Special Issue - (2016)
Special Issue - (2015)
Special Issue - (2012)
pp. 6616-6634 | Article Number: ijese.2016.497
Published Online: September 11, 2016
The article presents the results of searching for answers to the following questions: which are the characteristics of socio-psychological adaptation and self-regulation behavior in patients with diabetes mellitus type II? What is the nature of the relationship between these personal characteristics? In particular, it contains results of comparative analysis of data experimental group (men and women, patients with diabetes mellitus type II) and control groups (men and women without a diagnosis "diabetes mellitus") by four parameters: 1) level of socio-psychological adaptation; 2) emotional modality; 3) the level of self-regulation of behavior; 4) peculiarities of self-regulation of behavior in conflict situations; and the results of the comparative analysis on the basis of gender. It is concluded that the level of socio-psychological adaptation and the level of self-regulation of behavior of patients with DM had significantly lower levels of socio-psychological adaptation and self-regulation of behavior of people without the diagnosis of "diabetes"; the higher the level of self-regulation of behavior of patients with DM, the higher the level of socio-psychological adaptation and Vice versa. The necessity of approximation programs of the courses in "Schools of diabetes" and other forms of group work with patients with diabetes to their ontological reality, i.e. taking into account the socio-psychological background of diabetes mellitus (personality characteristics, adaptation, self-regulation of behavior diabetics) and integration of medical, psychological and social assistance to this population.
Keywords: diabetes mellitus, socio-psychological adaptation, emotional modality, the self-regulation of behavior, style of self-regulation of behavior, the strategy of behavior in conflict, features of adaptation and self-regulation of patients with diabetes mellitus.
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