Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 3595-3606 | Article Number: ijese.2016.275
Published Online: August 02, 2016
In this article one of aspects of physics course studying improvement at high schools - the problem of the development of polytechnic knowledge and abilities in modern conditions – is revealed. In this research, the role and place of polytechnic education in the improvement of teaching physics at high schools are revealed, the main pedagogical requirements to polytechnic training of students at the present stage are defined. The work examines the contents of the physics course application component corresponding to the current state of science and technology, as well as the levels of formation of polytechnic abilities in physics at high schools under the conditions of modern production. The analysis of philosophical, psychology and pedagogical literature was used. The experimental work was performed in secondary schools No. 3, 5, 16 and 19 in Atyrau. The results obtained in the experimental classes, in comparison with the results of the control classes, prove that the application of the formation and development of polytechnic knowledge and skills of students during the study of a physics course technique, developed by us, leads to a significant extension and broadening of knowledge and skills of physics course students.
Keywords: Innovative development; abilities formation levels; physical course; systematization principle
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