Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
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Concept as the Main Research Object of Cognitive LinguisticsKunimzhan Sadirkyzy Abdikalyk, Zhanar Altynbekovna Abitzhanova, Zhamilya Kerimbaevna Otarbekova, Gulyaim Kablakatovna Kaidarova, & Gulzhan Abutalipovna Seidullayev
pp. 3167-3178 | Article Number: ijese.2016.243
Abstract This article dwells upon the basic unit of cognitive linguistics, which is a concept. Firstly, we provide an overview of major scientific works written by foreign linguists who pay attention to special aspects and lines of research. Secondly, we analyse conclusions on modern problems in linguistics that are drawn in cognitological studies conducted since the end of the 20th century. We also touch upon the course and practice of cognitive linguistics while considering the connection between cognition and language. In order to study a concept, which is a linguo-philosophical unit of linguistics, we examine the associative and semantic field of the concept “woman” in the Kazakh and English cultures. The linguo-philosophical analysis of the macro concept “blue” and its associative and semantic field in the English and Kazakh languages show that its cultural and personal meaning greatly differ. We prove that conceptual borders of any language display purview, knowledge, feelings, world outlook and life position of the respective ethnos and its distinctive members. Keywords: Cognition, linguo-philosophical conception, anthropocentric paradigm, the sphere of cognitology, linguistic units, associative field, paradigm, the concept “woman”, the concept “blue”, ethnos. References Miller, G.A., (1979). Images and models, similes and metaphors. In A. Ortonyed, Metaphor and thought. Cambridge: Cambr. UP. Bruner, J.S., (1978). The role of dialogue in language acquisition. New York: Springer-Verlag. von Humboldt, W., (1991). History of linguistics. Kondrashov N.A. Trans. Moscow, pp: 192. Kroeber, A.L., (1943). Franz Boas: The Man. American Anthropological Association. Memoirs, 61: 5-26. Edward, S., (1949). Selected writings in language, culture and personality. Berkeley. Whorf, B.L., (1956). Language, Thought, and Reality. THE M.I.T. PRESS. ISBN: 0-262-73006-5. Shchedrovsky, G.P. and M.V. Rozin, (1967). The conception of B.L. Whorf’s linguistic relativity and problems of studying “linguistic thinking”. Semiotics and Oriental languages. Moscow, pp: 225. Lakoff, G., 1(982). Categories: An essay in cognitive linguistics. LiMed. Linguistics in the morning calm: Selected papers from the SICOL-1981. Seoul: Hanship, pp: 139-193. Lakoff, G., (1980). Metaphors we live by G. Lakoff & M. Johnson. Originally published: University of Chicago Press. Date Views 28.05.2016 http://shu.bg/tadmin/upload/storage/161.pdf. Teun, A. van Dijk, (1985). Discourse and communication. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter. Weisgerber, L., (1993). Mother tongue and education of mind. Мoscow, 1993, pp: 380. Harman, G., (1988). Cognitive science. The making of cognitive Science: Essays in honour of George Miller. Ed.by W. Hirst. Cambridge, pp: 43. Maslova, V.A., (2004). Cognitive linguistics. Minsk: Tetra Sistems, pp: 80. Dubois, D. and P. Resche-Rigon, (1995). De la naturalitee des categories semantiquesː res categories dˈobjets naturels aux categories lexicales. Intellectia, pp: 20-247. Rastier, F., (1993). La semantique cognitive et lˈespace, Images et Langages: Multimodalite et modelisation cognitive. Parisː CNRS, pp: 173-185. Latin-Russian dictionary, (1976). Moscow, pp: 222. |
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Environmental Affective Dispositions Scale (EADS): The Study of Validity and Reliability and Adaptation to TurkishPınar Fettahlıoğlu, Serkan Timur, & Betül Timur
pp. 3179-3199 | Article Number: ijese.2016.244
Abstract The aim of this study is to conduct a research under circumstances of Turkey about the validity and reliability of the Affective Tendencies towards Environmental Scale prepared by Yavetz, Goldman and Pe’er (2009). The translation of this scale to Turkish was done by the researchers and language specialists. And then, the scale was evaluated by the specialists in terms of relevance to Turkish content, measurement- evaluation. This scale on which some arrangements were made was applied to 521 fourth grade preservice science teachers studying in the state universities in Turkey to determine the validity and reliability. The findings related to the structure validity of the scale were provided by exploratory factor analysis method. Also, exploratory factor analysis was followed by the confirmatory factor analysis applied to the obtained structure. This scale is formed into four sub dimensions. The scale prepared by the 5-point Likert format containing 23 items. Cronbach Alpha reliability scale was found as 0.84; and found as 0.77 for Environmental Affective Tendency; it was 0.62 for Intention to act; 0.66 for prevention of damage to the environment and it was 65 for personal responsibilities. Keywords: Teacher education, environmental education, environmental literacy References Atasoy, E., & Ertürk, H. (2008). A field study about environmental knowledge and attitudes of elementary scool students. Journal of Education Faculty, 10 (1), 105-122. Bagner, D. M., Storch, E. A., & Roberti, J. W. (2004). A Factor analytic study of the loneliness and social dissatisfaction scale in a sample of african-american and hispanic-american children. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 34(3), 237-250. Bamberg, S., & Moser, G. (2007). Twenty years after Hines, Hungerford and Tomera: A new meta-analysis of psycho-social determinants of pro-environmental behavior. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 27, 14-25. Benzer, E., & Şahin F. (2012). 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The High School Students’ Perceptions and Attitudes Toward BioenergySerap Özbaş
pp. 3201-3214 | Article Number: ijese.2016.245
Abstract This research, which was tried with 217 high school students, was carried out to determine the perceptions and attitudes related to the usage of bioenergy. The research results showed that the students had the perception that there would be lack of food due to global warming, but bioenergy would prevent the world from global warming. Moreover, they also assumed that forests are not sustainable in terms of global and local context. However, this study revealed that they had a tendency to learn and use bioenergy. It was also observed that there were different views between the male and female participants about the usage of wood and cutting trees down to produce energy. Finally, stepwise regression results showed that social environment affects one’s environmental intent related to bioenergy use. Keywords: Attitude, bioenergy, gender, high school students, perception References Akella AK, Saini RP, Sharma MP (2009). 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Trace Analysis of Heavy Metals in Ground Waters of Vijayawada Industrial AreaRavisankar Tadiboyina & Prasada Rao Ptsrk
pp. 3215-3229 | Article Number: ijese.2016.246
Abstract In recent years, the new environmental problem are arising due to industrial hazard wastage, global climate change, ground water contamination and etc.,,, gives an attention to protect environment.one of the major source of contamination of ground water is improper discharge of industrial effluents these effluents contains so many heavy metals which are cause more effects the human life. The present study about contamination of ground water due to trace metals in and around the Vijayawada. 60 samples are collected industrial area around the Vijayawada. The study area divided into five zones depending on the nature of industries are present in the study area .The following trace metals are analyzed Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn, Hg, Ni, Se, and Zn were analyzed in all the sample. In some ground water sample are found to be more concentration of metals are exceeds maximum limits values of WHO, ISI standards. The result gives important information of ground water quality. Keywords: Trace analysis, heavy metals, Vijayawada, ground water, industrial References
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The Development of Maritime English Learning Model Using Authentic Assessment Based Bridge Simulator in Merchant Marine Polytechnic, MakassarAhmad Fauzi, Patta Bundu, & Suradi Tahmir
pp. 3231-3240 | Article Number: ijese.2016.247
Abstract Bridge simulator constitutes a very fundamental and vital tool to trigger and ensure that seamen or seafarers possess the standardized competence required. By using the bridge simulator technique, a reality based study can be presented easily and delivered to the students in ongoing basis to their classroom or study place. Afterwards, the validity training and testing as well as the consistent and precise teaching materials could be carried out to all students. One of the challenging issues encountered nowadays, particularly in the sphere of education, more specifically at the Merchant Marine Polytechnic in conjunction with the Maritime English learning model for the ANT II Program is that the Maritime English Learning System conducted or carried out remains teacher-centered where the teachers still play major and more dominant role and function as the primary source of information which is considered not effective. Therefore, the main thing to figure out is how to create an effective Maritime English Learning Model in relation to the education and training or seafarers level II at Merchant Marine Polytechnic. This research was Research and Development by using the research model advanced by Borg & Gall. The validity, practicality, and effectiveness of the product were determined using the developed tables. In addition, the learning outcomes were analyzed using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test to analyze the significance of differences both groups. The research proves that this model is valid, practical and effective to use in learning. Therefore, it can be concluded that this model can be applied in the maritime English learning. Keywords: Maritime English, learning model, authentic assessment References Blakey, T.N. (1987). English for Maritime Studies. Great Britain: Printice Hall International (UK) Ltd. Borg, W. R., Gall, M.D. (2003). Education Research. Boston: Perason Education. Callum, M.C. and Smith M. V. (1999). Developing Mariner Assessment. Seattle: US Coast Guard Research and Development Centre. Coutroubis, A. D. (2000). Experience with ER CBT and Simulator. Calmar: INSCL Hart, D. (1994). Authentic Assessment. Addison: Wesley Publishing Company. Hibbard, K.M. (1996). A Teacher Guide to Performance Based Learning and Assessment. Alexandria VA: Association and Curriculum Development. International Maritime Organisation (2010). IMO SMCP. London: IMO Johnson, D. W., Johnson, R. T. (2002). Meaningful Assessmentt. Allyn and Bacon: Boston USA. Joyce, B., Weil, M., Calhoun, E. (2011). Models of Teaching. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Kent, L. (2003). Simulation of business Skills. Disadur pada 8 Juli 2009, dari www.srich-bi.com. Kobayahsi, H. (2009). Mariner’s Function for Safe Navigation. Tokyo: Tokyo University of Maritime Science and Technology. Mueller, J. (2008). Authentic Assessment Toolbox. North Central College Mulyasa, E. 2004. Implementasi Kurikulum 2004. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya. O’Malley, J. M. and Pierce, L. V. (1996). Authentic Assessment for English Language. Addison: Whisley Publishing Company. |
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The Effect of Eight Weeks Plyometric Training On Anaerobic Power, Counter Movement Jumping and Isokinetic Strength in 15–18 Years Basketball PlayersNiyazi Sıdkı Adigüzel & Mehmet Günay
pp. 3241-3250 | Article Number: ijese.2016.248
Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of eight weeks plyometric training on anaerobic power, counter movement jumping and isokinetic strength in 15 – 18 years aged basketball players. This study was including 30 male Basketball players. The subjects were divided into two groups as: the experimental group (n=15) and the control group (n=15). The combine training (The plyometric training and techniques – tactics) was performed by the experimental group for eight weeks. The control group was performed only techniques – tactics basketball training for eight weeks. Performance measurement; WAnT anaerobic power test, 60° and 180° s-1 isokinetic leg strength: for right and left legs, multiple jumping and vertical jumping test were performed by the subject pre and post training. Within statistical analysis, the significance of differences between these groups was tested. The arithmetic mean and standard deviation were used as descriptive statistics and Shapiro-Wilk test was used for normality distribution. While comparing paired groups Wilcoxon signed rank test was performed, Mann - Whitney U test was used for comparing independent groups. Statistical significance was taken as 0.05. According to the result of comparison between groups; It was found that exercise had significantly effect on Peak Power (w/kg), Average Power (w), Average Power (w/kg) and Power Drop (w/kg) in experimental group (p < 0,05). While significant difference was found in Right leg 60° Hamstring and Quadriceps peak torch of experimental group (p < 0,05), there was no significant difference in pre- and post-training in Isokinetic leg power parameters of control group (p>0.05). In addition, significantly differences were found in free jump, 120° Squat jump and Active jump values of Vertical jump parameters for experimental group (p < 0,05). Keywords: Anaerobic power, isokinetic contraction, plyometric training, muscle strength References 1. Montgomery PG, Pyne DB, (2009). Cox AJ, Hopkins WG, Minahan CL, Hunt PH. Muscle Damage İnflamation, and Recovery İnterventions During a 3-day Basketball Tournament. European Journal of Sport Science, 8(5), 241-250. 2. Janeira Ma MJ. (1998). Game İntensity in Basketball an İnteractionist View Linking Time-Motion Analysis, Lactate Concentration and Heart Rate. Coach Sport Science Journal, 3, 26-30. 3. Newman MA, Tarpenning KM, Marino FE. (2004). Relationship Between İsokinetic Knee Strength, Single-Sprint Performance, and Repeated-Sprint Agility in Football Players. J Strength Cond Res. 18(4), 867-872. 4. Pääsuke, M., Ereline, J., Gapeyeva, H. (2001). Knee Extension Strength and Vertical Jumping Performance in Nordic Combine Athletes. J. Sports Med Phys Fitness. 41, 354-361. 5. Jay RH, Shmuel E, Merav E, And Yıtzhak W. (1999). 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Effect of Reaction Developing Training On Audio-Visual Feet Reaction Time in WrestlersMustafa Kaya
pp. 3251-3257 | Article Number: ijese.2016.249
Abstract Reaction time is one of the most determinative elements for a successful sports performance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 12-week feet reaction developing trainings upon feet reaction time of females at 11-13 age interval. Volunteer sportsmen between 11 and 13 age interval who were active in Tokat Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports participated into the study. The volunteers were totally 22 sportsmen including 11 experimental and 11 controls who have not participated into a programmed physical activity before. To the experimental group, 3-day 30-minute trainings in a week for 12 weeks were administered to develop feet training time as being prepared in accordance with their age. The control group did not participate into any exercise programs during this process. Reaction time measurements were performed to the volunteers twice as before and after the 3-month training through New Test 2000 measurement battery. In comparison of the obtained data, significance test for the difference between two pairs, and level of significance was accepted as p<0.05. At the end of the study, whereas no significant difference was found in the control group, a significant difference was obtained in pre-test and post-test averages of the trainings performed to develop feet reaction when carried out regularly for 12 weeks. We considered that the trainings we performed in the study would increase the performance and provide positive contributions upon foot reaction time of the sportsmen at 11-13 age interval. Keywords: Training, reaction time, wrestling References Agopyan, A, (1993). Rhythmic gymnastics morphological characteristics of impact performance. İstanbul: Pelin Publishers. Arslan, E. (2014). The effects of the exercise program on visual and audial reaction time of the healty children in the group of 8-11 ages. Yüzüncü Yıl University Journal of Education Faculty Sciences, 11(1): 169-182. Başer, E. 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Selçuk Universiy Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, 13(1): 109-111. Çelik, A., Günay, E., Aksu, F, (2013). The evaluation of physical and motoric properties of elementary students ages 7-9. Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine Science, 27(1): 7-13. Çimen, O. (1994). Effects of strength training of quick 16-17 age male table tennis players. Master's Thesis, Ankara: Gazi University. Çolakoğlu, M., Tiryaki, S., Moralı, S. (1993). Effects on reaction time of concentration study. Journal of Sports Sciences, 4(4): 32- 45. Davranche, K., Burke, B., Audiffren, M., Hasbroucg, T. (2006). Physical exercise facilitates motor processes in simple reaction time performence; on electromyographic analysis. Neuroscience Letters, 396: 54-56 Dube, S.P., Mungal, S.U., Kulkarni, M.B. (2015). Simple visual reaction time in badminton players: a comparative study. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy & Pharmacology, 5(1): 18-20. Ergen, E., Turnagöl, H., Paker, S., Güner, R., Zergeroğlu, A.M., Cinemre, A. (1994). Physiological Profile of oil wrestlers. Paper presented in H. U. 3rd National Congress of Sports Science Abstracts H. U. Sport Science and Technology Publication. Ankara. Fong, S.S.M., Ng, S.S.M., Chung, L.M.Y. (2013). Health through martial arts training: Physical fitness and reaction time in adolescent Taekwondo practitioners. Health, 5(6A3): 1-5. Göral, K., Saygın, Ö., Babayiğit, İrez, G. (2012). Examining of reaction time of professional soccer players according to their playing positions. Selçuk University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, 14 (1): 5-11. Guckstein, M., Walter, S. (1972). Brain mechanism in reaction time. Brain Research, 40: 1–9. Günaydın G, Koç H, Cicioglu I 2002. Determination of physical and physiological profiles of Turkish female national team wrestlers. Hacettepe Journal of Sport Sciences, 13(1): 25-32. Kabakçı, A. C. (2009). The differences in reaction times of elite football, handball and ice hockey goal keepers. Master's Thesis, Ankara: Gazi University. Kaynar, Ö. (2014). The effect of training on pituitary gland hormones and liver enzymes in elite wrestlers. PhD Thesis, Erzurum: Atatürk University. Kermen, O. (2002). Tennis technical and tactics. Ankara: Nobel Publishers. Koç, H. (2013). Effect of anaerobic power on the reaction times of junior national team wrestlers. International Journal of Academic Research, 5(1): 256-260. Kürkçü, R., Çalışkan, E., Şirinkan, A., Erciş, S. (2007). The effects of exercise on the reaction time of adolescent wrestlers. Atatürk University Journal of Physical Education And Sport Sciences, 9(4):3-11. Muratlı, S. (1998). Child and Sports. Ankara: Bağırgan Publishers. Polat, G. (2009). The effects of the 12-week-period basic badminton education trainings on 9 to 12 year-old kids’ motoric features and the reaction time. Master's Thesis, Adana: Çukurova University. Sevim, Y. (2002). Training Information. 1st ed. Ankara: Nobel Publishers. Sevim, Y. (2010). Training Information. 8th ed. Ankara: Fil Publishers. Yıldırım, İ., Karagöz, Ş., Ocak, Y. (2011). Inspection of the effects of twelve-week tennis courses on visual and auditory reaction times of 8-10 years old girl children. Nigde University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 5(3): 257-265. Yoon, J. (2002). Physiological profiles of elite senior wrestlers. Sports Medicine, 32(4): 225-233. |
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Responses to the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory–2 by the Athletes Participated in the (IJF) Judo Grand Prix Competition, Samsun 2015 in TurkeyYavuz Selim Agaoğlu
pp. 3259-3275 | Article Number: ijese.2016.250
Abstract The judo is a popular sport which people engaged in more than 178 countries at any age in the world. Besides its popularity, the studies on this field continue to increase gradually. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to measure pre-competition anxieties, and to evaluate data obtained of the pre-competition concerns of the judo athletes who participated in the IJF Grand Prix competition, Samsun 2015 in Turkey. The questionnaires of the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory–2 (CSAI–2) were asked the Judo athletes who participated in the IJF Grand Prix Competition prior to the 31 to 59 minutes before the competition. There were no significant differences between countries and between Turkey and other countries with each other. Quantitative variables were analyzed according to sex. No significant difference was found between sub-dimensions (somatic anxiety, cognitive anxiety, self-confidence) in Section I and Section II (p-value <0.05). Considering the correlation between sub-dimensions of the countries, no significant difference was found between them (p-value <0.05). Keywords: Anxiety, judo, competitive state anxiety inventory–2 (CSAI–2), sport, grand prix competition References Alexander D (2009). Psychophysiological Effects of Precompetition Anxiety on Basketball Performance. Unpublished Master Dissertation Submitted to California State University.
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Examining Decision Making Level of Wrestlers in Terms of Some VariableŞıhmehmet Yiğit, İbrahim Dalbudak, Mihriay Musa, Alper C. Gürkan & Mehmet Dalkılıç
pp. 3277-3284 | Article Number: ijese.2016.251
Abstract The aim of this research is to examine decision making level of wrestlers who joined Turkey inter university wrestling championship, according to variables as wrestlers' sex, age, grade, department, and education type. Study group consists of 34 females and 196 males, totally 230 athletes, who joined Turkey Inter University Wrestling Championship at the academic year of 2014-2015. In this research, personal information form, and Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire (MDMQ I-II) are used in order to research decision making level of wrestlers who joined Turkey Inter University Wrestling Championship. SPSS20 statistics package program is used in analysis and explication of data. At the end of the research; according to sex, department, grade, education type, and age variables: self-esteem in decision making, careful decision making, avoidant decision making, suspensive decision making, and panic decision making situations of students, who joined Wrestling Championship, are evaluated. While significant difference was statistically found according to sex, department, grade, education type variables; significant difference was not found in the variable of age. Keywords: Physical education, decision making, wrestling References Avşaroğlu S. (2007). Selçuk University Social Sciences Institute Department of Educational Sciences Department of Psychological Services in Education. Doctorate Thesis, Konya. Brown EJ and Mann L (1991). The Relationship Between family Structure and Process Dalkılıç M. (2015). The Anthropologist, International Journal of Contemporary and Applied Studies Of Man. 21(1,2): 31-38 (2015) Delhi, India. Deniz, E. (2004). Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi. 4 (15), 25-35. De Bono, Edward, (1989), Başarı Taktikleri, İlgi Yayıncılık. Demirbaş H (1992). Comparing Decision Making Behaviours of Guilty and Not Guilty Teenagers, Master Thesis, Ankara University Social Sciences Institute, Ankara. Ersever ÖH (1996). Karar Verme Stratejileri Kazandırma Programın ve Etkileşim Grubu Deneyiminin Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Karar Verme Stilleri Üzerine Etkileri, Ankara. Mann, et al. (1998). Cross-Cultural Differences in Self-Reported Decision-Making Style and Confidence. International Journal of Psychology, 33, 325-335. Newell BR, Rakow T., Weston NT, Shanks DR (2004) Search Strategies in Decision Making: The Success of ‘Success, Journal of Behavioural Decision Making.10 Tenenbaum G, Eli MB (1993) Decision making in Sport: A cognitive Perspective, Handbook of Research of Sport Psychology, Macmillan Publishing Company New York. |
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An Analysis of Leisure Attitudes of the Individuals Participating in Dance Activities and the Relationship between Leisure Attitude and Life SatisfactionBelgin Gökyürek
pp. 3285-3296 | Article Number: ijese.2016.252
Abstract This study sought to explore the leisure attitudes of the individuals participating in the dance activities, to compare them on the basis of various variables and to contribute to the understanding of the relationship between these attitudes and the life satisfaction of the individual. The research sample includes 302 individuals participating in the activities of the dance halls and dance courses in Ankara and their mean age is 24.55±6.09.“Leisure Attitude Scale” (LAS) which was developed by Ragheb and Beard in 1982 and adapted into Turkish by Akgül and Gürbüz (2010) was utilized in order to determine the leisure attitudes of the participants. “Satisfaction With Life Scale” (SWLS) which was developed by Diener et al. (1985) and adapted into Turkish by Durak, Durak et al. (2010) was employed to find out the life satisfaction levels of the participants. Descriptive statistics of the leisure attitudes and life satisfaction levels of the individuals were produced. In addition, independent one sample t-test (t-test) and one way analysis of variance (OneWay ANOVA) were performed to explore whether leisure attitudes of the individuals vary according to the variables. With a view to bring to light the relationship between leisure attitude and life satisfaction, Pearson Correlation analysis was performed. The t-test and ANOVA, which conducted on the basis of the findings of the abovementioned analysis to compare the leisure attitude scores and its subscales, revealed that the scores of leisure attitudes of the individuals participating to the dance activity and their cognitive and behavioural subscales do not vary according to their gender, age groups and educational level. However, the findings also shed light on that the participants whose perceived income level is low outscored the ones whose perceived income level is medium or high, only at the behavioural subscale in the comparison through the variable of perceived income level. Furthermore, the findings suggest that the leisure attitudes of the participants were positive and their life satisfaction levels were medium. An insignificant positive correlation was found between the participants’ leisure attitudes and the life satisfaction levels. Consequently, the leisure attitudes of the individuals participating in the dance activities were positive; their life satisfaction levels were medium in this study and it can be said that the more their life satisfaction level increases, the more positive their leisure attitudes will become. Keywords: Leisure attitude, life satisfaction, dance activities References Akgül B M (2011). Analysis of Leisure Attitudes of the Individuals from Different Cultures: Examples of Ankara- London, Health Sciences Institute of Gazi University, PHD Thesis, Ankara,xi-93. Akgül B M, Gürbüz B (2010). Leisure Attitude Scale: A Study of Validity and Reliability. 11. International Sports Sciences Congress, Antalya. Akyüz H (2015). 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Evaluating The Relation Between Dominant and Non-Dominant Hand Perimeters and Handgrip Strength of Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton and Handball AthletesDefne Öcal Kaplan
pp. 3297-3309 | Article Number: ijese.2016.253
Abstract In this study, it’s aimed to evaluate the relation between dominant and non-dominant hand perimeters and handgrip strength of basketball, volleyball, badminton and handball athletes. Totally 101 active athletes (49 females, 52 male), of the average age in female 20±1.42 years, in male 21±1.99 years, joined to this study. Height, body weight, BMI (Body Mass Index) and handgrip strength of all the athletes were measured according to international standards. Hand perimeters were measured at a certain standard with digital camera and was calculated with the software developed. The data was analyzed by SPSS 22 programme and Student t test, Pearson Correlation test and One Way Anova was applied. A significance level of p <0.05 was adopted in the analysis. Results of the analysis showed that dominant and non-dominant handgrips of athletes in all disciplines and gender are significantly different and hand and finger perimeters developing different depending on the way they use the ball or racket grip. Keywords: Badminton, basketball, handball, hand span, handgrip strength, volleyball References Ahmed A.A. (2013). Estimation of stature from the upper limb measurements of Sudanese adults. Forensic Sci Int. 10, 228(1-3), 178.e1-7.
