Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 6715-6725 | Article Number: ijese.2016.504
Published Online: September 13, 2016
The urgency to study the problem is caused by the necessity to make management decisions in terms of reducing goods life cycle, reducing profitability of production, increasing speed of technological progress. In this context, this article aims to identify and elaborate the tools for integrated diagnostic of strategy efficiency, taking into account the relationship of parameters which characterize various spheres of enterprise activity, and to formulate integral indicator of strategic effectiveness, which can be accepted as the criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of strategic development. The leading approach to the study of this problem was the systems approach, used in the development of methods for efficiency evaluation of strategic development, it allows to identify priority factors of the strategic development of the company. The article substantiates the use of value approach to management as a methodical bases of diagnostics of the effectiveness of the strategic development of the industrial enterprises; the matrix tool was developed, supplementing the information-analytical foundation of management. The results of the research work may be useful for effectiveness evaluation of the strategic development of industrial enterprise and for identifying priority strategic development factors and making recommendations to improve the value of business.
The urgency to study the problem is caused by the necessity to make management decisions in terms of reducing goods life cycle, reducing profitability of production, increasing speed of technological progress. In this context, this article aims to identify and elaborate the tools for integrated diagnostic of strategy efficiency, taking into account the relationship of parameters which characterize various spheres of enterprise activity, and to formulate integral indicator of strategic effectiveness, which can be accepted as the criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of strategic development. The leading approach to the study of this problem was the systems approach, used in the development of methods for efficiency evaluation of strategic development, it allows to identify priority factors of the strategic development of the company. The article substantiates the use of value approach to management as a methodical bases of diagnostics of the effectiveness of the strategic development of the industrial enterprises; the matrix tool was developed, supplementing the information-analytical foundation of management. The results of the research work may be useful for effectiveness evaluation of the strategic development of industrial enterprise and for identifying priority strategic development factors and making recommendations to improve the value of business.
Keywords: Strategy development effectiveness, value approach
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