Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
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The Social Consequences of Natural and Man-Made Emergency: The Regional AspectGulnapis Abdikerova & Assem Omarova
pp. 1433-1422 | Article Number: ijese.2016.090
Abstract To investigate the causes of natural and social disasters of the extraordinary character, show the importance of preventive measures at the level of the state and public organizations, and suggest ways to improve the quality of training and emergencies is the purpose of the proposed work. With particular emphasis on the study of emergencies arising out of the basis of the natural and anthropogenic factors in the various regions of Kazakhstan, as well as specialists training who know the regional peculiarities and specifics of the mental values of the population. Professional competence, tolerance, spiritual and physical preparedness, organizational skills and responsibilities are all the necessary qualities of a modern specialist at work in emergencies and those whose activity is aimed at protecting the environment. Orienteering society in an economically efficient use of natural resources in accordance with the requirements of environmental protection, the formation of a social consciousness of the people, based on the respect for nature, as well as the formation of ethically interdependent interaction with it requires the professionalization of the activities of people directly involved in the prevention and risks of natural and anthropogenic emergencies. Keywords: emergency, environmental security, social catastrophes, risks, environmental awareness, rehabilitation of the population. References Address of President of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbaev to the people "Nurly zhol (Нұрлы жол) - the path to the future”. Retrieved November 11, 2014 from http://www.akorda.kz/ru/page/page_218341_poslanie-prezidenta-respubliki-kazakhstan-n-nazarbaeva-narodu-kazakhstana-11-noyabrya-2014-g Abdikerova, G.O. & Omarova, A.T (2014). Emergency situations and their impact on the social feel of the population. Vestnik KazNU. Al-Farabi, Series psychology and sociology, 4 (51), 58. Nurmagambetov, A. (2012). Public safety and facilities management in Kazakhstan, taking into account the risk of the strong earthquakes. Herald Kokshetau Technical Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kazakhstan, 1 (5), 5-8. Yanitskiy, O. N. (2013). Ecological disasters: structural and functional analysis. Institute of Sociology. Official site of the IP RAN. Dam break in Kyzylagash. Retrieved from http: //encyclopedia.kz/index.php http://encyclopedia.kz/index.php Ramazanova T.M. (2009). The ideas of the noosphere in the modern environmental consciousness. Scientific Gazette, 8 (63), 165-171. Abirova, S.M. (2014). Features of enhancing professional training GU "SP" and "RSA" DES Atyrau region specialists in the activities of the fire service. Herald Kokshetau Technical Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 3 (15), 10-11 Smirnov, A.E. (2003). Tolerance: violence of the being or power events? (p. 29). Social heterology and the problem of tolerance. Ekaterinburg Univ. Ural State University. Pavlov, B.S., Berdnik, L.P. & Razikova, N.I. (2011). Environmental and socio-valeological feels of the population in the Urals (p. 522). Ekaterinburg. Yarochkin, V.I. (2000). Securitylogy - the science of the safety (p. 103). M. The authorities of Kazakhstan: Flash "sleeping sickness" in Kalach not connected with the operation of uranium mines. Retrieved from http: //www.rosbalt.ru/exussr/2015/01/15/1357158.html Yakupov, A. (2006). What is a safety culture?. LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Basics of Life Safety, 11, 47-52. Overview - analytical information on identified trends in the development of natural and man-made disasters occurring in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2014 y. Retrieved from http://www.emer.gov.kz/index.php?option=com_content&view= article&id= 27053%3A-2014-&catid= 72%3A2011-07-29-06-18-40& Itemid=25&lang=ru Pushenko, S.L. & Strahova, N.A. (2011). The methodology of the risk management of labor protection at the enterprises of the construction industry. (p. 15). Monograph. Rostov-on-Don: ZAO “Rostizdat». http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/ S0747563214000260 Neubaum, G., Rösner, L., Rosenthal-von der Pütten, A.M. & Krämer, N.C. (2014). Psychosocial functions of social media usage in a disaster situation: A multi-methodological approach. Computer sinhuman behavior,34, 28-38. Pogosyan, G.L. (1995). The social consequences of natural disasters, Journal of Sociology, 4. O’Riordan, T. (2013). Sustainability for wellbeing. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 30. Gubanov, V.M. Mikhailov, L.A. & Solomin, V.P. (2007). Emergencies and social protection from them (p. 27). Moscow: Drofa. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On emergencies of natural and technogenic character» #19-1 on July 5, 1996. Janickiy, O.N. (2014). On the concept of environmental and social knowledge. Sociological studies, 4(360), 5 |
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Methodical Development of a System of Social Success of the Future TeacherM. Absatova, А.Ussenova, S.Seitenova & T.Nurpeissova
pp. 1443-1449 | Article Number: ijese.2016.091
Abstract The article describes the main approaches to the problem of social success of the individual. Analysis of scientific psychological and pedagogical literature showed that Modern life requires individuals, not only in business and organizational qualities, but also the ability to navigate in a changing environment, ability to communicate, collaborate, ability to make a career - to be a successful person. The authors have constructed a methodological system of studying of the given problem, on the basis of generalization of experience of development of social success of the individual, which is based on the principles of personality-developing education, subjectivity, socio-cultural conformity of education, based on the motivations and abilities of the individual, finds its content in the forms of education and upbringing of such author's “framework for the development of social success of the Individual, special course”, “Club success”, “Path to Profitability” festival of pedagogical ideas, Web the page “School socially successful person” on the website of the University.
Keywords: social success, success, methodological system, course, forms of training. References Edgeman Rick L. Principle — centered leadership and core value development // The TQM Magazine, 1998, Vol.10, 3, p.190-193. Horner Melissa. Leadership theory: past, present and future // Team Professional Management, 1997, Vol.3, 4, p.270-287. N. G. Krylova New values of education: a thesaurus for teachers and school psychologists. – M.: The Innovator, 1995. – 113 p. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K. A. Activities and personality psychology. M.: Nauka, 1980. 335 p. Mudrik A.V. Social pedagogy: textbook for stud. PED. Universities / A.V. Mudrik; ed. by V. A. Vol. 2-e Izd., Rev. and extra - M.: “Academy”, 2000. - 192 p. Teslenko A. N. Pedagogy. Astana, 2010-465p. Atkinson J.Motivation and Achievement. Washington, 1974 Maslow A.Personality of a student and her upbringing in the team. – M.: 1989. – 441 p. Rodgers K. perspective on psychotherapy. M., 1994, Progress. Molt M. I or how to be happy? M.: the Progress of the Agency “Ahriman”, 1994 - 192 p. Charles A. Ellwood. Sociology and Modern Social Problems. - University of Missouri, 2002 |
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Family Dysfunctions and Ways of their Overcoming by Means of Social WorkMargaret S. Astoyants, Vitaly V. Kovalev, Svetlana V. Davljatova & Olga N.Shevchenko
pp. 1451-1468 | Article Number: ijese.2016.092
Abstract The article presents the problem of stability of modern society. The issue is studied in terms of family as one of the major social institutions. Social stability of the family is due to constructive interpersonal relationships of its members. Cooperation and partnership, fellow feeling and freedom of choice, interesting work and self-determination and, social security and confidence in the future, tolerance and justice are the main criteria of social stability of the family. It should be noted that not all families are stable and constant. Mismatch and disorganization of intra-familial relationships causes destabilization, and the family falls into the category of "troubled" family. In this article, we study troubled families, which are one of the factors of social instability. Keywords: stability, society, family, problem family, conflict family, incomplete family, «risk group» family. References Aleshin, Y.E., Gozman, L.Y. & Dubovsky, E.M. (2006). Socio-psychological methods of research of marital relations: Special practical in social psychology. Moscow. Astoyants, M.S. (2009). Prevention of neglect: still in the "emergency" mode? (On materials of the Rostov region), Journal of Social Policy Studies, 7(2), 175-196. Astoyants, M.S. (2015) Troubled family: problems and ways to overcome them (the experience of the Rostov region) Russian family: problems and development prospects (the experience of the Rostov region): monograph. Novosibirsk: Publishing House Center of Scientific Cooperation Development. Bineeva, N.K. (2001). Specificity of socialization in the troubled family type. Rostov-on-Don: "Pegasus" publishing house. Davlyatova, S.V. (2015). Social and psychological support in dealing with troubled family. Russian family: problems and development prospects (the experience of the Rostov region): monograph. Novosibirsk: Publishing House Center of Scientific Cooperation Development. Davljatova, S.V. (2014). Portrait of a modern specialist: techniques of assessment and results of research, Social Policy and Sociology, interdisciplinary scientific journal, 3 Zhuravlev, A.L. (1998). Social - psychological dynamics in a changing economic environment, Psychol. Journal, 19(3). Zubkov, T.S. & Timoshina, N.V. (2007). Organization and content of work on the social protection of women, children and families. Moscow. Academy. The initiative Russian inquiry. Retrieved from http://wciom.ru/index.php?id=459&uid=114251 Kovalev, V.V. (2013). Socialization in incomplete families: the main characteristics, problems and social consequences. Gender Relations in the socio-cultural environment. Rostov-on-Don: Southern Federal University. Kovalev, V.V. (2008). The formation of social stereotypes in terms of value uncertainty of Russian society. News of the higher educational institutions. North Caucasus region. Series: Social Sciences. 1, 42-44. Kozlov, N.N. (1996). Horizons of everyday Soviet era: Voices from the choir. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences. Levaya, N.A. (2014). Evolutionary approach in the evaluation of family crisis. Psychology and Pedagogy: methodology and problems of practical application, 38. Narykova, I.N. & Volokhova, A.E. (2007). Group forms of work with families and children as one of the directions of activities of the center. Social worker, 1. Family as a social institution. Retrieved from http://www.grandars.ru/college/sociologiya/semya-kak-institut.html Federal law "Concerning the main systems of prevention of neglect and offence of minors" # 120-Federal Law dated 24.06.1999. Harchev, A.G. (2005). Investigation of the family: on the threshold of a new stage. Sotsis. Shevchenko, O.N. & Gromakova, V.G. (2014). Social practices of prevention of deviant behavior of children and teenagers in the conditions of boarding schools. Social Policy and Sociology, interdisciplinary scientific journal, 3. Shevchenko, O.N. (2015). Young family of a small city: problems, priorities and values. Russian family: problems and development prospects (the experience of the Rostov region): monograph. Novosibirsk: Publishing House Center of Scientific Cooperation Development. Shulga, T.I. & Oliferenko, L.Y. (2007). Interaction of specialists in working with troubled families. Guidelines for specialists. Moscow. |
