecting and implementation of monitoring technologies in the educational process of the University. A leading research method is a simulation method allowing justification of monitoring technologies as qualimetric bases of educational process of the University and rethinking their valuable content in the students’ training. The article presents the discourse of the concept "monitoring technology"; it reveals the essence, structure and content of qualimetric grounds of the monitoring technologies in the educational process of the University; on the basis of the study’s results conducted the elective interdisciplinary course "Qualimetric grounds of monitoring technologies" is justified. Productivity of its implementation is proven using the criteria: formation of knowledge of the content of studied course, of the experience in using the acquired knowledge in standard and non-standard situations in the educational process; the integrity of knowledge about the qualimetric basis of the monitoring technologies in the students’ training; the students' readiness to be engaged professionally in any activity; formation of competences of the culture of mental labor in accordance with the personal position of the student in self-organization and self-transformation; the personal creativity of the student – future specialist, relevant to qualimetric objectives of the monitoring technology. The paper can be useful to teachers, methodologists, managers of the universities. Keywords: Monitoring, monitoring technologies, educational process, qualimetric approach, performance criteria References Halpern, D. (2000). The psychology of critical thinking. St.Petersburg: Peter, 512 p. Kamalova, L. A. & Raykova, E. (2016). The Quality and Criteria of Evaluation of Educational Work at the Universities of Russia at the Contemporary Stage. IEJME - Mathematics Education, 11(1), 71-79. Kashina, S. G., Chudnovskiy, A. D., Aleksandrova, N. S., Shamov, I. V. and Borovaya, M. A. (2016). Management of Students’ Vocational Training in Conditions of Social Partnership between the University and Industry. IEJME - Mathematics Education, 11(3), 447-456. Kuzenkova, G. V. (2002). Introduction in environmental monitoring: a tutorial. Nizhny Novgorod: NF URAE, 72 p. Labeyko, Y. A. (2008). University monitoring as a management tool of the quality of education. Stavropol: Vostok, 76 p. Loxley, W. (1993). Prospects. The issue of education, 3, 25 – 33. Maclur St. Missing Links: The Challenges to Further Education. (1991). Great Britain. London: Billing and Sons Ltd, 169 p. Problems of quality of education. (2001). Monitoring and managing the quality of education. Ufa: Research center of quality problems of specialists training, 40 p. Raven, J. (1999). Psychological testing: problems, errors, prospects. The school technology, 3, 151 – 175. Selezneva, N. A. (2001). The quality of higher education as an object of systematic study. Moscow: Research center of quality problems of specialists training, 79 p. Shishov, S. E. & Kalney, V. A. (1999). Monitoring of the quality of education. M.: Pedagogical society of Russia. 176. Stufflebeam, D. & Nevo, D. (1994). "Educational Personnel Evaluation". In T. Husen, T. N. Postlethwaite & H.J. Walberg (Eds.)., The International Encyclopedia of Education (2nd Ed.). Oxford: Pergamon, 1636 p. Vyugina, S. V. (2015). Modernization of pedagogical system of technological University in the development of the intellectual potential of students. Kazan: Publishing house of Kazan state technological University, 233 p. |
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Assessment of Electronic Banking Service’s Impact on the Economic Parameters of the Bank ActivitySergey V. Kiselev, Yana S. Chernyavskaya, Eleonora V. Bardasova, Gulnaz M. Galeeva, Elena P. Fazlieva & Julia A. Krokhina
pp. 7226-7235 | Article Number: ijese.2016.541
