Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 3575-3594 | Article Number: ijese.2016.274
Published Online: August 02, 2016
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the existing model of teaching physical training in secondary schools and the analysis of a game like method introduced to improve physical fitness of students. The authors substantiated the use of a game like method during physical training classes, which implementation should create prerequisites required for the optimization of physical development, physical preparedness and functional state of the student organism. Empirical research was based on the obtained difference in the level of physical training in the control and experimental groups. Students of the control group were trained according to the existing school curriculum. The experimental group was trained according to a modified program, which implied using the game like method and the increased number of training hours. The pedagogical experiment was carried out in three stages. Quantitative indicators were processed using two-factor variance analysis. The experiment was carried out among 1350 high school students. The application of two-factor variance analysis gave the possibility to determine that the curriculum-based physical training was favorable for the development of endurance, whereas the game like method was more suitable for the development of speed-strength and strength. Practical significance of the study lies in the fact that statistical data processing used by the authors of this research, will be helpful for coaches to verify the effectiveness of the existing curriculum in real time and to improve student sports achievements.
Keywords: Child development, physical education, student physical fitness level, teaching models of physical education, methods aimed at increasing physical activity
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