Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 6913-6924 | Article Number: ijese.2016.517
Published Online: September 14, 2016
Topicality of the problem under research is stipulated by the necessity of personal characteristics consideration in the process of organization of educational and vocational activities of the future teachers in the conditions of educational medium, which sets high requirements to the students' time competence. The aim of the article is to study the influence of time management peculiarities on the components of students' professional identity. The primary research method applied was psychodiagnostic testing with further statistical data processing, enabling quantitative assessment of formedness of time competence and professional identity in students of a pedagogical university, as well as establishing the interaction character of the phenomena of interest. Research results: in the article peculiarities of students time management within different stages of professional identity are presented, and the interconnection between time competence and professional identity components is considered. Based on empirical data, there can be drawn a conclusion that time competence development will facilitate formation of professional identity for the future professionals. Received results can find practical implementation in development of programs for psychological follow-up of professional formation of student's identity in the system of university education.
Keywords: Professional identity, time competence, time disorganizers, time management
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