Special Issue - (2016)
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Civil Liability of the Welfare StateYury A. Svirin, Vladimir A. Gureev, Leonid V. Goloskokov, Vladislav P. Sorokin, Irina G. Androsova & Oleg O. Ivannikov
pp. 3-13 | Article Number: ijese.2016.913
Abstract Timeliness of the topic: The relevance of the study is caused by the need to develop the concept and content of civil liability of the State, the study of heterogeneity of such legal categories as civil liability and civil liability of the state, civil liability and redress of the damage. In a globalizing world, the states lose their features of welfare states, becoming in fact the defenders of officials’ and large corporations’ interests. A fusion of big business with government officials takes place. Due to the fact that big businesses seek to govern the state, while pursuing their own narrow goals aimed at profit, man-made and climatic catastrophes occur more frequently. Goal of research: To analyze and determine the conditions of the onset of the civil liability of the state, to form the semantic rationale of the scope of redress, to explore the real possibilities of rights defense of the weakest part in the legal relationship in which one party is the State, to formulate the terms of civil liability of the state. Results of the research: On the basis of theoretical structure analysis of civil liability of the state this paper elaborates a particular understanding of the liability of the state, sets out the basic criteria for the onset of this liability, its scope and the grounds, defines epistemological essence of the state fault. Practical significance: The article materials may be used to develop and improve the tools to protect the weakest party in the legal relationship with the state. Keywords: Legal liability, civil liability of the state, mens rea, justice, principle of inevitability and scope of liability References Agarkov, M.M. (1948). 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Shilovskaya, A.L., Sitdikova, L.B., Starodumova, S.Yu., Volkova, M.A. & Khaludorova, S.V. (2016). The consumers’ rights’ protection in sphere of consultancy services provision: the problems of theory and judicial practice in Russian Federation. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 21, 11-18. Sitdikova, L.B., Shilovskaya, A.L., Volkova, M.A., Lenkovskaya, R.R. & Stepanova, N.A. (2016). Legal regulation of the professional liability insurance of consultant in Russia and abroad. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, 2(16), 363 – 369. Svirin, Y.A, Petrov, F.F., Volkova, O.N. & Matveeva, I.V. (2016). Corruption – as an institutional and structural element of statehood. International Journal of Environmental end science education, 18, 11791-11806. Svirin, Y.A. (2009). Liability of the bailiff for rights of citizens violation in the enforcement proceedings. Labour and social relations, 5, 46-49. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation. (2012). Federal Law No. 302-FZ dtd. December 30, 2012. Moscow: SPS ConsultantPlus Hobbes, T. (1989). Teaching the Leviathan. Moscow: Education. Volkova, M.A., Sitdikova, L.B., Starodumova, S.J., & Shilovskaya, A.L. (2015). Legal problems of the information services implementation in Russian civil law. Review of European Studies, 7(6), 243-271. Zinchenko, I.A. (2007). Analysis of judicial practice legislation. Kiev: Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine. |
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The Main Issue of Criminology: View through the Prism of HistoryAlexei A. Ivanov, Rosalina V. Shagieva & Ludmila Y. Grudtsina
pp. 15-24 | Article Number: ijese.2016.914
Abstract The urgency of the problem under investigation is reasoned by insufficient study of problems of offenses prevention, the causes of crime in different historical epochs. In this regard, this paper aims to identify the features of the genesis and evolution of the largest areas of criminological concepts: from moral and religious, social and biological beliefs to the level of political positions. The leading methods to the study of this problem is the historical method, which allowed to reveal the historical stages of development of criminological sciences, as well as the modeling method which allowed to consider the problem solving of crime prevention as a purposeful and organized process for improving the professional and general cultural and development of special competencies of criminologists experts needed them to deal effectively with the major causes of crime in modern society. The main results of the paper are: the rationale for considering criminology itself as extremely complex science, engaged in a comprehensive study of the nature of crime, as well as all other phenomena and processes that can facilitate or hinder their fulfillment; justification of criminology as an independent subsystem of the criminal law policy of the modern state. On the basis of research the authors conclude that there is no possibility of domination in the modern society of any one of the main directions in the study of the causes of crime and the need to consider the most criminology as extremely complex science