Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 7176-7185 | Article Number: ijese.2016.536
Published Online: September 17, 2016
The importance and relevance of the study of the globalization effects on the introduction of innovative technologies in the hotel industry is difficult to overestimate, as only those hotels that are able to change with demographic, technological and economic changes, and to adapt to occurring changes, will be able to succeed. The aim of this work is to study and assess the impact of globalization on the introduction of innovative technology companies in the hospitality industry. For the analysis of contemporary processes in the hospitality industry, the authors of this article used theoretical and empirical methods of research economic-statistical and factor analysis, expert assessment. In the article a list of the external aspects of globalization in the hospitality industry, the peculiarities of network forms of business organization in the hospitality industry and its benefits for innovation in the context of globalization is given. The main trends of innovation in the hospitality industry are identified, the estimation of the impact of globalization on the innovative technologies implemented by the hospitality industry is done. The authors proved that the processes of globalization impact on the innovation management long-term growth potential of the hotel business, including a basic set of tangible and intangible business assets of strategic importance for sustainable development of enterprises in the hospitality industry.
Keywords: Globalization, innovation, hospitality, technology, network busines
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