Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 6493-6503 | Article Number: ijese.2016.486
Published Online: September 09, 2016
The article addresses the problem of defining and attributing pedagogic essence to the mechanisms of personality identity development. It is based on the general mechanism of social interaction. Its structure contains, on the one hand, pedagogic interaction, including the forms of pedagogic assistance and pedagogic support; on the other hand, it also contains such components as impulse, perception, manipulation and conclusion (according to G.H. Mead). As a result, with regard to the pedagogic context with specified scientific-methodic supply, we explore local mechanisms of development (stimulating, teaching) of reflection and reflective behavior; acceptance of the Other’s role; learning the choice and facilitating a motivated reasonable choice. We review the developmental potential of pedagogics of game, theatrical pedagogics, communicative attack technique, reflective teaching and mentoring, pedagogic support of empathy development, etc., for personality identity development.
Keywords: personality identity; personality identity development; social interaction; pedagogic interaction; reflection; choice
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