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Development of CIPP Model of Evaluation Instrument on the Implementation of Project Assessment in Science LearningJati Aurum Asfaroh, Dadan Rosana, Supahar
pp. 1999-2010 | Article Number: ijese.2017.132
Abstract The aim of this study to develop an instrument of evaluation constructed by CIPP model on the implementation of performance assessment in science learning. This study used research and development (R & D) method; adapting 4D Model modified by the development of non test instrument. The subject of this developing study were 8th grade students and science teachers of Junior High School in Yogyakarta. Validity test is done by the content, construct, and language; its analyzed by using V’Aiken formula. Reliability testing is done by Inter Class Correlation (ICC) technique. The validity results indicates that the instrument as a valid. The V’Aiken coefficient ranged from 0,86 to 1,00. The alpha reliability coefficient for observation sheet is 0,923 and questioner is 0,916, its categorized reliable. The result shows that an evaluation instrument constructed by CIPP model categorized not only as valid in content, construction, and language, but also reliable. The instrument of evaluation used to evaluate the implementation of project assessment and the result show that the implementation of project assessment in Junior High School in Yogyakarta categorized as a good. Keywords: Evaluation instrument, CIPP model, Project Assessment. References Aiken, L. R. (1985). Three Coefficients for Analyzing The Reliability and Validity of Ratings. Educational and Physological Measurement, 45, 131 dan 134 Akinoglu, O. (2008). Assessment of the inquiry-based project implemetation process i science education student point of view. Intrnational Journal Of Instruction, 1-12. Arifin, Z. (2013). Evaluasi Pembelajaran. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya. BSNP. (2010). Laporan BSNP;Pengembangan paradigma pendidikan nasional abad XXI. Callison, d. (1998). Authentıc Assessment.Scholl Library Media Activities Monthly 14 no 5. 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The Impact of Agriculture Extension Partnership Model on Rice Seed Farmers in Aceh ProvinceSetia Budi, Ahmad Humam Hamid, Fajri & Agussabti
pp. 2011-2018 | Article Number: ijese.2017.133
Abstract The availability of locally superior seeds is an effort that is being pursued by the Indonesian government today by encouraging farmers to be seed producers (three thousand seed independent villages program). This effort is more oriented toempowerthe farmers and to apply the pattern of agricultural extension partnership by involving the government, universities, private and institutional level of farmers. This pattern further ensures the availability of locally superior seeds, making it cheaper and easily obtainable by farmers. The purpose of this study are; (1)to know the role of partners involved in farmer extension partnership model on seed farmer in Aceh Province, Indonesia, (2) to know and to analyze the impact of agriculture extension partnership model on the availability of seeds in Aceh province, Indonesia.This studyuses qualitative research method by applying case study with qualitative descriptive approach in which data processing through non parametric static with data measurement using Likert Scale. The results hows that the role of partner in farmer extension model to rice seed farmers in sequence are; (1) institutional role of farmer level, (2) role of government, (3) role of universities, and (4) role of private organization toward seed availability in Aceh, Indonesia. In general, the impact of agriculture extension partnership scheme is felt good by rice seed farmer in Aceh Province Indonesia. In particular the impact of the application of farming partnership pattern to each of rice seed farmer in sequence are as follows; (1) increased production (2) improvement of cultivation skills, (3) availability of locally superior seeds is considered very good by rice seed farmer, (4) group strengthening and (5) marketing production that is in good category. Keywords: agricultural extension, partnership impact, rice seed farmer References Arthur TM(1966). Getting agriculture moving; essentials for development and modernization.New York: Frederick A. Preiger. Burton ES, Mohamed MS (2002).Developingan extension partnership among public, private, and nongovernmental organizations. J Intern Agr Ext Edu 9(1): 5-10. Catherine PM, Festus KAF, Margaret NM, Robert A, Chris OI, Ademola AL, Keba H, Nelson MT, Henry M, Clodina C., et al. (2017). Therole of agricultural extension in Africa’s development, the importance of extension workers and the need for change.Int. J. Agr. Ext. 05 (01): 59-70. Elliot MZ(2014). The role of extension as a profession is critical in delivering excellent services: an experience from Limpopo, South Africa. J AgrSci 6:1-7. Emmanuel T, Hajime K, Matsumura I, Mohamed E, Boubacar SB(2015). Economic Analysis of the Role of Farmer Organizations in Enhancing Smallholder Potato Farmers’ Income in Middle Guinea. J AgrSci 7:123-137. Everett MR(1983).Difusionof Innovation. 