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The Feature of Scientific Explanation in the Teaching of Chemistry in the Environment of New Information of School Students’ Developmental EducationSuriya I. Gilmanshina, Iskander R. Gilmanshin, Rimma N. Sagitova & Asiya I. Galeeva
pp. 349-358 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.322a | Article Number: ijese.2016.008
Abstract The aim of this article is to disclose features of scientific explanation in teaching of chemistry in the environment of new information of school students’ developmental education. The leading approach to the study of this problem is the information and environmental approach that comprehensively address the problem of scientific explanation in the teaching of chemistry, to identify its characteristics and its role in the didactic system of developing training. In the article the concept of "informational-educational environment" and "personal information culture", identified the main function as the primary explanation of the procedure of scientific thinking in the teaching of chemistry. The features of scientific explanation in teaching chemistry in the new educational environment due to six types of relationships induction and deduction in explaining chemical phenomena, theories and laws. The choice of the ratio of induction and deduction affect the chemical nature of the studied object, the problem of knowing the object, the logical links between the structure of the object and the structure used to explain knowledge. It was found that the role of scientific explanation in the didactic system of developing education in the new information environment is the development of students forming their scientific outlook, logical thinking and culture of information activities. Keywords: chemical education, scientific explanation, informational and educational environment. References Abasov, S. E. & Abdullayev, S. G. (2011, September 29) Modern information and communication technologies in education. Direct access: http://www.rsvpu.ru/filedirectory/3468/nito2011_1.pdf. Andreev, V. I. (2015) Educational heuristics for creative self-development of multi-dimensional thinking and wisdom. Kazan Center of innovative technologies. Babanskii, Y. K. (1988) Pedagogy. M .: Education. - 479 p. Gabidullin, A. S. (1984) Teaching students the ability to explain the phenomena in the teaching of Science subjects in VI - VII classes: Dis. Cand. Of ped. Sciences; Kasane. state. ped. Inst .. - Kazan, 1984. - 207 p. Gilmanshina, S. I., Sagitova, R. N., Kosmodemyanskaya, S. S., Khalikova, F. D., Shchaveleva, N. G., Valitova, G.F. (2015) Professional Thinking Formation Features of Prospective Natural Science Teachers Relying on the Competence-Based Approach. Review of European Studies, 7 (3), 341-349. http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ res/issue/view/1277 Gilmanshina, S. I. & Gilmanshin, I. R. (2015) Building axiological competence of graduate students by means of project-based learning. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 86 (1), 012029-12032. doi: 10.1088 / 1757-899X / 86/1/012 029 Gilmanshin, I. R., Ferenets, A. V., Azimov Yu. I., Galeeva A. I., Gilmanshina S. I. (2015) Innovative technologies of waste recycling with production of high performance products. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 86 (1),12014-12016. Ivshina, G. V. & Ismagilov K. K. (2010) Development of mathematical culture by means of information and communication technologies in the training of students in the humanities: a monograph. Kazan Center of innovative technologies. 164 p. Merkulov, I. P. (1980) Hypothetical-deductive model and the development of scientific knowledge. M .: Nauka. 189 p. Paravyan, N. A. (1975) Teaching methods hypothetical-deductive reasoning in the teaching of chemistry. Chemistry in university and at school: Digest of articles. Sat. articles, 2, 38-46. Harvey, D. (1969) Explanation in geography. London. Samigullina, G. S., Gilmanchina S. I., Gaisin I. T., Gilmanshin I. R., Akchurina I. R. (2015) Professional and Creative Development of Natural Geographic Course Teachers within the Process of Professional Retraining. Studies Education International, 8 (4). http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ies.v8n4p159 Sochor, A. M. (1988) Explanation of the learning process: The elements of the didactic concept. M .: Pedagogika. 128 p. Vilkeev, D. V. (1982) The ratio of induction and deduction in the structure and the process of learning the fundamentals of science as a didactic problem and its solutions: abstract of dissertation. Doctor of ped. sciences. M. 33 p. |
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Impact of STS Issue Oriented Instruction on Pre-Service Elementary Teachers’ Views and Perceptions of Science, Technology, and SocietyAidin Amirshokoohi
pp. 359-387 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.324a | Article Number: ijese.2016.009