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Relationship between Target Orientations and Perceived Motivational Climate Levels of Students Engaged in Individual and Team Sports ActivitiesCansel Arslanoğlu
pp. 3311-3318 | Article Number: ijese.2016.254
Abstract The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between perceived motivational climate and target orientations of team and individual athletes who participate in sports at the Physical Education and Sports Departments of faculties. A total of 200 athletes (students at the Physical Education and Sports Departments of Gazi University, Selçuk University Akdeniz University, Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University and Atatürk University in the 2012-2013 academic year), 92 of whom play individual sports and 108 of whom play team sports participated in this study (M=21.475, Ss= 2.23). To reach the aim of the study, “Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire” (TEOSQ) developed by Duda (1989) and “The Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire’” (PMCSQ) developed by Wallingi Duda and Chi (1993) were applied to the athletes. To analyze and interpret the data by using descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation statistic technique significance taken P<0,05. To rate the data and find the estimated values SPSS (Statistical package for social sciences) package program is used. As a result of this study it is found that ego and target orientations of team athletes have more perceptions than individual athletes. On the other hand there was an advantage noted among team athletes who perceived motivational climate in terms of mastery climate. There is a resemblance in relation between team athletes target orientation and motivational climate where as there is a resemblance between individual athletes assignment orientation and mastery climate. Keywords: Target orientation, ego orientation, motivational climate References Ames C. (1992). Classrooms: Goals, structures, and student motivation. Journal of Educational Psychology, 84, 261–271. Arıburun B, Aşçı F.H. (2005). A Study of Goal Orıentatıon and Motıvatıonal Climate in American Football. SPORMETRE, 3(3) 111-114. Bray S, Balaguer I, Duda, J.L. (2004). 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The Effects of Goal Involvement on Moralbehavior in an Experimentally Manipulated Competitive Setting. Journal of Sport &Exercise Psychology, 29, 190-207. Stephens, D.E. & Bredemeier, B.J.L. (1995). Moral atmosphere and judgments about aggression in girls’ soccer: Relationship among moral and motivation variables. J Sport Exer Psychology, 18, 158-173. Stornes T, Ommundsen Y. (2004). Achievement Goals, Motivational Climate and Sports personship: a study of young handball players. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 48(2), 205-221. Toros T, Akyüz U, Bayansalduz M, Soyer F. (2010). Examining the relationship between task-and ego-oriented goals and life satisfaction (A study of people doing mountaineering sports). International Journal of Human Sciences. 7(2), 1039-1050. Toros T, Duvan A. (2011). Rhe Relatıonshıp Between Perceived Coaching Behaviors Collective Efficacy and Goal Orientation Among Fencer Players İn Turkey. Niğde University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 5(1), 33-41. Toros T. (2002). Goal Orientatıon, Motıvatıonal Climate And Life Satisfaction Among Elite and Non-Elite Male Basketball Players In Turkey. Hacettepe Journal of Sports Science. 13(3), 24-36. Üngür G. (2009). The Relationshıp etween Goal Orientatıo and Perceived Motivatıonal Climate in Amateur and Professional Footballers. Master Thesis, Ege University, İzmir-Turkey. Van-Yperen N. W, Duda J. L. (1999). Goal Orientations, Beliefs About Success, and Performance Improvement Among Young Elite Dutch Soccer Players. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 9, 358 – 364. Walling M. D, Duda, J. L, Chi, L. (1993). The Perceived Motivational Climate İn Sport Questionnaire: Construct and Predicative Validity. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 15, 172-183. Whitehead J, Andreé KV, Lee MJ. (2004). Achievement Perspectives and Perceived Ability: How Far Do Interactions Generalize in Youth Sport? Psychology of Sport and Exercise 5, 291-317. Yılmaz Z, Çobanoğlu G, Yazıcılar İ, Aktaş Z. (2009). The Relationship Between Goal Orientation and Game Success Among Male Professional Basketball Players. Celal Bayar University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences 4(3), 124-131. |
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An Investigation into Prospective Science Teacher’ Attitudes towards Laboratory Course and Self-Efficacy Beliefs in Laboratory UseElvan İnce Aka
pp. 3319-3331 | Article Number: ijese.2016.255
Abstract The aim of the current study is to identify the attitudes towards the laboratory course and self-efficacy beliefs in the laboratory use of prospective teachers who are attending Gazi University Gazi Education Faculty Primary Education Science Teaching program, and to investigate the relationship between the attitudes and self-efficacy beliefs. This descriptive survey study was conducted with 440 prospective teachers in the 2014-2015 academic year, fall term. “Attitude Scale towards Laboratory Lesson” and “Laboratory Self-Efficacy Beliefs Scale” which were developed by Ekici (2009) were used as the data collection tools. Means, lowest and highest scores and standard deviations were employed for the data analysis. Furthermore, independent samples t-test and one way variance analysis (ANOVA) were applied to see whether prospective teachers’ attitudes and self-efficacy beliefs differ according to the gender and grade levels. Pearson product-moment correlations were computed to determine the correlation between attitudes and self-efficacy beliefs. SPSS 18.0 was used for the data analysis. Descriptive statistics findings showed that the prospective teachers’ attitudes towards laboratory course were positive and self-efficacy beliefs into laboratory use were at a good level. Research findings illustrated that gender had no significant effect on prospective teachers’ attitudes towards laboratory course and self-efficacy beliefs. No statistically significant difference was found between the scores of prospective teachers’ attitudes towards laboratory course and self-efficacy beliefs in terms of grade levels. Keywords: Natural sciences, laboratory, attitude, self-efficacy References Azar, A. (2010). In-service and Pre-service Secondary Science Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Beliefs About Science Teaching, Educational Research and Reviews, 5(4), 175-188. Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action. 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Journal of Kırşehir Education Faculty (KEFAD), 7(2), 1-15 Güvenç, H. (2011). Öğretmen adayı öğrencilerin mesleki öz yeterlilik algıları ile öğrenci başarısı sorumluluk algıları. e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy Education Sciences, 6(2), 1410-1421. Güzel, H. (2001). İlköğretim okullarındaki I ve II kademedeki fen bilgisi derslerinde laboratuvar etkinlikleri ve araç kullanımı düzeyi. IV. Natural Sciences Congress, Ankara: MEB Publications. Hançer, A. H., (2008). Fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının fizik dersine yönelik tutumları, Contemporary Education Journal, 33(354), 11-18. Hofstein, A., & Lunetta, N.N. (2004). The Laboratory in Science Education: Foundations for the Twenty-First Century. Science Education, 88, 28 – 54. Hutzler, Y., Zach, S., & Gafni, O. (2005). Physical education students’ attitudes and selfefficacy towards the participation of children with special needs in regular classes, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 20(3), 309-327. İpek, C. & Acuner, H. Y. (2011). Sınıf Öğretmeni Adaylarının Bilgisayar Öz-Yeterlik İnançları ve Eğitim Teknolojilerine Yönelik Tutumları. Journal of Kırşehir Education Faculty, 12(2): 23-40. Karakuş, F. & Akbulut, Ö.E. (2010). The Effect of Secondary School Teachers’ Preparation Program on the Pre-service Teachers’ Self-efficacy Beliefs. Faculty of Necatibey Education Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (EFMED), 4(2): 110129. Kaya, H. & Böyük, U. (2011). Fen Bilimleri Öğretmenlerinin Laboratuvar Çalışmalarına Yönelik Yeterlikleri, Erciyes University Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 27(1): 126-134. Kaya, V.H., Polat, D. & Karamüftüoğlu, İ.Ö. (2014). “Fen Bilimleri Öğretimine Yönelik ÖzYeterlik Ölçeği Geliştirme Çabası.” The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies (JASSS). Doinumber:http://dx.doi.org/10.9761/JASSS2490, n.28, Autumn II, 581-595. Kurbanoğlu, N. İ. & Akın, A. (2010). 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Psychological and pedagogic conditions of activating creative activity in students for successful learningBakytgul Abykanova, Zhupar Bilyalova, Valentina Makhatova, Salamat Idrissov & Samal Nugumanova
pp. 3333-3343 | Article Number: ijese.2016.256
Abstract Creative activity of a pedagogic process subject depends on the pedagogue’s position, on his faith in the abilities to learn successfully, on encouragement of achievements, stimulating the initiative and activity. Successful learning by activating creative activity is possible with the presence of respectful attitude towards the pedagogic process subjects, creation of the conditions for potential capabilities and organization of educational process in such way where the subject feels emotional uplift, physical energy surge, feeling of success and confidence. In this case, learning would not be a burden but would rather become a joy of learning something new, making independent discoveries and achieving positive results in mastering the prospective profession. One of the psychological and pedagogic conditions for activating students’ creative activity in the educational process is using the system of educational-creative works. Despite the abovementioned significance of activating creative activity in the educational process, in our opinion, admitting its key role is related to exaggeration of its meaning, because even an ideal system of educational work does not always account for the specifics of structural components of students’ creative activity during studying a certain subject. Because of this, we contemplate the implication of educational-creative work system in the educational process not as a key factor but as a structural sub-system of factors, which affect the quality and the level of these works. Keywords: Process, learning, pedagogue, initiative, activity, capabilities, educational process, creative activity, student, educational-creative works References Babanskiy, Yu.K. (1982). Optimizatsiya uchebno-vospitatelnogo protsessa. Moskva, p. 192. Bim-Bad, B.M. (2003). Pedagogicheskiy entsiklopedicheskiy slovar. Moskva: Bolshaya Rossiyskaya entsiklopediya, p. 192. Chaklikova, A.T. (2007). Kategorii “competentnost” i “kompetentsiya” v sovremennoy obrazovatelnoy paradigm. Vestnik KazNU. Seriya pedagogicheskie nauki, 2, 9-16. Curren, R. (2007). Philosophy of education: an anthology. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., p. 582. Felder, R.M., Silverman, L.K. (1988). Learning and Teaching Styles In Engineering Education. Engr. Education, 78, pp. 674–681. Flinders, D.J., Thornton, S.J. (2004). The curriculum studies reader. New York, NY: RoutledgeFalmer, p. 355. Hansen, D.T. (2007). Ethical visions of education: philosophies in practice. New York, NY: Teachers College Press, p. 212. Kendall, J.C. (1990). Combining Service & Learning: A Resource Book for Community and Public Service. Raleigh: National Society for Internships and Experiential Education Makhmutov, M.I. (1975). Problemnoe obuchenie: Osnovnye voprosy teorii. Moskva: Pedagogika, p. 368. Matyushkin, A.M. (1972). Problema situatsii v myshlenii i obuchenii. Moskva: Pedagogika. Monoszon, E.I. (1981). K problematike issledovaniy po metodologii pedagogiki. Sovetskaya pedagogika, 12, 13-15. Monoszon, E.I. (1986). Osnovy pedagogicheskikh znaniy. Moskva: Pedagogika, p. 199. Pidkasistyy, P.I. (1980). Samostoyatelnaya poznavatelnaya deyatelnost shkolnikov v obuchenii. Teoriya eksperimentalnogo issledovaniya. Moskva: Pedagogika, p. 240. Rysbaeva, A.K. (2003). Uspechnost deyatelnosti kak kategoriya pedagogiki. Almaty, KNPU im. Abaya, p. 266. Satybaldina, K., Tarasenko, R. (1991). Problemnoe obuchenie kak osnova formirovaniya tvorcheskogo myshleniya studentov. Alma-Ata: Kazak universiteti, p. 16. Selinger, E., Crease, R.P. (2006). The philosophy of expertise. New York: Columbia University Press, p. 421. Sokolnikov, Yu.P. (1986). Sistemnyy analiz vospitaniya shkolnikov. Moskva: Pedagogika, p. 137. Spirkin, A.G. (1979). O tvorcheskoy sile chelovecheskogo razuma, Moskva: Progress, p. 352. Spirkin, A.G. (1988). Osnovy filosofii. Uchebnoe posobie dlya vuzov. Moskva: Politizdat, p. 592. Tarasenko, R. (2003). Pedagogika. Kurs lektsiy. Almaty, p. 229. Ushakov, D.V. (2004). Sotsialnyy intellect kak vid intellekta. Sotsialnyy intellect: teoriya, izmerenie, issledovaniya. Moskva: Institut psikhologii RAN, pp. 11-29.. |
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"GARDEN OF CHILDHOOD" As an Innovative Approach to Training and Education of Children at Preschool InstitutionsLarisa Alekseeva, Luidmila Shkolyar & Luibov Savenkova
pp. 3345-3351 | Article Number: ijese.2016.257
Abstract The authors reveal an innovative approach to training and education of preschool children. This approach is called "GARDEN OF CHILDHOOD". It is based on the idea that the development of the preschool child's personality should be joyous and free "cultural self-creation" in terms of the collective co-creation, where adults and children are equal partners. The authors emphasize the aesthetic component of preschool education, arguing that it allows to develop child's abilities to generalize, to educate dialectical and originality of mind, self-solve creative problems, to be active, relaxed, not afraid of the new, the unexpected things. Keywords: preschool education, innovative approach, garden of childhood, aesthetic component, creative activity References Ananiev B.G. (2001). Psychology of emotional learning. Nauka, Moscow, ISBN: 5-02-013093-1 Bakushinsky A.V. (2009). Creative art and education. Karapuz, Moscow, ISBN: 978-5-8403-1522-4 Davydov, V.V., Kudriavtsev V.T. (1997). Developmental education: theoretical foundation of succession of preschool and elementary stages. Issues of psychology, № 1, Moscow, no ISBN Zaporozhets, A.V. (1986). Selected psychological works. V.V. Davydov, V.P. Zynchenko (edit.), 2 vol. Pedagogics, Moscow, no ISBN Kapterev, P.F. (1982). Selected pedagogical works. Pedagogics, Moscow, no ISBN Likhachyov, D. (1991). Book of worries. Novosti, Moscow, no ISBN Mukhina, V.S. (2000). Developmental psychology: phenomenology of development, childhood, adolescence. Academia, Moscow, ISBN: 5-7695-0408-0 Prishvin, M.M. (1983). Collected works in 8 volumes. Volume 7. Khudozhestvennaya literatura, Moscow, no ISBN Soloviev, S.M. (1997). Vladimir Soloviev. Life and creative evolution. Respublika, Moscow, ISBN 5—250—02597—8 Flerina, E.A. (1928). Material environment and preschooler. Art in school, № 1, Moscow, no ISBN Froebel, F. (1923). Pedagogical works. Volume 1. Upbringing. Publishing house of K.I. Tikhomirov, Moscow, no ISBN Hannaford, K. (1995). Wise movement: we learn not only with our head, translated by A.V. Samarova and S.K. Masgutova. Pedagogics, ISBN: 5-93187-008-3 Shkolyar, L.V., Savenkova, L.G. (2012). GARDEN OF CHILDHOOD, new model of preschool education. Russkoye slovo. Moscow, ISBN: 978-5-91218-268-6. |
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Peculiarities of Relationships Between Foster Parents and Their Foster Children with DisabilitiesLiliya Arturovna Aslamazova, Alla Anatolievna Yurina, Fatimet Pshimafovna Khakunova, & Lyubov Pavlovna Kochenkova
pp. 3353-3366 | Article Number: ijese.2016.258
Abstract This article covers on peculiarities of relationships between foster parents and foster children with disabilities. The research was done in Republic of Adygheya (the Russian Federation). The article presents the results of the empirical research, which reveals lack of emotional attachment and acceptation in the system of parent-child relationships. It also demonstrates frequent cases of pathological styles of upbringing, insignificant importance of the second parent, absence of experience in upbringing of a child with disabilities. Moreover, a certain tendency of foster parents to “fix” their foster children, who have a low level of social-psychological competence, was revealed. Finally, a problem of psychological unavailability of both parties to live together and establish relationships based on mutual affection was also found out. Keywords: Foster family, parent-child relationship, foster parents, foster children with disabilities, problems of foster family References
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Psychological Stability of a Personality and Capability of Tolerant Interaction as Diverse Manifestations of ToleranceIrina Valeryevna Belasheva, & Nina Fedorovna Petrova
pp. 3367-3384 | Article Number: ijese.2016.259
Abstract Present article addresses studying tolerance as a factor of personality stability, which manifests on the level of interpersonal relationships and on the level of intra-personal system of stressors resistance. The article includes theoretical analysis of the tolerance construct as an integrative personality formation. It explores the question of psychological stability of a personality in the context of tolerance modes. We present the results of an empirical study in college students, which define the presence of systemic connections between external and internal tolerance modes on the basis of positive connections (between acceptance of interaction partner and emotional stability; between feminine traits and level of general and ethnic tolerance; between masculine traits and emotional stability), as well as negative connections (between tolerance towards others and ability for independent decision-making in emotionally strained situation; between character traits, which are defined by organic lesions of the nervous system and communicative tolerance; between delinquency, predominance of masculine traits and level of general tolerance or tolerance as a personality trait; between extroversive personality orientation and tolerance as a personality trait). Keywords: Psychological stability of a personality, tolerant interaction, tolerance modes, emotional stability, neuropsychological stability References Abolin, L.M. (1989). Emotsionalnaya ustoychivost i puti ee povysheniya. [Emotional stability and ways of its increase]. Voprosy psikhologii, 4, 141-149. Alekseeva, E.V. (2003). Psikhologicheskie osnovy tolerantnosti uchetelya. [Psychological bases of a teacher’s tolerance]. Monology ob uchitele. (Eds. V.Yu. Krichevskiy, E.V. Lyulikova). SPb.: APPO, pp. 165-177. Allport, G. (2002). Stanovlenie lichnosti: Izbrannye Trudy. [Establishment of a personality: Selected works]. M.: Smysl, 462 p. Asmolov, A.G. (1998). Tolerantnost: razlichnye paradigmy analiza. [Tolerance: different paradigms of analysis]. Tolerantnost v obschestvennom soznanii Rossii. M.: Smysl, 246 p. Bardier, G.L. (2005). Sotsialnaya psikhologiya tolerantnosti. [Social psychology of tolerance]. SPb.: Izd-vo S-Pererb. un-ta, 119 p. Baron, R. Carr, N., Miller, N. (2003). 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Tolerantnoe soznanie i formirovanie tolerantnykh otnisheniy (teoriya i praktika): sb. nauch. – metod. st. M: Izd-vo MPSI; Voronezh: Izd-vo NPO “MODEK”, pp. 31-42. Gurieva, S.D. (2009). Mezhetnicheskie otnosheniya i konflikt. [Inter-ethnic relations and conflict]. SPb.: Nestor-Istoriya, 366 p. Horney, K. (2007). Nashi vnutrennie konflikty. [Our internal conflicts]. M.: Akademicheskiy proekt, 224 p. Ilyin, E.P. (2001). Emotsii i chuvstva. [Emotions and feelings]. SPb.: Piter, 752 p. Jeffries, E.R., McLeish, A.C., Kraemer, K.M., Avallone, K.M., Fleming, J.B. (2015). The Role of Distress Tolerance in the Use of Specific Emotion Regulation Strategies. Behavior Modification, 40(3), 439-451. Komlev, N.G. (2000). Slovar inostrannykh slov. [Dictionary of foreign words]. M.: EKSMO-Press, 672 p. Krupnik, E.P. (1997). Psikhologicheskaya ustoychivost lichnosti kak metodologicheskaya problema. [Psychological stability of a personality as a methodological problem]. Nauchnye Trudy Moskovskogo pedagogicheskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. V.I. Lenina. (Ed. V.L. Matrosov et al.). M.: Prometey, pp. 270-278. Kruskal, W.H., Wallis, W.A. (1952). Use of ranks in one-criterion variance analysis. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 47(260), pp. 583-621. Kulikov, L.V. (2001). Psikhicheskie sostoyaniya. Khrestomatiya. [Mental states. Anthology]. SPb.: Piter, 512 p. Laposa, J.M., Collimore, K.C., Hawley, L.L., Rector, N.A. (2015). Distress tolerance in OCD and anxiety disorders, And its relationship with anxiety sensitivity and intolerance of uncertainty. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 33, 8-14 Lebedeva, N.M. (1999). Vvedenie v etnicheskuyu i kross-kulturnuyu psikhologiyu: uchebnoe posobie. [Introduction to ethnic and cross-cultural psychology: textbook]. M.: Klyuch +C, 191 p. Lektorskiy, V.A. (1997). O tolerantnosti, plyuralizme i krititsizme. [On tolerance, plurality and criticism]. Voprosy filosofii, 11, 46-54. Matsumoto, D. (2002). Psikhologiya i kultura. Sovremennye issledovaniya. [Psychology and culture. Current studies]. SPb.: Praim-Evroznak, 416 p. Moscovici, S. (1984). Obschestvo i teoriya v sotsialnoy psikhologii. Sovremennaya zarubezhnaya sotsialnaya psikhologiya. [Society and theory in social psychology. Current international social psychology]. (Eds. G.M. Andreeva, N.N. Bogomolov, L.A. Petrovskaya). M.: MGU, pp. 208-228. Nicklson, P. (2001). Tolerantnost kak moralnyy ideal. [Tolerance as a moral ideal]. Vestnik Uralskogo mezhregionalnogo instituta obschestvennykh nauk, 1, 58-67. Nikiforov, G.S. (2006). Psikhologiya zdorovya: uchebnik dlya vuzov. [Psychology of health: textbook for colleges]. (Ed. G.S. Nikiforov). SPb.: Piter, 607 p. Petrova, N.F. (2015). Psikhologicheskaya zaschita kak sredstvo obespecheniya bezopasnosti lichnosti i sohraneniya psikhicheskogo zdorovya. [Psychological defense as a tool for providing safety of a personality and preserving mental health]. Mir nauki, kultury, obrazovaniya, 5(54), pp. 132-133. Pochebut, L.G. (2007). Vzaimoponimanie kultur: Metodologiya i metody etnicheskoy i krosskulturnoy psikhologii. Psikhologiya mezhetnicheskoy tolerantnosti: uchebnoe posobie, 2-e izd. [Mutual understanding of cultures: Methodology and methods of ethnic and cross-cultural psychology. Psychology of inter-ethnic tolerance: textbook, 2nd edition]. SPb.: SPbGU, 281 p. Richardson, D., Baron, R. (2001). Agressiya. [Aggression]. (Translated from English by S. Melenevskaya, D. Viktorova, S. Shpak). SPb.: Piter, 352 p. Rogers, C. (1961). On becoming a person. Boston: HoughtonMifflin. Romek, V.G. (2003). Trening uverennosti v mezhlichnostnykh otnosheniyakh. [Training of confidence in interpersonal relationships]. SPb.: Rech, 175 p. Sirotin, O.A. (1973). K voprosu o psikhologicheskoy prirode emotsionalnoy ustoychivosti sprtsmenov. [On the question of the psychological nature of emotional stability in athletes]. 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Mekhanizmy regulyatsii emotsionalnoy ustoychivosti. [Mechanisms of emotional stability regulation]. Kategorii, printsipy i metody psikhologii, Psikhicheskie protsessy. M.: Nauka, pp. 542-543. Walzer, M. (2000). O terpimosti. [On tolerance]. (Translated from English by I. Myurnberg). M.: Ideya-Press, Dom intellektualnoy knigi, 160 p. Zilberman, P.B. (1974). Emotsionalnaya ustoychivost operatora. [Emotional stability of an operator]. Ocherki psikhologii truda operatora. (Ed. E.A. Mileryan). M.: Nauka, pp. 138-172. |
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Interaction Between Philosophy of Education and Teaching PracticeBoris Michailovich Bim-Bad & Lioudmila Ivanovna Egorova
pp. 3385-3393 | Article Number: ijese.2016.260
Abstract The article attempts to analyse the interaction between philosophy of education and teaching practice. Such area of learning as “philosophy of education” is defined, genesis and dynamics of practice as universals of human existence are traced; such concepts as “practice”, “teaching practice” are analysed in view of philosophy of education; the role and position of teaching practice as linking system in the theory of knowledge are grounded. The main conclusion of the conducted research is the proof that philosophy of education in its new interpretation is not only theoretical understanding of foundations and manifestations of educational process, but also practice, direct implementation of educational theoretical groundwork in everyday life. Using historical and philosophical analysis, the author showed that philosophy of education implements adopted philosophical (world view) paradigms in various teaching practices. Keywords: Philosophy of education, philosophy, education science, philosophy of teaching, practice, teaching practice, category of practice References
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Students-Designers' Professional Competencies Formation by Means of Folk Arts and CraftsSergey Mikhailovich Budkeev, Julia Vladimirovna Kiryushina, and Larisa Vladimirovna Shokorova
pp. 3394-3405 | Article Number: ijese.2016.261
