Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 3423-3435 | Article Number: ijese.2016.263
Published Online: July 30, 2016
The background of this paper is to present how education system of Kazakhstan evolved during the last 24 years of independence, highlighting the contemporary transformational processes. We defined the aim to identify the education quality in the context of competence-based approach. Methods: Analysis of references, interviewing, experimental work. Results: Education quality problems are revealed according to the results of the analysis of the state system of vocational education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is shown that the learning results description in the context of the competence approach is important at this stage of education system development. It is given recommendations on education quality assurance of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of competence-based approach. The novelty of the paper is that quality issues are considered in relation to VET and higher education, it is proposed to use the positive experience of each system. Conclusion: it is possible to solve many of these problems through the development of the National Qualifications Network based on the principles of the European Qualifications Network.
Keywords: Competence-based approach, Kazakhstan, learning results, quality of vocational and higher education
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