Abstract The purpose of the study was to investigate the impact of Science, Technology, Society (STS) issue oriented science methods course on pre-service teachers' views and perceptions toward STS issues and instruction as well as their levels of environmental literacy. The STS issue oriented curriculum was designed to help pre-service teachers improve their knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes toward STS issues. A mixed methodology design was utilized in this study with a sample of 93 elementary pre-service teachers. The quantitative segment of the study employed a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design incorporating a treatment and a comparison group. The qualitative component included both the observation data and interview data collected shortly after the completion of the pre and post-surveys. The quantitative and qualitative data sets were used in conjunction to present a comparative case study where the outcomes for the two groups (comparison and treatment) were compared. The sample consisted of four sections of an elementary science methods class, two of which received the experimental treatment while the other two sections received the comparison treatment for 16 weeks. A pretest on variables of environmental literacy, STS views, and STS teaching views was administered to all subjects prior to the treatments to establish the equivalency of the two groups. A posttest was also administered to all subjects at the end of the semester. The experimental group outperformed the comparison group on all the aforementioned variables and a statistical significant difference was attained at the .05 level with respect to each variable. Furthermore, the results of pre and post interview data collected on environmental literacy, STS views, and STS teaching views further corroborated the quantitative data. The findings suggest that the STS issue focused program positively influenced pre-service teachers' level of environmental literacy as well as their perceptions and attitudes toward STS issues and instruction of such issues to elementary students. The findings of this study revealed that pre-service teachers gain considerably from an STS framework for teaching and learning. Keywords: environmental education, environmental literacy, elementary preservice teachers, teachers' belief, STS education References Aikenhead, G.S. (1990). Scientific/technological literacy, critical reasoning, classroom practice. In L. Philips & S. Norris (Eds.), Foundations of literacy policy in Canada (pp. 127-145). Calgary, Alberta: Detselig Enterprises Ltd. Aikenhead, G.S. (1992). The integration of STS into science education. Theory into Practice, 31 (1), 27-35. Aikenhead, G.S. (2003). STS Education: A rose by any other name. A Vision for Science Education: Responding to the World of Peter J. 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Geography Teachers and Climate Change: Emotions About Consequences, Coping Strategies, and Views on MitigationMikaela Hermans
pp. 389-408 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.326a | Article Number: ijese.2016.010
Abstract It has been indicated that teachers’ emotions about climate change and their views on mitigation influence their instruction and students’ engagement in mitigation actions. The aim of the study is to explore Finnish secondary geography teachers’ emotions about the consequences of climate change, their strategies for coping with these emotions, and their views on climate change mitigation. Inductive content analysis of data collected through individual interviews (N= 13) was performed. The teachers used emotion-focused, problem-focused, and meaning-focused strategies to cope with negative emotions. They ascribed responsibility for mitigation to politicians and individuals. Commonly, the teachers took elementary actions to reduce their impact on the climate. Only part of the teachers realized that they could contribute through teaching. With the ultimate aim of promoting students’ engagement in climate change mitigation, guidelines pertaining to education that targets teachers’ emotions, coping strategies, and their views on mitigation are presented. Keywords: climate change education, global warming, in-service teachers, secondary school References Ambusaidi, A., Boyes, E., Stanisstreet, M., & Taylor, N. (2012). Omani pre-service science teachers’ views about global warming: Beliefs about actions and willingness to act. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 7, 233–251. Retrieved from http://www.ijese.com/IJESE_v7n2_Ambusaidi-et-al.pdf Anderson, A. (2012). Climate change education for mitigation and adaptation. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 6, 191–206. doi: 10.1177/0973408212475199 Bangay, C., & Blum, N. (2010). 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Are the Genetic Materials of Gametes and Somatic Cells Different? The Conceptions of Pre-Service TeachersMehmet Yakışan
pp. 409-420 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.328a | Article Number: ijese.2016.011
