Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 435-444 | Article Number: ijese.2019.036
Published Online: September 11, 2019
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the ability of students in understanding the relationship of quadrilateral based on their geometric thinking skill. It can help the students in solving problem to get a correct solution. The participants of this paper involved two students eighth-grade from 2 secondary schools in the area of Kabupaten Bone, Makassar, Indonesia. The participants were chosen, based on Piaget’s cognitive development, respectively one student at the early formal and late formal operation stage. To investigate students’s geometric thinking in constructing their understanding about the linkage of quadrillaterals, the researcher conducted task-based interviews by drawing activities, identifying and stringing the relationship between quadrilaterals. The results of this research showed that the student at the early formal stage (PEFO) stringing 14 of 15 relationships and tends to use 3 attributes (position, size, shape of quadrilateral). Addition the student at the late formal stage (PLFO) stringing 7 of 15 relationships and tends to use 4 attributes (position, size, shape of quadrilateral and rotational symmetry). There are all participants’ tendencies in drawing a quadrilateral always start drawing rectangel or square. It indicates that students are very familiar both of them. Therefore, it suggests that, in teaching, a teacher does not only start from a square or rectangle but also a teacher can start another quadrilateral such as parallelogram, rhombus, kite and trapezoid.
Keywords: geometric thinking, formal operation, quadrilateral
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