3rd ed. New York: The Free Press. Gana PO, Stephen RM(2001). Partnership in agricultural extension: lessons from Chitwan (Nepal). AgricResch Ext Netw. 114:1-12. Isaac AA, Nomahkaya M, Ajuruchukwu O, Odeyemi AS(2013). Quality of extension services: a case study of farmers in Amathole. J AgrSci 5 (2): 204-212. Kurnia SI, BasitaGS, Prabowo T, Pang SA(2010). Performance of extension workers from famers perspective and the existence of self- support extension. J Ext. 8 304-321. Sapar, Amri J,Pang SA, Amiruddin, I Gusti PP(2012).The performance agricultural extension workers and their impact at competence cacao farmers in four District South Sulawesi.J Ext. 8 1. Srinivasulu R, Victor AS, Daniel KK, Richard M, Dannie R, Magesa AM, Silvest S, Radegunda FK(2016). Farmer-led seed enterprise initiatives to access certified seed for traditional african vegetables and its effect on incomes in Tanzania. Ifama 19 (1): 1-24. Tesfamicheal W, Tahirou A, Arega A, Mekbib GH, Shiferaw F, Adetunji O, Victor M(2017). Impacts of extension access and cooperative membership on technology adoption and household welfare.J Rur Stu 54: 223-233. Zulvera, Sumardjo, Margono S, Basita G(2016) Factors influencing the adoption of the organic vegetable farming system in Agam and Tanah Datar District of West Sumatra. IJSBAR 26(1): 425-432. |
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The Relationship between Multiple Conflicts and Supporting Innovation and Mediating Role of Resistance against Change, Organizational Trust and Psychological Empowerment among the Employees of Keshavarzi Bank in Western Azerbaijan of IranBehnam Marandi, Mohammad Hassani, Alireza Ghalei
pp. 2019-2031 | Article Number: ijese.2017.134
Abstract This study aimed to examine the relationship between multiple conflicts and supporting innovation and mediating role of resistance against changes, organizational trust and psychological empowerment among the employees of Keshavarzi Bank in Western Azerbaijan of Iran. This study is correlation using descriptive methods and structural equation modeling. Statistical population included 627 employees of Keshavarzi Bank in Western Azerbaijan. Using Morgan Table and stratified random sampling, the sample size of 366 people was obtained. To gather data, standard questionnaires were used. Using Chronbach Alpha, reliability values of organizational trust (0.92), psychological empowerment (0.70), resistance against change (0.82), multiple conflicts (0.82), and supporting innovation (0.90) were estimated. To evaluate the relationship between latent and measured variables in the conceptual pattern, structural equation modeling was used. Results showed that the correlation coefficient between multiple conflicts and resistance against change is positive and significant. Also, multiple conflicts and empowerment are significantly and negatively correlated. A positive correlation was found between trust, empowerment, and their likely consequences, supporting innovation and a negative correlation with resistance against change. Thus, multiple conflicts could predict innovation with the mediation of psychological empowerment and resistance against change, indicating the importance of concerning multiple conflicts and the resulting climate from it in work environments. Keywords: Psychological Empowerment, Organizational Trust, Resistance Against Changes, Multiple Conflicts, Supporting Innovation References Alagheband, A. (2004). General Management, Tehran, Nashr Ravan. Azad, N., and Arshadi, I. (2009). 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Evaluation of the Relation between Rate of Paying of Wages and Capital Productivity on food SMEs in Khorasan Razavi Province (1996 – 2012Ali Soleimani
pp. 2033-2042 | Article Number: ijese.2017.135
