Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 3915-3924 | Article Number: ijese.2016.303
Published Online: August 04, 2016
This article is devoted to the problem of veterinary safety of the countries under the Eurasian Economic Union. Animal health’s measures are provided in order to prevent the entry and spread of infectious animal diseases, including common to humans and animals, as well as goods not conforming to the common veterinary and sanitary requirements. Ensuring compliance with veterinary and sanitary measures rests on the shoulders of each member state, as well as their authorized agencies. The aim of the study is the veterinary conflicts’ review, which reveals the real face of veterinary safety in EAEU. The result of the study is estimation how the post-soviet countries’ (which are interested in EAEU) laws are ready to provide veterinary safety to their EAEU-partners. The research’s novelty is in psychological and economic discourse of the veterinary conflict’s nature in EAEU.
Keywords: Veterinary conflicts, veterinary safety, Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), post-soviet countries, sanitary safety
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