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Evaluating Relationship between Mixed-land Use and Land-use Compatibility in Algiers BayKarim Cheniki, Amel Baziz, Bouzid Boudiaf
pp. 389-404 | Article Number: ijese.2019.032
Abstract MLU is considered as one of the main component leading to a successful urban planning and urban regeneration operations. This policy was advocated as principal characteristics of contemporary urban trends. Most of the literature focalized on the relationship between MLU and other factors such as transport, health and other social aspects. However, the study of relationship between MLU and LUC seems to be completely ignored even such studies are scarce when talking about Algerian cities. Hence, this paper is a part of a study where one of the main objectives is to explain the relationship between MLU and LUC and by using Algiers’ bay as a case study. This paper is structured in three sections. The first section deals with the review of the development of mixture through the available literature. The second section is related to the assessment of the MLU and its compatibility, this assessment is done by using Algiers Bay as a case study. The last section consists of evaluating the relationship between those two factors by using Spearman’s Rho correlation coefficient. This study leads us to confirm that there is a direct relationship between MLU and LUC. However, it is important to mention that MLU may have a negative impact on land use compatibility, so, the challenge for the planners is to find the balance between MLU and LUC. Moreover, it is imperative to integrate LUC as a variable in measuring MLU. Keywords: mixed land-use, land-use compatibility, Algiers, MAVT References Abedini, A., Lotfian, M., & Moradi, M. (2015). Land Use Compatibility Assessment Using a Modified Topsis Model: a Case Study of Elementary Schools in Tehran. The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 40(1), 5. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprsarchives-XL-1-W5-5-2015 Bahadure, S., & Kotharkar, R. (2015). 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Distribution of Endemic Birds in Protected Forests in IndonesiaFransina Sarah Latumahina, & Gun Mardiatmoko
pp. 405-416 | Article Number: ijese.2019.033
Abstract The spread and diversity of bird species in an ecosystem is an indicator of the stability of the ecosystem. The high diversity index of birds represents the healthy ecosystem and stable condition so that it can support bird life. The aim of the study was to determine the level of bird diversity on small islands in Maluku, namely Air Louw Hamlet Protected Forest in Ambon Island, bird species abundance and bird response to land cover changes. The study was conducted in April - June 2019 using the Line Transect method on a 100 m long track with a distance between 100 m lane, and the width of the transect band 50 m left and right lane on a plot area of 50,000 m2 (5 ha). Observations were carried out at 07.30 - 10.00 WIT and 16.00 - 18.30 WIT. The results of the study found that the number of birds on transect 1 was 81, transects 5 were 46, transects 2 were 37, transects 4 were 32, and transects 3 were 18. The Margalef Richness Index value (R1) ranges from low to moderate at 2.596851 - 2.873082 (2.5 <R1> 4). This condition was caused by the low number of bird species found in the study location, which was only as many as 22 species. The Shannon-Winer Diversity Index (H‘) was classified as moderate at 1.05 - 1.88 (1 <H’> 3). Evenness Index (E) was classified as medium on 4 transects of 0.24 - 0.56. The density of bird populations on each transect was 1 transect (81 tails) with a population density of 147 tails / ha. Transects 2 was 37 tails with a population density of 72 tails /ha. Transects 3 was 18 tails with a population density of 41 /ha. Transect 4 was 32 tails with a population density of 61 tails / ha and transect 5 was 46 tails with a population density of 74 tails /ha. The highest population density was Maluku Perling Bird as many as 157 tails / 5 ha, Walet Sapi as many as 83 tails / 5 ha, Cabai Kelabu as many as 44 tails / 5 ha and Madu Sriganti Bird as many as 42 tails / 5 ha. The results also found 2 species of birds that have conservation values and protected values as well as endemic species of Maluku with very limited distribution properties, namely Sikatan Kelabu (Myagra galeata) and Cabai Kelabu (Dicaeum vulneratum). Keywords: Maluku endemic bird, bird diversity, protected forest, small islands References Alikodra, H. S. (2002). Pengelolaan Satwa Liar, Jilid 1 [Wildlife Management, Volume 1]. Bogor: Fakultas Kehutanan, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Brian, J., Coates, K., & Bishop, D. (1997). Aguide to the Birds of Wallcea. Queensland, Australia: Dove Publication. Fadrikal, R., Fadliah, E., & Nugroho, J. (2015). 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Exploring Human-Nature Relationships amongst Young People: Findings of a Quantitative Survey between Germany and South AfricaAnsgar Johannes Gräntzdörffer, Angela James, & Doris Elster