Abstract In this article, we have studied the relation of wages and capital productivity in 250 factories of food SMEs in Khorasan Razavi province, and we focused on using of machinery of them, the results shows, there is positive relation between them it means the wages is independent variable and the capital productivity is depended to it, there for if SMEs managers increase 1 % of wages of employees, they can be expected to increase 1.6 % of their capital productivity. Keywords: Wages, Capital productivity, SMEs References Amini, A. (2002). Andaze giri va tahlil avamele moaser dar bahrevari kole avamel dar baksh sanaat va maadan [Measurement and analyses of affecting factors on total productivity in industry and mine section]. Journal of Peyk Noor, 2 (4), 47-73. Birch, D. (1998). Job Creation in America: How Our Smallest Companies Put The Most People to Work. New York: Free Press. Ismail, M. D., Domil, A. K. A., & Isa, A. M. (2014). Managerial competence, relationship quality and competitive advantage among SME exporters. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 115, 138-146. Moradtalab, H. (2001). Mosals moshtari Madari [Customer triangle] (Master's thesis). University of science and technology of Mazanderan, Iran. Nily, M. (2006). Kholase Motaleat Tarh Strategy Tose Sanati Keshvar [A Summary of Studies of Industrial Development Strategy of Iran]. Tehran: Sharif University of Technology Rosenbluth, H.F., & McFerrin D. (2002). The Customer Comes Second. New York: HarperCollins. Structural Business Statistics & Global Business Activities. (2003). Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) [Data File]. Retrieved from http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/c/portal/layout?p_l_id=54781&p_v_l_s_g_id=0 D. Tahmasebi, M., Feike, T., Soltani, A., Ramroudi, M., Ha, N. (2005). Trade-off between productivity and environmental sustainability in irrigated vs. rainfed wheat production in Iran. Journal of Cleaner Production. http:// doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.10.305 |
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Pedagogical Guidelines for the Elaboration of an Educational Planning in Environmental Education in the School Scope in the Framework of the Key CompetencesLuis Del Espino Díaz
pp. 2043-2048 | Article Number: ijese.2017.136
Abstract This article focuses on the need to carry out a new approach to Environmental Education in primary education classrooms that is connected with the acquisition of the competences that students must achieve taking into account the recommendations made from various international forums and that impact on the development of an environmental culture in society. Due to the lack of training in Environmental Education of teachers, the author carries out a proposal of pedagogical guidelines to develop an educational plan of Environmental Education in the field of Primary Education. Keywords: Environmental Education; Primary education; Key competences; Curriculum; Pedagogical Guidelines; Environmental Values References Caduto, M. J. (1984). A teacher training model and educational guidelines for environmental values education. The Journal of Environmental Education, 16(2), 30-34. Chrobak, R., Prieto, R. M., Prieto, A. B., Gaido, L. y Rotella, A. (2006). Una aproximación a las motivaciones y actitudes del profesorado de enseñanza media de la provincia de Neuquén sobre temas de educación ambiental. Revista Electrónica de Enseñanza de las Ciencias, 5(1), 1-20. Del Espino Díaz, L. (2017). (2017). The Teaching of the Experimental Sciences in Primary Education through a Methodology by Inquiry: Learning Difficulties and Pedagogical Guidelines. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 12 (8), 1925-1930. Delgado, S. (2014). La Educación Ambiental en la Escuela de Primaria. (Trabajo fin de grado). UVA, Valladolid. European, U. (2005). Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 on key competences for lifelong learning. Recuperado de: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:32006H0962&from=ES González, MC. (1996). Principales tendencias y modelos de la educación ambiental en el sistema escolar. Revista Iberoamericana de educación, 11, 13-74. Juan Diego Cardona Restrepo (2012). Concepciones sobre educación ambiental y desarrollo profesional del profesorado de ciencias experimentales en formación. Huelva: Servicio de Publicaciones de UHU. Litina, A., Moriconi, S., & Zanaj, S. (2016). The Cultural Transmission of Environmental Values: A Comparative Approach. World Development, 84, 131-148. Magaña, S. M. (2012). Orientando cambios de actitud favorables al ambiente y su relación con la ciencia y la tecnología en estudiantes de licenciatura en educación primaria de la Benemérita Escuela Nacional de Maestros (Doctoral dissertation, UPN-Ajusco). Muñoz Oraá, L. (1994). Contribución a la Historia de la Educación Ambiental en Venezuela. Guanare: UNELLEZ. UNESCO (1996). La educación encierra un tesoro. Madrid: Editorial Santillana. |
