Interaction Between Philosophy of Education and Teaching Practice
Boris Michailovich Bim-Bad & Lioudmila Ivanovna Egorova
pp. 3385-3393 | Article Number: ijese.2016.260
Published Online: July 29, 2016
APA 6th edition
In-text: (Bim-Bad & Egorova, 2016)
Your Bibliography: Bim-Bad, B.M. & Egorova, L.I. (2016). Interaction Between Philosophy of Education and Teaching Practice. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(10), 3385-3393.
In-text: (Bim-Bad and Egorova, 2016)
Your Bibliography: Bim-Bad, B. and Egorova, L. (2016). Interaction Between Philosophy of Education and Teaching Practice. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(10), pp. 3385-3393.
Chicago 16th edition
In-text: (Bim-Bad and Egorova 2016)
Your Bibliography: Bim-Bad, Boris Michailovich and Lioudmila Ivanovna Egorova (2016). "Interaction Between Philosophy of Education and Teaching Practice". International Journal of Environmental and Science Education 11 (10):3385-3393.
The article attempts to analyse the interaction between philosophy of education and teaching practice. Such area of learning as “philosophy of education” is defined, genesis and dynamics of practice as universals of human existence are traced; such concepts as “practice”, “teaching practice” are analysed in view of philosophy of education; the role and position of teaching practice as linking system in the theory of knowledge are grounded. The main conclusion of the conducted research is the proof that philosophy of education in its new interpretation is not only theoretical understanding of foundations and manifestations of educational process, but also practice, direct implementation of educational theoretical groundwork in everyday life. Using historical and philosophical analysis, the author showed that philosophy of education implements adopted philosophical (world view) paradigms in various teaching practices.
Keywords: Philosophy of education, philosophy, education science, philosophy of teaching, practice, teaching practice, category of practice
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