Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 1999-2010 | Article Number: ijese.2017.132
Published Online: November 14, 2017
The aim of this study to develop an instrument of evaluation constructed by CIPP model on the implementation of performance assessment in science learning. This study used research and development (R & D) method; adapting 4D Model modified by the development of non test instrument. The subject of this developing study were 8th grade students and science teachers of Junior High School in Yogyakarta. Validity test is done by the content, construct, and language; its analyzed by using V’Aiken formula. Reliability testing is done by Inter Class Correlation (ICC) technique. The validity results indicates that the instrument as a valid. The V’Aiken coefficient ranged from 0,86 to 1,00. The alpha reliability coefficient for observation sheet is 0,923 and questioner is 0,916, its categorized reliable. The result shows that an evaluation instrument constructed by CIPP model categorized not only as valid in content, construction, and language, but also reliable. The instrument of evaluation used to evaluate the implementation of project assessment and the result show that the implementation of project assessment in Junior High School in Yogyakarta categorized as a good.
Keywords: Evaluation instrument, CIPP model, Project Assessment.
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