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Problem Based Learning Model Development of Civic Education to Improve the Motivation and Learning OutcomesDarmawati, Patta Bundu, Darman Manda
pp. 2049-2061 | Article Number: ijese.2017.137
Abstract This study aimed to obtain pictures in learning about Citizenship Education (Civics) in STISIP Muhammadiyah Sinjai and obtain the Valid PBL-Civics model, practical and effective way to improve motivation and learning outcomes of students who programmed the Civics course. This type of research is the study of education with the approach of Research and Development which refers to the development of learning model as proposed by Sugiono (2011). This study was analyzed quantitatively to determine whether the model developed already meet the criteria for effective learning to improve student learning motivation. Products developed comprising: a model of books, textbooks, lesson plans, MFI. The learning model is implemented as a whole and has met the criteria effectively to improve student learning motivation. Mastery learning is very good as well as the management of learning very well that this model is considered effective. Keywords: Model Development, Valid, Practical, Effective References Arikunto. 2001. Fundamentals of Educational Evaluation. Jakarta: Earth Literacy. Dewi, E. R., Bundu, P., & Tahmir, S. (2016). The influence of the antecedent variable on the teachers’ performance through achievement motivation in senior high school. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(12), 5613-5618. Djamarah, BS and A. Zain. 2006. Teaching and Learning Strategies. Jakarta: Rineka Reserved. Emzir. 2012. Methodology Education, Jakarta: PT. King Grafindo. Flavell, JH 1979. Metacognition and Cognitive Monitoring, A New Area of Cognitive-Developmental Inquiry. Hadith, A. 2008. Educational Psychology in .Badung: Alfabeta. Hasnun Anwar. 2004. Principles of People Bima, Structure and Content of Pantun Bima. Mataram: Mahani Persada. Howard, JB 2004. Metakognitive Inquiry Eloy School of Education University (online) Imas Kurnasih. 2014. Implementation of Curriculum 2013. Surabaya: Pena said. Keiichi, S. 2000. Metacognition in Mathematics Education, Mathematics Education in Japan. Japan: JSME. Mahfud Choirul. 2005. Multicultural Education. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Learning. Marliani Rosleny.2013. Psychology Exsperiment. Bandung: Pustaka Setia CV. Miranda, Y. 2010. Learning Metacognitive (Online). http: // www. vilila. com /. Nuryana, Eka, and Sugiarto, Bambang. 2012. Relationship Skills Metacognition with Learning Outcomes in the Matter Reduction Reactions Oxidation (Redox) Sidoarjo: Class X-1 SMA Negeri 3 Sidoarjo. Prasetyo, Miftahul Lina.2012. Quantitative Research, Jakarta: PT. King Grafindo. Purwandari, N. 2009. On Metacognitive Skills Learning science Biology among Junior High School Students of Blitar. (Thesis). Malang: State University of Malang. Adi Putra. 2013 Cross Cultural counseling .Yogjakarta: Graha Science. Rasjidi, M. 1980. Strategy Culture & Education Renewal Nasioanal. Surabaya: Moon Star. Robert, L. Soslo. 2007. Cognitive Psychology. Jakarta: Erland. Romli. Muhammad. 2012. Building Strategies Metacognition High School Students in Mathematics Problem Solving. Makassar: UNM. Sagala Syaiful. 2013. Reinventing Cultural and Educational Organization. Bandung: Alfabeta. Saliman. 2007. Application of Learning Culture-Based Learning Quality Improvement Efforts as the Course: Lesson Planning. http://staff.uny.ac.id/ Sarwono, W. Sarlito.2014. Psokologi Cross Cultural .Jakarta: Radjagrafindo PT Persada. Schraw, G. & Dennison, RS 1994. Assessing Awareness Metacognitive. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 19, 460-475. Sedyawati Edi.2013. .Jakarta Culture Indonesia: PT Radjagrafindo Persada. Slavin, Robert E. 2009. Cooperative Learning Theory, Research and Practice (Translated by Lita). Jakarta: Nusa Media. Sudiarta, P. 2006. Application of Learning Strategies Oriented Problem Solving Approach To Improve Understanding Concepts Metacognition and Learning Outcomes. Makassar: UNM. Sugiyono. 2010. Educational Approach Qualitative Research Methods, Quantitative, and R & Bandung: Alfabeta. Suharrianta. Gd, et al. 2014. Effect of Simulation-Based Learning Method Learning Outcomes of Local Culture IPS. Makassar: UNM. Sulistiyo. 2008. The Indonesian Teachers Metacognition Ability in Learning Writing, (dissertation). Semarang: Semarang State University FBS. Suratno. 2010. Empowering Students with Skills Metacognition strategy, Jigsaw-Reciprocal Learning Teaching (sepulcher). http://isjd.pdii.lipi.go.id/admin/jurnal/ |