Abstract Biology that is a branch of science examining organisms in every aspect has a very wide content. Besides this wide content, there are abstract concepts in some subjects. Various alternative conceptions are determined in different education levels especially in abstract and microscopic biology subjects. The aim of this study is to determine the alternative conceptions of pre-service teachers related with the genetic material in gametes and somatic cells. 97 pre-service teachers that are freshmen at university participated in the research. In order to determine the alternative conceptions about the subject, open-ended questions are asked to the pre-service teachers. Also, 12 pre-service teachers amongst 97 pre-service teachers are selected for semi-structured interviews and interviews are performed. Analysing the data obtained from the open-ended questions and interviews, it is determined that pre-service teachers have many alternative conceptions about the genetic materials in gametes and somatic cells. These alternative conceptions are introduced in categories and discussed. Keywords: alternative conceptions, autosome, gonosomes, pre-service teachers References Bahar, M. (2002). Students’ learning difficulties in biology: reasons and solutions. Kastamonu Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi,10(1), 73-82. Bahar, M., Johnstone, H. A., & Hansell, M. (1999). Revisiting learning difficulties in biology. Journal of Biological Education,33(2), 84-87. Brown, C.R. (1990). Some misconceptions in meiosis shown by students responding to an advanced level practical examination question in biology. Journal of Biological Education. 24(3), 182-185. Chattopadhyay, A. (2012). Understanding of mitosis and meiosis in higher secondary students of Northeast India and the implications for genetics education. 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Humor Reduces Anxiety and Disgust in Anticipation of an Educational Dissection in Teacher StudentsChristoph Randler, Peter Wüst-Ackermann & Eda Demirhan
pp. 421-432 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.329a | Article Number: ijese.2016.012
Abstract Dissections of human organs and animals are an important part of medical and science education but students usually express negative emotions towards dissections. Some studies show a negative influence of disgust and anxiety on motivation, interest and achievement. Therefore, reducing anxiety and disgust should be an important aim. As humor can lead to lower anxiety in medical settings, we hypothesize that a kind of humor treatment prior to an educational dissection of fish may also lead to a lower anxiety and lower disgust. We used humorous video clips before the dissection and compared them with a control video of the life history of the fish (trout). A total of 49 University students received the treatment with the humor video clips and 65 the life-history video. We measured state anxiety and disgust prior to the treatment and after the film treatment. The treatment with humorous video clips reduced anxiety and disgust compared to the control group with the life-history film. Although this study has been carried out in dissection of an animal in teacher students, we believe that these results can be generalized and transferred into other parts of dissection, such as cadaver dissection of humans in medical education. Keywords: anxiety, disgust; dissection, STAI-S, science education References Abel, M. H. & Maxwell, D. (2002). Humor and affective consequences of a stressful task. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 21(2), 165-190. http://dx.doi.org/10.1521/jscp. Allen, L. (2014). Don't forget, Thursday is test [icle] time! The use of humour in sexuality education. Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning 14(4), 387-399. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14681811.2014.918539. Barnes, L. L. B., Harp, D., & Sik Jung, W. (2002). Reliability generalization of scores on the Spielberger state-trait anxiety inventory. 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E-Teaching Materials as the Means to Improve Humanities Teaching Proficiency in the Context of Education InformatizationNadezhda P. Yachina, Liliya A. Valeeva & Albina F. Sirazeeva
pp. 433-442 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.315a | Article Number: ijese.2016.013
Abstract The aim of the article is to determine the specifics of the creation and methodology of the use of e-teaching materials on humanities in the training system of future teachers. The leading approaches to the study of this problem are student-centered and personally-meaningful approaches to teaching leading to realizing the need for new educational opportunities associated with the use of modern information technologies in the training of future teachers of humanities. The article explains the pedagogical rationale of creating and using e-teaching materials in teaching humanities, based on the integration of subject and methodological knowledge, skills and experience in the training of future teachers; identifies and rationalizes the requirements (integrative framework, gradual development of materials, marked structure, individualization of the teaching process, the strategic character of knowledge assimilation, openness of the system) for the design of e-teaching materials for the humanities disciplines in the training of future teachers; highlights principles of integrative educational process on the basis of e-teaching materials (prioritizing e-teaching materials in the educational process; the integrity and continuity of the didactic cycle carried out with the help of e-teaching materials); grounds