Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 3285-3296 | Article Number: ijese.2016.252
Published Online: July 29, 2016
This study sought to explore the leisure attitudes of the individuals participating in the dance activities, to compare them on the basis of various variables and to contribute to the understanding of the relationship between these attitudes and the life satisfaction of the individual. The research sample includes 302 individuals participating in the activities of the dance halls and dance courses in Ankara and their mean age is 24.55±6.09.“Leisure Attitude Scale” (LAS) which was developed by Ragheb and Beard in 1982 and adapted into Turkish by Akgül and Gürbüz (2010) was utilized in order to determine the leisure attitudes of the participants. “Satisfaction With Life Scale” (SWLS) which was developed by Diener et al. (1985) and adapted into Turkish by Durak, Durak et al. (2010) was employed to find out the life satisfaction levels of the participants. Descriptive statistics of the leisure attitudes and life satisfaction levels of the individuals were produced. In addition, independent one sample t-test (t-test) and one way analysis of variance (OneWay ANOVA) were performed to explore whether leisure attitudes of the individuals vary according to the variables. With a view to bring to light the relationship between leisure attitude and life satisfaction, Pearson Correlation analysis was performed. The t-test and ANOVA, which conducted on the basis of the findings of the abovementioned analysis to compare the leisure attitude scores and its subscales, revealed that the scores of leisure attitudes of the individuals participating to the dance activity and their cognitive and behavioural subscales do not vary according to their gender, age groups and educational level. However, the findings also shed light on that the participants whose perceived income level is low outscored the ones whose perceived income level is medium or high, only at the behavioural subscale in the comparison through the variable of perceived income level. Furthermore, the findings suggest that the leisure attitudes of the participants were positive and their life satisfaction levels were medium. An insignificant positive correlation was found between the participants’ leisure attitudes and the life satisfaction levels. Consequently, the leisure attitudes of the individuals participating in the dance activities were positive; their life satisfaction levels were medium in this study and it can be said that the more their life satisfaction level increases, the more positive their leisure attitudes will become.
Keywords: Leisure attitude, life satisfaction, dance activities
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