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Research of Social Appearance Anxiety and Self-Efficacy of the Students Entered University by Special Talent ExamMustafa Vural, Nurgül Keskin & Yaşar Çoruh
pp. 2063-2071 | Article Number: ijese.2017.138
Abstract This research is performed to investigate the social appearance anxiety and self-efficacy of the students entering the university with special talent exams from different fields. Survey method and relational research aimed at collecting data to identify the specific characteristics of a group are used in the study. Questionnaire technique which is frequently used in the survey method is used as a data collection technique in the study. The research group constitutes the students who entered Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University by a special talent exam. A total of 156 students, as 53 women and 103 men, attending to the School of Physical Education and Sports, Departments of Art Teaching and Music Teaching, are participated in study voluntarily. In the evaluation of the data; descriptive statistics such as frequency, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and t-test, 2x2 Variance Analysis (ANOVA) and correlation tests are used as the statistical method. As a result of the analyzes performed; it is found that the social appearance anxiety of the students are moderate and their self-efficacy levels are over the middle. It is determined that self-efficacy and social appearance anxiety do not differ according to gender, but self-efficacy and social appearance anxiety differ according to the departments. According to another finding obtained; it is concluded that the self-efficacy perceptions of the participants do not differ according to classes and their social appearance perceptions differ according to the classes. Keywords: Physical education and sports; Social appearance; Self-efficacy; Special Talent Exam References Amir Teymouri, M. H. (2014). Designing educational messages, Tehran, Samt Pub. Azzi, V., Catharine, D., Roberto, J.,. (2007). An evaluation method for school building design at the preliminary phase with optimization of aspects of environmental comfort for the school system of the State São Paulo in Brazil. Building and Environment, 42(2), 984- 999. Bakhtiari Nasrabadi, H. A. (2001). Comparative study of the physical condition of schools in Isfahan city with the standards of the organization for the renovation, development and equipping of schools, Isfahan, Research Council of the Directorate General Education of the province. Bangkok, U. (2013). Practical tips for teaching multigrade classes. Bangkok: Unesco. Cooper, H., Hedges, L. V., & Valentine, J. C. (2009). The handbook of research synthesis and meta-analysis: Russell Sage Foundation. Coskun, K., Metin, M., Bülbül, K., & Yılmaz, G. K. (2011). A study on developing an attitude scale towards multi-grade classrooms for elementary school teachers. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 2733-2737. Daneshmehr, Z. (1998). Analysis of zoning system of educational spaces distribution in East Azarbaijan province, Tabriz, Education Organization of East Azarbaijan. Darmody, M., Smyth, E., & Doherty, C. (2010). Designing primary schools for the future. Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) Research Series.dublin: The economic and social research institute. Fathi Vaharkhah, K. (2015). Principles and concepts of curriculum planning, Tehran, Teachers' Science Publication. Farahbod, M., Gharib, M. (2014). Study of educational space, the need for disabled children to enter ordinary. schools Journal of Educational Innovations. 