dealing with comprehensive study of the nature of the crime and as well as all other phenomena and processes that can facilitate or hinder their fulfillment. Considering criminology as an important component of the fight against crime, the government has always faced with the problem of self-identification of criminology as a science or as a form of human activity, either as a State policy. This is evidenced a historical analysis of the main stages in the development of criminological views conducted by the authors. Paper Submissions may be useful for further study of issues of crime prevention, the causes of crime, as well as for scientific study of problem of self-identification of criminology as a science or as a form of human activity, either as a State policy. Keywords: Offense, crime, criminology, criminological policy References Antonyan, Y.M. (2015). What is Criminology. Scientific Portal Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2, 33-38. Babayev, M.M. (2008). About criminological component of criminal policy. Criminological magazine, 2, 5-6. Babayev, V.K. (1993). General Theory of Law. Nizhny Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod University. 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The Experience of Teaching of Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics in Russian language as a Foreign LanguageMarianna V. Voronina & Zlata O. Tretyakova
pp. 25-34 | Article Number: ijese.2016.915
Abstract The article considers the peculiarities of training foreign students subject "Descriptive geometry and Engineering Graphics" in a modern engineering university of Russia. The relevance of the problem conditioned by the fact that virtually there are no special studies of teaching Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics in Russian language as a foreign language. The aim of the article is a definition of the tasks of teaching descriptive geometry and engineering graphics for foreign students in Russian language as a foreign language, create methods and didactic principles used for training. The leading study’ method of this problem is the simulation method as a deliberate and organized improving process for general cultural level and formation of special competence of teachers of engineering universities of Russia, and for effectively carry out their professional activities. The study aimed to adapt of lecturers to the new conditions professional work in the field of education, the integration of professional psychological and pedagogical training of lecturers. It focused on the development of scientific and methodological support of the decision of psycho-pedagogical and organizational-methodological problems of teaching Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics in Russian as a foreign language. Keywords: Russian language as a foreign language (RLFL), Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics (DGEG), foreign students, competence approach, Socio-Economic Status Questionnaire (SESQ), Geometric Achievement Test (GAT) References Abramova, M.V. (2015). Interactive training text in teaching Russian as foreign language to non-philology students. Proceedings of the V International scientific and methodological conference "Actual problems of the humanitarian knowledge in higher technical educational institution". Saint-Petersburg: Saint-Petersburg Mining University, 230-233 Airasian, P.W (1980). Issues and misuses of standardized. Measurement in Education, 10, 1-8. Ajogbeje, O.J., Ojo, A.A. & Ojo, O.A. (2013). Effect of Formative Testing with Feedback on Students’ Achievement in Junior Secondary School Mathematics in Ondo State Nigeria. International Education Research. Published by Science and Education Centre of North America, 1(2), 8-20. Baranova, I.I. (2015). Communicative needs of foreign students at a Technical University. Proceedings of the V International scientific and methodological conference "Actual problems of the humanitarian knowledge in higher technical educational institution". Saint-Petersburg: Saint-Petersburg Mining University, 241-244 Baydenko, V.I. (2010). Major trends in higher education: Bologna and global dimension. Moscow: Research Center of the quality of training problems. Bykova, O.G., Abduladim, B.A. & Kebsbi, A.A. (2015). 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Proceedings of the V International scientific and methodological conference "Actual problems of the humanitarian knowledge in higher technical educational institution". Saint-Petersburg: Saint-Petersburg Mining University, 283-286 Kolesova, E.A. (2015). Technical higher educational institution students teaching to note-taking, summarizing and synipsizing of study-scientific texts at the advance stage. Proceedings of the V International scientific and methodological conference "Actual problems of the humanitarian knowledge in higher technical educational institution". Saint-Petersburg: Saint-Petersburg Mining University, 286-289. Kondrashova, N.V. (2015). Teaching Russian as a foreign language in the information-educational environment of the university. Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of the humanities in the Technical University". Saint-Petersburg: Saint-Petersburg Mining University, 289-292 Levina, E.Y., Voronina, M.V., Rybolovleva, A.A., Sharafutdinova, M.M., Zhandarova, L.F. & Avilova, V.V. (2016). The Concepts of Informational Approach to the Management of Higher Education’s Development. International journal of environmental & science education, 11(4), 9913-9922. Moroz, O.N., Voronina, M.V. & Tretyakova, Z.O. (2016). The use of modern technologies in the teaching discipline "Engineering graphics" for foreign students. Proceedings of the XXII International scientific-methodical conference «Modern education: content, technology, quality». Saint-Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University V.I. Ulyanov named, 323-324. Nikitina, T.G. & Rogaleva, E.I. (2015). Sociocultural adaptation of foreign students into educational environment of region: new forms and means of linguistic and methodological support. Proceedings of the V International scientific and methodological conference "Actual problems of the humanitarian knowledge in higher technical educational institution". Saint-Petersburg, Russia: Saint-Petersburg Mining University, 303-306 Pan, Yi-Ching (2009). A Review of Washback and its Pedagogical Implications. VNU Journal of Science. Foreign Languages, 25, 257 - 263. Talis, O.I. (2015). Foreign trainee’s word-formative competence developing on the base of terminological lexicon material. Proceedings of the V International scientific and methodological conference "Actual problems of the humanitarian knowledge in higher technical educational institution". Saint-Petersburg: Saint-Petersburg Mining University, 315-318 Vernon, P.E. (1956). The Measurement of abilities. London: University of London Press. Voronina, M. V. & Tretyakova, Z.O. (2015). Training foreign students learning the subject "Descriptive geometry, engineering and computer graphics" in the Technical Russian University in Russian language as foreign language: problems and solutions. Proceedings of the V International scientific and methodological conference "Actual problems of the humanitarian knowledge in higher technical educational institution". Saint-Petersburg: Saint-Petersburg Mining University, 273-276 Zheltukhina, M.R., Vikulova, L.G., Serebrennikova, E.F., Gerasimova, S.A. & Borbotko, L.A. (2016). Identity as an Element of Human and Language Universes: Axiological Aspect. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(17), 10413-10422. Zimnjaja, I.A. (2003). Key Competences – a New Paradigm of the Education. Higher Education Today, 5, 34-42. |
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The Effective Use of Human Capital through the Reduction of Working TimeDaniil V. Volkov, Anna G. Akhtian, Anna I. Semennikova, Muhamed R. Dgibabov & Olga A. Kusina
pp. 35-46 | Article Number: ijese.2016.916
Abstract The relevance of the topic is determined by the need to increase the use of human capital and reduce cost in the manufacturing process. Therefore this article is aimed at the disclosure of the issue of documentary and factual rest of staff in the workplace and the increase in targets with a decrease in the working hours. The leading method to the study of this problem is the survey that allowed revealing the main factors that positively and negatively affect the ability to upgrade the labor process at the enterprises of the different nature and industrial activity. The study results reflect what model of effective reduction of working hours suits to a greater extent to each production process, as well as public sectors which have already implemented a similar model. Keywords: Working day, labor productivity, human capital, human resources management model References Andreev, I. (2015). Unions: reduction of working hours can improve performance. Direct access: http://ria.ru/society/20150923/1276997014.html Bachin, D.A. (2015). Model of competences in personnel management. Modern scientific research and innovation. 3(47), 82-85. Brown, A. & Zimmermann, K.F. (2017). Three decades of publishing research in population economics . Journal of Population Economics, 30(1), 11-27 Gdychinskaya, O.O. (2011). Methodical bases of formation of competence model in personnel management. University Vestnik (State University of Management), 4, 31-33. Kataeva, V.I., Kaurova, O.V., Koludarova, S.V., Fomicheva, T.V. & Kryuko, E.M. (2015). Barriers of inequality in social institutions of Russia Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, 12(3), 2813-2820 Kholkina, E.V. (2015). Russia may reduce the working day. "This will increase the productivity of labor" News Service "URA.Ru". Direct access: http://ura.ru/news/1052223886 Kirillov, A.V., Vinichenko, M.V., Melnichuk, A.V., Melnichuk, Y.A. & Vinogradova, M.V. (2016). Improvement in the learning environment through gamification of the educational process. Mathematics Education, 11(7), 183, 2071-2085 Kraplin, Y.S. (2014). Model of competences and its role in managing a large organization staff. Scientific Review. Episode 1: The Economy and the right, 3, 101-104. Labor Code of the Russian Federation. (2001). Article 152: Payment of overtime. Direct access: http://www.ilo.org/dyn/natlex/docs/WEBTEXT/60535/65252/E01RUS01.htm