Trace Analysis of Heavy Metals in Ground Waters of Vijayawada Industrial Area
Ravisankar Tadiboyina & Prasada Rao Ptsrk
pp. 3215-3229 | Article Number: ijese.2016.246
Published Online: July 29, 2016
APA 6th edition
In-text: (Tadiboyina & Ptsrk, 2016)
Your Bibliography: Tadiboyina, R. & Ptsrk, P.R. (2016). Trace Analysis of Heavy Metals in Ground Waters of Vijayawada Industrial Area. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(10), 3215-3229.
In-text: (Tadiboyina and Ptsrk, 2016)
Your Bibliography: Tadiboyina, R. and Ptsrk, P. (2016). Trace Analysis of Heavy Metals in Ground Waters of Vijayawada Industrial Area. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(10), pp. 3215-3229.
Chicago 16th edition
In-text: (Tadiboyina and Ptsrk 2016)
Your Bibliography: Tadiboyina, Ravisankar and Prasada Rao Ptsrk (2016). "Trace Analysis of Heavy Metals in Ground Waters of Vijayawada Industrial Area". International Journal of Environmental and Science Education 11 (10):3215-3229.
In recent years, the new environmental problem are arising due to industrial hazard wastage, global climate change, ground water contamination and etc.,,, gives an attention to protect of the major source of contamination of ground water is improper discharge of industrial effluents these effluents contains so many heavy metals which are cause more effects the human life. The present study about contamination of ground water due to trace metals in and around the Vijayawada. 60 samples are collected industrial area around the Vijayawada. The study area divided into five zones depending on the nature of industries are present in the study area .The following trace metals are analyzed Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn, Hg, Ni, Se, and Zn were analyzed in all the sample. In some ground water sample are found to be more concentration of metals are exceeds maximum limits values of WHO, ISI standards. The result gives important information of ground water quality.
Keywords: Trace analysis, heavy metals, Vijayawada, ground water, industrial
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