15 (4), 23-41. Ghazizadeh, B. (1994). Principles and criteria for the design of educational spaces, Tehran, Office of Research of the Organization for the Modernization, Development and equipping of schools in Iran, Tehran, Sefid Press. Kamel, S. A. E. R. (2012). Multigrade education: Application and teacher preparation in Egypt. American Universityin Cairo. Karimi, J. (2008). An analysis of the present and desirable condition of Fars Schools' facilities based on the indicators of the Second Development Plan, unpublished MA thesis, Isfahan, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Isfahan. Golmohammadi, R. (2005). Investigating sound pollution in schools and ways to remove it, Tehran, Organization for the Renovation and Equipping of Schools. Ibrahimi Dastgerdi, A. (1997). Investigating the design of educational spaces of the new high school system in Isfahan Province, unpublished MA thesis, University of Khorasgan, Isfahan. Iranian Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research University of Tehran, (2008). Applied scientific and technical researches in educational spaces. Tehran, Organization of the Renovation, Development and Equipping of Schools in Iran. Little, A. W. (2001). Multigrade teaching: Towards an international research and policy agenda. International Journal of Educational Development, 21(6), 481-497. Mason, D. A., & Stimson, J. (1996). Combination and nongraded classes: Definitions and frequency in twelve states. The Elementary School journal, 96(4), 439-452. Mathot, G. B. (2001). Instruction for teachers of multi-grade classes, Ali Zarafshan Trans, Tehran, School Publication. Mirzaee, R. (1997). Discussion about standards for educational equipment. New School Journal, 3 (6), 7-11. Molaee, S. (2005). Comparative study of the physical condition of Tabriz primary schools with the country's standards, MA thesis, Tabriz University. Mortazavizadeh, S. H. (2015). Management and planning in multipage classes, Tehran, Kourosh Pub. Mulryan-Kyne, C. (2007). The preparation of teachers for multigrade teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23(4), 501-514. Navidadehm, M. (1994). School message, Tehran, School Publication Nawab, A., & Baig, S. R. (2011). The possibilities and challenges of multigrade teaching in rural Pakistan. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2(15). Organization of the renovation, development and equipping of schools in Iran. (2007). Criteria for educational spaces, Tehran, Moalef pub. Pridmore, P., Thomas, L., Havemann, K., Sapag, J., & Wood, L. (2007). Social capital and healthy urbanization in a globalized world. Journal of Urban Health, 84(1), 130-143. Shateiran, R. (2014). Design and architecture of educational spaces, Tehran, Simay Danesh Pub. Shabani, H. (2011). Educational skills, Tehran, Samt Pub. Taavoni, Sh., Asefi, N. (1996). Standards for library instruments, equipment and information centers, Tehran, Moalef Pub. Tabaean, M., Habib, F., Abedi, A. (2011). The viewpoint of desired and undesired high school students about the color of educational space and methods to improve the quality of the educational space. Journal of Educational Innovations, 38 (10), 93-106. Unesco, E. (2007). EFA global monitoring report 2008: Paris: UNESCO Publishing, Oxford University Press. Veenman, S. (1995). Cognitive and noncognitive effects of multigrade and multi-age classes: A best. Zamani, B. E., Nasr Esfahani, A. R. (2007). Physical and cultural features of the educational spaces of the four advanced countries of the world from the perspective of Iranian students and their parents. Educational Innovations, 23 (4), 55-84. Yazdanpanah, Gh. (1994). Studying the status of educational spaces in elementary schools of Mazandaran, unpublished MA thesis, Allameh Tabatabaie University, Tehran, Faculty of Educational Sciences. |
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Explaining Desirability Indicators and Components of Multi-grade Classes Comparing Existing Educational space of these Classes with Desirable Indicators in two Prosperous and Nonprosperous ProvincesSeyyed Heshmatollah Mortazavizadeh, Mohammad Reza Nili, Ahmad Reza Nasr Isfahani, Mohammad Hasanib
pp. 2073-2087 | Article Number: ijese.2017.139