Abstract This article reviewed the structure of design activities, special aspects of the specialists' training in multi-disciplinary design environment, the formation process of their cultural and professional competences, necessary for artistic, creative and research activities in the field of design. It identified the components of the national indigenous culture in the formation of the design of objects, problem of continuity in the development of different areas of the material and artistic culture. It substantiated the role of intersubject communications in the formation of professional competences of students-designers and the value of discipline “History of traditional culture” in the professional and artistic training of future designers. It characterized ways of making graphic design, with account of folk art traditions. It defined methods of integrated education in vocational and artistic activities. It proposed pedagogical conditions of future designers' professional competences formation based on acquiring scientific knowledge and specific technical skills. Keywords: Intersubject communications, integrative education, artistic and decorative activities, folk arts and crafts, design, design graphics References 1. Baydenko, V. I. (2005). Competence approach to the design of the state educational standards of higher professional education (methodological and methodical questions): Manual. 2nd ed. - M.: Research center of training quality problems, - 114 p. 2. Budkeev, S. M. (2002). Analysis of psychological readiness of pedagogical high school students to the perception of organ music, Pedagogical education in Altai, 1, 18-22. 3. Bystrova, T. Y. (2001). A thing. A form. A style: An Introduction to design philosophy. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House of the Ural University, 288 p. 4. Guryev, A. I. (2002). Status of intersubject communications in the system of modern education, Science and School, 2, 41-45. 5. Gladyshev, G. M. (2014). Art education as a continuous process of formation of the designer personality: Materials of All-Russian Scientific Conference. - Orenburg: IPK «University», pp. 414-421. 6. Zimnaya, I. A. (2003). Key competencies - the result of a new paradigm of education, Higher education today, 5, 34-42. 7. Ikonnikov, A. I. A systematic approach to the theory and practice of teaching academic drawing in the art-graphic faculties of pedagogical institutes. - Khabarovsk: Publishing house KhSPU, 1998. - 160 p. 8. Karnaev, M. A. (2011). Design students training to design activity in the early stages of painting education // The world of science, culture and education, Gorno-Altaisk, 4(1), 156 -157. 9. Kenzhebekov, B. T. (2004). Methodological approaches to the study of the expert professional competence development, Vocational Education, 5, 177-182. 10. Kiryushina, Y. V. (2011). Intangible cultural heritage - the current concept of modernity, News of Altai State University, 2(1), 244-247. 11. Kiseleva, N. E., Shokorova, L. V. (2014). Decorative composition as a means of designers' creative thinking development // Historical, philosophical, political and juridical sciences, cultural studies and art history. Questions of theory and practice. Tambov: Publishing House of the “Charter” - 9 (47), 203-205. 12. Mazin, Y. I., Kamzina, N. E. (2013). Methods for solving design problems in the design, Fundamental Research, 11(9), 1941-1945. 13. Minervin, G. B., Shimko, V. T., Efimov, A. V., Ermolaev, A. P. et al. (2004). Design. The main statutes. Design Types. Features of design projecting. Masters and theorists. Illustrated Dictionary. - M., 320 p. 14. Novikova, Y. V. (2008). Propaedeutic approach to multilevel designers' training, News of Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University, 48, 42-45. 15. Sokolnikova, N. M. (2008). Traditions and innovations of high school designers training, Pedagogical Bashkortostan journal, 5, 19-80. 16. Ustin, V. B. (2007). Composition in design. Methodical bases of composition-artistic form making in design creativity: Teaching guide. - M.; AST: Astrel, 239 p. 17. Chizhikov, V. V. (2005). Cultural values regulations in the design, Bulletin of Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, 3 (12), 59-65. 18. Fedoretc, G. F. (1983). Interdisciplinary communications in the learning process. - L.; Herzen LGPI, 83 p. 19. Shilova, N. V., Lesnevskaya, T. I., Baeva, O. V. (2012). Arts (architecture and decorative arts of the peoples of the North Caucasus and the Don). - Rostov-on-Don. 187 p. 20. Yakushev, M. S. (2009). Transformation of natural motif into the ornamental decorative form: Teaching Guide - M.: Stroganov MGHPU, 240 p. 21. Shokorova, L.V., Turlyun, L.N. The Problem of Synthesis of Traditions and Innovations in the Art of Woodwork. World Applied Sciences Journal 27 (3): 408-412, 2013. 22. Shokorova, L.V., Turlyun, L.N. (2016). Shaping of Arts and Crafts Objects Using Computer Graphics. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 11(4), 2185-2190 23. Chernyaeva, I.V. (2014). Sources of funding of cultural institutions in Russia at the turn of the XX - XXI centuries. Terra Sebvs. Special Issue. 147-159. 24. Nekhvyadovich L.I., Chernyaeva I.V. (2016). Experience and Perspectives of Art History Development in Educational Space of Siberia at the Turn of XX – XXI centuries. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 11(79, 1501-1507. |
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Children’s Playgrounds and Everyday City Life of ChildhoodAlexandra Gennadyevna Filipovaa, Nadezhda Savvovna Syroeda, and Svetlana Vladimirovna Goncharovaa
pp. 3406-3411 | Article Number: ijese.2016.262
Abstract Play areas of entertainment and development are new recourses for modern city children, but at the same time, they produce risks of road traffic accidents, deviation, social inequality and social exclusion. Playgrounds in city/town yards are free zones of children`s pastime, where children communicate and play together. The aim of this article is to consider children`s playgrounds as semantic centers of town children`s everyday life and to analyze their role in the social life of children of different age groups. Our research has made it possible to compare children`s and adults` views on playgrounds. The position of parents is characterized by assessment of safety, variety of play equipment and developmental orientation. The importance of playgrounds for children is defined by possibilities of free communication and playing with other children. Keywords: City, children, playgrounds, everyday life References Bourdieu, P. (2005) Sotsiologia sotsialnogo prostranstva [Sociologie de l`espace social]. Moscow: Institut eksperimentalnoy sotsiologii, St Petersburg: Aleteya. Filipova A.G. (2012) Sotsialnoye neravenstvo detstva v gorodskoy srede (na primere g. Komsomolska-na-Amure) ([Social Inequality of Children in Town Space (Case Study: the City of Komsomolsk-on-Amur)]. Uchenye zapiski Komsomolskogo-na-Amure gosudarstvennogo technicheskogo universiteta. Nauki o cheloveke, obshchestve i culture, 2: 67-75 Filippov A.F. (2008) Sotsiologia prostranstva [Spacial Sociology], St Petersburg: Vladimir Dal Goffman E. (2000) Predstavlenye sebya drougim v povsednevnoy zhizni [The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life], Moscow, Canon-Press-tz Jacobs J. (2011) Smert i zhizn bolshikh amerikanskikh gorodov [The Death and Life of Great American Cities], Moscow: Novoye Izdatelstvo Naberushkina E.K. (2011) Gorod dlya vsekh: sociologichesky analiz dostoupnosti gorodskogo prostranstva dlya invalidov [A town for Everybody: sociological analysis of availability of Town Areas for Disabled People], Sotsiologiya goroda, 3: 119-139. Osorina M.V. (2000) Sekretniy mir detei v prostranstve vsroslykh [The Secret World of Children in the Adult World], St Petersburg: Peter Voronkova L., Pachenkov O. (ed.) (2014) SAGA o gorode. Transformatsiya obshchestvennykh prostranstv. [City SAGA. Transformation of Public Areas.], St Petersburg: NP-Print. Ward C. (1978). The child in the city York. |
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The Polyfunctionality of Design Language in The Education System of The Design-StudentTatiana Vladimirovna Lazutinaa, and Nicolay Konstantinovich Lazutina
pp. 3412-3422 | Article Number: ijese.2016.263
Abstract This research work is devoted to the identification of functions carried out by design in life of society in general and a sense-creating role interpretation of design language in life of the individual that leads to the realization of the analysis necessity of a design role in the sphere of modern professional education. The design as the activity for esthetic properties designing of industrial products ("art designing") and also as a result of this activity where there is an inseparable interdependent link of an esthetics and technologies is considered in this article. The aesthetics defines a thing matter and technology-its form. The position occupied by design images in the structure of an urban environment is analyzed in this article. It is proved that design is the multifunctional phenomenon influencing on the formation of an art world view by means of a complex of specially chosen means of expressiveness (pictorialism). The central problem of this work is the analysis of symbolic function of design language as the special hierarchical system created not only for the satisfaction of utilitarian, but also esthetic requirements of society in general, and a person, in particular. It is claimed that the main informative means of design language are symbols as the most difficult class of sign formation. It is established that the application of symbols in the design system allows influencing the formation of a reality image in consciousness of the person (society) that leads to the significance understanding of correct values upbringing in the education of a future designer. Keywords: Design, city landscape, design language, city culture, symbol, symbolization References
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Education Quality in Kazakhstan in The Context of Competence-Based ApproachYskak Nabia, Nuriya Ermuhametovna Zhaxylykova, Gulmira Kaparbaevna Kenbaeva, Abdikerim Tolbayev, & Zeinep Nusipovna Bekbaeva
pp. 3423-3435 | Article Number: ijese.2016.263
Abstract The background of this paper is to present how education system of Kazakhstan evolved during the last 24 years of independence, highlighting the contemporary transformational processes. We defined the aim to identify the education quality in the context of competence-based approach. Methods: Analysis of references, interviewing, experimental work. Results: Education quality problems are revealed according to the results of the analysis of the state system of vocational education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is shown that the learning results description in the context of the competence approach is important at this stage of education system development. It is given recommendations on education quality assurance of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of competence-based approach. The novelty of the paper is that quality issues are considered in relation to VET and higher education, it is proposed to use the positive experience of each system. Conclusion: it is possible to solve many of these problems through the development of the National Qualifications Network based on the principles of the European Qualifications Network. Keywords: Competence-based approach, Kazakhstan, learning results, quality of vocational and higher education References Baidenko V. I. (2006) Determination of composition of graduate competences as a necessary stage of designing of new generation GOS VPO: Methodical manual. - 55 p. Baker M. J. (2014) Writing a Literature Review. Terra economicus. Issue 3 / volume 12 Bordovskaya N.V. (2009) Educational systemology: a tutorial. M. Drofa. 464 p. “Education Law” of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Astana, 2010. - URL: <http://www.edu.gov.kz/> Glossary of terms Bologna process. URL: uchkom.info"index.php... Krajewski V. V. (2006).Methodology of pedagogy: new stage: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions. - M., Publishing center "Akademiya",. 400 p. Kusainov A. (2013).The quality of education in the world and in Kazakhstan. - Almaty, - 196 p. Levenchuk D. V. Methods of experimental work in the study of the continuity of professional education// World of science, culture, education. # 4, 2012 Nabi Y. (2014).The quality assurance systems in higher education: Designing on the basis of the EFQM model: Monograph. - Deutschland, Saarbrucken, Palmarium Academic Publishing. 201 p. National reports on the condition and development of education, (2014). Compilers: A.Kultumanova, G.Nogaybaeva, G.Kusidenova, B.Kabatova and others.- National Center for Education Statistics and Evaluation. -Astana. 292 p. Novikova T. G. (2002).Design experiment in education systems. – M.:APK&PRO. -112 p. Shekerbekova L. (2006).National-oriented education as the basic idea of education reform in Kazakhstan // Ulttagylymy, #1 Subetto A. I., Selezneva N. A. (2001).Theoretical and methodological basis of the quality of higher education. – SPb.-M.: ICPPS. – 136 p. Teslinov A. G. (1998).Development of control systems: methodology and conceptual structures. – M.: Globe. – 229 p. Taubaeva Sh. T. (2013).Methodology of pedagogy: a tutorial. Almaty, “Karasay”. 432 p. Yakovlev E. V. (2000).Theory and practice of education quality management in University: Dis.... doctor. ped. Sciences. – Chelyabinsk, – 418 p. |
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The World of Child Psychology in Early Mussorgsky’s WorksIza A. Nemirovskayaa, Lyudmila S. Bakshia, Olga V. Gromovaa, Irina A. Korsakovaa, and Alexander S. Bazikovb
pp. 3436-3449 | Article Number: ijese.2016.264
Abstract The world of a child as a topic gave birth to a number of Mussorgsky`s decisions concerning figurative modes, music style systems, principles of composition and music poetics. The master captured the microcosm of passions, that originally inhabit the soul of a child, and his works presented an embodiment of the deep, ontological nature of any human personality with its typical mixture of good and evil. In his musical works about children the composer also showed us some fundamental laws of psychology: some child entertainments, that are not quite harmless, conceal future repulsive character traits of an adult; and evident aggressiveness of a person is often a result of a former child having been unjustly insulted. All this makes it possible for us to speak of Mussorgsky as a composer and a child psychologist Keywords: Mussorgsky, childhood, psychology, poetics References
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Theoretical-and-Methodological Substantiation of Multilingual Model Activity in Kazakhstan Higher School Education SystemBikesh Revovna Ospanovaa, Zhanat Amantayevna Azimbayevaa, Tatyana Vladimirovna Timokhinaa, and Zergul Koblandiyevna Seydakhmetovaa
pp. 3450-3466 | Article Number: ijese.2016.265
Abstract The The need of implementing the model of professional development in training an expert in the conditions of multilingualism is considered. The possibility of using the multilingual approach in the context of present day education with the use of innovative technologies of training is substantiated, the definition of "multilingual education" is given. An important mechanism of the social life humanization becomes the variety of cultures and educational systems in the conditions of globalization. The main component of multicultural education is multilingual training which pedagogical principles are the principle of unity and integrity of cultures, the principle of balance between uniqueness, originality of cultures, languages and the world tendency to unification. Keywords: Language policy, multilingual education, multicultural environment, integration, innovation technologies, study, cross-cultural communication References
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Distance Learning in Scientific and Professional Fields of Communication (Interdisciplinary Approach)Tatyana Petrovna Skorikovaa, с, Sergey Sergeevich Khromova, and Natalia Vitalievna Dneprovskaya
pp. 3467-3476 | Article Number: ijese.2016.266
Abstract Modern level of informational technologies development allows the authors of educational courses to decrease their dependence from technical specialists and to independently develop distance-learning courses and their separate online components, which require special methodical learning. The aim of present study is to develop a distance-learning course in linguistics with regard to the specifics of the course that uses modern informational technologies. Scientific and methodic significance of the study consists in the fact that the developed online course is an innovative representation of the results of methodic and scientific research work of teachers and students. Therefore, it expands their opportunities to participate in the university’s innovative activity, along with the educational and research activities. Within the presented project we plan to transfer the communicative-activity paradigm of learning into practice of distance forms of organizing students’ independent work and to model a new educational product (online component of the course) on the basis of these results with consequent integration in educational process. Keywords: E-learning, blended learning, distance learning, scientific and professional field of communication, information technologies, linguistics, interdisciplinary approach References
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A Method of Developing Technological Readiness for Using Virtual Educational Environment in The Professional Activity of a College TeacherZaure Orazalin, Nadegda Zavalko, Maral Duiseneevna Yessekeshov, Zhuldyz Muhtarovn Tashkenbayev, Saule Aldabergenov
pp. 3477-3486 | Article Number: ijese.2016.267
Abstract Present article provides the definition of the concept of “teacher’s readiness for using virtual educational environment in credit educational technology”. We defined the criterions and development levels of college teacher’s readiness for using virtual educational environment, which are represented by three components - motivational, cognitive and operational; we reveal the content of these components. We describe the developmental stage of the experiment through four consequent stages (basic, applied, Web and interactive), the main position in which is taken by special courses that were conducted during advanced training for teachers with different levels of the studied readiness. We describe the obtained results of the study and practical recommendations for developing college teachers’ technological readiness for using virtual educational environment during the professional activity in credit educational technology. Keywords: Technological readiness of a college teacher, credit educational technology, virtual educational environment, advanced training of teachers References
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Socialization for the Knowledge SocietyAlexander O. Karpov
pp. 3487-3496 | Article Number: ijese.2016.268
Abstract The purpose of the study is to give an overview and present special features of socialization of the research type that prepares young people for life in the knowledge society. Methods of cultural and historical epistemology, of hermeneutic and structural-functional analysis of social action have been used in the study, as well as elements of the theory of values and philosophic ontology. The experimental part of the study involves methods of comparative analysis and synthesis of social work with creatively active schoolchildren and students. The article analyses the role of education in the conception of the knowledge society, created in the period 1940-1960s. As fundamental factors of a new type of socialization, the cognitive role structure of the knowledge society and spiritual abilities determining creativity are presented. The possibility of early research socialization is explained through the dynamics of the professional maturation period in the conditions of the general technological field of modern knowledge culture. The article lays a theoretical foundation and provides practical justification for a new socialization of the research type, which plays a crucial role in the development of the knowledge society and interprets the content of modern education according to its cultural mission Keywords: Socialization type, knowledge society, education program, research personality, self-identification References Anderson, R. (2010). The “Idea of a University” today. History & Policy. Retrieved from http://www.historyandpolicy.org/policy-papers/papers/the-idea-of-a-university-today Bakulina, T. (2001). Kak izbavit’sia ot nefti? Astrakhanskaya studentka izobrela unikal’ny preparat. Moskovskiye Novosti, 43(1111), 33-35. Baratashvili, G. (2009). Your Career. Cosmopolitan, 8, 186. Bourgeois, E. (2002). Developing foresight for the development of higher education/research relations in the perspective of the European Research Area. Retrieved from http://bookshop.europa.eu/ga/developing-foresight-for-the-development-of-higher-education-research-relations-in-the-perspective-of-the-european-research-area-era--pbKINA20511/ Bruner, J. S. (2006). Science education and teachers: a Karplus Lecture (2), 12. London: Routledge. 17-22. Carr, D. (2003). Making Sense of Education. London: Routledge, 319 p. Cuypers, S. E. (2004). Critical Thinking, Autonomy and Practical Reason. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 38(1), 75–90. Efimenko, A. (2000). My challenge to children’s mortality. In 12th European Union Contest for Young Scientists. Bergen: The Netherlands Yong Scientists Foundation, 83-87. Godon, R. (2004). Understanding, Personal Identuty and Education. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 4, 589–600. Greenaway, D., & Haynes, M. (2003). Funding Higher Education in the UK. The Economic Journal, 113(485), 150–166. Gregorieva, V. (2000). Нow to make a profit from waste material. 12th European Union Contest for Young Scientists. Bergen, 84 p. Gureev, A. (2001). Home Laser Appliance to Diagnose Cancer. 13th European Union Contest for Young Scientists. Brussels-Oslo, 29 p. Haddad, G. (2009). Communique. 2009 World Conference on Higher Education: The New Dynamics of Higher Education and Research For Societal Change and Development. Paris, Effs, 53 p. Hammershoj, L. G. (2009). Creativity as a Question of Bildung. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 43(4), 545–558. Ilchenko, A. (2011). It’s not interesting, is it? Poisk, 13(1139), 2 p. Karpov, A. (2015). Formation of the Modern Concept of Research Education: From New Age to a Knowledge Society. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 214, 439–447. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.11.718 Karpov, A. O. (2013). Sociocognitive structure and education in the knowledge society. Obschestvo I Ekonomika, 11, 5–20. Mackenzie, J. (1998). Science Education after Рostmodernism. London and New York: Routledge, 326 p. Obuschenko, A. (2002). Light-induced Particle Aggregation. In E. C. Directorate-General (Eds.), 14th European Union Contest for Young Scientists. Vienna, 263 p. Pokholkov, Y. P. (2011). Sad but true. The proposition about the world’s best Russian education sounds unconvincing today. Poisk, 10(1136-1137), 13-17. Shadrikov, V. D. (2002). Introduction in psychology: Man’s abilities. Moscow: Logos. 252 p. Simons, M. (2006). “Education Through Research” at European Universities: Notes on the Orientation of Academic Research. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 40(1), 31–50. Tomlinson, J. (2000). Policy and Governance. Tomorrow’s Schools – Towards Integrity. London and New York: Routledge Falmer, 180 p. Winch, C. (2004). Developing Critical Rationality as a Pedagogical Aim. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 38(3), 467–484. Piaget J. (1952). The origins of intelligence in children. New York: International Universities Press, 8(5), 53-67. |
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The Impact of the Social Order to Increase Enrollment in Programs of Additional EducationAngelina V. Zolotareva, Liudmila V. Bayborodova, Elena N. Lehomzeva, Yulia V. Sukhanova and Anzhelika B. Razumova
pp. 3497-3511 | Article Number: ijese.2016.269
