Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 7206-7214 | Article Number: ijese.2016.539
Published Online: September 17, 2016
The research urgency is caused by the tendencies of the modern information society which produces and consumes intelligence, knowledge and competences as the main educational product of labor market. These trends fundamentally alter the methodological basis of the educational process of the University, subjecting it to imperative goals: the intellectual development of the individual of the student, independent acquisition of knowledge and competences, development of intellectual competences to work with information in any media. In this regard, the focus of this paper is allotted to theoretical and methodical substantiation of the structure and content of students’ intellectual competences as a pedagogical category of the imperative goals of the University educational process. A leading research method is a project method which is focused on students’ intellectual competences’ formation in the process of creative activity products creation in the educational process. The paper reveals the discourse of the concept "intellectual competences"; defines the essence, structure and content of the training-methodical projects for students’ intellectual competences’ formation; on the basis of the results of the study substantiates the pedagogical algorithm of training-methodical projects for students’ intellectual competences formation. Productivity of the algorithm’s implementation is proven using the criteria: formation of knowledge (the content of the study course and related areas); comprehension of knowledge (the ability to restructure information, giving some interpretation of the main idea); the analysis of knowledge (the ability to compare the basic ideas of information, formulate conclusions supporting the assumptions with evidence, the ability to ask questions); knowledge synthesis (the ability to synthesize, develop logic of common reasoning, based on analyzed facts to create a final conclusion); assessment of knowledge (the ability to determine the accuracy and reliability of facts, to evaluate findings and conclusions). The paper can be useful to teachers, methodologists, managers of the universities
Keywords: Intellectual competences, educational process, imperative objectives, project method, project modules, project technology, training-methodical project
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