Abstract This study aimed at explaining and identifying desirability indictors and components of educational space of multi-grade classes comparing current situation of educational space of these classes with desirable indicators; for this purpose, the combined approach- qualitative with exploratory type and quantitative with descriptive-analytical type- was used. Statistical population of study consisted of experts and teachers of multi-grade classes in prosperous and Non-prosperous provinces; these members were selected using purposeful sampling method. Semi-structured interview was used as research instrument in qualitative part and current situation was observed in descriptive-analytical method based on indicators and components of educational space of multi-grade classes. Coding and categorizing applied to analyze data obtained from interviews. To determine reliability of data, extracted categories were given to interviewees. Findings indicated that desirability components of educational space in multi-grade classes consisted of color, light, audio pacification, ventilation, classroom arrangement, area, auxiliary facilities, cooling, heating, computer and instructional materials. Moreover, findings showed that multi-grade classes in prosperous provinces was at optimal level in terms of color, light, audio pacification, ventilation, heating, and computer facilities while this criterion was at average level in terms of classroom arrangement, area, auxiliary facilities, cooling, and instructional materials. Multigrade classes in non-prosperous provinces were optimal in terms of light and ventilation while at lower than average level in terms of other indicators. Keywords: Desirability Indicators and Components, Multi-grade Classes Comparing, Educational space, Desirable Indicators, Prosperous and Nonprosperous Provinces References Amir Teymouri, M. H. (2014). Designing educational messages, Tehran, Samt Pub. Azzi, V., Catharine, D., Roberto, J.,. (2007). An evaluation method for school building design at the preliminary phase with optimization of aspects of environmental comfort for the school system of the State São Paulo in Brazil. Building and Environment, 42(2), 984- 999. Bakhtiari Nasrabadi, H. A. (2001). Comparative study of the physical condition of schools in Isfahan city with the standards of the organization for the renovation, development and equipping of schools, Isfahan, Research Council of the Directorate General Education of the province. Bangkok, U. (2013). Practical tips for teaching multigrade classes. Bangkok: Unesco. Cooper, H., Hedges, L. V., & Valentine, J. C. (2009). The handbook of research synthesis and meta-analysis: Russell Sage Foundation. Coskun, K., Metin, M., Bülbül, K., & Yılmaz, G. K. (2011). A study on developing an attitude scale towards multi-grade classrooms for elementary school teachers. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 2733-2737. Daneshmehr, Z. (1998). Analysis of zoning system of educational spaces distribution in East Azarbaijan province, Tabriz, Education Organization of East Azarbaijan. Darmody, M., Smyth, E., & Doherty, C. (2010). Designing primary schools for the future. Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) Research Series.dublin: The economic and social research institute. Fathi Vaharkhah, K. (2015). Principles and concepts of curriculum planning, Tehran, Teachers' Science Publication. Farahbod, M., Gharib, M. (2014). Study of educational space, the need for disabled children to enter ordinary. schools Journal of Educational Innovations. 15 (4), 23-41. Ghazizadeh, B. (1994). Principles and criteria for the design of educational spaces, Tehran, Office of Research of the Organization for the Modernization, Development and equipping of schools in Iran, Tehran, Sefid Press. Kamel, S. A. E. R. (2012). Multigrade education: Application and teacher preparation in Egypt. American Universityin Cairo. Karimi, J. (2008). An analysis of the present and desirable condition of Fars Schools' facilities based on the indicators of the Second Development Plan, unpublished MA thesis, Isfahan, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Isfahan. Golmohammadi, R. (2005). Investigating sound pollution in schools and ways to remove it, Tehran, Organization for the Renovation and Equipping of Schools. Ibrahimi Dastgerdi, A. (1997). Investigating the design of educational spaces of the new high school system in Isfahan Province, unpublished MA thesis, University of Khorasgan, Isfahan. Iranian Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research University of Tehran, (2008). Applied scientific and technical researches in educational spaces. Tehran, Organization of the Renovation, Development and Equipping of Schools in Iran. Little, A. W. (2001). Multigrade teaching: Towards an international research and policy agenda. International Journal of Educational Development, 21(6), 481-497. Mason, D. A., & Stimson, J. (1996). Combination and nongraded classes: Definitions and frequency in twelve states. The Elementary School journal, 