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Teacher Candidates’ Behaviors towards Environment and Some Factors Affecting ThemMuhammet Avaroğulları, & Hülya Ayılmazdır
pp. 127-138 | Article Number: ijese.2019.011
Abstract The purpose of this study is to depict the behaviors of teacher candidates with regard to the environment and to determine how gender, grade level, department and the place within they grew affect these behaviors. The study was carried out with the participation of 457 teacher candidates. Only fist and fourth grade teacher candidates were participated in the study. The participants were from departments of social studies education, pre-school education, science education, Turkish education, mathematics education and primary school teaching education in a state university in Southern Turkey. The data were collected in the spring of 2017-2018 with the ‘Environmental Behavior Scale’ developed by Goldman, Yavetz and Pe’er and adapted to Turkish by Timur and Yilmaz (2013). The results indicate that gender is an effective factor on environmental behaviors. The environmental behaviors of female teacher candidates are significantly positive than those of male prospective students. The increase of class level positively affects the environmental behaviors as well. Finally, the teacher candidates from pre-school education department demonstrated significantly positive behaviors in at least one dimension of the scale used in this study. It has also come out that the size of the settlement area does not create significant difference on the environmental behaviors of teacher candidates. Keywords: teacher candidates, social studies, environmental behavior, environmental literacy References Açıkgöz, E., & Arcak, S. (2012), Ekoloji ve Çevre Bilgisi, Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayını, 1349. Akdur, R. (2005). Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye’de Çevre Koruma Politikaları “Türkiye’nin Avrupa Birliğine Uyumu”, Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Avrupa Topluluğu Araştırma Ve Uygulama Merkezi Araştırma Dizisi, 23. Akman, Y., Düzenli, A., & Geven, F. (1996). Çevre Kirliliği ve Ekolojik Etkileri, Ankara. Aksoy, B., & Karatekin, K. (2012). 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Assessing the Validity and Reliability of the Future Thinking Test using Rasch Measurement ModelNyet Moi Siew, & Mohammad Syafiq Abd Rahman
pp. 139-149 | Article Number: ijese.2019.012
Abstract This research aimed to assess the validity and reliability of a developed Future Thinking Test (FTT) using the Rasch measurement model. The FTT consisted of 12 items concerning knowledge of physical science which were scored using Rating Scale Model. Items were developed based on the five future thinking constructs: i) Understanding the current situation; ii) Identifying trends; iii) Analyzing relevant drivers; iv) Developing scenarios of possible and probable futures, and v) Selecting with justification the preferable futures. Rasch analyses were conducted on data from a sample of 66 tenth graders (36 females and 30 males, aged 16 years old) from two rural secondary schools in the Tawau district, Sabah, Malaysia. Overall, the FTT was found to have good reliability with a Cronbach’s alpha value (KR-20) of 0.69. Results also showed that FTT has an excellent item reliability and moderate high item separation value of 0.97 and 5.92 respectively. FTT also has a sufficient good person reliability and person separation value of 0.67 and 1.41 respectively. The sub-constructs are individually unidimensional and the future thinking with five sub-constructs are also unidimensional. Meanwhile, the validity of the FTT instrument was appropriately established through the item fit, except for one item. Results showed that 11 items were appropriate while one item needed to be discarded to increase the validity and reliability of FTT. This research indicates that FTT has an acceptable validity and reliability for measuring the five constructs of future thinking among tenth graders in rural secondary schools. Keywords: futures thinking test, Rasch measurement model, tenth graders References Addis, D. R., Hach, S., & Tippett, L. J. (2016). Do strategic processes contribute to the specificity of future. Simulation in depression? British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 55(2), 167-186. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjc.12103 Amara, R. (1981). 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Storytelling: An Innovative Teaching Device to Teach ScienceK. Nisha, & N. Prema
pp. 151-154 | Article Number: ijese.2019.013