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Ecological Consciousness of a Personality Living in an Ecologically Unfavorable RegionGulzhanar Jumazhanova, Gulnar Tursungozhinova, Oxana Belenko, Marzhan Iskakova & Aray Amanova
pp. 1469-1478 | Article Number: ijese.2016.093
Abstract This article covers on the matters which allow stating that people living in the areas with unfavorable ecological conditions experience long-term psycho-traumatic psychological stress caused by exaggeration of irradiation danger and its aftereffects for health. The reasons for long-term psychological stress as per the results of questionnaire and experimental research are the fact of existence of long-tern radiation risk for public health, insufficiency of finance, information factor, low level of public knowledge on radiation and related biological, medical and other effects. The analysis of the data has shown that under the influence of unfavorable ecological factors the structure of personality is changing, causing the following personal characteristics to emerge: anxiety, aggression, and rigidity, which, in turn, undermine the vital adaptation of a human’s activity. The adverse factors act on people not instantaneously but within a long period. The psychological aftereffects upon testing nuclear weapons create a particular typical model of personality. In persons of a basic group, living in radioecological stress condition, psychological defense activities were broken, causing despair, depression and confusion. Also, interpersonal relations systems were broken causing the sphere of life interests to narrow down, and adaptive and accommodational abilities to decrease. Keywords: ecological factor, social and psychological stress, nuclear tests, ecological consciousness. References Abishev, M.A., (2002). Social Consequences of Radiation Effect on Public Health in Kazakhstan. Search (Sociology Series), 4, 139-147. Balmukhanov, S.B., (1998). Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site: Medical and Social Consequences of Nuclear Tests. Almaty: Atamura, pp: 64-74. Budagov, T.Ya., Guseynov E.M. and Gasanova, F.A. (2001). Psychic Health of People Suffered after the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Disaster. 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Social and Psychological Stress in Population Living in Polluted Areas of the Ural Region in the Long Term. Psychological Therapy, 18(23), 188-196. Kagan, V.Ye., (1984). Psychogenic Forms of Disadaptation. Psychology Issues, 4, 17-20. Levitov, N.D., (1964). On Human Psychological States. Moscow: Prosvescheniye. Miyata, H., (1964). Long-Term Aftereffects of Disorders Caused by the Nuclear Bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Translated from English). Moscow: Meditsina, pp: 33-39. Panov, V.I., (2001). Basics of Ecological Psychology. Textbook. Moscow. Panov, V.I., (2002). Psychic States from the Standpoint of Eco-Psychological Approach. Applied Psychology, 3, 23‑37. Petrovskiy, A.V., (1984). Personality Development Issues from Social Psychology Standpoints. Psychology Issues, 4, 15-30. Rakhimbekova, D.K., (1999). Social and Medical Aspects of Health Lifestyle Formation. In Proceedings of the 4th Congress of Kazakhstan’s Physiologists, Astana-Karaganda, pp: 446-448. Reference on the Results of Comprehensive Inspection of Population, Change of Ecological Situation and Public Health in Semipalatinsk Oblast of KazSSR, (1989). Semipalatinsk. Rumyantseva, G.M. and Lebedeva, M.O. (1995). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. In Prognosticated Disorders of Psychic Health Disorders after the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster: Abstracts of International Conference Reports, Kiev. Sakharov, V.K., (2006). Local and Regional Radioactive Pollution. In Radioecology. Textbook, St. Petersburg: Lan Publishers, pp: 173-177. Sarayeva, N.M. and Sukhanov, A.A. (2005). Intellectual Characteristics of Children in a Region with Unfavorable Ecological Environment. In Traditions and Innovations: Education Quality Issues: International Scientific and Practice Conference, Chita, pp: 155-157. Sarayeva, N.M., Dyachkova, N.M., Yezhevskaya T.I. and Sukhanov, A.A. (2002). Study of Cognitive Sphere of Children Living in Unfavorable Ecological Conditions. Psychological Science and Education, 1, 73-78. Sergazina, G.M. and Balmukhanov, S.B. (1999). Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site (History of Construction and Operation). Semipalatinsk. Shandala, M.G. and Zvinyatskovskiy, Ya.I. (1990). Hygienic Aspects of Urban Human Ecology. In Urban Ecology: Collection of Scientific Works, Moscow: Nauka, pp: 149-158. Sidyakin, V.G., 1986. Influence of Global Ecological Factors on the Nervous System. Kiev. Tarabrina, N.V. and Petrukhin, Ye.V. (1994). Psychological Specifics of Perception and Assessment of Radiation Danger. Psychological Journal, 15(1), 27-40. Tarabrina, N.V., Lazebnaya Ye.O. and Zelenova, M.Ye. (1994). Psychological Specifics of Post-Traumatic Stress States in Liquidators of the Aftereffects of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Disaster. Psychological Journal, 5, 67-77. Tsyb, A.F., Stepanenko V.F. and Tsitkevich, V.A. (1990). Around Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site: Radioecological Environment, Public Irradiation Doses in Semipalatinsk Oblast (Adapted from Inter-Authority Commission). Medical Radiology, 35(12), 3-11. Tursungozhinova, G.S. and Zholdasova, M.K. (2015). Assessment of Socio-Psychological Stress of Population in Conditions of Effect of Ecologically Unfavorable Environment. Al-Farabi KazNU Bulletin, 4(55), 86-94. Tursungozhinova, G.S., (2009). Psychological Specific Features of People Living in the Area of Former Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site, PhD Thesis Abstract, Almaty. Vasilenko, O.V., (2004). Medical and Biological Research on Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site. In Radiation Ecology, Moscow: Meditsina, pp: 142-155. Yekimova, V.I., (1998). Psychology of a Child in Ecological Unfavorable Conditions. Psychology Practitioner’s Journal, 4, 56-61. Zykova, I.A. and Arkhangelskaya, G.V. (2007). Informing Population of Radiation. In Proceedings of Scientific and Practice Conference Devoted to 50 Years’ Anniversary of Emergency at Mayak Industrial Union, Experience of Fighting Aftereffects of Industrial Disasters and Development of Nuclear Technologies, Chelyabinsk, pp: 273-275. |
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Concept-Based Content of Professional Linguistic EducationNataliia Veniaminovna Makshantseva & Liudmila Lvovna Bankova
pp. 1479-1487 | Article Number: ijese.2015.047
Abstract The article deals with professional education of future linguists built on the basis of conceptual approach. The topic is exemplified by the Russian language and a successful attempt to implement the concept-based approach to forming the content of professional language education. Within the framework of the proposed research, the concept is accepted as the core notion of education. We also singled out the necessary and sufficient concept attributes providing the formation of a professional linguistic identity. The concept is considered as a unit of training. The aim of the research: to develop and theoretically prove, using the concept theory, the system of professionally focused education for the “Linguistics and Intercultural Communication” BA program. Methods used: system analysis of professional education in universities, conceptual description of the content of education, activity approach modeling, component and contrastive analysis as well as a number of empirical methods such as pedagogical experiment, integral analysis (observation, questionnaire survey, testing etc.). Major results include: concept-based approach in educating future specialists in linguistics and intercultural communication was scientifically justified; theory and methods of professional education was enriched by introducing new notions (concept-based approach, concept-language competency of a future specialist etc.); pedagogic professional regularities in forming professional language identity as a result of professionally oriented education in the framework of concept approach were found. The results of the research may be used in professional language education on the basis of concept approach, also, in further theoretical research of the problems of education modernization. Theoretical points and conclusions provide for scientific justification of practical improvements in today’s university education in the field of linguistics and intercultural communication, they also lay the foundation for updating the curricula in a number of language specialties. Keywords: pedagogics, concept-based teaching, concept-based approach, language and speech, concept, concept attributes, methods of teaching, cultural linguistics, education, Russian, the Russian language. References Abridged Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language. (1971). Prosvescheniye Press, p.: 74. Askoldov, S.A. (1997). Concept and Word. In Russian Verbal Folklore. From Verbal Folklore Theory to Text Structure. Anthology. Academia Publishing House, pp.: 267-280. Asmolov, A.G. (2008). 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Pedagogical Conditions for the Development of Students' Intellect within the Framework of the Research CultureAlmira Mizimbayeva, Nazilya Ashirbayeva, Danabek Oralkenuly & Taulanov Sabyt
pp. 1489-1498 | Article Number: ijese.2016.094
