Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 3548-3561 | Article Number: ijese.2016.272
Published Online: August 02, 2016
The study aims at analysis an educational and informative competence, describing the components of schoolchildren’s educational and informative activity and submitting an efficient set of exercises resulted from the educational and informative activity component analysis. The relevance of the study is determined by modernization of an educational paradigm since the current approach to organization of the learning process is to be reviewed. The study results are based on the average performance of schoolchildren during the 4-year study of the subject "Native language" (n=70). Furthermore, we used a comprehensive approach to analysis of an elementary school educational process as a methodological basis for analysis of pedagogical reality. The study showed that informative educational activity helps the schoolchild to form competencies that contribute to education of moral, civic and patriotic, aesthetic qualities of a child, mindset formation in general. Suggested model of improving educational and informative activity at native language lessons may be used by teachers as a way of organization of the current learning process.
Keywords: Educational process, educational and informative competence, schoolchild’s informative activity, native language lessons, self-studying principles
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