Abstract The relevance of the study: The relevance of the research problem is conditioned by the intensification of innovative processes in modern economy and in the banking sector, in particular, as one of the most sensitive areas for innovation and innovative types of services and information and communication innovations today is one of the major conditions for ensuring the required level of competitiveness of banks. The purpose of the study: the Aim of this research is to develop methodical approaches to assess the impact of electronic banking service on the economic parameters of the Bank activity. Research methods: The main methods of research are methods of factor analysis, pair correlation, multiple correlation analysis, matrix models, and mathematical modeling. The results of the study: The paper proposes a synthesized variant of the method for assessing of the impact of electronic banking services on the basis of the Internet technologies on the parameters of economic development of banking structure, which is based on a mathematical model of the technology of remote banking services. Practical significance: The paper is intended for researchers studying the problems of assessing of electronic banking services’ impact, in particular the development of remote banking services, as well as professionals of the banking sector, dealing with investments and project implementation in its development. Keywords: On-line banking, correlations, economic parameters, Internet technologies, mathematical modeling, synergy, convergence References Alimbetov, U.S., Apysheva, A.A., Beloussova, L.I., Zhaparova, I.M., Konbaeva, K.T., Nemereneva, K.T., Tursynbekuly, N., Shaihanova, N.K. & Sholpanbaeva, K.G. (2016). Theoretical Aspects and Methods of Evaluating the Economic Efficiency of Corporate Management in the Banking Sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan. IEJME - Mathematics Education, 11(6), 1505-1518. Dostov, V. L. & Shust, P. M. (2013). Organization of operations with electronic money: public and private problems of implementation. Calculations and operational work in commercial Bank, 1 23-29. Gracheva, M. V. (2002). E-banking: risk management. Banking technology, 6, 21-25. Grigoryan, S. A. (2008). Trends of development and regulation of Russian market of electronic banking services. Money and credit, 10, 47-53. Kochergin, D. A. (2011). Electronic money. Moscow: Market DS, 388 p. Leonovich, T. I. (2007). Virtual technology in the development of remote banking services. Bulletin of Belarusian state University, 3, 59-66. Mandel, I. D. (2008). The cluster analysis. Moscow: Finance and statistics, 384 p. Martynova, T. (2006). The arguments in favor of remote banking. Banking review, 4, 43-49. Murav’eva, A. V. (2004) Business innovation: a factor and structural analysis of information technology. Banking services, 9, 67-75. Petrovskaya, M. V., Zaitseva, N. A., Bondarchuk, N. V., Grigorieva, E. M. & Vasilieva, L. S. (2016). Scientific Methodological Basis of the Risk Management Implementation for Companies’ Capital Structure Optimization. IEJME - Mathematics Education, 11(7), 2571-2580 Skripkin, K. G. (2002) Economic efficiency of information systems. Moscow: DMK Press, 275 p. Yudencov, Yu. N. (2010). Internet technology in the banking business: prospects and risks. Moscow: KnoRus, 411 p. |
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«Hate speech» and Discriminatory Practices Towards Other PeopleValeriya Alperovich
pp. 7236-7250 | Article Number: ijese.2016.542
Abstract The images of «enemies» and «friends» remain in the focus of attention due to escalating discriminatory practices towards communication partners from different groups that one tends to ascribe negative features based on various stereotypes, social attitudes and representations. In this paper, the problem of metaphorical and narrative foundations of such phenomena as «discrimination» and «hate speech» is investigated. The purpose of this pilot research was studying the influence of «friend» and «alien» metaphors and the ideas of adults about Enemy and Friend on their adopting discriminatory practices towards other people. The author's technique for researching the metaphors of «friends» and «aliens» was developed, as well as one for studying the way discriminatory practices towards other people get adopted. The techniques for studying the characteristics of ideas about Enemy and Friend were applied. The empirical model of «friend» and «alien» metaphors and «enemy» and «friend» images as cognitive predictors of discriminatory practices towards others has been demonstrated. The correlation between «friend» and «alien» metaphors of different kinds, characteristics of personality's ideas about Enemy and Friend were analysed. The results of this research can be of use in solving the applied tasks in psychology of conflicts, in psychological consulting and tolerance trainings. Keywords: Metaphors, hate speech, friend, alien, discriminatory practices References Avanesyan, M. O. (2013). Psychological mechanisms of comprehension and creation of a metaphor: PhD Abstract. Saint-Petersburg, 22 p. Avtaeva, N. O. (2010). Hate speech in modern media: gender approach. Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo universiteta im. N.I. Lobachevskogo, 4(2), 811–813. Bochaver, A. A. (2010). Metaphor as a way of internal representation of human life line (Doctoral dissertation). Moscow. 220 p. Chernyy, E. V. (2014). Technique of metaphorical cross modeling in psychotherapy and psychological counseling. The Future of Clinical Psychology-2014, collected works. Perm: Perm State National Research University Publ., 128-133. Emel'yanova, T. P. (2006). Constructing the social representations in conditions of the Russian society transformations. Moscow: Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., 400 p. Ergashev, A. A. (2015). Reflection of social and political processes in the USA in war metaphors of Barak Obama. Bulletin of Tomsk State University, 393, 48-54. Gladilin, A. V. (2012). Hate speech as communication. Modern studies of social problems (a digital scientific journal), 11(19), 114-125. Indurkhya, B. (2006). Emergent representations, interaction theory and the cognitive force of metaphor. New Ideas in Psychology, 2, 133-162. Inkson, K. (2006). Protean and boundaryless careers as metaphors. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 69, 48-63. Kerimov, R. D. (2013). Conceptualization of the social reality in Germany by ethological metaphor. News of Volgograd State Pedagogical University, 6 (81), 97-101. Korobkova, O. S. (2009). Hate speech markers in the ethnicity categories: sociolinguistic aspect. News of the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, 111, 200-205. Kövecses, Z. (2004). Emotion, metaphor and narrative. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 8, 154-156. Kutkovoy, N. A. (2016). Psychosocial features of the surprise emotion: PhD Abstract of a doctoral dissertation. Moscow, 24 p. Labunskaya, V. A. (2013). The image of the enemy in interpersonal communication. Social psychology and society, 3, 52-64. Lakoff, G., & Johnson, M. (2004). Metaphors we live by. Moscow: Editorial URSS Publ., 256 p. Landau, M. J., Vess, M., Arndt, J., Rothschild, Z. K., Sullivan, D. & Atchley, R. A. (2011). Embodied metaphor and the «true» self: Priming entity expansion and protection influences intrinsic self-expressions in self-perceptions and interpersonal behavior. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47(1), 79-87. Lipskaya, T. A. (2013). Metaphor as a means of studying the school fears in young school age children: PhD Abstract. Moscow, 28 p. Min'yar-Belorucheva, A. P. (2014). Functioning features of foreign policy metaphors. Bulletin of Southern Ural State University, 2, 34-41. Sargent, L. D., Bataille, C. D., Vough, H. C. & Lee, M. D. (2011). Metaphors for retirement: Unshackled from schedules. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 42(3), 225-230. Shkurko, T. A. (2013). Relationship to “friendly/alien”, “close/far” residents of different type cities. Social psychology and society, 4, 81-94. Sknarev, D. S. (2015). Metaphor as a means of creating image in the advertising discourse.Fundamental research, 7, 1550-1555. Smirnov, D. O. (2014). Mythological metaphor in the space of psychotherapy. The Future of Clinical Psychology-2014, collected works. Perm: Perm State National Research University Publ., 109-116. Tulinova, D. N. (2005). Representations of Enemy and Friend in connection with one's attitude to life in various periods (Doctoral dissertation). Rostov-on-Don, 288 p. Turner, M. & Fauconnier, G. (2000). Metaphor, Metonymy, and Binding. Metaphor and metonymy at the crossroads: a cognitive perspective, 2, 133-145. Vachkov, I. V. (2015). Metaphor potential in fairytale therapy work with adults. Clinical and special psychology, 1(13), 75-88. Yakunin, A. P. (2013). The study of metaphors as objectification forms of semantic sphere in the views of teenagers. News of the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, 161, 256-267. Yarskaya, V. N. (2012). My language - my enemy: racist discourse in the Russian society. Sociological research, 6, 46-53. Znakov, V. V. (2012). The image of the enemy as a psychological foundation for understanding of Muslim terrorists by the Russians. Questions of psychology, 2, 23-35. |
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Factors of Appeal of Tatarstan's Prospects as a Region Suitable for Youth Technical Creativity and its DevelopmentEvgeniya A. Knyazkina, Elena V. Muravyeva, Raisa G. Biktemirova, Dmitry D. Zabirov, Oksana A. Gorbunova & Ella I. Biktemirova
