Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 6540-6556 | Article Number: ijese.2016.490
Published Online: September 10, 2016
The main objective of this research is to identify the essence, content and specifics of organization of individual work of higher school students under competence-oriented approach. The research methodology is related to the choice of competence-oriented approach to ensure transformation of individual work into individual activity in self-education and development of professional and core competences of future teachers. Upon the research results, the content of individual work of students was re-confirmed in integration of its external (organizational and procedural) and internal (personality-forming) aspects to create the space for personal and professional development of a student. Great effect of self-education and self-development skills formed under individual work organization conditions was identified in connection with formation of value-related sense sphere of a student and establishment of his/her professional competency. Also, personally significant value of individual work was acknowledged acting as an internal regulator of future professional pedagogical activity (a stable motive for future professional activity) and actualizing creative motivation of a student, individualization of the style of academic and research activity, reflexive self-position as a subject of activity, self-governance and other personal qualities of future teachers. The significance of the results obtained is determined by the use of psychological and pedagogical conditions of the organization and respective methodical follow-up to improve individual work of students in the structure of competence-oriented education in a higher school.
Keywords: Competence-oriented approach, individual work of students, independence, self-education, competences, competency, individual educational trajectory .
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