organizational and methodological conditions of the effective use of e- teaching materials in future teachers’ training (students’ needs and motivation, cognitive independence, control and diagnostics); focuses on the developed methodology of using e-teaching materials for the humanities disciplines in the training of future teachers (on the basis of the course "Teaching proficiency"). Keywords: education, teaching, students, e-teaching materials, information technologies, teachers training, integrative approach, teaching proficiency References Abakumova, N. N. (2002). Peer review of programs in distance education. New information technologies in University education. Kemerovo: KSU. Anisimova, T. I. & Krasnova, L. A. (2015). Interactive technologies in electronic educational resources. International Education Studies, 8 (2), 186-194. Anisimova, T. I. & Krasnova, L. A. (2015). Interactive technologies in electronic educational resources. International Education Studies, 8 (2), 186-194. Budnik, G. A. & Bitkin, V. P. (2007). From experience of creation an electronic textbook on the History of Russia. Modern science-based technologies, 10. Galchenkov, A. S. (2015). Didactic features of media technologies use for additional arts education of teenagers. Doctoral dissertation. Rostov-Na-Donu. Golitsyna, I. N. (2013). 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Communicatively Developing Technology of Speech Activation of Tatar Schools` TeachersIrina V. Khairova & Nodira M. Egamberdieva
pp. 443-451 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.316a | Article Number: ijese.2016.014
Abstract The timeliness of the problem under study is that in conditions of the renewal of the content and system of education the interest to the communicative and development potentials of education in the system of course retraining of teachers who work in national (Tatar) schools is growing. However, actual academic complexes for teachers do not always express the idea of communicatively developing education as a technology, didactic system or model. In the article the model of communicatively developing technology of learning is presented. The technology contains the humanitarian potential and speech activating technologies. The main method used in the study was the pedagogic experiment which permitted us to conduct the experimental verification of communicatively developing approaches in teaching, providing certain level of coherent speech. The results of the experimental work proved that the use of communicatively developing methods in course retraining allows to improve the quality of teacher`s coherent speech. The main results of the study are: the content development of the communicatively developing program of Russian coherent speech for teachers attending extension courses, and also the structure and content definition of diagnostic studies of Tatar schools teachers` coherent speech. The article materials may be used on extension courses for teachers and in the system of university studies for future teaches. Keywords: teachers, education, communication, technology, oral activity, coherent speech, system of course retraining of Tatar schools` teachers References Adolf, V. A. (1998). Professional competence of future teachers. Krasnoyarsk. Andreev, V.I. (2013). Laws of creative self-development as a basis of subject-oriented education concept. Vestnik of Kazan Thechnological University, 16 (16), 13-17. Averchenko, LK (1999). Management of communication. Moscow - Novosibirsk. Gabdulchakov, V. F. (2014). Communicative Core of Interaction and its Influence on Education Results. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. Third Annual International Conference «Early Childhood Care and Education», 146 (25), 381–384. Gromova, C.R. (2014). Psychological and pedagogical conditions of primary schoolchildren civil identity development (results of complex research), Life Science Journal, 11(10s), 518-521. Khutorskoy, A. B. (2003). Key competencies: technology design. Public education, 5, 34-38. Koletvinova, N. D. (2015). The development specifics of the professional integration-communicative competence of students in pedagogical universities. Review of European Studies, 7(1), 154-160. Lifintseva, N. I. (2000). Formation of professional and pedagogical culture of the teacher. Kursk. Nestler, K. (1974). Informationen zu Schulbuch Fragen, Berlin. Sokolov, A. V. (2002). The general theory of social communication. Moscow. Steinberg, V. E. (2002). Didactic multidimensional tools. Theory, methodology, practice. Moscow. |
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The Effect of Project-Based History and Nature of Science Practices on the Change of Nature of Scientific KnowledgeAyşe Sert Çıbık
pp. 453-472 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.331a | Article Number: ijese.2016.015