Levitt, P., Viterna, J., Mueller, A. & Lloyd, C. (2016). Transnational social protection: setting the agenda. Oxford Development Studies. Maloletko, A.N. & Maloletko, N.E. (2016). Document Individual economic security: Reverse mortgaging Actual Problems of Economics, 184(10), 242-250 Ovchinnikov, A.S. & Marusinina E.Y. (2015). The impact of foreign personnel management models for the domestic model of personnel management, development prospects. Economy and Society, 3(15), 993-999. Rudenko, L., Zaitseva, N., Larionova, A., Chudnovskiy, A. & Vinogradova, M. (2015). Socio – Economic Role of Service – Sector Small Business in Sustainable Development of the Russian Economy. European Research Studies, 8, 219 – 234 Shadskaja, I., Kryukova, E., Kaurova, O., Maloletko, A., Druchevskaya, L. (2016). Current state and prospects of development of sheep and goat breeding in the Russian Federation. Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, 12(1), 507-519 Stalin, I.V. (1952). Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR. Moscow: State Publishing. Trotsky, L.D. (1936). The Revolution Betrayed: What Is the USSR and where it is going to? Moscow: Legion Publishing. Vinogradova, M.V., Babakaev, S.V., Larionova, A.A., Laiko, M.Yu. & Kobyak, M.V. (2016a). Modernization of management: Social and socio-cultural aspects. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(15), 7847-7856. Vinogradova, M.V., Kulyamina, O.S., Koroleva, V.A. & Larionova, A.A. (2015). The impact of migration processes on the national security system of Russia Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(3), 161-168. Vinogradova, M.V., Kulyamin, O.S., Larionova, A.A., Maloletko, A.N. & Kaurova, O.V. (2016b). Digital technology in the field of educational services. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(2), 281-287 Zaitseva, N.A., Larionova, A.A., Yumatov, K.V., Korsunova, N.M. & Dmitrieva, N.V. (2016). Assessment of the Impact of Globalization on the Introduction of Innovative Technology Companies in the Hospitality Industry. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(14), 7176-7185. |
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Scientific and Technical Potential of Russia as a Factor of Economic Growth in the Knowledge EconomyAlexey I. Shinkevich, Svetlana S. Kudryavtseva, Natalia M. Chikisheva, Olga N. Korotun, Larisa E. Fatikhova, Rezeda R. Gainullina & Sofia Sh. Ostanina
pp. 47-56 | Article Number: ijese.2016.917
Abstract The relevance of the chosen topic is conditioned by the necessity of recognizing the innovative activities as a real strategic resource of the Russian economy, the major engine of socio-economic development in the conditions of growing competition of national and regional innovation systems. The purpose of this paper is to present the forecast of innovative development of Russia. The paper proves the advantage of the knowledge economy in the transition to a new quality of economic growth in Russian economy. The prospects for the development of the knowledge economy in Russia with the use of scientific and technical potential are considered. On the basis of economic-mathematical modeling a forecast of innovative development of Russia is presented. 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Economic Models for Institutional Gaps’ Elimination in the Framework of InnovationFarida F. Galimulina, Aleksey I. Shinkevich, Gennady G. Ivanov, Regina R. Kharisova, Irina V. Lushchik, Izida I. Ishmuradova & Dmitry V. Shiryaev
pp. 57-67 | Article Number: ijese.2016.918
Abstract The relevance of the studied problem in the paper stems from the fact that the study of the issue of co-operative links between science and industry is quite acute at the moment, because it is a weighty problem in overcoming the backlog of Russian level of technological development from the developed countries. The purpose of the paper is to systematize the prerequisites of the gap between the scientific and industrial sectors in the manufacturing sector of Russian economy and give recommendations of economic models, the implementation of which will minimize the institutional gaps. The leading method to the study of this problem is the method of systematization of factors indicating the existence of institutional gaps in the innovation sector of the Russian economy. The paper presents the Russian practice of interaction between science and industry, reveals the national peculiarities of integrative links between science and industry, based on the problems identified as the minimization of institutional gap offers a "triple helix" a model and formed on its basis the model of technological platform. Paper Submissions are of practical value for the government authorities in the development and implementation of federal and regional programs of innovative development, of innovative infrastructure’s development, stimulating of innovation, and the use of tools of technological platforms. Keywords: Integrative cooperation, innovative development, triple helix, the institutional gap, "steering gear", institutional "traps". References Etzkowitz, H. (2008). The Triple Helix: University-Industry-Government Innovation in Action. New York: Routledge. Freudenthal, G. & McLaughlin, P.. (2009). Classical Marxist Historiography of Science: the Hessen-Grossmann-Thesis. The Social and Economic Roots of the Scientific Revolution: Texts by Boris Hessen and Henryk Grossmann. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 278, 1–40. Galimulina, F.F., Shinkevich, A.I., Komissarova, I.P., Mayorova, A.N., Astafyeva, I.A., Klimova, N.V., Nabiullina, K.R. & Zhukovskaya, I.V. (2016). Technology Platforms as an Efficient Tool to Modernize Russia’s Economy. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(1), 163-168. Galimulina, F.F. (2015). Managing the development of technology platforms in innovative sectors of the Russian economy: PhD Thesis, Kazan. Hochberg, L. (2003). National Innovation System of Russia in the conditions of the "new economy." Problems of Economics, 3, 12-21. Indicators of innovation. (2016). Statistical publication. Moscow: Moscow National Research University "Higher School of Economics", 320 p. Katukov, D.D., Malygin, V.E., & Smorodinskaya, N.V. (2012). The institutional environment of the globalized economy: the development of network communications. Moscow: Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2012. Khokhlov, N.G. (1990). The integrated system of training in higher education abroad. Moscow: Mysl. Kudryavtseva, S.S. (2016). Modelling of innovative development in the theory of open innovation. Economic Bulletin of the Republic of Tatarstan, 1, 49-54. Lubnina, A.A. (2015). Improving the management of innovative development of the petrochemical complex of the Republic of Tatarstan. Economic Bulletin of the Republic of Tatarstan, 4, 40-44. MacGregor, S.P. & Carleton, T. (2012). Sustaining Innovation. Collaboration Models for a Complex World. New York: Springer. On measures of state support of development of cooperation of Russian higher education institutions and organizations implementing integrated projects for high-tech production. (2010). The site of the Russian newspaper. Direct access: http://www.rg.ru/2010/04/16/pravila-dok.html. On the state of the business climate in Russia in 2015. (2015). Direct access: http://media.rspp.ru/document/1/4/9/49a7e7582a6770fb770f8ea535b63a6c.pdf. Rudnik, P.B. (2011). Technology Platforms in the practice of the Russian innovation policy. Forsyth, 1, 16-25. Russia by the Numbers. (2016). Krat.stat.sb. Moscow: Rosstat. Saritas, O. (2013). Systemic Foresight Methodology, in: Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for the Future. Heidelberg: Springer. Science. Innovation. Information Society. (2015). Science. Innovation. Information Society. Moscow: National Research University "Higher School of Economics". Shinkevich, M.V. (2011). The institutionalization of sustainable innovation development of mezzo-sistems: models and management technologies. Kazan: Kazan. nat. resear. tehnol. University. Sukhovey, A. (2009). Formation and actualization of the prerequisites of innovation development of the region. Direct access: http://rusk.ru/st.php?idar=114529, free. The Global Competitiveness Report 2015–2016. Direct access: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/gcr/2015-2016/Global_Competitiveness_Report_2015-2016.pdf. |
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Innovative Forms of Industrial Enterprises’ CooperationAlsu A. Lubnina, Alexey I. Shinkevich, Vilora V. Avilova, Guzyal M. Kharisova, Ekaterina L. Vodolazhskaya, Aleksandr A. Novikov & Elena V. Novikova
pp. 69-77 | Article Number: ijese.2016.919
Abstract The paper is devoted to the actual topic - selection of forms for cooperation of industrial enterprises, which are enhancing the economic potential of the enterprise in the market, enable to avoid negative manifestations of the market power of huge companies. Such a phenomenon may be "co-competition" - the actual provision of innovative development at the sector and regional levels. The purpose of the paper is to explore innovative forms of industrial cooperation aimed at improving the competitiveness of products using innovative energy- and resources saving technologies, minimizing waste generation. The leading method to the study of this problem is the simulation method enabling to consider this issue as a deliberate and organized process for improving the management of industrial enterprises. The article scientifically justifies a set of recommendations on the appropriateness of the choice of innovative forms for cooperation of industrial enterprises. The study results in a better extent and more targeted enable to regulate innovative activity of industrial enterprises through the use of innovative forms of cooperation and can be used in the framework of sector programs, are of interest to the state statistics bodies, as well as ministries and departments responsible for strategic analysis and planning. Keywords: Industrial enterprises, innovative activity, cooperation, resources saving technologies References Brandenburger, A. & Nalebuff, B. (1996). Coo petition. New York: Doubleday. Galimulina, F.F., Shinkevich, A.I., Komissarova, I.P., Mayorova, A.N., Astafyeva, I.A., Klimova, N.V., Nabiullina, K.R. & Zhukovskaya, I.V. (2016). Technology Platforms as an Efficient Tool to Modernize Russia’s Economy. