Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 6469-6481 | Article Number: ijese.2016.484
Published Online: September 09, 2016
With the implementation of the Educational Standard for children with disabilities the need for definition of parameters of an inclusive educational environment is high. The article highlights the groups of special conditions of socialization for students with disabilities in an inclusive educational environment; the authors give the content characteristics of all groups. In order to implement inclusive practice it is necessary to create special educational conditions for children with disabilities. Russian defectologists adequately defined a list of special conditions, but they did not give the system description. Without these conditions studying in a regular school is difficult for a child with disabilities. We have used a new approach to the representation of special conditions system of inclusive education, which is based on the structural-functional model of the educational environment; the components of this model allowed identifying some groups of special conditions (organizational and managerial, material and technical, organizational and pedagogical, the organization of psychological and pedagogical support, social-psychological and subjective). We have defined the content of each group of special conditions and determined the significance and content of extracurricular activities for successful socialization.
Keywords: students with disabilities; inclusive educational environment; inclusive classroom; socialization of students with disabilities; Federal State Educational Standard of primary education for students with disabilities; educational and extra-curricular activities
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