Abstract The purpose of the study is to examine the social demand impact on increasing the children’s enrollment of supplementary education programs. The survey has involved children of younger and middle school age (n=2 206), high school students (n=2 162), and parents of children of pre-school (n=313), younger and middle school age (n=262). The research results have revealed the factors affecting the choice of a more comprehensive program, popular and unpopular directions of supplementary education for children. Thus, the older high school students become, the more their preferences change from the desire to spend time outdoors, with people of their age to the need to attend courses to get ready to enter the university. Moreover, parents of junior and middle school-age children would like their children to attend supplementary education institutions, which could in turn influence the choice of hobbies and interests of their children. The survey results show the most popular areas of supplementary education for pupils are sports, recreation, artistic and aesthetic, and the technical one. The practical value of the paper is that the study offers a set of measures aimed at increasing children’s enrollment in supplementary education programs. Keywords: Supplementary education programs, supplementary educational establishments, social demand on increasing children’s social activity, monitoring children’s interests References Agafonova, N.N., Brehach, R.A. & Zhadayev, D.N. (2009). The content of the public procurement for the educational system: effective mechanisms to create a professional environment and mechanisms to show results of implementation of the public procurement by the professional community. Perm: Perm State Pedagogical University, 264 p. Bayborodova, L.V., Belkina, V.V. & Kharisova, I.G. (2014). Psychological and pedagogic support for children in supplementary education system. Yaroslav: K.D. 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Analisi su richiesta della formazione mercato del lavoro servizi personale supplementare dei bambini in Russia. Italian Science Review, 7(16), 183-186. Potashnik, M.M. (2006). Education quality management: monograph and textbook. Series “Education of the 21st century”. Moscow: Pedagogical society of Russia. Reznik, I.B. (2005). The public procurement in the Soviet musical art of the 1930s (Doctoral dissertation). Yekaterinburg: Urals Mussorgsky State Conservatoire, 425 p. Ryabova, V.I. (2010). Formation of Children’s Readiness for International Communication as One of the Topical Directions of Development of Out-of-School (Supplementary) Education of Children in Kazakhstan. In A. Zolotareva (Ed.), Topical tendencies in the development of out-of-school (non-formal) education in Eastern European countries: Survey of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine: Teaching aid. (pp. 21). Prague-Yaroslavl: EAICY-YSTTU. Shkliar, H.L., Yakauleva, I.A. & Sinichkina, L.P. (2010). Out-of-School Education and Training in Belarus as a Sphere of Social Creative Work. In A. Zolotareva (Ed.), Topical tendencies in the development of out-of-school (non-formal) education in Eastern European countries: Survey of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine: Teaching aid. (pp. 222). Prague-Yaroslavl: EAICY-YSTTU. Sukhanova, Y.V. (2012). Social Demand for Supplementary Education of Children. Yaroslavl: YASPU, 7(2), 54-62. Zolotareva, A. (2013a). Children’s Supplementary Education in Russia in the 21st Century: Teaching Aid. Ushinsky Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, 9(99), 81-83 Zolotareva, A.V. & Sukhanova, Y.V. (2013). The study results of social demand for supplementary education for children. Yaroslavl Pedagogical Journal, 2(2), 131-136. Zolotareva, A.V. (2013b). Supplementary education for children in Russia in the 21st century: Manual. Prague-Yaroslavl: EAICY-YSPU, 215 p. Zolotareva, A.V. (2013c). The concept and essence of the social demand for supplementary education for children in Russia. In W. Strielkowski & I Čábelková (Eds.), Marketing, management and production in educational and publication activites in former USSR countries and Eastern Europe (pp.35-45). Prague: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of social sciences. Zolotareva, A.V. (2014). How satisfied are parents quality supplementary education for children in Russia? In Y. Maximov (Ed.), Applied and Fundamental Studies: Proceedings of the 6rd International Academic Conference (pp.105-110). St. Louis, Missouri: Publishing House Science and Innovation Center. |
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Methods of Establishing Occupational Skill Structure of Admissions in the System of Vocational EducationOleg A. Kosorukov, Alexander N. Makarov and Karmak B. Bagisbayev
pp. 3512-3531 | Article Number: ijese.2016.270
Abstract The purpose of the study is to determine the business need for vocational training. This article gives a detailed analysis of the problem aimed at finding optimal occupational skill structure of training, which involves all kinds of positive effects in various areas of public life − from the economy up to the spiritual sphere of human life. Moreover, the authors described relevant stages and their interconnections in the implementation process and provided a detailed description of relevant source data. The practical value is that the investigation suggests approaches to provide balance in the regional labor market, and considers the need for concerted action of regional authorities, educational and manufacturing companies in the region. Keywords: Regional socio-economic development, labor market, vocational training system, determining the structure of professional qualifications, system-dynamic modeling References Athique, A. (2016). Post-industrial Development and the New Leisure Economy. InGlobalisation and the Challenges of Development in Contemporary India61-76). New York: Springer Singapore. Bijwaard, G. E., Schluter, C., & Wahba, J. (2014). The impact of labor market dynamics on the return migration of immigrants.Review of Economics and Statistics,96(3), 483-494. Bleikh, H. Y., & Young, W. L. (2016).. CRC Press, 11, 17-19. BLS Handbook of Methods, Division of BLS Publishing. 1997. Washington: DC, 62 p. Davidson, С. & Nicholas, S. (2013): A Simple Model of Clobalization, Schooling and Skill Acquisition. Direct access: http://hdl.handle.net/10419/84176. Didkovskaya, Y. (2014). Dynamics of professional career strategies in the transformation of professional self-determination model. Sociology, 2, 14-23. Giovannelli, A., & Proietti, T. (2016). On the Selection of Common Factors for Macroeconomic Forecasting.Dynamic Factor Models (Advances in Econometrics, Emerald Group Publishing Limited,35, 593-628. Groen, J. J., & Kapetanios, G. (2016). Revisiting useful approaches to data-rich macroeconomic forecasting. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 100, 221-239. Gurtov, V. A., Garifullina, N. Y., & Sigova, S. V. (2016). Forecasting recruitment needs of the Russian economy: Qualitative aspects. Studies on Russian Economic Development, 27(1), 68-75. Kosorukov, O.A. (2015). Forecasting the economic demand for vocational training. Moscow: MGU. 78-8534 Lindley, J., & Machin, S. (2014). Spatial changes in labour market inequality.Journal of Urban Economics,79, 121-138. Makarov, A. N., Nazmeev, E. F., Maksutina, E. V., & Alpatova, E. S. (2014). Education reform in context of innovative development of the Russian economy.Life Science Journal,11(6s), 372-375. Mukhametshina, G. R., Bulatov, A. N., & Antonova, N. V. (2014). Methods to Provide Supply and Demand Balance on the Regional Industrial Labour Market. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(12), 145. Nyen Wong, K., & Cheong Tang, T. (2011). Foreign direct investment and employment in manufacturing and services sectors: Fresh empirical evidence from Singapore.Journal of Economic Studies, 38(3), 313-330. Parks, B., Olson, P. D., & Bokor, D. W. (2015). Don't mistake business plans for planning (it may be dangerous to your financial health).Journal of Small Business Strategy, 2(1), 15-24. Pitukhin, E.A., Gurtov, V.A. (2006). "Mathematical modeling of dynamic processes in the system" economy - the labor market - vocational education ".Moscow: AST, 242 p. Rasdorf, W., Hummer, J. E., & Vereen, S. C. (2016). Data Collection Opportunities and Challenges for Skilled Construction Labor Demand Forecast Modeling.Public Works Management & Policy, 21(1), 28-52. Scanlon, W. J., & Holt, C. C. (2014, May). Demand for Labor in a Dynamic Theory of the Firm. InAdaptive Economic Models: Proceedings of a Symposium Conducted by the Mathematics Research Center, the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Academic Press, 34, 327. Skousen, M. (2016).The making of modern economics: the lives and ideas of the great thinkers. London: Routledge, 33 p. Teslenko. I.V. (2014). Development of human resources in accordance with labor market needs by the example of Sverdlovsk Region. Basic research, 12, 16-19. Upward, R. & Wakelin, K. (2002). Trade, investment, migration and labour market adjustment. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 243 p. Zenou, Y. (2015). A dynamic model of weak and strong ties in the labor market.Journal of Labor Economics,33(4), 891-932. Zhu, X. (2014). The Effect of Education on Economic Growth–An Empirical Research Based on the EBA Model Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 17(1), 67-79.
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Monitoring of the Educational Process During the Pedagogical Practical Training in SchoolGylmira Saudabaeva, Altynay Tymbolova, Sholpan Kolumbaeva, Aitzhanova Roza and Marat Bodeev
pp. 3532-3547 | Article Number: ijese.2016.271
Abstract The purpose of the study is to analyze the features of monitoring the educational process during students’ practical training at schools. We examined a number of methods and techniques of conducting monitoring of educational process as embodied by future teachers’ practical training at secondary schools: continuous observation, method of test situations, explication, surveys, analysis of results of learners’ educational activity and testing of students (n=500). The monitoring of educational process during school-based practical training is considered from two perspectives: from the university-staff perspective and from the perspective of developing students’ skills of implementing such monitoring. The submissions can be useful for perfecting the content of education, evaluating the effectiveness of educational technologies being measured and identification of problems in the educational process as well as ways to resolve them Keywords: Managing educational process, educational monitoring, educational standards, pedagogical practical training, diagnostics of a schoolchild’s personal development References Borisenko, I. & Volodina, D. (2015). Educational Smart Technologies in the Educational Process. Journal of Siberian Federal University: Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(3), 489-493. Buldygina, L. (2007). Implementation of monitoring as a means of managing the professional development of pedagogues. Informatics and Education, 4, 103-108. Cawelti, G. (2000). Handbook of Research on Improving Student Achievement. Alexandria: Educational Research Service, 263 p. Coates, H. (2010). Defining and monitoring academic standards in Australian higher education. 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Educational & Informative Competence of Schoolchildren: Modelling of Educational and Informative Activity at Native Language LessonsShelale Z. Nabiyeva
pp. 3548-3561 | Article Number: ijese.2016.272
Abstract The study aims at analysis an educational and informative competence, describing the components of schoolchildren’s educational and informative activity and submitting an efficient set of exercises resulted from the educational and informative activity component analysis. The relevance of the study is determined by modernization of an educational paradigm since the current approach to organization of the learning process is to be reviewed. The study results are based on the average performance of schoolchildren during the 4-year study of the subject "Native language" (n=70). Furthermore, we used a comprehensive approach to analysis of an elementary school educational process as a methodological basis for analysis of pedagogical reality. The study showed that informative educational activity helps the schoolchild to form competencies that contribute to education of moral, civic and patriotic, aesthetic qualities of a child, mindset formation in general. Suggested model of improving educational and informative activity at native language lessons may be used by teachers as a way of organization of the current learning process. Keywords: Educational process, educational and informative competence, schoolchild’s informative activity, native language lessons, self-studying principles References Alake-Tuenter, E. (2012). Inquiry-Based Science Education Competencies of Primary School Teachers: A literature study and critical review of the American National Science Education Standards. International Journal of Science Education, 17(34), 2609-2640. Alekseeva, L. (2009). Expected results of the primary general education. Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 253 p. Antonenko E. (2010). Formation of intellectual and cognitive competence as a factor for developing culture of independent educational activity in schoolchildren (Doctoral Dissertation). Vladikavkaz: North-Ossetian State University, 427 p. Asmolov, A., Burmenskaya, G. & Volodarskaya, I. (2008). How to design universal educational activities at an elementary school, from action to thought. Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 263 p. Asmolov, A., Burmenskaya, G. & Volodarskaya, I. (2011). Formation of universal educational actions at the basic school: from action to thought. Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 366 p. Babansky, Yu. (1989). Rational organization of educational activity. Moscow: Pedagogika. 322 p. Herborn, K., Mustafic, M. & Greiff, S. (2015). Validating the PISA 2015 collaborative problem solving approach, Luxembourg: Licet, 278 p. Khutorskoy, A. (2003). Key competences as a component of personally oriented paradigm of education. Pop. Education, 2, 58–65. Kirsch, C. (2012). Developing children's language learner strategies at primary school. Education, 3, 379-399. Kozlova, V. & Kondakova, A. (2011). The fundamental core of the content of general education. Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 345 p. Krasnozhonova, E. (2013). Development of Schoolchildren’s Cognitive Activity with the Help of Various Interactive Technologies. World Applied Sciences Journal, 24(3), 340-344. Lerner, I. (1971). Criteria for levels of cognitive independence of schoolchildren. New studies in pedagogical sciences, 4, 34-39. Levin, E. (2008). Self-education of children at school: new methods. Rostov-on-Don: Fenix, 362 p. Matyushkin, A. (2008). Problem situations in thinking and learning. Moscow: Directmedia Publishing, 312 p. Petrova, I. (2011). Means and methods of formation of universal educational actions of a schoolchild. Young scientist, 5(2), 151-155. Sandford, R. (2015). Ability to be active: exploring children's active play in primary schools. International Journal of Play, 2(4), 149-162. Shchukina, G. (1999). Activation of cognitive activity of schoolchildren in the learning process: Manual for students of pedagogical universities. Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 273 p. Sidenko, A. S. (2013). Types and peculiarities of pedagogical developments in conditions of introduction of the second generation standard into schools. Experiment and innovations at school, 5, 10-14. Sviridova, E. (2013). Design, small study groups, individual trajectory in conditions of individualization of education. Municipal education: innovations and an experiment, 5, 44-51. Thoonen, E. (2011). Can teachers motivate students to learn? Educational Studies, 3(37), 345-360. Vorovshchikov, S. (2007). A school should teach to think, design, research: Administrative aspect: Pages written by management consultant and headmaster of the school. Moscow: «5 za znaniya», 274 p. Vorovshchikov, S. (2010). Development of educational and informative competence of schoolchildren. Moscow: «5 za znaniya», 426 p. Webster-Stratton, C. & Reid, J. (2004). Strengthening Social and Emotional Competence in Young Children—The Foundation for Early School Readiness and Success Incredible Years Classroom Social Skills and Problem-Solving Curriculum. Infants and Young Children, 2(17), 96–113. |
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Pedagogical System of Future Teachers’ Professional Thinking Culture FormationSaltanat K. Abildina, Zhanar Y. Sarsekeyeva, Kulzhan A. Aidarbekova, Zhannur B. Asetova and Kuanysbek B. Adanov
pp. 3562-3574 | Article Number: ijese.2016.273
Abstract Research objective is to theoretically justify and to develop pedagogical system of development of future teachers’ professional thinking culture. In the research there are used a set of theoretical methods: systematic analysis of the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature on the researched topic; compilation and classification of pedagogical publications; analysis of educational-methodical documentation; projection of systems and processes. As a result developed pedagogical system of development of future teachers’ professional thinking culture is the interaction of such components as purposeful, informative, activity, control-evaluative, effective. The culture of teacher’s professional thinking is a complex system formation and purposeful creation of the culture of professional thinking can only be the result of specially organized pedagogical process on the organization of mental activity, adequate to these features. At the same time we have developed pedagogical system that promotes the pedagogical system of development of future teachers’ professional thinking culture. Keywords: Teacher’s professional, thinking culture, pedagogical system, stages of formation, professional education References Cooper, R. K. & Sawaf, A. (1994). Executive EQ Emotional Intelligence in leadership and Organization. New York: Perigee Book, 358 p. Ilusisova, S. M. & Kambarkisi, A. (2005). А. Features of social thinking in the pedagogical conflict. Bulletin KazNU, 2(15), 32-37. Imig, S, Parker M., Roseboro D. L. & Smith, R. (2012). The evolution of teacher candidates' thinking: coming to consciousness and developing conscience. Teaching and Learning, 26(2), 58-69. Kovalchuk, L. (2014). Modeling of cultural and educational environment as a pedagogical condition of forming of professional thinking culture of future teachers. European Scientific Journal, 10(22), 69-81. Law on Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (2007). Kazakhstan truth. Almaty, 75 p. Li-fang, Zh. (2004). Thinking styles: University Students' Preferred Teaching Styles and Their Conceptions of Effective Teachers. Journal of Psychology, 138(3), 233-252. Morgan, A. M. (2012). Subject-specific literacies and transition in the middle years: examples of teacher thinking, research and practice. Literacy Learning: The Middle Years, 20(3), 39-51. Perkins, D. Creating a Culture of Thinking. Educational Leadership. EBSCO. 2002; 98-99. Rasumova, O.V. (2008). Future teachers’ subject and specific thinking formation: PhD Abstract. Kazan, KSU, 82 p. Sadykov, T. S., Hmel, N. D., Zhampeisova, K. K.. (2000). Concept of pedagogical education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty: LEM. 15 p. Salamatina, A. M. (2005). Junior students’ Technical Thinking Formation: PhD Abstract. Almaty: KazNPU, 25 p. Saroj, V. (2006). Sex difference in thinking style of teachers trainees. IJPE, 37(2), 127-136. Sarsekeyeva, Zh. Ye. (2011). Teacher’s professional thinking culture. Karaganda: KarSU publishing, 354 p. Saxena, S., Jain, S. & Jain, R. (2013). Influence of forms of thinking styles on emotional intelligence of teacher educators. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education, 1(5), 30-33. Sherlock, J. & Vesely, P. (2005). Pedagogical tools to develop critical thinking. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 9(4), 155-167. The State Obligatory Standard of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (2010). The higher professional education. Bachelor degree. Specialty 5B010200 – Pedagogics and a technique of elementary education, 31 p. Toomela, A. (2007). Culture of science: strange history of the methodological thinking in psychology. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 41(1), 6-18. |
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Studying the Effectiveness of Physical Education in the Secondary School (by the Example of Kazakhstan)Тulegen A. Botagariyev, Svetlana S. Kubiyeva, Venera E. Baizakova, Nurolla Mambetov, Yerkin K. Tulegenov, Alpysbay S. Aralbayev and Dulat U. Kairgozhin
pp. 3575-3594 | Article Number: ijese.2016.274
Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the existing model of teaching physical training in secondary schools and the analysis of a game like method introduced to improve physical fitness of students. The authors substantiated the use of a game like method during physical training classes, which implementation should create prerequisites required for the optimization of physical development, physical preparedness and functional state of the student organism. Empirical research was based on the obtained difference in the level of physical training in the control and experimental groups. Students of the control group were trained according to the existing school curriculum. The experimental group was trained according to a modified program, which implied using the game like method and the increased number of training hours. The pedagogical experiment was carried out in three stages. Quantitative indicators were processed using two-factor variance analysis. The experiment was carried out among 1350 high school students. The application of two-factor variance analysis gave the possibility to determine that the curriculum-based physical training was favorable for the development of endurance, whereas the game like method was more suitable for the development of speed-strength and strength. Practical significance of the study lies in the fact that statistical data processing used by the authors of this research, will be helpful for coaches to verify the effectiveness of the existing curriculum in real time and to improve student sports achievements. Keywords: Child development, physical education, student physical fitness level, teaching models of physical education, methods aimed at increasing physical activity References Arriscado, A., Muros, M., Zabala, D., & Dalmau, T. (2003). Influence of school health promotion on the life habits of schoolchildren. 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Development of Polytechnic Knowledge and Abilities in the Course of Studying PhysicsGizatulla Imashev, Bakytgul T. Abykanova, Mairagul T. Rakhmetova, Anar A. Tumysheva, Raushan N. Moldasheva, Sandugash S. Ilyasova and Aliya A. Shahimova
pp. 3595-3606 | Article Number: ijese.2016.275
Abstract In this article one of aspects of physics course studying improvement at high schools - the problem of the development of polytechnic knowledge and abilities in modern conditions – is revealed. In this research, the role and place of polytechnic education in the improvement of teaching physics at high schools are revealed, the main pedagogical requirements to polytechnic training of students at the present stage are defined. The work examines the contents of the physics course application component corresponding to the current state of science and technology, as well as the levels of formation of polytechnic abilities in physics at high schools under the conditions of modern production. The analysis of philosophical, psychology and pedagogical literature was used. The experimental work was performed in secondary schools No. 3, 5, 16 and 19 in Atyrau. The results obtained in the experimental classes, in comparison with the results of the control classes, prove that the application of the formation and development of polytechnic knowledge and skills of students during the study of a physics course technique, developed by us, leads to a significant extension and broadening of knowledge and skills of physics course students. Keywords: Innovative development; abilities formation levels; physical course; systematization principle References Antsyferov, A. I. (2002). Electrodynamics and communication means operate at the very beginning of Quantum Physics. Moscow, Russia: Mnemozina, 264 p. Atkins, P. W. & Friedman, R. S. (2005). Molecular Quantum Mechanics. Oxford University Press, 264 p. Bennett, J. (2003). Teaching and learning science. A guide to research and its applications. London: Continuum, 253 p. Bugayev, A. I. (1981). Methodology of teaching of physics at high schools. Moscow: Inlightening. Dewey, J. (1990). Method in Science Teaching. Education in the field of natural sciences, 29(3), 119-123. Dobson, K., Holman, J. & Roberts, M. (2001). Holt Science Spectrum: Physical Science. New York: Holt, 254 p. Gibbons-Wood, D. & Lange, Т. (2000). Developing Core Skills: Lessons from Germany and Sweden. Education and Training, 42(1), 24-32. Imashev, G. (2007a). Development of the technician - technological knowledge in a school course of physics. Atyrau, Kh. Dosmuhamedov Atyrau State University, 262 p. Imashev, G. (2011). Innovative approaches in development of polytechnic education in the process of educating to physics at high school. Atyrau, Kh. Dosmuhamedov Atyrau State University. 353 p. Imashev, G. (2012). Modern problems of polytechnic education the course of physics. Russian journal of Earth Sciences, 12(12), 53-57. Imashev, G., Syrbayeva, S., Galimzhanova, M., Yergalieva, G. T., Muftakh, N. & Aldigulova, N. Z. (2014). The computer based technology of teaching quantum physics. Life Science Journal, 11(6), 102-105. Le Bellac, M. A. (2006). Short Introduction to Quantum Information and Quantum Computation. Cambridge University Press. Norenkov, I. P., & Zimin, A. M. (2004). Information technologies in education. Moscow, Publishing House MGTU, 257 p. Rieffel, E., & W. Polak (2011). Quantum Computing: A Gentle Introduction. New York: The MIT Press, 362 p. Ross, J. A. & Gray, P. (2006). Transformational leadership and teacher commitment to organizational values: The mediating effects of collective teacher efficacy. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 17(2), 179-199. Schunk, H. & Pajares, F. (2002). The development of academic self-efficacy. In A. Wigfield & J. Eccles (Eds.), Development of achievement motivation. San Diego: Academic Press, 16-31 p. Shamalo, T. N. & Mekhnin, A. M. (2012). Forming value orientations of students during polytechnic training at physics lessons and extracurricular work. Pedagogical education in Russia, 5, 230-234. Slastenin, V. A. (2002). Pedagogy: manual for higher educational pedagogic establishments.. Moscow: “Academy” publishing center, 273 p. Tulkibayeva, N. N. (1995). Solving physics tasks: psychological and pedagogical aspect. Chelyabinsk: Publishing house of Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University “Fakel” and Ural State Pedagogical University, 374 p. Tzoneva, R. G. (2000). Application of LabVIEW technology in control engineering education. In Z. Pudlowski (Eds.). Proceedings of the 2nd Global Congress on Engineering Education, 154-167. Zhazylbayeva N. & Salykbayeva Z. (2014). The "New Materials in Technology" elective course. Life Science Journal, 11(8), 73-75. |