pp. 7251-7261 | Article Number: ijese.2016.543
Abstract This article is devoted to the study of the attractiveness of the Republic of Tatarstan as a site for developing youth potential in a field of innovations. Modern approaches to the spread of scientific knowledge in the field of science and technology gave birth to synergies between the different structures in the development of scientific and technical creativity and successful implementation of the potential of children and youth in the Republic of Tatarstan. It creates the conditions to stimulate the interest of young people to high-tech solutions in the field of innovation of science and technology. The article presents the results of a survey conducted among young people engaged in technical creativity in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, practical work aimed at identifying the attractive factors of the Republic of Tatarstan youth, results of a poll helping to determine the level of attractiveness of the region and the main factors of further youth employment at the industrial sites of the Republic of Tatarstan. Keywords: Scientific and technical creativity, engineer, successful potential, engineering and technical areas, engineering education, innovative development, engineering cluster References Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan: Republican August meeting of educators and science "Modern Education: the new strategic guidelines - New Solutions" 2015. [Electronic resource]. - Access: http://mon.tatarstan.ru/rus/avgust_2015.htm (reference date: 18/08/15). The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan: A joint program of the final board of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan. [Electronic resource]. - Access: http://mert.tatarstan.ru/rus/index.htm/news/556999.htm (reference date: 02/06/16). Sumin, EV, Chalkin TA The role of scientific and technical creativity of youth in building the innovation infrastructure // Bulletin of the Siberian State Aerospace University. Academician MF Reshetnev - 2010. -№ 6. -S.194-198. |
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The Development of Professional Foreign Language Competence for ESP Students: Case of Kazakh National Agrarian University StudentsSalima Kunanbayeva & Zhanar Zhyltyrova
pp. 7262-7270 | Article Number: ijese.2016.544
Abstract The relevance of this paper is determined by the needs of modern society for qualified specialists who will fulfill professional tasks in a foreign language society at various intercultural levels. The purpose of the research is studying the development of professional foreign language competence for ESP Students. The methodology of the research is based on doing literature review of the relevance topic and make case study of Kazakh National Agrarian University. The results shows that since agriculture is one of the main vital sectors of Kazakhstan’s national economy there is a need to develop professional foreign language competence of Agrarian University students which could be implemented by stages, approaches and by considering the content of foreign language education. Therefore, according to the intensive processes of the higher education reformation, the development of the students’ professional competence occupies a leading position. Nowadays it is necessary to train future specialists to act professionally due to the demands of ever changing social and cultural environment. Keywords: Foreign languages, ESP Students, Kazakhstan, Professional education References Alijevs, R. (2005). Izglītības filosofija. 21.gadsimts. Rīga: Retorika, 267 p. Anderson, L. W. (2004). Increasing Teacher’s Effectiveness. Paris: UNESCO, International Institute for Educational Planning, 247 p. Birman, B. F., Desimone, L., Porter, A. C. & Garet, M. S. (2000). Designing professional development that work. Educational Leadership, 57(8), 28-33. Blūma, D. (2001). Shift of Paradigms in the Qualifications of University Lecturers. Zinātniskie raksti, 635, 29-33. Brouwer, N. (2005). Can teacher education make a difference? American Educational Research Journal, 42, 153-224. Chaklıkova, A.T. (2014). Innovations of foreign language education in a context of cognitive-linguocultural methodology. Paper presented at the International Scientific-Practical Conference Foreign Language Education: Experience, Challenges and Innovation. Kazakhstan: Almaty, 257 p. Fulans, M. (1999). Pārmaiņu spēki: izglītības reformu virzieni. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 166 p. Gurıanova, A. V. (2010). Competence approach in education. Direct access: http://festival.1september.ru/articles/574903/ Hutmacher, W. (1996). Key competencies for Europe. Report of the Simposium. Direct access: http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED407717.pdf Khaleeva, I. I. (1990). The theoretic basics of learning to understand foreign speech. Moscow: AST, 320p. Kulibaeva, D. N. (2002). Innovative model of formation the international standard levels of language skills in the international types of schools. Almaty: Edelveiss Printing House, 98 p. Kunanbayeva, S. S. (2010). Theory and practice of modern foreign language education. Almaty: Edelveiss Printing House, 94-261. Kunanbayeva, S.S. (2013). The modernization of foreign language education: The linguocultural-communicative approach. United Kingdom: Hertfordshire Press, pp.105-231. McLaughlin, M. (1992). Employability Skills Profile: What are Employers Looking for? The Conference Board of Canada. Ottawa. ERIC database, ED399484. Passov, Y. I. (2007). The concept of communicative foreign language education. St. Petersburg: Zlatoust, 200 p. Rifkins, D. (2004). Jaunās ekonomikas laikmets. The Age of Access]. Rīga: Jumava, 279 p. Smolkin, A. M. (1991). Methods of active education. Moscow: High school, 145 p. Sternberg, R. J. (2007). Intelligence, Competence and Expertise. Handbook of competence and Motivation. New York London: The Guilford Press, 15-30. Stuart, D. (1989). The concept of occupational competence in ‘competence and assessment’. Employment Department’s Occupational Standards Branch, 8, 55-64. Tatur, U. G. (2004). Competence approach in describing the results and projecting the standards of higher professional education. Moscow: Naika, 610 p. Verbitskii, A. A. (1991). Active education at high school. Moscow: High School, 207 p. Verbitskii, A. A. (2003). Context learning in new educational paradigm. Paper presented at International Scientific-Practical Conference. The Formation of Modern Educational Environment in Conditions of Developing New Professional Education Standards. Voronezh, Russia, 13-14 March. Zımnyaya, I. A. (1985). Individual-activity approach to the education of Russian language as a foreign. Direct access: http://psychlib.ru/mgppu/ZOsv-01/ZLD-244.HTM Zımnyaya, I. A. (2003). Key competencies – a new paradigm of education result. Higher Education Today, 5, 35-41. |
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Influence Altitude and Length of Stay in the Mountains of Physical Performance TouristsTatiyana Imangulova, Aleksandr Makogonov, Bauyrzhan Zakiryanov & Tatiyana Makogonova
pp. 7271-7277 | Article Number: ijese.2016.545
Abstract Development of adaptation, maintenance of normal human life in extreme environmental conditions is an urgent and a priority for all of humanity, for the recognition of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development "well-being" half of humanity in the XXI century will be directly related to the quality of development and the development of mountain areas. The purpose of the research is ti study the level of physical performance is the most informative indicators of human adaptation to mountain conditions. The methodology of the paper presents experimental data on the effect of altitude and the duration of stay of the person on the active physical performance. It was established that during the first five days of active healthy people stay at an altitude of 2000m clearly develop beneficial effects of adaptation to muscular work. The high altitude (2300- 3340) significantly increases the reaction of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and physical performance is reduced by 20-25%. Results of the research based on research developed gradation of physical human performance in conditions of plain and mountainous terrain. Keywords: Physical performance, Kazakhstan, altitude References Ajdaraliev, A. A. & Maksimov, A. L. (1980). Opredelenie urovnja fizicheskoj rabotosposobnosti cheloveka v uslovijah vysokogor'ja. Moscow: Frunze, 422 p. Aulik, I. V. (1990). Opredelenie fizicheskoj rabotosposobnosti v klinike i sporte. Moscow: Medicina, 192 p. Bernshtejn, A. D. (1967). Chelovek v uslovijah srednegor'ja. Alma-Ata: Mir, 218 p. Borilkevich, V. E. (1993). K voprosu o ponjatii fenomena «fizicheskaja rabotosposobnost'». Teorija i praktika fizicheskoj