pp. 417-424 | Article Number: ijese.2019.034
Abstract The environmental crisis needs to be challenged by fundamental socio-ecological transformation. Contemporary science education programs focus on influential factors like nature experience, emotional bonds with the natural environment and understanding of nature trying to promote pro-environmental behaviors amongst young people. In order to compare two contrasting countries this quantitative survey was carried out with the participation of 836 young people in Germany, and 846 in South Africa aged 12 to 19 (M = 14.68, SD = .52). We found that young South Africans spent more time in nature together with their schools and are more emotionally related to their natural world. In conclusion, the human-nature relationships amongst young people in both countries can be described as inconsistent, detached and disturbed. 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The Effect of Cooperative Learning Models and Formative Test Forms toward PPKn (Civics Education) Learning Outcomes by Controlling Prior KnowledgeHamuni, Muhammad Idrus, Wa Ode Reni, & Karsadi
pp. 425-433 | Article Number: ijese.2019.035
Abstract This study aims at investigating the effect of cooperative learning model and formative test form toward PPKn learning outcome controlling by prior knowledge. It used factorial design 2 x 2. Sample of this study consists of 80 students who are selected through cluster random sampling. The data was obtained through test instrument. The data was analyzed by using covariance (ANACOVA). The result of this study shows that, after controlling prior knowledge: 1) student’s civics education learning outcome who are taught under cooperative learning model with STAD type is higher than students who are taught under cooperative learning model with NHT type, 2) student’s civics education learning outcome who are given essay formative test is higher than students who are given multiple choice formative test, 3) there is an effect of interaction between cooperative learning model and formative test toward civics education learning outcome, 4) for students who are given essay formative test, student’s civics education learning outcome who are taught under cooperative learning model with STAD type is higher than students who are taught under cooperative learning model with NHT type, 5) for students who are given multiple choice formative test, student’s civics education learning outcome who are taught under cooperative learning model with STAD type is higher than students who are taught under cooperative learning model with NHT type, 6) for students who are taught under cooperative instruction model with STAD type, student’s civics education learning outcome who are given essay formative test is higher than students who are given multiple choice formative test, 7) for students who are taught under cooperative learning model with NHT type, student’s civics education learning outcome who are given essay formative test is higher than students who are given multiple choice formative test. Keywords: cooperative learning model, formative test, PPKn learning outcome, prior knowledge References Gronlund, N. E., & Linn, R. L. (1982). Constructing Achievement Test (pp.119-174). London: Prentice-Hall Inc. Hamuni, & Muhammad Idrus (2019). The Effect of Cooperative Instruction Model and Formative Test Form toward PKn (Civics Education) Learning Outcome Controlled by Prior Competence. International Journal of Multidiciplinary and Current Research (IJMCR), 7, 114-121. https://doi.org/10.14741/ijmcr/v.7.2.4 Hopkins, C. D., & Antes, R. L. (1979). Classroom Testing: Construction. Illinois: FE. Peacock Publisher, Inc. Lie, A. (2014). Cooperative Learning. Jakarta, PT: Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia. Marrow, J. R, Jr, et al. (2005). Measurement and Evaluation in Human Performance (pp. 196-204). USA: Human Kinetics. Nitko, A. J. (2001). Educational Assessment of Student. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. Oosterhorf, A. (1996). Developing and Using Classroom Assessments (pp. 86-89). New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Popham, J. W. (1981). Educational Measurement. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Pusung, S. (2016) Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran dan Penilaian Tugas Terhadap Hasil Belajar Sains Dengan Mengontrol Pengetahuan Awal (Dissertation PPs), Universitas Negeri Jakarta. (Tidak Dipublikasi), pp. 209-217. Rokot, A. (2016). The Influence of Cooperative Learning Model And Formative Test Toward The Chemistry Learning Achievement By Controlling The Initial Competency. International Journal of Health Medicine and Current Research, 1(02), 217-225. Rusman, (2014). Model-Model Pembelajaran: Mengembangkan Profesionalisme Guru. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada. Sudijono, A. (2012). Pengantar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada. Sumantri, M. S., & Satriani, R. (2016). The Effect of Formatif Testing and Self-Directed Learning on Mathematics Learning Outcomes. IEJEE, 8(3), 507-524. Wieresma, W., & Jurs, S. G. (1990). Educational Measurement and Testing. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. |