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The Relevance of Finding a Solution to the Problem of Allegations Validation in the Conditions of Legal Culture Formation in Civil SocietyArman S. Akhmetov, Dmitriy P. Muchkin & Elnar Sh. Utyubayev
pp. 3607-3614 | Article Number: ijese.2016.276
Abstract The aim of this study is to identify and provide a clear idea about the helpful ways in determining the truth (or reliability) of arguments in the situations where it is necessary to make a decision. In this paper, we use systemic, structural-functional, activity approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, moreover we discuss the works of scientists who conducted the study on the subject. The truth determination of the arguments will stimulate the development and modernization of science and critical thinking in individuals. As a result, a set of training sessions is developed, with the aim of informing about the methods that can be used for checking the arguments’ validity. The results of the study could serve as a basis for similar and more extensive research in this direction with the aim of increasing the training effectiveness for a successful life in today's rapidly changing world through education. Keywords: Intellectual potential, critical appraisal, expert commentary, facts’ reliability, expert opinion References Aitzhanova, A. (2014). Kazakhstan 2050: Toward a modern society for all. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 259 p. Aronson, A. & Pratkanis, A. R. (2003). Era of propaganda: Mechanisms of persuasion, everyday use and abuse. Saint Petersburg: EUROZNAK, 353 p. Becker, G., Jors, K. & Block, S. (2015). Discovering the truth beyond the truth. Journal of pain and symptom management, 49(3), 646-649. Davies, M. (2013). Critical thinking and the disciplines reconsidered. Higher Education Research & Development, 32(4), 529-544. Goldacre, B. (2010). Bad Science. Moscow: Eksmo, Direct access: http://ru-psi.com/ru_zar/home_health/goldakr/0/. Howard, L. W., Tang, T. L., & Austin, M. J. (2015). Teaching critical thinking skills: Ability, motivation, intervention, and the Pygmalion effect. Journal of Business Ethics, 128(1), 133-147. Ivin, A. A. (1990). The art of right thinking. Moscow: Education, 355 p. Ivin, A. A. (2001). Logic. Moscow: FAIR-PRESS, 296 p. Johnson, R. H. (2014). The rise of informal logic: Essays on argumentation, critical thinking, reasoning and politics. V. 2. University of Windsor. Karzhaubayev, E. K. & Sydykova, A. E. (2013). State and civil society institutes interaction in the republic of Kazakhstan. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 14(4), 516-524. Khalpern, D. (2000). Psychology of the critical thinking. Saint Petersburg: Piter, 352 p. Linn, J. F. (2014). Kazakhstan 2050 Exploring an Ambitious Vision. Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies, 6(3), 283-300. Maslach, C., & Jackson, S. E. (2013). A social psychological analysis. In G.S. Sanders & J. Suls (Eds.), Social psychology of health and illness. Cambridge: Consulting Psychologists Press, 227-251. Melich, J. & Adibayeva, A. (2013). Nation-Building and Cultural Policy in Kazakhstan. European Scientific Journal, 2, 265-279 Paul, R. U. (1990). Critical thinking: What is necessary for each survival in rapidly changing world. Direct access: http://evolkov.net/critic.think/Paul.R/ Paul, R. & Elder, L. (2013). Critical thinking: Tools for taking charge of your professional and personal life. New York: Pearson Education, 265 p. Popper, K. (1963). The Growth of Scientific Knowledge. London: Harper & Row, 253 p. Ruggiero, V. R. (1990). Beyond the emotions and feelings: A guide to critical thinking. Direct access: http://evolkov.net/critic.think/Ruggiero.R/index.html Salmon, M. H. (2012). Introduction to logic and critical thinking. London: Cengage Learning, 294 p. Shiraev, E. B., & Levy, D. (2015). Cross-cultural psychology. London: Routledge, 254 p. Spehr, S. & Kassenova, N. (2012). Kazakhstan: constructing identity in a former-Soviet society. Asian ethnicity, 13(2), 135-151. Vaughn, L., & MacDonald, C. (2013). The power of critical thinking. Third Canadian Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 285 p. Wagner, J. (2014). Who belongs to me? Social relationship and personality characteristics in the transition to young adulthood. European Journal of Personality, 28(6), 586-603. |
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Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding Literary TextsAltynay Zh. Dossanova, Bibissara S. Ismakova, Saule E. Tapanova, Gulbagira K. Ayupova, Valentina V. Gotting and Gulnar K. Kaltayeva
pp. 3615-3629 | Article Number: ijese.2016.277
Abstract The primary purpose is the implementation of the interdisciplinary approach to understanding and the construction of integrative models of understanding literary texts. The interdisciplinary methodological paradigm of studying text understanding, based on the principles of various sciences facilitating the identification of the text understanding essence (cognitive, anthropocentric, dialogue, interdisciplinary principles) is rationalized and described. Methods of various sciences are used in complex: the hermeneutic method (hermeneutic philosophy, hermeneutic psychology), the pragmatic understanding method (pragmatics), the cognitive analysis, the inference method (cognitive linguistics), the discourse analysis method (discourse linguistics) and the modelling method. A literary text understanding integrative model is offered which can be applied during the analysis of various types of texts and their interpretation. The research proves that the interdisciplinary approach facilitates the development of an integrative multilevel model of text understanding, on each level of which, knowledge required to ensure understanding is characterized and disciplines are indicated. Keywords: Interdisciplinary approach, literary text analysis, pre-knowledge, inter-linguistic and extra-linguistic presuppositions, in-depth text sense References Antos, G. (1997). Text als Konstitutionsformen von Wissen. In G. Antos & H. Tietz (Eds.). Die Zukwnft der Text linguistic. Tubingen: Niemeyer, 253 p. Auezov, M. O. (1965). The Path of Abai. Moscow: Fiction, 366 p. Barkhaev, B. P. (2009). Pedagogical psychology. Saint Petersburg: Piter, 362 p. Boldyrev, N. N. (2012). Problems of conceptual interaction in the process of verbal communication. In Language cognitive researches: Cognitive linguistics international congress on 10-12 October 2012. Moscow, Tambov: G.R. Derzhavin TSU publishing house, 39-45. Brudnyi, A. A. (1998). Psychological hermeneutics. Moscow: Labirint, 263 p. Burukina, O. A. (2011). Connotation – social intelligence. Cognitive linguistics issues, 2, 125-130. Chernyavskaya, V. E. (2014). Text linguistics. Discourse linguistics. Moscow: Flinta-Nauka, 352 p. Cowley, S. J. (2011). Distributed language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 368 p. Doblaev, L. P. (1982). Semantic structure of the educational text and problems of its understanding. Moscow: Pedagogy, 274 p. Dubrovskaya, O. G. (2014). Sociocultural context of the discourse activity subject’s knowledge. In E.I. Golovanova (Ed.), Language cognitive researcher: Language, understanding, culture. Moscow: Institute of Linguistic, RAS, 68-71. Gadamer, N. S. (1967). Kleine schriften. Tubingen: Mohr, 256 p. Gasparyan, G. G. & Chernyavskaya, V. E. (2014). Text as a discourse event. Cognitive linguistics issues, 4, 44-51. Gunina, N. A. (2012). Revisiting the issue of the necessity for the context development method. In Language cognitive researches: Cognitive linguistics international congress on 10-12 October 2012. Moscow, Tambov: G.R. Derzhavin TSU publishing house, 255-258. Harder, P. (2010). Meaning in Mind and Society: A Functional Contribution to the Social Turn in Cognitive Linguistics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 263 p. Jackendoff, R. (2011). What is the human language faculty? Language, 87(3), 586-624. Kubriakova, E. S. (1994). Text and its understanding. Russian text: the Russian-American journal on the Russian philology, 2, 18-25. Kubriakova, E. S. (2012). On the “discourse” term and the knowledge structure behind it. In E. S. Kubriakova (Eds.), Searching for the essence of language: Cognitive researches. Moscow: Sign, 54-63 Lixin, Zh. (2012). The Inter-subjective model of conceptual blending and its interpretation of humor. In Language cognitive researches: Cognitive linguistics international congress on 10-12 October 2012. Moscow, Tambov: G.R. Derzhavin TSU publishing house, 154-155. Luria, A. R. (2004). Lectures on general psychology. St. Petersburg: Piter: 262 p. Minskiy, M. (1979). Frames for knowledge representation. Moscow: Energy, 142 p. Musrepov, G. (1982). Ulpan is Her Name. Novel. Alma-Ata: Zhazushy, 167 p. Sanbaev, S. (2009). Seasons of Our Life. Astana: Agroizdat, 275 p. Sergaliev, M. (1987). My Peers. Almaty: Zhazushy, 262 p. Spitzmuller, J. & Warnke, I. (2011). Diskurs linguistic. Eine Einfuhrung in Theorien und methoden der transtextuellen sprachanalyse. Berlin: W. Gruyter, 264 p. Zappuvigna, M. (2012). Discourse of Twitter and Social Media: How we use language to create affiliation on the web. New York: Continuum International publishing group, 364 p. |
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The Professional Competence Formation in the Training Process in Higher Educational InstitutionRoza I. Burganova, Sairan E. Abdugalina and Kazyna O. Shaiheslyamova
pp. 3629-3639 | Article Number: ijese.2016.278
Abstract The article is devoted to the problem of professional competence formation in the specialists’ training process at the university in contemporary socio-economic and socio-cultural conditions originating in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The emphasis is laid on new scientific and pedagogical approaches to its solution. Special attention is paid to the issue of professional competence formation in extracurricular activity, especially, during job training: approaches’ specification to the job training organization and conduction, the development of results’ forecasting skills in students, the strategy elaboration for solving both educational and practical tasks. The analysis of domestic and foreign literature is performed on the research problem. In general, it shows that the relevance of this problem is determined not only by social order, but also by the student’s needs in self-determination and self-expression. Special attention of foreign and domestic researchers indicates a lack of knowledge on the problem of specialists’ professional competence in the university training process, and contradictions between educational institutions’ need in competent specialists and their insufficient theoretical and practical training. The developed system of professional competence formation in future specialists consists of four components: target, activity, informative and effective, which allow considering the students’ professional practice as the most important element in the highly qualified specialists’ training. Keywords: Professional competency, specialists’ training, scientific and pedagogical approach, professional competence, job training References Baydenko, V. I. (2006). Identifying the set of graduates’ competences as a necessary stage in the design of State Educational Standards for Higher Professional Education of new generation. Moscow: Education, 263 p.
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Individual Distinctive Features of Self-Regulation Processes Peculiar to Students of Different Profiles of Lateral OrganizationSvetlana A. Korneeva, Oksana A. Zherebnenko, Flera G. Mukhamedzyanova, Svetlana V. Moskalenko and Olga N. Gorelikova
pp. 3640-3650 | Article Number: ijese.2016.279
Abstract The research paper presents an analysis of the interrelation between the lateral organisation profiles’ indicators and self-regulation features. The existence of significant distinctions in the processes of self-regulation among respondents with different variants of lateral profiles of the interhemispheric asymmetry is proved, as well as the common features of these processes that are peculiar to the individuals having identical options of the lateral profiles are specified too. The combination of general psychological and differential psychological approaches made it possible to establish multilevel connections between the functional asymmetry peculiarities and behavioural and personality self-regulation characteristics being put into practice within the action system aimed at arranging temporal and living space of a person. It is revealed that there is a logic connection between the characteristics of the self-regulation processes and the profiles of lateral organisation, conditioned by the interaction of the interhemispheric asymmetry’s native traits within the motor activity organisation having the experience gained during a person’s lifetime. The lateral organisation profiles with a more complex interrelation between sensory and motor systems are connected with the formation of personality and activity characteristics of voluntary activity’s self-regulation, acquired within the processes of education, upbringing and other forms of socialization. The research results can be used in vocational guidance campaigns, and for academic activity optimization. They can also be applied while implementing principles of differential education, as well as at the classes of mastering the self-regulation system. Keywords: Self-regulation, human voluntary activity, lateral profiles References Annett, M. (1985). Left, Right, Hand and Brain: The Right Shift Theory. New-Jersey: Erlbaum Press, 174 p.
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Development Mechanism of an Integrated Model for Training of a Specialist and Conceptual-Theoretical Activity of a TeacherAkhmat Marasulov, Amangeldi Saipov, Kulimkhan Аrymbayeva, Begaim Zhiyentayeva, Akhan Demeuov, Ulzhamal Konakbaeva and Akbota Bekbolatova
pp. 3651-3660 | Article Number: ijese.2016.280
Abstract The aim of the study is to examine the methodological-theoretical construction bases for development mechanism of an integrated model for a specialist’s training and teacher’s conceptual-theoretical activity. Using the methods of generalization of teaching experience, pedagogical modeling and forecasting, the authors determine the urgent problems in specialist’s preparing for current educational process. Furthermore, the research defines the requirements made to the development process of the future specialist’s training model and the main determinants of functional maps of the pedagogical activity. The practical value is that the submissions may be used as a basis for future investigations on creating an optimal model of educational staff development. Keywords: Educational process, teacher’s conceptual-theoretical activity, specialist’s training, pedagogical modeling and prediction, professional development of pedagogical personnel References Bowen, G. M. (2016). Response to Section II: Practicing, Modeling, and Influencing Approaches to Teaching. New York: Springer International Publishing, 174 p.
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Kazakh Philosophy: from Abai to ShakarimYerlan B. Sydykov, Abdumalik N. Nysanbayev and Erbol A. Kurmanbaev
pp. 3661-3669 | Article Number: ijese.2016.281
Abstract The purpose of the study is to analyze the influence of Shakarim – a follower of Abai – on Kazakh philosophy, his worldview and opinion of existential issues. The specifics of the problem under consideration required taking a synthetic approach to the use of various methods in this research. A synthesis of dialectical, metaphysical, rational, intuitive, analytical, phenomenological, historical, and logical methods showed the sources and the dynamic of formation and development of the Kazakh philosophical thought. The novelty of this study is that the main philosophical existential issues are investigated from the perspective of Eastern nomadic philosophy. The originality of the research lies in the fact that the Kazakh philosophical tradition is continuous, discrete, mosaic, autonomous, and original ad initium as a result. Dating back centuries, it returns to us in the form of texts carved in stone and preserved in the unique system of oral storage of information. It is appropriate to develop the national philosophical idea as an original system, like in the times of Shakarim. The national tradition of each culture is of great international interest. This study presents a concept of a harmonious individual according to Shakarim and substantiates the importance of developing national philosophy as an equal member of international dialog Keywords: National philosophy, Kazakh philosophical tradition, metaphysics in cognition, philosophical poetry, cognition of existence References Abylkhozhin, Zh., Kozybayev, M. & Tatimov, M. (1989). The Kazakhstan Tragedy. Questions of History, 7, 53-70.
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Intonational Division of a Speech Flow in the Kazakh LanguageZeynep M. Bazarbayeva, Akshay M. Zhalalova, Yenlik N. Ormakhanova, Nazgul B. Ospangaziyeva and Bulbul D. Karbozova
pp. 3669-3678 | Article Number: ijese.2016.282
Abstract The purpose of this research is to analyze the speech intonation of the French, Kazakh, English and Russian languages. The study considers intonation component functions (of melodics, duration, and intensity) in poetry and language spoken. It is defined that a set of prosodic means are used in order to convey the intonational specifics of sounding speech, the relevant intonational components in combination of utterances. Universal properties of intonation components, linguistic meanings as well as their role in the presentation of sounding speech are identified. The results of the research are based on the experimental data, and on the generalization of general provisions of the theory of intonation in the light of the current trends of general linguistics. Keywords: Intonation, logical emphasis, division of the speech flow, melodics, voiced pause References Bazarbayeva, Z. (2008). Kazakh Intonation. Almata: Daik-Press, 1288 p.
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Intertransitions between Islam and Eastern Orthodoxy in Kazakhstan (XIX - Early XX Centuries)Zakish T. Sadvokasova and Altynay I. Orazbayeva
pp. 3679-3689 | Article Number: ijese.2016.283
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to review the historical facts related to conversion of indigenous people of the Kazakh steppe from Islam to Christianity and the conversion of the Russian migrants from Orthodoxy to Islam in Kazakhstan in the nineteenth – early twentieth century. The study deals with the laws that were detrimental to Islam and reforms of the imperial government in terms of administration of Kazakh lands favoring Kazakhs baptism. Using the comparative-historical method, the author analyzes the Orthodox missionary societies in Kazakhstan. The paper also determines reasons of Russian migrants’ conversion to Islam. We found that it was mainly voluntary process and people would remain faithful to the new religion for the rest of their lives, were in not for the intervention of the church and the colonial administration. The results have shown that Christianization of the adherents of different faiths was used for change their minds in order to simplify management of the colonial people having other nationalities. Furthermore, church clergy and missionaries were involved in relevant activities among various categories of the population. The practical value of the study is that the submissions may be useful for historians and religious scholars in investigations of religion conversions. Keywords: Christianity, Islam, Kazakhs of native population Orthodox church, history of religion conversions, religion and ministration References Asylbekov, M. A. & Zharkenova, A. M. (2001). Population of Kazakhstan in the late nineteenth early twentieth centuries. Almaty: Orkeniet. 320 p.
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Personal Meaning of the Kazakh Philosophy in the Space of Intercultural DialogueYerlan B. Sydykov and Abdumalik N. Nysanbaev
pp. 3690-3699 | Article Number: ijese.2016.284
Abstract In the development of spiritual and cultural heritage, the Kazakh renaissance, which began with the implementation of the "Cultural heritage" national project, has exposed the problems of self-identity, uniqueness, national and global relations. One reason is misunderstanding of nomadism as a kind of "anti-civilization", an embodiment of the destruction and ignorance forces. The aim of the article is to analyze the development of the Kazakh philosophy and its communication with the global philosophical knowledge. In the article, the Kazakh philosophy is regarded as a spiritual quintessence of nomadic culture with its characteristic type of ontology and anthropology. The whole problem of tolerance is built around the phenomenon of understanding and acceptance, the achievement of which requires personal dialogue. The Kazakh philosophy, by reconstructing the rich philosophical heritage of the Kazakh people, due to the free world philosophical hermeneutics heritage, determined the new opportunities and future directions of research. These include the philosophy of mutual understanding, the modern Turkic philosophy, planetary ethics, Islam phenomenology, Nomadic epistemology, the philosophy of Tengrianism, the Neofarabi studies, Kazakhstani Eurasianism. The findings showed that the active development of the global and national cultural and philosophical heritage is an essential tool for the growth of national consciousness; it creates the prerequisites for the rise of a new form of philosophy, which connects the global and national philosophical experience. Keywords: Kazakh philosophy, cultural heritage, national self-identity, personal dialogue, integration of philosophy References Abazov, R. (2007). Culture and customs of the Central Asian republics. Greenwood: Greenwood Publishing Group, 253 p.
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Musical-Pedagogical Conditions of Preparation of Teachers for the Implementation of Innovative Process at Modern SchoolDmitry A. Kovalev, Gulzada A. Khussainova, Svetlana T. Balagazova and Zhankul Tamarasar
pp. 3700-3708 | Article Number: ijese.2016.285
Abstract This article considers improvement of public morale, raising the emotional and aesthetic culture of young people, their patriotic feelings by providing the musical-pedagogical conditions of training future teachers for the implementation of innovative processes in modern school. The world science would benefit from using the Kazakh musical masterpieces, keeping in mind the fact that music broadcasts do not always meet quality standards, in other words, the world encounters similar pedagogical problems. The Kazakh musical heritage has significant aesthetic and spiritual potential and the highest degree of professional skill. It is able to speak to the mentality of other peoples and therefore, Kazakh scientists are able to realize their student teaching potential in cooperative intercultural dialogue. Practical significance of this study lies in describing the pedagogical experiment with the best samples of the Kazakh classical music. In addition, the described innovation, expressed in the use of computer programs for writing music data, editing and design of the notes, contains creativity elements within the framework of the teaching and learning process. Keywords: Music teacher, pedagogical problem, teaching and learning process, innovation References Adams, M. (2012). Music and entertainment in post-Soviet Kazakhstan. (Doctoral dissertation), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 249 p.
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Attribution of the Kazakh Traditional Dress in the Collections of the Russian Ethnographic MuseumSholpan B. Kunanbayeva, Akmaral G. Ibrayeva, Hangeldy M. Abzhanov, Tlegen S. Sadykov and Kuralay O. Seitkazina
pp. 3709-3718 | Article Number: ijese.2016.286
Abstract The paper analyzes the collections of the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (MAE RAS) and the Russian Ethnographic Museum (REM) (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation). Their study is of great importance both in the scientific-theoretical and practical aspects. In theory, their study is of particular interest, since at the turn of XXth century customs of the Kazakhs underwent dramatic changes, many traditions, which remained intact for centuries, were perceived as archaisms. The museum collections became the material and information basis, which could be used to reliably reconstruct the traditional way of life of the Kazakhs. The main objective of this paper is to study the collections of traditional Kazakh clothing (19th century), describing specific features of its national ornaments, comparison of modern and traditional ornamentation (19th century). Relevance of the problem being under study is amplified in the context of universal cultural globalization. Against this background, the uniqueness and originality of the Kazakh ethnic culture are threatened with extinction. This study reveals key tendencies related to the cultural impact of globalization on the ethnic and cultural identity of the modern Kazakh society by the example of studying national ornaments on traditional clothing. The authors conclude that some of the decorative motifs, presented in modern renovated clothes are applied incorrectly. The paper provides analysis of the factors that caused this phenomenon and recommendations to improve cultural background of the population. Keywords: National ornament, material culture, the peoples of Central Asia, social anthropology, cultural globalization References Cvetkovski, R., & Hofmeister, A. (2014). An Empire of Others: Creating Ethnographic Knowledge in Imperial Russia and the USSR. Budapest-New York: Central European University Press, 171 p.
