Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 139-149 | Article Number: ijese.2019.012
Published Online: July 23, 2019
This research aimed to assess the validity and reliability of a developed Future Thinking Test (FTT) using the Rasch measurement model. The FTT consisted of 12 items concerning knowledge of physical science which were scored using Rating Scale Model. Items were developed based on the five future thinking constructs: i) Understanding the current situation; ii) Identifying trends; iii) Analyzing relevant drivers; iv) Developing scenarios of possible and probable futures, and v) Selecting with justification the preferable futures. Rasch analyses were conducted on data from a sample of 66 tenth graders (36 females and 30 males, aged 16 years old) from two rural secondary schools in the Tawau district, Sabah, Malaysia. Overall, the FTT was found to have good reliability with a Cronbach’s alpha value (KR-20) of 0.69. Results also showed that FTT has an excellent item reliability and moderate high item separation value of 0.97 and 5.92 respectively. FTT also has a sufficient good person reliability and person separation value of 0.67 and 1.41 respectively. The sub-constructs are individually unidimensional and the future thinking with five sub-constructs are also unidimensional. Meanwhile, the validity of the FTT instrument was appropriately established through the item fit, except for one item. Results showed that 11 items were appropriate while one item needed to be discarded to increase the validity and reliability of FTT. This research indicates that FTT has an acceptable validity and reliability for measuring the five constructs of future thinking among tenth graders in rural secondary schools.
Keywords: futures thinking test, Rasch measurement model, tenth graders
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