Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 6463-6468 | Article Number: ijese.2016.483
Published Online: September 09, 2016
The paper studies the topic of modern American linguistic world image. It is known that any language is the most important instrument of cognition of the world by a person but there is also no doubt that any language is the way of perception and conceptualization of this knowledge about the world. In modern linguistics linguistic world image is referred to as integral global world image which is the result of all mental activity of a person and comes out of during all contacts of a person with the world itself and his ideas about the world. The paper touches upon the idea that political thinking, political activity and language are in close interaction. The paper also considers the problem of an ideologeme as a linguo-cognitive phenomenon. The authors suggest some examples of the use of «order» ideologeme as a means of ideological representation and expression of political sentiments and political hopes, and also ambitions of both an individual and the whole society in general.
Keywords: American linguistic world-image, ideologeme
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