Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 169-181 | Article Number: ijese.2019.015
Published Online: July 25, 2019
The tidal river Halda that serves as a natural breeding ground for major Indian carps and sources of other aquatic resources is of special interest. This study was conducted to monitor the water quality using physicochemical and biological parameters of the river in three different sampling stations namely Gorduara, Sattarghat and Kalurghat. Eight physicochemical parameters of water - temperature, PH, transparency, EC, DO, TDS, SS, salinity and plankton communities were considered for monitoring water quality in three stations. All the physicochemical parameters were within the pollution standard except DO (4.5 mgL-1) at Kalurghat station. In case of biological monitoring, zooplankton populations consisting of four classes were identified where 13 zooplankton genera under these 4 classes showing the dominancy. The abundance of zooplankton was higher at Gorduara station (2042 No./ L) followed by Sattarghat (1906 No./ L) and Kalurghat (1610 No./ L) respectively. On the basis of Identifying 11 genera of algal genus, six genera were used to prepare ‘Palmer pollution index’ which identified Kalurghat station as highly polluted zone. The study also explored the correlation of physicochemical parameters and the zooplankton abundance.
Keywords: biological, dissolved oxygen, Halda River, monitoring, physicochemical, zooplankton
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