Abstract The article presents different opinions for the concept of "research culture", gives the characteristics of this phenomenon from the point of view of the pedagogical science including the functions, components of this phenomenon; the article studies the complex of research skills as the basis of the research culture. Special attention is paid to the intellectual component of the research culture. Practical investigation aimed at defining pedagogical condition for the intellect development of the students within the framework of the research culture is performed. The article concludes that it is reasonable to use pedagogical conditions of development of students’ intelligence in the framework of a research culture in the learning process. Keywords: research culture, research culture functions, research skills, intellect, pedagogical condition, students' intellect development. References Balashov, V. V. (2002). Organisation of the scientific- research activity of students in the Russian higher education institutions: Monograph: In 3 parts (2nd ed.). Moscow: State Management Institute. Belykh, S. L. (2008). Administration of student’s research activity (A. S. Obukhov, Ed.). Izhevsk: Udmurt State University. Bim-Bad, B. M. (Ed.). (2005). Pedagogical dictionary. Moscow: Big Russian Encyclopaedia. Demchenko, Z. A. (2012). Life strategies of students in research activities as a pedagogical problem of higher professional school and its alternative solution. Historical and Social-Educational Ideas, (3). Demchenko, Z. A. (2012). Research culture of modern high school students as a system formed value. Historical and Social-Educational Ideas, (4). Goloviznina, N. L. (2002). Teaching and research activities as a prospective mean of education of the creative personality. Additional Education, (8). Kholodnaya, M. A. (2002). Psychology of intellect: paradoxes of research. St. Petersburg: Piter. Kraevskiy, V. V. (2001). Methodology of Pedagogics: Education medium for teachers-investigators. Cheboksary: Publisher Chuvash University. Krutikova, O. N. (2010). About the role of research culture in the University education. Scientific Investigations in Education, (9). Krutikova, O. N. (2011). Objective and subjective determination of research culture of students. Teacher Education in Russia, (4). Kuanova, S. B., Sherimova, A. S., Esenova, R. K., Urazalieva, R. M., & Tauipbaeva, A. T. (2015). Pedagogical conditions of formation of culture of teaching and research activity of students of high school. Advances in Current Natural Sciences, (2). Kuklina, E. N. (2008). Formation of the experience of research activity of students of pedagogical higher education institutions: monograph. Sochi: RIO SGUTiKD. Lazarev, V. S., & Stavrinova, N. N. (2007). Training of the future teachers for the research activity. Surgut: Surgut RIO Surgut State Pedagogical University. Mareev, V. I. (1999). Research activity in the pedagogic higher education institution: theory and practice. Rostov-on-Don: IUO RAO. Milash, O. A. (2013). Professional training of the future teachers: necessity of the students' research culture formation. The World of Science, Culture, Education, (5). Moskvina, A. V. (2004). Formation of the scientific art of the students as a pedagogical problem. Vestnik of the Orenburg State University, (7). Mosunova, N. G. (2008). Students research culture. Kazan Pedagogical Journal, (8). Petrova, N. V. (2007). Psychologically-pedagogical essence of the personal investigative culture. Messenger of Adygey State University. Pedagogics and Psychology, (3), 3rd ser. Petrova, N. V. (2008). To the determination of architectonic personality research culture. Bulletin of the Adygeya State University, (5), 3rd ser. Shklyar, M. F. (2012). Foundations of scientific research: educational medium (4nd ed.). Moscow: ITK "Dashkov and K". Shmachilina, S. V. (2009). Value of reflection in the formation of research culture. Psycho in Law Enforcement, (3). |
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Experience and Perspectives of Art History Development in Educational Space of Siberia at the Turn of XX – XXI СcenturiesLarisa Ivanovna Nekhvyadovich & Irina Valerievna Chernyaeva
pp. 1501-1507 | Article Number: ijese.2016.095
The article has a program-analytical nature, contains an analysis and assessment of the scientific school of T. M. Stepanskaya, Doctor of Arts, professor, member of Russian Union of Artists. The goal of T. M. Stepanskaya’s professional activity is incorporation of Art History in higher educational institutions in Siberia. The authors consider the thesis of T. M. Stepanskaya that the Department of Theory and History of Art is the oldest university tradition, so its presence is organic in higher education institutions. T. M. Stepanskaya realized her own task in finding optimal solutions to actual problem of training specialists in art history in Siberia, as in Siberia have been developed their artistic schools of visual arts, architecture, there was accumulated a large amount of material that needs organizing, typology, cataloging. Siberian artistic work is worth presentation to the world culture. The article shows the importance of building the Dissertation Council - the first in Siberia in Art history (2001). According to the contents and conclusions this article can be carried to a genre of the state-of-the-art review as in it on the basis of systematization and synthesis of certain data relevance of a problem of formation and a demand of schools of sciences of Siberia in the sphere of humanitarian knowledge is estimated.
Keywords: Art History, scientific school, enlightenment, highest qualification specialists. References Budkeev, S. M. (2011). Architecture of a pipe organ as a reflection of the world picture: diss. ... of PhD on philosophy. ASU. Barnaul. Chernyaeva, I. V. (2013). Art Galleries of Western Siberia at the turn of XX - XXI centuries: monograph. Barnaul. Chernyaeva, I. V. (2014). Sources of funding for cultural institutions in Russia at the turn of the 21st century. Terra Sebvs. No. special issue. p. 147-159. Chutcheva, K. A. (Melekhova K. A.) (2006). Fine Arts of Mongolia of XXth century in the context of the influence of Russian art school: diss. ... PhD on art history. ASU. Barnaul. Davydenko, M. V. (2006). Artistry as a multifaceted phenomenon in the works of Russian philosophers of the late XIX-middle of XX century in the context of contemporary artistic practice: diss. ... of PhD on philosophy. Sciences. ASU. Barnaul. Komarova, O. S. (2004). Monumental sculpture in the urban environment Barnaul of XIX-XX centuries: diss. of PhD on art history. ASU. Barnaul. Kreydun, Yu.A. (2014). Virtual reconstruction of the lost listed buildings in the case of the Altai mission churches. Life Science Journal 11(10), 394-398. Melehova, K. A. (2014) Formation and development of artistic traditions in the fine arts of Mongolia. European Journal of Science and Theology 10(6), 243-252. Nehvyadovich, L. I. (2013). Ethno-cultural traditions in the fine arts of Altai (second half of XX - beginning of XXI century): Diss. ... of PhD on art history. ASU. Barnaul. Nekhvyadovich L. I., Stepanskaya T. M. (2014). Ethnocultural traditions as a basis of national originality of schools of art. Terra Sebvs. No. special issue, 161-175. Nekhvyadovich, L. I. (2013). Ethnic origins of art as urgent problem of art studies. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 15(6), 830-833. doi: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2013.15.6.11322 Shokorova L. V., Turlyun L. N. (2013). The Problem of Synthesis of Traditions and Innovations in the Art of Woodwork. World Applied Sciences Journal 27 (3), 408-412. Stepanskaya T. M., Melehova K. A. (2013). Russian art school in the process of integration of Western and Eastern cultures (XX – beginning of XXI century). Middle – East Journal of Scientific Research 15(1), 87 – 93. doi: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2013.15.1.11056. Stepanskaya T. M., Mergaliyev D.M., Sarbalayev Z.T., Popandopulo M.P., Zhanaykhan E. (2014). The influence of folk traditions to the art of Kazakhstan. Life Science Journal 11(10s), 195-197. Stepanskaya Y. V., Chernyaeva I. V. (2013). The design activity of art galleries of Altai at the beginning of the XXI century. World Applied Sciences Journal 24.(6), 794-797. Stepanskaya Ye.V., Stepanskiy V.V. (2013). The Activities of Students of the Russian Academy of Fine Arts In the Altai in the End of XVIII - First Half of XIX Century. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 15(1), 27-31. DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2013.15.1.11055/ Stepanskaya, A. G. (2004). The influence of the St. Petersburg school of architecture at the architectural appearance of the mining and metallurgical complexes of Altai in XVIII - first half of XIX centuries: diss. ... of PhD on art history. ASU. Barnaul. Stepanskaya, T.M. (2013) The Altai's Industrial Architecture of the 18 -19 Centuries. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research. 14(2), 263-266. DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2013.14.2.2019 Turlyun, L. N. (2014). The principle of randomness in computer art. European Journal of Science and Theology 10(10), 235-242 Usanova, A.L. (2013). Stylistic features of the provincial interior of the first half of the 20th century. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research 16(8), 1156-1160. |
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Practice-Oriented Exercises as One of the Ways to Form the Competences of University StudentsMarina Alexandrovna Romanova, Olga Vladimirovna Shashkina & Elena Viktorovna Starchenko
pp. 1509-1526 | Article Number: ijese.2019.001
Abstract The article describes the methods of teaching students majoring in languages with the use of practice-oriented exercises, the need for the development and implementation of which is defined by a new methodological basis of modern higher vocational education – a competence-based approach. The study hypothesis involves the assumption that practice-oriented exercises allow to intensify the mental, practical and creative student activities, form a positive motivation both to study Japanese and be engaged in future professional activities. The article contains the results of the joint work of teachers of the Sakhalin State University on drawing up and introduction of practice-oriented exercises for students studying Japanese at the level of professional communication at the university and majoring in "Oriental and African Studies" and "Pedagogical Education". The study represents the general content of practice-oriented exercises, implying an interdisciplinary impact and integration of training courses, independent work of students, students' clear understanding of the ultimate goals of the task and assessment means. The content of each exercise, the rationale for its development, objectives, targets, the progress and the learning results have been described in detail. Students' comments have been presented demonstrating the efficiency of using practice-oriented exercises in the educational process. Keywords: competences; methods of teaching students; practice-oriented exercises; Japanese language; educational process References Bayramova, S.I. (2006). Types of translation exercises at the initial stage of learning the Chinese language. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Workshop (pp. 273-277). Irkutsk. Bystrova, E. A., Lvova, S. I., and Kapinos, V. I. (2004). Learning the Russian language at schools: A manual for students of pedagogical universities (E. A. Bystrova, Ed.). Moscow: Drofa. Dubinina, T. J. (2010). Methods of teaching translation at the foreign language lessons at the university. Retrieved March 22, 2016, from http://gigabaza.ru/doc/101862.html JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education. (2010, March). Retrieved September 21, 2011, from https://jfstandard.jp/top/ja/render.do;jsessionid=72EBC7A8F573621BF015CB4B3F4FC8B4 JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education (JF Standard) (2010, March). Retrieved September 21, 2011, from https://jfstandard.jp/summary/ja/render.do Latyshev, A.K. and Semenov, A.L. (2003). Translation: theory, practice and teaching methods. Moscow: Academy. Matsuda, H. (2003). Chūkyū kara manabu nihongo: Tēmabetsu. (Japanese to learn from thematic, Intermediate). Japan: Kenkyūsha. Minna no nihongo shokyu ichi honsatsu (Minna of Japanese Beginner, Saku) [Motion picture on VHS]. (2012). Japan: 3 A Corporation. Murakami, S. (Director). (2005). Densha otoko [Motion picture on DVD]. Japan: Toho Company. Nihongo de bijinesu kaiwa: Chūkyū hen. (Business dialogues in Japanese). (1987). Tokyo: Nichi-Bei Kaiwa Gakuin. Puzakov, A. V. (2015, June 24). Methods of teaching the interpretation at linguistic faculties: practical expert advice. Retrieved on November 08, 2015, from http://study-english.info/teaching-interpretation.php. Seredenko, P.V. (2013). Formation of Research Competences in Graduates of Pedagogical Institutes. South Sakhalinsk: Sakhalin State University Publishing House. Shinnihonngo-no kiso II fukushubideo 60 pun (Review of new Japanese video) [Motion picture on VHS]. (1996). Japan: 3 A Corporation. Starchenko, E.V. (2013). Practical methods for the Japanese language learning at an early stage of language training at the university. Pedagogy: Traditions and Innovation: Materials of IV International Scientific Conference (pp. 184-189). Chelyabinsk: Two Komsomolets. Tarlykov, V. A., and Shekhonin, A. A. (2009). Assessing competences in the networked university environment. Higher Education in Russia, (9), 17-24. Terebi nihongo kouza shokyu II sukittizoku yansan-to nihon-no hitobito 14wa-19wa kokusaikouryukikin bideokyouzai (TV Japanese Beginner course: skit Zokuyan's and Japan's people 14 episodes - 19 episodes. Japan Foundation video teaching materials) [Motion picture on VHS]. (1991). Japan: Nihongo Kokusai Center. The Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Vocational Education for the major 41.03.03 Oriental and African Studies (undergraduate level). (n.d.). Retrieved March 22, 2016, from http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_168847/# Usuda, A. (1994). Tanoshiku yomeru: Nihon no kurashi 12kagetsu (Moons, months and seasons. A pre-intermediate Japanese reader). Tokyo: Apricot. Wojciechowska, E. S. (2006, November 20). Types of exercises in teaching the interpretion at the beginning – the middle stages (on the material of the English language). Retrieved March 22, 2016, from www.translate.pro.ru/stati-o-perevode/tipyi-uprazhneniy-pri-obuchenii-ustnomu-perevodu.html |
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The Conceptual Model of Future Teachers Training to Dual Education in Vet (Vocational Education & Training)Saule Zholdasbekova, Zhanat Nurzhanbayeva, Galymzhan Karatayev, Laura Smatullaevna Akhmet & Bahitzhan Anarmetov
pp. 1527-1538 | Article Number: ijese.2016.096
Abstract In the article the author presents the theoretical understanding of research problems of training of the future teachers-organizers of the dual training system in vocational education & training (VET) in the conditions of the credit technology of education. The author's vision of way to solve the problem is discussed in the description of the conceptual model and its structure - functional components. Keywords: dual training, the credit system of education, vocational training, future teachers, vocational education & training (VET), the conceptual model. References Eslyamova A., (2012). Dualnaya forma professionalnogo obrazovaniya kak produkt sotsialnogo partnerstva. kokshetau.akmoedu.kz/modules 16. 05. 2012 Fedotova G.A. Normativnoe obespechenie standarta professionalnogo obrazovaniya v FRG. M .: IRPO, 2000. - 51 p. Fedotova G.A. (2002). Razvitie dualnoy formy professionalnogo obrazovaniya: Opyt FRG i Rossii. Avtoref.diss. doct. ped.nauk 13.00.08, Moscow, 2002. 26-c. (diss.340 page). III Republican forum "Opyt raboty dualnoy po vnedreniyu dualnoy sistemy obucheniya v TIPO" May 11, 2014, Ust-Kamenogorsk. The press service of the Ministry of Education and Science for website Pm.kz. Iskakova M.S. Kamalov Y.N., OmarovN. & Smatova K.B (2015). Psychology Inconsistence Individual Development of teenagers. Asian Social Science 11(19), 1; URL:http://dx.doi.org/10/5539/ass.v11n19p1; www.ccsenet.org/ass Iskakova M.S. Smatova K.B. (2014). Peculiarities of cognitive processes in the educational process in primary school students. Life Science Journal 2014;11(4s):350-353; http://www.lifesciencesite.com Kamerbaev A.Y. & Kashuk L.I. (2012). Dlya podgotovki kadrov novoy formatsii, Magazine Sovremennoe obrazovanie 2(86), 55-57. Mardenov M.P., Unaybaev B.J. & Mukaev Sh.A. (2012). Problemnye voprosy vnedreniya dualnoy modeli. forum.eitiedu.kz/index.php/2012/01/. Modulnaya obrazovatelnaya programma po spetsialnosti 5V012000-Professionalnoe obuchenie vysshego professionalnogo obrazovaniya Obrazovatelny standart FS UKGU - 002 - 2004: Obrazovatelny standart FS UKGU - 50 - 04 - 7.3 ..- 003; Obrazovatelny standart FS UKGU - 50 - 04 - 7.3- 004-2004; FS UKGU: Sistema menedzhementa kachestva. Upravlenie uchebno-metodicheskimi processami pri kreditnoy sisteme obucheniya. FS UKGU 4.7.-010- 2005.- Shymkent: UKGU, 2005 and others. Polyanin V.A., (2010). Obrazovatelnaya sistema dualnogo formata i professionalnoe samoopredelenie pedagoga. Magazine Educational Technology 2, 68-96. Romanov S.P., Razvitie dualnoy sistemy inzhenerno-pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya v uchebnom zavedenii: Atoref.doct.ped.nauk.- 13.00.08. Nizhny Novgorod, 2008 Samoldina L.N., Nauchno-metodicheskoe obespechenie dualnoy tselevoy professionalnoy podgotovki studentov v vuzov. Atoref. diss. kandid.ped.nauk.- 13.00.01 - Kazan, 2008 The message of the President of Kazakhstan, Mr. Nursultan Nazarbayev to people of Kazakhstan “Kazakhstanski put - 2050: Edinaya zel, edinye interesy, edinoe buduschee”. – Astana, January17, 2014. www.kazpravda.kz/rubric/.../HYPERLINK "http://www.kazpravda.kz/rubric/.../dualnoe-obuchenie-dlya-rabochih-kadrov/"dualnoe-obuchenie-dlya-rabochih-kadrovHYPERLINK "http://www.kazpravda.kz/rubric/.../dualnoe-obuchenie-dlya-rabochih-kadrov/"/ Zemlyansky V.V., KanakinYa.V. Teoreticheskie aspekty dualnoy tselevoy podgotovki spetsialistov. Vernadsky University No.1 (37). - 2012 p.104 -110 Zholdasbekova S.A., Nurzhanbaeva Zh.O. (2015). The questions of future specialists preparation under dual system of vocational education in Kazakhstan, International conference of industrial technologies and engineering. Octover 30-31.2015. ICITE. M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University Shimkent. Kazakhstan. Zholdasbekova S.A., Nurzhanbaeva Zh.O. (2015). Voprosu podgotovki buduschih rabochih spetsialistov po dualnoy sisteme professionalnogo obrazovaniya v Kazakhstan, International Journal «EDUCATIO» Monthly scientific journal 3(10/3), 133-134. Zholdasbekova Saule A., and Nurzhanbaeva Zhanat. The importance of introduction of a dual systems of education in formation of future specialist the work values. //International Conference of Industrial Technologies and Engineering (ICITE 2014). Shymkent, Kazakhstan, October 30-31, 2014.-P.503-506. |
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Balance Pedagogy as a Metodological Base for Integrative-Differentiated Teaching of Rural StudentsAydar M. Kalimullin, Olga V. Korshunova & Julia Koinova-Zoellner
pp. 1539-1550 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.357a | Article Number: ijese.2016.126
Abstract The urgency of the issue stated in the article is stipulated by the contemporary requirements to rural schoolchildren education, i.e. rise in its availability, quality and degree of specialization. The Federal State Education Standards have set an urgent, but at the same time challenging task to reach not only subject but also meta-subject and personal results in the educational process. Rural students consistently show lower subject results in comparison with those of urban schools. There is a challenge to improve the quality of education in rural schools, which is enhanced by the requirement to gain new educational results by means of universal instructional activities. The purpose of the present article is to reveal the identity of the concept of “balance pedagogy” as a methodological base for integrative-differentiated teaching of rural students and to describe its specific didactic technologies. The leading approaches to the study of this problem are systematic, synergistic, integrative-differentiated approaches, theory of dynamic balance. The essential results of the paper are a) the author’s definition of balance pedagogy as a methodological base for integrative-differentiated teaching of rural schoolchildren and a means to improve the quality of education, personal and meta-subject results in rural schools; b) presentation of the main characteristics of the level-and-style differentiation technology in terms of modular teaching programme as a practical tool of balance pedagogy. Keywords: Keywords: balance pedagogical science, rural school, teaching, integrative differentiated approach, style differentiation technology, technology of modular teaching References Ashikhmina, G. A. (2004). Organizational-pedagogical conditions of student life in a rural school. Tambov: Lipetsk State Pedagogical University. p22. Baiborodova, L. V. (2013). 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Normative Behavior of Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities: A Qualitative StudyTatiana V. Artemyeva
pp. 1551-1558 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.358a | Article Number: ijese.2016.127
Abstract Adolescents, organizing their behavior in the space of school should take into account the system of rules existing in the institution. The development of normative behavior allows the teenager to understand their inner world and people around them. Failure to understand the regulatory requirements reduces the possibilities of social adaptation of teenagers. The aim of this study is to determine the characteristics of perceptual regulations teenagers with intellectual disabilities; study of their ability to foresee the consequences of their behavior. Among the participants there were 30 (13 year old) adolescents with intellectual disabilities and without it in Russia. The expression of perception and interpretation of the imposed situations, the ability of adolescents to anticipating the consequences of their behavior in standard school situations were studied. Adolescents with intellectual disabilities have a lower level of perception of school rules, less successfully master the normative space of school than their typically developed peers. Adolescents with intellectual disabilities have interpretation features of a regulatory situation manifested in the non-inclusion in the analysis of the victim’s position reflection and that of the rules offender. Keywords: social norms, the standard situation, reflection, adolescents, intellectual disability References Abraham, R. (2004). Emotional competence as antecedent to performance: A contingency framework. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 130(2), 117-143. Akhmetzyanova, A.I. (2015). Anticipation and Prediction Interrelation Neuropsychological Mechanisms at Youthful Age. The Social Sciences 10(4), 399-401. Allen D., Langthorne P., Tonge B., Emerson E., McGill P., Fletcher R., Dosen A. & Kennedy C. (2013). 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The Theoretical Analysis of the Phenomenon of Anticipation in PsychologyAnna I. Akhmetzyanova
