Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 7262-7270 | Article Number: ijese.2016.544
Published Online: September 18, 2016
The relevance of this paper is determined by the needs of modern society for qualified specialists who will fulfill professional tasks in a foreign language society at various intercultural levels. The purpose of the research is studying the development of professional foreign language competence for ESP Students. The methodology of the research is based on doing literature review of the relevance topic and make case study of Kazakh National Agrarian University. The results shows that since agriculture is one of the main vital sectors of Kazakhstan’s national economy there is a need to develop professional foreign language competence of Agrarian University students which could be implemented by stages, approaches and by considering the content of foreign language education. Therefore, according to the intensive processes of the higher education reformation, the development of the students’ professional competence occupies a leading position. Nowadays it is necessary to train future specialists to act professionally due to the demands of ever changing social and cultural environment.
Keywords: Foreign languages, ESP Students, Kazakhstan, Professional education
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