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Traditional Felt in the Kazakhs Folk ArtZhazira D. Zhukenova, Gulnar S. Soltanbaeva and Baikonir Izhanov
pp. 3719-3729 | Article Number: ijese.2016.287
Abstract This research investigates the history of culture of Turkic nations and analyzes the traditions of making felt products. The literary sources devoted to the semantic meaning of images on felt products is analyzed. Special attention is paid to the symbolic meaning of images on Kazakh felt products. The technology of felt manufacturing and the decoration process are presented. The connection between traditional and modern art is established. The value of this research is determined by its relevance not only for the Kazakh society, but also for all Turkic nations. The connection between these nations is established from the perspective of felt art. The peculiarities of signs and symbols of the Pazyryk carpet are investigated; its ritual origins and influence of the ornament is proven Keywords: Kazakh art, felt products, tekemet, syrmak, pazyryk mound References Aneesh A., Hall, L. & Petro, P. (2015). Beyond Globalization: Making New Worlds in Media, Art, and Social Practice. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 92(1), 245-247. Baytenov, E. (2004). Religious and Mythological Notions as the Foundation of Memorial Architecture. The Memorial Architecture of Kazakhstan: Evolution and Problems of Formation, 42-56. Beisenbayev, S. (2014). Aesthetic-Artistic Features of the National Color in Modern Kazakhstan Arts. GISAP: Culturology, Sports and Art History, 4, 23-25. Bolatova, D. (2014). The Felt Manufacturing Technology. Engineering Sciences – from Theory to Practice. Collection of Materials of the 25th International Scientific and Practical Conference, 8(21), 119-124. Darmenova, R. (2016). Formation cultural art of students in the conditions of studying features of national clothes. WALIA Journal, 32(1), 7-9. Dzhelbuldin, Y. & Jeteyeva, D. (2014). Traditions and Customs of Kazakhs. Bloomington: Authorhouse, 180 p. Edelbay, S. (2012). Traditional Kazakh Culture and Islam. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(11), 122-133. Erkin Z. (2013). History of Handicraft in Pavlodar Region. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 14(9), 1230-1234. Frank, V. (2006). The Eurasian People of Saka. Almaty: Dayk-Press, 248 p. Koshayev, V. (2010). Stages of Development and the Technologies of Decorative and Applied Art, In Z. Anipenko (Eds.). Decorative and Applied Art: Concepts. Stages of development, 234-259. Kunanbay, A. (2003). The Soul of Kazakhstan. Saudi Aramco World, 54 (3), 20-33. Malinova, R. & Malina, Ya. (1988). Fabric Manufacturing. A Jump to the Past. An Experiment Reveals Ancient Secrets, 80-89. Marlugan, A. (1986). Kazakh Folk Applied Art. Almaty: Oner, 256 p. Mazhitayeva, S. (2015). Semiology of Kazakh Ornaments. Review of European Studies, 7(6), 170-182. Mukanov, M. (2015). Cultural Phenomenon of Aesthetic Minimalism in Copyright Tapestries Alibi and Saule Bapanova. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(1), 658-665. Shamigulova, A. T. (2015). Vocabulary of Clothes and Jewelry in Studies of Turkic Languages (From the History of the Study of the Issue). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(5), 194-200. Somhegyi, Z. (2013). Wide perspectives Contemporary arts in Central Asia. Contemporary Practices Art Journal, 14, 70-75. Tsagarayev, V. (2000). History, Mythology, Art, Semantics. Vladikavkaz: Gassiev Republican Publishing and Printing Company, 300 p. Usmanova, E. (2010). Kazakh Women’s Garments in the Bronze Age. Karaganda: Lisakovsk, 252 p. Yatsenko, S. (2015). The Costume of Iranian-Language Nations in Ancient Times and Methods of its Historical and Cultural Reconstruction. Moscow: Nanka Publishers, 47 p. Yurievna, Y. & Doroshenko, T. (2016). Traditions of art and craft decoration and architecture of kazakh yurt as a source of modern art. European Journal of Science and Theology, 12(3), 221-232. Zhogova, M. &, Sheromova, I. (2014). The Synthesis of Technologies and Traditions in the Modern Fashion Industry by the Example of Felting in Clothes Design. Modern Problems of Science and Education, 4, 118-126. Zhukenova, Zh. (2012). The Ensemble and Artistic-Visual System in the Kazakh Folk Art. Moscow: Medline-C, 229 p. |
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The Subject-Object Approach as a Direction of the Learning Theory in the Context of Modern Linguistic Education ParadigmsZhanat H. Salkhanova, Valentine S. Lee, Ainakul B. Tumanova, and Aida T. Zhusanbaeva
pp. 3730-3745 | Article Number: ijese.2016.288
Abstract The research object is the activity-based learning theory. The purpose of the study is to prove the assumption that the subject-object approach as a direction of the learning theory is the most effective one in the context of development of modern paradigms of linguistic education. The authors believe that the main content of the learning activity should be the learning of generalized modes of action in the field of scientific concepts and the qualitative changes in the intellectual and psychological development of the student that occur on this basis. The design of the academic subject as an object of learning activity should put the student into an active position based on the principle of combination of theory and practice. The study investigates the essential difference of the learning problem from other problems, which lies in the fact that its goal and result is to change the acting subject, rather than the objects with which the learning subject interacts. The authors present a theoretical and conceptual model of developing linguistic competence, which is based on the subject-object approach as a direction of the activity-based learning theory. Keywords: Activity theory, learning activity, learning problem, subject-object approach, speech activity, competence References Alefirenko, N. F. (2014). Linguistic cultural studies. Moscow: Nauka. Altunina, Ye. R. (2013). Social psychology. Moscow: Urait. Ananyev, B. G. (1980). Selected psychological works. In A.A. Bodalev (Eds.), Moscow: Pedagogy. Austin, J. L. (1986). The Theory of Speech Acts. Novelties in Foreign Linguistics, 7, 22-130. Bachman, L. (1990). Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Bogoyavlensky, D. N. (1969). Mental activity techniques and their development in schoolchildren. Voprosy Psychologii, 6, 21-26. Brown, G., & Yule, G. (1989). Discourse analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge university Press. Canale, M., & Swain, M. (1980). 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Professional Training of Social Workers: Development of Professionally Significant Qualities in the Future Social WorkersNurlan A. Minzhanov, Gaukhar N. Ertysbaeva, Madina K. Abdakimova, and Pirmagambet Z. Ishanov
pp. 3746-3754 | Article Number: ijese.2016.289
Abstract Today, the traditional approach to professional training is obsolete. This problem has determined the need to create new didactic forms related to the organization of training in the modern education system. The purpose of this study was to analyze possible development of professionally important qualities and abilities in the future social care teachers through the role plays. The value of role plays lies in their diagnostic, developmental, training, correctional, educational and psychotherapeutic potential. Role plays provide development of personal and professional attitude of the future social worker, along with approximation to the chosen profession. Different types of role plays give the possibility to model quasi-professional situations, realizing the future propaedeutic socio-pedagogical activity of students. Role plays has a positive impact on the development of competencies related to social interaction: the ability to constructively resolve conflicts; competent communication with different groups of people; willingness to build tolerant relations with people of different nationalities, religions, ethnic groups, political and ideological convictions, etc. The use of role plays in the training of social workers provided deliberate and purposeful use of group therapy in practical activities as well as active learning methods, pedagogical correction and social diagnosis. It was important that the game fostered mastering diverse behaviours by students. Using various types of role plays in the psychological and pedagogical training proved to be very useful and promising for professional and personal development of the future social care workers. Keywords: Training, social care worker, system approach, personal approach, integrative approach, role play, Kazakhstan References Cannon, C. & Buttell, F. (2014). Institutional Review Boards at Very High Research Activity Universities: An Opportunity for Social Workers. Research on Social Work Practice, 25(7), 45-54. Cheung, J. (2015). An exploration of social workers' role in remunerative vocational training: Caring, controlling, or contractual? Qualitative Social Work, 15(2), 102-112 Deglau, E., Ray, A., Conway, F., Carree-Lee, N., Waldman, W., Cunningham, K., Harrison, T., Bales H. & Powell. T. (2015). Practice change in child welfare. Journal of social work education, 51, 153-172. Dodds, I. (2010). Global problems of social work at the international level. Social work, 2, 54-59. Druzhinina, A. (2012). Resources of educational environment in the formation of management culture of students as future social care workers. 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The Essential Characteristic of Safety as a Category of RightIsita V. Muskhanova, Angelina V. Zyryanova, Vladimir I. Kurdyumov, Anna S. Pugacheva, Albina R. Shaidullina
pp. 3755-3763 | Article Number: ijese.2016.290
Abstract The relevance of the study is conditioned by the reassessment of the value of security as the basis for sustainable development of civil legal relations, ensuring the protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and state, as well as the preservation of civil peace, political and social stability in society. The purpose of the article is to give the safety’s essential characteristics as the civil law category. The leading methods are comparative-historical and comparative-legal. The empirical base of the research is the normative legal acts of the Russian Federation on security. Core findings include: historical stages in the understanding process of security’s essence are identified (antique, Christian, Reformation, Enlightenment, classical, neo-classical); Security’s essence is disclosed as the state of absence of danger and versatile process for protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and state from internal and external threats; the basic safety features are revealed (generality, comprehensiveness, universality, multi-functionality); the basic directions of the civil right safety regulation are distinguished. This study provides important findings. Firstly, security’s civil right regulation provides the legal protection of the vital interests of the rights’ entities in connection with the entry into the sphere of legal relations. Second, it is the basis to confront the external and internal threats to the vital interests of the individual, society and the state by legal tools. Third, it creates conditions for strengthening of the inviolability of state-legal system and order, evolution of right and the state to the social ideals. The paper Submissions can be useful for those who are engaged in legislative activities, legal practice, teachers of legal disciplines. Keywords: Legal protection of the vital interests, civil legal regulation of safety, the right to safety References Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the National Security Strategy of Russian Federation until 2020" of 12.05.2009. (2016) Retrieved on March 2016, from www.consultant.ru Demenishin, A. V. (2011). On some topical security issues as a legal category. St. Petersburg: Renome, 242p. Medvedev, D. A. (2010). Standards of Democracy and Criteria of Efficiency: speech in Yaroslavl. Retrieved from www.gpfyaroslavl.ru / about / yaroslavl2010. Galuzin, A. F. (2007). Legal security as an independent kind of security. Law and Politics, 12, 117-125. Horney, K. (1991). Final Lectures. New York: Norton, 128 р. Il'ichev, L. F., Fedoseyev, P. N., Kovalev, S. M. & Panov, V. G. (1983). Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary. Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia, 840 p. Ivanov, V. G., Barabanova, S. V., Shagieva, R. V., Chikisheva, N. M., Lunev, A. N., Volkova, N. V., Nabiullina, K. R. & Spirina, E. V. (2016). The Essence and Content of State Regulation of Services Development in Conditions of Increasing Autonomy of Federal State Entities. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(2), 149-154. Kelzen, H. (1967). The Pure Theory of Law. Berkeley, Los Angeles: University of California Press, 356 p. Kostromicheva, M. V. (2010). About a uniform understanding of the rights’ terms: publicity. The effectiveness of law-making and enforcement of law, Eagle: ORAGS, 327 p. Kuznetsov, S. A. (2000). Great Dictionary of Russian language. St. Petersburg: "Norint", 1536. Law of the Russian Federation "On safety" of 28.12.2010. (2016). Retrieved on March 2016, from www.consultant.ru Lunev, A. N., Pugacheva, N. B. & Stukolova, L. Z. (2014). Development strategies for professional educational services under the increasing autonomy of territories within the federal state. Actual Problems of Economics, 160(1), 215-220. Maslow, A. H. (1959). New Knowledge in Human Values. New York: Harper & Row, 268 р. Montesquieu, Sh. L. (1999). The Spirit of Laws. Moscow: Thought, 674 p. Murray, Н. L. (2007). Explorations in Personality. New York: Oxford Academ, 810 р. Ozhegov, S. I. (2011). Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian language. Moscow: OOO "Publishing house Onyx", 736 p. Petrova, T. N., Kirillova, O. V., Sokolova, S. G., Pugacheva, N. B., Galimullina, A. F., Maksimova, O. G., Antonova, T. V. & Kozhanov, V. V. (2016). Education as the Management of Research Universities Students' Socialization. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(2), 28-33. Prokhorov, A. M. (1970). Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia, 640 p. Pugacheva, N. B., Kirillova, T. V., Ovchinnikova, I. G., Kudyashev, N. K., Lunev, A. N., Pavlova, O. A., Kashina S. G. & Valeyev A. S. (2016b). The Mechanism of State-Public Management of Vocational Education in the Region. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(2), 6-11. Pugacheva, N. B., Ezhov, S. G., Kozhanov, I. V., Kozhanova, M. B., Ogorodnikova, S. V., Oshaev, A. G., Timonin, A. I. & Goloshumova, G. S. (2016a). The model of self-realization readiness formation of research universities students in the process of civic education. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(1), 128-133. Shafirov, V. M. (2004). Right in the human dimension, Jurisprudence, 3, 213-215. Stoudmann, J. (2016). "The human dimension" - a cornerstone of a comprehensive security concept Retrieved from www.old.nasledie.ru/ipravo/20_10/21_1/article.php?art=8 Terentyeva, I. V., Mukhomorova, I. V., Perezhogina, O. N., Pugacheva, N. B., Lunev A. N., Akhmetzyanova, G. N., Lezhnin, V. V. & Gainullina, R. R. (2016). Development Strategy of Service Sector in Conditions of Federal States Entities Autonomy Increasing. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(2), 1-5. Yepaneshnikov, V. V., Pugacheva, N. B., Goloshumova, G. S., Kuznetsova, V. V., Dobrovolskaya, L. V., Moiseeva, L. V., Garaganov, A. V. & Litvinenko, N. A. (2016). Pedagogical Management of Civil Education of Research Universities Students. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(2), 23-27. |
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Modern Functions of a Textbook on Social Sciences and Humanities as an Informational Management Tool of University EducationElina I. Nikonova, Ivan A. Sharonov,Svetlana N. Sorokoumova, Olga V. Suvorova, Elena A. Sorokoumova
pp. 3764-3774 | Article Number: ijese.2016.291
Abstract The relevance of the study is conditioned by the changes in the content of socio-humanitarian education, aimed at the acquisition of knowledge, the development of tolerance, civic and moral education. The purpose of the paper is to identify the modern functions of a textbook on social sciences and humanities as an informational management tool of university education. The leading approach to the study is the functional-oriented approach, allowing identifying the functions of information objects and objective criteria for their evaluation. The study involves 350 teachers, 350 students who have expressed their demands to the functions of textbooks on social sciences and humanities, participated in the selection of the most effective books. The main results of the study are to identify the characteristic features (including in the contents of the scientific material in accordance with the teaching, educational, developing educational objectives, consistent and systematic knowledge presentation, the figurative representation of the educational material, the availability of multiple questions of different levels for self-control and Exercises for independent work) publications features (multilevel system of different types of books editions), functions (adaptation, systematizing, methodical, ideological, managerial) textbooks on social sciences and humanities. The significance of the results obtained is that the revealed characteristic features of the textbooks provide the unity of logical and rational, artistic and imaginative ways of presentation of knowledge; publications’ characteristic features - compliance with the requirements of state educational standards, training, educational, developmental objectives of the educational curricula, didactics of university education; functions - integration of cognitive, research and professional activities of students. Identified features of a textbook on social and humanitarian disciplines contribute to the formation of the students’ holistic humanitarian view of the world and reliability of higher education, which manifests itself in the awareness of the objective laws of the functioning society and its development trends. Keywords: Tutorial function, social sciences and humanities, education management tools References Batsyn, V. K. & Butyagina, K. L. (2005). Formation of the market of textbooks in the Russian Federation: the role of Education Innovation Project. Moscow: Logos, 196 p. Beilinson, V. G. (1986). Arsenal of education: characteristics, preparation, designing of textbooks. Moscow: Book, 286 p. Bespal'ko, V. P. (1988). The theory of the textbook. Moscow: Pedagogy. 160 p. Kamasheva, Y. L., Goloshumova, G. S., Goloshumov, A. Y., Kashina, S. G., Pugacheva, N. B., Bolshakova, Z. M., Tulkibaeva, N. N. & Timirov, F. F. (2016). Features of vocational education management in the region. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(1), 155-159. Lerner, I. Y. (1983). Textbook functions and ways of fixing in it of the educational material. Moscow: Pedagogy, 350 p. Magdanov, P. V. (2010). The integration of structural-functional and program-oriented approaches to management. Retrieved in June 2016, from http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/integratsiya-strukturno-funktsionalnogo-i-programmno-tselevogo-podhodov-k-upravleniyu Nazarova, T. S. & Gospodarik, Y. P. (2005). Strategy of development of educational books. Psychology, 3, 11-19. Petrova, T. N., Kirillova, O. V., Sokolova, S. G., Pugacheva, N. B., Galimullina, A. F., Maksimova, O. G., Antonova, T. V., Kozhanov, V. V. (2016). Education as the Management of Research Universities Students' Socialization. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6, 28-33. Pugacheva, N. B., Kirillova, T. V., Ovchinnikova, I. G., Kudyashev, N. K., Lunev, A. N., Pavlova, O. A., Kashina, S. G. & Valeyev, A. S. (2016a). The Mechanism of State-Public Management of Vocational Education in the Region. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6, 6-11. Pugacheva, N. B., Ezhov, S. G., Kozhanov, I. V., Kozhanova, M. B., Ogorodnikova, S. V., Oshaev, A. G., Timonin, A. I., Goloshumova, G. S. (2016b). The model of self-realization readiness formation of research universities students in the process of civic education. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6, 128-133. Rakhimov, A. Z. (1991). Logical and psychological concept of the development of school textbooks. Moscow: Education, 239 p. Rosenberg, N. M. (1986). Textbook for secondary vocational schools: structure, content, ways to improve. Moscow: Higher School, 235 p. Smirnov, V. I. (2000). On the evolution of the role and functions of the textbook. Education Science, 1(3), 206-217. Tupalsky, N. I. (1976). The main problems of university textbooks. Minsk Higher School. 183 p. Tyurina, L. G. (1998). University textbook: today and tomorrow. Higher education in Russia, 1, 12-24. Yepaneshnikov, V. V., Pugacheva, N. B., Goloshumova, G. S., Kuznetsova, V. V., Dobrovolskaya, L. V., Moiseeva, L. V., Garaganov, A. V. & Litvinenko, N. A. (2016). Pedagogical Management of Civil Education of Research Universities Students. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6, 23-27. Zuyev, D. D. (1983). School textbook. Moscow: Pedagogy. 238 p. |
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Implementation of Financial Sustainability in Organizations through Valuation of Financial Leverage Effect in Russian Practice of Financial ManagementSvetlana I. Ashmarina, Anna S. Zotova and Ekaterina S. Smolina
pp. 3775-3782 | Article Number: ijese.2016.292
Abstract The article considers the need of ensuring the sustainable development of organizations in the unstable external environment; financial sustainability which is understood as the optimal structure of funding sources of a business entity is proved to be the most significant factor of sustainable development. The article proves that the index of financial leverage influences the enterprises capital structure which also has a great impact on financial sustainability of Russian organization. The index of financial leverage was analyzed according to the European approach and taking into account such indicators as differential of financial leverage and financial leverage shoulder which are proved to be the most significant in capital structure management for Russian production companies under the circumstances when financial resources become more and more expensive. The research work was done on the basis of financial analysis of one of the biggest Russian automobile company representing the main trends for the whole industry so it may be classified as a case Keywords: Financial sustainability, sustainable development, financial leverage, tax corrector, capital structure References Adrain, T. & Hyun S. S. (2010). “Liquidity and Leverage”. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 19, 418 – 37. Barbier, E. (1987). “The Concept of Sustainable Economic Development”. Environmental Conservation 14(2), 101–110. Doff, R. (2008). “A Critical Analysis of the Solvency II Proposals”. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance – Issues and Practice 33, 193 – 206. Doppelt, B. (2003). Leading change toward sustainability. Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing, 325 p. Dyllick, T. & Hockerts, K. (2002). Beyond the business case for corporate sustainability. Business Strategy and the Environment, 11(2), 130–141. Groppelli, A. A., Ehsan N. (2000). Finance. Barron's Educational Series, 445. Porter M.E. (2004). Competitive advantage: creating and sustaining superior performance. New York: Free Press, 252 p. Sandström, A. (2006). “Solvency: Models, Assessment and Regulation.” Florida: Chapman & Hall, 433 p. |
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Principles of the Organization of the Global Economic SystemSergey A. Dyatlov, Olga A. Bulavko, Anna V. Balanovskaya, Natalia V. Nikitina and Alexandra A. Chudaeva
pp. 3783-3790 | Article Number: ijese.2016.293
Abstract The development of the economic system is not a spontaneous but a programmed and controlled process. Economy is always a controlled system in which there is always an appropriate subject of management The article considers principles of the organization of the global economic system. The characteristic of the principle of “hierarchy of dominants”, types of economic systems in terms of “order – chaos” (unstable, non-equilibrium order, soft, evolutionary chaos, rigid, deterministic chaos). It highlights the major institutions in the layered structure of the global economic system. Keywords: Entropy, global economic system, hierarchy of the dominant purposes, institutions, information capacity, levels, methodology, structure, synergy References Blanchard, O. (2008). Cracks in the system. Repairing the damaged global economy. Finance and Development, 45 (4), 8-10. Dyatlov, S. A. (1995). Information paradigm of socio-economic development. Izvestia of Saint-Petersburg University of economy and Finance, 3, 17-30. Dyatlov, S. A, Vasiltsova, V. M.,Vasiltsov, V. S., Bezrukova, T. L. & Bezrukov, B. A. (2015a). Methodology of Management Innovation Hypercompetition. Asian Social Science, 11(20), 166-169. Dyatlov, S. A. (2015b). Entropy Economics. Research Methodology of the Global Crisis. St.Petersburg, 74-81. Dyatlov, S. A. (2015c). Entropy Economics. Research Methodology of the Global Crisis. St.Petersburg, 139-143. Hirai, T. (2015). Financial globalization and the instability of the world economy Capitalism and the World Economy. The Light and Shadow of Globalization, 27-45. Krugman, P. R. (2009). Return of a great depression? Moscow: Eksmo, 296 p. Nanda, N. (2008). Expanding frontiers of global trade rules: The political economy dynamics of the international trading system. Expanding Frontiers of Global Trade Rules. The Political Economy Dynamics of the International Trading System, 1-193. Nort, D. (2010). Understanding of process of economic changes. Moscow: IDES of “HSE”, 17 p. Thurow, L. K. (1999). The future of capitalism: how current economic forces shape the world of tomorrow. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 166 p. Toumashev, A. R., Toumasheva, M. V., Valeev, E. R. & Miasnikov, D. A. (2015). Development of Russian economy in conditions of globalization and investment policy. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(3), 700-704. Ushakov, D., Chich-Jen, S. (2014). Global economy urbanization and urban economy globalization. Urbanization and Migration as Factors Affecting Global Economic Development, 148-170. White, W. R. (2015). System malfunction: The global economy is rife with imbalances that cannot be fixed under the present international monetary (non)system. Finance and Development, 52 (1), 44- 47. Whiting R. (2013). Crisis and Transformation in Modern Britain, 1945-2009. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 77, 139-148. |