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(1), 163-168. Kat’kalo, B.C. (2003). The initial concepts of strategic management and their modern evaluation. Russian Management Journal, 1, 7-30. Krugman, P. & Venabies, A. (1995). Globalization and the inequality of nations. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110(4), 857–880. Kudryavtseva, S.S., Shinkevich, A.I., Sirazetdinov, R.M., Volov, V.T., Yusupova, G.F., Torkunova, J.V., Khairullina, E.R., Klimova, N.V. & Litvin, I.Y. (2015). A Design of Innovative Development in the Industrial Types of Economic Activity. International Review of Management and Marketing, 4, 265-270. Kudryavtseva, S.S., Shinkevich, A.I., Ostanina, S.Sh., Vodolazhskaya, E.L., Chikisheva, N.M., Lushchik, I.V., Shirokova, L.V. & Khairullina, E.R. (2016). The Methods of National Innovation Systems Assessing International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(2), 225-230 Lazonick, W. (2006). The theory of innovative enterprise. Economic Bulletin of Rostov State University, 4(3), 7-32. Leydesdorff, L. (2005). The triple helix model and the study of knowledge-based innovation systems. International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, 42, 1–16. Malysheva, T.V., Shinkevich, A.I., Kharisova, G.M., Nuretdinova, Y.V., Khasyanov, O.R., Nuretdinov, I.G., Zaitseva, N.A. & Kudryavtseva, S.S. (2016). The Sustainable Development of Competitive Enterprises through the Implementation of Innovative Development Strategy. International Journal of Economics and Financial, 6(1), 185-191 Mensch, G. (1979). Stalemate in Technology: Innovations Overcome the Depression. Cambridge, Mass: Ballinger Pub. Moore, J. (1996) The Death of Competition. New York: Harper Business. Nelson, R. & Winter, S. (1982). An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership Historical Research Reference in Entrepreneurship. Direct access: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1496211 Perez, C. (1985). Toward a Comprehensive Theory of Long Waves. Long Waves, Depression and Innovation: Implication for National and Regional Economic Policy. Laxenburg: IIASA. Reznikov, A.A., Kudryavtseva, S.S., Shinkevich, A.I., Sirazetdinov, R M., Volov, V.T., Torkunova, J.V., Khairullina, E.R. & Litvin, I.Y. (2016). A Design of Innovative Development in the Industrial Types of Economic Activity. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 7(1), 112-125. Shinkevich, A.I., Lubnina, A.A., Chikisheva, N.M., Simonova, L.M., Alenina, E.E., Khrustalev, B.B., Sadykova, R.Sh. & Kharisova, R.R. (2016) Innovative Forms of Production Organization in the Context of High-Tech Meso-Economic Systems Sustainable Development International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(2), 219-224 Shinkevich, A.I. & Lubnina, A.A. (2011). Innovative development of chemistry and technology of polymeric and composite materials based on co-competetiveness model. Kazan: Publishing House of Kazan. St. tehnol. Un-ty. Shinkevich, M.V., Shinkevich, A.I., Chudnovskiy, A.D., Kaigorodova, G.N., Ishmuradova, I.I., Bashkirtseva, S.A. & Marfina, L.V. (2015a) Formalization of Sustainable Innovative Development Process In the Model of Innovations Diffusion. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6, 34-45. Shinkevich, M.V., Shinkevich, A.I., Ponkratova, L.A., Klimova, N.V., Yusupova, G.F., Lushchik, I.V. & Zhuravleva, T.A. (2015b). Models and Technologies to Manage the Institutionalization of Sustainable Innovative Development of Meso-Systems. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(2), 504-512. Shinkevich, A.I. (2005). Improving of the institutional system of innovation development of the regional industrial complex (on the Republic Tatarstan example). Kazan: Publishing House of Kazan University. Silverberg, G. & Verspagen, B. (1995). Evolutionary Theorizing on Economic Growth. Maastricht: MERIIT. Wallerstein, I. (1979). The Capitalist World-Economy. New York: Cambridge. Williamson, O. (1985). The Economic Institutions of Capitalism. London: Free Press. Zaraychenko, I.A., Shinkevich, A.I., Shvetsov, M.Y., Erdyneyeva, K.G., Bordonskaya, L.A., Persidskaya, A.E., Rozhkova, S.A. & Afanasyev, A.A. (2016). Innovation Networks Modeling Within the Concept of Open Innovations. International Journal of Economics and Financial, 6, 192-198 |
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Human Rights Functions of Lawyers and Notaries as Civil Society Institutions in Russian FederationAlexander V. Begichev, Valery V. Grebennikov & Victor N. Domanov
pp. 79-86 | Article Number: ijese.2016.920