Abstract The aim of this study is to compare the change of pre-service science teachers’ views about the nature of scientific knowledge through Project-Based History and Nature of Science training and Conventional Method. The sample of the study consists of two groups of 3rd grade undergraduate students attending teacher preparation program of science education at an education faculty in Turkey. In this study, in which quantitative and qualitative research methods are used, non-equivalent control group design out of quasi-experimental designs is employed. Student Understanding of Science and Scientific Inquiry questionnaire is applied to both groups as pre-test and post-test. After the applications, a significant difference is observed to be in favor of the experimental group and they mostly described their views as Transitional Views and Informed Views whereas the control group defined their views as Transitional Views and Naïve Views. 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The Problem of Reading and Reading Culture Improvement of Students-Bachelors of Elementary Education in Modern High InstitutionLera A. Kamalova & Natal’ya D. Koletvinova
pp. 473-484 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.318a | Article Number: ijese.2016.018
Abstract This article is aimed to study the problems of reading and improve reading culture of students-bachelors of elementary education in modern high institutions and development of the most effective methods and techniques for improving of reading culture of students in the study of Humanities disciplines. The leading method to the study of this problem is a pedagogical experiment (ascertainment, formation and control stages of experiment), and the method of expert estimations, statistical processing of quantitative research results. The article identifies the most effective methodological techniques of reading culture improvement of undergraduate students, future specialists of elementary education in their learning process at the University; We offered the methodology of reading culture improvement for the undergraduate students of "Elementary education" profile, providing thoughtful skill of reading of the works of various styles and genre, creative reading skill, formation of reading competence of students. Keywords: elementary education, reading skill, reading culture, personal and professional development, creative reading, means of communication References Adler, M. (2014). How to read books. A guide to reading the great works. The publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 344. Akimova, A. G. (2014). The culture of reading of youth: myths and reality. Electronic source: http://lib.1september.ru/2006/08/16.htm Approximate program of academic subjects. (2010). Moscow, Education, 400. Chudinova, V. P. (2008). Reading of children as a national value. Electronic source: http://www.polemics.ru. Granick, G. G., Bondarenko, S. M. & Kontsevaya, L. A. (2007). When the book teaches, 256. Kamalova, L. A. & Ul’yanitskaya, T. V. (2014). The study of the pedagogical values of the future elementary school teachers,Life Science Journal, 11(10s), 522-526. Kamalova, L. A. (2015). Formation of Professional Competences of “Primary Education” Profile Students While the Studying Process at the University, Review of European Studies, 7(1), 94-100. Khuziakhmetov, A. N., Shafikova, G. R. & Kapranova, V. A. (2015). Conditions of Educational Environment for the Development of Teenagers’ Moral Relations. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 515-521. Kozyrev, V. A. & Chernyak, V. D. (2007). The reading range and Russian language ability of the student. Bulletin of the Herzen University, 47. Likhachev, D. S. (2006). Writing about the good and the beautiful. SPb., Logos, 234. Mc Luhan, M. (2005). The Gutenberg Galaxy. The development of man print, 45-46. Novik, N. N. & Podgórecki, J. A. (2015). Model of Developing Communication Skills among Adolescents with Behavioral Problems. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 579-587. Pennac, D. (2015). Essay as a novel. Moscow, Scooter, 196. Ribakova, L. A., Parfilova, G. G., Karimova, L. Sh. & Karimova, R. B. (2015). Evolution of Communicative Competence in Adolescents Growing Up in Orphanages. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10 (4), 589-594. Sadykova, A. G., Yashina, M. E. & Sharafieva, A. D. (2014). Citation as a stimulus to boost students’ communication skills at the English lessons. English Language Teaching, 7 (12), 12-25. Sagitova, R. R. (2014). Training students to be autonomous learners. International Journal of Humanities Education, 12 (1),27-34. Svetlovskaya, N. N. & Peach-ool, T. S. (2007). How to help children who don't want to learn to read. Publishing House Archi: 54. The national programme for support and development of reading. (2007). Library, 10-28. Tikhomirova, I. I.(2008). About the development of creative reading in Russia: a case history. School library, 68-76. Valeev, A. A. & Baranova, A. R. (2013). The development of the future engineers' capacity for creative self-realization. 16th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, ICL, 2013 (pp.436-437). Kazan, Russian Federation: Kazan National Research Technological University. Valeeva, L. A. & Valeeva, R. A. (2013). Development of future engineers' critical thinking in foreign language teaching. 16th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, ICL, 2013 (рр. 438-439). Kazan, Russian Federation: Kazan National Research Technological University. Volkova, E. A. (2012).Transformation reading student youth. Abstract of the dissertation on competition of degree of candidate of pedagogical Sciences: 28.11.2012. Krasnodar, 35. Vorontsov, A. V. (2009). Reading as a socio-economic problem. Society. Environment. Development, 28. |