pp. 1559-1570 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.359a | Article Number: ijese.2016.128
Abstract At the modern stage one of the urgent tasks of development of psychology and pedagogy is the study of the basic directions, trends and developmental priorities of research of the specifics of psychological indicators of anticipation of people with whose mental development corresponds to age norms and persons with intellectual and mental disabilities. The aim of the article is to study the features of anticipational activity in conditions of normal mental development and its disorders. The leading approach to the study of this issue are the provisions of system-functional approach of anticipation as a phenomenon that permeates all levels of psychic reflection of reality and having a multi-level structure. All the analysis of studies on the anticipation shows that the problem of anticipation in conditions of disontogenesis, in different conditions of age-specific activities, in the structure of latent deviance remains understudied. Anticipation in preschool and school age in the conditions of a scarce type of mental dysontogenesis is not enough studied both theoretically and experimentally, although the magnitude of the problem is clearly understood. The practical importance of the undertaken theoretical research is that the described disorders of the forecasting process can be considered as a differential diagnostic criterion for assessing the risk of further violations of socialization and development. Keywords: anticipation, probabilistic forecasting, anticipatory ability, theoretical review References Abitov, I. R. (2013). Features of coping with stress in norm and at psychosomatic and neurotic frustrations. Psychological magazine, 34, 86 – 96. Abitov, I. R. (2015). Model of Psychological Disadaptation at Psychosomatic and Neurotic Disorders. Review of European Studies, 7, 130 – 136. doi:10.5539/res.v7n1p136 Ananiev, B. G. (2008). Personality, the subject of activity and individuality. Moscow: Direct-Media. 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The Particularities of the Monologue Speech Type Manifestations in Stuttering Schoolchildren with Tatar-Russian Bilingualism Compared to the NormalityMarina P. Osipovskaya, Kadriya Sh. Sharifzyanova & Zalfira I. Zamaletdinova
pp. 1571-1578 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.362a | Article Number: ijese.2016.129
Abstract Actuality of studying of an issue on specific manifestations of a monologue speech type in bilingual schoolchildren with stutter has been stipulated by the necessity of elaboration of a constituent concept on central mechanisms underlying this kind of communication disorder, on the nature of disturbances of speech formation mechanisms in the stuttering with bilingualism, as well as due to absence of trials on the influence of bilingualism upon the process of construction of textual reports and outer manifestations of stutter in children, speaking both Tatar and Russian languages. In this respect, the goal of this article is implied in revelation of particularities of a full and consistent monologue expression in stuttering schoolchildren, brought up and educated under the conditions of Tatar-Russian bilingualism, in comparison with the normality (children without stutter). As a result of speech production studying, we revealed both common (for all the stuttering schoolchildren with bilingualism) and specific (for the different kinds of native language speakers) principles for the construction of full and consistent monologue expressions. The principles can be followed depending on the level of evolvement of each of the lingual systems, that, in turn, is of special importance for occurrence of frequency and severity of the cases with stutter. Materials of this article should be helpful for tutors of higher educational establishments, young scientists and scientific researchers, as well as speech therapists of preschool establishments and schools, teachers of primary schools. Keywords: stutter, bilingualism, full and consistent monologue expression, the speech particularities in stuttering schoolchildren with Tatar-Russian bilingualism References Au-Yeung, J., Howell, P., Davis, S., Charles, N., & Sackin, S. (2000). UCL survey on bilingualism and stuttering. Paper presented at the 3rdWold congress on Fluency Disorders, Nyborg, Denmark, 7-11 August 2000, from http:// www.speech.psychol.ucl.ac.uk/survey 1/PAPER/ifapaper.html. Belyakova, L.I., Dyakova, E. A. (1998). Stuttering. Moscow: V. Sekachev, 304. Cantone, K. F. (2013). Comments on the paper Gender acquisition in bilingual children: French–German, Italian–German, Spanish–German and Italian–French. International Journal of Bilingualism, 17 (3), 573-576. Сhircheva, G. N. (2012). The role of input in the process of formation of children's balanced bilingualism. Abstracts of III International conference "Problems of formation of balanced bilingualism". St. Pеtersburg, 102-106. Dyakova, E. A. Speech errors and peculiarities of the process of speech formation in stuttering. In: L.I. Belyakova(Eds.), Stuttering: theory and practice. Moscow: Prometey, 38-50. Eichler, N., Jansen, V., & Müller, N. (2013). Gender acquisition in bilingual children: French–German, Italian–German, Spanish–German and Italian–French. International Journal of Bilingualism, 17 (3), 550-572. Eisenson, J. (1984). Stuttering as an expression of inefficient language development. In: L. J. Raphael, C.B.Raphael, & M.R.Vasovinos (Eds.), Language and cognition: essays in honor of Arthur Bronstein. New York: Plenum, 59-72. Ezeizabarrena, M.-J. (2013). Commentary on Larrañaga & Guijarro-Fuentes’s The linguistic competence of early Basque–Spanish bilingual children and a Spanish monolingual child. International Journal of Bilingualism, 17 (3), 602-606. Karniol, R. (1992). Stuttering out of bilingualism. First Language, 12, 255-283. Levin, R. E. (1963). On the Genesis of stuttering children with the development of the communicative functions of speech. A Symposium on stuttering in children. Moscow, 3-8. Meisel, J. M. (2013). Remarks on the acquisition of Basque–Spanish bilingualism. International Journal of Bilingualism, 17 (3), 392-399. Saitbayeva, E. R. (1992). The Connected speech of stuttering schoolchildren 6-7 years: Auto abstract dis. candidate of ped. sciences. Moscow, 16. Stern, E. (1948). A preliminary study of bilingualism and stuttering in four Johannesburg schools. Journal of Logopaedics, 1, 15-25. Travis, L.E., Johnson, W., & Shover, J. (1937). The relation of bilingualism to stuttering. Journal of Speech Disorders, 2, 185-189. Van Borsel, J., Maes E., & Foulon, S. (2001). Stuttering and Bilingualism: A Review. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 26, 179-205. |
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Teacher’s Psycho-diagnostic Activities in School Educational SystemAlbina Z. Minakhmetova, Ekaterina N. Pyanova & Enze N. Akhmetshina
pp. 1579-1588 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.363a | Article Number: ijese.2016.130
Abstract The urgency of the problem stated in the article stems from the fact that in modern conditions the study of the psycho-diagnostic component of the teacher’s activities is relevant in practical terms, since the functions of these activities affect the efficiency of pedagogical activity and the educational process itself, including the effectiveness of students’ learning activities. The purpose of the article is to examine the role of teacher’s psycho-diagnostic activity in the school educational system. The leading method of studying the problem is an empirical method of research (surveys, testing, content analysis), methods of mathematical and statistical processing, allowing a complex consideration of teachers’ diagnostic activity characteristics. The study involves 100 teachers and 420 secondary school students, 14-15 years of age. The article reveals that the psycho-diagnostics, carried out by teachers, is characterized by haphazardness, and does not rely on the psychological and pedagogical technologies. The teachers carry out activity diagnostics more successfully, identifying its goals and methods. Psycho-pedagogical technologies of forming an ability to carry out personal diagnostics improve teachers’ overall psychological culture. The study deepens the understanding of the psycho-diagnostic component, contributes to the development of the teacher’s professional activity, expands teacher’s psycho-diagnostic opportunities, and determines the levels of the teaching staff’s psychological culture development. The practical significance of the study results is in their direct use for improving teachers’ psychological training and other kinds of professional training in the “man-to-man” sphere. Keywords: teacher, psycho-diagnostics, teacher’s professional activity, teacher’s psycho-diagnostic function, professional competence References Anoufriev, A. F. (2006). Psihologichesky diagnosis. M: "Os-89". Burlachuk, L. F., Morozov, S. M. (1999). Dictionary of psychodiagnostics. SPb: Peter Com. Gilbukh, Yu. Z. (1989). Psycho-diagnostics at School. M: Znaniye. Gurevich, K. M. (1989). Problems of differential psychology. M-Voronezh. Kamalova, L. A., Zakirova, V. G. (2015). The formation of the pedagogical values of future primary school teachers at the University, Review of European Studies, 7 (5), 1-9. Kostromina, S. N. (2006). Modern psycho-diagnostics: the basic concepts of the system. SPb: St. Petersburg State University. Markova, A. K. (1993) Psychology of teacher’s labor: Teacher’s manual. M: Prosveshcheniye. Minakhmetova, A. Z. (2003). Psychodiagnostic component of the teacher’s professional work: Candidate Degree in Psychology Thesis. Kazan. Minakhmetova, A. Z., Epaneshnikov, V. V., Shagivaleeva, G. R. (2012). Teacher and Student’s Psycho Type Correlation as Educational Interaction Effectiveness Factor // World Applied Sciences Journal Volume 20 (Special issue on Pedagogy and Psychology). Mokeyeva, E. V., Zakirova, V. G. & Masalimova, A. R. (2015). Tolerant Pedagogic Space as a Condition of Non-Violence Position Education among Elementary School Pupils. Review of European Studies, 7(4), 216-220. Order of Ministry of Labor of Russia #544n of October 18, 2013 “On approval of the professional standard of “Teacher (educational activities in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)”. Networking as a factor in the development of innovative educational institution (2016) http://anyanova.tomsk.ru/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/cetevoy.pdf. Friedman, L. M. (1997). Psychopedagogy of General Education. M: Publishing House “Institute of Applied Psychology”. Shevandrin, N. I. (1998). Psycho-diagnostics, correction and personal development. M: Humanitarian Publishing Centre VLADOS. Shmelev, A. G. (1996) Fundamentals of psycho-diagnostics. Rostov-on-Don. Zakirova, V. G. & Koletvinova, N. D. (2014). Paradigm of future primary school teachers' vocational training. Life Science Journal, 11(4), 441-447. |