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Investigating Student’s Geometric Thinking in Looking for the Linkages of Quadrilaterals (A Case Study on Students in The Formal Operation Stage)Agustan Syamsuddin
pp. 435-444 | Article Number: ijese.2019.036
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to investigate the ability of students in understanding the relationship of quadrilateral based on their geometric thinking skill. It can help the students in solving problem to get a correct solution. The participants of this paper involved two students eighth-grade from 2 secondary schools in the area of Kabupaten Bone, Makassar, Indonesia. The participants were chosen, based on Piaget’s cognitive development, respectively one student at the early formal and late formal operation stage. To investigate students’s geometric thinking in constructing their understanding about the linkage of quadrillaterals, the researcher conducted task-based interviews by drawing activities, identifying and stringing the relationship between quadrilaterals. The results of this research showed that the student at the early formal stage (PEFO) stringing 14 of 15 relationships and tends to use 3 attributes (position, size, shape of quadrilateral). Addition the student at the late formal stage (PLFO) stringing 7 of 15 relationships and tends to use 4 attributes (position, size, shape of quadrilateral and rotational symmetry). There are all participants’ tendencies in drawing a quadrilateral always start drawing rectangel or square. It indicates that students are very familiar both of them. Therefore, it suggests that, in teaching, a teacher does not only start from a square or rectangle but also a teacher can start another quadrilateral such as parallelogram, rhombus, kite and trapezoid. Keywords: geometric thinking, formal operation, quadrilateral References Abdullah, A. H., & Zakaria, E. (2011). Students’ Perceptions Towards the van Hiele’s Phases of Learning Geometry Using Geometer’s Sketchpad Software. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(7), 787-792 Abdusakkir. (2002). Pembelajaran Geometri Berdasar Teori van Hiele Berbantuan Komputer. Jurnal Matematika atau Pembelajarannya, 8(special edition), 344-348. Adey, P. (1995) Cognitive acceleration: Science and other entrances to formal operations. London: King’s College London. Burger, W. F., & Shaughnessy, J. M. (1986). Characterizing the Van Hiele Levels of Development in Geometry. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 17(1), 31-48. https://doi.org/10.2307/749317 Hergenhahn, B. R., & Olson, M. H. (2008). Theories of Learning. Jakarta: Kencana. Husnaeni. (2006). Penerapan Model Pembelajaran van Hiele dalam Membantu Siswa Kelas IV SD Membangun Konsep Segitiga. Jurnal Pendidikan, 7(2), 67-68. Idris, N. (2011). The Impact of Using Geometers’ Sketchpad on Malaysia Students’ Achievement and van Hiele Thinking. Journal for Mathematics Education, 2(2), 94-107. Leongson, J. A., & Limjap, A. A. (2003). Assessing the Mathematics Achievement of College Freshmen using Piaget’s Logical Operations. Waikiki: Hawaii International Conference on Education. Monks, F. J. A. K. (2006). Psikologi Perkembangan: Pengantar dalam Berbagai Bagiannya. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press. Solso, O. H. (2008). Psikologi Kognitif. Jakarta: Erlangga. Sugiyono. (2005). Memahami Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: Alfabeta. Sunardi. (2005). Pengembangan model Pembelajaran Geometri Berbasis Teori van Hiele (Dissertation of Mathematics Education Study Program), Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Suyanto. (2005). Penelusuran Tahap Berpikir Geometris van Hiele Siswa Kelas III SMP Negeri 21 Surabaya yang Mengikuti Bimbingan Belajar Primagama pada Pokok Bahasan Segiempat (Thesis Mathematics Education Study Program), Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Tambunan, S. M. (2006). Hubungan Antara Kemampuan Spasial dengan Prestasi Belajar Matematika. Makara, Sosial Humaniora, 10(1), 27-32. https://doi.org/10.7454/mssh.v10i1.13 Van de Walle, J. A. (2001). Geometric Thinking and Geometric Concept. In Elementary and Middle School Mathematics. Teaching developmentally 4th ed. Boston: Pearson Education. Yazdani, M. A. (2008). The Gagne-van Hiele Connection: A Comparative Analysis of Two Theoretical Learning Frameworks. Journal of Mathematics Science & Mathematics Education, 3(1), 58-63. Yeni, E. M. (2011). Pemanfaatan Benda-Benda Manipulative Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Geometri Dan Kemampuan Titik Ruang Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 1(special edition), 63-75. |
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