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Native American Students’ Understanding of Geologic Time Scale: 4th-8th Grade Ojibwe Students’ Understanding of Earth’s Geologic HistoryYounkyeong Nam, Engin Karahan & Gillian Roehrig
pp. 485-503 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.332a | Article Number: ijese.2016.016
Abstract Geologic time scale is a very important concept for understanding long-term earth system events such as climate change. This study examines forty-three 4th-8th grade Native American—particularly Ojibwe tribe—students’ understanding of relative ordering and absolute time of Earth’s significant geological and biological events. This study also examines how these students understand the time scale of human history in relation to the longer geologic time scale of the earth and of the Ojibwe’s unique history. The students participated in a 15-hour lesson unit focused on the topic of climate change in Earth history. The two major sources of data included: 1) students’ relative ordering and written descriptions of ten given Earth historical events and 2) student groups’ placing of nineteen events on an absolute time line. Students’ relative ordering of ten given events and student groups’ placing of nineteen events on an absolute time line were analyzed quantitatively by descriptive statistics, whereas students’ written descriptions of the relative ordering of the ten given events were analyzed qualitatively. The results show that the students understand Earth’s geological events as three distinctive zones: near the beginning of Earth history, relative recent events, and between these two categories. The results also show that many students interpret general historical events in human history like “starting agriculture” through the lens of their own history and cultural viewpoints. This study shows that younger children have a general knowledge of major events in Earth’s history, such as continental movement, but cannot organize an accurate chronological order of these events. 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Development of Junior Pupils Research Skills in Interrelation with Universal Learning ActivitiesElvira G. Sabirova, Venera G. Zakirova & Alfiya R. Masalimova
pp. 505-514 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.321a | Article Number: ijese.2016.017
Abstract Actuality of the studied problem is stipulated by the fact that the learning activity is the leading one for pupils and it defines development of main cognitive particularities of evolving personality. As the result of this activity becomes formation of cognitive motives, research skills, subjectively new knowledge and ways of activity for pupils. Purpose of this study is to define more significant in pedagogical relation research skills of junior pupils in context of their interconnections with universal learning activities. In the experiment, there were involved 270 people: pupils and teachers of elementary school and also students acquiring profession of elementary school teachers. As the experimental area there became general education schools №81 and №32, gymnasium №37 in Kazan city of Russian Federation Tatarstan Republic. During the work there was used complex of diagnostic methods for revealing development level of research skills and universal learning activities of junior pupils. On the basis of the obtained results there were specified and substantiated the content of research skills of elementary school pupil in context of their interconnection with universal learning abilities (personal, regulative, cognitive, communicative). Keywords: learning, research skills, universal learning activities, systemic-active approach in teaching, organization of learning and research activity of junior pupil References Asmolov, A. G. (2010). How to project universal learning activities in elementary school, Moscow. Gromova, C. R. & Alimbekov, A. (2015). Egocentrism and Development of Students Identity (On the Example of Studying of Future Teachers). International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10(4), 571-578. Leontovich, A. V. (2003). Projecting research activity of pupils, Moscow , Institute of Pedagogical Innovations of Russian Science Academy dissertation (p.142). Novik, N. N. & Podgórecki, J. (2015). A Model of Developing Communication Skills among Adolescents with Behavioral Problems. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10(4), 579-587. Ribakova, L. A., Parfilova, G. G., Karimova, L. Sh. & Karimova, R. B. (2015). Evolution of Communicative Competence in Adolescents Growing Up in Orphanages. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10(4), 589-594. Savenkov, A. I. (2004). Method of research teaching of junior pupils, Samara, Tutorial literature. Ushachev, V. P. (1988). Forming of research skills of pupils during the process of industrial practice on the basis of active applying of knowledge on physics, Chelyabinsk, (pp.123-132). |
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