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Research Project "Subject Developing Environment of Preschool Education" for Russian Preschool Bilinguals (By the Example of Textile Educational Materials)Liliya A. Latipova, Irina E. Krapotkina & Ekaterina L. Koudrjavtseva
pp. 1589-1596 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.364a | Article Number: ijese.2016.131
Abstract The problem's relevance stated in the article is determined by the following: forming preschool bilinguals' subject developing environment is connected with their active education and development, as well as with flexible preparation for studying at school. The purpose of this article is to develop methodology of textile developing materials' use in training kindergarten teachers of preschool educational institutions to practice oriented activities. The leading method of this problem study is a method of simulation which allows generating and putting into practice a model-transformer, giving an opportunity to intensify the process of children- bilinguals' education and development in a multicultural environment. The structure of the presented model of preschool bilinguals' subject developing environment with textile developing materials use in the practice of a kindergarten teacher in the context of implementation GEF PE requirements includes polyfunctionality, ethnic component and polyvalent space. The model is directed to textile developing materials ' use in the kindergarten teacher's activity with children bilinguals. Presented research project "Subject developing environment of preschool education" for children bilinguals may be used as a basis of improvement pedagogical activity with preschool children and in training bachelors of professional education Keywords: polyfunctionality, preschool children, a textile educational book, children’s activities, a kindergarten teacher, a level of training, preschool educational institution References About psycho-pedagogical requirements for the games and toys in the modern environment. (1995, May 17). 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Guidelines for Mentoring OptimizationAlfiya R. Masalimova, Victoriya V. Sadovaya & Ruben D. Flores
pp. 1597-1602 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.365a | Article Number: ijese.2016.132
Abstract It's a common knowledge that the society and time we live in are characterized by continuous technological change and most of employee skills may become outdated fairly rapidly. Therefore, an enterprise that aspires to be successful and respond quickly to changes in the market environment should pay great attention to training programs of the employees. In this regard, it is important to develop guidelines and recommendations to improve the quality of mentoring as the system involving Mentoring Council, enterprise executives, mentors and training centers for mentors. The paper is intended to provide theoretical and practical contribution to training students of technical universities, as well as young personnel starting their career and experienced executives. Keywords: mentoring, guidelines, optimization, modern enterprises References Andreeva, E. S. & Nechaev, A. S. (2013). The mechanism of an innovative development of the industrial enterprise. World Applied Science Journal, 27, 21-23. Barieva, D. (2011). Production: the introduction of mentoring. Handbook of Personnel Management, 7, 56-60. Batyshev, A. S. (1985). Pedagogical System of Mentoring in the Workplace. 1st Ed., Moscow Higher School Press. Charina, E. V. (2004). Relationships in the mentor—Young professional in the process of professionalization. PhD Thesis. Far Eastern State University of Railways. Kartashova, L. V. (2009). Human Resource Management. Moscow: INFRA Press (p. 107). Kibanov, A. Y. & Durakova, I. B. (2005). Management staff of the organization. Moscow: Exam Press. Klucharev, G. A. & Pahomova, H. I. (2008). Corporate education: Alternative government programs in additional education. Journal of Continuing education in the political and economic contexts, 3(2), 134-160. Masalimova A. R. (2013). Corporate training the mentors. Kazan: Printing Service - XXI Century Press. Masalimova, A. R & o oAmerican Journal of Applied Sciences, 11, . Masalimova, A. R. & Sabirova, L. L. (2015). Mentors and Trainees Professional Interaction Features at the Modern Enterprises in Russia. Review of European Studies, 7(4), 20-26. Masalimova, A. R. (2012). Content design principles of psycho-pedagogical training mentors enterprise. Theory and practice of social development, 9, 108 - 111. Masalimova, A. R., Ikramova, G. D., Shaidullina, A. R., Gubaidullina, G. T. & Apraksina, N. D. (2014a), Distant in-company foreign language learning involving university student-tutors. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 11, 1123-1127. Masalimova, A.R. & Nigmatov, Z. G. (2015). Structural-Functional Model for Corporate Training of Specialists in Carrying Out Mentoring. Review of European Studies, 7(4), 39-48. Masalimova, A. R., Zakirova, V. G., Chernova, Y. A., Drovnikov, A. S., Shaidullina, A. R. & Sakhieva, R. G. (2014b). Structure and content of mentors psychological and pedagogical training curriculum. Life Science Journal, 11(7s), 381-386. Ozhegov, S. I. & Shvedova, N. Y. (2007). Dictionary of Russian Language-80000 Words and Phraseological Expressions. Moscow: IT Technology Institute Press. Plotnikov, A. & Skuridina, I. V. (2014). Corporate culture and socio-psychological climate of the organization. Life Science Journal, 11(6s), 548-553. Shaidullina, A. R. (2009). Principles of integration "ssuz - university - production" in terms of continuing professional education. Higher Education in Russia, 5, 140-144. Tyunikov, Y. & Maznichenko, M. (2005). Corporate culture as a factor in the competitiveness of the university. Higher Education in Russia, 10, 69-77. Zaitseva, N. A. (2013). The role of education system in adaptation of graduates from Russian institutes and colleges at European enterprises (by example of service companies). Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 13(5), 693-697. Zevunov, A. V. (2009). Corporate training small businesses. PhD Thesis. Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N. I. Lobachevsky. |
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Bullying in School: Case Study of Prevention and Psycho-Pedagogical CorrectionLaysan A. Ribakova, Roza A. Valeeva & Natalia Merker
pp. 1603-1617 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.366a | Article Number: ijese.2016.133
Abstract The purpose of the study was the theoretical justification and experimental verification of content, complex forms and methods to ensure effective prevention and psycho- pedagogical correction of bullying in school. 53 teenage students from Kazan took part in the experiment. A complex of diagnostic techniques for the detection of violence and bullying in the school environment was used: «Questionnaire for diagnosis of violence and bullying at school» by Su-Jeong Kim (V. R. Petrosyants’s modification), The Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory (BDI), Emotional Empathic Tendency Scale (EETS) by A. Mehrabian & N. Epstein. Based on the results of ascertaining experiment, a program containing the forms and methods of prevention and psycho-pedagogical correction of bullying among younger teenagers in school was developed. Statistical analysis of empirical research was carried out by standard techniques of mathematical statistics (t- Student's t test, Pearson’s correlation coefficient). Keywords: bullying, prevention, correction, school, younger teenager References Arora, C. M. (1994). Measuring bullying with the life in School checklist. Pastoral Care in Education, 12, 11-15. Askew, S. (1989). Aggressive behavior in boys: to what extent is it institutionalized. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham Books. Berdyshev, I. S. (2005). Medication against hatred. First September, 18, 3-5 Besag, V. E. (1989). Bullies and Victims in Schools. Milton Keynes: Open University Press Buss, A. H. & Durkee, A. (1957). An inventory for assessing different kinds of hostility. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 21, 343-348. Ilyin, E. P. (2014). The psychology of aggressive behavior. St. Petersburg: Peter. Kim, Su-Jeong (2004). A Study of Personal and Environmental Factors Influencing Bullying. Dissertation, LMU München: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. Kon, I. S. (2006). What is bullying and how to deal with it. Family and School, 11, 15-18. Kostyunina, N. Yu. & Valeeva, R. A. (2015). Prevention and Correction of Juvenile Neglect. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 191, 2122-2126. Kwak, T.-H. & Lee, S. H. (1988). Koreans in North America: New Perspectives. Kyungnam: Kyungnam University Press. Lane, D. A. (2001). School-bullying. St. Petersburg: Peter. Malkina-Pykh, I. G. (2005). Psychological assistance in crisis situations: a handbook of practical psychologist. Moscow: Eksmo. Maltseva, O. A. (2009). Prevention of violence and aggression among adolescents and how to overcome it. Tyumen State University, 7, 51-54. Mehrabian, A. & Epstein, N. (1972). A measure of emotional empathy. Journal of Personality, 40(4), 525–543. Mertsalova, T. S. (2000). Violence at school: that to oppose violence and aggression? Head teacher, 3, 25-32. Olweus, D. (1978). Aggression in the schools. Bullies and whipping boys. Washington, D. C.: Hemisphere Press. Petrosyants, V. R. (2011). The psychological characteristics of high school students, participants in bullying in the educational environment, and their viability. Doctoral dissertation. St. Petersburg: Hersen RSPU. Pronina, E. N. (2008). Children cruelty: causes and consequences. Psychological Service, 5, 20-23. Roland, E. & Munthe, E. (1989). Bulling: An International Perspective. London: David Fulton. Tagunova, I. A., Selivanova, N. L. & Valeeva, R. A. (2016). The Category of Upbringing in Russian and Western Studies. Mathematics Education, 11(1), 3-11. Tattum, D. P. & Lane, D. A. (1988). Bullying in Schools. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham Books. |
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Education for Persons with Special Needs: Polish and Russian ExperienceRoza A. Valeeva & Ewa M. Kulesza
pp. 1619-1629 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.367a | Article Number: ijese.2016.134
