Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 3719-3729 | Article Number: ijese.2016.287
Published Online: August 04, 2016
This research investigates the history of culture of Turkic nations and analyzes the traditions of making felt products. The literary sources devoted to the semantic meaning of images on felt products is analyzed. Special attention is paid to the symbolic meaning of images on Kazakh felt products. The technology of felt manufacturing and the decoration process are presented. The connection between traditional and modern art is established. The value of this research is determined by its relevance not only for the Kazakh society, but also for all Turkic nations. The connection between these nations is established from the perspective of felt art. The peculiarities of signs and symbols of the Pazyryk carpet are investigated; its ritual origins and influence of the ornament is proven
Keywords: Kazakh art, felt products, tekemet, syrmak, pazyryk mound
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