Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 6482-6492 | Article Number: ijese.2016.485
Published Online: September 09, 2016
The recent changes in the Russian educational regulations have predetermined the search for new conceptual approaches and ways to improve the content and arrangement of pedagogical staff training. More attention is paid to the implementation of the professional standard of a teacher intended to set the etalon of a graduate of a pedagogical higher school, to identify the criteria for the assessment of pedagogues’ qualification, to create the basis for their job descriptions and payment system. It is required to check the compliance of the professional standard of a teacher with the current national governmental standards for higher education. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in 2014 began the project for the modernization of pedagogical education with the objective to ensure efficient and good quality educational process aimed to train contemporary pedagogues. In compliance with that project, the modernization of pedagogical education is focused on the development of new models of educational programs for training pedagogues compliant with the global trends of pedagogical professionalization. The objective of this paper is to share the experience of testing a practice-oriented model for training pedagogues within pedagogical master’s program. The main method is pedagogical experiment enabling to find the basics of the content and process of pedagogues training, to identify the set of means, methods and conditions of that process arrangement ensuring efficient establishment of professional competences and professional acts of a pedagogue in total constituting the basis of his/her qualification. Independent assessment results on the establishment of professional competences and acts of future pedagogues were submitted. The materials of this paper are of interest for scholars, masters, pedagogues
Keywords: master’s program in pedagogics, practice-oriented training, educational unit, network cooperation, professional competences, professional acts.
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