Abstract The beginning of the 21st century is marked by systemic, economic and social transformations in Poland and Russia, that significantly affected the education system, including the education for persons with special needs. This paper is an attempt to present synthetically the changes relating to persons with disabilities. The current state of the education for children and youth with special needs will be considered due to the new education system, legal regulations, the school population, type of disability of pupils and the kinds of schools they attend. Compulsory education, which includes the level of primary and lower secondary schools, will be subject to a separate analysis. The article presents significant systemic changes in Polish and Russian education and the state development strategy in the sphere of social policy towards persons with disabilities. The new documents are analyzed that have led to important changes in policy direction with serious consequences in terms of the structure and curriculum of inclusive education in both countries. The paper introduces a review of the changes in policy direction with serious consequences in terms of the structure and curriculum of education for persons with special needs. A key objective of the paper will be to examine the new approaches to education of disabled persons in Russia and Poland and the subsequent changes in it. Keywords: disabled children, disability, persons with special needs, education, inclusive education, Poland, Russia References Aksenova, L. I. (1997). Legal basis for special education and social protection of children with developmental disabilities. Defectology, 1, 3-10. Aksenova, L. I., Arkhipov, B. A., Belyakova, L. I. et al. (2000). Special pedagogy. Moscow: Academy. Analytical Bulletin of the Federation Council. 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Socialization of Adolescents: Cultural Practices in Children's Summer CampIrina D. Demakova, Roza A. Valeeva & Alina V. Shipova
pp. 1631-1640 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.368a | Article Number: ijese.2016.135
Abstract The article describes the relevant aspects of the adolescents’ cultural practices in children's summer camp, taking into account their specific characteristics. The summer camp is considered as an educational formation and holistic socio-pedagogical body, designed to create conditions for the development of the person. The criteria for inclusion of adolescents in cultural practices in the children's camp to establish their socialization levels (social-passive, social-active, social- initiative) are described. The study reveals the education system in the framework of the model of adolescents’ socialization in the children's summer camp Nasz Dom, including four blocks: the target, set-diagnostic, operational-activity, control and evaluation. The results of the experimental work show the effectiveness of the developed model of the adolescents’ involvement in cultural practices and their socialization in children's summer camp. Keywords: educational process, personal development, socialization of adolescents, cultural practices, pedagogical conditions, socio-cultural experience, social adaptation References Aleksandrova, E. A. (2010). About concept of education, or how to create a working system. Narodnoje obrazovanije, 9, 246-253. Benin, V. A. (2004). Educational Cultural Studies. Ufa: BSPU Publishing. Bondarevskaya, E. V. (2001). Meaning and strategy of individually oriented education. Pedagogika, 1, 17-24. Borytko, N. M. (2005). Education as a humanitarian educational practice. Proceedings of the Volgograd State Pedagogical University, 1, 28-32. Bozhovic, L. I. (2008). Personality and its formation in childhood. St Petersburg: Peter. Bueva, L. P. (1996). Man, culture and education in crisis society. In Philosophy of education: collection of scientific articles (pp. 76-90). Moscow: Foundation "New Millennium". Chagina, N. S. (2008). Specifics of the organization of summer recreation for children in the camp of the integration type. Doctoral dissertation. Moscow. El'konin, D. B. (1989). Selected psychological works. Moscow: Pedagogika. Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", N 273-FZ of 29.12.2012. URL: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_140174/ Feldstein, D. I. (1997). Social development in childhood space-time. Moscow: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, Flint. Frishman, I. I (2001). Methods of the teacher’s work in additional education. Moscow: Academy. Kagan, M. S. (1998). Philosophy of Culture. St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Lan". Karakovsky, V. A. (1979). Education has to be successful. Moscow: Znanije. Kochergin, V. N. (1993). Pedagogical conditions of teenagers’ communicative culture formation in the children's organizations activities. Doctoral dissertation. Kazan. Krylova, N. B. (2009). Child's cultural practices in education from the perspective of understanding pedagogy. New values of education: Cultural practices of childhood. Experience of organization: Special Issue, 4 (42). Kupriyanov, B. V. (2001). System of pedagogical conditions. Rostov-on-Don: RSU. Likhachev, B. T. (1998). Education. Moscow: Prometheus. Listvina, E. V. (2002). Dominants and tendencies of development of modern social and cultural situation (socio-philosophical analysis). Doctoral dissertation. Saratov. Makarenko, A. S. (1990). On education. Moscow: Politizdat. Malofeev, N. N. & Shmatko, N. D. (2008). Base models of integrated education. Defectology, 1, 71-78. Nikitina, M. I. (1997). The problem of integration of children with special needs. In: Innovative processes in education: a collection of articles. Part 2: Integration of Russian and Western European experiences (pp.147-165). St. Petersburg: Herzen RSPU. Schurkova, N. E. (1997). Up-bringing: a new look from the perspective of culture. Moscow: Pedagogicheski Poisk. Shamionov, R. M. (2000). Personality and its formation in the process of socialization. Saratov: Saratov Pedagogical Institute. Sukhomlinsky, V. A. (1980). Selected pedagogical works: 3 T. Moscow: Pedagogika. Tagunova, I. A., Selivanova, N. L. & Valeeva, R. A. (2016). The Category of Upbringing in Russian and Western Studies. Mathematics Education, 11(1), 3-11. Valeeva, R. A. & Demakova, I. D. (2015). Humanization of Education in the Context of Janusz Korczak Pedagogical Ideas. Review of European Studies, 7(4), 161-171. Valeeva, R. A. (2003). Pedagogical credo of Janusz Korczak. Pedagogika, 9, 184-196. Volokhov A. V. (1999). Theory and methods of socialization of the child in children's public organizations. Doctoral dissertation. Yaroslavl. Vygotsky, L. S. (2005). Psychology of Human Development. Moscow: Smysl. |
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Case-study of the High School Student’s Family Values FormationRoza A. Valeeva, Natalya E. Korolyeva & Farida Kh. Sakhapova
pp. 1641-1649 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.369a | Article Number: ijese.2016.136
Abstract The aim of the research is the theoretical justification and experimental verification of content, complex forms and methods to ensure effective development of the high school students’ family values formation. 93 lyceum students from Kazan took part in the experiment. To study students’ family values we have applied method of studying personality values by Schwartz; to investigate the views of students in the system of interpersonal relations and the nature of communication in the family technique "Family sociogram" by Eidemiller was carried out. On the basis of the received results, recommendations of special psychological and pedagogical work organization to increase the level of the high school students’ family values are given. Based on the results of ascertaining experiment there was developed a program containing the forms and methods of prevention and psycho-pedagogical correction of bullying among younger teenagers in school. Statistical analysis of empirical research was carried out by standard techniques of mathematical statistics (G-test marks and Student's t-test). Keywords: family, family values, students, traditions, traditional family, family relationships References Akhiyarov, K. Sh. (2000). Folk pedagogy and the modern school. Ufa: Bashkir State University of Pedagogics. Artyukhova, I. (1999). Values and upbringing. Pedagogika 4, 78-85. Biktagirova, G. F. & Valeeva, R. A. (2015). Formation of University Students’ Readiness for Parenthood. Review of European Studies, 7(4), 93-97. Eidemiller, E. G. & Yustiskits, V. (1999). Psychology and psychotherapy of the family. St. Petersburg: Peter. Etno-didactics of the peoples of Russia: from the national educational systems to the global educational space (2009). F. G. Yalalov (Ed.). Nizhnekamsk: NMI. Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", N 273-FZ of 29.12.2012. URL: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_140174/ Kant, I. (2000). Lectures on Ethics. Мoscow: Respublika. Kazakina, M. (1983). Formation of value orientations of senior pupils in the team. Sovetskaya pedagogika, 3, 69-72. Kon, I. S. (2001). Psychology of the youth age. Мoscow: Prosvietchenie. Kostetskaya, G. (1999). Pedagogical conditions of pupils’ value orientations development in the school system of environmental education. St.Petersburg: PSUPM. Mudrik, A. V. (2006). Socialization of a person. Moscow: Academia. Ovtcharova, R. V. (2003). Psychological support of parenthood. Moscow: Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy. Savin. M. V. (2004). Genesis of traditional nature in pedagogy of Russia: historical and pedagogical aspect. Volgograd. Schwartz, S. H. (1992). Universals in the content and structure of values: Theory and empirical tests in 20 countries. In M. Zanna (Ed.), Advances in experimental social psychology (Vol. 25, pp. 1-65). New York: Academic Press. Shiyanov, E. N. & Kotova, I. B. (1999). Development of the person in training. Moscow: Academy. Spivakovskaya, A. S. (1986). How to be parents (about psychology of the parents’ love). Moscow. Tagunova, I. A., Selivanova, N. L. & Valeeva, R. A. (2016). The Category of Upbringing in Russian and Western Studies. Mathematics Education, 11(1), 3-11. Zakirova, V. G., Masalimova, A. R. & Nikoghosyan, M. A. (2016). The Contents, Forms and Methods of Family Upbringing Studying Based on the Differentiated Approach. Mathematics Education, 11(1), 181-190. Zdravomyslov, A. (1986). Needs. Interests. Values. Moscow: Politizdat |
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A Demonstration Sample for Poetry Education: Poem under the Light of 'Poetics of the Open Work'Aydın Afacan
pp. 1651-1656 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.542a | Article Number: ijese.2016.137
Abstract The aim of this study is to provide a demonstration sample for the high school stage under the light of "Poetics of the Open Work" that is considered as a step towards comprehending the qualified poem. In this study, has been built in single group pretest-posttest design. Independent variables are applied to a randomly selected group to perform the pretest - posttest design There are measures applied both before the test (pre-test) and after the test (post test). The executed demonstration has proven, providing education under the light of Poetics of the Open Work has significant possibilities regarding both the consideration of poem -proper to its nature- as an art work and improving interpretation skills of students. During demonstration, active participation of students is observed through expressing their personal opinions. The most important difference between 'Secret Love' -based on direct narration as an example of first period of Necatigil poems- and 'Water Lilies' -as the example of his later period which is considered as the poet's mastery period- is the interpretation level.