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From the 2008 to the 2014 Crisis: Response of the Labor Market of Russia’s Largest CitiesGalina A. Khmeleva and Olga A. Bulavko
pp. 3791-3806 | Article Number: ijese.2016.294
Abstract The model of shift share analysis was improved to show that the foundation of economy’s transition to industrially innovational type of development is created at the local level in case of developing countries. Analysis of structural shifts in 28 large cities in 2008-2014 showed that the perspective of industrially innovational development is yet delusive – production sector and the sphere of human capital development are reduced. There’s outflow of employees into the service sphere and financial activities. That is an alarming tendency. The 2014 crisis might become rather long for Russia’s economy, and perspectives for transition to innovational type of development until 2020 remain delusive. In order to ensure transition to innovational type of development, it’s necessary to build corresponding structure of economy – primarily, in large cities of the country. They are the first to react to policy changes. Local authorities perform the most important role in this process. Calculations showed that municipalities are most sensitive to influence of crisis and measures taken by the government. Keywords: Local territories, regions, labor markets, crisis, developing countries References Arcelus, F. J. (1984). An extension of shift-share analysis. Growth and Change, 15 (1), 3-8. Artige, L., Neuss, L., (2015). A New Shift-Share Method. Growth and Change, 45 (4), 667-683. Barff, R. & Prentice, L. K. (1988). Dynamic Shift-Share Analysis. Growth and Change, 19 (2), 1–10. Becker, G. S. (2007). Health as human capital: synthesis and extensions. Oxford Economic Papers, 59, 379–410. Beer, E. & Clower, T. (2014). Mobilizing leadership in cities and regions. Regional Science, 1(1), 5-20. Courvisanos, J., Jain, A. & Mardaneh, K. (2015). Economic Resilience of Regions under Crises: A Study of the Australian Economy. Regional Studies, 50 (4), 1-15. Détang-Dessendre, C., Partridge, M. D. & Piguet, V. (2016). Local Labor Market Flexibility in a Perceived Low Migration Country. Regional science and urban economics, 348. Dunn, E. S. (1960). A Statistical and Analytical Technique for Regional Analysis. Papers in Regional Science, 6(1), 97-112. Esteban-Marquillas, J. M. (1972). A Reinterpretation of Shift-Share Analysis. Regional and Urban Economics, 2 (3), 249-261. Faggio, G., Silva, O. (2014). Self-employment and entrepreneurship in urban and rural labour markets. Journal of Urban Economics, 84, 67–85 Freedman, D. A., & Stark, P. B. (2003). “What is the Probability of an Earthquake?” in Earthquake Science and Seismic Risk Reduction, NATO Science Series IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences. Retrieved from http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/~stark/Preprints/611.pdf Harris, T. R., Gillberg, C. B., Narayan, R., Shonkwiler, J. S. & Lambert, D. K. (1994). A Dynamic Shift Share Analysis in Nevada Economy. Technical Report, 1(5), 74-85 Miljaeva L. G. & Prokolov M. V. (2014). Methods of rapid diagnosis of the employment policy of the population of the administrative-territorial units. Bulletin of the University of Omsk. “Economy” series, 4, 102–108. Moshkov A. V. (2015). Structural Shifts in Industrial Production in the Pacific Regions of Russia. Scientific notes Transbaikal State University. Series: natural sciences, 1 (60), 98-106. Navarro-Espigares, J. L., Martín-Segura, J. A. & Hernández-Torres, E. (2012). The role of the service sector in regional economic resilience. The Service Industries Journal, 32 (4), 571-590. Oduro-Ofori, E. (2011). The role of local government in local economic development promotion at the district level in Ghana. Dortmund: Technical university Dortmund, 274 p. Owyang, M. T., Piger, J. & Wall, H. J. (2013). Discordant city employment cycles. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 43(2), 367-384. Redfearn, C. L. (2009). Persistence in urban form: The long-run durability of employment centers in metropolitan areas. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 39 (2), 224-232. Romer, P. M. (1990). Endogenous Technological Change. Journal of Political Economy, 98(5), 71-102. Taleb, N. N. (2007). Black swans and the domains of statistics. The American Statistician, 61(3), 198-200. Travers, T. (2012). Local government’s role in promoting economic growth: removing unnecessary barriers to success. London: Local Government Association? 342p. Wall, H. J. (2013). The employment cycles of neighboring cities. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 43 (1), 177-185. |
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Innovative Teaching Practice: Traditional and Alternative Methods (Challenges and Implications)Aida R. Nurutdinova , Veronika G. Perchatkina, Liliya M. Zinatullina, Guzel I.Zubkova and Farida T. Galeeva
pp. 3807-3819 | Article Number: ijese.2016.295
Abstract The relevance of the present issue is caused be the strong need in alternative methods of learning foreign language and the need in language training and retraining for the modern professionals. The aim of the article is to identify the basic techniques and skills in using various modern techniques in the context of modern educational tasks. The leading method of study is the simulation that allows considering this issue as a process of targeted, informed and mastering the use of alternative methods of language training. The article presents the alternative methods of formation the linguistic skills, significantly raising efficiency of the learning / teaching process. The model is aimed in adapting to the new conditions of teachers of professional activity in the field of education and focuses on the development and introduction into practice teaching and using the new methods. Keywords: Learning technology, foreign language education, traditional, second language education, language integration References Alatis, J. E. (1989). Language teaching, testing, and technology: Lessons for the past with a view toward the future. Washington, D.C: Georgetown University Press, 263 p. Asher, J. J. (1969). The Total Physical Response Approach to Second Language Learning. The Modern Language Journal, 53(1). 3–17. Atkinson, E., Conboy, I., Atkinson, J., Doods, A., & McInnis, C. (1996). Evaluation of the open learning initiative: Tertiary, access to through a national brokerage agency. University of Melbourne, 267 p. Bandler, R. & Grinder, J. (1981). Reframing: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Transformation of Meaning, Real People Press. 300 p. Bonner, S. (1999). Choosing Teaching Methods Based on Learning Objectives: An Integrative Framework. Issues in Accounting Education, 14(1), 11-39. Bonwell, C. C., & Eison, J. (1991). Active learning: Creating excitement in the classroom. Washington, DC: The George Washington University School of Education and Human Development. Byram, M. (1989). Cultural studies in foreign language education. Philadelphia: Multilingual Matters. 250 p. Cottel, P.G., & Millis, B.J. (1993). Cooperative structures. Issues in Education, 8(1), 40–60. Gardner, H. (1984). "Heteroglossia: A Global Perspective". Interdisciplinary Journal of Theory of Postpedagogical Studies 5, 172–180. Gardner, H. (2002). "Interpersonal Communication amongst Multiple Subjects: A Study in Redundancy". Experimental Psychology 10, 72–80. Gatteno, K. (1963). Teaching Foreign Languages in Schools: The Silent Way. Reading, UK: Educational Explorers, 150 p. MacIntyre, P. D. & Gardner, R. C. (1991). Language anxiety: Its relation to other anxieties and to processing in native and second languages. Language Learning, 41, 513-34. Pennycook, A. (1990). Critical pedagogy and second language education. System 18, 303-314. Seale, J., & Mence, R. R. (2001). An Introduction to Learning Technology within Tertiary Education in the UK, Oxford Brookes University, Headington. 360 p. Waterhouse, L. (2006). "Multiple Intelligences, the Mozart Effect, and Emotional Intelligence: A critical review". Educational Psychologist 41(4), 207–225. Wesche, M., & Ready, D. (1985). Foreigner talk in the university classroom. Input in second language acquisition,89-114. Zane, L. B., & Muilenburg, L. (2000). Design discussion questions for online, adult learning. Educational Technology, 40(5), 53−56. |
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Reflexive Processes in the Musician Performer’s Professional ActivitiesBibigul N. Nussipzhanova, Gulnar M. Dzherdimalieva and Ramazan U. Stamgaziev
pp. 3820-3831 | Article Number: ijese.2016.296
Abstract ABSTRACT The article attempts to identify the gradual development of the category of reflection as one of the driving factors of self-actualization, to reveal meaningful face value and basic directions of its multi-dimensional interpretation. The profiling property of a performer’s reflexive action acts as a basic psychological foundation in the professional activities of a musician, as skillful possession of musical material involves the search and selection of meanings in finding an appropriate embodiment. Interest in this subject should be considered as an attempt to uncover the deeper nature of reflexive processes of an actively thinking musician – a performer in professional work, to get to his reflexive consciousness in reliance on intelligent mechanisms of the creative nature of the person who devoted himself to art. Appeal to the reflexive process in a performing musician as dictated by the need to identify their specificity, understanding and grasp of the fundamental aspects of the study of properties of a reflexive thinking expert in their chosen profession. Keywords: Reflective processes, musician-singer, musical-performing activity, music, musician performer References Abdullin, E. B. (1990). Methodological analysis of the problems of music pedagogy in the higher education system. Moscow: Prometheus, 252p. Allsup, R. E. & Olson, N. (2012a). New educational frameworks for popular music and informal learning: Anticipating the second-wave. In S. Karlsen & L. Väkevä (Ed.), Future Prospects for Music Education: Corroborating Informal Learning Pedagogy. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars, 11-21. Allsup, R. E. & Olson, N. J. (2012b). New Educational Frameworks for Popular Music and Informal Learning: Anticipating the Second-Wave. In Karlsen, S & Väkevä, L. (Eds.). Future Prospects for Music Education: Corroborating Informal Learning Pedagogy. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 11–21 Allsup, R. E. & Westerlund, H. (2012). Methods and situational ethics in music education. Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education 11(1), 124–48. Bakhtizina, D. I. (2006). The truth of music (Doctoral dissertation). Sibay: Sibay institute of Bashkir State University, 225 p. Bergson, A. (1998). Creative Evolution. Moscow: Canon-Press, 263 p. Berleant, A. (2012). The Music in My Philosophy. Direct access: http://www.aesthetics-online.org/newsletter/32.3.pdf Berleant, A. (2004). Re-thinking Aesthetics, Rogue Essays on Aesthetics and the Arts. Aldershot: Ashgate, 178 p. Custodero, L. & Williams, L. (2000). Music for Everyone: Creating Contexts for Possibility in Early Childhood Education. Early Childhood Connections 6(4), 36-43. Fichte, J. G. (1792). Attempt at a Critique of All Revelation. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1978. Galbershtam, А. М. (2002). Problems of the musician performer's stage reflection. Problems and prospects of the musician teacher's professional training: psychological and axiological aspects. Proceedings of VI International Research and Practice Conference. Moscow: MSPU, 118-121 Golitsin, G. A. (1989). Reflection in science and learning. Collection of scientific articles. Novosibirsk: Science, 355 p. Hegel, G. W. (1803). Critical Journal of Philosophy, Watsburg, 252 p. Izard, C. E. (2006). The Psychology of Emotions.. St Petersburg: Peter Publishing House, 163 p. Kant, I. (1788). Critique of Practical Reason. Direct access: http://www.loyalbooks.com/book/critique-of-practical-reason-by-immanuel-kant. Kolysheva, T. A. (1997). Preparation of the teacher of music for professional reflection on the system of the higher pedagogical education. Moscow: Education, 326 p. Kratus, J. (2007). Music Education and the Tipping Point, Music Educators Journal, 94(2), 42-48. Kulyutkin, Yu. N. & Sukhobskaya, G. S. (1996) Personality: inner world and self-realization. Ideas, concepts, attitudes. St. Petersburg: Tuscarora. Lektorskiy, V. А. (1980). Subject, object, cognition. Moscow: Science, 163 p. Leontyev, D. A. (2007). Psychology of meaning: Nature, structure and dynamics of semantic reality. Moscow: Mysl, 252 p. Neuhaus, H. G. (1988). On the art of piano playing. Moscow: Music. 263 p. Nietzsche, F. (1982). Daybreak. Cambridge: Cambridge CUP, 252 p. Rickles, D. (2013). Musicology as an Object for HPS? An Exploration Whither Philosophy of Musicology? Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 33(2), 1089-1668. Rubinstein, S. L. (2001). Basics of general psychology. St. Petersburg: Petersburg, 252 p. Rudneva, О. S (2003). Methodological bases for the art teacher training. Moscow: Education, 351 p. Schippers, H. & Campbell, P. S. (2012). Cultural diversity: Beyond songs from every land. In G.McPherson, and G.Welch, (Eds.), Oxford handbook of music education, 87-104. Swanwick, K. (1988). 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Cycle Counting Methods of the Aircraft EngineDmitrii G. Fedorchenko and Dmitrii K. Novikov
pp. 3832-3846 | Article Number: ijese.2016.297
Abstract The concept of condition-based gas turbine-powered aircraft operation is realized all over the world, which implementation requires knowledge of the end-of-life information related to components of aircraft engines in service. This research proposes an algorithm for estimating the equivalent cyclical running hours. This article provides analysis of the existing methods of cycle counting and suggests a new original method. It implies consideration of two cycles related to the chain of extrema “max - min – max”. The first is the main simple loading cycle; another cycle is the additional from the minimum to the lowest extrema. It is assumed that the "global" minimum is known. The authors developed the algorithm aiming at allocation of separate simple loading cycles in a complex life cycle, implemented by using Visual Basic for Applications and Excel’97. The paper also provided the method of bad records rejection and evaluation of the stress-strain behavior of the main engine components – drive shafts, discs and blades based on regular measurements of temperature and pressure in the gas stream. These methods allow calculating the accumulation of damage on a real-time basis. The developed algorithms laid the foundation for an automated diagnostic system of an aircraft engine. Keywords: Aircraft gas-turbine engine, loading cycle counting, condition-based operation, cyclical running hours, diagnostic system References Aronson, A. (1990). The impact of polyharmonic loading on durability and fatigue resistance in corrosive medium. Problems of Strength, 7, 45-48. Astafiev, V. I., Fedorchenko, D. G. & Tzypkaikin, I. N. (1996). Complex stress-time cycles influence on aircraft engine parts fatigue strength. Proceedings of the Sixth International Fatigue Congress, 96, 499-504. Baklacioglu, T., Onder T., & Hakan A. (2015). 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Methodology of Computer-Aided Design of Variable Guide Vanes of Aircraft EnginesSergei V. Falaleev, Vladimir S. Melentjev and Alexander S. Gvozdev
pp. 3847-3860 | Article Number: ijese.2016.298
Abstract The paper presents a methodology which helps to avoid a great amount of costly experimental research. This methodology includes thermo-gas dynamic design of an engine and its mounts, the profiling of compressor flow path and cascade design of guide vanes. Employing a method elaborated by Howell, we provide a theoretical solution to the task of assessing the influence of the VGV blades’ angle of rotation on the characteristic of a compressor. The finite element model of a VGV blade helps to solve some problems of strength and tune-out of resonance in the domain of a compressor’s operating frequencies as well as the problem of determining the position of the pressure center and the location of a blade’s pivotal point. Cinematic and dynamic analysis of the control linkage of VGVs is carried out in a MSC.ADAMS package. The investigation is based on geometric 2D and 3D models, gas-dynamic and strength analysis taking into account geometrical nonlinearity and based on the finite element method. The study is also based on the dynamic analysis according to the Euler-Lagrange equation, which describes the behavior of mechanical systems comprised of markers and the Craig-Bampton method implying the theory of superposition of vibrational modes. Keywords: Howell’s method, methodology of design, turbine airfoil, strength calculation, thermo-gas dynamic analysis References Belousov, A. I. & Nazdrachev, S. V. (2014). Methodology of modernizing the serial converted gas turbine unit. Russian Aeronautics, 57(4), 378-382. Bogard, D. G. & Thole, K. A. (2006). Gas turbine film cooling. Journal of Propulsion and Power. 22(2), 249-270. Donus, F., Bretschneider, S., Schaber, R. & Staudacher, S. (2011). The architecture and application of preliminary design systems. Proceedings of the ASME, 6, 801-810. Ermakov, A. 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Development of Distributed System for Electronic Business Based on Java-TechnologiesAliya Zh. Kintonova, Bakkaisha Z. Andassova, Madina A. Ermaganbetova, Elmira K. Maikibaeva
pp. 3861-3883 | Article Number: ijese.2016.299
Abstract This paper describes the results of studies on the peculiarities of distributed information systems, and the research of distributed systems technology development. The paper also provides the results of the analysis of E-business market research in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The article briefly describes the implementation of a possible solution to a distributed system based on Java-technologies. The topicality of the work is determined by the need of E-business development to increase economic investments, as well as improving the competitiveness of Kazakhstan in the world trade. The paper gives a brief description of the types of E-business, the concept of a distributed system, types of distributed software systems, distributed systems architecture analysis, logical software layers of distributed systems, as well as the analysis of distributed systems technology development and Java-technologies for the development of distributed systems. In addition, an example of a distributed system development in E-business is provided – a Java-based online store, as well as the description of the implementation of a distributed system, the software part and a hardware part of a distributed system, the description of the logical architecture for the online store, the structure and the operation of the system. Also, the name and address of the implemented distributed system are given, which is the result of a study of distributed systems and the implementation of Java-based distributed systems. The development of E-business requires the implementation of an information system for the promotion of goods and services. Today, E-businesses mostly use information systems with distributed structure. The implementation of Java-based distributed systems in E-business is one way of the E-business development in Kazakhstan. The results are applicable to the post-Soviet and developing countries, which include Kazakhstan, as the theoretical basis for the development of E-business. Keywords: Distributed systems, E-business, online store, distributed systems development technologies, Java-technologies References Andam, Z. R. (2014). e-Commerce and E-business. Direct access: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/E-Commerce_and_E-Business Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Rabelo R. (2013). E-business and Virtual Enterprises: managing business-to-business. New York: Springer, 245 p. Distributed information systems (2013). Direct access: http://5fan.ru/wievjob.php?id=48479 Distributed systems review. (2016). Direct access: http://www.uran.donetsk.ua/~masters/2008/fvti/prihodko/library/dist2.htm Galiev, A. (2012). E-commerce in Kazakhstan: a true boom? Direct access: http://www.computerworld.kz/articlekz/3646/. Gorozhankin, K. (2014). Who helps the e-commerce in Kazakhstan make money. 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The Assessment of Halogenating Stress in Population by the Environmental and Health MonitoringZulkiya I. Namazbaeva, Gulzhan N. Dosybaeva, Zhanbol B. Sabirov, Ludmila T. Bazelyuk, Galiya K. Asanova and Imanali O. Baidaulet
pp. 3884-3893 | Article Number: ijese.2016.300
Abstract This study aimed to find out the dependence of myeloperoxidase content in patients living in the environmentally unfriendly region of Kazakhstan (Taraz), on the PCBs content in the air. During this study, 324 patients were examined to solve the clinical problem. The content of myeloperoxidase fluctuated significantly depending on the age of the experimental subjects. Statistically significant increase in the enzyme was observed in 23.0% of children aged 6-7 years, 33.4% of adolescents aged 14-17 years and 39.2% of adults aged 50-59 years. At the same time, significantly low content of myeloperoxidase was largely verified in children, adolescents, as well as in groups of the experimental subjects aged between 18-29 and 30-39 years. The largest number of people with low activity of myeloperoxidase was observed in groups aged between 40 and 49 years, which made 77.5% of the total. Research results showed significant inverse correlation between the low activity of myeloperoxidase and the PCBs concentration, which ranged from r = -0,55 to r = -0,91 (p <0,05). Therefore, the most significant correlation between the laboratory and hygienic indices was detected among subjects aged between 50-59 years (r = -0,9). Keywords: Ecological Parameter Monitoring, environmental monitoring, myeloperoxidase, polychlorinated biphenyls, Proteins, toxins References Kettle, A., & Winterbourn, С. (1997). Myeloperoxidase: a key regulator of neutrophil oxidant production. Redox Rep, 3, 3-15. Klebanoff, S. (2005). Myeloperoxidase: friend and foe. J Leukoc Biol, 77, 598-625. Konkabaeva, A., & Bazelyuk, L. (2002). Cytochemical indicators of myeloperoxidase activity and catecholamine content in the blood of postpartum women living in areas adjacent to the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. Probl Med Chem, 48, 293-295. Kutter, D., Devaquet, P., Vanderstocken, G., Paulus, J. M., Marchal, V., & Gothot, A. (2000). Consequences of total and subtotal myeloperoxidase deficiency: risk or benefit ? Acta Haematol, 104, 10-15. Malle, E., Marsche, G., & Arnhold, J. (2006). Modification of low-density lipoprotein by myeloperoxidase-derived oxidants and reagent hypochlorous acid. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1761, 392–415. Namazbaeva, Z., & Bazelyuk, L. (2014). Evalution of the respiratory system of teenagers in urban areas. Journal Health Solar labor and medical ecology, 2(43), 42-48. Panasenko, O., Chekanov, A., Arnhold, Y., Sergienko, V., Osipov, A., & Vladimirov, Y. (2005). Formation of free radicals during hydroperoxide decay in the presence of myeloperoxidase or activated neutrophils. Biochemistry, 70,1209–1217. Panasenko, O., Osipov, A., & Schiller, J. (2002). Interaction of exogenous hypochlorite and hypochlorite produced in the MP system + H2O2 + silica with unsaturated phosphatidylcholine. Biochemistry, 67, 1071-1084. Rakhmanin, Y., & Litvinov, N. (2004). Scientific bases of prenosological diagnostics of homeostasis disorders in the presence of chronic chemical loads. Hyg Sanit, 6, 48-50. Revich, B., Sergeyev, O. & Hauser, R. (2006). Dioxins, furans and PCBs in the blood of adolescents living in Chapayevsk – the first results of a prospective epidemiological study. Toxicol Bull, 5, 2-8. Ruf, J., & Carayon, P. (2006). Structural and functional aspects of peroxidase. Arch Biochem Biophys, 445, 269-277. Titov, V. (2007). Microalbuminuria – the test showing "littering" of the intercellular environment of the human body by the "biological waste" with low molecular weight. Biochemistry, 12, 3-15. Furtmüller, P. G., Burner, U., & Obinger, C. (1998, Dec). Reaction of myeloperoxidase compound I with chloride, bromide, iodide, and thiocyanate. Biochemistry, 37, 17923-17930. Shiohara, M., & Komiyama, A. (2000). Myeloperoxidase deficiency. Ryōikibetsu shōkōgun shirīzu, 7, 183-185. Pattison, D. I., & Davies, M. J. (2006). Reactions of myeloperoxidase-derived oxidants with biological substrates: gaining chemical insight into human inflammatory diseases. Curr Med Chem, 13, 3271-3290. Galijasevic, S., Abdulhamid, I., & Abu-Soud, H. M. (2008, Apr). Potential role of tryptophan and chloride in the inhibition of human myeloperoxidase. Free Radic Biol Med, 15(44), 1570-1777. Nauseef, W. M. (2014, Jan). Diagnostic assays for myeloperoxidase and myeloperoxidase deficiency. Methods Mol Biol, 1124, 537-546. |