Abstract Story telling can be used as a constructive teaching device for teaching science. Constructivism means constructing knowledge by the learner on his/her own. Story telling involves construction of characters, their physical and behavioural attributes, a plot, setting etc. in short constructing a story. These stories can be made on difficult science topics. The seemingly difficult and uninteresting science topics can be made interesting through building up of stories. It develops the creative thinking abilities of the learners and makes the learning a joyous experience. This paper talks about how story-telling can be used as an innovative and effective constructivist device of teaching of science. Keywords: storytelling, constructivism, science References Glynn, S. M., & Takahashi, T. (1998). Learning from Analogy-Enhanced Science Text. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 35. https://doi.org/10.1002/(SICI)1098-2736(199812)35:10<1129::AID-TEA5>3.0.CO;2-2 McDrury, J., & Alterio, M. (2003). Learning through Storytelling in Higher Education: Using Reflection and Experience to Improve Learning. London: Kogan Page. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203416655 Schank, R. C., & Abelson, R. P. (1995). Knowledge and Memory: The Real Story. In R. S. Wyer, Jr. (Eds.), Advances in Social Cognition, Vol. VIII, (pp. 1-85), Hillsdale, Erlbaum, New Jersey. Tandon, T. (2011), Story-telling --- A constructivist tool in science teaching, School Science. NCERT, 49(2), 4-8. Yanowitz, K. L. (2001). The Effects of Analogies on Elementary School Students’ Learning of Scientific Concepts. School Science and Mathematics, 101, 133-142. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1949-8594.2001.tb18016.x |
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Millennial Consumers’ Perceived Consumption Values and Purchase Intentions: Examining Effects of Made in USA and Traceability Labelling of ApparelRuoh-Nan Yan, Nancy Miller, Daniela Jankovska, & Cammile Hensley
pp. 155-168 | Article Number: ijese.2019.014
Abstract This study examines how the country of manufacturing (i.e., Made in the USA) and the availability of the traceability feature will impact consumers’ perceived consumption values and purchase intentions among Millennial consumers in the United States. This study utilized a 2 (country of manufacturing: Not Made in USA vs. Made in USA) x 2 (traceability: absent vs. present) between-subjects factorial design. Participants consisted of 307 college students who were Millennial-aged consumers with the mean age of 20.08 at the time of data collection. Findings regarding the effect of Made in USA on perceived consumption value and purchase intention showed that Made in USA jeans did not hold functional, monetary, emotional, or epistemic values, but did hold the social value. The effects of traceability were somewhat similar to those of ‘Made in USA’ in this study. 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Physicochemical and Biological Monitoring of Water Quality of Halda River, BangladeshMohammad Ayub Parvez, M. Main Uddin, Md. Kamrul Islam, & Md. Manzoorul Kibria
pp. 169-181 | Article Number: ijese.2019.015
Abstract The tidal river Halda that serves as a natural breeding ground for major Indian carps and sources of other aquatic resources is of special interest. This study was conducted to monitor the water quality using physicochemical and biological parameters of the river in three different sampling stations namely Gorduara, Sattarghat and Kalurghat. Eight physicochemical parameters of water - temperature, PH, transparency, EC, DO, TDS, SS, salinity and plankton communities were considered for monitoring water quality in three stations. All the physicochemical parameters were within the pollution standard except DO (4.5 mgL-1) at Kalurghat station. In case of biological monitoring, zooplankton populations consisting of four classes were identified where 13 zooplankton genera under these 4 classes showing the dominancy. The abundance of zooplankton was higher at Gorduara station (2042 No./ L) followed by Sattarghat (1906 No./ L) and Kalurghat (1610 No./ L) respectively. On the basis of Identifying 11 genera of algal genus, six genera were used to prepare ‘Palmer pollution index’ which identified Kalurghat station as highly polluted zone. The study also explored the correlation of physicochemical parameters and the zooplankton abundance. Keywords: biological, dissolved oxygen, Halda River, monitoring, physicochemical, zooplankton References Ahmed, K. K. U., Ahamed, S. U., Hossain, M. R. A., Ahmed, T., & Barman, S. (2003). Quantitative and qualitative assessment of plankton: some ecological aspect and water quality parameters of the river Meghna, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Fish. Res., 7(2), 131-140. Retrieved from http://aquaticcommons.org/17745/1/BJFR7.2_131.pdf Ahsan, D. A., Kabir, A. N., Rahman, M. M., Mahabub, S., Yesmin, R., Faruque, M. H., & Naser, M. N. (2012). Plankton composition, abundance and diversity in hilsa (Tenualosa ilisha) migratory rivers of Bangladesh during spawning season. 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The Relationship of Interpersonal Intelligent and Emotional Intelligent towards Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) for all of MTs Teachers in Banjarmasin downtown South of Borneo IndonesiaMuhammad Yuliansyah, I Nyoman Sujana Degeng, Bambang Budi Wiyono, & Achmad Supriyanto