Abstract The urgency of the stated in the paper topic is conditioned by the fact that human rights in the Russian Federation is currently receiving increasing development not only in the framework of various public organizations, but also in the most important civilian institutions, acting in the interests of society as a whole, as the lawyers and notaries. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the evolution of the human rights functions of lawyers and notaries, their integration into civil society. The present work is based on historical and comparative research methods. Results: The study finds that, in spite of the historical attraction to absolutism now in the Russian Federation all conditions has been created for the development of all sorts of institutions of civil society; human rights functions of lawyers and notaries play an important role in protecting the rights and freedoms of individual citizens in the face of the state. The results obtained allow us to determine the role of lawyers and notaries in the development of civil society in Russia, to refute the view of the lack of interest of the modern Russian state in the development of civil rights and freedoms, to draw a conclusion about the need develop for Russia its own standards of human rights activities, based on multi-ethnicity and multiculturalism Russian society. The present work is of interest to Russian and foreign scholars, human rights activists, lawyers, students of public relations in the Russian Federation and it promote a deeper understanding of the role of lawyers and notaries in the development of civil society. Keywords: Advocacy, notaries, civil society, the protection of rights References Fundamentals of Russian Federation legislation on notaries. (2016). Fundamentals of Russian Federation legislation on notaries. Moscow: "Consultant Plus" Grudtsyna, L.Y. (2009). State-legal mechanism of formation and support of civil society in Russia (Doctoral dissertation). Moscow: Russian Peoples' Friendship University. Isaev, I.U. (2014). Judicial reform: 1864 goals and contradictions. Scientific statements of Belgorod State University. Philosophy. Sociology. Right, 16 (187), 130-132 Judicial speeches of famous Russian lawyers (2015). Judicial speeches of famous Russian lawyers. Moscow: Publisher Yurayt, 378 p. Kulenko, N.I. (2005). Constitutional and legal foundations of the Russian notary: PhD Thesis. Chelyabinsk: Chelyabinsk State University. Mityureva, D.S. (2015). Jean Bodin and Thomas Hobbes: in search of the perfect monarch. Bulletin of Kemerovo State University, 3(63), 37-40. Prokudina, L.A. (2010). Value concepts of "the activities of the court" and "justice" Right. Journal of Higher School of Economics, 3, 43-44. Rayanov, F.M., Minniakhmetov, R.G. & Ponomarev, D.A. (2004). The rights and legitimate in a democratic society, the right and the State. Moscow: AST. RF Presidential Decree of 01.02.2011 N 120. (2016). "On the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Civil Society Development and Human Rights" (with the "Regulations on the Board of the President of the Russian Federation for Civil Society Development and Human Rights"). Moscow: "Consultant Plus" Russian Federation Ministry of Justice Letter (2014). № 16-71832 «clarification on a number of issues in the sphere of notaries'. Notarial Gazette, 10, 15-16. The federal law from 31.05.2002 N 63-FZ (2016). "On Advocacy and the Legal Profession in the Russian Federation". Moscow: Consultant Plus. Yeremyan, V.V. & Klishas, A.A. (2015). Double standards as a method of scientific debate (whether Russia is the antithesis of "Western" civilization?). Bulletin of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University, 3, 59-74 |
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International Environmental Safety as Object of Crimes, Leading to Possibility of Legal Entities’ Criminal LiabilityValery V. Grebennikov, Badma V. Sangadzhiev & Elena V. Vinogradova
pp. 87-93 | Article Number: ijese.2016.921
Abstract The urgency of the problem under investigation is conditioned by the fact that currently remains unresolved question of criminal liability of legal persons. The laws of some countries provide for criminal liability of legal persons for committing environmental crimes. Russian Federation Criminal Code does not establish that responsibility, but there are some circumstances, including the international obligations of the Russian Federation, enabling to speak about the need to intensify the process of thinking about the possibility to provide it for some environmental crimes. The purpose of the paper is to determine the theoretical premises of possibility to establish the criminal liability of legal persons for the commission of crimes that infringe on the international environmental safety. As a leading approach to the study of this problem is selected a comparison of theoretical approaches to issues of criminal liability of legal persons, the system analysis of materials of international treaties and conferences, focusing on efforts to institutionalize the possibility of involvement of persons accused of assault on the natural environment in the criminal liability. In the result of the study of the legal nature of responsibility questions for acts that infringe on the international ecological safety, the necessity to establish mechanisms of these decisions is justified, conclusions on the need for a decision on the institutionalization of the criminal liability of legal persons for certain environmental offenses is formulated. Paper submissions may be useful to support and normatively consolidate the features of the legal entity’s responsible for the commission of environmental offenses. Keywords: International ecological safety, environmental crime, the liability of legal persons