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Optimizing the Treatment of Acute Duct-Destructive PancreatitisBazylbek S. Zhakiev, Uteugali G. Karsakbayev, Mersaid S. Kelimberdiev, Bodagoz M. Мuhamedgalieva and Aleksander F. Kоnonenko
pp. 3894-3906 | Article Number: ijese.2016.301
Abstract The search for new methods for treating duct-destructive pancreatitis is a relevant problem. Endogenous intoxication and oxidative stress that accompany acute pancreatitis often progress even after surgery, which forces one to search for additional possibilities of preventing these severe consequences. This research studied the effect of small doses of direct electric current and intravenous ozone therapy in combination with therapeutic omental pancreatic bursoscopy in the treatment and prevention of the infection of necrotic foci of the pancreas. The rate of postoperative complications in patients with infected pancreatic necrosis and the causes of death of patients with infected pancreatic necrosis were studied. Keywords: Severe acute pancreatitis, pancreatic necrosis, postoperative therapy, small doses of direct electric current, ozone therapy References Banks, P. A., & Freeman, M. L. (2006). Practice Guidelines in Acute Pancreatitis. 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Constitutionally-Legal Policy as Base Type of Legal Policy of RussiaEugene S. Anichkin
pp. 3907-3914 | Article Number: ijese.2016.302
Abstract The article deals with reasons for formation, nature and specifics of the constitutionally legal policy of modern Russia. The special attention is spared to the exposure of the aim, long-term and short-term tasks, and principles of national constitutionally legal policy. The functions of constitutionally legal policy are separately considered: corrective, predictive, rationalitive, supportive, and integrative. The thesis is grounded on the presumption that constitutionally legal policy is found to be the phenomenon, as it attributes the certain features as follows, base and system forming character; special strategy; original maintenance; own priorities of realization; special principles; possibility of formation and realization not only at the federal but also at the regional levels. Special features of constitutionally legal policy are concluded to be the base type of Russian legal policy. Properties of constitutional and legal policy include: focus and balanced development; availability of own strategy; the possession of a set of characteristic features, main of which is the base position; determined character; totality; implementation by legal forms and by legal methods; the most close relationship with the state policy because of the high degree of politicization of constitutional law. Keywords: Constitutionally legal policy, constitutional development, the political system principles, legal regulation, legislative recognition References Barnett, H. (2014). Constitutional & Administrative Law. London: Routledge, 880 p. Clayton, C. W. (2015). The Politics of Justice: Attorney General and the Making of Government Legal Policy. London: Routledge, 320 p. Dunn, W. N. (2015). Public policy analysis. London: Routledge, 480 p. Harel, A. (2015). Why law matters: A reply to Lorenzo Zucca. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 13(1), 311-318. Henderson, J. (2015). Developments in Russia. European Public Law, 21(2), 229-238 Kondratieva, М. А. (2010). Constitutional law and politics in the Russian Federation. Moscow: AST, 833 p. Kozlova, E. I., & Kutafin, O. E. (2014). Constitutional law of Russia. Moscow: Nauka, 230 p. Malko, A. V. (2010). Constitutional politics as a particular kind of legal policy. Constitutional and municipal law, 4, 4. Malko, A. V. (2001). Constitutional and legal policy of modern Russia: problems and solutions. Law and politics, 6, 11. Osipian, A. L. (2014). Putin’s Russia: Constitutional Order and Arbitrary Arrangements. European Journal of Sociology, 55(3), 482-485. Dunaev, A. V. (2005). Legal policy of constituent entities in the Russian Federation: problems of formation and implementation. Legal policy and legal life, 4, 183-190; Averianova, Y. I. (1993). Encyclopaedic dictionary. Moscow: Nauka, 251 p. Matuzov, N. I. (2003) Legal policy: essence, concept and reality. Moscow: AST, 77 p Rybakov, O. Y., & Priahina, Т. М. (2003). Constitutional and legal policy. Russian legal policy. Moscow: Academia, 235 p. Sabatier, P. A., Weible, C. (2014). Theories of the policy process. London: Westview Press, 432 p. Sakwa, R. (2013). Power and policy in Putin’s Russia. London: Routledge, 262 p. Sankari, S. (2016). The many constitutions of Europe. London: Routledge, 298 p. Zhovnirchyk, Y. F. (2016). Constitutional and Legal Framework Construction of Public Policy Able Territorial Communities .Management, 15(1), 147-161. |
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Veterinary Safety’s Conflicts in the EAEUBakytzhan Kalymbek, Gulmira K. Shulanbekova, Ainur S. Madiyarova and Gulnaz Zh. Mirambaeva
pp. 3915-3924 | Article Number: ijese.2016.303
Abstract This article is devoted to the problem of veterinary safety of the countries under the Eurasian Economic Union. Animal health’s measures are provided in order to prevent the entry and spread of infectious animal diseases, including common to humans and animals, as well as goods not conforming to the common veterinary and sanitary requirements. Ensuring compliance with veterinary and sanitary measures rests on the shoulders of each member state, as well as their authorized agencies. The aim of the study is the veterinary conflicts’ review, which reveals the real face of veterinary safety in EAEU. The result of the study is estimation how the post-soviet countries’ (which are interested in EAEU) laws are ready to provide veterinary safety to their EAEU-partners. The research’s novelty is in psychological and economic discourse of the veterinary conflict’s nature in EAEU. Keywords: Veterinary conflicts, veterinary safety, Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), post-soviet countries, sanitary safety References Africa N. (2015). Russia and Eurasia. Strategic Survey, 115(1), 112-118. Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures of WTO, adopted in April, 15, 1994. (2007). The Legal Texts. The Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 13, 59-72. Ayanbayev, Y. S., Sairambayeva, Z. T. & Aidarbayev, S. Z. (2015). Sanitary and Veterinary Regulations of Pesticides Use: Unternational Law and Its Significance for the Republic of Kazakhstan. Asian Social Science, 11(19), 31-35. Black, R. & Kireeva, I. (2014). “Sanitary and veterinary hygiene requirements for imports of fish and fishery products into Russia — the tensions between regional integration and globalization. ERA Forum, 15(4), 495-518. Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1995). Direct access: http://www.constitution.-kz/english/ Delcour, L. & Wolczuk, K. (2015). The EU’s Unexpected ‘Ideal Neighbour’? The Perplexing Case of Armenia’s Europeanisation. Journal of European Integration, 37(4), 491-507. Dergousoff, D. (2015). Perceptions about implications of the Eurasian Economic Union on food security in Kyrgyzstan. Direct access: https://www.academia.edu/20566676/Perceptions_-about_Implications_of_the_Eurasian_Economic_Union_on_Food_Security_in_Kyrgyzstan. Dumitru, A. (2015). Whither development? The effects of the Eurasian Union on the Central Asian Republics. Romanian Journal of Society & Politics 10(2), 94-118. |
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Legislative Provisions Underlying Trade Unions’ Right to Define Their Organizational StructureVictoria V. Korobchenko, Yury V. Penov and Valery A.Safonov
pp. 3925-3936 | Article Number: ijese.2016.304
Abstract The article contains a comparative analysis of constitutional and other legislative provisions that ensure a trade union’s right to define its own administrative structure in European states. The aim of the study is to reveal the management’s problems of European trade unions, declarative and empirical mass-character legislative provisions, which allow to structure trade unions by themselves. The result is that the state should not set forth an exhaustive list of various types of trade unions. The article also examines the authority of trade union associations to define the requirements imposed on their members’ charters. These requirements are argued to comply with the principle of the freedom of association. Moreover, the work reveals that many European legislative provisions are declarated but rarely realized in sphere of inner management. The novelty of the research is the comparative analytic review, basing on the modern local and collective European laws. Keywords: Trade union, freedom of association, trade union associations, trade union charter References Awad, I. (2008). The global economic crisis and migrant workers. International Labour Organization, 433612, 27-31. Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany (1949). German: Federal Law Gazette II, 885 p. Beloko N. (2006). Labour Code of the Republic of Bulgaria, 26(6), 24-29. Berg, J. (2015). Labour Markets, Institutions and Inequality: Building Just Societies in the 21st Century. London: Edward Elgar Publishing, 37 p. Boston, S., & O'Grady, F. (2015). Women workers and the trade unions. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 466 p. Dufresne, A. (2015). The trade union response to the European economic governance regime. European Review of Labour and Research, 21(2), 141-156. Galgóczi, B., & Leschke, J. (2016). EU labour migration in troubled times: skills mismatch, return and policy responses. London: Routledge, 308 p. Geary, J. (2016). Economic crisis, austerity and trade union responses: The Irish case in comparative perspective. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 22(2), 131-147. Keune, M. (2015). Trade unions and young workers in seven EU countries. Direct access: https://sase.confex.com/sase/2015am/webprogram/Paper2837.html Labour Code of the Russian Federation, (2006). Russia: Zákoník práce, 2017 p. Law of the Republic of Moldova, 1129-XIV. (2000). Chisinau: Federal Law Gazette, 366 p. Law of Ukraine “On Trade Unions, their Rights and Guarantees of Their Activities”. (1999). Human Rights in Patient Care: Ukraine, 301-352. MacLean, A. (2007). The Constitution of Belgium, 71 p. Marino, S., Penninx, R., & Roosblad, J. (2015). Trade unions, immigration and immigrants in Europe revisited: Unions’ attitudes and actions under new conditions. Comparative Migration Studies, 3(1), 17-26. Nohlen, D., & Stöver, P. (1921). The Constitution of Liechtenstein. European Union. Elections in Europe: A data handbook, 1156 p. Penninx, R., & Roosblad, J. (2000). Trade unions, immigration, and immigrants in Europe, 1960-1993. Oxford: Berghahn Books, 256 p. The Austrian Federal Constitution, (1920). Austria: Elections in Europe: A data handbook 112 p. The Constitution of Luxembourg, (1868). Luxembourg, forum (in French) (286), 30-33. The Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation. (1999). Federal Council Decree of 11 Aug. Sweden, 101-187. The Law On Trade Unions of the Republic of Lithuania, (1990). The Republic of Lithuania, 8 (98), 1-11. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, (1948). Dominican Republic: United Nations. |
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Tax Law SystemImeda A. Tsindeliani
pp. 3937-3946 | Article Number: ijese.2016.304
Abstract The article deals with consideration of the actual theoretic problems of the subject and system of tax law in Russia. The theoretical approaches to determination of the nature of separate institutes of tax law are represented. The existence of pandect system intax law building as financial law sub-branch of Russia is substantiated. The goal of the article is to review tax law in Russia and to evaluate tax law condition in a legislative system. Base methods which is used during the work are: dialectical method, also that’re methods of historic, comparative legal and system analysis, formal logical, axiological and also literary review of the native and the abroad scientists. In a result we see that tax law is a sub-brunch of financial law. As a perspective we can distinguish procedural tax law as a complex part of tax law in tax law system. The article may be used as a theoretical base for following development of tax law. Keywords: Subject and system of tax law, tax laws in the legal system, tax law institutes, tax law sub-institutes References Azmi, D. M. (2009). The legal value and correlation of the notions “process” and “procedure”. Advocate, 12, 13-20. Berman, D. M. & Haneman, V. J. (2014). Making Tax Law. Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 325 p. Demin, A. V. (2010a). Procedural norms of the tax law: notion and specificity. Taxes and taxation, 11, 66-70. Demin, A. V. (2010b). Tax process and tax procedures: the searches of compromise. Taxes, 3, 6-9. Ehrke-Rabel, T. (2014). Das schlaue Lernsystem Lehrbuch. Elements Steuerrecht, 6, 14-25. Fujii, M. (2016). The Japanese tax system. London: Routledge, 91 p. Harris, P. (2013). Corporate tax law: Structure, policy and practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 256p. Heinrich, J. (2013). Österreichisches Steuerrecht. Uppsala: Verlag Osterreich, 363 p. Hogg, P., Magee, J. & Li, J. (2013). Principles of Canadian Income Tax Law. Toronto: Carswell, 233 p. Hudiakov, A. & Brodskiy, G. (2002). The theory of taxation. Almaty: Kazakh University, 364 p. Kashanina, T. & Kashanin, A. (2009). The Russian law. Moscow: Norma, 422 p. Kerimov, D. (2000). Legislative technique. Moscow: Norma, 366 p. Krokhina, Y. (2012). Tax law. Moscow: Unity-Dana, 286 p. Krokhina, Yu. (2004). Tax law. Moscow: Norma, 342 p. Kucheriavenko, N. (2009). Tax law course. Kharkov: Statut, 77 p. Kucherov, I. (2012). Legal signs of money obligations and their difference from money obligations. Financial law, 1, 12 – 18. Pahlsson, R. (2001). Inledning till skatteratten. Andra upplagan. Uppsala: Iustus Forlag, 216 p. Parygin, V. & Tedeev, A. (2011). Tax law. Voronezh: MODEK, 266 p. Qiu, D. (2014). Interpretation of Tax Law in China: Moving Towards the Rule of Law? Hong Kong Law Journal, 2, 34-46. Rembar, C. (2015). The law of the land: The evolution of our legal system. New-York: Open Road Media, 363 p. Romashov, R. (2005). The Theory of State and Law. St. Petersburg: Piter, 352 p. Shaviro, D. (2014). The Economics of Tax Law. Oxford: Oxford Handbook of Law and Economics, 353 p. Staroverova, O. & Eriashvili, N. (2004). Rule and law. Moscow: Unity-Dana, 333 p. Tavis, A. (2015). Tax and Social Justice: Perspectives of a Brunswick Public Service Fellow. Tax Law, 68, 455. Unger, P. & Vock, M. (2015). Casebook Steuerrecht. Uppsala: Verlag Osterreich, 175 p. Vinnitskiy, D. (2015). Russian tax law. St. Petersburg: Juridichesky Center–Press, 472 p. |
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The Psychological Competence of Police Officers in Confidential Cooperation with CitizensZholdybai T. Uspanov, Dana S. Turabayeva and Vladimir F. Ermolovich
pp. 3947-3955 | Article Number: ijese.2016.305
Abstract This research studied the psychological aspects of citizens’ assistance to law enforcement agencies on a confidential basis. The comprehensive observance of the psychological norms of cooperation is determined by the professional ethics of police officers, the necessity of nondisclosure of investigation secrets by citizens, and the security of the latter without compromising their constitutional freedoms. The research developed means of optimizing police-citizen cooperation, analyzed comprehensively the problems related to the psychological specificity of citizen involvement in confidential cooperation with special investigative agencies, the moral and legal aspects related to the operational methods in the activity of law enforcement agencies, and the psychological and pedagogical training of operational subdivision employees that work with persons who assist in preventing, stopping, solving, and investigating crimes on the confidential basis. By developing the communication and psychological competence of police officers, it is possible to provide for effective investigation that results in public security. Keywords: Psychological contact, professional ethics, civil society, investigative operations, confidential cooperation, police officer ethics References Adorjan, M., & Ricciardelli, R. (2016). Engaging with Ethics in International Criminological Research. London: Routledge, 422 p. Bäck, T. (2015). Police Students' Values of Competence Related to a Professional Career. Working and Learning in Times of Uncertainty. Sense Publishers, 89-101. De Schrijver, A., & Maesschalck, J. (2015). The development of moral reasoning skills in police recruits. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 38(1), 102-116. Derkach, A. A. (1996). The Workbook of a Psychological Practitioner: The Technology of Effective Professional Activity. Moscow: Red Square, 400 p. Fenwick, T. (2015). Perspectives on Policing: Critical Challenges for Policing Professionalism & Education. Scottish Institute for Policing Research, 4, 10-16. Goriaynov, K. K., Ovchinsky, V. S. & Shumilov, A. Yu. (2001). Investigative Work. Moscow: INFRA-M, 794 p. Grebelsky, D. V. (1988). Some Questions Regarding the Improvement of the "Investigative Work of Internal Affairs Agencies" Course. Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR High School, 16, 61-65. Jones, M. (2015). Creating the "thinking police officer": Exploring Motivations and Professional Impact of Part-time Higher Education. Policing, 3, 39-45. Klimentieva, O. S. (2015). Conflictological Competence as a Constituent of Professionalism of Prospective Law-Enforcement Officers. Pedagogy and Psychology, 51, 269-276. Lawton, A., van der Wal, Z., & Huberts, L. (2015). Ethics in public policy and management. London: Routledge, 236 p. Lindberg, O., & Rantatalo, O. (2014). Competence in professional practice. Human relations, 15, 18-23. May, L. (1996). The Socially Responsive Self. Social theory and professional ethics. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 328 p. Meine, M. F., & Dunn, T. P. (2013). The search for ethical competency. Public Integrity 15(2), 149-166. Nakayama, T. K., & Martin, J. N. (2014). Chapter five ethical issues in intercultural communication competence. Conceptualization and its development in cultural contexts and interactions, 12, 97-102. O'Leary, C. (2009), An empirical analysis of the positive impact of ethics teaching on accounting students. Accounting Education: An International Journal, 18(5), 505-520. Prygunov, P. Ya. (2000). Psychological Support of Special Operations. Role Behavior: A Study Guide. Moscow: European University Publishing House, 303 p. Syromyatnikov, I. V. (2005). Psycho-diagnostics. Yekaterinburg: Business Book, 640 p. Van Montfort, A., Beck, L., & Twijnstra, A. (2013). Can integrity be taught in public organizaitons? Public Integrity, 15(2), 117-132. Vanebo, J. O., Bjørkelo, B., & Aaserud, T. (2015). Police leadership development: Intentions and critical success-factors. International Public Administration Review, 13(4), 11-26. Weber, J., & Glyptis, S. (2000). Measuring the impact of a business ethics course and community service experience on students' values and opinions. Teaching Business Ethics, 4(4), 341-358. West, J. P., & Berman, E. M. (2015). Ethics Management and Training. Public Personnel Management, 3(2), 213-220. |
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Geologicаl History Of Eаst Siberiаn Seа ShelfAleksandr F. Safronov
pp. 3956-3970 | Article Number: ijese.2016.306
Abstract In our study we discuss the traditional and novel concepts of East Siberian Shelf origin with regards to the structure аnd composition of the Pаleozoic аnd eаrly Mesozoic sediments, coming to the surfаce on the Siberiаn Islаnds аrchipelаgo. The core idea is to summarize the existing concepts of East Siberaisn Shelf formation and to draw up the strong theory of its origin. We suggest that before the Middle Pаleozoic, the Siberiаn Islаnds аrchipelаgo (Novosibirsk unit) wаs pаrt of the Siberiаn crаton. The formаtion of the South Аnyui smаll oceаnic bаsin becаme one of the key events in the geologic history of this territory. Formаtion of South Аnyui smаll oceаnic bаsin is аssociаted with the Lаte Devoniаn-Eаrly Cаrboniferous rift genesis. During the Lаte Pаleozoic, the pаssive continentаl mаrgin wаs formed on the southern slope of the Novosibirsk unit. Аfter the closure of the South Аnyui Oceаn under the influence of Lаte Cretаceous stretching processes the rift system of the northwestern strike wаs formed, over which the Eаst Siberiаn bаsin wаs lаter formed. Keywords: Middle Paleozoic, Siberian Sea Shelf, geological history, oceanic basin, continental margin References Alekseev, M. N., Arkhangelov, A. A. & Ivanova, N. M. (1992). Laptev and East Siberian seas Cenozoic, in Paleogeographic Atlas of the Shelf Regions of Eurasia for the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Moscow: Geol. Inst. Russ. Acad. of Sci., 226 p. Alexanderson, H., Backman, J., Cronin, T. M., Funder, S., Ingólfsson, Ó., Jakobsson, M., Landvik, J. Y., Löwemark, L., Mangerud, J., März, C., Möller, P., O’Regan, M., Spielhagen, R. F. (2014). An Arctic perspective on dating Mid-Late Pleistocene environmental history. Quat. Sci. Rev. 92, 9–31. Andreassen, K., Winsborrow, M. C., Bjarnadottir, L. R. & Rüther, D. C. (2013). 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Bone-like Hydroxyapatite Formation in Human BloodAnatoly T. Titov, Peter M. Larionov, Alexandra S. Ivanova, Vladimir I. Zaikovskii and Mikhail A. Chernyavskiy
pp. 3971-3984 | Article Number: ijese.2016.307
Abstract The purpose of this study was to prove the mechanism of mineralization, when hydroxyapatite (HAP) is formed in blood plasma. These observations were substantiated by in vitro simulation of HAP crystallization in the plasma of healthy adults in a controllable quasi-physiological environment (T = 37°C, pH = 7.4) and at concentrations of dissolved Ca and P ions that resemble those in the blood of healthy adults. Another objective of the study was to investigate the role of Mg2+, Na+Cl - and serum albumin, the main blood protein, in the formation of calcium phosphate. Mineralized aortic and mitral valves of the heart were obtained in operations on patients with rheumatic or septic acquired valvular disease. Macroscopic and histological analyses of these samples were conducted. Primary nanocrystals of HAP formed in the blood may take part in the mineralization of both cardiac valves and vessels. The penetration of HAP nanocrystals may be caused by breaks in the endothelium of blood vessels. The lowering of pH may result from substantial degradation in the valve tissue. The experimental data make it possible to conclude that albumin and Fetuin-A are structural proteins that are responsible for subsequent incorporation of HAP nanocrystals in newly formed bone tissue. Keywords: Calcified tissue, hydroxyapatite, blood mineralization, scanning electron microscopy, heart valves References Anon, A. (2013). Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects. World Medical Assotiation Declaration of Helsinki, 310(20), 206-208. Cai, M. M., Smith, E. R. & Holt, S. G. (2015). The Role of Fetuin-A in Mineral Trafficking and Deposition. BoneKEy reports, 4, 672. Combes, C. & Rey, C. (2002). Adsorption of Proteins and Calcium Phosphate Materials Bioactivity. Biomaterials, 23(13), 2817–23. Dautova, Y. (2014). 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Arterial Calcification and Bone Physiology. Endocrinology, 8(9), 529–43. Titov, A. & Larionov, P. 2007. Bone-like Hydroxyapatite Formation in Human Blood. Calcified Tissue International, 80, 58. Titov, A. (2004). Hydroxyapatite Formation in Human Blood. Sao-Paulo: ICAM-BR, 362 p. Titov, A., Larionov, P. & Shchukin, V. (2000). Possible formation of hydroxyapatite in blood. Report of Biochemistry, 7(2), 124-132. Wu, C. Y. (2009). Fetuin-Albumin-Mineral Complexes Resembling Serum Calcium Granules and Putative Nanobacteria. PloS one, 4(11), 805-816. Yarbrough, D. K. (2010). Specific Binding and Mineralization of Calcified Surfaces By Small Peptides. Calcified Tissue International, 86(1), 58–66. Yiu, A. J. (2015). Vascular Calcification and Stone Disease. Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease, 2(3), 141–164. |
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Effects of Different Environment Temperatures on Some Motor Characteristics and Muscle StrengthErgün Çakir, Selami Yüksek, Bülent Asma, & Erkal Arslanoğlu
pp. 3985-3993 | Article Number: ijese.2016.308
Abstract The aim of this study was determine the effects of different environment temperatures on motor characteristics and muscle strength. 15 athletes participated to study. Flexibility, vertical jump, hand grip-leg strength,30m sprint, 20-meter shuttle run and coordination-agility tests were measured in five different environment temperatures. (22°C, 10,5°C, 0°C, -5,5°C ,-11°C). Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to determine whether the data showed normal distribution. ANOVA was used to compare the data for normal distribution and Kruskal-Wallis-H test was used for showing not normal distribution. Additionally, Tukey test and Mann-Whitney U test were used for meaningful difference. The significance levels were taken as 0.01 and 0.05. Significant changes were found all measured parameters compared to cold environment and Significant differences were found in all motor scores except anaerobic capacity (p<0.05). In all sport activities done in hot environment, higher efficiency is obtained compared to those done in cold environment and therefore, performances of athletes increase depending on the environment temperature. Keywords: Temperature, performance, motor characteristic, muscle strength References Akgün, N. (1994). Egzersiz ve spor fizyolojisi. Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi. 5. Baskı 2. Cilt İzmir.
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