pp. 183-190 | Article Number: ijese.2019.016
Abstract This study conducted to determine (1) the Relationship of Interpersonal Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence with OCB for MTs Teachers in Banjarmasin downtown. The results showed that (1) there was a relationship between the level of Interpersonal Intelligence Banjarmasin City. (2) there was no relationship between the level of emotional intelligence with the OCB of Banjarmasin City. This study Recommended (1) Because there is a relationship between Interpersonal intelligence in Banjarmasin, in the teaching and learning process in the school the teacher is responsible for the work and work environment to overcome various problems experienced when carrying out tasks so that it has a creative and dynamic nature. (2) Research shows that emotional intelligence is closely related to personality, behavior, and teacher character does not affect the teacher’s OCB because each teacher should have the internal abilities to do vertical or horizontal relationships. 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Children’s Understandings of Environmental and Sustainability-related Issues in Kindergartens in Rogaland, Norway, and Queensland, AustraliaBarbara Maria Sageidet, Mia Christensen, & Julie M. Davis
pp. 191-205 | Article Number: ijese.2019.017
Abstract This study compared the understandings of environmental and sustainability-related issues of 4-5-year-old children in kindergartens in Rogaland, Norway, with understandings of similarly-aged peers in kindergartens in Queensland, Australia. Twenty structured conversations with children were undertaken in each country. A qualitative content analysis of these conversations with regard to their contexts elucidated how children experience everyday activities related to environment and sustainability and what they think about adult attitudes and behaviors in relation to these topics. Most of the children in both countries enjoyed being outside in nature; however, they had limited understandings of sustainability-related terms. The Norwegian children seemed to have more frequent and diverse opportunities to explore and to get in touch with nature, while some Australian children had quite sophisticated ideas about sustainability-related relationships and interconnections. 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Examining the Implementation of PhET Simulations into General Chemistry LaboratoryIssa I Salame, & Danielle Samson
pp. 207-217 | Article Number: ijese.2019.018
Abstract Traditional general chemistry laboratories are highly structured and used to verify concepts that are covered in the textbook or lecture. This practice is very different from a scientific investigation and is often referred to as “cookbook”. This project aims to transform the traditional emphasis in general chemistry laboratory experiments from individual or paired “cookbook” exercises to an innovative approach. We also aim to further enhance student achievement by fostering problem-solving skills while incorporating the use of cybermedia in the form of PhET interactive labs and Excel program. Incorporating the use of internet-based technologies into chemistry laboratory improves students’ problem-solving skills as well as adding relevance and interest to students’ mastery of the content in the chemistry curriculum. Our method of data collection is a Likert-type and open-ended questionnaire, that was distributed at the end of each of the newly integrated labs into the General Chemistry I curriculum in an anonymous fashion. The collected data enabled us to examine the impact of implementing Excel, PhET interactive labs, and problem-solving session in General Chemistry I laboratory at The City College of New York. Overall, these experiments had a positive impact on the students’ attitudes towards chemistry, contributed to the learning experience, increased their involvement in the topics, and complemented the traditional tabs. Keywords: PhET interactive simulations, chemistry education research, laboratory and technology References Astutik, S., & Prahani, B. K. (2018). The practicality and effectiveness of collaborative creativity learning (CCL) codel by using PhET simulation to increase students’ scientific creativity. 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