kul'tury, 6, 18-19. Gazenko, O. G. (1987). Slovar' fiziologicheskih terminov. Moscow: Nauka, 32 p. Gazenko, O. G. Gippenrejter, E. B. & Malkin, V. B. (1986). Jekspertnaja ocenka vysotnoj ustojchivosti kandidatov v sostav sovetskoj jekspedicii «Jeverest-82». Kiev: Naukova dumka, 174 p. Ghoshal, B. K (1985). Effect of high altitude on haemoglobin concentration blood sugar level in man. Indian J.Physiol and Allied Sci, 4, 134-139. Gippenrejter, E. B. (1991). Sed'moj mezhdunarodnyj simpozium po gipoksii. Teorija i praktika fizicheskoj kul'tury, 10, 59-62. Makogonov, A. N. (2014). Nauchnye i metodicheskie osnovy turizma v gornoj i pustynnoj mestnosti. Almaty: Mir, 282 p. Navar, H. S. (1965). Human working capacity and load carriage varying altitude. New Delhi, 325 p. Rebuffce, P. L (1991). Exercise en altitude. Concourse med, 6, 438-441. Saltin, B. (1966). Aerobic and anaerobic work capacity at 2300 meters. Schweiz: Z.Sportmezin, 315 p. Solodkov, A. S. (1990). O mehanizmah razvitija utomlenija i ego dinamika pri naprjazhennoj myshechnoj dejatel'nosti. Kiev: Naukova dumka, 263 p. |
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Exploration of Mathematics Problem Solving Process Based on The Thinking Level of Students in Junior High SchoolAbdul Rahman & Ansari Saleh Ahmar
pp. 7278-7285 | Article Number: ijese.2016.546
Abstract Several studies suggest that most students are not in the same level of development (Slavin, 2008). From concrete operation level to formal operation level, students experience lateness in the transition phase. Consequently, students feel difficulty in solving mathematics problems. Method research is a qualitatively descriptive-explorative research aimed at comprehending the process of mathematics problem solving based on students’ thinking level. Formal subject described in a structured manner so that there is no information that eliminated in the calculation process. While in transition subject, information which is constructed is only based on empirical knowledge. And on a concrete subject, thinking process can directly determine the solution of a problem. Students in formal thinking level are able to plan a problem solving by relating an information that is obtained to an information which is logically asked. Transitional thinking level are able to visualise the problems logically when the context of the problems are closely related to the experience they have. And concrete thinking level is only able t plan a problem solving when the problem can be immediately and easily analysed Keywords: problem solving, logical level, formal subject, transition subject, concrete subject References Alimuddin. (2012). Proses Berpikir Kreatif Mahasiswa Calon Guru Kreatif Dalam Pemecahan Masalah Matematika Berdasarkan Gender [Creative Thinking Process of Students Candidate Creative Teacher in Mathematical Problem Solving by Gender] (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Surabaya: PPs Unesa Surabaya. Anderson, L. W., & Krathwohl, D. R. (2001). Kerangka Landasan Untuk Pembelajaran, Pengajaran, dan Assesmen [Framework for Learning, Teaching and Assessment]. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Ausubel, D. P., & Ausubel, P. (1966). Cognitive Development in Adolescence. 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Determination of Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Level of Awareness of Environmental Ethics in Relation to Different VariablesÖzgül Keleş & Nilgün Özer
pp. 7286-7296 | Article Number: ijese.2016.547
Abstract The purpose of the current study is to determine the pre-service science teachers’ awareness levels of environmental ethics in relation to different variables. The sampling of the present study is comprised of 1023 third and fourth year pre-service science teachers selected from 12 different universities in the spring term of 2013-2014 academic year. As a data collection instrument in the study, “Environmental Ethics Awareness Scale” developed by the researcher was employed. In the analysis of the collected data, t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) from SPSS program package were used. The results of the t-test analysis revealed a significant difference between the male students and the female students (t(1021)=4.292; p<.001). No significant difference was found between the third year students and the fourth year students as a result of the t-test analysis (t(1021)=1.090; p>.05). 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