Keywords: Poetry Education, poetic, open work References Afacan, A. (2013). Poetry and Poetry Education in terms of Literary Quality in Primary Education. Unpublished PhD Thesis. Ankara University, Institute of Education Sciences. Aksan, D. (1995). Poetry Language and Turkish Poetry Language. 2nd Edition, Ankara Engin Publishing. Easthope, A. (1983). Poetry as Discourse. London and New York: Methuen. Eco U. (2001). Open Work. Translation by: Pinar Savaş, Istanbul: Can Publishing. Karasar, N. (2013). Scientific Research Method. Ankara: Nobel Publishing and distribution Morin, E. (2003) Seven Complex Lessons in Education for the Future. (Translation by: Hüsnü Dilli), Istanbul Bilgi University Publications. Mukarovsky, J. (1970). "Standard Language and Poetic Language", Linguistics and Literary Style.Ed. D.C. Freeman, New York: Rirehard and Winston Inc. Necatigil, B. (2012). Poems. Prepared by: Ali Tanyeri, Hilmi Yavuz, 5th Edition, İstanbul Yapı Kredi Publications. Preminger, A. & etc. (1993). The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Riffaterre, M. (1978). Semiotics of Poetry. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. |
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Peculiarities of Teaching the Russian Language to Children of ImmigrantsLera A. Kamalova & Venera G. Zakirova
pp. 1657-1669 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.543 | Article Number: ijese.2016.138
Abstract The relevance of this study is due to migration processes in Russia, the emergence in Russian schools of migrant children. School practice shows that the education of migrant children the Russian language has its own specifics related to the problems of bilingualism (bilingualism), ethnic identification, insufficient knowledge of the Russian language, weak processes of socialization and adaptation of children-migrants to a different foreign environment. There is a need to develop new approaches in teaching Russian language to children of migrants, the establishment of effective methods and techniques of language teaching. The goal of the article is the study and development of methodical work system on training Russian of children - migrants at elementary school. The leading method to the study of this problem is pedagogical experiment (ascertaining, forming and control stages of experiment), and the method of expert estimations, statistical processing of quantitative results. The main results of the study: the developed system on teaching Russian to children - migrants at elementary school. The proposed system of methodical work of teaching migrants’ children Russian language in multi-ethnic primary school classrooms is effective, it provides deep knowledge of younger school students on the Russian language, contributing to the formation of orthographic, lexical and grammatical literacy, speech skills, communicative competences aimed at the development of language personality, socialization of students-migrants. The article can be useful for teachers of higher educational institutions and primary school teachers in the use of the system of methodical work on training of children - migrants of primary school age Russian language in multi-ethnic primary school classrooms. Keywords: Russian language, children of migrants, migrants, bilingualism, primary school, speech, phonetic, lexical-grammatical, orthoepic, spelling, dialogue, multi-ethnic. References Berseneva, M. S. (2008). Reading in Russian language classes: theoretical learning problems of immigrants. Moscow: Art. Cevher, E., & Yuksel, H. (2015). In Regards to Higher Education Strategy, Assessment of Educational Activities in Public Universities: The Case of Turkey. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 61, 237-256. Chaptykova, N. P. (2014). Warning speech errors multiethnic school students in the learning process complete presentation of the original art text. Teacher Education in Russia, 12, 195-199. Fathullova, K. S. (2008). Communicative focus on Tatar language means by learning as non-native. Scientific notes of the Kazan State University, 10(8), 135-139. Gaynbihner, T. N. (2003). Enrichment vocabulary of younger schoolboys at Russian lessons in multi-ethnic environment of the North. Moscow: Education. Inceçay, V. (2015). Contrasting rhetorical patterns: Discovering effects of first- and second-language writing conventions. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 61, 137-154. Khamraeva, E. A. (2010). Russian language in the space of a multi-ethnic Russian school: learning organization model. Russian language at school, 11, 34-37. Klimanova, L. F., Babushkina T. V. (2012). UMK «Perspective». Moscow: Education. Kulesza, Y. V. (2008). Reading in Russian language classes: theoretical learning problems of immigrants. Moscow: Art. Mikheyevа, T. B. (2008). Education Russian language to students in multiethnic classes. Rostov-on - Don: Phoenix. Phanaeva, S. N. (2014). The problem of teaching Russian as a foreign language in today's education environment. Moscow: Kotsept. Sabatkoev, R. B. (2009). Teaching Russian language in multiethnic classes. Grades 5-9. Teacher's Manual. Moscow: Education. Stash, S. M. (2009). Means of optimizing of teaching Russian as a foreign language. Maikop State Technological University, 2, 1-3. Usha, T. Y. (2014). Integrative methods of teaching the Russian language in the contemporary multicultural school: to the problem. The world of science, culture, education. 3(46), 133-136. Zeitlin, S. N. (2010). In foreign language the child in the Russian-speaking school. Journal of the Herzen University, 1, 79-85. |
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Idealism versus Realism in Student and Practitioner Attitude toward TeachingAlfiya R. Masalimova & Elena M. Galishnikova
pp. 1671-1679 | DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.544a | Article Number: ijese.2016.139
Abstract It is absolutely essential in any professional environment to go through natural age-related rotation over a period of time. But, unfortunately, many young teachers filling in the vacancies are practically incompetent in their job, though they are supposed to have acquired certain psychological and pedagogic competencies at the university. This factor raised the issue of discrepancy between the student’s idealism with respect to future profession understanding and professional realism revealing and demonstrating young teacher’s insufficient competencies. The paper considers idealistic versus realistic set of necessary competencies for a modern teacher as the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of teaching is closely linked, and often dependent, on it. The major methods used in the study of the issue were questionnaires and interviews among school head masters/principles, teaching methodology experts, teachers and undergraduates. They allowed to determine the desired and imperative competencies for teachers. The experiment involved 230 students and 190 school representatives. Current problems in teacher education, related to Russia, have been identified as belonging to three levels: regional, teacher training institutions, and secondary schools. The study contributed to develop a competency model of a modern teacher and the algorithm of its development. Investigation into the idealistic understanding of certain competencies and their relevancy by the university undergraduates who participated in the assessment of competencies significance, revealed the following student's attitude: they believe that subject content knowledge and methodological competencies are number ones in their future job. There are a large number of instructional and related activities to be performed by the teacher inside and outside the classroom. In their opinion the educational competency associated with developing a child's personality, talents and etc., was the second in order of importance, whereas in real teaching practice this competency was determined as the first in order of importance followed by reflective competency, and the third place was given to subject and methodical competencies.
Keywords: idealistic and realistic understanding, student, teacher, practitioner, competency model References Bulunuz, M., Tapan-Broutin, M. S., & Bulunuz, N. (2016). Pre-service teacher scientific behavior: comparative study of paired science project assignments. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 62, 195-218. Kalimullin, A. M. & Masalimova, A. R. (2016). Editorial: Actual Issues of National Education: Theory and Practice. Mathematics Education, 11(1), 1-2. Markova, A. K. (1996). Psychology of professionalism. Moscow. Publisher: "Knowledge" International Humanitarian Fund. Masalimova, A. R & Sabirova, L. L. (2014). Multi-dimensional classification of types and forms of corporate education. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 11, 1054-1058. Shaidullina, A. R., Evsyukova, N. Y., Mikhailov, V. A., Gazizova, F. S., Masalimova, A. R., Khairullina, E. R. & Galimzyanova, I. I. (2015). The Curriculum Project on Professional and Pedagogical Teachers’ Communication Culture Formation. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(2 S3), 202-208. Slastenin, V. A. (2002). Psychology: a textbook for university students. Moscow: Publishing House "Academy". Vdovina, S. A. (2006). Individual educational paths as a implementer of subject-subjective relations during educational process in modern school. Ishim: Ishim State Pedagogical University named after P. P. Ershov. Vvedensky, V. N. (2003). Simulation of professional competence of the teacher. Pedagogy, 10, 51-55. Yildirim, K., Arastaman, G. & Dasci, E. (2016). The relationship between teachers’ attitude toward measurement and evaluation and their perceptions of professional well-being. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 62, 77-96. |
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