Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 3333-3343 | Article Number: ijese.2016.256
Published Online: July 29, 2016
Creative activity of a pedagogic process subject depends on the pedagogue’s position, on his faith in the abilities to learn successfully, on encouragement of achievements, stimulating the initiative and activity.
Successful learning by activating creative activity is possible with the presence of respectful attitude towards the pedagogic process subjects, creation of the conditions for potential capabilities and organization of educational process in such way where the subject feels emotional uplift, physical energy surge, feeling of success and confidence. In this case, learning would not be a burden but would rather become a joy of learning something new, making independent discoveries and achieving positive results in mastering the prospective profession. One of the psychological and pedagogic conditions for activating students’ creative activity in the educational process is using the system of educational-creative works. Despite the abovementioned significance of activating creative activity in the educational process, in our opinion, admitting its key role is related to exaggeration of its meaning, because even an ideal system of educational work does not always account for the specifics of structural components of students’ creative activity during studying a certain subject. Because of this, we contemplate the implication of educational-creative work system in the educational process not as a key factor but as a structural sub-system of factors, which affect the quality and the level of these works.
Keywords: Process, learning, pedagogue, initiative, activity, capabilities, educational process, creative activity, student, educational-creative works
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