References Antonova, E.Y. (2009). Liability of legal persons in criminal law: arguments for and against. Criminal law, 5, 4-9. Bertel, S. (2010). Österreichisches Strafrecht Besonderer Teil. Berlin: Vollständig überarbeitete Aufl. Brinchuk, M.M. (1998a). On the conceptual apparatus of environmental law. The state and law, 9, 20-28. Brinchuk, M.M. (1998b). Theoretical problems of formation of legislation on the environment. The state and law, 12, 73-81. Dubovik, O.L. (1997). Responsibility for environmental crimes. Journal of Russian law, 9, 50-61. Ebenroth, C.T. (1997). Die strafrechtliche Verantwortung des Vorstandes für Umweltstraftaten und gesellschaftsrechtliche Vermeidungsstrategien. Betriebs-berater, 28, 1941–1947. Kelina, S.G. (1994). Liability of legal persons in the draft of the new criminal code of the Russian Federation. Criminal law: new ideas. Moscow: Publishing house of IS and L. RAS. Kienapfel, D. (2009). Studienbuch Strafrecht. Besonderer Teil Band III. Delikte gegen sonstige Individual- und Gemeinschaftswerte. Berlin: Auflage. Knopp, L. (1994). Neues Umweltstrafrecht und betriebliche Praxis. Betriebs-berater, 32, 2219–2224. Kozlov, A.P. (2014). The concept of crime. Tutorial. St.Petersburg: Juridical center "Press". Matejko, S. (2006). Die allgemeine Irrtumsdogmatik vor neuen Herausforderungen – der Variantenirrtum im Rahmen der Umweltschutztatbestände. Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik (ZIS), 5, 205–212. Meyerholt, U. (2010).Umweltrecht. Oldenburg, 5. 135–136. Naumov, A.V. (1992). The enterprise on the chair of the accused. The Soviet justice, 17, 3-4. Nikiforov, A.S. (2000). Legal person as the entity of the crime. The state and law, 8, 59-70. Pavlov, V.G. (2001). The entity of the crime. St.Petersburg: Juridical center "Press". Poznyshev, S.V. (1912). The basic principles of criminal law. Moscow: AST. Shchepelkov, V.F. & Vinogradova, E.V. (2014). Criminal law of Russia. Special part. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University. Sitkovski, I.V. (2002). The issue of liability of legal persons in criminal law. Criminal law, 4, 42-44. Smolninov, E.S. (2009). On the necessity of introducing criminal liability of legal entities in the Russian legislation. Russian investigator, 15, 21-29. Tagantsev, N.S. (1910). The code about criminal and corrective punishments 1885. St.Petersburg: Published By N. S. Tagantsev. Trainin, A.N. (1969). The defense of peace and criminal law. Selected works. Moscow: Nauka. Tranin, A.A. (2014). Legal problems of environmental development of modern Russia. Moscow: Nauka. Vinogradova, E.V. (2001). The legal person should be held responsible for environmental crimes. The Russian justice, 8, 62-65. Vitruk, N.V. (2008). General theory of legal liability. Moscow: Znaniye. Volzhenkin, B.V. (1998). Criminal liability of legal entities. St.Petersburg: Publishing house of Juridical Institute of General Prosecutor's office. Volzhenkin, B.V. (2008). Selected works on criminal law and criminology (1963-2007). St.Petersburg. Juridical center "Press". Wolf, J. (2002). Umweltrecht. Munchen: Verlag C. H. Beck. |
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Problems of Constitutional-Legal Regulation of Connection of Public Associations with Local Government in RussiaRoman V. Gornev, Evgenii I. Belousova & Tatiana N. Mikheeva
pp. 95-103 | Article Number: ijese.2016.922
Abstract Relevance of the studied problem is conditioned by the necessity of performance of the constitutional-legal study and development of legal algorithms, providing efficiency of cooperation between the local self-government authorities and public associations. Goal of the study is to analyze the basics of constitutional-legal regulation of cooperation between the local self-government authorities and public associations, detect the gaps in regulation, as well as offer legal adjustments, aimed at its correction. Leading methods of this problem study is a formal-legislative method, which allows to analyze laws and regulations, determine into it the peculiarities of the mechanism of formalizing of cooperation between the local self-government authorities and public associations. In this article, we analyzed the provisions of international legal acts, as well as the norms of the Russian Federation Constitution, dedicated to cooperation between the local government authorities and public associations; insufficiency of regulation of these relationships is determined at the level of the Russian constitutional law; offers concerning the additions the RF constitution are developed, which purpose is to fill the gap. Authors’ conclusions are aimed at the formalization in the Russian Constitution of public associations’ right to take part in the execution of local self-governance and cooperate with the local self-government authorities, which shall allow to create a legal basis for the formation of legal mechanism of cooperation between the local government authorities and public associations in Russia. Keywords: Constitutional-legal regulation, cooperation, self-government authorities, public associations References Belousov, E.I., Gornev, R.V. & Mikheeva, T.N. 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