96(4), 439-452. Mathot, G. B. (2001). Instruction for teachers of multi-grade classes, Ali Zarafshan Trans, Tehran, School Publication. Mirzaee, R. (1997). Discussion about standards for educational equipment. New School Journal, 3 (6), 7-11. Molaee, S. (2005). Comparative study of the physical condition of Tabriz primary schools with the country's standards, MA thesis, Tabriz University. Mortazavizadeh, S. H. (2015). Management and planning in multipage classes, Tehran, Kourosh Pub. Mulryan-Kyne, C. (2007). The preparation of teachers for multigrade teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23(4), 501-514. Navidadehm, M. (1994). School message, Tehran, School Publication Nawab, A., & Baig, S. R. (2011). The possibilities and challenges of multigrade teaching in rural Pakistan. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2(15). Organization of the renovation, development and equipping of schools in Iran. (2007). Criteria for educational spaces, Tehran, Moalef pub. Pridmore, P., Thomas, L., Havemann, K., Sapag, J., & Wood, L. (2007). Social capital and healthy urbanization in a globalized world. Journal of Urban Health, 84(1), 130-143. Shateiran, R. (2014). Design and architecture of educational spaces, Tehran, Simay Danesh Pub. Shabani, H. (2011). Educational skills, Tehran, Samt Pub. Taavoni, Sh., Asefi, N. (1996). Standards for library instruments, equipment and information centers, Tehran, Moalef Pub. Tabaean, M., Habib, F., Abedi, A. (2011). The viewpoint of desired and undesired high school students about the color of educational space and methods to improve the quality of the educational space. Journal of Educational Innovations, 38 (10), 93-106. Unesco, E. (2007). EFA global monitoring report 2008: Paris: UNESCO Publishing, Oxford University Press. Veenman, S. (1995). Cognitive and noncognitive effects of multigrade and multi-age classes: A best. Zamani, B. E., Nasr Esfahani, A. R. (2007). Physical and cultural features of the educational spaces of the four advanced countries of the world from the perspective of Iranian students and their parents. Educational Innovations, 23 (4), 55-84. Yazdanpanah, Gh. (1994). Studying the status of educational spaces in elementary schools of Mazandaran, unpublished MA thesis, Allameh Tabatabaie University, Tehran, Faculty of Educational Sciences. |
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Achievement level of Science Process Skills of Junior Secondary Students: Based on a Sample of Grade Six and Seven Students from Sri LankaC. T. K. Tilakaratnea & T. M. S. S. K. Y. Ekanayakeb
pp. 2089-2108 | Article Number: ijese.2017.140
Abstract Science proces skills are vital for the development of formal thinking ability of students for the betterment of a country. The aim of this study was to assess the level of understanding of basic science process skills (BSPS), among the grade six and seven students. The sample consisted of 3183 grade six students and 3289 grade seven students from one of the educational zones of Central Province of Sri Lanka. This sample symbolizes very rural, less privileged schools to super grade well equipped schools. A test was used to measure the level of understanding of BSPS and the research was conducted as a quantitative research. The data were analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). The findings of the study revealed that the majority of the students in both grades, achieved a medium level of understanding of BSPS. However, results for both grades, indicated that there are statistically significant differences in the level of understanding of BSPS between the medium of instruction (English and native languages) as well as between national and provincial schools. In addition, gender too plays a similar role for sixth graders. Nevertheless, no relationship was identified between the understanding level of SPS and gender for seventh grades. Keywords: Science Process Skills, Basic science process skills, Integrated science process skills, Junior secondary students References Al-rabaani, A. (2014). The acquisition of science process skills by Omani’s pre-service social studies’ teachers. European Journal of Educational Studies, 6(1), 13-19. Ango, M. (2002). Mastery of science process skills and their effective use in the teaching of science: An educology of science education in the Nigerian context. International Journal of Educology, 16(1), 11-30. Beaumont-Walters, Y., & Soyibo, K. (2001). 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